
Vol 33 no 3 march 2008

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Autocidal Technology for the Control of Invasive

Can Soft Water Limit Bighead and (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) Invasions? Fisheries • vol 33 no 3 • march 2008 • www.fisheries.org 105 Feature: Ronald E. Thresher Thresher is a senior research Introduced Fish scientist at the Invasive Cooperative Research Centre and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Marine and Atmospheric Autocidal Technology for the Research, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. He can be reached at Control of Invasive Fish [email protected].

Abstract: Recombinant genetic technology offers considerable potential for the safe, cost-effective control of invasive fish. This article reviews the range of genetic approaches suggested for controlling , and considers their practicality, likely efficacy, and the risks they entail. Implementation of any genetic method to control invasive fish will be heavily influenced by an as yet unknown level of public acceptability and a regulatory and policy framework for managing environmental applications of genetic technology that is confused at almost all jurisdictional levels.

Tecnologías de Control Biológico de Especies de Peces Invasoras Jaso n Je nkin s, Univ ers it y of M i ssour

Resumen: La tecnología de recombinación genética tiene un potencial considerable para el control seguro y económicamente efectivo de las especies invasoras de peces. En este artículo se revisan los diferentes enfoques genéticos que se sugieren para el control de especies invasoras, su practicidad, eficacia y los riesgos que éstos suponen. La implementación de cualquier método genético para controlar especies invasoras estará fuertemente influenciada por un nivel aún desconocido de aceptación pública y por un marco político y de regulación de aplicaciones de tecnologías genéticas en problemas ambientales, que se confunde o malinterpreta en casi todos los niveles de jurisdicción.

Invasive plants and and native species that (Thresher and Kuris 2004). Classical are one of the greatest threats to have been introduced or have spread biological control, involving the species and community conservation outside of their original ranges). When release of an exotic predator, parasite, worldwide (www.cbd.int/programmes/ these species cause problems, there is or pathogen to control an alien species, cross-cutting/alien/). Virtually every a need for cost effective and reliable has not been widely used against fish, terrestrial and aquatic environment options for managing their abundance. mainly because of difficulties in finding suffers the impacts of invasive species. Currently, these options are suitable agents. One of the few success- Fish are a large part of the problem. Of extremely limited. At small scales, ful applications has been the release of the “100 worst invasive alien species” invasive fish can be controlled by use peacock bass (Cichla ocellaris) in Florida recently compiled by the World of biocides, physical removal, barriers, to control other introduced cichlids Conservation Union (IUCN), 9 are and environmental modification, e.g., and create a sport fishery (myfwc.com/ fish (Lowe et al. 2001), without even lowering water levels to disrupt spawn- fishing/offices/boca.html); a similar including the sea lamprey (Petromyzon ing (reviewed by Meronek et al. 1996; effort to use it to control stunted cich- marinus) or recent concerns about Rayner and Creese 2006). Pheromones lids in Kenya was apparently less suc- snakeheads (Channa striata). Over 200 as spawning disrupters or species-spe- cessful (Lever 2002). Spring Viraemia fish species have established non-native cific attractants or repellents have also was considered for the control of carp populations around the world (Lever attracted interest, but so far have only in Australia, but rejected on the basis of 2002), while Fuller et al. (1999) report been used in test situations (Sorenson uncertain efficacy and species-specific- 536 fish species as “non-indigenous” and Stacey 2004; Wagner et al. 2006). ity (Crane and Eaton 1997). Australian in the United States alone (a category For widely dispersed species, the only scientists are currently looking into that includes both species exotic to the practical option is biological control Herpes Virus as another option.

114 Fisheries • vol 33 no 3 • march 2008 • www.fisheries.org

The considerable potential of genetics to control invasive species is slowly being realised, but its implementation depends on public acceptability and development of an appropriate policy framework.. Another form of biological control, a The goals of the article are to criti- decade long program in Australia to sterile male release program, has been cally synthesize this rapidly developing develop immuno-contraception against implemented against sea lampreys in field in the specific context of control- introduced mice has recently been ter- the St. Marys River (Bergstedt et al. ling invasive fish, to summarize recent minated, in part because of perceived 2003), but it is not clear that the effort grey literature not widely available that difficulties in obtaining public approval has significantly reduced adult lamprey is relevant to the application, and to to release a genetically modified virus populations. For the vast majority of stimulate discussion about the desir- and in part because of problems find- invasive fish, even those causing major ability of the technology and the policy ing a suitable virus. The approach is ecological or economic damage, there is frameworks that will be needed to man- very likely to run into similar problems still no cost-effective or practical means age it. if applied to fish. Focus group stud- of control at anything other than local ies indicate that the use of genetically scales. Genetic options engineered viruses to control invasive Recombinant genetics could change for controlling species would face considerable public this. Advocates suggest that genetic invasive species resistance (Thresher and Kuris 2004). manipulation offers the potential for “Autocidal” refers to the concept of cost-effective, safe, and complete Three approaches to control inva- modifying a species genome such tht its eradication of invasive species. If this sive species using recombinant genet- impacts or abundance are controlled potential can be realised, it changes ics have been investigated: genetically (Gould and Schliekelman 2004). Five fundamentally the operational and pol- engineered viruses that, when incorpo- autocidal approaches have thus far been icy contexts in which pest management rated into a bait, act as a species-spe- suggested in the literature as having the operates. The potential of genetics was cific toxin or sterilizer; engineered viral potential to control invasive species first noted in the 1960s by entomolo- diseases; and “autocidal” genes. Viruses (Table 1). All appear to be genetically gists, who suggested that using genet- as toxins will not be considered fur- feasible. Projects to develop or trial ics to manipulate sex ratios could be a ther here, as its dynamics and efficacy three on are currently in prog- powerful means of controlling mosqui- largely parallel those of a conventional ress: “daughterless” and female-specific toes (Hamilton 1967). The idea was baiting program (see Torres et al. 2001). sterility are being investigated at the based on the observation that naturally Genetically engineered diseases have Australian Commonwealth Scientific occurring genes that favor production of been examined principally in the con- and Industrial Research Organisation one sex over the other (meiotic drive) text of controlling mammals. “Immuno- (CSIRO; Thresher et al. 2007), and had apparently caused several insect contraception” is based on modifying an the population effects of a pleiotro- populations to go extinct. The idea lan- otherwise low impact vector (usually a pic “Trojan” gene are being studied guished, however, in the absence of a virus) so that it expresses a gene critical at the University of Minnesota (A. practical way to genetically manipulate for its host’s reproduction. The host’s Kapuscinski, pers. comm.). A pleio- sex ratios. We are now close to hav- immune system raises antibodies against tropic gene is one that has more than ing that capability. The last decade has the artificially induced proteins, which one effect. In the case of a Trojan gene, seen immense development in genetic non-discriminately also attack the host’s the effects are to raise the reproduc- technology, resulting in, among other own proteins, causing sterility. The tive attractiveness of the carrier while things, a renewed interest in the pos- approach has been extensively inves- simultaneously lowering the viability of sibility of controlling invasive spe- tigated for rabbits, mice, (Hardy its offspring (Muir and Howard 1999). cies using genetic techniques. In this et al. 2006), and cane toads (Robinson A sex-specific lethal gene as a poten- article, I review the options that have 2006) in Australia and brushtail pos- tial control agent also has recently been been proposed, outline some of the risks sums in New Zealand (Cowan 1996), demonstrated in insects (Thomas et involved, and comment on the issues and has been suggested for use against al. 2000). Autocidal techniques are of of public acceptability and the policy carp (Hinds and Pech 1997). Despite interest in part because they offer pos- implications of genetic approaches. promising results in the laboratory, a sibilities for control where none now

Table 1. Autocidal approaches suggested in the literature as possible options for controlling invasive pests.

Approach Description References Sex or stage-specific construct induces death of offspring at specified stage, or kills or sterilises Thomas et al. 2000 lethality/sterility offspring of one sex in which case the gene is transmitted through the other sex. Gender distortion Construct causes offspring to develop as specified sex irrespective of sexual genotype. Hamilton 1967, (“daughterless” or ”sonless”) Thresher et al. 2007 Inducible mortality Construct causes death when externally triggered by, e.g., extreme environmental Grewe 1997, variability or artificial trigger; construct maintained in population by further stocking schliekelman and Gould 2002 Pleiotropy “Trojan gene” construct pleiotropically has positive effect on one or more fitness components, and Muir and Howard 1999 negative effects on others, e.g., increases mating advantage while decreasing viability of genetically modified offspring Selfish genes Operational construct (e.g., one that causes gender distortion or sex-specific lethality) burt 2003, is packaged into a genetic element that has a high probability of reproducing itself burt and Trivers 2006 within a genome, increasing both its spread and that of the construct

Fisheries • vol 33 no 3 • march 2008 • www.fisheries.org 115 exist (e.g., most established invasive effective (Gould and Schliekelman agencies) may not be impressed with species), but also because they have sev- 2004; Bax and Thresher in press; Figure such a slow response to the problem; for eral intrinsic advantages over conven- 1). most techniques, gene carriers need to tional biological control. Theoretically Modelling also indicates three other be stocked at high levels for a long time; at least, features of autocidal control programs. and most approaches essentially require First, they are inherently slow acting. 1. The genes can be constructed to be the stocked carriers to have multiple To be effective, the gene construct has species-specific; copies of the gene construct for control to spread through the target population. to occur in any reasonable time frame. 2. They can target particular life-his- The rate at which it spreads depends on Minimum stocking rates equivalent to tory stages or only one sex, so as to the genetic approach used, stocking 3–5% of annual mean natural recruit- maximise efficacy or minimise dam- rates, generation time, fitness effects, ment are indicated by most models, age to non-target species; and population structure (Bax and sustained for at least 5 generations. 3. Their effects can potentially be Thresher in press). Even under optimal Although routine production of car- reversed if something goes wrong; conditions, effective population con- riers may not be a problem given cur- and trol (e.g., populations reduced to <1% rent hatchery capabilities, achieving a 4. Some approaches lend themselves of virgin biomass) typically requires stocking rate equivalent to 5% of natu- to relatively quick and inexpensive more than 10 generations, and can take ral recruitment is not a trivial task for modification to target other species, much longer. This slow impact has both any highly successful invasive species. positive and negative implications. On while retaining species-specificity Stocking strategies that take advan- the plus side, the impacted ecosystem for each. tage of metapopulation dynamics could has time to adjust to the absence of the substantially reduce the magnitude of The last contrasts with the need to invasive species; there are no mass mor- the task, however. Stocking, for exam- find a new control agent for each spe- talities and consequent environmental ple, could be concentrated on a single cies targeted by conventional biologi- (e.g., water quality) or health prob- breeding population, for example, push- cal control, and spreads the benefits of lems; and if a problem develops, there is ing it rapidly towards fixation of the the high-cost genetic program required adequate time to launch counter-mea- construct, and then allowing emigrants to develop an autocidal approach. sures, such as a second gene construct Modelling studies also show that auto- that effectively shuts off the first. On from that population to seed adjacent cidal pest control programs can be very the minus side, the public (and funding areas at no additional expense. The need for sustained stocking does have a plus side; it makes it very unlikely that the accidental release of a few carriers Figure 1. A modelling comparison of methods for reducing invasive fish populations. Population would significantly affect a species in its dynamics are based on ( carpio). Physical removal targets all mature adults and occurs annually at a mortality rate of f = 0.1. The genetic manipulation assumes a copy native range. number of 8, annual stocking equivalent to 5% of annual mean natural recruitment, and no With regard to copy number, the adverse effects of the construct on individual fitness. The modelled carp population has a mean more independently inherited copies generation time of 4 years, a natural mortality (m) of 0.33, a maximum carp age of 20 years, and of the construct in the stocked carri- moderate levels of density dependence (Ricker parameter = 0.75) and environmental variability. ers, the faster the gene spreads in the Model details are given in Bax and Thresher (in press). target population and the less stocking effort is required. Constraints on copy number have not been studied in fish, but in some plants at least, genetic mechanisms silence introduced con- structs when numerous copies are pres- ent (Schubert et al. 2004). If this is also true in fish, then constraints on copy number could severely limit the efficacy of genetic options. Two ways to avoid this problem have been suggested. One is to incorporate the population-con- trolling construct into a “selfish” gene element. A selfish gene is one that duplicates itself within the genome and so spreads as if present at very high copy numbers (Burt 2003). The approach has never been tried, but is a theoretical possibility. Another option would be to use simultaneously several different constructs that bring about the same functional outcome, e.g., male sterility.

116 Fisheries • vol 33 no 3 • march 2008 • www.fisheries.org Jaso n Je nkin s, Univ ers it y of M i ssour

Risk and public with an even stronger feeling (average between individuals by, for example, a acceptability rating 8.8) that the community be regu- virus. The extent to which horizontal larly consulted on work like this. Other transfer occurs is debated by geneticists From its onset, the Australian key messages were that there must be a and probably varies widely amongst “daughterless carp” project emphasized fully transparent, public discussion and taxa, as well as depending on the size public awareness and consultation. This approval process before this technol- and nature of the gene itself (Burt and included extensive use of the media, ogy is released, and that criticism from Trivers 2006). The subject is not well frequent public presentations, and con- those who oppose any genetic modifi- studied in fish, though horizontal trans- sultative workshops (see Lapidge 2003), cation technology should be expected fer of selfish gene elements has been a formal communications plan, and a and even welcomed, as helping identify suggested to have occurred in the group professional survey to assess community areas of possible public concern. (Leaver 2001; Pocwierz-Kotus et al. concerns about the project. In general, The survey confirmed conclu- 2007). public response to the project has been sions from an earlier focus group The likelihood that a gene will func- broadly positive. The community’s atti- study (Thresher and Kuris 2004) that tion when transferred to another spe- tudes were assessed in detail by the sur- genetic techniques that modified only cies depends on the genetic similarities vey, which used telephone, mail, and the invasive species would be publicly (broadly equated with relatedness) of focus group methods to query the pub- acceptable. More broadly, both stud- the source and recipient species and lic on perceived benefits and risks/costs ies indicate two elements strongly the gene involved. In general, at the of the daughterless carp project, and influence the degree of public accept- level of translation (making proteins), whether the research was worthwhile ability—the extent or risk of damage genes often function effectively in (Fisher and Crib 2005). On a scale of to other species and the environment diverse recipient species and hence 1–10 (10 = best or highest), respon- and the extent to which the program show little or no species-specificity, dents rated the overall benefits of the could be stopped and even reversed if e.g., a construct synthesized from ocean research at 8.3. The highest perceived an unforeseen problem arises. pout, salmon, and carp genes increases benefits of the project were environ- For recombinant approaches, the fac- growth hormone production and growth mental (recovery of native species, tors that determine the level of risk to rates in tilapia (Caelers et al. 2005). At bank vegetation, and water quality), other than the target species still need the other extreme, at the level of tran- but respondents also rated highly the to be rigorously examined. However, scription, genes that repress the expres- humane aspects of the control method, one key factor is likely to be whether or sion of other genes can require an exact its safety to humans and other species not the method used is species-specific, match between the repressor and target (discussed below), and economic ben- which in turn depends on the risk that gene to work. As genetic sequences of efits from improved aquatic environ- the construct will be passed between even closely related species often dif- ments. Concerns about the research species and then whether it will func- fer by 10% or more, repressors can in rated an average of 5.9, with the highest tion in its new cellular environment. theory be designed to function in only concern being the risk that the genetic The usual means by which a gene spreads a single species. Hence, from a specific- construct could jump to other species, is from parent to offspring (“vertical ity perspective, the safest application followed by a related concern that the transfer”), so that in part the likelihood of a recombinant approach would use a technology, once fully developed, could of inter-specific transfer is constrained repressor against a species at a site where be mis-used against humans. In the end, by the usual barriers to hybridisation, it had no close relatives (e.g., common 65% of respondents strongly supported and hence depends on whether or not carp in Australia) and, broadly speak- research on the development of a daugh- the target species co-occurs with closely ing, the riskiest would be a construct terless genetic method to control carp related species. However, genes can also that codes directly for a product, such in Australia. However, this was coupled be spread by “horizontal transfer,” i.e., as a growth hormone, against a species

Fisheries • vol 33 no 3 • march 2008 • www.fisheries.org 117 in an area full of its close relatives (e.g., releases. Such a staged approach allows FDA’s purview. Whether this applies to a sunfish outside its native range in predictions about efficacy and risk to recombinant fish released to control North America). Genetically modified non-target species to be tested at each invasives is vague: small species, such viruses or selfish gene elements, which level, models to be refined to improve as unwanted populations of Gambusia, have many virus-like features, could be predictability and increase reality at could impact human consumption only riskier still, due to the apparently higher local and larger scales, and the public as prey for larger sports fish, whereas likelihood of horizontal gene transfer. to be informed and its approval sought human health issues could be of direct The second determinant of per- before moving to the next, larger scale concern for taxa like the , which ceived risk—the extent to which a pro- of investigation. are consumed. As noted by Kapuscinski gram could be stopped if something goes and Patronski (2005), the FDA’s explicit wrong—appears to differ intrinsically Policy Frameworks exclusion of public input into its envi- between autocidal approaches. At one for Genetically- ronmental assessments, due to commer- extreme, some techniques require sus- based Pest Control cial considerations, is also directly at tained stocking of carriers before a criti- odds with the National Environmental cal point of no return is reached. For The use of genetically modified Policy Act (NEPA), which requires such techniques, stopping the stocking (GM) fish for environmental remedia- both an impact assessment and public will not eliminate the introduced gene, tion is outside the scope of many of the review in seeking to make enlightened but does allow the wild-type gene to policy and legislative frameworks estab- decisions. It also conflicts with the reassert itself and the targeted popula- lished to deal with GM organisms. In public’s demand for transparent deci- tion essentially reverts to normal. At part, this is because most regulations to sion making about releasing a recombi- the other extreme, it has been sug- date have been developed and applied nant species, noted above. Ultimately, gested that the release of even a single principally towards plants, given initial however, both FDA and NEPA regula- male carrying a Trojan gene dooms an and current concerns about contami- tory frameworks are engaged only if the affected population to extinction (Muir nation of commercial crops with GM recombinant species is an inter-state and Howard 1999). Whether or not this strains. A second reason is that where issue or explicitly involves elements of is true in practice is still being studied. animals have been addressed, the under- the federal government, such as fund- In theory, the effects of a genetic con- lying assumption is that they would be ing, lands, or permits. In principle, a struct could also be reversed by releasing used principally as food or sources of private individual could release a GM a second construct that shuts down the biological products (e.g., serums or vac- fish into a 10-acre pond with no man- first and restores the population. Such cines). Hence, the emphasis of regula- dated federal oversight at all. an approach has never been tried, but tion has primarily been human health Regulation at the international, the slow action of an autocidal control considerations and containment of national, state, and local levels var- program makes it conceptually feasible. farmed animals. The deliberate release ies widely among jurisdictions. Susceptibility to a “negating” construct of a genetically modified fish with the Internationally, elements of the could be an important, and potentially express intent of maximizing its spread Convention on Biological Diversity, mandatory design feature activated if, through an ecosystem is not likely to and specifically, the Cartagena Protocol for example, a gene construct jumped to be what the framers had in mind when on Biosafety, provide mandatory regu- a native species. It is worth noting that policy and legislation were drafted. lations on the international move- the option to stop autocidal technol- The policy and legislative frameworks ment of GM organisms, and require ogy could make it inherently safer than that might apply to release of a recom- risk management and environmental classical biological control, in that a binant fish for purposes of pest control assessments of releases that might span released predator, pathogen, or parasite in North America, in general, and the national boundaries, mandatory inter- is very often an irreversible addition to United States in particular, have been national consultation in such cases, the biota that can cause problems in its examined in detail by Anne Kapuscinski and legal redress. Other trans-national own right. and her colleagues, and are summarized frameworks that could come into play, Ultimately, the extent to which in Kapuscinski and Patronski (2005). though they are not specific to the issue the public would accept any of these In brief, it is unclear what regulations and in many cases, would cope poorly approaches is likely to depend on would apply at the national level, or with it, include those intended to regu- how effective and how risky they are. even what the appropriate regulating late trade in food products and seeds, Efficacy we can begin to estimate from agency would be. The U.S. Food and minimize impacts of ballast water, modelling studies, but there are still too Drug Administration (FDA) has dealt protect endangered species, and even many unknowns to quantify risk. For with GM fish intended for human con- regulate bio-warfare. At the state level, these reasons, a staged, adaptive man- sumption, but lacks expertise to assess several states have introduced legisla- agement approach to developing the environmental issues. The agency tion to manage GM organisms (e.g., technology is appropriate, working up recently declined to be involved in reg- California, Michigan, Minnesota), but from small-scale experimental trials in ulation of “Glo-fish,” a zebrafish (Danio others have not. The regulations that bio-secure facilities (e.g., large closed- rerio) strain genetically modified to are in place are broadly similar, but system aquaria), to more realistic express a fluorescent jellyfish pigment, would benefit from harmonisation in trials in isolated and secured pond hab- on the basis that it would not be con- order to deal with control efforts that itats, before finally risking wider scale sumed by humans and hence fell outside would inevitably, if not by design, span

118 Fisheries • vol 33 no 3 • march 2008 • www.fisheries.org state boundaries. The number of jurisdictions that would be impinged by the release of daughterless into the Mississippi Basin is staggering. Legal impediments to the release of the fish could also be staggering. As the release of such fish constitutes a form of biologi- cal control, regulatory frameworks based on those in place for biological control may be appropriate, suitably modi- fied to encompass expert input on recombinant genetics. Unfortunately, regulatory frameworks for biological control in the United States also appear to be confusing and incon- sistently applied (Strong and Pemberton 2000).

Next steps

The science of controlling invasive pest fish by recom- binant genetics is developing slowly, in part due to funding constraints and in part due to relatively long generation times in fish. At this stage, theory is more advanced than the empirical science, but in turn, models are still poorly param- eterised due to the plethora of assumptions that need to be incorporated into them. Similarly, we can begin to outline an appropriate risk assessment framework, but are constrained by large uncertainties about even the nature of the genetic approaches to be used. Investment in the science is a prerequisite if the field is to progress. However, two other areas are equally in need of development: public consultation and policy development. With regard to the former, discussions with North American environmental managers indicate that many feel that the public will not accept recombinant approaches. This opinion Vemco (Amirix Systems, Inc.) appears to derive from a perceived widespread public opposi- tion to GM foods. However, the basis for this perception is ambiguous. Surveys suggest the public is relatively sophisti- cated in terms of what it will and will not accept with regard to modern biotechnology (Gaskell et al. 1999). The U.S. public, for example, broadly supports biotechnology for GM medicines, while opposing its use in xenotransplantation. The failed realization of the dire predictions some groups made about the consequences of GM foods may also have reduced negative reactions by the public towards genetic technologies. Given this, a formal public consultation pro- cess would allow public input into potentially contentious (but also potentially not) investment decisions in recombi- nant R&D for high profile invasives like Asian carp, and into the management of the technology. The second issue is the need to remove ambiguities in the policy and legislative framework(s) that would regulate envi- ronmental applications of recombinant technology. The cen- tral issue is not the promulgation or advocacy of regulatory frameworks that might facilitate the recombinant approaches. Rather, current uncertainties could obstruct development and application of the technology inadvertently, while still not being sufficient to prevent its un-wise use. A detailed review and evaluation of relevant North American legisla- tion that could pertain to genetic approaches to controlling invasives would appear to be a sensible step towards effective management and regulation of the technology. CSIRO has just built a first generation daughterless carp construct. It is ready to be tested, and could be in field trial in as little as five years. In Australia, GM technology is man-

Fisheries • vol 33 no 3 • march 2008 • www.fisheries.org 119 aged by a national Office of the Gene References Gould, F., and P. schliekelman. 2004. Technology Regulator (OGTR), based Population genetics of autocidal con- on national legislation that is mir- Bax, N. J., and R. E. Thresher. In press. trol and strain replacement. Annual rored at the state level. The prospect The effects of ecological, behavioural Review of Entomology 49:193-217. of releasing a daughterless carp is very and genetic factors on the use of recom- Grewe, P. 1997. Potential of molecular different from the crop and medically binant techniques to control invasive approaches for the environmentally oriented issues OGTR has principally pests. Ecological Applications. benign management of carp. Pages dealt with to date, but our discussions Bergstedt, R. A., R. B. McDonald, M. B. 119-127 in J. Roberts and R. Tilzey, with the agency indicate that a rela- Twohey, k. m. mullet, r. J. young, eds. Controlling carp: exploring the tively clear path to assessment, con- and J. W. Heinrich. 2003. Reduction options for Australia. Murray-Darling sultation, and approval (or rejection) in sea lamprey hatching success due Basin Comm., Canberra, Australia. is in place. If autocidal technology is to release of sterilized males. Journal Hamilton, W. D. 1967. Extraordinary sex ever to be used against invasive species of Research 29 (Suppl. ratios. Science 156:477-488. in North America, the development of 1):435-444. Hardy, c. m., L. a. hinds, P. J. kerr, a similarly informed and transparent Burt, A. 2003. Site-specific selfish genes M. L. Lloyd, a. J. redwood, G. decision-making process to regulate and as tools for the control and genetic R. sgelam, and t. strive. 2006. manage it needs to start. My discussions engineering of natural populations. Biological control of vertebrate pests with U.S. federal authorities strongly Proceedings of the Biological Society using virally vectored immunocon- suggest that modifying the national of London 270:921-928. traception. Journal of Reproductive regulatory framework for GM products Burt, a., and r. trivers. 2006. Genes Biology 71:102-111. to accommodate genetic control of in conflict. Harvard University, Hinds, L. a., and r. P. Pech. 1997. invasive species will be politically dif- Cambridge, Massachusetts. Immuno-contraceptive control for ficult. As such, it is not likely to hap- Caelers, a., n. maclean, G. hwang, carp. Pages 108-118 in J. Roberts and E. eppler, and m. reinecke. 2005. pen without the active engagement of R. Tilzey, eds. Controlling carp: explor- Expression of endogenous and exoge- fisheries and wildlife managers. The ing the options for Australia. Murray- American Fisheries Society and allied nous growth hormone (GH) messenger Darling Basin Comm., Canberra, organizations, such as the Association (m)RNA in a GH-transgenic tilapia Australia. of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, can play (Oreochromis niloticus). Transgenic Kapuscinski, A. R, and T. J. Patronski. an important role in getting this process Research 14:95-104. 2005. Genetic methods for bio- started at national and local levels, in Cowan, P. e. 1996. Possum biocon- logical control of non-native fish informing the fisheries community and trol: prospects for fertility regula- in the Gila River system. Contract public of key issues and developments, tion. Reproductive Fertility and report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife and in providing expert advice at all Development 8:655-660. Service. University of Minnesota, levels. a Crane, M. S., and B. T. Eaton. 1997. Spring Inst. Social, Economic and Ecological viraemia of carp virus (Rhabdovirus car- Sustainability, St. Paul, Minnesota. Acknowledgements pio): a biological control agent. Pages Minnesota Sea Grant Publication F20. 87-107 in J. Roberts and R. Tilzey, This article is based on a pair of pre- eds. Controlling carp: exploring the Lapidge, K. L. (editor). 2003. Proceedings sentations at the 2006 meeting of the options for Australia. Murray-Darling of the National Carp Control Association of Fisheries and Wildlife Basin Comm., Canberra, Australia. Workshop, March 2003, Canberra. Agencies. I thank the Mississippi Fisher, N., and J. Cribb. 2005. Monitoring Cooperative Research Centre for Pest Interstate Cooperative Resource community attitudes to using gene Animal Control, Canberra, Australia. Association and particularly I. J. Rivers technology methods (daughterless Leaver, M. J. 2001. A family of Tc1-like and L. Riley for the invitation and sup- carp) for managing common carp. transposons from the genomes of fishes port to attend this meeting. 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