Our Lady of the Angels & Our Lady of the Valley Parishes Rev. Scott A. Gratton, Administrator: Rev. John R. Carroll, Visiting Priest: (Deployed) (617)699-5425 Email:
[email protected] Mr. Josh Perry, Diocesan Administrator: Elizabeth Stuart, Parish Secretary: (802)448-3515 (513)238-4854 – cell Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Our Lady of the Angels St. Anthony Parish Office Information: St. Elizabeth 221 Church Street 43 Hebard Hill Road 169 S. Main Street P O Box 63 P O Box 428 Rochester, VT 05767 Bethel, VT 05032 Randolph VT 05060 Office:(802)728-5251 Email:
[email protected] Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Confessions Sat.: 3:00– 3:45 PM St. E., Rochester Sun.: 8:00—8:45 AM OLA, Randolph & After the 11:00 AM Mass, St. A., Bethel Or by Appointment Adoration of the Bl. Sacrament Sat.: 3:00—4:00 PM, St. E. Mon.: 7:00—8:00 AM, St. A. Tues.: 5:15—6:15 PM, St. A. Wed.: 4:00-5:00 PM, St. E 5:00 –6:00 PM, OLA Thurs: 8:30—9:30 AM, OLA Fri: 8:30-9:30 AM, OLA Weekend Masses 2:00-3:00 PM, St. A. Sat.: 4:00 PM St. E., Rochester Sun.: 9:00 AM OLA, Randolph 11:00 AM St. A., Bethel www.ourladyvt.org 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time 1 August 2021 Remember your loved ones in the Holy Mass GARDENING ASSISTANCE NEEDED: – they will be forever grateful to you! CALLING ALL GARDENERS, or anyone that can help pull weeds, rake beds or otherwise be of help – on Saturday, July 31st – come and work THIS WEEKEND: at St.