


LRB 15.02 Notice of Review and Supporting Documents

1RWLFHRI5HYLHZ NOTICE OF REVIEW  81'(56(&7,21$  2)7+(72:1$1'&28175<3/$11,1* 6&27/$1' $&7 $6$0(1'(' ,1 5(63(&72)'(&,6,21621/2&$/'(9(/230(1767+(72:1$1'&28175<3/$11,1* 6&+(0(6 2)'(/(*$7,21$1'/2&$/5(9,(:352&('85(  6&27/$1' 5(*8/$7,216$1'7+(72:1 $1'&28175<3/$11,1* $33($/6  6&27/$1' 5(*8/$7,216

IMPORTANT: Please read and follow the guidance notes provided when completing this form. Failure to supply all the relevant information could invalidate your notice of review.

Please use BLOCK CAPITALS if completing in ink

The completed notice of review and any supporting documents should be sent by e-mail to lrb-planning.cs@.gov.uk, or by mail or by hand to the Head of Legal & Democratic Services, Finance & Corporate Services, Renfrewshire Council, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley, PA1 1TR.   Applicant(s) Agent (if any)




Review procedure













 3DJHRI 1RWLFHRI5HYLHZ Declaration  I the agent hereby serve notice on the Council to review the application as set out on this form and in the supporting documents.   &&&3ODQQLQJ&RQVXOWDQF\  'DWH 0D\     For office use only: 

3DJHRI Statement of Appeal On Behalf Of Cosmopolitan Hotels Ltd, Surrey 100 Ltd & Jasminder Purewal


The appellants currently operate both the Bridge Hotel & Spa and the Normandy Hotel. The 2 hotels employ approximately 260 people.

The Hotel & Spa has 171 bedrooms plus a restaurant with related function suites and an extensive leisure suite. The restaurant can accommodate around 210 covers while the adjoining function suites have a capacity for some 1050 delegates. Planning permission was granted in March 2008 (Document 2) for an additional 406 car parking spaces. The need for the additional car parking was in relation to the expansion of the appellant’s “Flyout Business”. This consent increased the total number of car parking spaces at the hotel to approximately 760 spaces.

The Normandy Hotel has 141 bedrooms plus a restaurant with related function/conference facilities. The restaurant can accommodate around 230 covers while the adjoining function/conference facilities have a capacity for some 1300 delegates. The conferencing facilities are the largest in Renfrewshire and are a huge asset to the area. The total number of approved car parking spaces servicing the hotel is some 315 spaces.

Frequently the Normandy Hotel receives complaints as to the lack of parking in relation to the size of the facility.

Indeed, the Head of Roads has previously commented that the existing parking provision does not meet demand when a function/event is taking place. The Council’s Parking Standards show that there is currently a shortfall of approximately 130 spaces (not including the need for additional spaces in relation to the expansion of the ‘stay/park/fly’ business). Background

With International Airport being only 1 mile from the Normandy Hotel and continuing to enjoy significant increases in passenger numbers (606,000 people travelled through the airport in March 2015, representing an increase of 14% on the same period last year) and new routes, a market opportunity has developed for guests going on holiday flying from the airport.

The owners of the hotel have created a bespoke package for this client base, whereby they arrive at the hotel a day or two before departure and leave their vehicle at the hotel until they return from holiday. Packages are built around stays at the hotel at both ends of the holiday. This is similar to the “Flyout Business” at the Erskine Bridge Hotel & Spa. This business has helped the hotel survive in what is an increasingly difficult trading environment.

The owners of the hotel have also attempted to nurture various segments of business (wedding events, tribute nights and conferencing/functions etc.), with success being achieved in the events business (Document 3).

Attached is a brief economic overview covering the period 2010 - 2014 (Document 4).

Key points to note include:

1. 127,605 guests visited the hotel in 2013/14.

2. The ‘stay/park/fly’ business is the 3rd largest segment of the business (approx. 15% of covers and 30% of occupancy but contributes over 1/3 of total turnover).

3. The largest segment is private dinner covers (approx. 40%) with tribute night covers the 2nd largest segment (approx. 17%).

4. Without the additional car parking the net loss of approx. £1m from turnover (accommodation, lounge food, lounge liquor, restaurant food and restaurant liquor etc.) would revert the hotel to around £2.6m turnover, which would not only make trading unviable but would also affect the local economy, cash flow to suppliers and negate jobs etc.

The application is as a direct result of the continuing shortage of car parking spaces to satisfy guests attending events and staying overnight in the hotel. The Proposal

On 27 October 2014 an application for planning permission was submitted to Renfrewshire Council (Ref: 14/0807/PP) for the “alteration and extension to the hotel car park to form additional long stay parking” (Document 5).

However, it should be noted that the planning officer changed the description of the development without consulting the applicant (or agent). The description of development was changed to “Formation of airport car parking and associated landscaping.”

Circular 3/2013 Development Management Procedures states that descriptions should accurately and adequately convey to the layman what the development involves.

In this regard, it is important to note that the application description for the additional 406 car parking spaces at the Erskine Bridge Hotel was “Continued use of open space as an extension to vehicle parking (retrospective) in connection with the Erskine Bridge Hotel”.

Furthermore, in his report to committee the planning officer described the proposal as follows: “The site extends to approximately 1.05 hectares and proposes 406 car parking spaces. This is a retrospective planning application as the owners currently park vehicles on the site and have been doing so for some considerable time. The applicant has advised that the need for this parking is in relation to the expansion of their “Flyout Business”. This consists of overnight accommodation at the hotel along with long stay car parking and transport to and from the airport.”

Describing the additional long stay car parking as “airport car parking” perhaps does not convey to the layman what the development fully involves. The Reasons For Refusal

The planning application was refused on 23 March 2015 for the following reasons, as detailed in the decision notice (Document 6):

1. The proposed additional parking in the hotel grounds is considered contrary to Policy E3 (Figure 9) of the Adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan 2014 and does not comply with the criteria for suitable new development as defined within the New Development Supplementary Guidance on Transition Areas.

2. The proposal would result in the formation of a substantial area of car parking, disproportionate to the existing hotel use, which neither enhances nor preserves the visual amenity of the area resulting in a detrimental impact upon the amenity of the application site and the wider area at this riverside location. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy E3 ‘Transition Areas’ and Policy E4 ‘Tourism’ and the New Development Supplementary Guidance on Transition Areas, and on ‘Tourist Accommodation Facilities’ of the adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan 2014.

3. The proposal is not considered to be an appropriate use for this location and would not support the comprehensive regeneration of the application site or wider transition areas as identified in Policy E3 (Figure 9) of the adopted Renfrewshire Local Plan 2014.

With regard to reason 1, the following is noted:

¾ within the current adopted Renfrewshire Local Development Plan 2014 (LDP), the land use designation of the site was changed from Greenbelt to Policy E3 – Transition Areas. The policy requires that the development of these areas is compatible with the surrounding area ensuring that there is no adverse impact upon existing uses and that the developments enable the regeneration of these areas facilitating the regeneration of the Blythswood Retail Park and industrial areas at Meadowside Street, including the application site. Figure 9 outlines potential uses for the Transition Areas. ¾ Transition Areas are areas where change is anticipated and encouraged. ¾ it is accepted that the proposed use (additional long stay car parking) is not listed as a potential use in Figure 9 of the LDP. However, in his handling report the planning officer accepts that the hotel itself is an acceptable use (a ‘leisure use’) and that the proposal is within the hotel grounds. ¾ the proposed car park is related to the hotel, which is an acceptable use defined in Figure 9 of the LDP. ¾ the need for the additional car parking is in relation to the expansion of the ‘stay/park/fly’ business and the shortage of car parking spaces to satisfy guests attending events and staying overnight in the hotel. ¾ in term of the criteria for suitable new development as defined within the New Development Supplementary Guidance on Transition Areas, the application site is located on land to the rear of the hotel which previously formed a driving range associated with the hotel and also part of the existing car parking area servicing the hotel. Vehicular access to the site would be provided from within the existing hotel car park.

With regard to point 2, the following is noted:

¾ it is not unusual for a car park to be located in close proximity to a hotel and there is clearly demand for the extra parking as demonstrated by the informal use of the area for a number of years. It should be remembered that planning permission was granted in March 2008 for a further 406 long stay car parking spaces at the Erskine Bridge Hotel & Spa, bringing the total number of parking spaces to approximately 760. The total number of approved spaces servicing the Normandy Hotel is only 315, not including the unauthorised car parking. ¾ it is also important to state that the additional car parking, while providing a ‘stay/park/fly’ facility, will also be used to support the functioning of the hotel during functions and events and that the parking will not solely be used in relation to guests using the airport. ¾ the construction of additional car parking would not be visually inappropriate or harmful within the context of the surrounding development. It is not unusual for a car park to be located in close proximity to a hotel. The attached photographs (Document 7) clearly show that the site is well screened and any impact could be mitigated by attaching a condition requiring a landscape scheme which could specifically address the landscaping between the riverside walkway and car park. ¾ Policy E4 outlines several criteria where the development of tourist facilities will be supported. It is noted that the planning officer accepts that the “applicants are able to justify a site locational need for the development given the close proximity to the airport and that the development is associated with an existing hotel.” In respect of the remaining criteria it is our opinion that the scale of the development is proportionate to the existing hotel operation (refer to economic growth statement). It is also similar in scale to the approved “Flyout Business” car park at the Erskine Bridge Hotel & Spa. The proposal also fits in well with the location - expansion of an existing car park on a well screened site within the curtilage and land ownership of the Normandy Hotel. ¾ regarding the New Development Supplementary Guidance on Tourism, it is noted that the planning officer accepts that the proposal accords with criteria 3, 4, 5 and 9. It is our opinion that the proposal also accords with the following criteria: Criteria 1 (contribution to the local economy with a social and/or cultural benefit to the area) - refer to Document 8 which details the various social and cultural activities which the hotel provides as a consequence of the improved trading environment.

Criteria 2 (does not result in a significant impact on visual amenity and local landscape character) - expansion of an existing car park on a well screened landlocked site in the hotel grounds (also refer to Document 7 which shows that the site is well screened).

Criteria 7 (scale, positioning and location of development) – similar scale to ‘Flyout Business’ car park at the Erskine Bridge Hotel & Spa. The planning officer also accepts that the applicants are able to justify a site locational need for the development given the close proximity to the airport and that the development is associated with an existing hotel; and

Criteria 8 (loss of open space) - this is addressed below.

With regard to point 3, the following is noted:

¾ although adjacent to a riverside walkway, the site is not public open space and is not identified on the local plan proposals map as either formal or informal space. The land is allocated for development and any assessment needs to be made in that context. ¾ the construction of additional car parking on a landlocked site within the curtilage of the hotel is not piecemeal development and will not adversely affect the long term comprehensive regeneration of the Blythswood Retail Park and surrounding area. Indeed, should the appeal not be upheld the viability of the hotel would be in doubt and the direct impact would see the loss of a significant number of jobs (at both hotels). ¾ the submitted supporting economic statement (Document 4) identifies that the hotel has seen an increase in both occupancy levels and turnover since 2010 and that the ‘stay/park/fly’ business accounts for some 30% of the occupancy of the hotel and over one third of the total hotel turnover. It is an essential part of the business. ¾ the proposed development will result in employment creation and bring economic benefit to the area. Conclusion

Section 25 of the Town & Country Planning () Act 1997 as Amended by the Planning etc (Scotland) Act 2006 requires planning authorities to determine applications for planning permission in accordance with the prevailing development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

The hotel, which holds a full service offering, requires more parking than a limited service hotel and the growth in ‘stay/park/fly’ since 2008 has been able to allow the hotel to grow profitability and support significant new employment (both directly and indirectly). The Head of Roads accepts that there is an under provision of car parking at the hotel. The hotel is an important local amenity and a tourist attraction (approximately 128,000 guests visited the hotel in 2013/14) that contributes towards the local economy. It also provides support facilities for local businesses thus increasing the attractiveness of the area for economic development.

Without the additional car parking the net loss of £1m from turnover would revert the hotel to around £2.6m turnover, which would not only make trading unviable but would also affect the local community, cash flow to local suppliers and negate jobs etc.

The refusal of application 14/0807/PP was both unreasonable and unjustified. The appellants therefore respectfully request that the current appeal should be upheld and that planning permission should be granted for the proposed development.

Renfrewshire House Cotton Street Paisley PA1 1JD

Tel: 0300 3000 144

Fax: 0141 618 7935

Email: [email protected]

Applications cannot be validated until all necessary documentation has been submitted and the required fee has been paid.

Thank you for completing this application form:

ONLINE REFERENCE 000103149-001

The online ref number is the unique reference for your online form only. The Planning Authority will allocate an Application Number when your form is validated. Please quote this reference if you need to contact the Planning Authority about this application.

Type of Application

What is this application for? Please select one of the following: *

We strongly recommend that you refer to the help text before you complete this section.

Application for Planning Permission (including changes of use and surface mineral working)

Application for Planning Permission in Principle

Further Application, (including renewal of planning permission, modification, variation or removal of a planning condition etc)

Application for Approval of Matters specified in conditions

Description of Proposal

Please describe the proposal including any change of use: * (Max 500 characters)

Alteration and Extension to Hotel Car Park to Form Additional Long Stay Parking.

Is this a temporary permission? * Yes No

If a change of use is to be included in the proposal has it already taken place? (Answer 'No' if there is no change of use.) * Yes No

Have the works already been started or completed? *

No Yes - Started Yes - Completed

Applicant or Agent Details

Are you an applicant, or an agent? * (An agent is an architect, consultant or someone else acting on behalf of the applicant in connection with this application) Applicant Agent

Page 1 of 8 Agent Details

Please enter Agent details

Company/Organisation: CCC Planning Consultancy You must enter a Building Name or Number, or both:*

Ref. Number: Building Name:

First Name: * Colin Building Number: 25

Last Name: * Campbell Address 1 (Street): * Yarrow Crescent

Telephone Number: * Address 2:

Extension Number: Town/City: * Bishopton

Mobile Number: Country: * UK

Fax Number: Postcode: * PA7 5ED

Email Address: *

Is the applicant an individual or an organisation/corporate entity? *

Individual Organisation/Corporate entity

Applicant Details

Please enter Applicant details

Title: You must enter a Building Name or Number, or both:*

Other Title: Building Name: Normandy Hotel

First Name: Building Number:

Last Name: Address 1 (Street): * Road

Company/Organisation: * Cosmopolitan Hotels Ltd, Address 2: Surrey 100 Ltd & Jasminder Purewal Town/City: * Telephone Number: Country: * Scotland Extension Number: Postcode: * PA4 9EJ Mobile Number:

Fax Number:

Email Address:

Page 2 of 8 Site Address Details

Planning Authority: Renfrewshire Council

Full postal address of the site (including postcode where available):

Address 1: Normandy Hotel Address 5:

Address 2: Inchinnan Road Town/City/Settlement: Renfrew

Address 3: Post Code: PA4 9EJ

Address 4:

Please identify/describe the location of the site or sites.

Northing 667873 Easting 249503

Pre-Application Discussion

Have you discussed your proposal with the planning authority? * Yes No

Pre-Application Discussion Details

In what format was the feedback given? *

Meeting Telephone Letter Email

Please provide a description of the feedback you were given and the name of the officer who provided this feedback. If a processing agreement [note 1] is currently in place or if you are currently discussing a processing agreement with the planning authority, please provide details of this. (This will help the authority to deal with this application more efficiently.) * (Max 500 characters)

Meeting with Sharon Marklow and Campbell Purves on Tuesday 12th August 2014 to discuss the current parking provision at the Hotel, the proposed development and various related issues - such as occupancy levels, turnover, job creation/employment and investment plans etc. Advised to submit a planning application plus supporting information.

Title: Mr Other title:

First Name: Campbell Last Name: Purves

Correspondence Reference Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 12/08/14 Number:

Note 1. A processing agreement involves setting out the key stages involved in determining a planning application, identifying what information is required and from whom and setting timescales for the delivery of various stages of the process.

Site Area

Please state the site area: 1.70

Please state the measurement type used: Hectares (ha) Square Metres (sq.m)

Page 3 of 8 Existing Use

Please describe the current or most recent use: (Max 500 characters)

Existing Car Park and Golf Driving Range (not now used).

Access and Parking

Are you proposing a new or altered vehicle access to or from a public road? * Yes No

If Yes please describe and show on your drawings the position of any existing, altered or new access points, highlighting the changes you propose to make. You should also show existing footpaths and note if there will be any impact on these.

Are you proposing any changes to public paths, public rights of way or affecting any public rights of access? * Yes No

If Yes please show on your drawings the position of any affected areas highlighting the changes you propose to make, including arrangements for continuing or alternative public access.

How many vehicle parking spaces (garaging and open parking) currently exist on the application 315 site? *

How many vehicle parking spaces (garaging and open parking) do you propose on the site (i.e. the 945 total of existing and any new spaces or a reduced number of spaces)? *

Please show on your drawings the position of existing and proposed parking spaces and identify if these are for the use of particular types of vehicles (e.g. parking for disabled people, coaches, HGV vehicles, cycle spaces).

Water Supply and Drainage Arrangements

Will your proposal require new or altered water supply or drainage arrangements? * Yes No

Are you proposing to connect to the public drainage network (eg. to an existing sewer)? *

Yes – connecting to public drainage network

No – proposing to make private drainage arrangements

Not Applicable – only arrangements for water supply required

What private arrangements are you proposing? *

New/Altered septic tank.

Treatment/Additional treatment (relates to package sewage treatment plants, or passive sewage treatment such as a reed bed).

Other private drainage arrangement (such as chemical toilets or composting toilets).

Please explain your private drainage arrangements briefly here and show more details on your plans and supporting information: * (Max 500 characters)

Client's Drainage Engineers in discussion with the Council regarding previously submitted Flood Risk Assessment and the details of our proposals for draining the site.

Do your proposals make provision for sustainable drainage of surface water? (e.g. SUDS arrangements) * Yes No

Note: -

Please include details of SUDS arrangements on your plans Selecting 'No' to the above question means that you could be in breach of Environmental legislation.

Page 4 of 8 Are you proposing to connect to the public water supply network? *


No, using a private water supply

No connection required

If No, using a private water supply, please show on plans the supply and all works needed to provide it (on or off site).

Assessment of Flood Risk

Is the site within an area of known risk of flooding? * Yes No Don't Know

If the site is within an area of known risk of flooding you may need to submit a Flood Risk Assessment before your application can be determined. You may wish to contact your Planning Authority or SEPA for advice on what information may be required.

Do you think your proposal may increase the flood risk elsewhere? * Yes No Don't Know


Are there any trees on or adjacent to the application site? * Yes No

If Yes, please mark on your drawings any trees, known protected trees and their canopy spread close to the proposal site and indicate if any are to be cut back or felled.

Waste Storage and Collection

Do the plans incorporate areas to store and aid the collection of waste (including recycling)? * Yes No

If Yes or No, please provide further details:(Max 500 characters)

Existing Car Park and Golf Driving Range (not now used). Bins already located in car park.

Residential Units Including Conversion

Does your proposal include new or additional houses and/or flats? * Yes No

All Types of Non Housing Development - Proposed New Floorspace

Does your proposal alter or create non-residential floorspace? * Yes No

Schedule 3 Development

Does the proposal involve a form of development listed in Schedule 3 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure (Scotland) Regulations 2013 * Yes No Don't Know

If yes, your proposal will additionally have to be advertised in a newspaper circulating in the area of the development. Your planning authority will do this on your behalf but will charge you a fee. Please check the planning authority’s website for advice on the additional fee and add this to your planning fee. If you are unsure whether your proposal involves a form of development listed in Schedule 3, please check the Help Text and Guidance notes before contacting your planning authority.

Planning Service Employee/Elected Member Interest

Is the applicant, or the applicant’s spouse/partner, either a member of staff within the planning service or an elected member of the planning authority? * Yes No

Page 5 of 8 Certificates and Notices


One Certificate must be completed and submitted along with this application form. This is most usually Certificate A, Form 1, Certificate B, Certificate C or Certificate E.

Are you/the applicant the sole owner of ALL the land ? * Yes No

Is any of the land part of an agricultural holding? * Yes No

Certificate Required

The following Land Ownership Certificate is required to complete this section of the proposal:

Certificate A

Land Ownership Certificate

Certificate and Notice under Regulation 15 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 Certificate A

I hereby certify that –

(1) - No person other than myself/the applicant was an owner (Any person who, in respect of any part of the land, is the owner or is the lessee under a lease thereof of which not less than 7 years remain unexpired.) of any part of the land to which the application relates at the beginning of the period of 21 days ending with the date of the accompanying application.

(2) - None of the land to which the application relates constitutes or forms part of an agricultural holding.

Signed: Colin Campbell

On behalf of: Cosmopolitan Hotels Ltd, Surrey 100 Ltd & Jasminder Purewal

Date: 27/10/2014

Please tick here to certify this Certificate. *

Checklist - Application for Planning Permission

Town and County Planning (Scotland) Act 1997

The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013

Please take a few moments to complete the following checklist in order to ensure that you have provided all the necessary information in support of your application. Failure to submit sufficient information with your application may result in your application being deemed invalid. The planning authority will not start processing your application until it is valid.

a) If this is a further application where there is a variation of conditions attached to a previous consent, have you provided a statement to that effect? *

Yes No Not applicable to this application

b) If this is an application for planning permission or planning permission in principal where there is a crown interest in the land, have you provided a statement to that effect? *

Yes No Not applicable to this application

c) If this is an application for planning permission, planning permission in principle or a further application and the application is for development belonging to the categories of national or major developments (other than one under Section 42 of the planning Act), have you provided a Pre-Application Consultation Report? *

Yes No Not applicable to this application

Page 6 of 8 Town and County Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 d) If this is an application for planning permission and the application relates to development belonging to the categories of national or major developments and you do not benefit from exemption under Regulation 13 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013, have you provided a Design and Access Statement? *

Yes No Not applicable to this application e) If this is an application for planning permission and relates to development belonging to the category of local developments (subject to regulation 13. (2) and (3) of the Development Management Procedure (Scotland) Regulations 2013) have you provided a Design Statement? *

Yes No Not applicable to this application f) If your application relates to installation of an antenna to be employed in an electronic communication network, have you provided an ICNIRP Declaration? *

Yes No Not applicable to this application g) If this is an application for planning permission, planning permission in principle, an application for approval of matters specified in conditions or an application for mineral development, have you provided any other plans or drawings as necessary:

Site Layout Plan or Block plan.


Floor plans.

Cross sections.

Roof plan.

Master Plan/Framework Plan.

Landscape plan.

Photographs and/or photomontages.


Page 7 of 8 Provide copies of the following documents if applicable:

A copy of an Environmental Statement. * Yes N/A

A Design Statement or Design and Access Statement. * Yes N/A

A Flood Risk Assessment. * Yes N/A

A Drainage Impact Assessment (including proposals for Sustainable Drainage Systems). * Yes N/A

Drainage/SUDS layout. * Yes N/A

A Transport Assessment or Travel Plan. * Yes N/A

Contaminated Land Assessment. * Yes N/A

Habitat Survey. * Yes N/A

A Processing Agreement * Yes N/A

Other Statements (please specify). (Max 500 characters)

Client's engineers in discussion with the Council regarding the previously submitted Flood Risk Assessment and the proposed surface water drainage arrangements.

Declare - For Application to Planning Authority

I, the applicant/agent certify that this is an application to the planning authority as described in this form. The accompanying plans/drawings and additional information are provided as a part of this application .

Declaration Name: Colin Campbell

Declaration Date: 27/10/2014

Submission Date: 27/10/2014

Payment Details

Cheque: Surrey 100 Ltd, 110614

Created: 27/10/2014 13:35

Page 8 of 8




ThisdocumenthasbeenpreparedtoaccompanyasubmissiontotheLocalAuthorityinrespectof planningapplicationref14/0807/PP.Thepurposeofthereportistoprovideavisualrecordofthe settingofthehotelanditspoliciesasofMay2015.

Thephotographicsurveyrecordsthatingeneraltheboundariesarenotedasachievingaplanted ‘green’edge.

WherethesiteboundstheRiverCartisastronggreenedgeoftreeandhedgeplanting,throughwhich runsapublicfootpath.Thisedgeprovidestheobviousdefinitionofchangebetweentransitionarea andgreenbelt.

Theproposalsthatweresubmittedincludedforenhancementoftheexistingboundariestothehotel includingadditionallandscapingandplantingtoreinforcethe‘green’edgestothesite.

Page1of9   Viewlookingwestfromtheneighbouringretailparktowardstheavenueleadingtogolfclub.


Page2of9   Viewtowardsgolfclubcarpark,existingpalisadefencetoformerdrivingrangeareadefinesedge.

 Viewonapproachtogolfclubcarpark.Notetheavenueofbeechtreesnotcontinuous.Highnets andstanchionsremaininplacefromDrivingRange.

Page3of9  ViewfromInchinnanRoadlookingacrossretailpark

Viewlookingsouthwestbacktowardsthehotelfromtheentrancetothegolfclub car park

Page4of9  ViewfromSwingBridge/InchinnanRoadlookingtoboundaryedgewiththeRiver Cart


Page5of9  Viewlookingnorthalongfootpathtowestofapplicationsite.


Page6of9  Viewlookingnorthalongfootpathtowestofapplicationsite,atboundarytoformer drivingrange.


Page7of9  Viewlookingsouthalongfootpathtowestofapplicationsite

Viewlookingsouthalongfootpathtowestofapplicationsiteatboundarywithgolf course

Page8of9   Viewlookingsoutheasttowardshotelfromfootpathtowestofapplicationsite. (showingexistingcarparkingapprovedbyPlanningPermission10/0607/PP)

ViewfromInchinnanRoadlookingbackeasttowardshotel,andwesternedgeof application site.


Supporting Statement

Alteration and Extension to Hotel Car Park to Form Additional Long Stay Parking

Normandy Hotel, Inchinnan Road, Renfrew PA4 9EJ

Cosmopolitan Hotels Ltd, Surrey 100 Ltd & Jasminder Purewal

Prepared By Colin Campbell, CCC Planning Consultancy

October 2014

Introduction In support of our application for the alteration and extension of the hotel car park to form additional long stay parking, we would offer this document by way of support to the application in order for the Council to have a complete and informed understanding as to the rationale behind the application. The application is as a direct result of the continuing shortage of car parking spaces to satisfy guests attending events and staying overnight in the hotel - together with revenue opportunities available should additional parking be available for use.

Hotel Facilities The hotel boasts 141 bedrooms and has conference facilities for up to 1,000 delegates notwithstanding further conference / event facilities for a further 300 guests. The restaurant has an operating capacity of 230 persons. These facilities are the largest in Renfrewshire and are a huge asset to the area. Frequently the hotel receives complaints as to the lack of parking in relation to the size of the facility and the unique selling point of free parking for guests and delegates. The hotel currently has 315 car parking spaces for hotel residents.

Marketing Opportunities With Glasgow International Airport being only one mile from the hotel and its continued growth in passengers and routes annually a market opportunity has developed for guests going on holiday flying from . The owners of the hotel have created a bespoke package for this client base, whereby they arrive at the hotel a day or two before flight departure and leave their vehicle at the hotel until they return from holiday. Packages are built around stays at the hotel at both ends of the holiday. This has developed into a niche market and has continued to grow over the last 4 years as the airport has developed with associated revenue gains to the wider Renfrewshire area. This business has helped the hotel survive in what is an increasingly difficult trading environment. The owners of the hotel have also attempted to nurture various segments of business (wedding events, tribute nights and conferencing/functions etc.), with success being achieved in the events business. Attached herewith in support of the application is a brief economic overview (covering the period 2010 – 2014).

Medium/Long Term Vision The owners of the hotel are continuing to develop opportunities and following the recent refurbishment of all the bedrooms are increasingly developing the conferencing and tourism related segments. With the availability of the golf driving range site (not now used) for hotel parking further business opportunities would become available to the hotel thus creating long term sustainability for the hotel and its employees. It is anticipated that the ‘park-stay-fly’ business will continue to grow over the coming years and through efforts to consolidate other avenues and segments will go some way towards achieving long term sustainability for the business.