WORKING PAPERS IN SCANDINA VIAN SYNTAX Volume 55 Sten Vikner: V0-to-l0 Mavement and Inflection for Person in AllTenses 1-27 Anders Holmberg and Gorel Sandstrom: Scandinavian Possessive Construerions from a Northem Swedish Viewpoint 29-49 Hoskuldur Thrainsson and Sten Vikner: Modals and Double Modals in the Scandinavian Languages 51-88 Øystein Alexander Vangsnes Referentiality and Argument Positions in leelandie 89-109 June 1995 Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax Department of Scandinavian Languages Helgonabacken 14 S-223 62 Lund Sweden V0-TO-JO MOVEMENT AND INFLECTION FOR PERSON IN ALL TENSES Sten Vilener Institut furLinguistik/Germanistik, Universitat Stuttgart, Postfach 10 60 37, D-70049 Stuttgart, Germany E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACf Differentways are considered of formulating a conneelion between the strength of verbal inflectional morphology and the obligatory m ovement of the flnite verb to J• (i.e. to the lefl of a medial adverbial or of negation), and two main alternatives are anived at. One is from Rohrbacher (1994:108):V"-to-1• movement iff 151 and 2nd person are distinctively marked at least once. The other will be suggesled insection 3: v•-to-J• mavement iff all"core' tenses are inflectedfor person. It is argued that the latter approach has certain both conceptual and empirical advantages ( e.g. w hen considering the loss of v•-to-J• movement in English). CONTENTS 1. Introduction: v•-to-J• movement ......................................................................................................................................