HEAR-About This!? HEARA: Higher Education and Academic Research Act

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HEAR-About This!? HEARA: Higher Education and Academic Research Act Als medezeggenschapper heb je een grote verantwoordelijkheid. Je bent gesprekspartner van het be- stuur van je instelling, faculteit of opleiding en in sommigeHEAR gevallen moet-About eerst aan thisde medezeggen!? - schap toestemming gevraagd worden voordat voorgenomenHEAR beleid kan worden uitgevoerd. De mede- zeggenschap mag altijd advies uitbrengen aan het bestuur en kan op deze manier invloed uitoefenen en problemen aan de kaak stellen. Er zijn verschillende-About this bestuurslagen te onderscheiden binnen zowel universiteiten als hogescholen en bij iedere laag hoort ook een medezeggenschaps- of inspraakorgaan. Bestuursstructuren van universiteiten staan voor het !? grootste deel vastgelegd in de wet (WHW). Het organogram dat hierna is weergegeven geldt voor bijna alle universiteiten en hogescholen, al vormen sommige hogescholen hierop een uitzondering. Zo is er vrijwel overal een Raad van Toezicht (RvT) (of een stichtingsbestuur met deze toezichtsfunctie), een centraal bestuur, decentrale besturen en oplei- dingsbesturen of -directeuren. Aan deze niveaus hangen verschillende medezeggenschapsorganen, zoals de centrale medezeggenschap aan het CvB en de decentrale medezeggenschap aan het bestuur van een hoofdafdeling (de term die de WHW hanteertFifth edition, 2016 is faculteit). Er zijn enkele instellingen die één faculteit hebben. In deze gevallen is het CvB ook het faculteitsbestuur en neemt deze de bijbehorende taken op zich. Dit betekent dat ook de decentrale medezeggenschap en centrale medezeggenschap ineengeschoven zijn en dat deze raad de bevoegdhedenA guidelineheeft van for thebeide Dutch raden. Higher NaastEducation het and samen - voegen van verschillende bestuursniveaus kan de structuurResearch nog Act op for een students andere and student manier participation. afwijken. Bij- voorbeeld, wanneer een regeling al besproken is met de medezeggenschap op een hoger niveau, kan HEAR-About this!? HEARA: Higher Education and Academic Research Act A guideline for the Higher Education and Academic Research Act for students and those active in Participation. Fifth edition János Betkó Sara Struik Hester Swart Lisa Westerveld Translation by Naomi van den Bergh This translation was made possible by: & COLOPHON Dutch Student Union P.O. Box 1335 3500 BH Utrecht Tel. 030-2316464 www.lsvb.nl [email protected] First edition, 2010 Second edition, 2011 Third edition, 2013 Fourth edition, 2015 Fifth edition, 2016 The masculine form used in this publication is intended to be gender neutral, except for instances concerning references or specific individuals. Keywords: university / university of applied sciences / higher education / participation / students / HEARA / student rights Title: HEAR-About this?! Authors: János Betkó, Sara Struik, Hester Swart and Lisa Westerveld Authors previous editions: János Betkó, Ilir Dibrani, Anco Peeters, Sara Struik, Hester Swart, Lisa Westerveld and Maaike Verhoek. Cover image: Jorrit Kiel Content design: J Ontwerp Layout: Sophie van der Vlugt, Leonie Damink and Tibbe in ‘t Veld Third edition with assistance of: Pepijn Eymaal and Jos Bakker Fourth edition with assistance of: David Moot Fifth edition with assistance of: Laurens Nuijten and Julia Kleinrensink. We would like to thank the University of Amsterdam and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences for sponsoring this version of the HEARA. ISBN: 9789074884181 © 2016 Dutch Student Union, Utrecht. This issue has been published by the Dutch Student Union. The substantive accountability associated with this publication lies, in its entity, with the Dutch Student Union. Everything in this edition may be reproduced and/or published without written consent of the rights holder. Usage of any information provided in this edition is one’s own risk. For additional information, questions, orders or constructive criticism please contact the Dutch Student Union. CONTENTS Preface ......................................................................................................................... 8 Why was this book composed?......................................................................................................8 Structure, content and reading tips .............................................................................................8 I. History – an overview of student participation and the HEARA ....................... 10 II. Structure of the participation .............................................................................. 15 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Different levels ............................................................................................................................ 15 Divided or undivided participation ......................................................................................16 Rights of the participation .............................................................................................................19 Right of consent ..........................................................................................................................19 Right of consultation .................................................................................................................19 Right to information ..................................................................................................................19 Right of initiative .........................................................................................................................20 Elections and the aftermath....................................................................................................20 The central level .................................................................................................................................20 The Executive Board ...................................................................................................................20 Authorities Executive Board ....................................................................................................20 Undivided structure of participation at central level .................................................... 21 Right of consent (undivided structure) ............................................................................... 21 Right of consultation (undivided structure) ......................................................................22 Right to information and right of initiative (undivided structure) ............................23 Divided structure of participation at central level ..........................................................23 Right of consent (divided structure) ....................................................................................23 Right of consultation (divided structure) ...........................................................................23 Right to information and right of initiative (divided structure) .................................23 The decentralized level ...................................................................................................................24 The faculty board or dean (universities) .............................................................................24 Authorities of the faculty board ............................................................................................25 Management faculty/organizational unit (universities of applied sciences) ........26 Undivided participation at decentralized level ...............................................................26 Right of consent (universities of applied sciences) ......................................................... 27 Right of consent (universities) ................................................................................................27 Right of consultation (universities of applied sciences and universities) ...............28 Right to information and the right of initiative (both universities of applied sci- ences and universities). ............................................................................................................28 Divided participation at decentralized level .....................................................................28 Participation at educational level ..............................................................................................29 The management of an educational program (universities) .......................................29 The management of an educational program (universities of applied sciences) 30 The educational program committee ................................................................................30 Right of consent and right of consultation ........................................................................ 31 III. Legal protection for students ............................................................................. 32 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................32 5 Content The internal procedure ....................................................................................................................32 Objection and administrative appeal ..................................................................................33 Complaints.....................................................................................................................................34 The external procedure ..................................................................................................................34
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