

Maxim Gorky,Avrahm Yarmolinsky,Baroness ,Frederic Ewen | 424 pages | 01 Jul 1988 | Penguin Random House LLC | 9780806510750 | English, Russian | none The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky by Maxim Gorky

His international fame rests on a tremendous literary output, including the powerful play "", the monumental novel of the Russian Revolution, "", his vital Autobiography and, of course, his short stories. The collection represents the very best of Gorky's genius. For this edition the renowned scholar and author Frederic Ewen has written a penetrating new introduction evaluating Gorky's place in the world's literary pantheon. Overall, I think there are good things here that should interest The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky interested in short stories, Russian Until the recent collapse of the Soviet state, Gorky was officially viewed as the greatest Russian writer of the twentieth centuryan The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky far above the true measure of his nevertheless considerable talent. Proclaimed the founder of socialist , he significantly influenced many Soviet writers, as well as others in The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky and in the developing world, and his works The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky for decades part of the Soviet school curriculum. His formal education was minimal. From the age of 11, he fended for himself with a variety of jobs. Self-taught, he published his first story, "," in His first collection, Sketches and Storiesis a romantic celebration of society's strong outcaststhe hobos and the driftersand helped to popularize such literary protagonists. Foma GordeyevGorky's first novel, depicts generational conflict within the Russian . A popular public figure on the left, Gorky was often in trouble with the tsarist government. During the s, he was the central figure in the Znanie publishing house, which produced realist prose with a social conscience. Some of his own works were extremely successful. The play The Lower Depthsset in a poorhouse and a strong indictment of social injustice, was not only a staple of Soviet theater but also influential in the United States. The propagandistic, extraordinarily influential novel Mother presents an iconic working-class woman who is transformed into a saint of the Revolution; its optimism in the ultimate triumph of the cause made it a prototype of socialist-realist fiction. During the years prior toGorky published a number of autobiographical stories: All Over also Through Russia and his memoirs; My ChildhoodMy Apprenticeshipand My Universities This trilogy shows his art at its best and includes some very lively reminiscences of such writers as Tolstoy and Chekhov. Although a Bolshevik party member sinceGorky strongly criticized the new regime after the : His collected articles fromUntimely Thoughts, remained unpublished in the until recently. A cultural activist, he helped to save the lives of many writers, artists, and scholars during the cold and hungry years of the civil war. In he left Russia for but returned permanently a decade later, recognized as the grand old man of Soviet literature. He then worked for Stalin's economic policies and presided over the institutionalization of . At his death, he left unfinished a major novel of considerable interest, The Life The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky Klim Samgin, which he had been working on since Maksim Gorky. Maxim Gorky continues to be regarded as the greatest literary representative of revolutionary Russia. Born of the people, and having experienced in his own person their sufferings and their misery, he was enabled by his extraordinary genius to voice their grievances and their aspirations for a better life as no academic could. NOTCH Avrahm YarmolinskyMoura Budberg. The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky : Maxim Gorky :

He had associations with fellow Russian writers and ; Gorky would later mention them in his memoirs. Gorky was active in the emerging Marxist communist movement. He publicly opposed the Tsarist regime, and for a time closely associated himself with and 's Bolshevik wing of the party. For a significant part of his life, he was exiled from Russia and later the Soviet Union. He was brought up by his grandmother [2] and ran away from home at the age of twelve in After an attempt at suicide in Decemberhe travelled on foot across the for five years, changing jobs and accumulating impressions used later in his writing. Gorky wrote incessantly, viewing literature less as an aesthetic practice though he worked hard on style and form than as a moral and political act that could change the world. The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky described the lives of people in the lowest strata and on the margins of society, revealing their hardships, humiliations, and brutalisation, but also their inward spark of humanity. Gorky's reputation grew as a unique literary voice from the bottom strata of society and as a fervent advocate of Russia's social, political, and cultural transformation. Byhe was openly associating with the emerging Marxist social-democratic movement, which helped make him a celebrity among both the and the growing numbers of "conscious" workers. At the heart of all his work was a belief in the inherent worth and potential of the human person. In his writing, he counterposed individuals, aware of their natural dignity, and inspired by energy and will, with people who succumb to the degrading conditions of life around them. Both his writings and his letters reveal a "restless man" a frequent self-description struggling to resolve contradictory feelings of faith and scepticism, love of life and disgust at the vulgarity and pettiness of the human world. InGorky said that the teachings of the ancient Jewish sage Hillel the Elder deeply influenced his life: "In my early youth I read Hillel, if I remember rightly: 'If thou art not for thyself, who will be for thee? But if thou art for thyself alone, wherefore art thou'? The inner meaning of these words impressed me with its profound wisdom The thought ate its way deep into my soul, and I say now with conviction: Hillel's wisdom served as a strong staff on my road, which was neither even nor easy. I believe that Jewish wisdom is more all-human and universal than any other; and this not only because of its immemorial age He publicly opposed the Tsarist regime and was arrested many times. Gorky befriended many revolutionaries and became a personal friend of Vladimir Lenin after they met in He exposed governmental control of the press see Matvei Golovinski affair. From toGorky's writings became more optimistic. He became more involved in the opposition movement, for which he was again briefly imprisoned in Inhaving severed his relationship with the Art Theatre in the wake of conflict with Vladimir Nemirovich-DanchenkoGorky returned to to establish a theatre The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky his The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky. As a financially successful author, editor, and playwright, Gorky gave financial support to the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party RSDLPas well as supporting liberal appeals to the government for civil rights and social reform. The brutal shooting of workers marching to the Tsar with a petition for reform on 9 January known as the ""which set The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky motion the Revolution ofseems to have pushed Gorky more decisively toward radical solutions. He became closely associated with Vladimir Lenin The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky Alexander Bogdanov 's Bolshevik wing of the party, with Bogdanov taking responsibility for the transfer of funds from Gorky to . His most influential writings in these years were a series of political plays, most famously The Lower Depths While briefly imprisoned in during the abortive Russian Revolution, Gorky wrote the play of the Sunnominally set during an cholera epidemic, but universally understood to relate to present-day events. He was released from the prison after a European-wide campaign, which was supported by Marie CurieAuguste Rodin and Anatole Franceamongst others. His experiences in the The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky States—which included a scandal over his travelling with his lover the actress Andreyeva rather than his wife—deepened his contempt for the "bourgeois soul" but also his admiration for the boldness of the American spirit. From toGorky lived on the island of Capri in southern Italy, partly for health reasons and partly to escape the increasingly repressive atmosphere in Russia. The two men had worked together on Literaturny Raspad which The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky in It was during this period that Gorky, along with Lunacharsky, Bogdanov and Vladimir Bazarov developed the idea of an Encyclopedia of Russian History as a socialist version of Diderot 's Encyclopedia. During a visit to Switzerland, Gorky met Lenin, who he charged spent an inordinate amount of his time feuding with other revolutionaries, writing: "He looked awful. Even his tongue seemed to have turned grey". Though 'God-Building' was ridiculed by Lenin, Gorky retained his belief that "culture"—the moral and spiritual awareness of the value and potential of the human self—would be more critical to the revolution's success than political or economic arrangements. An amnesty granted for the th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty allowed Gorky to return to Russia inwhere he continued his social criticism, mentored other writers from the common people, and wrote a series of important cultural memoirs, including the first part of his autobiography. During World War Ihis apartment in Petrograd was turned into a Bolshevik staff room, and his politics remained close to the throughout the revolutionary period of On the day after the Bolshevik coup of 7 NovemberGorky observed a gardener working the Alexander Park who had cleared snow during the while ignoring the shots in the background, asked people during the July Days not to trample the grass and was now chopping off branches, leading Gorky to write that he was "stubborn as a mole, and apparently as blind as one too". One contemporary remembered at how Gorky would turn "dark and black and grim" at the mere mention of Lenin. He does not know the popular masses, he has not lived with them". It would not be re-published in Russia until after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The essays call Lenin a tyrant for his senseless arrests and repression of free discourse, and an anarchist for his conspiratorial tactics; Gorky compares Lenin to both the Tsar and Nechayev. Inhe hired a secretary, Moura Budbergwho later became his unofficial wife. In Augustthe poet Nikolay Gumilev The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky arrested by the Petrograd for his monarchist views. The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky is a story that Gorky hurried to Moscow, obtained an order to release Gumilev from Lenin personally, but upon his return to Petrograd he found out that Gumilev had already been shot — but Nadezhda Mandelstama close friend of Gumilev's widow, wrote that: "It is true that people asked him to intervene. Gorky had a strong dislike of Gumilev, but he nevertheless promised to do something. He could not keep his promise because the sentence of death was announced and carried The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky with unexpected haste, before Gorky had got round to doing anything. In JulyGorky published an appeal to the outside world, saying that millions of lives were menaced by crop failure. The Russian famine of —22also known as Povolzhye famine, killed an estimated 5 million, primarily affecting the and Ural River regions. Gorky left Russia in Septemberfor . There he heard about the impending Moscow Trial of 12 Socialist Revolutionarieswhich hardened his opposition to the Bolshevik regime. He wrote to denouncing the trial as a "cynical and public preparation for the murder" of people who had fought for the freedom of the Russian people. He also wrote to the Soviet vice-premier, asking him to tell that any death sentences carried out on the defendants would be "premeditated and foul murder. He wrote several successful books while there, [30] but by The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky was having difficulty earning enough to keep his large household, and began to seek an accommodation with the communist regime. He paid his first visit in May — at the very time when the regime was staging its first show trial sincethe so-called Shakhty Trial of 53 engineers employed in the coal industry, one of whom, Pyotr Osadchy, had visited Gorky in Sorrento. In contrast to his attitude to the trial of the Socialist Revolutionaries, Gorky accepted without question that the engineers were guilty, The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky expressed regret that in the past he had intervened on behalf of professionals who were being persecuted by the regime. Pogrebinsky was Gorky's guest in Sorrento for four weeks in The following year, Yagoda sent his brother-in-law, to Sorrento, with instructions to induce Gorky to return to Russia permanently. Gorky's return from The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky Italy was a major propaganda victory for the Soviets. He was decorated The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky the and given a mansion The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky belonging to the millionaire Pavel Ryabushinskywhich was for many years the Gorky Museum in Moscow and a in the suburbs. The city of Nizhni Novgorod, and the surrounding province were renamed Gorky. Moscow's main park, and one of the central Moscow streets, Tverskaya, were renamed in his honour, as was the . The largest fixed-wing aircraft in the world in the mids, the Tupolev ANT was named Maxim Gorky in his honour. InGorky co-edited, with Averbakh and Firin, an infamous book about the White Sea-Baltic Canalpresented as an example of "successful rehabilitation of the former of ". For other writers, he urged that one obtained realism by extracting the basic idea from reality, but by adding the potential and desirable to it, one added romanticism with deep revolutionary potential. His denials that even a single prisoner died during the construction of the aforementioned canal were refuted by multiple accounts of thousands of prisoners who froze to death not only in the evenings from the lack of adequate shelter and food, but even in the middle of the day. Gorky strongly supported efforts in getting a law passed inmaking homosexuality a criminal offense. His attitude was coloured by the fact that some members of the Nazi were homosexual. The phrase "exterminate all homosexuals and fascism will vanish" is often attributed to him. By the summer ofGorky was increasingly in conflict with the Soviet authorities. He was angry that Leopold Averbakhwhom he regarded as a protege, was denied a role in the newly created Writers Union, and objected to interference by the Central Committee staff in the affairs of the union. This conflict, which may have been exacerbated by Gorky's despair over the early death of his son, Max, came to a head just before the first Soviet Writers Congress, in August On 11 August, he submitted an article for publication in which attacked the deputy head of the press The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky, with such intemperate language that Stalin's deputy, ordered its suppression, but was forced to relent after hundreds of copies of the article circulated by hand. Gorky's draft of the keynote speech he was due to give at the congress caused such consternation when he submitted it to the Politburo that four of its leading members — Kaganovich, Vyacheslav MolotovKliment Voroshilovand — were sent to persuade him to make changes. Dostoyevsky in the figure The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky his hero has shown the depths of whining despair that are reached by the individualist from among the young men of the nineteenth and twentieth The Collected Short Stories of Maxim Gorky who are cut off from real life. With the increase of Stalinist repression and especially after the assassination of in DecemberGorky was placed under unannounced house arrest in his house near Moscow. His long-serving secretary Pyotr Kryuchkov had been recruited by Yagoda as a paid informer. The sudden death of Gorky's son Maxim Peshkov in May was followed by the death of Maxim Gorky himself in June from pneumonia. Speculation has long surrounded the circumstances of his death. Stalin and Molotov were among those who carried Gorky's urn during the funeral. In Soviet times, before and after his death, the complexities in Gorky's life and outlook were reduced to an iconic image echoed in heroic pictures and statues dotting the countryside : Gorky as a great Soviet writer who emerged from the common people, a loyal friend of the Bolsheviks, and the founder of the increasingly canonical " socialist realism ". Source: Turner, Lily; Strever, Mark New York: Boni and Gaer. Monument at Gorky Institute of World Literature. Maxim Gorky is depicted on postage stamps: [50] [51] [52] [53] and many more. Some of them can be found below. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Maxim Gorky disambiguation. See also: Gay fascism. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. December Learn how and when to remove this template message. Main article: Maxim Gorky bibliography. Monuments of Gorky. Monument in Chisinau. Maxim Gorky - Wikipedia

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