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Power and Identity 7- CURRENT ISSUES IN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Series Editor: Arjan E. R. Bos POWER AND IDENTITY Currcnt Issues ítt Social Psychology is a series of eclitecl books that reflect the state-oÊ the-art of current rrncl emelging topics of interest in basic ancl irppliecl social Edited by Denis Sindic, Manuela Barreto psychology. and Rui Costa-Lopes Each vohurre is tightly focuseci or1 a particular topic ¿ncl consists of seven to ten chapters contribntecl by international experts. The edítors of individu¿l volurnes are leacling fìgures in their areas ancl provide ¿rn intrclductory overview. Example topics include: selÊesteenr, evolution:rry social psychology, núnolity groups, social neuroscience, cyberbr.rllying and social stignlâ. Self-Esteem Edited by Virgil Zeígler-Hill Social Conflict within and between Groups Edited by Carsten K.W. De Dreu Power and ldentity Edited by Denis Sindic, Monuelo Borreto ond Rui Costa-Lopes \p Psychology Press I Taylor&FrancisCroup LONDON AND NEW YORK ,- Filst published 2015 by Psychology Press 27 Chux;h Ro:r<l, l-Iove, Ifast Sussex BN3 2FA arxì by Psychology Pless 7i 1 Thirrl Aveuue, Nerv York, NY 10017 CONTENTS /,-s¡,r/rrrlrg¡ Prc-r-i Lr ¿l inprittt of tltt'l'a¡'lrv {ù l\wnís ()roup, .uÌ infìún(r l,usinas O 2015 Denis Sintlic, M¡uuela Biìrreto ârìd Rui Costr-Lopes The riglrt of'the etlitors to be irlcntifìed âs tlìc autlìors o('the editorial rrnterial, lrrd ol'the ruthors f'or their intliviclual chapters, lias been asscrted in accordarrce r.vith sectiorìs 77 ¡nil 7ll of'thc Copyriglrt, l)csìgns arrd Parents Act 198Í1. All riglits rese¡ved. No prrt of'this book rnay be rcprillred or re¡rroclncetl or utilise(l in lny forrlt or by auy elc(ìttorìic, rrreclurrical, or other ìììeiìlrs, lìow knorvD or herealÌer irìverrted, irrcluding ¡ilrotocopyirrg iìlì(l recording, or in :rrry infbrru¿tion stonge ór: retrievâl systeln, rvirhout ¡reuuission irr writirrg lì:onr the pr.rblishers. 'lialtl¡¿rþ lorir'e: ¡rroduct or corporrte nânres urây be trrclelrratks or regìstered tradenrarks, and rre usecì only fòr identificâtiolr àud erplanatiorr rvithout intcnt to irrfì'iuge. Brítish l-ílnzuy (htaltlquittg íil l\ililitatío¡t l)¿ttt A r:¡telosue rcr:ord fòr this book is available fì'our the British l.ibrary List of Contributors vll Lilnny ttf Oongrcss ()ttrtltyíug it! Publít:ati(1il l)dtd Power ¡¡rd idcntìty / etlitcd by Denis Sirxlic, Manuel¡ lliìrreto, ârìd Ruì Cost¿- Lopes. 1 Power ancl lclentify: The nu.rltiple facets of a complex 1. Group iderrrity. 2. Porve¡ (Social sciences) 3. Soci:rl psyr;liology. I. Sinclic, f)enis. / 1, IL Barreto, Mrnuela d:l Costrì. lIL Costa-Lopcs, ll.ui. relationship t-IM753.P(r9 2014 Dcnis Síndíc, Manueta Bnnettt and Iùù Costa-Lo¡tcs 303.3--dc23 201 4027 137 2 Enrpire, Religion and ldentity: The nraking of Goan people IStsN: 971ì-1 -84872-17ir-0 (hLrk) in the early modern periocl L3 ISBN: 978- 1 -fiì487 2- 177 -7 (pl>k) ISBN: 978-0-20331>(r26-4 (ebk) Á.n,qeta Bdrft.to Xauier 'Iy¡resct irr llerubo I<lentity 31 by Saxon Cìr:rphics l-td, Derby 3 State Power ând the Genesis of Portuguese National José Manuel Sobral 4 ilhey're Here to Stay: Tribes arÌcl power in contenrporary Jorclan 50 Elerwor Ctto 5 Angry Naked Ladies: Can stereotyping and sexual objectifìcation be usecl to trausfortrr social systelÌls? 7t Olivíer KIcín, Jill Allen, Philip1)e Bernord nnd Sarah J. Cervnis 6 Errrpowennent: The intersection of iclenticy ancl power iIì collective action 94 Printed and bound in Creat ßritain by John Drury, Atalantí Evrípidou and Martijn t)(ut Z()tncrcn. #*'m TJ International l.,td, Padstow, Cornwall vl Contents 7 May the Force be with You: Social iclentity, power and the perils of powerlessness 1,17 Steplrcn Reicher and S. Alexander H(tslant 8 Power By the Peoplc arrd For the Peopie: Political power CONTRIBUTORS and iclentity in the separatiorr ancl integratiolì of national states 140 Denís Sindíc 9 Understanding hrtergloup Relatiorrs in (lontext: Power and iclentity 162 Jolm t'. I)Ltvlditt Index 179 Jill Allen, Departnrent of Psycirologçy, University of Minnesota, USA Manuela Barreto, I)epartnleut of Psychology, University of Exeter, UI{ and Ccntre for Social Research and Intervention, Lisboir LJnivelsity Institute, Portugril Ângela Barreto Xavier, Institute of Social Scietrces, University of Lisbon, Portugal Philippe Bernard, Social Psychology Unit, Université Libre de llruxelles, Relgiuru Rui Costa-Lopes, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal John F. Dovidio, Department of Psychology, Yale Urúversity, USA John Drury, School of Psychology, university of Sussex, UK Atalanti Evripidou, School of Psycliology, University olSussex, UK Eleanor Gao, Institute of Ar¿b ancl Islaulic Stuclies, (Jnivelsity of Exeter, UK Sarah J. Gervais, Dcpartnrent of Psychoìogy, Ulriversity of Neblaska-Lincohi, USA S. Alexander FIaslarn, School ofPsychology, University ofQucensl:rncl, Australia - 30 Ângela Barreto Xavier Portn,qt.tcs¡-A C,trrcír,t d,t Índi¿ a,r 1ìotrr.ç do.ç Eçlrcllo.ç (pp.3fl9-342). Lisbou: Funcllção ()l:ic'nte. _ludcr.rs e C¡1.çfâ0.ç-Norro.ç dc Cotltiut: Hist<iri¿ c Muttiri¡ (1500 1662) ffews antl 3 -(2003)Nerv Christians of l{ochi-History aricl Memor-y (1500-1óó2)1. Braga: Appactlm. Taylor,J,Cì. (lt)t)t))'flta Soci¿l LVorld ttf lltt,u'itt: I:ìrtrttl;t,Luts utd EHtúsitlus itt Cokttti,il Indoncsi¿, Madison: univelsity of Wisconsin Press. (()riginal rvor:k pubÌished l9fl3.) STATE POWER AND THE GENESIS OF Tliorrraz, L.F. (1994) I)1, Ocutt t Tinutr [From Ccuta to Tinrot]. Lisbon: Dìtc'Ì. Ttrrrrer:, V. (1969) 'l''lta Ritu¡l Prttrcss. Struúurc atd Atúi-strurf¡.rrr. Nerv York: Aldine de PORTUGUESE NATIONAL IDENTITY Cìr-uyer'. (ìennep, Vrn A. (1999) Lc.çRllc.ç r/c Prr.r"v¿gc [Rites of¡rasagel. Paris: Ecl. De l¿i Maison c]es José Manuel Sobrall Scienccs de I'Honllc. (Origirul r.vork publisliccl 1909.) Vicer:oy of Inclia (1992) Dccrec ol nrilitar:y orcìers. inJ.FI.C. Rivara (Ed.), Arquiuo Prtrtulttc.- Oriuttal (VoI. 6, p.739 e. p.776) [Poltuguese ()ricnt¿l Archive]. Dellri: Asian Eclucational Scrvices. X¿vier', Â.ß. (2008) A Itpcnçiio dc Coa. Porlu lrtryariri c Corrcr'.c¿ic.ç Ct.tlturuis ttos sérulos XVI c XI,Z. Lìsbon: Inrplcus:r cle (ìiônci¡s Sociais. 1) Conversos ancl Novanrcnte Convcrtidos: L:rw, religion ancl identity in the -(201Pcrrttrguese kinsdonr ancl cnr¡rile (16th and 17th centulies). -lount,il oJ' E,rrly-ùIode*t Histotl', 15,2551t17. This c:haptel cliscr"tsscs how state power leci to the enrìrÉ¡enc:e ancl reprociuc--tion of a Poltttguese natiotr¿ri iclentity through the inter:twinc-cl processes of exteln¿rl clilTclentiatiorl rttrcl ittcern¿l (r'elative) cnltural standarclisation. In the view stated hete, tratiotlrl identity is nrainly a procluct of the continuous dcployurent of state agency. While dealing with a specifì(: casc, tlìe chapter trics to exnruinc this case lvithiu a rtrot:e general fra1lrer'vor:k, siûce the conllectiotì between stlttc power 21t1cl lrirtiorÌal iclentity is in no way peculiàr to Por:tugal. Stuclies of nationalism ancl national iclenticy have long beeu dividecl Lry clifìt'rent aud atrtagonist paracligns. Sonre, clescdbc'd as nroclernists, clainr th¿t nations ale rccellt cotlstructions that ernergccl r'vith urodcmity, in conjunctiorr r,vith the a.dvent of incltlstrialisnr (Gellncr, 19tì3), print ca¡ritirlisnl (Anclelson, 1991) or rììoclcur srarc polver (l3reuilly, i993). Others, often referred to as perennialists, conceive clf both ltiìtiollalisltì ancl n¿rrional identities 2ìs rootecl in a nruch rnorc ancient past, cven in Antiquity (Clat cV Yakobson, 201.3; Cr:osby, 2005). Otl.rers still, likc- rhe selÊ clesignateci c¡thno-symbolist Anthony Smith, see both nationalisur ¿rncl the n:rtion as nrodem ¡rhenonreria, but view thc existence of tlrt-' latter ls clepcncling on older etluric founclations (Srnith, 1 991 ). Tlús is of coulse a very sinrplifiecl view of the deb¿rtes in the fie.lcl, and wllile necessiirily taking them ittto account, this chirpter: cloes not clcal with these c.lcb¿rtes ¡rer se . However, as it takes the view that nationâl identities shoulcl be str-rclic{ as processes loc¿rtc'cl in the lorr,que duróe (Arntstrong, 19i12; Llobela, 1 9c)4; Snrith, 1 991 , 1999), it is closer in its approach tcl the non-urocicrnists thân to thc othcr:s, albeit paying cltte consideratioll to the enrphasis placed by uroclernists orl tlìc accnred role of nationalisltt in rccent periocis and oll cliscontinuities L-¡etrveen ple-nroclern irnd rttor-lertr tiures. It tuust also be kept in nrind that, w{rerr rcfe rring to natiorialisur, rvc have to distinguish betrveen its neaning :rs a political "theory" and :rs a "practice". As a theory stating that e¿rch "nation" should h¿ve its own "state", it is peculiar to 32 José Manuel Sobral State power and the genesis of Portuguese national identity 33 nroclcrnity (the nirreteentli century); âs iì prâctice', i.c. as a particularistic fbeling w¿ìr's botlÌ among thetrrseìvcs irncl agailrsc Muslinr powers. At thc close ol the ¿bout the suprenrc valnc' of one's ctluric or rìatiorìal tradìtiou, it is far olcler elevorth centul'y the l{ing of Léon, Alfonso VI, rnanagccl to get ricl c¡f his br:othels, (Hastings, 1997: 3-4). t¡e kings of Castile ¿nd Galicia, bringing irll these kingclorns under his sole Portugai begtn to c-xist as rr kingdom in the context of Iberi¿ in the twelfth colnnr¿ncl. The king hacl two surviviugilatlghters, one legitirnate and thcr other a cìellttlry. ilhis was a tlynastic cl:e¿rtion by ruiers tlescencling flor.n thc royal f,rr:uily of bastarcl. They r,vcrc tnan:ic'cl to t\,vo cousilìs who wcl't: ltrcnrbcrs of the ducal Jrousc Léon anrl Castilc.
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