Solar America Initiative Solar America Cities DOE Solar Energy Technologies Program April 29, 2008 Thomas P. Kimbis, Esq. Market Transformation Director
[email protected] Presented by: Warren Cox, Sandia National Laboratories Today’s Presentation Overview of the Solar America Initiative (SAI) Focus on Market Transformation Overview of the “Solar America Cities” Project 1 President’s Vision for the Solar America Initiative Changing the Way We Power Our Homes and Businesses “I believe that with the proper amount of research, whether it be public or private, we will have solar roofs that will enable the American family to be able to generate their own electricity.” - President Bush, National Renewable Energy Conference, St. Louis, MO, October 2006 Energy Secretary Bodman has expressed his confidence in the Solar Program and his “We will invest more in zero-emission coal-fired interest in the Solar America Cities project; he plants, revolutionary solar and wind announced the 13 winning cities in New York technologies, and clean, safe nuclear energy.” - President Bush in June 2007. 2006 State of the Union Address The goal of the Solar America Initiative is to help make solar technologies cost-competitive across all U.S. markets by 2015. 2 President’s Goal for the Solar America Initiative (SAI) Making Solar Cost-Competitive Nationwide by 2015 DOE identified market barriers to solar commercialization How many of these will you find in YOUR city? Lack of communication, information dissemination, and consumer awareness Inadequate codes and