Inside This Edition

God’s Work. Our Hands. Hymn by Dr. Wayne Wold Pg. 3 How to Become a Preschool Partner Pg. 4 WELCA Fall Gathering—Explore the Holy Land Pg. 4 Youth Mission Trip Thank You(s) Pg. 5 God’s Work. Our Hands. Weekend of Service Pg. 6 LEAD Turns 3! Pg. 7 Blessings in a Backpack is Back Pg. 8 Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Education & Conversations Pg. 9 Garden Stories to Nurture Faith & Stormwater Survey Results Pg. 10-11 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly Pg. 15 A Special Note of Thanks for Global Missions Support (Pangani) Pg. 20 and so much more…

August 23, 2019 REVEREND MIKE LOUIA Senior Pastor ([email protected])

One of the scribes came near and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, he asked him, "Which commandment is the first of all?" 29 an- swered, "The first is, 'Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; 30 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' 31 The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:28-31, NRSV) Well here we are, three months into our reflection on the shema, that section of Deuteronomy Jesus quotes as an answer to the scribes’ question above which our Jewish siblings pray every day, morning and evening, 'Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; 30 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This month, as I began reflecting on loving the Lord our God with all our mind, I breathed a sigh of relief! Finally, unlike loving God with all our heart and soul that involves trying to understand how we love God with our intangible emotions, feelings and life essence, something logical and tangible! And at least on some level, loving God with all our mind does in fact involve loving God from an intellectual perspective. Loving God with all our mind engages our intellect through bible study, conversation, listening to sermons, and the like. Loving God with all our mind in so many ways makes loving God actually something that is attainable … something that we can learn to do. The thing is, if we’re truthful with ourselves, loving God is so much more than anything that our limited human brain can comprehend. Many times, I’ve heard people say that faith is something caught … not taught. Even Luther believed that our faith itself was a gift from God. Which makes me wonder, does loving God with all our mind involve more than simply focusing our minds on loving God … on simply learning how to love God? Yes! Loving God with our whole mind moves beyond some logical, intellectual exercise when we open ourselves up to the possibility that loving God with our minds can be transformational. Loving God with our minds can lead to having our minds transformed to parallel God’s mind. And that possibility, that our minds can become parallel God’s mind, is truly life changing! When our minds are transformed to parallel God’s mind, we are led to a place where we look at our neighbor and see our neighbor as a reflection of God’s very self (after all, all people are created in the image of God). When our minds are transformed to parallel God’s mind, we are led to a place where we can offer forgiveness as radically as God does. When our minds are transformed to parallel God’s mind, we live in a place where grace, the very grace that connects us eternally to God, also connects us eternally to our siblings … all our siblings. Loving God with all our mind in so many ways, allows God to include us in God’s kingdom work in the world. And that is truly a gift, as mind-blowing as it might be, for which we can say, “Thanks be to God.” See you Sunday (or Wednesday or Saturday),

Pastor Mike

1 REVEREND TAMIKA JANCEWICZ Associate Pastor ([email protected])

In 1979, The Reverend Earlean Miller became the first African American woman ordained in the Lutheran church in North America, and the first African American woman ordained in Lutheranism ever. I’ve never had the honor of meeting Reverend Miller because she died in November 2014, which was a year before I started my seminary journey to becoming a pastor myself. From what I’ve heard of her, she was a phenomenal preacher, amazing pastor, and she certainly paved the way for black women pastors like myself. This past Churchwide Assembly (August 5-10) was packed full of new memorials, resolutions, and statements, and a celebration of ordained women in the ELCA. As I watched from afar, through Fa- cebook posts, and the live stream, my heart was overjoyed to see so many women pastors pro- cessing in their vestments with such joy on their faces. It made me think of the many times of uncer- tainty I had throughout seminary, and how often other women, especially other ordained women of color, would surround me in love and encourage me to keep going. I remember the many times that others would say, “You are a gift to the church.” Or “Your voice matters.” Those few words of assur- ance often helped me to get through the papers and assignments, and the doubt and fear of not be- ing enough. It also made me think that it must have been tough and maybe even lonely for those who came first. I’m sure they had family, friends, and colleagues who supported them, but to not have the representation of women in leadership in the same way that I do now, must have felt isolat- ing at times. But they continued, and for that I am grateful. And I take this heart-filled gratitude with me next month on September 14, as I preach for the event, A Revival and Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Black Woman Leadership in the ELCA. This event is hosted in the Metropolitan New York Synod at a church in Brooklyn called Je- hu’s Table. My friend and colleague, Pastor Lenny Duncan, is the pastor of the church and I was honored when he asked me to be one of the preachers. I ask for your prayers, church, as I go and celebrate with our other siblings on such a momentous occasion and I take you all with me as I preach the gospel. Peace,

Pastor Tamika

Source: ( )

2 DR. WAYNE L. WOLD Director of Music Ministry ([email protected])

I was thrilled and honored to have written the hymn that was chosen by the ELCA as the new theme song for God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday. We will be singing it on September 8, but here is an ad- vance copy to give you a head start:

God’s work: our hands, working together, building a future, repairing the world, raising up homes, planting new gardens, feeding the hungry and shelt’ring the cold. Bless, God, our hands as we work in your name, sharing the good news of your Gospel.

God’s work: our feet, trav’ling together, following Jesus to places unknown, walking as friends, marching for freedom, running the race with God’s future the goal. Bless, God, our feet as we follow your way, sharing the good news of your Gospel.

God’s work: our voice, singing together, praising, proclaiming to all who will hear, praying for peace, shouting for justice, claiming God’s love for the lost and the least. Bless, God, our voice as we speak in your name, sharing the good news of your Gospel.

God is at work in and around us: seedlings are sprouting and bread’s on the rise! Washed and set free, humbled and honored, gifted by grace, we respond in God’s love. Bless, God, our lives as we answer your call, sharing the good news of your Gospel.

Thanks to all members and guests who provided musical offerings over the summer months. Our choirs return soon, and all welcome new and former members. Here is the line-up:

• Jubilate Handbells—Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary, beginning September 5

 Contact Jenne Burnham ([email protected]) for more information.

• Children’s Choir—Sundays at 9 a.m. in the Social Hall, beginning September 15.

• Adult/Teen Choir—Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Choir Room, beginning September 5. Join us! And keep singing!


3 JENNY JAMES Director of Preschool ([email protected])

Preschool Partners!

First Lutheran Preschool is looking for people who enjoy the playful outlook of preschoolers to be a Preschool Partner (formerly known as the Foster Grandparent Program). The program is designed to place volunteers in our preschool classes to partner with children in their play. Preschool Partners can sign up for 20-30-minute sessions on days that are convenient for their schedule. Examples include: Accompanying children to chapel on Wednes- day or Thursday mornings, playing with children on the playground at recess time, joining a group at the Playdough table, or playing Bingo or other simple board games with a small group of children.

Preschool Partners are never alone with children and are always under the supervision of the classroom teach- er. Our goal is to help make connections. Children love to learn from adults who take the time to play. Our Pre- school Partners always leave with smiles and stories about their experiences. Our teachers and assistants are happy to have extra help in the classroom. It's a win, win, win!

If you are interested, please contact me soon and we can set up a time to meet. A one-hour training will take place in September. A background check is required. Those who were in the program last year do not need to retake the training but will be required to complete a background check. Preschool Partner volunteer sessions will begin in October.

Jenny James Director First Lutheran Preschool 3604 Chatham Road Ellicott City, MD 21042

Jenny James

WOMEN OF FIRST LUTHERAN (WELCA) Diane Schwarzman, President ([email protected])

FALL GATHERING - EXPLORE THE HOLY LAND | SEPTEMBER 23 All ladies of First Lutheran are invited to join us on Monday, September 23, at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Center for a Potluck Luncheon. Please bring your favorite covered dish to share. Our program will feature Jan Nelson, resident of MILLER’S GRANT, sharing photos and stories from her recent trip to the Holy Land. We will also be collecting Lutheran World Relief (LWR) school supplies including: 70 page 1-subject spiral note- books, box of 24 crayons, No. 2 unsharpened pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, blunt scissors, pens and metric rulers.

MARTHA CIRCLE | SEPTEMBER 10 Martha Circle will meet on September 10, at 10 a.m. A program entitled "Forgetfulness" will be presented by Anna Marie Howser. Refreshments by Valerie Roth. Contact Valerie Roth (410) 480- 0415 for further information. Meetings are held in the Youth Room and all women of the church are invited.

REBECCA CIRCLE | SEPTEMBER 19 Rebecca Circle invites all women of First Lutheran to join them for their September meeting. The Circle will meet at 1:00 p.m. on September 19, in the Youth Room. Diane Schwarzman will lead the program, “Fill Your Cup”. For additional infor- mation contact Sue Davis (410) 418-4535 or Debbie Row (410) 446-6567.

4 LAUREN CARONNA Director of Children & Youth Ministries ([email protected])

• September 8 - Faith Finders Kick-Off (details below) • September 8 - First Lutheran Church Picnic - Faith Finders Service Project (details below) • September 15 - Affirmation of Baptism Orientation (details below) • September 15 - Youth Committee Meeting, 12 PM - Parlor • September 15 - Youth Group, 5-7 PM - Youth Room • September 29 - Youth Sunday (Both worship services)


To the congregation of First Lutheran, Thank you so much for blessing the youth group on behalf of our mission trip. It was truly a wonderful experience that I will never forget. This was my first time attending a mission trip, and I feel even more so connected to God than before. Serving others really gives you a new outlook on life, and I am grateful to have had this opportunity. Once again, thank you for your support and prayers. ~ Courtney Wells

Dear FLC congregation, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help those in need. This mission trip was special because I had a chance to talk with people that needed my help. I also enjoyed getting to know my peers at church better. Niagara was awe- some! ~ Jude Stephen

Dear Congregation, I’d like to thank you so much for supporting our mission trip this year. I have been honored to go on a trip every year since 8th grade and I couldn’t have been happier to end my high school career with this trip. Thanks again! ~Tommy Wehr

During our mission trip to New York, we helped so many people, made new friends, got to know old friends better, but most of all we did God’s Work with our hands. We were able to take our church to Newark and spread God’s love. We did a lot of great work in a short period of time, some doing work they had never done before and some doing work out of their comfort zone. We have our congregation to thank, giving us the opportunity to put others first, doing God’s work. ~Malia Schlichting

FAITH FINDERS KICK-OFF | SEPTEMBER 8 We hope to see you on September 8, at this year’s Faith Finders Kick-Off from 9-9:30 a.m., downstairs in the Social Hall. We are only meeting for a half-hour. So, we’ll have some fun getting to know each other and talking about this year’s Faith Finders learning and service projects.

***REMINDER- Faith Finders is open to people of all ages: the young, the not-so-young, families, singles, friends, etc. We hope everyone can join us each Sunday during the school year!

AFFIRMATION OF BAPTISM (AOB) ORIENTATION | SEPTEMBER 15 AOB Orientation takes place on Sunday, September 15, at 9:15 a.m. in the Social Hall. Classes for AOB are open to anyone in 6th grade or older who has not received this instruction. Registration forms can be found at our church’s Information Center. Contact Lauren Caronna, Director of Children & Youth Ministries, for more information.

ARE YOU ON THE FAMILY MINISTRY NEWSLETTER LIST? Each week our Children & Youth Ministry’s newsletter, Family Ministry, goes out to families of First Lutheran. This newsletter contains important information about upcoming events, meetings, fundraisers, etc. There is so much go- ing on in our congregation and checking the newsletter is a great way to stay in the loop! If you’d like to be added to the email list, please notify me by email.


Lauren Caronna

5 CONGREGATION COUNCIL UPDATE Susan Garde, Council Secretary ([email protected])

The Council met on Wednesday, August 21, following Midweek Worship. In addition to the review of written reports from all ministries, other business included the approval of several motions.

Motions passed:  To receive new member Lisa Hines.  Fundraisers for the Preschool.  To participate in the Synod New Hope Creation program and sign the Caring for Creation Covenant.  Property motions to:  Backfill behind 2019 curbing.  Add dirt and sod to courtyard and new handicapped parking area.  Funding to perform testing to improve heating system in the church and Education building.  Approve up to $3,000 from capital reserve to cover final cost of motorizing both narthex entrances.  Stewardship motion to approve expenditure of $4,200 annually for extension of our Pushpay contract (3 yr. contract).  Personnel policy change to remove "floating holiday" provision and pay Martin Luther King Day as a holiday.  Endowment Committee motion to direct $2,300 of distributable assets in support of the Women's and Children's Shelter-Baltimore (aka Soup Kitchen).  The hiring of Len Langrick as Assistant Director of Music and Choir as recommended by Personnel.

Facilities Task Force Briefing Linda Kay went over the extensive work done by this committee and presented findings and recommenda- tions for the Council to consider. Council members will study the documents and drawings presented and resume the conversation in September.

GOD’S WORK. OUR HANDS. WEEK OF SERVICE | SEPTEMBER 6-8 God’s Work Our Hands Weekend of Service is September 6-8. Each year we join congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) across the country, as well as our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Howard County to help others in this county, state and around the world. Local congregations that are par- ticipating or who have been invited are Abiding Savior Lutheran Church, First Bap- tist Church of Guilford, First Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Hope Lutheran Church, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, Resurrection Catholic Church, Shepherd of the Glen Lutheran Church, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, St. Paul’s Cath- olic Church. There are many activities for people of all ages. So, let’s do God’s work with our hands – together again this year!

SIGN-UP: New Hope Lutheran SignUp Genius ( Click link or copy & paste to browser

FIRST LUTHERAN CONTACT: Pastor Tamika Jancewicz ([email protected])


LEAD TURNS THREE! In August 2016, our FLC community of faith joined five other DE-MD Synod congregations in starting the journey to Live Everyday As Disciples (LEAD.) The LEAD process had its origins in the ELCA’s Texas- Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod in 2012 with a vision of providing training, coaching and consulting to church leaders and congregations with a desire to do what it takes to grow – rising from a deep, bold & conse- quential faith. The core of the LEAD process is the (shema): “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. . . and love your neighbor as yourself. There is no command- ment greater than these.” (Mark 12:29-31.)

Over the past three years, the LEAD process has helped us: • Listen with all our heart – tune in to God’s call & God’s mission, doing justice in our neighborhood and our world • Center with all our soul – wake up to a deeper relationship with God, our neighborhood and ourselves • Explore with all our mind – dig beneath the surface and ask questions that free us to create systems that reflect God’s great love, and • Connect with all our strength – work outside comfort zones to expand relationships that reflect the diversity of God’s creation.

Our three-year journey has been a spirit-led learning experience. We have relied on scripture to guide us; we’ve had starts and stops; and we have always been open to where the spirit is leading us. Exam- ples include: • Listening to the congregation and to our neighborhood. • Identifying our greatest resources and interests and finding where they intersect best with neighbor- hood needs. • Using the Annual Roadmap process to identify year-long priorities that support our values. • Building partnerships with Dunloggin Middle and Veterans Elementary schools, including  Providing mid-year school-supply replenishment  Responding to a request to help a family facing eviction  Providing gift cards and Christmas baskets to support families in need  Assisting with the annual Field Day activity  Serving as subject-area mentors working with students • Reconnecting with our faith heritage through study of Luther’s Small Catechism • Aligning our ministries with our mission of Welcoming, Growing & Sharing in God’s grace. • Watching the Spirit at work as one FLC disciple, who works at another elementary school, asked if we could help with their program providing weekend meals to students at risk – we now actively sup- port Blessings in a Backpack.

An additional benefit of our LEAD journey has been the beginning of a “culture shift” within our faith com- munity. As we make meeting the needs of others a greater priority, we focus less on our perceived woes. We look outward rather than inward, and as we become a people of God whose first concern is giving and serving, we engender a spirit of generosity and can live fully into the joy of God’s calling.

In the years ahead, our hope is that we will no longer identify specific “LEAD” activities – because Living Everyday As Disciples will be a natural part of who we are and what we do!

Pastor Mike Pastor Tamika Joanna Casto George Conklin Cathy Rice Jay Zumbrun

7 BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK Stevens Forest Elementary School is looking forward to working together with First Lutheran Church to collect non- perishable food items for our Blessings in a Backpack pro- gram. The program provides students in need with a bag of nine nonperishable food items on Fridays to bring home for the weekend.

These nonperishable bags of food are placed inside each student’s backpack in a discreet and caring manner each Friday. These bags of food provide each student with food items that supplement their supply of food at home over the weekend. Our students and their families are very grateful for these bags of food and any contributions the members of First Lutheran can provide will be greatly appreciated.

The Community Outreach Ministry Team will provide a col- lection box for Blessings in a Backpack in the narthex/lobby for donations (September 2019 - June 2020). Please help feed our local school students and their families. Thank you!

Suggested Non-Perishable Food Items

Breakfast Entree Healthy Snacks Breakfast Bars Soups Fresh fruit Oatmeal Canned Meats Canned fruit

Cereal Bowls (single Ravioli type products Baked crackers

Grits Slim Jim’s Raisins Granola Bars Mac & Cheese (add water) Dried fruit Fruit & Grain Bars Dried Mashed Potatoes (add water) Crackers with Cheese —- Rice Ready to Serve Packets 100% Juice —- Canned Beans 100% Juice Snacks —- Canned Vegetables Pudding (2% Milk)

—- Ramen Noodles Shelf Stable Cheese

—- Non-Peanut Spread (Sunbutter, Wow Applesauce

School Contact: Katie Carter, Assistant Principal | Stevens Forest Elementary School | (410) 313-6900

Community Outreach Team Bill Harkins, Jay Zumbrun, Joan Burns, Jenny James, George Conklin, Terry and Linda Kay


Welcoming, Growing and Sharing in God’s Grace is the mission we are called to live into by our Welcoming Statement.

Welcoming in God’s Grace calls us to see God in all people and to open our hearts to them. As a reflection of God’s gracious love, First Lutheran Church welcomes ALL of God’s people with no exceptions! Our faith community invites and welcomes you— regardless of race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender/identity, disability, or economic status—for worship, fellowship, and partnership in ministry.

Beginning in August, we will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions around the purposeful act of welcoming and being open to accepting fully all of God’s children into God’s community here at First Lutheran. We’ll discover what it is to practice nonjudgmental, authentic friendliness and inclusion in all aspects of our life together as a community of faith.

Through conversation and study, we will look at what it means to become a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) church and learn about their partner program, Reconciling Works (Lutherans for Full Participation). These groups rec- ognize that racism, sexism, ageism, able-ism, heterosexism, homophobia and all other artificial distinctions di- minish our world and Christ’s church. The schedule for these discussions to date are listed below. We invite you to please come and be a part of our welcoming ministry!


Sunday, Aug. 18 Video/Discussion* Ministry of Welcoming RIC Handouts 9:15 a.m.

Wednesday, Aug. 28 Video/Discussion* Ministry of Welcoming RIC Handouts 7:45 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15 Video/Discussion* Ministry of Welcoming RIC Handout 9:15 a.m. A discussion on context of Sunday, Sept. 29 The Bible and Human Bible Study passages often used to 9:15 a.m. Sexuality exclude. A discussion on context of Wednesday, Oct. 2 The Bible and Human Bible Study passages often used to 7:45 p.m. Sexuality exclude. Sunday, Oct. 13 Small & Large LGBTQIA Descriptors Glossary of Terms 9:15 a.m. Group Discussions & Discussion

Sunday, Nov. 3 Small & Large LGBQTIA Descriptors Glossary of Terms 9:15 a.m. Group Discussions & Discussion

Note: All events will be held in the Fellowship Center.

*For the Video/Discussion events listed above we will be viewing:

Welcoming Church – Luther Place Memorial Church For a preview of the video go to: ( Welcoming LGBTQ: The Joy of Inclusion For a preview of the video go to: (

These videos can also be accessed via YouTube by searching the titles.

9 First Lutheran’s Creation Care Ministry | Garden Stories to Nurture Your Faith Contributed by Cathy Rice "God’s creation, especially water, is a precious resource that God has entrusted to us and has called us to protect for the good of all the earth and its inhabitants."

Since the front lawn gardens were installed, we have been hearing many praises and some inspiring stories. This is usually then followed by a garden issue or flooding horror story. It has been a journey for me to hear these stories and see how they are transformed into a faith-filled experience. The old expression of “making lemonade out of lemons” comes to mind.

So, let’s take everyone’s favorite pet peeve: “the deer ate all my flowers, trees and everything!” It is true and it can be frustrating. One member of the church was telling me about how the deer had eaten her azaleas. She was so surprised because this had never happened before. She was also upset as any of us would be. She continued, however, to say that after a few weeks the azaleas rebounded to be more full and beautiful than they had been be- fore. We are seeing this in the church gardens as well. The plants that had buds bitten off have started to grow new branches. What is it about pruning that allows new growth to happen? When God’s abundance shows up there is enough for everyone!

I was talking to the parents of another church family while their children were exploring the gardens. The boy ran up and tried to patiently wait for acknowledgement to share some exciting news. He said “Mom there is a path! There is a path in the garden!” Yes, there is a path. For now, it looks like a line of rocks. But, it was intentionally placed to outline where there will ultimately be a walking path for people to see the plants, butterflies, bugs, hickory nuts and more up close and personal. Maybe that path will lead you to a deeper understanding that God’s creation is awe- some and awe-inspiring.

In the first week of August, the first thing I noticed was all the butterflies in the gardens! Then the same day I re- ceived an email from a Watershed Steward/Master Naturalist. Apparently, we have 8 different butterfly species nectaring (eating) here. He said, “Pretty amazing given the newness of the plantings. This could turn out to be a real butterfly hotspot. I will monitor it regularly for the Howard County Bird Club's Butterfly survey program.” Butter- flies were considered when picking plants but who knew this would happen? If you are interested in joining a butter- fly walk to learn more, please email me at ([email protected]).

These gardens are intended to help us grow in faith. Just like life, gardens and wildlife can be messy, unpredictable and amazing! I hope you will grow to love God’s Creation a bit by spending some time visiting the garden and pray- ing for God’s Good Earth.

Stormwater Knowledge Survey Results This past May, 100 people participated in a survey about stormwater and rain gardens. It is obvious First Lutheran is a well-informed group! Below are the survey results with the correct answers in bold. The poster explaining these responses is coming soon.

1. Do you know what a watershed is? Yes - 76% (Correct in that this is one of the goals of the grant from CBT) No - 2% Not Sure - 22%

10 Stormwater Knowledge Survey Results - continued 2. Do you know which watersheds your property is located in? (a property can be located in more than one water- shed so check all that apply): Chesapeake Bay Watershed - 49% (…and one river and others depending on where you live) Patuxent River Watershed - 22% Patapsco River Watershed - 28% Tiber-Hudson Watershed - 13% Plumtree Branch Watershed - 17% I don’t know which ones apply - 33%

3. Were you aware that Howard County has storm drains that carry rain water from streets and parking lots and returns it to local creeks and rivers? Yes - 81% No - 19%

4. Do you know if the rain water that runs down the local storm drain is treated, cleaned or filtered before it is re- leased into local creeks and rivers? Yes - 4% No - 43% Not sure - 53%

5. Do you think that landscaping methods in your yard can make a difference in the health of local waterways? Yes - 92% No - 3% (there are some rare cases where a property is completely bay-friendly) Not sure - 5%

6. I think that some of the differences between a Raised Garden Bed (the most common style of residential garden) and a Rain Garden are: (check all that apply) They look different - 38% No difference because they both have plants and get rained on - 8% Only one of them can collect and filter storm water - 79% Only one of them can host beneficial native plants - 19%

THE DOORS OF THE CHURCH ARE OPEN… AND NOW A LOT EASIER Have you used the new door opener? In late July, the Property Committee hired a contractor to install low-energy door operators on the Chatham Road entrance into the narthex. The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliant system gives you the choice to open the heavy entrance doors automatically by pressing a wall switch or manually as before. The system was retrofitted to the existing doors and 'Automatic Caution Door' and 'Activate Switch to Operate' decals have been placed on the doors equipped with the system. The 'Push to Open' switch is located next to the door on the outside brick column, or in the nar- thex door jamb. In addition to helping First Lutheran users unable to open the doors on their own, others will also appreciate the advantage when entering or exiting with hands full of coffee hour goodies or young children. Now that we have experience using the new opener, the contractor will return to install the system at the flagpole main entrance. This location is more involved because of the church office door located within the vestibule entrance. The ADA door operators were purchased and installed using funds from Memorial Gifts and the hardware on all narthex/lobby doors was replaced using Capital Reserved funds. (In the photos: Ed Ziegler (top right) and Helen Tyler (bottom right) using the new door system while ar- riving for Sunday worship on August 4) 11 HIGHLIGHTING A FEW UPCOMING EVENTS

 September 2 - Office Closed - Labor Day Observed (see About First Lutheran for emergency pastoral care)  September 13-14 - The Blood that Unites: A Celebration of Oneness (Peoples Community Lutheran Church)  September 15 - Sunday Educational Hour Classes Resume  September 22 - Ministry Fair  October 1 - Journeying Through Grief Sessions Begin (Accepting registrations - next page)  October 6 - Blessing of the Animals

BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES DONATIONS DEADLINE | AUGUST 24 The final day to drop off your donations for First Lutheran’s annual "School Supplies and Backpacks for Students in Need" campaign sponsored by the Social Ministry Committee is Saturday, August 24. Please return your donations on time so that the children at RICA-Baltimore and Grassroots will be prepared for the new school year. Contact: Malia Schlichting (410) 259-8446, ([email protected])

GOD’S WORK. OUR HANDS. SUNDAY & ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC | SEPTEMBER 8 On "God's Work. Our Hands." Sunday, September 8, there will be only one service at 9:45 a.m. following the Faith Finders Kick-off from 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. After worship service stick around for an Old-Fashioned Pot- luck Church Picnic in the Fellowship Center & outdoors, weather permitting. We will provide the fried chicken, corn on the cob, and drinks. Please sign-up on the information board in the narthex/lobby to bring a side dish or dessert for sharing. There will be entertainment and games (cornhole, dunk tank, etc.) Mark your calendars to come and join us for food, fun and fellowship! (See page 6 to sign up for service projects.)

SMALL GROUP/BIBLE STUDY UPDATE The Tuesday (1:00 p.m.) Small Group Bible Study is making a change. Starting September 10, they will meet at 10:30 a.m., still in the Parlor. Each week they will read and discuss the lessons for the next Sunday. In Septem- ber, they will also start a study of the Book of Job. All are welcome to join us. For more information, contact Sue Davis (410) 418-4535 or the church office.

SEMI-ANNUAL FREDERICK ROAD CLEAN UP | OCTOBER 12 Our semi-annual clean-up of the three miles of Frederick Road for which we are responsible is scheduled for Saturday, October 12 from 9-11 a.m. Volunteers are needed for final cleanup before winter and can sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex/lobby. This is a great project for high school community service credit in addi- tion to just being a good thing to do. However, please note that Howard County requires a parent’s permission in writing (signature) for youth under 18 yrs. old to participate. If you have any questions, please contact Rich Funke at (410) 992-8015 or e-mail ([email protected]).

*For details on these upcoming and future events taking place in and around First Lutheran, visit the Information Center in the church lob- by/narthex, church online calendar and/or check your e-mail each week for This Week at First, our weekly e-letter. “GOD’S WORK. OUR HANDS.” ONGOING BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES COLLECTION Once again this year, we will be collecting supplies for children in need. Stop by the narthex for more details and/ or to drop off your donations between August 4 and 24. If you have questions, please contact Malia Schlichting at ([email protected]) or (410) 259-8446.

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Dunloggin Middle School is collecting box tops from General Mills products. Clipped box tops are worth $.10 each and serve as a critical source of fundraising for DMS enrichment programs and social events. Box tops can be dropped off in the specially marked collection box on our information table in the narthex.

RECYCLING FOR PROJECT PLASE INC. Creation Care is collecting used clothing and textiles (in plastic bags) in the blue bin located at the church’s lower parking lot. These donations are used to provide clothing or in processing for other use across the world. Refer to the bin or go to ( for a list of acceptable and non-acceptable items.

WANDS FOR WILDLIFE The Creation Care Ministry is also collecting used (cleaned) mascara wand for Wands for Wildlife (https:// Visit the information board in the narthex for details of contact Cathy Rice ([email protected]) or Susan Garde ([email protected]). 12 Journeying Through Grief

Tuesdays in October from 7 – 8:30pm First Lutheran Church, Ellicott City (Library)

“We love because God first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19

“Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Throughout our lives, we experience various losses: the death of a loved one, divorce, leaving home, changing jobs, broken friendships, or life transitions. As a natural response to those losses, we experience grief.

And, in the presence of our grief, the ever-abiding love of God accompanies us as we Journey Through Grief.

In October, our Stephen Ministry team will be providing an opportunity for those who are experiencing grief in their lives to journey through that grief accompanied by God’s love. Weekly sessions are held on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 – 8:30pm at First Lutheran Church, in the Library, and will give participants permission to grieve in a supportive, healing environment as they open up to opportunities for change, growth, validation and new insight.

To register, please complete the form below and drop it off or mail it to the church office: Attn: Cheryl Mason, Stephen Minister & Journeying Through Grief Facilitator, First Lutheran Church, 3604 Chatham Rd., Ellicott City, MD 21042.

You may also register by calling Cheryl Mason directly at (443) 838-0947, emailing her at ([email protected]) or emailing the church office at ([email protected]).

------Registration Form Journeying Through Grief Support Class (October 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29, 2019)

Name(s): ______


Phone: ______

E-mail: ______

Faith and Film Series | Fall 2019 A series of feature films celebrating faith in our lives.

The Faith and Film series is about celebrating life and inspiring each of us through the power of story. Since the advent of the movies, there have been countless stories that have reached in and touched the soul. Consider the power of story to move you along in your journey. Consider the power of story to remind each of us of the importance of faith, hope and love. Consider the potential for the world to be a better place. And consider the possibility that films change people and people change the world. This series will be shown bistro-style in the Fellowship Center at First Lutheran Church, Ellicott City; and the community is invited to attend. All showings are scheduled for 7:00 PM. All films are shown with closed captions. Light refreshments are provided by the Fellowship Committee. Visit our website for more details about the Fall 2019 Series and line-up at (

Friday evenings · Refreshments served · Closed captions · Everyone is welcome!

Best of Enemies (2019) Rated: PG-13, 132 mins. | September 27 Based on a true story, THE BEST OF ENEMIES centers on the unlikely relationship between Ann Atwater, an outspoken civil rights activist, and C.P. Ellis, a local Ku Klux Klan leader who reluctantly co-chaired a community summit, battling over the desegregation of schools in Durham, North Carolina during the racially-charged summer of 1971. The incredible events that unfolded would change Durham and the lives of Atwater and Ellis forever. “After almost 50 years, it's about time we all learned what happened over those 10 days in Durham. Despite the drama, danger and violence, you'll applaud at the end (OK, it is a bit of a Hollywood ending) and leave the theater knowing people can change.” National Catholic Reporter.

Breakthrough (2019) Rated: PG, 90 mins. | October 25 BREAKTHROUGH is based on the inspirational true story of one mother's unfaltering love in the face of impossible odds. When Joyce Smith's adopted son John falls through an icy Missouri lake, all hope seems lost. But as John lies lifeless, Joyce refuses to give up. Her steadfast belief inspires those around her to continue to pray for John's recovery, even in the face of every case history and scientific prediction. From producers of “Miracles from Heaven” and adapted from Joyce Smith's own book, BREAKTHROUGH is an enthralling reminder that faith and love can create a mountain of hope, and sometimes even a miracle. “One of the better faith-based films in recent years.” The New York Times

(Family Film Night) Toy Story 4 (2019) Rated: G, 90 mins. | November 15 Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Bo Peep and a new toy, Forky, are all here! Heartwarming, funny, and beautifully animated, Toy Story 4 manages the unlikely feat of extending -- and perhaps concluding -- a practically perfect animated saga. “The toybox gets even larger in "Toy Story 4," a busy but entertaining entry in the best animated franchise the movies have ever had.” N.Y. Times. The Rotten Tomato critics give it 98% plus an audience score of 95%. From Disney/Pixar.

Emanuel (2019) Not Rated, 80 mins. | November 22 Mass shootings continue to be a shameful stain on contemporary American history. National headlines blazed the story: “Churchgoers Gunned Down During Prayer Service in Charleston, South Carolina.” After a 21-year-old white supremacist opened fire in the church, nine African Americans lay dead--leaving their families and the nation to grapple with this senseless act of terror. “Emanuel” aspires to focus on something rare and enduring that unfolded in the aftermath of this unspeakable tragedy. It was a collective act of defiance that aimed to heal a wounded community. “Emanuel” turns the nation’s eye on the victims’ loved ones, who appeared in court 48 hours after white supremacist Dylann Roof’s evil acts and faced the hate-filled racist with an unexpected weapon: forgiveness. This film played recently for only two days and was extremely well received by both critics and audiences wherever it was shown. " “Emanuel” demonstrates forgiveness is hard work that requires a divine-level of fortitude. Especially when it comes at direct odds with the ones you hold dear.” New York Post.

First Lutheran Church, Ellicott City 3604 Chatham Road (at Frederick Road) | Ellicott City, MD 21042 Church Office: 410-465-2977 | Facebook: @FirstLuthEllicottCity | Twitter: @FLCofficeEC | Instagram: firstlutheranec PARISH REGISTER

MEMORIAL GIFT FUNDS MARRIAGES General Memorial Fund: Jennifer A. Bocchieri & In memory of Valerie Miller: Kenneth J. Buck • Scot Lynn June 29, 2019 • Anne Marie Howser • Bertha Martin • Glenn and DeDe Severn • Sandy and Rich Funke BAPTISMS • Ron and Nancy Galloway July 6, 2019 10:30 a.m. • Mary and Michael Baxter Jackson Robert Hunt-Webb • Florence Wieder Date of Birth: October 20, 2018 • Linda and Terrence Kay Parents: Scott Webb & Ashley Hunt • Ray and Barbara Facto August 11, 2019 10:30 a.m. In memory of Virginia Reitz: Jackson Robert Hunt-Webb • Ray and Barbara Facto Date of Birth: September 26, 2018 • Sandy and Rich Funke Parents: Nicholas & Katherine Schultz In memory of William Wells: • Margarete Skroupa DEATHS • Virginia L. Reitz Endowment Fund: June 17, 2019 In memory of Valerie Miller: • Valerie C. Miller • Bruce and Loretta Stratmann June 24, 2019

Rev. Herbert M. Payne Scholarship Fund: • William (Bill) F. Wells In memory of Valerie Miller: July 15, 2019 • Evelyn and Paul Combs • William (Billy) James Harkins August 9, 2019 Special Music Fund: In memory of Valerie Miller: • Carol Myers

In memory of Shirley Bishop: • Charlotte and Elwood Wallich

as of July 28,2019 NEW MEMBER • Bob Palmer


Please continue to regularly check available dates for flowers, communion elements and bulletins sponsorship opportunities. To sponsor, complete the green dedication form on the Dedica- tion Sign-up Calendar just outside of the church office’s work- room and attach it to your payment. Payments can be placed in the wooden mailbox on the bulletin board, offering plate, or mailed to the office. Thank you!


Lovingly to all involved, It has been a tumultuous week for my sister Beth and my brother Bill. Yes I say brother, he is the biggest brother I have ever had! Never considered an in-law. I am trying to find words of thanks for all that your family of the church have shown to my family. I am moved to tears and sit in awe to the loving community that all of you are. What a huge outpouring of love, support, un- selfish giving and the true love of the Lord our God I witnessed on Saturday. God bless each and every one of you! Thank you, each and every one for the wonderful folks that you are! And thank you more so for taking time out of your Saturday to come together and give my family a true chance to heal in Christ together. God be with each and every one of you and all that visit your church! ~Doug Flaherty 15 A NOTE OF THANKS






Pastors Mike and Tamika, I am from Gettysburg, PA and my daughter and I are in Nairobi, Kenya for 2 weeks to work with Heifer International and a Bill Gates Foundation/Elanco Animal Health project. As we planned our trip, we were connected with Pangani Lutheran Child Center through a friend working in Global Missions at the ELCA. We learned yesterday that First Lu- theran has been a supporter of Pangani and we wanted to share their thanks directly to you and your congregation! It is amazing to see how Pangani is transforming the lives of these beautiful children and how God’s love is working in and through each and every one of them. We would love to share more at a later time!

Vinton and Lauren Smith


PHOTO USE EXCLUSION FORMS Members who prefer not to have their personal and/or family photos taken at church and/or church related events/activities used in com- munications outside of FELC (social media, etc.) can let us know by completing the Photo Use Exclusion Form found in the weekly e- letters under QUICK LINKS.

SUPPORT GROUPS & MINISTRIES First offers a place for the hurting to find help, healing and hope. Al Anon/AA, AA, DBSA Depression & Bipolar Support, Stephen Minis- ters and a few seasonal ministries are all open to the congregation and community. For meeting days/times, refer to the Support Groups at First (flyer) in the weekly e-letter under QUICK LINKS.

FIRST ON VIMEO Want to look at a video that you saw on Facebook/Twitter or the e-newsletter again, check Vimeo. And be sure to share with others some of the fun and exciting times we have serving together and for God’s glory. Vimeo (

FIRST LUTHERAN APP On the App you can also submit Prayer Requests, access Facebook, sermons and announcements, receive push notifications for special events, reminders and important church updates and more. It’s free. To download, text ‘firstlutheranec app’ to 77977 or search your mobile device’s App Store for First Lutheran Ellicott City.

ADDITIONAL WORSHIP SERVICES Midweek Worship and Beloved Community are additional opportunities to gather with fellow disciples for worship and fellowship, in addition to the two services on Sunday. Midweek services are held each Wednesday. Fellow- ship at 6:30 p.m. followed by service at 7:00 p.m. Beloved Community gathers weekly on Saturdays starting at 5:00 PM for fellowship. Service starts at 5:30 p.m. Potluck dinners held on 1st Saturdays.

USE OF CHURCH FACILITIES Did you know that you can request use of the church facilities for personal use such as baby showers and other special occasions such as parties, meetings and other events? To make a request, contact Lori Teitelbaum, Ministry Support Specialist, at (410-465-2977 x7) or ([email protected]) in the church office to obtain and complete a Facilities Use Agreement for consideration by the approval review committee.

PRAYER REQUESTS To submit your requests for prayer, please complete the form in your bulletin or call the church office (410) 465- 2977). We kindly ask that when requesting prayer for others to obtain their permission beforehand, include your name, and if possible, the nature of the prayer request. Prayer requests will be included in the congregation's prayers for two weeks, unless specified otherwise. For more information about prayer requests, express interest in becoming a part of the First Lutheran Prayer Network or receiving the Intercessory Prayer List, please contact the church office at (410) 465-2977 or [email protected]).

WORSHIP ASSISTANTS & SPONSORS ARE “VIPS” TO FIRST! Worship Assistants and Sponsors (flowers, bulletins and communion elements) are all “VIPS,” a very important part of worship—and needed year-round. Therefore, please continue to check the Dedication Sign-up Calen- dar on the bulletin board outside the church office workroom regularly for available dates for sponsorship oppor- tunities. Complete the green dedication form on the board attached with your payment. Payments can be placed in the wooden mailbox on the bulletin board, offering plate or mailed to the office. If you are interested, and able to serve as an assistant during worship services, please go to the Sign-up Genius (http:// regularly for opportunities to use your God-given time and talents for His church and disciples. We continuously give thanks for your generosity and continued support!

MOVING OR RELOCATING? Moving out of the state? Retiring and looking for warmer temps? Closer to the grand-kids? Got a new job? Or any other plans to move out of the area? First of all, we’re going to miss you! Just as you have been a blessing to this congregation and community, we’d love to bless you and your family with a hearty Farewell and Godspeed as you go forth and continue to be a blessing to others, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, in your new home town. So, please be sure to contact the church office by phone or e-mail and let us know - before you go.

For more About First Lutheran refer to the next page. OUR STAFF First Lutheran Church ELLICOTT CITY, MD

Rev. Michael Louia, Sr. Pastor Rev. Tamika Jancewicz, Associate Pastor Jenny James, Director of Preschool [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Lauren Caronna, Dir. of Children & Youth Ministry Dr. Wayne L. Wold, Director of Music TBD, Assistant Director of Music [email protected] [email protected]

Phyllis Lott, Ministry Support Specialist II Lori Teitelbaum, Ministry Support Specialist Renee Kalu, Director of Communications [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Photography compliments of Steve DeWitt. FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN STAFF, COUNCIL & MINISTRY MEMBERS STAFF Senior Pastor Rev. Michael K. Louia 410‐465‐2977 x1 Associate Pastor Rev. Tamika Jancewicz 410‐465‐2977 x2 Director of Music Ministry Dr. Wayne L. Wold 410‐465‐2977 x4 Assistant Director of Music TBD 410‐465‐2977 x4 TBD Director of Children & Youth Lauren Caronna 410‐465‐2977 x3 Director of Preschool Jenny James 410‐465‐5977 Director of Communicaons Renee Kalu 410‐465‐2977 Ministry Support Specialist II Phyllis Lo 410‐465‐2977 x5 Ministry Support Specialist I Lori Teitelbaum 410‐465‐2977 x7

ORGANIZED FOR MISSION *CURRENT COUNCIL MEMBER WORSHIP MINISTRY Jim Andersen* 301‐461‐4199 [email protected] Ray Facto* 410‐465‐3185 [email protected] Worship & Music (Altar Guild) Kim Kearns 410‐750‐8988 [email protected]

LEARNING MINISTRY Bill Moser* 410‐884‐4414 [email protected] Women of the ELCA Diane Schwarzman* (President) 410‐480‐9711 [email protected] Men’s Bible Study Jay Zumbrun 443‐745‐0737 [email protected] Children’s & Youth Ministry Lauren Caronna 410‐465‐2977

OUTREACH MINISTRY Bella Yahuma* 410‐465‐2720 [email protected] Sally Seen (Preschool Liaison)* 410‐465‐9160 [email protected] Kathi White* 410‐465‐7384 [email protected] Malia Schlichng* 410‐259‐8446 malia_schlich[email protected] Social Ministry Terry Kay 410‐750‐9372 [email protected] Women / Children Place Gail Tabeling 410‐531‐3938 [email protected] Grassroots Day Center Bill Harkins (Vice‐President)* 410‐781‐4658 [email protected] Baby Gi Bags Jenne Burnham 443‐677‐3671 [email protected] Sewing Circle (Quilts) Deb Hardesty 410‐530‐9772 [email protected] Sewing Circle (Quilts) Karen Dewi 410‐750‐9744 [email protected] Caring for God’s Creaon Cathy Rice 410‐750‐9631 [email protected]

SUPPORT MINISTRY Glenn Severn* 410‐465‐0369 [email protected] Fellowship Steve Schwarzman 410‐440‐6624 [email protected] Personnel Genny Hardesty* 410‐336‐2426 [email protected] Stephen Ministry Colleen Fowler 410‐750‐2453 Prayer Shawls Ginny Fan 410‐750‐7237 [email protected] Stewardship George Conklin 410‐750‐7208 [email protected] LEAD Jay Zumbrun 443‐745‐0737 [email protected] De‐Dining Women Nancy Louia 410‐465‐2977 [email protected]

ADMINISTRATIVE MINISTRY Robert Sanders* 410‐964‐5181 [email protected] Susan Garde (Secretary)* 410‐549‐1757 [email protected] Wade Wray (Financial Secretary)* 410‐465‐2977 Property Rich Funke 410‐992‐8015 [email protected] Finance Michelle Miles (Treasurer)* 410‐461‐6853 Endowment Frank Palulis 410‐465‐2977 [email protected] Memorial Gis Gail Hikel 410‐461‐6296 [email protected]

3604 Chatham Road | Ellicott City, MD 21042 Office: 410.465.2977 | Preschool: 410.465.5977 | Fax: 410.465.8700 Website: | Facebook: @FirstLuthEllicottCity Twitter: @FLCofficeEC ABOUT FIRST LUTHERAN

Keep up with the latest news, events Sermons (Audio & Manuscripts) and activities in & around First! Audio versions of Sunday sermons and some of our other worship services are available via the App, To receive church announcements, parish notices Facebook, SoundCloud and and our weekly E-letters, use the ‘connect’ button on website. Manual copies of the App or website ( and Sunday and Midweek sermons can be found in the weekly e- look for the SIGN UP NOW button. letter, This Week at First.

SIGN UP NOW Interested in Joining?

Then fill in your name & e-mail address. When Jesus called his first disci- It’s that easy! ples, he simply invited them, “Come and see.” Stay connected on your mobile devices! Following Jesus’ example, we invite anyone who Search and download would like to become a member of the congregation ‘First Lutheran Ellicott City’ to contact one of the pastors for a one-on-one orien- on your mobile device’s App tation. New members are received on the fourth store or text “firstlutheranec Sunday of every month. (add a space)app’ to 77977. It’s FREE! You are welcome to grow, and share in God’s grace with us!

Be sure to opt-in for push notifications, so that you don’t miss FELC updates. Electronic Giving

Connect, grow and share Did you know that even if you have to miss a ser- with us in all the amazing vice, you don’t have to miss an opportunity to give? things God is doing here at There are several easy and convenient ways to con- First Evangelical Lutheran sistently give.

1. Website - Select the “GIVE” tab 2. Text “firstlutheranec” to 77977 from any mobile device*

First Lutheran’s After Hours Establishing an on-line giving profile also allows you to make offerings to a variety of designations. Offer- Emergency Phone Number ings can be made from a checking account, debit (evenings & weekends only) card or credit card over a safe, encrypted connec- tion. If you have a medical emergency, or death in the family Please be aware that Msg & Data rates may apply. For full Terms & Condi- and need to speak to the pastor immediately tions please visit For the Privacy Policy please visit call: For help reply HELP or STOP to cancel.

410-465-6779 Like, Follow, Engage, Share For emergencies during office hours, please continue to call the church office at:


WORSHIP ASSISTANTS SCHEDULE September 8 Area of Worship Service (a.m.) September 1 (GWOH Sunday) September 15 September 22 September 29 9:45 a.m.* Altar Guild Both 8:00 Acolytes 10:30 8:00 Alan Lovell Mike Murphy Alan Lovell Assisting Ministers Tom Brzezinski 10:30 Genny Hardesty Lynn Ellen Anderson

Bread Pickup Friday Doris Anne Hauser DeDe Severn Administrative Coffee Hour 8:00 Fellowship Committee Learning Ministry Outreach Ministry Support Ministry Ministry Communion 8:00 Wayne Hoffman Assistants 10:30 Irmgard Shifflett & 8:00 Dorothy Griffin Sue Sewell Greeters Mary Segerson Doris Anne Hauser 10:30

8:00 Terry Kay Brooke Thielemann Head Ushers Sharon Kramer 10:30 Ray Facto Greg Seen Ken Danker Ray Facto 8:00 Colleen Fowler Susan Garde Sue Sewell Jay Zumbrun Healing Prayers Sue Wehr Jim & Karen 10:30 Lynn Anderson Ken Buck Lisa Coster McDonald 8:00 Music 10:30 8:00 Mike Murphy Sue Sewell Sue Sewell Susan Garde Readers 10:30 Tom Brzezinski Lynn Ellen Anderson

Jan & James Murphy 8:00 Tom Witt Glenn & DeDe Severn Linda Kay Jerry Kramer Ushers Wayne Hoffman Tom Broderick Robert Sanders Sally Seen 10:30 Harry Murphy Mike Anderson Paul Ulrich Carol Brzezinski *Note: There will be only one service at 9:45 a.m. on September 8, God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday.

To volunteer for worship services, sign-up directly at (, for Coffee Hour at (, or e-mail ([email protected]) or call the church office at 410-465-2977 with your date(s) of choice. Thank you for serving God’s church and His disciples in worship! CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8:00 AM Worship Labor Day - OFFICE 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 10:00 AM Beloved 10:30 AM Bible Study at 8:30 AM DAR - Col. 9:00 AM Blood pressure screening CLOSED 7:00 PM DBSA / Community Visioning Miller’s Grant Thomas Dorsey Chapter 9:00 AM Refreshments Depression & Bipolar team meeting 6:30 PM Jubilate 5:00 PM Beloved 10:30 AM Worship Support 6:30 PM Worship 7:00 PM Al Anon/AA Community Fellowship 1:30 PM Church of Heavenly Joy 7:00 PM Scouts USA Fellowship 7:00 PM Preschool 5:30 PM Beloved 7:00 PM Worship Board Meeting Community Worship Service 7:30 PM Choir 8:00 PM AA Rehearsal 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Annual Church Picnic 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl 9:00 AM Preschool First Day of Preschool 9:00 AM Preschool 10:00 AM Howard 5:00 PM Beloved Commissioning of Teachers/Leaders 4:00 PM Property Open House 9:00 AM Preschool Meet & Greet County Garden Club Community Fellowship God's Work our Hands 7:00 PM Preschool 10:00 AM Martha Circle Meet & Greet 10:30 AM Bible Study at 5:30 PM Beloved Messenger Articles Due Parent Orientation 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 10:30 AM Nursing Miller’s Grant Community Worship 9:00 AM Faith Finders Kick-off 7:00 PM Stephen Min. 10:30 AM Small Group Home Visit 6:30 PM Executive 9:45 AM Worship Supervision Bible Study 1:00 PM Stewardship Committee 12:00 PM Youth Committee 6:30 PM AAUW Howard Meeting 6:30 PM Jubilate 1:30 PM Church of Heavenly Joy County 6:00 PM Social Ministry 7:00 PM Al Anon/AA 7:00 PM Finance Mtg 7:30 PM Choir 7:00 PM Scouts USA 6:30 PM Worship Rehearsal Fellowship 7:00 PM Worship Service 8:00 PM AA 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8:00 AM Worship 9:30 AM Sewing Circle 9:00 AM Rug Hookers 9:30 AM Preschool 10:30 AM Bible Study at 7:30 AM Men's 4:30 PM Women and 9:00 AM Children's Choir 10:00 AM Staff Meeting Chapel Miller’s Grant Fellowship Breakfast Children's Shelter 9:00 AM Refreshments 10:30 AM Small Group 6:30 PM Worship 1:00 PM Rebecca Circle 5:00 PM Beloved 9:15 AM Affirmation of Baptism Bible Study Fellowship Meeting Community Fellowship Orientation 7:00 PM DBSA / 7:00 PM Worship 6:30 PM Jubilate 5:30 PM Beloved 9:15 AM Faith Finders Depression & Bipolar Service 7:00 PM Al Anon/AA Community Worship w/ 9:15 AM Living in God's Story Support 7:30 PM Congregation 7:30 PM Choir Children & Youth 9:15 AM Reconciling in Christ 7:00 PM Scouts USA Council Rehearsal 10:30 AM Worship 8:00 PM AA 12:00 PM Youth Committee 1:30 PM Church of Heavenly Joy 5:00 PM Youth Group

For changes/updates and/or details for meetings and events listed go to: ( CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ministry Fair 11:30 AM WELCA Fall 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 9:30 AM Preschool 10:30 AM Bible Study at 7:00 PM Faith and Film 5:00 PM Beloved New Members Received Gathering 10:30 AM Small Group Chapel Miller’s Grant Community Fellowship 8:00 AM Worship Bible Study 6:30 PM Worship 6:30 PM Jubilate 5:30 PM Beloved 9:00 AM Children's Choir 1:00 PM LEAD team Fellowship 7:00 PM Al Anon/AA Community Worship 9:00 AM Refreshments 7:00 PM Scouts USA 7:00 PM Worship 7:30 PM Choir 9:15 AM Faith Finders Service Rehearsal 9:15 AM Living in God's Story 8:00 PM AA 10:30 AM Worship 1:30 PM Church of Heavenly Joy 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 Youth Sunday Preschool Open (HoCo 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 9:30 AM Preschool 9:30 AM Preschool 9:00 AM Preschool 5:00 PM Beloved 8:00 AM Worship Schools closed) 10:30 AM Small Group Chapel Chapel Pumpkin Delivery Community Fellowship 9:00 AM Children's Choir Bible Study 10:00 AM Beloved 10:30 AM Bible Study at 6:00 PM Preschool Fall 5:30 PM Beloved 9:00 AM Refreshments 7:00 PM DBSA / Community Visioning Miller’s Grant Festival & Fun Run Community Worship 9:15 AM Faith Finders Service Project Depression & Bipolar team meeting 6:30 PM Jubilate 9:15 AM Living in God's Story Support 6:30 PM Worship 7:00 PM Al Anon/AA 9:15 AM Reconciling in Christ 7:00 PM Journeying Fellowship 7:00 PM Preschool 10:30 AM Worship Through Grief 7:00 PM Worship Board Meeting 1:30 PM Church of Heavenly Joy 7:00 PM Scouts USA Service 7:30 PM Choir 7:45 PM Reconciling in Rehearsal Christ 8:00 PM AA

For changes/updates and/or details for meetings and events listed go to: (