h e Reg ister January 22, 2021 CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF SALINA The Search: God seeks you first f I took a poll of grandparents mother’s wombs (Psalm 139). Series begins on Ash Wednesday throughout the diocese and asked Second, we hide our faces from God, them what weighs most heavily on much like Adam and Eve did after they tIheir hearts, I think many of them would sinned. Oftentimes, when people fall into answer it is the fact their children and sin, the shame can be so prevalent that grandchildren have either left the Catholic one may feel like God could not possibly Church or do not practice any Christian love them anymore. This is not true. God faith whatsoever. never tires of forgiving us, and he desires Why do people leave the Catholic to bestow his mercy upon us whenever we Church or cease to prac - turn back to him. tice the Christian faith? Third, we run after idols The Catechism of the Bishop thinking wealth and health states Jerry will fulfill us and will some - that “man may forget his Vincke how keep us from dying. Creator, hide far from his And finally, there are Diocese of Salina face; he may run after times when we feel aban - idols or accuse the deity of doned by God, especially having abandoned him; yet when difficulties arise in our the living and true God tirelessly calls life or when someone we love dies. each person to that mysterious encounter Despite any reason a person chooses to known as prayer. In prayer, the faithful cease participating in the faith, God pur - God’s initiative of love always comes first; sues all of us and desires to be in eternal our own step is always a response.” (CCC communion with every person he has cre - 2567) ated. Breaking this down, we find four com - Just as Jesus went after the lost sheep, mon themes found in our culture today. we are called to do the same. First, we forget God is our Creator, that God knew us before he formed us in our Please see SEARCH / Page 12

Pope Francis Pope declares 2021 Year of St. Joseph arrives in procession By Bishop Jerry Vincke The Holy Father also wrote nonetheless played “an incompa - to celebrate “We can have recourse to many Patris Corde (With a Father’s rable role in the history of salva - on as our intercessors, but go Heart) on St. Joseph. He wrote tion.” the feast of especially to St. Joseph.” the apostolic letter against the Pope Francis has established a the St. Teresa of Avila backdrop of the Covid-19 pan - Year of St. Joseph so “every Epiphany in demic. He says the pandemic has member of the faithful, following St. Peter’s I was excited to hear Pope helped us see more clearly the his example, may strengthen Basilica at Francis announced a Year of St. importance of “ordinary” people their life of faith daily in the com - the Vatican Joseph in honor of the 150th who, though far from the lime - plete fulfillment of God’s will.” on Jan. 6. anniversary of the ’s procla - light, exercise patience and offer I invite all of you to look over Photo by Paul mation as patron of the universal hope every day. In this way, they the plenary listed on Haring, Church. The Year of St. Joseph resemble Saint Joseph, “the man the following page. Catholic News began Dec. 8, 2020, and con - who goes unnoticed, a daily, dis - Service cludes Dec. 8, 2021. creet and hidden presence,” who Please see ST. JOSEPH / Page 14

Ash Call to Time to Wednesday Share celebrate Feb. 17 marks the Join in the mission. Catholic Schools beginning of Lent, Page 3 Week kicks off continuing until Holy Jan. 31. Thursday, April 1. Page 6 2 January 22, 2021 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, Answers to ethical questions about COVID-19 vaccines Special to The Register The development of vac - cines to combat the COVID- 19 pandemic has received much public attention and raised several ethical ques - tions related to their devel - opment and use. This docu - ment is intended to provide concise answers to some of those ethical questions as Hoefer well as links to more in- depth resources. Stained Glass Is it true there is a • Restoration of Antique Stained connection between a and Painted Glass some vaccines and abor - Ciro De Luca, Reuters via Catholic News Service • Custom Designed of ofNew New tion? Health care workers prepare doses of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 S Stained Glass Windows Yes. Several decades ago, on Jan. 8 at a vaccination center in Naples, . tissue harvested from the Customer Care and bodies of aborted babies was cine’s efficacy, and some are receive any of the clinically Quality Craftsmanship used to create certain cell using such cell lines in the recommended vaccines in lines for research purposes. development or the produc - good conscience with the 1-800-663-8020 The cells in these lines are, tion phases. There are cur - assurance that reception of 910 S. Main • South Hutchinson in effect, the rently two vac - such vaccines does not Vi sit o ur websit e; Vie w o ur j ob sites descendants Where can I find more cines (Pfizer involve immoral cooperation of those cells information on this topic? and Moderna) in abortion. that were • United States being distrib - Is there a moral oblig - originally Conference of Catholic uted for use in ation to receive a harvested. Bishops, the United COVID-19 vaccination? They have States, and The Congregation for the been made to dical-research. there are oth - Doctrine of the Faith has replicate • National Catholic ers that are noted recently that “vaccina - themselves, Bioethics Center, likely to be tion is not, as a rule, a moral RReeeliliigggioiouuss GGififftftsttss made avail - obligation and that, there - For All Occasions: and some cell able in the fore, it must be voluntary. In ~ Confirmationon ~ ~ RCIAA ~ Wedding lines can be • Charlotte Lozier Institute, coming any case, from the ethical reproduced months (e.g., point of view, the morality of indefinitely. ory/genetics. These abor - AstraZeneca, vaccination depends not only tion-derived Janssen, etc.). on the duty to protect one’s cell lines are used as a “facto - Neither Pfizer nor Moderna own health but also on the ry” to manufacture certain used an abortion-derived cell duty to pursue the common Phone:e: (816) 363-2828 vaccines (e.g. rubella, chick - line in the development or good.” And it said that “in Nationwide TollToll Free Order Desk: (800) 821-5372 enpox, some of the COVID- production of the vaccine. the absence of other means 19 vaccines, etc.). The cells However, such a cell line was to stop or even prevent the Visit our online catalog at: themselves, however, are not used to test the efficacy of epidemic” vaccination may present in the vaccines that both vaccines. Thus, while promote the common good, patients receive. neither vaccine is completely “especially to protect the What does the Church free from any use of abor - weakest and most exposed.” say about abortion- tion-derived cell lines, in For a vaccine to be effective derived cell lines and these two cases the use is in protecting society, most their connection to vac - very remote from the initial people need to be vaccinated cines? evil of the abortion. The in order to break the chain of The Holy See, through the AstraZeneca and Janssen disease transmission from Congregation for the Doc - vaccines raise additional person to person throughout trine of the Faith and the moral concerns because an the community. The Congre - Pontifical Academy for Life, abortion-derived cell line is gation also said those who has provided guidance on used not only for testing, but refuse to get vaccinated must this topic on four occasions. also in development and pro - do their utmost, by taking all This guidance has made it duction. the necessary precautions, to clear it is wrong to create Is it morally accept - avoid “becoming vehicles for abortion-derived cell lines able to receive a COVID- the transmission of the infec - and for pharmaceutical com - 19 vaccine that uses tious agent. In particular, panies to utilize them, that abortion-derived cell they must avoid any risk to the use of vaccines produced lines? the health of those who can - with such cell lines should be Given the COVID-19 virus not be vaccinated for medical avoided if comparable alter - can involve serious health or other reasons, and who natives with no connection risks, it can be morally are the most vulnerable.” to abortion are available, acceptable to receive a vac - What can those who that grave reasons (e.g., seri - cine that uses abortion- uphold the sanctity of ous health risks) may justify derived cell lines if there are life do to protest against the use of vaccines produced no other available vaccines the use of abortion- compromiso para sanar with these cell lines when comparable in safety and derived cell lines and If you have been abused or victimized by Si has sido abusado o fuiste víctima de there are no such alterna - efficacy with no connection advocate for ethical vac - someone representing the Catholic Church alguien que represente a la Iglesia católica tives, and that everyone con - to abortion. If it is possible cines? … Please believe in the possibility for hope ... Cree en la posibilidad para la esperanza, cerned for the sanctity of life to choose among a number First, inform yourself and and help and healing. We encourage you to la ayuda y la sanación. Ven y cuéntanos tu come forward and speak out. Our victim problema. La coordinadora víctima should protest the use of of equally safe and effective others about how some vac - assistance coordinator is available to obtain estará disponible para atenderte en tus these cell lines and advocate COVID-19 vaccines, the vac - cines are connected to abor - support for your needs, to help you make a necesidades, para ayudarte a presentar4/15/2014 una 3:41 P for the development of vac - cine with the least connec - tion through the use of abor - formal complaint of abuse to the proper queja formal de abuso ante la diócesis y tion to abortion-derived cell tion-derived cell lines, and authorities and to arrange a personal meet - para que veas personalmente al obispo o cines with no connection to ing with the bishop or his representative, if su representante, si así lo deseas. abortion. lines should be chosen. If a about which vaccines use you desire. La coordinadora para la diócesis de Salina Do COVID-19 vaccines vaccine with no connection such cell lines. Second, The victim assistance coordinator for the es Maria Cheney. Puedes contactarla al use abortion-derived cell to abortion-derived cell lines inform your doctor about Diocese of Salina: 866-752-8855 #1067 o P.O. Box 2984, lines? is not readily available, vac - this connection and ask him Maria Cheney, LSCSW Salina, KS 67402. cines that used such cell or her to provide ethical vac - Contact her at 866-752-8855 #1067 or [email protected] As of the date of this writ - P.O. Box 2984, Salina, KS 67402 or ing, hundreds of vaccines for lines only for testing would cines, when possible. Third, [email protected] or Secretaría de Protección de Niños y Jóvenes, COVID-19 are in develop - be preferable to those that urge pharmaceutical compa - La Conferencia de Obispos Católicos ment worldwide, and more use such cell lines for ongo - nies and medical researchers Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection, than a dozen are in the final ing production. Such choices to discontinue using abor - U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops El Servicio de Denuncias de Abusos de Obispos Católicos : stages of testing. Some don’t may not be possible, howev - tion-derived cell lines, and Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service: 800-276-1562 or use abortion-derived cell er, especially in the early thank them when they do. 800-276-1562 or lines at all, some have used stages of vaccine distribu - such cell lines to test the vac - tion. In that case, one may Please see VACCINES / Page 15 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, January 22, 2021 3


February 2021 Please consider joining me

1-6 Catholic Schools Week celebrated with Masses 1 11:15 a.m., Sacred Heart Cathedral, Salina. in the Call to Share appeal 1 2:15 p.m., St. Andrew, Abilene. 2 9 a.m., St. Thomas More, Manhattan. Dear Brothers and Sis - take some time to 2 1:30 p.m., St. Francis Xavier, Junction City. ters in Christ, • Listen and learn — become more informed 3 8:20 a.m., St. John the Baptist, Hanover. Our diocese is one fami - about what is needed, why 4 8:30 a.m., St. Joseph, Oakley. ly. As Kansas Catholics, and where the Bishop’s 4 10:30 a.m., Sacred Heart, Colby. we are called to share our Annual Appeal funds will be 4 1:45 p.m., Sacred Heart, Plainville. gifts with each other as we spent. Take a moment to 5 8 a.m., St. Mary, Ellis. grow in our one faith. You understand its impact on 5 10 a.m., TMP-Marian, Hays. make a difference in peo - you, your and our 5 SEEK 21 Mass, 6 p.m., St. Isidore, Manhattan. ples lives when you sup - diocese. 6 SEEK 21, St. Isidore, Manhattan. port the Bishop’s Annual • Pray and discuss — 7 Confirmation, 10 a.m., Basilica of St. Fidelis, Victoria. Appeal — Call to Share. spend some time in prayer. 9 White Mass, 6 p.m., St. Thomas More, Manhattan. In the coming weeks, Ask yourself how you can 10 Confirmation, 6 p.m., St. Andrew, Abilene. you will receive a special join us as a missionary disci - 14 Confirmation, noon, St. John the Baptist, Beloit. edition of faith magazine ple. Discuss it with your 17 Ash Wednesday that will provide more information about family. 19 Friday Lent Mass, 12:10 p.m., Sacred Heart the annual appeal. I hope you take the • Decide and act — once you have dis - Cathedral, Salina. opportunity to look through the maga - cerned how you can best help, act upon 20 Confirmation, 5:30 p.m., Christ the King, WaKeeney. zine and learn about the important work your decision. 21 Confirmation, 10:30 a.m., St. Joseph, Oakley. of our appeal. As Catholics, as a Church, as a parish, 26 Friday Lent Mass, 12:10 p.m., Sacred Heart The annual appeal is a call to share we must recognize Christ’s call to be Cathedral, Salina. your gifts of treasure in support of dioce - missionary disciples who witness by 28 Confirmation, 10 a.m., Immaculate Heart of Mary, san ministries. Your gifts are used to faith, hope and love. We express our love Hill City. educate our seminarians, provide retire - of Christ through our charity, our com - ment and healthcare for the clergy who passion and our willingness to grow in have faithfully served us, support the our mission. The appeal is an opportuni - religious education of our youth, ty to celebrate God’s good gifts with grat - enhance our evangelization and commu - itude and generosity. nication efforts, as well as provide vari - I am so grateful for our shared faith OFFICIAL ous other ministries from the diocese. and belief in the need of our ministries. I Soon, you will receive a letter from me am asking you to prayerfully consider a inviting you to join in the mission of our gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal — Call diocese through a financial contribution to Share. This year, our goal is to raise to the appeal. Thank you for taking the $1.85 million. You are important to the time to prayerfully consider your capaci - ministries this appeal supports and the ty to respond generously. people it impacts. Thank you for your As you discern, I encourage you to faithfulness and generosity.

In Christ’s service,

The following clergy appointments are effective Dec. 17, 2020: CHAPLAIN The Most Rev. Gerald L. Vincke • Bishop of Salina

Father Justin Palmer, Father Leo Blasi, Chaplain of Chaplain at Salina Courage and Encourage Regional Health Center Apostolates in the in Salina, with residence Diocese of Salina, while Time to answer call for diocese at Sacred Heart retaining duties in By Katie Greenwood retired clergy and 56 active Cathedral. Plainville. • To learn more, visit . The appeal bears wit - In Bishop Vincke’s column, ness to hope through evange - he says “we are called to be development/bishops-annual- lization efforts such as Family disciples of Jesus who are on appeal/ Life, Hispanic and Rural Life a mission to bring others to • To make an online gift, visit Most Rev. Gerald L. Vincke Witnessed by ministries. The appeal bears him.” One way to bring oth - Bishop of Salina Diocese Corey Lyon, Chancellor witness to love by providing ers to Jesus is through wit - • To make a gift through opportunities for faith educa - nessing by faith, hope and appreciated stocks, IRAs or tion for children, youth, love. commodities, contact Beth adults and clergy, as well as The 2021 Bishop’s Annual Shearer, director of supporting diocesan opera - Appeal — Call to Share — stewardship and development, tions and national collections. begins Feb. 6 across the Sali - at (785) 827-8746 x 42 or Together, the lay faithful FEBRUARY PRAYER na Diocese. The appeal quote [email protected] is from 1 Corinthians 9:23 “I and the diocese bear witness INTENTION do all this for the sake of the by faith, hope and love. Every gospel, that I may share in its sion of the diocese to be a dis - gift, no matter the amount, is The Holy Father entrusts of violence, that they blessings.” ciple who witnesses by faith, vital to the success of the Sali - the Apostleship of Prayer to may be protected by The diocese exists solely to hope and love. na Diocese. In the coming publicize his prayer inten - society and have their serve the needs of the lay Diocesan leadership estab - weeks, each registered parish - tions for the good of the sufferings considered faithful and its 86 , lished a goal of $1.85 million ioner will receive a special world and the Church. and heeded. while bringing them to Christ. for the appeal. The appeal issue of faith magazine that Just as every individual is bears witness to faith by sup - will provide more details. Universal Intention Apostleship of Prayer called to be a missionary dis - porting the vocational dis - Additionally, every registered 1501 S. Layton Blvd. VIOLENCE AGAINST ciple, so too is the diocese. cernment of seven seminari - parishioner will receive a let - Milwaukee, WI 53215-1924 WOMEN . We pray for Making a gift to the Bishop’s ans and the healthcare and ter and informational packet women who are victims Annual Appeal funds the mis - retirement expenses of 16 from Bishop Vincke.

Mailing label update Please make the correction on this form and return to: th e Reg ister The Register, P.O. Box 1038, Salina, KS 67402-1038 Official newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Salina Vol. 84, No. 1 or online: Publisher: Most Rev. Gerald L. Vincke, Bishop of Salina The Register (USPS 397-740) is published the fourth Friday of Attach old mailing label here the month by the Catholic Diocese of Salina, 103 N. Ninth, Editor: [email protected] Salina, KS, 67401-2503 and is mailed to all registered and print the corrected information below. Advertising /Circulation: Brenda Streit, [email protected] parishioners in the diocese. A $25 annual subscription is Name Business Manager: Jennifer Hood, [email protected] required for all others. Periodical postage paid at Salina, P.O. Box 1038, Salina, KS 67402-1038 Kansas, and at additional mailing offices. Address Postmaster: Send address changes to (785) 827-8746, Fax (785) 827-6133 The Register, P.O. Box 1038, Salina, Kansas, 67402-1038. City State ZIP Our next issue is dated Feb. 26. Supported by an endowment established by Msgr. Raymond Menard (1912-2006), Deadline for news is Feb. 1. Parish (if in the Salina Diocese) editor of The Register, 1944-1971 and 1975-2006. Deadline for advertising is Feb. 1. Email: 4 January 22, 2021 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, Catholics in the public square

THE CATHOLIC Church’s that seeks to undermine the COVID environment, such as “payday loan” industry that social teachings, like the Chuck proper understanding of limiting church attendance or we deem to be predatory and Gospel message itself, are marriage as well as human other religious gatherings. hurtful to the dignity of fami - intended for all people, not Weber sexuality. Here are some of the other lies under financial duress. just Catholics. Its priorities Kansas Catholic legislative priorities of the We will continue to do so. don’t fit neatly into any politi - Conference THE INCOMING presiden - Kansas Catholic bishops: • The political reality is cal party affiliation. The tial administration is using • We will continue to lobby that Medicaid Expansion in Kansas Catholic Conference “gender ideology” to justify Kansas’ federal officials for Kansas is in all likelihood (KCC) is the public policy means abortion in Kansas is legislation deceptively called greater justice for the immi - dead on arrival for 2021. arm of the Catholic bishops virtually unlimited and the “Equality Act.” If adopted, grant. The KCC decried the Undeterred, the KCC is pro - of Kansas, tasked with carry - unregulated. Passing VTB this policy would add “sexual outgoing presidential admin - moting legislation leading to ing out their legislative priori - effectively reverses the court orientation” and “gender istration’s rhetoric and posi - greater healthcare access at ties for the common good on ruling and once again allows identity” as protected classes, tion on immigration reform. lower costs. the state and federal level. enforcement of reasonable creating a number of harms, We continue to call for reso - • Promoting educational So, what are the conse - Kansas laws protecting including unequal playing lution of issues like DACA opportunity for low-income quences of the 2020 elections mothers and babies. VTB fields for women and girls in (“Deferred Action for Child - families who too often get for the Church’s priorities? takes on added significance athletics, education and busi - hood Arrivals”). short-changed in the class - First, most significantly, because the incoming presi - ness. • The KCC has consistently room continues to be a KCC prospects have improved for dential administration favors This way of thinking about opposed and testified against priority. the top state legislative priori - federal taxpayer-funded the human person is a direct federal and state-sponsored Please pray for our elected ty of the Kansas bishops — abortion. contradiction to Catholic executions and will continue officials as they seek the com - adoption of the Value Them Other threats loom. Pope teaching on marriage, the to do so. mon good in 2021. Mary, Both (VTB) state constitu - Francis has consistently family and human sexuality. • The KCC was front and Untier of Knots, pray for us! tional amendment for life. warned the faithful about the There is also deep concern center in Topeka during the VTB is necessary because about continued threats to last legislative session press - Chuck Weber is the executive director of harms of the so-called “gen - the Kansas Catholic Conference, the pub - a State Supreme Court ruling der ideology” way of thinking religious freedom in today’s ing for reform of the so-called lic policy arm of the four Kansas bishops. Finding your childlike faith for the new year

A MESSAGE CONVEYED by Father instructing them to flee to Egypt. We My thoughts circle back to Father So trust and be no more afraid than a Rob Hausladen during his on know that, several decades later, Rob’s message about how Mary got child would be, who places its tan - the Feast of the Immaculate Concep - Mary watched her son be beaten, by—with pure faith in God and trust gled skein of wool in the hands of a tion has been lingering in my brain, mocked and left to die on a cross in his will, even when she didn’t loving mother and runs out to play, especially as we begin a new calendar with nail marks through his flesh. know what the next turn of events pleasing the mother more by its year. We recently celebrated the Solem - would bring. unquestioning confidence than if it My takeaway from nity of Mary, Mother Mary’s trust is what I pray to mod - went down on its knees and implored his sermon that day was of God, on the first el and cling to in the New Year. I her help, which would pain her the clear and concise. Mary day of January, and I know I will fail and be startled by rather, as it would imply she was not genuinely trusted. Patti Lamb can’t think of a better curve balls, but my hope is to find eager to help when help was need -

When the angel depart - Archdiocese way to embrace a new the spiritual strength to echo Mary’s ed.” ed from her, he didn’t of Indianapolis year, reminded to faith when she said, “Behold, I am Recently, my brother and sister- leave her with a play - trust like Mary. That the handmaid of the Lord. May it be in-law loaded their three grandkids book outlining the next same day, I opened a done to me according to your word into the van after Mass. As each was 30-plus years of her life. 2021 calendar, and (Luke 1:38).” busy buckling a child into a car seat, Even as the mother of Jesus, she did - began to write in birthdays, appoint - I’m learning that’s the kind of that left Cooper, a toddler, waiting n’t receive inside information as to ments and other important events in faith to which we’re ultimately called. for his turn. He stood there, bawling, how everything would unfold for the the year to come. As much as I’m It’s about believing when we don’t with his arms raised up to my broth - glory of God and the salvation of ready to close the books on 2020, the understand, as my Aunt Dolores er, as if to say, “Take care of me, humankind. uncertainty of what’s to come left me used to say. Trust over circum - Papa.” When she was about to give birth, uneasy, and I felt a wave of anxiety. stances. Here’s to embracing childlike there was no room at the inn, so she Unexpected events occurred in An entry from the devotional God faith, modeled best by our Blessed birthed a king in a manger in the 2020 for all of us, and while it’s nice Calling says: “It is not passionate Mother Mary, in 2021. company of livestock. As if that was - to start a new chapter with 2021, I appeal that gains the Divine Ear, so Patti Lamb is a freelance writer from Plainfield, Ind. n’t enough of a surprise, then she think we’re all a bit weary from these much as the quiet placing of the diffi - Her columns appear in The Criterion, the newspa - and Joseph trusted an angel, last 12 months. culty and worry in the Divine Hands. per of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Register editor moves to new position at university “H OLY SPIRIT , I GIVE you tion, which encourages its and I know how much pride While I didn’t manage to hit permission to work in my students to grow not only towns take in their identity. every single one of the 86 life.” Karen academically, but spiritually. Being able to showcase some churches, I think I managed This is a mantra I have Bonar of our smaller parishes was a to visit 55 of them. The good heard Bishop Jerry Vincke AS I AM CLOSING ONE priority for me. Register news is that my family and I repeat over and over since his editor chapter and embarking upon I have also been excited to are staying put in Salina, and ordination and installation as a new one, it feels impossible utilize the newspaper to help once COVID-19 related issues our bishop. It’s a simple to avoid looking back. I sim - expand and deepen prayer calm down, I do intend to vis - prayer, and one I didn’t give ply pray God doesn’t turn me experiences for our readers. it the final churches on my much thought to. Until 2020. lot of time working on pho - into a pillar of salt, a la Lot’s You might remember in list. I had no idea when I began tos, which excites me wife! December, when we pub - As I shared the news of my to pray, giving the spirit per - immensely, since my passion I was humbled when the lished our second annual departure with colleagues, a mission to act, that the is photojournalism. previous editor, Doug Weller, Advent Calendar. This is a chorus I heard repeatedly answer would be for me to At first glance, it might asked if I would be interested beautiful invitation to prayer. was, “Thank goodness you’re depart from my position as seem odd for a Catholic edi - in assuming the duties as the Another example is the not leaving Salina, we can editor of The Register. Yes, tor to move to a United editor of The Register in Stations of the Cross, which I still see plenty of you!” ... we all read that correctly. The Methodist university. Believe 2016. He modernized this began including several years Which is the exact sentiment December 2020 newspaper me, it surprised me, too! I newspaper, and I strove to ago. Initially, my intention I have for you, my dear read - was the final full issue I com - repeatedly prayed, telling build upon the strong frame - was that home-bound readers ers. When I began as the edi - pleted as the editor. (I God where I felt my heart work he created. might enjoy reading them. To tor of this newspaper, I never worked ahead to have the While I was excited, I was my surprise, parents with being called, and asking if realized the relationship and Catholic Schools Week stories nervous, too. I was the sec - young children reached out, this could really be what he is bond that would be forged completed, but I did not her - ond non-clergy editor of The expressing gratitude to have a asking of me. Over and over, with many of you. I’ve been ald this newspaper to press.) Register, and the first tool to use to share the pas - the path was affirmed. I was so enriched by the generosity, I began on Jan. 4 as the being asked to move away woman. Thankfully, I was sion and death of Christ with kindness and trust you have assistant director of commu - from the diocese, and specifi - received with much warmth their children. My own son shown me over the years. I nications for Kansas Wes - cally to KWU. from readers and religious has even enjoyed learning realize what an honor it is to leyan University here in Sali - As I began the transition, I alike. and praying the stations over earn this trust, and please na. It’s exciting and nerve- was stunned to learn that as One highlight as I look the years! know it is something I will wracking all at the same time. many as one quarter of the back is the effort to include One aspect of the Stations take with me as I move for - I’m excited to help tell their student population is many of our small towns and project was traveling around story in words and pictures, Catholic! It’s exciting to think tiny parishes. My first job out and photographing stations ward. similarly to what I’ve done of college was as a photojour - Karen Bonar was the editor of The Regis - I’ll be working in an environ - and stained glass windows in ter from 2016-20 and is a parishioner of here. I anticipate I’ll spend a ment with a religious founda - nalist in a small community, churches across the diocese. St. Mary, Queen of the Universe in Salina. The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, January 22, 2021 5

Simple. Sacred.

ven the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in God’s own image, destined to live for ever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” Li — POPEe FRANCIS “ to the Bishops of Ireland, E Scotland, and Wales, July 17, 2013 f

Please join the Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia in prayer for the sanctity of all human life. 6 January 22, 2021 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Oakley / St. Joseph Grade School

On Oct. 7, which is the Feast of , students at St. Joseph Grade School in Oakley gathered outside to pray the rosary. The students gathered around a fire pit, and their prayer intentions from the current and previous school year were burned as part of the service.

By Karen Bonar On Tuesday and Thursday, St. Joseph Grade it is for Mass as a school. Monday, Wednesday and School • Oakley OAKLEY — On a bright 1962 Fridays are for a prayer ser - Year founded: afternoon in October, stu - Pre K-5 vice. Grades: dents at St. Joseph Grade Enrollment: 60 students School gathered in the after - During the prayer service, noon sunshine to pray the students have an opportuni - rosary. ty to write prayer intentions said, some classes expand During the rosary, the on small pieces of paper and the idea in their prayers the students had place them in a basket; the classrooms. compiled during the current school community will pray “In fourth grade, they and previous school year for the intentions. write it on paper, hook it to were bundled and burned, “The students know that the chain and hang the as a visual reminder of the their prayers count,” Selzer prayer chain around the From left: Jennifer Bretz and principal Michelle Selzer prepare prayers rising to God. said. “They know everyone room,” Selzer said. the prayer chain from the fourth grade class to be burned as part “The kids really enjoy it,” is praying for who or what Once a year, she said, a of the Oct. 7 prayer service. said principal Michelle Selz - they wrote down.” teacher brings a fire pit. The wide prayer services are together,” Selzer said. er. “We get a lot of positive school community gathers burned. “Praying together shows feedback from the kids.” IN ADDITION TO gathering to pray the rosary as the “It’s a good schoolwide unity. It’s a luxury that we The school gathers as a regularly as a schoolwide prayer chain and prayer activity because we are a can express our faith togeth - community daily for prayer. community to pray, she intentions from the school - Catholic school, and we pull er as a school.” Hays / Holy Family Elementary Manhattan / Manhattan Catholic Schools By Allison Ochoa Holy Family Elementary • Hays AYS H — Ministering to Year founded: St. Joseph their fellow students by School, 1963; Holy supporting their weekly Family, 1998 nutritional needs is the goal Grades: Pre K-6 of the Dominic Savio Stew - Enrollment: 348 students ardship Club’s Blessing Bag project at Holy Family Ele - mentary School in Hays. homeroom classrooms. “The project helps meet “This is all confidential,” the nutritional needs of our Quimby said. students over the week - Participation numbers for ends,” said Madison Quim - the Blessing Bag program by, sixth-grade teacher and vary from year to year, but Dominic Savio Stewardship Quimby estimates 20 to 25 Club sponsor. students are served per The project began as year. Christ’s Cupboard in 2016 “The donation of our when the school’s evangeliza - sixth-grade students’ time is tion committee identified a the biggest part of steward - Paula Murphy works with her third grade students on a craft project Dec. 17 at Manhattan Catholic need for nutritional support ship for this project, but we Schools in Manhattan. for some members of the stu - are also thankful for the dent body during weekends treasure entrusted to us,” By Karen Bonar With a myriad of teach - and breaks from school. The she said. “We have several ing experience, she’s been Manhattan Catholic committee sought internal consistent donors and have MANHATTAN — For two recruited by other schools, Schools • Manhattan 1908 and external donations to had support from parishes decades, Paula Murphy has but said MCS has been the Year founded: Pre K-8 stock the cupboard and then throughout Hays. been teaching grade school right fit. Grades: began filling bags — called “We are also thankful for Enrollment: 259 students at Manhattan Catholic “I never looked back,” Blessing Bags — with easy-to- the people who’ve pledged Schools. she said. “I love where I prayerful support,” she con - prepare or ready-to-eat foods “I wanted my children to work. I love the atmos - public schools. She loved for the students in need to tinued. “We add those peo - attend Manhattan Catholic phere.” teaching, but she said the take home with them each ple to the prayer board in Schools, and I wanted to The close-knit aspect of religious foundation at MCS weekend. our classroom.” teach where my children the school community is sets a different tone. Quimby said each HFE Quimby believes the “I think it’s because of were attending,” she said. one she values, as well as family receives a flyer at the take-away lessons for the the prayer, the Mass and She’s been a fixture at the the religious basis of the beginning of the school year students are many, but chief religion,” she said. “The school ever since, teaching education the school pro - that explains the program among them are gratitude emphasis is on God and vides. and allows the family to and a deeper understanding in third-, fourth- and fifth- learning about the Bible and “It seems like we all join indicate whether they would of stewardship. grade classrooms. learning how to treat oth - together to support people like to receive support in “At the beginning of the “I love third grade,” she ers, thinking of others. We the form of the Blessing year when I introduce it, the said. “The students love who need the help,” Murphy are able to teach that, if you Bags. Families can also (sixth grade) kids aren’t their teacher, they love their said. “The children see it in need help, you can pray. We indicate if they would like to always super excited mom and dad, they’re hap - action. Their parents are the can talk about prayer.” assist with the project because they aren’t sure py, they like school, but first ones to say, ‘Do you The environment is a through financial contribu - what it is or what it entails. they’re a little bit indepen - need anything? Can I help supportive one. tions or prayers. Each week But after they’ve helped a dent.” you?’ “You don’t teach at a throughout the school year, few times, they’re more Experiencing the school “They see their parents Catholic school unless you students from the Dominic excited because they see as both a parent and do that, and it transfers want to,” Murphy said. “The Savio Stewardship Club and what it means and how it’s teacher was a blessing. over to them. They live what staff is here because they an adult volunteer work to going to help other stu - “I love the school, not they’re taught, which is to want to be here. Teaching is pack the bags — one for dents,” Quimby said. “I only to teach but for my help others. We get to live not easy, no matter where each child in the family — think it makes them more own children,” Murphy that in practical ways.” you teach. Teaching at a that are then delivered dis - appreciative of what they said. “The families here are Before teaching at MCS, Catholic school is because creetly to the students’ have.” wonderful, supportive.” Murphy worked in a few you want to.” The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, January 22, 2021 7 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Hays / Thomas More Prep-Marian Jr./Sr. High School By Allison Ochoa TMP-Marian Jr./Sr. HAYS — Students and High School • Hays teachers at Thomas More Year founded: St. Joseph Prep-Marian Junior/Senior Military Academy, 1908; High School in Hays are TMP-Marian, 1981 using new technology to Grades: 7-12 facilitate learning and Enrollment: 265 students instruction this year, thanks to money received through a hands-on tool since they Ellis County’s COVID include touch-screen tech - SPARK (Strengthening Peo - nology,” Brown said. “The ple and Revitalizing Kansas) teachers can also share their initiative. screens (from their comput - “We went through an ers) with the smart board application process for and use it as a projector or a funds that were available as TV. We’re just scratching part of the CARES (Coron - the surface this year with avirus Aid, Relief and Eco - what we can do when stu - nomic Security) Act,” said dents have to be out of Scott Brown, the school’s school due to COVID-19 or technology director. “With quarantine.” those funds, we were able to TMP-Marian administra - equip each classroom, as tors applied for the funding well as our cafeteria, with for the new technology early Courtesy photo mobile smart boards.” in the summer of 2020. Students and teachers at Thomas More Prep-Marian Junior/Senior High School in Hays are taking Each of the 30 smart Upon receiving notification advantage of new smartboards in classrooms. The teaching tools were purchased with funding boards, which Brown likens from Ellis County officials from a COVID SPARK initiative. to a giant 75- to 86-inch that the school would be tablet, includes numerous receiving $283,000 in fund - place for everyone to boards can be used in the Brown believes the pri - features that aid teachers ing, the smart boards were become more proficient in future are being considered. mary goal this year is to who are instructing onsite ordered, and installation the use of them and broad - “There is some discussion keep students on track with and remote learners. began during the first week en the scope of how they about how this technology their learning, regardless of “We equipped ours with of school. The installation can benefit the students in may be able to provide the challenges that might webcams for Zoom video process for the entire school the classroom and those classes from a Catholic lay ahead, and the addition conferences, and there are was complete by mid-Sep - learning from home. school to students in other of smart boards aids in that apps and web browsers they tember. “Our hope is that the diocesan schools, parishes endeavor. can use,” he said. “The Brown said TMP staff teachers will see the power or even home-school fami - “The technology is really teachers also have accounts received training from the of this technology and see lies in the diocese,” he said. beneficial when students that allow them to access company to get everyone the engagement aspect of “There is no formal plan to have to miss school, as it the boards if they teach in acquainted with the smart it,” he said. launch these offerings, but adds another layer of different classrooms. boards so they could begin TMP-Marian Principal if there was a demand, opportunity for them so “For the in-person learn - using them right away. Chad Meitner said opportu - TMP-Marian would be able they don’t fall behind,” he er, the smart boards can be Ongoing training will take nities for ways the smart to provide the services.” said. Tipton / Tipton Catholic High School Plainville/Stockton / Sacred Heart Grade School By Allison Ochoa By Allison Ochoa Tipton Catholic High Sacred Heart Grade School • Tipton School • The activities IPTON — With PLAINVILLE — Mystery Year founded: 1919 involve a variety of 14 students Science. The phrase might Plainville/Stockton Grades: 9-12 1910 and a total of sound ominous, but for stu - Year founded: learning types that Enrollment: 14 students Grades: Pre K-6 six teachers, dents at Plainville’s Sacred meet all students' Enrollment: 63 students Tipton Heart Grade School, it is a “ needs — kinesthetic, program that helps students Catholic High auditory, visual and School is the smallest We have a examine science concepts in “Starting last year, I a fun way. teach cross-curricular in tactile. Catholic school in the Dio - unique situation cese of Salina. But English “It’s a website we’ve been STREAM units,” she said. aTnd journalism teacher because we’re so using that has a lot of dif - “Mystery Science has been Cheryl Germann quickly small and we don’t ferent ways to focus on an excellent tool to use with Andrea Smith points out the small num - “ kindergarten through fifth- this, as it often incorporates First grade teacher have a large staff, so bers can result in a large grade science,” said Sacred not only science but also animal structures and sur - when we know a Heart Assistant Principal ” impact on each student’s technology, reading, engi - vival. They got to make dif - academic journey through student is interested Scott Brown. “We use it pri - neering, art and math. The ferent bird beaks out of the school. in exploring a marily in our first- and sec - activities involve a variety of paper cups and straws and ond-grade classrooms.” learning types that meet all “We have a unique situa - certain career path tried to pick up little pieces tion because we’re so small With many Catholic students' needs — kines - of food as would be found and we don’t have a large or area of study, we schools spending more thetic, auditory, visual and in a natural environment.” staff, so when we know a can adjust time emphasizing STREAM tactile. The reaction of her stu - student is interested in easily. (science, technology, reli - “As a teacher, I love that dents has been one of the exploring a certain career gion, engineering, art and the lessons focus on inquiry most meaningful benefits path or area of study, we Cheryl Germann math) elements in their and problem-based learning Smith has seen from using can adjust easily,” she said. English/journalism curriculum, Brown said the rather than a lecture. We this approach to science Mystery Science approach Some adjustments come teacher then go further in depth on while teaching. in the form of changes to ” at Sacred Heart works well the topics through research “All of my students parts of a teacher’s cur - in explaining science con - projects, reading, writing, absolutely love Mystery Sci - Germann said many stu - riculum for a class. Others cepts in a fun and engaging art projects, STEM chal - ence,” she said. “It is inter - dents take at least one col - are in the form of adding way. lenges and discovering esting, interactive and lege course during their an online college course to “It fits nicely into our social studies connections.” applicable to their lives. time at TCHS. College the schedule of a student STREAM efforts and it They jump up and down courses are offered through who has an available hour aligns to all the required SMITH SAID EACH science with excitement when I tell Cloud County Community for a class of their choos - standards,” he said. “The unit lasts four to six weeks, them we get to do a Mystery College in Concordia and ing. Class offerings also program asks a question — and she incorporates Mys - Science lesson. North Central Kansas Tech - might change from year to like, why are polar bears tery Science frequently dur - “This program has nical College in Beloit. year. white? — and then the ing each unit. Mystery Sci - inspired many of my stu - Some students have tak - “How well we know our teacher guides the students ence explorations take dents to be future scientists. en online courses through students really helps,” said to the answer through addi - approximately 20 to 40 Those students who nor - Colby Community College. Germann. “We can change tional questions, hands-on minutes per day and are mally find science boring or The courses completed by the novel we’re reading that activities and reflection.” stretched over one to two not relevant have found TCHS students primarily semester, or we can tweak First-grade teacher weeks. that it can be very interest - fall under the heading of the social studies project. Andrea Smith has experi - “My first-graders greatly ing and relevant. I have had general education require - We can also make sure enced great success utilizing enjoy the animal unit,” she no trouble keeping students ments. we’re offering the classes Mystery Science in her said. “Their favorite lesson engaged. I will forever be a the students need.” Please see TIPTON / Page 9 classroom. this year would probably be user of Mystery Science.” 8 January 22, 2021 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Ellis / St. Mary Grade School By Allison Ochoa

LLIS — Students entering the sixth grade at St. Mary Grade School in Ellis each year knEow that, in addition to being the oldest students in the school, they can look forward to participating in an activity that is uniquely their own: the Dominic Savio Club. Born in northern Italy in 1842, St. Dominic Savio was Aiden Aschenbrenner works on a student of St. . ordering online. According to the in the United St. Mary Grade States (USA West Province), Dominic was School • Ellis 1901 known for his simple but Year founded: Pre K-6 deep faith and his desire to Grades: Enrollment: 70 students be a saint. Sixth grade students at St. Mary Grade School in Ellis participate in the Dominic Savio Club. They He died of a suspected ordered gifts for the Good Samaritan Nursing home on Dec. 14. Pictured (from left) are Baylor Born, respiratory infection in ria after meals and helping Aiden Aschenbrenner, Adam Bongartz, Colton Metzler, Dominic Fondoble, Cole Yates and Jocelyn Eck. 1857 at the age of 14 and with the school’s breakfast was canonized nearly a cen - service. to physically go to Good hosted special Hot Choco - club raised $225, which tury later, in 1954. “Whoever doesn’t help in Sam, so we did an online late Fridays during the helped them purchase gifts “The incoming sixth- the serving line will go out spelling bee with the resi - month of November, when for residents of the Good graders get very excited and help clean up,” Pfeifer dents,” she said. “Technolo - students could purchase Samaritan Nursing Home. about the club,” said St. said. gy has been really helpful, cups of cocoa to enjoy dur - They picked names of resi - Mary Principal April Additionally, the stu - and everyone seemed to ing the school day. dents to buy for from the Pfeifer. “They’ve seen the dents live out their faith by love it.” With the additional home’s Angel Tree. sixth-grade students of past visiting with residents from The club also hosts an health and safety measures “Normally, we would take years doing these fun pro - the local Good Samaritan ongoing fundraiser to raise that are in place this year, the Dominic Savio Club stu - jects, and now it’s their Nursing Home. Pfeifer said money for special projects the students have had to dents on a field trip to Wal - turn.” in previous years the stu - within the community. alter some of their plans. mart to purchase the gifts, The club, comprised this dents would go to the home The club hosts Savio Instead of Hot Chocolate but this year we did our year of all seven sixth-grade once a month to visit with Mart each Friday during the Fridays, their fundraiser shopping online.” students, has monthly the residents. However, this year except during Lent. consisted of three Free For Pfeifer, the goal of meetings and performs ser - year the students had to Club members visit each of Dress Fridays. the students’ involvement vice projects around the adapt and take advantage of the school’s classrooms and “Each student in the with this club is simple: school such as helping serve technology to facilitate give students the opportu - school could pay $1 to wear “We want our students to lunch, washing off tables those visits. nity to buy healthy snacks. something other than their strive to be like St. Dominic and sweeping up the cafete - “We obviously aren’t able In past years, the group uniform,” Pfeifer said. “The Savio.” Abilene / St. Andrew Elementary School By Karen Bonar St. Andrew ABILENE — Kristi Elementary School • Anguiano teaches in two Abilene capacities at St. Andrew Year founded: 1959 Parish — as a fifth-grade Grades: Pre K-5 teacher in the grade school, Enrollment: 114 students and also as an instructor for the Rite of Christian of Initi - Anguiano said her dedication ation of Adults (RCIA) class - came from her parents. es. “When I was a kid, my While the two might seem mutually exclusive, they’re mom always wanted my sib - not. lings to go to a Catholic “I’ve watched a lot of stu - school, but the Catholic dents over the years recruit school in my hometown shut their parents, who are non- down after my sister finished Catholic, recruit the parents kindergarten,” she said. “My to go to RCIA ,” she said. mom wanted it for us but The school’s student popu - never had that opportunity.” lation is approximately 40 While she grew up in a percent non-Catholic, which “cradle Catholic” family, provides opportunities for Anguiano said she faced dif - evangelization. ficulty explaining her faith to “The kids evangelized to her peers at Bethany College the parents and brought in Lindsborg. them in through what we “When I went to a Luther - were doing in the school,” an college, I realized then Students in Kristi Anguiano’s class participated in the Tiger Day celebration on Oct. 30 by creating Anguiano said. “Two years that I didn’t know my faith as their own Arcade style games out of recycled or used materials for the whole school to play. The ago, one of my fifth-graders well as I should have,” she games were part of a STREAM project. decided she wanted to be said. “I wanted to make sure baptized and become the kids I taught in Catholic into things we read and Elementary School. my kids were doing and how Catholic. Her parents weren’t school knew and understood study throughout the day. I “I loved seeing them go they interacted with their Catholic, but attended RCIA their faith.” love helping them see how through the school,” peers,” she said. with her. Her dad joined the God is at the center of every - Anguiano said. “I got to teach Through her work as a Church a year after she did. CATHOLIC schoolteachers thing we do, bringing their all of them, in a roundabout Catholic educator, Anguiano It was really neat to see. make sacrifices compared education full circle, and way.” said, she sees the positive Through her influence of with public school teachers, connecting the dots. Her oldest was in small impact it has on families. going through RCIA and she said, but the freedom to A teacher for 19 years, she group instruction, and she “We’ve seen kids whose joining the Church, her bring God into all aspects of began with third grade at St. taught her middle child in parents aren’t religious or are younger brother also was education outweighs any per - Francis Xavier Catholic second and fifth grades, and Catholic and don’t go to baptized and will make his ceived downfalls. School in Junction City her daughter in fifth grade. Church,” she said. “Through First Communion this year.” “It’s not just a separate before beginning in Abilene “In our school, preschool the kids’ influence, the par - A teacher in Catholic subject to teach religion,” in 2001. All three of her chil - through fifth grade would ents return to or join the schools for her entire career, Anguiano said. “I’m tying it dren attended St. Andrew interact, so I could see what Church.” 8 January 22, 2021 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, January 22, 2021 9 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Hanover / St. John’s Catholic School By Allison Ochoa

HANOVER — For Amanda Cook, principal at St. John’s Catholic School in Hanover, the term “community strong” is how she sums up the unique working rela - tionship her school has with GIFTS TO THE BISHOP ’S ANNUAL APPEAL Hanover’s public school dis - — C ALL TO SHARE — PROVIDE trict. She also thinks the ASSISTANCE TO PARISHES WITH term best describes both school systems’ philoso - CATHOLIC SCHOOLS . A DDITIONALLY , phies on educating the stu - THE DIOCESE PROVIDES A PER STUDENT dents in their care. “We are all working SUBSIDY TO KEEP CATHOLIC together the best we can for EDUCATION AFFORDABLE . the good of our students,” Cook said. Salina / Sacred Heart Jr./Sr. High School Sharing staff members is just one example of the partnership St. John’s has with Unified School District 223. Specials teachers — those teaching subjects such as music, art and physical education — from Hanover’s public school welcome St. John’s students at their facility across the street for their classes. Stu - dents from Hanover Junior High walk across the street to St. John’s for math class - es. Social studies and sci - Seventh- and eighth-grade students from St. John Catholic ence classes are also shared Cameron Yohe, front, takes his turn with the joint compound School and the public school in Hanover joined together in a between the schools for sev - putting a final coat on their “damaged” drywall repair at Sacred modified quarantine this fall. enth- and eighth-grade stu - Heart Junior/Senior High School in Salina. dents. St. John’s Catholic experienced a modified By Allison Ochoa In addition to classes, the quarantine during the fall Sacred Heart Jr./Sr. partnership between the School • Hanover semester. Those students High School • Salina schools extends to facility Year founded: 1876 SALINA — Since the mid- were all able to attend Year founded: 1908 usage and the sharing of Grades: 1-8 1970s, students of Sacred school together for several Grades: 7-12 programs. Enrollment: 96 students Heart Junior/Senior High days in St. John’s gymnasi - Enrollment: 174 students “We cooperate in using um, thanks to the parame - School in Salina have been the public school’s lunch taking advantage of the said. “They don’t have to do ters of the modified quaran - which students learn “real program,” said Cook, noting industrial arts programs that, but they do it anyway.” tine and the physical layout life” skills is the home and that, in a normal year, St. available at the school, a “Staff from both schools of the gym. Teachers from auto maintenance class. John’s students would eat program that is a rarity in also work together to cover both schools were able to During the course of the lunch in the public school’s Catholic education. athletic events and prac - supply materials for their semester, students learn the cafeteria. “The Easterday family tices. During basketball sea - respective classes and pro - basics about plumbing and However, with the cur - made a donation to Sacred son, practices are held in vide supervision for the stu - electrical work, drywall rent need for enhanced Heart to establish a shop, our gym. The Hanover foot - dents, who each had a table repair, checking auto fluids, health and safety measures, to themselves in order to which was located in the ball team just won another changing oil in a car and the students pick up their spread out as much as pos - rear of our building until state title, and they use our how to jump-start a lunches from the Hanover sible. the mid-1990s when a Mor - building to watch films. The vehicle. school and bring them back Cook said she thinks the ton building was built that PE teacher will also use our Krajicek said the mainte - to their classrooms. gym for classes (involving benefits of the schools’ allowed us to make the nance class and other students from both school cooperative efforts are seen shop more productive and courses in the industrial SHE ACKNOWLEDGED that systems). far beyond the walls of more user-friendly,” said arts program build confi - with services like the lunch “We both need each oth - either school. Sacred Heart Principal dence in the students. program, she regularly sees er, and it takes a long list of “I think it’s important for John Krajicek. “They’re learning safety, people step up to do the lit - people to make that hap - the kids to see the schools In the 40-plus years tle things that make a big pen.” are working together to the since the program’s incep - as well as how to complete difference. Nowhere was the best of our ability for the tion, students have used the projects,” he said. “Seeing “For example, the cooks strength of the working good of all the students in various industrial arts the level of confidence grow at the public school make relationship more evident our community. We’re classes to develop problem- is instant feedback. sure that during Lent the than when members of the showing them we are com - solving skills, experience “We’re blessed to have meals they serve on Fridays seventh- and eighth-grade munity strong; we’re all in the opportunity to build a Salina Tech close to us. don’t include meat,” she classes in both schools this together.” project from scratch, learn Some of our kids can have how to use a variety of tools an associate degree or trade and machines and become certificate before they even more confident in their graduate from high school. Tipton also offers industrial arts ability to handle mainte - “This can lead to career nance. opportunities as there’s a From page 7 industrial arts classes, such ready,” Germann said. Today, Sacred Heart stu - high demand for skilled as woodworking and weld - She credits that focus for dents are learning to use technicians, and students “Because our students are ing, through a partnership the success TCHS students more high-tech machinery, realize they don’t need to used to smaller class sizes the school has with the local are experiencing after they programs and human- attend a four-year school in already, it’s nice that they school district. Students graduate from the school. assisted technology that are order to have a good job.” can take those gen-eds in a choosing these courses take “We try very hard to help critical to jobs in engineer - With an average of five to smaller setting, and it’s them at Lakeside High our students reach their ing, construction trades, 10 students per class, more affordable than if they School in Downs, the closest goals and support what auto technology, welding Sacred Heart’s industrial took the course at a four- public school in the district, they’re going to be doing and graphic arts, among arts program is small but is year college,” she said. “We which is approximately 16 after graduating from Tip - others. making an impact. have students who graduate miles north of Tipton. ton,” she said. “Every one of “This is where theory and “We’re one of a few (from TCHS) and are The personal element in our students for the past real life meet up,” Krajicek Catholic high schools I already considered second- each student’s academics, several years has gone on to said. “The students use the know of that has a program semester freshmen or who thanks to the small classes, post-secondary education — math and the science like this,” Krajicek said. are approaching college “allows us to spend a lot either a four-year college or they’ve learned, and they “But in the last four or five sophomore status.” more time with students, university or a technical take away skills they’ll be years, we’ve heard from a In addition to college-lev - helping them achieve their school — or to military ser - able to use the rest of their number of students that el classes, TCHS students academic goals and making vice. We are striving to keep lives.” these courses have been can take advantage of them college- and career- that momentum going.” One of the courses in really beneficial.” 10 January 22, 2021 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Salina / St. Mary Grade School By Allison Ochoa St. Mary Grade School • Salina SALINA — Coding, pro - Year founded: 1955 gramming and engineering Grades: Pre K-6 concepts might seem out of Enrollment: 319 students place in an elementary school setting, but for the students at St. Mary Grade School in Salina, these are Many times, just some of the skills they learning can have are learning with the help of robot dogs. abstract concepts “Last year, SMGS pur - that make it harder chased a Photon bundle “ to understand. that was designed as a col - laborative lab for students However, by using to participate in at various the Photon, students levels of learning coding,” can actually see said Vice Principal Cindy Compagnone. “It comple - firsthand what they ments the recently adapted have designed to STREAM (Science, Technol - happen and whether ogy, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Math) program St. or not it Mary’s Grade School has comes to be. adopted.” The eight Photon robots Cindy were obtained through a Compagnone $5,000 Mullen Grant for vice princip”al Science and Technology, a grant offered through the through sixth and beyond, Greater Salina Community since they can be used to Foundation. instruct pre-readers and The robots, which are students with more designed to look like dogs, advanced coding abilities can be checked out by alike. She cited numerous teachers for use in their advantages of having the classrooms. students learn coding, Students at St. Mary Grade School in Salina display the Photon robot dogs. The new teaching “Many chose to use them including increased acade - technology was purchased with the help of a grant offered through the Greater Salina Community for a STREAM activity, mic motivation, enhanced Foundation. while others chose to use problem-solving abilities, them to enrich a specific the development of critical to be risk-takers, to think on,” she said. “Instead of the robot, they can see how lesson such as parts of thinking and research skills outside of the box. The stu - only learning passively by math and science link speech,” Compagnone said. and gaining a better under - dents’ communication skills memorizing facts and recit - together. Many times, “For example, as the Pho - standing of collaboration. also improve.” ing them, students will ben - learning can have abstract tons were coded to follow a She also cited the direct Compagnone acknowl - efit more if they are concepts that make it hard - path and then stopped at a benefits the SMGS students edges that while the robot engaged. Overall, the use of er to understand. However, certain point, the students are experiencing as a result dogs are a fun classroom the Photons has helped the by using the Photon, stu - would need to identify the of their work with the Pho - tool, the staff’s primary curriculum focus more on dents can actually see first - part of speech marked at ton robots. focus is on how and what active learning in class - hand what they have that point.” “They are learning how the students are learning in rooms, as well as digital designed to happen and Compagnone said the to work together, similar to class. learning. whether or not it comes to Photon robots allow the situations they may face in “The world is changing, “Technology is critical for be. Being able to review staff to integrate technology their future,” Compagnone and students’ learning innovation in today’s world. lessons in a fun hands-on in grades pre-kindergarten said. “They are encouraged needs to be more hands- By students working with way is always exciting.” Colby / Sacred Heart Grade School By Karen Bonar was younger, and my chil - Sacred Heart Grade dren go to a Catholic School • Colby OLBY — The hall - school,” she said. “I feel Year founded: 1960 ways and class - Catholic education is impor - Grades: Pre K-5 rooms at Sacred tant.” Enrollment: 104 students Her husband, Bill, teach - HeCart Grade School in Col - by are familiar to Mandy es theology, is the campus Meagher, who is in her first School in Colby. minister and coaches at year as principal, for a good “It’s great to be back Thomas More Prep-Marian reason. She trod the halls of here,” she said. “Some of Junior/Senior High School the school from kinder - the people I went to school in Hays, and the couple’s garten through fifth grade with have kids in school three children attend Holy as a student. here now. It feels kind of Family Elementary. “Sacred Heart has always like home.” While she is a Catholic held a special place in my As an administrator, she school parent in Hays, she heart,” she said. “I was deals with many behind- said her experience as prin - excited to be able to come the-scenes aspects of educa - cipal sheds new light on the back. My family, the rest of tion, but Meagher said she relationship between par - my siblings went there, and still loves to be in the class - ents and the school. my brother has a kid in room. “I had forgotten how there as well. “I do miss being in the amazing the parents and “My parents are still very Mandy Meagher, who is in her first year as principal of Sacred classroom, but now I get to families are,” she said. “If involved with the parish, as Heart Grade School in Colby, has family ties to the school. visit more than one class - you need something, they are my brother and sister.” room,” she said. “I try to get are involved. This year, they The family ties to Colby the position as principal, experience as a student into each classroom every can’t really be in the school are what prompted her to and she was asking if I about two decades ago. day, even if it’s just for building and come to lunch - apply for the position. knew anybody,” Meagher Known as Mandy Juene - three or four minutes, to be es or help in the classroom, “If you asked me a year said. “It resonated in my mann at the time, she was with the kids and see what’s but the parents, home and or two ago if I wanted to be heart and I thought, ‘That one of the four children of going on.” school and council are will - a principal, I would have might be something I could Steve and Sara Juenemann. While she had more than ing to help out and to pro - said, ‘No, you’re crazy,’ ” do.’ Knowing they were in Meagher taught kinder - a decade of experience in vide and do what they can Meagher said. need, God placed it on my garten for 15 years — 14 of the public school system, to help us out. Everybody in But God has a way. heart that it’s where I those at Wilson Elementary Meagher said her goal was the parish is generous with “My cousin called one should go.” School in Hays — before to eventually return to their time and resources to day, searching for ideas on Her interest in the posi - accepting the position as Catholic education. help make the school suc - who they could get to fill tion stemmed from her principal at Sacred Heart “It shaped my life when I cessful.” The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, January 22, 2021 11 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Beloit / St. John’s Catholic Schools Sophie Breck Bechard, daughter of Ethan and Elizabeth

By Karen Bonar (Nobert) Bechard, was baptized St. John’s Catholic Nov. 29, 2020, by Msgr. Barry Schools • Beloit BELOIT — Just one week Brinkman at Our Lady of Perpetual 1879 into school, the students Year founded: Help Church in Concordia. Pre K-12 and faculty at St. John’s Grades: 137 students Avila Kay Billings, daughter of Catholic Grade School, Mid - Enrollment: Nolan and Katelyn Billings, was dle School and High School baptized Nov. 14, 2020, by took to the streets on Aug. take on last year’s, when the Deacon Steve Urban at St. 28. pastor took the monstrance Nicholas of Myra Church in Hays. “We did a procession, to each classroom. Each first to the grade school and classroom said prayers and Kendall Reese Bland, did a prayer of consecration, the students were blessed. daughter of Garrett and Michelle consecrating both schools to With COVID-19, however, Bland, was baptized Nov. 15, the Sacred Heart of Jesus the decision was made to 2020, by Father Damian Richards and Immaculate Heart of take the monstrance to the at St. Nicholas of Myra Church in Mary,” said Assistant Princi - front of each building. Hays. pal Joe Holdren. “It set the tone: This is Leading the procession what we do and this is why Sam Cohen Clark, Son of was Father Jarett Konrade, we’re here and why we have Alexandra (Keller) and Collin Clark, pastor, with the monstrance a Catholic school,” Holdren was baptized Dec. 13, 2020, by bearing the held said. “We can put Jesus Father Norbert Dlabal at Sacred aloft. physically at the front of Heart Church in Atwood. “They processed with the each of our doors. It makes Eucharist down the street to Uriahsage A. Cruz, son of it real to our students. Truly, Francis D. B. Cruz and Jan the high school. Then father Jesus is present in every - Deshane Anderson, was baptized led a group of prayers and thing we do here.” Nov. 22, 2020, by Father Father again said the consecration The reminder is essential, Gnanasekar Kulandai, HGN, at St. prayers, offering this school he said. Francis Xavier Church in Junction year in thanksgiving that we “I think, of all years, com - City. were able to come and also ing off the heels of the end for protection for the stu - of last school year, I think Oliver Bear Girard, son of dents and teachers,” Hol - it’s important to physically David and Lisa (Fahey) Girard, was dren said. “The Eucharist is demonstrate to the kids that baptized Nov. 15, 2020, by Father a visible witness of our they’re not by themselves,” Steven Heina at St. John the desire here at St. John’s. We Holdren said. “None of us is Baptist Church in Clyde. want Jesus to be at the front doing this alone. We were of everything we do. This together as a community. Blake Wallace Gustafson, son was a visible way to demon - We as a community will of Richard and Bria Lily (Hilgers) Gustafson, was baptized Nov. 22, Father Jarett Konrade processes with the monstrance on Aug. 28 strate that.” walk together. We will not 2020, by Father Father at St. John’s Catholic Schools in Beloit. The school began the year The Eucharistic proces - walk alone. We have Jesus with a consecration of the grade school and high school. sion was a slightly different Gnanasekar Kulandai, HGN, at St. in our midst.” Francis Xavier Church in Junction Junction City / St. Francis Xavier Catholic School City. By Allison Ochoa Conrad Dean Haag, son of St. Francis Xavier Lucas and Jennifer Haag, was UNCTION CITY — Catholic School • baptized Dec. 12, 2020, by Father Students in St. Junction City Richard Daise at Sacred Heart Church in Colby. Francis Xavier Year founded: 1871 Catholic School’s Pre K-12 Grades: Kolter Douglas Knight, son of 124 students Future Business Leaders of Enrollment: Kegan and Alicia (Hammeke) AmJerica organization are Knight, was baptized Dec. 13, planning for their futures. from the Junction City 2020, by Father Andrew Meeting business leaders, Chamber of Commerce,” Hammeke at Immaculate Heart of developing soft skills she said. Mary Church in Hays. employers are looking for in The students are hoping quality employees and to be able to participate in Clement Stephen Joseph learning how to put their the FBLA district and state Lyon , son of Corey and Megan best foot forward in a pro - conferences later this year, (Sawyer) Lyon, was baptized Dec. fessional setting are just where they will compete in 12, 2020, by Father Benjamin some of the experiences events like interviewing, Sawyer at St. Peter Church in Sandra Becker’s students accounting and business Aurora. are gaining through their communications. involvement in the organi - “Because we’re a smaller Maeve Rose Randa, daughter zation. school, sometimes at these of Christopher and Tafra Randa, “Anyone can enroll in competitions, they’re sur - was baptized Oct. 17, 2020, by FBLA, but this year we have prised that they place as Father Damian Richards at St. nine students,” said Becker, well as they do,” Becker Craig Bender, director of military affairs for the Junction City Nicholas of Myra Church in Hays. the school’s business educa - said. “But they really excel.” Chamber of Commerce, speaks Dec. 14 at St. Francis Xavier tion teacher. “In a normal Catholic School in Junction City as part of the school’s Future Connor Barret Rowe, son of year, we would take field THE BENEFITS AND high - Business Leaders of America organization. Josh and Samantha (Ware) Rowe, trips, visit the KSNT (televi - lights of their experience was baptized Nov. 7, 2020, by Deacon Larry Erpelding at St. sion) studios in Topeka and with FBLA varies for each of me grow in my future Affairs, FBLA has brought Thomas More Church in hold an etiquette dinner in Becker’s students. career, such as how to excel both social and educational Manhattan. conjunction with Junction “The element that I have in the workplace or tips on benefits. City High School.” enjoyed the most is getting how to do a job interview,” “I get to socialize with Hailey Jane Rowe, daughter Becker said that while the to meet the speakers and she said. “The part of FBLA many different people from of Josh and Samantha (Ware) students have not been able hearing what they have to that has helped me grow the school who all have dif - Rowe, was baptized Nov. 7, 2020, to experience all the same say,” said Lauryn Peterson, not only in personal life but ferent thoughts on any mat - by Deacon Larry Erpelding at St. events this year, they have a junior in her first year of in academic and work life is ters like business or career Thomas More Church in been able to hear from busi - FBLA participation. “I think realizing that not everything plan, which has enriched Manhattan. nesspeople and representa - my FBLA experience will in life will come to you easi - my thinking,” he said. “(I tives from various organiza - benefit me most in the ly. Listening to many guest also) get a chance to listen Marcella Elise Stallbaumer, tions who have come in to future, knowing that there speakers and hearing their to many guest speakers daughter of Aaron and Melinda showcase their work and are lots of career paths and stories has helped me real - from diverse fields of our (Parra) Stallbaumer, was baptized talk to students about their that the things that you ize that you need to work society. Oct. 25, 2020, by Father Frank chosen fields. want to do in life can and for everything you want. If “Although FBLA stands Coady at St. Thomas More “They’ve heard from the will change.” you want to be successful, for Future Business Leaders Church in Manhattan. local fire chief, bankers, a Senior Mackenzie Girar - you need to work hard and of America, FBLA isn't just representative from the dis - dot believes life skills are make sacrifices.” for students who have inter - Willow Rene Williams, trict court, restaurant own - one of the biggest benefits For DJ Shin, a senior ests in business fields. daughter of Jason and Elise ers, jewelers, someone from of her two years in the orga - with aspirations of working Instead, I think the club is Williams, was baptized Oct. 18, the Kansas Department of nization. for the United Nations or open for all ambitious stu - 2020, by Father Damian Richards Wildlife, Parks and Tourism “I have enjoyed learning for the Korean govern - dents who want to be suc - at St. Nicholas of Myra Church in and the military liaison real-life skills that will help ment’s Ministry of Foreign cessful in their future.” Hays. 12 January 22, 2021 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, Search series available online for diocese members From page 1 The Search: Internet series features Chris Stefanick The Diocese of Salina is Why am I here? What is the life I was with your own small group (and if you don't The weekly show is called to be a missionary made for? Is there a God? Does have a small group yet, we available on church that helps guide peo - He even care about me? These are encourage you to start one. It's easy, When: The Search begins Lent 2021, ple to be disciples and mis - questions we all ask ourselves. Are and The Search is a great resource and the show is weekly at 7 p.m. Central sionaries. In other words, we there answers? Can true peace be to start with). In fact, each week, time Wednesdays. are called to be disciples of found? The Search Chris Stefanick himself will be Why: The Search is one of the best tools Jesus who are on a mission unapologetically reveals that you guiding us throughout Lent on how out there to bring people together in small to bring others to Him. Or were made for God, that your to use The Search in your own small groups. If your faith is already solid, The even more simply put, “be home is found beyond yourself, group during his weekly show The Search will help you to deepen it. If you’re disciples — make disciples.” and that Jesus is the way. Join us Life You Were Made For. Sign up to feeling unsure, it’s for you, too. If you’re Chris If you have had the oppor - for The Search and rediscover your join Stefanick weekly at worried about your kids or grandkids, it’s a Stefanick tunity to look at our dioce - better self and your faith in a new great series for you to share with them. san website (www.salinadio - light. Who: You and everyone in your diocese Plus, each week Stefanick will help you, you will find the What: In seven visually stunning alongside Chris Stefanick and the Real Life dive deeper into how to use it in small following slogan on our episodes, The Search invites participants to Catholic Community. groups. homepage: “Witnessing by journey together as they explore: Why are Where: You already have free access to How: Get The Search by Feb. 17 (Ash faith, hope and love.” This is we here? What is life all about? What The Search through your parish’s Wednesday) and join us live each one way we can bring others happens when we die? This Lent, we are subscription to FORMED. Or you can Wednesday night at to Christ through the exam - inviting you to journey through The Search purchase it on https://coaching.reallife ple of our own lives. We are all challenged to be a witness to others by faith, hope and tion with the Augustine The intent of the video and searches us out. As I pray our diocese love. Institute and Chris Stefanick, series is simple: to reach much fun as it is to play hide becomes a missionary dio - Another way we do this is founder of Real-life Catholic, people who are searching for and seek as a child and not cese where we witness by by providing opportunities in promoting The Search meaning in their lives. Why be found for a while, it faith, hope and love and for people to encounter series during the seven was I born? What is the would be horrible if we were bring others to encounter the Christ and letting people weeks of Lent. I am encour - meaning of life? What hap - never found. It would be love and mercy of Jesus. I know how much God loves aging all of you to participate pens when I die? In many horrible if the person pray many of you will watch them. by inviting people either to ways, we are searching for stopped looking for us. God The Search series and invite In light of this, I am your parish or your homes to answers to the deepest ques - is always pursuing us. He people to join you, especially excited to announce our dio - watch these 30-minute tions of our hearts. The never stops looking. God those who might not know cese is working in conjunc - videos. answer is God comes to us cares about us. the love Jesus has for them.


Asa Gottsponer and Sheridan Scheck. Witnesses were Tom Angela Stallbaumer. Witnesses were Don and Lois Koster were married Dec. 12, 2020, Chapman and Brenda Lager Cordell Cyr and Abigail Stallbaumer. Martin of Clay at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Center Mankato. Father Soosaimari Randy Richmeier and Abigail Wesley James and Lindsay celebrated their Rathinam witnessed their vows. Rohr were married Nov. 21, 2020, at Solorio were married Nov. 20, 2020, 60th anniversary Parents of the bridegroom are Sacred Heart Parish in Colby. Father at St. Mary Church in Ellis. Father with a card Rockie and Anita Richard L. Daise witnessed their Dana Clark witnessed their shower. They Gottsponer. Parents of the bride are vows. Parents of the bridegroom are vows. Witnesses were Brad Solorio were married Brian and Sherry Koster. Witnesses Edwin and Una Richmeier. Parents and Caitlin Beall. Dec. 28, 1960, at were Jonathan Heiman and Sierra of the bride are William and Lisa St. Peter and Bonjour. Rohr. Witnesses were Patrick Chandler Hoffman and Kaileigh Paul Catholic Church in Clay Center. They are Richmeier and Kim Sramek. Ummel , were married Oct. 17, 2020, members of St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Lance Koerner and Monique at St. Nicholas of Myra Church in Clay Center. Holmes were married Dec. 5, 2020, Damian Cyr and Emily Hays. The Rev. Damian Richards They have six children, Francine Martin of at Immaculate Heart of Mary in Stallbaumer were married Nov. 21, witnessed their vows. Parents of the Topeka, Scott Martin and wife Polly of Aurora, Hays. The Rev. Nick Parker 2020, at St. Joseph Church in Clyde. bridegroom are Kevin and Lisa Colo., Angela Martin of Manhattan, Steven Martin witnessed their vows. Parents of the Father Michael Kerschen witnessed (Palen) Hoffman. Parents of the and wife Charity of Terrell, Texas, Melanie Ramsey bridegroom are James and Arlis their vows. Parents of the bride are David Ummel and Treva and husband Dave of Manhattan and Timothy Koerner. Parents of the bride are bridegroom are Todd and Faye Cyr. (Shaffer) Goodman. Witnesses were Martin and wife Roxanna of Clay Center; and 11 Judith Scheck and the late Gilbert Parents of the bride are Larry and Trevor Webb and Morgan Weber. grandchildren. The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, January 22, 2021 13 FAITH AND REASONS National Marriage Week The road construction projects in is Feb. 7 to 14 By Rick Binder live two to 10 years longer our lives can cause anxiety To Have, To Hold, To than singles. Statistically, Honor will be the theme married couples are feedback. I believe it is pos - for National Marriage healthier, both physically Why does God allow Father sible to take responsibility Week 2021, which begins and mentally, and are less bad things to happen Peter for our needs while also Feb. 7 and culminates likely to develop mental Q to good people? being grounded in our with World Marriage Sun - problems such as depres - O’Donnell dependence on God’s grace. day on Feb. 14. sion. Instead of attempting Diocese of Salina After all, God inspires us to Because of the pandem - Married people recover an intellectually based act, and then our actions ic, the dio - more posi - answer, I invite you to A inspire us to turn to God in cese does tively from consider what it would be prayer — as we relate our not have surgery and like for you if you were lost, God that connects us to sal - vation history which is story to the story of salva - any events injury and hurt or lonely. When in that tion in the Bible. even sleep position, we yearn for described in the Bible. That scheduled, Going back to the image better. redemption. We look for reality is a reason to hope but encour - of road construction, while Married answers. What if someone and a reason to celebrate. ages parish - it is annoying to be delayed, couples came along who, rather than Yet there are times when es to do the work being done is tend to act giving you a fortune-cookie we are overwhelmed. The something designed to improve the more answer, was willing to hear truths of our faith seem to on the local responsibly your story? What if they be far from our grasp or traveling experience in the level to rec - in avoiding were willing to hike with somehow veiled from our long run. In our faith, one ognize the you on some trail, a trail view. For example, do you way to frame the experience sanctity of risky which represents the path sometimes observe that of yearning for fulfillment is marriage. behavior as towards freedom and con - there is too much skepti - to remember that God is at This is an they want nection? cism when it comes to God’s work. He continues to gen - opportunity to stay alive One of my interests is word? How can we uphold erate, redeem, expand, to spread the good news and well for their spouse U.S. highways. I marvel at institutions such as mar - repair and enliven. Just as that marriage, as a Sacra - and children. the design and the useful - riage when there are so we await certain road pro - ment instituted by Christ, Researchers agree mar - ness of roads that facilitate many distortions in the jects to finish, we await has many values beyond riage has demonstrable travelers to reach their des - understanding of marriage God’s work to unfold in our the obvious. benefits for children that tinations while enjoying the and in the living out of that experience. Research shows mar - grow up in a healthy mar - beauty that surrounds us. vocation? Psalm 13 asks the ques - riage adds years to your riage and for society in Have you ever been When you add your pre - tion, “How long?” more life as married couples general. annoyed when there’s road sent ordeal (whatever it than once. When we don’t construction and it means might be) to the cultural know the timeline, that adds that delays to your plans are landscape, no wonder that an element to what already unavoidable? Even worse, we can get lost, hurt or may be a lot to handle. Parishioners attend March for Life what if there’s a detour? lonely. We cry out to the That’s even more reason to By Rick Binder Life can be like that. Our Lord and wonder why he look to God for strength and cols for social distancing in journey of faith can overlap allows unfortunate events to to tell our story to a trusted With courage and forti - making travel arrangements with that kind of experience. happen to us. In those friend. We might even tude, a small group from the and procuring lodging. Addi - We look for alternative times, one step is to find a notice God’s beauty while Diocese of Salina is hoping tionally, many of the routes or we simply deal trusted friend and to see if we travel along that road. to make a pilgrimage to extracurricular activities usually enjoyed by the group with the delays and detours. he or she can provide some Father Peter O’Donnell is the parochial Washington, D.C., for the Either way, we yearn for ful - needed support. If they are vicar of Abilene, Herington, Hope and 2021 March for Life on Jan. such as visiting museums Elmo. He is the Judicial Vicar and the located on the Mall and the fillment because we are receptive to you, then you Archivist for the Diocese of Salina. He 29. The Covid-19 pandemic made to flourish. We partic - might try to tell your story received a license in canon law in 2017. presented many challenges annual visit to the National E-mail questions to him at faithandrea - Basilica to tour and celebrate ipate in a covenant with — as they respond with their [email protected] or write him at P.O. for the group to overcome in Box 1038, Salina, KS 67402. following established proto - Mass are not part of the 2021 pilgrimage because of restrictions in the number of Tractors Combines Farm Equipment people allowed. This means Your Case IH Dealers for Northwest Kansas Bachelor-Faulkner-Dart-Surber participants are 100% Funeral Homes Colby Ag Center, LC Oakley Ag Center, LLC focused on their mission of 785-462-6132 785-671-3264 Belleville and Scandia, Kansas (785) 527-2222 advocating for the unborn ~ Directors Steven Surber, John Surber and Don Waddington ~ and marching for life. All the pilgrims feel privi - Hoxie Implement Co., Inc. leged to have the opportuni - 785-675-3201 ty to be physically present Tibbetts-Fischer Funeral Home for the event, knowing thou - sands wanting to be there were unable to do so. Please Belleville, Kansas ~ 785-527-2211 join in praying for the pil - grims from the Diocese of Salina and participate in the March for Life from home online via EWTN. &&DWKROLF&KDULWLHV0RELOH2XWUHDFKDWKROLF&KDULWLHV 0RELOH 2XWUHDFK


From page 1 March, on 1 May, the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary Please see if you and your and Joseph, on St. Joseph’s family can take part in one of Sunday (according to the these activities. Byzantine tradition) on the As part of the Year of St. 19th of each month and every Joseph, I will be doing a pod - Wednesday, a day dedicated to cast on St. Joseph each month the memory of the saint that can be found on our according to the Latin tradi - diocesan website. During Lent, tion.” I am celebrating Mass at 12:05 The decree recalls the uni - p.m. every Friday in the Cathe - versality of St. Joseph’s dral, followed by short reflec - patronage of the Church, not - tions on St. Joseph in the ing St. Teresa of Ávila recog - Cathedral parish hall. nized him as “a protector for The Apostolic Penitentiary all the circumstances of life.” issued a decree granting spe - Pope St. John Paul II also said cial indulgences for the dura - St. Joseph has “a renewed rele - tion of the special year to cele - vance for the Church of our brate the anniversary and “to time, in relation to the new perpetuate the entrustment of Photo by Vatican Media, via Catholic News Service Christian millennium.” the whole Church to the pow - A and a statue of St. Joseph are seen as Pope Francis leads his general audience last year erful patronage of the Custodi - at the Vatican. In a Dec. 8 apostolic letter, Pope Francis proclaimed a yearlong celebration For the sick an of Jesus.” dedicated to St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus. Amid the ongoing Covid-19 During this period, the health crisis, the gift of the ple - faithful will have the opportu - faith, invites us,” the decree and prayer that was in the dition), or any other prayer to nary is also extend - nity to commit themselves reads, “to rediscover our filial Holy Family.” St. Joseph proper to the other ed to the sick, the elderly, the “with prayer and good works, relationship with the Father, to • Everyone who entrusts liturgical traditions, for the dying and all those who for to obtain, with the help of St. renew fidelity to prayer, to lis - their daily activity to the pro - persecuted Church ad intra legitimate reasons are unable Joseph, head of the heavenly ten and correspond with pro - tection of St. Joseph, and every and ad extra, and for the relief to leave their homes. Family of Nazareth, comfort found discernment to God’s faithful who invokes the inter - of all Christians suffering all They too can obtain the ple - and relief from the serious will.” cession of St. Joseph so that forms of persecution. Because, nary indulgences if they are human and social tribulations • The indulgence can also be those seeking work can find the decree notes, “the flight of detached from any sin and that besiege the contemporary obtained by those who, follow - dignifying work can also the Holy Family to Egypt have the intention of fulfilling, world today.” ing St. Joseph’s example, will obtain the plenary indulgence. shows us that God is there as soon as possible, the three I invite and encourage all to perform a spiritual or corporal On May 1, 1955, Pope Pius XII where man is in danger, where usual conditions and recite an partake in one of the special work of mercy. St. Joseph instituted the feast of St. man suffers, where he runs act of piety in honor of St. indulgences listed below. “encourages us to rediscover Joseph “with the intent that away, where he experiences Joseph, offering to God the St. Joseph, we need your the value of silence, prudence the dignity of work be recog - rejection and abandonment.” pains and hardships of their intercession. and loyalty in carrying out our nized by all, and that it inspires lives. duties,” the decree notes. social life and laws, based on A universal saint Conditions for the • The recitation of the Holy the fair distribution of rights In addition to these, the The role of priests plenary indulgence Rosary in families and among and duties.” Apostolic Penitentiary grants a The Apostolic Penitentiary The plenary indulgence is engaged couples is another • The plenary indulgence is plenary indulgence to the faith - encourages priests to pastoral - granted to the faithful under way of obtaining indulgences, also granted to the faithful who ful who will recite any legiti - ly facilitate the celebration of the usual conditions (sacra - in order that “all Christian will recite the Litany to St. mately approved prayer or act the of and mental , Eucharistic families may be stimulated to Joseph (for the Latin tradi - of piety in honor of St. Joseph, the administration of Holy Communion and prayer for recreate the same atmosphere tion), or the Akathistos to St. for example, “To you, O blessed Communion to the sick with a the Pope’s intentions) to Chris - of intimate communion, love Joseph (for the Byzantine tra - Joseph” especially on “19 willing and generous spirit. tians who, with a spirit detached from any sin, partici - pate in the Year of St. Joseph on these occasions and man - BAALMANN MORTUARY ners indicated by the Apostolic 32%R[‡ (WK6W1QG6W32%R[‡6)UDQNOLQ$YH Penitentiary: 2DNOH\.6$WZRRG.6&ROE\.6&BAALMANN CREMATORY MORTUARY • The plenary indulgence is   granted to those who will med - www.baalmannmortuary.com32%R[Oakley ‡A t(WK6W1QG6W32%R[‡6)UDQNOLQ$YHwood Colby A family serving families itate for at least 30 minutes on 302DNOH\.6$WZRRG.6&ROE\.64 E. 8th St. 109 N. 2nd St. 190 S. Franklin for over four generations P.O. Box 204 Atwood, 67730 P.O. Box 391 the Lord’s Prayer or take part  Next to Sacred Heart Cathedral Oakley, 67748 785-626-3895 Colby, 67701 in a Spiritual Retreat of at least one day that includes a medi - 785-671-1132 785-462-2331 137 N. Eighth, Salina (785) 825-4242 tation on St. Joseph. “St. Joseph, an authentic man of

First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association of the United States of America a Fraternal Benefit of Society domiciled in Beachwood, OH Fraternal Life Insurance and Annuities PLATINUM ELITE ANNUITY • 3.25% APY current credited rate 1/1/2021 - 3/31/2021* • 2.00% APY minimum guaranteed rate • $250 minimum initial premium; $100 minimum subsequent • $500,000 maximum lifetime premium • 10 year withdrawal penalty (9% 1st year, decreased by 1% each subsequent year)** * Our credited rate is reviewed quarterly and will not go below minimum guaranteed rate ** A 10% federal tax penalty may apply to certain distributions if taken before the owner is age 59 ½.

STEVEN A. WATKINS, Agent, MBA • 1-800-232-3239 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, January 22, 2021 15 AROUND THE DIOCESE Hoxie youth confirmed Chapman First Communion

Courtesy photo Courtesy photo Youth at St. Francis Cabrini Church in Hoxie received Confirmation on Oct. 11. Front row (from Youth at St. Michael Parish in Chapman received First left) are catechist Bridget Koster, Father Vincent Thu Laing, TeaLynn Schieferecke, Sofie Communion on Aug. 22. Front row (from left) are Heather Gourley, Isabella Baier and catechist Patricia Kennedy; back row, catechist Harold Koster, Gavillan and Khloe Gilliland; middle row, Dylan Barnes, Trent Fenner, Charles Foote, Samuel Watkins, Harrison Meyer, Easton Nickelson, Bishop Jerry catechist Abby Anderes, Father John Wolesky and Hudson Vincke. Wasylk. Online auction to benefit Cursillo weekends on schedule for March

By The Register Catholics at a deep spiritual and personal church in Concordia Is learning more about your Catholic level with the intent of evangelizing the By The Register auction that usually takes faith important to you? Do you yearn for a culture where each live, work and play. place. deep relationship with Christ? Do you Plans are being finalized for Cursillo hunger for closer friendships with your fel - weekends this March, with the men’s week - CONCORDIA — Our Lady Several items will be available to bid on, includ - low Christians? end March 4 to 7 and the women’s week - of Perpetual Help Catholic end March 18 to 21. Church in Concordia will ing: whole beef and hog If the answer is yes to any of those ques - packages, power tools, bicy - tions, a Cursillo weekend might be a great For more information, contact Patricia host an online auction from Dusin at (785) 302-1220. Feb. 6 to 13. cles, quilts, handmade decision. The weekends bring together Due to the COVID-19 wooden items, pies, cinna - virus, Father David Metz mon rolls and other food and the Church Finance items, trips and vacation Council decided to host an sites. Vaccines becoming more readily available online auction this year More information is From page 2 ties on the safety and effica - qualified health care profes - instead of the annual Mardi available at hansenonlin - cy of vaccines. People should sionals. The FDA affirms the Gras meal and in-person . Are the COVID-19 vac - rely on information from vaccines authorized for cines safe and effective? authoritative sources in the emergency use in the U.S. The bishops are not and field of medicine and public have met all the safety and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us! do not claim to be authori - health, such as the Food and efficacy standards required Drug Administration and for such authorization.

Allen Kee Agency LLC Allen Kee, Agent Certi ed Agency in Customer Excellence [email protected] Bus: (785) 738-2990

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TIM LINENBERGER Painting & Decorating Specializing in • Church Interiors and Design ³$OLIH)XOORI0HPRULHV´ • Statuary and Stations Restoration &DOO7UR\RU0LVV\IRUDOO\RXU0RQXPHQWQHHGV • Faux Marble and Granite (PDLOOHGXFPHPRULDO#DWWQHW

2134 Edgehill Road, Salina :HEVLWHZZZOHGXFPHPRULDOGHVLJQRUJ (785) 826-6949 /LQFROQ6W&RQFRUGLD.6 [email protected]  16 January 22, 2021 The Register, Catholic Diocese of Salina, DEATHS AROUND THE DIOCESE Thomas “Wyatt” Balman, 20 of Manhattan, died Oct. 13, 2020. Funeral Mass was cele - brated Oct. 19 by Father Frank Knights of Columbus #2535 Altar Servers Appreciation Coady at St. Thomas More Church in Manhattan.

Tina Louise Bennett, 52, of Junction City, June 26, 2020. Funeral Mass was celebrated Dec. 12 by Father Gnanasekar Kulandi, HGN, at St. Francis Xavier Church in Junction City.

Joseph Anthony “Joe” Brun - gardt, 56, of Victoria, died Nov. 29, 2020. Funeral Mass was cel - ebrated Dec. 4 by Bishop John Brungardt at the Basilica of St. Fidelis in Victoria. Burial was in Courtesy photo Courtesy photo the parish cemeterty. The Exemplification of Knights of Columbus Council No. St. Joseph Church in Damar recently hosted an Altar Servers 2535 in Damar. Pictured (front row, from left) Douglas Troy Appreciation and training. Pictured (front row from left) are Scottie Eugene Geisler, 60, West, Chase Hamel, Shane Boiling, Colby Ray Leggett, Darrin Father Henry Saw Lone, Shiloh Kuhn, AJ Deges, Colby Knipp, of Chanute, died Jan. 19, 2019. James Desbien, (back row, from left) Dan Thyfault, Greg Graveside services were held Deacon Larry Roberts, (second row, from left) Bryson Bollig, Hamel, John Ruder, Father Henry Saw Lone, Chuck Knipp Jolie Kuhn, Carson Knipp, Andrew Deges, (third row, from Dec. 9, 2020, by Father Steve and Monte Keller. Heina at Mount Calvary, Clyde. left) Brooke Hamel and Jacob Kenyon, (back row from left) Ivan Normandin, Caleb Bollig, Natalie Bollig, Joel Kenyon, Verona Marie Howley, 86, of Kirsten Marcotte, Ben Deges and Chuck Knipp. Clyde, died Nov. 26, 2020. Pri - vate family services were held Dec. 4. Cookie donations

Edward H. Kegle, 83, of Clyde, died Nov. 10, 2020. At the cross Funeral Mass was celebrated Nov. 19 by Father Steve Heina at St. John the Baptist Church in Clyde. Burial was in Mount Cal - vary Catholic Cemetery, Clyde.

Marilyn Mills, 67 of Gorham, died Dec. 22, 2020. Funeral Mass was celebrated Dec. 26 by Father Michael Elan, CMI, at Cline/Keithley Mortuary, Victoria.

Alice Elizabeth Morton, 78, of Manhattan, died Dec. 4, 2020. Funeral Mass was celebrated Dec. 10 by Father Gnanasekar Kulandi, HGN, at St. Francis Xavier Church in Junction City. Burial was a private inurnment at Sulphur Springs Cemetery.

Gerald F. Ruder, 83, of Plainville, died Sept. 11, 2020. Funeral Mass was celebrated Sept. 16 by Father Leo Blasi at Sacred Heart Church in Plainville.

Courtesy photo Major Lee Smith, 79, of Mil - The Victoria Knights of Columbus Post No. 1867 project for Courtesy photo ford, died Nov. 5, 2020. Funeral On a warm Advent day, three girls paused and knelt to pray Mass was celebrated Nov. 13 by giving this year was to give a gift to residents of Via Christi at the foot of the cross while visiting St. Mary Cemetery in Father Gnanasekar Kulandi, Home in Hays. More than 60 dozen cookies were packaged Ellis in remembrance of those who celebrated Christmas HGN, at St. Francis Xavier into bags with stickers wishing residents Merry Christmas. before them. Shiloh, Sophia and Shaylie are daughters of Church in Junction City. Burial The post’s Grand Knight Is John Braun, who organized the Ryan and Adrienne Gaschler, all members of St. Mary was at St. Mary’s Cemetery, project. Parish, Ellis. Junction City.

Allen Joseph Sorell, 59, of Concordia, died Dec. 2, 2020. Funeral Mass was celebrated Dec. 9 by Father David Metz at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Concordia. Burial was in the Glasco City Cemetery, Glasco.


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