Space Plasma Physics
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About PPPL Established in 1951, the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) is dedicated to de- veloping the scientifi c and technological knowledge base for fusion energy as a safe, econom- ical, and environmentally attractive energy source for the world’s long-term energy require- ments. It was the site of the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor which completed a historic series of experiments using deuterium-tritium fuel in April 1997. A new innovative facility, the National Spherical Torus Experiment, came into operation in 1999, ahead of schedule and on budget. Princeton University manages PPPL under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. The fi scal year 2003 budget was approximately $66.5 million. The number of full-time reg- ular employees at the end of the fi scal year was 420, not including approximately 30 subcon- tractors and limited duration employees, 35 graduate students, and visiting research staff. The Laboratory is sited on 88 acres of Princeton University’s James Forrestal Campus, about four miles from the main campus. Through its efforts to build and operate magnetic fusion devices, PPPL has gained exten- sive capabilities in a host of disciplines including advanced computational simulations, vacuum technology, mechanics, materials science, electronics, computer technology, and high-voltage power systems. In addition, PPPL scientists and engineers are applying knowledge gained in fusion research to other theoretical and experimental areas including the development of plas- ma thrusters and propagation of intense beams of ions. The Laboratory’s Offi ce of Technolo- gy Transfer assists industry, other universities, and state and local government in transferring these technologies to the commercial sector. The Laboratory’s graduate education and science education programs provide educational opportunities for students and teachers from elementary school through postgraduate studies. On The Cover A new experimental device, the National Compact Stellarator Experiment (NCSX), is be- ing constructed at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in partnership with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. NCSX is the centerpiece of a national program to develop the compact- stellarator plasma-confi nement concept. During fi scal year 2003, the NCSX fabrication proj- ect offi cially started. Good progress on its design permitted the project to advance from con- ceptual design to a level of maturity suffi cient to establish the cost and schedule baseline for project execution. A computer-generated cutaway rendition of NCSX is shown with individual key compo- nents. From the upper left are: one fi eld-period subassembly, a modular coil subassembly, a to- roidal-fi eld coil subassembly, the modular coil assembly, an NCSX plasma and the modular coils, and the NCSX vacuum vessel assembly with thermal insulation. This publication highlights activities at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory for fi scal year 2003 — 1 October 2002 through 30 September 2003. Mission The U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is a Collaborative National Center for plasma and fusion science. Its primary mission is to develop the scientifi c understanding and the key innovations which will lead to an attractive energy source. Associated missions include conducting world-class research along the broad frontier of plasma science and technology, and providing the highest quality of scientifi c education. Vision Deepening the understanding of plasmas and creating key innovations to make fusion power a practical reality. i ii Advantages of Fusion Energy • Worldwide availability of inexhaustible low-cost fuel. • No chemical combustion products and therefore no contribution to acid rain or global warming. • No runaway reaction possible. • Materials and by-products unsuitable for weapons production. • Radiological hazards thousands of times less than from fi ssion. iii iv Table of Contents From the Director ....................................................................................vii Research National Spherical Torus Experiment ...................................................1 Current Drive Experiment-Upgrade ...................................................15 Magnetic Reconnection Experiment ...................................................23 Theory and Advanced Simulations .....................................................31 Computational Plasma Physics ............................................................47 Off-site Research ................................................................................57 Doublet-III-D Collaborations ......................................................57 Alcator C-Mod Collaborations .....................................................61 International Collaborations .........................................................67 Space Plasma Physics ..........................................................................73 Basic and Applied Physics Experiments ..............................................81 Hall Thruster Experiment ............................................................81 Magnetic Nozzle Experiment .......................................................83 FRC/RMF Experiment ................................................................85 Nonneutral Plasmas and High-intensity Accelerators ...................86 Diagnostic Development ...............................................................91 Liquid Metal Experiment .............................................................94 Advanced Fusion Devices and Studies National Compact Stellarator Experiment ..........................................97 Fusion Ignition Research Experiment ...............................................105 Engineering and Technical Infrastructure .............................................113 Environment, Safety, and Health ...........................................................125 Applied Research and Technology Transfer ...........................................127 Patents and Invention Disclosures .........................................................137 Education Graduate Education .........................................................................139 Science Education ............................................................................143 Awards and Honors ...............................................................................149 The Year in Pictures ...............................................................................153 Financial Summary ................................................................................157 Organization and Staffi ng .....................................................................159 PPPL Advisory Council .........................................................................161 Publications ...........................................................................................163 Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols ................................................201 v vi From the Director n January 30, 2003, President Bush announced “that the Unit- Oed States will join ITER, an am- bitious international research project to harness the promise of fusion energy. The results of ITER will advance the effort to produce clean, safe, renewable, and com- mercially available fusion energy by the middle of this century. Commercialization of fusion has the potential to dramatical- ly improve America’s energy security while signifi cantly reducing air pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases.” Robert J. Goldston On the same day, Secretary of Ener- gy Spencer Abraham visited the Princeton perimental results from PPPL collaboration Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and at the W7-AS stellarator in Germany con- stated, “By the time our young children tinue to indicate that this will be a very ex- reach middle age, fusion may begin to de- citing experiment. The remarkable steadi- liver energy independence… and energy ness of stellarator plasmas in W7-AS, even abundance… to all nations rich and poor. at high beta, is very impressive. Fusion is a promise for the future we must Despite loss of eight experimental run- not ignore. But let me be clear, our decision weeks on the National Spherical Torus to join ITER in no way means a lesser role Experiment (NSTX), due to a coil joint for the fusion programs we undertake here failure, very good progress was made on at home. It is imperative that we maintain bringing new capabilities on line, includ- and enhance our strong domestic research ing an extremely high-resolution instru- program — at Princeton, at the universi- ment for measuring plasma ion temper- ties and at our other labs. Critical science ature and toroidal rotation, which will needs to be done in the U.S., in parallel allow unprecedented detail in determining with ITER, to strengthen our competitive the effects of magnetic structures on ro- position in fusion technology.” tating plasmas — and vice versa. Thermal With this degree of support at the high- confi nement and fast-ion data also pro- est levels in the Administration, FY03 was vided new insight into the physics of the a heady year for fusion research. At PPPL spherical torus confi guration. The NSTX we continued to make important advanc- underwent a very successful fi ve-year plan es in both the experimental and theoretical review, outlining the NSTX scientifi c pro- research needed to create the future envi- gram, including both research goals and sioned by our leaders. new facility capabilities that are needed to The National Compact