Teachings on Spiritual Life
SAINT JOHN BOSCO TEACHINGS ON SPIRITUAL LIFE An anthology Introduction and notes by Aldo Giraudo LAS – ROME Introduction Aldo GIRAUDO, sdb Which of his writings best portray Saint John Bosco as a teacher of inner life and give us, if not all of his “spiritual doctrine",1 at least the most characteristic features of his spirituality, that fertile flow of good fruits we think of as a “school of holiness valid for every state of life”?2 The question is pertinent since not only did Don Bosco, like St Alphonsus, not leave behind pages revealing the intimacy of his being; he also did not consider bringing together a systematic picture of a spirituality, as we would call it today, or an ascetica, as he would have called it in his era: a harmonious set of spiritual reflections. Certainly he gave us splendid testimonies, few and modest as they were, of the spiritual life of others. He saw them in action and was himself a concomitant factor for them: Louis Comollo, Dominic Savio, Michael Magone, Francis Besucco.3 Though in narrative form and written to edify, these documents do highlight inner experiences and essential features of Christian spirituality as proposed for young people. A study of these biographical sketches, the inner pursuits of their youthful characters, and the general atmosphere of growth and development in the educational setting, in the community which was the context in which their spiritual adventure unfolded, allows us to garner the essential features of a model of youthful holiness, and the salient principles of a vade-mecum of ascetics comparable with the Introduction to the Devout Life by St Francis de Sales.
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