International Student Handbook 2020 - 2021 Welcome to Tilburg University
International Student Handbook 2020 - 2021 Welcome to Tilburg University Dear Student, You are about to start as a Bachelor’s, Pre-Master’s or (Research) Master’s student at one of the five Schools of Tilburg University. Of course, if you are new to the Netherlands and/or to Tilburg University, there is a lot to get used to. On top of the new start of your studies at Tilburg University, we are all facing the challenges of COVID-19 and the restrictions imposed on our daily lives and your studies in Tilburg. This handbook has been prepared to give you relevant information and answer any questions you might have about starting with your studies at Tilburg University. We have compiled this comprehensive International Student Handbook to help you along. It contains practical information you will need to get through your first year in Tilburg, on varying topics such as academic preparation, intercultural awareness, registration for exams, study facilities on campus, and more, plus useful information on things not immediately related to your studies, such as extra-curricular activi- ties, student life in general, useful apps, etc. So keep this booklet ready for consultation! Maybe you also have other aspirations, next to your program. If so, you can always consider attending one of our excellence programs, becoming active in an association, or going on exchange. Tilburg University offers several interesting opportunities! Make sure you read this handbook carefully, and that you follow the instruc- tions, when necessary. We wish you an inspiring, educational, and, above all, pleasant period of study on our beautiful campus! Please bear in mind that the International Student Handbook is mostly applicable in a scenario where education is mostly on campus.
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