1 ,Now it came to pass . ־ אֶ ת יְהֻעַ לָכַ ד ־ ִ י יְרָלַ ִ מֶלֶ אֲדֹנִ י־צֶדֶ ק כְִ מֹעַ וַיְהִ י 1: 10 u·iei k·shmo adni-tzdq mlk irushlm ki - lkd ieusho ath - when Adonizedek king of and·he-is-becoming as·to-hear-of Adoni-Zedek king-of that he-seized Joshua » Jerusalem had heard how Joshua had taken Ai, and had utterly destroyed it; as he had done to Jericho and לָעַ י עָָ ה ־ ֵ לְמַלְ ָ לִ ירִ יח עָָ ה ַאֲֶ ר וַַחֲרִ ימָ הָ עַ י e·oi u·ichrim·e k·ashr oshe l·irichu u·l·mlk·e kn - oshe l·oi her king, so he had done to the·Ai and·he-is-cdooming·her as·which he-did to·Jericho and·to·king-of·her so he-did to·Ai Ai and her king; and how the inhabitants of ,had made peace with Israel יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ אֶ ת גִבְ ע יְֹבֵ י הְִלִ ימ וְכִ י לְמַלְ ָ u·l·mlk·e u·ki eshlimu ishbi gboun ath - ishral and were among them; and·to·king-of·her and·that they-cmade -peace ones-dwelling-of Gibeon with Israel

: ְקִרְ ָ וִַהְ י u·ieiu b·qrb·m : and·they-are-becoming in·within-of·them

2 ,That they feared greatly הַַמְ לָכָ ה עָרֵ י ְ אַחַ ת ִבְ ע ְדלָ ה עִ יר ִ י מְ אֹד וִַ ירְ א 2: 10 u·iirau mad ki oir gdule gboun k·achth ori e·mmlke because Gibeon [was] a and·they-are-fearing exceedingly that city great Gibeon as·one-of cities-of the·kingdom great city, as one of the royal cities, and because it [was] greater than Ai, and [all the men thereof [were : ִֹרִ י אֲנֶָ יהָ ־ וְכָ ל הָ עַ י ־ מִ גְדלָ ה הִ יא וְכִ י u·ki eia gdule mn - e·oi u·kl - anshi·e gbrim : mighty. and·that she great from the·Ai and·all-of mortals-of·her masterful-men

3 Wherefore Adonizedek ִרְ אָ ־ וְאֶ ל חֶבְ ר ־ מֶלֶ ההָ ־ אֶ ל יְרָלַ ִ מֶלֶ אֲדֹנִ י־צֶדֶ ק וְִַ לַ ח 3: 10 u·ishlch adni-tzdq mlk irushlm al - euem mlk - chbrun u·al - phram king of Jerusalem sent unto and·he-is-sending Adoni-Zedek king-of Jerusalem to Hoham king-of and·to Piram Hoham king of Hebron, and unto Piram king of , and unto Japhia king of Lachish, and unto Debir : לֵ אמֹר עֶגְל ־ מֶלֶ ְ בִ יר ־ וְאֶ ל לָכִ י ־ מֶלֶ יָפִ יעַ ־ וְאֶ ל יַרְ מת ־ מֶלֶ mlk - irmuth u·al - iphio mlk - lkish u·al - dbir mlk - oglun l·amr : king of Eglon, saying, king-of Jarmuth and·to Japhia king-of Lachish and·to Debir king-of Eglon to·to-say-of

4 Come up unto me, and ־ ִ י ִבְ ע ־ אֶ ת וְ נֶַ ה וְעִ זְרֻ נִ י אֵלַ י ־ עֲל 4: 10 olu - al·i u·ozr·ni u·nke ath - gboun ki - help me, that we may smite come -up-you (p) ! to·me and·help-you (p)·me ! and·we-shall-csmite » Gibeon that Gibeon: for it hath made peace with Joshua and with the children of Israel. : יְִרָ אֵ ל ְ נֵי ־ וְאֶ ת יְהֻעַ ־ אֶ ת הְִלִ ימָ ה eshlime ath - ieusho u·ath - bni ishral : she-cmade -peace with Joshua and· with sons-of Israel

5 Therefore the five kings יְרָלַ ִ מֶלֶ הָ אֱמֹרִ י מַלְ כֵ י חֲמֵ ֶ ת וַַעֲל וֵַאָסְ פ 5: 10 u·iasphu u·iolu chmshth mlki e·amri mlk irushlm of the , the king of and·they-are-ngathering and·they-are-go ing-up five-of kings-of the·Amorite king-of Jerusalem Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of ,Lachish, the king of Eglon ־ וְכָ ל הֵ עֶגְל ־ מֶלֶ לָכִ י ־ מֶלֶ יַרְ מת ־ מֶלֶ חֶבְ ר ־ מֶלֶ mlk - chbrun mlk - irmuth mlk - lkish mlk - oglun em u·kl - gathered themselves king-of Hebron king-of Jarmuth king-of Lachish king-of Eglon they and·all-of together, and went up, they and all their hosts, and ,encamped before Gibeon : עָלֶ יהָ וִַָחֲמ ִבְ ע ־ עַל וַַחֲנ מַ חֲנֵיהֶ mchni·em u·ichnu ol - gboun u·ilchmu oli·e : and made war against it. camps-of·them and·they-are-encamping on Gibeon and·they-are-nfighting on·her

6 And the men of Gibeon הַ ִלְ ָלָ ה הַַ חֲנֶה ־ אֶ ל יְהֻעַ ־ אֶ ל גִבְ ע אַנְֵ י וְִַלְ ח 6: 10 u·ishlchu anshi gboun al - ieusho al - e·mchne e·glgl·e sent unto Joshua to the and·they-are-sending mortals-of Gibeon to Joshua to the·camp the·Gilgal·ward camp to Gilgal, saying, Slack not thy hand from thy servants; come up to us quickly, and save us, and עֲלֵ ה מֵ עֲבָדֶ י יָדֶ י ֶרֶ ־ אַ ל לֵ אמֹר l·amr al - thrph idi·k m·obdi·k ole help us: for all the kings of to·to-say-of must-not -be you-are-crelaxing hands-of·you from·servants-of·you come -up-you ! the Amorites that dwell in the mountains are gathered .together against us ־ ָ ל אֵלֵ ינ נִקְְ צ ִ י וְ עָזְרֵ נ ָ נ וְ הִ יעָה מְהֵרָ ה אֵלֵ ינ ali·nu mere u·eushio·e l·nu u·ozr·nu ki nqbtzu ali·nu kl - to·us hastily and· csave-you ! to·us and·help-you·us ! that they-nconvened to·us all-of

: הָהָ ר יְֹבֵ י הָ אֱמֹרִ י מַלְ כֵ י mlki e·amri ishbi e·er : kings-of the·Amorite ones-dwelling-of the·mountain

7 So Joshua ascended from . עִ הִַלְחָמָ ה עַ ־ וְכָ ל הא הַ ִלְ ָל ־ מִ יְהֻעַ וַַעַל 7: 10 u·iol ieusho mn - e·glgl eua u·kl - om e·mlchme om·u Gilgal, he, and all the and·he-is-go ing-up Joshua from the·Gilgal he and·all-of people-of the·war with·him people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour. פ : הֶחָ יִל ִרֵ י וְ כֹל u·kl gburi e·chil : p and·all-of masterful-men -of the·valor

8 And the LORD said unto ִ י מֵהֶ ִ ירָ א ־ אַ ל יְהֻעַ ־ אֶ ל יְהוָה וַֹאמֶ ר 8: 10 u·iamr ieue al - ieusho al - thira m·em ki Joshua, Fear them not: for I and·he-is-saying Yahweh to Joshua must-not -be you-are-fearing from·them that have delivered them into

WLC : WLC_v 1.1 / WLC_tm 1.0 / CHES 2.0 AV © 2008 Scripture4all Foundation - www.scripture4all.org Joshua 10 thine hand; there shall not a man of them stand before : ְ פָ נֶי מֵהֶ אִ י יַעֲמֹד ־ לֹא נְתִַ י בְ יָדְ b·id·k nththi·m la - iomd aish m·em b·phni·k : thee. in·hand-of·you I-give·them not he-shall-stand man from·them in·faces-of·you

9 Joshua therefore came : הַ ִלְ ָל ־ מִ עָלָ ה הַַיְלָ ה ־ ָ ל ִתְ אֹ יְהֻעַ אֲלֵ יהֶ וַָבֹא 9: 10 u·iba ali·em ieusho phtham kl - e·lile ole mn - e·glgl : unto them suddenly, [and] and·he-is-coming to·them Joshua suddenly all-of the·night he-went -up from the·Gilgal went up from Gilgal all night. 10 And the LORD ־ מַָ ה וֵַַ יְִרָ אֵ ל לִפְ נֵי יְהוָה וַיְהֵֻ 10: 10 u·iem·m ieue l·phni ishral u·ik·m mke - discomfited them before and·he-is-discomfiting·them Yahweh to·faces-of Israel and·he-is-csmiting·them smiting Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to וֵַַ בֵ ית־חרֹ מַ עֲלֵ ה ֶרֶ וִַרְְ פֵ ְ גִבְ ע גְדלָ ה gdule b·gboun u·irdph·m drk mole bith-churn u·ik·m Bethhoron, and smote them great in·Gibeon and·he-is-pursuing·them way-of ascent-of Beth-Horon and·he-is-csmiting·them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah. : מֵַדָ ה ־ וְ עַד עֲזֵקָ ה ־ עַד od - ozqe u·od - mqde : as-far-as Azekah and·as-far-as Makkedah

11 And it came to pass, as ֵ ית־חרֹ ְ מרַ ד הֵ יְִרָ אֵ ל מְִ נֵי ְ נֻסָ וַיְהִ י 11: 10 u·iei b·ns·m m·phni ishral em b·murd bith-churn they fled from before Israel, and·he-is-becoming in·to-flee-of·them from·faces-of Israel they in·descent-of Beth-Horon [and] were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon עֲזֵקָ ה ־ עַד הַ ָמַ יִ ־ מִ ְדֹלת אֲבָנִ י עֲלֵ יהֶ הְִלִ י וַיהוָה u·ieue eshlik oli·em abnim gdluth mn - e·shmim od - ozqe them unto Azekah, and they and·Yahweh he-cflung on·them stones great-ones from the·heavens as-far-as Azekah died: [they were] more which died with hailstones than [they] whom the הָרְ ג מֵ אֲֶ ר הַָרָ ד ְ אַבְ נֵי מֵ ת ־ אֲֶ ר רַ ִ י וַָמֻ ת u·imthu rbim ashr - mthu b·abni e·brd m·ashr ergu children of Israel slew with and·they-are-dying many-ones who they-died in·stones-of the·hail from·whom they-killed the sword.

ס : ֶחָרֶ ב יְִרָ אֵ ל ְ נֵי bni ishral b·chrb : s sons-of Israel in· the ·sword

12 Then spake Joshua to the הָ אֱמֹרִ י ־ אֶ ת יְהוָה ֵ ת ְ י לַ יהוָה יְהֻעַ יְדַ ֵ ר אָ ז 12: 10 az idbr ieusho l·ieue b·ium thth ieue ath - e·amri LORD in the day when the then he-is-mspeaking Joshua to·Yahweh in·day to-give-of Yahweh » the·Amorite LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he ,said in the sight of Israel ְ גִבְ ע ֶמֶ יְִרָ אֵ ל לְ עֵ ינֵי וַֹאמֶ ר יְִרָ אֵ ל ְ נֵי לִפְ נֵי l·phni bni ishral u·iamr l·oini ishral shmsh b·gboun dum Sun, stand thou still upon to·faces-of sons-of Israel and·he-is-saying to·eyes-of Israel sun in·Gibeon stand -still-you ! Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. : אַ ָל ְ עֵמֶ ק וְ יָרֵחַ u·irch b·omq ailun : and·moon in·vale-of Aijalon

13 ,And the sun stood still י יִֹ ־ עַד עָמָ ד וְ יָרֵחַ הַ ֶמֶ וִַֹ 13: 10 u·idm e·shmsh u·irch omd od - iqm gui and the moon stayed, until and·he-is-stand ing-still the·sun and·moon he-stayed until he-is-avenging nation the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. [Is] not this written in the book of וַַעֲמֹד הַ ָָ ר סֵפֶ ר ־ עַל כְ תבָ ה הִ יא ־ הֲלֹא אֹיְבָ יו aibi·u e·la - eia kthube ol - sphr e·ishr u·iomd Jasher? So the sun stood ones-be ing-enemies-of·him ?·not she being-written on scroll-of the·upright and·he-is-staying still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down .about a whole day : ָמִ י ְ י לָ בא אָ ־ וְ לֹא הַ ָמַ יִ ַ חֲצִ י הַ ֶמֶ e·shmsh b·chtzi e·shmim u·la - atz l·bua k·ium thmim : the·sun in· the ·middle-of the·heavens and·not he-rushed to·to-set-of as·day flawless

14 And there was no day יְהוָה לְִ מֹעַ וְאַ חֲרָ יו לְ פָ נָיו הַ הא ַ הָ יָה וְ לֹא 14: 10 u·la eie k·ium e·eua l·phni·u u·achri·u l·shmo ieue like that before it or after it, and·not he-was bc as· the ·day the·he to·faces-of·him and·after·him to·to-listen-of Yahweh that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel. פ : לְ יְִרָ אֵ ל נִלְחָ יְהוָה ִ י אִ י ְ קל b·qul aish ki ieue nlchm l·ishral : p in·voice-of man that Yahweh one-nfighting for·Israel

15 ,And Joshua returned . : הַ ִלְ ָלָ ה הַַ חֲנֶה ־ אֶ ל עִ יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ וְכָ ל יְהֻעַ וַָָ ב 15: 10 u·ishb ieusho u·kl - ishral om·u al - e·mchne e·glgl·e : and all Israel with him, unto and·he-is-returning Joshua and·all-of Israel with·him to the·camp the·Gilgal·ward the camp to Gilgal.

16 ,But these five kings fled בְַ עָרָ ה וֵַחָבְ א הָאֵֶ ה הְַ לָכִ י חֲמֵ ֶ ת וַָנֻס 16: 10 u·insu chmshth e·mlkim e·ale u·ichbau b·more and hid themselves in a and·they-are-fleeing five-of the·kings the·these and·they-are-nhiding in· the ·cave cave at Makkedah.

: ְמֵַדָ ה b·mqde : in·Makkedah

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17 ,And it was told Joshua נֶחְְאִ י הְַ לָכִ י חֲמֵ ֶ ת נִמְצְ א לֵ אמֹר לִ יהֻעַ וַַֻד 17: 10 u·igd l·ieusho l·amr nmtzau chmshth e·mlkim nchbaim saying, The five kings are and·he-is-being-ctold to·Joshua to·to-say-of they-were-found five-of the·kings ones-nhiding found hid in a cave at Makkedah. : ְמֵַדָ ה ְַ עָרָ ה b·more b·mqde : in· the ·cave in·Makkedah

18 And Joshua said, Roll הְַ עָרָ ה ִ י ־ אֶ ל ְדֹלת אֲבָנִ י ֹ יְהֻעַ וַֹאמֶ ר 18: 10 u·iamr ieusho glu abnim gdluth al - phi e·more great stones upon the mouth and·he-is-saying Joshua roll-you (p) ! stones great-ones to mouth-of the·cave of the cave, and set men by it for to keep them: : לְ ָמְרָ אֲנִָ י עָלֶ יהָ וְהַפְקִ יד u·ephqidu oli·e anshim l·shmr·m : and· ccommit-you (p) ! on·her mortals to·to-guard-of·them

19 [And stay ye not, [but אֹיְבֵ יכֶ אַ חֲרֵ י רִדְ פ ַ עֲמֹד ־ אַ ל וְאֶַ 19: 10 u·athm al - thomdu rdphu achri aibi·km pursue after your enemies, and·you (p) must-not -be you (p)-are-staying pursue-you (p) ! after ones-be ing-enemies-of·you (p) and smite the hindmost of them; suffer them not to enter into their cities: for the LORD your God hath ־ אֶ ל לָ בא ְִ נ ־ אַ ל אתָ וְ זִַבְֶ u·znbthm auth·m al - ththnu·m l·bua al - delivered them into your and·you (p)-mcurtail »·them must-not -be you (p)-are-allowing·them to·to-enter-of to hand. : ְ יֶדְ כֶ אֱהֵ יכֶ יְהוָה נְתָ נָ ִ י עָרֵ יהֶ ori·em ki nthn·m ieue alei·km b·id·km : cities-of·them that he-gave·them Yahweh Elohim-of·you (p) in·hand-of·you (p)

20 ,And it came to pass לְהַ תָ יְִרָ אֵ ל בְ נֵי יְהֻעַ ְ כַ ת וַיְהִ י 20: 10 u·iei k·kluth ieusho u·bni ishral l·ekuth·m when Joshua and the and·he-is-becoming as·to-mconclude-of Joshua and·sons-of Israel to·to-csmite-of·them children of Israel had made an end of slaying them with a very great slaughter, till they were consumed, that מֵהֶ ָרְ ד וְהְַרִ ידִ י ָֻ ־ עַד מְ אֹד ־ גְדלָ ה מַָ ה mke gdule - mad od - thm·m u·e·shridim shrdu m·em the rest [which] remained of smiting great very until to-come-to-end-of·them and·the·survivors they-survived from·them them entered into fenced cities. : הִַבְ צָ ר עָרֵ י ־ אֶ ל וַָבֹא u·ibau al - ori e·mbtzr : and·they-are-entering to cities-of the·fortress

21 And all the people ְ ָ ל מֵַדָ ה יְהֻעַ ־ אֶ ל הַַ חֲנֶה ־ אֶ ל הָ עָ ־ כָ ל וַָֻ ב 21: 10 u·ishbu kl - e·om al - e·mchne al - ieusho mqde b·shlum returned to the camp to and·they-are-returning all-of the·people to the·camp to Joshua Makkedah in·well-being Joshua at Makkedah in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the .children of Israel : לְ ֹנ ־ אֶ ת לְאִ י יְִרָ אֵ ל לִבְ נֵי חָרַ ־ לֹא la - chrtz l·bni ishral l·aish ath - lshn·u : not he-pointed to·sons-of Israel to·man » tongue-of·him

22 Then said Joshua, Open אֵלַ י וְ הצִ יא הְַ עָרָ ה ִ י ־ אֶ ת ִתְ ח יְהֻעַ וַֹאמֶ ר 22: 10 u·iamr ieusho phthchu ath - phi e·more u·eutziau al·i the mouth of the cave, and and·he-is-saying Joshua open-you (p) ! » mouth-of the·cave and· cbring -forth-you (p) ! to·me bring out those five kings unto me out of the cave. : הְַ עָרָ ה ־ מִ הָאֵֶ ה הְַ לָכִ י חֲמֵ ֶ ת ־ אֶ ת ath - chmshth e·mlkim e·ale mn - e·more : » five-of the·kings the·these from the·cave

23 And they did so, and הָאֵֶ ה הְַ לָכִ י חֲמֵ ֶ ת ־ אֶ ת אֵלָ יו וַֹצִ יא כֵ וַַעֲ 23: 10 u·ioshu kn u·itziau ali·u ath - chmshth e·mlkim e·ale brought forth those five and·they-are-doing so and·they-are-cbring ing-forth to·him » five-of the·kings the·these kings unto him out of the cave, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of מֶלֶ ־ אֶ ת יַרְ מת מֶלֶ ־ אֶ ת חֶבְ ר מֶלֶ ־ אֶ ת יְרָלַ ִ מֶלֶ אֵ ת הְַ עָרָ ה ־ מִ mn - e·more ath mlk irushlm ath - mlk chbrun ath - mlk irmuth ath - mlk Lachish, [and] the king of from the·cave » king-of Jerusalem » king-of Hebron » king-of Jarmuth » king-of Eglon. : עֶגְל מֶלֶ ־ אֶ ת לָכִ י lkish ath - mlk oglun : Lachish » king-of Eglon

24 ,And it came to pass יְהֻעַ ־ אֶ ל הָאֵֶ ה הְַ לָכִ י ־ אֶ ת ְ הצִ יאָ וַיְהִ י 24: 10 u·iei k·eutzia·m ath - e·mlkim e·ale al - ieusho when they brought out those and·he-is-becoming as·to-cbring -forth-of·them » the·kings the·these to Joshua kings unto Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said unto the captains of the men of קְצִ ינֵי ־ אֶ ל וַֹאמֶ ר יְִרָ אֵ ל אִ י ־ ָ ל ־ אֶ ל יְהֻעַ וִַקְרָ א u·iqra ieusho al - kl - aish ishral u·iamr al - qtzini war which went with him, and·he-is-calling Joshua to every-of man-of Israel and·he-is-saying to captains-of Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these ,kings. And they came near רַ גְלֵ יכֶ ־ אֶ ת ִ ימ קִרְ ב אִ הֶהָלְ כא הִַלְחָמָ ה אַנְֵ י anshi e·mlchme e·elkua ath·u qrbu shimu ath - rgli·km and put their feet upon the mortals-of the·war the·ones-going with ·him come -near-you (p) ! place-you (p) ! » feet-of·you (p) necks of them.

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־ אֶ ת וִַָ ימ וִַקְרְ ב הָאֵֶ ה הְַ לָכִ י צְַ ארֵ י ־ עַל ol - tzuari e·mlkim e·ale u·iqrbu u·ishimu ath - on necks-of the·kings the·these and·they-are-com ing-near and·they-are-placing »

: צְַ ארֵ יהֶ ־ עַל רַ גְלֵ יהֶ rgli·em ol - tzuari·em : feet-of·them on necks-of·them

25 And Joshua said unto ־ וְאַ ל ִ ירְ א ־ אַ ל יְהֻעַ אֲלֵ יהֶ וַֹאמֶ ר 25: 10 u·iamr ali·em ieusho al - thirau u·al - them, Fear not, nor be and·he-is-saying to·them Joshua must-not -be you (p)-are-fearing and·must-not -be dismayed, be strong and of good courage: for thus shall the LORD do to all your enemies against whom ye יַעֲֶ ה כָכָ ה ִ י וְאִמְ צ חִ זְק ֵחָ thchthu chzqu u·amtzu ki kke ioshe fight. you (p)-are-being-dismayed be-steadfast-you (p) ! and· be -resolute-you (p) ! that as·thus he-shall-do

: אתָ נִלְחָמִ י אֶַ אֲֶ ר אֹיְבֵ יכֶ ־ לְ כָ ל יְהוָה ieue l·kl - aibi·km ashr athm nlchmim auth·m : Yahweh to·all-of ones-be ing-enemies-of·you (p) whom you (p) ones-nfighting »·them

26 And afterward Joshua וַיְמִ יתֵ כֵ ־ אַ חֲרֵ י יְהֻעַ וֵַַ 26: 10 u·ik·m ieusho achri - kn u·imith·m smote them, and slew them, and·he-is-csmiting·them Joshua after so and·he-is-cputt ing-to -death·them and hanged them on five trees: and they were hanging upon the trees until .the evening ־ עַד הָ עֵצִ י ־ עַל ְ ליִ וִַהְ י עֵצִ י חֲמִ ָ ה עַל וִַתְ לֵ u·ithl·m ol chmshe otzim u·ieiu thluim ol - e·otzim od - and·he-is-hanging·them on five trees and·they-were bc ones-nhanging on the·trees until

: הָ עָרֶ ב e·orb : the·evening

27 And it came to pass at יְהֻעַ צִ ָה הַ ֶמֶ א לְ עֵת וַיְהִ י 27: 10 u·iei l·oth bua e·shmsh tzue ieusho the time of the going down and·he-is-becoming to·time-of to-set-of the·sun he-minstructed Joshua of the sun, [that] Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave אֲֶ ר הְַ עָרָ ה ־ אֶ ל וְַַלִ כֻ הָ עֵצִ י מֵ עַל וַֹרִ יד u·iridu·m m·ol e·otzim u·ishlk·m al - e·more ashr wherein they had been hid, and·they-are-ctak ing-down·them from·on the·trees and·they-are-cflinging·them to the·cave which and laid great stones in the cave's mouth, [which .remain] until this very day ־ עַד הְַ עָרָ ה ִ י ־ עַל ְדֹלת אֲבָנִ י וִַָ מ ָ ־ נֶחְְ א nchbau - shm u·ishmu abnim gdluth ol - phi e·more od - they-were-hidden there and·they-are-placing stones great-ones over mouth-of the·cave until

פ : הַ ֶה הַ עֶצֶ otzm e·ium e·ze : p very-of the·day the·this

28 And that day Joshua . חֶרֶ ב ־ לְפִ י וֶַַהָ הַ הא ַ יְהֻעַ לָכַ ד מֵַדָ ה ־ וְאֶ ת 28: 10 u·ath - mqde lkd ieusho b·ium e·eua u·ik·e l·phi - chrb took Makkedah, and smote and·» Makkedah he-seized Joshua in· the ·day the·he and·he-is-csmiting·her to·edge-of sword it with the edge of the sword, and the king thereof he utterly destroyed, them, [and all the souls that [were הְִאִ יר לֹא ָ ־ אֲֶ ר הַ ֶפֶ ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ת אתָ הֶ חֱרִ מַלְ ָ ־ וְאֶ ת u·ath - mlk·e echrm auth·m u·ath - kl - e·nphsh ashr - b·e la eshair therein; he let none remain: and·» king-of·her he-cdoomed »·them and·» every-of the·soul who in·her not he-clet -remain and he did to the king of Makkedah as he did unto .the king of Jericho : יְרִ יח לְמֶלֶ עָָ ה ַאֲֶ ר מֵַדָ ה לְמֶלֶ וַַעַ ָרִ יד shrid u·iosh l·mlk mqde k·ashr oshe l·mlk irichu : survivor and·he-is-doing to·king-of Makkedah as·which he-did to·king-of Jericho

29 Then Joshua passed from לִבְ נָה מִֵַדָ ה עִ יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ וְכָ ל יְהֻעַ וַַעֲבֹר 29: 10 u·iobr ieusho u·kl - ishral om·u m·mqde lbne Makkedah, and all Israel and·he-is-passing Joshua and·all-of Israel with·him from·Makkedah Libnah with him, unto Libnah, and fought against Libnah: : לִבְ נָה ־ עִ וִַָחֶ u·ilchm om - lbne : and·he-is-nfighting with Libnah

30 And the LORD delivered מַלְ ָ ־ וְאֶ ת יְִרָ אֵ ל ְ יַד אתָ ־ ַ יְהוָה וִֵַ 30: 10 u·ithn ieue gm - auth·e b·id ishral u·ath - mlk·e it also, and the king thereof, and·he-is-giving Yahweh moreover »·her in·hand-of Israel and·» king-of·her into the hand of Israel; and he smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that [were] therein; he let ־ לֹא ָ ־ אֲֶ ר הַ ֶפֶ ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ת חֶרֶ ב ־ לְפִ י וֶַַהָ u·ik·e l·phi - chrb u·ath - kl - e·nphsh ashr - b·e la - none remain in it; but did and·he-is-csmiting·her to·edge-of sword and·» every-of the·soul who in·her not unto the king thereof as he did unto the king of Jericho. לְמֶלֶ עָָ ה ַאֲֶ ר לְמַלְ ָ וַַעַ ָרִ יד ָ הְִאִ יר eshair b·e shrid u·iosh l·mlk·e k·ashr oshe l·mlk he-clet -remain in·her survivor and·he-is-doing to·king-of·her as·which he-did to·king-of

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ס : יְרִ יח irichu : s Jericho

31 And Joshua passed from לָכִ יָ ה מִִבְ נָה עִ יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ וְכָ ל יְהֻעַ וַַעֲבֹר 31: 10 u·iobr ieusho u·kl - ishral om·u m·lbne lkish·e Libnah, and all Israel with and·he-is-passing Joshua and·all-of Israel with·him from·Libnah Lachish·ward him, unto Lachish, and encamped against it, and fought against it: : ָ וִַָחֶ עָלֶ יהָ וִַחַ u·ichn oli·e u·ilchm b·e : and·he-is-encamping on·her and·he-is-nfighting in·her

32 And the LORD delivered ַ וִַלְְדָ יְִרָ אֵ ל ְ יַד לָכִ י ־ אֶ ת יְהוָה וִֵַ 32: 10 u·ithn ieue ath - lkish b·id ishral u·ilkd·e b·ium Lachish into the hand of and·he-is-giving Yahweh » Lachish in·hand-of Israel and·he-is-seizing·her in· the ·day Israel, which took it on the second day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, [and all the souls that [were ָ ־ אֲֶ ר הַ ֶפֶ ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ת חֶרֶ ב ־ לְפִ י וֶַַהָ הַ ֵנִ י e·shni u·ik·e l·phi - chrb u·ath - kl - e·nphsh ashr - b·e therein, according to all that the·second and·he-is-csmiting·her to·edge-of sword and·» every-of the·soul who in·her he had done to Libnah. פ : לְלִבְ נָה עָָ ה ־ אֲֶ ר ְ כֹל k·kl ashr - oshe l·lbne : p as·all which he-did to·Libnah

33 Then Horam king of וֵַַ ה לָכִ י ־ אֶ ת לַעְ זֹר ֶזֶר מֶלֶ הֹרָ עָלָ ה אָ ז 33: 10 az ole erm mlk gzr l·ozr ath - lkish u·ik·eu Gezer came up to help then he-came -up Horam king-of Gezer to·to-help-of » Lachish and·he-is-csmiting·him Lachish; and Joshua smote him and his people, until he had left him none .remaining : ָרִ יד ל ־ הְִאִ יר ִלְִ י ־ עַד עַ ־ וְאֶ ת יְהֻעַ ieusho u·ath - om·u od - blthi eshair - l·u shrid : Joshua and·» people-of·him until so-as-not he-clet -remain to·him survivor

34 And from Lachish עֶגְ נָה מִ ָכִ י עִ יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ וְכָ ל יְהֻעַ וַַעֲבֹר 34: 10 u·iobr ieusho u·kl - ishral om·u m·lkish ogln·e Joshua passed unto Eglon, and·he-is-passing Joshua and·all-of Israel with·him from·Lachish Eglon·ward and all Israel with him; and they encamped against it, and fought against it: : עָלֶ יהָ וִַָחֲמ עָלֶ יהָ וַַחֲנ u·ichnu oli·e u·ilchmu oli·e : and·they-are-encamping on·her and·they-are-nfighting on·her

35 And they took it on that וְאֵ ת חֶרֶ ב ־ לְפִ י וַַהָ הַ הא ַ וִַלְְ דהָ 35: 10 u·ilkdu·e b·ium e·eua u·iku·e l·phi - chrb u·ath day, and smote it with the and·they-are-seizing·her in· the ·day the·he and·they-are-csmiting·her to·edge-of sword and·» edge of the sword, and all the souls that [were] therein he utterly destroyed that day, according to all that he : לְ לָכִ י עָָ ה ־ אֲֶ ר ְ כֹל הֶ חֱרִ י הַ הא ַ ָ ־ אֲֶ ר הַ ֶפֶ ־ ָ ל kl - e·nphsh ashr - b·e b·ium e·eua echrim k·kl ashr - oshe l·lkish : had done to Lachish. every-of the·soul who in·her in· the ·day the·he he-cdoomed as·all which he-did to·Lachish

פ p

36 And Joshua went up חֶבְ רנָה מֵ עֶגְלנָה עִ יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ וְכָ ל יְהֻעַ וַַעַל 36: 10 u·iol ieusho u·kl - ishral om·u m·oglun·e chbrun·e from Eglon, and all Israel and·he-is-go ing-up Joshua and·all-of Israel with·him from·Eglon·ward Hebron·ward with him, unto Hebron; and they fought against it: : עָלֶ יהָ וִַָחֲמ u·ilchmu oli·e : and·they-are-nfighting on·her

37 And they took it, and מַלְ ָ ־ וְאֶ ת חֶרֶ ב ־ לְפִ י ־ וַַהָ וִַלְְ דהָ 37: 10 u·ilkdu·e u·iku·e - l·phi - chrb u·ath - mlk·e smote it with the edge of the and·they-are-seizing·her and·they-are-csmiting·her to·edge-of sword and·» king-of·her sword, and the king thereof, and all the cities thereof, and all the souls that [were] therein; he left none הְִאִ יר ־ לֹא ָ ־ אֲֶ ר הַ ֶפֶ ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ת עָרֶ יהָ ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ת u·ath - kl - ori·e u·ath - kl - e·nphsh ashr - b·e la - eshair remaining, according to all and·» all-of cities-of·her and·» every-of the·soul who in·her not he-clet -remain that he had done to Eglon; but destroyed it utterly, and [all the souls that [were הַ ֶפֶ ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ת אתָ וַַחֲרֵ לְ עֶגְל עָָ ה ־ אֲֶ ר ְ כֹל ָרִ יד shrid k·kl ashr - oshe l·oglun u·ichrm auth·e u·ath - kl - e·nphsh therein. survivor as·all which he-did to·Eglon and·he-is-cdooming »·her and·» every-of the·soul

ס : ָ ־ אֲֶ ר ashr - b·e : s who in·her

38 ,And Joshua returned וִַָחֶ ְ בִרָ ה עִ יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ וְכָ ל יְהֻעַ וַָָ ב 38: 10 u·ishb ieusho u·kl - ishral om·u dbr·e u·ilchm and all Israel with him, to and·he-is-turning-back Joshua and·all-of Israel with·him Debir·ward and·he-is-nfighting Debir; and fought against it:

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: עָלֶ יהָ oli·e : on·her

39 And he took it, and the עָרֶ יהָ ־ ָ ל ־ וְאֶ ת מַלְ ָ ־ וְאֶ ת וִַלְְדָ 39: 10 u·ilkd·e u·ath - mlk·e u·ath - kl - ori·e king thereof, and all the and·he-is-seizing·her and·» king-of·her and·» all-of cities-of·her cities thereof; and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed all the souls that ־ אֲֶ ר נֶפֶ ־ ָ ל ־ אֶ ת וַַחֲרִ ימ חֶרֶ ב ־ לְפִ י וַַ u·iku·m l·phi - chrb u·ichrimu ath - kl - nphsh ashr - [were] therein; he left none and·they-are-csmiting·them to·edge-of sword and·they-are-cdooming » every-of soul who remaining: as he had done to Hebron, so he did to Debir, and to the king לִדְ בִרָ ה עָָ ה ־ ֵ לְחֶבְ ר עָָ ה ַאֲֶ ר ָרִ יד הְִאִ יר לֹא ָ b·e la eshair shrid k·ashr oshe l·chbrun kn - oshe l·dbr·e thereof; as he had done also in·her not he-clet -remain survivor as·which he-did to·Hebron so he-did to·Debir·ward to Libnah, and to her king.

: לְמַלְ ָ לְלִבְ נָה עָָ ה וְכַאֲֶ ר לְמַלְ ָ u·l·mlk·e u·k·ashr oshe l·lbne u·l·mlk·e : and·to·king-of·her and·as·which he-did to·Libnah and·to·king-of·her

40 So Joshua smote all the וְהַ ֶגֶב הָהָ ר הָאָרֶ ־ ָ ל ־ אֶ ת יְהֻעַ וֶַַ ה 40: 10 u·ike ieusho ath - kl - e·artz e·er u·e·ngb country of the hills, and of and·he-is-csmiting Joshua » all-of the·land the·mountain and·the·Negev the south, and of the vale, and of the springs, and all their kings: he left none remaining, but utterly ָרִ יד הְִאִ יר לֹא מַלְ כֵ יהֶ ־ ָ ל וְאֵ ת וְהָ אֲֵ דת וְהְַ פֵלָ ה u·e·shphle u·e·ashduth u·ath kl - mlki·em la eshair shrid destroyed all that breathed, and·the·low-foothill and·the·slopes and·» all-of kings-of·them not he-clet -remain survivor as the LORD God of Israel commanded. : יְִרָ אֵ ל אֱהֵ י יְהוָה צִ ָה ַאֲֶ ר הֶ חֱרִ י הַ ְָמָ ה ־ ָ ל וְאֵ ת u·ath kl - e·nshme echrim k·ashr tzue ieue alei ishral : and·» every-of the·breath he-cdoomed as·which he-minstructed Yahweh Elohim-of Israel

41 And Joshua smote them אֶרֶ ־ ָ ל וְאֵ ת עַָה ־ וְ עַד מִָדֵ ~ ַרְ נֵעַ יְהֻעַ וֵַַ 41: 10 u·ik·m ieusho m·qdsh~brno u·od - oze u·ath kl - artz from Kadeshbarnea even and·he-is-csmiting·them Joshua from·Kadesh~Barnea and·as-far-as Gaza and·» all-of land-of unto Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even unto Gibeon. : ִבְ ע ־ וְ עַד ֶֹ gshn u·od - gboun : Goshen and·as-far-as Gibeon

42 And all these kings and ִ י אֶחָ ת ַעַ יְהֻעַ לָכַ ד אַרְ צָ ־ וְאֶ ת הָאֵֶ ה הְַ לָכִ י ־ ָ ל וְאֵ ת 42: 10 u·ath kl - e·mlkim e·ale u·ath - artz·m lkd ieusho phom achth ki their land did Joshua take at and·» all-of the·kings the·these and·» land-of·them he-seized Joshua time one that one time, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel. : לְ יְִרָ אֵ ל נִלְחָ יְִרָ אֵ ל אֱהֵ י יְהוָה ieue alei ishral nlchm l·ishral : Yahweh Elohim-of Israel one-nfighting for·Israel

43 ,And Joshua returned פ : הַ ִלְ ָלָ ה הַַ חֲנֶה ־ אֶ ל עִ יְִרָ אֵ ל ־ וְכָ ל יְהֻעַ וַָָ ב 43: 10 u·ishb ieusho u·kl - ishral om·u al - e·mchne e·glgl·e : p and all Israel with him, unto and·he-is-returning Joshua and·all-of Israel with·him to the·camp the·Gilgal·ward the camp to Gilgal.

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