

INTRODUCTION: BorGHU6HFXULW\$UUDQJHPHQWV There is an ongoing humanitarian and security crisis at 7KHSXUSRVHRIWKHVHDUUDQJHPHQWVLVWRGHSOR\RIILFLDOV the Southwest border due to historic levels of irregular IURPU.S. &XVWRPVDQG%RUGHU3URWHFWLRQDQG86 migration and human smuggling. Over 72% of all the ,PPLJUDWLRQDQG&XVWRPV(QIRUFHPHQW WRDGYLsH migrants apprehended at the Southwest border through DQGPHQWRUKRVWQDWLRQSROLFH, ERUGHUVHFXULW\ August of Fiscal Year 2019 were from the countries of LPPLJUDWLRQDQGFXVWRPVFRXQWHUSDUWV the northern region of , El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. In recognizing the push and %LRPHWULF'DWD6KDULQJ3URJUDP %'63 $UUDQJHPHQWV pull factors which cause irregular migration to the U.S., 7KHVHDUUDQJHPHQWVDLPWRHQKDQFHFRRSHUDWLRQEHWZHHQ DHS has entered into agreements and arrangements '+6DQG1RUWKHUQ7ULDQJOHFRXQWULHVWRSUHYHQWDQG with each of these countries to further expand asylum FRPEDWFULPHDQGRWKHUWKUHDWVWRSXEOLFVHFXULW\E\ capabilities and improve safety, security, and prosperity H[SDQGLQJELRPHWULFGDWDFROOHFWLRQDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ throughout the region. With these agreements and VKDULQJ7KHH[FKDQJHRIELRPHWULFVDQGLGHQWLW\GDWDZLOO arrangements, the U.S. is committed to being a good HQDEOH'+6DQG1RUWKHUQ7ULDQJOHFRXQWULHVWRPRUHHDVLO\ partner to its Central American neighbors and will work YHULI\WKHLGHQWLWLHVRILUUHJXODUPLJUDQWVLQRUGHUWRGHWHFW to develop an economically vibrant region. Together, WKHDFWLYLWLHVRIWUDQVQDWLRQDOFULPLQDORUJDQL]DWLRQV DHS and its partners are developing a safer and more KXPDQVPXJJOHUVDQGZDQWHGFULPLQDOV prosperous region so that Central can feel confident in creating futures in their home countries, 7HPSRUDU\$JULFXOWXUDODQGNRQaJULFXOWXUDO:RUNHUV rather than putting their lives in the hands of smugglers 3URJUDPV$JUHHPHQWV and criminal organizations to make the dangerous 'HSDUWPHQWRI/DERUDJUHHPHQW WRLPSURYHQRQ journey across the U.S. border. LPPLJUDQWYLVDSURJUDPRSHUDWLRQVDQGLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ $*5((0(17  7KHVHDJUHHPHQWVVWUHQJWKHQELODWHUDOFRRSHUDWLRQ TYPES EHWZHHQWKH86DQG1RUWKHUQ7ULDQJOHcountries.This is $V\OXP&RRSHUDWLYH$JUHHPHQWV $&$V  key to ensuring that vulnerable populations are not 7KHVHDJUHHPHQWVZLWK*XDWHPDOD(O6DOYDGRUDQG victimized as they seek legal temporary employment by +RQGXUDVRQFHEURXJKWLQWRIRUFHZLOODOORZPLJUDQWV further establishing safe and lawful recruitment, WRVHHNSURWHFWLRQZLWKLQWKHUHJLRQE\IDFLOLWDWLQJ employment, and working conditions. FRRSHUDWLRQEHWZHHQWKHU.S. DQGKRVWnation governments or international organizations to expand theirV\VWHPVIRURIIHULQJKXPDQLWDULDQSURWHFWLRQV Homeland Security GUATEMALA HONDURAS EL SALVADOR

Border Security Arrangement Asylum Cooperative Agreement: Asylum Cooperative Agreement: (Guatemala Arrangement on Signed: Sept. 25, 2019 Signed: Sept. 20, 2019 Irregular Migration): Signed: May 31, 2019 "Agreement between the "Agreement between the Government of the Government of the United States "Memorandum of Cooperation and the Government of the and the Government of the Republic between the Department of of Honduras for Cooperation in the of El Salvador for Cooperation in the Homeland Security of the United Examination of Protection Claims" Examination of Protection Claims" States of America and the Ministry of Government of the Republic of Border Security Arrangement Border Security Arrangement: Guatemala on Security Activities Signed: Sept. 27, 2019 6LJQHGOct. 28 that Make it Possible to Address Irregular Migration" "Memorandum of Cooperation "Memorandum of Cooperation between the Department of between the Department of *H2A Agreement: Homeland Security of the United Homeland Security of the United Signed: June 30, 2019 States of America and the Ministry States of America and the Ministry of of Government of the Republic of Justice and Security of the Republic "Agreement between the United Honduras on Security Activities that of El Salvador on Security Activities States of America and the Republic Make it Possible to Address that Make it Possible to Address of Guatemala concerning a Irregular Migration" Irregular Migration" Temporary Agricultural Workers Program" Data Sharing Program Biometrics Data Sharing Program Arrangement: Arrangement: Asylum Cooperative Agreement: Signed: Sept. 27, 2019 6LJQHGOct. 28 Signed: 26, 2019 "Memorandum between the "Memorandum between the "Agreement between the Government of the United States of Government of the United States of Government of the United States America and the Government of the America and the Government of and the Government of the Republic Republic of Honduras on Enhancing the Republic of El Salvador on of Guatemala on Cooperation in the Border Security through the Enhancing Border Security through Examination of Protection Claims" Exchange of Information" the Exchange of Information"

Biometrics Data Sharing Program *H2A and H2B Agreement: Arrangement: Signed: Sept. 27, 2019 Signed: Aug. 22, 2019 "Agreement Concerning the "Memorandum between the Temporary Agricultural and non- Government of the United States of Agricultural Workers Programs" America and the Government of the Republic of Guatemala on *Note: These agreements were Enhancing Border Security through signed between the U.S. the Exchange of Information" Department of Labor and Honduras, not DHS.