ISSN (impresso) 0103-5657 ISSN (on-line) 2178-7875 Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia Volume 19 Número 3 Setembro 2011 Publicada pela Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia São Paulo - SP Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 19(3), 455-459 NECROLÓGIO Setembro de 2011 Obituary – Jacques M. E. Vielliard (1944-2010) life and legacy Carlos B. de Araújo1 and Maria Luisa Silva2 1. Ecology graduate program, Biology Institute, UNICAMP. Caixa Postal 6.109, CEP 13083‑970, Campinas, SP, Brasil. E‑mail:
[email protected] 2. Bioacoustics and Ornithology Lab, UFPA. Rua Augusto Corrêa, 1, Caixa Postal 8.618, Guamá, CEP 66075‑970, Belém, PA, Brasil. The Brazilian Ornithological community trem‑ Oriental and Ocidental African biogeographical areas. bled on August 2010 upon the sudden and unexpected This was a productive time for Jacques, as the expedi‑ death of the father of Brazilian Bioacoustics, Jacques tions lead to the first sound guide of this African region, Marie Edme Vielliard. He was still very caught up in his and also the discovery of the last bird described for the work, and had fruitful years ahead of him with impor‑ Palearctic region, the Algerian Nuthatch Sitta ledanti Vi‑ tant publications on many fields involving ornithology elliard 1976. and bioacoustics. For instance, his bioacoustical method A visit of the president of the Academia Brasileira de on quantitative ecology had successfully determined the Ciências (ABC), Aristides Pacheco Leão, would change diversity of a few localities of complex tropical habitats, Vielliard’s life forever. Dr. Leão (a prominent Brazilian and the results were promising.