EXTE.NSIONS of REMARKS POLICE WIVES UNITED EXPRESS Trict of Columbia Police Departments Under We Met with the Problem of Lack of Cooper SUPPORT of H.R
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September 18, 1968 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27525 history. For instance, the area will in four states; for establishment of a 300-mile S. 2371. An act for the relief of Dr. Her clude Old Fort No. 4, in Charlestown, Connecticut Valley Trail for hikers, and for man J. Lohmann; N.H., where Robert Rogers, leader of the designation of a winding tourway, a network S. 2477. An act for the relief of Dr. Fang of existing roads crisscrossing the river for its Luke Chiu; famed Roger's Rangers, ended his heroic entire length. S. 2506. An act for the relief of Dr. Julio .flight from marauding Indians in 1759. This bold scheme to save a lovely river, for Epifania Morera; The people of New Hampshire, under the which Senator Riblcoff of Connecticut and S. 2706. An act for the relief of Yung Ran direction of the New Hampshire Federa many dedicated private individuals and Kim; tion of Women's Clubs, are now restor groups have labored, depends on and de S. 2720. An act for the relief of Heng Liong ing the site of famous Old Fort No. 4. serves the support of Federal, state and Thung; An editorial published in today's New local governments and private landowners S. 2759. An act conferring U.S. citizenship in the valley. They cannot begin too soon posthumously upon S. Sgt. Ivan Claus King; York Times asks that the Federal Gov to work together to make its recommenda S. 3024. An act for the relief of Richard ernment and the State and local govern tions a reality. Sm!th (Noboru Kawano); ments concerned set to work on imple S. J. Res. 185. Joint resolution to grant the menting this plan as soon as possible. status of permanent residence to Maria Mer The editorial also mentions that the ORDER OF BUSINESS cedes Riewerts; bold plan is primarily the work of the Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi H.R. 8953. An act to amend the act of distinguished Senator from Connecticut dent, I suggest the absence of a quorum. November 21, 1941 (55 Stat. 773), providing [Mr. RIBICOFF]. The Bureau of Out for the alteration, reconstruction, or reloca The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk tion of certain highway and railroad bridges door Recreation report is the product will call the roll. by the Tennessee Valley Authority; and of his vision. The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll. H.R. 18763. An act to authorize preschool Mr. President, I ask unanimous con Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres and early education programs for handi sent that the editorial be printed in the ident, I ask unanimous consent that the capped children. RECORD. order for the quorum cs:i.11 be rescinded. There being no objection, the editorial The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without was ordered to be printed in the RECORD objection, it is so ordered. ADJOURNMENT as follows: Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi [From the New York Times, Sept. 18, 1968] dent, if there be no further business to THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CESSPOOL MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-EN ROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESO come before the Senate, I move that the Long regarded as among the world's most LUTION SIGNED Senate stand in adjournment until 12 beautiful rivers, the Connecticut meanders o'clock noon tomorrow. 400 miles from the Canadian border to Long A message from the House of Repre Island Sound through the mountains and The motion was agreed to; and <at 6 sentatives by Mr. Hackney; one of its o'clock and 26 minutes p.m.> the Senate plains, fields, forests and marshes of four reading clerks, announced that the New England states. But this scenic setting adjourned until tomorrow, Thursday, like that of many other once-beautiful New Speaker had affixed his signature to the September 19, 1968, at 12 noon. England rivers, such as the Housatonic-is following enrolled bills and joint reso increasingly threatened by encroaching in lution: dustrial and residential growth. The river S. 747. An act for the relief of Dr. Earl C. itself has been transformed into a foul Chamberlayne; NOMINATIONS sewer -"the world's most beautifully land S. 772. An act for the relief of Dr. Violeta Executive nominations received by the scaped cesspool," as one aggrieved New V. Ortega Brown; Senate September 18 (legislative day of Englander has put it. S. 905. An act for the relief of John Theo September 17), 1968: To preserve the natural beauty of the dore Nelson; Oonnecticut Valley and to develop this "main s. 1327. An act for the relief of Dr. Samad DIPLOMATIC AND FOREIGN SERVICE stream" of New England as a source of solace Momtazee; Parker T. Hart, of IlUnois, a Foreign Service and recreation fo.r forty million Americans S. 1354. An act for the relief of Dr. Bong officer of the class of career minister, to be who live within easy reach of its banks, the Oh Kim; an Assistant Secretary of State, vice Lucius Federal Bureau of Outdoor Recreation has S. 1470. An act for the relief of the Ida D. Battle. proposed a master conservation plan. group of mining claims in Josephine County, Angier Biddle Duke, of New York, to be The plan calls for creation of a series of Oregon; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten Federal and state parks and for federally S. 2250. An act for the relief of Dr. Hugo tiary of the United States of America to protected open spaces running through all Vicente Cartaya; Denmark. EXTE.NSIONS OF REMARKS POLICE WIVES UNITED EXPRESS trict of Columbia Police Departments under We met with the problem of lack of cooper SUPPORT OF H.R. 14430 this Commissioner. ation by the news media to publicize the lo cations where the petitions were available Mr. Speaker, I am proud to have the for signature. In many instances we were told HON. JOEL T. BROYHILL support of these many fine citizens, and that "the issue was too controversial for welcome this opportunity to call their public service announcements, but lt could OF vmGINL\ support for my legislation to the atten be handled as a news item." After releasing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion of my colleagues. the information as a news item we found, as Tuesday, September 17, 1968 I insert the text of the letter in full, usual, that the item wasn't "newsworthy" as it describes the dimculties this group enough. Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia. Mr. is having in making its campaign know1 Also, understandably, many men were re Speaker, I recently received a letter from luctant to let their wives collect petition an organization known as Police Wives and may encourage others who have not signatures ln the Washington, D.C., area for United, expressing solid support for my had an opportunity to sign their petition fear of their safety. We feel it is essential to bill H.R. 14430, to establish a commis to make their support for this· measure inform you that the response from the peo sioner of police for the District of Colum known. ple contacted netted almost a one-hundred bia and consolidate the five separate po The letter reads as follows: percent response. Many of these people came lice departments now operating in the LANHAM, MD., forth with their own story of having lived August 1, 1968. in the District of Columbia and of having to District under a single commissioner. Representative JOEL T. BROYHILL, move because of their own personal fear for Attached to the letter were petitions House of Representatives, life and property. signed by 360 persons, which read: Washington, D.a. There are still petitions due to be malled The undersigned petitioners hereby re DEAR REPRESENTATIVE BROYHILL: We en directly to your omce from various other quest the passage of H.R. 14430, a proposal close herewith the petitions in support of states. Since the Nation's Capital belongs to sponsored by Representative JoEL T. BROY H.R. 14430 in the hope that the members of all of us in the United States, we should all HILL, regarding the establishment of a Com the House District Committee can under be concerned with its· problems. Thus, we missioner of Police !or the District of Colum stand the dUHcult situations under which have mailed to friends and relatives copies of bia and the consolida tlon of all Dis- these petition signatures were gathered. this petition and have asked their support. 27526 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 18, 1968 The Nation's Capital should be a model for problem wm be, how do we get from the air still a novelty that we may see in test this each and every state. It is very important port to where we are really going? year. Is this competitive to your metroplane that the Police Departments in Washington, Do you think our new cities will grow up concept? I don't think airmen feel hostmty D.C., be maintained by a governing body that around airports? It has already happened out toward other modes. We are more interested would allow the Police Departments to func at Kennedy. Inglewood in Los Angeles, which now than ever in having high-speed trains for tion at their greatest capacity 1.n enforcing was just bean fields thirty years ago, is now the short haul to and from airports and be the law and protecting the public. We do not a major metropolitan center within Southern tween Philadelphia, New York and Kennedy feel that this can be accomplished with the California. Airport, or New Haven and the fourth jetport.