No. Name Sex Position Date of Arrest Current Condition Address Remark Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 1 (Daw) Aung San Suu Kyi F State Counsellor (Chairman of NLD) 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 2 (U) Win Myint M President (Vice Chairman-1 of NLD) 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 3 (U) Henry Van Thio M Vice President 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Speaker of the , the Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 4 (U) Mann Win Khaing Than M upper house of the Myanmar 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and parliament President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Speaker of the Union Assembly, the Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 5 (U) T Khun Myat M Joint House and , the 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and lower house of the Myanmar President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw, Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 6 (U) Tun Tun Hein M the lower house of the Myanmar 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and parliament (Central Executive President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Deputy Speaker of the Amyotha Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 7 (U) Aye Thar Aung M Hluttaw, the upper house of the 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar parliament President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister for Education of Union of 8 (U) Myo Thein Gyi M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Transport and Communications 9 (U) Thant Sin Maung M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Minister of Union of Myanmar President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Commerce Minister of Union of 10 Dr. Than Myint M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Planning, Finance and Industry 11 (U) Soe Win M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Minister of Union of Myanmar President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation 12 Dr. Aung Thu M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Minister of Union of Myanmar President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Social Welfare, Relief and Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 13 Dr. Win Myat Aye M Resettlement Minister of Union of 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Personal Attorney of Daw Aung San 14 (U) Nyan Win M 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Suu Kyi (Secretary of NLD) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Personal Physician of Daw Aung San 15 Dr. Tin Myo Win M 1-Feb-21 Detained Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Suu Kyi President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Nay Pyi Taw Council Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 16 Dr. Myo Aung M Chairman (Central Executive 1-Feb-21 Detained Nay Pyi Taw leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Committee Member of NLD) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 17 (U) Han Thar Myint M Secretary of NLD 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 18 Monywa Aung Shin M NLD Spokeman 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD NLD Spokesman (Central Executive 19 Dr. Myo Nyunt M 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Committee Member of NLD) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Central Executive Committee Member 20 (U) Thein Oo M 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and of NLD President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Chief Minister of Yangon Region Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 21 (U) Phyo Min Thein M (Central Executive Committee Member 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and of NLD) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Chief Minister of Mandalay Region 22 Dr. Zaw Myint Maung M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Mandalay Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and (Vice Chairman-2 of NLD) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 23 (U) Win Thein M Chief Minister of Bago Region 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Bago Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Chief Minister of Magway Region 24 Dr. Aung Moe Nyo M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Magway Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and (Secretary of NLD) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 25 (U) Myint Maung M Chief Minister of Tanintharyi Region 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Tanintharyi Region leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Chief Minister of Sagaing Region Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 26 Dr. Myint Naing M (Central Executive Committee Member 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Sagaing Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and of NLD) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 27 (U) Hla Moe Aung M+F Chief Minister of Ayeyarwady Region 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Ayeyarwady Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Chief Minister of Karen State (Central 28 (Daw) Nan Khin Htwe Myint F 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Karen State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Executive Committee Member of NLD) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Chief Minister of Rakhine State Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 29 (U) Nyi Pu M (Central Executive Committee Member 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Rakhine State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and of NLD) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 30 Dr. Linn Htut M Chief Minister of Shan State 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Shan State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 31 Dr. M Chief Minister of Mon State 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Mon State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 32 Dr. Khet Aung M Chief Minister of 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 33 Salai Lian Luai M Chief Minister of Chin State 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Chin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 34 (U) Boss Ko M Chief Minister of Kayah State 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Kayah State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 35 (U) Zo Bwe M Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Chin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Ayeyarwady Division Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 36 (U) Aung Kyaw Khaing M Ayeyarwady Region Hluttaw Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained (Detained in military leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and near Kwinkauk) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 37 San Kyaw Hla M Rakhine State Hluttaw Speaker 1-Feb-21 Released on 5 Feb 21 Rakhine State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 38 (U) Tin Tun M Kachin State Hluttaw Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 39 Dain Khan Hphon M Kachin State Hluttaw Deputy Speaker 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 40 (U) Tar M Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Magway Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Magway Region Hluttaw Deputy 41 (U) Zaw Myo Win M 1-Feb-21 Detained Magway Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Speaker President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 42 (U) Tin Maung Tun M Rangoon Region Hluttaw Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Rangoon Region Hluttaw Deputy 43 (U) Linn Naing Myint M 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Speaker President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 44 Saw Chit Khin M Karen State Hluttaw Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Karen State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 45 (Daw) Nan Thuzar Khin F Karen State Hluttaw Deputy Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Karen State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 46 (Daw) Tin Ei F Mon State Hluttaw Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Mon State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 47 Dr. Aung Naing Oo M Mon State Hluttaw Deputy Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Mon State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 48 (U) Aung Kyaw Oo M Mandalay Region Hluttaw Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Mandalay Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Mandalay Region Hluttaw Deputy 49 (U) Khin Maung Htay M 1-Feb-21 Detained Mandalay Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Speaker President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 50 (U) Than M Sagaing Region Hluttaw Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Sagaing Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Sagaing Region Hluttaw Deputy 51 (U) Bo Than Nyunt M 1-Feb-21 Detained Sagaing Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Speaker President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 52 (U) Tin Myint M Deputy Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Kayah State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 53 (U) Khin Maung Yin M Speaker 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Bago Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 54 (U) Khin Maung Aye M Tanintharyi Region Hluttaw Speaker 1-Feb-21 Detained Tanintharyi Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Karen Ethnic Affairs of 55 Naw Pan Thinzar Myo F 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Rangoon Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Social Affairs of Rangoon 56 (U) Naing Ngan Linn M 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Planning and Finance of 57 (U) Ye Min Oo M 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Rangoon Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Electricity, Industry and Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 58 (Daw) Nilar Kyaw F Transportation of Rangon Region 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Immigration and Human Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 59 (Daw) Moe Moe Suu Kyi F Resources Development of Rangon 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Social Affairs of Rakhine 60 (U) Chan Thar M 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 Rakhine State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Electricity, Industry and Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 61 (U) Aung Kyaw Zan M Transportation of Rakhine State 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 Rakhine State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Planning, Finance, Tax and Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 62 (U) Kyaw Aye Thein M Economy of Rakhine State 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Rakhine State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 63 (U) Kyaw Lwin M Forestry and Mines of Rakhine State 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Rakhine State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Chin Ethnic Affairs of 64 (U) Pon Bway M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Rakhine State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Rakhine State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Planning and Finance of 65 (U) Maw M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kayah State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Planning and Finance of 66 (U) Soe Nyunt Lwin M 1-Feb-21 Detained Shan State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Electricity, Energy and 67 (U) Sai Hseng Tip Long M 1-Feb-21 Detained Shan State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Technology of Shan State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Municipal Affairs of Chin 68 (U) Soe Htet M 1-Feb-21 Detained Chin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Planning and Finance of 69 (U) Wai Linn M 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Natural Resources and Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 70 (U) Dar Shi La Sai M Environment of Kachin State 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Road, Communication, Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 71 (U) Win Nyunt M Electricity and Industry of Kachin 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Social Affairs of Kachin 72 (U) Nay Win M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Municipal Affairs of Kachin 73 (U) Naw Li M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and 74 (U) Kyaw Kyaw Win M 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Irrigation of Kachin State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Immigration of Kachin 75 (U) Zaw Win M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Lisu Ethnic Affairs of 76 (U) Arr Ti Yaw Han M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Kachin State Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Natural Resources and Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 77 Dr. Min Kyi Win M Environment of Mon State 1-Feb-21 Detained Mon State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Social Affairs of Mon State 78 Dr. Htein Lin M 1-Feb-21 Detained Mon State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Bamar Ethnic Affairs of 79 (U) Shwe Myint M 1-Feb-21 Detained Mon State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD (3) Ministers of Sagaing 80 Ministers of Sagaing Division Hluttaw 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Sagaing Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Division President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Electricity, Energy, Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 81 (U) Win Htay M Industry and Transportation of 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Ayeyarwady Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Ayeyarwady Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Planning and Finance of 82 (U) Htay Win M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Ayeyarwady Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Ayeyarwady Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 83 Tin Aung Win M Natural Resources and Environment of 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Ayeyarwady Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Ayeyarwady Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Social Affairs of 84 Dr. Hla Myat Thway F 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Ayeyarwady Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Ayeyarwady Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Immigration and Human Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 85 Dr. Soe Win M Resources of Ayeyarwady Region 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Ayeyarwady Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Kayin Ethnic Affairs of 86 Ga Moe Myat Myat Thu F 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Ayeyarwady Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Ayeyarwady Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Municipal Affairs of 87 (U) Kyaw Myint M 1-Feb-21 Detained Ayeyarwady Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Ayeyarwady Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Natural Resources and Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Detained in 77th Light 88 Dr. Saw Nyo Win M Environment and Mucicipal of Bago 1-Feb-21 Bago Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Infantry Division) Region Government/ Chairman of President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Planning and Finance of 89 (U) Nyunt Shwe M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Bago Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister of Energy, Electricity and Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 90 (U) Than Win M Transportation of Bago Region 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Bago Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Minister for Immigration and Human Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 91 (U) Tun Tun Oo M Resource Development of Bago Region 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Bago Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of of Planning and Finance of 92 (Daw) Yee Yee Cho F 1-Feb-21 Detained Tanintharyi Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Tanintharyi Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 93 (Daw) Khin Saw Wai F Member of Parliament (ANP) 1-Feb-21 Released on 1 Feb 21 Rakhine State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 94 (U) Ma Laung Aung Yan M Kachi State MP (Naung Mon) 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 95 (U) Myo Kyaw M MP of Mohnyin of Kachin State 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Chairman of NLD party of Kachin 96 (U) Mya Thein M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and State President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD NLD party member of Myitkyina Myitkyina Township, 97 (U) Zaw Lwin M 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township Kachin State President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Chairman of NLD party of Bago Detained in 77th Light 98 (U) Thein Tan M 1-Feb-21 Bago Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Division Infantry Division) President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Minister of Karen Ethnic Affairs of 99 Naw Pwal Say M 1-Feb-21 House Arrest Bago Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Bago Region Government President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Former NLD Member of Mohnyin 100 (U) Win Zaw M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 101 (U) Tin Aung M Secretary of NLD of Mohnyin District 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Vice Chairman of NLD party of 102 (U) Hla Kyi M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Mogaung Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Vice Chairman of NLD party of Puta-O 103 (U) Khi Zaw Maw M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Secretary of NLD party of Puta-O 104 (U) Tun Pe M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Vice Chairman of NLD party of Naung 105 (U) Ma Laung De Sarr M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Mon Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Chairman of Township Victory of NLD 106 (U) Ma Laung Dee M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and party President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Chairman of NLD Party of Tanai 107 (U) Naung Na Jar Tan M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Youth In-charge of NLD Party of 108 (U) Zone Reinn M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Tanai Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Treasurer of NLD Party of Tanai 109 (U) Saw Min Aung M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Chairman of NLD Party of Waimaw 110 (U) Mo Han Sin M 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 111 (U) Chit Swe M NLD Member of Waimaw Township 1-Feb-21 Released on 2 Feb 21 Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Chairman of NLD party of Hpakhant 112 (U) Thein Han M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Executive member of NLD party of 113 (U) Zarni Min M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Shwegu Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Joint Secretary of NLD party of 114 (U) Nay Linn Aung M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Shwegu Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Secretary of NLD party of Shwegu 115 (U) Myint Soe Chit M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Vice Chairman of NLD party of 116 (U) Kyaw M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Shwegu Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Treasurer of NLD party of Shwegu 117 (U) Aye Ko Ko M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Vice Chairman of NLD party of 118 (U) Tan Sai M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Sumprabum Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD NLD party member of Sumprabum 119 (U) La Yaw M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Chairman of NLD party of Mansi Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 120 (U) Min Min M Township 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Vice Chairman of NLD party of Mansi Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 121 (U) La Zun M Township 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Joint Secretary of NLD party of Mansi Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 122 (U) Yan Myo Aung M Township 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Chairman of NLD party of Machanbaw Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 123 (U) Nga Dan Htin M Township 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Former NLD Secretary of Machanbaw 124 (U) Ka Roll Tue Aung M 1-Feb-21 Detained Kachin State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Township President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 125 (U) Maung Maung Sein M Secretary of NLD party of Shan State 1-Feb-21 Detained Shan State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Secretary of NLD party of Mandalay 126 (U) Tin Ko Ko M 1-Feb-21 Detained Mandalay Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Division President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Executive member of NLD party of 127 (U) Aye Thein M 1-Feb-21 Detained Mandalay Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Mandalay Division President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Executive member of NLD party of 128 (U) Tin Htut Oo M 1-Feb-21 Detained Mandalay Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Mandalay Division President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 129 (U) Thaung Htay M Chairman of NLD party of Kayah State 1-Feb-21 Detained Kayah State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD 130 (U) Sai Yu M Kayah 1-Feb-21 Detained Kayah State leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s Myanmar Military Seizes Power and Senior NLD Deputy Governor Central Bank of 131 (U) Bo Bo Nge M 1-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division leaders including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Myanmar President U Win Myint were detained. The NLD’s NLD Patron U Win Htein was arrested for sedition National League for Democracy (NLD) 132 (U) Win Htein M 5-Feb-21 Detained Rangoon Division after condemning coup. He was being held at patron Oattara Thiri Police Station and is charged under

Total 134