
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 09/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 313 - Mai 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Das ihm diese Ehre einmal zuteil würde, hät- te sich unser Film-Blogger Wolfram Hanne- mann selbst in seinen kühnsten Träumen nicht ausgemalt. Doch manchmal passieren eben Dinge, mit denen man nie gerechnet hätte. Im Falle unseres Bloggers war es die Begegnung mit der Visual Effects Legende Douglas Trumbull, der anlässlich der jährlich in Stuttgart stattfindenden FXM (einer Mes- se für visuelle Effekte) in die Landeshaupt- stadt angereist war. Trumbull gilt als einer der Gurus in Sachen Large Format Fotogra- fie, arbeitete er doch fast immer mit 65mm- Film, um seine visuellen Effekte zu produzie- ren. Ohne ihn gäbe es die überwältigenden Bilder in Filmen wie 2001: ODYSSEE IM WELTRAUM, BLADE RUNNER, UNHEIM- LICHE BEGEGNUNG DER DRITTEN ART oder STAR TREK: DER FILM nicht – alle- samt Filme, die Kultstatus besitzen und die das Kino revolutionierten. Aber Trumbull ist nicht nur ein Experte für visuelle Effekte, er ist auch Regisseur. LAUTLOS IM WELT- RAUM und PROJEKT BRAINSTORM sind neben etlichen Kurz- und Ride-Filmen seine einzigen Spielfilme bisher. Wie Trumbull im Gespräch mit Wolfram Hannemann verriet, wird sich das aber bald ändern. Trumbull ist dabei einen Science-Fiction-Film zu realisie- ren, mit dem er sein neues, patentiertes “Showscan Digital” der Öffentlichkeit vor- stellen will – ein System, das Bilder unter- schiedlicher Frame-Raten kombinieren kann, um damit speziell Action-Szenen eine voll- kommen neue Präsenz zu verleihen. Wer das ganze Gespräch mit dem inzwischen 70jähri- gen Visionär Douglas Trumbull sehen und hören möchte, der ist herzlich gerne dazu eingeladen, auf unseres YouTube-Kanal zu surfen. Dazu geben Sie einfach “laserhotline” als Suchbegriff bei www.youtube.com ein oder folgen Sied em Link auf der Startseite unse- rer Homepage www.laserhotline.de. Von unse- rem Newsletter war Trumbull übrigens sehr angetan, entdeckte er doch sofort den Hin- weis auf die Cinerama-Filme im Editorial der letzten Ausgabe. Zu guter Letzt überreichte ihm Wolfram Hannemann noch das offizielle 70mm T-Shirt. Welcome to the Club, Doug!

Nach dieser überaus erfreulichen Nachricht müssen wir aber leider auch noch eine schlechte Nachricht loswerden. Nachdem es uns gelungen war, die Versandkosten über viele, viele Jahre konstant zu halten, zwingt uns die anstehende Kostenerhöhung der lei- der DHL dazu, unsere Versandkosten entspre- chend anzupassen. Ab dem 01. Juli 2012 belaufen sich damit die Versandkosten inner- halb Deutschlands auf EUR 7.00 (Vorkasse, Kreditkarte, Lastschrift) bzw. EUR 14.00 (Nachnahme).

In der Hoffnung, dass Ihnen die angepassten Preise jetzt nicht die letzten schönen Mai- Tage verderben, wünschen wir wie immer viel Spaß beim Stöbern im neuen Newsletter. Close Encounters with Douglas Trumbull: Film-Blogger Wolfram Hannemann im Gespräch mit einer Kinolegende (oben). Douglas Trumbull studiert den Ihr Laser Hotline Team Newsletter (Mitte links) und entdeckt den Hinweis auf Cinerama (Mitte rechts). Doug mit seiner neuesten Trophäe (unten)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 07. Mai 2012 dieses Mal den Film zu verbessern. Gefühlskalt Stattdessen lässt der Regisseur Pop- Den Auftakt zur neuen Pressewoche Songs aus den Siebzigern einspielen, machte heute der neue Film von Tim die seltsamerweise nur stets an die Burton. Was für eine Enttäuschung! Fünfziger erinnern. DARK SHADOWS hat bei Weitem nicht die von Tim DARK SHADOWS (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Burton gewohnte Qualität – in jeder OT: Dark Shadows Hinsicht. Schade darum. Verleih: Warner Land/Jahr: USA 2012 Dienstag, 08. Mai 2012 Regie: Tim Burton Pakistanis und ein Wolfsjunge Darsteller: Johnny Depp, Michelle Mit einer netten Komödie wurde das Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter heutige Doppelprogramm eingeläutet, Kinostart: 10.05.2012 um es dann mit einem etwas trägen Abenteuerfilm zu beenden. Weil er Angelique verschmäht und sich einer Anderen zuwendet, beschwört die WEST IS WEST (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verschmähte dunkle Kräfte herauf, um OT: West Is West den reichen Unternehmersohn Verleih: Kool (Filmagentinnen) Barnabas in einen Vampir zu verwan- Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2010 deln und ihn lebendig zu begraben. Regie: Andy DeEmmony Zwei Jahrhunderte später wird er durch Darsteller: Om Puri, Linda Bassett, Zufall wieder ausgegraben. Man Aqib Khan wird Sajid von den Mädchen im Dorf schreibt das Jahr 1972 und Barnabas Kinostart: 14.06.2012 gefragt, wo er denn herkomme. hat großen Durst – nicht nur nach Lie- “Salford”, meint er. Keine Reaktion bei be, sondern vor allem nach Blut... Der 1976: Teenager Sajid ist eigentlich Eng- den Damen. “In der Nähe von nach einer bekannten amerikanischen länder. Die pakistanische Heimat seines Bradford”, sagt Sajid. “Ah! Bradford!” TV-Serie entstandene Film dürfte ver- Vaters, einem Imbissbudenbetreiber, staunt die Damenwelt. Dass mir per- mutlich genau darunter leiden, dass hat er noch nie gesehen. Dennoch wird sönlich diese Passage extrem gut gefal- das Original eine TV-Serie ist. Also er von seinen Mitschülern auf das len hat, brauche ich vermutlich nicht zu eine sich über viele Wochen und Mo- Übelste malträtiert und als Paki- erwähnen. nate entwickelnde Geschichte, die dem Schwein deklariert. Da beschließt sein Zuschauer Zeit lässt, Sympathien für Vater eines Tages, dem Sohn endlich WOLFSBRÜDER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) die Figuren aufzubauen. Tim Burtons mal seine Wurzeln zu zeigen. Gemein- OT: Entrelobos Kinoversion hingegen versucht, das sam reisen sie nach Pakistan – zu Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) alles im Zeitrafferstil abzuhandeln – Sajids Verwandtschaft. Und nicht nur Land/Jahr: Spanien, Deutschland 2010 und scheitert damit kläglich. Dem Zu- das. Denn der Vater hat dort noch eine Regie: Gerardo Olivares schauer wird hier keine Zeit gegeben, andere Ehefrau, die er für England und Darsteller: Juan José Ballesta, Manuel sich mit den Figuren anzufreunden. Sajids Mutter sitzen ließ. Die kompli- Camacho, Sancho Gracia Das fällt auch gerade darum extrem zierten Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse Kinostart: 07.06.2012 schwer, weil es in seinem Film kaum sowie die primitive Lebensweise ma- wahre Gefühle gibt. Die große Liebe chen Sajid zu schaffen. Erst ein Gelehr- 1954 ist Spanien unter der Franco-Dik- zwischen Barnabas und Victoria wird ter öffnet dem Jungen die Augen... tatur verarmt. Insbesondere die Land- zwar stets erwähnt, aber man sieht sie WEST IS WEST ist die auf wahren bevölkerung hat darunter zu leiden. Es nicht auf der Leinwand. Die Leiden- Begebenheiten beruhende Fortsetzung gibt nicht viel zu essen und das Geld schaft fehlt – es gibt sie nur zwischen zu EAST IS EAST und dürfte mit sei- ist knapp. In ihrer Not beschließen die Barnabas und seiner Kontrahentin nem feinen Humor, der hervorragenden Eltern des siebenjährigen Marcos, ihn Angelique. Das Einzige, was Burtons Besetzung und der gut gewählten ihrem Lehnsherrn zu überlassen, damit Film am Leben erhält, sind die netten Bollywood-Musik allen Fans indischer sie weiterhin wohnen dürfen. Marcos kleinen Witze, die sehr sparsam einge- Filme gefallen. Natürlich geht es in die- wird in die Obhut des alten Einsiedlers baut werden. Insbesondere wenn Vam- ser britischen Produktion nicht so Atanasio gegeben, um ihm als Ziegen- pir Barnabas mit der Zeit der 1970er- schnulzig zu wie in so manchem hirt zu helfen. Der Alte bringt ihm bei, Jahre Tuchfühlung aufnehmen muss. Bollywood-Film, aber die Grund- in der Natur zu überleben. Schließlich Dazwischen jedoch klafft ein großes konstellation ist dieselbe (hier ist es freundet sich Marcos sogar mit einem schwarzes Loch, das man im Allgemei- der Vater, der zwischen zwei Frauen jungen Wolf an. Als Atanasio stirbt nen als Langeweile bezeichnet. Nicht steht). Und es geht auch hier wie immer und Marcos vollkommen alleine in der einmal Danny Elfmans Musik vermag um die Familie. An einer Stelle im Film Wildnis zurücklässt, geschieht etwas

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Unglaubliches: der Wolf bringt ihm zu schnurstracks in die Arme des Sterne- Double bei der UN, er selbst findet sich Essen. Jahre später tauchen jedoch Kochs Alexandere Lagarde, seinem unerkannt auf der Straße wieder. Dort plötzlich die Männer des Lehnsherrn großen Vorbild. Der hat augenblicklich nimmt sich die kämpferische Besitzer auf. Für Marcos wird es gefährlich... zwar genügend andere Probleme, lässt eines Öko-Ladens seiner an. Mit ihrer Nach einer wahren Begebenheit insze- sich aber auf eine Probezeit mit Jacky Hilfe will Aladeen ins UN-Gebäude ein- nierte Gerardo Olivares seinen Aben- ein. Nur seine Frau darf davon nichts dringen, um eine flammende Rede zu teuerfilm über das Überleben in der wissen. Der Supergau ist vorprogram- halten... Weit aufwändiger als noch zu Wildnis. Sein Hauptaugenmerk gilt da- miert... Daniel Cohens Film lässt einem Zeiten von BORAT gibt sich der von bei den Tieren. Ob Frettchen, Geier, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes das Larry Charles inszenierte Film mit Hasen, Ziegen oder Wölfe – sie alle Wasser im Munde zusammenfließen. Sacha Baron Cohen. War dieser zuletzt werden zu Marcos Gefährten und er der Denn was in seiner frischen Komödie noch als Bahnhofsvorsteher in Martin ihrige. Leider vergisst der Regisseur an kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten auf der Scorseses HUGO CABRET zu bewun- bei all seiner Liebe zu den tierischen CinemaScope-Bildwand serviert wird, dern, schlüpft er jetzt wieder in eine Details seinem Film Spannung zu ver- macht wirklich Appetit. Auch wenn man Rolle, mit der sämtliche leihen. Der läuft geradewegs so ab, als es selber nicht so mit dem Kochen hat, Geschmacklosigkeiten dieser Welt auf wäre es eine Fernsehproduktion ohne wird man seinen Spaß mit dem Männer- einmal loswerden kann. Als despoti- richtige Höhepunkte, ja sogar ohne Duo haben, das von Jean Reno als scher Herrscher mit arabischem Akzent echte Gefühle. Die Einsamkeit des klei- Sterne-Koch und Michaël Youn als brilliert Cohen und nimmt damit alle nen Marcos – man spürt sie als Zu- dessen Beikoch gespielt wird. Und Diktatoren dieser Welt gleichermaßen schauer leider nicht. Klaus Badelts wenn dann ein windiger Spanier impor- auf die Schippe. Wie nicht anders zu Musik für sich alleine betrachtet ist tiert wird, um neue Gerichte zu generie- erwarten gibt es keine Grenzen zwi- sehr schön, doch im Zusammenspiel ren, wird die Schlacht in der Küche schen richtig guten Witzen und provo- mit dem Film gibt sie diesem einen ge- herrlich: Molekularküche ist hier das zierenden, oft ekelhaften wissen kitschigen Anstrich. Zu guter Stichwort. Unfreiwillige chemische Re- Geschmacklosigkeiten. Wenn der Dikta- Letzt wirkt sich die Tatsache, dass man aktionen mit eingeschlossen. Trotz sei- tor unfreiwillig zum Geburtshelfer wird den im Film auftretenden Wölfen an- ner angenehmen Länge von nur 84 Mi- und sein Handy in der Vagina der sieht, dass sie trainiert wurden, desillu- nuten enthält der Film allerdings eine Schwangeren vergisst und danach das sionierend aus. Person, die etwas verloren wirkt in die- Baby zur Welt bringt und es fast mit ser Geschichte: Lagardes Tochter, die der Nabelschnur zusammen aus dem Freitag, 11. Mai 2012 sich mit ihrer Doktorarbeit herum- Mutterleib reißt, überschreitet dies bei Von Köchen und Diktatoren schlägt. Vielleicht wurde ihr Part im Weitem die Grenzen des guten Ge- Heute wurden wir erst zu Tisch gebe- Nachhinein etwas zusammengekürzt, schmacks. Ganz im Gegensatz zu derart ten, bevor wir dann vor einen Diktator denn die Rolle ergibt für die Dramatur- derben Szenen gibt es rabenschwarze zitiert wurden. gie des Gesamtfilms keinen Sinn. Trotz- Witze, die im Rahmen bleiben. So zum dem darf man konstatieren: KOCHEN Beispiel wenn er seine schwangere KOCHEN IST CHEFSACHE (1:2.35, DD IST CHEFSACHE ist ein Film, bei dem Frau fragt, ob es ein Junge wird oder 5.1) man sich auf amüsante Weise Appetit eine Abtreibung. Nur eines der Beispie- OT: Comme Un Chef holen kann. le, in denen sich der Diktator als extrem Verleih: Senator frauenfeindlich outet – und das, ob- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2012 DER DIKTATOR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) wohl seine Leibwache nur aus (gutaus- Regie: Daniel Cohen OT: The Dictator sehenden) Frauen besteht. Es bedarf Darsteller: Jean Reno, Michaël Youn, Verleih: Paramount schon einer großen Portion anarchi- Raphaëlle Agogué Land/Jahr: USA 2012 schen Humors sowie eine hohe Tole- Kinostart: 07.06.2012 Regie: Larry Charles ranz, um DER DIKTATOR von Anfang Darsteller: Sacha Baron Cohen, Anna bis Ende lachend zu genießen. Zart Jacky Bonnot jobbt bislang zwar nur in Faris, Sir Ben Kingsley Besaiteten wird sicherlich der eine oder ganz normalen Feld-, Wald- und Kinostart: 17.05.2012 andere Lacher im Halse stecken blei- Wiesenrestaurants, doch seine Ambi- ben. Mit seiner Widmung ganz zu Be- tionen sind gigantisch: warum nicht die Schon immer steht Oberst General ginn des Films jedoch machen die Fil- Kantine eines Altenheims oder auch Aladeen an der Spitze des kleinen Staa- memacher eindeutig klar, dass man als die Fressbude um die Ecke in einen tes Wadiya, über den er als Diktator Zuschauer auf der Hut sein sollte: “In kulinarischen Tempel verwandeln? Sein herrscht und mit all seiner Kraft gegen Loving Memory of Kim Jong-ils” Ehrgeiz kostet ihn schon nach kurzer die Demokratie verteidigt. Als er vor Zeit stets den Job. Sehr zum Leidwesen die UN nach New York geladen wird, Montag, 14. Mai 2012 seiner schwangeren Frau. Ihr zuliebe um das Nuklearprogramm seines Lan- Der Workaholic nimmt der ambitionierte Koch eine Stel- des zu rechtfertigen, wird er gekid- 40 Filme und kein bisschen müde: ein le als Anstreicher an. Die aber führt ihn nappt. An seiner Stelle landet ein Dokumentarfilm über Woody Allen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog startete die neue Pressewoche. zu bannen wäre dann aber auch etwas der Schule um die Pommes-Bude küm- zu verwegen gewesen. Doch bei so mern – mit dem Ergebnis, dass die WOODY ALLEN: A DOCUMENTARY manchen Bildern stellt man sich ganz Bude abfackelt. Jetzt ist guter Rat teu- (1:1.85, 5.1) zwangsläufig die Frage, ob sie über- er. Und der geschäftstüchtige Onkel OT: Woody Allen: A Documentary haupt zum Thema des Films passen. Da wittert seine große Chance... Endlich Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) gibt es beispielsweise zwei Fallschirm- ein Film über das Nationalgericht des Land/Jahr: USA 2011 springer, die sich von einem Hochhaus Ruhrpotts: Currywurst mit Pommes! Regie: Robert B. Weide der Frankfurter Skyline in die Tiefe Tina von Traben ist mit POMMES ES- Darsteller: Woody Allen, Letty stürzen. Repräsentieren sie etwa SEN ein recht netter Kinderfilm gelun- Aronson, Marshall Brickman Deutschland? Vielleicht ist das ja auch gen, der leider etwas an der Talentlo- Kinostart: 05.07.2012 als Seitenhieb auf die bösen Banker zu sigkeit seiner Kinderdarsteller leidet. verstehen. Wer weiß... Dann gibt es Denn die sind offensichtlich mit dem, Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung historische Luftaufnahmen von der was das Drehbuch von ihnen verlangt, gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Bombardierung Deutschlands durch etwas überfordert. Der Film wirkt da- erst ab 02.07.2012 auf die Alliierten im Zweiten Weltkrieg. durch in der Inszenierung recht holp- www.wolframhannemann.de. Was haben denn solche Bilder hier zu rig. Doch daran dürften sich nur die suchen? Der Unterhaltungswert er- Erwachsenen stören. Den kleinen Zu- Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012 scheint an dieser Stelle doch mehr als schauern wird die Komödie sicherlich Vogelperspektive und Pommesbude grenzwertig. Grenzwertig auch die viel Spaß bereiten. Am besten mit einer Heute durfte ich erst meinen Landsleu- Kommentierung des Films, die der Film großen Portion Pommes goutieren! ten aufs Haupt schauen und mir an- eigentlich gar nicht brauchen würde, schließend bei Pommes mit Currywurst man dies aber inzwischen aus Fernseh- Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012 Appetit holen. Dokus so gewohnt ist. Untermalt wird Kollektive Schwangerschaft und das alles mit einem teilweise brachialen eine Pilgerreise DEUTSCHLAND VON OBEN (1:2.35, Klangteppich, der oft den Verdacht Da ich starke Frauen und auch starke DD 5.1) aufkommen lässt, dass hier sehr viel Mädchen sehr schätze, musste mir der Verleih: Universum (Walt Disney) mit Samples gearbeitet wurde. Zu hof- erste Film des heutigen Doppels ein- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 fen bleibt wenigstens, dass die be- fach gefallen! Regie: Petra Höfer, Freddie Röckenhaus scheidene Bild- und Tonqualität (in Kinostart: 07.06.2012 Mono!) der uns heute präsentierten 17 MÄDCHEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Blu-ray Disc dem zahlenden Publikum OT: 17 Filles Ein ganzes Jahr lang, Monat für Monat, erspart bleibt. Verleih: Arsenal haben Petra Höfer und Freddie Röcken- Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Belgien 2011 haus sowie deren Filmteams Deutsch- POMMES ESSEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Regie: Delphine Coulin, Muriel Coulin land aus der Vogelperspektive gefilmt. Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) Darsteller: Louise Grinberg, Juliette Ob den Hamburger Container-Hafen, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2012 Darche, Roxane Duran Schloss Neuschwanstein, das Watten- Regie: Tina von Traben Kinostart: 14.06.2012 meer, den Watzmann, Staus auf der Darsteller: Luise Risch, Anneke Kim Autobahn, Bergsteiger, Wildgänse, Sarnau, Thekla Carola Wied, Smudo Eine kleine Küstenstadt irgendwo in Kraniche usw. – alles erscheint Dank Kinostart: 12.07.2012 der Bretagne. Hier gibt es zwar unend- CinemaScope und ohne 3-D zum Grei- lich viel Horizont, aber kaum Perspekti- fen nah und eröffnet gleichzeitig Per- Als das Ruhrgebiet noch auf der Höhe ven. Schülerin Camille geht es nicht spektiven, die dem Normalbürger sonst seines Schaffens war, eröffnete Opa anders als ihren Freundinnen – alle verborgen bleiben. Deutschland von Frey seine Pommes-Bude und fuhr sat- haben das Leben in dem Kaff satt, wol- oben? Ganz konsequent haben es die te Gewinne ein. Doch der Opa ist schon len endlich aufbrechen in eine bessere beiden Filmemacher Petra Höfer und lange tot und seine Tochter Frieda ver- Zukunft und der Enge des Elternhauses Freddie Röckenhaus dann doch nicht sucht sich und ihre drei schulpflichti- entfliehen. Als Camille plötzlich durchgehalten. Denn es gibt im Film gen Töchter mehr schlecht als recht mit schwanger wird, löst das eine kleine durchaus auch Aufnahmen, die nicht dem kargen Verdienst aus dem Sensation aus. Ganz besonders in ihrer aus der Vogelperspektive entstanden Würstchenverkauf durchzubringen. Als Mädchen-Clique. “Wäre es nicht total sind. Doch das stört nicht weiter ange- ihr Arzt sie in eine Kur schickt, müssen cool, wenn wir alle gleichzeitig schwan- sichts der oft doch recht spektakulären ihre Töchter aushelfen. Patty, mit 16 ger würden?” sagt eine. Der Funke Bilder. Allerdings beschränkt man sich Jahren die älteste, träumt aber von ei- springt über. Und es dauert nicht lan- dann doch auf eine Auswahl an ner Karriere als Starköchin, lässt die ge, bis die nächsten Mädchen schwan- Locations, die man immer wieder zu Schule sausen und jobbt in der Küche ger werden. Was Eltern und Lehrer verschiedenen Jahreszeiten präsentiert. eines Sterne-Restaurants. Ihre beiden gleichermaßen beunruhigend finden, Ganz Deutschland in 110 Minuten Film jüngeren Schwestern müssen sich nach schweißt die Mädchen nur noch enger

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Vierzigjährige wurde während seiner Pilgerwanderung auf dem “Camino” DIE WOHNUNG (1:1.85, DD 5.1) von einem Blitz erschlagen. Hals über Verleih: Salzgeber Kopf bricht Tom auf, um die sterbli- Land/Jahr: Israel, Deutschland 2011 chen Überreste seines Sohnes, der Regie: Arnon Goldfinger einst seine Doktorarbeit sausen ließ, Kinostart: 14.06.2012 um die Welt zu entdecken, in die Hei- mat zu holen. In Frankreich angekom- Eine Wohnung in Tel Aviv wird leer- men entscheidet sich der Vater jedoch geräumt. Es ist die Wohnung der ver- dazu, seinen Sohn vor Ort einäschern storbenen Gerda Tuchler, einer deut- zu lassen und stattdessen in dessen schen Jüdin, der Großmutter des Doku- Fußstapfen zu treten. Mit dem Ruck- mentarfilmers Arnon Goldfinger. Mit sack seines Sohnes und der Asche im Mikrofon und Kamera bewaffnet will er Gepäck macht sich Tom auf den Weg die mit Büchern, Fotos, Koffern, Klei- nach Santiago de Compostela. Unter- dern und sonstigem Schnickschnack wegs trifft er auf eine Kanadierin, einen vollgestopfte Wohnung zur Erinnerung Holländer und einen Iren, die alle ihre auf Film festhalten. Gerda Tuchlers eigenen Gründe für die Pilger- Wohnung war eigentlich ein kleines wanderung haben... Der Weg ist das Stück Deutschland. Denn zusammen Ziel. Doch scheinen alle außer Tom ihr mit ihrem Mann musste sie in den Ziel bereits zu kennen. Sarah aus Kana- dreißiger Jahren Deutschland verlas- da will mit dem Rauchen aufhören, sen, als die Nazis an die Macht kamen. zusammen... “Ein Mädchen, das träumt, Joost aus Holland möchte sein Überge- Ihre Erinnerungen an die deutsche Hei- kann man nicht aufhalten” heisst es am wicht loswerden und der Ire Jack möch- mat versuchten die Tuchlers innerhalb Ende des Films. Und die beiden Regis- te seine Schreibblockade beenden. Die ihrer eigenen vier Wänden aufrecht zu seurinnen Delphine und Muriel Coulin vier ungleichen Charaktere, die einen erhalten. Während der Enkel hilft, alles beweisen mit ihrem Debütfilm, dass es gemeinsamen Weg bestreiten, lernen zu sortieren und auszumisten, stößt er tatsächlich so ist. Inspiriert von einem sich erst nach und nach besser kennen. auf eine Zeitung, die ihn verwirrt: “Ein wahren Vorfall, der sich in den USA Je länger der Weg ist, umso deutlicher Nazi in Palästina” liest sich die Titel- ereignete, ist ihr Film eine kraftvolle treten auch die wahren Gründe ihrer seite des nationalsozialistischen Propa- und zugleich bewegende Parabel über Pilgerschaft hervor. Ganz im Sinne der ganda-Blattes “Angriff”. Goldfinger das Erwachsenwerden sowie eine Hym- Jakobswanderschaft bedarf es zwar wird stutzig und fragt sich, was diese ne an Freiheit und Freundschaft. Mit eines langen Atems, um Emilio Estevez‘ Zeitung im Nachlass seiner Großeltern einem überwiegend aus Laien- Film durchzuhalten, doch auch hier ist zu suchen hat. Er begibt sich auf darstellerinnen bestehenden Cast de- der Weg das Ziel. Wenn das Quartett Spurensuche und entdeckt Ungeheuer- monstrieren die Coulins in ihrem hand- am vermeintlichen Ziel angekommen liches. Offenbar waren seine Großeltern werklich überzeugend gestalteten Film, ist, hat man sie als Zuschauer bereits mit Nazis befreundet. Eine Freund- was man unter Girl-Power zu verstehen fest ins Herz geschlossen und freut schaft, die sogar nach dem Ende des hat. Gemeinsam ist man stark und sich gemeinsam mit ihnen über jeden Krieges noch aufrecht erhalten wurde... strotzt allen Widrigkeiten – eine Er- ihrer kleinen Siege, die sie damit errun- Mit seinem Film DIE WOHNUNG be- kenntnis, die hier perfekt auf den Punkt gen haben. Nur unterlegt von Tyler weist Arnon Goldfinger, dass das Auf- gebracht wird. Bates‘ einfühlsamer Musik wird man arbeiten von Geschichte so spannend mit dem gemeinschaftlichen Besuch der wie ein Krimi sein kann. Angeblich DEIN WEG (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Protagonisten in der berühmten Wall- wusste nicht einmal seine Mutter von OT: The Way fahrtskirche belohnt und stellt über- der dubiosen Freundschaft zwischen Verleih: Koch Media (Neue Visionen) rascht fest, dass man quasi selbst eine den Großeltern und den Nazis. Wohl Land/Jahr: USA 2010 erleuchtende sowie emotional bewe- auch deshalb, weil sie nie Fragen ge- Regie: Emilio Estevez gende Pilgerreise hinter sich hat. stellt hat. Goldfinger zeigt ganz deut- Darsteller: Martin Sheen, Deborah lich in seinem Film, dass es erst die Unger, James Nesbitt Freitag, 18. Mai 2012 dritte Generation ist, die damit beginnt, Kinostart: 21.06.2012 Doppelte Suche Fragen zu stellen. Antworten gibt es In beiden Filmen der heutigen Presse- nicht immer. Und wenn es Antworten Mitten auf dem Golfplatz im sonnigen vorführung ging es um die Suche. Die gibt, so müssen diese noch längst Kalifornien ereilt den verwitweten Au- Suche nach der Vergangenheit prägte nicht stimmen. Die Angst davor, dass genarzt Tom Avery eine Hiobsbot- den ersten Film, die Suche nach zwei es in der eigenen Familie während des schaft: sein einziger Sohn Daniel ist in ausgebüxten 14jährigen den zweiten Zweiten Weltkriegs politisch nicht im- Frankreich ums Leben gekommen. Der Film. mer koscher zuging, lässt Menschen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog oftmals lieber schweigen. Selbst mit setzt sich fort in den von Sam prakti- nerung behalten. Das Drehbuch lässt stichfesten Beweisen konfrontiert, ver- zierten Pfadfinder-Über- leider sehr zu wünschen übrig. Es fällt suchen Menschen noch abzumildern lebensweisheiten, die eigentlich Kei- schwer nachzuvollziehen, warum sich oder zu beschönigen. Die ganze Wahr- nem nützen und endet mit dem Haus eine Berlinerin ausgerechnet auf eine heit würde das sorgsam aufgebaute der Bishops, in dem sich Andersons so waghalsige Geschichte einlässt. Kartenhaus im Nu zu Fall bringen. Kameramann Robert Yeoman nach Her- Dass sie beim Absturz in eine Glet- Goldfinger hält alles in Bild und Ton zenslust und gegen jede Physik austo- scherspalte zufällig zwei erfrorene fest. Sein Film ist beklemmend und be- ben kann. Bleibt noch zu erwähnen, Kinderleichen fand, reicht einfach nicht freiend zugleich. In einem Wort: atem- dass Tilda Swinton einen glänzenden aus, um ihre Entscheidung nachvoll- beraubend. Auftritt als Jugendamt aufs Podest legt ziehbar zu machen. Ziemlich aufgesetzt, und der Film mit einer sehr dynami- fast schon plakativ, dann die Figur des MOONRISE KINGDOM (1:1.85, DD schen Tonspur aufwartet. Aber Obacht: bösen Chinesen Wang Bao, der zwar in 5.1) mit nur einer einzigen Sichtung des Amerika Jura studiert hat, aber in der OT: Moonrise Kingdom Films hat man längst noch nicht alles Heimat gut und gerne Foltern lässt. Verleih: Tobis erfasst. Was überhaupt nicht funktioniert ist zu Land/Jahr: USA 2012 guter Letzt die deutsche Synchron- Regie: Wes Anderson Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2012 fassung dieses Abenteuerfilms. Es Darsteller: Bruce Willis, Edward Auf der Flucht passt einfach nicht wenn Tibeter und Norton, Bill Murray Mit tollen Landschaftsaufnahmen habe Chinesen in makelloses Deutsch verfal- Kinostart: 24.05.2012 ich mir den Vormittag gestaltet. Leider len, während die Franzosen einer Reise- durfte ich den Film nicht auf der gro- gruppe weiterhin ihren deutsch-franzö- Ein kleiner Ort vor der Küste Neueng- ßen Kinoleinwand betrachten, sondern sischen Akzent pflegen. lands im Jahre 1965. Als der junge musste mir einen Screener streamen Pfadfinder Sam spurlos aus dem (was für ein Deutsch!). Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012 Sommercamp verschwindet, spielt bald Der Tag der fallenden Blätter der ganze Ort verrückt. Der Sheriff WIE ZWISCHEN HIMMEL UND ERDE Die erste Pressevorführung der Woche muss erfahren, dass Sams Adoptivel- (1:2.35, DD 5.1) gab es ausnahmsweise erst am heuti- tern ihren Sohn nicht mehr aufnehmen Verleih: Prokino (Fox) gen Donnerstag. wollen, falls er gefunden wird. Der Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Schweiz 2012 Oberpfadfinder leitet eine großangeleg- Regie: Maria Blumencron NOCH TAUSEND WORTE (1:2.35, DD te Suchaktion ein – jedoch vollkommen Darsteller: Hannah Herzsprung, David 5.1) ohne Konzept. Und die neurotischen L. McInnis, Sangay Jäger OT: A Thousand Words Bishops melden plötzlich ihr Töchter- Kinostart: 31.05.2012 Verleih: Paramount chen Suzy als vermisst. Was bislang Land/Jahr: USA 2012 noch niemand weiß: Sam und Suzy sind Eigentlich wollte die deutsche Ruck- Regie: Brian Robbins ein Paar und wollen gemeinsam durch- sack-Touristin Johanna nur einen der Darsteller: Eddie Murphy, Kerry Wa- brennen. Zu allem Überfluss steht auch 8000er im Himalaja besteigen. Doch sie shington, Emanuel Ragsdale noch ein gigantischer Sturm in den gerät unversehens in ein Flüchtlings- Kinostart: 28.06.2012 Startlöchern... Die Filme von Wes drama, als sie den kleinen Tempa ken- Anderson zu mögen bedeutet skurrile nenlernt. Bereitwillig lässt sie sich dar- Jack McCalls enormer Erfolg als Charaktere und noch skurrilere Situa- auf ein, dem Jungen zur Flucht aus Ti- Literaturagent ruht auf zwei Säulen: er tionen zu mögen. Auch erfordern bet zu helfen. Organisiert wird sie von nimmt es mit der Wahrheit nicht so ge- Andersons extrem schnelle Schnitte dem Paar Tashi und Meto, die auch nau und er kann jeden an die Wand und seine ausgeprägte Liebe zum De- noch weitere Flüchtlinge aufnehmen. reden, um ihn dann über den Tisch zu tail eine rasche Auffassungsgabe, Immer darauf vorbereitet, von der chi- ziehen. Als er jedoch seine Masche an wenn man den Überblick über seinen nesischen Polizei entdeckt zu werden, dem spirituellen Guru Dr. Sinja anwen- Mikrokosmos nicht verlieren will. Ist finden Johanna und die Flüchtlinge den will, erleidet er eine Bruchlandung. man jedoch auf die Anderson’sche Unterschlupf in einem kleinen Dorf. Mehr noch: plötzlich steht ein großer Welt vorbereitet, so wird man wie mit Doch die Polizei kennt den Unter- Baum neben seinem Pool, der bei jedem allen seinen Filmen auch mit schlupf längst und Johanna fällt in die Wort, das Jack spricht, ein Blatt fallen MOONRISE KINGDOM seinen Spaß Arme des brutalen Major Wang Bao. lässt. Jack ahnt Böses. Denn wenn der haben. Das fängt an mit dem in den Wären da nicht die grandiosen Panora- Baum das letzte Blatt fallen lässt, ist Film integrierten Erzähler, der fast wie ma-Aufnahmen, mit denen Kameramann Jack tot. Doch Schweigen ist schwieri- ein Relikt aus LIFE AQUATIC wirkt, Jörg Schmidt-Reitwein die gesamte ger als gedacht und bringt Jack in aller- und der in schneller Schnittfolge den Breite der CinemaScope-Bildwand mit lei komische Situationen... Kaum zu Zuschauer mit der näheren Umgebung spektakulären Landschaften ausfüllt, glauben: da soll also ausgerechnet der der Film Location bekannt macht, und man würde den Film wohl kaum in Erin- Mann mit der schnodderigsten Schnau-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ze in der westlichen Hemisphäre seinen kolumnist in den angesagten Pariser Delpy mit ihrer wunderbaren “Culture Mund halten! Kein leichtes Spiel für Clubs herum. Doch Marc Marronnier Clash”-Komödie 2 TAGE einen Eddie Murphy. Denn wenn er kaum quälen private Probleme. Soeben hat er Publikumshit landete. Grund genug für noch eine Silbe über seine Lippen kom- die Scheidungspapiere unterschrieben. die Allrounderin eine Fortsetzung an- men lassen darf, muss er alles Weitere Eine Scheidung, die seine Theorie fest zugehen. Wieder steht Fotografin Mari- mit seiner Gestik darstellen. Und genau untermauert, dass die wahre Liebe nur on im Mittelpunkt. Die Beziehung mit an diesem Punkt wird es verdammt eng drei Jahre überstehen kann. Nach ei- ihrem damaligen amerikanischen für Murphy. Seine Gesichtsmuskel- nem gescheiterten Selbstmordversuch Freund ist längst vorbei. Alles was ihr akrobatik gibt leider nicht viel her. Im fasst er den Entschluss, seine Ansich- von ihm blieb ist ein kleiner Sohn. Jetzt Gegenteil: sie wirkt eher abstoßend. ten und Theorien zur Liebe in einem lebt sie in New York zusammen mit dem Kein schöner Anblick, wenn er die Au- Buch niederzuschreiben. Gleichzeitig farbigen Mingus, dem Vater einer sie- gen zukneift, den Mund aufreisst und beginnt er eine Affäre mit der schönen benjährigen Tochter. Und es kommt so dazu die Arme schwingt. Mit lustig hat Alice, der Frau seines Cousins. Als wie es kommen muss: Marions französi- das dann nicht mehr viel zu tun. Schon sein Buch wider Erwarten tatsächlich sche Familie fällt in New York ein. Ihr gar nicht, wenn derlei Körpersprache veröffentlicht wird, versucht er es vor kauziger Vater sowie ihre flippige überstrapaziert wird. Hinzu kommt das seiner neuen Flamme zu verbergen, um Schwester Rose mitsamt neuem Freund Drehbuch, das den Film eigentlich in die Liebschaft nicht zu gefährden. Manu belagern schon bald die kleine zwei Teile spaltet – unfreiwillig ver- Doch da platzt die Bombe: das Buch Appartment-Wohnung mitten im Big steht sich. Da wird die versuchte Slap- wird zum Bestseller und Marc muss Apple. Die Probleme sind damit prak- stick plötzlich durch eine übertrieben sich outen. Das bekommt seiner neuen tisch schon vorprogrammiert. Und da sentimentale, ja fast schon pathetische Beziehung alles andere als gut... Be- sind die Sprachprobleme zwischen Sequenz abgelöst, in der auf typisch reits der Titelvorspann bringt das The- Mingus und den Franzosen das klein- amerikanische Weise die Familie als die ma dieser mit viele guten Regieeinfällen ste Übel. Zwischen den Schwestern größte Errungenschaft der Menschheit gespickten Komödie perfekt auf den wird ständig gezankt, Rose läuft split- heraufbeschworen. Die Filmmusik von Punkt: im Zeitraffer sehen wir Marc terfasernackt in der Wohnung umher, John Debney setzt dem noch die Krone und seine Ex-Frau von der ersten Be- Manu bestellt sich einen Drogendealer auf, indem er genau dann einen Chor in gegnung bis zu dem Punkt, an dem der in die Wohnung und der Vater hat voll- seinen Score integriert. Wer aber gerne Blick auf das Handy wichtiger ist als kommen andere Vorstellungen von ei- Komödien mit vielen Abstrichen ver- der Blickkontakt mit dem Partner. Im 1. ner Thai-Massage als sein Schwieger- trägt, der sollte sich von dieser Rezen- Jahr kauft man Möbel ein. Im 2. Jahr sohn in spe. Julie Delpy, die nicht nur sion nicht abschrecken lassen. stellt man die Möbel um. Im 3. Jahr teilt das Drehbuch schrieb und die Musik man die Möbel auf. So einfach stellt komponierte, übernahm auch dieses Freitag, 25. Mai 2012 sich das Liebesleben des Protagoni- Mal wieder die Hauptrolle. In ihrer Ko- Von Liebe, Scheidung und anderen sten dar. Frédéric Beigbeder inszenierte mödie handelt sie eine ganze Palette Familienproblemen sein Regie-Debüt nach seinem eigenen von Themen ab: Familie, Religion, Sex Kurz vor dem langen autobiographisch angehauchten Ro- und Politik. Im Gegensatz zum ersten Pfingstwochenende haben mich die man und beweist damit, dass man als Film jedoch wirkt hier Vieles etwas auf- Filmverleiher noch mit einem komödian- Bestseller-Autor auch gute Filme ma- gesetzt, fast so als wäre es ein amerika- tischen Doppel versorgt. chen kann. Seine Komödie mit Tiefgang nischer Familienfilm. Aber eben nur ist frisch, frech und witzig zugleich und fast. Immerhin hebt er sich durch seine DAS VERFLIXTE 3. JAHR (1:2.35, DD glänzt mit wundervollen Darstellern. Zweisprachigkeit und die gute Beset- 5.1) zung vom Hollywood-Kitsch ab. 2 OT: L’ Amour Dure Trois Ans 2 TAGE NEW YORK (1:1.85, DD 5.1) TAGE NEW YORK ist amüsante Unter- Verleih: Prokino (Fox) OT: 2 Days In New York haltung für den wohlverdienten Feier- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2011 Verleih: Senator abend. Regie: Frédéric Beigbeder Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Deutschland, Darsteller: Gaspard Proust, Louise Belgien 2012 Bourgoin, Joey Starr Regie: Julie Delpy Kinostart: 19.07.2012 Darsteller: Julie Delpy, Chris Rock, Al- bert Delpy Wenn er nicht gerade seine scharfe Kinostart: 05.07.2012 Zunge als Literaturkritiker benutzt, treibt er sich nachts als Gesellschafts- Fünf Jahre sind vergangen seit Julie

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047470 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 24.08.2012 Animation Children Who Chase Lost Voices 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047671 (Blu-ray) Appleseed XIII, Vol. 2 Hoshi O Ou Kodomo Kein Keks für Kobolde, DVD 2 The Woodlies Appurushîdo Audiokommentare, Interview, Making of, trailer Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Textless Opening and Ending Zeichentrick/Drama 2011 116min. Dir. Alex Stadermann, Alex Weight Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 100min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.07.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 min. Universum Film(Universum Anime) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047495 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 20.07.2012 24.08.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047266 Dora - Sommerabenteuer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047672 Dora The Explorer Appleseed XIII, Vol. 2 (Blu-ray) Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Kleiner roter Traktor 16 - Die Appurushîdo Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong spannendsten Folgen Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Textless Opening and Ending Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 96min. Little Red Tractor Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 104min. Paramount Entertainment 14.06.2012 Dir. Russell Haigh, Dave Scanlon Universum Film(Universum Anime) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047400 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2003 55min. 20.07.2012 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047305 Dornröschen 13.07.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 206min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047281 Appleseed XIII, Vol. 3 da music(Best Entertainment) 18.05.2012 Appurushîdo 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047461 K-on! - Staffel 2, Vol. 3 Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Textless Opening and Ending K-On! Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 125min. Dragonball - Box 2 (5 Discs) Asami Sanada Universum Film(Universum Anime) Dragonball Zeichentrick/Komödie 2009-2010 100min. 17.08.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1989 725min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047269 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.06.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047464 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047463 Appleseed XIII, Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) K-on! - Staffel 2, Vol. 4 Appurushîdo Glücksbärchis - Geteiltes Glück Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Textless Opening and Ending K-On! Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 130min. ist doppeltes Glück Asami Sanada Universum Film(Universum Anime) Care Bears: Oopsy Does It! Zeichentrick/Komödie 2009-2010 100min. 17.08.2012 Dir. Davis Doi AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.07.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047306 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007 156min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047471 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Baki - Box 1 (5 Discs) 08.06.2012 Die Moffels - Die komplette 2. Grappler Baki tba BestellNr.: 20047406 Staffel Zeichentrick/Drama 2001-2007 600min. Dir. Ute Krause, Sabrina Wanie AV Visionen(Peppermint) 27.07.2012 Glücksbärchis - Glück im Unglück Trickfilm min. 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047465 Care Bears: Oopsy Does It! Highlight Communications Dir. Davis Doi (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.10.2012 Blood+ - Box 1 (2 Discs) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007 156min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047327 Blood+ justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Zeichentrick/Action 2005-2006 250min. 08.06.2012 Die Mumins - Box 3 (2 Discs) AV Visionen(Peppermint) 27.07.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20047407 Dir. Hiroshi Saito, Takuo Suzuki tba BestellNr.: 20047462 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1990-1992 276min. Go, Diego! Go! - Die Rettung der justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Blue Exorcist - Vol.1 (2 Discs) Dinosaurier 08.06.2012 Ao No Ekusoshisuto Go, Diego! Go! tba BestellNr.: 20047409 Tarot-Karten, Postkarten, Booklet Dir. Katie McWane, Allan Jacobsen Zeichentrick/Action 2011 175min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 89min. Ni Hao, Kai-Lan - Prinzessin Kai- AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.06.2012 Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 Lan 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047468 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047401 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan Blue Exorcist - Vol.1 (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2008 91min. Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 - Fol- Paramount Home Ao No Ekusoshisuto ge 3 Tarot-Karten, Postkarten Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 14.06.2012 Zeichentrick/Action 2011 175min. Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047404 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.06.2012 Dir. Johnny Darrell 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047494 Zeichentrick/Action 45min. Die Oktonauten... und der Unter- Edel (Edel:Kids) 29.06.2012 wasserturm Caillou 26 - Caillou spart Wasser 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047556 The Octonauts Kinderfilm 2010-2011 min. und weitere Geschichten Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 - Fol- Caillou Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Dir. Jean Pilotte ge 4 Division(Europa) 11.05.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 72min. Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047298 Universum Film(Universum Kids) Dir. Johnny Darrell 20.07.2012 Zeichentrick/Action 45min. Die Oktonauten... und der Unter- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047282 Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 29.06.2012 wasserturm (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047557 The Octonauts Children Who Chase Lost Voices Kinderfilm 2010-2011 min. Hoshi O Ou Kodomo Kein Keks für Kobolde, DVD 1 Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Audiokommentare, Interview, Making of, trailer The Woodlies Division(Europa) 11.05.2012 Zeichentrick/Drama 2011 116min. Dir. Alex Stadermann, Alex Weight 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047310 AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.07.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Die Oktonauten... und die Schatz- Pocahontas / Pocahontas 2 - Journey To A Zeichentrick/Action 833min. karte New World AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Marvel) Dir. Mike Gabriel, Eric Goldberg, Tom Ellery, 29.06.2012 The Octonauts Bradley Raymond 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047539 Kinderfilm 2010-2011 min. Zeichentrick 1995-1998 min. Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Walt Disney Studios Home SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Division(Europa) 11.05.2012 Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047297 Schwammtastische Ferien 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047617 Spongebob Squarepants Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 71min. Die Oktonauten... und die Schatz- Pocahontas / Pocahontas 2 - Rei- karte (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 se in eine neue Welt (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047405 The Octonauts Pocahontas / Pocahontas 2 - Journey To A Kinderfilm 2010-2011 min. New World Tarzan (Blu-ray) Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Dir. Mike Gabriel, Eric Goldberg, Tom Ellery, Tarzan Division(Europa) 11.05.2012 Bradley Raymond Dir. Kevin Lima, Chris Buck 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047311 Zeichentrick 1995-1998 min. Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1999 87min. One Piece - Die TV Serie - Box Walt Disney Studios Home Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 Vol.2 (6 Discs) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047651 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047645 Wan Pîsu: One Piece Zeichentrick/Action min. Pocahontas 2 - Reise in eine Yakari - Best of Yakari AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.07.2012 neue Welt (Blu-ray) Yakari 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047472 Pocahontas 2 - Journey To A New World Dir. Xavier Giacometti Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 45min. Pettersson und Findus - Best of, Dir. Tom Ellery, Bradley Raymond Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1998 73min. Edel:Kids 06.07.2012 Folge 2 Walt Disney Studios Home 9,99 EUR BestellNr.: 20047559 Pettson Och Findus Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 Dir. Albert Hanan Kaminski 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047653 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000-2006 60min. Edel:Kids 06.07.2012 Prinzessin Lillifee - DVD 2 Film 9,99 EUR BestellNr.: 20047560 Dir. Konrad Weise, Robert Schlunze, An- drea Preda Die Piraten! - Ein Haufen merk- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 60min. 100 000 Dollar Belohnung würdiger Typen Universum Film(Universum Kids) Inge Langen, Helmuth Schneider, Inge The Pirates! - Band Of Misfits 24.08.2012 Konradi, Lis Verhoeven - Dir. Heinz Wilhelm Dir. Peter Lord, Jeff Newitt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047673 Schwarz Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Spiel Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1961 80min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 85min. Rurouni Kenshin - Trust & Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.07.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Betrayal 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047661 16.08.2012 Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Roman- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047506 112 - Sie retten dein Leben (2 an - Tsuioku Hen Discs) Die Piraten! - Ein Haufen merk- Zeichentrick/Action 1999 100min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.07.2012 Joachim Raaf, Dominic Saleh-Zaki, Sandra würdiger Typen (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047466 Maria Schlegel, Joséphine Thiel, Gernot ray) Schmidt, Tanja Lanäus, Björn Kirschniok, The Pirates! - Band Of Misfits Rurouni Kenshin - Trust & Matthias Rödder, Philip Köstring, Mats Dir. Peter Lord, Jeff Newitt Betrayal (Blu-ray) Reinhardt, Christopher Kohn - Dir. Ed Ehrenberg, Nico Zavelberg, Denis Delic, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Making of, Featurettes, Spiel Rurouni Kenshin - Meiji Kenkaku Roman- Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 88min. Franco Tozza, Jochen Müller an - Tsuioku Hen Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Action 2008 min. Zeichentrick/Action 1999 100min. 16.08.2012 Universum Film(RTL video) 10.08.2012 AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.07.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047525 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047666 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047493 Die Piraten! - Ein Haufen merk- Sally Bollywood - Vol. 3 Aeon Flux (Blu-ray) Aeon Flux würdiger Typen (Blu-ray) Sally Bollywood Charlize Theron, Marton Csokas, Jonny Lee The Pirates! - Band Of Misfits Dir. Alexis Ducord, Jeremie Hoarau Miller, Sophie Okonedo, Frances Dir. Peter Lord, Jeff Newitt Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 78min. McDormand, Pete Postlethwaite, Amelia Audiokommentar, Trailer, Making of, Featurettes, Spiel justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Trickfilm/Komödie 2012 88min. Warner, Caroline Chikezie, Nikolai Kinski, 08.06.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Paterson Joseph, Yangzom Brauen, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047458 16.08.2012 Aoibheann O’Hara, Thomas Huber - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047524 Sally Bollywood - Vol. 4 Karyn Kusama Science Fiction/Action 2005 93min. Sally Bollywood Pocahontas (Special Edition) Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 Dir. Alexis Ducord, Jeremie Hoarau 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047423 (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 78min. Pocahontas justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Airport (Blu-ray) Dir. Mike Gabriel, Eric Goldberg 08.06.2012 Airport Zeichentrick 1995 81min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047459 Walt Disney Studios Home , Dean Martin, Jean Seberg, Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 Spider-Man and His Amazing Jacqueline Bisset, , George 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047652 Kennedy, Van Heflin, Maureen Stapleton, / Spider-Man Unlimited (6 Barry Nelson, Dana Wynter, Lloyd Nolan, Pocahontas / Pocahontas 2 - Rei- Discs) Jessie Royce Landis, Gary Collins, John se in eine neue Welt Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends / Findlater - Dir. George Seaton Spider-Man Unlimited Abenteuer 1970 134min.

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Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Alien Nation Jade Dornfeld, Tamara Feldman, James 05.07.2012 James Caan, Mandy Patinkin, Terence Duval - Dir. Jay Lee 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047300 Stamp, Kevyn Major Howard, Leslie Bevis, Trailer Peter Jason - Dir. Graham Baker Thriller/Horror 2011 90min. Airwolf - Season 1 (3 Discs) Science Fiction/Action 1988 min. Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 Airwolf Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047606 Jan-Michael Vincent, Ernest Borgnine, Alex Germany 17.08.2012 Cord, David Hemmings, Belinda Bauer, He- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047622 Am Ende der Gewalt lene Phillips - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario The End Of Violence Action 1984-1987 539min. Alle lieben Pollyanna Bill Pullman, Andie MacDowell, Gabriel Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Pollyanna Byrne, Loren Dean, Traci Lind, Daniel 05.07.2012 Hayley Mills, Jane Wyman, Karl Malden, Benzali, K. Todd Freeman, John Diehl, Pruitt 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047262 James Drury, Nancy Olson, Adolphe Taylor Vince, Peter Horton, Udo Kier, Eric Menjou, Donald Crisp, Agnes Moorehead - D. Castillo, Nicole Parker, Rosalind Chao, Airwolf - Season 2.1 (3 Discs) Dir. David Swift Marisol Padilla Sanchez, Marshall Bell, Airwolf Drama 1960 129min. Frederic Forrest, Henry Silva, Samuel Jan-Michael Vincent, Ernest Borgnine, Alex Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Fuller - Dir. Wim Wenders Cord, David Hemmings, Belinda Bauer, He- 02.08.2012 Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover Thriller/Drama 1997 116min. lene Phillips - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047507 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action 1984-1987 495min. Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Alles für die Katz 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047420 05.07.2012 That Darn Cat 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047263 Hayley Mills - Dir. Robert Stevenson Anderland, Folge 23-45 (3 Discs) Kinderfilm/Komödie 1965 112min. Carolin Bartels, Kristina van Eyck, Carlo Airwolf - Season 2.2 (3 Discs) Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Ianni, Marianne Sägebrecht, Hertha Barian, Airwolf 02.08.2012 Gernot Duda, Herbert Fux, Jörg Hube, Dirk Jan-Michael Vincent, Ernest Borgnine, Alex 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047508 Zalm, Mira Gittner, Loni von Friedl - Dir. Cord, David Hemmings, Belinda Bauer, He- George Moorse lene Phillips - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario Alles über Eva Fantasy 1980-1986 667min. Action 1984-1987 495min. All About Eve Edel Germany(Aviator) 22.06.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) , Anne Baxter, George Sanders, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047660 05.07.2012 Celeste Holm, Gary Merrill, Hugh Marlowe, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047265 Thelma Ritter, , Gregory Anne liebt Philipp Ratoff, Barbara Bates, Walter Hampden - Jørgen + Anne = Sant Airwolf - Season 3.1 (3 Discs) Dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz Maria Tandero Berglyd, Otto Garli (im Origi- Airwolf Trailer nal: Jørgen; Rollenname lt. PH geändert.: Jan-Michael Vincent, Ernest Borgnine, Alex Drama 1950 132min. Philipp Ruge), Aurora Bach Rodal, Vilde Cord, David Hemmings, Belinda Bauer, He- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Fredriksen Verlo, Kristin Langsrud, Peter lene Phillips - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario Germany 20.07.2012 Holene, Sigurd Saethereng, Torkil Hoeg, Action 1984-1987 488min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047558 Adrian Holte Kristiansen, Birgitte Victoria Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Svendsen, Anna Jahr Svalheim, Emir 05.07.2012 Alraune - Die Wurzel des Grau- Mulaosmanovic, Randolph Walderhaug, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047267 ens Silje Breivik, Terje Ranes, Birgitte Victoria Mandrake Svendsen, Tone Mostraum, Ole Johan Airwolf - Season 3.2 (3 Discs) Maximilian Martini, Betsy Russell, Benito Skjelbred-Knudsen, Markus Tønseth, Stella Airwolf Martinez, Jon Mack, Nick Gomez, Wayne Heie, Francin Anoj Vincent, Morten Jan-Michael Vincent, Ernest Borgnine, Alex Pére, Freddie Joe Farnsworth, J. LaRose, Faldaas, Siw Anita Johnsen, Christoffer Cord, David Hemmings, Belinda Bauer, He- Wanetah Walmsley - Dir. Tripp Reed Staib, Magnus Young Mortensen, lene Phillips - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario Horror/Abenteuer 2010 86min. Sheenamae Tano - Dir. Anne Sewitsky Action 1984-1987 478min. Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Kinderfilm/Komödie 2011 83min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047615 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 09.08.2012 05.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047654 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047268 Alraune - Die Wurzel des Grau- ens (Blu-ray) Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die span- ATM - Tödliche Falle Mandrake ATM nendsten Filme (2 Discs) Maximilian Martini, Betsy Russell, Benito Brian Geraghty, Josh Peck, Alice Eve, Aa- Action/Kriminalfilm min. Martinez, Jon Mack, Nick Gomez, Wayne ron Hughes, Omar Khan, Will Woytowich, Universum Film(RTL video) 10.08.2012 Pére, Freddie Joe Farnsworth, J. LaRose, Glen Thompson, Robert Huculak - Dir. David 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047668 Wanetah Walmsley - Dir. Tripp Reed Brooks Horror/Abenteuer 2010 89min. Thriller/Horror 2012 86min. Alarm für Cobra 11 - Staffel 27 Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Universum Film(SquareOne) 03.08.2012 Erdogan Atalay, Tom Beck, Katja Woywood, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047649 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047502 Gottfried Vollmer, Dietmar Huhn, Daniela Wutte, Niels Robert Kurvin, Carina Wiese, Alyce - Außer Kontrolle (Blu-ray) ATM - Tödliche Falle (Blu-ray) Cosma Shiva Hagen, Kai Ebel, Mina Tander, (k.J.) ATM Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Daniel Alyce Brian Geraghty, Josh Peck, Alice Eve, Aa- Lommatzsch, Sebastian Kroehnert, Vasilis Jade Dornfeld, Tamara Feldman, James ron Hughes, Omar Khan, Will Woytowich, Spiliopoulos, Raphaël Vogt - Dir. Axel Sand, Duval - Dir. Jay Lee Glen Thompson, Robert Huculak - Dir. David Heinz Dietz, Sascha Thiel Trailer Brooks Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 min. Thriller/Horror 2011 94min. Thriller/Horror 2012 90min. Universum Film(RTL video) 10.08.2012 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 Universum Film(SquareOne) 03.08.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047667 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047640 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047520 Alien Nation - Spacecop L.A. Alyce - Außer Kontrolle (k.J.) Auf den Schwingen des Todes 1991 (Action Cult, Uncut) Alyce A Prayer For The Dying

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Mickey Rourke, Bob Hoskins, , Komödie 1966 86min. Facinelli, Paul Dawson - Dir. John Samantha Davis, Alison Doody, Liam STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Swanbeck Neeson, Christopher Fulford, Leonard Germany 05.07.2012 Drama 1999 80min. Termo, Camille Coduri, Karl Johnson, Ian 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047378 S.A.D. Home Entertainment 25.05.2012 Bartholomew, Peggy Aitchison, Anthony tba BestellNr.: 20047601 Head, David Lumsden, Ken Sharrock, Ian Balduin, der Geldschrankknacker McElhinney - Dir. Mike Hodges Faites Sauter La Banque Black Beauty, DVD 1 & 2 (2 Discs) Action/Drama 1987 104min. Louis de Funès, Georges Wilson, Michel The Adventures Of Black Beauty Koch Media 24.08.2012 Tureau, Yvonne Clech - Dir. Jean Girault Judi Bowker, William Lucas, Charlotte tba BestellNr.: 20047691 Farbfassung des Films, Trailer, Wendecover Michell, Robert Coleby - Dir. Charles Komödie 1963 85min. Crichton, Gerald Paulson Auf den Schwingen des Todes STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1972 314min. (Blu-ray) Germany 05.07.2012 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047379 A Prayer For The Dying 06.07.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047276 Mickey Rourke, Bob Hoskins, Alan Bates, Balduin, der Sonntagsfahrer Samantha Davis, Alison Doody, Liam Sur Un Arbre Perché Neeson, Christopher Fulford, Leonard Black Beauty, Komplettbox (8 Louis de Funès, Geraldine Chaplin, Olivier Termo, Camille Coduri, Karl Johnson, Ian Discs) de Funes, Alice Sapritch, Hans Meyer, Bartholomew, Peggy Aitchison, Anthony The Adventures Of Black Beauty Pierre Richard - Dir. Serge Korber Head, David Lumsden, Ken Sharrock, Ian Kinoaushangsatz, Werberatschlag als PDF, Bildergalerie, Judi Bowker, William Lucas, Charlotte McElhinney - Dir. Mike Hodges Trailer, Wendecover Michell, Robert Coleby - Dir. Charles Action/Drama 1987 108min. Komödie 1970 87min. Crichton, Gerald Paulson Koch Media 24.08.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1972 1201min. tba BestellNr.: 20047694 Germany 05.07.2012 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047380 06.07.2012 Auf der Suche (tlw. OmU) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047277 Corinna Harfouch, Nico Rogner, Trystan Balduin, der Trockenschwimmer Pütter, Valérie Leroy, Mehdi Dehbi, Mireille Le Petit Baigneur Der blaue Engel (Remastered) Perrier, Géraldine Loup, Dominique Louis de Funès, Robert Dhery, Michel (Blu-ray) Ratonnat, Manuel Diaz, Jacques Germain, Galabru, Colette Brosset, Andrea Parisy, , Marlene Dietrich, Kurt Georges Néri, Tobias Rauscher - Dir. Jan Franco Fabrizi, Jacques Legras - Dir. Ro- Gerron, Rosa Valetti, Hans Albers, Reinhold Krüger bert Dhery Bernt, Eduard von Winterstein, Hans Roth, Behind the Scenes, Trailer 2 Sprachfassungen, Kinoaushangsatz, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Rolf Müller, Roland Varno, Robert Klein- Drama 2011 86min. Wendecover Lörk, Carl Ballhaus, Wilhelm Diegelmann, Salzgeber & Co. Medien 31.05.2012 Komödie 1967 89min. Ilse Fürstenberg, Wolfgang Staudte, Ger- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047372 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 05.07.2012 hard Bienert, Weintraub’s Syncopators, AVH: Alien vs. Hunter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047381 Charles Puffy - Dir. Josef von Sternberg Drama 1930 min. AVH: Alien Vs. Hunter Universum Film 31.08.2012 William Katt, Dedee Pfeiffer, Wittly Jourdan, Being John Malkovich 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047683 Randy Mulkey, Jennifer Couch, Jason S. Being John Malkovich John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, Catherine Gray - Dir. Scott Harper Der blaue Engel (Remastered, 2 Trailer, Making of, Outtakes Keener, Orson Bean, Mary Kay Place, John Science Fiction/Horror 2007 85min. Malkovich, Charlie Sheen - Dir. Spike Jonze Discs) Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) Komödie 1999 min. Emil Jannings, Marlene Dietrich, Kurt 15.06.2012 Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Gerron, Rosa Valetti, Hans Albers, Reinhold 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047529 06.10.2012 Bernt, Eduard von Winterstein, Hans Roth, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047483 Rolf Müller, Roland Varno, Robert Klein- AVH: Alien vs. Hunter (Blu-ray) Lörk, Carl Ballhaus, Wilhelm Diegelmann, AVH: Alien Vs. Hunter Bergerac - Jim Bergerac ermittelt Ilse Fürstenberg, Wolfgang Staudte, Ger- William Katt, Dedee Pfeiffer, Wittly Jourdan, (3 Discs) hard Bienert, Weintraub’s Syncopators, Randy Mulkey, Jennifer Couch, Jason S. Bergerac Charles Puffy - Dir. Josef von Sternberg Gray - Dir. Scott Harper John Nettles, Terence Alexander, Sean Drama 1930 min. Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Arnold, Mela White Universum Film 31.08.2012 Science Fiction/Horror 2007 88min. Kriminalfilm 1981-1991 550min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047674 Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) justbridge entertainment media(BBC) 15.06.2012 08.06.2012 Blondinen bevorzugt (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047540 tba BestellNr.: 20047542 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe, Charles Balduin, das Nachtgespenst Big Foot - Das größte Monster al- Coburn, Elliott Reid, Tommy Noonan, Le Tatoué ler Zeiten George Winslow, Marcel Dalio, Taylor Louis de Funès, , Dominique Holmes, Norma Varden, Howard Wendell, Bigfoot Davray, Henri Virlojeux - Dir. Denys de la Steven Geray, Henri Letondal, Harry Carey Christopher Mitchum, John Carradine, Joi Patelliere Jr., Ray Montgomery, Alvy Moore, Robert Lansing, Lindsay Crosby, James Craig, Werberatschlag als PDF, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Nichols, Charles Tannen, James R. Young - Komödie 1967 86min. John Mitchum, Joy Wilkerson, James Stellar, Dir. Howard Hawks STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Doodles Weaver, Ken Maynard - Dir. Robert Trailer, - Wochenschau: „Marilyn Monroe und Jane Russell Germany 05.07.2012 Slatzer in Zement“ 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047377 Horror/Fantasy 1971 80min. Komödie 1953 91min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 15.06.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Balduin, der Ferienschreck 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047535 Germany 20.07.2012 Les Grandes Vacances 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047593 Louis de Funès, Claude Gensac, Ferdy The Big Kahuna - Ein dicker Mayne, Olivier de Funes, Kelly Henrard - Fisch Blood Dungeon (k.J.) Dir. Jean Girault The Big Kahuna Dungeon Girl Kinoaushangsatz, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover , Danny DeVito, Peter Wendi Jean Linn, Marcia James, Stacey

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Worth, Darrin McDuff, Bud Watson - Dir. Ulli Peter Gunn, Kenneth Colley, Olga Grahame, Pierre Melville Lommel Stephen Moore, Toni Galacki - Dir. Mark Interview, Wendecover Thriller/Horror 2008 80min. Herman Thriller 1972 95min. Intergroove Media(TB Horror Productions) Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 15.06.2012 Komödie/Drama 1996 107min. Germany(Arthaus) 05.07.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047528 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047382 Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 Bloodfighter of the Underworld 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047432 Clambake - Nur nicht Millionär sein (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Brazilian Scarface - Boca Lords Of The Underworld Clambake Boca Do Lixo Dale C. Reeves, James C. Burns, Bay Elvis Presley, Shelley Fabares, Will Daniel de Oliveira, Hermila Guedes, Abbey, Tanya Mayeux, Jaimyse Haft, Kiko Hutchins, Bill Bixby, Gary Merrill, James Jefferson Brasil, Milhem Cortaz, Paulo Ellsworth, Julian Wust, Jay Bontatibus, Gregory, Suzie Kaye, Marj Dusay - Dir. Cesar Pereio (Dr. Honório), Maxwell Silvia Suvadova, Sondra Currie, Tom Arthur H. Nadel Nascimento, Camila Lecciolli, Juliana McCafferty, George Villas - Dir. Dale C. Musikfilm 1967 95min. Galdino, Leandra Leal, Claudio Jaborandy - Reeves Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Flavio Frederico Action/Drama 2007 93min. Germany(MGM/UA) 20.07.2012 Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047343 MIG Film 09.08.2012 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 94min. tba BestellNr.: 20047359 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Der Club der toten Dichter (Blu- GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) Bloodfighter of the Underworld 13.07.2012 ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047410 Dead Poets Society Lords Of The Underworld Robin Williams, Robert Sean Leonard, Dale C. Reeves, James C. Burns, Bay Brazilian Scarface - Boca (Blu- Ethan Hawke, Josh Charles, Gale Hansen, Abbey, Tanya Mayeux, Jaimyse Haft, Kiko ray) Dylan Kussman, Norman Lloyd, Kurtwood Smith, Carla Belver - Dir. Peter Weir Ellsworth, Julian Wust, Jay Bontatibus, Boca Do Lixo Drama 1989 128min. Silvia Suvadova, Sondra Currie, Tom Daniel de Oliveira, Hermila Guedes, Walt Disney Studios Home McCafferty, George Villas - Dir. Dale C. Jefferson Brasil, Milhem Cortaz, Paulo Entertainment(Touchstone) 30.08.2012 Reeves Cesar Pereio (Dr. Honório), Maxwell 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047526 Action/Drama 2007 90min. Nascimento, Camila Lecciolli, Juliana MIG Film 09.08.2012 Galdino, Leandra Leal, Claudio Jaborandy - Coffy - Die Raubkatze (Action tba BestellNr.: 20047352 Dir. Flavio Frederico Trailer Cult, Uncut) Body of Proof - Die komplette 1. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 97min. Coffy Staffel (3 Discs) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Pam Grier, Booker Bradshaw, Robert Body Of Proof GmbH & Co. KG(Mr. Banker Films) DoQui, William Elliott, Allan Arbus, Sid Haig, Kriminalfilm/Drama 2011 min. 13.07.2012 Lee de Broux, Barry Cahill - Dir. Jack Hill Walt Disney Studios Home 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047431 Action 1973 min. Entertainment(ABC Studios) 30.08.2012 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047509 Cast Away - Verschollen (Blu-ray) Germany(MGM/UA) 17.08.2012 Cast Away 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047623 Boogeyman - Der schwarze Mann , Helen Hunt, Nick Searcy, Chris (Blu-ray) Noth, Lari White, Geoffrey Blake, Jenifer Columbo - 1. Staffel (6 Discs) Lewis, Michael Forest, Viveka Davis, Chri- Columbo Boogeyman stopher Kriesa - Dir. Robert Zemeckis Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino, Barry Watson, Emily Deschanel, Skye Audiokommentar Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, McCole Bartusiak, Victoria Mussett, Abenteuer 2000 144min. John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John Andrew Glover, Lucy Lawless, Charles Paramount Home Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley Mesure, Philip Gordon, Aaron Murphy, Entertainment(DreamWorks) 14.06.2012 Kriminalfilm 753min. Jennifer Rucker, Robyn Malcolm - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047424 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Stephen Kay 05.07.2012 Horror 2004 88min. Castaway - Die Insel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047293 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Castaway 05.07.2012 Oliver Reed, Amanda Donohoe, Georgina Columbo - 10. Staffel (4 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047301 Hale, Frances Barber, John Sessions, Tony Columbo Richards - Dir. Nicolas Roeg The Boys Are Back - Zurück ins Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino, Drama 1987 113min. Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, Leben KSM 18.06.2012 John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John The Boys Are Back 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047436 Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley Clive Owen, Laura Fraser, George MacKay, Kriminalfilm 701min. Emma Booth, Tommy Bastow, Erik Thomson, Ein Champion zum Verlieben Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Natasha Little, Emma Lung - Dir. Scott Hicks So Dear To My 05.07.2012 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Wendecover Burl Ives, Beulah Bondi - Dir. Harold D. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047323 Drama/Komödie 2009 100min. Schuster STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 1948 79min. Columbo - 2. Staffel (4 Discs) Germany(Miramax) 05.07.2012 Walt Disney Studios Home Columbo 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047418 Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047621 Brassed Off - Mit Pauken und Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John Trompeten (Blu-ray) Der Chef - Un Flic Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley Brassed Off Un Flic Kriminalfilm 613min. Pete Postlethwaite, Tara Fitzgerald, Ewan Alain Delon, Catherine Deneuve, Richard Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) McGregor, Jim Carter, Philip Jackson, Peter Crenna, Riccardo Cucciolla, Michael 05.07.2012 Martin, Stephen Tompkinson, Sue Johnston, Conrad, André Pousse, Paul Crauchet, Si- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047294 Mary Healey, Lill Roughley, Melanie Hill, mone Valère, Jean Desailly - Dir. Jean-

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Columbo - 3. Staffel (4 Discs) The Concrete Cowboys Dawn Rider Columbo Jerry Reed, Tom Selleck, Morgan Fairchild - Dawn Rider Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino, Dir. Burt Kennedy Christian Slater, Donald Sutherland, Jill Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, Action 1978 91min. Hennessy, Lochlyn Munro, Adrian Hough, John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John da music(Great Movies) 18.05.2012 G. Michael Gray, George Canyon, Claude Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047467 Duhamel, Matt Bellefleur, Kenneth W. Yanko Kriminalfilm 648min. - Dir. Terry Miles Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Confessions - Ein unsoziales Trailer 05.07.2012 Partygirl Western 2012 96min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047315 Confessions Of A Sociopathic Social Koch Media 18.08.2012 Climber tba BestellNr.: 20047598 Columbo - 4. Staffel (3 Discs) Jennifer Love Hewitt, Colin Ferguson, Columbo Natassia Malthe, Daniel Roebuck, Stefanie Dawn Rider (Blu-ray) Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino, von Pfetten, James Kirk, Sonja Bennett, Dawn Rider Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, Jennifer Clement, Melissa Rivers, Joey Christian Slater, Donald Sutherland, Jill John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John Lawrence, Peter Abraham - Dir. Dana Lu- Hennessy, Lochlyn Munro, Adrian Hough, Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley stig G. Michael Gray, George Canyon, Claude Kriminalfilm 510min. Komödie 2005 82min. Duhamel, Matt Bellefleur, Kenneth W. Yanko Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) bellaphon records(Great Movies) - Dir. Terry Miles 05.07.2012 25.05.2012 Trailer Western 2012 101min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047316 tba BestellNr.: 20047610 Koch Media 18.08.2012 Columbo - 5. Staffel (3 Discs) Cyborg (Action Cult, Uncut) (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20047633 Columbo Cyborg Louis de Funès Collection 3 (3 Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino, Jean-Claude van Damme, Deborah Richter, Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, Vincent Klyn, Alex Daniels, Dayle Haddon, Discs) John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John Blaise Loong, Ralf Möller - Dir. Albert Pyun Brust oder Keule / Der Querkopf / Louis Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley Action/Fantasy 1989 min. und seine außerirdischen Kohlköpfe Kriminalfilm 485min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Louis de Funès, Michel Colucci, Annie Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Germany(MGM/UA) 17.08.2012 Girardot, Jean Carmet - Dir. Claude Zidi, 05.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047624 Jean Girault Bildergalerie, Kinoaushangsatz, Trailer, Werberatschlag 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047318 (PDF), Presseheft (PDF), Wendecover Dame König As Spion Komödie 1976-1981 291min. Columbo - 6. & 7. Staffel (3 Discs) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Columbo Gary Oldman, , Tom Hardy, John Germany 05.07.2012 Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino, Hurt, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Benedict 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047417 Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, Cumberbatch, Ciarán Hinds, David Dencik, John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John Philip Martin Brown, Burke, Laura Alain Delon Edition - Vol. 1 (3 Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley Carmichael, Oleg Dzhabrailov, Amanda Fair- Discs) Kriminalfilm 606min. bank-Hynes, Stephen Graham, Konstantin Nur die Sonne war Zeuge / Rocco und Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Khabenskij, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Jamie seine Brüder / Liebe 1962 05.07.2012 Thomas King, Tomasz Kowalski, Sarah Alain Delon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047319 Linda, Roger Lloyd-Pack, Simon McBurney, Audiointerview, Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Doku- Christian McKay, Katrina Vasilieva, mentation, Trailer, Wendecover Columbo - 8. Staffel (3 Discs) Matyelok Gibbs, Peter O’Connor, Zoltán Drama 1959-1962 403min. Columbo Mucsi, Péter Kálloy Molnár, Linda Marlowe, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino, John Le Carré, Imre Csuja, Ilona Kassai - Germany(Arthaus) 05.07.2012 Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, Dir. Tomas Alfredson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047361 John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 122min. Alain Delon Edition - Vol. 2 (3 Kriminalfilm 540min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Discs) Germany 09.08.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Vier im roten Kreis / Der Chef / Monsieur 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047360 05.07.2012 Klein 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047321 Dame König As Spion (Blu-ray) Alain Delon Intro, Interview, Trailer, Wendecover Columbo - 9. Staffel (4 Discs) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Thriller/Drama 1970-1976 346min. Columbo Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Tom Hardy, John STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Peter Falk, Suzanne Pleshette, Ida Lupino, Hurt, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Benedict Germany(Arthaus) 05.07.2012 Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, Cumberbatch, Ciarán Hinds, David Dencik, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047362 John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John Philip Martin Brown, Kathy Burke, Laura Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley Carmichael, Oleg Dzhabrailov, Amanda Fair- Des Lebens bittere Süße, Box 3 - Kriminalfilm 808min. bank-Hynes, Stephen Graham, Konstantin Seid die Besten und greift nach Khabenskij, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Jamie Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) den Sternen (2 Discs) 05.07.2012 Thomas King, Tomasz Kowalski, Sarah To Be The Best 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047322 Linda, Roger Lloyd-Pack, Simon McBurney, Christian McKay, Katrina Vasilieva, Lindsay Wagner - Dir. Tony Wharmby Matyelok Gibbs, Peter O’Connor, Zoltán Trailer, Interview Community - Die komplette erste Drama 1992 200min. Mucsi, Péter Kálloy Molnár, Linda Marlowe, Season (4 Discs) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing John Le Carré, Imre Csuja, Ilona Kassai - Community AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 27.07.2012 Dir. Tomas Alfredson Komödie 2009 min. Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047270 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 127min. 26.07.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 1.1 (4 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047505 Germany 09.08.2012 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047384 The Concrete Cowboys , Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos,

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Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Rossetti Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Trailer Folgen) Folgen) Western 1967 101min. Interview Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 485min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 15.06.2012 Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 613min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047532 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.07.2012 05.07.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047334 Dr. med. Fabian - Lachen ist die 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047328 beste Medizin Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 4.2 (3 Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff, Martin Held, Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 1.2 (3 Discs) Maria Perschy, Gisela Uhlen, Ulrike Blome, Discs) The Rockford Files Elisabeth Flickenschildt, Agnes Windeck, The Rockford Files James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, Monika Peitsch, Hubert von Meyerinck, Elsa James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Wagner, Edith Schneider, Martin Jente, Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Beate Hasenau, Hans Terofal - Dir. Harald Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Folgen) Reinl Folgen) Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 502min. Komödie/Melodram 1969 min. Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 570min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.07.2012 31.08.2012 05.07.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047335 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047675 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047329 Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 5.1 (3 Donaugeschichten - Komplettbox Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 2.1 (3 Discs) (4 Discs) Discs) The Rockford Files Willy Millowitsch, Christiane Hörbiger, Hans The Rockford Files James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, Putz, Lotti Krekel - Dir. Wolfgang Glück James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Komödie 1963-1965 650min. Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 18.05.2012 Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Folgen) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047411 Folgen) Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 496min. Interview Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Einmal ist keinmal Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 516min. 05.07.2012 One For The Money Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047336 Katherine Heigl, Jason O’Mara, Daniel 05.07.2012 Sunjata, John Leguizamo, Sherri Shepherd, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047330 Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 5.2 (3 Debbie Reynolds, Debra Monk, Louis Discs) Mustillo, Nate Mooney, Adam Paul, Fisher Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 2.2 (3 Stevens, Ana Reeder - Dir. Julie Anne The Rockford Files Discs) Robinson James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, The Rockford Files Making-of, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, Action/Komödie 2011 88min. Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Folgen) Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Home Edition) 06.09.2012 Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 506min. Folgen) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047374 Interview Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 512min. 05.07.2012 Einmal ist keinmal (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047337 One For The Money 05.07.2012 Katherine Heigl, Jason O’Mara, Daniel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047331 Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 6 (3 Sunjata, John Leguizamo, Sherri Shepherd, Discs) Debbie Reynolds, Debra Monk, Louis Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 3.1 (3 The Rockford Files Mustillo, Nate Mooney, Adam Paul, Fisher Discs) James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, Stevens, Ana Reeder - Dir. Julie Anne The Rockford Files Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Robinson James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Making-of, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen Action/Komödie 2011 92min. Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom Folgen) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 531min. Home Edition) 06.09.2012 Folgen) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047393 Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 485min. 05.07.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047338 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) El Perdido (Edition Western-Le- 05.07.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047332 Der diskrete Charme der Bour- genden #16) geoisie (Blu-ray) The Last Sunset Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 3.2 (3 Le Charme Discret De La Bourgeoisie Rock Hudson, Kirk Douglas, Dorothy Discs) Fernando Rey, Delphine Seyrig, Stéphane Malone, , Carol Lynley, Neville Brand, Regis Toomey, Rad Fulton, The Rockford Files Audran, Bulle Ogier, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Adam Williams - Dir. Robert Aldrich James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos, Paul Frankeur, Claude Piéplu, , Western 1961 108min. Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom - Dir. Luis Buñuel Koch Media 06.07.2012 Atkins, James Luisi - Dir. William Wiard (28 Featurette, Wendecover Drama 1972 97min. tba BestellNr.: 20047687 Folgen) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 498min. Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 El Perdido (Edition Western-Le- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047434 05.07.2012 genden #16) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047333 The Last Sunset Django - Die im Schlamm verrek- Rock Hudson, Kirk Douglas, Dorothy Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 4.1 (3 ken (k.J.) Malone, Joseph Cotten, Carol Lynley, Discs) El Desperado Neville Brand, Regis Toomey, Rad Fulton, Andrea Giordana, Rosemarie Dexter, Fran- Adam Williams - Dir. Robert Aldrich The Rockford Files co Giornelli, Piero Lulli - Dir. Franco Western 1961 112min. James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos,

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Koch Media 06.07.2012 plette erste Staffel Forever Marilyn - Die Blu-ray Kol- tba BestellNr.: 20047693 Ruedi Walter, Margrit Rainer, Inigo Gallo, lektion (7 Discs) (Blu-ray) Hermann Thieme, Günter Haase - Dir. Wolf Erinnerung an meine traurigen Blondinen bevorzugt / Fluss ohne Wieder- Dietrich kehr / Manche mögen’s heiß / Misfits / Huren Booklet Rhytmus im Blut / Das verflixte 7. Jahr / Kriminalfilm 1972 325min. Memoria De Mis Putas Tristes Wie angelt man sich einen Millionär? Pidax film media(Pidax film) 06.07.2012 Emilio Echevarría, Alejandra Barros, Ángela Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, Charles 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047538 Molina, Dominika Paleta, Geraldine Chaplin, Coburn, Lauren Bacall, , Ro- Olivia Molina - Dir. Henning Carlsen Ein Fall für Männdli - Die kom- bert Mitchum, Rory Calhoun, , Trailer Donald O’Connor, Tom Ewell, Evelyn Keyes, Drama 2011 93min. plette zweite Staffel (2 Discs) Tony Curtis, , Clark Gable, Capelight Pictures 13.07.2012 Ruedi Walter, Margrit Rainer, Inigo Gallo, Montgomery Clift - Dir. Howard Hawks, tba BestellNr.: 20047571 Hermann Thieme, Günter Haase - Dir. Wolf Jean Negulesco, Otto Preminger, Walter Dietrich Erinnerung an meine traurigen Lang, Billy Wilder, Booklet Komödie/Drama 1950-1961 min. Kriminalfilm 1972-1975 325min. Huren (Blu-ray) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.09.2012 Memoria De Mis Putas Tristes Germany 20.07.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047546 Emilio Echevarría, Alejandra Barros, Ángela 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047565 Molina, Dominika Paleta, Geraldine Chaplin, Olivia Molina - Dir. Henning Carlsen Faust Frankie und Johnny Gösta Ekman sen., Emil Jannings, Camilla Trailer Frankie And Johnny Drama 2011 97min. Horn, Frida Richard, William Dieterle, Yvette Elvis Presley, Harry Morgan, Sue Anne Capelight Pictures 13.07.2012 Guilbert, Hanna Ralph, Werner Fuetterer, Langdon, Nancy Kovack, Audrey Christie, tba BestellNr.: 20047591 Eric Barclay - Dir. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Donna Douglas - Dir. Frederick De Cordova Drama 1926 min. Komödie/Musikfilm 1966 min. Eva und Adam - Vier Geburtstage Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15.09.2012 und ein Fiasko Germany(MGM/UA) 20.07.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047575 Eva & Adam - Fyra Födelsedagar Och Ett 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047344 Fiasko Ellen Fjaestad, Carl-Robert Holmer-Karell, Flaming Star Die Frau in Schwarz Flaming Star Ulrika Bergman, Pablo Martinez, Tove The Woman In Black Elvis Presley, Dolores del Rio, Steve Edfeldt, Rosanna Munther, Anders Habe- Daniel Radcliffe, Ciarán Hinds, Janet Forrest, Barbara Eden, John McIntire, nicht, Anki Larsson, Douglas Johansson, McTeer, Liz White, Shaun Dooley, Sophie Rudolfo Acosta, Karl Swenson, Ford Erik Johansson, Alvin Nyström, Maria af Stuckey, Jessica Raine, Misha Handley, Rainey, Richard Jaeckel, Anne Benton - Dir. Malmborg, Carina M. Johansson, Per Holm- Roger Allam, Mary Stockley, Emma Shorey, Don Siegel berg, Ny Edfeldt, Carl Wachtmeister, Stefan Molly Harmon, Lucy May Barker, Alfie Field, Western 1960 87min. Sundström - Dir. Catti Edfeldt Victor McGuire - Dir. James Watkins Komödie/Jugend 2001 86min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Atlas Film Home Entertainment 27.07.2012 Germany 20.07.2012 Horror/Mystery 2012 91min. tba BestellNr.: 20047688 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047341 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 09.08.2012 Exodus Der fliegende Pauker 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047491 Exodus The Absent-Minded Professor , Eva Marie Saint, Sir Ralph Fred MacMurray, Nancy Olson, Keenan Die Frau in Schwarz (Blu-ray) Richardson, Lee J. Cobb, Sal Mineo, Peter Wynn, Tommy Kirk, Leon Ames, Elliott Reid - The Woman In Black Lawford, John Derek, Hugh Griffith, Dir. Robert Stevenson Daniel Radcliffe, Ciarán Hinds, Janet Gregory Ratoff, Alexandra Stewart - Dir. Science Fiction/Komödie 1961 min. McTeer, Liz White, Shaun Dooley, Sophie Otto Preminger Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Stuckey, Jessica Raine, Misha Handley, Wendecover 02.08.2012 Roger Allam, Mary Stockley, Emma Shorey, Drama 1960 199min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047511 Molly Harmon, Lucy May Barker, Alfie Field, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Victor McGuire - Dir. James Watkins Germany(Arthaus) 05.07.2012 Fluss ohne Wiederkehr (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047383 River Of No Return Horror/Mystery 2012 95min. Robert Mitchum, Rory Calhoun, Marilyn Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Exodus (Blu-ray) Monroe, Tommy Rettig, Murvyn Vye - Dir. Home Edition) 09.08.2012 Exodus Otto Preminger 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047496 Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint, Sir Ralph Trailer, Weitere Film-Trailer mit Marilyn Monroe: Blondinen bevorzugt, Wie angelt man sich einen Millionär, Das verflixte Die Frau, nach der man sich Richardson, Lee J. Cobb, Sal Mineo, Peter 7. Jahr, Rhythmus im Blut Lawford, John Derek, Hugh Griffith, Western/Drama 1954 91min. sehnt Gregory Ratoff, Alexandra Stewart - Dir. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Marlene Dietrich, Udo Henning, Fritz Otto Preminger Germany 20.07.2012 Kortner, Oskar Sima, Frida Richard, Karl Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047589 Etlinger, Edith Edwards, Bruno Ziener - Dir. Drama 1960 207min. Curtis Bernhardt (als Kurt Bernhardt) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment The Fog - Nebel des Grauens Drama 1929 min. Germany(Arthaus) 05.07.2012 The Fog Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047398 Adrienne Barbeau, Jamie Lee Curtis, John 15.09.2012 Douglas Fairbanks Collection 2 Houseman, Janet Leigh, Hal Holbrook, Tom 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047579 Atkins, Nancy Loomis, Charles Cyphers, Ty Im Zeichen des Zorro / Der schwarze Pirat Mitchel - Dir. John Carpenter Ein Frechdachs im Maisbeet / Die drei Musketiere Audiokommentar, Wendecover Rascal Douglas Fairbanks sen. Horror 1979 86min. Komödie 1969 81min. Drama 307min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Walt Disney Studios Home da music(Great Movies) 18.05.2012 Germany 19.07.2012 Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047478 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047442 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047620 Ein Fall für Männdli - Die kom-

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Freiwild - Zum Abschuss freige- Uncut) (k.J.) Universum Film 10.08.2012 geben Double Impact 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047312 Jean-Claude van Damme, Alonna Shaw, Blooded Giallo-Collection - Teil 1 (3 Discs) Nick Ashdon, Oliver Boot, Cicely Tennant, Geoffrey Lewis, Alan Scarfe, Sarah-Jane Der schöne Körper der Deborah / The Tracy Ifeachor, Joseph Kloska, Jay Taylor - Varley - Dir. Sheldon Lettich Frightened Woman / Die Waffe, die Stun- Dir. Edward Boase Action 1991 min. de, das Gesetz Thriller/Horror 2011 77min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Horror/Thriller 266min. Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Germany(MGM/UA) 17.08.2012 Koch Media 27.07.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047614 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047625 tba BestellNr.: 20047684 Gefährten Freiwild - Zum Abschuss freige- Jean-Luc Godard - Arthaus Close- geben (Blu-ray) War Horse Emily Watson, David Thewlis, Peter Mullan, Up (3 Discs) Blooded Niels Arestrup, Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Außer Atem / Die Verachtung / Elf Uhr Nick Ashdon, Oliver Boot, Cicely Tennant, Irvine, Benedict Cumberbatch, Toby nachts Tracy Ifeachor, Joseph Kloska, Jay Taylor - Kebbell, Celine Buckens, Rainer Bock, Dir. Jean-Luc Godard Dir. Edward Boase Patrick Kennedy, Geoff Bell, Leonard Audiokommentar, Intro, Filmplakate, Bildergalerie, Kurzfilme, Thriller/Horror 2011 80min. Carow, Robert Emms, David Kross, Matt Presseheft (PDF), Trailer, Wendecover Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Kriminalfilm/Drama 1959-1965 291min. Miline - Dir. Steven Spielberg 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047648 Featurette STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 141min. Germany(Arthaus) 05.07.2012 Freunde für immer - Das Leben Walt Disney Studios Home 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047415 ist rund, Die komplette Serie (2 Entertainment(Touchstone) 30.08.2012 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047501 The Great Raid - Tag der Befrei- André Röhner, Stefan Feddersen-Clausen, ung (k.J.) Volker Muthmann, Roberto Guerra, Matthias Gefährten (Blu-ray) The Great Raid Gall, Kai Ivo Baulitz, Holger Dexne, Carolin War Horse Benjamin Bratt, James Franco, Robert Pohl, Mignon Remé, Anja Herden, Lucie Emily Watson, David Thewlis, Peter Mullan, Mammone, Maximilian Martini, James Pohl, Nadine Ammelung, Peter Franke, Glo- Niels Arestrup, Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Carpinello, Mark Consuelos, Craig ria Vandessa, Charlaine Weber, Peter Irvine, Benedict Cumberbatch, Toby McLachlan, Sam Worthington, Clayne Lohmeyer, Christoph Maria Herbst, Morgan Kebbell, Celine Buckens, Rainer Bock, Crawford, Jeremy Callaghan, Paolo Domingos, Robert Huth, Toni Schumacher - Patrick Kennedy, Geoff Bell, Leonard Montalban, Royston Innes, Luke Pegler, Dir. Sönke Wortmann, Heinrich Hadding, Carow, Robert Emms, David Kross, Matt Dale Dye, Jerome Ehlers, Brett Tucker, Wolfgang Groos Miline - Dir. Steven Spielberg Kristian Schmid, Warwick Young, Matt Audiokommentar Featurettes Doran, Joseph Fiennes, Marton Csokas, Komödie 2006 308min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 147min. Nicholas Bell, Kenny Doughty, Iain Gar- Turbine Medien(Turbine Classics) Walt Disney Studios Home diner, Christopher Baker, Christopher 25.05.2012 Entertainment(Touchstone) 30.08.2012 Morris, William Gluth, Connie Nielsen, Nata- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047353 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047519 lie Mendoza, Eugenia Yuan, Alvin Anson, Neil Fitzpatrick, Motoki Kobayashi, Gotaro Fußball ist unser Leben Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Tsunashima, Masa Yamaguchi - Dir. John Uwe Ochsenknecht, Ralf Richter, Oscar Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance Dahl Ortega Sánchez, Walter Gontermann, Mi- Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Wendecover chael Sideris, Tana Schanzara, Tobias Placido, Johnny Whitworth, Christopher Action/Drama 2005 127min. Schenke, Marita Marschall, Jochen Lambert, Idris Elba, Spencer Wilding, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kolenda, Thomas Balou Martin, Horst D. Fergus Riordan, Jacek Koman, Sorin Tofan, Germany(Miramax) 05.07.2012 Schessel, Ludger Burmann - Dir. Tomy Anthony Head - Dir. Mark Neveldine, Brian 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047419 Wigand Taylor Trailer, Stadionspot, TV-Spot, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Action/Fantasy 2011 94min. Grenzpolizei Texas (Edition We- Biografien Universum Film 10.08.2012 stern-Legenden #15) Komödie 1999 92min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047299 The Texas Rangers Turbine Medien 25.05.2012 Fred MacMurray, Jack Oakie, Jean Parker, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047314 Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Lloyd Nolan, Edward Ellis, Benny Bartlett, Fußballtrainer Wulff - Komplett- (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Frank Shannon, George ‘Gabby’ Hayes - Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance Dir. King Vidor box (4 Discs) Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Western/Action 1936 94min. Horst Niendorf, Kurt Schmidtchen, Michael Placido, Johnny Whitworth, Christopher Koch Media 06.07.2012 Ande, Arthur Brauss, Michael Hinz, Detlev Lambert, Idris Elba, Spencer Wilding, tba BestellNr.: 20047686 Eckstein, Hermann Lenschau, Georg Hart- Fergus Riordan, Jacek Koman, Sorin Tofan, mann, Will Danin - Dir. Erich Neureuther Anthony Head - Dir. Mark Neveldine, Brian Die große Sause (Blu-ray) Komödie 1972 650min. Taylor La Grande Vadrouille Pidax film media(Pidax film) 18.05.2012 Action/Fantasy 2011 98min. Louis de Funès, , Terry-Thomas, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047412 Universum Film 10.08.2012 Benno Sterzenbach, Claudio Brook, Marie 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047313 Dubois, Andrea Parisy - Dir. Gérard Oury Ein ganz verrückter Freitag Verschiedene Filmfassungen, Kinoaushangsatz, Bildergale- Freaky Friday Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance rie, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1966 124min. Barbara Harris, Jodie Foster, John Astin, (Blu-ray) Patsy Kelly, Dick van Patten - Dir. Gary STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance Nelson Germany 05.07.2012 Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Violante Komödie 1976 95min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047399 Placido, Johnny Whitworth, Christopher Walt Disney Studios Home Lambert, Idris Elba, Spencer Wilding, Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 Dieter Hallervorden - Die große Fergus Riordan, Jacek Koman, Sorin Tofan, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047619 Didi-Movie Kult Collection (6 Anthony Head - Dir. Mark Neveldine, Brian Discs) Geballte Ladung (Action Cult, Taylor Action/Fantasy 2011 98min. Ach du lieber Harry! / Der Schnüffler / Didi

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- Der Doppelgänger / Didi und die Rache Ji Jie Hao Song Kang-ho, Lee Na-yeong, Nam Bo-ra, der Enterbten / Didi auf vollen Touren / Zhang Hanyu, Deng Chao, Yuan Wenkang, Jang In-Ho, Shin Jeong-Keun - Dir. Yu Ha Didi - Der Experte Yan Tang, Liao Fan, Wang Baoqiang, Hu Thriller 2012 108min. Dieter Hallervorden Jun, Hu Ming - Dir. Splendid Film(Amazia) 27.07.2012 Intro, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Making of, B-Roll, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Biografien 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047364 Bildergalerien, Trailer, TV-Reihen Kriegsfilm/Drama 2007 128min. Komödie 1980-1987 530min. KSM 08.06.2012 Howling - Der Killer in dir (Blu- Turbine Media Group 25.05.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047447 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047549 ray) Hide and Seek Hawooling Song Kang-ho, Lee Na-yeong, Nam Bo-ra, Halloween: H20 Hide And Seek Jang In-Ho, Shin Jeong-Keun - Dir. Yu Ha Halloween: H20 Robert De Niro, Dakota Fanning, Famke Thriller 2012 112min. Jamie Lee Curtis, Adam Arkin, Josh Hart- Janssen, Elisabeth Shue, Amy Irving, Dylan Splendid Film(Amazia) 27.07.2012 nett, Michelle Williams, Adam Hann-Byrd, Baker, Melissa Leo, Robert John Burke, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047385 Jodi Lyn O’Keefe, Janet Leigh, LL Cool J, Molly Grant Kallins, David Chandler, Amber Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Nancy Stephens, McDonald, Josh Flitter, Alicia Harding - Dir. Hügel der blutigen Stiefel (Digital Brandon Williams, Chris Durand - Dir. Steve John Polson Miner Horror/Thriller 2004 min. Remastered) Making of, Musikvideo, Teaser, Trailer, Wendecover Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) La Collina Degli Stivali Thriller/Horror 1998 86min. 06.10.2012 Terence Hill, , Woody Strode, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047487 Eduardo Ciannelli, Glauco Onorato, Victor Germany(Miramax) 19.07.2012 Buono, Lionel Stander - Dir. Giuseppe tba BestellNr.: 20047435 Mary Higgins Clark Collection (2 Colizzi Zwei Synchronfassungen, Plakate, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Das Haus der Krokodile Discs) Wendecover Kristo Ferkic, Joanna Ferkic, Vijessna Schwarze Hochzeit / Rivalinnen / Das Western/Komödie 1969 96min. Ferkic, Christoph Maria Herbst, Gudrun zweite Gesicht / Ein Schrei in der Nacht STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ritter, Waldemar Kobus, Elena Oechsner, Kriminalfilm min. Germany 19.07.2012 Uwe Friedrichsen, Dieter Schaad, Thomas MORE Music and Media(More Brands and 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047437 Ohrner, Katja Weitzenböck - Dir. Cyrill Products) 22.06.2012 Boss, Philipp Stennert tba BestellNr.: 20047604 Ich kämpfe um dich Abenteuer 2012 min. Spellbound Highlight Communications Hochzeit mit Folgen - Ek Main , Gregory Peck, John Emery, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.10.2012 Aur Ekk Tu Leo G. Carroll, Rhonda Fleming, Michael 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047326 Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu Chekhov, Donald Curtis, Jean Acker - Dir. Imran Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Boman Irani, Das Haus der Krokodile (Blu-ray) Ratna Pathak, Ram Kapoor, Rob Darren, Thriller 1945 min. Kristo Ferkic, Joanna Ferkic, Vijessna Dana Lewis, Zenobia Shroff - Dir. Shakun Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Ferkic, Christoph Maria Herbst, Gudrun Batra 06.10.2012 Ritter, Waldemar Kobus, Elena Oechsner, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047477 Uwe Friedrichsen, Dieter Schaad, Thomas Komödie 2012 107min. Ohrner, Katja Weitzenböck - Dir. Cyrill Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.07.2012 Ich möchte kein Mann sein / Die Boss, Philipp Stennert 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047550 Austernprinzessin Abenteuer 2012 min. Dir. Ernst Lubitsch Highlight Communications Das Hochzeitsvideo Komödie 1918-1919 min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.10.2012 Lisa Bitter, Marian Kindermann, Martin Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047357 Aselmann, Lucie Heinze, Stefan Ruppe, 15.09.2012 Christiane Lemm, Michael Abendroth, Su- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047573 Heißer Verdacht - Staffel 1 - 6 (12 sanne Tremper, Matthias Brenner, Jan- Discs) David Buerger, Mascha von Kreisler, Chri- Im Feuer des Drachen (k.J.) stoph Hofrichter, Simon Eckert, Milena Prime Suspect: The Final Act Dragon Fire Karas, Janina Sachau, Anna Kubin, Artus Helen Mirren, Robert Pugh, Stephen Dominic Labanca, Pamela Runo, Dennis Matthiesen, Elmira Bahrami, Rainer Galke - Tompkinson, Laura Greenwood, Eve Best, Keifer, Rod Kei, Val Michailovic, Hyung Lee, Dir. Sönke Wortmann Katy Murphy, Gary Lewis, Frank Finlay, Michael Blanks, Harold Hazeldine, Randy Komödie/Lovestory 2012 min. Tom Bell, Brendan Coyle, Robbie Gee, Ideishi - Dir. Rick Jacobson Highlight Communications Russell Mabey, Heshima Thompson, Laura Original Trailer, Slideshow, Trailer (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.10.2012 Action 1993 78min. Doddington, Carolyn Pickles, Maxine Barton 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047325 da music(Best Entertainment) 18.05.2012 - Dir. Philip Martin 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047476 Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006 1303min. Das Hochzeitsvideo (Blu-ray) Koch Media 03.08.2012 Lisa Bitter, Marian Kindermann, Martin In Deep - TV-Moviebox (3 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20047689 Aselmann, Lucie Heinze, Stefan Ruppe, In Deep - In der Schusslinie / In Deep - Helicops - Einsatz über Berlin: Christiane Lemm, Michael Abendroth, Su- Ritual des Todes / In Deep - Unter Wölfen sanne Tremper, Matthias Brenner, Jan- Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2001-2003 300min. Die komplette zweite Staffel (3 David Buerger, Mascha von Kreisler, Chri- justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Discs) stoph Hofrichter, Simon Eckert, Milena 08.06.2012 Christoph M. Ohrt, Doreen Jacobi, Matthias Karas, Janina Sachau, Anna Kubin, Artus tba BestellNr.: 20047408 Matz, Peter Simonischek - Dir. Peter Ristau, Matthiesen, Elmira Bahrami, Rainer Galke - Thomas Jacob, Peter Claridge, Norbert Dir. Sönke Wortmann The Incident (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Skrovanek Komödie/Lovestory 2012 min. The Incident Action 1998 600min. Highlight Communications Rupert Evans, Kenny Doughty, Joseph Edel Germany(Aviator) 22.06.2012 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 04.10.2012 Kennedy, Anna Skellern, Dave Legeno, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047656 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047356 Richard Brake, Eric Godon, Darren Kent, Martin Swabey, Marcus Garvey, Biondolillo Heroes of War - Assembly (Blu- Howling - Der Killer in dir Pascal - Dir. Alexandre Courtès ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Hawooling Trailer Thriller/Horror 2011 86min.

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Koch Media 18.08.2012 07.08.2012 Juice - City War tba BestellNr.: 20047635 tba BestellNr.: 20047396 Juice Omar Epps - Dir. Ernest R. Dickerson The Incident (k.J.) Irrwege einer Ehe Drama 1992 91min. The Incident Why Change Your Wife? KSM 18.06.2012 Rupert Evans, Kenny Doughty, Joseph Gloria Swanson, Thomas Meighan - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047440 Kennedy, Anna Skellern, Dave Legeno, Cecil B. DeMille Richard Brake, Eric Godon, Darren Kent, Komödie 1920 min. Der jüngste Tag - Das Ende der Martin Swabey, Marcus Garvey, Biondolillo Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Menschheit Pascal - Dir. Alexandre Courtès 15.09.2012 Collision Earth Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047578 Thriller/Horror 2011 83min. Kirk Acevedo, Diane Farr, Chad Krowchuk - Koch Media 18.08.2012 Italowestern - Enzyklopädie No. 1 Dir. Paul Ziller tba BestellNr.: 20047600 Trailer (4 Discs) Action/Science Fiction 2011 87min. Die Insel am Ende der Zeit Amigos / Drei Halunken und ein Halleluja / Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 Schweinehunde beten nicht / Shamango 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047602 L ‘Ile: Les Naufragés De La Terre Perdue Western 384min. Michel Béatrix, Kaddour Dorgham, Cyrielle Koch Media 27.07.2012 Der jüngste Tag - Das Ende der Debreuil, Jérémy Duplot jr. - Dir. Olivier tba BestellNr.: 20047685 Boillot Menschheit (Blu-ray) Wendecover Collision Earth Abenteuer/Mystery 2011 91min. Jacob’s Ladder - In der Gewalt Kirk Acevedo, Diane Farr, Chad Krowchuk - MIG Film 09.08.2012 des Jenseits Dir. Paul Ziller tba BestellNr.: 20047583 Jacob’s Ladder Trailer Tim Robbins, Elizabeth Peña, Danny Aiello, Action/Science Fiction 2011 90min. Die Insel am Ende der Zeit (Blu- Matt Craven, Jason Alexander, Pruitt Taylor Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 ray) Vince, Patricia Kalember, Ving Rhames, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047637 Macaulay Culkin - Dir. Adrian Lyne L ‘Ile: Les Naufragés De La Terre Perdue Kaiserin Maria Theresia Michel Béatrix, Kaddour Dorgham, Cyrielle Horror/Thriller 1990 min. Marianne Schönauer, Ulli Fessl, Fritz von Debreuil, Jérémy Duplot jr. - Dir. Olivier Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Friedl, Heinz Zuber, Rudolf Bissegger, Al- Boillot 06.10.2012 Wendecover 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047486 fred Reiterer - Dir. Kurt Junek Abenteuer/Mystery 2011 94min. Historienfilm 1980 180min. MIG Film 09.08.2012 Jagd auf Roter Oktober (Blu-ray) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 06.07.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20047596 The Hunt For Red October 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047545 Sir Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Intoleranz Glenn, Tim Curry, , Sam Das Kartell (Blu-ray) Intolerance Neill, Joss Ackland, Richard Jordan, Peter Clear And Present Danger Robert Harron, Mae Marsh, Miriam Cooper, Firth - Dir. John McTiernan Harrison Ford, , Anne Archer, , Howard Gaye, Lillian Action/Thriller 1990 135min. Joaquim De Almeida, Henry Czerny, Harris Gish, Josephine Crowell, Lillian Langdon, Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 Yulin, Donald Moffat, Miguel Sandoval, Ben- Margery Wilson, Eugene Pallette, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047428 jamin Bratt, Raymond Cruz, James Earl Constance Talmadge, Elmer Clifton, Alfred Jones, Dean Jones, Thora Birch, Ann Paget, Elmo Lincoln - Dir. D.W. Griffith Jennerwein Magnuson, Hope Lange, Tom Tammi, Tim Drama 1916 min. Fritz Karl, Christoph Waltz, Sabrina White, Grimm, Belita Moreno - Dir. Phillip Noyce Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Monika Baumgartner, August Schmölzer, Action/Thriller 1994 141min. 15.09.2012 Petra Berndt, Pepi Pittl, Florian Brückner - Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047574 Dir. Hans-Günther Bücking 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047425 Historienfilm/Drama 2003 90min. Ip Woman KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Kawa (OmU) Jian Hu Nu Xia Qiu Jin 14.06.2012 Nights In The Gardens Of Spain Rose Chan, Kevin Cheng, Pat Ha, Terri 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047456 Calvin Tuteao, Nathalie Boltt, George Doty, Yi Huang, Suet Lam, Yu-Hang To, Henare, Vicky Haughton, Dean O’Gorman - Anthony Wong - Dir. Herman Yau Joe + Belle (OmU) Dir. Katie Wolfe Historienfilm/Drama 2011 115min. Joe + Belle Drama 2010 77min. Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) Veronica Kedar, Sivan Levy, Romi good!movies(GMfilms) 15.06.2012 07.08.2012 Aboulafia, Irit Gidron, Yotam Ishay - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047547 tba BestellNr.: 20047376 Veronica Kedar Drama/Lovestory 2011 80min. Kid Galahad - Harte Fäuste, hei- Ip Woman (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) PRO-FUN MEDIA 22.06.2012 ße Liebe Jian Hu Nu Xia Qiu Jin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047373 Kid Galahad Rose Chan, Kevin Cheng, Pat Ha, Terri Elvis Presley, Gig Young, Lola Albright, Doty, Yi Huang, Suet Lam, Yu-Hang To, John Carter - Zwischen zwei Wel- , David Lewis - Dir. Phil Anthony Wong - Dir. Herman Yau ten (Blu-ray) Karlson Historienfilm/Drama 2011 120min. John Carter Musikfilm/Kriminalfilm 1961 92min. Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Samantha Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 07.08.2012 Morton, Willem Dafoe, Dominic West, Mark Germany(MGM/UA) 20.07.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20047397 Strong, Thomas Haden Church, Ciarán 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047346 Hinds, James Purefoy, Daryl Sabara, Polly Ip Woman (Blu-ray) Walker, - Dir. Andrew Kinder des Zorns: Genesis - Der Jian Hu Nu Xia Qiu Jin Stanton Anfang Rose Chan, Kevin Cheng, Pat Ha, Terri Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2012 132min. Children Of The Corn: Genesis Doty, Yi Huang, Suet Lam, Yu-Hang To, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Tim Rock, Barbara Nedeljáková, Billy Drago Anthony Wong - Dir. Herman Yau 19.07.2012 - Dir. Joel Soisson Historienfilm/Drama 2011 120min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047492 Trailer Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) Horror/Thriller 2011 77min.

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Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20047636 Sun 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047607 Bonusfilm Der König der Piraten - Die un- Action/Eastern 1983 94min. Kinder des Zorns: Genesis - Der glaubliche Reise des Sir Francis KNM Home Entertainment(Imperial Pictures) Anfang (Blu-ray) 14.06.2012 Drake 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047454 Children Of The Corn: Genesis The Immortal Voyage Of Captain Drake Tim Rock, Barbara Nedeljáková, Billy Drago Adrian Paul, Temuera Morrison, Wesley A. The Lady - Ein geteiltes Herz - Dir. Joel Soisson Ramsey, Daniel Kash, Sofia Pernas, Nick The Lady Trailer Harvey, Vlado Mihailov, Yana Marinova, Ivo Horror/Thriller 2011 80min. Michelle Yeoh, David Thewlis, Jonathan Simeonov, Valentin Ganev, Boris Pankin, Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 Raggett, Jonathan Woodhouse, Susan Assen Blatechki, Rafael Jordan, Mike 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047641 Wooldridge, Benedict Wong, Htun Lin, Agga Straub, Raicho Vasilev, George Zlatarev, Poechit - Dir. Luc Besson Kissing a Fool - Zwei Männer, Christopher Okolie - Dir. David Flores Drama 2011 128min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Universum Film 03.08.2012 eine Frau und eine Hochzeit Abenteuer/Fantasy 2009 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047664 Kissing A Fool KSM 18.06.2012 David Schwimmer, Jason Lee, Mili Avital, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047444 The Lady - Ein geteiltes Herz Bonnie Hunt, Vanessa Angel, Kari Wuhrer, Frank Medrano, Bitty Schram, Judy Greer - Der König der Piraten - Die un- (Blu-ray) Dir. Doug Ellin glaubliche Reise des Sir Francis The Lady B Michelle Yeoh, David Thewlis, Jonathan Komödie 1998 90min. Drake (Blu-ray) Raggett, Jonathan Woodhouse, Susan Atlas Film Home Entertainment 06.07.2012 The Immortal Voyage Of Captain Drake Wooldridge, Benedict Wong, Htun Lin, Agga tba BestellNr.: 20047658 Adrian Paul, Temuera Morrison, Wesley A. Poechit - Dir. Luc Besson Ramsey, Daniel Kash, Sofia Pernas, Nick Drama 2011 133min. Kissing a Fool - Zwei Männer, Harvey, Vlado Mihailov, Yana Marinova, Ivo Universum Film 03.08.2012 eine Frau und eine Hochzeit (Blu- Simeonov, Valentin Ganev, Boris Pankin, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047681 Assen Blatechki, Rafael Jordan, Mike ray) Straub, Raicho Vasilev, George Zlatarev, Der Landarzt - Staffel 19 (3 Discs) Kissing A Fool Christopher Okolie - Dir. David Flores Wayne Carpendale, Caroline Scholze, Erika David Schwimmer, Jason Lee, Mili Avital, Trailer, Bildergalerie Skrotzki, Niklas Tschernich, Gunter Schoß, Bonnie Hunt, Vanessa Angel, Kari Wuhrer, Abenteuer/Fantasy 2009 90min. Edith Behleit, , Fran- Frank Medrano, Bitty Schram, Judy Greer - KSM 18.06.2012 ziska Troegner, Lea Fassbender, Dir. Doug Ellin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047448 Jacqueline Svilarov, Thorsten Nindel, Ulrich Komödie 1998 93min. Bähnk, Daniela Hoffmann, Thomas Balou Atlas Film Home Entertainment 06.07.2012 Küken für Kairo Martin, Klaus Gehrke, Gerd Grasse, Ulrich tba BestellNr.: 20047678 Hans Beerhenke, Friedrich Karl Praetorius, Gebauer, Hans Georg Panczak, Andrea Timmo Niesner, Lotti Huber - Dir. Arend Popadic, Walfriede Schmitt, Katrin Pollitt, Der kleine Lord Agthe Claus Jahn, Enrique Keil, Julian Paeth, Lud- Manfred Kunst, Albrecht Schoenhals, Ger- Bio- und Filmografien; Interview, Featurette ger Pistor, Heinz Reincke - Dir. Hans Wer- trud Kückelmann, Eric Pohlmann, Michael Kinderfilm 1985 70min. ner, Dominikus Probst, Peter Altmann Ande - Dir. Franz Josef Wild FilmConfect Home Entertainment Drama/Komödie 2010 min. Kinderfilm 1962 117min. 14.06.2012 Universum Film(ZDF Video) 24.08.2012 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 15.06.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20047264 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047670 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047414 Kull, der Eroberer Die Knallschote Kull The Conqueror Las Vegas - Season 1 (6 Discs) Las Vegas Ah! Les Belles Bacchantes Kevin Sorbo, Tia Carrere, Thomas Ian James Caan, Josh Duhamel, Nikki Cox, Robert Dhery, Colette Brosset, Francis Griffith, Litefoot, Karina Lombard, Roy Vanessa Marcil, James Lesure, Molly Sims, Blanche, Jacques Beauvais, Jaques Brocksmith, , Edward Tu- Marsha Thomason, Mitch Longley, Cheryl Jouanneau, Marthe Serres, Louis de dor-Pole, Douglas Henshall, Sven-Ole Ladd, James R. McMann, Guy Ecker, Dean Funès, Rosine Luguet - Dir. Jean Loubignac Thorsen, Terry O’Neill, Joe Shaw, Pat Werberatschlag als PDF, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Roach, John Hallam, Peter Petruna, Boris Cain, Lara Flynn Boyle, James Wellington, Komödie 1954 92min. Bacik - Dir. John Nicolella Lakshmi Manchu, Harry Groener, Jerry STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action/Fantasy 1997 92min. O’Connell, Jessica Steindorff, Rachael Germany 05.07.2012 Koch Media 03.08.2012 Leigh Cook, John Terry, Camille Anderson, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047416 tba BestellNr.: 20047692 Shawn Christian, Suzanne Whang, Anna Pheil - Dir. Timothy Busfield, Michael Knightriders - Ritter auf heißen Kull, der Eroberer (Blu-ray) Watkins, Steven DePaul, Jefery Levy, David Öfen Kull The Conqueror Solomon, Allison Liddi, Tawnia McKiernan, Robert Duncan McNeill, Craig Zisk, Milan Knightriders Kevin Sorbo, Tia Carrere, Thomas Ian Cheylov, Gary Scott Thompson, Greg Ed Harris, Gary Lahti, Tom Savini, Ami Griffith, Litefoot, Karina Lombard, Roy Yaitanes, Guy Norman Bee, Jeffrey Ingersoll, Patricia Tallman, Stephen King, Brocksmith, Harvey Fierstein, Edward Tu- Woolnough, Peter O’Fallon, Paul Michael Ken Foree - Dir. George A. Romero dor-Pole, Douglas Henshall, Sven-Ole Glaser, Tim Matheson, Brad Turner, David Action 1980 141min. Thorsen, Terry O’Neill, Joe Shaw, Pat Straiton, Bryan Spicer KSM 18.06.2012 Roach, John Hallam, Peter Petruna, Boris Bacik - Dir. John Nicolella Audiokommentare, 5 Postkarten 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047441 Kriminalfilm 2003-2007 946min. Action/Fantasy 1997 96min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Koch Media 03.08.2012 Konfuzius (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 05.07.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20047695 Confucius 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047339 Chow Yun-Fat, Zhou Xun, Lu Yi, Jianbin Chen, Lu Yao, Zhenyu Qiao, Quan Ren, Kung Fu - Die Tochter des Mei- Las Vegas - Season 2 (6 Discs) Bang Wang - Dir. Hu Mei sters Las Vegas Trailer Wu Dang James Caan, Josh Duhamel, Nikki Cox, Drama/Abenteuer 2010 130min. Quan Lin, Zhao Changjun, Yang Yung, Yali Vanessa Marcil, James Lesure, Molly Sims, KSM 16.07.2012 Tang, Zhenbang Ma, Yuwen Li - Dir. Sha Marsha Thomason, Mitch Longley, Cheryl

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Ladd, James R. McMann, Guy Ecker, Dean Trailer Pistorius, Emily Barclay - Dir. Paul Murphy Cain, Lara Flynn Boyle, James Wellington, Thriller/Science Fiction 1977 101min. Trailer Lakshmi Manchu, Harry Groener, Jerry Koch Media 27.07.2012 Komödie/Lovestory 2011 98min. O’Connell, Jessica Steindorff, Rachael tba BestellNr.: 20047659 Atlas Film Home Entertainment 18.08.2012 Leigh Cook, John Terry, Camille Anderson, tba BestellNr.: 20047609 Shawn Christian, Suzanne Whang, Anna Die letzte Flut (Blu-ray) Pheil - Dir. Timothy Busfield, Michael The Last Wave Love Birds - Ente gut alles gut Watkins, Steven DePaul, Jefery Levy, David Richard Chamberlain, Olivia Hamnett, (Blu-ray) Solomon, Allison Liddi, Tawnia McKiernan, Frederick Parslow, Vivean Gray, Ninjwarra Love Birds Robert Duncan McNeill, Craig Zisk, Milan Amagula - Dir. Peter Weir Rhys Darby, Sally Hawkins, Bryan Brown, Cheylov, Gary Scott Thompson, Greg Trailer Faye Smythe, Alvin Maharaj, Wesley Thriller/Science Fiction 1977 106min. Yaitanes, Guy Norman Bee, Jeffrey Dowdell, David Fane, Craig Hall, Mia Koch Media 27.07.2012 Woolnough, Peter O’Fallon, Paul Michael Pistorius, Emily Barclay - Dir. Paul Murphy tba BestellNr.: 20047679 Glaser, Tim Matheson, Brad Turner, David Trailer Komödie/Lovestory 2011 101min. Straiton, Bryan Spicer Liebe in der Luft (OmU) Featurette, Outtakes Atlas Film Home Entertainment 18.08.2012 Kriminalfilm 2003-2007 980min. What Happens Next tba BestellNr.: 20047644 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jon Lindstrom, Wendie Malick, Natalia 05.07.2012 Cigliuti - Dir. Jay Arnold Love Me Tender - Pulverdampf 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047340 Entfallene Szenen Komödie/Lovestory 2011 101min. und heiße Lieder (Musical Editi- Last Bullet - Showdown der Auf- Bildkraft 02.07.2012 on) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047504 Love Me Tender tragskiller (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Elvis Presley, Debra Paget, Richard Egan, One In The Chamber Liebling, ich werde jünger Robert Middleton, William Campbell - Dir. Gooding Jr., Dolph Lundgren, Billy Monkey Business Robert D. Webb Murray, Louis Mandylor, Leo Gregory, Clau- , Ginger Rogers, Charles Western/Drama 1956 86min. dia Bassols, Lia Sinchevici, Alin Panc - Dir. Coburn, Marilyn Monroe, Hugh Marlowe, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment William Kaufman Henri Letondal, Robert Cornthwaite, Larry Germany 20.07.2012 Action/Thriller 2012 min. Keating, Douglas Spencer, Esther Dale, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047347 Splendid Film 31.08.2012 George Winslow - Dir. Howard Hawks 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047386 Trailer, Bildergalerie Machen wir’s in Liebe Komödie 1952 93min. Let’s Make Love Last Bullet - Showdown der Auf- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Marilyn Monroe, Yves Montand, Tony Rand- tragskiller (k.J.) Germany 20.07.2012 all, Frankie Vaughan, Wilfrid Hyde-White, One In The Chamber 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047553 David Burns, Michael David, Mara Lynn, Cuba Gooding Jr., Dolph Lundgren, Billy Dennis King jr., Joe Besser, Madge Kenne- Murray, Louis Mandylor, Leo Gregory, Clau- The Lighthorsemen - Blutiger dy, Ray Foster, Mike Mason, John Craven, dia Bassols, Lia Sinchevici, Alin Panc - Dir. Sturm Harry Cheshire, Bing Crosby, Gene Kelly, William Kaufman The Lighthorsemen Milton Berle - Dir. Action/Thriller 2012 min. Peter Phelps, Jon Blake, Gary Sweet, John Bildergalerie, Original Kinotrailer, Bildvergleich vor und Splendid Film 31.08.2012 Walton, Tim McKenzie, Bill Kerr, Sigrid nach der Restaurierung Komödie 1960 114min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047365 Thornton, Shane Briant, Tony Bonner, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Anthony Hawkins - Dir. Simon Wincer Germany 20.07.2012 Leben und Sterben in L.A. (Ac- Entfallene Szenen, Hintergrundinfos, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047561 tion Cult, Uncut) Action/Abenteuer 1987 112min. Pandastorm Pictures 26.06.2012 To Live And Die In L.A. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047570 Machine Gun Preacher William L. Petersen, Dean Stockwell, Willem Machine Gun Preacher Dafoe, John Pankow, Debra Feuer, The Lighthorsemen - Blutiger Gerard Butler, Michelle Monaghan, Kathy Darlanne Fluegel, John Turturro, Steve Sturm (Blu-ray) Baker, Michael Shannon, Ryan Campos, James - Dir. William Friedkin Joshua Drew, Madeline Carroll, The Lighthorsemen Action/Thriller 1985 111min. Souleymane Sy Savane - Dir. Marc Forster Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Peter Phelps, Jon Blake, Gary Sweet, John Interview, Featurette, Musikvideo, Trailer Germany(MGM/UA) 17.08.2012 Walton, Tim McKenzie, Bill Kerr, Sigrid Action/Drama 2011 124min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047626 Thornton, Shane Briant, Tony Bonner, Universum Film 24.08.2012 Anthony Hawkins - Dir. Simon Wincer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047503 Der letzte Bulle - Die komplette Entfallene Szenen, Hintergrundinfos, Trailer Action/Abenteuer 1987 116min. Machine Gun Preacher (Blu-ray) dritte Staffel (3 Discs) Pandastorm Pictures 26.06.2012 Machine Gun Preacher Henning Baum, Maximilian Grill, Proschat 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047588 Madani, Robert Lohr, Helmfried von Gerard Butler, Michelle Monaghan, Kathy Lüttichau, Tatjana Clasing, René Steinke, Lost Platoon (k.J.) Baker, Michael Shannon, Ryan Campos, Joshua Drew, Madeline Carroll, Steffen Groth, Liane Forestieri, Suzan Lost Platoon Souleymane Sy Savane - Dir. Marc Forster Anbeh - Dir. Sebastian Vigg, Sophie Allet- David Parry, William Hubbard Knight, Coche, Michael Wenning, Florian Interview, Featurette, Musikvideo, Trailer Stephen Quadros, Sean Heyman, Michael Action/Drama 2011 129min. Froschmayer Wayne - Dir. David A. Prior Universum Film 24.08.2012 Outtakes, Interviews Horror/Action 1992 85min. Kriminalfilm 2012 560min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047521 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Sony Music Entertainment & New Business 15.06.2012 Division(Spassgesellschaft) 25.05.2012 Mallrats (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047531 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047296 Mallrats Shannen Doherty, Jeremy London, Jason Die letzte Flut Love Birds - Ente gut alles gut Lee, Claire Forlani, Michael Rooker, Priscilla Love Birds The Last Wave Barnes, Renee Humphrey, , Rhys Darby, Sally Hawkins, Bryan Brown, Richard Chamberlain, Olivia Hamnett, Joey Lauren Adams, Stan Lee, Jason Faye Smythe, Alvin Maharaj, Wesley Frederick Parslow, Vivean Gray, Ninjwarra Mewes, Ethan Suplee, Brian O’Halloran, Art Dowdell, David Fane, Craig Hall, Mia Amagula - Dir. Peter Weir James, Kevin Smith, David Brinkley,

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Jonathan Brodie - Dir. Kevin Smith Joshua Logan, John Huston, George Cukor Logue, Bud Cort, Julian Sands, Harris Komödie 1995 95min. Komödie/Drama 1950-1961 min. Yulin, Richard Edson, Charlayne Woodard, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Conrad Roberts, Tim Roth, Ezra 05.07.2012 Germany 20.07.2012 Buzzington, Wim Wenders - Dir. Wim 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047302 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047548 Wenders Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Der Mann mit der Puppe Marlene Musikvideo, Featurette Thriller/Drama 2000 117min. Heinz Schubert, Manuel Collado, Ingrid Pan, Katja Flint, Hans-Werner Meyer, Herbert STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Walo Lüönd, Hildegard Krekel - Dir. Dr. Knaup, Heino Ferch, Christiane Paul, Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 Eberhard Itzenplitz Josephina Vilsmaier, Theresa Vilsmaier, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047438 Kriminalfilm 1966 70min. Janina Vilsmaier (Maria), Ute Kremer, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.07.2012 Monica Bleibtreu, Cosma Shiva Hagen, Ar- The Million Dollar Hotel (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047669 min Rohde, Heiner Lauterbach, Suzanne The Million Dollar Hotel von Borsody, Götz Otto, Ben Becker, Ka- Jeremy Davies, Milla Jovovich, Mel Gibson, Der Mann, der Liberty Valance tharina Müller-Elmau, Oliver Elias, Otto Jimmy Smits, Peter Stormare, Amanda Sander, Jürgen Schornagel, Heinrich erschoss (Blu-ray) Plummer, Gloria Stuart, Tom Bower, Donal Schafmeister - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Logue, Bud Cort, Julian Sands, Harris Drama 2000 min. , John Wayne, Vera Miles, Yulin, Richard Edson, Charlayne Woodard, Senator Home Entertainment 31.08.2012 , Edmond O’Brien, Andy Devine, Conrad Roberts, Tim Roth, Ezra 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047676 Ken Murray, John Carradine, Jeanette Buzzington, Wim Wenders - Dir. Wim Nolan, John Qualen, Willis Bouchey, Marquise - Die Rolle ihres Lebens Wenders Carleton Young, Woody Strode, Denver Videotagebuch, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Behind Pyle, Strother Martin, Lee Van Cleef - Dir. Marquise the Scenes, Musikvideo, Trailer, Wendecover John Ford Sophie Marceau, Bernard Giraudeau, Lam- Thriller/Drama 2000 122min. Trailer bert Wilson, Patrick Timsit, Thierry STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Western 1962 113min. Lhermitte, Anémone, Remo Girone, Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 Georges Wilson, Franck De La Personne, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047446 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047426 Marianne Basler, Estelle Skornik, Christine Joly, Anne-Marie Philippe, Beatrice Palme, Die Millionen-Dollar-Ente Männer Simón Andreu, Victoria Peña, Romina 1,000,000 Duck Uwe Ochsenknecht, Heiner Lauterbach, Mondello - Dir. Véra Belmont Dean Jones, Sandy Duncan, Joe Flynn, Ulrike Kriener, Janna Marangosoff, Dietmar Drama/Komödie 1997 117min. Tony Roberts, James Gregory - Dir. Vincent Bär, Marie-Charlott Schüler, Edith Volkmann FilmConfect Home Entertainment McEveety - Dir. Doris Dörrie 15.06.2012 Komödie 1970 89min. Komödie 1985 min. tba BestellNr.: 20047551 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Highlight Communications 02.08.2012 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.09.2012 Meeting Evil (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047512 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047324 Meeting Evil Luke Wilson, Samuel L. Jackson, Leslie Der Millionenschatz Männer (Blu-ray) Bibb, Peyton List, Tracie Thoms, Muse The Moon-Spinners Uwe Ochsenknecht, Heiner Lauterbach, Watson, Jillian Batherson, J.D. Evermore - Hayley Mills, - Dir. James Ulrike Kriener, Janna Marangosoff, Dietmar Dir. Chris Fisher Neilson Bär, Marie-Charlott Schüler, Edith Volkmann Thriller 2011 88min. Abenteuer/Familie 1964 114min. - Dir. Doris Dörrie Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Komödie 1985 min. 26.07.2012 02.08.2012 Highlight Communications 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047523 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047510 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 06.09.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047355 Mein erstes Wunder Missing in Action II - Die Rück- Henriette Confurius, Juliane Köhler, kehr (Action Cult, Uncut) Marilyn - Die Premium Kollektion Leonard Lansink, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Missing In Action Part II: The Beginning (14 Discs) Devid Striesow, Andreas Patton - Dir. Anne Chuck Norris, Oh Soon-Teck, Steven Alles über Eva / Blondinen bevorzugt / Wild Williams - Dir. Lance Hool Bus Stop / Fluß ohne Wiederkehr / Lieb- Trailer Kriegsfilm 1984 min. Drama 2002 90min. ling, ich werde jünger / Machen wir’s in Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment KNM Home Entertainment(Jost Hering Filme) Liebe / Manche mögen’s heiß / Misfits - Germany(MGM/UA) 17.08.2012 14.06.2012 Nicht gesellschaftsfähig / Niagara / Rhyth- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047627 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047452 mus im Blut / Das verflixte siebte Jahr / Versuchung auf 809 / Wie angelt man sich Die Milchstraße Mord in Frankfurt einen Millionär / Wir sind gar nicht verhei- Václav Voska, Joachim Ansorge, Christiane La Voie Lactée ratet Schröder, Monika Lundi, Dirk Dautzenberg - Laurent Terzieff, Paul Frankeur, Delphine Marilyn Monroe, Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, Dir. Rolf Hädrich Seyrig, Edith Scob, Bernard Verley, George Sanders, Joseph Cotten, Jean Pe- Drama/Kriminalfilm 1968 77min. , Jean Piat, Michel Piccoli, ters, Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers, Charles Pidax film media(Pidax film) 06.07.2012 Pierre Clémenti, Jean-Claude Carrière, Mar- Coburn, Fred Allen, Victor Moore, Richard 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047544 cel Pérès, Alain Cuny, Julien Bertheau - Dir. Widmark, Anne Bancroft, Jane Russell, Luis Buñuel Lauren Bacall, Betty Grable, Robert Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 1.1 (3 Komödie 1969 min. Mitchum, Rory Calhoun, Ethel Merman, Do- Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Discs) nald O’Connor, Tom Ewell, Evelyn Keyes, 06.10.2012 Murder, She Wrote Don Murray, Arthur O’Connell, Tony Curtis, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047484 Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron Jack Lemmon, Clark Gable, Montgomery Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael Clift, Yves Montand, Tony Randall - Dir. The Million Dollar Hotel Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Henry Hathaway, The Million Dollar Hotel Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Howard Hawks, Edmund Goulding, Roy Jeremy Davies, Milla Jovovich, Mel Gibson, Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Ward Baker, Jean Negulesco, Otto Jimmy Smits, Peter Stormare, Amanda Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John Preminger, Walter Lang, Billy Wilder, Plummer, Gloria Stuart, Tom Bower, Donal Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen

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Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 3.2 (3 Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Havinga Discs) Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 573min. Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Murder, She Wrote Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron 05.07.2012 Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047272 Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Havinga Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 1.2 (3 Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 495min. Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Discs) Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John 05.07.2012 Murder, She Wrote Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047287 Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael Havinga Mulholland Drive - Straße der Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 518min. Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Finsternis Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, 05.07.2012 Mulholland Drive Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047283 Justin Theroux, Laura Harring, Naomi Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Watts, Ann Miller, Dan Hedaya, Mark Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 4.1 (3 Pellegrino, Brian Beacock, Robert Forster, Havinga Discs) Monty Montgomery, Billy Ray Cyrus, Chad Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 475min. Everett, Kate Forster, Scott Coffey, Michael Murder, She Wrote Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) John Anderson, Katharine Towne, Lee Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron 05.07.2012 Grant, Matt Gallini, Melissa George, Marcus Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047273 Graham, Sean E. Markland, Elizabeth Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Lackey, Jeanne Bates, Missy Crider, James Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 2.1 (3 Karen, Patrick Fischler, Vincent Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Castellanos, Michael Des Barres, Michael Discs) Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John Fairman, Wayne Grace, Lori Heuring, Murder, She Wrote Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Michele Hicks, Tad Horino, Tony Longo, Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Rena Riffel, David Schroeder, Robert Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael Havinga Katims, Rita Taggart, Angelo Badalamenti, Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 498min. Diane Baker, Johanna Stein - Dir. David Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Lynch Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, 05.07.2012 Thriller/Drama 2001 min. Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047284 Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 4.2 (3 06.10.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047479 Havinga Discs) Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 495min. Murder, She Wrote Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) The Music Never Stopped Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron 05.07.2012 The Music Never Stopped Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047278 J.K. Simmons, , Cara Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Seymour, Julia Ormond, Mía Maestro, Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 2.2 (3 Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Tammy Blanchard, Scott Adsit, Kelly AuCoin Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Discs) - Dir. Jim Kohlberg Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John Drama 2011 101min. Murder, She Wrote Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Senator Home Entertainment 03.08.2012 Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047665 Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael Havinga Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 497min. The Music Never Stopped (Blu- Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) ray) Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, 05.07.2012 The Music Never Stopped Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047285 Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen J.K. Simmons, Lou Taylor Pucci, Cara Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 5.1 (3 Seymour, Julia Ormond, Mía Maestro, Tammy Blanchard, Scott Adsit, Kelly AuCoin Havinga Discs) Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 495min. - Dir. Jim Kohlberg Murder, She Wrote Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Drama 2011 105min. Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron 05.07.2012 Senator Home Entertainment 03.08.2012 Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047279 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047682 Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 3.1 (3 Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Musketiere für den König (2 Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Discs) Discs) Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John Susie Amy, Gérard Depardieu, Michael Murder, She Wrote Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen York, Nastassja Kinski, John Rhys-Davies, Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Christopher Cazenove, Casper Zafer, Allan Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael Havinga Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Making of, Interview Corduner, Freddie Sayers, Marcus Jean Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 499min. Pirae, Constantine Gregory, Clemency Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Burton-Hill, Imogen Bain, Nick Brimble, Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John 05.07.2012 Susan Brown, Patrice Cols, Michael Culkin, Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047286 Zrinka Cvitesic, Roy Dotrice, William Gaunt, Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Nicholas Irons, Niko Nicotera, Nicholas Havinga Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 5.2 (3 Rowe, Ana Vilenica - Dir. Steve Boyum Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 495min. Interviews, Originaltrailer, Trailer Discs) Abenteuer 2004 168min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Murder, She Wrote Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.06.2012 05.07.2012 Angela Lansbury, William Windom, Ron 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047569 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047280 Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael

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Musketiere für den König (Blu- Die Nibelungen - Teil 1: Siegfried / Die Horror 1922 min. ray) Nibelungen - Teil 2: Kriemhilds Rache Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Dir. Fritz Lang 15.09.2012 Susie Amy, Gérard Depardieu, Michael Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1924 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047580 York, Nastassja Kinski, John Rhys-Davies, Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Christopher Cazenove, Casper Zafer, Allan 15.09.2012 Notting Hill Corduner, Freddie Sayers, Marcus Jean 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047572 Notting Hill Pirae, Constantine Gregory, Clemency Julia Roberts, , Hugh Bonneville, Burton-Hill, Imogen Bain, Nick Brimble, Nikola - Die komplette neunte Emma Chambers, James Dreyfus, Rhys Susan Brown, Patrice Cols, Michael Culkin, Ifans, Tim McInnerny, Gina McKee, Richard Zrinka Cvitesic, Roy Dotrice, William Gaunt, Staffel (Episoden 97-109) (3 Discs) McCabe, Mischa Barton, Dylan Moran, Ro- Nicholas Irons, Niko Nicotera, Nicholas Walter Sittler, Mariele Millowitsch, Oliver ger Frost, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Lorelei King, Rowe, Ana Vilenica - Dir. Steve Boyum Reinhard, Eric Benz, Friederike Grasshoff, Interviews, Originaltrailer, Trailer Kerstin Thielemann, Roland Jankowsky, John Shrapnel, Clarke Peters, Arturo Vene- Abenteuer 2004 168min. Alexander Schottky gas, Henry Goodman, Melissa Wilson, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 26.06.2012 Komödie 2004 660min. Emma Bernard, Samuel West, Ann Beach - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047587 Spirit Media 29.06.2012 Dir. Roger Michell Kinotrailer, Reiseführer von Notting Hill, Biographien von 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047657 Schauspielern und Regisseur, Produktionsnotizen Navy Seals (Action Cult, Uncut) Komödie 1999 119min. (k.J.) Nix zu verhaften Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Navy Seals Protéger Et Servir 05.07.2012 Charlie Sheen, Michael Biehn, Joanne Kad Merad, Clovis Cornillac, Carole Bou- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047350 Whalley, Rick Rossovich, Cyril O’Reilly, Bill quet, François Damiens, Jonathan Lambert, Paxton - Dir. Lewis Teague Henri Guybet, Stephan Wojtowicz, Gerard Die Oberhausener (2 Discs) Action 1990 109min. Loussine, Lionel Abelanski - Dir. Eric DVD-ROM-Part, Booklet Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Lavaine Kurzfilm 1958-1968 279min. Germany(MGM/UA) 17.08.2012 Trailer film & kunst(Edition Filmmuseum) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 88min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047628 25.05.2012 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047474 NCIS - Season 8.1 (3 DVDs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047608 Oh Darling Yeh Hai India! NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Nix zu verhaften (Blu-ray 3D) Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael Oh Darling Yeh Hai India Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, (Blu-ray) Shah Rukh Khan, Deepa Sahi, Javed David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky Protéger Et Servir Jaffrey, Anupam Kher, Amrish Puri, Tom Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen Kad Merad, Clovis Cornillac, Carole Bou- Alter - Dir. Ketan Mehta Action/Kriminalfilm 497min. quet, François Damiens, Jonathan Lambert, Biografie, Musikvideo Action/Komödie 1995 161min. Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 Henri Guybet, Stephan Wojtowicz, Gerard bellaphon records(Great Movies) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047402 Loussine, Lionel Abelanski - Dir. Eric Lavaine 25.05.2012 NCIS - Season 8.2 (3 DVDs) Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20047611 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 91min. NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 Oldboys Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047643 Oldboys Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, Kristian Halken, Robert Hansen, Laura David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky Nix zu verhaften (Blu-ray) Christensen, Rasmus Bjerg, Leif Sylvester Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen Protéger Et Servir - Dir. Nikolaj Steen Action/Kriminalfilm 493min. Kad Merad, Clovis Cornillac, Carole Bou- Drama/Komödie 2009 100min. Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 quet, François Damiens, Jonathan Lambert, FilmConfect Home Entertainment 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047403 Henri Guybet, Stephan Wojtowicz, Gerard 14.06.2012 Necronos - Tower of Doom (k.J.) Loussine, Lionel Abelanski - Dir. Eric tba BestellNr.: 20047413 Lavaine Necronos - Tower of Doom Trailer Outcasts (3 Discs) Thomas Sender, Timo Fuchs, Manoush, Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 91min. Outcasts Mario Zimmerschitt, Thomas Kercmar, Tanja Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 Liam Cunningham, Hermione Norris, Daniel Karius, Franz Zimerschitt, Patrick Bender, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047642 Mays, Ashley Walters, Eric Mabius, Michael Alexander Andreszka, Kim Sønderholm Legge Andersen, Toni Reckert, Saskia Neumueller Noordzee, Texas (OmU) Behind the Scenes - Dir. Marc Rohnstock Noordzee, Texas Science Fiction 2011 400min. Trailer, Slideshow Jelle Florizoone, Mathias Vergels, Eva van justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Horror 2010 112min. der Gucht, Nina Marie Kortekaas, Katelijne 08.06.2012 Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Damen, Luk Wyns, Thomas Coumans, Ben tba BestellNr.: 20047457 15.06.2012 Van Den Heuvel, Nathan Naenen, Noor Ben 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047527 Taouet, Patricia Goemaere, Ella-June Panzerkreuzer Potemkin Niagara Henrard - Dir. Bavo Defurne Bronenosez Potjomkin Trailer Alexander Antonow, Wladimir Barski, Niagara Drama 2011 98min. Grigori Alexandrow, Alexander Lewschin, Marilyn Monroe, Joseph Cotten, Jean Pe- Salzgeber & Co. Medien 31.05.2012 Michail Gomarow, Ivan Bobrow, Beatrice ters, Max Showalter, Denis O’Dea, Richard 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047371 Vitoldi - Dir. Sergei M. Eisenstein Allan, Don Wilson, Lurene Tuttle, Russell Drama 1925 min. Collins - Dir. Henry Hathaway Nosferatu Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Trailer, Bildergalerie Max Schreck, Gustav von Wangenheim, Drama 1952 85min. 15.09.2012 Greta Schröder, Ruth Landshoff, Alexander Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047576 Granach, Max Nemetz, Georg H. Schnell, Germany 20.07.2012 John Gottowt, Gustav Botz, Wolfgang 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047555 Pete Smalls Is Dead Heinz, Guido Herzfeld, Fanny Schreck, Pete Smalls Is Dead Die Nibelungen Albert Venohr, Hardy von Francois - Dir. Peter Dinklage, Mark Boone jr., Todd Barry, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Steve Buscemi, Seymour Cassel, Ritchie

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Coster, Lena Headey, Rosie Perez, Tim Playback 14.06.2012 Roth - Dir. Alexandre Rockwell Playback tba BestellNr.: 20047563 Komödie 2010 95min. Johnny Pacar, Toby Hemingway, Ambyr Los Banditos Films(Global Cinema) Childers, Christian Slater, Jonathan Keltz, Pusher 3 (k.J.) 13.07.2012 Alessandra Torresani, Jennifer Missoni - Pusher 3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047290 Dir. Michael A. Nickles Zlatko Buric, Marinela Dekic, Ilyas Agac, Thriller/Horror 2012 94min. Slavko Labovic, Kurt Nielsen, Levino Pete Smalls Is Dead (Blu-ray 3D) Senator Home Entertainment 10.08.2012 Jensen, Karsten Schrøder (Røde), Sven (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047584 Erik Eskeland Larsen, Gitte Dan, Dan Pete Smalls Is Dead Dommer, Ramadan Huseini, Kujtim Loki, Peter Dinklage, Mark Boone jr., Todd Barry, Playback (Blu-ray) Marek Magierecki, Susan Petersen, Hakan Steve Buscemi, Seymour Cassel, Ritchie Playback Turan - Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn Coster, Lena Headey, Rosie Perez, Tim Johnny Pacar, Toby Hemingway, Ambyr Making of, Interview Action/Drama 2005 104min. Roth - Dir. Alexandre Rockwell Childers, Christian Slater, Jonathan Keltz, FilmConfect Home Entertainment Komödie 2010 99min. Alessandra Torresani, Jennifer Missoni - 14.06.2012 Los Banditos Films(Global Cinema) Dir. Michael A. Nickles tba BestellNr.: 20047543 13.07.2012 Thriller/Horror 2012 98min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047309 Senator Home Entertainment 10.08.2012 Pusher II (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047597 Pete Smalls Is Dead (Blu-ray) Pusher II Mads Mikkelsen, Leif Sylvester, Kurt Pete Smalls Is Dead Polizeiinspektion 1 (Staffel 07) (3 Nielsen, Zlatko Buric, Øyvind Hagen- Peter Dinklage, Mark Boone jr., Todd Barry, Discs) Traberg (Ø), Maria Erwolter, Karsten Steve Buscemi, Seymour Cassel, Ritchie Walter Sedlmayr (Franz Schöninger), Elmar Schrøder (Røder) - Dir. Nicolas Winding Coster, Lena Headey, Rosie Perez, Tim Wepper, Max Grießer, Bruni Löbel, Uschi Refn Roth - Dir. Alexandre Rockwell Glas, Philipp Seiser, Rosl Mayr, Dieter Making of, Interview Komödie 2010 99min. Eppler, Udo Thomer, Anton Feichtner, Hans Thriller/Drama 2004 96min. Los Banditos Films(Global Cinema) Stadlbauer, Günther Maria Halmer, Beppo FilmConfect Home Entertainment 13.07.2012 Brem, Karl Tischlinger - Dir. Zbynek 14.06.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047308 Brynych, Dr. Michael Braun, Theodor tba BestellNr.: 20047564 Grädler, Wolfgang Becker Picknick am Valentinstag Kriminalfilm/Drama 1982-1983 321min. The Questor Tapes - Ein Compu- Picnic At Hanging Rock Koch Media 03.08.2012 ter wird gejagt Rachel Roberts, Dominic Guard, Helen Mor- tba BestellNr.: 20047690 The Questor Tapes se, Jackie Weaver, Vivean Gray, Kristy Lew Ayres, Mike Farrell, Robert Foxworth, Child, Anne Robson - Dir. Peter Weir Prayers for Bobby (Blu-ray) John Vernon, Dana Wynter, Robert Douglas Thriller 1975 103min. Prayers For Bobby - Dir. Richard A. Colla Koch Media 27.07.2012 Sigourney Weaver, Henry Czerny, Ryan Booklet, Bildergalerie, Trailer, DVD-ROM-Part tba BestellNr.: 20047662 Kelley, Dan Butler, Austin Nichols, Carly Science Fiction 1973 92min. Schroeder, Shannon Eagen, Scott Bailey - AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Picknick am Valentinstag (Blu- Dir. Russell Mulcahy AG(Ostalgica) 27.07.2012 ray) Trailer, Featurette, Bildergalerie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047475 Picnic At Hanging Rock Drama/Biographie 2009 89min. Rachel Roberts, Dominic Guard, Helen Mor- cmv-Laservision 22.06.2012 Rampart - Cop außer Kontrolle se, Jackie Weaver, Vivean Gray, Kristy tba BestellNr.: 20047592 Rampart Child, Anne Robson - Dir. Peter Weir Woody Harrelson, Jon Bernthal, Stella Thriller 1975 107min. Elvis Presley - Jubiläumsbox (7 Schnabel, Jon Foster, Ben Foster, Ruben Koch Media 27.07.2012 Discs) Garfias, Deadlee, Sigourney Weaver, Robin tba BestellNr.: 20047680 Flaming Star / Wild in the Country / Wright, Anne Heche, Ice Cube - Dir. Oren Clambake / Frankie und Johnny / Sommer Moverman Picknick am Valentinstag in Florida / Kid Galahad / Love Me Tender Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 104min. (Special Edition, 3 Discs & Elvis Presley Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.08.2012 Bluray) Musikfilm 1956-1967 min. tba BestellNr.: 20047366 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Picnic At Hanging Rock Germany 20.07.2012 Rampart - Cop außer Kontrolle Rachel Roberts, Dominic Guard, Helen Mor- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047348 se, Jackie Weaver, Vivean Gray, Kristy (Blu-ray) Rampart Child, Anne Robson - Dir. Peter Weir Der Prozess Thriller 1975 107min. Woody Harrelson, Jon Bernthal, Stella Le Procès Koch Media 27.07.2012 Schnabel, Jon Foster, Ben Foster, Ruben Anthony Perkins, Orson Welles, Jeanne tba BestellNr.: 20047663 Garfias, Deadlee, Sigourney Weaver, Robin Moreau, Romy Schneider, Elsa Martinelli, Wright, Anne Heche, Ice Cube - Dir. Oren Pidax Abenteuer-Kollektion - Vol. Suzanne Flon - Dir. Orson Welles Moverman Drama 1962 min. 2 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2011 108min. Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 07.08.2012 Wolken über Kaprun / Alarm in den Ber- 06.10.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20047387 gen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047489 Abenteuer 325min. Die Ratten Pidax film media(Pidax film) 22.06.2012 Pusher (Blu-ray) Inge Meysel, Uwe Friedrichsen, Dirk 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047460 Pusher Dautzenberg, Hildegard Krekel, Paul Kim Bodnia, Mads Mikkelsen, Zlatko Buric, Pidax Krimi-Klassiker-Kollektion - Verhoeven, Eva Kerbler, Sabine Sinjen - Laura Drasbaek, Slavko Labovic, Peter Dir. Peter Beauvais Vol. 2 (7 Discs) Andersson, Vanja Bajicic, Levino Jensen - Drama 1968 154min. Kriminalfilm 1285min. Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.07.2012 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 18.05.2012 Interview, Making of, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047554 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047271 Thriller/Drama 1996 110min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment Red Nights (Blu-ray) (k.J.)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 26 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Les Nuits Rouges Du Bourreau De Jade Richardson - Dir. Norman Jewison Frédérique Bel, Carrie Ng, Carole Brana, Science Fiction 1974 120min. Sector 7 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Stephen Wong Cheung-Hing, Jack Kao, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 7 Gwanggu Kotone Amamiya, Maria Chen - Dir. Julien Germany(MGM/UA) 17.08.2012 Ha Ji-won, Ahn Sung-kee, Oh Ji-ho, Cha Carbon, Laurent Courtiaud 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047629 Ae-ryeon, Lee Han-wi, Park Cheol-min, Alternativer Anfang, Kurzfilm „Betrayal“, Trailer Song Sae-Byeok, Park Jeong-hak - Dir. Kim Thriller/Horror 2009 101min. Saigon (Action Cult, Uncut) Ji-hoon Koch Media 18.08.2012 Off Limits Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20047634 Willem Dafoe, Gregory Hines, Fred Ward, Horror/Action 2011 97min. Amanda Pays, Scott Glenn - Dir. Christo- MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 21.08.2012 Red Nights (k.J.) pher Crowe tba BestellNr.: 20047390 Les Nuits Rouges Du Bourreau De Jade Action/Kriminalfilm 1987 min. Frédérique Bel, Carrie Ng, Carole Brana, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sector 7 (Blu-ray) Stephen Wong Cheung-Hing, Jack Kao, Germany 17.08.2012 7 Gwanggu Kotone Amamiya, Maria Chen - Dir. Julien 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047630 Ha Ji-won, Ahn Sung-kee, Oh Ji-ho, Cha Carbon, Laurent Courtiaud Ae-ryeon, Lee Han-wi, Park Cheol-min, Alternativer Anfang, Kurzfilm „Betrayal“, Trailer Samtpfötchen - Die Kung-Fu Kat- Song Sae-Byeok, Park Jeong-hak - Dir. Kim Thriller/Horror 2009 96min. ze von Chinatown Ji-hoon Koch Media 18.08.2012 Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20047599 Zui Mao Shi Fu Horror/Action 2011 97min. Hung-yi Chang, Kao Kang, John Cheung, MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 21.08.2012 Rhythmus im Blut (Blu-ray) Ying-Ying Hui, Hao-ming Liu, Hsiao Chin - tba BestellNr.: 20047389 There’s No Business Like Show Business Dir. Sum Cheung Ethel Merman, Donald O’Connor, Marilyn Action 1978 84min. Die Semmelknödelbande Monroe, Dan Dailey, Johnnie Ray, Mitzi KNM Home Entertainment(Imperial Pictures) The Apple Dumpling Gang Gaynor - Dir. Walter Lang 14.06.2012 Bill Bixby, Susan Clark, Don Knotts, Tim Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047455 Conway, - Dir. Norman Tokar Komödie 1954 117min. Komödie/Western 1976 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Schlacht um Finnland Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Germany 20.07.2012 Tali-Ihantala 1944 02.08.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047594 Marc Gassot, Kari Hevossaari, Aku 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047513 Hirviniemi, Johan Hallström, Marcus Groth, Pierre Richard Collection Mikko Bredenberg, Janne Hyytiäinen, Olli Sex on the Beach - Die Der Zerstreute / Der Zwilling Ikonen - Dir. Ake Lindman, Sakari jungfäulichen Jahre, Staffel 1 Pierre Richard Kirjavainen The Inbetweeners Komödie 1970-1984 176min. Making of, Interview Dir. Ben Palmer, Gordon Anderson Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 112min. Komödie 2008 min. 15.06.2012 Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Universum Film(SquareOne) 20.07.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047533 10.07.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20047370 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047289 The Ring Sexy Beast The Ring Schlacht um Finnland (Blu-ray) Sexy Beast Carl Brisson, Lillian Hall-Davis, Ian Hunter, Tali-Ihantala 1944 Ray Winstone, Sir Ben Kingsley, Ian Forrester Harvey, Harry Terry, Gordon Marc Gassot, Kari Hevossaari, Aku McShane, Amanda Redman, Cavan Kendall, Harker - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Hirviniemi, Johan Hallström, Marcus Groth, Julianne White, Alvaro Monje, Robert Atiko, Drama 1927 89min. Mikko Bredenberg, Janne Hyytiäinen, Olli James Fox, Darkie Smith - Dir. Jonathan Intergroove Media(Screen Gems) Ikonen - Dir. Ake Lindman, Sakari Glazer 01.06.2012 Kirjavainen Thriller/Komödie 2000 87min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047536 Making of, Interview Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 116min. Senator Home Entertainment 31.08.2012 Rocky (Blu-ray) Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047677 10.07.2012 Rocky tba BestellNr.: 20047392 Sherlock Holmes (+ Audio-CD) Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Sherlock Holmes Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Thayer Sea of Love - Melodie des Todes Ronald Howard, Howard Marion-Crawford, David, Joe Spinell, Jimmy Gambina - Dir. Archie Duncan, Richard Larke - Dir. Jack John G. Avildsen (Blu-ray) Gage, Steve Previn, Sheldon Reynolds Action 1976 119min. Sea Of Love Kriminalfilm 1954-1955 150min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Al Pacino, Ellen Barkin, John Goodman, da music(Great Movies) 18.05.2012 Germany(MGM/UA) 06.07.2012 Michael Rooker, William Hickey, Richard 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047469 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047449 Jenkins, Paul Calderon, Gene Canfield, Larry Joshua, John Spencer, Barbara Rodeo Baxley, Patricia Barry - Dir. Harold Becker Shutter Island Shutter Island The Man From Utah Thriller 1989 113min. Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Sir Ben John Wayne, Polly Ann Young, Anita Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kingsley, Michelle Williams, Max von Campillo, George ‘Gabby’ Hayes, Yakima 05.07.2012 Sydow, Patricia Clarkson, Max von Sydow, Canutt, Edward Peil Sr., George Cleveland, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047303 Jackie Earle Haley, John Carroll Lynch - Dir. Lafe McKee - Dir. Robert N. Bradbury Western 1934 51min. Sector 7 Thriller 2010 min. da music(Best Entertainment) 18.05.2012 7 Gwanggu Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047473 Ha Ji-won, Ahn Sung-kee, Oh Ji-ho, Cha Ae-ryeon, Lee Han-wi, Park Cheol-min, 06.10.2012 Rollerball (Action Cult, Uncut) Song Sae-Byeok, Park Jeong-hak - Dir. Kim 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047490 Ji-hoon Rollerball Das siebente Siegel James Caan, , Maud Trailer Horror/Action 2011 93min. Det Sjunde Inseglet Adams, John Beck, Moses Gunn, Pamela MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 21.08.2012 Max von Sydow, Gunnar Björnstrand, Nils Hensley, Barbara Trentham, Sir Ralph tba BestellNr.: 20047368 Poppe, Bengt Ekerot, Bibi Andersson, Åke

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Fridell, Inga Grill, Erik Strandmark, Gunnel Predrag Ejdus, Dragan Micanovic, Srdjan Soldiers Of Fortune Lindblom, Bertil Anderberg, Anders Ek, Miletic, David Ibrovic, Uros Jankovic, Christian Slater, Sean Bean, Ving Rhames, Gunnar Olsson - Dir. Ingmar Bergman Djordje Djokovic, Igor Bencina, Joana James Cromwell, Colm Meaney, Freddy Drama 1956 min. Knezevic, Vuk Kostic, Bojan Lojkovic, Rodriguez, Dominic Monaghan, Ryan Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Zoran Maksimovic - Dir. Stevan Filipovic Donowho, Charlie Bewley, Oksana 06.10.2012 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 98min. Korostyshevskaya, Sarah Ann Schultz, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047481 KSM(NewKSM) 18.06.2012 Svetlana Tsvichenko, Gennadi Vengerov, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047517 Jon Barton - Dir. Korostyshevsky Maksim Sisters’ Hood - Die Mädchen- Action 2012 99min. Gang Skinning - Wir sind das Gesetz Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Sket (Blu-ray) 07.08.2012 Lily Loveless, Aimee Kelly, Ashley Walters, Sisanje tba BestellNr.: 20047388 Riann Steele, Emma Hartley-Miller, Adelayo Nikola Rakocevic, Viktor Savic, Natasa Adedayo, Varada Sethu, Richie Campbell, Solak, Nikola Kojo, Bojana Novakovic, Sommer der Gaukler Ashley Chin, Kate Foster-Barnes, Michael Predrag Ejdus, Dragan Micanovic, Srdjan Max von Thun, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Maris - Dir. Nirpal Bhogal Miletic, David Ibrovic, Uros Jankovic, Nicholas Ofczarek, Michael Kranz, Anna Trailer Djordje Djokovic, Igor Bencina, Joana Maria Sturm, Erwin Steinhauer, Maxi Thriller/Drama 2011 80min. Knezevic, Vuk Kostic, Bojan Lojkovic, Schafroth, Butz Buse, Anna Brüggemann, Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Zoran Maksimovic - Dir. Stevan Filipovic Fritz Karl, Martin Weinek, Christian Lerch, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047612 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 98min. Rainer Haustein, Florian Teichtmeister - Dir. KSM(NewKSM) 18.06.2012 Marcus H. Rosenmüller Sisters’ Hood - Die Mädchen- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047516 Making of, Trailer Gang (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Historienfilm/Komödie 2011 106min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Sket La Soga - Wir wurden alle un- GmbH & Co. KG(Movienet) 13.07.2012 Lily Loveless, Aimee Kelly, Ashley Walters, schuldig geboren 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047288 Riann Steele, Emma Hartley-Miller, Adelayo La Soga Adedayo, Varada Sethu, Richie Campbell, Manny Perez, Denise Quiñones, Juan Sommer der Gaukler (Blu-ray) Ashley Chin, Kate Foster-Barnes, Michael Fernandez, Paul Calderon, Hemky Madera, Max von Thun, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Maris - Dir. Nirpal Bhogal Alfonso Rodríguez, Joseph Lyle Taylor, Nicholas Ofczarek, Michael Kranz, Anna Thriller/Drama 2011 83min. Fantino Fernandez - Dir. Josh Crook Maria Sturm, Erwin Steinhauer, Maxi Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Trailer Schafroth, Butz Buse, Anna Brüggemann, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047647 Action/Drama 98min. Fritz Karl, Martin Weinek, Christian Lerch, Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 Rainer Haustein, Florian Teichtmeister - Dir. Sisters’ Hood - Die Mädchen- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047603 Marcus H. Rosenmüller Gang (Blu-ray) Making of, Trailer Sket La Soga - Wir wurden alle un- Historienfilm/Komödie 2011 110min. Lily Loveless, Aimee Kelly, Ashley Walters, schuldig geboren (Blu-ray) Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Riann Steele, Emma Hartley-Miller, Adelayo La Soga GmbH & Co. KG(Movienet) 13.07.2012 Adedayo, Varada Sethu, Richie Campbell, Manny Perez, Denise Quiñones, Juan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047307 Ashley Chin, Kate Foster-Barnes, Michael Fernandez, Paul Calderon, Hemky Madera, Maris - Dir. Nirpal Bhogal Alfonso Rodríguez, Joseph Lyle Taylor, Ein Sommer in Florida Thriller/Drama 2011 83min. Fantino Fernandez - Dir. Josh Crook Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Trailer Elvis Presley, Arthur O’Connell, Anne Helm, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047646 Action/Drama 102min. Joanna Moore, Jack Kruschen, Simon Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 Oakland, Roland Winters, Alan Hewitt - Dir. Skateland - Zeiten ändern sich 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047638 Gordon Douglas Skateland Musikfilm 1961 min. Shiloh Fernandez, Haley Ramm, Taylor Solaris Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Handley, Ashley Greene, Casey LaBow, Solaris Germany(MGM/UA) 20.07.2012 A.J. Buckley, Melinda McGraw, James George Clooney, Natascha McElhone, Viola 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047345 LeGros, Brett Cullen, David Sullivan, Ellen Davis, Jeremy Davies, Ulrich Tukur, John Hollman - Dir. Anthony Burns Cho, Morgan Rusler, Shane Skelton, Donna Die Sonne, die uns täuscht - Der Trailer, Bildergalerie Kimball, Michael Ensign, Elpidia Carrillo, Exodus Drama/Lovestory 2010 94min. Kent Faulcon, Lauren Cohn - Dir. Steven Utomlyonnye Solntsem 2 KSM 18.06.2012 Soderbergh Nikita Michalkow, Oleg Menschikow, Mikhail 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047515 Drama/Science Fiction 2002 min. Efremow, Dimitri Djusew, Sergei Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Skateland - Zeiten ändern sich Makowezki, Jewgeni Mironow 06.10.2012 Trailer (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047480 Drama/Kriegsfilm 2010 147min. Skateland Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 Shiloh Fernandez, Haley Ramm, Taylor Soldiers of Fortune 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047605 Handley, Ashley Greene, Casey LaBow, Soldiers Of Fortune A.J. Buckley, Melinda McGraw, James Christian Slater, Sean Bean, Ving Rhames, Die Sonne, die uns täuscht - Der LeGros, Brett Cullen, David Sullivan, Ellen James Cromwell, Colm Meaney, Freddy Exodus (Blu-ray) Rodriguez, Dominic Monaghan, Ryan Hollman - Dir. Anthony Burns Utomlyonnye Solntsem 2 Donowho, Charlie Bewley, Oksana Trailer, Bildergalerie Nikita Michalkow, Oleg Menschikow, Mikhail Drama/Lovestory 2010 98min. Korostyshevskaya, Sarah Ann Schultz, Efremow, Dimitri Djusew, Sergei KSM 18.06.2012 Svetlana Tsvichenko, Gennadi Vengerov, Makowezki, Jewgeni Mironow 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047518 Jon Barton - Dir. Korostyshevsky Maksim Trailer Action 2012 95min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2010 153min. Skinning - Wir sind das Gesetz Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Sunfilm Entertainment 06.09.2012 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 07.08.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047639 Sisanje tba BestellNr.: 20047367 Nikola Rakocevic, Viktor Savic, Natasa Sonne, Wein und harte Nüsse - Solak, Nikola Kojo, Bojana Novakovic, Soldiers of Fortune (Blu-ray) Komplettbox (6 Discs)

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Erik Ode, Hans-Joachim Frick, Hilde Volk, Hochmair, Martina Spitzer, Adrian Topol, Arnel Taci, Katja Riemann, Katharina Kaali, Jean-Pierre Zola, Ivan Desny, Wolfgang Manuel Rubey, Martin Brambach, Kyrre Frederick Lau, Nick Romeo Reimann, Sonja Preiss, Brigitte Horney, Wolfgang Kieling - Kvam - Dir. Sabine Derflinger Gerhardt, Eugen Bauder, Pierre Koumou- Dir. Dieter Lemmel, Hermann Leitner, Frank Drama 2011 96min. Okandze, Günther Kaufmann - Dir. Bora Guthke Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Dagtekin Kriminalfilm 1977-1978 700min. GmbH & Co. KG(W-Film) 13.07.2012 Komödie 2012 min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 18.05.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047292 Highlight Communications 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047363 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 16.08.2012 Tartüff 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047354 Die Stadtklinik - Die komplette Emil Jannings, Lil Dagover, Werner Krauss, Staffel 1 (5 Discs) Lucie Höflich, Hermann Picha, André Mat- Unleashed - Entfesselt (Blu-ray) Interview, Trailer toni, Rosa Valetti - Dir. Friedrich Wilhelm Unleashed Drama 1993 850min. Murnau , Morgan Freeman, Bob Hoskins, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Drama 1925 min. Kerry Condon, Vincent Regan, Dylan AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 27.07.2012 Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Brown, Tamer Hassan, Michael Jenn, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047582 15.09.2012 Phyllida Law - Dir. Louis Leterrier 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047577 Action/Drama 2004 12min. Stay Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Stay The Time Tunnel (4 Discs) 05.07.2012 Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts, Ryan The Time Tunnel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047304 Gosling, Bob Hoskins, Janeane Garofalo, Interviews, Bildergalerien, US-Vorschautrailer, Alle deut- Kate Burton, B.D. Wong, Elizabeth Reaser, schen Vor- und Abspänne, Trailer Unter Nachbarn Science Fiction/Action 1966-1967 650min. Amy Sedaris - Dir. Marc Forster Maxim Mehmet, Charly Hübner, Petra Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Thriller 2005 min. Schmidt-Schaller, Helmut Rühl, Anuschka 25.05.2012 Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Herbst, Rainer Sellien, Katharina Heyer, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047317 06.10.2012 Wolfgang Packhäuser, Henrik Zimmermann 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047482 Ein toller Käfer - Dir. Stephan Rick Thriller/Drama 2011 min. The Love Bug Die Stunde der Patrioten (Blu- Universum Film 01.06.2012 Dean Jones, Michele Lee, David Tomlinson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047275 ray) Buddy Hackett, Joe Flynn, Benson Fong, Patriot Games Joe Ross, Barry Kelley, Iris Adrian - Dir. Vamperifica - Blood Sucks Harrison Ford, Anne Archer, Patrick Bergin, Robert Stevenson Vamperifica Sean Bean, Thora Birch, James Fox, Samu- Komödie 1968 103min. Martin Yurkovic, Dreama Walker, Creighton el L. Jackson, Polly Walker, J. E. Freeman, Walt Disney Studios Home James, Bonnie Swencionis, Jeff Ward, James Earl Jones, Richard Harris, Alex Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 Josh Alexander, Daud Shah, Maria-Christi- Norton, Hugh Fraser - Dir. Phillip Noyce 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047618 Action/Thriller 1992 117min. na Oliveras, Darlene Violette, Vincent Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 Der tote Taucher im Wald Quintiliani - Dir. Bruce Ornstein Horror/Komödie 2011 100min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047427 Dieter Pfaff, Jens Schäfer, Axel Milberg, Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) Niki Greb, Ingo Naujoks, Michael Kind, Jack 07.08.2012 Superhirn in Tennisschuhen Recknitz, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Michaela tba BestellNr.: 20047375 The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes Schaffrath, Michael Tregor, Johannes B. Richard Bakalyan, Joe Flynn, Alan Hewitt, Kerner, Gert Burkard - Dir. Marcus O. Vamperifica - Blood Sucks (Blu- Debbie Paine - Dir. Rosenmüller Komödie 1969 87min. Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2000 90min. ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Walt Disney Studios Home KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Vamperifica Entertainment(Disney) 02.08.2012 14.06.2012 Martin Yurkovic, Dreama Walker, Creighton 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047613 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047451 James, Bonnie Swencionis, Jeff Ward, Josh Alexander, Daud Shah, Maria-Christi- Das System - Alles verstehen Ein Toter sucht seinen Mörder na Oliveras, Darlene Violette, Vincent heißt alles verzeihen The Brain Quintiliani - Dir. Bruce Ornstein Jacob Matschenz, Bernhard Schütz, Jenny Anne Heywood, Peter van Eyck, Cecil Par- Horror/Komödie 2011 104min. Schily, Heinz Hoenig, Florian Renner, Jür- ker, Bernard Lee, Ellen Schwiers, Maxine Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) gen Holtz, Franziska Wulf, Mario Pokatzky, Audley - Dir. Freddie Francis 07.08.2012 Michael Abendroth, Rosa Enskat, Wolfram Booklet tba BestellNr.: 20047395 Koch - Dir. Marc Bauder Science Fiction/Horror 1962 81min. Drama/Thriller 2010 88min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 06.07.2012 Vamperifica - Blood Sucks (Blu- Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047537 ray) GmbH & Co. KG(Filmlichter) 13.07.2012 Vamperifica 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047291 Türkisch für Anfänger Martin Yurkovic, Dreama Walker, Creighton Josefine Preuß, Elyas M’Barek, Anna James, Bonnie Swencionis, Jeff Ward, SZ-Cinemathek: Stummfilm (10 Stieblich, Adnan Maral, Pegah Ferydoni, Josh Alexander, Daud Shah, Maria-Christi- Discs) Arnel Taci, Katja Riemann, Katharina Kaali, na Oliveras, Darlene Violette, Vincent Frederick Lau, Nick Romeo Reimann, Sonja Die Nibelungen / Ich möchte kein Mann Quintiliani - Dir. Bruce Ornstein Gerhardt, Eugen Bauder, Pierre Koumou- sein / Intoleranz / Faust / Panzerkreuzer Horror/Komödie 2011 104min. Okandze, Günther Kaufmann - Dir. Bora Potemkin / Tartüff / Irrwege einer Ehe / Die Los Banditos Films(Blockbuster) Dagtekin Frau, nach der man sich sehnt / Nosferatu 07.08.2012 Komödie 2012 min. / Lichter der Großstadt tba BestellNr.: 20047394 Highlight Communications Drama/Komödie 1916-1931 min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 16.08.2012 Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Das verflixte 7. Jahr (Blu-ray) 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047320 15.09.2012 The Seven Year Itch 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047581 Marilyn Monroe, Tom Ewell, Evelyn Keyes, Türkisch für Anfänger (Blu-ray) Sonny Tufts, Robert Strauss, Oscar Tag und Nacht Josefine Preuß, Elyas M’Barek, Anna Homolka, Marguerite Chapman, Victor Moo- Stieblich, Adnan Maral, Pegah Ferydoni, Anna Rot, Magdalena Kronschläger, Philipp re - Dir. Billy Wilder

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Dokumentation, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie, 06.10.2012 Red Shoe Diaries Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Interview, Filmografie, Hintergrundinfo 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047488 Brigitte Bako, David Duchovny, Billy Wirth, Komödie 1955 114min. Bridget Ryan - Dir. Zalman King Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment John Wayne Collection - Reiter Erotik 1991 101min. Germany 20.07.2012 der Gerechtigkeit KNM Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047590 Riders Of Destiny 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047453 John Wayne - Dir. Robert N. Bradbury Verhör am Nachmittag Biografien Wilsberg - Im Namen der Rosi / Hans Nielsen, Anaid Iplicjian, Vera Western 1933 55min. Aus Mangel an Beweisen Tschechowa, Alexander Allerson, Käthe bellaphon records(Best Entertainment) Leonard Lansink, Heinrich Schafmeister Lindenberg - Dir. Walter Davy 25.05.2012 Making of, Porträt über die Stadt Münster Kriminalfilm 1965 88min. tba BestellNr.: 20047631 Kriminalfilm 1999-2004 174min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.07.2012 POLAR Film + Medien(ZDF Video) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047655 Weiblich, tödlich sucht... - Wer 24.05.2012 ist Carrie? 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047274 Die Vermählung ihrer Eltern ge- The Perfect Roommate ben bekannt Boti Ann Bliss, Ashley Leggat, William R. Wir sind gar nicht verheiratet We’re Not Married The Parent Trap Moses, Jon McLaren, Peter J. Gray, Cinthia Ginger Rogers, Fred Allen, Victor Moore, Hayley Mills, Maureen O’Hara, Brian Keith, Burke, Peter Michael Dillon, Sean Tucker, Marilyn Monroe, David Wayne, Eve Arden, Charles Ruggles, Una Merkel, Leo G. Carroll Teresa Donovan, Christie Watson, Sophie Paul Douglas, Eddie Bracken, Mitzi Gaynor, - Dir. David Swift Gendron - Dir. Curtis Crawford Louis Calhern, Zsa Zsa Gabor, James Kinderfilm 1960 124min. Thriller 2011 90min. Gleason, Paul Stewart, Jane Darwell - Dir. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Edmund Goulding 02.08.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047616 Komödie 1952 82min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047514 Weiblich, tödlich sucht... - Wer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Vier Brüder (Blu-ray) ist Carrie? (Blu-ray) Germany 20.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047552 Four Brothers The Perfect Roommate Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, André Ben- Boti Ann Bliss, Ashley Leggat, William R. Ein Wochenende nach Maß jamin, Garrett Hedlund, Sofía Vergara, Moses, Jon McLaren, Peter J. Gray, Cinthia Sabato, Domenica E Venerdì Terrence Howard, Josh Charles, Chiwetel Burke, Peter Michael Dillon, Sean Tucker, Edwige Fenech, Lino Banfi, Milena Vukotic, Ejiofor, Fionnula Flanagan, Taraji P. Henson Teresa Donovan, Christie Watson, Sophie , Barbara Bouchet, Manuel - Dir. John Singleton Gendron - Dir. Curtis Crawford Zarzo, Adriano Celentano, Elio Crovetto - Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen Thriller 2011 93min. Dir. Sergio Martino (Episode Sabato), Action/Drama 2005 108min. Sunfilm Entertainment 09.08.2012 Pasquale Festa Campanile (Episode Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047650 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047429 Domenica), Franco Castellano (Episode Wim Wenders - Arthaus Close-Up, Venerdi) The Virginia Massacre (k.J.) Trailer Vol. 2 (3 Discs) Komödie/Episodenfilm 1979 109min. Dismal Buena Vista Social Club / The Million Dol- Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) William Lee Gregory, Mark Joy, Scott Miles, lar Hotel / Don’t Come Knocking 15.06.2012 Richard Riehle - Dir. Ray Brown Trailer, Bildergalerien, Bio- und Filmografien Dir. Wim Wenders 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047534 Thriller/Abenteuer 2007 86min. Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte, Audiokommentar, Entfalle- ne Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, A Woman Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Biografie, Wendecover 15.06.2012 Drama 1999-2005 336min. A Woman 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047530 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Willem Dafoe, Jess Weixler, Stefania Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 Rocca, Michele Venitucci, Mariela Vorbilder?! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047443 Franganillo - Dir. Giada Colagrande Role Models Drama/Mystery 2010 97min. Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd, Christo- Wie angelt man sich einen Millio- Infopictures 07.08.2012 pher Mintz-Plasse, Bobb’e J. Thompson, när? (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20047369 Elizabeth Banks, Jane Lynch, Ken Jeong, How To Marry A Millionaire A Woman (Blu-ray) Ken Marino, Kerri Kenney, A. D. Miles, Joe Lauren Bacall, Betty Grable, Marilyn Mon- A Woman Lo Truglio, Matt Walsh, Nicole Randall roe, David Wayne, William Powell, Cameron Willem Dafoe, Jess Weixler, Stefania Johnson, Allie Stamler, Carly Craig, Jessica Mitchell, Alex D’Arcy, Rory Calhoun - Dir. Rocca, Michele Venitucci, Mariela Morris, Vincent Martella, Armen Weitzman, Jean Negulesco Jorma Taccone - Dir. David Wain Trailer, Wochenschau: „Wie angelt man sich einen Millionär? Franganillo - Dir. Giada Colagrande Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurette, in CinemaScope“ Drama/Mystery 2010 101min. Behind the Scenes, Easter Egg, Wendecover Komödie 1953 96min. Infopictures 07.08.2012 Komödie 2008 95min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20047391 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Germany 20.07.2012 05.07.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047595 Das Wunder der Natur 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047351 La Clé Des Champs Wild in the Country Marie Pérennou, Simon Delagnes, Lindsey Waking Life Wild in the Country Hénocque, Jean-Claude Ayrinhac - Dir. Waking Life Elvis Presley, Hope Lange, Millie Perkins, Claude Nuridsany Wiley Wiggins, Trevor Jack Brooks, Lorelei Tuesday Weld - Dir. Philip Dunne Drama/Familie 2011 78min. Linklater, Glover Gill, Laura Hicks, Ames Drama 1960 109min. Universum Film 24.08.2012 Asbell, Leigh Mahoney, Sara Nelson, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047562 Jeanne Attaway, Bill Wise, Robert Solomon, Germany 20.07.2012 Kim Krizan, Eamonn Healy, J.C. Shake- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047342 Das Wunder der Natur (Blu-ray) speare, Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy - Dir. La Clé Des Champs Richard Linklater Wilde Orchidee 3 - Red Shoe Dia- Marie Pérennou, Simon Delagnes, Lindsey Drama/Trickfilm 2001 min. ries Hénocque, Jean-Claude Ayrinhac - Dir. Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Claude Nuridsany

LASER HOTLINE Seite 30 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Drama/Familie 2011 81min. Komödie 2011 112min. Audiokommentare, Bonus-Songs, Interviews, Outtake, Trailer, Universum Film 24.08.2012 Senator Home Entertainment 07.09.2012 Wendecover Dokumentarfilm/Musikfilm 2001-2004 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047566 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047586 757min. Yella Zoolander (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 Nina Hoss, Devid Striesow, Hinnerk Zoolander 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047421 Schönemann, Burghart Klaußner, Barbara Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell, Chri- Auer, Christian Redl, Selin Barbara Petzold, stine Taylor, Milla Jovovich, Jerry Stiller, Buena Vista Social Club (OmU) Wanja Mues, Michael Wittenborn, Martin Jon Voight, David Duchovny, Judah Buena Vista Social Club Brambach, Joachim Nimtz, Peter Benedict, Friedlander, Nathan Lee Graham, Alex Ry Cooder, Ruben Gonzales, Compay Peter Knaack, Thomas Giese - Dir. Christian Manning, Asio Highsmith, Alexander Segundo, Ibrahim Ferrer, Eliades Ochoa, Petzold Skarsgård, Cuba Gooding Jr., Natalie Omara Portuondo, Manuel „Guajiro“ Mirabal, Drama 2007 min. Portman, Billy Zane, Heidi Klum, David Orlando „Cachaito“ Lopez, Barbarito Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Bowie, Lenny Kravitz, Winona Ryder, Do- Torres, Manuel „Puntillita“ Licea, Raul Pla- 06.10.2012 nald Trump - Dir. Ben Stiller nes, Felix Valoy, Richard Eques, Maceo 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047485 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Clips, Bilder- galerie, Alternative Abspannsequenz Rodriguez, Joachim Cooder - Dir. Wim Young Adult Komödie 2001 89min. Wenders Paramount Home Entertainment 14.06.2012 Audiokommentar, Interview, Musikvideos, Entfallene Szenen, Young Adult 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047430 Wendecover Charlize Theron, Patton Oswalt, Patrick Dokumentarfilm/Musikfilm 1998 101min. Wilson, Elizabeth Reaser, Jill Eikenberry, Zur Freiheit - Folge 01-22 (3 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Richard Bekins, Collette Wolfe, Mary Beth Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 Hurt - Dir. Jason Reitman Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047422 Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Featurette Ruth Drexel, Toni Berger, Monika Komödie/Drama 2011 90min. Baumgartner, Robert Giggenbach, Michaela Buena Vista Social Club (OmU) Paramount Home Entertainment 26.07.2012 May, Udo Wachtveitl, Johann Schuler, (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047567 Ottfried Fischer, Ernst Hannawald, Alfred Buena Vista Social Club Edel, Wolfi Fischer, Gabi Fischer, Anton Ry Cooder, Ruben Gonzales, Compay Young Adult (Blu-ray) Feichtner, Monika Dahlberg, Nini von Quast, Segundo, Ibrahim Ferrer, Eliades Ochoa, Young Adult Hans Brenner, Thekla Mayhoff, Reinhold Omara Portuondo, Manuel „Guajiro“ Mirabal, Charlize Theron, Patton Oswalt, Patrick Lampe, Axel Scholtz, Sepp Schauer, Fred Orlando „Cachaito“ Lopez, Barbarito Wilson, Elizabeth Reaser, Jill Eikenberry, Stillkrauth, Harald Dietl, Michael Ande, Willy Torres, Manuel „Puntillita“ Licea, Raul Pla- Richard Bekins, Collette Wolfe, Mary Beth Harlander, Marie Bardischewski, Alfons nes, Felix Valoy, Richard Eques, Maceo Hurt - Dir. Jason Reitman Scharf, Henner Quest, Rolf Castell, Martin Rodriguez, Joachim Cooder - Dir. Wim Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Featurette Flörchinger, Elert Bode - Dir. Franz Xaver Komödie/Drama 2011 94min. Wenders Bogner Audiokommentar, Interview, Musikvideos, Entfallene Szenen, Paramount Home Entertainment 26.07.2012 Drama 1987 540min. Wendecover 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047585 Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Dokumentarfilm/Musikfilm 1998 105min. Division(Spassgesellschaft) 01.06.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ziemlich beste Freunde 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047295 Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 Intouchables 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047433 François Cluzet, Omar Sy, Anne Le Ny, Zurück in die Zukunft - Trilogie (3 Audrey Fleurot, Clotilde Mollet, Alba Gaïa Discs) (Blu-ray) Prinzessinnenbad Kraghede Bellugi, Cyril Mendy, Salimata Back To The Future Trilogy Dir. Bettina Blümner Kamate, Absa Dialou Toure, Christian Komödie/Science Fiction 1985-1990 Trailer, Wendecover Ameri, Grégoire Oestermann, Marie-Laure Dokumentarfilm/Biographie 2007 89min. 342min. Descoureaux, Dominique Daguier, François STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Caron, Emilie Caen - Dir. Eric Toledano, Germany(Arthaus) 19.07.2012 12.07.2012 Olivier Nakache 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047439 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047632 Komödie 2011 108min. Senator Home Entertainment 07.09.2012 Unser Leben 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047568 One Life Dir. Martha Holmes, Mike Gunton Ziemlich beste Freunde (Blu-ray) Special Interest Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2011 81min. Intouchables Paramount Home Entertainment 19.07.2012 François Cluzet, Omar Sy, Anne Le Ny, The Blues Collection (OmU, 8 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047349 Audrey Fleurot, Clotilde Mollet, Alba Gaïa Kraghede Bellugi, Cyril Mendy, Salimata Discs) Unser Leben (Blu-ray) Kamate, Absa Dialou Toure, Christian Feel Like Going Home / Godfathers and One Life Ameri, Grégoire Oestermann, Marie-Laure Sons / Lightning in a Bottle / Piano Blues Dir. Martha Holmes, Mike Gunton Descoureaux, Dominique Daguier, François and Beyond / Red, White & Blues / The Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2011 85min. Caron, Emilie Caen - Dir. Eric Toledano, Road to Memphis / The Soul of a Man / Paramount Home Entertainment 19.07.2012 Olivier Nakache Warming by the Devil’s Fire 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20047358

LASER HOTLINE Seite 31 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 32 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Jaq. When Cinderella’s cruel stepmother prevents her from misanthrope who takes on different adversaries with his pal attending the Royal Ball, the delightful Fairy Godmother Chris, on a ceaseless quest for justice in various appears! With a wave of her wondrous wand and a bouncy misadventures. Dan thinks the whole world is against him. Animation „Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo,“ the Fairy Godmother transforms a Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t — not even his laid-back friend simple pumpkin into a magical coach — and Cinderella’s rags Chris is totally sure. Maybe Dan’s just imagining it all. But, The Adventures Of Tintin: Season into a gorgeous gown. At the ball, Cinderella falls in love with like Chris, you can’t help going along for the ride when Dan Prince Charming, but must flee before the stroke of midnight dreams up his wild plots to get even with whoever or Three breaks the spell! Fully restored and sparkling with heartfelt whatever he thinks is out to get him. Based on the comic strip by Hergé, The Adventures Of Tintin emotion, captivating comedy, and delightful adventure, Comedy 2011 485min. Season Three finds Tintin and company investigating arms Cinderella’s timeless tale of how dreams can come true is Starz / Anchor Bay 17.07.2012 smugglers, 1930s gangsters, the kidnapping of Professor now „even better than you remembered it!“ Joel Siegel G Calculus, lost jewels and much more! From Peru to America to Musical, Romance, Disney, Fairy Tales, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110402 the Moon, no mystery is out of reach for Tintin and his crew, Family, Fantasy, Magic 1950 min. which includes the salty Captain Haddock, handy Professor Danny Phantom: Season Two - Calculus and clumsy Thomson & Thompson. Disney / Buena Vista 02.10.2012 Adventure, Based On A Comic Strip, Crime, 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110729 Part Two Family, Mystery 300min. Danny Phantom returns with more phantasmic adventures in Cinderella: Diamond Edition the show’s second season! With the extraordinary ability to Shout Factory 21.08.2012 turn himself into a super heroic apparition, Danny Fenton— 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110591 Disney, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Magic, along with his best friends Tucker and Sam—must track down Musical, Romance 1950 76min. and defeat ghastly ghouls! And now, you can continue the fun with the last 10 episodes from Danny Phantom’s second The Angry Beavers: Season Disney / Buena Vista 20.11.2012 action-packed season! Three - Part Two 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110689 Action, Adventure, Family, Ghosts, Nickel- Everyone’s favorite animated beavers, - Norbert Foster and odeon 230min. Daggett Doofus - return for the second half of the hilariously Cinderella: Diamond Edition (Blu- Shout Factory 28.08.2012 fun third season of The Angry Beavers! Join them for your daily dose of laughter, as they continue their hysterical ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110594 pursuit of bachelor lifestyle! In these episodes you’ll ray) find the brothers locked in a staring contest, a Spanish Dr. Seuss: The Cat In The Hat - speaking episode and a submarine exploration of their lake! Disney’s Cinderella is transformed to a new level of brilliance on Blu-ray. Rediscover the timeless story, the Deluxe Edition Animated Animals, Comedy, Family, Nickel- memorable music, and unforgettable characters — now more odeon 312min. enchanting than ever with pristine digital picture and dazzling It’s a rainy day at home and siblings Dick and Sally have Shout Factory 14.08.2012 high-definition sound! Cinderella has faith her dreams of a nothing to do, but all of that changes when The Cat and his better life will come true. With help from her loyal mice messy sidekicks, Thing One and Thing Two, burst onto the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110480 friends and a wave of her Fairy Godmother’s wand, scene, bringing with them adventure and chaos much to the Cinderella’s rags are magically turned into a glorious gown dismay of a worried pet goldfish. Come join the escapades in Animated Classics 8 Pack: and off she goes to the Royal Ball. But when the clock strikes the remastered Deluxe Edition of the classic TV special, Dr. midnight, the spell is broken, leaving only a single glass Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat. Then, The Cat in the Hat Volume 1 slipper... the only key to the ultimate fairy-tail ending! Dreams narrates the story of Daisy-Head Mayzie, a girl who really do come true... through the magic of Blu-ray! mistakenly thinks that the flower blooming on her head will Open this treasure chest of children’s classics, overflowing only bring trouble, but eventually propels her to fame and with a child’s most loved tales . For years these stories Musical, Romance, Disney, Fairy Tales, fortune. And finally, blast off to The Hoober-Bloob Highway, capture the imagination of children and parents alike, and Family, Fantasy, Magic 1950 76min. where every road from a space laboratory leads to Earth - were made to be watched and treasured time and time again. Disney / Buena Vista 02.10.2012 and eventually to gratitude. It’s Dr. Seuss-times-three in this The Little Mermaid Alice in Wonderland Beauty & the Beast fun and whimsical collection that’s sure to be cherished by Cinderella Aladdin Pinocchio The Hunchback of Notre Dame 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110731 fans of all ages. Leo the Lion Family, Animated Animals min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Fairy Tales, Cinderella: Diamond Edition (Blu- Warner Bros. 07.08.2012 Family, Fantasy 375min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110485 Gaiam Americas 07.08.2012 ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110577 Disney’s Cinderella is transformed to a new level of brilliance on Blu-ray. Rediscover the timeless story, the Dr. Seuss: The Cat In The Hat - memorable music, and unforgettable characters — now more Animated Classics 8 Pack: enchanting than ever with pristine digital picture and dazzling Deluxe Edition (Blu-ray + DVD high-definition sound! Cinderella has faith her dreams of a Volume 2 better life will come true. With help from her loyal mice Combo) (Blu-ray) Open this treasure chest of children’s classics, overflowing friends and a wave of her Fairy Godmother’s wand, It’s a rainy day at home and siblings Dick and Sally have with a child’s most loved tales . For years these stories Cinderella’s rags are magically turned into a glorious gown nothing to do, but all of that changes when The Cat and his capture the imagination of children and parents alike, and and off she goes to the Royal Ball. But when the clock strikes messy sidekicks, Thing One and Thing Two, burst onto the were made to be watched and treasured time and time again. midnight, the spell is broken, leaving only a single glass scene, bringing with them adventure and chaos much to the Pocahontas Sleeping Beauty Snow White Thumbelina Heidi slipper... the only key to the ultimate fairy-tail ending! Dreams dismay of a worried pet goldfish. Come join the escapades in Black Beauty Hercules Jungle Book really do come true... through the magic of Blu-ray! the remastered Deluxe Edition of the classic TV special, Dr. Musical, Romance, Disney, Fairy Tales, Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat. Then, The Cat in the Hat Animated Animals, Fairy Tales, Family, narrates the story of Daisy-Head Mayzie, a girl who Fantasy 375min. Family, Fantasy, Magic 1950 76min. mistakenly thinks that the flower blooming on her head will Gaiam Americas 07.08.2012 Disney / Buena Vista 02.10.2012 only bring trouble, but eventually propels her to fame and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110732 fortune. And finally, blast off to The Hoober-Bloob Highway, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110578 where every road from a space laboratory leads to Earth - and eventually to gratitude. It’s Dr. Seuss-times-three in this Bleach: Box Set 14 Cinderella: Diamond Edition (DVD fun and whimsical collection that’s sure to be cherished by fans of all ages. One hundred and ten years ago in the Soul Society, Kisuke + Blu-ray Combo) (Blu-ray) Family, Animated Animals min. Urahara is appointed captain of Squad Twelve to dissent and Disney’s Cinderella is transformed to a new level of controversy. But nine years later, when strange brilliance on Blu-ray. Rediscover the timeless story, the Warner Bros. 07.08.2012 disappearances begin taking place in the Rukon District, only memorable music, and unforgettable characters — now more 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110497 Kisuke has figured out the identity of the perpetrator. Back in enchanting than ever with pristine digital picture and dazzling the present, Sosuke Aizen enters the World of the Living on a high-definition sound! Cinderella has faith her dreams of a mission of destruction... better life will come true. With help from her loyal mice Fat Albert And The Crosby Kids: Anime, Boxed Sets, Fantasy, Foreign, friends and a wave of her Fairy Godmother’s wand, The Complete Series Japanese, Adventure min. Cinderella’s rags are magically turned into a glorious gown and off she goes to the Royal Ball. But when the clock strikes Bill Cosby Viz Entertainment 11.09.2012 midnight, the spell is broken, leaving only a single glass Premiering in 1972 on CBS this classic animated series was 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110600 slipper... the only key to the ultimate fairy-tail ending! Dreams created, produced and hosted by comedian Bill Cosby, who really do come true... through the magic of Blu-ray! also lent his voice to a number of characters, including Fat Cinderella: 6 Disc Trilogy Gift Set Musical, Romance, Disney, Fairy Tales, Albert himself. The show, based on Cosby’s remembrances of Family, Fantasy, Magic 1950 76min. his childhood gang, focused on the lovable, oversized Albert (Limited Edition Collectible and his friends. The show always had an educational lesson Disney / Buena Vista 02.10.2012 emphasized by Cosby’s live-action segments, and the gang Jewelry Box Packaging) (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110730 would usually gather in their North Philadelphia junkyard to The most celebrated of all the Disney classics, Cinderella is play a rock song on their cobbled-together instruments at the also known as one of Walt Disney’s all-time favorite films. In end of the show. the magnificent tradition of Snow White And The Seven Dan Vs.: The Complete First Boxed Sets, Comedy, Family min. Dwarfs, Cinderella has enchanted generations with its Season Shout Factory 31.07.2012 spellbinding story, charming music, and endearing characters that live in your heart forever. The beloved fairy tale becomes Michael Gross, Paget Brewster, Meredith 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110423 pure Disney magic as beautiful Cinderella shares her dreams Baxter, Dave Foley, Curtis Armstrong of romance and a better life with the lovable mice Gus and A new, half-hour animated series features Dan, a lovable Fat Albert’s Holiday Collection

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Join everyone’s favorite neighborhood kid and his friends as - Season 1, Part 1 Looney Tunes: Chuck Jones they celebrate all their favorite holidays. Fat Albert’s Easter Special Fat Albert’s Halloween Special Fat Albert’s Grey Delisle, Kevin Michael Richardson, Mouse Chronicles (Blu-ray) Christmas Special Josh Keaton From animation legend Chuck Jones comes the big cheese of Comedy, Family, Holidays min. Warner Bros. Animation is bringing the Green Lantern to mouse collections! Enjoy 19 remastered animated shorts Vivendi Visual Entertainment 21.08.2012 television in an all-new CG animated action series from featuring some mischievous mice and their daring adventures! world-renowned producer, artist and animator Bruce Timm Introducing Sniffles. He’s cute, curious and got a heckuva 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110592 (Batman: The Animated Series, Justice League, Teen Titans, cold! In Naughty But Mice, audiences came to know Sniffles Batman Beyond, DC Universe Original Animated Movies). as a sweet, wide-eyed simpleton with a talent for getting Fireman Sam: Heroic Rescue Based upon the DC Comics super hero, the 26-episode Green himself into trouble. But over the years, Jones had evolved Lantern: The Animated Series will debut in 2011. As Earth’s Sniffles into an overly talkative but endearing nuisance. A Adventures Green Lantern, Hall Jordan is used to being in dangerous trouble-loving twosome with a passion for pranks, Chuck Fireman Sam and his fearless crew are reporting for duty! situations- but he’s never faced anything like this! Set at the Jones let loose the mice, Hubie and Bertie, in the short The The courageous team of heroes next door shows their cool farthest reaches of deep space, Green Lantern: The Animated Aristo-Cat. A departure from his previous cute and naivé demeanor in a variety of hot situations! Whether it’s Norman Series finds Hal on the Guardian Frontier, where he must characters, Hubie and Bertie solidified a new direction for stuck in a fiery tower or deep in a wishing well, Mike or face down an invasion from the Red Lantern Corps. Powered Jones. The change paid off with the Oscar-nominated Mouse Penny dangling in a perilous situation, or Sarah stranded on by pure rage. The evil Red Lanterns have sworn to destroy Wreckers, which finds Hubie and Bertie tormenting their the cliffs, Fireman Sam is ready to rescue! Join the squad and the Green Lantern Corps and everything they stand for. favorite nemesis Claude Cat with rapid-fire humor and sight get ready to race, run, jump, climb and rappel to save the day! Dispatched with his friend and former drill sargeant- the gruff, gags galore. So steal a snack and scurry back to your hideout hulking alien Kilowog - on the experimental spacecraft The for some laughs and mouse-chief with the latest Chuck Jones Adventure, Computer Animation, Family, Interceptor, Hal is soon joined by an all-new group of heroes Collection! Firefighters 55min. on a mission to protect Guardian Space - and the Green Animated Animals, Classics, Comedy, Lionsgate 07.08.2012 Lantern Corps itself! Family min. Based On Comic Book, Cartoon Network, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110658 Warner Bros. 28.08.2012 Family, Fantasy, Superheroes, Action, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110496 Freddy Frogface Adventure min. Warner Bros. 28.08.2012 Thure Lindhardt, Nikolaj Lie Kaas Marvel Knights: Astonishing X- Being small doesn´t make life easy for little ten-year-old 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110411 Victor and his friends, who not only have to face a world full Men - Torn of stern grown-ups but also the town bully Freddy Frogface. Koihime: The Ultimate Collection Claremont, without compromising a single brain cell. . . He is When a circus comes to the sleepy little town, Victor is helped enormously by the crisp, clean renderings of John thrilled at having the chance to perform in a talent show with Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Interna- Cassaday. Their collaboration. . . simmers with comic-booky his dog Sausage. Yet Freddy soon comes up with a sinister tional TV, Japanese 975min. passion.“ Entertainment Weekly If you thought Gifted and plot of his own to spoil Victor´s plans... Section23 Films 28.08.2012 Dangerous were full of shocks and surprises, hold onto your Danish, Family, Foreign 2011 85min. eyeballs- because you haven’t seen anything yet! Emma 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110684 Frost’s erratic behavior has the X-Men spinning in a non-stop Phase 4 Films 03.07.2012 downward spiral. Will an unlikely union be the final straw? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110397 After secretly lying in wait for months, the new Hellfire Club K-ON!: Season 2 - Collection 2 makes its move! Futurama: Volume 1 (Repackage) Anime, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Internatio- Based On Comic Book, Science Fiction, Clear some space in your DVD collection for Futurama, out- nal TV, Japanese 350min. Superheroes, Action 70min. of-this-world sci-fi spoof from the Simpsons creator Matt Section23 Films 28.08.2012 Shout Factory 14.08.2012 Groening. Loaded with a galaxy of outrageous extras, this 3- 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110683 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110478 disc set includes the show’s first 13 episodes in their entirety, so you can get in on the future...and the fun...from the beginning! K-ON!: Season 2 - Collection 2 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Comedy, Fox, Science Fiction 1999 299min. (Blu-ray) Magic - Royal Pony Wedding 20th Century Fox 17.07.2012 Anime, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Internatio- When it’s announced that Twilight Sparkle’s older brother, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110573 Shining Armor, is set to marry Princess Celestia’s niece, nal TV, Japanese 350min. Cadence, all the ponies in Equestria should be celebrating. Section23 Films 28.08.2012 But there’s one pony in Ponyville that’s not so thrilled with Futurama: Volume 2 (Repackage) 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110688 the news -Twilight Sparkle! Why is the young unicorn so The futuristic fun continues with Volume Two of Futurama, the concerned? And will the royal wedding go off without a hitch? intergalactic animated hit from the far-out mind of The Find out in the two-part special! And then, join us for the Simpsons creator Matt Groening. This 4-disc set includes 19 The Little Cars: Complete Series perfect after-party - three more My Little Pony: Friendship Is hilarious episodes, plus a heap of shiny metal extras. So Join The Little Cars as they take you on exciting, speed- Magic episodes! journey forward to the 31st century for more laughs, more racing adventures! This complete collection includes every Animated Animals, Family, Fantasy, Horses attitude, and of course, more Slurm! Little Cars episode ever released! The Little Cars 1: The 110min. Boxed Sets, Comedy, Fox, Science Fiction Great Race The Little Cars 2: Rodopolis Adventures The Shout Factory 07.08.2012 1999 437min. Little Cars 3: Fast and Curious The Little Cars 4: New Genie Adventures The Little Cars 5: Big Adventures The Little Cars 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110440 20th Century Fox 17.07.2012 6: Fast Lane Fury The Little Cars 7: Revved Up and Ready 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110574 To Go The Little Cars 8: Making a Mess Auto Racing, Family, Fantasy 340min. No. 6: The Complete Collection Futurama: Volume 3 (Repackage) Gaiam Americas 07.08.2012 Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Action Fasten your space belts for another blast to the future with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110580 275min. Futurama, the irresistibly irreverent brainchild of „The Section23 Films 21.08.2012 Simpsons“ creator Matt Groening. This 4-disc set includes 22 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110682 robot-packed episodes, plus a shipload of outrageous extras. Looney Tunes: Chuck Jones So join Fry, Bender, Leela and the gang for more of the Mouse Chronicles funniest animated adventures on the planet...and beyond! No. 6: The Complete Collection Boxed Sets, Comedy, Fox, Science Fiction From animation legend Chuck Jones comes the big cheese of mouse collections! Enjoy 19 remastered animated shorts (Blu-ray) 2001 506min. featuring some mischievous mice and their daring adventures! Anime, Action, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese 20th Century Fox 17.07.2012 Introducing Sniffles. He’s cute, curious and got a heckuva 275min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110575 cold! In Naughty But Mice, audiences came to know Sniffles as a sweet, wide-eyed simpleton with a talent for getting Section23 Films 21.08.2012 himself into trouble. But over the years, Jones had evolved 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110687 Futurama: Volume 4 (Repackage) Sniffles into an overly talkative but endearing nuisance. A trouble-loving twosome with a passion for pranks, Chuck Prepare your home planet for an invasion of laughter with Jones let loose the mice, Hubie and Bertie, in the short The Parasite Dolls: The Complete Volume Four of Futurama, the final celestial cluster of Aristo-Cat. A departure from his previous cute and naivé episodes from The Simpsons creator Matt Groening. This 4- characters, Hubie and Bertie solidified a new direction for Collection disc set includes 18 hilarious adventures, plus a galaxy of Jones. The change paid off with the Oscar-nominated Mouse DVD extras. So kick back with your favorite friends, robots, Wreckers, which finds Hubie and Bertie tormenting their Science Fiction, Action, Anime, Foreign, mutants or aliens to relive the fun today...and well into the favorite nemesis Claude Cat with rapid-fire humor and sight Japanese 95min. future. gags galore. So steal a snack and scurry back to your hideout Section23 Films 07.08.2012 Comedy, Fox, Science Fiction 2002 414min. for some laughs and mouse-chief with the latest Chuck Jones 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110679 20th Century Fox 17.07.2012 Collection! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110576 Animated Animals, Classics, Comedy, Family min. Pippi Longstocking: Best Of Pippi Green Lantern The Animated Warner Bros. 28.08.2012 Pippi Longstocking has been a hero to generations of children 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110433 for almost fifty years. Undeniably a classic, the animated Series: Rise Of The Red Lanterns series brings to life the wonderful books written by Astrid Lindgren. Join Pippi in her quirky and offbeat adventures that

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 34 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA are always full of unexpected twists and turns! appearances, bonus features like Art + Music, and much Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Family, Adventure 130min. more. Your television ain’t never looked this gorgeous! Phase 4 Films 24.07.2012 Comedy, 124min. Spent My Vacation Warner Bros. 07.08.2012 School’s out for summer, and it’s vacation time for the Tiny 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110400 Toons gang from Acme Looniversity! Babs and Buster Bunny’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110486 vacation starts with a good old fun-in-the-sun squirt-gun fight! Pixar Short Films Collection: Once the flood gates are opened (and all of Acme Acres is Storybook Classics 8 Pack under water!), they are swept away on a summer adventure of Volume 1 (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- a lifetime. Plucky joins Hampton J. Pig and family for a road Storybook Classics Collection brings timeless childhood trip to none other than Happy World Land - the greatest theme ray) stories to life. Swashbuckling pirates, talking rabbits in top park this side of the globe! From the endless annoyances of Disney and Pixar invite you to discover these masterpieces of hats, majestic horses, and flittering fairies spring into action, Hampton’s family to escaped convict hitchhikers, Plucky is in storytelling from the creative minds that brought you Toy setting into motion the tales that have delighted audiences for for one long and very hot summer! Elmyra is in wild animal Story, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo and many more — now on ages. Including the classic tales of Black Beauty, Tom bliss as she visits a drive-through nature park. Will the Blu-ray Disc for the ultimate high definition experience! With Sawyer, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland. Black Beauty Peter animals survive her unique brand of affection? Join the revolutionary animation, unforgettable music and characters Pan Hercules Robin Hood The Three Musketeers The Wind summertime fun with all of your favorite Looniversity Toons in you love, these dazzling short films have changed the face of in the Willows Alice in Wonderland Tom Sawyer this feature-length riot, on DVD for the first time! animation and entertainment and are sure to delight people of Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Pirates, Comedy, Family, Animated Animals 79min. all ages for years to come. Experience them now — for the Swashbucklers, Animated Animals min. first time on Disney Blu-ray — in remarkable clarity that Warner Bros. 14.08.2012 boasts up to six times the picture quality and spectacular Gaiam Americas 07.08.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110649 audio enhancement. Disney Blu-ray is magic in High Definiti- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110579 on. 13 Sensational Pixar Shorts Together For The First Time! Luxo Jr. Red’s Dream Tin Toy Knick Knack Gari’s Game For Tom & Jerry: Tricks And Treats The Birds Mike’s New Car Boundin’ Jack-Jack Attack One The Super Hero Squad Show: Tom and Jerry are in for spooks galore in this monster Man Band Mater And The Ghostlight Lifted The Infinity Gauntlet - Volume 4 collection. With 20 eerie episodes plus two bonus episodes, Computer Animation, Disney, Family, Natio- your goodie-bag will be overflowing with fun! Tricks and It’s the last of adventure-filled and hilarious stories on the treats are at every turn, from ancient Egypt to Transylvania, nal Film Registry, Short Film Collections, way to the exciting final battle for The Infinity Gauntlet. In the from creepy houses to haunted forests, the hair-raising Academy Award Winners 2007 min. end, the Six Squaddies must each face the Dark Surfer one on hilarity is non-stop! Our favorite cat and mouse mingle with Disney / Buena Vista 04.10.2011 one, in a final battle for the fate of reality that takes them to ghosts, mummies, werewolves and witches in these terrific the edge of the universe-and a last stand at the cosmic Infinity tales. Of course Tom and Jerry have a bounty of tricks up 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110642 Pool that brings everything full circle! their own sleeves as well! Fear not, the chase is on! It’s a Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, scare-iffic good time for the whole family! Pokémon DP: Sinnoh League Fantasy, Superheroes 132min. Animated Animals, Comedy, Family, Ghosts, Victors - Set 3 Shout Factory 21.08.2012 Haunted Houses, Holidays min. On their way to the Sinnoh League on Lily of the Valley 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110590 Warner Bros. 04.09.2012 Island, Ash and friends run into some familiar faces, prompting 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110487 a series of friendly battles. Then they decide to take a detour Superman Vs. The Elite: Special when an aspiring archeologist invites them to join him on a treasure hunt. But the real prize awaits when the battles of Edition Transformers Prime: One Shall the Sinnoh League begin! Does Ash have what it takes to The Elite, a team of super-powered antiheroes, is renowned Stand make it to the finals? for killing their enemies. Despite the acclaim and approval the One Will Stand, One Will Fall. An unlikely alliance between Action, Based On Video Game, Fantasy, Elite enjoy, Superman knows they are in the wrong, creating Optimus Prime and Megatron forms to defeat a foe who could Foreign, Intergalactic War, Japanese, more harm than good by their methods. Tensions between them spell the end of earth. The action unfolds as the Autobots Space min. finally culminate in a mass showdown on Jupiter’s moons, battle alongside Megatron against the evil Unicron. Will the when Superman is forced to prove that violence is never a outcome result in forces that could turn Optimus against Viz Entertainment 04.09.2012 positive. humans, or worse? 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110677 Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, Special Action, Anime, Family, Superheroes Editions, Superheroes, Action, Adventure 150min. Renaissance (Blu-ray) min. Shout Factory 31.07.2012 Daniel Craig, Ian Holm, Kevork Malikyan, Warner Bros. 24.07.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110422 Catherine McCormack, Romola Garai, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110463 Jonathan Pryce Transformers: The Japanese Paris 2054. Dare to enter a bold vision of the future in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: tradition of Blade Runner and Sin City - drenched with state- Collection - Victory of-the-art animation and a gripping story. It’s 2054 Paris and Season 10 - The Complete And With its glorious return to the classic Transformers, Victory ? the city lives in the shadow to corporate giant Avalon, which Final Season the third and final installment of the Japanese-exclusive sells the irresistible promise of „ageless beauty“. The sudden series ? introduces four new factions to the Transformers kidnapping of a gifted young scientist draws a tough-as-nails Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo are back in universe. Each group comes equipped with its own unique cop in o a twisted underworld of corporate espionage, genetic the classic final season that pits turtles from the past and power and the ability to combine to form much larger, more research and organized crime. Featuring the stellar voice present against the evil Lord Dregg and his minions. powerful Transformers, immediately making each and every talents of Daniel Craig (Defiance), Jonathan Pryce (G.I. Joe: Determined to enslave mankind, Dregg will stop at nothing to battle more epic! The Rise of Cobra) and Ian Holm (The Aviator). win - causing a piece of the sun to crash into Earth, opening a giant portal to pull the planet into Dimension X, and even Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Giant Robots, Art House, Action, Cops, Foreign, French, draining the life energy from the Teenage Mutant Ninja International TV, Japanese, Robots / Kidnapping, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2006 Turtles! Carter soon realizes that the only way to defeat Androids, Science Fiction 870min. min. Dregg, Krang and Shredder is to bring the Turtles’ past selves to the present - double the Turtle power! But will they Shout Factory 28.08.2012 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment make it in time before Dregg’s invasion is complete? Featuring 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110655 03.07.2012 time-warping serious Turtle muscle, season 10 is a totally 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110564 tubular finale! Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Twinkle Toes: The Movie By The Smurfs And The Magic Flute Martial Arts, Ninjas, Superheroes 184min. Skechers Lionsgate 14.08.2012 She’s Grace „Twinkle Toes“ Hastings, the shining star of this A magical flute is just what Court Jester Peewit needs to play all-new movie! She has a big secret though - she gets terrible delightful tunes that make everyone in the kingdom dance - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110775 stage fright in front of anyone but her fluffy friend Walter. As until the dancing turns dangerous. Sir Johan tries in vain to Grace works to overcome her fears, and makes some super- recover the musical instrument, but a thief named McCreep This Boy Can Fight Aliens cool friends at her new school, she discovers that it’s OK to beats him to it, intending to use the flute to steal gold from the go ahead and shine! King’s subjects. It’s the Smurfs-to-the-rescue when Papa Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Action, Smurf devises a plan to create a second magical flute, and Dancing 71min. Peewit and Sir Johan go on a great adventure to find Aliens 28min. Universal Studios 31.07.2012 McCreep, win the musical duel and save the kingdom! Section23 Films 14.08.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110691 Music, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Flute 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110680 71min. Winx Club: The Secret Of The Shout Factory 14.08.2012 This Boy Can Fight Aliens (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110479 Lost Kingdom Movie ray) It’s graduation day at Alfea, but Bloom has something else on Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Anime, Action, her mind. She’s determined to find her birth parents - no : Volume Five Aliens 28min. matter what! Now, on a fantastical journey that takes her and When you can’t count on that expensive hog mess we call the Winx Club to a strange planet with evil lurking around „modern medicine“ to fix your funnybone, Squidbillies: Volume Section23 Films 14.08.2012 every corner, Bloom will learn to trust her true friends. . . and 5, is there to scrub up for surgery, y’all! This volume features 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110728 herself. the complete fifth season, filled with special guest Adventure, Fantasy, Nickelodeon 2012

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

86min. Blue Steel Dawn Rider, The Lawless Frontier Lucky Texan Disappeared Case of the Greystone Inscription Case of the Randy Rides Alone Star Packer Angel and the Badman Hell Winthrop Legend Case of Harry Crocker Case of the Imposter Nickelodeon 07.08.2012 Town Desert Trail Man From Utah Trail Beyond Riders of Mystery Case of the Jolly Hangmen Farmer’s Wife, The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110549 Destiny West of the Divide Texas Terror Winds of the (silent) Sorcerer’s Apprentice Blackmail Manxman Bulldog Wasteland Rainbow Valley His Private Secretary Paradise Drummond Escapes Bulldog Drummon’s Peril Bulldog Drum- Canyon Shadow of the Eagle mond Comes Back British Intelligence Dick Tracy Detective The World God Only Knows: Outlaw Country, Revenge, Thieves, We- Doomed to Die Shock! Mysterious Mr. Wong Mystery Of Mr. Season 2 Wong Phantom Of Chinatown Black Book Mr.Wong in China- stern, Action, Adventure, Collections, Cow- town Nancy Drew Reporter Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, boy 1237min. Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Sherlock Japanese, Romance 300min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Holmes, Thrillers, Collections, Detectives Section23 Films 07.08.2012 03.07.2012 1520min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110678 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110667 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 03.07.2012 The World God Only Knows: 20 Film Hollywood Greats: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110669 Season 2 (Blu-ray) Volume 2 Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, Cary Grant, Laurence Olivier, Kirk Douglas, 25 Hours Of America’s Funnymen: Japanese, Romance 300min. Roddy McDowall, , Bing Volume 1 Section23 Films 07.08.2012 Crosby, Barbara Stanwyck, Peter Lorre, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Buster Keaton, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110686 Carole Lombard, Gary Lockwood, Gina Charlie Chaplin, Lou Costello, Bud Abbott, Lollobrigida, Joan Collins, Orson Welles, Spanky McFarland Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Wubbzy James Stewart, Mickey Rooney, Basil Laurel and Hardy Charlie Chaplin Africa Screams Jack and Goes To School / Go For Gold! (2 Rathbone, , Humphrey Bogart, the Beanstalk Three Stooges East Side Kids Bowery Blitzrieg , Fred Astaire, Gene Clancy Street Boys Little Tough Guy Spooks Run Wild Smart Pack) Alecks Kid Dynamite Lockhart, Slapstick, Buddy Pictures, Classics, Everybody’s favorite yellow, bendy-tailed buddy loves to Pot O’Gold Made For Each Other Father’s Little Dividend learn, learn, learn! Watch as Wubbzy faces his fear of going Royal Wedding Suddenly Amazing Adventure Penny Serenade Collections, Comedy, Drama 1507min. to school, Widget trains to be a ballerina and everybody tries Esther and the King David and Goliath Road to Hollywood Echo Bridge Home Entertainment to learn tricks from Moo Moo, The Magician. Join the fun, as Strange Love of Martha Ivers Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina 03.07.2012 Wubbzy and his friends meet new kids and discover new William Shakespeare’s As You Like It Patterns Magic Sword experiences, with plenty of singing and dancing along the High School Caesar Hill Number One Quicksand T-Bird Gang 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110668 way! Get Ready, Get Set, Go! In this athletic-themed Beat the Devil collection, Wubbzy and his Friends learn all about teamwork, fair play and good sportsmanship. What happens when Adventure, Classics, Collections, Comedy, (Blu-ray) Wubbzy joins a hoopty-hoops team? Why is Wubbzy so upset Drama 1668min. Emma Roberts, Tamsin Egerton about being small? How do Wubbzy’s friends prove that Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Sexy, gripping and action-packed! This exciting crime thriller cheating at games is wrong? Michelle Kwan as Michelle 02.07.2012 tracks 4 best friends over 3 days they’ll never forget. For Kwanzleberry and Tiki Barber as Touchdown Tiki star in this hardworking Jo (Emma Roberts), adventurous Cassandra collection that takes the Gold! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110666 (Tamsin Egerton), defiant Kerrys (Shanika Warren-Markland) 2 Packs, Family, Nickelodeon, Sports and troubled Shannon (Ophelia Lovibond), life changes 151min. 21 Jump Street (Blu-ray + forever when a chance encounter with some deadly thieves Starz / Anchor Bay 03.07.2012 sends their worlds on a collision course with the players in a UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) major diamond heist. With just one shot at the big time, what 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110393 Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Ice Cube, Brie could possibly go wrong? Crime, Action, Thrillers 2010 117min. Larson, Rob Riggle, DeRay Davis, Dave Universal Studios 31.07.2012 Franco Former high school foes turned rookie cop partners can’t 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110640 Film catch a break - until they’re assigned to pose as students and bust a drug ring inside their old alma mater. Living like 5 Features Action Movie Pack: teenagers again, they slip back into their adolescent selves 1,000 Times More Brutal and risk the case - and their friendship - with hysterically Volume 2 disastrous results! Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum and Ice Cube Long-time pals Antonio, John, Jimmy and Little Mikey have star in this outrageously hilarious action-comedy! Ernie Hudson, Sandrine Holt, Charles known each other since growing up together in a Brooklyn Bronson, Paul Sorvino, Chuck Norris, Donal hood. Out on the town one night, they cross paths with low- Comedy, Cops, Crime, High School, Action level gangster Carlo Morello and a dispute arises. Several 2012 109min. Logue, Ivan Sergei, Phillip Rhee months later, they inadvertently discover where Morrello Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Logan’s War: Bound by Honor Best of the Best: Without operates a numbers game and make plans to rob him. It’s the Warning Once a Thief Family of Cops Men With Guns score of a lifetime - until the enraged thug finally tracks them 26.06.2012 Thrillers, Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama down three years later. Now - if they can’t hustle their way 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110453 452min. out - they’ll pay the ultimate price. . . Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Crime, Drama, Gangs min. 21 Jump Street (DVD + 17.07.2012 Green Apple Entertainment 21.08.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110559 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110500 UltraViolet) Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Ice Cube, Brie 10 Film Family Adventure Larson, Rob Riggle, DeRay Davis, Dave 5 Features Action Movie Pack: Franco Collection Volume 3 Former high school foes turned rookie cop partners can’t Martin Sheen, Ving Rhames, Stanley Tucci, , Clint Walker, Kelli catch a break - until they’re assigned to pose as students and Pam Grier, Luke Perry, Scott Valentine, Williams, Katherine Cannon, Ernest bust a drug ring inside their old alma mater. Living like teenagers again, they slip back into their adolescent selves Meredith Baxter, Randy Quaid, LL Cool J, Borgnine, Richard Boone, Barry Corbin, and risk the case - and their friendship - with hysterically disastrous results! Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum and Ice Cube Omar Epps Burl Ives, Paul Kelly, Alan Hale Jr., Sam In Too Deep Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct: Lightning. Storm Zero Huntington, Stewart Petersen, William Jor- star in this outrageously hilarious action-comedy! Action, Comedy, Cops, Crime, High School Tolerance Airline Disaster dan, Calvin Bartlett Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama 457min. 2012 109min. Snowbound: The Jim And Jennifer Stolpa Story Baker Hawk Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Castle Rock Lassie: The Painted Hills River’s End Devil’s 17.07.2012 Hill The Journey Captain Johnno Red Fury Against The 26.06.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110647 Crooked Sky 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110434 Adventure, Family 873min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 25 Film Mystery Collection 8 Movie Pack: British Classic 03.07.2012 Collection 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110648 Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, Bonita Granville, Anne Jeffreys, Bela Lugosi, Ri- Malcolm McDowell, Willem Dafoe, Colin Firth, Miranda Richardson, Vanessa 20 Film Great American We- chard Basehart, John Barrymore, Ronald Howard, Robert Cummings, Keye Luke, H. Redgrave, Uma Thurman, Meg Ryan, Colm sterns: John Wayne Collection Marion Crawford, Mike Mazurki, Brandon Meaney, Hugh Grant, Minnie Driver, Judi John Wayne, Paul Fix, Yakima Canutt, De Wilde Dench, Julianne Moore, Cate Blanchett, George Hayes, Bruce Cabot, Harry Carey Murder at the Baskervilles Sign of Four Man Who Robert Downey Jr., Sam Neill, Gerard But-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ler, Billy Connolly Comedy, Romance, Sexy Comedies 2012 Well Go USA 28.08.2012 The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill Month by the Lake 114min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110749 Sweet Revenge My Life So Far Restoration An Ideal Husband Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown Tom & Viv Universal Studios 10.07.2012 Romance, Biography, Biopics, British, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110431 Battleground (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, Foreign 801min. Thrillers, Wilderness, Crime, Horror, Action Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Anne Of Green Gables: The Kevin 2012 85min. 10.07.2012 Sullivan Restoration Well Go USA 28.08.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110558 Canadian novelist Lucy Maud Montgomery has her Anne Of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110777 Green Gables novel brought to the screen in this four-part production. The first story finds young Anne Shirley settling The Abduction Of Jesse Bookman into her new life after arriving at the farm of her adoptive Being Flynn Antonio Fargas, Michael Ironside, Mel parents Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. The second part finds Julianne Moore, Robert De Niro, Paul Dano Jackson Anne transforming from a bright young adolescent to a well- Academy Award winner Robert De Niro, Paul Dano and established teacher. The third part of the story sees Anne Academy Award nominee Julianne Moore give powerhouse Thrillers, Detectives 2008 95min. moving to New York with her husband Gilbert, and then back performances in this compelling exploration of the Allegro Entertainment 24.07.2012 to Avonlea, where Gilbert becomes a soldier and goes missing unbreakable yet fragile bonds between parent and child, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110527 during wartime. And the last movie serves as a pre-quel and written and directed by Paul Weitz (About a Boy). Nick Flynn sequel at the same time as Anne reflects on her life. (Dano) is a young writer seeking to define himself. His father TV Movies, Classics, Drama, Family Jonathan (De Niro), however, scrapes through life on his own Albino Alligator (Blu-ray) 936min. terms and has not seen his son in 18 years. Taking a job at a homeless shelter, Nick finds purpose in his own life and work , Matt Dillon, , E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 until one night Jonathan arrives seeking a bed. To give the Viggo Mortensen, , William 250,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110789 two of them a shot at a real future, Nick wrestles with the Fichtner, Skeet Ulrich, John Spencer, Emmet notion of reaching out to his dad in this „undeniably powerful“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone) adaptation of Nick Flynn’s M. Walsh Assassination (Repackage) award-winning memoir Another Bulls-t Night in Suck City. They planned the perfect crime...until it all went perfectly wrong!. An intense, all-star action-thriller, Albino Alligator is Charles Bronson, Randy Brooks, Jill Ire- Comedy, Drama 2012 102min. directed by Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey (1995 Best land, Jan Gan Boyd, William Prince, Michael Universal Studios 10.07.2012 Supporting Actor - The Usual Suspects). Matt Dillon (There’s Ansara, Stephen Elliott 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110450 Something About Mary) and Emmy winner Gary Sinise (1998 The secret service has never been this lethal.. Hard-hitting Best Actor In a Miniseries or Movie, George Wallace) play action, cross-country adventure...and a government brothers Dova and Milo... a couple of small-time crooks conspiracy that goes all the way to the top! In this pulse- Being Flynn (Blu-ray) suddenly in way over their heads! When a holdup goes pounding political thriller, action superstar Charles Bronson Julianne Moore, Robert De Niro, Paul Dano terribly wrong, the robbers flee to a local bar, desperately is at his rugged best as a man on a mission to protect the First taking everyone inside hostage! With nowhere to run and time Academy Award winner Robert De Niro, Paul Dano and Lady from ruthless assassins who’ll stop at nothing to kill her! Academy Award nominee Julianne Moore give powerhouse running out, it’s a deadly situation where every second When veteran Secret Service Agent Jay Killian (Bronson) is counts! Also starring Golden Globe winner Faye Dunaway performances in this compelling exploration of the assigned to protect the president’s pampered and difficult wife unbreakable yet fragile bonds between parent and child, (1999 Best Supporting Actress, Gia) - expect unexpected (Jill Ireland), he knows she will be a handful. But what he twists and turns, all leading to an incredibly explosive climax! written and directed by Paul Weitz (About a Boy). Nick Flynn doesn’t know is that assassins are out to kill her! Not only (Dano) is a young writer seeking to define himself. His father Crime, Drama, Thrillers 1996 94min. must Killian use his lethal experience to shield the First Lady Jonathan (De Niro), however, scrapes through life on his own Echo Bridge Home Entertainment from danger...he must also do it while tracing her would-be terms and has not seen his son in 18 years. Taking a job at a 10.07.2012 murderer to the highest office in the land! homeless shelter, Nick finds purpose in his own life and work Presidents, Action, Adventure, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110565 until one night Jonathan arrives seeking a bed. To give the Conspiracies 1987 105min. two of them a shot at a real future, Nick wrestles with the MGM / UA 17.07.2012 notion of reaching out to his dad in this „undeniably powerful“ All The Women I’ve Loved (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone) adaptation of Nick Flynn’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110442 award-winning memoir Another Bulls-t Night in Suck City. Religion/Spirituality, Romance, African Comedy, Drama 2012 102min. Americans, Comedy, Drama 2011 88min. ATM Universal Studios 10.07.2012 Allegro Entertainment 10.07.2012 Alice Eve, Brian Geraghty, Josh Peck 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110460 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110528 After leaving their company Christmas Party together, David (Brian Geragthy. The Hurt Locker) and Emily’s (Alice Eve, Below Ground: Demon American Reunion Entourage, Starter for 10) impromptu first date takes an unexpected turn when their coworker, Corey (Josh Peck, The A horror filmmaker, Dave Dommin documents a Demon Invasi- Thomas Ian Nicholas, Tara Reid, Mena Wackness), asks them to make a late-night stop at an ATM. on in his hometown offering shelter to four people: a stripper Suvari, Alyson Hannigan, Eugene Levy, What should be a routine transaction turns into a bloody and her abusive boyfriend, a religious man and his pregnant battle for survival when an unknown man appears and traps girlfriend. Together they stuggle to survive the demonic Seann William Scott, Jason Biggs, Chris them inside the vestibule. With the wintry temperatures infestation, all the while fighting amongst themselves, insane Klein dipping below freezing and the morning sunrise still hours with the desperate will to survive. Get ready for „flat-out hilarious, raunchy fun“ (Box Office away, they have no choice but to play the man’s deadly game Devils And Demons, Horror 76min. Magazine) as the whole American Pie gang returns to East of cat-and-mouse if they want to live through the night. With Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Great Falls for the first time since their legendary senior year nail-biting suspense, ATM crafts one of the most shocking and to turn their reunion into the most unforgettable weekend suspenseful horror tales in years. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110490 since high school. Old friends will reconnect, old flames will Thrillers, Horror 2012 90min. reignite, and everyone will rediscover just how much fun you Bending The Rules can pack into one outrageous reunion. Starring Jason Biggs, MPI 31.07.2012 Alyson Hannigan, Seann William Scott and Eugene Levy, „the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110519 Jamie Kennedy gang is back and better than ever!“ (Jake Hamilton, Fox-TV) Theo Gold, the New Orleans Assistant District Attorney, is Romance, Sexy Comedies, Comedy 2012 ATM (Blu-ray) about to have the worst day of His life. Not only does his wife 114min. decide to leave him on the eve of his birthday, but he manages Alice Eve, Brian Geraghty, Josh Peck to lose a high-profile case against Harry Blades (WWE Universal Studios 10.07.2012 After leaving their company Christmas Party together, David Superstar Edge), an eccentric yet hardnosed Detective on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110418 (Brian Geragthy. The Hurt Locker) and Emily’s (Alice Eve, trial for corruption. Now, the only thing Theo has left is the Entourage, Starter for 10) impromptu first date takes an car his father entrusted to him - a 1956 Studebaker unexpected turn when their coworker, Corey (Josh Peck, The Goldenhawk. But when he discovers his father’s pride and American Reunion (Blu-ray + DVD Wackness), asks them to make a late-night stop at an ATM. joy’ has been stolen, Theo is ironically discovers that the + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- What should be a routine transaction turns into a bloody only ally he has within the police department is the same battle for survival when an unknown man appears and traps person he tried to put away. As the two set-off to find the car, ray) them inside the vestibule. With the wintry temperatures action and comedy quickly develop when they come to realize dipping below freezing and the morning sunrise still hours that the stolen Hawk’ was merely a small piece of a much Thomas Ian Nicholas, Tara Reid, Mena away, they have no choice but to play the man’s deadly game larger puzzle. Suvari, Alyson Hannigan, Eugene Levy, of cat-and-mouse if they want to live through the night. With Action, Drama 2012 83min. Seann William Scott, Jason Biggs, Chris nail-biting suspense, ATM crafts one of the most shocking and WWE Home Video 26.06.2012 Klein suspenseful horror tales in years. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110438 Get ready for „flat-out hilarious, raunchy fun“ (Box Office Horror, Thrillers 2012 90min. Magazine) as the whole American Pie gang returns to East MPI 31.07.2012 Great Falls for the first time since their legendary senior year 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110523 Bending The Rules (Blu-ray) to turn their reunion into the most unforgettable weekend Jamie Kennedy since high school. Old friends will reconnect, old flames will Theo Gold, the New Orleans Assistant District Attorney, is reignite, and everyone will rediscover just how much fun you Battleground about to have the worst day of His life. Not only does his wife can pack into one outrageous reunion. Starring Jason Biggs, Thrillers, Wilderness, Action, Crime, Horror decide to leave him on the eve of his birthday, but he manages Alyson Hannigan, Seann William Scott and Eugene Levy, „the to lose a high-profile case against Harry Blades (WWE gang is back and better than ever!“ (Jake Hamilton, Fox-TV) 2012 85min. Superstar Edge), an eccentric yet hardnosed Detective on

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA trial for corruption. Now, the only thing Theo has left is the sadomasochistic shocker set in a gothic castle. Hundreds of Stephens, Rick Yune, Charles Gray, Bruce car his father entrusted to him - a 1956 Studebaker years ago, a Jack Nelson (Mickey Hargitay) was restrained Goldenhawk. But when he discovers his father’s pride and while he watched his lover Isabella (Rita Calderoni) burned Glover, Normann Burton, Jimmy Dean, Des- joy’ has been stolen, Theo is ironically discovers that the at the stake for witchery. His threat that she will live again mond Llewellyn, Putter Smith only ally he has within the police department is the same overtakes his life and he spends the next several centuries All the Bonds. All the girls. All the action. All in high- person he tried to put away. As the two set-off to find the car, refining the method to reincarnate hisprecious lover. His definition. Celebrate 50 years of 007 with the explosive action and comedy quickly develop when they come to realize obsession turns him into a monster, walking the Earth in golden anniversary Blu-ray Collection. The complete Bond that the stolen Hawk’ was merely a small piece of a much search of virgins to kidnap in his attempt to raise his lover experience showcasing all 22 classic films on Blu-ray larger puzzle. from the grave. together for the first time ever. Bond 50 marks the debut of Drama, Action 2012 83min. Torture, Exploitation, Foreign, Horror, Italian nine James bond films previously unavailable in high definition Blu-ray and comes with a dossier of more than 122 WWE Home Video 26.06.2012 1973 100min. hours of bonus features. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110455 Redemption USA 21.08.2012 Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110613 James Bond min. Benji: Off The Leash (Blu-ray) MGM / UA 25.09.2012 Melinda Haynes, Christy Summerhayes, Black Magic Rites: Remastered 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110718 Nate Bynum, Chris Kendrick, Nick Whitaker, Edition (Blu-ray) Neal Barth, Randall Newsome, Duane Mickey Hargitay, Rita Calderoni, Moschera Bond 50: Celebrating Five Stephens Consolata, Christa Barrymore Decades Of Bond (Blu-ray) Rules Are Made To Be Housebroken.. Writer-director Joe Director Renato Polselli (Delirium) delivers yet another Camp, who created the original Benji brings back the beloved sadomasochistic shocker set in a gothic castle. Hundreds of Rosamund Pike, Judi Dench, Halle Berry, Jill mutt in a family adventure that is truly for all ages. Lost and years ago, a Jack Nelson (Mickey Hargitay) was restrained St. John, Lana Wood, John Cleese, Pierce alone on the streets of a small Mississippi town, Benji while he watched his lover Isabella (Rita Calderoni) burned Brosnan, Sean Connery, Bruce Cabot, Toby struggles to save his mom from a backyard puppy mill, at the stake for witchery. His threat that she will live again avoiding two dopey dogcatchers-and an unwanted sidekick. overtakes his life and he spends the next several centuries Stephens, Rick Yune, Charles Gray, Bruce Sheldon isn’t the brightest guy in the world but he knows refining the method to reincarnate hisprecious lover. His Glover, Normann Burton, Jimmy Dean, Des- what’s right, even if his partner won’t listen to him, while obsession turns him into a monster, walking the Earth in Colby is a fourteen year old boy who takes a big risk to help mond Llewellyn, Putter Smith search of virgins to kidnap in his attempt to raise his lover All the Bonds. All the girls. All the action. All in high- Benji. When these three unsuspecting souls find a common from the grave. purpose, things will change - and lives will be saved - definition. Celebrate 50 years of 007 with the explosive because Benji is off the leash! Exploitation, Foreign, Horror, Italian, Torture golden anniversary Blu-ray Collection. The complete Bond 1973 100min. experience showcasing all 22 classic films on Blu-ray Family, Adventure 2004 100min. together for the first time ever. Bond 50 marks the debut of Gaiam Americas 07.08.2012 Redemption USA 21.08.2012 nine James bond films previously unavailable in high 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110604 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110630 definition Blu-ray and comes with a dossier of more than 122 hours of bonus features. Blue Like Jazz Boxed Sets, James Bond, Action, Bigfoot Adventure, Thrillers min. Tania Raymonde, Claire Holt, Jason Sherilyn Fenn, Alice Cooper, Barry MGM / UA 25.09.2012 Marsden Williams, Danny Bonaduce 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110744 When Bigfoot attacks an 80s themed music festival, a concert Based on the New York Times best seller that swept the promoter and hippie burnout will do anything to protect the nation, Blue Like Jazz is a groundbreaking film about finding „endangered species.“ yourself. Don (Marshall Allman), a pious nineteen-year-old Brake sophomore at a Texas junior college, impulsively decides to Science Fiction, Action, Monsters 2012 escape his religious upbringing for life in the Pacific Chyler Leigh, Stephen Dorff 90min. Northwest at Reed College in Portland, one of the most When Jeremy Reins (Stephen Dorff, Somewhere, Public Asylum Home Entertainment 14.08.2012 progressive campuses in America. Reed’s surroundings and Enemies) wakes up in a cramped space with the only light eccentric student body prove to be far different from the coming from the digital numbers ticking away above his head, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110645 environment from which he came, forcing him to embark on a he knows he’s in trouble. Confused and disoriented with no journey of self- discovery to understand who he is and what one answering his cries for help, he suddenly hears an Bigfoot (Blu-ray) he truly believes. engine rev and his predicament becomes clear: he’s trapped College Life, Comedy, Drama 2012 107min. in the trunk of a moving car. As his captors reveal themselves Sherilyn Fenn, Alice Cooper, Barry Lionsgate 07.08.2012 and their motives, Jeremy realizes he won’t be set free until Williams, Danny Bonaduce he gives up the whereabouts of a secret location where the When Bigfoot attacks an 80s themed music festival, a concert 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110657 U.S. President is taken in the event of a terrorist attack. With promoter and hippie burnout will do anything to protect the time running out and his options limited, Jeremy must use „endangered species.“ Blue Like Jazz (Blu-ray) every ounce of his strength and intelligence to make it out of Monsters, Action, Science Fiction 2012 this ordeal alive. Tania Raymonde, Claire Holt, Jason Thrillers, Crime 2012 91min. 90min. Marsden MPI 24.07.2012 Asylum Home Entertainment 14.08.2012 Based on the New York Times best seller that swept the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110435 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110651 nation, Blue Like Jazz is a groundbreaking film about finding yourself. Don (Marshall Allman), a pious nineteen-year-old The Black House sophomore at a Texas junior college, impulsively decides to Brake (Blu-ray) escape his religious upbringing for life in the Pacific Chyler Leigh, Stephen Dorff Masaaki Uchino, Masahiko Nishimura Northwest at Reed College in Portland, one of the most progressive campuses in America. Reed’s surroundings and When Jeremy Reins (Stephen Dorff, Somewhere, Public Foreign, Horror, Japanese 1999 118min. eccentric student body prove to be far different from the Enemies) wakes up in a cramped space with the only light Allegro Entertainment 10.07.2012 environment from which he came, forcing him to embark on a coming from the digital numbers ticking away above his head, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110533 journey of self- discovery to understand who he is and what he knows he’s in trouble. Confused and disoriented with no he truly believes. one answering his cries for help, he suddenly hears an College Life, Comedy, Drama 2012 107min. engine rev and his predicament becomes clear: he’s trapped Black Limousine in the trunk of a moving car. As his captors reveal themselves Lionsgate 07.08.2012 and their motives, Jeremy realizes he won’t be set free until Vivica A. Fox, Lin Shaye, David Arquette, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110673 he gives up the whereabouts of a secret location where the Bijou Phillips, Nicholas Bishop U.S. President is taken in the event of a terrorist attack. With A former big-time Hollywood movie composer, Jack (David time running out and his options limited, Jeremy must use Arquette), hits rock bottom and ends up becoming a chauffeur : Volume 2 every ounce of his strength and intelligence to make it out of to pay his bills. Desperate to get his life and career back on Michael Landon, Lorne Greene, Dan Blok- this ordeal alive. Crime, Thrillers 2012 91min. track, he attends Alcoholics Anonymous, where he meets a ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung mysterious and beautiful woman (Bijou Phillips) who he falls MPI 24.07.2012 in love with and consults for support. Can Jack reclaim the 4 Classic Episodes!. Three hours of the classic TV Western life he once took for granted? Or will he stay trapped in in which a single father raises his sons and helps his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110454 dreams? neighbors while running a large ranch in Nevada. Mystery, Romance, Substance Abuse Western, Classics 1959 min. Brooklyn’s Finest / Stone (2 Pack) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 110min. (Blu-ray) Starz / Anchor Bay 10.07.2012 03.07.2012 Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke, Guy Pearce, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110401 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110553 Milla Jovovich, Robert De Niro, Wesley Bond 50: Celebrating Five Snipes, Edward Norton, Frances Conroy, Black Magic Rites: Remastered Enver Gjokaj Edition Decades Of Bond Cops, Crime, Drama, 2 Packs, Action, Art Mickey Hargitay, Rita Calderoni, Moschera Rosamund Pike, Judi Dench, Halle Berry, Jill House, Prison, Thrillers 187min. Consolata, Christa Barrymore St. John, Lana Wood, John Cleese, Pierce Starz / Anchor Bay 24.07.2012 Director Renato Polselli (Delirium) delivers yet another Brosnan, Sean Connery, Bruce Cabot, Toby

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40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110428 Here is the murderously funny movie based on the world- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110459 famous Clue board game. And now, with this special videocassette version, you can see all three surprise Budz House endings! Was it Colonel Mustard in the study with a gun? Darkness (Blu-ray) Bud Howard and his stoner buddies hit the jackpot when they Miss Scarlet in the billiard room with the rope? Or was it Anna Paquin, Lena Olin, , come up with a giant bag of kush. They quickly realize it Wadsworth the butler? Meet all the notorious suspects and belongs to a trigger-happy drug lord, and hide it under their discover all their foul play things. You’ll love their dastardly Giancarlo Giannini, Fele Martinez, Fermi house. When an unexpected bathroom mishap accidentally doings as the bodies and the laughs pile up before your eyes. Reixach, Stephen Enquist fertilizes the stash, they seize the opportunity to sell the Comedy, Crime, Mystery 1985 94min. This hit thriller teams award winner Anna Paquin (TV’s True „super weed.“ Now Bud and his friends must escape the Paramount Pictures 07.08.2012 Blood) with Lena Olin (Remember Me) and Iain Glen (Harry crossfire of rival gangs while still finding time to save their Brown) as a family whose life forever changes when they weed and get high. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110562 move into a new home with an ancient secret! Not long after Stoners, Adventure, Comedy 2011 84min. Regina (Paquin) begins living in her family’s remote country Cole Younger And The Black estate, she learns that there’s something horribly disturbing Phase 4 Films 24.07.2012 about the old place. Even as her parents dismiss her 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110399 Train concerns, strange things begin to happen whenever the lights go out. Soon Regina realizes that a series of escalating Cody McCarver, Michael Madsen supernatural events will unleash the full evil that resides in By Way Of The Stars: The Outlaw Country, Western, Drama, Gangs their house! Restored Mini-Series 2012 90min. Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror 2004 Tantoo Cardinal, Gema Zamprogna, Jan Lionsgate 31.07.2012 102min. Rubes, Zachary Bennett, Michael Mahonen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110498 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Western, Canadian, Family, Foreign 1992 10.07.2012 326min. The Corridor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110566 E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 Nigel Bennett 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110791 During a male-bonding weekend in the country, five friends Dead Trees hung up on the downfalls of reaching middle age discover a Set in Los Angeles, Dead Trees is a feature length spectral corridor in the woods. When they venture to enter it, psychological drama that examines the outcome of an innocent Casa De Mi Padre they each experience a series of terrifying changes. Now high school crush that turns into an adult obsession. what was once a close-knit group of longtime friends is Will Ferrell, Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna shockingly ripped apart by newfound fear and betrayal. And Romance, Thrillers, Drama 2011 85min. Armando Alvarez (Will Ferrell) has lived and worked on his what should have been a relaxing weekend getaway has E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 father’s ranch in Mexico his entire life. As the ranch faces turned into a dangerous battle from which no one will emerge 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110794 financial strains, Armando’s younger brother Raul (Diego unscathed. Luna) shows up with his new fiancée, Sonia (Genesis Thrillers, Horror 2010 99min. Rodriguez) and pledges to settle all his father’s debts. It The Dead Want Women seems that Raul’s success as an international businessman MPI 24.07.2012 means the ranch’s troubles are over, but when Armando falls 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110436 Eric Roberts, Jessica Morris, Ariana Madix for Sonia, and Raul’s business dealings turn out to be less Beginning at a stylish mansion in the roaring 1920’s, a than legit, the Alvarez family finds themselves in a full-out socialite, flappers, and the men who love them to their ultimate war with Mexico’s most feared drug lord, the mighty Onza The Crow demise. These ghosts continue to haunt the mansion (Gael García Bernal). Ernie Hudson, Michael Wincott, Brandon throughout the decade. Now, they’ve come back to haunt and Romance, Action, Comedy, Foreign, chase after a new generation of beautiful girls. Starring: Lee Mexican 2012 84min. Jessica Morris, Adriana Maddox, and Eric Roberts. Before Sin City and The Dark Knight rose, there was The Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Historical / Lionsgate 17.07.2012 Crow - the „dark, lurid revenge fantasy“ (The New York Period Piece, Horror 2012 74min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110662 Times) from director Alex Proyas (Dark City) that entranced audiences and critics alike. Featuring Brandon Lee in his Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 final, tragic performance, The Crow is the tale of young 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110761 Casa De Mi Padre (Blu-ray) musician Eric Draven (Lee) who, along with his fiancée, is Will Ferrell, Gael Garcia Bernal, Diego Luna murdered on the eve of their Halloween wedding. Exactly one year after their deaths, Eric is risen from the grave by a Deadtime Armando Alvarez (Will Ferrell) has lived and worked on his mysterious crow to seek out his killers and force them to A British band are ordered by their unhappy record company father’s ranch in Mexico his entire life. As the ranch faces answer for their crimes. financial strains, Armando’s younger brother Raul (Diego to an old warehouse, with the goal being to re-start their Luna) shows up with his new fiancée, Sonia (Genesis Revenge, Superheroes, Vigilante Justice, careers with a kick-ass new promo video. Unfortunately they Rodriguez) and pledges to settle all his father’s debts. It Action, Based On Comic Book, Cult Film / find themselves the target of a mysterious knife-wielding seems that Raul’s success as an international businessman TV 1994 101min. maniac in this bloody British slasher! Music, Slasher, Thrillers, British, Foreign, means the ranch’s troubles are over, but when Armando falls Lionsgate 07.08.2012 for Sonia, and Raul’s business dealings turn out to be less Horror 2012 102min. than legit, the Alvarez family finds themselves in a full-out 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110660 war with Mexico’s most feared drug lord, the mighty Onza Brain Damage Films 24.07.2012 (Gael García Bernal). 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110514 Romance, Comedy, Foreign, Mexican, Ac- Dalziel & Pascoe: Season Six tion 2012 84min. Celia Imrie, Susannah Corbett , Warren Death Watch (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Clarke, David Calder, Colin Buchanan, Da- Lionsgate 17.07.2012 bo) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110674 vid Haig, David Royle , Wolf Kahler In season six of this gritty British crime thriller, grumpy old- Romy Schneider, Harvey Keitel, Harry Dean school copper Andy Dalziel and his well-mannered Stanton Jackie Chan’s Project A (Blu-ray) university-educated partner Peter Pascoe, face more This highly acclaimed 1980 French film was directed by the Sammo Hung, Jackie Chan perplexing cases: The perplexing death of a schoolboy, the great French director, Bertrand Tavernier (Coup de Torchon, mysterious murder of a Sikh woman, the unexplained killing of ‘ Round Midnight) and filmed on location in Scotland. The Nonstop action on the high seas!. International martial arts a solicitor, and the perplexing appearance of a skeleton in a mega-star Jackie Chan (Rush Hour, Twin Dragons, Rumble In story is part human drama, part futuristic drama, and focuses former mining town. On top of which, with Pascoe’s wife and primarily on two people, terminally ill Katherine (Romy The Bronx) directs and performs all his own death-defying daughter now in America, the odd couple find themselves stunts in a hard-hitting and humorous action adventure that’s Schneider) and Roddy (Harvey Keitel), who after having a sharing Dalziel’s house - a marriage certainly not made in camera implanted into his brain is hired by the producer of the been called one of his very best! Chan rocks the high seas as heaven! Dragon Ma, a determined coast guard officer on patrol in late TV series, Death Watch to film a documentary of Katherine 19th century Hong Kong. As he battles with a ruthless BBC, British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, without her knowledge. Both deeply moving and a fascinating syndicate in a seemingly never-ending struggle for control of Foreign, International TV, Mystery 360min. look at society in decay, it’s a must-see film. the dangerous waters, you’ll be blown away as Jackie BBC Home Video 14.08.2012 1980 128min. literally throws himself into some of the most amazing movie Shout Factory 28.08.2012 stuntwork ever captured on film! Also starring popular Sammo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110724 Hung (Around the World in 80 Days), this must-see 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110656 adrenaline-pumping adventure delivers all the intense thrills Dark Nemesis (Blu-ray) and witty fun that Jackie Chan fans demand! The Deep Blue Sea Comedy, Martial Arts, Action 1983 98min. In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by feuding warlords, a group of desperate soldiers hatch a plan to steal a Warlord’s Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston, Simon Echo Bridge Home Entertainment treasure and start a new life. When they are faced with the Russell Beale 24.07.2012 threat of horrific death at the hands of the Warlord’s executioners, the men escape into a desolate and forbidden Hester Collyer (Rachel Weisz), a forty-year old woman, has 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110571 land known only as The Shadowlands. Now the men must flee left a privileged life with her husband, Sir William Collyer from the Warlord’s vicious assassins while defending (Simon Russell Beale) in order to live with a young ex-RAF Clue: The Movie (Blu-ray) themselves from the terrifying creatures that inhabit the land. , Freddie Page (Tom Hiddleston). But Hester and Science Fiction, Action, Apocalyptic Future Freddie’s relationship is characterized by drunken rows; Tim Curry, Michael McKean, Lesley Ann though their love-life is passionate- they have little in 2011 85min. Warren, Madeline Kahn, Eileen Brennan, common. When Freddie forgets her birthday, Hester attempts MTI Home Video 10.07.2012 to kill herself. As a result, Hester’s husband reenters her life Christopher Lloyd, Martin Mull and offers her a second chance with him, which Hester

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA refuses. Shaken by her suicide attempt, Freddie tells Hester mond Harrington, David Zayas, C.S. Lee The Doctor and Ace seek a bit of diversion in a trip to the the relationship is over. Heartbroken, Hester considers Includes Seasons 1-6 planet Segonax to see the Psychic Circus, but they soon suicide again at a tube station, but changes her mind. Back at discover that the show is not all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, her apartment, the other tenants tell her that nobody is worth Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Serial Killers, all the previous acts have ‘died’. dying for. Hester finds Freddie at home, but he will leave the Showtime min. BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, International next day. This time, Hester doesn’t ask him to stay. She now Showtime Entertainment 14.08.2012 recognizes that the relationship is over. Freddie leaves and TV, Science Fiction min. Hester decides to face her uncertain future alone. 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110654 BBC Home Video 14.08.2012 Romance, Drama 2011 98min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110602 Music Box Films 24.07.2012 Dexter: Six Season Pack (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110470 ray) Doctor Who: Spearhead From Julie Benz, Jennifer Carpenter, Lauren Space: Special Edition The Deep Blue Sea (Blu-ray) Velez, James Remar, Michael C. Hall, Des- Jon Pertwee, Caroline John, Nicholas Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston, Simon mond Harrington, David Zayas, C.S. Lee Courtney Russell Beale Includes Seasons 1-6 Exiled to late 20th Century Earth by his own people - the Time Hester Collyer (Rachel Weisz), a forty-year old woman, has Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Serial Killers, Lords - the newly regenerated Doctor arrives in Oxley left a privileged life with her husband, Sir William Collyer Showtime min. Woods during a shower of mysterious meteorites. (Simon Russell Beale) in order to live with a young ex-RAF Investigating these unusual occurrences is the newly formed pilot, Freddie Page (Tom Hiddleston). But Hester and Showtime Entertainment 14.08.2012 United Nations Intelligence Task Force (UNIT). Led by Freddie’s relationship is characterized by drunken rows; 454,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110670 Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, UNIT is soon though their love-life is passionate- they have little in called into action when people and meteorites begin to go common. When Freddie forgets her birthday, Hester attempts missing. Most puzzling of all is the attempted kidnapping of a to kill herself. As a result, Hester’s husband reenters her life Dexter: The Sixth Season hospital patient, a severely disoriented man with two hearts and offers her a second chance with him, which Hester Jennifer Carpenter, Lauren Velez, James who had instantly recognized the Brigadier, then had difficulty refuses. Shaken by her suicide attempt, Freddie tells Hester placing his own face. By the time the Doctor is able to join the relationship is over. Heartbroken, Hester considers Remar, Michael C. Hall, Desmond forces with the Brigadier and the recently recruited Dr. Liz suicide again at a tube station, but changes her mind. Back at Harrington, David Zayas, C.S. Lee Shaw, time is running out for UNIT. Already irregular things her apartment, the other tenants tell her that nobody is worth The explosively popular Dexter is back with a vengeance for are happening at a nearby plastics factory, while faceless dying for. Hester finds Freddie at home, but he will leave the a sixth season of startling suspense and unexpected twists. creatures lurk in the woods. The Nestenes have arrived with next day. This time, Hester doesn’t ask him to stay. She now It’s been a year since last season’s shocking and world conquest on their collective mind. recognizes that the relationship is over. Freddie leaves and heartbreaking conclusion, and mild mannered criminologist- BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Hester decides to face her uncertain future alone. cum-grisly serial killer Dexter Morgan has come to terms with Science Fiction 1970 97min. Drama, Romance 2011 98min. who he is. But his existence is shattered when he crosses BBC Home Video 14.08.2012 Music Box Films 24.07.2012 paths with an enemy unlike any he’s faced before. A delusional religious zealot with unflinching convictions, this 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110601 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110492 new adversary soon draws Dexter into a dangerous game that could well end in disaster. Dennis The Menace: 20 Timeless Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Serial Killers, Doomsday Prophecy Showtime 2011 618min. Alan Dale, Jewel Staite, A.J. Buckley Episodes Showtime Entertainment 14.08.2012 Eric Fox finds himself running for his life when a reclusive Gloria Henry, Jay North, Herbert Anderson, writer gives him a rod that shows him visions of the future. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110653 But as a momentous astronomical event occurs, the alignment Joseph Kearns of Earth’s solar system with the Milky Way’s galactic Airing on CBS from ’59-’63, Dennis the Menace is a TV Dexter: The Sixth Season (Blu- equator, previously unseen forces start to pull the Earth apart series based on the popular and iconic Hank Ketcham comic at the seams. Eric must use the rod to uncover an age-old strip of the same name. The show follows the lives of the ray) mystery and save the planet from destruction. Mitchell family - Henry, Alice, and their only child, Dennis. Dennis is an energetic, well meaning, but trouble prone boy Jennifer Carpenter, Lauren Velez, James TV Movies, Science Fiction, End Of The and sometimes a mischievous child. He often tangles with Remar, Michael C. Hall, Desmond World, Horror 2011 92min. peace-and-quiet-loving neighbor, George Wilson. Harrington, David Zayas, C.S. Lee Starz / Anchor Bay 17.07.2012 Classics, Comedy, Family min. The explosively popular Dexter is back with a vengeance for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110403 Shout Factory 07.08.2012 a sixth season of startling suspense and unexpected twists. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110476 It’s been a year since last season’s shocking and heartbreaking conclusion, and mild mannered criminologist- Doomsday Prophecy (Blu-ray) cum-grisly serial killer Dexter Morgan has come to terms with Alan Dale, Jewel Staite, A.J. Buckley Devil Seed who he is. But his existence is shattered when he crosses Eric Fox finds himself running for his life when a reclusive paths with an enemy unlike any he’s faced before. A writer gives him a rod that shows him visions of the future. Vanessa Broze delusional religious zealot with unflinching convictions, this A college coed’s psychic reading goes horrifically wrong, and But as a momentous astronomical event occurs, the alignment new adversary soon draws Dexter into a dangerous game that of Earth’s solar system with the Milky Way’s galactic the next day, wakes possessed by a demonic entity, could well end in disaster. experiencing mysterious scratch marks all over her body and equator, previously unseen forces start to pull the Earth apart terrifying hallucinations. Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Serial Killers, at the seams. Eric must use the rod to uncover an age-old Devils And Demons, Horror 2011 108min. Showtime 2011 618min. mystery and save the planet from destruction. TV Movies, Science Fiction, End Of The E1 Entertainment 07.08.2012 Showtime Entertainment 14.08.2012 World, Horror 2011 92min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110768 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110563 Starz / Anchor Bay 17.07.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110408 The Devil’s Advocate: Unrated Dirty Pretty Things (Blu-ray) Director’s Cut (Blu-ray) Audrey Tautou, Sophie Okonedo, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sergi Lopez, Benedict Wong Dorm Al Pacino, Keanu Reeves, Craig T. Nelson, Some things are too dangerous to keep secret.. From Stephen A young boy is transferred to a boarding school where life Judith Ivey Frears, the Oscar-nominated director of The Grifters (Best becomes full of misery and loneliness when he is bulled by his Hotshot attorney Kevin Lomax’s 64-0 case record has brought Director, 1990) and Dangerous Liaisons, Dirty Pretty Things peers with tales of drowned boys and hanged girls. He finally him a tempting offer from an elite New York firm. But the job stars Audrey Tautou (Amelie) in a harrowing tale of struggle makes one new friend and things look bright, until one day he Lomax accepts isn’t what it seems. The Devil is in the details. and survival for two immigrants who learn that everything is finds that his new friend has a deep dark secret. In this gleeful, modern gothic fable, Keanu Reeves plays for sale in London’s secret underworld! Part of an invisible Thai, Drama, Foreign, Horror 2006 107min. eager Lomax and Al Pacino is the charismatic firm founder working class, Nigerian exile Okwe (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Tartan Video 31.07.2012 who knows there are cases to be won...and souls to be lost. Turkish chambermaid Senay (Tautou) toil at a west London From Lomax’s court triumphs and skyrocket rise to its double hotel that is full of illegal activity. Then late one night Okwe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110444 twist ending, The Devil’s Advocate is red-hot entertainment. makes a shocking discovery, which creates an impossible Lomax’s life, wife (Charlize Theron) and soul are on the line. dilemma and tests the limits of all they know! Honored with Dos Hogares He’s landed a job that’s Heaven on Earth...which can lead him numerous European film awards and nominations - including straight to Hell. wins at the London Critics Circle Film Awards and the Venice Follow the story of a young woman named Angelica who meets Film Festival - you’ll find this gritty urban thriller to be a man, falls in love only to loose him when he tragically dies. Devils And Demons, Drama, Lawyers / No sooner has she met another man who becomes an integral Legal Issues, Mystery, On The Job, Thril- thoroughly engrossing and impossible to forget! British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, French, Art part of her life when her first love suddenly re-appears, lers 1997 114min. seemingly unharmed. She faces the toughest decision of her House, Thrillers 2002 97min. Warner Bros. 18.09.2012 life as she has to decide between the two men that love her. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Romance 2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110745 17.07.2012 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110569 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 21.08.2012 Dexter: Six Season Pack 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110595 Julie Benz, Jennifer Carpenter, Lauren Doctor Who: Greatest Show In Velez, James Remar, Michael C. Hall, Des- The Galaxy Dracula Vs. Frankenstein

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 40 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

J. Carrol Naish, Samuel M. Sherman, Al Take me to your teacher. This hip and edgy thriller from the God Bless America director of Machete and writer of Scream sizzles with a hot Adamson young cast including Elijah Wood (The Lord Of the Rings Joel Murray Science Fiction, Dracula, Frankenstein, trilogy), Josh Hartnett (30 Days of Night) and R&B superstar Frank (Joel Murray) has had enough of the downward spiral Horror 1971 90min. Usher Raymond. When some very creepy things start of American culture. Divorced, recently fired, and possibly happening around school, the kids at Herrington High make a terminally ill, Frank feels he has nothing left to live for. Allegro Entertainment 24.07.2012 chilling discovery that confirms their worst suspicions: their However, instead of taking his own life, he embarks on a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110531 teachers really are from another planet. as mind-controlling killing spree with cohort Roxy (Tara Lynne Barr), who shares parasites rapidly begin spreading form the faculty to the his sense of rage and disenfranchisement, and together they students’ bodies, it’s ultimately up to the few who are left-an embark on a nation-wide assault on our country’s dumbest, Dracula Vs. Frankenstein (Blu- unlikely collection of loner, leader, nerds and jocks-to save most irritating celebrities. ray) the world from alien domination. Also starring Jordana Comedy, Crime 2011 105min. Brewster (Fast & Furious) and Famke Janssen (Taken) in a J. Carrol Naish, Samuel M. Sherman, Al great cast-don’t miss the unstoppable excitement of this Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.07.2012 Adamson unpredictably smart and scary hit. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110406 Science Fiction, Dracula, Frankenstein, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers Horror 1971 90min. 1998 105min. God Bless America (Blu-ray) Allegro Entertainment 24.07.2012 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Joel Murray 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110539 24.07.2012 Frank (Joel Murray) has had enough of the downward spiral 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110572 of American culture. Divorced, recently fired, and possibly terminally ill, Frank feels he has nothing left to live for. Drew Peterson: Untouchable However, instead of taking his own life, he embarks on a Falling Overnight killing spree with cohort Roxy (Tara Lynne Barr), who shares Cara Buono, Kaley Cuoco, Catherine Dent, his sense of rage and disenfranchisement, and together they Romy Rosemont, Rob Lowe, Jonathan Romance, Drama 2011 86min. embark on a nation-wide assault on our country’s dumbest, Scarfe, William Mapother Osiris Entertainment 31.07.2012 most irritating celebrities. The story of Drew Peterson, who is charged with the death of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110597 Comedy, Crime 2011 105min. his third wife after the mysterious disappearance of his fourth Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.07.2012 wife. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110425 TV Movies, Crime, Drama, Love Gone Bad Fatso 2012 87min. Jenny Skavlan Rino loves women. He loves how they look, smell and feel. Goobers! Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Or, at least he’s confident that he would love how they smell 24.07.2012 and feel if he ever got close enough to find out. When his Ashley Lyn Cafagna 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110544 parents decide to rent out the guest room he finally meets the Squidgy, Blop, and Esmeralda are weird creatures that pose girl of his dreams. Rino must embark on a path of self- as puppets on a TV show against their will by the show’s discovery to conquer his fears of the opposite sex or forever host, Cap’n Mike. Tommy and Susie are their only hope for Sam Elliott Double Feature remain a virgin. freedom, but a powerful being has evil plans for the supernatural stars! Starring Ashley Lyn Cafagna, Timothy James Whitmore, Donald Moffat, Claudia Norwegian, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Redwine, Daniel Hartley, Michael Dennis, Caroline Ambrose, Christian, Sam Elliott Foreign 2008 91min. Sam Zeller, J.W. Perra, Tom Thomson. Gone To Texas Phase 4 Films 10.07.2012 Puppets, Horror 80min. Outlaw Country, Triple Feature, Western, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110524 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Cowboy 240min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110762 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Fell: Relationships Can Bring You 03.07.2012 Down (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110516 Thrillers, Drama, Horror 80min. Dita Parlo, Pierre Fresnay, Jean Gabin, Eric Allegro Entertainment 10.07.2012 von Stroheim Eureka: Season 5 During the First World War, two French soldiers are 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110536 captured and imprisoned in a German POW camp. Several Salli Richardson, Erica Cerra, Colin escape attempts follow until they are sent to a seemingly Ferguson The Flirting Club impenetrable fortress which seems impossible to escape from. They can bend the laws of nature. They can push science to Foreign, French, War, World War I 1937 Comedy 2010 90min. the absolute limit. But there’s one force they can’t change: 113min. their destiny. Return to the small town with big secrets as the Allegro Entertainment 10.07.2012 Lionsgate 31.07.2012 geniuses of Eureka venture beyond everything they’ve ever 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110529 known in the fifth and final season of one of TV’s most 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110521 beloved shows. From searching for the lost Astraeus crew to experiencing a disaster drill that proves all too real, it’s Freakshow Apocalypse: The anything but life as usual in the seemingly idyllic town. And as Ground Zero the final moments tick by, one question looms large for Unholy Sideshow In the body disposal business, no job is this easy - Two everyone: will Eureka be shut down for good? Guest starring Thrillers, Vampires, Zombies, Horror 80min. professional ‘cleaners’ are hired to collect a frozen corpse sci-fi fan favorites Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day, this three- located high in the mountains and dispose of it in an old disc set is a fitting, mind-boggling send-off for the community Allegro Entertainment 10.07.2012 warehouse, unaware the body belongs to political activist that never „officially“ existed. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110537 Darius, brutally assassinated by Nat-Tech Corp. after Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction injecting himself with a deadly virus. 2012 min. Ghosts Of War Horror, Killer Viruses 2011 86min. Universal Studios 17.07.2012 During the Vietnam War, a South Korean army base begins E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110538 receiving mysterious radio transmissions from a patrol that 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110795 went missing six months earlier. A shell-shocked, hard-boiled lieutenant and a ragtag military unit are sent to the desolate The Facts Of Murder stretch of land known as R-Point to gather clues as to the : The Sixth Season - Claudia Cardinale, Franco Fabrizi, Pietro whereabouts of the missing soldiers. What appeared to be a Volume One clear search and rescue mission turns into something far more Germi terrifying than any battle. . . Amanda Blake, Dennis Weaver, James Things aren’t always as easy as they look. Ask Inspector Ingravallo (Pietro Germi) about it. A thief sneaks into the Thrillers, Vietnam War, War, Action, Drama, Arness, Milburn Stone apartment of roman aristocrat and steals a fortune in jewelry. Foreign, Horror, Korean 2004 107min. Matt Dillon (James Arness) is in charge of Dodge City, a But as soon as Ingravallo starts to question the neighbours he Tartan Video 31.07.2012 town in the Wild West where people often have no respect for immediately has the feeling that something very fishy is indeed the law. He deals on a daily basis with the problems going on. So, what looked like an ordinary theft becomes an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110446 associated with frontier life: cattle rustling, gunfights, brawls, incredibly tangled mystery that will lead to a very unexpected standover tactics, and land fraud. Such situations call for outcome. A Girl Walks Into A Bar sound judgment and brave actions: of which Marshal Dillon Crime, Drama, Foreign, Italian 1959 115min. has plenty. Alexis Bledel, Gil Bellows, Xander Berkeley Western, Action, Adventure, Classics 1960 E1 Entertainment 31.07.2012 A group of unrelated strangers crazily come together by 494min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110445 chance through interlocking stories taking place in ten diffe- rent bars during the course of one wild evening throughout the Paramount Pictures 07.08.2012 city of Los Angeles. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110548 The Faculty (Blu-ray) Comedy, Drama, Fantasy 2011 80min. Robert Patrick, Elijah Wood, Famke E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 Heat On The Street Janssen, , Piper Laurie, Jon 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110788 Ice Cube, Forest Whitaker, Pam Grier, Lou Stewart, Clea DuVall, Jordana Brewster, Diamond Phillips, Gregory Hines, Robin Laura Harris, Josh Hartnett, Shawn Hatosy

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Givens, , LL Cool J, Omar gital Copy) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110424 Epps Woody Harrelson, Stanley Tucci, Elizabeth Four action-packed urban dramas featuring stories of IJE: The Journey undercover cops, captivating criminals and dangerous Banks, Jennifer Lawrence, Isabelle investigations. A Rage In Harlem Malevolent The Gladd Fuhrman, Donald Sutherland, Josh Nigerian, Crime, Drama, Foreign 2010 Shield In Too Deep Hutcherson, Toby Jones, Wes Bentley, 109min. Action, Cops, Crime, Drama 415min. Alexander Ludwig, Liam Hemsworth Allegro Entertainment 10.07.2012 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The world will be watching.. Every year in the ruins of what 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110530 10.07.2012 was once North America, the Capitol of the nation of Panem 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110517 forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and girl to compete in the Hunger Games. Sixteen-year-old Impostor (Blu-ray) Katniss Everdeen volunteers in her younger sister’s place Gary Sinise, Mekhi Phifer, Tony Shalhoub, Hellraiser VI: Hellseeker (Blu-ray) and must rely upon her sharp instincts when she’s pitted against highly trained Tributes who have prepared their entire Tim Guinee Ashley Laurence, Doug Bradley, Dean Win- lives. If she’s ever to return home to District 12, Katniss must In the future, not everyone is who they seem to be.. An ters make impossible choices in the arena that weigh survival exciting, action-packed sci-fi story from the author of Total The devastating demon Pinhead and his legion return to against humanity and life against love. Recall and Blade Runner, Impostor brings you Gary Sinise unleash Hell on Earth but standing in the way is Kirsty-the Fighting, Action, Adventure, Romance, (TV’s CSI:NY), Madeleine Stowe (We Were Soldiers), only person who has defeated Pinhead in the past. Vincent D’Onofrio (TV’s Law & Order: Criminal Intent), Mekhi Science Fiction, Thrillers 2012 142min. Phifer (Dawn of the Dead) and Tony Shalhoub (TV’s Monk) in Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Horror, Hor- Lionsgate 18.08.2012 a stellar cast. At a time when the Earth has been at war with ror Series 89min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110801 an alien force for over a decade, the latest work of lauded Echo Bridge Home Entertainment governmental scientist Spencer Olham (Sinise) promises to 03.07.2012 save the planet. But suddenly, Olham himself is accused of The Hunger Games (DVD + Digital being an alien spy and is thrown headlong into a disorienting 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110675 nightmare as a fugitive from the law. With blasts of adrenaline Copy) - fueled intensity, this futuristic thriller soars as Olham races Heroes & Demons Woody Harrelson, Stanley Tucci, Elizabeth to probe his identity to the world - and himself - in time to Banks, Jennifer Lawrence, Isabelle save all mankind. Kirsten Dunst, Michael Sheen, Mark Strong, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action 2001 Fuhrman, Donald Sutherland, Josh Tom Hardy, Andrew Garfield, Chris 102min. Hutcherson, Toby Jones, Wes Bentley, Hemsworth Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Alexander Ludwig, Liam Hemsworth Six strangers encounter a series of life-altering situations 10.07.2012 that change their lives forever. They must take a stand and The world will be watching.. Every year in the ruins of what decide whether they will fight for what is right against was once North America, the Capitol of the nation of Panem 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110567 overwhelming odds, or survive by whatever means necessary. forces each of its twelve districts to send a teenage boy and With everything on the line, the sides of good and evil will be girl to compete in the Hunger Games. Sixteen-year-old The Inga Collection drawn. Katniss Everdeen volunteers in her younger sister’s place and must rely upon her sharp instincts when she’s pitted Three acclaimed tales of sexual awakening and forbidden Thrillers, Action 93min. against highly trained Tributes who have prepared their entire passion by sexploitation auteur Joseph Sarno including: Inga, Phase 4 Films 07.08.2012 lives. If she’s ever to return home to District 12, Katniss must Seduction Of Inga and The Indelicate Balance, Shot entirely in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110398 make impossible choices in the arena that weigh survival Sweden, Inga became an immediate success upon its against humanity and life against love. theatrical release in the United States. Director Joseph Sarno Romance, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, is one of the few sexploitation auteurs to receive critical Hijacked attention. In recent years his work has been the subject of Adventure, Fighting 2012 142min. retrospectives at the New York Underground Film Festival, Vinnie Jones, Dominic Purcell, Randy Cou- Lionsgate 18.08.2012 the Torino Film Festival in Turin, , the Cinémathèque ture 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110792 française in Paris, and the British Film Institute. Special Agent Ross’s (Randy Couture) plans to reconcile Romance, Swedish, Collections, Drama, with his ex-fiancé are ruined when she boards a private jet Erotica, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest that is targeted by hijackers working for the same crime lord Hunt To Kill / The Stranger (Doub- he is chasing. With no time to inform his team, Ross wriggles 269min. his way aboard the aircraft and risks it all to save the love of le Feature) (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 his life. An adrenaline fueled action packed film that puts the Eric Roberts, Gary Daniels, Gil Bellows, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110796 fear back in flying! Adam Beach Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama 2012 90min. Steve Austin (The Expendables) stars as U.S. Border Patrol Starz / Anchor Bay 31.07.2012 agent Jim Rhodes, a tough divorcee mourning the loss of his Juan Of The Dead 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110417 murdered partner while struggling to raise his rebellious When begins to fill up with zombies, Juan, a 40-year- daughter in the mountains of Montana. But when a crew of old slacker, is forced to become a hero, defend his country trigger-happy fugitives takes Rhodes and the girl hostage, and protect his own on an island that has turned into a real Hijacked (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) rugged wilderness will explode in all-terrain vengeance. Gil bloodbath. (Blu-ray) Bellows (The Shawshank Redemption), Emilie Ullerup Zombies, Comedy, Cuban, Foreign, Horror (Sanctuary), former kickboxing champion Gary Daniels 2012 100min. Vinnie Jones, Dominic Purcell, Randy Cou- (Tekken, The Expendables) and Academy Award nominee Eric E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 ture Roberts (The Dark Knight, The Expendable) co-star in this bone-snapping, bullet-blasting, ass-kicking action/thriller 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110799 Special Agent Ross’s (Randy Couture) plans to reconcile where the only rule of survival is Hunt To Kill. Pro wrestling with his ex-fiancé are ruined when she boards a private jet legend Steve Austin stars as a man with no name, no memory that is targeted by hijackers working for the same crime lord and absolutely nothing left to lose. But when he finds himself Judge John Deed: Season Six he is chasing. With no time to inform his team, Ross wriggles hunted by both the FBI and the Russian mob, this amnesiac his way aboard the aircraft and risks it all to save the love of decides to fight back. Pursuit cannot stop him. Torture will not Caroline Langrishe, Jenny Seagrove, his life. An adrenaline fueled action packed film that puts the break him. And with every beating, bullet and betrayal, he’ll Louisa Clein, Martin Shaw, Donald Sinden fear back in flying! remember another piece of the horror that took away his Can Judge John Deed’s unrelenting idealism lead to ultimate Crime, Drama, Action, Thrillers 2012 90min. career, his family and his identity. Now the puzzle is nearly justice? Or is his rebellious nature doing more harm than Starz / Anchor Bay 31.07.2012 Double Features, Kidnapping, Action, Thril- good? In two nail-biting double episodes, the eponymous judge is sent to the Hague as the British representative at the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110430 lers 187min. International Criminal Court, where he must try a young Starz / Anchor Bay 24.07.2012 soldier for war crimes in Iraq. Instead he uncovers nefarious Home Invasion 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110427 reasons for bringing him to trial, meanwhile, back in the UK, a scandal involving pharmaceutical companies and withdrawn Gangsta rappers, jealous of the success of a hot local hip-hop legal aid leads right to the heart of the Government. record label and mad because the label head will not sign The Hunter them, plot a robbery on the label head’s office to steal money. BBC, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Inter- To their surprise, the label head finds out who committed the Willem Dafoe, Sam Neill national TV, Lawyers / Legal Issues, robbery because of a hidden surveillance camera. In an Thrillers, Wilderness, Adventure, Drama Mystery 240min. attempt to get the evidence tape back, the gangster rappers surround the label head’s home, taking his girlfriend hostage 2011 102min. BBC Home Video 14.08.2012 and trapping everyone else inside. With a 2 hour deadline and Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.07.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110725 no way out, the hostages inside the home decide to devise a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110405 way to make a copy of the tape and end the stand-off. Music, Rap, Action, Crime, Gangs, Hostage Knock Knock 2 The Hunter (Blu-ray) On October 31, 2010, four friends living in Los Angeles Crisis 75min. decided to go on a self-made tour of haunted Hollywood Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Willem Dafoe, Sam Neill houses and famous celebrity murders, hoping to capture these 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110759 Drama, Adventure, Thrillers, Wilderness famous ghosts on camera. After several uneventful ghost 2011 102min. hunts, they came upon the house known as 1666. They have Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.07.2012 been missing ever since. One year later, their film was found The Hunger Games (Blu-ray + Di- miles away from their last known location. Their footage was

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA compiled and made into a movie: Knock Knock 2. gap between the silent and sound eras. Fejos pulled out all Ghosts, Horror 84min. the stops for this lovely symphony set in antic Maidstone And Other Films By Lionsgate 07.08.2012 Coney Island during the Fourth of July weekend-employing color tinting, superimposition effects, experimental editing, Norman Mailer: Eclipse From The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110659 and a roving camera (plus three dialogue scenes, added because of the craze for talkies). For years, Lonesome has Criterion Collection been a rare treat for festival and cinematheque audiences; it’s Korczak only now coming to home video. Rarer still are the two other Rip Torn, Mickey Knox, Norman Mailer, Ewa Dalkowska, Wojciech Pszoniak Fejos films included in this release: The Last Performance George Plimpton Wojtech Pszoniak stars in Andrzej Wajda’s biographical (featuring a new score by Donald Sosin) and a reconstruction Norman Mailer is remembered for many things-his novels, his paean to renowned humanitarian Henryk Goldzmit, who wrote of the previously incomplete sound version of Broadway, in its essays, his articles, his activism, his ego. One largely under the name Janusz Korczak. The film opens in the late time the most expensive film ever produced at Universal. forgotten chapter of his life, however, is his late-sixties, 1930s with pediatrician, writer, teacher, and radio personality Romance, Comedy, Criterion Collection, headlong, kamikaze-style plunge into making experimental Korczak working as the administrator of an orphanage in the Drama 1928 69min. films. These rough-hewn, self-financed, largely improvised slums of Warsaw. When the Nazis invade Poland, move metafictions are works of madness and bravado, all starring Korczak and his Jewish charges into the ghetto, and begin Criterion 28.08.2012 Mailer himself and with technical assistance from cinema shipping cattle cars full of adult Jews to Treblinka, the doctor 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110619 verité trailblazers D. A. Pennebaker and Richard Leacock. does everything in his power to try to protect the children The fullest realization of his directorial efforts is the from the uglier aspects of the ominous quarantine. Friends and blustering, brawling Maidstone, a shocking sign of the well-wishers urge Korczak to leave the children to their fate Lonesome: The Criterion political times in which Mailer plays a filmmaker and and save himself, but the dedicated doctor adamantly refuses, Collection (Blu-ray) presidential candidate who may be the target of an demonstrating a dedication to the children that knows no assassination attempt. Along with Mailer’s other films of the bounds. Pszoniak is superb in this affecting portrait, which is Barbara Kent, Glenn Tryon period-Wild 90 and Beyond the Law-it shows an austerely photographed in black and white by the gifted The early Hollywood gem Lonesome is the creation of a little- uncompromising artist in thrall to both himself and a new German cinematographer Robby Müller. Remastered in HD known but audacious and one-of-a-kind auteur, Paul Fejos (a medium. Over a booze-fueled, increasingly hectic four-day for Blu-ray and DVD. filmmaker/explorer/anthropologist/doctor!), who bridged the shoot in the Hamptons, Norman Mailer and his cast and crew Polish, War, World War II, Biography, gap between the silent and sound eras. Fejos pulled out all spontaneously unloaded onto film this lurid and loony the stops for this lovely New York City symphony set in antic chronicle of U.S. presidential candidate and filmmaker Biopics, Drama, Foreign 1990 118min. Coney Island during the Fourth of July weekend-employing Norman T. Kingsley debating and attacking Kino Video 14.08.2012 color tinting, superimposition effects, experimental editing, Art House, Boxed Sets, Cops, Crime, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110612 and a roving camera (plus three dialogue scenes, added Criterion Collection, Director / Writer Box because of the craze for talkies). For years, Lonesome has been a rare treat for festival and cinematheque audiences; it’s Sets, Drama, Gangs min. Korczak (Blu-ray) only now coming to home video. Rarer still are the two other Criterion 28.08.2012 Fejos films included in this release: The Last Performance 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110621 Ewa Dalkowska, Wojciech Pszoniak (featuring a new score by Donald Sosin) and a reconstruction Wojtech Pszoniak stars in Andrzej Wajda’s biographical of the previously incomplete sound version of Broadway, in its paean to renowned humanitarian Henryk Goldzmit, who wrote time the most expensive film ever produced at Universal. Midnight Movies: Volume 5 - Sci- under the name Janusz Korczak. The film opens in the late Romance, Comedy, Criterion Collection, 1930s with pediatrician, writer, teacher, and radio personality Fi Double Feature Drama 1928 69min. Korczak working as the administrator of an orphanage in the Jack Palance, Ian McCulloch slums of Warsaw. When the Nazis invade Poland, move Criterion 28.08.2012 Korczak and his Jewish charges into the ghetto, and begin A deserted ship arrives in New York City carrying its shipping cattle cars full of adult Jews to Treblinka, the doctor 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110637 slaughtered crew and a horrific cargo: Mutant green eggs the does everything in his power to try to protect the children size of footballs that pulsate with life until they spray hideous from the uglier aspects of the ominous quarantine. Friends and Mac & Devin Go To High School chest-bursting death. But when a government research team well-wishers urge Korczak to leave the children to their fate begins an investigation, they uncover a grisly conspiracy of and save himself, but the dedicated doctor adamantly refuses, Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dogg, Mike Epps, Andy murder, space monsters and coffee. Who is harvesting these demonstrating a dedication to the children that knows no alien hell-spores? What is their connection to a doomed Milonakis mission to Mars? And most important of all, how many actors bounds. Pszoniak is superb in this affecting portrait, which is Valedictorian hopeful Devin Overstreet (Wiz Khalifa) austerely photographed in black and white by the gifted will die screaming in massive explosions of blood, guts and struggles to pen his graduation speech when it becomes clear gore? The time is the tomorrow after tomorrow and mankind German cinematographer Robby Müller. Remastered in HD that all his academic overachievements have left him with little for Blu-ray and DVD. has now populated the Moon where vast domed cities have to no life experiences. He finds an unlikely inspiration in Mac been built on what was once a wasteland. But when the Drama, Foreign, Biography, Biopics, Polish, Johnson, (Snoop Dogg) the least achieving student on power-mad Emperor Omus (Oscar® winner Jack Palance of War, World War II 1990 118min. campus. Mac, a 15-year senior and consummate ladies man, is City Slickers) attacks the lunar colony of New Washington, a Kino Video 14.08.2012 smitten by the school’s new substitute chemistry teacher. He team of scientists led by Dr. John Caball (Barry Morse of soon realizes that the only way he’ll truly have a chance with Space: 1999) launches a dangerous mission to destroy the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110629 her is if he finally graduates high school. In 3 weeks time, dictator and his robot army. Can three daring space jockeys Mac must cram four years of high school academics, and and one renegade robot save their universe from the dark The Little Wizard: Guardian Of Devin must cram four years of teenage experience. forces of intergalactic evil? Comedy, High School 2012 75min. Science Fiction, Aliens, Double Features, The Magic Crystals Starz / Anchor Bay 03.07.2012 Horror 193min. This enchanted adventure through a fantastical world of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110394 dragons, wizards and magic crystals is a breathtaking fantasy Blue Underground 28.08.2012 for the entire family. Foible, the last remaining sorcerer, has a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110545 big hat to fill - tasked with defending the world and Mac & Devin Go To High School safeguarding the magic crystals that could free the trapped Drakken. With Knot, the last remaining free Drakken, by his (Blu-ray) Midnight Movies: Volume 6 - Car side, Foible must find the courage to believe in himself and the Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dogg, Mike Epps, Andy Crash Double Feature wisdom to learn the magistical ways that will keep them all from danger. Milonakis William Smith, David Carradine Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Magic min. Valedictorian hopeful Devin Overstreet (Wiz Khalifa) Buckle your seatbelt for The Trans-America Grand Prix, the struggles to pen his graduation speech when it becomes clear infamous cross-country road race from Los Angeles to New Green Apple Entertainment 07.08.2012 that all his academic overachievements have left him with little York City. David Carradine of Kill Bill stars as Coy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110499 to no life experiences. He finds an unlikely inspiration in Mac ‘Cannonball’ Buckman, an ex-con and fallen stock car champ Johnson, (Snoop Dogg) the least achieving student on who puts pedal to the metal for one last shot at glory. But campus. Mac, a 15-year senior and consummate ladies man, is competition on the open road is a killer - and Cannonball is Little Women smitten by the school’s new substitute chemistry teacher. He the target! In between his horror hits Rabid and The Brood, Meredith Baxter Birney, Eve Plumb, Susan soon realizes that the only way he’ll truly have a chance with award-winning director David Cronenberg immersed himself her is if he finally graduates high school. In 3 weeks time, in the gritty world of top-fuel dragsters to make what he Dey, William Shatner, Greer Garson Mac must cram four years of high school academics, and considers to be one of the most important movies of his entire The classic Little Women, which is based on the novel by Devin must cram four years of teenage experience. career. Genre icons William Smith (Red Dawn, Manian Cop), Louisa May Alcott, follows four sisters who live in New Comedy, High School 2012 75min. John Saxon (Enter The Dragon, A Nightmare On Elm Street) England during the Civil War. With their father absent, the Starz / Anchor Bay 03.07.2012 and drive-in goddess Claudia Jennings (in her final role girls must learn to fend for themselves. This two-part before her tragic death) star in this surprising story of a presentation features appearances from William Shatner and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110407 corporate-sponsored racing team and the explosive Meredith Baxter Barney. obsessions that speed them through lives of fast cars, fast Drama, Family, Romance 1978 194min. The Maid cash and Fast Company. E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 Chinese legend has it that the gates of Hell open and the dead Thrillers, Action, Auto Racing, Comedy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110800 walk the Earth for 30 days each year. Break the rules set for Crime, Double Features, Drama, Martial Arts humans for survival and face the haunting consequences of 187min. your actions. When a young immigrant and non-believer in the Lonesome: The Criterion supernatural world innocently breaks the rules one by one Blue Underground 28.08.2012 Collection she is forced to understand that the spirits should never be 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110546 disturbed. . . Barbara Kent, Glenn Tryon Singaporean, Foreign, Horror 2005 89min. Midnight Movies: Volume 7 - The early Hollywood gem Lonesome is the creation of a little- Tartan Video 31.07.2012 known but audacious and one-of-a-kind auteur, Paul Fejos (a Crime Double Feature filmmaker/explorer/anthropologist/doctor!), who bridged the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110447

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Oliver Reed, Edward G. Robinson Biopics, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Collection (Blu-ray) A quiet yet cunning schoolteacher recruits an elite team of Period Piece 369min. international criminals for the ultimate caper: robbing $10 Gary Oldman, , Al Pacino, Guy million in diamonds from an impenetrable Rio de Janeiro vault Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Pearce, Hilary Swank, Aaron Eckhart, at the frenzied peak of the city’s Carnival. The planning is 10.07.2012 Maura Tierney, Martin Donovan, Paul meticulous. The crime must run like clockwork. But even if 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110555 they can pull off the most daring theft in criminal history, are Dooley, Rade Serbedzija, Katie Holmes, the wildest surprises of all yet to come? Kidnappers have Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ellen Page, Marion snatched the wife of a violent prison warden (Oliver Reed) Mirror Mirror Cotillard, Nicky Katt, Morgan Freeman, and demand the release of an inmate (Fabio Testi) as ransom. But when the warden allows his prisoner to escape, the two Julia Roberts, Armie Hammer, Lily Collins Robin Williams, Michael Caine, Tom become trapped in a deadly conspiracy that reaches from the One of the world’s most beloved fairy tales takes a hilarious Wilkinson, Tom Berenger, Leonardo halls of government to the bullet-riddled city streets. Can an turn in this fresh, exciting film starring Oscar Winner Julia DiCaprio, Christian Bale, Joe Pantoliano, obsessed lawman and an escaped convict survive the forces Roberts (2000, Best Actress, Erin Brockovich). After she of corruption as well as each other, or does the ultimate law spends all her money, an evil enchantress queen (Roberts) Rutger Hauer, Heath Ledger, Tom Hardy, of society belong to the Revolver? schemes to marry a handsome, wealthy prince (The Social Cillian Murphy, Ken Watanabe, Linus Network’s Armie Hammer). There’s just one problem - he’s in Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, love with a beautiful princess, Snow White (Lily Collins, The Roache, Mark Boone Jr., Dileep Rao Comedy, Crime, Double Features 229min. Blind Side). So, the sinister queen banishes Snow White from The Dark Knight Inception Memento Insomnia Blue Underground 28.08.2012 her own kingdom! Now, joined by seven rebellious dwarves, Boxed Sets, Crime, Detectives, Drama, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110547 Snow White launches an epic battle of good vs. evil in this Academy Award Winners, Action, Based funny, magical movie that the whole family will love. On Comic Book, Mystery, Science Fiction, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fairy Tales, Thrillers 671min. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Family, Fantasy 2012 106min. Warner Bros. 26.06.2012 20th Century Fox 26.06.2012 Season 1 - Volume 1 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110685 After 10,000 years of imprisonment, the evil sorceress Rita 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110441 Repulsa and her loyal minions are freed when astronauts on a routine mission in space accidentally open her dumpster Mirror Mirror (Blu-ray + DVD + The Note III prison on the moon. Filled with rage, Rita decides to conquer Genie Francis, Ted McGinley the nearest planet Earth. But her arch nemesis - the heroic Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) sage Zordon - has been patiently waiting in preparation for Daytime Emmy Award Winner Genie Francis (TV’s General this day. With the assistance of his wisecracking robotic Julia Roberts, Armie Hammer, Lily Collins Hospital) returns as advice columnist Peyton MacGruder in a sidekick Alpha 5, Zordon recruits a team of ‘five teenagers One of the world’s most beloved fairy tales takes a hilarious new film inspired by Angela Hunt’s unforgettable characters. with attitude’ - Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Billy and Trini - to turn in this fresh, exciting film starring Oscar Winner Julia A romantic getaway for Peyton and husband King Danville receive superpowers beyond their wildest dreams and defend Roberts (2000, Best Actress, Erin Brockovich). After she (Ted McGinley) takes an unexpected detour when an infant is the Earth as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. called spends all her money, an evil enchantress queen (Roberts) abandoned at their doorstep, transforming them into temporary Zords, the Power Rangers fight back the evil alien hordes of schemes to marry a handsome, wealthy prince (The Social parents. Petyon is reminded of her secret past and relies on Rita Repulsa. Network’s Armie Hammer). There’s just one problem - he’s in her journalistic instincts to uncover the baby’s story in this Action, Cult Film / TV, Family, Martial Arts, love with a beautiful princess, Snow White (Lily Collins, The all-new tale of hope, inspiration and second chances. Romance, Drama, TV Movies min. Science Fiction 600min. Blind Side). So, the sinister queen banishes Snow White from her own kingdom! Now, joined by seven rebellious dwarves, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Shout Factory 21.08.2012 Snow White launches an epic battle of good vs. evil in this 10.07.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110483 funny, magical movie that the whole family will love. Comedy, Drama, Fairy Tales, Family, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110543 Miramax British Cinema: Volume Fantasy, Adventure 2012 106min. 20th Century Fox 26.06.2012 O (Blu-ray) One 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110458 Julia Stiles, Mekhi Phifer, Josh Hartnett, Willem Dafoe, Miranda Richardson, Meg Martin Sheen, John Heard, Elden Henson, Ryan, Hugh Grant, Minnie Driver, Judi Mourning Wood Anthony Johnson, Andrew Keegan, Rain Dench, Julianne Moore, Cate Blanchett, In the small town of Slutton (slew-ton), infomercial king Dr. Phoenix Robert Downey Jr., Sam Neill, Gerard But- Jacob Pendelton has created a new product called ShamPube, Trust. Seduction. Betrayal.. Hot young stars, a hip, driving ler, Billy Connolly but unfortunately someone has tainted his new product, soundtrack, plus a provocative tale of jealousy and betrayal Restoration An Ideal Husband Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown Tom turning the town into sexually charged humping zombies. combine to create this controversial modern-day version of & Viv Zombies, Horror 2010 80min. Shakespeare’s classic, Othello. O is Odin James (Mekhi Phifer, Dawn of the Dead), a star high school basketball Romance, Biography, Biopics, British, Brain Damage Films 24.07.2012 player and NBA hopeful. Even though he’s the only black Comedy, Drama, Foreign 428min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110515 student at the elite Palmetto Grove Academy, he has the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment adoration of all, including the team’s coach (Martin Sheen, TV’s West Wing) and the Dean’s beautiful daughter, Desi 10.07.2012 Mystery Science Theater 3000: (Julia Styles, TV’s Dexter). Odin’s troubled friend Hugo 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110557 XXIV (Josh Hartnett, 30 Days of Night), the coach’s son, is deeply resentful of his father’s preference of Odin on and off the Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett, Joel Hodgson, court. When Hugo plots a diabolical scheme to sow the seed Miramax British Comedy Mike Nelson of mistrust between O and Desi, it sets in motion a disturbing Collection: Volume One Head back to the Satellite of Love for four more previously chain of events which erupts into a firestorm of breathtaking unreleased episodes featuring Joel, Mike, and the bots, this intensity. Malcolm McDowell, Colin Firth, Vanessa time taking on a mix of sci-fi and fantasy classics that are out- Drama, Shakespeare, Thrillers 2001 90min. Redgrave, Uma Thurman, Colm Meaney, of-this-world bad - and hilarious! Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Hugh Grant, Helena Bonham Carter, Sam Comedy, Comedy Central, Cult Film / TV, 17.07.2012 Neill Science Fiction 360min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110570 Englishman Who Went Up A Hill Month By The Lake Sweet Shout Factory 31.07.2012 Revenge My Life So Far 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110439 Romance, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign On The Inside 373min. Olivia Wilde, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Nick Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Ninja Champion / Weapons Of Stahl, Dash Mihok, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Da- 10.07.2012 Death (Double Feature) niel Franzese 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110556 Eric Lee, Bruce Baron A decent but troubled young man is sent to a psychiatric A couple camping in the woods is attacked by a trio of thugs institution for the criminally insane and soon finds himself in a and the wife is beaten and raped. A few months after the fight for his life battling ghosts inside his head and very real Miramax British Romance assault, she is down the three by posing as a dealer enemies all around him. Collection looking to sell some stolen merchandise. Meanwhile, her Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Mental Illness 2011 Interpol agent husband is doing some tracking of his own in 90min. James Cromwell, William Hurt, Anna Paquin, the hopes of bringing them to justice. In San Francisco’s Starz / Anchor Bay 24.07.2012 Anne Hathaway, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Chinatown, a band of thugs kidnaps a girl for a large Chinese gang. Her half-brother gathers a team of expert fighters to get 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110404 Hayley Atwell, Matthew Goode her back. Three critically-acclaimed British romances featuring talented Ninjas, Crime, Double Features, Gangs, casts. In Becoming Jane, a dashing young man offends an On The Inside (Blu-ray + DVD emerging writer’s sense and sensibility. In Brideshead Kidnapping, Martial Arts 172min. Revisited, Charles Ryder is invited to a charming aristocrat’s Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Combo) (Blu-ray) estate where he is seduced by the opulent lifestyle. In Jane Olivia Wilde, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Nick Eyre, Jane finds herself in a passionate romance with a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110760 handsome, yet mysterious, gentleman. Stahl, Dash Mihok, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Da- Romance, Triple Feature, Biography, Christopher Nolan Director’s niel Franzese A decent but troubled young man is sent to a psychiatric

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 44 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA institution for the criminally insane and soon finds himself in a An investigative reporter begins receiving menacing phone Project X (DVD + UltraViolet) fight for his life battling ghosts inside his head and very real calls after publishing an article about sex scandals. She enemies all around him. changes her number and moves to a new house, but the calls Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper Crime, Drama, Mental Illness, Thrillers 2011 keep coming. Soon, a series of horrifying deaths occur, and Project X follows three seemingly anonymous high school 90min. she discovers the sinister secret that threatens them all. seniors as they attempt to finally make a name for themselves. Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Drama, Their idea is innocent enough: let’s throw a party that no one Starz / Anchor Bay 24.07.2012 Foreign, Horror, Korean 2002 100min. will forget - but nothing could prepare them for this party. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110409 Word spreads quickly as dreams are ruined, records are Tartan Video 31.07.2012 blemished and legends are born. Project X. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110448 Comedy, High School 2012 88min. Once Upon A Time In Anatolia Warner Bros. 19.06.2012 Winner of the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, Once Upon A Time In Anatolia is the new film from the celebrated Post Mortem 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110412 director of Distant and Climates. In the dead of night, a group Antonia Zegers, Alfredo Castro, Amparo of men - among them, a police commissioner, a prosecutor, a La Promesse: The Criterion doctor and a murder suspect - drive through the Anatolian Noguera countryside, the serpentine roads and rolling hills lit only by Pablo Larrain’s follow-up to Tony Manero is another Collection the headlights of their cars. They are searching for a corpse, unnerving look at one man’s psychosis set against a country’s the victim of a brutal murder. The suspect, who claims he was political and moral turmoil — here, a lonely morgue clerk Assita Ouedraogo, Jeremie Renier, Olivier drunk, can’t remember where he buried the body. As night whose infatuation with theburlesque dancer next door plays Gourmet wears on, details about the murder emerge and the out against the violent chaos of Chile’s 1973 military coup. This is the breakthrough feature from Luc and Jean-Pierre investigators’ own hidden secrets come to light. In the Chilean, Drama, Foreign 98min. Dardenne (The Kid with a Bike), who would go on to become Anatolian steppes, nothing is what it seems; and when the Kino Video 21.08.2012 a force in world filmmaking. The brothers brought the unerring body is found, the real questions begin. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110609 eye for detail and the compassion for those on society’s Turkish, Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign 2011 lowest rungs developed in their earlier documentary work to 157min. this absorbing drama about a teenager (Summer Hours’ Post Mortem (Blu-ray) Jérémie Renier) gradually coming to understand the Cinema Guild 26.06.2012 implications of his father’s making a living off of illegal alien 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110624 Antonia Zegers, Alfredo Castro, Amparo workers. Filmed in the Dardennes’ industrial hometown of Noguera Seraing, Belgium, La Promesse is a brilliantly economical and Pablo Larrain’s follow-up to Tony Manero is another observant tale of a boy’s troubled moral awakening. Once Upon A Time In Anatolia unnerving look at one man’s psychosis set against a country’s Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, French (Blu-ray) political and moral turmoil — here, a lonely morgue clerk 1996 94min. whose infatuation with theburlesque dancer next door plays Winner of the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, Once out against the violent chaos of Chile’s 1973 military coup. Criterion 14.08.2012 Upon A Time In Anatolia is the new film from the celebrated 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110616 director of Distant and Climates. In the dead of night, a group Chilean, Drama, Foreign 98min. of men - among them, a police commissioner, a prosecutor, a Kino Video 21.08.2012 doctor and a murder suspect - drive through the Anatolian 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110625 La Promesse: The Criterion countryside, the serpentine roads and rolling hills lit only by the headlights of their cars. They are searching for a corpse, Collection (Blu-ray) the victim of a brutal murder. The suspect, who claims he was Power Rangers Super Samurai: Assita Ouedraogo, Jeremie Renier, Olivier drunk, can’t remember where he buried the body. As night wears on, details about the murder emerge and the Super Showdown - Volume Two Gourmet investigators’ own hidden secrets come to light. In the Get ready for more Super Samurai showdowns with Jayden, This is the breakthrough feature from Luc and Jean-Pierre Anatolian steppes, nothing is what it seems; and when the Kevin, Mia, Emily and Mike in their ongoing quest to keep the Dardenne (The Kid with a Bike), who would go on to become body is found, the real questions begin. city streets safe from Master Xandred, Serrator and more a force in world filmmaking. The brothers brought the unerring Turkish, Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign 2011 menacing Nighloks! When a young guardian accidentally eye for detail and the compassion for those on society’s releases the ancient and dangerous BullZord, the Rangers lowest rungs developed in their earlier documentary work to 150min. must work together to tame the Bull into becoming a powerful this absorbing drama about a teenager (Summer Hours’ Cinema Guild 26.06.2012 new MegaZord! And after Antonio and Mentor Ji get Jérémie Renier) gradually coming to understand the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110641 kidnapped, the Rangers must face a daunting army of Moogers implications of his father’s making a living off of illegal alien to save their friends. Jump aboard the Samurai Battlewing for workers. Filmed in the Dardennes’ industrial hometown of these four adventures morphing with unstoppable action and Seraing, Belgium, La Promesse is a brilliantly economical and Operation Condor (Blu-ray) mega mayhem! observant tale of a boy’s troubled moral awakening. Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, French Jackie Chan, Carol Cheng, Eva Cobo, Action, Cult Film / TV, Family, Martial Arts, 1996 94min. Shoko Ikeda Science Fiction 175min. Get ready for Jackie Chan’s most spectacular adventure ever! Lionsgate 14.08.2012 Criterion 14.08.2012 Performing all his own death-defying stunts, Chan ignites the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110770 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110634 big screen as the world’s greatest secret agent, code name Condor. Sent to track down stolen Nazi gold buried beneath the Sahara, Condor is pursued by a ruthless band of Power Rangers Super Samurai: Quadrophenia: The Criterion treasure-hunting terrorists. With the help of three sexy Collection sidekicks, Chan takes off on a globe-spanning chase in an The Super Powered Black Box - incredible quest to reach the hidden bounty first. Volume 1 Leslie Ash, Philip Davis, Phil Daniels Cult Film / TV, Martial Arts, Action 1991 The Who’s classic rock opera Quadrophenia was the basis Join the Samurai Rangers when their ongoing conflict with for this invigorating coming-of-age movie and depiction of the 91min. Master Xandred reaches epic proportions as he sends more defiant, drug-fueled London of the early 1960s. Our antihero, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment dangerous Nighlok monsters to finish the Samurai once and Jimmy (Meantime’s Phil Daniels), is a teenager dissatisfied 17.07.2012 for all. It’s up to Mentor Ji and Gold Ranger Antonio to with family, work, and love, who identifies with the fashiona- uncover the secrets of a legendary black box that will morph ble, pill-popping, scooter-driving mods, a group whose 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110568 the Rangers into SUPER SAMURAI! By combining their opposition to the motorcycle-riding rockers leads to a extraordinary power symbols and Megazords to create new climactic riot in Brighton. Director Franc Roddam’s rough- Parenthood: Season 3 and incredible combinations, the Samurai become better and edged film is a quintessential chronicle of youthful rebellion stronger. But will that be enough when a new villain surfaces, and turmoil, with Pete Townshend’s brilliant songs (including Craig T. Nelson, Lauren Graham, Bonnie determined to defeat the Rangers once and for all? Includes 4 „I’ve Had Enough,“ „5:15,“ and „Love, Reign O’er Me“) Bedelia, Mae Whitman, Erika Christensen, Megazord-powered adventures! providing emotional support, and featuring Sting (Dune) and Action, Cult Film / TV, Family, Martial Arts, Monica Potter, Joy Bryant, Sarah Ramos, Ray Winstone (Sexy Beast) in early roles. Science Fiction 92min. Music, Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama Savannah Paige Rae, Dax Shepard, Peter Lionsgate 14.08.2012 1979 120min. Krause, Sam Jaeger, Max Burkholder, Miles 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110771 Criterion 28.08.2012 Heizer Parenthood returns for its third season with 18 funny, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110620 surprising and always true-to-life episodes. Big changes and Project X (Blu-ray + DVD + big decisions await the colorful Braverman family, from Quadrophenia: The Criterion welcoming a new family member and celebrating a new UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) business venture to dealing with family illness and preparing Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper Collection (Blu-ray) for the future. Starring a stellar ensemble cast and featuring Project X follows three seemingly anonymous high school Leslie Ash, Philip Davis, Phil Daniels guest stars including Jason Ritter (The Event), John Corbett seniors as they attempt to finally make a name for themselves. (. The Who’s classic rock opera Quadrophenia was the basis Their idea is innocent enough: let’s throw a party that no one for this invigorating coming-of-age movie and depiction of the Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, will forget - but nothing could prepare them for this party. defiant, drug-fueled London of the early 1960s. Our antihero, NBC 2011 min. Word spreads quickly as dreams are ruined, records are Jimmy (Meantime’s Phil Daniels), is a teenager dissatisfied Universal Studios 07.08.2012 blemished and legends are born. Project X. with family, work, and love, who identifies with the fashiona- Comedy, High School 2012 88min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110690 ble, pill-popping, scooter-driving mods, a group whose Warner Bros. 19.06.2012 opposition to the motorcycle-riding rockers leads to a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110452 climactic riot in Brighton. Director Franc Roddam’s rough- Phone edged film is a quintessential chronicle of youthful rebellion and turmoil, with Pete Townshend’s brilliant songs (including

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

„I’ve Had Enough,“ „5:15,“ and „Love, Reign O’er Me“) Religion/Spirituality, Drama 90min. (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) providing emotional support, and featuring Sting (Dune) and Ray Winstone (Sexy Beast) in early roles. Gaiam Americas 07.08.2012 Ewan McGregor, Kristin Scott Thomas, Crime, Criterion Collection, Drama, Music 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110587 Emily Blunt, Tom Mison, Amr Waked 1979 120min. Ewan McGregor (Beginners) and Emily Blunt (The Adjustment : The Complete Se- Bureau) star alongside Oscar-nominee Kristin Scott Thomas Criterion 28.08.2012 (I’ve Loved You So Long) and Amr Waked (Syriana) in this 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110638 cond Season extraordinary, beguiling tale of fly-fishing and political spinning, of unexpected heroism and late-blooming love and of Kate Jackson, Georg Stanford Brown, Mi- an attempt to prove the impossible, possible. Directed by Queen Of The Damned (Blu-ray) chael Ontkean, Sam Melville Oscar-nominee Lasse Hallström (Chocolat) and written by Lena Olin, Vincent Perez, Aaliyah, From producer Aaron Spelling, The Rookies follows three Oscar-winner Simon Beaufoy (Slumdog Millionaire), this young and handsome new police officers learning to protect feature film is based on Paul Torday’s acclaimed novel about a Marguerite Moreau, Stuart Townsend and serve the public under the watchful guidance of Gerald S. scientist who looks to fulfills a sheikh’s dream of bringing the The Mother Of All Vampires. It’s her time. Her place. The O’Loughlin as Lt. Ed Ryker. The Rookies depict the personal sport of fly-fishing to his homeland in Yemen. It is produced by wickedly regal Mother of All Vampires is ready again to rule! and professional adjustments officers make as they embark on Paul Webster (The Motorcycle Diaries) and executive Aaliyah plays the title role in this sylish shocker based on their careers and focus on the dramatic police cases they are produced by Jamie Laurenson, Stephen Garrett, Paula Jalfon, Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles. Stuart Townsend assigned. Zygi Kamasa and Guy Avshalom. portrays Lestat, the undead antihero previously seen in the movie version of Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire. ABC, Cops, Drama min. British, Comedy, Drama, Fishing, Foreign, This time, Lestat finds acceptance in a tattooed and pierced Shout Factory 07.08.2012 Romance 2011 107min. world. He’s a rock star. And his intoxicating Goth-riffed 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110473 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment sound rekindles the desires of all-powerful Akasha. 17.07.2012 Fantasy, Horror, Vampires 2002 101min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110802 Warner Bros. 18.09.2012 Rosetta: The Criterion Collection 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110746 Emilie Dequenne, Fabrizio Rongione The Belgian filmmaking team of brothers Luc and Jean-Pierre Salmon Fishing In The Yemen Dardenne (The Kid with a Bike) turned heads with Rosetta, Quick an intense vérité drama that closely follows a poor young (DVD + UltraViolet) While driving a pop singer to a live broadcast, a motorcycle- woman struggling to hold on to a job to support herself and Ewan McGregor, Kristin Scott Thomas, riding messenger receives a mysterious call that there’s a her alcoholic mother. It’s a swift and simple tale made revelatory by the raw, empathetic way in which the directors Emily Blunt, Tom Mison, Amr Waked bomb wired to his helmet with a mission he must accomplish: Ewan McGregor (Beginners) and Emily Blunt (The Adjustment Deliver a package to a designated address within 30 minutes. render Rosetta’s desperation, keeping the camera nearly perched on her shoulder throughout. Many have copied the Bureau) star alongside Oscar-nominee Kristin Scott Thomas If he doesn’t - or removes the helmet - the bomb will explode! (I’ve Loved You So Long) and Amr Waked (Syriana) in this Caught up in a terrorist attack on the grandest scale smack in Dardennes’ style; few have equaled it. This ferocious film won big at Cannes, earning the Palme d’Or for the filmmakers extraordinary, beguiling tale of fly-fishing and political a heavily populated city, he and his passenger must embark on spinning, of unexpected heroism and late-blooming love and of a high-speed race against time that their very lives depend and the best actress prize for the indomitable Émilie Dequenne (The Girl on the Train). an attempt to prove the impossible, possible. Directed by on. Oscar-nominee Lasse Hallström (Chocolat) and written by Terrorism, Thrillers, Action, Comedy, Substance Abuse, Criterion Collection, Dra- Oscar-winner Simon Beaufoy (Slumdog Millionaire), this Foreign, Korean 2011 115min. ma 1999 93min. feature film is based on Paul Torday’s acclaimed novel about a Criterion 14.08.2012 scientist who looks to fulfills a sheikh’s dream of bringing the Shout Factory 21.08.2012 sport of fly-fishing to his homeland in Yemen. It is produced by 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110482 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110617 Paul Webster (The Motorcycle Diaries) and executive produced by Jamie Laurenson, Stephen Garrett, Paula Jalfon, Rosetta: The Criterion Collection Zygi Kamasa and Guy Avshalom. Quick (Blu-ray) Romance, British, Comedy, Drama, Fishing, While driving a pop singer to a live broadcast, a motorcycle- (Blu-ray) riding messenger receives a mysterious call that there’s a Foreign 2011 107min. bomb wired to his helmet with a mission he must accomplish: Emilie Dequenne, Fabrizio Rongione Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Deliver a package to a designated address within 30 minutes. The Belgian filmmaking team of brothers Luc and Jean-Pierre 17.07.2012 If he doesn’t - or removes the helmet - the bomb will explode! Dardenne (The Kid with a Bike) turned heads with Rosetta, Caught up in a terrorist attack on the grandest scale smack in an intense vérité drama that closely follows a poor young 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110793 a heavily populated city, he and his passenger must embark on woman struggling to hold on to a job to support herself and a high-speed race against time that their very lives depend her alcoholic mother. It’s a swift and simple tale made Sand Sharks on. revelatory by the raw, empathetic way in which the directors render Rosetta’s desperation, keeping the camera nearly Brooke Hogan, Vanessa Lee Evigan, Corin Terrorism, Thrillers, Comedy, Foreign, perched on her shoulder throughout. Many have copied the Korean, Action 2011 115min. Dardennes’ style; few have equaled it. This ferocious film Nemec Shout Factory 21.08.2012 won big at Cannes, earning the Palme d’Or for the filmmakers Jimmy Green, a prodigal party boy, is throwing the spring and the best actress prize for the indomitable Émilie break festival of a lifetime. Little do the hundreds of teenage 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110495 Dequenne (The Girl on the Train). party-goers know, an underwater earthquake has cracked open a crater beneath the ocean’s surface. This demolition Criterion Collection, Drama, Substance unleashes the first beast to ever swim through sand. It Raspberry Magic Abuse 1999 93min. mercilessly feeds on anything that crosses its path, and it is Maulik Pancholy, James Morrison Criterion 14.08.2012 up to those left on the island to stop the carnage. Raspberry Magic. Monica, is played by the charming Lily 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110635 Sharks, Thrillers, Comedy, Horror, Killer Javaherpour (You Don’t Mess with the Zohan). She is joined Animals 2011 86min. by a stellar cast, including Bella Thorne, who stars as CeCe Phase 4 Films 31.07.2012 Jones in the hit Disney Channel series, Shake It Up; Zach The Royal Tenenbaums: The Mills, (Super 8, Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium), Mira 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110525 Simhan (TV’s House, Nip/Tuck); James Morrison (TV’s 24, Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Six Feet Under); Allison Brie (The Five-Year Engagement, Ben Stiller, Anjelica Huston, Gwyneth Scalene TV’s Mad Men); Randall Batinkoff (Kick Ass, X Men: First Paltrow, , Luke Wilson Class); Maulik Pancholy (TV’s 30 Rock, Weeds). The film Margo Martindale, Hanna Hall, Adam even features a special appearance by Moodles the Robot Royal Tenenbaum (Unforgiven’s Gene Hackman) and his wife, who was built specifically for Raspberry Magic by the Alex- Etheline (Prizzi’s Honor’s Anjelica Huston) had three Scarimbolo andra Institute’s Dr. Jakob Fredslund. children-Chas, Margot, and Richie-and then they separated. Revenge, Thrillers, Crime 2011 97min. Chas (Meet the Parents’ Ben Stiller) started buying real Science, Comedy, Drama 2010 82min. estate in his early teens and seemed to have an almost Breaking Glass Pictures 31.07.2012 Osiris Entertainment 24.07.2012 preternatural understanding of international finance. Margot 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110764 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110599 (Shakespeare in Love’s Gwyneth Paltrow) was a playwright and received a Braverman Grant of $50,000 in the ninth grade. Richie (Rushmore’s Luke Wilson) was a junior champion Scalene (Blu-ray) Red Eye Classic tennis player and won the U.S. Nationals three years in a Margo Martindale, Hanna Hall, Adam row. Virtually all memory of the brilliance of the young Foreign, Ghosts, Horror, Korean 2005 Tenenbaums was subsequently erased by two decades of Scarimbolo 96min. betrayal, failure, and disaster. The Royal Tenenbaums is a Crime, Revenge, Thrillers 2011 97min. Allegro Entertainment 10.07.2012 hilarious, touching, and brilliantly stylized study of Breaking Glass Pictures 31.07.2012 melancholy and redemption from Wes Anderson (The 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110532 Darjeeling Limited). 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110780 Comedy, Criterion Collection, Dark Comedy, Redemption Road Drama, Dysfunctional Families 2001 Schwarzenegger 3-Film Tom Skerritt, Luke Perry, Kiele Sanchez 110min. Collection Two seemingly different men embark on a music-steeped Criterion 14.08.2012 journey through the American South, learning along the way , Linda Hamilton, that life isn’t about where you end up - it’s how you get there 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110633 Edward Furlong, Michael Ironside, Peter that matters. Country, Blues and Gospel music are interwoven Boyle, James Belushi throughout the movie to reflect the film’s deeper themes of Salmon Fishing In The Yemen Arnold Schwarzenegger is Captain Ivan Danko, a by-the-book faith. Russian detective who partners with a fearless but

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA undisciplined American cop (James Belushi) to track down some letters from „angry words“? Can Elmo dance his way beaten and tortured by a gang of high school thugs, Ken’s Russia’s deadliest drug smuggler through the mean streets of through a game where his moves need to match repressed anger suddenly reaches a boiling point. With in this adrenaline- fueled action thriller. Arnold Family, PBS, Preschool, Puppets, Sesame gleeful enthusiasm Ken hunts down his tormentors, one by Schwarzenegger returns as in this explosive Street min. one, and exacts his bloody revenge. action-adventure spectacle. Now he’s one of the good guys, Thrillers, Comedy, Horror, Mental Illness Warner Bros. 14.08.2012 sent back in time to protect John Connor, the boy destined to 2011 97min. lead the freedom fighters of the future. Linda Hamilton 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110421 reprises her role as Sarah Connor, John’s mother, a quint- Starz / Anchor Bay 03.07.2012 essential survivor who has been institutionalized for her 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110395 warning of the nuclear holocaust she knows is inevitable. Shark Week Together, the threesome must find a way to stop the ultimate Yancy Butler, Patrick Bergin enemy - the T-1000, the most lethal Terminator ever created. Stallone Collection Co-written, produced and directed by James Cameron (The A group of complete strangers find themselves isolated by a Terminator, Aliens, Titanic), this visual tour de force is also a wealthy madman on his island compound and are forced to Sylvester Stallone, Brian Dennehy, Richard touching human story of survival. Get ready for the ride of survive a barrage of ever deadlier species of shark. Crenna, Robert De Niro, Donald Sutherland, your life! Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfectly cast as Quaid, Sharks, Thrillers, Action, Killer Animals Harvey Keitel, John Amos a 2084 construction worker haunted by dreams of Mars in th 2012 90min. Action star extraordinaire Sylvester Stallone headlines James Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Space, Asylum Home Entertainment 07.08.2012 Mangold’s Director’s Cut of this edgy crime thriller that Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, explodes with an all-star cast - including Robert De Niro, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110644 Harvey Keitel and Ray Liotta. Freddy Heflin (Stallone) is the Killer Technology 371min. sheriff of a small and seemingly peaceful town populated by Lionsgate 14.08.2012 Shark Week (Blu-ray) the big-city police officers he’s long admired. But when he 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110772 uncovers a massive, deadly conspiracy among these local Yancy Butler, Patrick Bergin residents, he is forced to make a dangerous choice between A group of complete strangers find themselves isolated by a protecting his idols and upholding the law. which explodes Sebastiane (Blu-ray) wealthy madman on his island compound and are forced to with nonstop excitement! He never fought a battle he couldn’t Richard Warwick, Barney James, Neil Ken- survive a barrage of ever deadlier species of shark. win—except the conflict raging within his own soul. Academy Sharks, Thrillers, Killer Animals, Action Award® nominee Sylvester Stallone stars as war hero John nedy, Leonardo Treviglio Rambo. An ex-Green Beret haunted by memories of Vietnam, Stripped of rank and exiled to a remote Sardinian outpost, 2012 90min. he was once the perfect killing machine. Now he’s searching Roman soldier and suspected Christian Sebastian (Leonardo Asylum Home Entertainment 07.08.2012 for peace, but finds instead an overzealous small-town sheriff Treviglio) becomes the object of his commanding officer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110650 who’s spoiling for a fight. All hell breaks loose when an Maximus’ (Barney James) aggressive desire. As Sebastian unjustly imprisoned Rambo escapes and becomes the target of turns his back on his fellow soldiers in favor of his own a massive manhunt. Now he must use all his cunning, combat visionary mystical longings, the sun-bleached Mediterranean Sherlock Holmes Collection skills and weapons training to stay alive and ou idyll becomes a psycho-sexual hothouse where predatory Prison, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, desire and religious longing set the stage for a shocking Ronald Howard, H. Marion Crawford, tableau of death and martyrdom. Sebastiane caused a riot Archie Duncan Collections, Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, when it premiered at the Locarno Film Festival, and was a Sherlock Holmes has become a significant piece of popular Drama 327min. surprise hit upon its initial release in the UK. Remastered in culture and a legend in his own right. Together in this must- Lionsgate 14.08.2012 HD and available for the first time on Blu-ray, Sebastiane is have collection are 33 classic episodes from Sheldon both a milestone in British independent film and a pioneering Reynolds’ 1954 television series that features Ronald 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110773 work of modern LGBT cinema. Howard, H. Marion-Crawford and Archie Duncan solving Drama, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian Interest, spellbinding mysteries no one else could crack. Stallone Collection (Blu-ray) Mystery, Sherlock Holmes, Classics, Historical / Period Piece, Latin, Ancient Sylvester Stallone, Brian Dennehy, Richard Collections, Detectives, Drama min. Greece / Rome 1976 85min. Crenna, Robert De Niro, Donald Sutherland, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Kino Video 07.08.2012 Harvey Keitel, John Amos 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110626 03.07.2012 Action star extraordinaire Sylvester Stallone headlines James 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110665 Mangold’s Director’s Cut of this edgy crime thriller that explodes with an all-star cast - including Robert De Niro, Sector 7 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray Harvey Keitel and Ray Liotta. Freddy Heflin (Stallone) is the Combo) (Blu-ray) Silent House sheriff of a small and seemingly peaceful town populated by the big-city police officers he’s long admired. But when he Korea’s first 3D action blockbuster has arrived, and it’s a Elizabeth Olsen, Adam Trese Elizabeth Olsen (Martha Marcy May Marlene) stars in this uncovers a massive, deadly conspiracy among these local monster one! Sector 7 revolves around an oil rig crew forced residents, he is forced to make a dangerous choice between to battle a deadly creature at sea. The movie title refers to the suspenseful, edge-of-your-seat thriller presented in real time as one shocking, uninterrupted shot. When Sarah (Olsen) protecting his idols and upholding the law. which explodes setting, a real-life offshore joint development zone that with nonstop excitement! He never fought a battle he couldn’t harbors Korea’s hopes of one day producing oil and becoming finds herself sealed inside her family’s secluded lake house with no contact to the outside world, panic soon turns to win—except the conflict raging within his own soul. Academy energy independent. But instead of petroleum, the crew Award® nominee Sylvester Stallone stars as war hero John discovers a terrifying creature. From CJ Entertainment, the terror as events become increasingly ominous. Directed by filmmaking duo Chris Kentis and Laura Lau (Open Water), it’s Rambo. An ex-Green Beret haunted by memories of Vietnam, largest entertainment company in South Korea and leader in he was once the perfect killing machine. Now he’s searching quality Asian films. a tension-filled journey that Scott Mantz of Access Hollywood raves is „Beyond terrifying! Clever, gripping, intense and for peace, but finds instead an overzealous small-town sheriff Science Fiction, Foreign, Horror, Korean, scary as hell!“ who’s spoiling for a fight. All hell breaks loose when an Action, Adventure 2011 112min. unjustly imprisoned Rambo escapes and becomes the target of Thrillers, Drama, Horror 2011 86min. a massive manhunt. Now he must use all his cunning, combat Shout Factory 26.06.2012 Universal Studios 24.07.2012 skills and weapons training to stay alive and ou 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110456 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110542 Collections, Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, Action, Adventure, Prison, Thrillers : Best Of Elmo - Silent House (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- 327min. Volume 1 and 2 gital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 14.08.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110782 Family, Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Street Elizabeth Olsen, Adam Trese min. Elizabeth Olsen (Martha Marcy May Marlene) stars in this Warner Bros. 02.10.2012 suspenseful, edge-of-your-seat thriller presented in real time Star Trek: The Next Generation - as one shocking, uninterrupted shot. When Sarah (Olsen) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110462 finds herself sealed inside her family’s secluded lake house Season 1 (Blu-ray) with no contact to the outside world, panic soon turns to Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn, Brent Spiner, Sesame Street: Elmo’s Alphabet terror as events become increasingly ominous. Directed by filmmaking duo Chris Kentis and Laura Lau (Open Water), it’s Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, Wil Challenge a tension-filled journey that Scott Mantz of Access Hollywood Wheaton, Gates McFadden, Denise Crosby, Are you up for a challenge? An Alphabet Challenge? In this all raves is „Beyond terrifying! Clever, gripping, intense and LeVar Burton new never before seen DVD, join Sesame Street friends Elmo, scary as hell!“ Set in the 24th century, the exploits of the U.S.S. Enterprise Abby and Telly on an amazing learning adventure! Abby is Drama, Horror, Thrillers 2011 86min. continue as it explores the universe, seeking new life and excited to show her friends her new Fairy Fly Pad, a magical Universal Studios 24.07.2012 new worlds. tablet loaded with cool games. But with a simple tap they Cult Film / TV, Science Fiction, Space, Star accidentally get trapped inside the video game world of A. B. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110560 C-more, a mischievous elf obsessed with the alphabet. In Trek 1988 1184min. order to get back to Sesame Street, the friends must defeat A. Some Guy Who Kills People Paramount Pictures 24.07.2012 B. C-more in different video game challenges that test their 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110561 knowledge of the entire alphabet. Kids will love to play along Karen Black, Barry Bostwick, Kevin and learn in a series of fun video game spoofs that will teach Corrigan both letter recognition and sounds in a fun and entertaining At first glance, Ken Boyd may seem like an average comic Steve Niles’ Remains way. Employing many familiar conventions of video games in a enthusiast, living with his mother and working to make ends cool animated world, you have never seen Elmo, Abby and Miko Hughes, Lance Reddick, Grant Bowler meet as an underpaid, underappreciated ice cream parlor Based on the IDW Publishing graphic novel written by Steve Telly like this before! Can Elmo „munch“ his way through a attendant. But Ken has a dirty little secret: he fantasizes maze like game where he must find objects that start with Niles (30 Days of Night), Remains is set in a chilling post- about killing people. After being released from a stay in the apocalyptic Reno, Nevada and follows the survivors of a certain sounds? What happens when the friends encounter loony bin, for severe mental trauma suffered when he was

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA bizarre accident that reduced most of the world’s population Ninjas, Action, Crime, Erotica, Foreign, all: „great cast, great laughs [and a] great time!“ to zombies. The group takes refuge in a vacant and Comedy, Drama 2012 91min. fights a losing battle against the undead, who grow steadily Japanese 73min. stronger, smarter and more aggressive by the minute. Section23 Films 14.08.2012 DreamWorks Home Ent. 26.06.2012 Zombies, Action, Apocalyptic Future, Dra- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110681 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110765 ma, Horror 2011 88min. Shout Factory 07.08.2012 Super Cyclone A Thousand Words (Blu-ray + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110472 300 mph winds toss ships like bathtoys as an enormous UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) cyclone threatens the entire eastern seaboard. A lone meteorologist and petroleum engineer must battle the elements Eddie Murphy, Kerry Washington, Cliff Steve Niles’ Remains (Blu-ray) to stop the threat. Curtis Miko Hughes, Lance Reddick, Grant Bowler Action, Disasters 2012 90min. Fast-talking Jack McCall (Eddie Murphy) says whatever it Based on the IDW Publishing graphic novel written by Steve Asylum Home Entertainment 28.08.2012 takes to close a deal. But after stretching the truth with a Niles (30 Days of Night), Remains is set in a chilling post- spiritual guru, he suddenly finds his life depending on a apocalyptic Reno, Nevada and follows the survivors of a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110646 magical tree with 1,000 leaves - one for every word he has bizarre accident that reduced most of the world’s population left. Now Jack’s got to stop talking and conjure up some to zombies. The group takes refuge in a vacant casino and Super Cyclone (Blu-ray) outrageous ways to communicate or he’s a goner. See why A fights a losing battle against the undead, who grow steadily Thousand Words is the hilarious, feel-good comedy that has it stronger, smarter and more aggressive by the minute. 300 mph winds toss ships like bathtoys as an enormous all: „great cast, great laughs [and a] great time!“ cyclone threatens the entire eastern seaboard. A lone Comedy, Drama 2012 91min. Drama, Horror, Action, Apocalyptic Future, meteorologist and petroleum engineer must battle the elements Zombies 2011 88min. to stop the threat. DreamWorks Home Ent. 26.06.2012 Shout Factory 07.08.2012 Disasters, Action 2012 90min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110781 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110493 Asylum Home Entertainment 28.08.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110652 A Three Stooges Celebration Strike Back: Season One Larry, Moe, and Curly (and sometimes Shemp) are at it again in this set featuring the comic trio. The collection includes Philip Winchester, Sullivan Stapleton The Sword Identity some short films, live footage of the boys from a TV show A high-octane, globe-spanning thriller with storylines ripped Yang Song called Camel Comedy Caravan, as well as a special from today’s headlines, Strike Back is a one-hour drama In the Southern Chinese city of Guancheng, during the Ming documentary. series that focuses on two members of a top-secret anti- Dynasty, there lived four families, each of them faithful Classics, Comedy, Slapstick 250min. terrorist organization known as Section 20: Michael keepers of martial arts. Anyone who wants to establish a new E1 Entertainment 31.07.2012 Stonebridge, a British sergeant in the ultra secret Section 20 form or technique of kung fu has to fight their way through the anti-terrorist team, and Damien Scott, a Delta Forces operati- families’ gates. But when one man’s request is rejected, he 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110449 ve who was disgraced and discharged on the eve of the U.S. will be put through a series of fights, determined to prove that invasion of Iraq. The 10-episode season follows Stonebridge his sword is invincible. Total Recall: Mind-Bending Editi- (Philip Winchester) and Scott (Sullivan Stapleton) as they Action, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Martial criss-cross the globe on the trail of a deadly international on (Blu-ray) terrorist named Latif, who is planning a major attack involving Arts 2011 110min. a cache of WMD that could have global repercussions. Lionsgate 14.08.2012 Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sharon Stone, Within the season-long arc involving the search for Latif 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110774 Rachel Ticotin, Michael Ironside, Ronny Cox (code-named „Project Dawn“), five separate adventures will Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfectly cast as Quaid, a 2084 be presented, each played out over two episodes. Sexy, construction worker haunted by dreams of Mars in this suspenseful and action-packed, the series is set in exotic TCM Greatest Classic Films: crowd-pleasing science fiction spectacle. Against the wishes locations and has an abundance of twists and turns, as the of his sexy blonde wife (Sharon Stone), Quaid goes to Rekall, two protagonists venture into New Delhi, Cape Town, Darfur Legends - Kirk Douglas a company that implants artificial memories, so he can and beyond to thwart the bad intentions of terrorists intent on Anthony Quinn, Kirk Douglas, Pamela „remember“ visiting the red planet that is now being settled by b human inhabitants. However, Quaid is actually an amnesiac Thrillers, Action, British, Drama, Foreign, Brown, James Donald, Everett Sloane secret agent from Mars - or is he? Lust For Life The Bad And The Beautiful Young Man With A Military, Mixed Martial Arts, Special Forces Horn Before I Forget Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Space, 2011 600min. Academy Award Winners, Biopics, Thrillers 1990 113min. HBO Home Video 07.08.2012 Classics, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Lionsgate 31.07.2012 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110608 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110522 Warner Bros. 26.06.2012 Strike Back: Season One (Blu-ray 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110726 The Town: Ultimate Collector’s + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Edition (Digibook + Blu-ray + Philip Winchester, Sullivan Stapleton The Tempest (Blu-ray) DVD) (Blu-ray) A high-octane, globe-spanning thriller with storylines ripped Elisabeth Welch, Karl Johnson, Heathcote from today’s headlines, Strike Back is a one-hour drama Blake Lively, Rebecca Hall, Ben Affleck, series that focuses on two members of a top-secret anti- Williams Chris Cooper, Pete Postlethwaite, Jon terrorist organization known as Section 20: Michael Shot on location at the ancient and ghostly Stoneleigh Abbey, The Tempest tells the story of Prospero, the magician, who Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Titus Welliver Stonebridge, a British sergeant in the ultra secret Section 20 As he plans a job that could result in his gang’s biggest score anti-terrorist team, and Damien Scott, a Delta Forces operati- lives with his nubile daughter on an enchanted island and punishes his enemies when they are shipwrecked there. It’s a ever, a longtime thief plans a way out of the life and the town ve who was disgraced and discharged on the eve of the U.S. while dodging the FBI agent looking to bring him and his bank- invasion of Iraq. The 10-episode season follows Stonebridge study of sexual and political power in the guise of a fairy tale. Jarman presents Shakespeare’s intricate comedy of magic and robbing crew down. In addition to heading an electrifing cast, (Philip Winchester) and Scott (Sullivan Stapleton) as they Ben Affleck also directed and co-wrote this suspenseful, criss-cross the globe on the trail of a deadly international revenge in a form that is at once faithful to the spirit of the play and an original and dazzling spectacle mixing Hollywood critically acclaimed crime thriller that unfolds - and often - terrorist named Latif, who is planning a major attack involving explodesacross gritty Boston locations. Rebecca Hall, Jon a cache of WMD that could have global repercussions. pastiche, high camp and gothic horror. His film recalls the innocent homeroticism of Pasolini’t versions of classics, Hamm, Jeremy Renner, Black Lively, Titus Welliver, Pete Within the season-long arc involving the search for Latif Postlethwaite and Chris Cooper also star. (code-named „Project Dawn“), five separate adventures will while its lush sense of décor and color is worthy of Minnelli. be presented, each played out over two episodes. Sexy, The film’s master stroke is the finale, a wedding feast Caper, Crime, Drama, Thieves, Thrillers suspenseful and action-packed, the series is set in exotic designed and choreographed as a full-scale production 2010 125min. locations and has an abundance of twists and turns, as the number, with the veteran black musical star Elisabeth Welch Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 two protagonists venture into New Delhi, Cape Town, Darfur (Song of Freedom, Big Fella) wafting her way through a and beyond to thwart the bad intentions of terrorists intent on chorus line of hunky sailors as she belts out „Stormy 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110461 b Weather.“ It’s one of the great scenes in British cinema. Thrillers, British, Drama, Foreign, Military, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Tragedies Treasure Chest Of Horrors 1979 85min. Mixed Martial Arts, Special Forces, Action Lloyd Kaufman 2011 600min. Kino Video 07.08.2012 Join Percival Pirate on his quest to discover his HBO Home Video 07.08.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110627 Grandpappy’s hidden treasure chest. What might have contained a wealth of gold, precious jewels, and doubloons 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110672 ends up holding a much more valuable treasure: four never A Thousand Words before seen horror films guaranteed to rattle your bones. The The Suicide Song Eddie Murphy, Kerry Washington, Cliff „booty“ features vampires, killer mannequins, a gruesome high school killing spree and more. Featuring special appearances Yusuke Iseya, Hiroshi Abe, Ryuhei Matsuda Curtis by horror legends Lloyd Kaufman and Shawn C. Phillips. Be Foreign, Horror, Japanese 2007 128min. Fast-talking Jack McCall (Eddie Murphy) says whatever it prepared to laugh, scream, and clutch your balls in agony as takes to close a deal. But after stretching the truth with a you witness some of the greatest horrors of low-budget Allegro Entertainment 10.07.2012 spiritual guru, he suddenly finds his life depending on a cinema. As a bonus, the collection includes director’s 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110534 magical tree with 1,000 leaves - one for every word he has commentary for each segment. left. Now Jack’s got to stop talking and conjure up some outrageous ways to communicate or he’s a goner. See why A Vampires, Comedy, Horror min. Sultry Assassin: Ninja Brainwash Thousand Words is the hilarious, feel-good comedy that has it Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110491 Tanna, drives around Las Vegas in his vintage Thunderbird Warriors Of The Rainbow: Seediq solving private cases but is also on retainer to a wealthy casino owner to keep crime out of his hotels. He is helped by Bale (Blu-ray) True Story Of A Woman In Jail: his smart and sexy assistant and his enthusiastic, yet inept, legman. Masanobu Ando, Sabu Kawahara Continues Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery 1978 min. Drama, Foreign, Aboriginal, Action 2011 In this shocking sequel to True Story Of A Woman In Jail: Sex 150min. Hell, Mayumi (the tough inmate from the first film) emerges Paramount Pictures 14.08.2012 from solitary confinement to find an all-new gang of bullies 324,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110551 Well Go USA 07.08.2012 picking on a meek, young female prisoner. Mayumi is now a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110747 much harder soul who takes no attitude from anyone, and she turns savage when the poor girl is enslaved by Yakuza! No Vega$: The Third Season - one is safe as Mayumi takes down the entire jail in a sudden Volume 2 Warriors Of The Rainbow: Seediq act of violent carnage. Nikkatsu turns the women-in-prison Bale (International Version) genre on its head yet again with True Story Of A Woman In Phyllis Davis, Robert Urich, Greg Morris, Jail: Continues. If you thought the first film was brutal, wait Bart Braverman Masanobu Ando, Sabu Kawahara till you see what’s in store here! Bath house attacks, lesbian In this popular series, handsome, fun loving, private eye, Dan Aboriginal, Action, Drama, Foreign 2011 sex scenes, rapist prison guards, violent abortions and even Tanna, drives around Las Vegas in his vintage Thunderbird 270min. a transgender inmate add to the exploitation fun! solving private cases but is also on retainer to a wealthy Pink Film, Prison, Erotica, Foreign, casino owner to keep crime out of his hotels. He is helped by Well Go USA 07.08.2012 Japanese 1975 70min. his smart and sexy assistant and his enthusiastic, yet inept, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110748 Impulse Pictures 10.07.2012 legman. Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery 1981 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110420 Warriors Of The Rainbow: Seediq 542min. Paramount Pictures 14.08.2012 Bale (International Version) (Blu- Twins Of Evil (Blu-ray + DVD 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110552 ray) Combo) (Blu-ray) Masanobu Ando, Sabu Kawahara Peter Cushing, Dennis Price, David The Viral Factor Drama, Foreign, Aboriginal, Action 2011 Warbeck Elaine Jin, Carl Ng 270min. Two beautiful orphaned identical twins, Maria and Frieda Well Go USA 07.08.2012 Gellhorn (Playboy centerfold models Mary and Madeleine Action, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Kidnap- Collinson), move to the village of Karnstein to live with their ping 2012 122min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110776 uncle GustavWeil (played by Hammer horror favorite, Peter Well Go USA 28.08.2012 Cushing), a fanatical puritan and leader of the local witch- John Wayne: In Action hunting „Brotherhood.“ The village Count (Damien Thomas, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110750 Never Let Me Go), an evil man who secretly practices John Wayne Satanism, uses black magic and transforms into a vampire. The Viral Factor (Blu-ray) John Wayne wasn’t just a Western Star. Throughout his Unhappy with her new life, Frieda seeks escape and career he took on challenging action-adventure roles. This 2 tragically falls under the spell of the Count. Now overcome Elaine Jin, Carl Ng DVD set contains some of his most exciting including Desert with an insatiable hunger for human blood, Frieda has to hide Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Kidnapping, Ac- Command, The Shadow of the Eagle and No Substitute for her secret from her sister, and escape her uncle’s killing Victory. The set concludes with an hour-long documentary on grasp! The wait is over! This Hammer horror classic is now tion 2012 122min. the Duke’s movie career in Action. available from Synapse Films in an all-new 1080p high-de Well Go USA 28.08.2012 Thrillers, Western, Action, Adventure, nition transfer and loaded with exciting exclusive special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110778 features. Also stars Kathleen Byron (Black Narcissus), David Documentary, Drama 418min. Warbeck (Lucio Fulci’s The Beyond) and Dennis Price (Jess E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 Franco’s Vampyros Lesbos)! Virgin Alexander 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110797 Horror 1971 87min. Bronson Pinchot, Mika Boorem CAV 10.07.2012 Alexander is a 26-year-old aimless scrap hauler who has just John Wayne: In The Saddle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110432 been given a house by his grandfather. Alexander quickly learns the home is facing foreclosure and he has ten days to John Wayne come up with $125,000. Alexander and his coworker Cliff John Wayne belonged in the saddle. He is best remembered The Understudy ponder several business enterprises in order to pay the bank for his Westerns and this collection features some of his best in time and avoid losing the house. The two finally decide to roles. The two-disc set features Winds of the Wasteland, Tom Wopat, Gloria Reuben, Reiko open a brothel. Alexander struggles with the guilt that a Paradise Canyon, Dawn Rider, Desert Trail, Angel and the Aylesworth, Marin Ireland, Richard Kind brothel is operating out of his home, but even more bizarre is Badman and Hell Town. It also includes the bonus Terminally unemployed, dating challenged Rebecca (Marin the paradox that Alexander is still a virgin! documentary, John Wayne In the Saddle. Ireland) thinks she’s scored her big break on Broadway by Sexy Comedies, Comedy 2012 87min. Western, Action, Adventure, Drama 427min. landing a job with the fickle Ian (Richard Kind) helping him manage the darling diva Simone (Kelli Giddish). Instead of a Osiris Entertainment 17.07.2012 E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 dream job, Rebecca finds herself scrubbing floors while 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110598 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110798 careening from one disastrous relationship to the next. When Simone confronts her, she „accidentally“ shoves her down a flight of stairs. Suddenly a star is born as Rebecca takes War Movie Collection Weekend: The Criterion over, but then a bigger Diva is brought in, The Great Greta , Van Johnson, Jose Ferrer, Collection (Gloria Reuben). What to do? Kill your way to the top... Dana Andrews, Terry Frost, Anne Baxter, Comedy, Drama 2008 96min. Tom Cullen John Carradine, Bill Nighy, Glenn Ford, Wal- Indican Pictures 31.07.2012 This sensual, remarkably observed, beautifully acted wonder ter Brennan, Lloyd Bridges, Jason is the breakout feature from British writer-director-editor 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110596 Andrew Haigh (Greek Pete). Rarely has a film been as honest Connery, Paul Gross, Duncan Renaldo, J. about sexuality-in both depiction and discussion-as this tale Carroll Naish, Walter Woolf King of a one-night-stand that develops into a weekend-long idyll Up & Down Hitler’s SS: Portrait of Evil Eagles Attack at Dawn for two very different young men (exciting newcomers Tom Struggling actor Will (Tod Huntington) works at a luxury Commandos Go for Broke! Casablanca Express Cold War Cullen and Chris New) in Midlands England. It’s an downtown hotel to pay the bills. He finds himself manning the Killers Yank in Libya Waterfront Black Brigade They Raid by emotionally naked film that’s both an invaluable snapshot of elevators during his shifts and it’s here that he interacts with Night Target for Tonight Thunderbolt True Glory Battle of San the complexities of contemporary gay living and a universally the hotel’s multitude of guests; New Years Eve party-goers, Pietro Prelude to War Memphis Belle Battle of Blood Island identifiable portrait of a love affair. drunken hotel management, the owner’s kids, resident rock Walk in the Sun Passchendaele North Star Romance, Criterion Collection, Drama, Gay / groups and anybody else who walks through the doors. One War, Action, Classics, Drama, Military day, new girl Alex walks into his elevator and, in his words, Lesbian Interest 2011 97min. tilts his world on its axis. The only problem is, she has a 1577min. Criterion 21.08.2012 boyfriend...a pompous, chauvinistic doctor at that! Soon Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110618 though, it becomes clear that the doctor is not all he appears 03.07.2012 to be and, with the help of his friends at the hotel, Will sets 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110664 out to win Alex’s heart and conquer life outside the walls of Weekend: The Criterion his elevator! Full of hilarious characters and witty one-liners, this romantic comedy is a feel good triumph! Warriors Of The Rainbow: Seediq Collection (Blu-ray) On The Job, Romance, Comedy 87min. Tom Cullen FilmWorks 21.08.2012 Bale This sensual, remarkably observed, beautifully acted wonder Masanobu Ando, Sabu Kawahara is the breakout feature from British writer-director-editor 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110723 Andrew Haigh (Greek Pete). Rarely has a film been as honest Aboriginal, Action, Drama, Foreign 2011 about sexuality-in both depiction and discussion-as this tale Vega$: Complete Series Pack 150min. of a one-night-stand that develops into a weekend-long idyll Well Go USA 07.08.2012 for two very different young men (exciting newcomers Tom Phyllis Davis, Greg Morris, Bart Braverman, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110727 Cullen and Chris New) in Midlands England. It’s an Robert Ulrich emotionally naked film that’s both an invaluable snapshot of In this popular series, handsome, fun loving, private eye, Dan the complexities of contemporary gay living and a universally

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 49 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA identifiable portrait of a love affair. of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades (Fiennes) and Posei- Aerosmith: A Performance In Re- Romance, Criterion Collection, Drama, Gay / don (Danny Huston). The triumvirate had overthrown their Lesbian Interest 2011 97min. powerful father long ago, leaving him to rot in the gloomy view abyss of Tartarus, a dungeon that lies deep within the With more than 140 million albums sold worldwide during a Criterion 21.08.2012 cavernous underworld. Perseus cannot ignore his true calling career spanning some thirty years, Aerosmith are the most 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110636 when Hades, along with Zeus’ godly son, Ares (Edgar successful American hard rock band of all time. Fronted by Ramrez), switch loyalties and make a deal, with kronos to the charismatic Steven Tyler, the band’s thrilling live shows capture Zeus. The Titans’ strength grows stronger as Zeus’ have earned them a special place in the history of rock. William & Catherine: A Royal remaining godly powers are siphoned, and hell is unleashed Featuring extensive archive interviews, classic live footage Romance on eart and highlights from Aerosmith: In Performance Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Ancient Documentary, Music, Pop Metal 2011 60min. Jean Smart, Jane Alexander, Victor Garber Greece / Rome 2012 99min. E1 Entertainment 07.08.2012 Romance, Royalty, Drama, TV Movies 2011 Warner Bros. 26.06.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110767 90min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110607 Lionsgate 07.08.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110661 Bach: Goldberg Variations You’ve Got A Friend Acoustica 3D (Blu-ray) Chase Ellison, Bitty Schram, John Schnei- Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 53min. Wrath Of The Titans der Liam Neeson, Rosamund Pike, Sam Wort- Bobby Graham is a twelve-year-old boy whose personal Naxos 29.05.2012 hington problems haven’t gotten in the way of his dream: to win the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110733 Sam Worthington, Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson star once American Soapbox Derby Championship. With the odds again as gods at war in Wrath of the Titans, under the against him - including his school foe and main competition in Daniel Barenboim: Mozart’s Last direction of Johnathan Liebesman. A decade after his heroic the race - Bobby is determined to prove himself with a defeat of the monstrous Kaken, Perseus (Worthington) the personal best and unbeatable new self-confidence. 8 Piano Concertos TV Movies, Racing, Drama, Family 2007 demigod son of Zeus (Neeson) is attempting to live a quieter Classical Music, Music, Piano 255min. life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year min. Naxos 29.05.2012 old son, Helius. Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages Vivendi Visual Entertainment 28.08.2012 between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110709 humanity’s lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110593 imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos, father of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades (Fiennes) and Posei- Daniel Barenboim: Mozart’s Last don (Danny Huston). The triumvirate had overthrown their Zoom In: Sex Apartments powerful father long ago, leaving him to rot in the gloomy Saeko, a woman with a mysterious past, is hit with a rock and 8 Piano Concertos (Blu-ray) abyss of Tartarus, a dungeon that lies deep within the brutally raped by a man wearing a dark mask and black Classical Music, Music, Piano 255min. cavernous underworld. Perseus cannot ignore his true calling gloves. Her life is spared, but soon brutal murders befall the when Hades, along with Zeus’ godly son, Ares (Edgar residents of the Kibougahara Apartment building. The victims Naxos 29.05.2012 Ramrez), switch loyalties and make a deal, with kronos to are beaten, killed, and their genitals are set on fire. Saeko 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110741 capture Zeus. The Titans’ strength grows stronger as Zeus’ has her suspicions about the killer’s identity, but will she live remaining godly powers are siphoned, and hell is unleashed long enough to unmask the pyromaniac? Sex, horror and on eart nudity! Three great things that go great together! The Believe: Seeing Is Believing Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Nikkatsu oddity, Zoom In: Sex Apartments combines genres to The second live DVD release by the outstanding art-rock bring you a one-of-a-kind film about a sadistic killer who band from Poland. Believe’s music appeals to the lovers of Fantasy 2012 99min. literally lights up the loins of his victims! The elaborately- Collage, Satellite, Porcupine Tree or Pink Floyd. This concert Warner Bros. 26.06.2012 orchestrated rapes and murders committed by a faceless, was recorded in November 2011 in Wyspianski Theater in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110603 leather-gloved psychotic (and set to a booming bass-heavy Poland. The DVD also includes over 100 minutes of additional soundtrack) are an unmistakably deliberate homage to the video material: 2 bootleg videos, an interview with Mirek Gil giallo films of Italian master director, Dario Argento. and Karol Wróblewski, and „Music for One Leg“ documentary! Wrath Of The Titans (Blu-ray + Erotica, Foreign, Horror, Japanese 1980 Art Rock, Concerts, Documentary, Music DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 68min. min. Liam Neeson, Rosamund Pike, Sam Wort- Impulse Pictures 10.07.2012 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 hington 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110419 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110505 Sam Worthington, Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson star once again as gods at war in Wrath of the Titans, under the 4321 David Bowie: Bowie In Berlin direction of Johnathan Liebesman. A decade after his heroic defeat of the monstrous Kaken, Perseus (Worthington) the Emma Roberts, Tamsin Egerton In 1975, having been driven to the brink of breakdown via a demigod son of Zeus (Neeson) is attempting to live a quieter Sexy, gripping and action-packed! This exciting crime thriller bad drug habit and overwork, David Bowie left LA and set up life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year tracks 4 best friends over 3 days they’ll never forget. For camp in a rundown Berlin apartment with his buddy Iggy Pop - old son, Helius. Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages hardworking Jo (Emma Roberts), adventurous Cassandra similarly on the cusp of madness. While there Bowie created between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by (Tamsin Egerton), defiant Kerrys (Shanika Warren-Markland) a quite astonishing triumvirate of albums under his own name, humanity’s lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the and troubled Shannon (Ophelia Lovibond), life changes and a further two with Pop. This film uncovers the full story of imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos, father forever when a chance encounter with some deadly thieves this remarkable period of Bowie’s life and the records that of the long-ruling brothers Zeus, Hades (Fiennes) and Posei- sends their worlds on a collision course with the players in a were created in its midst. Featuring exclusive and archive don (Danny Huston). The triumvirate had overthrown their major diamond heist. With just one shot at the big time, what interviews, rare footage, performance film and more, this powerful father long ago, leaving him to rot in the gloomy could possibly go wrong? program sheds new light on the most creative and influential abyss of Tartarus, a dungeon that lies deep within the Thrillers, Action, Crime 2010 117min. period of David Bowie’s career. This film is not authorised by cavernous underworld. Perseus cannot ignore his true calling David Bowie or any party by whom he is represented. when Hades, along with Zeus’ godly son, Ares (Edgar Universal Studios 31.07.2012 Unauthorized Biographies, Art Rock, Ramrez), switch loyalties and make a deal, with kronos to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110623 Biography, Documentary, Glam Rock, capture Zeus. The Titans’ strength grows stronger as Zeus’ remaining godly powers are siphoned, and hell is unleashed Music, Pop Music 2012 62min. on eart E1 Entertainment 14.08.2012 Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Ancient 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110790 Greece / Rome 2012 99min. Music Warner Bros. 26.06.2012 Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 5 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110606 AC/DC: Inside The Music Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 80min. One of the most successful bands in the world, AC/DC have Naxos 29.05.2012 Wrath Of The Titans 3D (3D Blu- sold over 150 million albums. This is the ultimate review of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110693 heart of this hard rock legend; the band in performance. AC/ ray + Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) DC’s explosive stage performances are subjected to an in- (Blu-ray) depth analysis by a hardcore of respected rock journalists, Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 5 plus rare footage of the band on stage over the past 25 years, Liam Neeson, Rosamund Pike, Sam Wort- we take you on the ultimate exploration of one the greatest (Blu-ray) hington hard rock bands ever. From the Bon Scott year through the Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 80min. Sam Worthington, Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson star once Brian Johnson years to present day. Featuring the songs: Stiff Naxos 29.05.2012 again as gods at war in Wrath of the Titans, under the Upper Lip, Whole Lotta Rosie, Jailbreak, Back In Black, direction of Johnathan Liebesman. A decade after his heroic Hells Bells, Highway To Hell, For Those About To Rock (We 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110735 defeat of the monstrous Kaken, Perseus (Worthington) the Salute You), Sin City, Problem Child and much more. demigod son of Zeus (Neeson) is attempting to live a quieter Documentary, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Francesco Cavalli: Il Giasone life as a village fisherman and the sole parent to his 10-year Music 2011 180min. Music, Opera, Performing Arts 198min. old son, Helius. Meanwhile, a struggle for supremacy rages E1 Entertainment 07.08.2012 between the gods and the Titans. Dangerously weakened by Naxos 29.05.2012 humanity’s lack of devotion, the gods are losing control of the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110766 imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos, father 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110711

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110513 imagination. Sergiu Celibidache: 5 DVD Box Music, Family 98min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Set In The Footsteps Of Bizet The composer of the world’s best loved opera died at the age 10.07.2012 Boxed Sets, Classical Music, Music, Or- of just 36 - convinced that his work was a complete failure. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110518 chestral 511min. The letters and personal diaries of Georges Bizet reveal a Naxos 29.05.2012 personality torn between social acceptance and artistic Alonzo King: Lines Ballet 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110708 success. It would be five years after his death before Carmen returned to the Paris stage to rapturous reviews. We travel to Ballet, Classical Music, Music, Performing Paris and Rome to follow in the footsteps of his brief but Arts 160min. The Count Of Luxembourg productive life. In between we follow the rehearsals for a production in Orange, . The great composer’s life is Naxos 29.05.2012 Classical Music, Music, Opera 95min. revealed by his principal biographer and his work by the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110696 Naxos 29.05.2012 contemporary singers, musicians and conductor of the beloved 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110694 Carmen. Classical Music, Documentary, Music Alonzo King: Lines Ballet (Blu- 52min. Gaetano Donizetti: Linda Di ray) Kultur 31.07.2012 Ballet, Classical Music, Music, Performing Chamounix 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110502 Arts 160min. Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Naxos 29.05.2012 Arts 164min. In The Footsteps Of Vivaldi 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110736 Naxos 29.05.2012 Today, the music of Vivaldi is universally adored. His Four 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110704 Seasons is perhaps the most recognized piece of Baroque music ever written. But the man behind the music was much Kiss: Live In Las Vegas less well understood. The celebrated composer lived with Concerts, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Music Fresh Beat Band: The Wizard Of wealth, yet died in poverty. He led the life of a Catholic priest, yet was constantly surrounded by an entourage of beautiful min. Song women and had a love affair with at least one of his young E1 Entertainment 03.07.2012 When Marina gets swept up into a windstorm, she lands in students. Our cameras travel from Venice to Vienna to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110526 Oz! Along the way, she befriends a Scarecrow, a Tin Woman, discover the truth behind his tumultuous life and his and a Lion and they go to the Wizard of Song so that Marina celebrated music. can find her way home. Classical Music, Documentary, Music Lady Gaga: Dancing In The Dark - Family, Music, Nickelodeon 2012 88min. 52min. Unauthorized Documentary Nickelodeon 14.08.2012 Kultur 31.07.2012 Recognized for her flamboyant videos, outfits, and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110550 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110501 performances, Lady Gaga, born Stafani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, is an international superstar. She was raised Roman Catholic in a struggling lower class family. Both of her Genesis: Behind The Music And Isa: The People’s Diva parents worked 12 hours a day to make ends meet. An Ameri- In Their Own Words Isa Kremer lived life to the fullest as the premiere singer of can singer and songwriter, Lady Gaga learned to play piano by the age of 4. She was accepted into Juiliard at the age of The loss of an iconic frontman, the departure of Hackett (and authentic Yiddish songs. The first woman to perform Yiddish songs on the concert stage, she legitimized the language as a 11, but instead was sent to a private Catholic school. In spite the reasons why!), and the inspiration behind the mercurial of this setback, she continued to study music, write, and sound of one of the most enduring bands of the last forty five valid and vital part of Jewish culture. A classically trained opera star, Isa acted out these folk tunes using her voice, perform. She actually gave her first performance in a years! The most comprehensive analysis of Genesis; Behind nightclub at the age of 14. She cites such varied artists such the Music and In Their Own Words. This penetrating inde- gestures, and mannerisms, offering emotional and dramatic interpretations. Using rare footage, hundreds of photos, and as David Bowie, Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Queen as pendent film review draws on the media announcements of influences on her music. She was granted early admission Steve Hackett, Phil Collins, Tony Banks and Michael interviews with friends, family members, performers, and scholars, Isa: The People’s Diva chronicles Kremer’s life into New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts at the Rutherford to produce the most frank and candid first hand age of 17. Lady Gaga is only one of 20 students that received appraisal of the Genesis phenomenon ever produced. Find out across five decades. Not only did her career parallel some of the 20th century’s most tumultuous events-the Russian Revo- this honor. She later withdrew to work on her creativity, and the components that keep the chemistry alight and explores Gaga is only one of 20 students who received this honor. She the love/hate relationship between Genesis and the press. lution, the rise of Nazism, and the volatile politics of South America-her career was directly affected by their outcome. later withdrew to work on her creativity, and took 3 jobs to Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Progressi- Despite personal trauma and political turmoil, Kremer never make ends meet. Lady Gaga has become on of the best-selling ve Rock 2012 60min. backed down from controversy, took the easy path, or Unauthorized Biographies, Biography, E1 Entertainment 07.08.2012 surrendered to pressure to stop performing in Yiddish. Isa: Documentary, Music, Pop Music 70min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110769 The People’s Diva. Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Documentary, Music 2000 56min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110758 Facets Video 31.07.2012 John Gorka: The Gypsy Life (Blu- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110722 ray) Last Days Here Chronicling the triumphs and downfalls of cult rock legend Folk, Music 68min. Leos Janacek: The Makropulos Bobby Liebling, Last Days Here is a powerful documentary Naxos 29.05.2012 Affair about an underground icon who finds himself at the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110639 crossroads of life and death. For over 36 years Bobby Lieb- Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing ling has been churning out genre-defining hard rock as the Arts 135min. lead singer of the band Pentagram. But various acts of self- Fredrich Gulda: I Love Mozart, I destruction, multiple band break-ups, and botched record Naxos 29.05.2012 deals have condemned his music to obscurity. Frozen for Love Barbara 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110705 decades in his parents’ basement, Bobby is finally discovered Classical Music, Music, Piano 92min. by the heavy metal underground, and with the help of Sean ‘Pellet’ Pelletier, his friend and manager, Bobby struggles to Naxos 29.05.2012 Leos Janacek: The Makropulos overcome his demons. Directors Dan Argott and Demian 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110695 Affair (Blu-ray) Fenton (The Art of the Steal) offer a candid look at this madly talented artist, whose unexpected journey made him a Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing prodigious diamond in the music business rough. Die Heimliche Ehe Arts 135min. Documentary, Heavy Metal, Music 2011 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Naxos 29.05.2012 92min. Arts 123min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110738 MPI 31.07.2012 Naxos 29.05.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110520 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110692 Jandek: Toronto Sunday Toronto Sunday: Duality Of Self was filmed live at The Centre The Laughing Pizza Family Band Hood Affairs 13: ATL Edition Of Gravity, Toronto, Canada on September 17, 2006. Concerts, Family, Music 60min. Alternative, Concerts, Music, Punk 2006 Music, Rap 90min. Gaiam Americas 01.05.2012 220min. Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110588 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110756 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110512 Legacy: Van Cliburn & Claudio How To Beatbox Arrau Easy step by step breakdowns of all basic drums and beats Kidsongs Fun With Animals Instructional, Music 2012 65min. Four favorites from the award-winning series, Kidsongs. Classical Music, Music, Orchestral, Piano Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Featuring a variety of animals - from elephants and eagles to min. buffaloes and Beagles - in sing-a-longs filled with magic and Naxos 29.05.2012

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40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110714 Andris Nelsons: At Lucerne Festi- Dark Side Of The Moon val - Shostakovich Symphony No. Documentary, Music 2011 60min. Legacy: William Steinberg - 8 E1 Entertainment 07.08.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110787 Bruckner Symphony No. 8 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 100min. Classical Music, Music, Orchestral min. Naxos 29.05.2012 Naxos 29.05.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110706 Pink Floyd: Then And Now 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110713 Two disc documentary featuring interviews with Pink Floyd, rare performance footage, seldom seen photos & much more. . Andris Nelsons: At Lucerne Festi- This two disc documentary set gets behind the mystery that is Let’s Get Ready For School val - Shostakovich Symphony No. Pink Floyd as it unravels the story of the band, with the first Let’s Be Friends Fun with Manners Learning A Lesson Let’s disc covering the post-Syd Barrett classic era of Meddle and Work Together 8 (Blu-ray) Dark Side Of The Moon, and the second disc picking up the story in the late 1970s and bringing the saga completely up to Family, Music 116min. Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 100min. date with the group’s first attempts at a re-union of sorts at Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Naxos 29.05.2012 Live 8, and the more recent collaborations between Gilmour 10.07.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110739 and Waters which, for those still holding it in, offer some hope 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110554 for a full scale Floyd re-birth. Documentary, Music, Psychedelic 2012 S The Nutcracker And The Mouse 145min. Jules Massenet: Don Quichotte King Music Video Distribution 22.05.2012 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 172min. Ballet, Christmas, Classical Music, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110410 Naxos 29.05.2012 Holidays, Music, Performing Arts 145min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110715 Naxos 29.05.2012 Andras Schiff: Schubert I 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110697 Violin, Cello, Classical Music, Music, Piano Master Qi And The Monkey King 118min. This beautifully realized documentary chronicles the life and work of Qi Shu Fang, one of the preeminent masters of Chine- The Nutcracker And The Mouse Naxos 29.05.2012 se Opera living in the United States. It is a story of ambition, King (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110710 love, the creative impulse and the struggle to survive against all odds. The film highlights the intricacies of Peking Opera, Ballet, Christmas, Classical Music, an art form that is hardly known in the West and is declining Holidays, Music, Performing Arts 145min. Richard Strauss: Die Frau Ohne in popularity in China. At the same time it explores why Ms. Schatten Qi, her husband, Ding Mei-kui, and their company of Chinese Naxos 29.05.2012 Opera performers have made the difficult move to the United 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110737 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 220min. States, where they, like so many immigrants, must balance Naxos 29.05.2012 pressures to assimilate with the needs of cultural expression and preservation. Pachelbel Canon Acoustica (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110716 Chinese, Documentary, Foreign, Music, ray) Opera 2012 81min. Classical Music, Concerts, Music 46min. Richard Strauss: Die Frau Ohne First Run Features 14.08.2012 Naxos 29.05.2012 Schatten (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110785 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110540 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 220min. Naxos 29.05.2012 Claudio Monteverdi: Pendragon: Out Of Order Comes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110742 L’Incoronazione Di Poppea Chaos Music, Opera, Performing Arts 183min. A brand new Blu Ray release by the legendary neo-prog-rock Swervedriver: Live In Sydney Naxos 29.05.2012 band Pendragon recorded in Wyspianski Theatre, Poland, in Limited 80 minute DVD captures Adam Franklin and the guys 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110717 April 2011. The exquisite set list includes songs from their live at the Sydney Metro on February 18th, 2011. latest, well received album „Passion“ as well as classics from Alternative, Concerts, Music 2011 80min. their catalog. Bonus features: interview with Nick Barrett, Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Claudio Monteverdi: „...Some of the Chaos“ video documenting the band’s life on tour, „...Some of the Order“ video featuring behind the scenes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110511 L’Incoronazione Di Poppea (Blu- footage filmed on the day of the Blu Ray recording. Also includes: fully animated menu, discography, photo gallery, ray) biography and desktop images. Treasures Of The Russian Ballet Music, Opera, Performing Arts 183min. Concerts, Music, Progressive Rock 230min. Ballet, Dancing, Music, Performing Arts Naxos 29.05.2012 Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 82min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110743 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110763 Naxos 29.05.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110712 Mozart: Clarinet Quintet, Horn Pendragon: Out Of Order Comes Quintet, And String Quartet 3D Chaos (Blu-ray) Tom Waits: Second Hand Stories (Blu-ray) A brand new Blu Ray release by the legendary neo-prog-rock Without discrediting his earlier output, the 1980s proved to be band Pendragon recorded in Wyspianski Theatre, Poland, in a musical awakening for Tom Waits. With review, comment Classical Music, Music 63min. April 2011. The exquisite set list includes songs from their and criticism coming from a highly respected and Naxos 29.05.2012 latest, well received album „Passion“ as well as classics from knowledgeable panel, including the legendary Waits’ their catalog. Bonus features: interview with Nick Barrett, producer Bones Howe, as well as biographers Barney 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110734 „...Some of the Chaos“ video documenting the band’s life on Hoskyns and Patrick Humphries, this documentary film is the tour, „...Some of the Order“ video featuring behind the scenes finest available on the second half of Waits’ long and Andris Nelsons: At Lucerne Festi- footage filmed on the day of the Blu Ray recording. Also extraordinary journey and provides a fascinating insight into includes: fully animated menu, discography, photo gallery, the man and his music. val - Beethoven, Rimsky-Korsakov biography and desktop images. Documentary, Experimental Rock, Music Classical Music, Music, Orchestral, Piano Concerts, Music, Progressive Rock 230min. 2012 81min. 110min. Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 E1 Entertainment 17.07.2012 Naxos 29.05.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110779 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110443 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110707 Piano Quintet, Sonata For Flute, Andris Nelsons: At Lucerne Festi- Viola, And Harp, Feast Of Fives val - Beethoven, Rimsky-Korsakov (Blu-ray) Special Interest (Blu-ray) Classical Music, Flute, Harp, Music, Piano Classical Music, Music, Orchestral, Piano 62min. 1000 Masterworks: Early 110min. Naxos 29.05.2012 Netherlandish Painting Naxos 29.05.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110541 Documentary 50min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110740 Naxos 29.05.2012 Pink Floyd: Music Milestones - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110700

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profession, auctioneering is as relevant today as it’s ever been. People across America who were fooled by bankers and 1000 Masterworks: German Bigfoot Lives brokers can go to the local auction house and decide for Expressionism Everything you know about Bigfoot is about to change. Follow themselves how much something is worth through the auction the travels of the world renowned Bigfoot hunter, Tom method - arguably the fairest method. And when you’re elbow Documentary 50min. Biscardi, and his Searching for Bigfoot team. You will follow to elbow with a crowd of bidders, adrenaline coursing through Naxos 29.05.2012 the team as they search the country from Montana to New your veins, your heart pounding as you flick your card, wiggle York in search of the world’s most elusive and mysterious your nose, scratch your ear in time to the auctioneer’s call, it 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110698 beast. Tom Biscardi has been in search of Bigfoot for close to is undeniably a most entertaining one. 34 years and you will see what he has discovered! Journey Documentary 2012 89min. 1000 Masterworks: German further and deeper into the world of Bigfoot then ever before in this award-winning documentary. First Run Features 14.08.2012 Romanticism Documentary, Monsters 2011 79min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110786 Documentary 50min. Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Naxos 29.05.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110508 The Carlsbad USGP: 1980 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110699 Up until June 22nd, 1980 the 500cc United States Grand Prix motocross race at Carlsbad had been dominated by European Bigfoot Lives 2 riders. By that summer, the World Championship of Motocross 1000 Masterworks: Mannerism The long awaited sequel to the award-winning Bigfoot Lives series was being battled by two men: American „Bad Brad“ continues the adventures of renowned Bigfoot hunter, Tom Lackey and Belgium’s Andre Malherbe. But on that hot Sunday Documentary 50min. Biscardi and his „Searching for Bigfoot Team“ as they in June, it was not one of the regulars on the GP circuit that Naxos 29.05.2012 investigate reports of unknown creature sightings around the leapt to the front of the first moto. It was not even one of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110702 United States. established Factory American riders ready to make a name for Documentary, Monsters 2007 95min. themselves. It was a privateer rider from the local area named Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Marty Moates. He was about to do what no other American 1000 Masterworks: National rider could accomplish in the nine previous years...win the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110509 Carlsbad USGP. Gallery Berlin Sports, Action, Documentary, Extreme Documentary 50min. Anthony Bourdain: No Reservat- Sports, MotoCross 190min. Naxos 29.05.2012 ions - Collection 7 Passion River 03.07.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110701 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110465 Anthony Bourdain In this collection of No Reservations, Tony pushes himself 1000 Masterworks: Peggy even more. Things are going to be a little more difficult for CatDog: Season Two - Part One Guggenheim Collection - Venice Tony this time around, and perhaps even for the viewer. Conjoined brothers Cat and Dog are back for more Political, moral, class or philosophical issues trouble some of adventures in the second season of the hit Nickelodeon show Documentary 50min. these places. Tony brings his clear eye, curious nature, big CatDog! This 2-DVD set contains the first 10 episodes of Naxos 29.05.2012 appetite and unique sense of humor to every destination and Season 2 on DVD for the first time! In these episodes we find 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110703 every episode in this collection. And as always, the food is Cat joining clown school, CatDog entering a battle of the only the first glimpse of a wider view of how people live their bands, and a magic trick that separates the brothers! lives. Haiti, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Vienna, Ozarks Brazil: min. Anatomy Of A Bigfoot Hoax The Amazon, Boston, Japan: Hokkaido, Cuba, Macau Naples, El Bulli, Ukraine, Kurdistan, Cajun Country Shout Factory 05.06.2012 It was the 7th most searched news story on Google in 2008. The live press conference was viewed by millions and caused 688min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110437 internet black-out conditions on every major news site. It Gaiam Americas 28.08.2012 would become known as ‘Bigfoot Black Friday’. Now for the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110586 Colossal Collection first time ever, see it as it all unfolds in never before seen footage of actual events. See for yourself what really Astounding feats of engineering fill this collection that offers happened in the hoax of the century. Get the complete story of Bronx Baseball Legends: Volume an insider’s look at some of the world’s most stunning the ‘Georgia Bigfoot Hoax’ from those who lived it. Witness structures. With innovation and ingenuity, unique answers the dissection of the ‘Bigfoot Body’ exactly as the Searching One conquer building challenges and continue to overcome the for Bigfoot Team did. impossible. Super stadiums, underground cities, and even Joe DiMaggio, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig man-made islands will amaze and awe you with the Documentary, Monsters 2011 62min. Biographies of three great Yankee baseball players: Babe engineering advances that continue to be made all over the Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 Ruth,Lou Gehrig, and Joe DiMaggio. world. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110507 Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major Discovery Channel, Documentary 225min. League Baseball min. Gaiam Americas 21.08.2012 Art Is... The Permanent Revoluti- Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110584 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110751 on The anger and outrage captured by graphic artists and Dem Bums: History Of The Brook- printmakers have defined revolutions through the centuries, Brownstones To Red Dirt lyn Dodgers depicting the human condition in all its glories and struggles Kids from Brooklyn’s Bed-Stuy projects and orphans from so powerfully that perceptions, attitudes and politics have Sierra Leone’s brutal civil war have one thing in common: no Jackie Robinson been dramatically influenced. In Art Is...The Permanent one gives them a chance. Brownstones to Red Dirt, a feature- Tales from the Dodgers clubhouse featuring Roy Campanella, Revolution three contemporary artists and a master printer length documentary tells the story of how these „lost“ groups Jackie Robinson and others. explore how social reality and protest are conveyed in art. find one another through a pen pal program that not only Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major While the stirring works of the masters sweep by - among shapes their lives, but also shows them that even if they can’t them graphics by Rembrandt, Goya, Daumier, Kollwitz, Dix, count on the world, they can count on each other. Baseball 60min. Grosz and Picasso - the making of an etching, a woodcut and pictures capture seemingly average students from Brooklyn Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 a lithograph unfolds before our eyes as the contemporary and Sierra Leone whose inspirational growth shows that no 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110752 artists join their illustrious predecessors in creating art of child’s future is predestined. social engagement. Featuring Sigmund Abeles, etcher; Ann Documentary 85min. Chernow, lithographer; Paul Marcus, woodcutter; and James Passion River 17.07.2012 Dirty Jobs: Collection 8 Reed, master printer. Mike Rowe Documentary 2012 82min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110469 Discovery Channel, Documentary 2010 min. First Run Features 14.08.2012 Gaiam Americas 07.08.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110783 Busting Vegas (2 Pack) In this two disc how to, you will learn from the pros how to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110581 win big in Vegas! In Disc One: Final Table Poker, get inside Better This World the mind of Poker Pro, Phil Gordon. Listen in on Phil’s every Disaster Collection How did two boyhood friends from Midland, Texas wind up thought as he plays at the final table of a high-stakes No-Limit arrested on terrorism charges at the 2008 Republican Natio- Texas Hold’em Tournament. In Disc Two: Beating , Catastrophic disasters can happen in an instant! And this nal Convention? Better This World follows the journey of , manager of the M.I.T. Blackjack Team that made collection is jam-packed with film that was rolling as bridges David McKay (22) and Bradley Crowder (23) from political millions in Vegas is going to share his secrets! collapsed, tankers exploded, tornadoes touched down, and neophytes to accused domestic terrorists with a particular Gambling, Instructional, Poker 155min. wildfires raged. Many unique self-made disasters, such as a focus on the relationship they develop with a radical activist magician’s tricks gone awry and the inevitable results of mentor in the six months leading up to their arrests. A Passion River 26.06.2012 kissing a shark, complete this collection of disastrous events dramatic story of idealism, loyalty, crime and betrayal, Better 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110643 that you’ll only want to view from the safety of your home. This World goes to the heart of War on Terror and its impact Disasters, Discovery Channel, on vicil liberties and political dissent in post-9/11 America. Documentary 220min. Terrorism, War, Documentary, Politics The Callers The Callers. Through its portrayal of several experienced Gaiam Americas 14.08.2012 89min. auctioneers and a host of curious buyers, this new feature 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110583 Passion River 24.07.2012 documentary reveals our complex relationship with stuff - with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110468 consuming, collecting, and hoarding. An antiquated

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Dynasty: New York Yankees news from the United Nations Industrial Development Reality 2011 352min. Organization in Vienna: her son Aeryn, a U.N. researcher and A complete and detailed history of baseball’s greatest team. former Mr. Gay Austria, has disappeared. Upon her arrival in Millennium Entertainment 12.06.2012 Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major Vienna, police tell Kathy her son was last seen fleeing an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110622 League Baseball 60min. exclusive men’s sauna downtown and they have no interest in further investigating his case. Though her son’s Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 disappearance has been ruled a suicide, Kathy suspects there Angelina Jolie: Bad Girl Gone 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110754 is more to the story. This riveting and haunting documentary Good - Unauthorized seeks to unravel the mystery of Aeryn’s whereabouts and Earth At Risk: Building A uncover the true reasons for the Viennese police’s failure to Documentary assist Kathy as she searches for her son. Angelina Jolie Resistance Movement To Save Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Angelina Jolie was born to be a star. Her mother would take The Planet Mystery 85min. her to the movies regularly, which inspired her to become an Breaking Glass Pictures 03.07.2012 actress. In 1982 at the age of 7, she landed her first role in Earth at Risk is an annual conference featuring thinkers and Lookin’ To Get Out. Since then she has starred in critically activists who are willing to ask the hardest questions about 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110676 acclaimed films such as Gia, Girl Interrupted, Lara Croft: the seriousness of our situation. The conference is convened Tomb Raider, and Wanted. Collectively her films have by Derrick Jensen, who has argued that we need stop : Pants Off & Tired grossed over $1.5 billion, placing her among the highest paid industrial civilization. Interviews and presentations include: actresses in Hollywood. However her success came with its Derrick Jensen, Arundhati Roy, William Catton, Jr., Rikki Ott, Hooker (Double Feature) fair share of sex, drugs, and scandals. Ultimately she’s Thomas Linzey, Gail Dines, Jane Caputi, Waziyatawin, Aric evolved into an honorary humanitarian and philanthropist. In McBay, Stephanie McMillan, Lierre Keith, and Nora Barrows- Kathy Griffin this exclusive docu-drama we examine the trials and triumphs Friedman. Two-time Emmy award-winning Kathy Griffin’s latest Bravo of Angelina Jolie - uncovering a Bad Girl Gone Good. Documentary, Environmental 480min. TV specials Pants Off and Tired Hooker. comedienne can provide. In front of sold out crowds she’s not afraid to speak Unauthorized Biographies, Biography, Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 her mind on controversial public figures (Kim Kardashian, Documentary 70min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110489 Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Casey Anthony), touchy subjects Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 (bikini waxing, gay marriage) and cheesy TV shows (Dancing with the Stars, The Real Housewives). Star of her new talk 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110757 Facing The Storm: Story Of The show on Bravo, Griffin’s raunchy and revealing narratives American Bison have become legendary and these latest stand-up specials are Man Vs. Wild: Close Calls no exception. Facing The Storm: Story Of The American Bison. Comedy, Double Features 90min. Bear Grylls Documentary 78min. Shout Factory 07.08.2012 Wilderness, Discovery Channel, Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110471 Documentary, Jungle 215min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110755 Gaiam Americas 28.08.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110582 Foreign Parts Hannibal Buress: Animal Furnace Hannibal Buress Anthropological inscope, sensuous in detail and emotionally Manchester United: Greatest Ever resonant throughout, Foreign Parts is an exemplary social Hannibal Buress is a stand-up star on the rise. Hannibal’s a record of Willets Point, an industrial graveyard of scrap Chicago native, currently living in New York City where he XI regularly performs and eats lots of street food. It’s delicious. heaps and auto shops in Queens, New York, that is scheduled Robson or Rooney? Best or Beckham? Stiles or Scholes? A to be demolished and redeveloped. Filled with scrapyards and His credits include writing for Saturday Night Live and performing on every late show that matters. host of great players have played for Manchester United over auto salvage shops, lacking sidewalks or sewage lines, the the club’s long and distinguished history, but who would area seems ripe for urban development. But Foreign Parts Comedy, Comedy Central 2012 min. represent the Red Devils in your ultimate dream team? A discovers a strange community where wrecks, refuse and ADA 22.05.2012 unique, fan-driven project, Manchester United: Greatest Ever recycling form a thriving commerce. Cars are stripped, sorted 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110451 XI sets out to select a definitive team of the greatest players and cataloged by brand and part, then resold to an endless ever to pull on the famous red shirt. A worldwide fan poll was parade of drive-thru customers. Joe, the last original resident, held on manutd.com allowing fans to vote for their greatest rages and rallies through the street like a lost King Lear, In The Shadow Of Bigfoot ever XI and in doing so decide the line-up that will be featured trying to contest his imminent eviction. Two lovers, Sara and in this official club DVD collection. Across 4 DVDs, which Luis, struggle for food and safety through the winter while Documentary, Monsters 1977 80min. include over 130 players, fans make the case for their picks living in an abandoned van. Julia, the homeless queen of the Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 and relive memories of mighty performances on the pitch junkyard, exalts in her beatific visions of dailylife among the highlighting the club’s most memorable players. forgotten. The film observes and captures the struggle of a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110510 contested „eminent domain“ neighborhood before its Sports, Documentary, Soccer 260min. disappearance under the capitalization of New Yo Inventing Our Life Team Marketing 09.12.2011 Documentary 2011 80min. Set against the backdrop of the kibbutz movement’s glorious 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110414 Kino Video 07.08.2012 100-year history, Inventing Our Life reveals the heartbreak 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110610 and hope of Israel’s communal living experiment as a new Manchester United: The Irish generation of women and men confront an essential question: can a radically socialist institution survive a new capitalist Connection Free Havana reality? In this „illuminating and entertaining“ (Jewish Week) Manchester United has always had a massive following in Gay Rights is an issue heard around the world, including documentary, director Toby Perl Freilich explores the modern both Northern Ireland and in Eire. This is probably due to the Cuba. Free Havana paints a vivid picture of what it has been history of Israel, from its revolutionary settlers to the political sheer class of the Irish players who have played at Old like to be gay in Cuba through the candid stories of six gay upheaval that shook the socialist foundations of the state. Trafford over the last few decades, from the legendary and lesbian individuals. From the Batista era to the Revoluti- With their desire to create a Jewish homeland and build a brilliance of George Best to the passionate drive of Roy on to the Mariel Boatlift to present-day Cuba, FreeHavana more just society, the first settlers helped place kibbutzim in Keane. This video is a testament to the combined talents of exposes the evolution of gay life from a time when the vanguard of Israeli history. In doing so, they became a Roy Keane, Denis Irwin, Frank Stapleton, Norman Whiteside, homosexuality was considered a punishable crime to current magnet for all those who shared one thing in common - a Kevin Moran, George Best et al, who have come across the efforts to promote a greater acceptance of freedom of sexual powerful urge to invent their own life. Irish Sea to grace the turf of the Theatre Of Dreams with a preference. Honest in approach and poignant in content, the Documentary, Politics 2011 80min. brilliant splash of Green amongst the Red. stories of the six Cubans will inform and inspire as they touch First Run Features 14.08.2012 Sports, Documentary, Soccer min. your heart. In 2006, a shorter version of Free Havana became the first documentary of its kind to be screened at Havana’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110784 Team Marketing 20.01.2011 International Festival of New Latin Cinema, a milestone for 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110413 LGBT cinema given the strict censorship in Cuba Jiro Dreams Of Sushi Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest min. Documentary, Foreign, Japanese 2011 Mercury Undercover Facets Video 28.08.2012 82min. Documentary, Environmental, Health, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110720 Magnolia Home Entertainment 24.07.2012 Science 70min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110415 Passion River 10.07.2012 Ghost Attack On Sutton Street: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110466 Poltergeists And Paranormal Jiro Dreams Of Sushi (Blu-ray) Entities Documentary, Foreign, Japanese 2011 NBA: Touched By Gold Documentary, Ghosts 80min. 82min. Many consider the 1971-72 World Champion Los Angeles Lakers one of the greatest teams in the history of the NBA. Allegro Entertainment 10.07.2012 Magnolia Home Entertainment 24.07.2012 But despite a remarkable run to the title that included a record 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110535 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110426 33-game winning streak, this group of aging stalwarts and enthusiastic youngsters were the unlikeliest of champions. Stunning archival footage and photos paint a very personal Gone: The Disappearance Of Joan And Melissa: Joan Knows picture of the team’s stars including Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry Aeryn Gillern Best - Season One West, Gail Goodrich, Pat Riley, and the coach Bill Sharman. Through exclusive interviews with West, Goodrich, Riley, On October 31, 2007, Kathy Gilleran - a police veteran from Joan Rivers, Melissa Rivers Tommy Hawkins and Elgin Baylor along with, writers, and the small town of Cortland, New York - received distressing

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA historians, Touched by Gold reveals the characters, stand why the lagoon city was able to develop into the trading You’ve heard the urban legend of the panhandler hopping in personalities and events that gave us one of the most unique city of the Mediterranean and how it became a cosmopolitan his nice car and going home to a nice house after a day of seasons in professional sports. The larger-than-life tales and city whose wealth was the envy of princes throughout the begging on the street. Comedian Keith Lowell Jensen decided locker room insight are complemented by rare archival world. to find out how hard it really is to make money as a interviews with the incomparable Wilt Chamberlain, vintage Documentary 56min. panhandler. Jensen tries everything from panhandling dressed photos and spectacular 16mm color film. This NBA Premier like a mime, a regular homeless person and even Uncle Sam. Films presentation celebrates a remarkable group of men who Kultur 31.07.2012 Not only is this a great film it’s also a way to boost the after a decade of falling just shy of their goal dared to change 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110504 economy. $1.00 (or 10% of the wholesale price paid to and became one of the league’s greatest teams — the first Apprehensive Films) for each DVD sold will be donated to the Sports, Basketball, Documentary, NBA Vidal Sassoon: The Movie SBA or similar organization to help small businesses rebuild 60min. America! Grace Coddington, Michael Gordon Documentary, Politics min. Team Marketing 22.05.2012 Vidal Sassoon is more than just a hairdresser - he’s a rock Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110396 star, an artist, a craftsman who „changed the world with a pair of scissors.“ With the geometric, Bauhaus-inspired hairdos 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110506 he pioneered in the 1960s and his „wash and wear“ NFL: The Complete History Of philosophy that liberated generations of women from the WWE: Money In The Bank 2012 The New York Giants tyranny of the salon, Sassoon revolutionized the art of hairstyling and left an indelible mark on popular culture. This CM Punk, The Miz, Kane, John Cena, Randy This DVD takes the History of the New York Giants to the documentary traces with visual gusto the life of a self-made Orton, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Chris Jeri- next level. Now featuring all-new footage detailing the 2007 man whose passion and perseverance took him from an and 2011 Super Bowl teams, this release details the rich and orphanage in London to the absolute pinnacle of his craft. cho, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, exciting history of this beloved franchise. Biography, Documentary 93min. Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger Sports, Football, NFL min. Phase 4 Films 06.09.2012 For years, the Money in the Bank match was a highlight of Vivendi Visual Entertainment 21.08.2012 WrestleMania, with each of the six winners going on to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110464 successfully cash in their opportunities and win World 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110484 Championships. The match has become so popular that WWE created its own WWE payper- view event with the Money in The Philadelphia Athletics: 1901- Visions Of Ecstasy (Blu-ray) the Bank Ladder Matches as it marquee attractions. Thrust Visions of Ecstasy, an experimental art film made in 1989, is into main event status, the Money in the Bank matches stayed 1954 the only film ever to have been banned outright in the UK spectacular and continued to lead to title reigns for Super- James Rosin’s documentary on the birth of baseball in the solely on the grounds of blasphemy. Further, its depiction and stars such as The Miz, Alberto Del Rio and Daniel Bryan, City of Brotherly Love. interpretation of the erotic imaginings of the 16th Century who rode his momentum from the pay-per-view all the way to Carmelite nun, St. Teresa, were such that the film’s banning his first WrestleMania match. Who will be the next Sports, Baseball, Documentary, Major was upheld in an historic judgment at the European Court of breakthrough star among the Superstars of Raw and League Baseball min. Human Rights in Strasbourg in a case that took seven years SmackDown? Some of the biggest names in WWE climb the Music Video Distribution 19.06.2012 to reach its conclusion. Now, due to the abolition of the UK’s ladder of success at Money in the Bank 2012. blasphemy laws in 2008, Visions of Ecstasy. Also included on Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110753 this disc is the director’s nunsploitation feature, Sacred Flesh (2000) (in SD), in which a Mother Superior struggles with 183min. Rise & Shine: The Jay Demerit her sexual desires in a series of imagined dialogues with WWE Home Video 14.08.2012 Mary Magdalene while her mind torments her with images of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110477 Story sexual perversion, lesbianism and sadomasochismalong with Sports, Documentary, Soccer 92min. the short film Axel. Gay / Lesbian Interest, Religion/Spirituality, WWE: Superstar Collection - Da- Gaiam Americas 03.07.2012 Short Film Collections 1989 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110589 niel Bryan Redemption USA 21.08.2012 Daniel Bryan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110671 Since his debut on the very first season of WWE NXT, Daniel Rise & Shine: The Jay Demerit Bryan’s career has resembled a roller coaster ride. From his Story (Blu-ray) oil-and-water relationship with his NXT Pro, The Miz, Voices From The Front through his rocky road from Nexus-member to singles star, to Sports, Documentary, Soccer 92min. Filmed exclusively by the soldiers themselves, Voices throws his crowning achievement winning the World Heavyweight Gaiam Americas 03.07.2012 viewers into the conflicts of Iraq and Afghanistan, presenting Championship, this internet sensation-turned mainstream star the war as it is seen by the men and woman risking their lives has been no stranger to success or controversy, and is never 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110605 for our country. short on words...or wrestling holds. In this first-ever DVD set War, War In The Middle East, Documentary to focus on Daniel Bryan, fans can own some of the best A Tale Of Two Cities: The Circuit action featuring this multi-talented Superstar, including his 157min. very first match in WWE. City Story Gaiam Americas 28.08.2012 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 90min. Documentary min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110585 WWE Home Video 07.08.2012 Passion River 10.07.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110475 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110467 Voices From The New South Africa: Nothing But The Truth & WWE: Superstar Collection - UFC 145: Jones Vs. Evans Homecoming Sheamus Jon Jones, Mark Bocek, Rory MacDonald Tony Kgoroge Sheamus The Ultimate Fighting Championship returns to for the Nothing But The Truth. A film version of the hit mini-series, With a WWE Championship, World Heavyweight first time since 2008 with a light heavyweight bout two years Homecoming follows three veteran soldiers of the African Championship and United States Championship to his credit, in the making. The UFC 205-pound champion Jon „Bones“ National Congress who return to South Africa after years in as well as victories in the Royal Rumble Match and King of Jones defends his crown for the third time against former title exile to pick up the pieces of their lives and careers. Charlie the Ring tournament, „The Great White“ Sheamus can already holder „Suga“ Rashad Evans. They once were friends, but wants to open a club; Thabo struggles to reacquaint himself boast the credentials that have eluded several WWE Hall of now the time has come for them to settle their grudge in the with his wife and family; and Peter remains in politics to Famers. This DVD collection, the first ever to focus on the Octagon. uncover the hard truths about those who betrayed the ANC. Celtic Warrior, features five milestone matches from Sports, UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts African Americans, Documentary, South Sheamus’s impressive career, including his shocking first 300min. African min. WWE Title win over John Cena in a Tables Match and the Starz / Anchor Bay 31.07.2012 riveting finale of the 2012 Royal Rumble. Facets Video 28.08.2012 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110416 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110721 WWE Home Video 07.08.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110474 The Ultimate Yogi The Weight Of The Nation Yoga, Boxed Sets, Fitness, Health 792min. Developed in partnership with the Institute of Medicine (IOM) WWE: The 50 Greatest Finishing Millennium Entertainment 29.05.2012 at the National Academies of Science, in association with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Moves In WWE History 186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110663 Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and with support from Kaiser Permanente and the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, John Cena, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Venice: The Insatiable City-State The Weight of the Nation is one of the largest public health Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, campaigns on obesity the nation has seen to date. Venice - a romantic, melancholy city, this we know. But Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, insatiable? And yet this latter characteristic defines Venice Documentary, HBO, Health 400min. Iron Sheik more aptly than anything else. For it was in this spirit that HBO Home Video 31.07.2012 The 50 Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History. and bone Venice emerged. In was the spirit of merchants dedicated to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110488 crunching signature moves in this countdown-style production exploring any way of buying the best goods at the best price, guaranteed to stir up controversy and banter among the WWE who undertook arduous and perilous journeys so that they Universe. From Sweet Chin Music to the Rock Bottom, could offer for sale the most exquisite, precious objects and Why Lie? I Need A Drink: God Attitude Adjustment and everything in between, these are the who risked everything for the chance of amassing even more moves guaranteed to bring the masses to their feet and to gold. Only against this background is it possible to under- Bless America Edition leave the unfortunate recipient lying on the mat for the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) Mai 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA inevitable three count. Which moves made the cut, and what is (Repackage) (Blu-ray) the greatest finishing move in the history of WWE. This 3- Disc DVD and 2-Disc Bluray great for the opinionated WWE The only people to see the war like this were the ones who history buffs who love to debate which Superstar’s moves are lived it. Until now... Seventy years in the making. Three the greatest. thousand hours of color footage few knew existed. The first documentary to show original color footage of World War II in Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. immersive HD, the world premiere History? series WWII In Telefonische WWE Home Video 21.08.2012 HD uses the journals and accounts of those who served in the Bestellannahme: 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110481 war’s biggest battles to create a personal, introspective and detailed look at life on and off the front lines. Follow 12 Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr unforgettable Americans, and experience the war through Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr WWE: The 50 Greatest Finishing their eyes, in their own words, as it really looked and Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr sounded. WWII In HD transforms their stirring journey into a Moves In WWE History (Blu-ray) tangible piece of history. Culled from rare color film found in a Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr John Cena, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, two-year worldwide search and converted to HD with meticulous technique, WWII In HD provides a picture of Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, World War II as it has never been seen before. Also included Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, is The Battle for Iwo Jima, an immersive look at the momentous und Feiertags (Baden- Iron Sheik battle using gloriously restored, full-color footage, some of Württemberg) bleibt unser The 50 Greatest Finishing Moves in WWE History. and bone which has never seen before. History details the entire action Verkauf geschlossen. crunching signature moves in this countdown-style production of the battle, from the first landing of a crip guaranteed to stir up controversy and banter among the WWE Boxed Sets, Documentary, History Channel, Universe. From Sweet Chin Music to the Rock Bottom, War, World War I 605min. Attitude Adjustment and everything in between, these are the moves guaranteed to bring the masses to their feet and to A&E 15.05.2012 leave the unfortunate recipient lying on the mat for the 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110141 inevitable three count. Which moves made the cut, and what is the greatest finishing move in the history of WWE. This 3- Disc DVD and 2-Disc Bluray great for the opinionated WWE Xi’an Chang’an: The Cradle Of history buffs who love to debate which Superstar’s moves are Chinese Civilization the greatest. Xi’an, the ancient Chinese Chang’an is an important site of Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. the world’s cultures. The city on the Yellow River with its WWE Home Video 21.08.2012 surroundings is one of the birthplaces of Chinese culture and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110494 civilization. North-east of Xi’an, in 1974, the clay army of the first Chinese emperor, with its thousands of warriors, was discovered. Here, too, his huge burial mound, still unopened, WWE: Undertaker - The Streak is situated. And it was here that, by uniting the country for the first time, Emperor Qin Shihuangdi founded the series of (Blu-ray) Chinese imperial dynasties which extends up to the present Undertaker day. Xi’an, Chang’an was the capital city of the Tang dynasty It is the most impressive feat in the history of Sports and the starting point of the Silk Road, which led to the Entertainment, and one that may never be duplicated. Nineteen Mediterranean. It was here that merchants and artists from all Newsletter 09/12 (Nr. 313) times Undertaker has stepped in the ring at the Showcase of over the world met, here there emerged an exceptionally ISSN 1610-2606 the Immortals, WrestleMania, and 19 times he’s had his hand vibrant, festive culture, in which women enjoyed equal status raised in victory. Undertaker has faced some of the biggest and took part in all activities of social and cultural life. The Credits names in WWE history, including Shawn Michaels, Triple H, film shows the excavation site of the clay army, in detail which Redaktion: Ric Flair, Edge, Kane, Batista, Randy Orton, and more, and was hitherto impossible; it takes us to the sites of Tang always claimed their souls. Now for the first time ever, every culture, shows the treasures in the museums and, in a Wolfram Hannemann match in its entirety is collected in one release Undertaker: performance of the Tang th Design & Layout: The Streak. In addition to every match, the DVD also includes Ancient China, Documentary 56min. Wolfram Hannemann a never-before-seen documentary discussing the historic, Kultur 31.07.2012 unprecedented run. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110503 Assistenz: Documentary, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Beate Hannemann WWE min. WWE Home Video 24.07.2012 Yoga Cross Training 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110457 Yoga, Fitness, Health, Instructional min. Millennium Entertainment 24.07.2012 © (2012) by WWII In HD: Collector’s Edition 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40110719 LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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