בס״ד SHAAREI ORAH NEwSlEttER The Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck • 1425 Essex Road, Teaneck NJ, 07666 • 201-833-0800 • www.sephardicteaneck.org

Zmanim & Services Haim Jachter PARASHAT VAYECHI DECEMBER 22, 2018 Personal Reminiscence of Hacham Ben Zion from Loree Cohen of Englewood, New Jersey

Friday Night A number of weeks ago we described the great contribution made by Hacham

Shir Hashirim 4:05 pm to contemporary Sephardic Jewry. this prompted Mrs. Loree Candle Lighting 4:13 pm Cohen of Englewood, New Jersey to describe her family's moving interactions with this Minha 4:15 pm great man. Mrs. Cohen husband, Mr. Elazar (Elie) Cohen and his family had a longtime relationship with Hacham Ben Zion which Mrs. Cohen describes below. followed by Kabbalat / Arvit Rav Abba Shaul, his family and the Cohen family all lived in the neighborhood Shabbat Morning of Bet Israel along Rehov Shmuel HaNavi. Life was precarious in this neighborhood prior to the Six Day War, as it straddled the border with Jordan. This neighborhood is Shaharit 8:30 am where so many of the great of that generation were raised, such as Rav Ovadia Latest Shema 9:36 am Yosef, Rav of , Rav Cohen from Panama, Haham Tzadka Minha 4:00 pm and many more. Today the Mir Yeshiva flourishes in this neighborhood. Rav Manzour Arvit 4:59 pm who attended my grandson Zachary's Bar Mitzvah still lives and his Yeshiva is located Havdala 5:09 pm Parent Child Learning 7:00 pm there. He told us that this neighborhood is built over where the ashes of Korbanot where taken from the Beit HaMikdash. Weekly Schedule The father of Rav Ben Zion Abba Shaul and my father-in-law Binyamin with a Shaharit few others formed the Kehillah Ohel Rahel that is still operated by the Abba Shaul Sunday 7:45 am family. This is where Rav Abba Shaul delivered his weekly Derasha on Shabbat for many years. This is where my brother law, the legendary Hazan Yaacov Cohen learned Mon/Thu 6:20 am the Tefilla that he brought to Englewood. Tue/Wed/Fri 6:30 am

The families were very close. When my husband Elie was born, Rav Abba Minha/Arvit Shaul told Elie's father that since his uncle Elazar had no children, Elie’s father should Sunday 4:10 pm name this son for him. This is why Elie is named Elazar! Over the years we would visit Rav Abba Shaul when we traveled to Israel. On two occasions when Rav Abba Shaul came to America we had the privilege of hosting him at our house in Englewood together with his son, wife and oldest grandson. I took them shopping to Alexander’s Department store that was then located in Paramus. I remember how he wanted his wife Hadas to buy a few dresses (like a sweater dress so that she would be warm). I remember the the extreme Kavod/honor that he showed to her. This occurred approximately in 1980.

Rav Abba Shaul was so humble that he did not want people to stand for him. When he would attend the Beit Kenesset he would wait for the point when everyone was already standing. Only then would he enter the room. He never sought honor; he desired only to study .

My son Ben and daughter Kiki had the great honor to spend Shabbat with Rav Abba Shaul at his home but this occurred after he had already suffered a stroke and was not verbal. My son Ben took him down the steps in a wheel chair with his grandson Benzion to take him to Tefillah.

Still today we remain in touch with many members of the Abba Shaul family. When my son Isaac studied in Israel for the year, one of his teachers was the nephew of Rav Abba Shaul. Our connection with the Abba Shaul family is one of the most special memories of our family!

Congregation Shaarei Orah is an inclusive kehillah, all are welcome regardless of edah or level of observance. בס״ד SHAAREI ORAH NEwSlEttER The Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck • 1425 Essex Road, Teaneck NJ, 07666 • 201-833-0800 • www.sephardicteaneck.org


 Mazal Tov on the birth of a baby boy to Sarah and Mashiah Benson, brother and sister-in-law of Malkie and Peter Benson, Carla and Payam Benson and Ben Benson. Sheyirbu Semahot B'Yisrael!

 Mazal tov to Marcy Goldstein and Eran Bellin on the birth of a granddaughter, Talah Naomi, to Judah and Rivkah Bellin. Mazal Tov to big brother Ben.

 Shaarei Orah is partnering with TEAM Shabbos which is a national movement taking place on Shabbat Parashat Veyhi, December 22, 2018, addressing important end-of-life issues and encouraging our community to take appropriate action. Rabbi Jachter will be discussing this during his morning drasha. For more information on TEAMShabbos visit their website at TEAMShabbos.org.

 Kiddush this Shabbat is sponsored by the kiddush fund. Thanks to all who contribute to the kiddush fund. To donate please visit https://www.sephardicteaneck.org/form/kiddush-fund-donation.html.

 Seudah shelisheet this Shabbat is sponsored by Abby & Hanan Zarfati in memory of Hanan's grandfather, Hananya ben Yaakov and Abby's father Yaakov Emunathel ben Yehuda Leib.

 Parent Child Learning this week is sponsored by Elisheva and Laurent Cohen.

 Thank you to the Kiddush Fund for sponsoring Kiddush last week, thank you to Rebecca and Elliot Anapolle for sponsoring Seudah shelisheet last week, and thank you to Daisy and Alberto Attar for sponsoring parent child learning last week.

 Happy Birthday to Eitan Chechik (Dec 25), Eliyahu Nissim Cohen (Dec 21), Hallel Cohen (Dec 21), Abraham Esses (18 Tevet), Pacey Hornblass (16 Tevet), Benjy Leibowitz (Dec 25), Shoshana Leibowitz (18 Tevet), Eithan Levin (13 Tevet), Ilan Levy (Dec 21), Josiah Pinto (19 Tevet), Elad Shushan (Dec 25) & Sarah Stein (Dec 23).

 Come and participate in our wonderful classes. See details below.

Shaarei Orah Inaugural Dinner

SAVE THE DATE: Dear Members and Friends, It is our pleasure to announce that the Inaugural Shaarei Orah Dinner will take place on Sunday, March 10, 2019, at 5:00pm at Congregation Ahavath Torah in Englewood, New Jersey. We are very excited to recognize the exceptional dedication and meaningful contributions of our Honorees and Awardees.

Our Dinner is also an opportunity to celebrate the past, present and future of our wonderful and Sephardic community. We hope you will join us in expressing our gratitude to our outstanding Honorees and Awardees and to celebrating Shaarei Orah as the center of the Sephardic community in Teaneck. We look forward to personally greeting you on March 10, 2019! RSVP to the dinner here: sephardicteaneck.org/dinner2019. For more information please contact [email protected]. Congregation Shaarei Orah is an inclusive kehillah, all are welcome regardless of edah or level of observance. בס״ד SHAAREI ORAH NEwSlEttER The Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck • 1425 Essex Road, Teaneck NJ, 07666 • 201-833-0800 • www.sephardicteaneck.org A Story – The King and Macaw Parrots Dvar Torah by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

Once upon a time, there was a king who had gone to visit neighboring Before Jacob's death, the Torah tells us: kingdoms. He was gifted a pair of baby Macaw Parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting. They were the most beautiful birds he had ever "And Ya'akov (Jacob) called to his sons, and he said, seen. So, upon returning to his kingdom, he called for a bird trainer and asked him 'Gather together and I will tell you what will befall you in the end of to train macaw parrots. days' " (when the Jewish people will be redeemed from galus/exile) Genesis 49:1. The king also arranged a place in the palace garden for the parrots. He often looked at them from his palace window. As time passed, one day the trainer What did Ya'akov mean when he used the phrase "Gather came to the palace and informed the king that though one of the parrots was flying together"? majestically high in the sky, the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived. When Ya'akov told his sons to gather together he meant Upon hearing this, the king summoned trainer and healers from the that they should have achdus, unity amongst themselves. Only when nearby kingdoms. They all tried their best but couldn’t make the parrot fly! He there is unity among the descendants of Ya'akov can there be even asked his courtiers to try to find a way to make the parrot fly, but they all redemption. If there is not yet unity, it is not yet time for redemption. failed. The parrot was not moving from his branch at all. Finally, after trying everything, the king thought that maybe he needs someone who may be more With this we can understand what Yosef's brothers meant familiar with natural habitat. He asked his courtier to get a farmer from the when they said to him later on (Genesis 50:16-7) that before countryside and take him to the parrot to see if he can understand the problem with Ya'akov's death he requested that Yosef forgive them. Nowhere in the parrot. the Torah is it recorded that Ya'akov asked Yosef to forgive his brothers. However, the commentary of the Shaloh tells us that the The next morning, the king was thrilled to see the parrot flying high answer can be seen in our verse where Ya'akov asks the brothers to above the palace gardens. He asked his servant to call that farmer to meet him. The "Gather together." Ya'akov was asking all of them, including Yosef, servant quickly went and located the farmer, who came and stood before the king. for unity and the deep love that comes from unity. Where there is The king asked him, “How did you make the parrot fly?” love, there is forgiveness.

With his hands folded with respect, the farmer said to the king, “It was This is a crucial issue for our time. People are very different very easy, your majesty. I simply cut the branch where the bird was sitting.” from one another in many ways. However, if all the descendants of

Ya'akov realize how important it is to have achdus, this unity will Moral: We are all gifted with energy to find a success in our life but fail to gather a courage which is required to reach heights of success and end up bring about a love that transcends the specific complaints one person clinging to the things that are familiar to us. We need to free ourselves from our has against another. Judging favorably helps brings unity. comfort zone to explore new opportunities and find a success beyond our capacity. Source – Aish.com

Wisdom of The Week by Ezra Ghazal

To combat a sour attitude, use kind words.

Weekly Riddle Time to Smile

Take off my skin - I won't cry, but you will! What am I? Don't worry if plan A fails, there are 25 more Answer is located on the back sheet, guess before you look!!! letters in the alphabet.


Please be aware that we have children with serious, life-threatening, nut allergies in our synagogue. Due to concerns for nut allergies, Congregation Shaarei Orah is a “nut aware” facility. Accordingly, all food for both public and private events, including our Shabbat youth groups, may not contain nuts or nut products of any kind (this includes products that "may contain" nuts or that were "processed in a facility" that also processes nuts). While each parent is primarily responsible for the safety of his or her children, we do ask that you do not send your children to Shabbat groups with snacks and candy from home and to refrain from bringing in and distributing any food in the synagogue that contains (or may contain) nuts. Your cooperation in keeping our children safe is appreciated.

Also, candy used for any simha, such as bar mitzvah candy bags, must also abide by these guidelines.

If you have any questions about what products are safe and what are prohibited, kindly contact the office at [email protected], prior to bringing into the synagogue. If your child has life threatening allergies of any kind, please let the office know ASAP so we can alert the congregants and youth leaders to help minimize the risk of any harm. Congregation Shaarei Orah is an inclusive kehillah, all are welcome regardless of edah or level of observance. בס״ד SHAAREI ORAH NEwSlEttER The Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck • 1425 Essex Road, Teaneck NJ, 07666 • 201-833-0800 • www.sephardicteaneck.org UPCOMING EVENTS & MORE…

This Shabbat, following Mincha at 4:05pm at Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Ave., Teaneck, Rabbi Jesse Horn will speak on " A Tale of Two Princes; Chumash's Surprising Parallels Between Yosef and Moshe's Lives."

This Shabbat December 21st-22nd, Congregation Rinat Yisrael, 389 W Englewood Ave, Teaneck, will be having Scholar in Residence Dr. Adam Ferziger, Dept. of Jewish History, Bar Ilan University. Friday Night Oneg at 7:30pm: Female Clergy and Male Space: The Ritualization of the Orthodox Rabbi. Shabbat Morning Drasha (8:30 and 9:00 services): Jerusalem and Babylon in the 21st Century - The Relationship between Israeli and American . Shabbat After Mincha: Love and Death: Reform Marriage and Reform Burial in Contemporary Halakhah. On Tuesday, December 25th, please join us for two learning opportunities: Rabbi Daniel Wolf will speak at 8:45am, in Classroom D-E, on "Get Zikkui" - Effecting a Divorce in the Husband's Place. The Daf Yomi group of Cong Rinat Yisrael invite the community to listen to a given by Amitai Ben Dovid, author of the sefer "Sichas Chulin", on Tarfus and , The shiur will take place at 10:00am in the Rinat Social Hall. A nominal $10 contribution is requested and additional sponsorships are welcome.

Beth Aaron's learning program is held on Sunday mornings following the 8:00 a.m. minyan. A light breakfast is served. This Sunday, December 23, the shiur will be given by Rav Aryeh Lebowitz, Mara di-Atra of Beit Hakneset of North Woodmere and Senior Magid Shiur. During the seder, in preparation for Rav Lebowitz's shiur, there will be a chaburah led by Rabbi Gabay that will go through the sources, as well as the option to learn with a chevruta. Seder will begin at 9:00 a.m. Register at www.bethaaron.org/form/Shivti.html. For more information, please contact Mordy Ungar, 201-741- 3920, [email protected].

Congregation Bnai Yeshurun, 641 West Englewood Ave., Teaneck invites everyone to breakfast and shiur on the upcoming legal holidays. Complimentary breakfast will be served following the 8:00am minyan. Shiur at 9:00am. Tuesday, December 25th: Rabbi Moshe Benovitz: Comfort at What Cost? Amazon Prime in an Age of Growth and Redemption Tuesday, January 1st: Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz: Segulos and Superstitions. To join our list of sponsors please contact [email protected] or 201.836.8916

AMIT Hindy Weinstock Geula Chapter invites you to Monte Carlo Night on Saturday, December 29 at 8:30 pm at the home of Annie & Yale Baron in Teaneck. For more information and to make a reservation, go to www.amitchildren.org/Teaneck or contact Genene Kaye [email protected].

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky will be leading a Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Jewish Heritage Trip to Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus from May 13-20, 2019. We will be exploring Riga, Dvinsk, Boisk, Vilna, Kovno, Radin and Volozhin, among other places. Shabbat will be celebrated in Vilna. The resident historian will be Rav Avraham Krieger, founder of Shem Olam. There are about ten spots left, and we invite members of the community to join. Those interested should contact Rabbi Pruzansky at [email protected] or log onto http://heritageseminars.org/eventsarchive/congregation-bnei- yeshurun-seminar/

CCSA welcomes any family member with a loved one suffering from addiction and substance abuse issues to our local support group, which meets every other Wednesday evening in Teaneck. The group is free of charge and is facilitated by clinicians specializing in addiction. For more information and the location of the meeting, please email [email protected].

*** Answer to the Weekly Riddle – An onion..***


 Rabbi Jachter: - Shabbat morning Pre-Sha’harit Humash Shiur at 8:30am - Shabbat afternoon shiur on Hilchot Shabbat: 40 min before Minha - Thursday evenings at 7:30pm at 315 Churchill Road on Torah & Science.

 Rabbi Michael Chernlck: Hilchot Yom Tov, Tuesday night, 8:15 pm

Shaarei Orah Contact Information

Thank YOU for joining Tefilot @ Shaarei Orah. Please mail all donations & payments to: Shaarei Orah – 1425 Essex Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666 or online at www.sephardicteaneck.org

Tizku L’mitzvot!!! To sponsor any event, send a donation card, place an ad in the newsletter or to receive our weekly newsletter by email please contact [email protected] or call 201-833-0800. Shorashai Orah, the sisterhood of Shaarei Orah contact: [email protected] RABBI: Rav Haim Jachter - [email protected] President: Joshua Murad - [email protected] Vice President: Shlomo Levy | Treasurer: Isaac Dayan | Secretary: Blanche Silver | Gabbai: Shalom Shushan Billing questions contact: [email protected] Congregation Shaarei Orah is an inclusive kehillah, all are welcome regardless of edah or level of observance.