WASH Cluster Partners Capacity to Respond in Emergency (As of July 2017) D I a a K R L W a a H a B

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WASH Cluster Partners Capacity to Respond in Emergency (As of July 2017) D I a a K R L W a a H a B AFGHANISTAN: WASH Cluster Partners Capacity to Respond in Emergency (as of July 2017) D i a a k r l w a a h a b z z S a w r a Kuf Ab D Khw ahan Raghistan C Ya Shighnan d h wa a a n q h b r a Kohistan A A D Yangi Qala b m Qar Shahri Buzurg a qin Khwaja Bahawuddin h Sh ortepa Yaftal Sufla Arghanj KhawS K Sharak Hairatan Dashti Qala h ib Fayzabad a Khani Chahar Bagh M dar am Sah A h Q K a yan Kal Im Rustaq rgo a u h ng rd d rg w a a Dawlatabad Khwaja Ghar a Badakhshan Wakhan h a je M Baharak a ja k I n Dashte Archi W s D D h u Hazar Sumuch K a Khash a Aqcha Qalay-I- Zal r k K i a r Chahar Bolak h s y d a Andkhoy o k K im u h l Nahri Shahi Khulm un Baharak h T j s d a h Qaramqol a Kunduz du K i Khaniqa a z Kalfagan m s B n h i b h qa e a l Talu k Jurm Mazari Sharif a a Jawzjan z u B n m ra n y Balkh rm ahar Da a a Dihdadi Ch a F a n l M b g Takhar F Shibirghan a i Dawlatabad t Aliabad a a im C d Chal rk Tagab (Kishmi Bala) h h B h C a Feroz NakhchirHazrati Sultan a a h gh Ish Namak Ab r Yamgan (Girwan) Zebak a lan kamis Sari Pul r i J h olgara K ad ab Sh in id Shirin Tag G t B o n Aybak ur Guzargahi Nur Qush Tepa S s yi ka a f a n y a P Farang Wa Gharu a ya n fi h j d u g n n Khwaja Sabz Posh d S rba i u Faryab k I- Sa r Warsaj P i - a Khwaja Hijran (Jilga Nahrin) M Sozma Qala a a W h Darzab r Kishindih r m Puli Khumri a Almar a a ura a s a D Kh Kho W h Maymana h i N s n r t W t Bilchiragh c a ra G u a la i F n g a ur irin u h n Z Samangan h g K B i B G ar o K a f i- gi u n- A n Ma r o S S an n Dih Salah a tal m t I- h d y Sari Pul a- Da a r a r a a Ruyi Du Ab K r P c Gurziwan Baghlan a ar Qaysar D h is h b H i li n Pu Dushi j Panjsher a l o Kamdesh Bala Murghab Balkhab n d Kohistanat Khenj (Hese- Awal) n Nuristan Kahmard g Bazarak a Parun Kohistan n M l a a Tala Wa Barfak l ShutulRukha b i S g r a Dara A y h a Ghaziabad a Gulran K i S Unaba u Wama n D W N o C Badghis M harsad w s u a Sayghan q a Koh Band Laghman am Bar Kunar h u A r r b ar k Sia Gird ( Ghorbund) i a b Jawand jr Daulatshahi g KunarWata PurShaygal wa shital S i r Koshk i Chaharikar N Yakawlang u K K h h Ali N Chapa Dara i Shek Dara-I-PechDangam T o a b Bagram Alasay a g m h a in r Parwan g ar Marawara n Bamyan IstalifQarabagh h g a s in Qala-I- Naw Qadis a i Al a Bamyan l Narang r hi Parsa b A Chawkay i Surk Farza Kohi Safi Chaghcharan r Sarkani a Dara-I-NurNurgal Kohsan Y ShakardaraDih Sabz Kabul t a Sarjangal Mihtarlam Khas Kunar la Lal W z i w re Paghman b yi Kuz Kunar n Hisa-I- Awali Bihsud l o a Karukh a M Ja Kabul r argh a a Hirat D ark Bagrami u Q Kama ht J Chishti Sharif a S Bihsud s Panjab zi Chahar Asyab o B ihs G a Obe ud Nirkh MusayiKhaki Jabbar Surkh Rod d Injil d Lal Por a Hesarak d n dat d a o a Pa Maydan Wardak ir k R sh a z Z t Khogayani un M d Mohammad Agha r Muhmand Dara Sangi Takht r i Shinwar Ghoryan Zar y a g a h Kot Hirat hun Du Layna Waras a i W Azr y D k P S Dur Baba Shahrak rla ha u K Deh Bala Guzara ta C d li ho Acheen Tulak sh a A sh Pachier Agam Nazyan I b la i Ali Khail (Jaji) a m Khadir u d Nangarhar Ghor at y Logar Laja Ahmad Khail Farsi gh a Nili a S Charkh Chamkani Daykundi Sh Miramor Nawur J Ahmad Abad ahr Sayed KaramDand Patan Adraskan ista Rashidan Zana KhanKharwar n Ga Mosa Khail Jaji Maidan iti Khwaja Umari Paktya rdi S Saghar Pasaband a z a G Bahrami Shahid (Jaghatu)Ghazni Z b Ajristan ak u Qalandar ri Bak Taywara ih Y rm Shawak D a Shamal Gizab Waghaz t Tere Zayi n Zadran Khost(Matun) ta Andar Mata Khan lis Q Khost Shindand a arabagh Nika Kajran M Sharan a Tani Gurbuz n Ziruk ir Pur Chaman a Jaghuri o p zg ir S ru Ghazni r G Yosuf Khel Sar Hawza u n Anar Dara Baghran s U u a s q Province Agency ss Chora a A a rg Gayan a u b Yahya Khel n i H h B m U id K M ah Kakar an Zarghun Shahr O Badakhshan ACTED/ADEO/COAR/Mission East d Sh Uruzgan d l afe G a S Bala Buluk e Ja Sarobi m ki t la n r a d o n n i K a Badghis Christian Aid/IRC h u K pa he K Gulistan M ho l B w in ayc u r ra i D b y Dila Baghlan ACTED/ADEO/COAR/DACAAR/Mission East s T a o h d j a i n Farah a h Pusht Rod D h Q n g a Paktika i r r Balkh ACTED/ADEO/ARCS/Christian Aid/COAR/DACAAR/NCA Kajaki sh A h N Naw Zad a i a Qala Ka N S a Gomal l h a Nesh a a iy w M Zabul a w Bamyan COAR/SI B a h Farah K Bakwa n Qalat w a a a z t iz a Daykundi ADA/CARITA/Christian Aid/ RCDC Sangin o M N Shib Koh Washer k z K W ra li o re a Farah ANCC/Christian Aid h k ak Dilaram G a W ld h h Ja i aj K a a Shinkay y Turwo Wor Mayi arr h k W a Faryab ACTED/ADA/ADEOD/Christian Aid/ COAR/DACAAR/NCA S S rna lz hri Ta u a m N Arghandab a Ghazni DACAAR/NCA/RI Lash Wa Juwayn i Atghar h d r S Khash Rod n a Daman Nad Ali a h Ghor ACF/Christian Aid ah Z Lashkar G w y Arghistan a Kandahar Hilmand ACF/ANCC/IRC M Maruf K Hirat ARCS/Christian Aid/COAR/DACAAR/IRC a Nawa-I- Barak Zayi n g Jawzjan ACTED/ADA/ADEO/Christian Aid/COAR Chakhansur Hilmand Panjwayi Kabul ACF/ADEO/ARCS/Christian Aid/COAR/DACAAR/GNI/NCA Spin Boldak Ü Kandahar Zaranj Kandahar ADA/ANCC/ARCS/Christian Aid/COAR/DACAAR Garmser Legend Nimroz Kapisa Christian Aid/COAR/DACAAR/RI Khost DACAAR/IRC/NCA Kunar ACTED/Christian Aid/DACAAR/IMC/NCA/NCRO/RI No Partner Kunduz ACTED/ADA/ADEO/ARCS/DACAAR Laghman ACTED/ADA/Christian Aid/COAR/NCRO Only Govt Chahar Burjak Shorabak Reg(Khanshin) Registan Logar COAR/IRC/SI Maydan Wardak COAR/SI Govt+1Partner Dishu Nangarhar ACTED/ADEO/ARCS/Christian Aid/DACAAR/IMC/IRC/NCA/NCRO/RI Nimroz ANCC/Christian Aid/RI Govt+2Partners Nuristan ARCS/IMC Paktika ARCS/Christian Aid/COAR/IMC/RI/SI Govt+3Partners Paktya ANCC/Christian Aid/COAR/IRC/SI Panjsher Christian Aid Govt+4Partners Parwan Christian Aid/COAR/DACAAR Samangan ADEO/DACAAR Govt+5Partners Sari Pul ADEO Takhar ACTED/ADA/ADEO/Christian Aid/COAR/Mission East 1:2,828,966 Uruzgan ADA/ANCC/NCA Govt+6Partners Kilometers Zabul ADA/ANCC 0 30 60 120 180 240 Note: UNICEF Support goes through MRRD and WHO supporting ARCS Province.
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