Celebrating 20 Years of Singing
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SaltiOrd C OIlIlIlUlLit,- ASSO(~iatioll N en's Issue No 20 JUN'98/JUL'98 NOllCFB COPY FOR THE AUGUSf/SEPTEMBER ISSUE OF SCAN SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BY SUNDAY JULY 12th (Owing to Holiday Arrangements) ************** HONORARY TREASURER URGENTLY REQUIRED At the AGM held in March our Honorary Treasurer, Miss Rachel Tonkin, gave notice that she would, unfortunately, have to resign as Honorary Treasurer due to pressure of her work which involved a great deal of travelling. So far no one has come forward who would be willing to take on the duties of Honorary Treasurer so we are making this appeal through SCAN. If anyone is interested and would like more detaile would they please contact either John Scott, (SCA Chairman) Telephone 01225 873317 or Roger MacNaughton (SCA Management and Finance Committee Chairman) Telephone 01225872889. Thank you. ***************** *********************** SAL1FORD HAIL SUMMER PHOTOGRAPHER DECORAl1NG Roger M. Clark Impa Weekdays from 10th to 21st August 1998 9.30am - 12.3Opm and 7.3Opm - 9.30 pm Keynsham tel: fax 0117 986 4855 Voluntary help required from Sectional & Af1iliated Organisations and Individual Members of S.C.A Digital Imaging This year we are decorating the Kitchen Photo-restoration and Foyer Wedding, Portrait and Please Telephone 872479 or 872080 to Industrial say when you can help ************************* Weddings on CD Saltford Singers Experienced Celebrating Professional and confidential 20 Years COUNSELLING SERVICE of Singing for individuals and couples 12th/13th June 1998 Ring LOUISE JACKSON Saltford Hall on 01225 874862 For an initial consultation For Tickets at £4.00 (which include first drink and light supper) Bound by The British Association for Telephone: 01225 400951 Counsellors Code of Ethics ******************************** Dont forget - Tuesday 2nd June 1998 S.C.A. Newspaper & Magazine Collection D.W. BOWEN Plumbing. Heating and Leadwork JIA\~lllt C~gi Registered Gas Installer Have your hair cut. blowdried, wet cut. Registration No 95352 permed, highlighted,and finished in the 2. Montague Road. Saltford. comfort of your own home Bristol BS 18 3LA Monday· Saturday 9.00am - 6.00pm Telephone: 01225 400220 Telephone: 01225 872421 Mobile: 0378 776568 (After 6.00pm) Dr Paul Veale M.B .•Ch .B .•B .D.S .• l.D.S .•· R.C.S. Est 1964 Dental Surgeon 501, Bath Road, Saltford Tel: 01225 872056 1, Norman Road. Saltford Plaiting and Bridal work specialists Telephone 01225 872106 + Special rates for Students .. Preventative Family Practice + Senior Citizens Discounts on .. Hygienist in attendance Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday + Models Required .. All treatment available + Solarium - £30 tor eleven half hour .. Orthodontics sessions + Watch our blackboard tor discounts This Practice continues to provide and promotions NHS dental Care APPOINTMENTS NOT ALWA YS NECESSARY Easy parking outside the Salon The Salon for ALL the family .JOIIN (~IIIJnn, nE(~OItJ'TOR SALTFORD Professional Painter & Decorator Long Established Business REGISTERED CHILD MINDER High standard Reasonable (Established 1989) of work Prices Flexible hours by negotiation Telt:phone 01225 873920 Call DENICE FILLINGHAM for a free quotation 01225400132 2 List of S.C.A. Contactll Hon Secretary SCA Mrs SHarrow 0117 986 6038 Waste Paper Co-ordinator Brian Coombs 01225874325 SCAN Distribution Brian Bigwood 01225 873410 SCAN Copy & Advertisements Richard Davies, 01225872699 ·Y-Deri" High Street, Sahford Bristol BS31 3EJ SCAN Editor & Layout Raymond Moore 01225872080 SECTIONAL ORGANISATION NEWS tonnes which is the highest amount since Saltford Singers December 1995. The next collection is on Gloria Brock, our Conductor, is now Tuesday 2nd lune . New volunteers for "fine tuning" the Singers, in the final sorting during the afternoon and evening few weeks to our Concert on 12th & of the collection would be welcome. Ring 13th June. Brian Coombs on 01225 874325 for This year is the 20th Anniversary of details. Saltford Singers and to celebrate this milestone our concert will consist of some of our, and hopefully your favourite pieces, which we bave sung over the last 20 years. Painter and Decorator Included are 2 excerpts from CATS, by Property Maintenance Andrew Lloyd Webber, a se&ection of songs by C. V. Stanford, and 2 Gilbert & For Free Estimate Please Telephone Sullivan quartets. 01225 872775 On a safer note, we have a lovely arrangement of All Things Bright and Beautiful, by John Rutter, and to liven things up, excerpts from The Sound of SALTFORD BRANCH TOC II Music and Les Miserables. invite you to a We warmly welcome all our loyal COFFEE MORNING friends to come and support us once again, and also hope to see some new & SALES TABLE faces amongst our audience as we in the celebrate our 20th year. We look WANSDYKE ROOM forward to singing for you on Friday SALTFORD HALL 12th and Saturday 13th June. Doors 1O.30am - 12 noon open at 7.15pm for 7.45 start. Tickets on 4.00, to include first drink and light supper. For tickets please telephone: WEDNESDA Y 24th JUNE 0122540095\ Tickets SOp ANNOUNCEMENTS Newspaper & Magazine Collection *** COpy FOR AUG/SEPT SCAN The April collection amounted to 14.64 PLEASE BY 12th JULl' *** 3 ~- The Jolly Sailor Mead Lane Saltford BS183ER - Tel 01225 873002 Opening Hours 11.00am - 11.00pm Mon - Sat & 12 noon - 10.30pm Sunday Meals - lunchtime & evenings - A la carte and bar meals Roger and Tricia would like to welcome you to spend a happy and relaxing time in their licensed/restaurant and all-day open pub December 5th - Acoustic Blues with Rick Payne Sunday 25th January - Burns Night Celebration Live Music every Friday Evening Christmas Parties - Still a few vacancies M E POLLINGER BUILDING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS Roofing - Stonework - Alterations - Extensions - Plastering Carpentry - Brickwork - Masonry Cleaning - Painting & Decorating - General Repairs - Fencing - Patios Free estimates without obligation Southview House, High Street, Saltford Tel: 01225 872243 Aftiliated Organisation News Saltford Branch R.N.L." Saltford Club - with a title like that. who The annual house - to - house collection could doubt but what Spring was here at raised a magnificent £941 in support of last. the Lifeboat Service. We are delighted May 26th brought another Practice Class with this outstanding result and wish to with Mary Fielden showing us how to offer our sincere thanks to all our make "A Patchwork Design.· contributors and collectors. June 23rd brings an old friend back to A Wine & Cheese Party will be held in Saltford, the well known and not-to-be the Bristol Avon Sailing Club, Mead Lane missed Margaret Totman, giving us the on Friday 5th June from 8.00 p.m. to pleasure of seeing her work with her ideas 11.00 p.m. Tickets, which include for a of "Here today - Gone tomorrow." free glass of wine, are priced at £3.50. The first occasion on our social calendar Ring Saltford 873476 for assistance. was our trip to Malvern Spring Show in Victoria Methodist Church, Keynsham early May. Victoria is re-opening for worship on On June 10th, member Sheila Reed Sunday 7th June following re-building at throws open her beautiful garden for our the Front and Side, together with other Coffee Morning. It really is sheer bliss to improvements. To mark this, there will sit and relax and unwind in such be a Celebration Concert of Music, Dance delightful surroundings, so do come & Drama on Friday June 26th and along, Saturday June 27th at 7.30 p.m. There We have on alternate months, a will be no charge, but an opportunity for demonstration starting at 2.15 pm and donations. Do come along to see what practice classes starting at 2.00 pm. If has been done & join in the celebrations. the variety and scope offered by Saltford Victoria will also be open from 9 to 5 on Floral Club appeals to you, why not come those two days. Richard Street 01225 along and join us? 873516 Saltford Brass Mill Saltford Floral Club This Grade One Scheduled Ancient We began the year with our A.G.M Monument in The Shallows, Saltford will which was preceded by a delicious hot be open to the public during the Summer meal. - The meeting itself was well on the second Saturday of each month: 10 supported, the business side very a.m. to 12 noon. The dates being 13th successful and we were delighted to June, II th July, & 8th August. welcome some new members. The first Visitors are asked to use the public car two events of 1998 were a demonstration park in The Shallows, make their way with Joan Holland in February and then along the road and then follow the signs the first Practice Class in March with to the Brass Mill entrance. The island on Joan Gunn and "Daffodils", which filled which the Mill stands and the access us with enthusiasm. bridge are private and are not open to the April 28th should have been a must in public. everyone's diary because that was when The Saltford Brass Mill is the only we had Veronica Coe's demonstration ,. A surviving building, still with a furnace Pocketful of Posies" - her first visit to and a working water wheel, remaining 5 mbe Wisbbone la.cstaurant §ull!, Iiccmcb )Batl) lRoab, $5laltforb JQristo( Jhl~lS 3)b@ David & Rosemary Turner M.H.C.I.M.A. Home Cooked lunches Wed to Sun· , 2.00 • 2.0Opm Special Two Course Lunch Wed to Saturday· £4.50 Dinner Friday & Saturday Evening from 7.00pm Special Two Course Dinner Friday· £6.50 Full ~ la Carte Menu available Private Dinner Parties· Small Weddings· Anniversaries, Birthdays and Retirements Catered for - 01225 873108 for reservations PHYSIOTHERAPY at Saltford Medical Practice Back and -neck pains? Sports Injuries? Joint "aches and pains"? Headaches? Jo Gotley MCSP, SRP Chartered and State Registered Physiotherapist Medical Insurance Approved Appointments - Telephone 01225 873245 Bring your waddlers and toddlers to ..