
St. Francis of Assisi

Catholic Church A Chapel of the Diocese of Lincoln, NE served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) dedicated to the Traditional Latin and according to the 1962 Missal of Pope St John XXIII 1145 South Street, Lincoln, NE 68502 Church Office: (402) 477-5145 Emergency Cell: (402) 417-5091 Website: www.stfrancislincoln.org

Rector: Rev. Matthew J McCarthy @stfrancislincoln.org Secretary: Mrs. Kristine Mulholland [email protected]

Easter Sunday April 12 – 18, 2020

Parish Groups & Contacts St. Martha’s Guild: (Care of Altar, vestments, linens, flowers and hospitality) Mrs. Cambria Watson, President Email: [email protected] Confraternity of Christian Mothers: Mrs. Megan Livingston, President Email: [email protected] St. Francis of Assisi Choir: Mr. Nicholas Lemme, Director Email: [email protected] Knights of Columbus Mr. Michael Lee Bruns, G. Knight Email: [email protected] St. Dominic Savio Youth Group Andrew & Cambria Watson Email: [email protected] Announcements and Upcoming Events Fr. McCarthy wishes for all the St Francis associates a peaceful and joyful Easter season celebrating the Resurrection of Our Lord. Volunteers: Fr McCarthy offers sincere thanks to all those who throughout the year freely give of their valuable time, without whom this church could not function, including in no particular order: those who care for the altar, choir, MCs and altar servers, office volunteers, collection counters, ushers, those who staff socials after Mass, those who clean the church, those who provide meals, those who do maintenance jobs, those who help out in any number of hidden ways. May God reward your zeal. The Parish Offices will be closed Mon-Wed inc. of this week. Please do not expect replies to phone calls or emails. Diocesan Updates: Please be sure to consult the Lincoln Diocese website frequently for any updates in response to the Coronavirus situation. LiveMass http://livemass.net/ can be used to assist virtually at daily Mass. St Francis Chapel Live-Stream Sunday Mass via the St Francis Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StFrancisLincoln/ St Francis Church will be open each weekday from 9am-1pm. Associates may gain entry to the church 8am-5pm through the rear/south door. Anyone needing access to the church otherwise should contact the Rector. Associates should contact the Rector for /Holy Communion. Please realize that practically this will be limited to once a week per family. Submitted Mass Intentions will continue to be scheduled/offered each weekday with the additional intention Pro Populo. Easter Duty: All are reminded of the obligation for Catholics, once having made First Holy Communion, to receive Holy Communion during the Easter season, which is understood in the United States as being between the First Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday (the Sunday after Pentecost).

Financial Contributions: please be aware that bills for the upkeep of the chapel still must be paid. Envelopes always can be mailed/brought to the church, but this would be a good time to consider some form of automatic payment such as having your bank send a regular check. Thank you for your generosity. Today - Members of the Angelic Warfare Confraternity are eligible to receive a plenary under the usual conditions. Please Pray for the Sick and Suffering: Sr. Stephen Larson OSB, Nicolas Hambalek Jennifer Wachter, Michael Ostry, Fr. Calvin Goodwin FSSP, Patrick Hornback, Ruth Phelan, Barbara McMeekin, Fr. Phillip Johnson, Mary Hertz. Divini Redemptoris On Atheistic Communism Pope Pius XI - 1937 Even where the scourge of Communism has not yet had time enough to exercise to the full its logical effects, as witness Our beloved Spain, it has, alas, found compensation in the fiercer violence of its attack. Not only this or that church or isolated monastery was sacked, but as far as possible every church and every monastery was destroyed. Every vestige of the Christian religion was eradicated, even though intimately linked with the rarest monuments of art and science. The fury of Communism has not confined itself to the indiscriminate slaughter of bishops, of thousands of and religious of both sexes; it searches out above all those who have been devoting their lives to the welfare of the working classes and the poor. But the majority of its victims have been laymen of all conditions and classes. Even up to the present moment, masses of them are slain almost daily for no other offense than the fact that they are good Christians or at least opposed to atheistic Communism. And this fearful destruction has been carried out with a hatred and a savage barbarity one would not have believed possible in our age. No man of good sense, nor any statesman conscious of his responsibility can fail to shudder at the thought that what is happening today in Spain may perhaps be repeated tomorrow in other civilized countries. Nor can it be said that these atrocities are a transitory phenomenon, the usual accompaniment of all great revolutions, the isolated excesses common to every war. No, they are the natural fruit of a system which lacks all inner restraint. Some restraint is necessary for man considered either as an individual or in society. Even the barbaric peoples had this inner check in the natural law written by God in the heart of every man. And where this natural law was held in higher esteem, ancient nations rose to a grandeur that still fascinates - more than it should - certain superficial students of human history. But tear the very idea of God from the hearts of men, and they are necessarily urged by their passions to the most atrocious barbarity. . Liturgical Calendar

Sun Apr 12 Easter Sunday (9:00am) Pope Francis Mon Apr 13 Easter Monday Private Mass Intentions of Easter Flower Donors Tue Apr 14 Easter Tuesday Private Mass Closure PP Clinic Wed Apr 15 Easter Wednesday Private Mass Larry Vilda+ (Joann Vilda) Thu Apr 16 Easter Thursday Private Mass Fr. Frank Hoelck+ (Colleen Kessler) Fri Apr 17 Easter Friday Private Mass Justin McCarthy Sat Apr 18 Easter Saturday Private Mass Joseph Kessler+ (Tony Kessler) Sun Apr 19 Low Sunday (Divine Mercy Sunday) (9:00am) Pro Populo

Confessions: for 20 mins before weekday Masses, 30 mins on Sunday. The Rosary: 30 mins before each Sunday Mass. Dolor Rosary: 20 mins before the end of Friday Exposition. : Please contact the rector at least four weeks in advance. Marriages: Please contact the rector at least six months in advance.

Weekly Collection April 5: $3580.00 Holy Land: $ 30.00