x-men the animated series torrent download X-Men: The Animated Series. X-Men is ' second attempt at an animated X-Men program, after the ill-received half-hour pilot "Pryde of the X-Men" was broadcast multiple times between 1991 and 1992. The popularity and success of X-Men, along with : The Animated Series (which also debuted in the 1992-93 season), helped launch a number of 1990s-2000s animated series based on series. Contents. Episodes. Season 1. Season 2. Season 3. Season 4. Season 5. History. X-Men was one of the longest-lasting series on Fox Kids, and next to Batman: The Animated Series , its most acclaimed and successful to date. Despite its final new episode airing in late 1998 after 5 complete seasons, Fox did not remove the show from the line-up until 1998. The show is also one of the highest-rated and most-viewed Saturday morning programs in American history. During its peak years (1995 and 1996), the show was often shown weekday afternoons, in addition to Saturday mornings. X-Men stands as the longest running Marvel Comics based show, running for five seasons and 76 episodes. The next longest-running, Spider- Man: The Animated Series , lasted for five seasons and 65 episodes. After the office success of the X-Men movie in the summer of 2000, Fox began airing reruns of the cartoon on weekday afternoons. This ended in early 2001. Soon after, ABC Family and Toon Disney, due to Disney's buyout of all Saban Entertainment programs, began airing reruns. The show features a team line-up similar to that of the early 1990s X-Men comic books, including , , , , , , , , and . In fact, the line up largely resembles that of Cyclops' Blue Team, established in the early issues of X- Men vol.2. Though they were not part of the X-Men team in the animated series, the following early ’90s X-Men characters all guest starred in at least one episode of the cartoon: , , , , , Archangel, , and . Initially only a few episodes were released on DVD, under the titles: The Phoenix Saga Sanctuary/, Lies and Videotape/ Reunion/Out of the Past/No Is an Island Legend of Wolverine. Starting in 2009, X-Men: The Animated Series was released on DVD as The X-Men: Marvel Comic Book Collection. There are 5 volumes, including every episode of the series. Fox canceled the series in large part because the network did not like that Marvel Studios controlled their most popular animated series. Thus, they pulled the plug on both X-Men and Spider-Man animated series despite the fact that both received good ratings. Many fans predicted the series' cancellation because of the noticeable drop in the quality of the animation and story during the second half of the final season. Fox soon realized just how popular the X-Men animation series was when ratings dropped 31% after the network stopped showing it in heavy rotation. Earth-92131. Earth-92131 was affected by other realities on several occasions. It was visited by Bishop from Earth-31393, a dystopian and possible future of Earth-92131. Bishop arrived through a time portal to prevent the assassination of Senator Kelly, in order to alter the devastating future he had witnessed. However, after successfully doing this, the new diverged future had a timeline which was not ideal. [2] It was later visited by from Earth-13393, who arrived to stop Bishop from preventing a plague which had ravaged in his timeline, since doing so would destroy Cable's reality. After researching the X-Men's biography, Cable learned that he could use Wolverine's healing power to create the antibodies needed to preserve his future. Cable therefore saved both his and Bishop's timelines. Diverged was Earth-121893, and the of that reality later entered Earth-92131 to try and create a universe where he ruled unchallenged, but was stopped by the X-Men and Bishop after he escaped from the Axis of Time. [3] Earth-92131 was threatened by the emergence of Spider- in Earth-98311, who planned to destroy all of reality. However, Spider-Man of Earth-92131 was chosen by the to participate in a group of Spider-Men from different timelines to stop Spider-Carnage, and they were successful. [4] Secret Wars. Concepts. Earth-92131 has similar features of mainstream reality, with the same countries, some of the same historical events such as World II, as our reality. However, it also contains new features, such as organizations like the espionage agency, S.H.I.E.L.D.. [5] The tradition of using costumed secret identities to fight (or commit) evil exists in this world. Perhaps one of the earliest known examples originated during World War II, with the creation of . Spider-Man later became another influencial costumed hero in modern times. The X- Men consists of various mutants brought together by Professor X. Crime and evil also exist, with major villains including the mutant overlord Apocalypse and the of Crime. [6] [7] In a similar way to mainstream reality, a degree of paranoid fear against mutants exists due to them being a race or even a species ( Homo superior or Homo sapiens superior ) evolving and meant to replace normal humans. This has caused organizations to form to deal with the problem, who can be divided into three camps: those who seek peaceful coexistence between mutants and normal humans (the X-Men and their affiliated groups), those who seek to control or eliminate humans to give mutants safety or dominance ( and his followers, as well as other mutants such as Apocalypse), and those who seek to regulate or eliminate mutants in favor of humans. The latter often use the robots known as Sentinels as weapons. [4] Characteristics. Dimensions. Several dimensions coexist simultaneously in Earth-92131. Examples include the very Earth-like dimension in which Spider-Man and the X-Men exist, the home to the evil demon , and the dimension of the disgusting . These don't often affect each other directly, although Dormammu attempted more than once to take over an alternate dimension, and also Mojo crossed paths with the X-Men. [8] Much like its mainstream counterpart, a factor of Earth-92131 is the concept of time "branching out" creating new alternate realities when certain important events happen, such as Bishop's -dominated future and a reality where Spider-Carnage once existed, born from a cloning process which also occurred in Earth-92131. In several instances including these examples, beings have crossed paths with realities other than their original. [4] X-Men The Animated Series Download. The dynamic duo of Robbie Landis and Ben Morse is back once again for another episode of the Other Identity. The Other Identity is a podcast about exploring the culture created by comic books. This week Robbie and Ben are joined by Eric and Julia Lewald, the minds behind X-Men the Animated Series. This week’s show features another amazing guest, but before that Robbie and Ben catch up on what they’ve been reading. Ben talks more about his progress on Blackest Night. Robbie meanwhile praises his recent reads from the #DCRebirthEraChallenge including the Superman Reborn arc. Also, check out the article by former Other Identity host, Kali Sloan as she ranks the live-action Batman movies. X-Men the Animated Series Creators. Anyone who grew up in the 90s knows how important X-Men the Animated Series is to the world of superheroes. It inspired a generation of fans and creators. Reading the Mr. and Mrs. X series from a few years ago by writer , you can see the essence of Rogue and Gambit living on. Ben and Robbie are joined by Eric and Julia Lewald, the creative minds behind the show. Eric and Julia share some incredible stories about the development and lives of the X-Men series as well as several of their own feelings and opinions on characters and the creative process. Eric and Julia talk about about the hurdles the show had to jump just to get a pilot season. The story behind the decision to use Jim Lee’s art and how it almost killed the show before it aired. Plus, who are their favorite characters, and what are their favorite arcs? All that this week on the Other Identity. Also, don’t forget to follow Eric and Julia on Twitter as well as their account for series. X-Men: The Animated Series, Season 1. In the premiere season of X-Men: The Animated Series, the X-Men come face to face with enemies that threaten to wipe out their entire species! The defense of the mutant race falls in the hands of the X-Men as they battle against the mutant-eradicating Sentinel robots created by mankind to destroy them as well as against a burgeoning human-mutant war that will leave one side erased from existence! EPISODE 1. , Pt. 1. Jubilee is attacked by robots called Sentinels at a local mall but she is saved by Storm and Rogue, and taken to the X-Mansion for her safety. The X-Men discover that the group running the Mutant Registration Program intends to track and eliminate mutants. Later, the X-Men find the Sentinel base and infiltrate the base to destroy the files on mutants. The episode ends in a cliffhanger when Storm opens the door to a room where many armed soldiers are hiding, waiting to ambush the X-Men. Jubilee is attacked by robots called Sentinels at a local mall but she is saved by Storm and Rogue, and taken to the X-Mansion for her safety. The X-Men discover that the group running the Mutant Registration Program intends to track and eliminate mutants. Later, the X-Men find the Sentinel base and infiltrate the base to destroy the files on mutants. The episode ends in a cliffhanger when Storm opens the door to a room where many armed soldiers are hiding, waiting to ambush the X-Men. EPISODE 2. Night of the Sentinels, Pt. 2. Wolverine smells the soldiers' gun oil and quickly closes the door before the soldiers fire. Storm sweeps the guards away with her wind power. After destroying the files on mutants, the X-Men escape to the , but are stopped by the Sentinels. During the fight with the Sentinels, Morph is shot and presumed dead. While Beast gets blasted against the fence and gets electrocuted and captured, the rest retreat to the Blackbird on Cyclops command. Jubilee decides that it is best to stay at the X-Mansion. Wolverine smells the soldiers' gun oil and quickly closes the door before the soldiers fire. Storm sweeps the guards away with her wind power. After destroying the files on mutants, the X-Men escape to the Blackbird, but are stopped by the Sentinels. During the fight with the Sentinels, Morph is shot and presumed dead. While Beast gets blasted against the fence and gets electrocuted and captured, the rest retreat to the Blackbird on Cyclops command. Jubilee decides that it is best to stay at the X-Mansion. EPISODE 3. After Beast's trial, demands that Beast be set free, prompting the guards to shoot and injure Sabretooth. Cyclops aids Sabretooth and brings him to the Mansions' infirmary. Later, Magneto attacks a military missile facility. As the X-Men arrive, Magneto is preparing to launch nuclear missiles in order to ensure a war between mutants and humans. Cyclops, Storm, and Wolverine face off with Magneto, but are unable to stop him. Later Storm uses her wind and lightning to cause the missiles to short-circuit, deactivating them and drop them into the water. Having prevented a nuclear war, the X-Men return home to the mansion having learned the full power of Magneto. After Beast's trial, Sabretooth demands that Beast be set free, prompting the guards to shoot and injure Sabretooth. Cyclops aids Sabretooth and brings him to the Mansions' infirmary. Later, Magneto attacks a military missile facility. As the X-Men arrive, Magneto is preparing to launch nuclear missiles in order to ensure a war between mutants and humans. Cyclops, Storm, and Wolverine face off with Magneto, but are unable to stop him. Later Storm uses her wind and lightning to cause the missiles to short-circuit, deactivating them and drop them into the water. Having prevented a nuclear war, the X-Men return home to the mansion having learned the full power of Magneto. EPISODE 4. Magneto destroys a chemical plant in order to attract Professor X. Cyclops, Rogue, Storm, and Professor X proceed to the chemical plant, while Jubilee is left to guard Sabretooth. Professor X enters the chemical plant to confront Magneto. Just as Magneto appears to beat Professor X, Professor X telepathically forces Magneto to recall his younger years. Magneto retreats in panic. Back at the X-Mansion Sabretooth growls in disgust at the senator on television and Jubilee notices a problem with his wrist bindings. Jubilee loosens the restraints, and Sabretooth captures Jubilee, but Wolverine leaps from the shadows and attacks him. Their battle is interrupted with the return of Professor X and the other X-Men. Magneto destroys a chemical plant in order to attract Professor X. Cyclops, Rogue, Storm, and Professor X proceed to the chemical plant, while Jubilee is left to guard Sabretooth. Professor X enters the chemical plant to confront Magneto. Just as Magneto appears to beat Professor X, Professor X telepathically forces Magneto to recall his younger years. Magneto retreats in panic. Back at the X-Mansion Sabretooth growls in disgust at the senator on television and Jubilee notices a problem with his wrist bindings. Jubilee loosens the restraints, and Sabretooth captures Jubilee, but Wolverine leaps from the shadows and attacks him. Their battle is interrupted with the return of Professor X and the other X-Men. EPISODE 5. A group of mutants called capture Jean and Cyclops when they go out. The Morlocks kidnapped Cyclops so that he would rule the Morlocks beside her. Jean uses her telepathic powers and tells the Professor that they have been captured. Wolverine, Gambit, Rogue, and Storm go to search for them. When the X-Men find Jean and Cyclops, Storm challenges Callisto for leadership of the Morlocks to save Cyclops and Jean. Callisto has no choice but to accept the challenge. After a brief fight, Storm defeats Callisto and becomes the new Morlocks' leader, but having saved Jean and Cyclops, she makes Callisto the leader in her absence. A group of mutants called Morlocks capture Jean and Cyclops when they go out. The Morlocks leader Callisto kidnapped Cyclops so that he would rule the Morlocks beside her. Jean uses her telepathic powers and tells the Professor that they have been captured. Wolverine, Gambit, Rogue, and Storm go to search for them. When the X-Men find Jean and Cyclops, Storm challenges Callisto for leadership of the Morlocks to save Cyclops and Jean. Callisto has no choice but to accept the challenge. After a brief fight, Storm defeats Callisto and becomes the new Morlocks' leader, but having saved Jean and Cyclops, she makes Callisto the leader in her absence. EPISODE 6. Wolverine flees to Canada to seek solitude in the Canadian wilderness. He finds peace among a group of Baffin Island Inuit, only to discover Sabertooth has been stalking him and has taken the people of the village captive, and plans to kill them all. Wolverine is able to defeat Sabertooth and rescue the villagers. Back at the X-Mansion, Gambit tells the X-Men he heard the people at welcome mutants and he wants the team to vacation there. Professor Xavier sends Storm, Gambit, and Jubilee to Genosha as tourists. While in Genosha, Storm, Gambit and Jubilee are attacked and captured by a Sentinel. Wolverine flees to Canada to seek solitude in the Canadian wilderness. He finds peace among a group of Baffin Island Inuit, only to discover Sabertooth has been stalking him and has taken the people of the village captive, and plans to kill them all. Wolverine is able to defeat Sabertooth and rescue the villagers. Back at the X-Mansion, Gambit tells the X-Men he heard the people at Genosha welcome mutants and he wants the team to vacation there. Professor Xavier sends Storm, Gambit, and Jubilee to Genosha as tourists. While in Genosha, Storm, Gambit and Jubilee are attacked and captured by a Sentinel. EPISODE 7. Gambit, Storm, Jubilee and a host of other mutants are made to work as slaves in Genosha in order to complete a dam which will power a Sentinel factory. Special collars on mutants' necks prevent them from using their powers, but Gambit manages to escape. During his escape, Gambit finds Cable who is looking for the one responsible for enslaving the mutants. Cable gives Gambit a key to unlock his collar before attacking the Sentinel factory. Meanwhile, Gambit frees the other Mutants. The Mutants begin fighting with the guards and Sentinels before fleeing. Storm uses her powers to bring down the dam, causing a flood to destroy the entire Sentinel factory. The X-Men then return home to a destroyed X-Mansion. Gambit, Storm, Jubilee and a host of other mutants are made to work as slaves in Genosha in order to complete a dam which will power a Sentinel factory. Special collars on mutants' necks prevent them from using their powers, but Gambit manages to escape. During his escape, Gambit finds Cable who is looking for the one responsible for enslaving the mutants. Cable gives Gambit a key to unlock his collar before attacking the Sentinel factory. Meanwhile, Gambit frees the other Mutants. The Mutants begin fighting with the guards and Sentinels before fleeing. Storm uses her powers to bring down the dam, causing a flood to destroy the entire Sentinel factory. The X-Men then return home to a destroyed X-Mansion. EPISODE 8. A doctor at the Muir Island Mutant Research Center claims to have found a cure for the mutant gene. Rogue travels to the island seeking the "cure". Rogue visits Dr. Adler and tells him how she is considering the treatment. Dr. Adler sends her on her way and Apocalypse appears. Dr. Adler reverts to and they discuss Rogue's powers. Later Cable attacks Dr. Adler but the X-Men defeat them, and Rogue changes her mind about the treatment and leaves. Near the end, Warren () comes for the treatment and goes into Dr. Adler's lab. Later, Mystique finds Apocalypse and tells him of Warren, and he replies that he is planning on destroying the world. A doctor at the Muir Island Mutant Research Center claims to have found a cure for the mutant gene. Rogue travels to the island seeking the "cure". Rogue visits Dr. Adler and tells him how she is considering the treatment. Dr. Adler sends her on her way and Apocalypse appears. Dr. Adler reverts to Mystique and they discuss Rogue's powers. Later Cable attacks Dr. Adler but the X-Men defeat them, and Rogue changes her mind about the treatment and leaves. Near the end, Warren (Angel) comes for the treatment and goes into Dr. Adler's lab. Later, Mystique finds Apocalypse and tells him of Warren, and he replies that he is planning on destroying the world. EPISODE 9. . The immortal mutant Apocalypse turns mutants who journeyed to Muir Island seeking the fictitious cure into the Horsemen Famine, Pestilence, War, and . The Horsemen start destroying everything across the planet. The X-Men arrive and battle the Horsemen. Rogue eventually grabs Archangel and absorbs his memory, sucking Apocalypse's power out of him. Archangel, appalled at what he has become, blasts the other Horsemen away. Apocalypse flees in a spaceship, and the diversion allows the other Horsemen to escape also. The immortal mutant Apocalypse turns mutants who journeyed to Muir Island seeking the fictitious cure into the Horsemen Famine, Pestilence, War, and Death. The Horsemen start destroying everything across the planet. The X-Men arrive and battle the Horsemen. Rogue eventually grabs Archangel and absorbs his memory, sucking Apocalypse's power out of him. Archangel, appalled at what he has become, blasts the other Horsemen away. Apocalypse flees in a spaceship, and the diversion allows the other Horsemen to escape also. EPISODE 10. The Unstoppable . After the X-Men find the X-Mansion destroyed, Wolverine goes looking for the suspect, followed by Storm, Rogue and Jubilee. Later Jubilee find a mutant made out of pure steel. Thinking he is the one responsible for trashing the school, Jubilee goes after him, but Wolverine says he was not the one who destroyed the mansion because he smelled different. Jubilee and Wolverine find Juggernaut robbing a bank and try to apprehend him, but Juggernaut is too strong. Soon the other X-Men arrive at the scene. Jean explains that she cannot mentally attack Juggernaut as long as his helmet is on. Cyclops thinks they can defeat him, as long as they work as a team. After the X-Men find the X-Mansion destroyed, Wolverine goes looking for the suspect, followed by Storm, Rogue and Jubilee. Later Jubilee find a mutant made out of pure steel. Thinking he is the one responsible for trashing the school, Jubilee goes after him, but Wolverine says he was not the one who destroyed the mansion because he smelled different. Jubilee and Wolverine find Juggernaut robbing a bank and try to apprehend him, but Juggernaut is too strong. Soon the other X-Men arrive at the scene. Jean explains that she cannot mentally attack Juggernaut as long as his helmet is on. Cyclops thinks they can defeat him, as long as they work as a team. EPISODE 11. , Pt. 1. A mutant named Bishop travels through time from 2055 AD to the present in order to stop a member of the X-Men from assassinating someone. When he comes to the present he can not remember who the assassin is. Later he turns to the X-Men for help. The episode ends on a cliffhanger ending where it's revealed that Gambit is the suspect. A mutant named Bishop travels through time from 2055 AD to the present in order to stop a member of the X-Men from assassinating someone. When he comes to the present he can not remember who the assassin is. Later he turns to the X-Men for help. The episode ends on a cliffhanger ending where it's revealed that Gambit is the suspect. EPISODE 12. Days of Future Past, Pt. 2. As Bishop shoots Gambit, the X-Men stop him. Later they go to Washington, where the plan to assassinate Senator . Mystique poses as Gambit and tries to kill Kelly, but the real Gambit saves the Senator. Then Bishop goes back to his time. Later, when Professor X goes to see Senator Kelly, he finds that Magneto has kidnapped the Senator leading to another cliffhanger ending. As Bishop shoots Gambit, the X-Men stop him. Later they go to Washington, where the Brotherhood of Mutants plan to assassinate Senator Robert Kelly. Mystique poses as Gambit and tries to kill Kelly, but the real Gambit saves the Senator. Then Bishop goes back to his time. Later, when Professor X goes to see Senator Kelly, he finds that Magneto has kidnapped the Senator leading to another cliffhanger ending. EPISODE 13. . Magneto brings Senator Kelly to a sunken ship to kill him, so that mutants and humans would go to war. Sentinels attack Magneto and take Senator Kelly. When the X-Men finally find where Magneto is, the Sentinels are already gone with the senator. The Sentinels take Senator Kelly to . Master Mold wants to replace all the world leaders' brains with computers, so that Sentinels could control the world. The X-Men go to the Sentinels' base and save the Senator. Kelly realizes that some Mutants can be good. Cyclops and Jean become engaged. And there is a hint that we will soon meet a character named Sinister. Magneto brings Senator Kelly to a sunken ship to kill him, so that mutants and humans would go to war. Sentinels attack Magneto and take Senator Kelly. When the X-Men finally find where Magneto is, the Sentinels are already gone with the senator. The Sentinels take Senator Kelly to Master Mold. Master Mold wants to replace all the world leaders' brains with computers, so that Sentinels could control the world. The X-Men go to the Sentinels' base and save the Senator. Kelly realizes that some Mutants can be good. Cyclops and Jean become engaged. And there is a hint that we will soon meet a character named Sinister. Any ideas on where to find the full X-Men animated series from the 90s and the wolverine and the X-Men series? Amazon has the five volumes of 90s X-Men on DVD, Volumes 1-3 and 5 are $15 each, though Volume 4 is going for roughly $100. I'd look for that on eBay or another site that sells DVDs if you wanna save some money. The entire Wolverine & The X-Men series is on Amazon for roughly $15, I'd get the Vs. feature with it, a pretty cool semi-prequel. Maybe I' old fashioned in this time where everyone and their brother streams or downloads shows, but I like having my favorite shows collected at home I can show off on my shelf and watch without worry of internet connections screwing up.