T h e SUCCULENT ASPHODELACEAE j o u r n a l Aloe Africana humilis folio in summitate triangulari et rigidissimo, marginibus albicantibus. Prael. Bot. t.30 Commelin 1703 Volume 2. Issue 1. March 2002 ISSN: 1474-4635 1 ALSTERWORTHIA INTERNATIONAL Editor: Harry Mays Woodsleigh, Moss Lane, St Michaels on Wyre, Preston, PR3 0TY, UK Tel/Fax: National 01995 679295. International: +44 1995 679295 E-mail:
[email protected] For Volume 1 we forecast that there would be three improvements. Money is the key to improvements. issues, each of which should normally have 16 A4 pages, Please encourage your friends to subscribe. of which two should normally be devoted to colour illustrations. In the event, all issues had 16 pages, two of Suggestions for improving the contents of Alsterworthia which were devoted to colour photographs and an A4 4- International are always welcome, particularly if they page supplement with a comprehensive index for volume take the form of articles with colour illustrations! one was also published with the November issue. All Photographs are welcome, but please ensure they are in issues were published on time. focus and that the picture occupies the full frame, so that irrelevant material is excluded. Volume 2 will arise from the foundation provided by Volume 1 and we hope you will detect continuing Alsterworthia International Web Pages Full information about Alsterworthia International can now be and special offers. Direct access via accessed at: http://www.cactus-mall.com/alsterworthia/boooks.html http://www.cactus-mall.com/alsterworthia/index.html Membership Form. There is an application form for both The opening pages accessed via the above address give new and renewal subscriptions, which may be printed out.