Starpower: the U.S. and the International Quest for Fusion Energy

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Starpower: the U.S. and the International Quest for Fusion Energy Starpower: The U.S. and the International Quest for Fusion Energy October 1987 NTIS order #PB88-128731 Recommended Citation: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Starpower: The U.S. and the Internna- tional Quest for Fusion Energy, OTA-E-338 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, October 1987). Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 87-619854 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325 (order form can be found in the back of this report) . Foreword Fusion research, offering the hope of an energy technology with an essentially un- limited supply of fuel and relatively attractive environmental impacts, has been con- ducted worldwide for over three decades. In the United States, increased budgetary pressures, along with a decreased sense of urgency, have sharpened the competition for funding between one research program and another and between energy research programs and other components of the Federal budget. This report, requested by the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and endorsed by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, reviews the status of magnetic confine- ment fusion research and compares its progress with the requirements for develop- ment of a usefuI energy technology. The report does not analyze inertial confinement fusion research, which is overseen by the House and Senate Armed Services Committees. OTA analyzed the magnetic fusion research program in three ways: (1) as an energy program, by identifying important features of the technology and discussing its possi- ble role in the energy supply mix; (2) as a research program, by discussing its role in training scientists and developing new fields of science and technology; and (3) as an international program, by reviewing its history of international cooperation and its prospects for even more extensive collaboration in the future. OTA could not have conducted this work without the valuable assistance it re- ceived from many organizations and individuals. I n particular, we would like to thank the advisory panel members, workshop participants, and outside reviewers, who pro- vided guidance and extensive critical reviews to ensure the accuracy of the report. Responsibility for the final report, however, rests solely with the Office of Technology Assessment. Magnetic Fusion Research Advisory Panel William Carey, Panel Chair Executive Officer, American Association for the Advancement of Science Ellen Berman Betty Jensen Executive Director Nuclear and Environmental Program Manager Consumer Energy Council of America Research and Development Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Linda Cohen Assistant Visiting Professor of Economics Hans Landsberg University of Washington Senior Fellow Emeritus Resources for the Future Paul Craig professor of Physics Lawrence Lidsky Department of Applied Science Professor of Nuclear Engineering University of California, Davis Massachusetts Institute of Technology Harold Forsen Irving Mintzer Manger of Research and Development Senior Associate Bechtel National, Inc. World Resources Institute T. Kenneth Fowler Robert park Associate Director Executive Director Magnetic Fusion Energy Office of Public Affairs Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory American Physical Society Melvin Gottlieb Murray Rosenthal Director Emeritus Associate Laboratory Director for Advanced Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Energy Systems Oak Ridge National Laboratory L. Charles Hebel Manager, Research Planning Eugene Skolnikoff Corporate Research Technical Staff Director Xerox Corp. Center for International Studies Massachusetts Institute of Technology Robert Hirsch Vice President Herbert Woodson Arco Oil & Gas Co. Director Center for Energy Studies Leonard Hyman University of Texas, Austin Vice President Merrill Lynch Capital Markets NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the advisory panel members. The panel does not, however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility for the report and the accuracy of its contents. iv OTA Project Staff on Magnetic Fusion Research Lionel S. Johns, Assistant Director, OTA Energy, Materials, and International Security Division Peter D. Blair, Energy and Materials Program Manager Gerald L. Epstein, Project Director Dina K. Washburn Contractors Wilfrid Kohl Leonard Lynn Paul Josephson Lynn Powers Fusion Power Associates Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories Administrative Staff Lillian Chapman Linda Long Barbara J. Carter Workshop Participants and Other Outside Reviewers Workshop 1: Fusion Research Chuan Sheng Liu Judy Bostock Chairman Operations Research Analyst Panelists Department of Physics and U.S. Office of Management and Robert Seamans, Workshop Chair Astronomy Budget Senior Lecturer University of Maryland, College Melvin Gottlieb Aeronautics and Astronautics Park Director Emeritus Department Thomas Ratchford Princeton Plasma Physics Massachusetts Institute of Associate Executive Officer Laboratory Technology American Association for the Paul Huray Sibley Burnett Advancement of Science Senior Policy Analyst General Manager John Sheffield General Science Applied Superconetics Division Associate Director for U.S. Office of Science and GA Technologies Confinement Technology Policy Ronald Davidson Fusion Energy Division Paul Josephson Director Oak Ridge National Laboratory Program in Science, Technology Plasma Fusion Center Herbert Woodson and Society Massachusetts Institute of Director Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Energy Studies Technology Stephen Dean University of Texas, Austin Wilfrid Kohl President Director Fusion Power Associates Contributor International Energy Program Harold Forsen N. Anne Davies Johns Hopkins School of Manager of Research and Assistant Director Advanced International Studies Development Office of Fusion Energy Linda Lubrano Bechtel National, Inc. U.S. Department of Energy Professor T. Kenneth Fowler School of International Service Workshop II: International Associate Director The American University Cooperation Magnetic Fusion Energy Leonard Lynn Lawrence Livermore National Eugene Skolnikoff, Workshop Assistant Professor Laboratory Chair Department of Social and Director Harold Furth Decision Sciences Center for International Studies Carnegie-Mellon University Director Massachusetts Institute of Princeton Plasma Physics Technology Charles Newstead Laboratory Foreign Affairs Officer Harold Benglesdorf Melvin Gottlieb Bureau of Oceans and Vice President International Environmental and Director Emeritus International Group Princeton Plasma Physics Scientific Affairs International Energy Associates Laboratory U.S. Department of State Limited Robert Hirsch Douglas R. Norton Diana Bieliauskas Chief of International Planning Vice President Program Officer Arco Oil & Gas Co. and Program Office Office of Soviet and East European U.S. National Aeronautics and Robert Krakowski Affairs Space Administration Group Leader National Academy of Sciences Systems Study Group Herman Pollack Justin Bloom Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Professor President Department of International Affairs Lawrence Lidsky Technology International, Inc. George Washington University Professor of Nuclear Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology vi Michael Roberts Harold Feiveson Richard Barnes Director Center for Energy and U.S. National Aeronautics and International Programs Environmental Studies Space Administration Office of Fusion Energy Princeton University Lee Berry U.S. Department of Energy Bill Keepin Oak Ridge National Laboratory Richard Samuels School of Engineering and Applied Joan Lisa Bromberg Professor of Political Science Science Laser History Project Massachusetts Institute of Princeton University Technology Daniel Chavardes Carlo La Porta Embassy of France U. John Sakss Director of Research Chief of International Program Solar Energy Industries Association Daniel Cohn Support Office René MaIès Massachusetts Institute of U.S. National Aeronautics and Technology Senior Vice President and Space Administration Principal Donald L. Cook Decision Focus, Inc. Sandia National Laboratories Workshop Ill: Energy Context Michael Mauel Tony Cox Robert Fri, Workshop Chair Assistant Professor Embassy of the United Kingdom President Department of Applied Physics Resources for the Future and Nuclear Engineering John Deutch Truman Anderson Columbia University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Director Irving Mintzer Program Planning and Analysis Senior Associate Thomas J. Fessenden Oak Ridge National Laboratory World Resources Institute Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Charles Backus Eric Reichl Thomas G. Finn Assistant Dean Retired, Conoco Coal Corp. U.S. Department of Energy College of Engineering and Applied Science Arthur Rosenfeld William Hogan Arizona State University Director Lawrence Livermore National Center for Building Science Laboratory Charles Berg Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Professor and Head of Department John Holdren Department of Mechanical John Siegel University of California, Berkeley Engineering Vice President Paul Koloc Northeastern University Atomic Industrial Forum Phaser Corp. Jan Beyea Don Steiner Dennis Mahlum Vice President of Science Institute Professor Battelle Pacific Northwest National Audubon Society Department of Nuclear Laboratories Engineering and Engineering Paul Craig Physics George Miley Professor of Physics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University
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