PDGFC (Human) Recombinant Protein

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PDGFC (Human) Recombinant Protein PDGFC (Human) Recombinant pH 3.0. protein Storage Instruction: Store at -20°C. Reconstitute in water to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 Catalog Number: P6130 mg/mL. Do not vortex. Regulation Status: For research use only (RUO) For extended storage, it is recommended to further dilute in a buffer containing a carrier protein (example 0.1% Product Description: Human PDGFC (Q9NRA1) partial BSA) and store in working aliquots at -20°C to -80°C. recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli. Entrez GeneID: 56034 Sequence: MVVDLNLLTEEVRLYSCTPRNFSVSIREELKRTDTIFW Gene Symbol: PDGFC PGCLLVKRCGGNCACCLHNCNECQCVPSKVTKKYHE Gene Alias: FALLOTEIN, SCDGF VLQLRPKTGVRGLHKSLTDVALEHHEECDCVCRGSTG G Gene Summary: The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the platelet-derived growth factor family. The Host: Escherichia coli four members of this family are mitogenic factors for Theoretical MW (kDa): 25.0 cells of mesenchymal origin and are characterized by a core motif of eight cysteines. This gene product appears Reactivity: Human to form only homodimers. It differs from the platelet-derived growth factor alpha and beta Applications: Func, SDS-PAGE polypeptides in having an unusual N-terminal domain, (See our web site product page for detailed applications the CUB domain. [provided by RefSeq] information) Protocols: See our web site at http://www.abnova.com/support/protocols.asp or product page for detailed protocols Form: Lyophilized Preparation Method: Escherichia coli expression system Purity: 98% Endotoxin Level: Endotoxin level is <0.1 ng/ug of protein (<1 EU/ug). Activity: Determined by the dose-dependent stimulation of the proliferation of Balb/c 3T3 cells. The expected The ED50 for this effect is 15-20 ng/mL. Recommend Usage: Activity assay SDS-PAGE The optimal working dilution should be determined by the end user. Storage Buffer: Lyophilized from 5mM Sodium Citrate, Page 1/1 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org).
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