THE DIAPASON JULY 2016 St. Joseph’s Church in Greenwich Village New York, New York Cover feature on pages 26–27 THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Seventh Year: No. 7, In this issue Whole No. 1280 We present Steven Egler’s interview with Marilyn Keiser this JULY 2016 month, which also marks Marilyn Keiser’s 75th birthday. We Established in 1909 also offer Larry Palmer’s tribute to the late artist Jane Johnson, Joyce Robinson ISSN 0012-2378 whose witty drawings of so many musicians have graced these 847/391-1044;
[email protected] pages numerous times over the years. An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, John Bishop discusses Durham—including its cathedral, and the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music the fi rm of Harrison & Harrison that was based there. John Gentle reminders describes his visit to the Harrison & Harrison workshop, their We are pleased to publish events in our calendar (print and CONTENTS major projects, and how Great Britain uses lottery proceeds a on our website) and programs of events that have taken place. FEATURES bit differently than we do here. As you complete plans for your upcoming concert season, Celebrating Marilyn Keiser at 75 Gavin Black continues his musings on the nature of record- please send them along so that we may mention them. by Steven Egler 19 ings—whether they are to be objective representations of the Don’t forget to send us your recital programs (if possible, Drawings by Jane Johnson composer’s intentions or free expressions by the performer.