Volume 127, Number 21
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The Weather MIT’s Today: Cloudy, periods of rain, 54°F (12°C) Tonight: Cloudy with showers, 50°F (10°C) Oldest and Largest Tomorrow: Scattered afternoon showers Newspaper and isolated thunderstorms, 65°F (18°C) Details, Page 2 Volume 127, Number 21 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Friday, April 27, 2007 Admissions Dean Resigns After Lying on Résumé Jones Falsely Claimed Degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Albany Medical College, Union College By Nick Semenkovich asked to resign, said Clay. Her resig- ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR nation was made public yesterday in Dean of Admissions Marilee Jones a brief statement to the community. In resigned on Monday after it was dis- the statement, Hastings said that “the covered that she misrepresented her integrity of the Institute is our highest academic credentials. Jones, who had priority, and we cannot tolerate this been employed at MIT for 28 years, kind of behavior.” apparently never received an under- Jones also issued a statement yes- graduate degree, despite allegedly terday, apologizing to the community claiming both a master’s and bache- and writing that she “did not have the lor’s degrees on her résumé. courage to correct [her] résumé.” Jones’s resignation came after an Clay said an announcement was investigation stemming from a tip by not made until Thursday so that MIT an anonymous caller, who questioned could prepare statements and appoint the validity of Jones’s degrees, said an interim director. Clay also stated Dean for Undergraduate Education that the decision to have Jones resign Daniel E. Hastings. According to publicly, instead of quietly, was based Chancellor Phillip L. Clay PhD ’75, on the importance of integrity and the phone call prompted an investiga- transparency in an academic institu- tion by Hastings and a representative tion. from the MIT Department of Human “It was very important for us to say Resources. exactly what happened and why we A variety of sources list Jones with did it,” said Clay. “Nationally, Marilee degrees from Union College, Rensse- has been a spokeswoman for young laer Polytechnic Institute, and Albany people … she has been the person Medical College. RPI Registrar Sha- to yank letters of admission. We had ron Kunkel said that Jones attended no choice but to make the separation TECH FILE PHoto Former Dean of Admissions Marilee Jones peruses Class of 2007 applications in this file photo. Jones’s RPI for one year and did not earn a de- quickly,” said Clay. resignation was publicly announced on Thursday, after it was discovered that she had misrepresented her gree. Nicole Pitaniello, a spokeswom- In Jones’s absence, Stuart Schmill, educational information on her résumé. an from Albany Medical College, said currently the director of the Educa- there was no record of Jones “once tional Council, has been appointed the now an Associate Division Head at the Those degrees weren’t checked be- pointed the interim director of admis- attending or receiving any degrees” interim director of admissions. Lincoln Laboratory. cause Jones was not in a “mission crit- sions and became Dean of Admissions from the school. It is unclear if Jones Jones has a long history at MIT, In 1979, Jones took a secretarial ical” position, said Clay. In the coming on January 1, 1998. An article from the ever received a bachelor’s degree. first coming to the Institute with her job in the Admissions Office that years, Jones gained more responsibil- MIT News Office announcing Jones’s Jones was confronted with these husband, Steven R. Bussolari PhD Clay described as “a very junior entry ity in the Admissions Office and was appointment characterized the search facts in a meeting on Monday, April ’83, in 1978. At the time, Bussolari level position [that] did not require a at one point tasked with increasing the for Jones as “long, sometimes arduous 20, where she confirmed that she mis- was serving as a Graduate Resident bachelor’s degree.” Jones, however, percentage of females at MIT. represented her credentials and was Tutor at Burton-Conner House and is listed multiple degrees on her résumé. On May 1, 1997, Jones was ap- Jones, Page 14 MIT Flyer Distribution IS&T Adjusts Phone and Net Charges By John A. Hawkinson but no recurring monthly charges for 2008 fiscal year, which begins July StaFF REPorter them. 2007. Policy Raises Dispute Offices at MIT currently pay It will no longer cost more in net- Angie Milonas, director of finance Information Services & Technol- work fees to have several computers for IS&T, said that the final numbers Student Told to Stop Passing Out Flyers by CAC ogy about $200 a year for each tele- instead of one. An office with a digi- for the departmental charges have phone or computer network address. tal phone and a fax machine will no not yet been set: IS&T will be using By Marie Y. Thibault is “funding genocide in Darfur.” The Starting this July, these fees will be longer pay more than an office with staff head counts from October 2007 Editor IN CHieF meeting was held at noon in Twenty eliminated in favor of a charge to a single analog phone line. to calculate the per-employee fees. A policy regarding students pass- Chimneys, on the third floor of the departments based on number of For student groups, the change The $1310 per-employee figure was ing out flyers on campus was called Student Center, he said. employees. Offices will be able to may present somewhat of a windfall. calculated from IS&T’s cost estimate into question yesterday, after a student After handing out about 15 fly- add more phone lines and comput- Groups will no longer be billed by of $15.1 million, based on 11,500 passing out sheets outside a meet- ers, a CAC employee told him that he ers without increasing their monthly IS&T, but their accounts technically Institute employees as of October ing was told by a Campus Activities couldn’t pass out promotional materi- costs. fall under Division of Student Life, 2006. Complex employee that he was un- al. Zainabadi said he told the employee An IS&T estimate based on head which will pay the employee fee. It is Milonas said the first charge will welcome. that he was not promoting anything. count data from October 2006 sug- as of yet uncertain whether DSL may be delayed until December or Janu- Kayvan Zainabadi G said that he Soon after, according to Zainabadi, gested a fee of $1310 per employee. choose to pass on some of its cost to ary, and will cover the intervening was outside a meeting presented by Linda D. Noel, assistant dean for Stu- This change means that telephony student groups. months from July, and that the charg- Fidelity Investment on MIT’s 401K dent Activities, came to talk to him. He and networking at MIT will be treat- es will be monthly thereafter. IS&T quarterly report, passing out informa- said that she told him that he needed ed similarly to electricity and water Details of the change will send “invoices” to departments tional flyers from the Fidelity Out of at MIT; there will still be one-time IS&T proposed this change in in November, in order to allow them Sudan group that alleged that Fidelity Flyers, Page 12 charges to add phones or network late 2005, and it has now been ap- jacks (just like electrical outlets), proved for implementation in the Phones, Page 10 More Students May Return Early This Fall By Kirtana Raja early returns to accommodate more is not really needed, so whether or News Editor students to help with Orientation or not the total actual number of early The number of students return- REX can submit proposals to Hous- returns will be increased from previ- ing to campus early this fall may in- ing for consideration. Therefore, it is ous years is not certain. crease, as part of a proposal between possible that more than 35 early re- Lauren E. Oldja ’08, UA treasur- Dormitory Council, the Undergradu- turns could be issued per building. er, who, along with DormCon REX ate Association, and MIT Housing to Students from DormCon and the Chair Preeya S. Phadnis ’08, worked further participation of upperclass- UA approached Housing at the end on the early returns proposal, said men in Residence Exploration and of January to start discussing the pro- that the drive behind creating the new freshman Orientation activities. posal, said Smedick. Most of the dis- proposal for increased early returns According to Robin Smed- cussions concluded in March, but a was spurred by a recommendation in ick, assistant director of Housing, final meeting will take place in early a report created by the UA Commit- DormCon will receive the regular al- May to make minimal changes to the tee on Orientation last year. lotment of early returns, about 30-35 proposal, such as finalizing return “The report suggested that we per building, but because of the joint dates. look into increasing early returns to UA-DormCon proposal, dormitories Smedick said, however, that usu- that would like to request additional ally the regular quota of early returns Early Returns, Page 12 In Short NEWS OMARI STEPHENS—ThE TECH ¶ MIT Spring Weekend will World & Nation 2 Baker holds annual Rachel C. Grey ’98 (right) and Alan F. deLespinasse ’94 tinker feature the Ying Yang Twins and Opinion 4 with a xylophone after this past Sunday’s performance by the Ozomatli, live in concert tonight Piano Drop Page 11 Time Table Percussion ensemble. After the concert, which fea- at 8 p.m.