to - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. March 28. 1989

MISCELLANEOUS I p t I MISCELLANEOUS I CARS I ^ C A R S CARS rSlTRUCKS/VANS I FOR RENT FURNITURE IS il F O R SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE CARS Stars try to keep cool for the Oscars FOR SALE FOR SALE m \ m SALE GARAGE - One car with TWO piece living room TOYOTA van, 1985. This actress — will be decided the extra space. Hlllstown 72 HOUR MONEY RACK FORD 1987 Taurus/L Bv John Horn , Scores of fans who arrived set. Good condition, SCHALLER van Is loaded. Dual sun ■ "Rain Man'* leads Road. Call 643-9776. END ROLLS wagon. 26K. Many ex­ The Associated Press early were eagerly awaiting the earliest when Melanie Griffith with custom slip cov­ ACURA QUALITY GUARANTEE roof, AM-FM stero the pack of unfavorltes TWO car garage. $130. ers. Call 646-0216. 27%" width — 25apd. 4 wd, A/C You'll find the help you tisfy their needs and FOR SALE 84 Toyota Camary *5500 85 Cemaro Coupe *7495 Clwvy ‘88 CalabrNy <8,886 BMW 1984 5331, flye against a feverish backdrop of family get-together because each Any variety of upsets were for “ Working Girl,” Geena Davis wants ... that's what want 8-apd, A/C, starao Olda ‘88 Delta <8.886 need In Classified. 643- WANTED 85 Electra 4 Door *10995 speed, burgandy. Ex­ 2711.______ticket scalping, thievery, politi­ year you see the same people.... considered possible. for “ The Accidental Tourist” and ads are all about. PLYMOUTH 1981 Reliant 87 Hyundai QLS *5495 85 Century 4 Door *7495 Olda ‘88 88 Ragancy <8,886 cellent condition. Well Only actor Dustin Hoffman and Michelle Pfeiffer for “ Dangerous TO RENT 5-apd, Elao Sunroof ToyoU ‘88 Callea QT8 <10,478 cal demonstrations and last- You discuss different pictures station wagon. Many 86 Marcury Lynx 85 Century Wagon *7995 maintained. $15,500. A *3995 Ford ‘88 LTD 4 Dr <8.886 minute preparations. that you’ve taken and what director Barry Levinson of "Rain Liaisons.” new ports. $1,100. Call 4-tpd, AM^M atarao tapa 88 Olda 98 4 Door *9995 Call 522-9211 or 521-8312. lAUTOS FOR I MISCELLANEOUS Bulek ‘88 Regal <7.888 Man” will enter the Shrine The fate of “ Rain Man,” the PROFESSIONAL man 643-7724.______8SVW OTI *6495 IRENT/LEASE Tickets for the ceremony were you’ve been up to. I don’t get tired I FOR SALE 88 Olda Clara Wagon *6995 Olda ‘84 Cutlaaa <8,886 MERCURY Cougar XR, seeks apartment to CAMERO 1983. Power S-apd. A/C selling for more than $2,0(H) and of it.’ ’ Auditorium as heavy favorites to road drama of autism and broth­ share In Manchester- 88 Spectrum 4 Door *4995 1985,39,800 miles. Fully win statuettes. steering, air condition­ 345 CENTER ST. 88 Bonneville 4 Door *7995 BOB RIU Y OLDSMOBN.E FREE Mileage on low Oscar guards were looking for Predictions for best picture, erly love that received the most /Bolton area. Call An­ COLECO. 24 fdof pool loaded. New tires. Ex­ cost auto rental. Vil­ ing, V-6, mint condi­ AND MARINE cellent condition. Ask­ someone who stole 40 passes for best actress, best supporting One of the evening’s tightest drew Y., 643-2711 days. complete. Free If re­ MANCHESTER lage Auto Rental, 643- tion. $3,800. Call 646- 269 Adami S t Minch. ing $6,100. Call after the show. actor and best supporting actress races — for best supporting See OSCARS, page 10 649-3426 evenings. moved. 643-9395. 647-7077 872-9111 2979 or 646-7044. 8645. MB-1749 5pm. 282-0718.

NOTICE Increased commitment to maintenance ot Recreation and PUBLIC HEARING Parks buildings, grounds, facilities, and equipment. The totol BOARD OF DIRECTORS overtime recommendation of $42,210 represents 10% ot the FY 1N8/90 RECOMMENDED combined salaries of all personnel assigned to these tasks and FY 1M9/90 RECOMMENDED BUDGET SUMMARY BUDGET OF THE GENERAL MANAGER Is based on the recommendation contained In the Recreation TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1918 and Parks Facilities Maintenance Sfudy that a range of 8% - 12% of combined salaries should be appropriated to properly Expended Adopted R itim a ted Recommended WADDELL SCHOOLAUDITORIUM maintain outdoor recreation and park facilities. 1M 7/M 1988/89 1988/89 1989/90 US BROAD STREET General Fund 57,137479 43,524,251 44,597,207 73,022,265 MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 04040 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Data Processing Fund 322,(XI9 400,870 400,870 440,149 W ater Fund TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT .•■•commended appropriation tor Transfer to the 5,837,914 4,134,284 4,173,278 4,345,594 M o rc h 21,1919 Capital Improvement Reserve Is $1,187,830. This Is an Sewer Fund 2,235,487 2,494,783 2,463,914 2,878,300 TO; Board of Directors Increase of $283,487, or 31.1%, over the cu rren t yea r Town Fire District Fund FROM: Robert B. Weiss, General Manoger 4J24,S74 4,745,557 4,748,532 5,432,814 appropriation of $904,343. This amount represenfs 1.41 m ills Parking District Fund SUBJECT: RECOMMENDED BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR (1.41 X $839,584) of Tax effort to continue the policy of 108,344 119,010 115,870 127,870 1909-90 Incrementally maving toward the eventual annual appropria­ manrliPBlrr MrralJi tion of 2 m ills of tax effort to Transfer to Reserve to properly TOTALS 49,747,441 77,440,737 88,499,015 88,444,994 In accordance with Section 5-2 of the Charter of the Town of maintain the Town's Infrastructure and capital equipment. Manchester, I am pleased to submit my Recommended Budet As referenced earlier. Included In this recommendations for the fiscal year July 1, 1989, through June 30, 1990. The $100,000 for the contracted repairs to deteriorated sidewalks. Recom m ended G eneral Fond Budget totals $73,022,265 and A M I L L R A T E FO R F Y 1989/90 O F 54.58, W H IC H FIXED COSTS, INSURANCE AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Wednesday, March 29, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 uents The recommended appropriation In these areas has I have provided a Summary Table, found on page 7, which Increased by $940,003, or 14.1%, over the cu rren t yea r sets out the dollar and percentage Increases tor each m alor a p p ro p ria tio n of $5,933,332, p rim a rily due to the fo llo w lg General Fund activity and Indicates what percentage of the Increases; MANAGER’S GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY total Increase recommended Is being assigned to each ■ Insurance - Liability, Fire, etc. — has Increased by activity. I trust that this Table will be helpful to you In $117,300 to meet the estimated premiums for traditional reviewing the Recommended General Fund Budget. Insurance, expenses tor self-insured claims, and an % Ot ad d itla n al $138,000 as pa rt of a plan to Increase the Insurance The operating subtotal Increase of $2,881,635 presented In fund balance from Its cu rren t $1,100,000 to $2,000,000 o ver a Total $ this table Includes $1,344,390 tor the service Improvements five year period. This plan Is recommended bv the recently Adopted M g r. Roc. $ % Increase outlined on the following pages. It should be noted that of this Activity Developers want downtown building completed management and actuarial review of our 19M/I9 1989/90 Increase Increase Rec. ^ o u n t, $1,128,895 represents the cost of Improvements not Insurance program which w ill be presented to the Board of General Gvt affecting the mill rate, since the cost of Improvements In 2,431,154 2,583,417 152,441 4.3% 3.7% Directors as a part of the budget workshop discussion of our Public Works Sanitation, the mall building Inspector, ond the mall area Insurance program. One recommendation of this review Is 4,179,728 4,885,701 705,973 11.4% 7.4% In-ground Improvements Inspector are all offset by related the creation of the position of Risk Manager to oversee a wide Protection 4,888,374 5,393,892 505,514 10.3% 5.1% non-tax revenue Increases. In ad dition, the $95,950 Im prove­ range of Insurance and claims loss management activities. Human Services 1,387,597 1,721,519 ment for Recreation ond Parks Improvements Is for the 333,922 24.1% 3.5% This position Is warranted and ceuld be financially supported Leisure 1,734,288 $1.3 million continuation of policy decisions already mode In the current by a contribution from the Self Insurance Fund, since the 2,920,051 1,183,743 48.2% 12.5% year. The remaining listed Improvements total $141,545 and, efforts ot a Risk Manager are likely to generate significant taken together, represent 0.17 m ills of tax effort. Without the savings In premium and claims payments. Our discusslan of OPERATING outlined Improvements, the Increase In all non-oducatlon this review should Include the various roles which a R isk SUBTOTAL 16,423,145 19,504,780 2,881,435 17.3% 10.1% price tag on operating budgets Is 7.7%. Manager can assume. Including Insurance management, NN^NUKoaufia safety engineering, and employee training regarding Injury As you will see, this budget, with few exceptions, maintains and accident avoidance. Once the acturlal and management Capital Imp 904 J43 1,187,830 283,487 31.3% 3.0% the current level of Town services. Department Heads have review has been presented and discussed, I may recommend Ins/M Isc 1,919,217 taken great care to minimize the program and service 2,172,388 253,171 13.2% 2.7% that serious consideration be given to the establishment of the Emp Pens Ben Arthur’s site Improvements reauested. I have selected from among these position of Risk Manager^ 4,014,145 4,720,997 704432 17.4% 7.4% reauests only those Improvements which I feel are vital to the Debt Service 3,165,524 3,920,057 754,533 23.8% 7.9% community at this time. However, I wish to stress thot many .. contribution to the Fire Fund has Increased by $49,593, representing the additional cost to the Fire Fund ot of the departmental reauests not Included In this recom­ rlXED COSTS A Bv Nancv Concelman mended budget are, nevertheless, well thought out, needed providing paromedic services throughout the Town. Improvements to community services — very much In Security eniplover's contribution hos Increased by MISC SUBTOTAL 10,003,249 12,001,272 1,998,023 20.0% 31.0% Manchester Herald keeping with the concept that a budget Is a planning $103,845 due to on Increased salary base against which the employer's contribution percentage Is applied and an document as well as a financial document. The Police budget EDUCATION request In particular, with proposed new positions Including Increase In the percentage. 34,897,857 41,514,213 4418454 12.5% a.4% Two New York develojpers have two patrol officers, three detectives, an administrative ■ Pension contribution has Increased by $324,835 and a $1.3 million option to buy a “ contribution for current liability based on the lieutenant, a laborer, a community relotlons officer, a court ORANO TOTAL 43,524,251 73,022,245 9498,014 liaison officer, and a data entry clerk, represents a multiyear FY 1W /W prelected salorles of all participating employees 15.0% 100.0% building on Main Street that proposal to address problems and a workload that will not and the eighth annual payment under a ten year phose-ln to houses Arthur Drug Store of disappear or diminish. Additionally, Building Inspection — the forty year plan to eliminate unfunded lloblllty. Manchester Inc. and six other with o j-Muested clerk and Assistant Zoning Offlcer/Envlron- ■ Medical Insurance has Increased bv $255,000 based on an mental Inspector, Highway — with a three person sidewalk anticipated 12% Increose In the cost of medical services and a businesses. crew. Human Services — with expanded conservator's agent 25% Increase In the premium for the Medicare Supplement * ond clerical staff hours. Library — with an coverage tor retirees over age 45. Developer John Finguerra and additional Library Technician 1 position, and Recreation — ■ Termination benefits hove Increased bv $55,000 to reflect attorney Richard Ripps, partners with overtime Increases to Improve the maintenance of the estimated cost to the Town tor termination benefits for Recreation buildings, facilities and grounds, each proposed employees ^ ected to retire or resign from Town Service REVENUE SOURCE CHART in development of 150 acres next during F Y 1989/90. service or program Improvement. Mony of these needs are to the mall under construction in Reginald PInto/Manchaater Herald not addressed In the upcom ing yea r due to fisc a l constraints. Buckland. have a one-year option Hopefully, new construction now In process or anticipated In DEBT SERVICE Adopted Estim ated 1 % John Finguerra and Richard Ripps, plan to renovate the stores and may Increose the tax base In future years sln c e o s e d by $754,533, from $3,145,524 to Source 1988/89 1989/90 Increoie Increase to buy the 22,000-square-foot ON THE BLOCK — Two New York City developers have an option to buy sufficiently to permit the additional service needs of the $3,920,057. ^5,043 of the Increase Is due to the Issuance of Property Taxes 40,401,551 44423402 5,921451 14.7% add retail, office and residential uses. community to be met. $7,800,000 of bonds during F Y 1988/89 fo r school building code building, Finguerra said this commercial building on Main Street for $1.3 million. The developers. compliance and asbestos removal prolects. These Issues will Fines, Licenses Tuesday. Those Increases representing on extension beyond molnte- '•’ ♦«•■•»♦ paym ents totallin g $934,128 In Services & Rents 2,424,888 3,824,184 1,199,298 45.7% part of his plan to improve the the T. Cassano encouraged Fin­ current service level and the Increased costs within 1W/90. However, this additional expenditure will be Non-Ed State & Fed The building is located on the He and Ripps are studying said. posed reconstruction of the the Divisions' budgets are; offset In port by a $473,550 Increase In reimbursements for appearance of his building and guerra to move forward with his (Inc Rev Sharing) 4,427,707 5,213,906 784,199 0.3% west side of the street, next to St. possible uses for the building but Despite a development boom in street, he said. Town principal and Interest payments on bonded school surrounding area. plans. 1) B u ild in g Inspection **»**”!!!? Impact of the school Improvements Other Revenue 995,878 1440,179 644401 44.7% James Church and a municipal probably won’t have concrete the North End of town fueled in “ The focus now is swinging ■ The addition of $49,411 for a Chief Building Inspector to In itiative to $181,513, o r 0.22 m ills. Education Related 13,774,227 14,970,992 1,196,745 0.7% parking lot at the corner of Main plans for about a year, he said. part by construction of the mall toward the other section of Republican Director Ronald “ We’re not all quite as paranoid .2 Inspection services solely at the Bucklond Hills M all, Use of Surplus 1,300,000 1,050,000 (250,000) — 19.2% and Forest streets. It was pur­ and surrounding 300 acres of Manchester.” he said. “ We felt Osella asked Finguerra if he was with the source of funds being revenue from building BOARD OF EDUCATION “ It might be a whole host of as Ron (Osella).” Cassano said. Inspection fees for construction activity ot the Mall. This The recommendation for the Board ot Education Is for an chased by Ady Sai-Kuen Tong of uses that could occur here and mixed-use development, Fin­ that downtown Manchester did connected with Pacitti. Fin­ Increase of $4,418,354, o r 12.5%, and Includes funds to r RO TC, Finguerra and Ripps are position, outhorized by the Board ot Directors during the Glastonbury in April 1982 for even in phases,” Finguerra said. guerra said he believes downtown have a lot of opportunities.” guerra said he had never had any PPPeofs In the recommended budget for the Health and Welfare, and the Transitional ••• TOTALS ••• U,524,3S1 73412,148 9498,014 15.0% partners in 1-84 Associates, which firs t tim e In F Y 1989/90. Living Center. The Increase recommended for the education $640,000. records at the town Owners of the businesses in the Manchester will remain a strong Other developers apparently contact with the firm. has joined with Melvin Simon & addition of $28,104 for the position of Assistant Zoning function exclusive of these peripheral programs Is $4,444,784. assessor’s office show. building. The Razor’s Edge, Baby business center. agree. Earlier this month, the Responding to another question Otficer/Environmental Enforcement Officer. This position Is As recommended, the Board of Education funding reprsent- Associates of Indianapolis, Ind.. Finguerra announced the pur­ in the Works, Antonio’s Restau­ He compared Manchester’s Pacitti Construction Co. of Phila­ from Osella, Finguerra said he considered necessary to respond to Increased workload and Ing 54.9% of the total F Y 1989-90. G eneral Fund Recom m ended to build a 880,000-square-foot enforcement of more complex Zoning Regulations, and to Budget. It should be noted that the recommended Board ot chase Tuesday at a special rant, Eblens Casual Clothing and central business district to down­ delphia proposed a $15 million would not seek financial help meet the new environmental Inspectlon/enforcement re­ Education appropriation. In combination with the education retail and office complex on land p State Property Tax Relief Grant has Increased by $91,884, Including a drastic Increase In the number of police and meeting of the Parking Author­ Footwear. Michael’s Jewelers town West Hartford, which he commercial complex and under­ from the town for work on the quirements of Inland Wetland regulations, erosion control re ated expenditures of $3,102,199 In the Fixed Cost and in Manchester and South Windsor regulations, and Imminent ground water regulations. Miscellaneous and Debt Service section, comprises 41.1% of from $454,829 to $548,713, based an a statutory change In the firefighters seeking and receiving early retirement benefits ity. Economic Development and Wilton’s Gift Shop, haven’t said has thrived despite competi­ ground parking garage on the Main Street building. Osella was the total recommended FY 1989/90 budget. As mentioned tormula used to distribute $42 m illion to all municipalities In due to various disabilities. Including heart and hypertension across Buckland Street from the the State. Commission and Board of been told about the purchase. tion from the Westfarms Mall. municipal lot at Main and Forest referring to the seven-year tax 2) Engineering later, one of these Education related costs Is the Pension Fund claims. Town firefighters participate In the statewide mall. * The addition of $28,518 to provide for contractural contribution for non-toochlng employees who ore not retirement fond. Our contribution Is determined bv the Directors. Finguerra said. Most of the Downtown Manchester is an streets. abatement given by the town to Other Revenue retirement experience of the entire fund, rather than solely inspection of In-ground Improvements (water, sanitary covered by the State Teachers' Retirement Program. As a Finguerra said he plans to businesses have long-term leases attractive area for investment The proposal prompted the the mall developers to cover Manchester. Finguerra said. sewer, and storm sewer) In the Bucklond M all areo, with the result at recent discussions with the Superintendent ot p Interest on Investments hos Increased bv $525,000, from by retirement claims of our firefighters. The actuarial entire cost reimbursed through a contribution to the Generol Schools, this expenditure Is recommended In the General $475,000 to $1,200,000, due to a sig n ifica n t Increase In the examination of statewide experience resulted In the following refurbish the structure and may with at least 10 yea rs left. he said. because of its location near the Board of Directors to seek other necessary infrastructure “ Is really where we wanted to Fund by the M all developer. Government section for budget continuity purposes. How­ Interest rate at which the Treasurer Is able to Invest Town changes for Town contribution; add retail, office or residential Cheney Bros, mill apartments proposals for the town-jwned lot. improvements. spend most of our time and ever, this appropriation will be recommended for relocation funds. p The Tow n m ust pay 20.14% ot e lig ib le sa larie s, o r $480,914 “ Hopefully they will see ... the to the Board of Education budget during FY 1989/90 and It Is p North Elm Street Project Reimbursement has Increased for current service contribution rotes. This Is an Increase ot space to the building in the future. need for redoing their stores,” he and Interstate 384 and the pro­ Finguerra said the lot could be Democratic Director Stephen energies.” 3) H ighw ay anticipated that this expense will appear as an Item In the bv $43,222, from $45,318 to $108,540, based on a fu ll y e a r of $280,495 over the 11.43%, o r $400,219, contribution tor the ■ The addition of $70,905 to establish a three person Board of Education budget request In FY 1990/91. rental revenue from the Project, as a partial offset to the FY current year. sidewalk repair crew, effective March 1,1990, and to provide 1989/90 debt service payment for project construction costs P The Town must pay $172,233 as an additional annual construction materials for the period March through June and project operating expenses totalling $197,013. The net contribution as the amortization cost for prior years of 1990. As discussed at Board of Directors' meetings and sW^MA^Y**'* FUND EXPENDITURE cost of the North Elm Street Project over the life of the twenty military service being Included as retirement eligible workshops In February and March 1989, sidewalk Improve­ As the Summory Table Indicates, at $4,418,354 and 48.4%, year bond Issue Is zero. service. T his Is a distinct change In pattern from the previous Hospital president ments w ill be a malor Infrastructure initiative In this and our m ajor cost Increase occurs In Education. You w ill note on p Povement Cut Repairs Reimbursement has Increased by five year actuarial review, under which the Town received an As expected, new figures show future budgets. The proposed sidewalk crew will be assigned the revenue analysis that this Increase Is partially offset by a $30,000, from $130,000 to $140,000, based on the recom m ended annual payment of $91,1(M os a redistribution of excess assets to spot repairs, preventative maintenance repairs, and Increase In revenue from the State, leaving Increase In the rate for pavement cut repair services from In the Retirem ent Fund. Immediate repairs to a sidewalk condition that caused public $3,421,591 to be raised from Increased property tax $30.00/square yard to $37.50/square yard to Insure that all complaint or Injury. The Capital Improvements section of collections. In addition. Education-related expenses In the direct and Indirect costs of this service are offset bv service W ATER FUND out of work again this budget also contains $100,000 for contracted sidewalk Fixed Costs and Miscellaneous accounts are $593,333 for fees. J^fomniended Water Fund budget for FY 1989/90 Is Index slight economic dip in February repairs for extensive work on lengths of sidewalk too large to Pension Benefits for non-teaching employees; $381,500 for ••’ci’ease of $211,308, o r 3.4%, over the adopted be reasonably addressed by a three person crew. Insurance premiums and self Insurance contributions; $40,000 FY lW/89 appropriation. This Increase Includes the Educotlon Related Revenues of Leading engineer a controlled slowdown that restrains for Capital Improvements; and $2,047,344 for School-related following new Items; Bv Andrew J. Davis when asked to confirm a report in WASHINGTON (AP) - The government’s 4) Sanitation Debt Service. Together, these represent a $789,572 Increase P The Equalized Cost Sharing (ECS) state funding program P $14,710 Is Included for 50% of the salary of a markout The Muskegon Chronicle news­ chief economic forecasting gauge dropped 0.3 economic growth just enough to ease inflation ■ The addition of $290,200 to Incrementally expand the over the current yeor expenses for the some Items. replaces the combined revenue source ot GTB Aid, Teachers Uchniclan to n«et the statutory requirements of the Manchester Herald Salary Grant Aid, and State Education Assistance (3rant. As a Indicators without causing a recession. curbside recycling service from the present 981 households to T he recom m ended budget requires $45,198,002fro m current Call-Before-Ypu-DIg program. New DPUC regulations now paper that the board asked for S»MM)nt0y aafua$»aind»M, /OB? . 100 percent in February after posting sharp gains 11,394 households by June 30,1990. T h is Is the second yea r of a taxes and an estimated $775,000 from supplemental motor result, total State funding for general education assistance require field location of public utilities within 48 hours ^ w ill Increase by $809,934, from $10,430,731 to $11,440,445, based Warren L. Prelesnik, who re­ Prelesnik’s resignation, he said, during the previous two months, the Com­ The Fed for a year has been pushing up three year plan to phase In to Stote mandoted curbside vehicle taxes. BASED ON A NETTAXABLE GRAND LISTOF request, provision of additional location services to merce Department said today. recycling for all households by July 1, 1991. $839,583,830 A N D A T A X C O L L E C T IO N R A T E O F98 sV t HE on the current funding form ula proposed to the State General excavators, and monthly and annual reporting of Injuries or signed suddenly as president of “ I think you can rely on that. It interest rates in order to relieve inflationary ■ The contribution of an additional $740,744 to the Landfill P R O P O S E D M I L L R A T E IS 54.58. T his Is a 4.74 m ill Increase Assembly In the Gavernor's Recommended Budget. This Is a 14« February’s decline in the department’s $441,000 reduction from the amount projected to be received damage resultingfrom contact with underground facilities. Manchester Memorial Hospital was in The Chronicle.” pressures, and it intensified those efforts after Reserve. The current Board of Directors’ policy Is that all over the current 49.84. I hove chosen the more conservative C u rrre n tly , over 80% of our m arkouts a re being provided on Index of Leading Economic Indicators was the fees for landfill tipping In excess of those required to operate 98.5% tax co llectlan rate for m y recom m ended budget but based on the original funding formula supported bv the State in October 1987, said today he was He refused further comment. sharp price increases were recorded in Department of Education. an overtime basis to remain compliant with these the landfill and recycling program be placed In the Reserve will monitor our collection rate through March and advise rCOUlQTIOnS. forced to resign from his new post The Hackley board of trustees first drop since a similar dip last September January and February. Fund and dedicated to landfill or recycling related you If our experience justifies an adjustm ent of this rate as It p Special Education expense reimbursements have In­ P $13,^ Is Included for 50% of the salary of a Ju n io r issued a formal statement in 142 and hadn’t been exceeded since a 0.8 percent expenditures. Based on the re cen tly adopted fees fo r la n d fill has In previous years. creased bv $191,447, from $2,148,050 to $2,359,497, based on an Construction Inspector. The existing Inspector Is not able to as president of a Michigan Irwin Kellner, chief economist for Manufac­ use, the estim ated revenue from this source Is $2,000,000, an You w ill be Interested to know thot the Grand List from the Increase In local special education expenditures eligible for perform all new Inspections and, as well, spend additional January, saying “ Mr. Preles­ drop last July. State reimbursement offset In part bv a 4.7% decrease In the hospital after less than a year on turers Hanover Trust Co. in New York, said in Increase of $1,075,000 over the current year adopted revenue. B ucklond Industrial P a rk this yea r Is $31,539,440. A t the .♦!]ere Is a problem or when long nik’s leadership style and man­ It was in line with widespread expectations This Increase, less new costs for landfill operation and proposed m ill rote of 54.58, the FY 1989/90 revenues to the reimbursement percentage. duration pressure tests must be conducted. the job. advance of today’s report that the jagged Finally, you w ill note that I have recommended o $250,000 agement attributes did not fully that the economy will slow this year. recycling, results In the Increased reserve contribution. Town resulting from the Industrial Park w ill be $1,721,422. The of a part-tim e C le rk III to Prelesnik resigned in January behavior of the leading index suggests “ the Debt Service funding required to pay both principal and decrease In the Use of Surplus os a revenue from $1,300,000to assist In servicing the growing number of customer accounts. coincide with (the board’s) ex­ The leading index, designed to foretell 5) P o lice Interest on the Bucklond Industrial Park bond Issue Is $1,050,000. Given our current projection (or the General Fund as president and chief executive economy has been slowing down from its B alan ce as of Ju ly 1,1989,1 am confident that this am ount can ».Iv recommends no Increase In water rates and pectations and the long-term economic activity six to nine months into the ■ The addition of $15,991 for an additional Data Entry Clerk $581,110. operating revenue (or F Y 1989/90 of $4,414,450 - officer of Hackley Hospital in overheated pace and that the economy is to enable the police deportment to maintain the currency of be used and still preserve a sufficient Fund Balance to needs of Hackley Hospital,” The future, had advanced 0.6 percent in December 1 perm it: recommended expenditure (or FY Muskegon, Mich. continuing to slow down as we work our way Its automated records and management Information REVENUE SOURCE CHART laaa^M'iJ^J* ? Consistent w ith the cash flow presented In F Y Muskegon Chronicle reported. and 0.7 percent in January after vacillating systems. An Increase of 30% In caseload over the past seven The preceding chart presents. In summary form, the P the maintenance of Unreserved Fund Balance at not less Contacted today at his home in into the second quarter of 1989.” than 2-Vi% of adopted expenditures as recommended by bond Pi’olected at least five year Prelesnik told The Chronicle in during much of 1988. years, during which time no staff Increases In this are a were Town's estimated FY 1989/90 Revenues by source and the Ju ly V”lW8'*'®**'' *■*•** Increase approved effective Muskegon. Prelesnik said he authorized, coupled with Increase State and Federal change from the adopted FY 1988/89 revenues. Listed below rating agencies to help preserve our AA bond rating; MAMJ J A S O N O J F With labor markets tight and factories Kellner said that despite the Federal p the continued reservation of $150,000 In Fund B alan ce for planned legal action against that a June 1988 interview that com­ mandated crime reporting, necessitate this additional are the principal revenue Item Increases or decreases that 1888 N M Reserve’s efforts to prolong the life of the position. At this time, we are four to six weeks behind In affect the proposed budget. eventual appropriation to the Capital Improvement Reserve SEWER FUND hospital’s board of trustees be­ petitive advertising, or promot­ operating close to peak capacity, analysts say making entries to the system. Fund to conduct asbestos projects In schools not addressed by ^commended Sewer Fund budget for FY 1989/90 Is ing the hospital’s strengths Feb. '88 Jan ‘89 Feb. ‘89 some slowdown is needed to keep the economy economic expansion even as it restrains Property Taxes the current school Improvements Bond Issue. This policy was cause it dismissed him to bring set by the Board of Directors at the adoption of the FY 1987/88 *PP'"eP*e of $181,517, o r 4.7%, over the adopted against other hospitals, was not from overheating and inflation from spiraling. growth, “ the odds are growing each day” that 4) Human Services ■ The recommended revenue from current taxes Is Hems*^^** ap propriation. This Includes the fo llo w in g new back his predecessor. Gordon 1140.31 |l45.7i 1145.21 ■ The addition ot $8,149 to Increase the existing 21 $45,198,002, an Increase of $5,844,457 over the current year. A s budget; his style. However, analysts are divided over whether the central bank will push the nation into a P the continued reservation of the remaining $50,0(XI of an Mudler. hour/week Clerk III assigned to Social Services to 35 a result of Grand List growth, the value of a m ill of fox effort . '» Included for 50% of the salorv of a m arkou t Prelesnik said his dismissal the Federal Reserve Board can successfully recession. hour/week, with the additional hours directed to handle on has Increased by $43,444 to $839,584. As a result, the F Y 1988/89 original $100,000 reservation of funds for contracted sidewalk technician, which w ill be co-funded by the Water Division As Richard Lague, chairman of Increased need for clerical support services In Human m ill rote of 49.84 w ill generate an ad ditional $2,175,314 of tax repairs as directed bv the Board of Directors at the adoption ^ crlbed previously, this position Is needed to fulfill the Hackley’s board of trustees, and became effective on Jan. 24. He Services Administration. of the F Y 1988/89 budget. revenue. The remaining recommended revenue Increment rMponsIbllltles Divisions’ Call-Before-You-DIg was named president of Hackley from current taxes, at $3,474,135, results from the proposed officials in the Muskegon County 7) Social Services m ill rate Increase (or F Y 1989/90. SPECIAL FUNDS in March 1988, five months after FIRE FUND P $13,^ Is Included for 50% of the salarvof a Ju n io r Circuit Court, said today they ■ The addition of $10,051 for a temporary part-time olso be co-^nded by the resigning as president of Man­ conservator's Agent (15 hours/week) to assist with the Fines, Licenses, Services B Rents The total F ire D istrict budget recam m ended fo r F Y 1989/90 )5fa*ec D ivisio n , to m aintain a thorough program of knew of no lawsuit by Prelesnik. Is $5,432,814, an $847,259, o r 18.1%, Increase over the adopted chester Memorial Hospital. Veteran charged with erasing swastikas Increased caseload In this service area, which now P Building Permits and Fees have Increased by $105,000, Lague said today that Prelesnik approximates 50 Individuals. This Improvement was recom­ from $525,()00 to $430,000, based on the current level of FY 1988/89 budget. The m ill rate recommended to support this rep”«aSd“tes(rn"“ connections, budget Is 7.71 m ills, on Increase of 0.85 m ills o ver the current officially resigned. However, Prelesnik took over Hackley’s mended by the Probate Court to meef Increasing demands for Building activity and augmented by estimated fees for rote. p S*?,(^ Is Included for new expenses ossoclated with the this service and to respond to dents who require more building permits relating to construction activity on or operation of fhe new Waste Water Treatment Plant as presidency in April 1988, replac­ UNION CITY. N.J. (AP) - A A police official said today the resident to seeing a swastika in an take the matter into my own Intensive attention ond time consuming effort. adjacent to the Bucklond Hills M all site. This recommended budget Includes a total Increase of elements of the facllHy are completed ond become available $225,948, com prised of $192,747 In Personal Services and ing Mudler, who left the hospital World War II veteran who got charge was lodged against Stahl elevator. hands,” he said. P Landfill permits and fees have Increased bv $1,075,000, the *5'"°'‘"’'♦orlal servkeJfo? I) Elderly Outreach from $925,000 to $2,000,000 based on actual experience In the $33,201 In Contractual and Commodities costs. In operating to become president of Mount tired of waiting for housing in December by the housing “ I said. ‘Why are you crying?” ’ Stahl said that about 20 minutes expenses. This represents a 4.3% Increase over the sam e the administrative oNIces, locker areas, and meeting rooms TODAY .».* T^.*. If Ion of $3,843 to expand the hours of the existing current year and revised landfill use foes recently adopted by that w ill be occupied In FY 1989/90, $10,000 for heotino and Carmel Medical Center in Colum­ officials to clean away swastika agency and that Stahl was due in after painting over swastikas in Clerk III from 21 hours/week to 28 hours/week to provide the Board of Directors. This revenue Increase Is offset by an categories of expenses for the current year. The prim ary orea Stahi said. clerical support for an Increased caseload. equal expenditure Increase for the expanded recycling of Increases In the Fire Fund budget Is the Sundry Services bus, Ohio. Mudler was rehired grafitti in his building has been Municipal Court bn Thursday. “ She pointed to the swastika the elevator and in an eighth floor object, which has Increased by $410,144, or 55%, and which U 3,m tor additional electricity to operate new aeration g The addition of $4,500 to establish the temporary program and contribution to the reserve for landfill IW /W * become available during the course of FY about two weeks after Prelesnik charged with criminal mischief If convicted, he could be and said a relative of hers had hallway, someone slipped a no­ part-time position of Nutrition Program Site Manager at expanslon/replocement, and does not, therefore, affect the alone represents 70% of the total recommended Increase ta index this budget. Three significant Items generate this Increase, as was dismissed, Prelesnik and for painting over the symbols, sentenced to a maximum six died in the Holocaust. I could see tice under his door ordering him Mayfair Gardens. Since 1985, this function has been mill rate calculation. follow s; This budget recommends no Increase In sewer rates, but 20 pages, 2 sections accomplished using volunteers and a Green Thumb program does propose the appropriation of $135,480 from L w e r Fund Lague said. police said today. months in prison and a $1,000 fine, how she hurt,” said Stahl, who to report to the Housing Authority worker but these resources have been difficult to acquire and P Transfer to Reserve has Increased by $33,000 to Include a Non-Education Related State B Federal Revenue contribution of $40,000 to augment $59,940already available In Balance to the Sewer Operating fund to provide the necessary _ _ 9 Natlon/World jB-7 “ That’s the crux,” said Preles­ Jack Stahl, a 25-year resident of the New York Daily News re­ according to the newspaper is not office. retain on a continuing bosis. The Community Renewal Team, P Welfare expense reimbursements from the State have revenue for anticipated operating expenses. This Is Business - which provides meals and nutritional oversighf for the the Fire Reserve Fund to refurbish Engine #1. consistent with previous cosh flow prolectlens whir-h nik. “ They dismissed me in order the Hillside housing project, said ported today. He said he was met there by by Increased by $194,797, fro m $204,048 to $400,845, bosed on the P Retirement Contingency has Increased by $44,328 to pay Classified . 19-20 Obituaries------2 Jewish. program, has advised that the site may be closed unless a current welfare caseload of 105, which has Increased proposed that the next exomlnotlon of the rotrstrurture __ 16 Opinion------8 to bring back my predecessor.” he made complaints for seven Stahl, a 59-year-old truck dis­ “ Enough is enough. After being Virgilio Cabello, the Housing more stable program Is established. the estimoted eligible sick pov as a payout to firefighters who occur In preparation of the FY 1990/91 budget, when the Comics _ considerably from a 1988 range of 55 to 75. This amount have declared their Intention to retire during FY 1989/90 months about the grafitti to the Authority director, who told him represents 90% of estimated welfare expenditures In FY construct on of dechlorlnotlon facilities and the payment of Focus___ __ 15 People------15 He said the order for him to patcher, said he decided to paint yessed to death by Housing 9) Recreation and Parks P Pension Contribution has Increased bv $457,928 over the construction period Interest to the stote will be slgmflcant he would face charges. 1989/90. current veor, due to the five year actuarial review of the Food___ __ 14 Science------19 resign surprised him because he city’s Housing Authority. But he over the Nazi symbols himself Authority officials who promised ■ The addition of $41,500 for the FY 1989/90 salary of the P State Telephone Access Line Reimbursement has new expenses to the Sewer fund. Cabello’s secretary told the position of Parks Supervisor, funding for which wos not Municipal Emplayees Retirement Fund B. The findings of the Local/State Sports---- 11-13 said nothing was done to remove because he was touched by the to take care of the problem for decreased by $40,420, fro m $597,589 to $557,149, based on the actuarial examination Included the effects on the pension Robert B. Weiss Included In the F Y 1988/89 budget. proportion of all telephone lines In the State serving General Manager ______2-6,10 Television----- 17 See PRELESNIK, page 10 or cover the swastikas. reaction of an elderly Jewish seven months, I decided I had to newspaper he had no comment. ■ The addition of $54,450 for overtime to provide an fund of purchases of prior military service as well as Manchester telephone customers. retirement eligible service and actual retirement experience. 047-03 7 Z — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 29. 1989 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 29, 1989 — 3 RECORD LOCAL & STATE About Town Police Roundup Poverty Task force pulls In reins Fellowship club to meet Father charged with abuse is focus The Fellowcraft Club of Manchester Lodge of A 28-year-old Manchester man was arrested on sophisticated drug deals Masons will meet Tuesday, April 4. A potluck dinner Monday on charges that he allegedly pinned his By Maureen Leavitt will be held at 6:30 p.m. with persons attending 10-year-old son up against a barn in their back yard of debate heads the task force, said an it was not well-known, Cleveland bringing their favorite hot dish. Following dinner, Manchester Herald increase in drug activity is one said. and hit his head against the wall, police said. By Andrew J. Davis Stephen M. Thai and his dog, Moses, will present a Gilbert D. Goslin, 28, of 63 Union St., was charged reason for the high number of But now, suspects are aware of A Members of the Tri-Town Nar­ program about the training and use of a seeing eye with risk of injury to a minor, breach of peace, and Manchester Herald arrests the force is making. the hours the task force works, cotics Task Force are routinely dog. For more information and reservations for third-degree assault, police said. He said cocaine prices have and they have scanners to moni­ greeted by steel doors and large, dinner, call Ward C. Krause, 643-5336. A witness called police last Friday morning to Has America lost its war on * dropped and the purity of the tor the task force’s activities. aggressive dogs as they make report an active case of child abuse, according to poverty? That question was the substance is probably better than “ It’s not always a surprise,” drug busts. Seldom does the task police reports. focal point of a debate at it has been in the past. Cleveland said of the raids the Boy Scouts host dinner force leave a raid without confis­ The witness said Goslin was yelling profanities Manchester Community College But Cleveland said the success force conducts. “ They (suspects) cating handguns or rifles. Boy Scout Troop 126 will sponsor a Roast Beef when he picked up his son, threw him against the Tuesday and there were no easy of the squad is the result of the keep a very sharp lookout. When answers. / In three years of activity, Dinner Saturday between 5 and 6:45 p.m. at ■ -i;>' bam and hit his head againt the wall, police said. hard work of the task force you bail out of your vehicle (on a however, no task force member Emanual Lutheran Church, 60 Church St. Tickets When Goslin was confronted by police, he claimed For debater Dan Ruff, a members. raid) you hustle.” has ever been injured, nor have are available from any scout at a cost of $5 for adults he was using parental discipline by putting his son student at Manchester Commun­ “ The team has to work very, any suspects been hurt, says The goal of the task force, in and 63 for children under 10 and under. Or call up against the wall but he said he never hit his son’s ity College, poverty’s grip on very hard,” Cleveland said. Capt. Joseph Brooks, com­ Brooks’ words, is to “ enforce the 646-0850. head against the wall, police said. America has become stronger “ There’s a certain amount of mander of the Manchester Police drug laws and take as much of the When police spoke to the boy, he looked upset and and stronger over the last 20 overtime for surveillance ... years. Department’s detective division. drugs off the streets as we can.” was crying, police said, but there were no signs of We’re putting in a tremendous Brooks said the task force is Although the task force seems Easter egg winners listed visible abuse. The boy denied the claim that his With more and more poor amount of long hours, but the managing to stay “ one up’ ’ on the to be doing just that, its members father hit his head, police said. children, homeless and single­ major part is that these guys are Here are the winners of the 21st annual Easter dealers and users, as shown in the aren’t deluding themselves into A school nurse examining the child found swelling parent households, poverty’s grip really hustling.’ ’ Cleveland was Egg Hunt, which was held March 25 at Fountain ■'.ryi- task force’s latest statistics. thinking they are keeping all on the back of his head, and two small areas with continues to put a stranglehold on assigned last year to head the Village: age 0 to 2 years: Nicole Farr, Megan Pisco; Since January, the task force drugs off the streets. dried blood, police reports indicate. the country, Ruff said. task force when Capt. Russell age 3 to 4 years: Jennifer Brundrett, Pierce Patteli- has seized 818 grams of cocaine Based on the information gathered, a warrant “ It’s not about statistics,” he Holyfield, who started the pro­ "There is a tremendous co­ age 5 to 7 years: Brian Blass, Celine Richmond; age DYNAMIC ENSEMBLE — Fidelio, a with an estimated street value of Winslow. The concert with Sandra was signed for Goslin’s arrest, police said. said. “ It’s about you, me, our gram, was promoted to patrol caine problem out there.” Cleve­ 8 to 10 years: Dan Bozio, Nicole Mulligan. The $251,000, three vehicles, two chamber music trio, will perform at the Schuldman, left, Harry Clark and Lois Goslin went to police headquarters Monday night kids. It’s (poverty) still with us captain in Manchester. land said. “ It does not know Golden Egg Winner was Nicole Blass. homes, two cellular phones, nine NEWSPACE Gallery of Manchester Martin, is open to the public free of where he was arrested, police said. and will be for a long time.” It is a constant battle for the boundaries. It finds every seg­ Fifteen debaters battled at weapons, and $17,103 in cash. force to stay ahead of the dealers. ment of society. It’s just a fact of Community College Friday at 8 p.m. The charge. The Winslow exhibit will remain He was released on a $1,000 bond and was Fifty-five drug suspects have School seeks volunteers scheduled to appear in Manchester Superior Court. M(TC for about 90 minutes. When the task force was formed. life.” concert will open a one-person exhibi­ at the gallery through April 21. Neither side was declared victor­ been arrested, and the squad has Bennet Junior High School is looking for tion of the paintings of Kitty Sweet ious, but awards were given for executed at least 17 search volunteers to teach students how to play chess. The Man charged in assault best debating team, the top three warrants. Raglnild PInto/ManchMtar Herald “ We’ve been going great balls volunteers should be willing to spend 45 minutes to Police arrested a 24-year-old Manchester man debaters from MCC and the top Police force is facing of fire,” Brooks said. an hour for several weeks to assist the students. Tuesday night after he allegedly pushed a woman three debaters from visiting A CLOSER LOOK — Jon Hewey and Betty Kirby, art Lessons could be offered during an activity period Obituaries through a closed glass door, police said. colleges. Formed in 1985, the task force teachers at Manchester High School, take a close look at consists of a group of detectives or immediately after school. For more information Antonio Mazzetta, Jr., of 376 Hartford Road, was Jo Ann Dipietro of MCC said $137,110 budget call Joyce Wazer, 647-3520. charged with third-degree assault, police said. America was still battling a jeweled box fashioned by the late Libby Budd, in a and patrol officers from Man­ chester, Vernon and South Wind­ viewer, retiring for the second hours are Thursday from 2 to 4 Police said Mazzetta and the woman were poverty. memorial retrospective of Budd’s work. The exhibit is at High overtime and other unex­ budget and research officer, said Roger R. DiTarando sor. They concentrate on drug time in 1988. He was a member of p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. arguing in the house about 10:40 p.m. when “ We may have lost some of the the Lindgren Gallery of llling Junior High School. Hewey pected expenses could mean a after Tuesday’s workshop that Salvation Army series set Roger R. DiTarando Sr., 70, of St. James Church. Memorial donations may be Mazzetta tried to force the woman out of the house, battles along the way, but we enforcement in the three com­ deficit of more than $137,000 in the the shortfall would be $110,000 if 78 Hackmatack St., died Tuesday and Kirby were students of Budd, who was chairman of munities. but routinely make 1988-89 town police budget by the The “ Monday Evening at the Citadel” series, Besides his wife, he is survived made to the Manchester Area breaking the glass door. haven’t lost the war. This is a long surpluses in other police budget (March 28, 1989) at Manchester by a son, Roger R. DiTarando Jr. the MHS art department when she retired. arrests in surrounding towns. The end of the current fiscal year on sponsored by the Salvation Army, will continue Conference of Churches Memor­ The woman was bleeding from her right wrist, war and one that’s far from over. accounts were considered. Memorial Hospital. He was the of Vernon: a daughter, Janet most recent raid took place in June 30. administration officials Monday. This evangelistical worship service begins ials, Box 773, Manchester 06040. and she had scrapes on her left elbow and knee, We have to continue to fight it,” He said the shortfall could be husband of Martha (Mansfield) Coventry last Thursday. told the town Board of Directors at 7:30 p.m. at the Hartford Citadel Corps. Special Sinon of Manchester; a brother, police said. she said. made up with money from DiTarando. Carl J. DiTarando of Manches­ In Coventry, the squad arrested during a budget workshop Tues­ guests include Major and Mrs. Sidney Anderson of Mazzetta was released on $250 bond and was Dahlia Lichwick of Yale Uni­ snow-removal account, contin­ He was born in Hartford, July Libby Budd’s legacy five people and seized two ounces day night. Portland, Maine. This meeting will be a festival of ter; a sister, Anna C. DiTarando scheduled to appear in Manchester Superior Court versity in New Haven called the gency, or “fund balance,” or 28, 1918, and had been a resident of Manchester; four grandchild- of cocaine worth $12,000. The news prompted Republi­ Scandinavian music and will feature the New IN MEMORIAM today. war a myth. She said programs surplus. of Manchester for 56 years. He ren; and two great- Other drugs seized this year can Director Geoffrey Naab to String Band. For more information, call In sad and loving memory of Dun­ started by President Lyndon B. was a veteran of World War II, include W* pounds of marijuana Manning the slot for a second 278-0240. grandchildren. can D. Kennedy, who passed away Johnson in the 1960s have done lives in art gallery criticize overtime that had been Accident prompts arrest worth $3,010 on the streets, one serving in the U.S. Army. Before The funeral will be Friday at on March 29, 1972. nothing to solve the problem. authorized by the directors to supervisor is expected to cost retiring in 1977, he was employed 8:15 a.m. at the Holmes Funeral By Nancy Pappas bag of hashish worth $70, and 41 provide an additional patrol about double the $30,000 approp­ God holds you in his arms. A 43-year-old East Hartford man was arrested on In fact, she said sometimes public school system to offer as a general foreman at Hamilton Home, 400 Main St., followed by a Manchester Herald bags of heroin worth $820. supervisor on weekdays. riated. Naab questioned the de­ BHS presents ‘Syracuse’ We hold you in our hearts. a drunken driving charge Monday night after he programs take away people’s three-dimensional art to stu­ Standard. He later worked for Mass of Christian burial at 9 a.m. drove his car onto a handrail leading to steps at 57 initiative to help themselves. dents,” Kirby said. “ While school Lt. Orville L. Cleveland, who Robert Huestis, the town partment’s rationale. The Bolton High School Drama Club will present Hamilton Standard as a pur­ in St. James Church. Burial will Love, Cooper Hill St., police said. “The war on poverty is a Jeweled boxes shine in glass art was expected to be drawing Your family the musical comedy “ The Boys From Syracuse,” chaser and employment inter­ be in East Cemetery. Calling Eugenio 0. Munoz, of 550 Burnside Ave., was myth,” she said. “ We throw cases. Burnished Christmas or­ and painting, we have had better April 5, 6 and 7, at 8 p.m. at the K-4 building charged with operating a motor vehicle under the money at the problem. We don’t naments — angels, snowflakes, (three-dimensional) programs All-Purpose Room on Notch Road. Tickets are on influence of alcohol, police said. ... help it.” free form evergreens — gleam than many colleges.” sale at Bolton High School, and the Office of the A resident at 57 Cooper Hill St. woke up about Harry Susman -of Yale coun­ against a deep green cloth Kirby is one of thousands of Superintendent of Schools. Call 643-1569 for further Military Notes CoUege Notes 11:20 p.m. to the sound of a crash outside, police tered by saying that though there “ tree.” Earrings and necklaces students and professional artists information. said. is still poverty. America has in arresting shapes and textures who took courses with Budd in the are scattered in charm ing When she looked out her window, she saw the car, come a long way. For example, Norwich or Manchester public Roast Beef supper slated On duty in West Germany a 1980 blue Pontiac, “ hung up” on the sidewalk, he said with gains in civil rights, disarray. schools, or in summer courses Reimer wins scholarship according to the statement she made to police. more blacks were entering the The retrospective of work by she taught at Wesleyan Univer­ SAVETHK. the late Manchester artist Libby The First Congregational Church of Coventry will Army Pvt. Joseph W. Cova, son of Cora A. Nadeau Munoz was found sitting on the front porch when middle class. sity and Eastern Connecticut Keith E. Reimer of Manchester, a student at the have a Roast Beef Supper Saturday, April 8 from of 295 Main St. and Joseph W. Cova of New Britain, police arrived, police said. But, he said, America has not Budd, hanging in the Lindgren State University. University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, has been Gallery at llling Junior High 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall on Main has arrived for duty in West Germany. Munoz was released on a written promise to really fought any war on poverty. selected as a winner of an engineering honors School through Friday, is a feast Addi Laughlin of Hackmatack Street. The public is welcome. Donations of $4.50 for Cove is a cannon crewman with the 8th Infantry appear in court April 4, police said. Americans have only created Street was another student. freshman scholarship for the 1989-90 academic “ safety nets” to help people from for the eyes. Budd. who taught art adults, $4 for senior citizens, and $2 for children ages Division. year. Laughlin. who works in pewter SAVE H U E S . in the Manchester school system 7 to 12 are asked. Children age 6 and under are free. falling into poverty. and enamel, credits Budd with The scholarships are awarded on the basis of “ There is dizzying poverty, but for 24 years, was an award­ Enlists in National Guard merit. Lottery winning metalsmith whose work changing her life. About 20 years it is not overwhelming,” he said. ago, Laughlin took a metalwork­ Senior health fair set “ (But) you can’t say we lost it in pewter, gold. silver and enamel Greg S. Lukas of Manchester has enlisted in the ing class with Budd at the because we ain’t fought it yet.” cloissone was often exhibited in The Senior Citizens Health Clinic is hosting a Connecticut Army National Guard for a period of Wilson on dean’s list Winning numbers drawn Tuesday in lotteries prestigious galleries and Willimantic Crafts Summer AND JUST PIAM Lichwick and Susman tied for Health-Caregiver Fair to be held Saturday, April 8 five years. around New England: Workshop. Kenneth F. Wilson, son of Frank B. and Pauline T. top debater from an outside museums. from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizens He joined the guard with the rank of specialist and Connecticut daily: 801. Play Four: 9102 Lotto- “ Back then, I was doing child­ Wilson of 73 Arcellia Drive, has been named to the college. Mark Popolizio and From a shining gold and Center, 549 E. Middle Turnpike. Many area was assigned to Headquarters. Headquarters 2-3-7-24-29-31. ren’s clothing and gifts, but that dean's list at Eastern Connecticut State University James Raia. both of Quinnipiac cloisonne box to a pewter cheese caregiver services will be represented. Some of the Company. 1st Battalion 169th Infantry in Massachusetts daily: 2837. class really opened me to other for the fall semester. Community College in Hamden, knife with a subdued matte finish, free health screenings include blood pressure, and Manchester. Tri-state daily: 947, 8630. possibilities.” said Laughlin. who took second and third, the 60 pieces in the exhibit show SAVE. 'learing. Cholesterol screening will be done at a Before joining the guard he served with the U.S. Rhode Island daily: 8227. Lot-O-Bucks: 2-9-21-26- the consummate skill Budd honed was wearing the first piece she 27. respectively. lominal fee. Radon kits will be available at a cost of Army in Europe. had created in Budd’s class. “ It Earnis dean’s list honors Yale was named the top debat­ in nearly 50 years as an artisan. f 10. Transportation can be arranged by calling the People who visit the exhibit, really changed what I did with my Manchester Health Department, 647-3174 prior to Peter Follett, son of Mrs. Karen Schauster of 80 ing team. life.” Dipietro was chosen top Man­ which opened last week, have "aturday. Knollwood Road, has been named to the dean’s list * IlO liglllS been speaking equally effectively Sally Balukas, who knew Budd Airman arrives in Hawaii for the fall semester at Syracuse University. chester debater. Susan Chen Noiva took second, while Ruff of the ways that Budd touched for nine years before joining her Follett is a junior studying architecture. He was their lives. At the opening recep­ Air Force Airman Henry S. Minor, son of Henry R. placed third. on the high school faculty, said . % . % President Abraham Lincoln said “ I care not if recently nominated as a National Collegiate tion, teachers remembered a Budd had tremendous power in 10 00 10 47 and Donna M. Minor of 94 St. John St., has arrived God is on my side: my constant hope and prayer is Other colleges competing in­ ^bfic Meetings Architecture & Design Awards winner and was colleague who involved herself in her personality. In fact, as annual rate effective annual yield for duty at Wheeler Air Force Base. Hawaii. that I may be found upon God’s side.” How does one cluded: Wesleyan University in listed in the 1988 United States Achievement all manner of projects: friends Balukas entered the gallery, she Term: 6 months He is a law enforcement specialist with the 15th Academy Directory. become positioned on the Lord’s side? First, we Middletown, Eastern Connecti­ recalled her infectious laugh and joked that Budd appeared ready Air Base Squadron. He is a 1988 grduate of must learn of the Lord and His gospel. This can be cut State University in Williman- Meetings scheduled tonight. He is a 1986 graduate of Manchester High School. wonderful parties; and former to step right out of the large color Manchester High School. accomplished through prayerful, thoughtful study tic, and Mohegan Community students spoke of her enormous photograph mounted on the wall. of His life and teachings contained in the holy College in Norwich influence. “ I wouldn’t put it past her to /(Manchester Elected to nursing society scriptures. “ Search the scriptures: for in them ye The event was held at the You con save with the Two of those former students, step right out and join this party, ” Democratic Town Committee, Lincoln Center Hesselbach is decorated think ye have eternal life: and they are they which college’s Lowe Program Center. Tracey E. McConville, daughter of Rita E. now high school art teachers Balukas quipped. learing room, 7 p.m. testify of me.” Second, we must strive to live worthy It was sponsored by the Manches­ McConville of 453 Summit St., and the late James P. themselves, put the exhibit to­ That seemed completely in Agenda For Tomorrow housing task force, Staff Sgt. Robert J. Hesselbach, son of Judith A. of and to seek the companionship and direction of ter Community College Econom­ Eagle’s IRA. McConville. has been elected to memberhip to gether. Betty Kirby, chairman of character to Betty Seipel. Lincoln Center, 7:30 p.m. Hesselbach and grandson of Gladis Meyers of 82 the promised Comforter who will teach us and direct ics Association, the Student Se­ Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of the Manchester High School art “ She was a great party gal. She Townwide Cleanup Committee, Lincoln Center Lydall St., has been decorated with the Air Force us in all truth. “ And I will pray the Father, and he nate Activities Committee, and Open the Eagle’s IRA. You’ll save time, because you Commendation Medal at Mountain Home Air Force Nursing. department, and Jon Hewey. who loved to go to parties and she gold room, 7:30 p.m. shall give you another Comforter, that may abide thp Connecticut Joint Council on don’t have to hunt for a good rate. You’ll save taxes, Base. Idaho. She will be inducted as an undergraduate member teaches metal work and jewelry would give parties at the drop of a with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom Economic Education. because your earned interest is tax-deferred (and you He is a 1980 graduate of Manchester High School. of Alpha Chi chapter at Boston College School of there, worked on the display. hat,” said Seipel, an English the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, lolton Nursing. Boston. Mass., on April 23. Under Budd’s leadership. teacher at Bennet Junior High . may be able to make a deduction). And you’ll just plain neither knoweth him; but ye knoweth him; for he Zoning hearing. Community Hall, 7:30 p.m. “ Manchester became the first, School, who was in a square -_T// save, because your money will make money until you retire. dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. But the Conservation Commission, Herrick Memorial Santoro completes course Taxes due and was for a long time the only dance group with Budd. Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Park, 7:30 p.m. Airman Susan M. Santoro, daughter of Dennis M. Awarded first honors Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all Santoro of 72 Fairfield St. and Constance M. Santoro Marianne Policastro, daughter of Michael and things.” John 14:16, 17, 26. Deduct up to $2,000 if you qualify. of 397 Spring St., has graduated from the U.S. Air Carol Policastro of Manchester has been named to on April 18 Births Force security police specialist course at Lackland the dean’s list at Marist College. Poughkeepsie. David Field, Bishop HARTFORD (A P) - Connecti­ You can take the full deduction of $2,000 if you’re not covered by a pension A ir Force Base, Texas. N.Y., for the fall semester. The Church of Jesus Christ cut residents will have an addi­ plan. But you may be able to take the full deduction even if you are covered. She is a 1987 graduate of Manchester High School. She qualified for first honors. of the Latter-day Saints tional day, until April 18, to file To find out if you can take a full or partial deduction, talk to our Retirement Grabow, Vance Kenneth, son of Kenneth and 1 their 1988 federal income tax Debbi Sattler Grabow of 1255 Hinkle Mae Road, Specialist. forms, the Internal Revenue Coventry, was bom March 13 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandmother is Irma Sattler Weather Service said. The normal deadline for filing Interest earned is tax-deferred. No matter what. of Jericho, N.Y. His paternal grandparents are iUaiirhpBtpr Hpralft tax returns is April 15, but Lorretta and Kenneth Grabow of Manchester. With the Eagle’s IRA, you pay no taxes on your investment earnings. because that day falls on a Fitzmaurlce, Michael E., son of Christopher and USPS 327-500 VOL. CVIII, No. 152 Period. So by deferring all taxes, your IRA will yield substantially more than Rain Thursday Saturday, federal law gives tax­ Louise Baren Fitzmaurice of 140 Park St., was born a taxable investment paying the same rate. And that could mean thousands Feb. 18 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His Manchester and vicinity; To­ Penny M. Sieffert, Publisher payers until the following Mon­ Wickham Park will open for day, or April 17, to file. of dollars more for your retirement. maternal grandmother is Betty Baren of Nowata. night, mostly cloudy, A 50 percent George T. Cheppell Dennis M. Santoro Editor The deadline for filing returns Okla. His paternal grandmother is Lillian Morris of chance of rain after midnight. Advertising Director the season on April 1st. also can be delayed by legal So stop by or call First Federal and open your IRA before April 15. You’ll Nowata, Okla. Low 35 to 40. Thursday, a cold Douglas A. Bevini Sheldon Cohen save on just about everything. Donovan, Ashley Marie, daughter of James and rain. High in the 40s. Chance of Executive Editor Composing Manegar holidays. . In Massachusetts, April 17 is Hours: Daily, 9:30 A.M. until dusk. Wendy Stenbeck Donovan of 310 Green Road, was rain 90 percent. Outlook Friday, a ? a / V c 0 c ^ ^ 0 0 ^ J, . Jeanne Q. Fromarth Robert H. Hubbard Busineaa Manager Pressroom Manager Patriots Day, a state holiday. As bora Jan. 24 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her chance of showers. High in the . *4/1 D ^ 0 Come and enjoy our 200 acres. maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Stenbeck 50s. Denise A. Roberta Frank J. McSweegan a result, all taxpyers required to Personnel Manager Facilille. for picnic, and outing. of 90 McDivitt Drive. Her paternal grandfather is West Coastal, East Coastal; V \ Circulation Director file at the IRS office in Andover. Exotic Bird, and Mini Zoo S Tenni. Court. Albert Donovan, Faulkner Drive. She has a sister Tonight, cloudy. Fog developing. Mass., will have until April 18 to Oriental Gardena 0 Published dally except Sunday and certain holidays by the Children’. Play Area. Katie, 3'/4. A 70 percent chance of rain. Low file returns, the IRS said. Walking Trail. Manchester Publishing Co., 16 Brninard Place. Manchester 2 Softball Diamond. Lynn, Daniel Jeffrey, son of David G. and Paula near 40. Thursday, rain and fog. A Conn. 06040. Second class postage paid at Manchester. Conn! The April 18 deadline applies to Refre.hment. in The Cabin 6 m ffi Shufflcboard Court. Strollo Lynn of 20 Tumblebrook Drive, Bolton, was cold northeast wind. High in the Postmaster Send address changes to the Manchester Herald Connecticut and any other state First Federal Savings ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ P.O. Box 591. Manchester, Conn. 06040. whose residents are required to born March 19 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. 40s. Chance of rain 90 percent. 0 If you don’t receive your Herald by 5 p.m weekdays or 730 'Vehicle charge-Sl.OO weekdays, file at Andover, the IRS said. He has a sister, Megan Sarah, 2. Outlook Friday, a chance of a m. Saturdays, please telephone your carrier. It you’re unable S2.00 weekends & holidays Tbe Eagk anmgbanks showers. High in the 50s. ® n ® - - --/1 ■ — ^ ■ — II to reach your carrier, call subscriber service at 647-8946 by 6 Borstel, Theodore Charles, son of Sean P. and —U------p.m. weekdays for delivery In Manchester. Lisa M. Stepanski Borstel of Allston,, was Northwest Hills; Tonight, Suggested carrier rates are $1 SO weekly. $7.70 for one East Hartford, Glastonbury, South Glastonbury, born March 4 at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Brighton, cloudy, A 40 percent chance of month, $23.10 for three months, $46.20 for six months and EMERGENCY WICKHAM PARK Manchester, Vernon, Rockville and South Windsor. Mass. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. rain late at night. Low 35 to 40. $92.40 for one year. Fire — Police — Medical 1329 West Middle Turnpike The Manchester Herald Is a member of the Associated Press FSUC Theodore Stepanski of Manchester. His paternal Thursday, rain and fog. High the Audit Bureau of Circulations, the New England Press Manchester, Connecticut around 40. Chance of rain 90 D IA L 911 Equal Opportunity Lender grandmother is Mrs. Jane E. Borstel of Malden, Today’s weather picture was drawn by Kathy Lotas, 9, a Association and the New England Newspaper Association. 528-0856 Minimum deposit *500 Substantial penalty lor early withdrawal Mass. percent. fourth-grader at Bowers School. In Manchester

r.X-i- jja 4 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. March 29, 1989 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 29, 1989 - 5 Some towns cold Get even Proponent says income tax gains momentum By Peter Vlles wtth N.Y., percent, and imposing constitu­ income category,” O’Neill said in swelling debate over reforming income tax. The Associated Press tional limits on future tax the letter, copies of which he gave the state’s tax system, and as a He added that the comparison to May vote ban 2 suggest increases. to reporters at a news conference. sign that O’Neill is concerned that is irrevelant because he is work­ HARTFORD — A state law­ O’Neill, whose unwavering op­ O’Neill then spelled out how support is growing for such a tax. ing on a second income tax maker who has proposed a state position to a state income tax has Mulready’s first income tax Mulready disputed O’Neill’s proposal that would exempt in­ HARTFORD (AP) - A prop­ November election. In addition, HARTFORD (AP) - Two income tax and sweeping been his political trademark for proposal, according to his calcu­ calculations of tax burden and come under $20,000. Under that osal to ban municipal elections party loyalists are finding it hard changes in the state’s fiscal western Connecticut legisla­ years, on Tuesday picked on an lations, would increase the tax stuck by his contention that system, all low-income families from being held in the spring is to find the energy and resources policy says that Gov. William A. tors say the state should earlier Mulready proposal as an burden on six different Connecti­ Connecticut’s taxing and spend­ and some middle-income fami­ drawing fire from some town O’Neill, by lashing out against the to run local campaigns soon after retaliate against New York example of how such a tax would cut families. The governor said ing systems are in need of an lies would fare better than they do officials whose communities opt income tax, has admitted that the national ones, Blumenthal said. for a recently enacted tax on hurt Connecticut taxpayers. the total increase in tax burden overhaul. under the current tax system, for the springtime voting. The prospect does not please Connecticut commuters and proposal is gaining momentum. In a letter sent to members of would range from $349 for a single “ We have a patchwork system Mulready said. Faced with the possibility of a “ I think he hears from his Barkhamsted First Selectman their families. the General Assembly, O’Neill person earning $15,645 per year to of taxes that has clearly raised He said the threshold — the state mandate that would require people that there are a lot of Carmella Lattizori. The lawmakers. Sen. argued that an income tax would $4,165 for a couple making a total significant revenue over several point at which the tax burden towns to abandon May elections “ It’s like using a cannon to James H. Maloney, D- people out there who are saying, significantly increase the tax of $88,000. of the last few years,” Mulready would increase — would be A in favor of holding them in ‘Geez, this wouldn’t be so bad,” ’ shoot a fly,” she said. Danbury, and Rep. Barbara burden on all state residents, and Mulready has since withdrawn said.“ However, that does not say somewhere between $30,000 and November, some officials in Barkhamsted has discussed M. Ireland. D-Ridgefield. state Rep. Richard T. Mulready. he dismissed arguments that the that proposal and offered a that it is a rational, fair system.” $40,000. towns the law would affect said changing the local election and want Connecticut to tax New D-West Hartford, said Tuesday. state’s current tax system is second one exempting all income Mulready said O’Neill’s analy­ Mulready said he will not push they were not happy about the rejected the idea, she said. Yorkers working in Mulready, a millionaire real unfair to poor and working-class under $20,000. and linking the sis of the income tax ignores proposal. aggressively for the plan until the The proposal is a case of the Connecticut. estate developer known for his families. income tax to spending restric­ several savings that would result Legislature has drawn up a “ This is just another stupid And they’re also proposing moderate politics, maintains that “ It appears that in all cases, a tions and a cut in the state sales from a state income tax. includ­ competing plan to balance next idea,” Bantam Borough Warden state “ intervening on the local level when they don’t have to.” a divestiture of state hold­ the state’s tax system Is unrelia­ broad-based income tax in­ tax. ing federal tax deductions for year’s budget. Kent Gilyard said Tuesday. ble and inconsistent. To bring creases the tax burden on Con­ she said. A May election means ings in New York-based Mulready, in an interview after individuals, and lower property Stamford Democratic Sen. Ri­ order to it, he has proposed a state necticut’s individual taxpayers, “ My plan is not to do anything officials can conveniently start companies, a citizen boycott O’Neill’s news conference, dis­ taxes and lower corporation chard Blumenthal introduced the income tax, cutting the state while the present system does not with the income tax until a final, their term at the beginning of a of New York-made goods missed the governor’s comments taxes for businesses, which Mul­ bill that would require towns and and a ban on the purchase of sales tax from 7.5 percent to 5 unfairly burden taxpayers of any as a “ pre-emptive strike” in the non-income tax plan is drafted,” fiscal year, she said. ready proposed be linked to the he said. boroughs to hold elections in such goods by state November, alternating years Gilyard said he would support government. with state contests. the idea if local and state The new New York law Across the state, about 10 towns elections were combined to save counts a family’s entire Group fights to keep and 10 boroughs hold spring money. Otherwise, it does not income when computing the elections, Blumenthal said. make sense to alter the dates, he tax on out-of-state residents Though towns can already said. who work in New York, not DRG system going switch from spring to fall elec­ Burlington First Selectman just the income earned in the tions if they want to. Blumenthal Theodore Scheidel differed in his state. said the state should put down its HARTFORD (AP) - A fragile Neither plan promises to con­ ARBORS opinion of the bill, saying he does Maloney called the new coalition of business, labor, and tain hospital costs, which have VniOPIlKOOK foot and make a policy statement not oppose it, though he planned law “discriminatory, un­ in the interest of democracy. to discuss the issue with his Board the O’Neill administration’s top risen 58 percent in the past three PRESENTS democratic and anti­ hospital regulator is struggling to Blumenthal said he proposed of Selectmen. Central to his family.” years. But Gionfriddo, the former stop Connecticut’s hospitals from co-chairman of the public health A PERENNIAL PRESENTATION the idea at the request of town reasoning is the difficulty in New York Gov. Mario dismantling the state’s system of panel, is counting on growing committee chairmen who said running a spring campaign dur­ Cuomo has said that the new setting hospital rates. discontent with the DRGs. The voter turnout would be better in a ing budget deliberations, he said. law would generate $50 mil­ ‘HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW?....FROM The system has been widely rate-groups have been criticized lion a year for his financially criticized as confusing and inef­ as confusing, and often draw the FLOWERS TO SHRUBS*' beleagured state and said he fective, and State Rep. Paul wrath of patients who are was confident it would with­ Gionfriddo, D-Middletown, says charged for services they never Coventry cops watch stand any court challenge. SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST he is confident the Public Health need or receive. New Jehsey has mounted Committee will vote Thursday to As committee members have Reginald PInto/Mancheetar Herald such a challenge. for use of seat belt scrap it entirely. sorted through the competing 8:30AM - 9:00AM REGISTRATION AND COFFEE Connecticut Gov. William Under the current system, bills, Gionfriddo has been locked EASY DOES IT — Left, the Rev. Philip Chatto of the A. O’Neill has urged Cuomo patients are charged a pre-set 9:00AM - 10:00AM “HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE" By Maureen Leavitt for the Manchester Police De­ in a lobbying struggle against Church of the Nazarene puts the cross on the steeple to repeal the tax and asked rate based on the disease or Gardner Wright Jr., a former A LOOK AT ENGLISH GARDENS THROUGH Manchester Herald partment, which in turn is wait­ Connecticut’s congressional ailment they have and not the legislator who is now Gov. ing for the town’s Board of of the new church building on Main Street on THE AGES delegation to try to outlaw it treatment they receive. The William A. O’Neill’s top hospital COVENTRY - For the next Directors to approve the Tuesday. The building, which is to open in June, will GUEST SPEAKER: SUSAN BURNS, at the federal level. But Public Health Committee is ex­ regulator. month or so, motorists who don’t program. have an 800-seat auditorium for services and will LA NDSCA PE A RCHITECT O’Neill has refused to join pected to vote Thursday on two On Tuesday, as the Public wear their seat belts are likely to The program is also used in house the church’s elementary school and Sunday New Jersey’s suit. almost diametrically opposed 10:00AM - 10:15AM •**BREAK*** hear about it from a police conjunction with public education Health Committee met to discuss school. Next to Chatto are Eric Lazarin of 25 Hills St. plans to change the system. unrelated bills, both Wright and officer. of the law. Department officials Maloney said it would be The first, backed by the state 10:15AM - 11:30AM "PERENNIALS THROUGH THE SEASONS" The Coventry Police Depart­ speak at schools or town functions and Doug Haiti of Ellington. Above, Chatto hoids up legal to enact a personal Gionfriddo lobbied committee Commission on Hospitals and members for support. ment is one of 10 departments in to make people aware of the law. the cross before it went up. income tax on out-of-staters HOSTED BY: DA VID SMITH, WHITE Health Care and an unlikely Connecticut that received fund­ Booth said. working in Connecticut, “ The votes remain on the FLOWER FARM LITCHFIELD coalition of labor and business ing through the National High­ which doesn’t have an in­ committee to kill the DRGs,” Doughty said residents stopped groups, would modify the state’s Gionfriddo said during the way Transportation Safety Ad­ come tax. as long as the 11:30AM - 12:30PM "ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS” in the first three weeks of the current system, giving state ministration to step up revenue is dedicated to meeting. GUEST SPEAKER: DR. EDWARD CORBETT program will receive only a greater access to hospitals’ finan­ enforcement of the state laws transportation-related pro­ He said he could count on at written warning. Then, People Candidates scramble in New Haven cial information for rate-setting ASSOC. PROFESSOR OF ORNAMENTAL requiring seat belts and child grams. He said it would raise least 13 votes against Wright’s stopped for not wearing their seat purposes. It would retain the proposal, and possibly as many HORTICULTURE UCONN PLANT SCIENCE restraints. NEW HAVEN (AP) - The pected as many as 12 candidates should help the GOP field a strong at least $8.5 million a year. belt will receive a motor vehicle come and a time to go.” reliance on disease groups, as 17 votes on the 20-member DEPARTMENT Lt. Ronald Doughty said Coven­ surprise announcement by five- to join the field. candidate in New Haven, al­ infraction ticket, which carries a Maloney said Connecti­ known as diagnostic-related committee. try will be reimbursed $2,500, term Mayor Biagio DiLieto that Blacks and Hispanics make up though he said “ it will remain one DiLieto’s tenure in office has $15 fine and a $2 surcharge. cut’s treasury has stock in 44 groups, or DRGs. “ Paul is trying to make it an COST FOR THE PROGRAM: $8.00 PER PERSON which will be used to pay officers he will not seek re-election sent about half the population of this been exceeded by only three other of the more difficult cities for New York companies with a The other proposal, offered by putting in overtime or employing The state’s seat belt law went chief executives since Roger up-or-down decision on DRGs,” would-be candidates out testing city, Connecticut’s third largest, Republicans.” total value of $228 million. Gionfriddo and supported by the Call 647-9343 for information or reservations. Reservations an extra otticer to monitor the into etfect on Jan. I, V98G. Under the political waters and even of 127,000 residents. Sherman, a signer of the Declara­ Wright said. He did not dispute Democrats outnumber Repub­ Ireland likened the new Connecticut Hospital Associa­ Gionfriddo's estimate of the town’s roads. the law, all front seat passengers gave some encouragement to this DiLieto said he would not tion of Independence and U.S. should be made no later than Friday, March 31, 1989. licans by more than 9-to-l in the law to “ a giant squid living in tion, would strike down the DRGs committee’s dissatisfaction with Funding for the enforcement have to wear a seat belt and city’s tiny Republican minority. endorse any candidate at this Constitution, became the city’s city, and the last time a Republi­ Albany” reaching across and would give hospitals greater program began March 15 and is children up to age 4 must be Democrat John Daniels Jr., a time. first mayor in 1784. the DRGs. can occupied the mayor’s office state lines to take money freedom to set their rates, pro­ Democratic leaders have gen­ 403 West Center Street ■ Mancliesler, CT 06040 ■ 647-9343 expected to end May 1. restrained or belted in the back state senator seeking to become By announcing his decision was 1953. The longest-serving modern from out-of-state residents. vided they stay within annual erally backed Wright’s plan, but arbors The funds are funneled to the seat of the car. People can be this city’s first black mayor and nine full months before his term VI 1I()IM«{(K)K Where Good Friends Make Great Neighbors! While DiLieto said the past mayor was Richard C. Lee, who budget increases. their suDPort has been lukewarm. local departments through the fined immediately for not wear­ the only announced candidate for expires, DiLieto told a City Hall year has been the most difficult of state Department of Transporta­ ing seatbelts, but individual po­ spent 16 years in office, his last in his party’s nomination, imme­ news conference Tuesday he his time in office, he said his 1969. tion, division of highway safety. lice departments have discretion diately proclaimed himself the believed “ there is sufficient time decision to call it quits was Norman C. Booth, a spokesman in whether they choose to stop front-runner. for the Democratic Party to get motivated only by a desire to Gov. William A. O’Neill issued Committee rejects bill someone not wearing a seat belt. April 1st & 2nd for the DOT, said the federal But Democratic leaders said its act together.” spend more time with his family. a statement calling DiLieto “ one agency makes funding available Doughty said the penalty in the race was wide open. Among The mayor said his decision to “ I cannot say there were any of this state’s finest political 10 a.m. To 4 p.m. to enforce different highway Connecticut is relatively minor. A the first to express an interest in leave politics was in no way political decisions. These were leaders.” O’Neill said New Hav­ to boost O’Neill’s pay programs. He said in the early motorist receives no insurance becoming the party’s standard- affected by Daniels’ harsh cam­ family decisions. I have deprived en’s “recent resurgence is a 1980s, the administration tar­ bearer was city development paign against him. my family terribly.” said the penalties for the infraction. He direct result of Ben DiLieto’s HARTFORD (AP) - Connecti­ the governor and other top geted drunken driving. Police administrator John DeStefano “ With all due respect to my 66-year-old mayor, who had con­ said the department is not trying commitment to improving the cut legislative leaders, worried elected officials would receive departments have also received Daniels, who had accused the opponent, I did not consider this a firmed late Monday he would not to punish people, but is trying to city.” about sending the wrong signal in the salaries that took effect in money from the federal agency to incumbent mayor of paying too serious challenge,” he said. seek another term. make them aware of the law. a year of fiscal crisis, have 1987. purchase radar equipment and little attention to the needs of the State Republican Chairman “I just feel 10 years in this 'The powerful Democratic rejected hefty pay raises for the But House Minority Leader toximeters. “ We’ve seen enough evidence city s minoritv population and of Robert S. Poliner said DiLieto’s position is enough for anyone,” Town Committee will choose a governor and other top elected Robert G. Jaekle. R-Stratford, Booth said towns were notified that seat belts greatly reduce the polilical corruption, said he ex­ unexpected announcement DiLieto said. “ There is a time to mayoral candidate in July. about the program and had to number of serious injuries and officials, even though they said said the proposal could be apply through the DOT. Depart­ deaths in motor vehicle acci­ the raises were warranted. brought up again during the 1990 Q uantlm- ments that received funding did dents,” Doughty said. A bill rejected Tuesday by the session, although he noted that KBCO- 3 3 TM not necessarily report a large Nominee for state’s revenue post . Legislative Management Com­ that is an election year when such QG05REEL There are more than 110 miles mittee would have boosted the a bill would likely have even • Spooled with 100 number of drivers not using seat of local and state roads in town yds. 10 lb. Line • Ultra light freshwater belts. Other departments re­ / salary for the governor elected g re a te r difficulty getting that police have to monitor. And says gambling ‘run with integrity’ next year from $78,000 to $95,000. through. fishing FREE ceived funds as a reward for the number of accidents has ' Magnum Drag System™ |^ol doing a good job enforcing the a 22 percent increase. The bill was then defeated on a decreased in recent years despite Relations Board. with quick adjust mciud! seat belt law. Bv Nancy Concelman Central committeeman. He said “ The governor certainly well 16-1 vote. the increase in the amount of Hickey had the safne goal in Power Lever™ ^ ^ ^ r* The DOT has approved funding Manchester Herald Hickey has “ a lot of common deserves an increase in salary, as The General Assembly this .400% more drag traffic in the area, police said. August when he was appointed sense and he knows how to apply do other members of the execu­ month passed tax increases to 99 surface area Reg. ^ ^ ^ ■ w w At 68, Manchester resident chairman of the state’s Gaming tive branch,” said House Speaker wipe out the current $247 million it. But his biggest attribute is that $39.95 William V. Hickey is preparing Policy Board, which oversees the he has a lot of character.” Richard J. Balducci, D- budget deficit and is now working for a career change. division. The division runs the Newington. during the committee on a package of spending curbs Ceremony in Bolton Hickey will succeed Orlando P. PRO STAFF PSG20 Hickey, nominated to be execu­ state’s legalized gambling Ragazzi, who is retiring. meeting. and tax increases for next year operations. totaling more than $700 million. le a C O 33 CLASSIC Reel tive director of the state’s Div­ Meanwhile, the police union “ But we have to lead by SPINNING REEL One of the things Hickey Under the measure, O’Neill’s ision of Special Revenue, said will have to find a replacement example,” he said, and with that, • Zebco' 33 Classic' Medium Spin-cast Reel. • Medium freshwater learned as a member and chair­ salary would have risen from dedicates senior van Tuesday he’ll have to quit his job for Hickey, a labor agent for Balducci moved that the bill be • Positive Line Pickup " Graphite spinning reel man of the board is that gambling $78,000 to $95,000 in January 1991, as a labor agent for the Connecti­ about eight years. Hickey was a defeated. • Exclusive Magnum Drag System? • Click-calibrated drag operations are “ really and truly followed by annual $5,000 raises BOLTON — The Senior Citi­ cut State Police Union if his state trooper for more than 20 One of his deputies. Rep. • Gear ratio 3:1. with precise, ball In 1984, Bolton combined forces nomination is approved by the run with integrity,” he said. Ronald L. Smoko, D-Hamden, through 1994. zens’ Committee will host a with Manchester to secure a years. M < J , > bearing drive General Assembly. The execu­ “ My number one priority is to opposed the move, noting that the The lieutenant governor’s sa­ . . . U M t l \ P% 4dle ceremony Thursday afternoon to grant from the Department on Hickey said he doesn’t forsee • Quick 4 8:1 tive director position is full time, maintain the integrity of Connec­ raises would apply to those lary would have gone from $55,000 officially introduce the van the Aging to purchase a van. The any opposition to his nomination. gear ratio. he said. ticut’s entire legalized gambling elected in November 1990 and to $70,000 in 1991, followed by NOW i99 95 town is now sharing with Man­ proposals were approved, and A public hearing on the nomina­ But he won’t leave labor system,” he said following his take eHect Jan. 1, 1991. annual $4,000 raises. chester to transport local senior Manchester received the van in tion will be held within five days ONLY! Reg. $34.95 disputes behind. nomination by Gov. William A. “ I certainly understand the The attorney general’s salary citizens. December 1987. and the General Assembly is Hickey said one of his goals is to O’Neill. politics of what we’re doing ... would have jumped from $60,000 YOUR CHOICE Seniors have been riding the “ We fiddled around until De­ expected to vote within the next 10 ZEBCO PRO STAFF* RODS continue to work to resolve the jai Hickey’s appointment drew (but) politics and reality are at to $80,000, with annual $4,000 van since January, but the WILLIAM V. HICKEY days, he said. uantim QUARTZ LITE RODS ASSORTED ACTIONS AND SIZES cember 1988, trying to find a praise from John Sullivan of increases. Q committee wanted to delay a lai players’ strike, now in the “ It think it’s pretty wonderful,” loggerheads on this particular Casting. Spinning and Trigger Sticks driver,” Brown said of the reason . . nominated by O’Neill Manchester, a Democratic State 1 hands of the National Labor issue,” Smoko said. The bill did not include raises ceremony until the driver be­ for the delay in using the van. Hickey said. He said that by not approving for legislators, which might also I \ X k came familiar with the route, “ Everyone involved knew our 25.000 PRICED VOLUMES, ALL SUBJECTS the raises this year, it was likely be taken up next year. said Paul Brown, committee eventual goal was to acquire a chairman. Art CHIMNEY PROBLEMS? van,” Brown said. Humor For the past 6‘A years, Bolton Brown said, in general, the MuMe D.G. Cooke Mason Cont. Introduces was using a school bus to selectmen have been pretty re­ Wom«n SUPAFLU transport the elderly one day a ceptive to the program. Craft! Fate of furlough plan 99 week to Tri-City Plaza in Vernon, Movla! > Various lengths, actions and Nat lira BOOKS supellu, the poured-in-place leatures to choose trom. or to the Manchester Parkade. ” It hasn’t occurred without Indian! chimney lining/relining process lhal But the steep steps leading up to My Mary National Search for Out-of-PrInt Books irtNBtM W lh \ B* Formal for workers uncertain some effort,” Brown said. “ They PrxDumWk»y • Seals m c a r n indestructible from the bus were difficult for some Natura • Insulates Tipjo Butt! were concerned about making SupDrtorm g l^ * '* ’*'*'"4 Cutting Ortcfc seniors to climb, and the bus was •cM Ic SuPAFiU GjW a 1 Cbwnn*v • Improves Combustion HARTFORD (AP) - State $247 million package of tax MotorGuide sure we proved 10 times over the Anilqua! Featuring This Week not available during the summer. Pumpwj Around o«i*« Etticiency House Speaker Richard J. Bal­ increases designed to eliminate service is needed. But, it’s in Rallglon Swporiorm \ • Lines a Makes Chimneys f l H / N o D x RODS Model H T ^ Bolton shares the van with the Thaaltr Sp*c*n \xF**o HOM ducci says he remains opposed to this year’s budget deficit. place, the need has been proven, HELP WANTED Safer Department of Human Services Eric Sloana • Impervious to Corrosion a new budget-cutting law requir­ Casting. Trigger, Downrigger, and it’s being used.” Naw England Thur, FrI., Sat. or Sun. & Mon. “ I’m not happy with it. but it in Manchester. Bolton seniors • All in One Process ing about 3,200 non-union state Spinning models • Revolutionary stirrup ^ 99 About 20 seniors a week are HarKaga Pra!! or • Suitable For All Fuels was part of the glue that held have access to the van on WaNaea Nulling employees to take three unpaid handle with one making use of the van. Brown All 5 days • 20 Year Warantee together the package,” Balducci Thursdays. They also have the Thornton Burgaa! SUPAFIU Pump days off. but is uncertain whether said. touch speed control. opportunity to use it Saturdays, said. The van only seats 10 people, Joaaph C. Lincoln he would recommend repealing • Durable 12-volt hand operated Whisper- Oana Stratton Portar Bupahu chimney lining penetrates to seal The House Democrats had but Brown said more seniors need so the driver has to make a few BOOKS & BIRDS The iolulion lor old chimneys and chim­ it. Guide* motor delivers 18 lbs. thrust. cracks and mortar joints, making your chimney neys with broken or cracked tile liners. spent weeks haggling over provi­ to be made aware of that fact. rounds on travel day. Seniors are OH Salk, Prop. strong arxl safer. Balducci, D-Newington, said • Extra strong 30" chrome steel column. sions of the bill and included the Rhino hide finish resists cuts, Initially, the committee had to picked up at their homes and are SIS E. MIddIa Tpka. Tuesday he would submit the scratches and abrasions and • Patented Hannon System performance furloughs in an attempt to mollify 99 prove the need for elderly trans­ returned there at the end of the Manohaatar, CT issue to the 88-member House guarantees added overall weedless prop. i 1 those calling for spending cuts. strength. portation in town to the Board of day. All they need to do to ride the ; (Pi 00 ! ^ (203) 649-3440 Catering to all your Masonry Needs Democratic caucus on Wednes­ van is to notify the selectmen’s • ■O; O) O) 1 jd HOURS; Tuaaday-Salurday The Senate reluctantly went Selectmen to receive funding. I (0 1 j : o Who would you trust your chimney to more day and the House could vote on it c c C 11-4:30 pm along, but then, in a separate bill, Brown said. office a day ahead by calling If- 1 o than a company who buiids them. as early as Thursday. E '-2 i2 3 THURSDAYS UNTIL I P.M. approved an amendment repeal­ 2 Main Street, Manchester The town set a minimum 649-8743. \ ¥> •

L' 6 — MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. March 29, 1989 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. March 29, 1989 - 7

Tougher bus rules urged made by the leftist Sandinista government Appeals court halts NATION & WORLD of an open political process, said Alfredo NATION WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal safety Cesar, a member of the rebels’ political officials are calling for tougher drunken directorate. driving laws and want the oldest one-fifth of The United States has been spending $4.8 execution by hanging & W O R LD the nation’s school buses off the road, in million a year to support the Contras’ exiled response to the United States’ worst political operation, including offices in SEATTLE (AP) - A man said the earliest date for execu­ Death toll hits 22 In Yugoslavia alcohol-related highway accident. Miami and Central America. convicted in three slayings won a Stalemate at prison tion could be a year from now. The National Transportation Safety Under the new policy, the Contras are reprieve from death from a Campbell had exhausted his bid being urged to take part in the national PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP) Tuesday and in Zur, a village Kosovo. SANTA CATARINA PINULA. Guatem­ Board, ending its inquiry into the May 1988 federal appeals court 33 hours for a stay in state courts. A — Authorities proclaimed today a near the border with Albania, ala (AP) — Negotiations were at a head-on collision that killed 24 children and elections scheduled by the Sandinistas for before he was scheduled to Serbia says the changes are February 1990. federal appeal was rejected Mon­ day of mourning for two police protests reportedly continued needed to protect the province’s Hijacking ends standstill and food and water reported three adults aboard a Kentucky church bus, become the first person executed day by U.S. District Judge John adopted a long list of recommendations for officers killed in two days of into the night after police shot to Slav minority, which alleges FRANKFURT, West Ger­ running out today inside a prison farm by hanging in the nation since Coughenour in Seattle, who said bloody clashes in troubled Kosovo death an 18-year-old village constant harassment from the where heavily armed inmates were holed federal and state officials Tuesday. No close ties to Cuba 1965. he found no merit in Campbell’s many (AP) - Two armed Flames spread through the bus after it province that officials say left at youth. ethnic Albanians. At least 30,000 Czechoslovak teen-agers hi­ up with relatives who were visiting when WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of Richard Bauer, a prison admi­ claim that his trial lawyers the prisoners revolted. collided with a pickup truck that was going least 21 people dead and 74 The protests began last week Slavs are officially estimated to jacked a jet at an airport in State James A. Baker rejects speculation nistrative assistant, said Charles ineffectively represented him. injured. the wrong way on Interstate 71 near after Kosovo’s Parliament ap­ have left Kosovo since the last The government threatened to cut off that U.S.-Cuban relations are about to Rodman Campbell responded to a A Prague today but surren­ “ I am very, very pleased,” said For six straight days, ethnic proved constitutional amend­ supplies to the estimated 2,000 inmates and Carrollton, Ky. Authorities said the pickup letter informing him of the ruling ethnic riots erupted there in 1981 dered and freed their hos­ improve, saying American policy will not defense attorney A1 Lyon, “ That Albanians angered by Serbia’s ments that gave Serbia, the family members, who have been inside driver had a blood alcohol content of .26 in by laughing and saying, “ It’s — claiming the lives of at least tages several hours later change until Cuba ends repression at home goes without saying. It has been a efforts to tighten its control over largest of Yugoslavia’s six repub­ Pavon prison since Easter Sunday, if no tests 90 minutes after the accident, and a about time.” nine people. when the plane landed in and “ unacceptable behavior’’ abroad. lot of late, late nights.” Kosovo have pelted security lics, control of Kosovo’s police, The anniversary of those riots accord is reached today. board investigator said Tuesday he likely A three-judge panel of the 9th Frankfurt, officials said. was at .29 when the collision occurred, Baker’s views are outlined in a confiden­ Campbell had been scheduled forces with stones and police have courts and civil defense. falls on Saturday. “ We’re at an impasse,’’ the Rev. Antonio tial memo drawn up to counter suggestions U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on An official at Frankfurt which is nearly three times the legal level of to hang just after midnight responded with tear gas. Serbia’s Parliament approved A strong police presence in Lopez Martin, chaplain of Guatemalan that Cuba’s pledge in December to Tuesday agreed to stay the Airport said the hijackers, presumed intoxication. Thursday morning at Washington Two policemen, one an ethnic those changes in Belgrade on Kosovo towns, backed by heavy prisons said late Tuesday. Lopez is part of withdraw its troops from Angola will execution after Campbell’s attor­ Albanian and one a Serb, were Tuesday. who were armed with guns State Penitentiary in Walla movement of tanks and other the delegation negotiating with the rebel­ improve the climate between Havana and neys filed a notice of appeal and Walla. shot and killed in the province The ethnic Albanians, who military vehicles, is intended to and a fake hand grenade, lious inmates at the facility outside Washington. briefs with the court earlier in the gave up when officials at the Contra funding is cut when the violence intensified on make up 85 percent of Kosovo’s try and curb any fresh outbreak Guatemala City. “ U.S. policy has not changed in the wake day. He would have been the first Monday. They were to be buried 1.9 million citizens, say the of violence. U.S. military base at the The bodies of four guards and three WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush admin­ of the southern Africa accords,” Baker said “ We’re surprised and disap­ person executed by hanging in the today in separate funerals, the constitutional changes will curb The Federal Interior Ministry airport refused to accept inmates who were killed in Sunday’s istration is cutting funding in half for the in the memo. pointed,’’ said assistant state United States since Kansas put official Tanjug news agency said. the broad autonomy they won said Tuesday that two policemen them. The hijackers’ mo­ takeover have been recovered, authorities Nicaraguan Contras’ political operation in The memo has been distributed to attorney general James Hansen, four men to death in 1965, Authorities imposed an 8 p.m. under the 1974 Yugoslav and 19 demonstrators died in tives were unknown. said. Five others are believed dead, said exile, to underscore its desire for rebel diplomatic posts abroad and to selected who said the court ruled without including Richard Eugene Hick- to 5 a m. curfew in the southern Constitution. violence Monday and Tuesday. Wagner said the youths prison spokesman Conrado Monroy, but leaders to return to their homeland, a government agencies. The document is hearing the state’s arguments. ock and Perry Edward Smith, province on Monday and forbade In Belgrade and other Serbian The Interior Ministry said 146 were Czechoslovak citizens their bodies have not been found on the Contra leader says. dated March 1989 and is stamped “ confi­ “ We were just getting ready to whose story was told in Truman public gatherings of more than fax the documents when we got towns on Tuesday people cele­ of what it termed the most aged 15 and 16. grounds of the 2'/l-square-mile prison, The administration wants Contra leaders dential.” A copy was made available to The Capote’s book “ In Cold Blood.” three people. brated the constitutional changes aggressive demonstrators were Guatemala’s largest. to return to Nicaragua to test promises Associated Press on Tuesday. the ruling.” Hanging is Washington’s offi­ But street fighting was intense that provoked the protests in detained Monday and Tuesday. Even if the appeal fails. Hansen cial form of execution.

in the Greater REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES Manchester Area ‘V' rti MIS AP photo WARM & COMFORTABLE!!! FUNNY MONEY — Richard Ward, a special agent for the Secret Service, holds a real $20 bill, right, and a stack of fakes, left, as he poses behind piles of counterfeit $100 RE/MAX east oMhe river ttA~f ( B a n . ' “ Realty Co. 297 East Center Street Manchester, CT 06040 0*4 / " I I 3 that were among $36.5 million in bogus money seized 646-5200 Enjoyable, Fenced Yard and REAL ESTATE from a band of counterfeiters Tuesday in New York City. David Yaworski The arrest of 85 people brought down the biggest Family Neighborhood. Seven 647-8000 985 Main Street, Manchester counterfeit currency ring in Secret Service history and Room, 3 Bedroom, IV2 bath removed from circulation much of the fake money that TERRIHC & CONVENIENT was earmarked for drug deals in Colombia. •i'.' Qood sized ranch — one owner home — front-to-back living Cape. Vinyl sided. Very nice, GREAT PRICE *122, 900 room — hardwood floors — MANCHESTER •190,000 NEWER TOWNHOUSE front-to-back kitchen with Bright L-thaped ranch located on tran­ Ideal 2 bedroom, 1'A bath con­ ImS *''1 dining area — large and level quil cul-de-sac. Impeccable upkeep, enclosed porch. Attached treed lot — Asking Price great family area. Formal dining room, dominium. Quality construction, 1120,000. A super buy — Won’t eat-ln kitchen. 3 bedrooms baths. gas heat, full basement, appli­ Federal officials last long. garage. Partially finished ances, air conditioning, private basement with washer and dryer deck and garage. Inspect fuel spill hook-ups. Shows nicely! Asking, VALDEZ, Alaska (AP) - High- They planned to meet with COUNTRY LOT $153,900.00 ranking Bush administration offi­ shipping company representa­ Attractive and treed building lot In IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY *98300 nearby Andover. Convenient tor BOLTON *200.000 cials began evaluating TExxon’s tives and state and federal commuting but with that country Attractive, spacious 2 bedroom, Impressive 2 story Cedar Contemporary V/l bath townhouse condomi- cleanup of the nation’s worst oil agencies, then report back to flair. Build to suit your plans or ours Just built on IVi acres. Superb layout. spill as angry fishermen wearing Bush. You can buy now and bank the lot for Formal dining room, fireplaced family nuium with sliders to private future building. Call for a preview of black armbands vented their In the fishing village of Cor­ room with sliders to deck. Well planned ‘ Putting You 1st Is 2nd Nature To U s:” MIS backyard and patio. Possible this delightful lot. kitchen features oak cabinetry and wet rent/purchase option. frustrations with the efforts. dova, 50 miles to the southeast, bar. 4 bedrooms, 2Vi baths. Priced to selll President Bush dispatched the angry residents packed a high STRANO REAL ESTATE team Tuesday to determine school gymnasium Tuesday night - CALL TODAY - 647-“ SOLD*’ whether the federal government for a meeting with state and t=J r S ^ ! 156 E. CENTER ST., MANCHESTER. CT should take over the cleanup from Exxon officials. Many of the Exxon Shipping Co. He said he town’s 2,500 residents had op­ < > ■ < has received conflicting reports posed using Valdez as the south­ about Exxon’s response to the ern terminus for thetrans-Alaska m spill that occurred when the oil pipeline. Exxon Valdez rammed a charted REAL ESTATE SERVICES •PPMOTMtlV Resident Marla Adkins said the reef about 25 miles from Port oil industry had promised to have 63 East Center St., Manchester, 643-4060 Valdez. ■« II adequate equipment on hand to The ship spilled 240,000 barrels handle any spills. “ What hap­ NORTH COVENTRY '142000 NORTH COVENTRY *104.000 COVENTRY •189.000 of the 1.2 million barrels of crude pened here is not what we were PRICED TO SELL OREAT FAMILY NEISHBORHOOO Country breezes surround this full oil on board. Since the tanker ran Make an offer on this clean, wall de- You'll love this newly remodeled kitchen dormered cape with center hall. •>» told would happen 10 years ago,” aground Friday, the 10.1 million ranch. Newer Hoof and with sliders to a 24’ wraparound deck. Beautifully stencilled front to back PRICE SLASHED •10,000 she said. Drilled Well, Convenient location You This 3 bedroom Raised Ranch also fea­ fireplaced living room. Large dining gallons of oil have moved more won t need to do a thing — except move tures a fireplace and built-in air condi­ YOUNG DUPLEX •219,900 9 room, 2 bath U & R built Ranch on a private Fisherman John Booren said he ini tioner In the LR. paneled lower level fam­ room for your holiday entertaining This 5-5 3 bedroom home overlooks the cul-de-sac In Forest Hills. 1at floor family ^ Real E state than 40 miles, contaminating In addition to a spacious country IT SPARKLES!!! feared publicity about the spill ily room. 1 Vi baths and more. school yard of Nathan Hale. 1H baths, full pri­ room. Call Vivian Ferguson at 646-2482. some beaches and marine life. kitchen. vate basements, separate heat and morel 6all Iinniarulale 6 Room CAPE COD on Avondale Road. 3 Transportation Secretary Sa­ would destroy the market for the Nancy von Hollen Rick Bell at 646-2482 bedrooms, modern bath, full basement, gas heat. Beau­ muel Skinner, Environmental area’s fish, even if the damage is 647-8400 tiful |>ark-like grounds surround this great bom!! Bow­ ers School area. MOVE IN CONDITION! ‘ UZ.QOO.OO Protection Agency Administra­ contained. 168 Main Street, Manchester tor Bill Reilly and Coast Guard The spill into the once-pristine BOLTON •204,000 Commandant Paul Yost viewed Prince William Sound forced the A quiet place In the country Is X- the spill site by helicopter imme­ closure of Valdez’ port. Flow closer than you think. This U & R diately after arriving in Valdez. through the pipeline, which supp­ NORTH COVENTRY *107.000 home has a beamed cathedral After their tour, Skinner said it lies nearly one-fourth of the LOCATIONI LOCATIONI LOCATION! celling In the living room, a jacuzzi would be inappropriate to make This 3 BR Ranch sports a lovely lower In the master bath, two fireplaces nation’s supply of domestic crude level complete with plush carpeting and MANCHESTER *244000 and a full length covered porch for any judgments until they talked oil, was reduced to 800,000 barrels lighting atmosphere. Many built-lnsboth ANSALOl BUILT your summer enjoyment. downstairs and kitchen. New cabinets, 2'4 acres * S rm Col. with 4 bedrooms, 1 at floor LYDALL WOODS RANCH to those involved in the cleanup. a day from 2.1 million. solar hot water, large tiled entrance 7 Large Rooms. Plaster walls and ceil­ Immaculate 2 bedroom on cul-de-aac. Appli- ings. 2 Fireplaces. 1st Floor Family room, family room, 2Vl baths, 30'x4' 2 story barn with which could double as a dining area and anced kitchen, large living room PLUS at­ superb residential location, easy com- stable and corral. *214,9001 Call Rudy DeTuc- a over-sized garage make this home at­ tached garage. Immediate occupancy. Low muie lo narnoro via i-uoe. clo at 646-2482 tractive at any price. •140'S. Call ERA at 646-2482 COVENTRY •209,000 Impeachment fears 647-8120 scenic country view for your year BRAND NEW LISTING!!! PLEASED AS PUNCH!!! round pleasure. One year old ranch ‘•WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES” Altractive 6 room CAPE COD on Vernon Street. You will just love the great family neighborhood that surrounds this super 7 room SPl.IT LEVEL on Bryan acres. Huge Featuring 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, hard wood floors, 24x22 living room, two full baths Drive. A spacious 140 x 170 yard complete with IN- m. B h il ip s lOUALHObtlMA fireplaee. front to back living room and master bed­ MA9 ‘CUX and two car garage with openers. OAAOATUNIYY GROUND POOL will delight any family. Featuring .3 REAL ESTATE room. A full dormer provides for extra large rooms are told by Meese Central vacuum and Intercom for Blanchard & Rossetto bedrooms, 1 full bath, plus 2 half baths, hard wood your convenience. upstairs. 143* x 219* lot offering lots o f room for out­ floors throughout! Central air. appliances and much 742-1450 3466 D Main St., Coventry David Murdock side activities! One car garage. *162,000. more!!! »l6q. tration after Oliver North con­ said the former attorney general. REALTY WORLD" firmed that money from the Iran North was fired and his boss, D.W.FISH (203) 646-7709 73 WMt CtnUr Str«*i arms sales had been diverted to national security adviser John Commercial-Investment Company B*noll/Fr«chall« Attoclaltt Manchatlar, CT 06040 the Nicaraguan Contras, says Poindexter, resigned. Also, the mOETRESUm former Attorney General Edwin 1 Tower commission was created Meese III. and independent counsel Law­ Testifying Tuesday at North’s rence Walsh was appointed in trial, Meese agreed with defense December 1986. lawyer Brendan Sullivan that the “ They were the actions taken LOCATIONI LOCATIONI LOCATIONI administration was worried dis­ because they were the approp­ WALKING DISTANCE TO LAKE closure of the diversion could riate actions to take in any BOLTON •134,900 MANCHESTER •144,900 Clean starter home on a nicely treed corner cause “ the toppling of the presi­ event,” said Meese. “ But one of Enjoy this unique 4 bedroom Cape in a sought' lot. Ranch style with a one car garage. A lot after areal Includes large L.R. w/brick Prime Medical Office dent himself.” the concerns was from prevent­ of house for the moneyl Meese’s discovery of the diver­ ing this from being used by fireplace, eat-in kitchen, sun room w/slidersto (only yards from Manchester Memorial) sion came during a weekend deck. New carpeting and freshly painted top to political opponents of the bottomi • inquiry he conducted for Reagan. president.” Modern office building centrally located Earlier disclosure of the adminis­ Meese described interviewing at 320 Main Street, next to hospital. tration’s secret weapons sales to North on Nov. 23, 1986, a Sunday, • Lease from 400 to 3.400 sq. ft. • Iran had already produced an seeking confirmation of a memo D.W.FISH • Owner will modify to suite needs • • On-sIte & additional parking provided • DESIRABLE AREA OF EAST HARTFORD uproar. found the previous day at North’s THE REALTY COMPANY Many unique features make this lovely Raised Ranch a "MUST-SEE” Meese, who informed Presi­ National Security Council office. •12“ /8q.ft. Gross Lease property!! Three Bedrooms, 2'/t Baths, Cathedral ceiling. Wood (InoludM hM t tnd alMtrtelty) dent Reagan of the diversion on The memo by North outlined a SOUTH WINDSOR - Strawbridge, immaculate 3 bedroom Beams. Central Air, Attic Fan, 4 Zone heat, Decks, 2 Car, over-sized garage. Well cared for and nicely landscaped yard. MUNCHESTER '141.9(10 MANCHESTER *208.900 Nov. 24, 1986, said he didn’t know plan for the diversion. Also — New Industrial Condo Units on townhouse, 3Vi baths, dining room, kitchen, living room, Make money while staying Just take a look at this 2 Asking, *208,900.00 if the word "impeachment” itself The NSC aide told Meese the I B e tte r 5 ACRES OF PARK-LIKE GROUNDS Naek Rd„ just off Rt. 83 In Vernon. fireplace, central air and much more. No spring yard work home & taking care of your family. Unique one of a kind was used in discussions, but that diversion had already occurred COVENTRY •279,900 • Loading docks & overhead doors available • required herel Call us. children, plus a few more. 6 + 5 rms. 1st floor unit has there was anxiety over “the from an earlier arms shipment to • Lease from 1,600 to 22,400 sq. ft. • ‘Putting You 1st Is 2nd Nature To U s!” Excellent property for beautiful new kitchen 8> tremendous consequences,” Iran. Impeccable air conditioned six room ranch In-home day care or in-law fireplace In living room. 2 car featuring a huge living room with double •7<»/8q. ft. NNN Meese said he was concerned “ Your worst nightmare had STRANO REAL ESTATE apartment. Fenced in yard. garage, fenced In yard. cathedral celling and a dream kitchen. PLUS that administration opponents come true?” Sullivan asked Call Len Matyla or Russell Fish at 156 E. CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CT Convenient access to 1-84. finished lower level and sun room overlooking U&R REALTY CO. Meese. might get hold of the information gorgeous private yard. 643-4616 and make it public, so he urged “ Yes,” Meese replied. ^ 643-2692 CALL TODAY - 647-“ SOLD”, quick action to limit the political “ You knew that spelled trou­ 6431b..i 243 Main St., Manchester, CT 06040 OFFICCHOMS 243 Main SIreel, Manchealer, CT 06040 m Dally 9;00-S:00 Robert D. Murdock, Realtor MIS damage. He held a news confer­ ble?” asked Sullivan. 8 7 M 4 0 0 Vernon Cr., Vernon, CT 06066 Sal. S:00-S:00 ence the next day to announce the “ Yes, I did,” responded Meese. 6 4 3 - 4 6 1 6 ( 203) 646-7709 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. March 29, 1989 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 29, 1989 - 9 OPINION BUSINESS Information Scalpel Obstacles removed Possible deals aired is essential can cut from Emery sale for Eastern buyout STAMFORD (AP) - The U.S. probably would not emerge from Justice Department is dropping a restructuring or reorganization NEW YORK (AP) — Speculation negotiate the purchase of Eastern. Pohlad the waste its opposition to Consolidated as a viable competitor. continued that Peter V. Ueberroth was owns 12 percent of Jet Capital Corp., for schools Freightways Inc.’s acquisition of The company must also show preparing a bid for Eastern Airlines, and Texas Air’s holding company. Texas Air Emery Air Freight Corp., saying that no other buyer that would the carrier’s bankrliptcy trustee called the Chairman Frank Lorenzo owns 48.7 By Jack Anderson it is unlikely a more acceptable represent less of a threat to baseball commissioner “an interesting percent of Jet Capital. and Dale Van Atta buyer for the troubled company competition is willing to purchase force” in the airline’s reorganization. U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee Harold Jones, Parents who do not give school authorities can be found. its assets. The board of directors of Trans World administering Eastern’s Chapter 11 reor­ valid information on who should be contacted WASHINGTON - Budget Director The decision Tuesday removed The telephone at Emery’s ganization in New York, said Tuesday he Airlines Inc. met Tuesday amid mounting was continuing to interview about a dozen when their children need to be sent home from Richard Darman is searching for' antitrust obstacles to the deal, offices in Wilton went unans­ expectations that its owner and chairman, ways to get around President Bush’s under which Consolidated, based wered late Tuesday afternoon. A candidates for Eastern bankruptcy exa­ school are doing a disservice to the majority Carl C. Icahn, also could be poised to put a miner and hoped to recommend a read-my-lips pledge not to raise taxes. in Menlo Park, Calif., agreed last spokesman for Consolidated said long-awaited offer for Eastern on the of parents. The harassed Darman doesn’t see month to buy Wilton-based he could not immediately table. candidate to U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Schools have taken on many roles beyond how he can hold down the worrisome Emery for $230 million. comment. , Directors of Eastern’s parent, Texas Air Burton Lifland by early next week. deficit without collecting more The Justice Department re­ But earlier in the day. Industry The list of possible examiners includes the three R’s in today’s complex society. Corp., began their regularly scheduled former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci School officials come under frequent criticism revenue. cently asked Emery to contact analysts said it could spell the end AP graphic meeting Tuesday, but sources said sub­ We’ll tell him how; all he needs to do more than 20 parties the company of Emery if the Justice Depart­ and top securities fraud lawyer Leon for not adequately fulfilling one or another of stantive discussions wouldn’t begin until is stop the government’s excessive, identified last year as potential ment blocked the sale. today. Silverman, sources close to the situation those roles. wasteful spending. We’ll make it easy buyers to see if any were Emery lost $51 million last year said. Taking care of students who are ill or who, for him; we’ll even point out the interested, because of concerns after losing $48 million in 1987. IN BRIEF Texas Air spokesman Art Kent in Jones noted that any proposed sale of Houston said the company wouldn’t even for some other reason, should not be in school waste. the Consolidated deal would “Emery is going to get ac­ Eastern would have to be approved by the We’ll show him how hundreds of curtail competition in the over­ quired or it is going to go St. Louis to get tabloid comment on whether a meeting was being bankruptcy court, and he said Ueberroth is not one of the legitim ate responsibilities of billions of dollars sink out of sight held. is “an interesting force to bring into the night air-freight industry. bankrupt,” said Mike Walker, an ST. LOUIS (AP) — A new daily tabloid will the school system. each year in federal quicksand. This In a statement issued from analyst with Legg Mason Wood The behind-the-scenes maneuvering mixture.” If teachers and administrators have to is a swamp that must be drained come out here this September, and its continued as the Machinists union strike Icahn and his associates were unavaila­ Washington, Charles F. Rule, Walker Inc. in Baltimore. publisher will be a man who has been a top spend their time baby-sitting students who before Darman can rebuild a sound' assistant attorney general in “Emery is a mess,” he said. dragged on through its fourth week. The ble for comment on the TWA board executive at the city’s established newspaper, union struck March 4, and support from meeting. are in no condition to learn, they cannot be fiscal structure on it. ; charge of the antitrust division, “It’s losing a lot of money and if publishing magnate Ralph Ingersoli II an­ The pitiful whining for higher taxes, ‘ said the department still believed Consolidated Freight cuts it pilots has virtually grounded the Miami- Icahn has publicly expressed interest expected to give needed attention to the meanwhile, comes from the bureau­ nounced Tuesday. based carrier and led Eastern to file for and has been supported by Eastern’s the acquisition would likely prove loose, it will lose a lot more The St. Louis Sun will be printed seven educational needs of students who are. crats who want more money to spend, ■ anticompetitive, noting that the money.” bankruptcy protection on March 9. unions. He was meeting again with union Each year the school system is unable to get the recipients who want more benefits ■ mornings a week and compete with the St. The Ueberroth offer, to be financed by officials and hopes to gain concessions industry is dominated by only None of the companies being Louis Post-Dispatch, the morning newspaper valid information concerning who to call in and the members of Congress who four carriers. contacted had previously made Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc., would be that would persuade Eastern’s creditors owned by Pulitzer Publishing Co. The for $512 million and would give the Eastern to let him take control, said Brian case of an em ergency from the parents of court the beneficiaries. ' But, Rule said, “After a tho­ an offer for Emery and analysts Post-Dispatch has been the city’s only A timely list of executive pay They wail, that they need the extra • rough investigation, we con­ doubted that another buyer would unions a 30 percent equity stake in Freeman, an investment banker with approximately 50 students. newspaper since the St. Louis Globe-Democrat exchange for wage concessions. The New close ties to the Machinists union. taxes to reduce the deficit. The truth is cluded that If the department be found. folded under financial strain in 1986. As result, the administration is proposing that they will merely find new ways to tried to challenge the proposed “It’s a very troubled com­ York Times reported today. Eastern’s demand for $125 million in Ingersoli said he will be chairman and editor Airline industry and baseball sources, wage concessions triggered the strike. that the Board of Education require the By Bob Conrad is paid $82,838. squeezing of state employees is spend the additional revenue. Taxes acquisition, Emery would be pany,” said George G. Morris, an have been going up for the 58 years in chief of the newspaper. Robert M. Jelenic, speaking on condition of anonymity, have In Miami, Eastern previewed its first information be provided as a condition of Of almost equal interest was the dangerously symbolic and light years successful in establishing a fail­ analyst with Prescott, Ball ti executive vice president of Ingersoli Publica­ from being adequate. that this column has chronicled ing firm defense under the Turben Inc. in Cleveland. “There said Ueberroth was considering an offer of post-strike pilot training class. The admitting the student to school. The timely reading at the Capitol listing of deputies and other ranking tions, will be president of the new company. $300 million to $500 million. Ueberroth’s six-week course began Monday with fewer The procedures worked out by the aides, many of them patronage The bigger question, of course, is Washington scoops and scandals. Yet antitrust laws.” weren’t any people stepping up to last week was a printed list of top the deficit remains. Thomas M. Tallarico, 44, a senior vice term as baseball commissioner ends students than the airline had expected. administration may not be the right ones. appointees in state government and appointees, with salaries that, too, are how many more years Connecticut is Under the failing firm doctrine, the plate out of the 20 surveyed. I president and general manager of the Saturday. quite impressive. Parenthetically, going to nickel and dime its way After each tax increase, the deficit ■ an otherwise anticompetitive ac­ would doubt very much anything “They had more or less hinted around When the Board of Education discusses the their immediate underlings, along Post-Dispatch since 1986, will be publisher. Minneapolis banker Carl R. Pohlad, a that they were going to have 50 pilots, but with what they are paid. this sweep of information about through budget and tax challenges has not come down; spending has ■ quisition is not unlawful if two will be changed.” matter, members may have some other ideas. gone up. The federal establishment. Morris noted that Consolidated Texas Air director, could join a bid by in reality only 35 people showed up,” Air It surfaced shortly after Gov. Bill people you’d not usually think about with desperate, last-minute solutions requirements are met: The com­ Ueberroth, observers speculated. Pohlad, Whatever is done, the burden of caring for only increased the mi.sery index in the before it comes to grips with a has always spent every last dallar the' pany being acquired must show is getting all of Emery for $230 Line Pilots Association spokesman Hank O’Neill put a freeze on their salaries Chamber offers directory who owns baseball’s Minnesota Twins, Weber said in Miami. “That’s a drop in the children who should not be in school has to be Capitol press room when its inhabit­ long-overdue revamping of how it tax system has brought in. plus a that it will not be able to meet its million, just two years after and just as legislators were taking perennial deficit as high as the public reportedly brought Ueberroth in to bucket.” shifted back to their parents. aim at another level of state em­ ants discovered names of former defines its resources. financial obligations through the Emery bought Purolator Courier HARTFORD — The Directory, the 1989 news colleagues and the kind of bread would tolerate. use of existing assets and that it Corp. for $348 million. edition of the Greater Hartford Chamber of It may be that the mere existence of a firm ployees — those making $30,000 or Political notes more — with this cockeyed scheme to they are getting now in state jobs. The real need is to spend less, not Commerce’s membership roster, is now policy will encourage reluctant parents to “furlough” them for three days to But let’s not be distracted by, or ■ Gov. O’Neill may not know it, but tax more. And the way to cut spending available. More than 2,700 members are listed, make adequate alternative arrangements for help bail the state out of a hole. dwell on, the numbers. The point here a prominent Republican who once ran is not with a meat cleaver, but with a in alphabetical order and by the product or Arbitrator says sickout their children. is that both the governor and the for the job he holds agrees with him scalpel. The Gramm-Rudman ap­ service they provide. There is a new section The salaries are all public informa­ that it’s time to open Connecticut to Firm plans to close tion, of course, and readily available. Legislature have moved once more on proach is to cut government expendi-, that lists members according to their chamber But it is seldom that such a list is put that great stationary target when interstate banking. tures across the board, but that hurts, affiliation. together so conveniently and with fiscal affairs go bad — the ever- ‘ It will be good for Connecticut.” legitimate programs and barely' For more information, call Christine Po- at Electric Boat illegal available state employee. In this says Bob Steele of Ledyard, president scrapes the ones that need to be manufacturing piant lomsky at the chamber, 525-4451. such exquisite timing. GROTON (AP) — Blue-collar Electric employees would be eligible for raises in Silly me. I got the impression that crisis, it’s the employee with the of Dry Dock Savings Bank of New eliminated. The J. Peter Grace better-lined pocketbook. Tomorrow, York. Steele, a former congressman approach is to cut out the waste and DANBURY (AP) - National 1987 of Fairchild Industries, Boat workers who called in sick Monday July. "The MTC had struck for 3*A months the published list turned up as a Store offers sweepstakes face five-day suspensions unless they can last year before reluctantly settling for a not-so-subtle way of saying, hey. these who knows? from the 2nd District, was the GOP leave the legitimate programs Semiconductor Corp. is closing another computer chip Clean-air goal The numbers, in terms of projected nominee for governor in 1974, unscathed. its last manufacturing plant in manufacturer. document their illnesses by Thursday and four-year contract that granted them a folks can afford it — look what they’ re He expressed disappointment when Shoppers at Manchester Paint & Wallpaper, prove they were not part of an illegal work pay raise In only one year. 1991. Bonuses making. As for the General Assemb­ savings, were ridiculous. The freeze Grace headed the commission that the city where it was founded 40 Mike Simmons, an electronics 185 W. Middle Turnpike, could win a remodeled on executive salaries is expected to he was told the Legislature’s Banks searched for waste in the dusty ■ years ago before moving to stoppage, union and company officials are to be paid in the other years. ly’s reaching last week for that other technician, said workers were home in Madison, Ga., or $100,000 in cash in said. layer of state workers, the message cut the payroll by $800,000. The Committee had withdrawn a bill to corners of government. The offshoot California’s fabled Silicon Valley happy with the severance pack­ Popular Science magazine’s sweepstakes. According to figures presented at the out of reach? “furlough” — or mandated days off— allow interstate banking. The matter of the Grace Commission, Citizens in 1967. Arbitrator James Healy ruled ’Tuesday arbitration session. 49 percent of all seemed to be. “Sorry, guys, but it goes age offered. And he is optimistic Entry forms are available at the store for that a number of unidentified employees with the territory.” would add up to $1.7 million in the final will go to a study, with a report due Against Government Waste, h as' The move is intended to reduce about finding work in the local job more than 400 prizes. First prize is an Isuzu pipefitters failed to show up for work quarter of this fiscal year. next year. surgically removed $110 billion in the company’s excess manufac­ had violated the no-walkout clause of their Monday. The union local has about 1.400 Pay levels for the upper crust in market. The unemployment rate Trooper LS. Second prize is an Isuzu Spacecab collective bargaining agreement with the Is “clean air” still a distant goal? Two state service are impressive, as the Whether the furlough feature was ■ Former state Sen. Boce Barlow of unnecessary fat. But far more waste • turing capacity, “particularly in in the Danbury area is 3.1 LS Pickup. The sweepstakes ends July 31. members. Hartford, Stamford Town Chairman is still rotting on the federal carcass.” submarine builder, and that officers and The company said Tuesday that government reports released last week not printed list reminded all who saw it. going to stick or be rejected was older products and processes,” percent. stewards of the local pipefitters union They range from a high of $95,155 for beside the point. The fact that the Ellen Camhi and Fairfield’s county It will take Congress to cut it off.” the company said in a statement workers would have until Thursday to only tell us that it is, but statistics also move was made cast an unfortunate leader, John Wrabel, will be recog­ Darman lacks the authority to elimi-'- issued from its headquarters in Clarice Osiecki, president of Post office to try fax were at least partly responsible for the provide medical documentation to justify indicate that the battle to achieve significant Education Commissioner Gerald Ti- nized for service to the Democratic the Greater Danbury Chamber of actions. rozzi to a “low” of $68,216 for light on the whole proceedings. Even a nate most of the waste. But it is up to Santa Clara, Calif., on Monday. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Postal Service their sick calls. im provements in the quality of the air we Party when the Young Democratic him to start the process. We will show " Layoffs will begin in October Commerce, said she was disap­ The ruling cleared the way for Electric Electric Boat notified union officials Agriculture Commissioner Ken And­ freeze on executive pay, which means has decided to follow a trend in business Boat to discipline workers who engaged in breathe may never be won. that employees at that level are Clubs of Connecticut hand out Robert him where the waste is: all he needs to ” and the closing will be completed pointed by the plant closing and late Tuesday that employees found to have erson, with 15 of them making more Kennedy awards April 8 at the hoped that the unemployed technology by offering facsimile machine the sickout. The grim fact is that 2.4 billion pounds of than the $78,000 paid to O’Neill. supposed to hold their breath awhile do is cut it out of the budget he submits ■ by February 1990. said Mary service on an experimental basis. engaged in the work stoppage will be Bridgeport Hilton. Rhode Island state to Congress. workers could find jobs. Electric Boat said it estimated that 1,000 suspended without pay for five days, toxic chemicals are released annually in the The list told people who would not before collecting otherwise automatic Coady, a company The “fax” machines have blossomed across increments, is damaging for the Rep. Patrick Kennedy, son of the late Here are just a few examples that in spokeswoman. “Many of our individual com­ workers, a large share of them pipefitters, according to Joseph Messier, president of United States. And, 100 million Americans ordinarily go ferret out such fascinat­ U.S. attorney general for whom the the nation in the last few years, speeding copies engaged in the work stoppage. ing figures that the state’s top budget message it sends — if you are on the our view could have been cut from last ” The 96,500-square-foot plant, panies have had difficulty re­ of documents from business to business for the 8,600-member MTC. live in areas where other pollutants exceed award is named, will be the keynoter. year’s budget: But Healy refused to award any planner, Tony Milano, receives public payroll you are fair game. which the company leases, manu­ cruiting. I can only hope the people too impatient to wait for even damages as a result of the contract “With what we were charged, we came federal standards. $94,165: that the top cop. Lester Forst, Again, the state is dealing suddenly Bob Conrad, a Bristol resident, The taxpayers were tapped for $10 factures transistors and a range National Semiconductor people messengers to make the trip. violation, and he ruled there was insuffi­ out pretty good,” Messier said. “They The report on toxic substances and gets $88,204: and that the fellow in with a problem that is measured in the writes weekiy about Connecticut million for surplus sunflower oil. They of products using CMOS and will be able to fill that void,” she The experiment is expected to start in June cient evidence to find that the Metal were blaming me. They were blaming the poisonous materials released into the air in charge of the jails. Larry Meachum. hundreds of millions of dollars. This politics. paid a $6.4 million advance on a $46 ' Bipolar Logic processes. Produc­ said. at 260 post offices across the country, postal Trades Council had done anything wrong. council.” million gondola system in Idaho. They - tion of those products will be National Semiconductor Corp. officials said. Bids are being let for the When some workers said last week they 1987 by industry shows that in the opinion of put up $376,000 to subsidize a privately shifted to other plants. designs, manufactures and The MTC is the bargaining unit for 10 both federal ofBcials and members of machines to be used. unions at the shipyard, including the were planning a sickout to protest their owned underwater laboratory in'" The company said it will offer markets semiconductor pro­ The plan is for the machines to be in post pipefitters. treatment by the company. Messier Congress these emissions endanger public “I’Hl yJoM AftoOT ToHH. WTER KUTl|osE Open Forum Florida. The Army shelled out $26 ' some of its Danbury employees ducts. National, which has 37,000 office lobbies, available to either send or Under the MTC’s contract, it cannot announced the MTC had nothing to do with health. m r HiS m O^iHG, million for coal, though it already has ■ transfers to other company facili­ employees worldwide, Veported a receive fascimiles of documents. Payment will conduct a work stoppage or wildcast strike the threatened job action and did not a four-year surplus. m ties and will proyide severance loss of $103 million, or $1.04 a be by credit card, MasterCard, Visa or for any reason. sanction it. Based on data collected by the ^Ho'sQoHHKQiVt Members of Congress also slipped a pay and job counseling for others. share, on sales of $1,849 billion in Environmental Protection Agency, the The Oak Grove Nature Center American Express, to cover the service and The impetus for the sickout was an “To the extend individuals engaged (in Impressive work has been a haven as well as a few million dollars out the back door'“ Workers said Tuesday they the nine-month period that ended phone costs. The rates, have not been survey covered more than 320 chemicals. Of announcement by the company, a division an illegal work stoppage), they have to by paramedics place for our children to expe­ of the Treasury. Among the appropri-'** suspected the plant might close, Feb. 26. determined. of General Dynamics Corp.. that an expect to take the consequences,” Messier these, only seven are presently regulated by rience nature. As a child, I often ations not mentioned in the law but but were still surprised. The third quarter resulted in a said. requested by Congress anyway were ‘ loss of $44.6 million, or 46 cents undetermined number of its 7.500 salaried the EPA. To the Editor: visited to see what I had only read “We’ve been thinking about it The federal agency said that 60 of the about in science books at school. $1 million for a study on how to replace'' for years, but we were surprised per share, on revenues of $589 To take this away would hurt a vegetable laboratory in Washing- • the way it happened today,” said million. chemicals were identified by the government I have often read letters to the ton. D.C.: $500,000 for an oil-seed^ Last year. National closed its editor complimenting Manches­ more than our furry friends. Diana Scott of New Milford, a as causing cancer. Please save them, as well as our research project in North Dakota; 25-year employee. research and development opera­ ter’s paramedic service. On Many workers said they started tion in Palo Alto and is now in the As if this weren’t bad enough, EPA officials Thursday night, March 23, I had children’s ability to experience $2.5 million for a “World Trade ' said the situation could be even worse because their wonder. Center” in Kansas; $200,000 to reacti- *■ looking for new jobs in No­ process of closing its Mountain an opportunity to see this service View facility. Most employees the survey didn’t include pollution from cars, performed on myself and was vate two unneeded data buoys off the ^ vember, when the plant laid off 50 Leah Lourie coast of California; $3.8 million to employees. In January, another from those plants were shifted to releases from toxic-waste dumps and very impressed with the effi­ build salmon hatcheries in Alaska; 70 workers were laid off. The other locations. THE FINEST IN THE FIELD pollution from companies that produce less ciency and professionalism of the 332 Oakland St. paramedics. Manchester $1.9 million for research on new ways “ company attributed those layoffs National was founded in Dan­ than 75,000 pounds of toxic substances Further, I would like to extend to use fish oil; and the list goes on. to flat sales and its purchase in bury in 1959. annually. Even as we write this. Congress is my praise of the paramedics to working on another budget larded “The magnitude of this problem far exceeds include the emergency room staff with fat. WAS WAS our worst fears,” said Rep. Henry A. at the Manchester Memorial Material sought Footnote: Jack Anderson is co- T, $ 1 2 9 .9 9 $ 5 2 .9 9 Waxman, the California Democrat who is Hospital. We are truly fortunate to be chairman with J. Peter Grace of OVER 100 STYLES chairman of the House Energy and blessed with such excellent medi­ on parachuting Citizens Against Government Waste, r SALE IN STOCK SALE Commerce subcommittee on health and the cal service in Manchester. To the Editor: 1 environment. $99.99 $42.99 Don R. Clay, the EPA’s top official on J. Russell Smyth I am writing a comprehensive Mini-editorial ; air-quality issues, said the agency has been 48 Strawberry Lane book about parachutes and their Shaklee Corp., a door-to-door sales Manchester hampered because each of the more than 320 many uses and seek the help of outfit, is about to be purchased by a "T your readers. Japanese company. We’re usually the chemicals must, by law, be dealt with one at a one to sound the alarm about foreign WAS WAS time. I am searching for material to ownership, but this one has interest- ^ $ 6 9 .9 9 $ 2 6 .9 9 However, there are some rays of hope in supplement my substantial per­ ing possibilities. Maybe the Japanese 1 Save our ‘friends’ sonal parachute library and can inject some decorum in the sales this grim picture. In Southern California, a research files (that already in­ WE WILL NOT SALE three-phase anti-smog plan was voted technique of leaning on friends and -* SALE from a firehouse clude 25 years related to sport neighbors. Can we offer Japan a deal 4#' BE UNDERSOLO recently by the South Coast Air Quality parachuting). My additional To the Editor: on Avon, Amway, Tupperware and $19.99 Management District. Drastic restrictions on need, which I hope your readers Mary Kaye, too? > $44.99 daily living are proposed for the heavily can fulfill, is for information STOP PAYING RETAIL PRICES FOR YOUR SPORTING GOODS I am writing on behalf of many about any other aspect of para- Our new TEAM location will generate savings galore on all your sporting needs. populated Los Angeles basin, which has the “friends.” Although these chutes/parachuting (military, Jack Anderson and his associate, 1 worst pollution in the country. “friends” have no names, they civilian, space, foreign countries, Dale Van Atta, are syndicated colum- Call 646-8344 for more information Increasingly, pollution problems are are no less important. I am etc.), any time period: articles, nists. ' o international in scope. The threat to E arth ’s speaking of the deer, rabbits, books, personal experiences, pos­ opossum, skunk, groundhog, ters, illustrations, drawings, con­ protective ozone layer produced new resolves squirrel, bird, fish and countless at a 120-nation conference in London to cepts (even failed), development, others who are in danger. testing, and so forth. I especially Ulanrlipfilrr Rpralli combat the problem. And just last week, more There are people who want to need reproducable photographs. than 100 nations adopted a treaty that places take “just two acres” away from Foun«l«d In 1U1 All reader responses will be PENNY M SIEFFERT...... Publisher ANACONDA KAYE SPORTS curbs on shipments of hazardous wastes for CMtDi¥4t their home to build a firehouse. answered. Although I understand the need GEORGE T. CHAPPELL...... Editor 313 Green Road, Manchester, CT 06040 disposal in another country. for another firehouse, surely DOUGLAS A. BEVINS----Executive Editor James M. Bates MARIE P, GRADY...... City Editor HOURS: Mohckjy * W odneidoy and Friday 10-6, Thursday 10-8, Saturday 9:30-5 there are other appropriate sites P.O. Box 283 ALEXANDER GIRELLI.... Atioclete Editor — Union-News, Springfield, Mass. to consider. Windsor Locks 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 29,1989 Iflanrlirslrr Hrralii Oscars State aid available Section 2, Page 11 From page 1 SPORTS for sewer hookups Wednesday, March 29, 1989 nominations — nine, will become clearer when the original score COVENTRY - There is good "We tried to put together trophy is presented four awards news for residents that must be something that was fair and later. If Hans Zimmer wins that connected to the town sewer enforceable,” Timberman said. prize, and the film claims the art system. The new resolution was passed direction Oscar three categories unanimously by the WPCA, he Thoughts Whalers let The Water Pollution Control later, "Rain Man” likely will go Authority has reversed an order said. _ -___ _ on to dominate. ApLENty issued last year that would have Timberman said Dr. Robert Yet "Rain Man” faces strong meant all homes adjacent to the Bowen, town director of health, Len Auster challenges from "Dangerous sewer system needed to connect Gil Sass, town sanitarian and Liaisons," the saga of sexual representatives of Fuss and their shot soon or the homeowners would gamesmanship and deceit in face legal ramifications. O’Neill, an engineering firm of pre-Revolutionary France, the In addition, state grant money Manchester, felt the original baseball film "Bull Durham," the for the hookup process is now order should stand. civil rights drama "Mississippi available for more people, ac­ “ They felt it would be. best to Burning" and the action- get everyone to connect at one Mets and A’s slip away cording to Denise Alexander, adventure spectacle "Die Hard.” secretary for the WPCA. time.” said Timberman. The major awards — best Alexander said Tuesday, “ A lot The next step is for the town actress, best actor and best staff to identify the various lot By John BonfattI of people who applied before and solid choices The Associated Press picture — will be handed out near didn t qualify should apply again. sizes and then mail residents a the conclusion of producer Allan The income guidelines have been letter to notify them when hookup Carr’s elaborate Oscar presenta­ must be done. That will take at BUFFALO. N.Y. — The chance was there for the raised substantially.” Hartford Whalers, but as has been the case so often tions. The spectacle is being Alexander said the town was least a month, according to as year nears this season, the Whalers let it get away. broadcast nationally by ABC-TV notified last week by the state of Timberman. starting at 9 p.m. EST. From the date of the postmark Six times since November, the Whalers have been the change. Residents who did not within a victory of reaching .500 and six times they Although Hoffman is favored to qualify before because they of the letters of notifications, a possible, not with the NBA and have failed. win best actor, he competes earned too much money may resident has 21 days to appeal the against a highly respected field: order according to state law, NHL seasons going strong. But on Monday, when Their latest failure — a 4-2 loss to the Buffalo qualify now. she noted. Sabres on Tuesday night — was doubly troubling to Gene Hackman for "Mississippi Tim Timberman, chairman of Timberman said. the NCAA crowns its basketball champion. Major Burning,” Tom Hanks for “ Big,” Those with failed systems are League baseball opens its. 1989 season. Hartford coach Larry Pleaii because it also dimmed the WPCA. said during a tele­ the Whalers’ chances of avoiding the Montreal Edward James Oimos for“ Stand phone interview Tuesday that the still required to connect, he said. The preseason has been interesting, to say the and Deliver” and Max von Sydow Alexander said those with Canadians in the first round of the Adams Division state authority relaxed its hookup least. We’ve had the Wade Boggs-Margo Adams playoffs. for "P elle the Conqueror.” Reginald Pinto/Mencheater Heraid policy following a public hearing failed systems and holding tanks soap opera on a daily basis. We’ve had the ups and And while “ Rain Man" is The Canadians, first-place finishers in the in January. Residents com­ are in the process of connecting, downs of the New York Yankees with Dave expected to win best picture, the including four properties with division, will meet the fourth-place finisher in the LOWERING SEWER — Town workers the driveway to Charter Oak Street from plained at the hearing that the Winfield and Ron Guidry out, Steve “ Bye Bye” division. other nominated films are cer­ failed systems and five proper­ Melvin Lobaugh, operating the backhoe. Charter Oak Park. The line must be general mandate was unfair to Balboni and Tommy John back in. A victory against Buffalo would have put the tainly not long shots: “ The those with working septic ties with holding tanks. Use of Accidental Tourist,” "Dangerous and Victor Salcius dig a trench in lowered because oart of it will have to go holding tanks violates state Whalers and Sabres in a third-place tie with each systems. And we’ve had the Pete Rose saga. Did he or having three games left. All Hartford had to do was Liaisons," “ Mississippi Burn­ preparation for lowering a sewer line in under new culverts. health code because they can leak "In February, we reviewed the didn’t he bet on the Reds? That one’s cute, and it’s win their three remaining games and they would ing” and “ Working Girl” are easily, she said. public comments and decided to going to be a major league headache for incoming take third place because of the NHL’s tie-breaking considered to be strong films. Only one property that has been set priorities,” Timberman said. Baseball Commissioner A. Bartlett Giamatti. procedures. The most unpredictable race is condemned and also has a failed Connecticut has record-high temperature Those priorities were released Now, as Whalers forward Dave Tippett said. probably best actress, with Glenn system is not in the process of The races seem trivial in comparison. Of course recently. Timberman said Tues­ "That (the loss) takes it out of our hands.” Close (“ Dangerous Liaisons” ) HARTFORD (A P) - One fore­ tying the record for the day set in nable temperatures to the connecting, Alexander said. they’re not, but... day they set up a new timetable And into the hands of the Sabres, who, by taking heading the list. Also nominated caster compared the weather to 1945. weather front from the Southwest Currently, 130 homes are con­ for hookup: lots less than 15,000 Two races seem almost like comparing Triple three points in their final three games, can finish in are Jodie Foster ("The Ac­ standing in front a heater when "The high temperature at this and a high-pressure system that nected to the $5 million limited square feet excluding wetland Crown winner Secretariat to a claimer. The New third place and meet second-place Boston in the cused” ), Miss Griffith ("Working hot, humid air from the Southw­ time of year is usually about 50,” generated high temperatures sewer system that was installed soil must hook up within a year; York Mets, unless they self-destruct, are the opening round of the playoffs. Girl” ), Meryl Streep ("A Cry in est swept into Connecticut to tie a said Ralph Rossi, a spokesman along the coast. about two years ago under state lots less than 40,000 square feet, prohibitive choice in the National League East " I don’t think there were any wakeup calls that the Dark” ) and Miss Weaver record high temperature that had for the Weather Center at West­ "W e got caught in a hot spot in mandate to stem pollution of excluding wetland soil, must Division while the Oakland A ’s, ambushed in the ’88 had to be delivered,” Sabres coach Ted Sator said. ("” ). stood for 44 years. ern Connecticut State University the middle,” he said. Coventry Lake after the proposal connect within 2 years; no time World Series by the Los Angeles Dodgers and Orel “ Our team knew what was on the line and so did Some things Oscar-related, Temperatures in the Hartford in Danbury. Even coastal locations were to build the system was rejected limit has been set for lots greater Hershiser, seem to be the dominant club in the Hartford. We played well. We got a lead and we however, are usually more pre­ area on Tuesday hit 83 degrees. Rossie attributed the unseaso- summerlike, Rossie said. than 40,000 square feet. by townspeople. dictable, and that includes the American League West. protected it.” The game started slowly for both teams, but flurry of crises and near crises The A’s will be challenged by the Minnesota that accompany the elaborate especially for the Sabres, who didn’t get their first Twins, who, with 91 wins, would have won the A L self-congratulatory exercise. shot on goalie Peter Sidorkiewicz until there were 25 East Division a year ago. The balance of power, all This year, such developments seconds left in the first period. of a sudden, has shifted to the West. The restructed include the heist of 60 tickets from COMEMAKE “ We weren’t going to win with one shot for sure,‘’ the headquarters of the Academy Texas Rangers and the Kansas City Royals, too, Sator said . “ But we were playing solid and Hartford of Motion Picture Arts Sciences. may give the A ’s some moments of doubt. only had five (shots in the first period). And we kept Al ^ Rsginald PInto/ManchMter Herald to the game plan that we were working on.” A man identifying himself as a A DEAL* Not too many doubts exist for the Mets. They’re representative of 20th Century well-armed with Dwight Gooden. David Cone. Bob HARTFORD-BOUND — Coventry’s Hartford. He wili make it official on the The game plan — one the Sabres figured out after the Whalers outscored Buffalo 27-4 in winning the Fox collected 40 reserved seats Ojeda, Sid Fernandez, Ron Darling. Roger Jack Ayer (23) has verbally committed first day he can sign a national first four games of the season between the teams — for the awards ceremony and 20 McDowell, Randy Myers, etc. You get the picture. to play basketball for the University of letter-of-intent on April 12. was to backcheck constantly to limit skating room seats for the glitzy Governors Catcher Gary Carter and first baseman Keith for the potent Whaler offense and clear their zone Ball. The academy has printed Hernandez are coming off poor seasons. Repeat duplicates for the Fox studio. quickly to neutralize Hartford’s tenacious performances by them, plus the explosive Darryl forechecking. - CJ ■ KwMf . Strawberry, could rock the boat. Otherwise, the NL One of the few lapses allowed Hartford to take a East title should find its way to Shea Stadium Ayer is Hartford bound, 1- 0 lead on Dean Evason’s goal early in the second M again. period. Prelesnik The Whalers almost immediately got two more From page 1 The other two divisions aren’t as easy to call. chances to pad the lead, but Sabres goalie Jacques In the A L East, as Sports Illustrated has called it. Cloutier made great saves on Evanson and Tippett. the Yankees and the Baltimore Orioles will be fulfilling life long dream Pleau said those saves probably were the turning had been told days before by battling for the bottom. point. board members that they were Bv Jim TIernev Division I University of New other guards — sophomore Nate “ We had a couple of real good chances to make it Any team that names 45-year-old Tommy John Manchester Herald 2- 0 and Cloutier made the big saves,” he said. pleased with his performance. its opening-day pitcher is in trouble. Hampshire and the University of Gainey and freshman redshirt “ The board’s action was a total Lowell in Massachusetts, which Brian Keenan — plan to leave the The Sabres went on a power play shortly after that shock and surprise,” he said. The other contenders all have faults. The two big COVENTRY - Jack Ayer won the Division TI national school at the end of this semester. and Ray Sheppard scored to tie the score 1-1. Prelesnik said he is looking for minuses for the Red Sox are the Boggs-Adams always maintained a dream that championship in 1988. "The power play goal that Ray scored seemed to The returning Hartford guards swing the game in our favor,” Sator said. a new job. BFHgidaire situation and the lack of starting pitching. Bruce one day he would be afforded the “ I ’m really excited,” the 18- will be juniors Ron Moye and A1 Jeff Parker scored the first of his two goals at Prelesnik told the Manchester Hurst’s departure could gum up the works for the chance to play Division I year-old Ayer said. " I wanted to basketball. Jones. Other Hawk recruits are 15:13 of the second period to give the Sabres a lead Herald he would sue the news­ Beantowners. How long will "Oil Can” Boyd last, stay in the state and play Divison guard/forward Donnail they never relinquished. paper if it printed anything that That dream has now become I. Everything seems too perfect.” 6-2 before his arm gives out again? Can Wes Gardner Diggs, who led Danbury to the would hurt his chances of getting reality for the 6-2, 175-pound Ayer becomes the first local Parker made it 3-1 early in the third period when do the job as a starter? Ayer. Class L L state title, and 6-7 another job. player to sign with a Division I his pass from behind the net deflected in off forward Vinny Baker from Old “ You just may want to low-key And is Jody Reed truly an everyday major After guiding Coventry High basketball team since Manches­ Evason’s skate and Dave Andreychuk added Saybrook. that and stay out of it.” he said. league shortstop? School to the Class S state ter’s Mark Murphy, a 1979 East another goal before Hartford’s Jody Hull closed out the scori ng with a power play goal late in the period. Manchester Memorial Hospital championship and, in the pro­ Catholic graduate, signed with The key returning member of Similar things can be said about every other A L ■ “ Defensively, it started out slow, but when spokesman Amy Avery said the cess, becoming the school’s all- Fordham University. the Hawks will bp 6-6 freshman East club. Milwaukee starts the season without ace Hartford scored we knew we had to come back and hospital had no comment about tim e leading scorer (1,793 Lament Middleton, who was the Ted Higuera, and Juan Nieves is also ailing. The score,” said Parker, who only has nine goals in his Prelesnik’s dismissal in Michi­ points). Ayer will now take his The Division I interest in Ayer, ECAC NAC freshman of the year "END OF MONTH SALE" Toronto Blue Jays. George Bell in particular, are role as the team’s fourth-line center. gan or the reasons behind his unique talents on the basketball despite his phenomenal statistics and the team’s leading scorer. reportedly a happy bunch with manager Jimy court to the University of Hart­ “ We knew we had to open it up a bit and put on resignation in Manchester. r a n g e - which included a 25-point average “ He (Phelan) thinks I can open Neither Prelesnik nor Man­ Williams this spring. ford next year. some offensive pressure,” Parker added. “ Maybe it THE MONTH IS ALMOST OVER EVEBV;B B D U C B D t and All-State selection during his up the middle for Lament with my chester Memorial Hospital offi­ Ayer, who averaged a stagger­ junior year, was suspect due to (Evason’s goal) was an icebraker for us and iust got AND WE RE STILL OVER­ Sparky Anderson’s Detroit Tigers continue to 3-point shooting,” A yer ex­ us going.” cials have ever stated the reasons ing 32.2 points-per-game this his Class S status. plained. “ He said my minutes age. Cleveland? Not this time. The Whalers were clearly disappointed at letting behind his Manchester resigna­ season, has verbally committed " I think a lot of Divison I will vary. I’ll play both shooting STOCKED WITH THOUSANDS Try the Blue Jays as the A L East winner. another opportunity go by. tion. He became president of to attending UofH on a basketball schools think that way,” Ayer and point guard.” Manchester Memorial Hospital scholarship. He will finalize his “ We’ve been there (close to .500) and w e’ve lost OF DOLLARS WORTH OF NAME The N L West is wide open. The one team to said, referring to recruiters shy­ Ayer plans on playing in a city in June 1984 when he took over for decision by signing a national and we’ve fallen back,” Hull said. discount — again - is Atlanta. The Braves should ing away from a small school league in Hartford during the Edward M. Kenney, who left to BRAND MAJOR APPLIANCES, letter-of-intent on April 12. Ayer Islanders 5, Capitals 4: Mike Walsh scored his first be in the International League. The Padres, Giants, player. “ In the back of mind, I summer while concentrating on become president of Greenwich totaled 805 points this year, hit for two NHL goals, including the game-winner in the Reds, Dodgers and Astros each rate merit in this always thought I could play bulking up his frame a bit. Ayer, Hospital. COLOR TVs, MICROWAVES, 30 or more points in 17 games third period, as New York beat Washington to snap division. Division I. They (Hartford) are an All-State soccer player, was including a 52-point outburst the Capitals’ eight-game winning streak. Michael R. Gallacher was VCRs, AND MORE!! going to give me a chance. I feel also recruited by the University versus RHAM on Jan. 10, sank 88 The Islanders, who have the worst record in the chosen in December 1987 as But let’s say the Padres. The addition of Bruce really fortunate.” of Connecticut for soccer. 3-pointers and scored in double NHL, came back from a 3-2 deficit on goals by Alan Manchester Memorial president. Hurst to an already solid starting pitching rotation, Hartford, a member of the "I don’t have any worries,” Kerr and Gerald Diduck in the second period. Gallacher began work in Febru­ HELP US TURN OUR and a rejuvenated Jack Clark, thankful to be out of figures in every game. Ayer also ECAC North Atlantic Confer­ Ayer said. “ I need more strength ary 1988. New York, should put San Diego on top of the pack. was proficient from the foul line, ence. finished the 1988-89 cam­ in my upper body. I ’ll be getting Jets 3, Kings 3: Winnipeg rookie goaltender Bob hitting on 173 free throws out of paign with a 15-13 mark which more open shots in college. Essesa made 39 saves and left wing Brad Jones INVENTORY INTO CASH The world champion Los Angeles Dodgers? Orel 217 attempts for an 80 percent was the first winning season for That’ll be a change.” scored with 4:14 remaining in the third period to is only human. Try third place. clip. give the Jets a tie with Los Angeles. Details asked the Hawks under eighth-year Another change for Ayer will be Coventry finished its magical coach Jack Phelan. The Hawks his opening game opponent next The tie kept the Kings from clinching second place CHOOSE FROM season with a 21-4 record. will lose guards Keith Jones and in the Smythe Division and the home-ice advantage Len Auster is sports editor of the Manchester season: DePaul University at the on park fund Besides Hartford, Ayer’s final David Thompson to graduation, against third-place Edmonton. The Kings have 85 Ia m e r ic a ’S f a v o r it e Herald. Rosemont Horizon, just outside considerations for college were and Anthony Jeter. Also, two Chicago. points and need 86 to clinch. Los Angeles has three TOP NAME BRANDS.. EVERY games left. Republican Director Ronald 1 Osella has asked the town admin­ AMANA istration for details on the cost of FEDDERS 76ers notch crucial victory setting up a separate fund for America’s Cup goes sailing off capital and one-time park and GENERAL ELEC PHILADELPHIA (AP) - For Hawkins said. “ Our bench really Parish saidof his team’s chances. recreation costs. CARRIER the Philadelphia 76ers, it was a By Dennis Georgatos AMANA came through for us. They’ve “ It’s just a matter of keeping A decision on whether to appeal the ruling will Osella has said that such a fund crucial win in the race for a The Associated Press EMERSON been coming through and this is a everyone healthy. ... Right now be made in “ the next few days” after attorneys would encourage long-term plan­ playoff berth from the NBA’s FRIEDRICH ’1'^ good time of year to get that we have to concentrate on win­ brief the boards of the San Diego Yacht Club and ning for park and recreation Atlantic Division. help.” SAN DIEGO — Defeated New Zealand expenses as welt as corporate WESTINQHOUSE IVE'RE ning on the road.” its event organizer, the America’s Cup Organiz­ After losing by two points to the A slam-dunk by Barkley tied challenger Michael Fay has no qualms about contributions. In a memorandum Lewis’s 39 points represented a ing Committee, SDYC Commodore Pat Goddard Boston Celtics Sunday, 105-103, the score 102-102 with 27 seconds career high. winning the Am erica’s Cup in court after his said. released last week. Finance OVER- the Sixers came back with a sloop proved no match for the San Diego Yacht left in regulation and a 3-point “ Being able to fight as hard as The trophy will remain in San Diego until the Director Boyce Spinelli said that 117-115 overtime win Tuesday. Club’s catamaran defense. PLUS MANY MORE. shot by Hawkins gave the 76ers a we did without Kevin McHale and decision about an appeal is made, Goddard said. it would be possible to establish “ These were two big games. This is not a hollow victory when you see the STOCKED! 114-110 edge with 1:24 to go in Larry Bird was great,” Lewis Fay, a merchant banker who has financed New such a fund, but it would require They figured to be wars and they issues that were at stake.” Fay said Tuesday overtime. said. “ It shows we have a very Zealand’s sailing and legal battles the last three another bank account and addi­ were,” Sixers Coach Jim Lynam after a New York judge ruled that the defending tional bookkeeping. EZ TERMS After Boston’s Reggie Lewis competitive team and we can still years, said Mercury Bay Boating Club would " j said. “ This was close to a and Philadelphia’s Mike Gminski boat was illegal under the century-old Deed of Osella said in a March 25 • CASH do a lot of good things.” host the next Cup defense at Aukland. New must-win situation. We thought exchanged baskets, a long Gift which governs the event. memorandum to Town Manager • MASTER CARD Boston’s Kevin McHale, side­ Zealand, in April 1991 barring an appeal or other AfeielljDit5" | we had to win to keep them at a jumper by Lewis brought Boston lined with a bruised right foot, “ The real vvinner is the Cup and its traditions, delays. Robert B. Weiss that he wanted • VISA distance.” the Deed of Gift and what it means, and the clear the cost of such an account 445 HARJ/ORDROAD within 116-114wlth 34 seconds left. missed his second straight game. In the first disqualification in the event’s VISA ■ MONTHLY PMT. The second-place 76ers are now Barkley then made one of two spelling out of obligations for challengers and confirmed, as well as the possibil­ MANCHESTER, CT. Boston led by as many as 12 138-year history, Ciparick said the yacht club ■ DISCOVER CARD 2*A games ahead of the Celtics. free throws. defenders,” Fay said. ity of including certain existing points early in the second quarter flouted Am erica’s Cup rules by its unprece­ SUPER DISCOUNT CENTER Charles Barkley scored 27 Boston’s Dennis Johnson was Kiwi joy contrasted shock and bitterness in San budget funds into the special NOW y o u CAN t a k e I-3 M but Philadelphia tied the score dented entry of a twin-hulled vessel, which is points and Hersey Hawkins re­ fouled taking a desperation 3- Diego over New York state Supreme Court recreation fund. maccT FROM TO 445 HARTFORD ROAD-KEENEY STRECT 46-46 on a slam by Gminski with inherently faster than a monohull because of its ' ALSiEfffeitrssuPER couped after a seven-point perfor­ pointer at the buzzer. Johnson, five seconds left in the period. Justice Carmen Ciparick’s order that the yacht basic design. Spinelli said today he had not d is c o u n t CENTENIl mance Sunday to score 21, eight MANCHESTER, CONN. who had 24 points, made one of Gminski added 17 points and club forfeit sports’ oldest trophy to Fay and the Saying the yacht club “ violated the spirit of the had a chance to read Osella’s in overtime. two free throws. Mercury Bay Boating Club. memorandum. He said he proba­ Maurice Cheeks 12 and 13 assists Deed of Gift,” Ciparick said she was left with no OPEN DAILY; MON A THURS'TIL9, TUES, WED, SAT 'TIL5 Wl 'J l l S, Ir SUN TIL 5 “ It would have been nice to win “ I feel good about going to the “ There is a feeling that w e’ve been had,” yacht bly would have a response by as Philadelphia evened the sea­ alternative but to award the Cup to New Zealand both, but it’s good to get a split.” playoffs,” Boston center Robert son series with Boston at 3-3. club attorney Mark Smith said. Thursday or Friday. to rectify the situation. 12 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, March 29. 1989 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. March 29, 1989 — 13 SPORTS SCOREBOARD Coventry mound staff inexperienced Bv Len Auster the second base job while senior Steve IN BRIEF Manchester Herald “ We lost a lot of offensive punch Hockey Talaga (.372) opens at shortstop. from a year ago. We’re going to have Baffeball H.S. Preview McCarthy (.319) will handle the hot to play good defense because the COVENTRY — There will be a Horowitz on UConn squad corner. pitching is going to give up a lot of nucleus which Coventry High base­ Onnen (.352) is the lone returnee in contact,” Plaster foresees. "We’re STORES — Junior Glenn Horowitz, a ball coach Bob Plaster can call upon NHL standings Exhibition baseball standings Division I University of Hartford the outfield and he should patrol going to have to hit to win, because the Manchester High graduate, is a member of the as the Patriots head for the 1989 making him the first from the school centerfield. Sophomores Rob Topliff pitching is going to give up some runs. University of Connecticut men’s tennis team campaign. But the Patriots, defend­ WALES CONFERENCE AMERICAN LEAGUE to ever go to a Division I program. and Paul Krukoski, and junior Kevin “ Also, w e’re not very deep. But we this spring. He is a returning letter winner. Atform Divhlen w L re t. ing Charter Oak Conference champs v-M o ntr«ol 52 18 8 112 Ayer also led the Patriots in homers Quintiliano will vie for the other fly have to do the best we can to keep our UConn opened its season on Monday. Toronto 18 8 m who posted a 15-6 overall mark a year x-Boston 16 10 .61S (4) and runs batted in (23), while chasing slots. x-Buffolo Cleveland string of tournament berths alive” Minnesota 15 10 .MO ago, go into the season that opens next batting .357, in ’88, x-HorffenI 14 10 .sn Junior Jeff Rheault missed half of Coventry has made the state tourna­ Quebec Kansas City Thursday at Cromwell without a Texos 14 10 .50 Juniors Chris McCarthy, Gary last year with injuries, but batted .432 ment in each of his years as head UConn nine tops UMass Fotr!cl( DIvltlen returning pitcher. Ooklond 14 13 .519 Onnen and John Totten, freshman when he did play. Plaster sees him as OF OA 13 14 .Ml coach. A AMERHEST, Mass. — Freshman Sal v-Woshlnoton 291 243 New York “ We don’t have a proven pitcher,” Boltimore 12 13 .400 Rob Buteau and sophomore Derek his jack-of-all-trades utilityman Schtdule; April 6 Cromwell A, 8 Tolland A Tinnerello hit a pair of two-run homers, x-Pltt5burob 12 13 .MO says Plaster, beginning his 11th year x-NY Ron«ers Collfomlo Moulton will be given the baseball and who’ll fill in at first, third and the 11 D.m., 10 E.O. Smith H, 11 RHAM A, 14 Mllwoukee 14 16 ,M7 at the helm. Two hurlers from a year Rocky Hill A, 17 Canton A 11 o.m., 19 Bacon including one with two out in the top of the ninth X‘PhllodelDhla 14 .M2 asked to get outs for the Patriots. New Jersey Seattle 12 outfield when those prime tenants are Academy A 11 o.m., 21 Vlnol Tech H 11 o.m., inning, to lead the University of Connecticut to Detroit 11 14 ,4M ago, Matt Harrington (6-1) and John Onnen is the lone lefthander. 25 Portlond H, 26 Cheney Tech H, 28 East N Y Islonders 14 19 on the mound. “ It’s not that he a 10-8 win over host Massachusetts Tuesday. CAMPBELL CONFERENCE Chicogo Andrini (3-0) have graduated and a Hampton A. 10 16 Senior D.J. Figiela (.397 batting (Rheault) doesn’t deserve a starting UConn is now 8-6; UMass 5-6. Nonrtt DIvltlen Boston .3(5 third. Jack Ayer (6-4), has decided to MOV 2Cromwell H, 3 RHAM H, SRocky Hill W L T PH OP OA NATIONAL LEAGUE AP photo average) returns behind the plate position,” Plaster said. “ (But) I feel H, 8 Elllnoton H, 10 Bacon Academy H, 12 Tinnerello was 3-for-5 with three runs scored x-DetroIt 33 32 12 78 306 304 W L Pel. forego the season to concentrate on Vlnol Tech A, 16 Portland A, 17 Cheney Tech 7 while Totten gets the start at first confident he can play all those x-St. Louis 30 35 12 72 263 777 San Olego 17 .701 A, 19 East Hampton H. Gomes not noted3;30 and four RBI to lead the Huskies. 15 8 .<52 basketball. He verbally committed to base. Buteau has the Inside track on x-MInnesoto ?6 35 16 68 250 771 St. Louis FOREHAND RETURN — Chris Evert positions,’’ he adds. o.m. 14 11 .SM O llC d 0 O 25 40 12 62 299 325 Cincinnati Toronto 77 44 6 60 250 333 Los Angeles 15 13 .536 returns a shot Tuesday during her Smvtfip DIvOlon Pittsburgh 14 13 .519 Robinson in aii-star game 14 v-Colporv 57 17 9 113 346 223 San Francisco 13 .Ml quarterfinal match with Helen Kelesi in ,47( x-Los Anoeles 39 31 7 85 363 326 Atlonto 11 12 the $2.1 million Lipton International STORES — University of Connecticut center x-Edm onton 37 33 8 82 318 300 New York 12 14 .M2 Cliff Robinson will play for the East team in the x*Vancouver 33 36 8 74 241 237 Montreal 10 13 .435 Players Championship in Key Biscayne, Knicks leave the Trail Blazers hurting Winnipeg 25 40 12 6? 295 347 Phllodeipbla 9 14 .391 Nike/National Association of Basketball x-cMnched ployoft berth; v-clinched div­ Houston 9 18 .333 Fla. Evert, the No. 4 seed, won 6-3, 4-6, Coaches All-America game Thursday night in ision title Oilcogo 8 19 .296 Bv The Associated Press Tuetdov't Oomet N O T E : Spllt-sauad gomes count In 7-6 (7-0). Seattle. The game will be televised by ESPN, Buffalo 4, Hartford 2 stondlnps, ties do not starting at 9:30 p.m., from the Seattle New York Islanders 5, Woshlnofton 4 Tuesday's Games Kiki Vandeweghe was hurting dur­ NBA Roundup Winnipeg 3. Los Angeles 3, tie Kansas City 9, Boston 6 ing much of the last two years with Coliseum. Wednetdoy't Gomes Toronto 6, St. Louis 1 New York Rangers at Detroit, 7:35 p.m N.Y. Mets 2, Atlanta 0 Portland. After running into Vande­ Minnesota ot Toronto. 7:35 p.m. Phllodelphlo 9, Chicogo White Sox 8, 11 weghe for the first time since trading New York Islonders ot New Jersey, Innings SPORTS Johnson 10. well under his 22.7 Nick Bremigan dies 7:45 p.m. Rec photo Los Angeles 11, N.Y. Yonkees 10 him away last month, the Trail average. Quebec ot Chicogo, 8:35 p.m. Texas 8, Pittsburgh 4 Blazers were the ones hurting. Winnipeg at Los Angeles, 10:35 p.m. MIDGET BASKETBALL CHAMPS — The 76ers took home honors in the Baltimore 4, Montreal 2 Cavaliers 102, Mavericks 90: Ron GARLAND, Texas (AP) — Nick Bremigan, Edmonton ot Voncouver, 10:35 p.m Midget Basketball League at the Community Y. Team members, from left, Detroit 11, Minnesota 6 Mark Jackson had 27 points, 10 Harper scored 15 of his 26 points an American League umpire since 1974, died Tburtdoy'i Gomes Oakland (ss) 7, Cleveldnd 5 IN BRIEF rebounds and 12 assists. Vandeweghe Tuesday of a heart attack. He was 43. Hartford at Pittsburgh, 7:35 p.m. front row: Greg Eckblom, Josh Solomonson, Brian Brodin, Jeff Czaja. Back Seattle 3, Milwaukee 2 during a rally late in the third quarter Washington ot Phllodelphlo, 7:35 p.m San Froncisco (ss) 4, Chicago Cubs 3, W scored 24 points and the New York and Cleveland reached the 50-victory Bremigan worked an exhibition game Montreal ot Buffolo, 7:35 p.m. row: Coach Tom Czaja, Todd Napolitano, Tim Kelsey, Mike Siena, Bill Heine, Innings Knicks rallied in the fourth quarter Monday in Palm Springs, Calif., and had Quebec at St. Louis, 8:35 p.m. Adam Brodin. Missing: Stanley Lezon. Son Diego 9, California 1 Little Miss signups set mark for the first time in its 19 NBA Cincinnati 8, Houston 0 and defeated Portland 128-124 Tues­ seasons. returned home to Texas for some off days. He Oakland (ss) 4, San Francisco (ss) 3 NHL results Little Miss Softball of Manchester will hold day night. Mark Price added 21 points as was scheduled to work again later this week. “ Once the game started it was just a AAalone, Wosh. 61 553 256 1363 22.3 registrations for the 1989 season Thursday and Cleveland won for the 32nd time in 35 Bremigan was considered one of the most 76er8117, Celtics 115(0T) Ew ing. N .Y . 68 60? 309 1513 22.3 on Thursday, April 6. at the Arm y and Navy basketball game,” said Vandeweghe, home games — including 26 of the last knowledgable umpires in the major leagues. Sabres 4. Whalers 2 Basketball M cHale, Bos. 66 553 357 1463 22.2 Exhibition llneacores who suffered from back problems BOSTON (115) Richmond, G.S. 66 543 331 1444 21.9 Club from 7 to 8 p.m. each night. 27 — and handed Dallas its 11th He worked the World Series in 1980, four AL Lewis 14-3011-1139, Plncknev28 2-24, Parish Person. Ind. 65 580 201 1406 21.6 with the Trail Blazers. “ This was a HoiKord 0 1 1—2 Girls must be 9 years of age by June 30,1989, consecutive setback, fourth longest in playoffs and two All-Star Games. 7-112-214, Johnson 182148 24, Show 813 2-218, E.Johnson. Phoe. 57 500 1» 12X 21.6 team victory. Everyone came to­ Buffalo 0 2 2— 4 Klelne 38884. Upshow 28884, Gam ble 1-381 King. Wosh. 66 543 302 1391 21,1 Royals 9, Red Sox 6 and not celebrate their 14th birthday before its history. The Cavaliers’ 50-20 Funeral arrangements are not complete. He Rrsf Period— None. Penalties— Hogue, 2, Grandlson83800, Acres88880. Totals 47-97 Aug, 1,1989. to be eligible. A parent or guardian gether, and that’s the way it should Bui (hooking), J:42; Jennings, Hor (hooking), NBA standings record is the N B A’s second best will be buried in Rochester, N.Y., where he 21-24 115. be.” 5:20; Foligno, But (hooking), 4:39; Jennings, PHILADELPHIA (117) Kansas City DOO 80« 80S-f 11 I must attend the registration session. behind Central Division-leading De­ grew up, Bremigan, who was single, is H or, m olor (fighting), 10:09; Hortm on, Jones 8 2 80 0, Borklev 1817 7-9 27, NIT glance Boston 100 300 08— 6 11 0 For further information, call Charlie Camp­ Vandeweghe, acquired from Por­ But, m olor (fighting), 10:09; Somuelsson, EASTERN CONFERENCE Appier, Montgomery (5), Crawford (8), troit’s ,50-17. survived by his mother, Irene. Atfonttc DIvhlon Gmlnsk 18141-117, Cheeks 412 4812, Hawkins bell at 875-5133. tland on Feb. 23 for a first-round draft Hor, m olor (fighting), 10:34; Arnlel, Buf, 9-15 1-2 21, Anderson 811 1-211, Welp 4-7 8 8 8, Fo rr (9) and Boone; Smithson, Boddicker (6), Derek Harper had 20 points for Bremigan worked the Florida State, East­ m olor, (fighting), 10:34; Sheppord, Buf, W L Pet. OB Quarterfinals Gardner (7), Murphy (9), Laskey (9) and v-New York Smith 2-4458, Brooks451-110,Colemon813-4 pick, had his most productive game m lnor^nolor (Insflgotor, fighting), 12:17; 46 24 .657 Wednesday. March n <3edmon. W— Crowtord, 20. L — M urphy, (34. Dallas, which played without Adrian ern, International, Florida Winter Instruc­ Ptillodelphlo 38 3, Henderson 88080, Thornton 88880. Totols Cote, Hor, m olor (fighting), 12:17; Jen­ 31 .551 7>/? Alabomo-BIrmlnaham 85, Connecticut 79 Sv— Farr (2). HRs— Kansas City, Elsenrelch for the Knicks. He averaged 9.1 points Boston 4890 2 2 -» 117. Dantley, who has a sore right knee. tional and Puerto Rican leagues before joing nings, Hor (holding) 19:47. 35 33 .515 10 (1).Boston,Burks(2). Staak said to be resigning in his first 14 games for New York, the A L staff in 1974. Washington 32 36 .471 13 Michigan State 70, Vlllanova 63 New Jersey 24 46 .343 22 Boston 14 20 30 24 13— 115 with a high of 23. Bulls 115, Warriors 106: Michael Second Period— 1, Horfford, Evoson 10 Philadelphia 14 30 33 21 15— 117 Thursdov, Morch 13 Charlotte 17 52 .246 2B»/? St. John's 83, Ohio State 80, O T WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) - Paper­ Bremigan would have turned 44 next (Tippett), 4:52. 2, Buffalo, Sheppard 22 3-Polnt goals— Hawkins 2, Brooks BlueJayaB.CardInalsI Jackson was playing his third game Jordan had his sixth triple-double of Central Division St Louis 66, New Mexico 65 Tuesday. He was a substitute teacher during (Turgeon, Bodger). 8:34 (pp). 3, Buffalo, Fouled out— Pinckney. Rebounds— Boston work is all that stands in the way of embattled Parker 8 (Napier, Hartm an), 15:13, v-Detrolt 50 17 .746 _ after missing 10 following surgery for the season and scored 14 of his 33 the offseason. v-Clevelond SO 20 .714 54 (Show 14), Philadelphia 49 (B arkley 12) Bob Staak’s resignation as head basketball Penalties— Andreychuk, Buf (hooking),4:09; V/7 Semifinals Toronto 182 880 021-4 8 1 torn cartilage in his right knee. points in the final quarter as Chicago Mllwoukee 44 23 .657 6 Assists— Boston 31 (Johnson 8 ),Philo Monday, March 17 SI. Louis 000 801 888 I 4 1 Fronds, Hor (hooking), 7:57; Ferraro, Hor delphla 29 (Cheeks 13). Total fouls— Boston28, coach at Wake Forest, according to a published Chicogo 4? 26 .618 8Va At New York Musselmon, Elchhorn (7), Word (8), Henke “For someone who is coming off won its fifth consecutive game. (tripping), 18:05; Somuelsson, Hor (rough­ Phllodelphlo 21. A — 14,841. report. ing), 19:35; DIneen, H o r (roughing), 19:35; Atlonto 40 78 .588 lO'/j St. Louis 7J, Michigan State (4 (9) and Whitt; DIPIno, Costello (3), surgery, it shows what a competitor Jordan had 12 rebounds and 11 assists. Andreychuk, Buf (roughing), 19:35; Tucker, Indiana 21 47 .309 W/7 St. John's 76, Alabama-BIrmlnoham 65 Oulsenberry (5), Worrell (7), Peters (9) and University officials say they are awaiting NHL all-star game on NBC WESTERN CONFERENCE Pognozzl, Zelle (6). W — Musselmon, 2-0. he is,” Coach Rick Pitino said. “ For He made a pair of short jumpers Buf (roughing), 19:35. Cavaliers 102, Mavericks 90 Third Period— 4, Buffalo, Parker 9 Midwest D(vlilan Championship L— OlPIno, 0-1. HR— Toronto, Moseby (3). signed documents from Staak’s financial him to play at that level is fantastic.” during a 12-3 fourth-quarter spurt that NEW YO RK (A P ) — NBC announced (H ortm on, Napier), 3:08. 5, Buffalo, Andrey­ w L Pet. OB Wednesday, March 19 counselor and will confirm the move once the gave the Bulls a 103-88 lead. chuk 27 (Tucker, Hogue), 11:54. 4, Utah 44 25 .638 _ DALLAS (90) At New York Jackson scored 21 points in the Tuesday that it will televise the 1990 and 1991 Houston 38 30 .559 documents are returned, the Winston-Salem Horfford, Hull 15 (Young, DIneen), 17:55 (pp). SVi Perkins 814 44 14, Tyler 811 24 12, St. Louis, 27-9, vs. St. John's, 19-13,90 m. second half as the Knicks overcame With Bill Cartwright getting 22 Denver 37 32 .536 7 Met82.BravesO NHL All-Star games, the first time the league .Penalties— Ruuttu, Buf (sloshing), 12:24; H.WIIIIoms 813 80 12, Blackman 7-18 84 19, Journal reported today. Dallos 31 38 .449 13 Third Piece an 11-point halftime deficit. points and 15 rebounds and Horace Turgeon, Hor (high-sticking), 13:44; D.Harper 9-1480 20, Wennlngton 39248, Blab will be on network television in nearly a Son Antonio 19 SO .275 Staak. 41, met with Wake Forest players Anderson. Buf (tripping). 17:48. 25 1-3 88 2, Wiley 1-3 88 2, Jones 801-21. Totals Michigan State, 18-14, vs. Alabama Patrick Ewing scored 25 points for Grant adding 20 points, the Bulls Miami 13 55 .191 30Vz BIrmlnoham, 71-12, 7 p.m. Now York (N) 002 000 800-3 10 8 decade. Shots on gool— Hartford 5-10-7— 22. Buffolo 37-85142090. Altonta 008 800 0 8»-« 1 1 ’Tuesday night and told them he would resign, moved two full games ahead of 1-10B— 19. Pacific DIvlilon CLEVELAND (101) the Knicks while Clyde Drexler had 28 The games, on Sundays Jan. 20, 1990, and V'L.A. Lakers 47 21 .691 Darling, Aguilera (8) and Carter; Glovlne, the newspaper reported. The team held a Povwr-ploy Opportunities— Horfford 1 of4; _ Sonders 411 8 0 8, Nonce 810 2-2 14, points and Jerome Kersey 26 points fifth-place Atlanta in the Central V-Phoenix 45 25 .643 3 Acker (9) ond Benedict, Russell (7). W— Jan, 21, 1991. will be accompanied by a Buffalo 1 of 5. Da ugherfy398811, R.Harper 18184424,Prlce meeting afterward, at which time they agreed Seattle 39 30 .565 BV7 Dorllng, 1-1. L— Glovlne, 3-2. Sv— and 12 rebounds for the Trail Blazers. division. Chris Mullin had 27 points for Goalies— Hartford, Sldorklewlcz, 21-18-4 9-141-121,J.WIIIIams7-108214, Ehio 37 8 8 Agullero (2). televised “ Legends” game on SportsChannel Golden Stote 38 31 .551 NCAA tourney glance not to speak to the media. (19 shofs-15 saves). Buffalo, Cloufler, 13-13-0 9V7 Valentine 2-3 81 4,Dudlev81880,Rolllns88 New York tied the score five times Golden State, which lost its fourth Portland 32 .471 America cable on the preceding Saturdays that (22-20). 36 15 880. Totals438312-20102. Last week, it was disclosed that the NCAA straight game. A — 14,433. Sacramento 20 48 .294 77 in the fourth quarter before taking the also will include as yet to be determined other L.A. Clippers 15 53 .221 32 EAST REGIONAL Phlllles9.WhiteSoxB Referee— Terry Gregson. Linesmen— Bob Dollos 18 28 23 2 1 - W Semifinals had asked Wake Forest to conduct an lead for good 116-114 on a fastbreak Rockets 120, SuperSonIcs 117: competition. Hodges, Jerry Potemon. v-dlnched playoff berth Ctevekind 25 18 34 23__102 (11 Innings) TuMdciy't Gomes At East Rutherford, N.J. investigation of possible recruiting violations layup by Gerald Wilkins with 4:14 left. 3 Polnt goals— Price 2, R.Horper 2, D, Akeem Olajuwon scored 17 of his 36 Joel Nixon, the NHL’s vice-president for New Jersey lit, Atlonto 108 Friday, March 24 Harper 2. Fouled out— None. Rebourxh Duke 87, Minnesota 70 concerning Anthony Tucker, a transfer from That started an 11-1 run that clinched PhlloOelphIa 117, Boston 115, O T points in the pivotal fourth quarter. broadcasting, said it was modeled after the Islanders 5,Capitals4 Dallos 54 (Wennlngton 10), Cleveland 48 Phllodelphki 200 008 004 03-* 13 1 Cleveland 102, Dallas 90 Georgetown 69, North Carolina State 61 Georgetown who was ineligible this past the Knicks’ 31st home victory in 34 ((Sougherfy 15). Assists— (Jallos 24 (W iley Oilcaao (A) 300 081 300 01—1 11 0 Olajuwon was one of six Rockets in NBA’s All-Star weekend, which includes a Houston 120, Seottle 117 Championship 7), Clevelond25 (Price 11). Totalfouls— Dallos Cormpn, Bedroslon (7), Parrett (8), season, when Wake Forest finished 13-15. games this season. Washington 2 1 1—4 New York 128, Portland 124 At East Rutherford, N.J. double figures, including Mike Wood- Sunday game on CBS and the other competi­ 18, Cleveland 15. Technicols— Blob, CJallos Sunday. March 16 FVohwIrth (10) and Daulton, Lake (9 ); N.Y. Islonden i 3 1—4 Chicago 115. Golden State 106 Perez, Rosenberg (3), B.Jones (7), Thigpen Suns 127, Lakers 104: Tom tions on TBS cable Saturday. “ But wethink our coach MocLeod. A— 19,184. Duke 85, Oorpetown 77 son with 22. Walter Berry 18, Otis Rrst Period— 1, Washington, Christian 32 San Antonio IX, Washington 114 (9), Kino (11) ond OAerullo, Korkovlce (9). Chambers scored 28 points. Kevin package will be better,” Nixon said, adding (R id le y), 5:38. 2, New Yo rk , W olshl (Vukoto, Phoenix 127, L.A. Lakers 104 W— Frohwirth, 2d. L— Thigpen, 1-2. HRs— Evert moves into semifinals Thorpe and Buck Johnson 11 each and D Iduck), 7:50. 3, Woshington, Hatcher 13 WeOnesdoy's Garnet SOUTHEAST REGIONAL Johnson 24 and Eddie Johnson had that “ to my knowledge,” this would be the first Semifinals Phllodelphlo, Haves (3), Chicago,Colderon Sleepy Floyd 10. Dale Ellis led Seattle (D ru c e , W ickenhelser), 14:42. Penalties— Portlond ot Boston. 7:X p.m. Rockets 120. SuperSonIcs 117 (2). eight of his 21 in a decisive second time the NHL all-star game would be on None. Woshington ot Atlonto, 7:X p.m. At Lexington, Kv. KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) -Chris Evert’s with 36, Derrick McKey had 21 and Thursday, March 23 period as Phoenix clinched its first network television. Second Period— 4, New York. LoFon- Miami ot Indiana, 7:X p.m. match with Helen Kelesi couldn’t have been Xavier McDaniel 19. AP photo tolne 41 (Volek, Sutter), 4:33. 5, Woshington, Chicogo at Milwaukee, 8:X p.m. SEATTLE (117) Virginia 86, Oklohomo 80 Dodgers 11, Yankees 10 Michigan 92, North Corolino 87 playoff berth in four years. Phoenix CBS carried the last NHL game on network Sundstrom 4 (S. Stevens, Wickenhelser),9:52. Detroit at Utah, 9:X p.m. Cage 7-9 3417, McKev9-153421, Lister 2-381 closer, except for a third-set tiebreaker that 4, New Y o rk , Kerr (B erg, K ing ), 13:47 (pp). Championship entered the game with a magic Spurs 130, Bullets 114: Willie Ander­ television on May 24, 1980, when the New York 17 Socranrwnto at L.A. Clippers. 10:X p.m 4, Elllsl3247-734,McMlllon3-9814,McDonlel couldn’t have been more lopsided. BLOCKED — Portland's Steve Johnson (33) knocks the ball 7, New York, DIduck 11 (Mokelo, Berg), 18:22 TYiurtcloy'i Gomes 7-14 87 19, Threott 1-5 2-3 4, Lucos 1-4 0 8 2, At Loxlnoton, Ky. New York (A) OOO 080 117— 10 M 2 number of two to make the playoffs son scored 29 points and Alvin Islanders beat the Philadelphia Flyers in the (pp). Penoltles— S, Stevens, Wos (sloshing), Houston ot New Jersey, 7:X p.m. Schoene 1-3082, Polvnlce80884.Totals4490 Saturday, March IS Los Anoelts as ooo 84x— It M 1 Evert won the tiebreaker 7-0 for a 6-3, 4-6, 7-6 Mlchlgon 102, Virginia 65 Lelter, McCullers (7) and Quirk, and was put in position when Dallas Robertson 28 as San Antonio snapped away from the Knicks’ Kiki Vandeweghe as he goes up for a shot sixth game of the Stanley Cup finals to win the 4:31; Flotlev, N Y (Interference), 7:12; Golden State ot Charlotte, 7:X p.m. 2835117. victory Tuesday in the quarterfinals of the Vukofo, N Y (tripping), 11:41; Peeters, Was, Dallas ot New York, 8:X p.m. HDUSTDN (110) Slouoht (7); Morgan, Horton (6 ),Howell (8), lost to Cleveland. a four-game losing streak. The Bullets during their NBA game Tuesday night at Madison Square first of their four NHL titles. NBC last televised servedbv PIvonko (c^lay of gome), 13:34; Seattle at Denver, 9:X p.m. Berry 88 84 18, Thorpe 48 34 11 MIDWEST REGIONAL Pena (9) and Scloscia, Dempsey (6). International Players Championships. The Semifinals Los Angeles, still three games NHL games in 1975. Kerr, NY (crosschecking), 17:»; Hunter, San Antonio at L.A. Lakers, 10:X p.m. Olaluwon 1320 1813 34, Floyd 38 33 10 W— Morpan, 1-1. L— Lelter, 1-2. Sv— Pena (2). match took three hours, 17 minutes. were led by Bernard King with 31 Garden. The Knicks won, 128-124. Wos, mlnor-molor (Instigator, fighting), Phoenix at Socramento, 10:X p.m. Woodson 810 44 22, McCormick 82 88 0, At Mlnnoopolts HRs— New York, Slaught (2), Hall (3), ahead of the second-place Suns in the points and John Williams with 20. 17:29; Bergevin, N Y , m olor (fighting), B.Johnson 891-211, Chlevous410808, Short Friday, March 14 Velarde (1). Los Angeles,Duncan. "I played a perfect tiebreaker, and I didn’t Illinois S3, Louisville 69 17:29; R ldley,W os(holdlng),17:54. 1-3882, F. Johnson 1-2082. Totals458127-34120 Pacific Division, had beaten Phoenix The defeat left the Bullets three Syracuse 83, Missouri 80 play a perfect match,” Evert said. "You just in 24 of the previous 29 meetings since games behind Boston in the race for two minutes as New Jersey snapped a Preseason N IT field set Third Period— 8, New York, Walsh 2 NBA results Seattle 31 30 27 22— 117 Championship RangersB.PiratesO want to win the tiebreaker when you get to with 7:57 left to break an 88-88 tie and (Nviund, King), 14:08. 9, Washington, Clcco- Houston 43 25 28 14— 130 At Minneapolis six-all, when you’ve come that far.” Nov. 20, 1984. But the Lakers made the Eastern Conference’s final playoff 10-game losing streak overall and a give the Nets the lead for good. Buck relll 42, 14:24 (pp). Penalties— McBeon, NY Sunday, March 16 NEW YORK (AP) — Nevada-Las Vegas, 3Polnt goals— Ellis 3, Woodson 2. Pittsburgh eiO 100 8H)—4 10 1 just 40 percent of their shots (52 of 86), berth. (Interference), 5:54; PIvonko, Wos(slash- Illinois 89, Svrocuse 86 Evert, seeded second, will play No. 5 Zina 16-game losing streak against Williams, who scored 19 points, Floyd. Fouled out— None. Rebounds— T e ra 080 XX O X -d 18 1 North Carolina State and four other teams that Ing), 8:52; Rouse, Was, m olor (fight­ Nets 111,Hawks 108 with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar scoring Nets 111, Hawks 108: Roy Hinson Seattle 54 (Cage 14), Houston 44 (Olaluwon Dunne, B.Landrum (7), (Jolt (8) and Garrison in Thursday’s semifinals. Top seed Atlanta. followed with a dunk. Dominique played in this year’s NCAA tournament will ing), 8:52; Vukoto, N Y , m lnor-m olor (Instiga­ WEST REGIONAL 12). Assists— Seattle 29 (M cM illa n 13), LaVollIere, Holl (7); Will, Rogers (8), only six points on 3-oM4 and Magic scored six of his 25 points in the last Hinson made a pair of free throws tor, fighting), 8:52; M.Stevens, NY Houston 23 (Floyd 10). Total fouls— Seattle24, Somlfinols Gabriela Sabatini, who has yet to lose a set in Wilkins led the Hawks with 23. participate in the 1989-90 preseason NIT. ATLANTA (108) At Denver Russell (8) ond Petralll. W — W itt, 1-0. (cross-checking), 8:52; DIduck, NY,mlnor- Houston 27. Technical— Seattle Illegal de five rounds, will face No. 3 Helena Sukova. Wilkins 7-179-1023, Koncpk3-44-410, Malone Thursday, March 23 L— Dunne, 2-2. HRs— Pittsburgh, Wilson (5). The preseason tournament, formally known gome misconduct (sloshing), 13:31; S.Stev- tense. A — 14411. Texas, Slerro (5). ens, Wos (tripping), 14:24. 7-17 4-4 18, Theus5-121-211, Rivers 814 4-4 22, Seton Hotl 78, Indlono 65 as the Big Apple NIT, will run from Nov. 15-24, Levingston 2-4847, Webb2-41-15, Ca rr 2-32-24, Shots on goal— Woshington 10^-9— 28. Nevoda-Lds Veoos 68, Arizona 67 with the semifinals and final at Madison New Y o rk 11-12-3— 24. Boffle 184-44. Totals 37-B3 34-39108. Knicks128,Trallblszers124 Championship Orloles4,Expos2 Rose to start the season Square Garden. Power-ploy Opportunities-Washington 1 At Denver Illinois heads to Final Four NEW JERSEY (111) of 8; New York 2 of 4. Saturday, March 25 Morris 3-7 80 4, Williams 7-14 5819, Carroll PORTLAND (114) Seton Hall 84, Nevada-Las Vegas 61 PLANT CITY, Fla. (AP) — Pete Rose’s Cubs release DePaul, Loyola-Marymount, Texas-El Paso Goalies— Woshington, Peters, 19-7-3 (24 Montrsdl ooo 101 800—1 S 0 811 2-3 18, Conner 85 3-4 3,McGee9-141-1 Jones 1-5 80 2, Kersey 12-18 2-2 24, shots-21 saves). New York, Hockett, 3-7-0 (28 Bolhmore oB8 Ml 12k—4 8 1 long-term future is no clearer today, but his and Louisiana State are the other 1988 NCAA 23, Bagiev 8 7 8 1 4 , Hinson 7-1011-1225, Lee4-7 Duckworth 813 88 15, Oexler 12-22 84 29, shots-24 saves). THE FINAL FOUR Holmon, Waddell (7), Harris (8) and tourney teams entered in the tournament. l-29,Galnes1-2802, Jones80800,Shcckleford Porter 818 2-315, Johnson9132-720, Brvonf 4-4 At Seattle short-term outlook is rosier: he’ll be in a 80800. Totals 42-772829111. (»evev; Ballard, Tibbs (7), Williamson (8)and thanks to home-grown talent 818, Wheeler 1-2082, Steppe282-47, Anderson Semifinals Cincinnati Reds uniform for Opening Day. The tournament also will feature six teams AtlOfIta 24 32 23 27— 108 Nichols, Tettleton (7), W — WIMIomson, Goose Gossage 82080. Totals52-1071831124. JetsS.KingaS Saturday, April 1 W. L-Horris, 0-2, HR-Monlreal, Hudter from this year’s National Invitation Tourna­ New Jersey 28 20 34 27— 111 Seton Hall, 3B6, vs. Duke, 28-7, 5:43p.m The lawyer heading major league baseball’s 8Polnf goals— McGee 4. Fouled out— NEW YORK (lit) investigation of Rose said Tuesday that the ment — Richmond, Ohio State, California, WkMilptg 8 0 3— 3 Koncok. Rebounds— Atlonfo 50 (M alone By Bill Voorin persistence. You have to know of Chicago, said Collins “ is Newmon 8111-111, Oakley 1-7 87 7, Ewing M ichigan, 28-7, vs, Illinois, 31-4,30 minutes probe is likely to take several more weeks. By The Associated Press Wichita State, St. John’s and Alabama- Los Angeles 0 2 1—3 11), New Jersey 42 - (W illiam s 9). 18198425, Jackson 18207-1027,G. Wilkins 7-12 otter conclusion of first oome Tigers 11. Twins 6 The Associated Press how to reach each kid. And every respected by the whole team and Birmingham. Rrst Period— None. Penalties— None. Assists— Atlanta 12 (Rivers 4), New Jersey 25 8817, Vondeweghe9-158424, Tucker 8 4 8 8 0 , Chomplonshlp Baseball has indicated that it won’t take any kid is different.” he deserves it." Second Period— 1, Los Angeles, Toylor 24 (Canner 7), Tofol fools— Atlanta 18, New Slrlcklond2-4884,Greenl-4444,Wolker2-21-2 Monday, April 3 Is the Goose cooked? (Gretzky), :22. 2, Los Angeles, Duchesne 25 Jersey 25, Technical— Atlanta Illegal defense. action against Rose until the investigation is Clad in a warmup suit and Junior guard Kendall Gill, of Rounding out the 16-team field will be 5, ASevers 1- 1 802. Totols48-103 2934128. Seton HoM-Duke winner vs. Mlchlgon CHAMPAIGN, 111. - In a state Rich “ Goose” Gossage. only 39 saves shy of Houston, North Carolina A&T, Southern (NIcholls, Gretzky), 14:10 (pp).Penalties— Illinois winner, 9:13 p.m. M inntM fa 300 q q ] 6 11 3 complete. known for its fertile farmland, the basketball shoes. Collins still Matteson, said Collins is most Nummlnen, Win (holdlng),9:24;Krushel- Portlond 17 37 11 17— 114 ^ In w n , Hennemon (7), Pena (9) and Rollie Fingers’ record of 341 was released by Mississippi and Kansas. nyskl, LA (slashing), 9:24; Fenton, Win New York 19 M 39 34— 1 » In addition, Reds majority owner Marge asphalt playgrounds of Illinois’ looks comfortable on the basket­ important when things are going Spurs IBO.Bullets 114 '«>' Gonzolez (7), the Chicago Cubs on Tuesday. (slashing), 9:37; Duguoy, LA (Interference), 3Polnt gools— G.WIIkIns 3, Porter, Reardon (9) and Loudner, Harper (8). Schott said Tuesday the ballclub won’t do cities have produced one of the ball court, whether talking badly. 12:12;Hervey, Win (holding), 15:11. Steppe. Fouled out— None. Rebounds— NCAA women tourney w Robinson' 1 - 1 . L— Rowley, 1-2. HRs— anything regarding Rose until the baseball He does not intend to retire, though. WASHINGTON (114) Portland 73 (Duckw orth, Kersey 12), New Detroit, K.Williams (1), Been (2). most popular crops this spring; quietly in the corner with a “ He talks to us when w e’re Third Perloif— 3, Winnipeg, Howerchuk 40 “ They said I was through in ’84, and I Paxson surgery goes well King 1818 11-12 31, Alarle 85 8 0 4, York 57 (Ew ing 13). Assist!— Portland 34 commissioner acts. basketball players. player, huddled on the sideline down and he offers support on the (Duncon) :39. 4, Winnipeg, Howerchuk 41 (P orter 13), New York 34 (Jockson 12). Total wasn’t,” Gossage said. “ Basically, that’s how I (M cB o ln ), 8:21. 5, Los Angeles, C.Jones 1-1802.Walker8l2-22,Malone8157-7 EAST REGIONAL That would appear to remove any obstacles bench,” Gill said. 13, Wlllloms 814 4-5 20, Cofledge 58 14, fouls— Portland 27, New York 23. The Fighting Illini have witlli other assistant coaches or BOSTON (AP) — Jim Paxson underwent a (jretzky 53 (Duchesne, KrushelnyskI), 4-4 Somlfinols feel now. I still feel as if I have a couple more Eackles 898712, Colter 482-210, C.A.Jones Technicols— Oakley, New York Bench Athletics?, IndlansS to Rose managing the club in the traditional reached the NCAA Final Four by joking at center court with the And he also has valuable 10:51 (pp). 4, Winnipeg, Jones 4 (Boschmon, (four men on court). A— 18,039. Af Bowling Oroon, Ky. successful operation on his right wrist to repair 82 82 0, Feltl 2-5 80 4.Totols39-843841114. years ahead of m e.” Elleff), 15:44. Penoltles-Steen, Win (un­ Thursdov, March 13 (11 innings) National League opener next Monday against relying almost exclusively on team. experience the players hope to torn ligaments Tuesday, the Boston Celtics sportsmanlike conduct), 4:22; Olousson, Long Beach St. 89, Ohio St. 83 Now, he must wait for the phone to ring but SAN ANTONIO (130) Tennessee 80, Virginia 47 the Los Angeles Dodgers at Riverfront home-grown talent — 11 of the 12 It hasn’t been that long since draw upon in Seattle. said. Win (holding), 10:28; Los Angeles bench, W.Anderson 12-17 85 29, BrIckowskI 4-13 38 Bulla 115, Warriors 106 not the one in the bullpen. served bv Robltollle (too many men on Championship <“i 3w m ea m—7 is 1 Stadium. players dressing for Illinois are Collins was in the players’ “ The kids have been talking Paxson, who will miss the remainder of the 11, Smrek 88 80 4, M axw ell 811 1-1 12, At Bowflng Oroon, Kv. Gossage. 37, still has a guaranteed contract Ice), 17:05. Cleveland i a 081 no 08—4 12 e position. The Syracuse, N.Y. about going to the Final Four Overtime— None. Penalties— None. Robertson 12-194828, G.Anderson7-1281320, ODLOEN STATE (184) Saturday, March IS „C YounO' CorsI (8), Dowley (11) and natives of the Land of Lincoln. NBA season, underwent the 2‘/4-hour surgery Bowle2-2824. Vincent 1-3802, M. Anderson 85 worth $1.2 million this season. Shots on g o a l-W in n ip e g 4-8-13-5— 32. M ullln 11-194-527, Teoole9-173521, L.SmIfh Tennessee 94, Long Beoch St. 80 M n d o , Brito (8 ); Yett, Atherton (8),Olln (10), native was a star at New Mexico since October," he said. “ This is a 28 8, Comegys 48 28 10, Whiteheod 82 08 0, Seoul Games profitable “ We’re very pleased that the at New England Baptist Hospital. Los Angeles 11-19-7-5— 42. 1-3 82 2, Garland 9-14 80 18,Rlchmond321 (JrosM ( 1 1 ) and AKonson. W— CorsI, 2-0. A1 Nipper, acquired from Boston in De­ Rolh81800. Tofals58992841130. talent we’ve got are all from the State in 1970 and led the Henson- pretty Confident group. I ’ve told Paxson was expected to remain in a cast for Power-ploy Opportunities— Winnipeg 0 3419, Bol 2-3885, Hlaalns8103-211,D.Smlth87 MIDEAST REGIONAL L — < )lln, 0- 1 . Sv-Dawley ( 1 ) . h H— cember 1987 in the Lee Smith deal, also was 1 of 2; Los Angeles 2 of 4. 343, Alford88800. Totals44841824104 Somlfinols ClevetarKi, Medlr)a (1). SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The 1988 state. It’s exciting,” Coach Lou coached Aggies to a third-place them about my experiences in the up to nine weeks. The backup guard, who is Woshlntfon 31 24 31 14— 114 released by the Cubs. At Auburn, Ala. Summer Olympic Games in Seoul made a Henson said Tuesday. finish in the Final Four. Final Four and tried to prepare averaging 8.6 points per game, was injured Son Antonio 40 29 38 23— 130 CHICAOD (115) Thursday, Morch a Experimenting with off-speed pitches to 3-Polnt goal-Maxwell. Fouled out__ PIppen 817 2-4 13, (iro n f 1819 8 8 20, Mississippi 68. North Corolino state 63 RedsB.AstrosO record profit of nearly $500 million, more than In the past, many of Illinois’ Collins became a first-round them for what to expect.” March 16 in a game at Indianapolis. Bowie. Rebounds— Washington 52 (Co- Auburn 71, Clemson 60 compensate for a diminished fastball. Gossage Cartwrlght9194-522.Hodoes8118811, Jordan double that of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, draft pick of the Chicago Bulls Henson also recognizes the The injury previously had been described as fledge 12), San Antonio 44 (G.Anderson 10) 1324 7-9 33, Paxson 28 8 8 4, Sellers 34 2-2 4, Championship budding basketball stars were had an odd exhibition season. Even though he Transactions Assists— Washington 19 (W illiam s 5), San Ckirzine 1-1802, Vincent 2-3884. Totals 49104 At Auburn, Ala. „ 808 888 888-8 S 1 organizers said today. harvested by universities in other and it was during his years there value of Collins to his program. a sprained wrist. Antonio 27 (Robertson 10). Totol fouls— had a 0.82 ERA, he walked 13 batters in II 1820115. Soturdov, March a .. 188 808 n x — 8 II 8 The figure was about $125 million more than that he first met many of the local Washington 27, Son Antonio 32 OaMon Sloto It 30 21 15— 104 Auburn 77, Mississippi 51 •'), Andersen (5), states. Henson estimates at least innings. Technicols— Walker, W. Anderson, San Anto­ Chicogo 17 39 21 18-115 ° '•> Trevino; estimates announced by organizers right after 25 top players were wooed out-of- high school coaches he would BASEBALL nio coach Brown 2 (elected), Woshington Atohler, Dibble (I), Tekulve (9) and “ You look at his (Gossage’s) ERA and it 3-Polntgoals-M ullln, Bol, Higgins, MIDWEST REGIONAL the Summer Games ended. state in his 14 years at Illinois. later call upon in his recruiting American Ltogve coach Unseld. A — 10,)39, PIppen, Hodges. Fouled out—None. Somlfinols teed, McGrIff (6). W-Mohler T l Concepcion looks good,” Cubs manager Don Zimmer said. CHICAGO WHITE SOX— Sent John Rebounds— Golden Stole 58 (L.Sm Ith 13), At Rufton, La. L— Rhoden, 1-2. The Seoul Olympic Organizing Committee But that trend has been rev­ work. Dovis and Rick Rodriguez, pitchers, outright "But he walked 13 men. That’s not Goose’s bag. LInseman out eight weeks O ilcago 45 (Cartw right 15). Assists— Golden Thursdov, Morch a disclosed the figure in a final report today, ersed, due largely to the work the “ I used to play pickup games to Vancouver of the Pocific Coast League. Suns 127, Lakers 104 State 27 (Garland 9 ), Chicago 37 (Jord an 11), Stanford 98, lowo 74 is reieased He’s going through changes. He was trying to Total fouls— Golden Stole 18, Chicago 18. Louisiana Tech 85, Louisiana State 68 Athletlcs4,Glants3 preceding its disbandment next week. with a lot of the coaches and I past six years of Henson assistant do new things. We just didn’t feel he was one of BOSTON (A P) — Boston Bruins center Ken MILWAUKEE BREWERS— Placed Teddy L.A. LAKERS (104) A — 18,013, Championship Hlguero, pitcher, on the ISdov disabled According to the report, the Seoul Olympics, Jimmy Collins, who is described stayed in touch after my playing PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP) Green 89 810 14, W orthy 1819 48 24, At RustOh, Lo. Ooklond (ss) ao 001 OBl—4 ii s our 10 pitchers.” Linseman tore a ligament in his left knee in list today, retrooctiveto M arch 25. Soturdov, Morch a Abdul-Jobbor 814 824. Ea.Johnson 38 3810, Km Francim (n) SOO 881 1 1 8 -3 7 8 the largest Games in Olympic history, by the players as “ a father figure days when I worked as a — Veteran infielder Davey Con­ Monday night’s 5-2 loss to Montreal and will be MINNESOTA TW INS— Sent Doug Loulslono Tech 85, Stonford 75 Several other teams made roster moves on Scott 419809, Thompson8124720, Cooper 89 produced a $497 million profit. The previous and the emotional key to the probation officer in Chicago,” lost for up to eight weeks, the National Hockey Baker, Inflelder, to Portlond of the NBA leaders II>. Nelson (8) and cepcion, in camp on a non-roster Tuesday and more are expected today. Pacific Coost League. 2-29, Woolrldge84800,Campbell 87 8 0 4, WEST REGIONAL P r k ^ G) * ' ii;?"*'’*' Brantley (4), record was $223 million at Los Angeles team.” Collins said. League team said Tuesday. Rivers 2-5 88 4,McNamaro81080,Lamp telce (7), Lefferis (8), LaCoss (8) ond basis to try to land a utility role Mark Elchhorn, once Toronto’s top reliever, 8 08 80 . Totals41-1031929l04. Somlfinols Monwarlng, Telodo (8). W— Nelson, 2-0. SEATTLE MARINERS— Ploced Bill NEW YORK (AP) — The NBA Individual At Austin, Toxos Olympics. Collins. 40, personally recru­ Collins connects with the play­ with the California Angels, was Linseman, who was injured during the third scorina. rebounding, field goal percentoge L-L oCoss, 1-2. HR-Ooklond, Henderson was sent to the minors. He was 0-3 with the Blue Swift, pitcher, on the 15-doy disobled list. PHOENIX (127) Thursdov. March a ited nearly every member of the ers on a personal level and has released from his Class AAA period of the game at the Forum, was TEXAS RANGERS— Placed Ed Vonde and assist leaders through M arch 26: AAorvland 89, Stephen F. Austin Jays with a 4.19 ERA in 37 appearances last CJiambers 12-2245 28, Corbin481-29, West 54 forged deep bonds with them. Berg, pltcher.ond Bobby Meo Cham.Inflelder. Texos 88, Nevoda-Los Veoos 77 squad and has developed a contract Tuesday. examined at Massachusetts General Hospital 38 1-2 7, Homocek 88 2-3 14, K.Johnson year and, with Class AAA Syracuse, was 4-4 on Irrevocoble waivers for the purpose of Scorino Championship Billikens best kept secret rapport with the players that has “ Coach Collins is a very, very Concepcion, 40, had been re­ when the team returned Tuesday morning. giving them their releose. Sent Andre 9158824, Gllllom2-2814,E.Johnson8152-221, G FO F T FtiAvfl Soturdov, March a with a 1.17 ERA in 18 games. A4a|erle384810, Lang 2-3884, (3unn 1-1882, Jordon, Chi. 66 794 527 2138 32.4 made him more than just a coach. important part of the team,” said Robertson, Inflelder, ond Mike Jeffcoat, AAorvland 79, Toxos 71 NEW YORK (A P) — St. John’s coach Lou leased by the Cincinnati Reds Reliever Ed Vande Berg was sent to the The injury, a torn medial collateral ligament pitcher, to their minor-league camp for P erry 28 80 4, Nealy 808 80 . Totols 5284 2827 Molone, Utah 6B 683 599 1969 29.0 127. “ I used to be a big brother to Stephen Bardo, a junior guard shortly after the 1988 season in the left knee, will not require surgery. Bruins reosslgnment. Ellis, Sea 67 704 316 1852 27.6 THE FINAL FOUR Carnesecca calls the St. Louis Billikens "the minors by Texas and St. Louis signed Ted TORONTO BLUE JAYS-Sent Mark Los Angeles 34 17 27 38— 104 Drexler, Port. 63 669 353 1716 77.2 Railio, T V them, but the older I get. the more from Carbondale. “ He’s the emo­ ended. GM Harry Sinden said. Linseman will wear a Phoenix 32 24 34 33— 127 At Tacoma, Wash. best kept secret in the world.” Power to a minor-league contract. Elchhorn ond Frank Wills, pitchers, to English. Den 66 7S1 270 1834 27.0 Somlfinots they call me a father figure,’’ tional key to the team. He’s a 3-Polnt goals— Ed.Johnson 3, Ea.John­ Wilkins. Atl. Concepcion joined the Reds in brace for four weeks and then begin Syracuse of the International Leogue. 65 673 369 1734 26.7 Fridov, March 31 In the world of college basketball, however, Elsewhere. Montreal made two trades. Neal National Leogue son, Scott, Cooper. Fouled out— None. Mullln. G.S. 67 671 384 1746 26.1 Collins joked Tuesday as the father figure to a lot of the guys. 1970 and played with them for 19 rehabilitation. He could be available if the Auburn, 31-1, vs. Louisiana Tech, 32-3,910 t o n i g h t more and more people are finding out about the Heaton, 29, was traded to Pittsburgh for a ATLANTA BRAVES— Released Albert Rebounds— Los Angeles 59 (W o rthy 11), Barkley, Phil. 65 562 494 1691 26.0 p.m. team went through a light wor­ He’s played at every level and he Phoenix 54 (West, Molerle 9). Assists- Chambers, Phoe 69 657 419 1761 25.5 seasons. He was their starting Bruins advance to the Stanley Cup finals, Hall, outfielder. Placed Bruce Suffer, Tenr>esMe, 33-2, vj. Marylond, 29*2. X team from the Midwestern Collegiate Confer­ player to be named later. Heaton, who was plfcher, on the 21-dav disabled list. (Tptloned Los Angeles 28 (Ea,Johnson 14), Phoenix Olaluwon, Hou. 67 644 366 1654 24.7 kout in a campus gym. knows the game. A lot of the guys shortstop most of that time and which they did last season. 32 (K.Johnson 17). Total fouls— Los Angeles mlf^utet offer conclusion of first gome ence that plays St. John’s tonight for the demoted to the bullpen last season, had an 8.57 Ben Rivera, pitcher, to D urham of the Cummings. Mil. 64 615 290 1520 23.8 Championship “ There’s not anything mystical wouldn’t be here now if not for 2), Phoenix 2) Technical— Los Angeles Illegal Johnson, LAL 62 473 played in four World Series. He Carolina Leogue 421 1410 22.7 Sunday, April 2 SoorfsChannel,WILI()408AM) championship of the National Invitation ERA this spring. He was 3-10 with a 4.99 ERA defense. A — 14871. Trlpucko, Chor, » 473 about recruiting. It’s a 24-hour-a- Coach Collins." 348 1319 22.7 Semltlnol winners, 4 p.m. Tournament. also was selected for nine All-Star last year for the Expos. day job. It’s just hard work and Senior center Lowell Hamilton. Games and played in seven. M - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. March 29, 1989 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 29,1989 — 15

FOOD FOCUS/Advicg I Herbed popover chicken Americans love versatile potatoes Fix up the dump and keep grades up One 2'/t- to 3-pound broiler- O ne 10V4 - ounce can s The United fryer chicken, cut up condensed cream of chicken 4 equal wedges. Set aside. Place Microwave at high power for 10 to DEAR ABBY: I am a A States has Z tablespoons cooking oil 16 minutes, or just until tender, full-time student, male, over the limit? don’t use the credit, they cost nothing. soup fallen in love butter in a 10-inch square casse­ 3 eggs turning over and rearranging living on my own and I guess what I hate the most is being One 4-ounce can sliced with the potato. role. Microwave at high for 1 to IVt cups milk once. Set aside. working part time to treated like a second-class citizen by DEAR ABBY: Over the years I ’ve mushrooms This versatile Microwave 1*A minutes, or until butter melts. In a 4-cup measure, blend white pay my bills and put rude, insensitive clerks when you tell gotten many ideas from reading your I'/t cups all-purpose flour 1/3 cup milk ve g eta b le is Add potatoes, turning to coat with sauce mix and milk. Microwve at myself through college. them you don’t have a credit card. column. Now I would like to give you Vt teaspoon salt 1/3 cup dairy sour cream found in many Kitchen butter. In small bowl, combine Dear Ahhy high power for to5 minutes, or It’s a real problem to They look down their noses at you as If one to pass along to your readers. 1 tablespoon cooking oil f 0 r m .s. E l e ­ remaining ingredients. Sprinkle 2‘/t Marge Churchill until sauce thickens and bubbles, stay in school and pay Abigail Van Buren you are a poor risk just because you I have rheumatoid arthritis and am A 1 tablespoon fresh tarragon, gantly or over potatoes. Cover and micro- don’t have $8,000 worth of plastic skeptical about leaving the house on a snipped, or 1 teaspoon dried simply pre­ wave on high power for 14 to 18 stirring 2 or 3 times. Add such outrageous prices Parmesan cheese and garlic salt. debts. snowy or icy day. Last Christmas my larragon,crushed pared, the po­ minutes, or until potatoes are for rental property that What option do we have besides husband bought me a cordless tele­ tato has a ma­ tender, rearranging potatoes Mix well. Set aside. Is certainly nothing to Unwrap broccoli and place on a brag about. __ carrying cash for ail our purchases? phone, so now when I go down the road AP photo Remove skin from chicken pieces, if desired. In a large skillet jor place in many meals, and is twice. Let stand, covered, for 5 will prevent the potato from plate. Microwave at high power We do not want to compromise to the mailbox, or out to walk our dog, brown chicken in 2 tablespoons oil. Place chicken in well greased eaten daily in one form or another minutes. Yields 4 to 6 servings. I have two choices: I can either live grades possible. Better that way than exploding all over the interior of for 4 to 6 minutes, or until ourselves by having a credit card just I take the phone with me. If I should VISITING MOSCOW — Larry Hagman 12-by 7'/i- by 2-inch baking dish. by a large proportion of our in a dump, or I can work long hours in living in a nice apartment now, letting your microwave due to the German potato salad defrosted, turning over and for check-cashing identification. happen to fall and get hurt, I have the In a mixing bowl combine eggs, V/2 cups milk, flour, salt, 1 population. order to make enough money to live in your grades go down, and living in a and Patrick Duffy, who play the roles of build-up of steam within the breaking apart once. Drain, Isn’t it a form of discrimination to phone with me to call for help. tablespoon oil and tarragon. Beat with rotary beater until The potato has gotten a lot of 4 medium red potatoes, peeled a nice apartment and let my grades go dump the rest of your life. J.R. Ewing and Bobby Ewing on the potato as it cooks. pressing to remove excess mois­ down. refuse to accept a check from A cordless telephone would make a smooth. Pour over chicken. Bake in 350-degree F oven 50 to 60 bad press from diet experts over and cubed ■ Microwaving potatoes the ture. In a medium bowl, combine someone just because he or she wonderful gift for the elderly or American television series Dallas, visit a minutes or until done. these past few years. But, the V4 cup chopped onion What do yo say, Abby? DEAR ABBY: My husband and I do correct amount of time is crucial broccoli, corn and tomato. Pour doesn’t have credit cards? infirmed who don’t need anymore shop while shooting an episode in For sauce, in a small saucepan combine soup, mushrooms, culprit isn’t the potato, but what 3 slices bacon, cut into eighths BARELY MAKING IT not believe in having credit cards to achieve a properly done potato. white sauce over vegetables, toss Any suggestions? ties, socks or perfume. Moscow. l-3rd cup milk and sour cream. Heat through. Makes 6 servings. we choose to add to it. Smothered 1 tablespoon flour IN PERU, IND. because of the serious problems they One 6 to 8 ounce potato is to coat. ELIZABETH MEANS in butter and sour cream, a hot */4 cup cider vinegar can lead to — and also because we STILL Nutrition information per serving: 508 cal.. 38g pro., 33gcarb., 24 g fat. 237 microwaved on high for 3 to 5 Arrange potatoes on serving ■CHECKING” PENNSYLVANIA baked potato is the object of 2 tablespoons sugar DEAR BARELY MAKING IT: You don’t think we should pay a yearly mg Choi., 784 mg sodium. U S. RDA; 13 percent vlt. A, 23 percent thiamine. 32 minutes. If the potato is micro- plate. Slash each potato length­ IN ILLINOIS percent riboflavin. 55 percent niacin. 16 percent calcium. 20 percent iron, 37 craving for many a dieter. Some Vt teaspoon celery seed didn t really think I would advise you service charge for “ identification” waved for too long, it becomes wise and then crosswise. Gently DEAR MRS. MEANS: Thanks for a percent phosphorus. of those diet problems could be Vt teaspoon salt to work long hours in order to live in a purposes. We did finally get a local gummy and compact in texture, press both ends until center pops good idea. Now we’re even. PEOPLE Dash of pepper nice apartment at the expense of solved by using plain yogurt and the skin resembles a dried department store card for check­ DEAR STILL: One option; Get a Scrub, but do not peel, whole open. Top each potato with letting your grades go down, did you? rather than sour cream, or butter prune. cashing purposes only. check-guarantee card from your red potatoes. Prick once with a one-fourth of the vegetable mix­ If you are living on your own and Starr returns to work flavored seasoning and chives ■ Elevating potatoes on a mic­ The problem comes in trying to pay bank. Not every business will accept fork. Place in a I'A-to 2-quart ture. Sprinkle evenly with Ched­ working part time to get a college instead of the real thing on a rowave rack promotes air circu­ by check at an increasing number of it, but most should — and if a clerk LONDON (AP) — Ringo Starr is back at casserole with 2 tablespoons of dar cheese. Microwave at me­ education with no outside help, you "How to Be PoDular" Is for everyone who delicious baked potato. lation beneath and around the stores. They all insist on seeing a refuses, ask to speak to the manager. work at Abbey Road studios for the first time water: cover. Microwave at high dium power for 2 to 4 minutes, or apparently have the right stuff. feels left out and wonts and Improved social Baked potatoes have also as­ potato, and seems to aid in more major credit card before they will The check-guarantee card is better life. It's on excellent guide to becoming o since his treatment for alcohol abuse, and all power until fork tender, stirring until potatoes are hot and cheese Your education should be your top sumed the place of a main dish even cooking. Arrange potatoes accept a check. I realize they could protection for the merchant than the better conversationalist and a more attrac­ he had to do was act naturally. to rearrange potatoes from the is melted, rotating plate once. priority. If all you can afford now is a tive person. To order, send your name and Fruit and oat nibble mix entree when stuffed with meat, in a circular pattern in the apply a bad check amount to the credit card. address, plus a check or money order for “ Ringo looked terrifically healthy and well center to the outside of the dish Yields 4 servings. “ dump” — then live in a dump, clean vegetable combinations or microwave with the more pointed credit card to get paid, but what about Some credit card companies offer $2.89 to: Dear Abby, Popularity Booklet, when he arrived at Abbey Road. He was 1 cup rolled oats 2 tablespoons cooking oil after half of the cooking time. it up, and work hard to get the best P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, III. 61054. cheese. We’ve included one of end toward the center. There the people whose cards are already cards with no annual fee, so if you 1 cup mixed nuts Approximate time at high power, (Postage Is Included.) bright-eyed and very entertaining all day,” '/4 teaspoon ground allspice these recipes in today’s column. should be a couple of inches of Spanish potatoes said country singer Buck Owens. */t cup shredded coconut 1 cup dried apricots, Potatoes have been incorpo­ 7 to 8 minutes. WIT OF THE WORLD space between the individual large potatoes, peeled. If The former Beatle recorded a new version of '/4 cup toasted wheat germ snipped rated in international cuisine, as Place onion and bacon in a 2 potatoes. desired and sliced to inch his 1965 hit, “ Act Naturally,” with Owens, who '/e cup honey Vt cup raisins you will discover when you read l‘A-quart casserole. Microwave Vt Vt ■ Turn potatoes top to bottom thick wrote the song. the recipes which follow. We hope at high power for 3 to 4 minutes, or Partnership helps consumers midway through cooking time 1 small clove garlic, pressed or Starr, 48, and his wife, 38-year-old actress Stir together oats, nuts, coconut and wheat germ. Combine that you will find a new recipe for until onion is tender and bacon is and rotate on the rack as well. minced Barbara Bach, spent five weeks undergoing honey, oil and allspice. Drizzle half the honey mixture over oat using the potato which will lightly browned, stirring once ■ Standing time is the most 2 tablespoons olive oil treatment at a clinic in Arizona last year. mixture. Toss. Repeat with remaining honey mixture. Spread delight you and your family. important time to remember during cooking time. Blend in flour. Add cooked potatoes and 4 ounces fresh mushrooms, The Owens-Starr duet will be the title track of mixture in a 13- by 9- by 2-inch baking pan. Bake in a 300-degree F Plain baked potatoes are one of when cooking potatoes! Standing cope with air traffic system an album to be released this summer. sliced oven 30 to 40 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes. Remove from the first things that a novice time is necessary for the potato to remaining ingredients, stirring to 1 small onion, thinly sliced and oven. Transfer to another greased pan; cool without stirring. microwave cook prepares. E ve­ finish cooking properly. A micro- combine. Microwave at high for 3 separated into rings T h e b r o u ­ Break mixture into bite-size pieces. Stir in apricots and raisins. ryone is delighted with the ease waved potato should not feel soft to 4 minutes, or until mixture is whether any agent you interview >/e teaspoon salt haha over Pointers seeking new label Store in an airtight container. Makes 7 cups. and speed of doing baked potatoes to the touch at the end of the thickened slightly, stirring after is genuinely interested in steering Dash pepper Eastern Air­ in the microwave, but there are a cooking time. If it is cut open half of the cooking time. Yields 4 you toward the bargain regions in ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - The Pointer Nutrition information per 'A-cup serving: 96 cal.. 2gpro.. 14gcarb., 4g fat. 0 lines has fo­ few simple rules or precautions to 6 servings. In a 2-quart casserole, combine the season you are considering Sisters are looking for a new record label and mg chol., 2 mg sodium. immediately upon being taken cused our at­ which need to be taken to potatoes, garlic and olive oil; and the more and least expensive are talking with Motown Records, said June out of the microwave, hard spots tention on the Sylvia guarantee good results. cover. Microwave at high for 6 ways to “ get there.” If a “ slight” Pointer. are likely to be found throughout. Vegetable-topped potatoes serious prob­ ■ Select potatoes that are free minutes, stirring after half of the penalty is to be imposed in the Their last two albums — “ Hot Together” and Wrap potatoes in a terrycloth 4 medium baking potatoes (8 to lems facing our Porter from cuts and cracks, and that cooking time. event you cancel your travel “ Serious Slammin” — sold poorly because kitchen towel or in foil, and let 10 ounces each) air travel sys­ are well-shaped. Avoid potatoes Add remaining ingredients. plans, check how “ slight” is they didn’t get the proper attention from RCA, stand on the counter for at least 5 1 package (.87 ounces) white tem. It was that are sprouting, withered, or Cover and microwave at high slight. leading to the group’s split with the label, said minutes. Potatoes will keep sauce mix only 10 years green-colored (sunburned). Store warm for up to 45 minutes. power for 4 to 8 minutes, or until Ms. Pointer, who performs with her sisters, 1 cup milk vegetables are tender, stirring ago that flying ■ If you ask a travel agent to Bonnie, Anita and Ruth. Cheesy caraway chicken mature potatoes in a dark, cool, V4 cup grated Parmesan cheese draw up a special itinerary for Mexican potatoes after half the cooking time. was still a special event. Today, strain on the system of airports, She recalled during an interview that her well-ventilated place. >/4 teaspoon garlic salt you, find out in advance what the Serves 4 people. the air travel industry is in a runways, taxiways, air traffic parents, the Rev. Elton and Sarah Pointer, who IVt cups bite-size cheese Z whole medium chicken ■ Select potatoes that are uni­ 4 medium baking potatoes (8 1 package (10 ounces) frozen costs will be, whether you’ll be crisis or overcrowding and it will control staff and equipment — didn’t allow pop music in their home, were crackers breasts (I'/t pounds total), form in shape and size. They will ounces each) chopped broccoli required to make a deposit and, if reach nationwide gridlock unless even airport parking lots — that troubled by their daughters’ choice to embark 1 teaspoon caraway seed halved lengthwise microwave more evenly. >/4 cup butter 1 can (8 ounces) whole kernel so, how much. Consider purchas­ Marge Churchill is a Manches­ we act fast and effectively. was designed for far less traffic.” on a show business career. '/4 teaspoon pepper Z tablespoons milk Pierce the covering only once. 1 tablespoon instant minced com, drained ing some form of trip cancellation If more than one incision is made ter resident who is an authority on As recently as 1977, 243 million To get through the hassles of onion Vt cup seeded chopped tomato insurance. Depending on your in a potato, it becomes a colander, microwave cooking. If you have passengers flew in a single year. today’s overwhelming demand, Place crackers in a plastic bag; crush with a rolling pin. Vt teaspoon chili powder Vt cup shredded Cheddar policy, you will be partially or any questions about microwaving Today, nearly 500 million pas­ the Partnership has this advice; Flamenco star acquitted Transfer to a pie plate or shallow bowl. Stir in caraway seed and allowing the necessary steam to Vt teaspoon dried oregano cheese fully reimbursed if you have to that you would like to see sengers fly within the U.S. ■ Unless you know precisely pepper. Set aside. escape and the potato to shrivel. leaves cancel. MADRID, Spain (A P) — A Spanish court has Pierce potatoes with a fork. answered here, please send your annually. In another 10 years, the Rinse chicken breasts: pat dry. Brush with milk. Roll chicken Either a paring knife or a fork can >/4 teaspoon ground cumin the airline and route you want to ■ Try to plan your travel well in acquitted flamenco star Lola Flores of tax Arrange in a circle on a paper inquiry to: Microwave, Manches­ yearly passenger load is expected pieces in crumb mixture, patting to coat both sides evenly. Place, be used to make one incision. This Cut each potato lengthwise into fly, consider using a travel agent. advance so you can take advan­ fraud charges, handing the government a towel in the microwave oven. ter Herald, Manchester 06040. to to nearly 800 million — an skin side up, in an ungreased 13- by 9- by 2-inch baking pan. Bake (It is essential to check the tage of discounted fares. Al­ setback in its highly publicized campaign to enormous expansion. reputation of the travel agency.) in a 375-degree F oven 45 to 55 minutes or until tender. Makes 4 “ In terms of cost, 92 percent of though discounted tickets are crack down on tax evaders. servings. Dr. Gott An agent, through use of a all passengers fly on discounted non-refundable or only partially But court officials said Tuesday the Madrid computer system, can shop for refundable and impose important Nutrition information per serving: 306 cal.. 32g pro.. 20gcarb.. lOgfat. 110 Peter Gott, M.D. tickets,” says Herman Kelleher, Provincial Court ruled Flores could be subject Kellogg’s made cereal the right way you, looking at all the alternative restrictions, purchases up to 30, to administrative sanctions for failing to file mg chol.. 335 mg sodium. U.S. RDA: 13 percent thiamine. 20 percent chairman of the Partnership for fares, timetables and airlines. riboflavin, 59 percent niacin, 13 percent calcium, 13 percent iron. Improved Air Travel, an industry 14, or 7 days in advance can save tax returns between 1982 and 1985. The officials KELLO G G ’S ■ Take time to visit the travel you money. did not say how much she would have to pay. says a daily intake of 35 grams of individual portions of good-for- and consumer group advocating COMMON agency. Notice how thoroughly About $1.3 million had been sought in back oat bran is needed to lower your you frozen spinach without using improvements in airports and air ■ Keep your ticket receipt and SENSE O AT the agent interviews you to taxes and penalties from Flores and up to two blood cholesterol significantly, a hacksaw to cut through a traffic control systems. While boarding pass for claiming your BRAN CE­ determine your needs and wants. years in prison. Supermarket you’ll need nearly three servings brick-solid frozen package. flying is safer, faster and more iuggage. The envelope and ticket REAL. Regu­ What extras are offered — for During her trial this month, Flores said she of this to lower your blood Spinach is naturally low in affordable than a decade ago, it is also have information about your lar and with Tracking roots example, a reading list on the did not have money to pay off the tax ministry, Sampler cholesterol level. sodium and calories, high in iron also much more crowded. The passenger rights and how to raisins. $2.99 country you intend to visit? adding she never thought she would be Baked pasta shells Carolyn Wyman and fat-free. I highly recommend reason: our system of air travel handle claims for lost, delayed or per 16.8-oz. box Carolyn: Grain is for cows and Discuss your budget frankly with prosecuted for what she called an innocent this — and all other unadulter­ hasn’t grown to meet the new damaged luggage. 12 jumbo pasta shells (4 3 tablespoons water and $3.89 per & Bonnie Tandy Leblang other four-footed creatures. the agent. Do not be misled by the mistake. ated frozen vegetables like it. of Alzheimer’s demand. ounces) One 16-ounce can tomatoes, 20.5-oz. box. Breakfast is for people. Food size of the travel agency. Size is You can join the Partnership “ The chance of delays grows by no means an indication pf the For Improved Air Travel by Vt cup chopped onion cut up companies and consumers who Carolyn: It’s true this tastes DEAR DR. GOTT: What is the connection Bonnie: Most daily as the passenger load quality of its service. Good ones calling 1-800-228-7300, toll free. Stars to march for rights Vt cup thin green pepper Vt of a 6-ounce can tomato confuse the two richly deserve more like real spinach than those between hardening of the arteries and Alzheimer’s cereal companies have jumped cholesterol. one another. increases,” Kelleher says. come both large and small. The Partnership will tell you how strips paste frozen chopped blocks Bonnie disease? on the anti-cholesterol “ bran- But Kellogg’s did it right. This “ We’re putting a tremendous ■ Investigate with care you can help. LOS ANGELES (A P) — A planeload of 1 teaspoon instant chicken was referring to. But since I hate Chicken Filling (recipe wagon” by adding oats to their cereal contains no coconut oil, celebrities, including Morgan Fairchild, will bouillon granules GREEN GIANT WHOLE the taste of spinach, I find this to DEAR READER: As far as we know, Alzheimer’s follows) products. Unfortunately, many minimal fat, no preservatives fly to the nation’s capital to join thousands of Vt teaspoon dried thyme, LE A F SPINACH. $1.49 a 16-oz. be an achievement of dubious disease — a chronic and progressive neurological 2 tablespoons grated Par­ companies make these same and oat bran is the primary others who will march for abortion rights next crushed bag of frozen leaves. merit. disorder marked by memory loss, confusion and month. mesan cheese cereals with coconut oil, (effec­ ingredient. Each serving of Com­ Always inspect rental car 1 clove garlic, minced inappropriate behavior — is not caused by “ I believe very strongly in a woman’s right to tively canceling out the benefit of mon Sense Oat Bran cereal Bonnie: What an innovation! arteriosclerosis, the age-related narrowing of the choose. I believe very strongly in a woman’s oat bran), extra fats, and preser­ contains 13 grams of oat bran — Now that Green Giant has frozen Bonnie Tandy Leblang is a body’s arteries. DEAR BRUCE: On a business trip last week, I reproductive rights. It’s very important to let Cook pasta according to package directions; rinse and drain vatives. Others simply haven’t more than most cereals. The only individual spinach leaves in their well. registered dietician. Carolyn Wy­ No one has identified the cause of Alzheimer’s rented an automobile to call on my accounts. I people know that we are the majority,” said added enough oats to combat hitch: since current research new polybag, it’s possible to serve Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan combine onion, pepper, man is a junk food fanatic. disease, although much current research Is being declined the collision waiver because I had collision Miss Fairchild, a former TV star of “ Falcon bouillon granules, thyme, garlic and water. Bring to boiling; directed toward this problem. on my own car. Crest” and “ Flamingo Road.” reduce heat. Cover: simmer 5 minutes or until onion is tender. The senility that comes from arteriosclerosis is When I got back to the rental place, there were two Smart Money Donna Mills, Glenn Close, Kelly McGillis, Stir in undrained tomatoes and tomato paste. Remove from heat. Menus milder and more slowly p^ogressive than Alzhei­ small dents in the right rear quarter panel. The Cybill Shepherd, Susan Sarandon, Mario Set aside l-3rd cup tomato mixture for filling. mer’s. Short-term memory is impaired, but agent inspected the car and saiii I was responsible Thomas, Polly Bergen, Ellen Burstyn, Teri patients do not experience the same relentless loss Bruce Williams Spray a 12- by 7 ‘/i- by 2-inch baking dish with non-stick spray for these dents. I noticed them when I was first Garr, Veronica Hamel and Valerie Harper are coating. Stuff pasta with Chicken Filling, using about 2 ‘/i of function. Cognitive thinking is not as disrupted getting gas several hours after renting the car and I just some of the celebrity women who plan to Senior citizens Wednesday: Mild American tablespoons filling per shell. Place filled pasta in dish. Pour potato puffs, cookie, applesauce. and patients can be more independent. suppose I should admit that I did not inspect the car. participate in Pro-Choice Weekend in Wa­ The following meals will be chop suey, carrots, peas. Turkey served at Andover Elementary remaining tomato mixture on top. Bake, covered, in a 350-degree Tuesday: Lasagna, garlic Also, Alzheimer’s tends to affect younger persons I never do. shington, D.C., April 8 and 9. served at Mayfair Gardens and sandwich, fruit, milk. School the week of April 3 through F oven 20 to 25 minutes or until heated through. Sprinkle bread, green beans, frozen fruit than does arteriosclerotic senility. The agent said I was responsible for the entire Westhill Gardens the week of Thursday: Roast chicken quar­ Parmesan cheese on top. Bake 5 minutes more. Makes juice. For more information, I am sending you a copy of cost since there was no collision damage waiver. When we supplied these to the insurance adjustor, 4 April 3 through 7 to Manchester ter with gravy, baked potato, servings. Monday: Hamburgers, potato my Health Report “ Alzheimer’s Disease.” They are going to debit my credit card. First of all, I he said that he would make his decision after Group speaks on AIDS residents who are 60 or older: squash. Chicken salad sandwich, Wednesday: Juice, grilled have collision on my own car, which covers things of inspection. When he came out to the home late in the Chicken Filling: In a mixing bowl combine I'/i cups diced cheese sandwich, chips, straw­ rounds mixed vegetables, pud­ ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Teen-age singing Monday: Cranberry juice, pork fruit, milk. DEAR DR, GOTT: I’m female, 52.1 have terrible this kind. But I have too high a deductible, and I day, he said the most he could authorize was $8,500. cooked chicken; one 4-ounce can mushroom stems and pieces, berry whip. ding with topping. group Menudo will be featured in public cutlet with broth, mashed pota­ Friday: Cheese ravioli with pressure in my head at times. Even tilting my head can’t believe that these dents will cost that much to In his opinion, both estimates were too high. He says drained; V4 teaspoon paprika; and Vi teaspoon pepper. Stir in Thursday: Clam chowder, hot service announcements warning Hispanic New toes, carrots, wheat bread, black tomato sauce, zucchini. Brussels Salisbury steak, up slightly causes discomfort and it seems to repair. that we must accept the $8,500. reserved l-3rd cup tomato sauce. pastrami sandwich, french fries, Yorkers about the dangers of AIDS. bottom pudding. sprouts. Tuna salad sandwich, mashed potatoes, green beans, interfere with blood circulation. My doctor is Secondly, they were there when I rented the car, I would prefer to use the contractor with the fruit cup. The commericals, in English and Spanish, Nutrition information per serving: 259 cal., 24 g pro., 33g carb., 3g fat, 45 mg Tuesday: Orange pineapple fruit, milk. rolls, chocolate cake. unconcerned. and I see no reason to be responsible. What are my higher figure, but I realize they are not going to pay chol., 333 mg sodium. U.S. RDA: 37 percent vlt. A, 80 percent vit. C, 18 percent juice, baked chicken, rice, green Friday: Fruit juice, pepperoni options? are being distributed to television stations by thiamine. 45 percent niacin, 26 percent phosphorus. that, but the lowest price I could find was $10,000. 1 Manchester schools pizza, salad, pudding with Wednesday: French bread the state Health Department to encourage use beans, pumpernickel bread, gin­ DEAR READER: I do not know the cause of your S R Must I accept the $8,500? topping. pizza, salad, juice cups. of the Spanish AIDS information hot line. gerbread with whipped topping. The following lunches will be head pressure. ARLINGTON, Va ! R.N., ’Thursday: Ribs, sliced pota- Menudo is from San Juan, but two of its four Wednesday: Apple juice, meat served in the Manchester public Two common possibilities are hypertension and MARYSVILLE. WASH. members are from New York City, said Susan loaf with onion gravy, cheesy schools the week of April 3 arteriosclerosis, both of which your doctor should DEAR S.R.: Obviously you should contest this Andover Elementary Spinr"' Doolittle, director of the Bureau of Health noodles, peas, salad with Italian through 7: easily be able to diagnose. If he has thrown up his matter when your credit card statement arrives. DEAR R.N.: Perhaps I should first point out what Promotion, which announced the campaign dressing, rye bread, cherry Monday: French bread pizza, The following lunches will be But you are indeed caught between the proverbial an insurance policy is. It is simply a contract c o fe l^ S hands, ask for a referral to a colleague for a second Tuesday. Winter-vegetable stir-fry cobbler. salad, chilled fruit. opinion, or go to the diagnostic clinic at a teaching rock and a hard spot. between two parties. They take your money and ’Thursday: Orange juice, tur­ Tuesday: Hot dog or chill dog. hospital. I believe you when you say the dents were there provide coverage in case of specific perils. key tetrazzini, broccoli cuts, potato chips, carrots, apple crisp. before, but that is why the prudent renter inspects If your policy calls for replacement, as contrasted 1 tablespoon margarine or 1 medium carrot, thinly bias wheat bread, oatmeal date bars. Wednesday: Ziti, meat sauce, the car for what is called “ old” or “ previous” with fair market value, and I hope that It does, the butter sliced (Vt cup) DEAR DR. GOTT: I suffered a blood clot in the Friday: Mariner’s chowder, green beans, bread and butter, Wf-A'DUhjJDrti vein of my retina and now have a wrinkle in it. damage, and then circles the appropriate form that insurance company’s obligation is to put you back to Our Language 1 medium turnip, cut into 2 to 3 teaspoons lemon juice seafood salad, baked beans, sherbet. Featuring Vt-inch cubes (about 1 cup) Everything is distorted. I don’t have high blood the rental car company will provide. The point is not where you were before the loss. Given that, I see no '/4 teaspoon onion salt three-bean .salad, apple crisp. ’Thursday: Chicken nuggets, Gourmet Dinners on to be charged for damage you didn’t cause. obligation to accept the $8,500. They in turn, have no Vi of a medium red, yellow Thursday Evenings pressure or diabetes. I ’m male, 77. How did this Vt teaspoon pepper dips, potato puffs, peas, bread Write to the home office of the rental company, obligation to offer more than $8,500. or green sweet pepper, cut (seating 4:30-7:30) happen? Facile proves easy or requires little effort. Don’t Meals on Wheels and butter, pears, and send a copy to the office where the car was When you have a contractual dispute and you are toss this adjective around too casually, or your into thin strips (Vt cup) Friday: Apple juice, toasted This Week... DEAR READER: I cannot say how this The following meals will be rented. Explain that you observed the damage not able to either negotiate a solution or have the writing may appear facile. cheese sandwich, vegetable Soup: Onion served to Meals on Wheels clients happened. shortly after renting the automobile. They may or problem arbitrated, then the next step is litigation. Use swatch for a small sample of cloth or fabric. In a large skillet or wok melt margarine. Add turnip cubes sticks with peanut butter dip. I. Seafood Paella However, circulatory problems in the eyes, with the week of April 3 through 7. The may not accept this explanation. This means than you would start a suit against your It’s simple to spell after the s, just sit back and Cook and stir over medium-high heat for 2 minutes. Add pepper vanilla pudding with cherry (Fresh snapper, scallops, pollack, resultant problems, are frequent In people over 65 In the event that they do not. and the credit card insurance company to pay the amount you feel is watch. hot noon meal is listed first, the rice, peas, tomatoes, garlic) and carrot. Cook and stir about 3 minutes more or until sauce. and are difficult to present. The retina is a smooth company does not honor the contested item, you will proper. cool evening meal second. II. Roast Pork vegetables are crisp-tender. Stir in lemon juice, onion salt and layer of tissue at the back of the eye. When probably have a choice of eating the expense or This will involve having experts on your side QUESTION: I have heard of mixed metaphors, pepper. Toss to coat. Makes 2 servings. Monday: Baked meat loaf with with a bourbon brown sauce gravy, Spanish rice, mixed veget­ Bolton schools damaged, it can wrinkle, causing visual taking the company to small claims court and testifying that the job cannot be done satisfactorily but what exactly are they? Oven Roasted Potatoes disturbances. Nutrition Information per serving: 97 cal., ig pro., 11 gcarb 6 efat Ome ables. Chicken sandwich, fruit, The following lunches will be hoping you can prevail in that venue. for less than $10,000 in this instance, and their Sauteed Zucchini w/Fresh Herbs Reservations Appreciated The good news is that ophthalmologists, using chol., 330 mg sodium. U.S. RDA: 241 percent vlt a ! 91 iJeS 'vIt C milk. served in the Bolton public experts saying they can get it done for less. ANSWER: A mixed metaphor occurs when two sophisticated modern equipment, such as lasers, ’Tuesday: Chopped sirloin with schools the week of April 3 $12.99 DEAR BRUCE: Recently a pipe burst in our I would make this counter-proposal; If you can get metaphors are inappropriately combined into one 643-2224 can often re-attach a wrinkled retina and restore gravy, whipped potatoes, wax through 7: Dessert home, which caused extensive damage. Our It done to my satisfaction for $8,500,1 authorize you expression. Here’s an example; “ The sergeant 697 Main Street sight. beans. Egg salad sandwich, fruit, Monday: Tomato soup, bacon, Raspberry Crapes insurance company asked us to get two estimates of to do so; but unless you can do that. I expect you to barked orders like a hungry lion.” In that example, Ask you doctor if some of the newer treatments Rscipes from Botter Homes and Garden milk. cheese and tomato sandwich. Apple Brown Betty the repair costs, which we did. One was $13,000 and pay the entire amount, less the appropriate the verb should be roared, unless you know of a lion might help you. the other was $10,000. deductibles. that barks. . «

MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. March 29, 1989 - 17 16 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, March 29, 1989

DILLON by Steve Oickenion KIT N’ CARLYLE by Larry Wright SNAFU by Bruce Beattie Puzzles T V Tonight Vear A{ (uwc\\ ^\\e cfitt)^ b5»ok: dnal ddfin^ s h e 1 Pacific island 4 Was introduced H o N E s [E S P N ] College Basketball; NIT Cham ^ Is ! loves of the 19th-century Polynesian- McCarthy era of tfie 1950s, a magazine 5 Sticky to (ESPN) Thoroughbred pionship Game From New York (2 hrs , A L E 5:30PM American woman who Influenced the pholographer uncovers a plot to smuggle d u rin g rhci^(cy. nqile^^ me (^cd in Ihcf^ebdl/. substances 5 Honking birds 1 Sports Digest 30 min ) (Live) p I o S S course of colonialism in the South Pacific Nazi war criminals into the United States. 9 Guided 6 Persuade E S [LIFE] Evergreen After 18 years, Paul 3:00PM C3] (3T (22i (30) (4® News Barbara Carrera. Steve Bisley, Hal Hoi Kelly McGillis, Jeff Daniels. 1987 Rated 12 Author Gardner 7 Russian fighter e H A I R s brook 1988 Part 1 of 2 visits Anna; Eric decides to marry. Ins dis­ (5) Matt Houston PG 13 Assam worm plane E R covers Theo’s infidelity. Anna and Jo­ E S E (18) MOVIE: 'I Miss You; Hugs and [USA] New Mike Hammer 14 Flightless bird 8 Proverbs (11) Benson seph's trip to Israel is marred by tragedy Kisses' A millionaire becomes the prime (2 hrs ) Pari 3 of 3 15 Improve 9 Singer Horne (18) Mission; Impossible suspect in his wife's murder Elko Som 1 2:05AM 3 J Pat Sajak (R) [USA] MOVIE; Witches’ Brew' Three language of 10 Actor Jannings M (20) A-Team Pan 1 of 2 mer. Donald Pilon. 1979 [H B O ] MOVIE: The In Crow d’ (CC) A 16 Omeletlike amateur witches try to use their skills to 11 Tariff M (24) Doctor Who: The Green Death Pan 3 (20) MOVIE: 'Murder Is Easy' White vaca suburban teenager s dream comes true 17 Insect egg help their husbands' careers. Tun Garr, Ri when he becomes a dancer on a local TV 19 Slender of 6 tioning in Europe, an American computer chard Benjamin. Lana Turner 1980, 18 Short for Susan expert meets an elderly woman who dance show Donovan Leitch, Jennifer 3/Z«T pinnacle L B S A 1 (26; T.J. Hooker 19 Language suff. 21 Couple knows the whereabouts of a murderer Bill 9:30PM (22 30 My Two Dads (CC) Runyon 1988 Rated PG. (In Stereo) (38) Family Ties (CC) Michael and Joey must deal with a no PEANUTS by Charlea M. Schulz 20 Where Naples 23 Type of tuber O Y E R S Bixby, Lesley-Anne Down, Olivia de Havil- 12:30AM 3. ■40) Nightline (CC) is (57J World of Survival \R) land 1981. nonsense female boss (In Stereo) 24 Gas for signs s T O O G E C y Arsenio Hall (In Stereo) 22 Opposite of yep 25 Metric unit (61) Three's Company (22j (30) Unsolved Mysteries (CC) New 10:00PM l9J 26 [CNN] News 24 Compass point [ n u M U evidence in the "Son of Sam ' case (Part 2 (3pJ Late Night With David Letter- 1 M VOUR VOu LOOK ARE U)E going ’ 5 I6 N 5 ,' 26 Cultivated 1 [A & E ] Profiles Featured: former presi (1U INN News man (In Stereo) 25 Tan L A of 2); insurance fraud involving people lost 27 Young herring N M deni Dwight D Eisenhower NEW CATCMER,! GOORMARCIE TO HAVE ANY ( MARCIE 27 Flower 1 at sea, a kidnapped Mississippi heiress (18) Synchronal [26) Sea Hunt [DIS] It All Started With a Mouse; The 28 Of the Stone (60 mm.) (R) (In Stereo) (20! All in the Family (38) Morton Downey Jr. SIR. . OMENS ? 31 Tiniest bit 39 Quagmire 47 Officer's Disney Story (CC) Host Mason Adams re­ Age (24) (57) Infinite Voyage (CC) Examines 32 Silk fabric 41 Sculpting counts the history of Wait Disney Studios, (^2) C30; Nightingales Becky feels fearful (61) Gene Scott I r 29 Doesn't exist assistant the interaction of alt living organisms and 33 Sixth sense plaster interviewing animators and others who and frustrated after being mugged. Ally 30 Chimps 48 Boggy scientific efforts to understand and reverse [A & E ] Air Power The Germans lead a (abbr.) 42 Was aware of have helped create the Disney legacy (90 son's doctor-boyfriend lets her take the 32 Group wasteland the extinction process. (60 min ) Part 7 of bloody assault on the American strong­ “They don’t allow bombs on board. 34 A ctor___ 43 Delight in 51 Basketball min ) blame for his mistake (60 min.) (R) (In hold in Antwerp m 35 Concerning ori 12 (In Stereo) Stereo) Mow’d they sneak this in-flight movie ' 1989 by NEA. Inc Majors 44 By the time gin league (abbr ] [ESPN] NBA Today [ESPN] Inside the PGA Tour through security?" 35 Improvement ------to 52 Oriental C26) MOVIE; 'Jennifer: A Woman's (24) Expecting Miracles 36 Sailor (si.) [HBO] MOVIE: Dirty Dancing' (CC) Story' A widow becomes Involved in a bit 1 lOOAIVI 3) Day's End 36 Lost Phoenix women's While vacationing with her family in the ^38) Honeymooners 38 Guys 45 Cafe a u ___ ter power struggle for control of her hus 37 Remnant quarters early '60s, a sheltered teen-ager falls in band's company after he dies Elizabeth (iBI) Newhart (CC) Gi) Twilight Zone 39 Fastens love with a streetwise dance instructor, 10 Montgomery. Bradford Dillman, Scott Hy (20) NVR Showcase BUGS BUNNY by Warner Bros. Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. Jerry Or- [A&E] Decades: 6 0 ’s Part 9 of 10 40 Phonetic lands 1979. [A&E] Unknown Soldier A commemora­ bach. 1987 Rated PG-13, (In Stereo) [H B O ] One Night Stand (CC) The Queen J-Z9 symbol (38) MOVIE: 'The Drowning Pool' A pn tion of World War H’s end, told through the 13 of nice-plus-spice, Rita Rudner (In Stereo) AN P AGAIN ----- S-SORRV ABOUT 41 Desert in Asia [LIFE] E/R vale investigator is summoned by a south personal profiles of six American MIA ser­ [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Trading Places' (CC) A HAQAR THE HORRIBLE by DIk Browne H IT T IN G t h a t T E R K IB L E POTHOLB/ 42 Actor Kevin 16 [M AX] MOVIE. 'Going Bananas' With ern oil heiress to identify the author of an vicemen and a remembrance of the Tomb his guardian and an African tour guide in incriminating letter. Paul Newman, Joanne commodities broker and a streel hustler of the Unknowns. Host Jason Robards 45 Cut of lamb tow, a wealthy American boy sets out to Woodward. Tony Franciosa. 1975 become the objects of a bizarre bet made (60 min.) by two elderly tycoons, Eddie Murphy, Dan i^Ha t 46 Child's hat rescue a talking monkey from sinister ele­ (6.1) MOVIE: 'Trenchcoat' An amateur [CN N ] Crossfire w azu:' l.ooTfLooT/ ments. Dom DeLiJise. Jimmie Walker Aykroyd. Jamie Lee Curtis 1983 Rated R. 49 Egg drink mystery writer finds herself in the middle [D IS ] MOVIE: 'Mustang' The American ' po i& e T 1987 Rated PG of a real conspiracy Margot Kidder, Robert [T M C ] MOVIE; 'Fool for Love' A hard- WOHK.; . Loc^Tf 5 0 ______the night Southwest IS the setting for this chronicle FO/Z IT ? [TMC] MOVIE: 'The Oscar' On Oscar Hays. Daniel Faraldo. 1983 nosed rodeo cowboy falls in love with a before 25 26 sultry girl who stirs his passion. Sarn She of a wild mustang's struggle for survival V l I b B K / Christmas Award night, the favorite nominee is [A&E] Battleline Charles Baca. Flavio Martinez, Ignacio Ra­ watched by friends who helped him but pard, Kim Basinger, Randy Quaid 1985 52 Buckeye State [CNN] PrimeNews Rated R mirez, 1974 31 were trod on during his fight to achieve [E S P N ] Auto Racing: River Run From 53 Mother of fame Stephen Boyd, Elke Sommer, Milton [D IS ] Sidekicks (CC) Ernie learns that his 1 0:30PM (11) Odd Couple Jacksonville. Fla (R) mankind 34 Berle 1966, math teacher is having money trouble with 54 Sacred bird of a ruthless bookie f20) All in the Family [LIFE] Self Improvement Guide [USA] She-Ra: Princess of Power (26) INN News the Nile 37 [H B O ] MOVIE: '1 8 Again' (CC) An inno [USA] Search for Tomorrow <4119 Wa">*< H' 55 Prank 6 : 3 0 P M dD CBS News (CC) (in Stereo) cent birthday wish brings unforseen prob­ ®8) Honeymooners (33 USA Today Scheduled: ad­ 56 Marshy (T ) C4ffl ABC News (CC) lems when a wealthy 81 -year-old switches 1 :30AM ® l) Arsenio Hall vocates of cockfighting vs animal rights 57 Consul of old bodies with his teen-age grandson LfL ABNER by Al Capp (11) Jeffersons (CC) [H B O ] 1 S t & Ten: Going For Broke (CC) activists Rome George Burns. Charlie Schlatter, Tony Rob­ 42 43 44 (n) ® NBC News (CC). erts 1988 Rated PG Coach Grier beefs up the training program (33 Joe Franklin 58 Genus of in an effort to win more games (In Stereo) T H A R 'S "N (24) (57) Nightly Business Report [LIFE] Cagney & Lacey 05 INN News DOrvfT WC FIGGERED D O M T DO WHO CARES ABOOr maples 49 THE PHANTOM by Lee Falk A Sy Barry N D K IJM A N D MV P lQ W E R E 1^0O?-THERE ARE aEST ONE so (33 ® 13® (401 News WORRY. rro BE. A SlKl THET @8) Family Ties (CC) [MAX] MOVIE; 'The Running Man' 1 1 :00PM 12 57 (3® Later W ith Bob Costas DUE BACK. AN HOUB AGO SUM.':' n iL U O N a O F MtLL- vJAV, FATBACK ^ fr— EGAD rr- t m e f e 's T 'L E T MER VJASTE -BUT rr’LL (611 Love Connection (CC) Executioner-styled athletes hunt con­ 33 Bennv Hill AW»y, SORROWIN' -A H < B IL U E S -B U T HOW DOWN 53 (M) Hogan's Heroes ( ..FOR PUNISH THAT LAXV UOUT TOHUh RIOHT CAN I REPLACE TAKE ALL TH' victed prisoners on a sadistic game show I ’LL FINISH 5 F O ’ TM* L A TE. MAIKJ'T [A8iE] Twentieth Century Walter OD Cheers (CC) DKAO/r ??-GGRtAT HEMST daid that wa*? COUAME « [C N N ] Newsnight Update ^AIENT, SCOTT.k-T M * mav b e a URP."’ 'YDWJnSO -T of the near future Arnold Schwarzeneg­ you-ONE W/t///OR AM W ERE HAS.'T- 1 Horse Cronkite examines the effects of a typhoon (20) Straight to the Heart CUUE TO A URAL TIJA ET MER RI6HT 56 ger. Maria Conchita Alonso, Yaphet Kotto. [ESPN] NBA Today ANOTHER '^T/ lERELVSHO! directives on the U S fleet in Okinawa 1987. Rated R, (In Stereo) (24) Motorweek The Chevrolet Corvette [USA] WWF Prime Time Wrestling 2 Pakistan [C N N ] Showbiz Today f [T M C ] MOVIE: The M en's Club' Seven L98, a limited edition Ford Taurus station language Love Boat (c)1989 byNEA Inc 29 [ESPN] SportsLook friends come together to share their feel­ wagon, tractor trailer truck safetv 1 :35AM (3) [LIFE] Easy Street ings about love, sex and women Roy (2® Crook and Chase Scheduled: Pat [M AX] MOVIE: 'Moonstruck' (CC) Nor­ Boone, Oscar nominees for Best Picture man Jewison's Oscar-winning tale of a wi­ [USA] Cartoons Scheider. Frank Langella, Harvey Keitel. 1986. Rated R (In Stereo) C3® M-A*S*H dowed Brooklyn bookkeeper who falls in 7:00PM (33 inside Edition [USA] Hollywood Insider Academy love with her fiance's brother. Chet, Nico­ [A8(E] Donna Mills at the Improv las Cage, Olympia Dukakis 1987 Rated 3 ) (22) Wheel of Fortune (CC). Awards Special Interviews with top nom­ [C N N ] MonevMne PG (In Stereo) __ il CELEBRITY CIPHER 3 3 Cosby Show (CC) (In Stereo) inees including Melanie Griffith ("Working «-1949 CbPR Enl»rpHM«. Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people, past and present Girl"), Tom Hanks ("Big"), Dustin Hoffman [DIS] Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet 1 :45AM [HBO] MOVIE: Platoon' Each letter in the cipher stands for another Today's clue M equals K (Ii3 @8) Cheers (CC) ("Rain Man") and Sigourney Weaver [H B O ] Vietnam War Story (CC) A sol­ (CC) Oliver Stone’s Oscar-winning ac­ (31) Rockford Files ( 'Gorillas in the Mist"/"W orking Girl"), dier on leave in Hawaii finds he no longer count of a young soldier's year-long tour of (60 min.) ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnson ' E HDZRJOBPPX KUEOM GD S® M *A ‘ S*H "knows " his wife (In Stereo) duty in Vietnam Tom Berenger. Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen 1986 Rated R (In [A8.E] Air Power The Ger­ [LIFE] Spenser: For Hire (24) (57) MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour 8:30PM Stereo) mans lead a bloody assault on the Ameri­ ------1 LDNDPJHDL PBOTYBTD (2® The Streets of San Francisco [U S A ] Miami Vice Crockett tails a mobs BLONDIE by Dean Young A Stan Drake I DOM'T UMDFRSTAMD can stronghold in Antwerp 2;00AIVI (J) Superior Court YOUKMOWWHAT) MO' l U TELL YOU V IDOM'TUMDeRDTAMD... (3® (4® Current Affair ter who feels confident that his nefarious, WHAT I DOM'T' FIGURED WHAT I DOM'T UMDER6TAMD,, WHY WE.HAVE.THFe>6 [D IS ] Danger Bay (CC) (In Stereo) cohorts can scare the jurv enough to force Gl) Update; Making it Happen I DONTUMDeR-/ AMD I lOSBYRD JA JYZ LDDH (61) Family Ties (CC) a mistrial, (60 min.) THEN WHY BECAUSE 1 STILL UNDE.R5TAMD/ YOU WOULD' 6TUPID FIGHT5.' 9:00PM 33 MOVIE: Stroker Ace' A @§) Dating Game i]IF 7 AA HERETO ' t h a t GOOD TIMES ARE 6TAMD'’ ^ D O tt T C A R t ' [A 8iE ] Chronicle "Chronicle's" photog­ ( CONVINCE cor YOU JUST AHEAO FOR US DO YOU LOOK CAN'T CONVINCE race car driver schemes to even the score 1 1 :30PM 33 Morton Downev Jr. (38) Home Shopping Spree M YSE LF _ ODDL KJ SJVHPBEO.' — raphers show off their work. SO SAD ? i r with a conniving corporate kingpin Burt (11) Honevmooners i; [CNN] Moneyline Reynolds, Loni Anderson Ned Beatty [A&E] Decades: 60's Part 9 of 10 (2® Jeffersons [ESPN] SportsLook PEPX KJVPEO. [ESPN] College Basketball: NIT Conso­ 1983 (R) PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Everyone is born a genius, but the process of lation Game From New York (2 hrs.) f¥ l (4® Academy Awards (CC) Rain (22) (3® Tonight Show (In Stereo) [T M C ] MOVIE: The M en's Club' Seven ' e living de-geniuses them.” — R. Buckminster Fuller. (Live) Man," with eight nominations, and "Mis­ (24) Science Journal (CC) friends come together to share their feel­ ings about love, sex and women. Roy [LIFE] Spenser; For Hire sissippi Burning" and "Dangerous Liai­ (2® Racing From Plainsfield sons," with seven nominations each, head Scheider. Frank Langella, Harvey Keitel. [U S A ] Miami Vice A convicted rapist is the list of motion-picture nominees at the (38) St. Elsewhere 1986 Rated R, (In Stereo) rehabilitated and released, and Trudy be­ 61st annual Academy Awards presenia (40) To Be Announced lieves the victim will seek revenge (60 lion, from the Shrine Auditorium in Los An (57) MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour 2 ‘.30AIS/l Cy Family Medical Center min ) geles (3 hrs.) (In Stereo Live) (61) Best of Love Connection (5) Sustaining 7;30PIVI Entertainment Tonight C9) A Team I THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME Singer Gladys Knight. (In Stereo) [CNN] Sports Tonight (3l) Paul Simon's World's Greatest Real |gi by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee (2^) (30) Night Court (CC) Dan s admission Estate l?A-V= ALLEY OOP by Dave Graue (B) (22) Jeopardy! (CC) into a prestigious law club hinges on Chris [DIS] MOVIE: 'Thunder in the Citv’ A tine's reaction to his sponsor's advances big-time American promoter arrives in [CNN] Sports Latenight Unscramble these four Jumbles, i j ) Kate 8i Allie (CC). London laden with gimmicks and bright IjOOK, i f WE'RE GONNA HEY, ARE / YEAH, I \THEN DON'T! PIZZA? I MUST] one letter to each square, to form (R) [DIS] MOVIE: 'Our Little Girl' (CC) A Cl1) INN News advertising ideas Edward G Robinson, Ni ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady CALL EACH OTHER^ YOU HUNGRY, I SURE DO,) GO AWAY.' V BE DREAMING four ordinary words. young girl attempts to reunite her parents (^4) American Playhouse; Love and gel Bruce, Ralph Richardson 1937 A LLEY? D O V b u t ... yi'ULBE RIGHT^ ALL THIS.' (20) M *A *S"H Other Sorrows (CC) Chronicles the by running away. Colorized version Shir­ Y'LIKE PIZ2A?>^ BACK! ^0) W in, Lose or Draw changing relationships experienced by a [ESPN] SportsCenter ley Temple, Joel McCrea, Rosemary TINJO Ames. 1935. (38) (61; Newhart (CC) 1950's single-parent family, focusing on [H B O ] Glory Years (CC) Jack attempts WHAT'5 3M5 A.M, VOO ASR61? ME "TO WAKE H0\) IF the daughter’s reluctant marriage and the to win back Melissa by kidnapping her [ESPN] SportsCenter m / (40j Cosby Show (CC) (In Stereo) MATO HORRY etfORE THE 1 EVER FOUMP A TAER SHOW HOST teen-age son's search for romantic ideals from her wedding to Steven (In Stereo) [A&E] World of Survival (60 min.) 2 1 3 5 A M (ID Family Feud 1 1 :35PM 3 3 Night Court WHAT TIME SHORT-WAVe SIWAO — - WITH your opinions/ [CNN] Crossfire (57) American Playhouse: The House of 3:00AM (y Home Shopping Over­ IT ? 1 2:00AM (33 (4® News night Service (3 hrs ) f AC?E4 OUT f FORLO [D IS ] Puff the Magic Dragon Ariimated Blue Leaves (CC) John Guare's black co­ r* > On a trip to Hanaloe, Puff strives to cure a medy about the American dream and how (li) Star Trek dD White Shadow It can destroy the very people it inspires mute boy of his problem by teaching him a (1® Home Shopping Network (3 hrs.) lesson in courage. Voice of Burgess Mere­ stars Tony winners John Mahoney and (18) Home Shopping Network (3 hrs.) (20) Morton Downey Jr. dith Swoosie Kurtz, Christine Baranski, Julie [A&E] Donna Mills at the Improv Hageriy and Richard Portnow. (2 hrs.) (R) (26) Various Programming [M AX] Max Movie Show A preview of [C N N ] Headline News Overnight KOTLEC WHAT THE COACH [A & E ] Unknown Soldier A commemora (65 Paid Programming theatrical releases, movies in production [ESPN] Tennis: International Players and interviews with screen stars. tion of World War H's end, told through the THE BORN LOSER by Art Bansom KEPT SAYIN& TO [A 8(E] Battle Line Championship Men's Quarterfinals 5 ^ personal profiles of six American MIA ser­ THE TEAAA OF SlOOPM [3j Hard Time on Planet vicemen and a remembrance of the Tomb [CNN] Newsnight From Key Biscayne, Fla (2 hrs ) (R) ZOMBIES. Earth (CC) Josse s first human date turns of the Unknowns Host Jason Robards Sbu A P £ A1MAP& [ESPN] Scholastic Sports America (R) r c A M H A w a e ^m attb^ q : b a g t, -SAY.Y'l^MOlU THAT'$ THE out to be a female warrior from his planet (60 min ) 4;00AM GlJ Streets of San Francisco AVLAI^ D [LIFE] Lady Blue THAT TH|$ JO& ■ m A T l l Y e TAA ^)0p4aM6 O n J t ) 0 A M P > Now arrange the circled letters to who has been sent to assassinate him. (60 [C N N ] Larry King Live [A&E] MOVIE: 'Crossfire' A crazed, in­ ON THE FASTRACK SMB THIM6 60MegODY r' N K ^ 7 ^ min.) (In Stereo) [M AX] MOVIE: 'Stripper' Six women tolerant soldier becomes a killer, trapped by Bill Holbrook form the surprise answer, as sug­ [DIS] MOVIE: 'Amazing Grace and PK'UlPeS SCMF IWPlTTgM IDT5 5C M E T FIM 6 MOW I ) W IL L IA M gested by the above cartoon. talk about their lives and livelihood as they by his own anti Semitism. Robeit Young. 6A1D WHFMI IWPOre S. A ^ fD (40) Barbara Walters Special (CC) Chuck' A Little League baseball player ini­ Featured: Candice Bergen, Diana Ross and prepare to compete at' the First Annual Robert Mitchum, Sam Levene. 1947 ,WP1TIW6 6WLL2 C F ‘S T U F F - CM.L “14AMLET5<5HAKE5FEAKE, MY lA5T 6oO*C,' tiates an unusual anti-nuclear protest by Stripper's Convention in Las Vegas Ja 15 U5A WEEfiLe, fVERY activity, 5VERV WHAT HAS gROU6Wr "The NlARKETlNfr DIRECTOR. 7 ^ Audrey Hepburn (60 min.) (In Stereo) quitting his favorite sport. Joshua Zuehike, [CNN] Ijrry King Overnight ‘ I A Answer here: nette Boyd, Sara Costa 1986 Rated R (In C^YERlNfr THE m y s t e r io u s OPEPaTioN HA5 c o m e THIS oHceso&rutiG- gROUSHT iN HEP NEW ^ABY."„ ^ “AAA66gTH'' 5 ^ f D A-Team Alex English, Jamie Lee Curtis 1987. Stereo) [LIFE] Self Improvement Guide WOlZK $roPFfl5£- AT 5UPDENI.Y To A halt,' COI^PAtiS' 'To A A\ (Answers tomorrow; . WITHOUT w a r n in g , Jumbles: CRAFT ELDER BAZAAR FINERY FA6T(ZA0K, INC.' C O M F L E -m Yesterday’s FASTRACK IS NO L0N6EP ^ T a NPST iLL? Answer: What he said when he couldn't find a decent A FuNCTioNiHO EHT'TY.' pair of socks in his drawer—"DARN" IT! \ Now back in stock, Jumblt Book No. 6 Is svtilsbls tor $2.80. which Includts p o itiM and handling, from Jumbla, cfo this nawspapar, P.O. Bos 4360, Orlando, FL 32603>4368. In c ite s your nam«, addraaa and zip coda and maka your chack payabla to Nawspaparbooks. 'iHt FRANK AND ERNEST by Bob Thavea C NOW OPEN ^ TED TURNER INDUSTRIES in new location X £>/PrJ'T ACTUALLY PERSONNEL GREAT SAVINGS TTIE ORIZZWELL8 by Bill Schorr U £ O N /MiY ^BsutAt.. movies & more © ON FASTER X w vr„.I SDLVEP MV MATRIMOHIAL L&MME 5EE TA LL, UAHD50ME K s t r e t t h ih ' WHAT.??...4NP u s t Astrograph Pt20W-EM.. I TOOK OUT AH AP FOR RIOH,ATHLETIC ?TUP 5EEKS IT A l it t l e , M 5U TU IN K LBV^ 5AY I J A m z IHTHE.“HE\,PAHP STREAM" AAATE: TD SHARE EXOITINS AREN’T WE ^ aVKPRE5LDy, C ^ L o p iZ F ^ IJ. WEIGHT LOSS. video superstore RER50NAU5.,.FW:E tt, ------1 JET'SET KIDR^ALl-y handling a critical arrangement today (SUmVlEP,NOWAPAVS 5"^ UFE^TVLE: are likely to be superior to the well- PROVEN-EFFECTIVE, TOO! meaning advice of your co-workers. yA60TTA AWECT5E Research proved it! Last year’s Quick EG^USE garding your terms today if you have to CLASS TODAV. OFFICE V/ITH A CLOTHESPIN are likely to come from a venture or en­ wonderful meeting experience made 0 0 WHEN I VVCKEUR.. ON M V NOSE. terprise that will be resurrected. Over negotiate a matter o1 importance. If you the coming months It should succeed are lax or indifferent, you might make even more wonderful! Come prove to yourself what we T where it previously failed. some needless concessions. already know—this is the program you can count on! ARIES (March 21-April 19) Try not to SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) People NORTH 3-29-89 take full credit for something today that with whom you’ll be Involved today HALF-PRICE. SAVE $13 ♦ J 9 7 4 Bridge might be so wrapped up in their own in­ an associate was Instrumental In help­ Don’t miss out! Join today and save big! ▼ J 8 5 m ing to bring about. It could scar a pro­ terests that they won't be receptive to ♦ 7 6 3 ductive relationship. Trying to patch up your propositions or proposals. II you Join by April 22 al these convenient limes and locations: ♦ A 8 5 a broken romance? The Astro-Graph sense this, make your pitch at a later date. EAST HARTFORD MANCHESTER SOUTH WINDSOR WE.ST EA.ST By James Jacoby a diamond. Declarer now had some in­ Matchmaker can help you to under­ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) If you First Congregational Church Second Congregellonel Church Wapping Comm. Church ♦ P A 3 2 formation to guide his play. East, who 0(G^ stand what to do to make the relation­ have something critical to discuss with 837 Mam Sireet 385 N. Main St. 17M Ellington Rd. V A K Q 10 9 V 6 3 2 A fter an opposing opening bid, the had shown up with the spade ace, had i5 sofa HAPPENED HERE? A COOKIN'SHOW/ originally is likely to be your best bet. switch tactics in matters that are pres­ •Sal. 9:45 am 411:15 am for takeout first and then bid the suit. ♦ A K have responded.) Declarer was thus 16 60AKSQ// GEMINI (May 21-June 20) If develop­ ently running to your advantage. The Meetings begin at times listed above. That was the approach selected by changes you're likely to introduce Burr Corner ♦ K J 9 safe in assuming West had that queen. ments warrant it today, befriend one Doors open 45 minutes earlier for registration. No reservation needed South in today’s deal. Still, North did He could play for the club queen to with whom you have established ties aren't apt to be as effective. ^1 Vulnerable: East-West AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Today Dealer: West not have quite enough to come in when drop doubleton, but his nine of clubs rather than siding with a new acquaint­ CALL 1-800-333-3000 Manchester West bid his second suit, diamonds, provided an unusual winning play — ance. Others will measure you by the you may be in a rather gregarious mood, and this Is well and good, provid­ OR 1-800-972-9320 m owes rst North East Soi over the takeout double. the backward finesse. amount of loyalty you express. ed you do not openly discuss things that Pas.s Pass Db When South then bid two spades. So declarer picked up the remaining CANCER (June 21-July 22) Today you 643-6445 f were told to you in strict confidence. k Pass 2 V 2 4 North had a sound invitational raise trumps, ending in his hand. He then led may be required to honor a commit­ THE NEW QUICK SUCCESS® PROGRAM 8M o r e PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) You’re in a Mon.-Thurs. 10-9, iss 3 ♦ Pass 4 4 with four spades and an ace. South bid ment that you’ll find a bit difficult to Fm lot wMKt $a Ott«r vilah(WaicbaisandQuickSuccassa'a'wd'tlaradi'adamaiksunNtiOHT MATCHERSINTCRNATio NAL INC iss I'ass Pass the game and now had to make it. The keep. Regardless of the inconvenience 1909 w flO M r WATCHERS INTfHNATIONAL INC Fri. &Sot. 10-10, Sun. 10-8 the queen, won with dummy’s ace. you'll have more respect for yourself II of hopes and expectations, provided defense played three rounds of hearts. That left declarer's K-9 over East’s 10, FREE VIDEO rental with this ad Opening lead: V K you stand by your word. they are based upon practical founda­ Declarer ruffed and played a low and South took that finesse to make LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your ideas for tions. Don't build castles on sand. expires 4-8-89 one per fam ily spade. East took the ace and returned the contract. ca>“ CB> MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 29,1989 —18 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, March 29, 1989 SCIENCE & HEALTH Space probe lost 1 FOCUS/Oscars MOSCOW (AP) — Soviet scientists said today that they had lost contact with the Phobos II space probe and hopes were fading for saving the multimillion-dollar craft that is circling a Martian moon. List of nominees ‘Rain Man’ leads list of unfavorites I f 1*® . Alar in juices, sauces “The situation is bad and honestly, there are I WASHINGTON (AP) — Makers of Larry Davenport, executive direc­ A report by the Natural Resources regulates growth and increases shelf fewer and fewer hopes. Chances to regain apple sauces and juices presented test tor of the Atlanta-based trade associa­ Defense Council, a private environ­ life. contact with the probe are very small,” By Bob Thomas hailed. It did fabulous business and seemed a results today showing the products to Alexander Zakharov, a project scientist, said The Associated Press tion, said a detectable level meant a mental group, concluded last month for 61st Oscars cinch to win the Oscar. be virtually free of Alar, a chemical trace of at least 1 part per million in that children are especially at risk Daminozide has been found to cause in a telephone interview. “But six months later, big campaigns that environmentalists say heightens cancer in test animals, and the EPA Zakharov said a battery of experts was LOS ANGELES — America’s film industry the sample, or 20 times below the from such chemicals because they eat PICTURE O Dean Cundey, “Who focused on the new pictures. ‘Gandhi’ was the risk of cancer in children. tolerance level established by the a much larger volume of apples and has said it intends to ban its use. But conducting an investigation into the loss of □ "The Accidental Tour­ Framed Roger Rabbit.” honors its own at the given an $18-million marketingbudget. It was The Processed Apple Institute, the regulatory process could take contact with Phobos, an unmanned spacecraft tonight, and it’s likely that “Rain Man” will Environmental Protection Agency. other fruits and vegetables compared ist,” producers Lawrence heavily screened, and everything was cen­ which represents most of the produc­ “We’re talking about truly insignifi­ to their weight than do adults. several years. sent more than eight months ago to orbit Mars. Kasdan, Charles Okun and COSTUME DESIGN make a big splash. tered on the Gandhi theme, making it seem. ers of apple sauces and juices, said He said mission control lost contact with the □ Deborah Nadoolman, Leading the field with eight nominations, cant levels here,” Davenport said Alar, technically known as damino- A Michael Grlllo. like something more than a spectacular film. today tests covering 4,623 samples Tuesday in a telephone interview. zide, was singled out by the NRDC “This study confirms that ... the probe on March 27. Ground control has □ “Dangerous Liaisons,” “Coming to America.” the cross-country odyssey of two disparate The result: ‘E.T.’ did not win.” and a cross-section of brand names received sporadic radio signals from the □ James Acheson, “Dan­ brothers appears to be the favorite to capture There has been widespread concern study, although industry and govern­ industry has successfully screened producers Norma Heyman revealed only eight cases in which reported among parents in recent ment officials have said only from 5 Alar from its products,” said Hugh spacecraft, but no regular contact, Zakharov and Hank Moonjean. gerous Liaisons.” the best picture Oscar, with Dustin Hoffman JOHN FLINN, who has conducted, detectable levels of Alar were found in said. □ Jane Robinson. “A the front-runner for best actor and Barry the product. weeks over the health effects of percent to 10 percent of apples are Ewart, chairman of the processor □ “Mississippi Burning,” Handful of Dust.” Academy publicity campaigns for MGM and chemicals used on apples. sprayed with the chemical. Alar group’s technical committee. Loss of Phobos II would be a severe blow to producers Frederick Zollo and Levinson for best director. Paramount, agrees. “It’s much tougher to^ the $480 million international Phobos project □ Patricia Norris, “Rain Man” has the double advantage of Robert F. Colesberry. “Sunset.” promote a picture released early in the year,”^ led by the Soviet Union. Twenty-two countries □ “Rain Man,” producer being generally (but not unanimously) he says. “The December pictures have all the'* and the European Space Agency have □ Milena Canonero, praised by the critics and embraced by the Medical company to pay $764,000 in penalities Mark Johnson. “Tucker: The Man and His ad strength and publicity behind them, and contributed technology or experiments to the □ “Working Girl,” pro­ public ($122 million gross in 80 days). Academy members are naturally affected.” project. Dream.” The other major categories look as (AP) — A medical equipment for September over the defective because of the Cordis devices. required notice of the devices’ ad­ ducer Douglas Wick. McClayadds: “Studios are on the horns of a manufacturer has pleaded guilty to pacemakers. In September, a Soviet ground controller DOCUMENTARY FEATURE unpredictable as a horse race for 2-year-olds. Negotiations for the plea began last verse field reports. ACTOR best picture. The tally: November. 9; dilemma. If they hold an important film until . criminal charges of selling thousands Cordis, which sold its pacemaker year between the Justice Department sent an erroneous computer command to a □ Robert Bilheimer and Critics’ awards have been scattered over a October, 5; September, 4; August. 3; July, 3. December, they are faced with interest Sentencing in the criminal case sister ship, the Phobos I, which was launched □ Gene Hackman, “Missis­ wide field, providing no hint as to favorites. of defective pacemakers and corro­ division in 1987, was accused of and Cordis. A first accord between the sippi Burning.” Ronald Mix, “The Cry of Only 11 movies released in the first six charges. If they release the picture too early., sive batteries and has agreed to pay distributing 2,200 faulty pacemakers against Cordis was set for April 25. July 7. Phobos I became lost in space and Reason — Beyers Naude: An The uncertainty of the outcome should add two sides was rejected last October by □ Tom Hanks, “Big.” months of the year have been picked as the they lessen chances of an award.” $764,000 in penalties. and 6,000 batteries prone to corrosion U.S. District Judge Stanley Marcus. Marcus is not bound by the restric­ ground controllers were unable to communi­ Afrikaner Speaks Out.” excitement to Wednesday night’s telecast, in best. Interestingly, the only January release But, given the eternal lure of the Oscar and tions of the plea agreement. cate with it. □ Dustin Hoffman, “Rain contrast to last year’s no-surprise awards. Cordis Corp., which last week between December 1983 and October The company’s offer to plead guilty Man.” □ Marcel Ophuls, “Hotel to take the top prize was the classic the ego satisfaction involved, chances are . agreed to pay $5 million to settle a 1985. Loss of communications apparently would Terminus: The Life and The event returns to the Shrine Auditorium Casablanca,” first seen in Los Angeles on that Academy hopefuls will continue crowd- ^ to 24 counts and pay $264,000 in fines The $5 million settlement the prevent Phobos II from dropping two small □ Edward James Olmos, despite the wave of protest over traffic separate civil-fraud claim brought by Charges filed by the U.S. Food and and costs was insufricient, Marcus company agreed to last week came in “Stand and Deliver.” Times of Klaus Barbie.” Jan. 2, 1943. (For Oscar eligibility, a film ing into Los Angeles theaters during the" the government, pleaded guilty Tues­ Drug Administration claimed the landing craft onto the surface of the Martian □ Bruce Weber and Nan gridlock and poor sound a year ago. The Los must play at least one week in an LA month of December. ' said at the time. a civil claim by the Veterans moon. Soviet news reports in January said the □ Max von Sydow, “Pelle Angeles police and the sound engineers have day to 12 felony counts and 13 pacemakers, which are planted under But Marcus accepted the new deal, Administration. The VA sought reim­ the Conqueror.” Bush, “Let’s Get Lost.” theater.) misdemeanors in the second case. the skin to regulate heartbeat, could probe was to approach within 50 yards of the □ Ginny Durrin, “Promises promised to do better. which included another felony charge bursement for an undisclosed number moon in early April to analyze its soil with a ACTRESS Academy president Richard Kahn offers an Four executives of the Miami-based stop without warning. But no reports — with a $500,000 penalty for intent to of the defective pacemakers it had to Keep.” explanation: “The major serious films are Predictions aren’t easy concern still face a criminal trial set of medical emergencies are known laser and release the landers. □ Glenn Close, “Dangerous □ Renee Tajima and THE ACADEMY also seems resolved to traditionally released in the last three months defraud the FDA by failing to provide bought. Liaisons.” Christine Choy, “Who Killed restore glamour to the Oscar presentations. of the year. Summer is now reserved for in wretched movie year □ Jodie Foster, “The Vincent Chin?” Producer Allan Carr (“La Cage aux Folles”) lighthearted, escapist entertainment. That’s Accused.” will stage the awards “like a Broadway By Bob Thomas DOCUMENTARY the way movies are dealt out to the public. The Associated Press □ Melanie Griffith, “Work­ SHORT SUBJECT show,” with Marvin Hamlisch providing the “That doesn’t mean that movies released ing Girl.” downbeat in the orchestra pit. After 17 years earlier in the year don’t have a chance as best □ Meryl Streep, “A Cry in □ Karen Goodman, “The of directing the awards, Marty Pasetta has LOS ANGELES — It’s a wretched CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Children’s Storefront.” picture. ‘The Godfather’ came out in March. year for predicting who will win the the Dark.” been replaced by Jeff Margolis. who has ’Annie Hall’ was an April release.” Other □ Sigourney Weaver, “Go­ □ Lise Yasui and Ann attracted good ratings with the American Oscars, but somebody’s got to do it. Tegnell, “Family Gathering.” early releases: “The Sound of Music” READ YOUR AD: Classifed advertisements are rillas in the Mist.” Music Awards show. This most unrewarding of endeavors DEADLINES: For classified advertlsments to □ Thomas B. Fleming and (March): ‘“Patton” (February). But 11 of RATES: 1 to 6 days: 90 cents per line per day. taken by telephone as a convenience. The The Oscarcast will have no emcee. Instead, is made more difficult by the absence of be published Tuesday through Saturday, the Daniel J. Marks, “Gang the last 17 best-picture winners were released 7 to 19 days: 70 cents per line per day. Manchester Herald Is responsible tor only one SUPPORTING ACTOR a bevy of “couples, companions, co-stars and a groundswell for any of the major deadline Is noon on the day before publlco- □ Alec Guinness, “Little Cops.” in November or December. 20 to 25 days; 60 cents per line per day. Incorrect Insertion and then only for the size of compadres” will present the awards. Among contenders. Excuses aside, here’s one 26 or more days: 50 cents per line per day. tlon. For advertisements to be published Dorrit.” □ Nancy Hale and Meg Oscar watcher’s view of the 61st race for the original Insertion. Errors which do not lessen Partridge, “Portrait of them: Demi Moore and Bruce Willis; Melanie Minimum charge: 4 lines. Monday, the deadline Is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. the value of the advertisement will not be □ Kevin Kline, “A Fish Griffth and Don Johnson; Kim Novak and "THERE’S NO QUESTION that a year-end the gold: corrected by on additional Insertion. Called Wanda.” Imogen.” James Stewart; Sammy Davis Jr. and release enhances the possibility of Oscars.” Best Picture — “Rain Man,” Not an □ Martin Landau, □ William Guttentag and Gregory Hines; Goldie Hawn and Kurt observes publicist Booker McClay, who has overwhelming favorite with the "Tucker: The Man and His Malcolm Clarke, “You Don’t Russell; Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O’Neal; conducted campaigns for “E.T. The Extra- Academy crowd, but it has the luster of Dream.” Have to Die.” Notices isiJHELP rriHELP IHDMES Bo Derek and Dudley Moore; Kieier and Terrestrial.” “Out of Africa” and this year’s a winner. 1'Mwanted HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED l U WANTED FDR SALE □ River Phoenix, “Running FILM EDITING Donald Sutherland. Gorillas in the Mist” for Universal Pictures. Best Actor — Dustin Hoffman, “Rain on Empty.” □ Frank J. Urioste and Man.” A unique portrayal. As 0 condition precedent to WANTED. LPN or RN The nominees for best picture — “The “At the end of the year, Academy voters the placement of any adver­ POOL Attendant, 18 years NURSES Aldes-Nurse PULL TIM E ottice soles PAINTERS and helpers. BOLTON. Impressive □ Dean Stockwell, “Mar­ John F. Link, “Die Hard.” Best Actress — It could be any of the tising in the Manchester He­ part time for busy peo­ or older, for position, Accidental Tourist,” “Dangerous Liaisons.” may have 30 pictures to see. They are much ple oriented local Der­ Registry recruiting Including Saturdays. Good wages for depen­ DAY CARE HELP two story Cedar Con­ ried to the Mob.” □ Stuart Baird, “Gorillas in five, but the voters do like newcomers. rald, Advertiser hereby 40 hours o week min­ qualified olds tor home We need o dependable, temporary lust built on "Mississippi Burning,” “Rain Man.” “Work­ more likely to be attracted to the new movies matology practice. dable people. Coll 291- Naadad matura woman lo the Mist.” Melanie Griffith, “Working Girl.” agrees to protect. Indemnify imum. Please coll 528- core East of the River. organized person who l '/2 acres. Suberb SUPPORTING ACTRESS ing Girl” — offer a wide range of subject than to return to those they have seen early in and hold harmless the Man­ Please send resume 9353 between 9:00 - care for Toddlera. Mon.-Fri. t- □ Gerry Hambling, “Mis­ Best Supporting Actor — Martin 1300 to set up on ap­ Pay rote up to $8.per enloys working with 10:30 o.m. and 4:00 - layout. Formal dining □ Joan Cusack, “Working matter. But they have one thing in common; the year. It’s hard to generate interest in chester Herald, Its officers with references to: Box p o in tm e n t fo r on 6 pm.; 3 yaara old 7-t pm. Call: sissippi Burning.” Landau, “Tucker: The Man and His and employees against any hour, with transporta­ people. Paid training. 5:00 p.m. Monday - room, tlreploced fam­ Girl.” All were released last December. movies that were released eight or nine BB, Manchester He­ Interview. tion allowance and vo­ The Childrens Place Inc. ily room with sliders to □ Stu Linder, "Rain Man.” Dream.” An acting gem in a flawed and all lia b ility , loss or rald, Manchester, CT $5.50 per hour. Coll Friday. □ Geena Davis, “The months earlier. You have to book a theater on expense. Including attor­ cation pay. Sign up at 643-5535 deck. Well planned kit­ 06040. CUSTOMER service rep 643-2171. Accidental Tourist.” □ Arthur Schmidt, “Who THIS HAS BROUGHT renewed claims that the west side, so the film is available to film. neys' tees, arising from YWCA, Manchester, 78 chen features oak ca­ Framed Roger Rabbit.” movies released earlier in the year have less claim s of u n fair trad e p ra c ti­ RECEPTIONIST. Look­ for well known oil com­ RN □ Frances McDormand, Academy members. Meanwhile the new Best Supporting Actress — Frances North Main Street, Fri­ TWO POSITIONS DELIVERY driver binetry and wet bar. chance of winning Hollywood’s big prize. ces, Infringement of trode- ing for part time recep­ pany East of the river. day, March 31, from Nurse Registry Four bedrooms, 2’/i “Mississippi Burning.” MAKEUP releases are attracting all the excitement.” McDormand, “Mississippi Burning.” A Excellent benefits, mo- needed. Local rental morKs, trade names or pat­ tionist with full time 9om to 4pm. Coll Nurse One truck driver Looking for part time baths. Priced to sell! □ Michelle Pfeiffer, “Dan­ □ Ve Neill, Steve LaPorte History seems to bear that out. Since 1934. slight favorite in a wide-open race. ents, violation of rights of center needs responsi­ McClay cited “E.T.” as “a classic example potential for growing lor medical, paid holi­ Registry. 243-2008. $ 2 9 9,9 0 0 . Plano Realty. when films became eligible on a calendar- Best Director — Barry Levinson, privacy and Infringement of heavy construction home care nurse to ble person to deliver gerous Liaisons.” and Robert Short, “Beetle- of a picture that came out too early. It was real estate Investment days and vocations. 646-5200.D ______juice.” year basis. 18 December releases have won as “Rain Man.” copyright and proprietory Experience o plus. Sa­ and 1 laborer. cover small case load and pick up rental □ Sigourney Weaver, released in June of 1982 and unanimously rights, unfair competition company. Hours 8:30 - orders. Must hove “Working Girl.” □ , “Coming to 2:30 but are negotiable. lary commensuroted Apply in person to East of the river. Man­ MANCHESTER. Just and libel and slander, which with experience. Coll good driving record. America.” may result from the publica­ Mature, friendly per­ NURSES AIDE The Andrew chester, East Hartford, Prior delivery expe­ take o look at this two DIRECTOR tion of any advertlsment In 568-3500, ask for Mike family. Unique one of o □ Tom Burman and Bari Oscar trivia: son with light typing Ansaldi Co., 186 South Windsor. 3 days a rience and o working O Charles Crichton, "A the Manchester Herald by skills preferred. Call or John. kind six plus five Drieband-Burman, Live In positions week. Previous public knowledge of the rooms. First floor unit odvertlser, Including adver­ Susan or Betty at 246- D R iV ERS /w o renBuge Bidwell St., greater Hartford area Fish Called Wanda.” “.” tisements In onv tree distri­ available weekends In health experience pre­ 1126. help. Paid holidays, Manchester. has beautiful new kit­ □ Martin Scorcese, “The 30-second ad DO YOU KNOW YOUR NUMBER? bution publications pub­ Manchester and ferred but not neces­ helpful. Apply today to MUSIC ORIGINAL SCORE paid vocation, benef­ chen and fireplace In Last Temptation of Christ.” lished by the Manchester Hartford. Start Taylor Rental Center, living room. Two cor □ John Williams, “The PART time weekends. its, profit shore, over­ sary. Call Maryalls 243- 274 Brood Street, Man­ □ Alan Parker, “Missis­ Herald. Penny Sletfert, Kitchen help wanted. immediately. Friday garage. Fenced yard. Accidental Tourist.” Publisher. time, excellent chance 2008. chester. 643-2496, ask sippi Burning.” for $375,000 Cholesterol Number That Is. 649-3361, ask for Joyce evening to Sunday WOMEN’S APPAREL $209,900. Realty World, □ George Fenton, “Danger­ for advancement. for John. □ Barry Levinson, “Rain or Dee. Valid license neces­ evenings. $90.00 a Bright, partonabit, faahlon- CONSIDER o future. Benoit, Frechette As­ ous Liaisons.” sociates, 646-7709.O Man.” LOS ANGELES (AP) — Here is I LOST sary. Experience pre­ day plus room and conaclous paople for 8«Im Stort your career with board. Earn vacation □ Mike Nichols, “Working □ Maurice Jarre. “Gorillas a collection of facts, figures and AND FDUND MerckaiidlMr ferred but not neces­ and managantont poaHlona In Gromov’s Corner REAL ESTATE MANCHESTER. Moke of in the Mist.” sary. Ask tor Kirk or time. Call Nurse nawly-oponing promotional Store os o cashier and money while staying Girl.” trivia from the 61st annual SALES SECRETARY □ Dave Grusin, “The FOUND young male tiger John. 649-4563. Registry 243-2008. wnman'a apparti atora. Ex- see where It leads. home and taking core Academy Awards ceremony MERCHANDISER Promotions ore totally Part time 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. A Milagro Beanfield War.” cat. Very friendly. Va- parianca prafarrad, but wa of your children, plus 0 ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY scheduled from 9 p.m. to mid­ StiM mtrclundiMr to won port MEDICAL Office. Chol- dependent upon your­ great opportunity to work clnlty of Bower tlmo 8-16 hoiifO por wtok. will train quallflad appileanta. few more. Excellent □ Gary Ross and Anne □ Hans Zimmer, “Rain night EST tonight, to be telecast lenglng position avail­ self. We hove Imme­ In Manchester and still property for In-home Spielberg, “Big.” Man.” Immediate School.643-5674. 18.50 - 17.00 por hour. Apply Friday or Saturday, live from the Shrine Auditorium Muolc ond VIdoo diotrlbutor looit- able for Individual with MAINTAINER IV - diate openings at our have lots of family time. day core or In-law □ Ron Shelton, “Bull Ing for IndMduolo to oorvleo rotoll excellent Interper­ Plumbing and electrl- March 3t & April t batwaan Manchester store. For apartment. Fenced In MUSIC ORIGINAL SONG on ABC-TV. to a.m. and 2 p.m. at: Typing, some word pro­ Durham.” □ Bob Telson, “Calling ■ Price for 30 seconds of occounto In tho Vornon ond Mon- sonal and telephone c o l e x p e r ie n c e more information cessing, and strong com­ yard. Convenient ac­ ehootor orooo. Dutloo Includo In- skills who desires required. Starting sa­ THE PRICE TAG please coll 1-800-624- □ John Cleese, “A Fish You,” “Bagdad Cafe.” network commercial time: vontory, morcnondlolng otock ond munications skills a must. cess to 1-84. Realty PERSONALS otrolghtoning tho dopoilmont. No heavy patient contact lary $303.81 per week, OppoaMa Caldor, Burr Camara 9743. World, Benoit, Called Wanda.” □ Carly Simon, “Let the $375,000. Manchaalar, CT Profit sharing plan availa­ oxporlonco noodod. noxIWo oeho- and busy environment. 35 hours. Salary In­ ble. Contact ERA Blan­ Frechette Associates, □ Ronald Bass and Barry Medical WANTED. Ride from dulo - cor noooooory. Bonofito li>- River Run,” “Working Girl.” ■ Minutes of commercial time Responsible for obtain­ crease otter 6 months. RECREA'nON VEHICLE chard and Rossetto, Inc., 646- 7709.O Morrow, “Rain Man.” □ Music by Lamont Dozier in ceremony: 21 network, 8 local. Porter Street to Pratt dudo olek loovo ond vocotlontlmo. ing office visit pay­ State benefits. Howell RECEPTIONIST/Secre- □ Naomi Foner, “Running and Whitney. Second Tnio lo 0 pormonont pooWon with ment, appointment Cheney Regional Voca­ tory needed for Imme- SERVICE PERSON 646-2462. TWO and o holt acres plus and lyric by Phil Collins, ■ Nominee expected to travel shift. Coll otter 10:30 on Induotry loodor. eight room colonial on Empty.” “Two Hearts,” “Buster.” the longest distance: Edward scheduling and accu­ tional School, Man­ dlote placement. Pull or part time. Will am. 647-4714. Join our company, rate patient Informa­ chester. Coll 649-5396 to Typing, shorthand, train. Apply Blonstein with four bedroom, James Olmos, who is shooting a LIEBERMAN ENTER­ RESTAURANT. Line first floor family room, ADAPTED SCREENPLAY ANIMATED SHORT FILM tion In o professional, request application. transcription and effi­ Camping Center. Route cook, pantry cook, and filrn inToland. Care Center PRISES. Call 1-800- friendly monner- 2'/2 baths, 30'x40‘ two State of Connecticut Is cient phone manners □ Frank Galati and Law­ □ Cordell Barker, “The Cat 257-8390. EXT. 224. 83, Vernon. dishwasher. Pull or story born with stable rence Kasdan, “The Acciden­ ■ Individual flowers to be used I PART TIME .Friendly office, aver­ on ottlrmotlve action, helpful. Coll 649-2865. port time positions Came Back.” at the‘Oscar ceremony and the aging 45 hours, Includ- eoe. and coral $214,700.Coll tal Tourist.” □ Bill Kroyer, “Technologi­ I HELP WANTED available. Apply Rudy DeTucclo.Blan- Academy’s Governors’ Ball: 6 CERTIFIED Nurse Aides. Ing 2-3 evenings. within: The Gallery, □ Christopher Hampton, cal Threat.” IS OFFERING A CHOLESTEROL SCREENING AT: Attractive salary and chord & Rossetto Real­ million. PART time driver and Immediate openings PART TIME 141 New London Turn­ tors," We're Selling “Dangerous Liaisons.” □ John Lasseter, “Tin clean-up man. Hours on 7om-3pm and 3pm- benefit package for the pike, Glastonbury. □ Anna Hamilton Phelan, ■ Celebrities whom official right person. Apply In RN/LPN Houses" 646-2482.0 Toy.” greeter Army Archerd expects to 7o.m. - 12 noon. Mon­ 11pm shifts. Full or DATA ENTRY CLERK “Gorillas in the Mist.” day - Friday. Zohners port time positions. Ev­ person at Sports Medi­ Immediate Medical COUNTRY breezes sur- welcome as they arrive at Shrine: cine of Manchester, 155 Roadway Package System in South Wind­ □ Christine Edzard, "Little LIVE ACTION SHORT FILM W oodw orking. 875- ery other weekend re- Care Center of Man­ round this full dor- □ Dean Parisot and Steven “as many as 100.” 263 West Middle Turnpike oulred. We ore conve­ Moln Street, or coll chester has a part sor is in search of the fastest fingers East of Notices mered cope with center Dorrit.” 6226. 645-8387. the River to join the RPS team as a part time □ Jean-Claude Carriere Wright, “The Appointment of ■ Costume jewelry provided niently located on the time opening (32 hall. Beautifully sten­ Dennis Jennings.” for performers, presenters and OFFICE help for new Hortford/Monchester COACHING position hours) for a nurse data entry clerk. All real estate advertised In cilled front to bock and Philip Kaufman, “The Manchester, CT mortgage company. bus line. Ask about our This is an excellent opportunity for mothers the Manchester Herald Is tlreploced living room. □ Matia Karrell, “Cadillac nominees: 800 pieces valued at open tor spring, 1989. with recent acute or sublect ta the Fair Housing Unbearable Lightness of Monday - Friday, 9om - assist for transporta­ Junior high school and others for seeking a part time evening Large dining room for Dreams.” $250,000. 1pm. 647-9992. ambulatory care ex­ Act of 1968, w hich m akes It your holiday entertain­ Being.” tion. Ask about our baseball coach tor Bol­ position with excellent pay and benefits. All Illegal to advertise anv pref­ □ Gary Moss, “Gullah ■ ABC-TV engineers assigned child core reimburse­ perience. Interested ing In addition to o PART time help. 20 hours. ton Center School. For erence, limitation or discrim­ BEST FOREIGN FILM Tales.” to the show: 81. ment and our non- applicants call Kim interested candidates should call; ination based on race, color, spacious country kit­ 646-8595 Please apply In per­ Information and appli­ □ “Hanussen,” Hungary. ■ Cameras to be used by benefit rote of pay cation contact David at 721-7393 Mon-Fri Roadway Package System religion, sex of national chen.$ 1 8 9 ,9 0 0 . Nancy SOUND son: Solvation Army, program. For more In­ origin, or on Intention to von Hollen, Sentry □ “The Music Teacher,” ABC-TV in covering the cerem­ 385 B rood S tre e t, Leete, Athletic Direc­ 9-4 Belgium. □ Les Frescholtz, Dick ony: 17. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY formation please coll. tor, at 643-2768. 710 North Nutmeg Rd moke any such preference, Real Estote, 643-4060.O Alexander, Vern Poore and Manchester. Director of Nursing limitation or discrimination. BOLTON. A quiet place In □ “Pelle the Conqueror,” ■ Feet of cable to be used by Services, Cresttleld South Windsor, CT 06074 The Herald will not know­ Denmark. Willie D. Burton, “Bird.” ABC-TV: 80,000. TYPIST with good spell- ingly accept any advertise­ the country Is closer Ing ability to work on Convolescent Home, PART TIME POSITIONS 282-9055 ment which Is In violation of than you think. This □ “Salaam Bombay,” In­ □ Don Bassman, Kevin F. ■ Reporters covering the Manchester, CT 643- EOE the low. Cleary, Richard Overton and word processor. Expe­ U&R home has a dia. awards: 700 from 30 countries. MON - SAT SAM - 8PM rience preferred, but SI 51. beamed cathedral cell­ □ “Women on the Verge of A1 Overton, “Die Hard.” ■ Photographers covering the will train. Morning and IHDMES ing Inthellvlngroom.o a Nervous Breakdown,” □ Andy Nelson, Brian ceremony; 175. evening hours availa­ Sell Your Car NO FDR SALE locuzzl In the master Spain. Saunders and , ■ Makeup people backstage: SUNDAYS HAM - 7PM ble. $6.50 to start. Coll both, two fireplaces “Gorillas in the Mist.” Leslie at 647-7343. and o full length co­ 11. EXPERIENCE MANCHESTER: Choose vered porch tor your 1 ART DIRECTION □ Robert Litt, Elliot Tyson, ■ Craftspeople involved in PART time-clerical os- iROAOmYPACMCe SYSTEM I one to fit your budget. summer enloy- □ Art director Albert Two-copes: sixrooms, Richard C. Kline and Danny building the show’s sets: 100-plus slstont. Duties to In- 4 Lines — 10 Days ment.$204,900. Sentry Brenner and set decorator Michael, "Mississippi Burn­ FROM APRIL 1st Thru APRIL 30, 1989 elude: light NECESSARY! 1 - both, Fine starter Real Estate. 643-4060.O working for more than 6,000 504 charge each addi­ home, 1 - cor garage Garrett Lewis, "Beaches.” ing.” cumulative hours on 15 sets, bookkeeping, data en­ ATTRACTIVE six room try, general office tional line, per day. You $132,500. Six - room, 2 - □ Art director Stuart Craig □ , John ■ Stagehands: 106. Do you have an outstanding PRIVATE PARTY both, excellent quality, Cope Cod on Vernon and set decorator Gerard Boyd, and work. 20 hours per can cancel at any time. Street. Featuring three ■ Phone calls fielded daily by C o u p o n ! - — week, Mondov-Frldov, SORRY. screened porch, new James, “Dangerous Liai­ , “Who Framed personality? furnace, 1 - cor garage bedrooms, IV3 baths, sons.” Producer Allan Carr’s office Including summer. Coll NO REFUNDS OR Merchandise Ads hard wood floors, fire­ Roger Rabbit.” during last two weeks: 500. Andover Elementrv ADJUSTMENTS $159,900. Peterman □ Art director Ida Random Real Estote 649-9404. place, front to bock SOUND EFFECTS EDITING ■ Cases of Moet Champagne School, 742-7339 for on CALL HERALD Do you have a pleasant voice living room and master and set decorator Linda expected to be popped at the application. NORTH Coventry. Moke bedroom. A full DeScenna, “Rain Man.” □ Stephen H. Flick and We believe prevention is the best medicine on offer on this clean, dormer provides for Richard Shorr, “Die Hard.” Governors’ Ball: 25. CLASSIFIED and enjoy talking on the □ Art director Dean ■ Bottles of Halston cologne to well decorated three extra large rooms up­ Tavoularis and set decorator □ Charles L. Campbell and phone?' bedroom ranch. Newer stairs. 143’ X 219' lot Louis L. Edemann, “Who be given as favors to guests at the [^ANNOUNCEMENTS 643-2711 roof and drilled well, ottering lots of room ArminGanz, “Tucker; The ball: 1,600. convenient location. Man and His Dream.” Framed Roger Rabbit.” Manchester Immediate Medical Center d a y for outside activities! Get paid for doing what you You won’t need to do o One c o r garage. □ Art director Elliot Scott □ and Richard KMM ARCHITECTS * Minimum 4 Lines — 7 Days thing-except move $162,000.Jockson & and set decorator Peter Hymns, “Willow.” Offers enjoy! We are currentiy hiring * Additional Lines 504 Per Line, Per Day In.$142,900. Philips Jackson Real Estate, The architectural office of Kevin M. McDon­ Realtv.742-1450.g 647- 8400.O______Howitt, “Who Framed Roger VISUAL EFFECTS CALDWELL « Gassifications 71 thru S7 Rabbit.” □ Richard Edlund, A1 Cholesterol Screening ough, AIA has relocated, and can be found peopie iike you at $6.00 per * Merchandise Under *250 YOU'LL love this newly ENJOYABLE, fenced under the new name of KMM Architects. The remodeled kitchen yard and family neigh­ CINEMATOGRAPHY DiSarro, Brent Boates and OIL INC. * Ad must contain price! with sliders to o 24' borhood. Seven room, □ Peter Biziou, “Missis­ firm which provided consulting, planning hour to start. Raises are Thaine Morris, “Die Hard.” and designing, is committed to excellence You may cancel anytime, but NO refunds wraparound deck. This three bedroom, 1’A sippi Burning.” □ Ken Ralston, Richard Present This earned based on your skiiis due to this low price... three bedroom raised both cope. Vinyl sided. □ John Seale, "Rain Man.” Williams, Edward Jones and ^ H For A and dedicated to personal service for all re­ ranch also features o Very nice, enclosed □ Conrad L. Hall, “Tequila George Gibbs, “Who Framed .81® C o u p o n ^ H e a lth y sidential and business needs. fireplace and bullt-ln porch. Attached gar­ per gal. C. O. 0. and desires. Caii Michaei at olr conditioner In the age. Partially finished Sunrise.” Roger Rabbit.” ISO gal. minimum purchase ..Heart CALL CLASSIFIED □ Sven Nykvist, “The *2.00 OFF P.O. Box 9491 living room, paneled basement with washer □ Dennis Muren, Michael Bolton, CT 06043-9491 643-2711, ext. 15 after 11 A.M. lower level family and dryer hook-ups. Unbearable Lightness of McAlister, and room, IV2 baths and Shows nicely! Asking Being.” 649-8841 ‘5.00 with Coupon 203-643-2418 Tuesday through Friday. Chris Evans, “Willow.” P rfc M Sub/0cl to Chtng* Expires 4/30/89 643-2711 NOW! more.Phlllps Real Est­ $153,900. Strono Real ate. 742-1450.O Estate, 647-7653.0
