Candle-lighting/Shabbos Ends Parshas Tzav, March 22: 6:51/7:51 Kew Gardens Hills • Kew Gardens • Forest Hills • Hillcrest • Briarwood • Jamaica Estates • Holliswood • Fresh Meadows Great Neck • Rego Park • West Hempstead • New Hyde Park • Five Towns • Long Beach • Oceanside • Plainview • Catskills • Merrick Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar II 5779 Free TTragedyragedy SShouldhould BeBe A UnifyingUnifying RRallyally AAgainstgainst Anti-SemitismAnti-Semitism NNYC,YC, AreAre YouYou ReadyReady FForce,orce, BButut It’sIt’s NotNot DDrawsraws LLargearge CCrowdrowd IInn KGHKGH TToo PPackack YYourour Bags?Bags? AAfterfter NZNZ shooting,shooting, WWhyhy thethe ccityity mmayay bbee oonn tthehe bbrinkrink tthehe leftleft pplayslays ooff a ffinancialinancial crisiscrisis tthehe blameblame gamegame onceonce againagain

MMembersembers ooff tthehe WWittertittert ffamilyamily hholdold ssignsigns pprotestingrotesting aanti-Semitismnti-Semitism aatt SSunday'sunday's rrallyally SEE OOPINIONPINION ON PAGE 23 SEE STORY ON PAGES 26/27 SEE STORY ON PAGE 21

For What It’s Worth The Way It Iz Your Say Dating Today Faith ‘N Fashion

Rally On Oh, Mylanta! How The Success of Venezuelan ‘Acceptable’ The Rabbanit’s A Scandal United Socialism Questions Haggadah By Warren S. Hecht Dear Editor: The Country The current economic and ome of the columnists in political situation in Venezuela By Goldy Krantz By Tobi Rubinstein the local Jewish papers have is as shaky as ever, especially its Sbeen attacking the Demo- By Izzo Zwiren economic deterioration, which received many emails after casually asked a salesperson in cratic Party for months. It reached is particularly shocking. An ex- the article “So…What Do a local Judaica store if they had a fever pitch after the debacle in t fi nally happened. An event treme shortage of food, hyper- IYou Do?” was published a Ia good selection of books writ- the House of Representatives in so powerful, so heinous, so infl ation, and other unfortunate few weeks ago. In case you don’t ten by women. I was promptly es- response to Representative Omar’s Iincredibly evil, that it united economic circumstances plague remember what the article was corted to an array of gorgeous cook- CONTINUED ON P. 20 CONTINUED ON P. 16 CONTINUED ON P. 24 CONTINUED ON P. 53 CONTINUED ON P. 51 SEE PAGE 9 SEE PAGE SEE PAGE 49 SEE PAGE

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2 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 3 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF YOUNG ISRAEL ANNUAL GALA 3.31.201933.3311.200191199 ◆ MarriottMaarrirriiottoott Marquis,Marquiss, NYCNNYYC 5:005:00:0 PMP BuffetBBufuuffetffef DinnerDinnDinner ◆ 6:306:300 PMPM PProgramroggram COLORYOURDESIGNPORTFOLIO.COM S F E S I OF

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TommyTommym Hickscks Jr. RabbiRabbi ZZvivi & AvAvivaiva LaurieLauurie MoskowitzMoskowitz David & Michelle Eve Stieglitz Co-chair,C ir, GluckGluck HirschHi h Katz Young Visionary RepRRepublicanublican NatiNationalononall CommCommitteeCo itttee Award GuardianGuuardiana off IsraIsrIsraelsraele AwaAwardrdd MosesMoses s H.H HoenigHoeenigenig AwardAAwwara d BoneiBBonnei YerushalayimYe Shofar Award AwardA

DDoroor L'DorL'DDor RabbinicRaabbbbbinic ChChovCChoveveio eveveei ZionZ Award Friend of Zion Award LeLLeadershipeaaddershhiphipi AAwardwarrdd ◆ Dr.D AlAlanan & DeborahD Berger ◆ Charles Gucciardo, Esq. ◆ RRabbiabbbbii YoYYoeloelel & PePPerieri SSchonfeldchononfenffeld ◆ Dr.D MarcMarc & JudyJ Berger ◆ Dan K. Eberhart YIY KKeweew GarGdGardensarddeens HHillsills ◆ IgorIgog r FurmanFurmman ◆ RRabbiabbibi NNachNachihii & MMichelleicchhelle KleiKKleinein ◆ LevLev & SSvetlanaveetla Parnas YIY NNorthridgeNoo e HonoringHonoHoH norring NNCYICYIY WWWII Veterans StanleySt eyyyF FFeltmanelteltman ◆ LouLLouisiss GoldGGoldsteinoldsteine ◆ Paul Kaye ◆ Edmund Rosenblum Couvert: $500 per person Dinner Chairman ◆ Rabbi Yechezkel Moskowitz Dinner Co-chairman ◆ Dr. Joseph Frager VIP Reception: $10,000 per person Master of Ceremonies ◆ Pete Hegseth Journal Chairman ◆ Jonathan Burkan Reservations and Journal Ads: President ◆ Farley Weiss Esq. www.yngi.srl/dinner Executive Director ◆ Rabbi Marc Volk Director of Communications ◆ Nachman Mostofsky Email: [email protected] Journal & Dinner Coordinators ◆ Judah and Carol Rhine Phone: 516.707.2638 Parking voucher with reservation.

Tommy Hicks Jr. is appearing at this event only as a Guest of Honor and is not asking for funds or donations.

4 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 5 PUBLISHED BY Queens Jewish Link, LLC RABBINIC CONSULTANT Bundle up Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld CO-PUBLISHERS Yaakov Serle Forecast Naftali Szrolovits for savings SENIOR CONSULTANTS FRI • MAR 22 TUE • MAR 26 Yaniv Meirov Cynthia Zalisky 50° 43° Rebecca Wittert 30° 33° Sergey Kadinsky CHIEF COPY EDITOR Cloudy Partly Cloudy R’ Yisroel Benedek COPY EDITOR SAT • MAR 23 WED • MAR 27 Rivky Bergstein 41° 46° MANAGER When you choose Allstate to protect what Rachel Goldsmith 32° 35° matters most, you get expert agency who will make it easy for you to save. Like with bundling Partly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy your insurance. It’s the simplest way for you to save time and money, while getting protection for SUN • MAR 24 THU • MAR 28 the things that matter most. Stop by or call today 58° 48° and let’s get you bundled up. [email protected] The Alter Agency LLC 718-880-2622 41° 38° 147-25 70th ave. Flushing, NY 11367 718-713-8400 MostlyM Sunny Showers www.QueensJewishLink.com 72-73 Main St. Kew Gardens Hills Design by Design2pro.com MON • MAR 25 FRI • MAR 29 [email protected] Design & Production 54° 54° Call or stop by to see how much you can save. MICHAEL KUROV • Art Director 32° 42° Distributed by Subject to terms, conditions & availability. Savings vary. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Co., Prime Media Distribution Showers Mostly Sunny Allstate Vehicle and Property Insurance Co., Northbrook, IL © 2019 Allstate Insurance Co. 9403136

Community Calendar– Rebecca Wittert ...... 43 Recent Happenings – Sergey Kadinsky, Susie Garber ...... 26-42

Classifieds & Real Estate ...... 60/61 General Interest Financially Forward – Gerald Harris...... 21 Style & Living Beauty Briefs -Risselle Naimark ...... 48 Dating Today – Goldy Krantz ...... 1 Open Daily Good Eats At Home – Naomi Hazan ...... 46 The House of Faith N Fashion – Tobi Rubinstein ...... 1 Nutrition Notes – Alice Harrosh ...... 49 Style Myths Debunked – Meira Schneider-Atik ...... 52 Light & Fun The Bell Tower and Me (Fiction Serial) – Susie Garber ...... 56 Feelin’ Funny – Mordechai Schmutter ...... 57 Until 1:00 AM The Fun Side – QJL Staff...... 58/59 Snippets Of Strange – QJL Staff ...... 12-15 Mental Health & Physical Wellness Hooked on Healing – Caroline Schumsky ...... 22 Opinion As I See It – Cynthia Zalisky ...... 18 The Way it Iz – Izzo Zwiren ...... 1 For What It’s Worth - Warren Hecht ...... 1 Your Say ...... 1 Torah/Tefilah/Parshah Halachic Highlights – R’ Ephraim Glatt ...... 44 Rabbi’s Musings and Amusings – R’ Dani Staum ...... 7 The Shmuz on the Parshah – R’ Ben Tzion Shafier ...... 10 Think. Feel. Grow. – Shmuel Reichman ...... 9 Stories of Greatness – R’ Dovid Hoffman ...... 8 Weekly Tefilah Focus ...... 44 Special Articles Tragedy Should be a Unifying Force, But it’s Not – Moshe Hill ...... 23 Rally Against Anti-Semitism Draws Large Crowd in KGH– Sergey Kadinsky ...... 26/27

6 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 RRabbi’sabbi’s MMusingsusings & Amusings

R' Dani Staum More Than A Body

all back and spring forward, or is it fall When we think of who we are and what than our stubborn, fi ckle, and unreliable bod- Unfortunately, it often takes a crisis and forward and spring back? Or is it fall defi nes us, we often think of our physical ies. We all know the answer, but we often for- the almost loss of life before one appreciates Finto a spring and spring out of your bodies. Ask someone who he is, and he will get it. We are a soul – a living spiritual spark what life is about. Purim was and is that an- fall? generally point towards his heart. But is that that contains our deepest feelings and our nual crisis. We came frighteningly close to Whatever it is, as of this week we are back really who we are? Is our body what defi nes personality, and dictates our decisions. It’s annihilation before the incredible salvation on daylight savings time. For most of the us? the piece of us that lives within a body in this took place. As we read the Megillah, it should world, the night we spring forward is a diffi - give us a moment of pause to refl ect upon our cult one, as everyone grumbles about the trag- mortality and what being granted a second ic loss of an hour of sleep. This contrasts with Unfortunately, it often takes a crisis and the almost loss of life chance means to us. the night at the beginning of autumn when before one appreciates what life is about. Purim was and is that Our bodies may not defi ne us, but it is our we return to standard time, which is a virtual lifeline in this world. When it breaks down, holiday, celebrating an extra hour of sleep. annual crisis we feel the pain; and when it’s healthy, it is But for those of us blessed with young far easier for us to go about our day. We can’t children, our experience is quite different. On Whenever I have attempted dieting, I was world, but ultimately transcends the limits celebrate soulfully unless we can pacify our the morning after we fall backwards, it seems told that the fi rst step is to train your body. of this world when the body is left behind. body and let it join the celebration. That is that no one informs our blessed cherubs Sometimes the body will crave food even Purim, the holiday that seems to be the most why we celebrate physically on Purim. It is so about the time change, and they are awake though it’s not really hungry. physically oriented, actually touches the that we can get past our physical inhibitions, an hour early, ready to conquer the day, our It sounds like such a funny concept. It’s as deepest part of our identity. Celebrating our so that our soul can truly rejoice. pleas for just a few more minutes notwith- if my body has a mind of its own and won’t physical survival compels us to contemplate If we never get past the physical celebra- standing. When we sprung forward this week, accept my instructions. what physical life means to us. It forces us to tion, however, we are limiting ourselves to on the other hand, we also didn’t tell them, On a more extreme level, there are people ask, if we are celebrating life, exactly what are enjoying the gift wrapping and never getting and thereby gained ourselves an extra hour whose bodies have deteriorated from disease we celebrating? What does life mean to us? Is to the real gift inside. before they began jumping up and down in and are no longer physically active. Yet, some it for the pursuit of money and pleasure? Or is Perhaps, after a l’chayim or two, one may fall their cribs for liberation. of these patients continue to convey their it an opportunity to fi nd meaning, to connect backwards; but ultimately Purim is an opportu- On the Monday after the time change, thoughts and produce beautiful essays or with G-d, and to enhance the lives of those nity for our souls to spring forward and upward, throughout the day I felt more tired than even art, through an incredible computer pro- around us? a celebration of the real essence of life. usual. While I woke up the same time as I al- gram that can decipher their eye movements. ways do, my body felt it had been deprived of No one can argue that such people, despite Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW, is a rebbe and guidance counselor at Heichal HaTorah in Te- an hour of sleep. I tried to explain the whole being trapped in virtually incapacitated bod- aneck, NJ, Principal at Mesivta Ohr Naftoli of New Windsor, and a division head at Camp concept to my body, but it wasn’t getting it. ies, are still very much alive. Dora Golding. He can be reached at [email protected]. Looking for periodic powerful It’s a little dumb in that way. So, who are we really? We must be more inspiration? Join Rabbi Staum’s new Whatsapp group “Striving Higher.” Email for more info.

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Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 7 SStoriestories Of Greatness R’ Dovid Hoffman Clothes At Any Cost

hazal tell us: “When the kohanim himself as an infl uential communal lead- World War II, when many commodities a grievous civil offense. Chacham Rafael wear their special clothes, they have er who involved himself tirelessly in the were rationed. Material for winter cloth- vividly described to the governor the Cthe proper sanctity of the k’hunah religious and practical needs of his fl ock. ing was in high demand for army uni- situation of the residents of the remote (priesthood); when they do not wear their On one occasion, Chacham Rafael forms, and the chacham could not acquire Atlas Mountains, depicting the pain and clothes, they do not have the full sanctity traveled to the Atlas Mountains to tend to the materials he needed, for any price. suffering of innocent children during the of k’hunah.” Evidently, clothes can affect an important communal matter. During The situation became even direr when harsh winter months. He then rose from a person to such a degree that his spe- his visit, he observed the sorrowful state a messenger arrived at the chacham’s his chair and placed a sack full of money cial sanctity is dependent on them. And of poverty suffered by the Jewish resi- house with an order to come immediately on the table and, addressing the gover- conversely, one can appreciate the nega- dents of one of the outlying towns, and it to the governor’s mansion. An informant nor with a fi rm and confi dent voice, said, tive effect of ostentatious and immodest “Your Honor, please note that the entire clothes, with which a Jew – and especially fundraising campaign was actually done a bas Yisrael – attracts attention to her- The public nature of the chacham’s infraction rendered it an act on your behalf. I have no ties whatsoever self. Not only do these clothes bring im- of civil defiance, punishable with an extended prison term to the Atlas Mountains. The only common purity to the world, but, being “articles of bond between those people and me is tum’ah,” they rebound on their wearer and your reputation, as you are the one who infl uence him or her negatively. Refi ned hurt him deeply. Most of the town’s resi- had reported to the governing body that administers to both districts. I, as a dedi- clothing worn with tz’nius and purity of dents did not have adequate clothing for the rabbi was violating the law with ille- cated citizen, have done my civic duty in mind, however, underpin the sanctity of the approaching winter. Children roamed gal fundraising activities, which, due to putting together the funds; I respectfully the Jewish people. Being “articles of pu- the streets in tattered shoes, many with- wartime conditions, were strictly banned. request that you do your part and make rity,” they constantly inject higher degrees out socks, and they often suffered from The public nature of the chacham’s infrac- available the cloth that is necessary for of purity and k’dushah into their wearer. frostbite. Postponing the original purpose tion rendered it an act of civil defi ance, immediate shipment to those unfortu- While still a young man, Chacham Ra- of his visit, Chacham Rafael chose instead punishable with an extended prison term. nate citizens.” fael Baruch Toledano zt”l successfully es- to make every effort to alleviate the suf- The governor questioned the rabbi, tablished a system of social organizations fering endured by these destitute Jews. asking him why he had committed such CONTINUED ON P. 42 geared to assisting the poor and needy in He embarked on an intensive campaign his hometown of Meknes, Morocco. His to collect material so that the town’s resi- Rabbi Dovid Hoffman is the author of the popular “Torah Tavlin” book series, fi lled with initiatives included a society to assist ill dents could be properly clothed during stories, wit and hundreds of divrei Torah, including the brand new “Torah Tavlin Yamim patients, a charity to provide clothing for the winter months. Noraim” in stores everywhere. You’ll love this popular series. Also look for his book, “Heroes the needy, and a fund for underprivileged Though his fund-raising efforts were of Spirit,” containing one hundred fascinating stories on the Holocaust. They are fantastic brides. Upon his father’s passing, Cha- somewhat successful, he found himself gifts, available in all Judaica bookstores and online at http://israelbookshoppublications. cham Rafael assumed the mantle of lead- unable to obtain the required materials. com. To receive Rabbi Hoffman’s weekly “Torah Tavlin” sheet on the parsha, e-mail To- ership in Meknes, and he distinguished This was during the tumultuous period of [email protected]. ELDER LAW & ESTATE PLANNING 1-877-ELDER LAW - 1-877-ESTATES Join us for these educational presentations. Events are complimentary & refreshments will be served.

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8 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 TThink.hink. FFeel.eel. GGrow:row: Into the Depths of the Life Shmuel Reichman Machshavah

Our Yearning And Struggle For Connection: functions are connected to the central theme of connection. The Secret Of The Mouth Eating: Connecting Body and Soul icture the scene: A man is sitting in the nature of the mouth. On the most basic suggest rubbing cheeks or something of the What happens when you don’t eat? the kitchen, eating dinner, when his level, the mouth has three functions: First, sort. Kissing is simply strange, unsanitary, You will get faint. What happens if you Pwife walks into the room, her face the mouth is the organ we use to eat and and illogical! Fundamentally, though, we continue to starve? You’ll pass out. If a blank emotionless canvas. Her husband drink, in order to nourish our bodies. Sec- need to ask a more signifi cant question. you still don’t manage to eat, you will looks up, observes the situation, and kind- ond, the mouth is the organ we use in order The Maharal explains in several places that eventually die, and your soul will leave ly asks, “How was your day.” In a complete to speak and communicate with others. The whenever an organ performs multiple func- your body. Eating keeps your soul con- and utter monotone, she replies, “Great.” third, however, is the strangest of all. Across tions, all of those functions are deeply con- nected to your body; it is what keeps “Amazing, so glad to hear!” he says enthusi- all continents, ethnicities, and cultures, the nected. If this is true, then how are the three you alive. astically, and goes right back to happily en- universal expression of love is kissing. We functions of the mouth – eating, speaking, There is a paradoxical relationship be- joying his dinner. While this exact scenar- are all used to this concept, but if you were and kissing – connected? tween your body and your soul. Your soul, io might not have played out in your life, an alien from outer space coming to visit which is your “self,” your consciousness, we can all think of endless case-scenarios planet earth, and you were asked what the Mouth as the Organ of Connection where people didn’t understand us, where ideal form of affection would be, you might The answer is that all three of these CONTINUED ON P. 55 there was a total miscommunication, or where we wished someone could see past the words, past the surface, and feel what we were truly feeling inside. True connec- tion is rare, beautiful, and delicate. This connects to a fundamental theme in this week’s parshah, Tzav.

If I am trapped in my own inner world, how can I connect with other people?

Parshas Tzav (and Sefer VaYikra as a whole) is fi lled with discussion of the Mishkan and korbanos – the Tabernacle and its sacrifi ces. While the Jewish People traveled in the Midbar – the Desert – the Mishkan accompanied them. Some time after they entered the Land of Israel, how- ever, the Mishkan was replaced by the Beis HaMikdash, the Holy Temple. The sacri- fi ces were central to the Temple Service, accompanying every Jewish holiday and event. The Second Beis HaMikdash was destroyed over 2,000 years ago, leaving us hoping and waiting for the building of the Third Temple with the coming of the Mashiach, the ultimate redemption. Many of us living in the modern world struggle to relate to these archaic concepts of sacrifi ces and the Tabernacle, deeming them as ancient and irrelevant. It can be easy to dismiss this segment of the Torah as the esoteric intermission stuck in be- tween the more exciting parts of the To- rah, but perhaps there is more beneath the surface simply waiting to be uncovered. Let us delve into the topics of the Beis Ha- Mikdash and korbanos in order to better understand the depth and beauty of these concepts. The Mouth and Its Three Functions According to Chazal, the Beis HaMikdash functions as the “mouth” of the world. In order to understand this, we must analyze

Shmuel Reichman is an inspirational speaker and has spoken internationally at shuls, conferences, and Jewish com- munities. You can fi nd more inspirational shiurim, videos, and articles from Shmuel on and Yutorah.org. For all ques- tions, thoughts, or bookings, please email [email protected].

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 9 TThehe SShmuzhmuz On The Parshah R’ Ben Tzion Shafier Ours Is To Question Why…

“And Aharon and his sons carried out It’s a direct outgrowth of man’s inherent PESACH all the matters that Hashem commanded greatness. through Moshe.” Chazal explain that when the Torah AT THE — VaYikra 8:36 writes that Hashem created man in His im- age, it isn’t merely an expression. Man is ***** both the reason for all of existence and the ARLINGTON After a long and detailed description of maintainer of it. Everything physical has a NEW HAMPSHIRE the avodah (service) to be done in the Mish- spiritual counterpart sustaining it. Hashem kan, the parshah ends by telling us that put man into the role of being the one who “Aharon and his sons did as they were told.” upholds the spiritual level of the world. His Rashi seems to be bothered by how ob- actions, deeds, and thoughts build upper vious this statement is. Of course Aharon worlds and sustain the lower worlds. Our did what Hashem told him to do! Why is it eyes may not be attuned to it, but man is necessary to say so? Rashi explains that the the maintainer of physicality. He is more Torah includes it as a statement of praise: signifi cant than we can ever imagine, more Aharon and his sons didn’t veer off to the important than anything we can envision. right or to the left. He is a little creator.

The Torah wasn’t given for people to follow it blindly without 845.774.2387 | understanding. We are expected to ask questions and delve into media the reasoning behind things adup

This Rashi is diffi cult to understand. It Bosses Don’t Like Being Bossed doesn’t seem like he answered his ques- Around tion. Of course Aharon didn’t veer off to the While this greatness of soul allows man left or the right. This was the avodah in the to reach dizzying heights, it also comes Mishkan that he was performing, and the di- with a liability. It is very diffi cult for us to rectives came straight from Hashem. Would follow orders. Even when we know that he possibly think that he knew better than they are right. Even when we know that Hashem how to perform the service? If that they are good for us. Even when those or- wasn’t reason enough, the Torah tells us re- ders are given by the greatest of all greats, peatedly that the punishment for a kohen by the Creator of the heavens and the earth. who deviates from the avodah is death. We don’t like taking orders. Imagine a man working with high volt- This seems to be the answer to the ques- GOURMET CATERING | PRIVATE SEDARIM ROOMS AVAILABLE age electrical equipment. He has been giv- tion on Rashi. en clear safety instructions. Make sure the Aharon was one of the greatest men ENTIRE PREMISES Š~–—‡ Š | ‚†‡ — —‡‡ | ’Š –—‰ power is off before you switch on the trans- who ever lived, and he had a high and KIDS PROGRAM | ‡‡Œ˜ ‡€—Œ former. Make sure that you are wearing lofty sprit. As such, it should have been protective gloves and that you are ground- very diffi cult for him to follow orders. For ed. Wouldn’t we expect him to follow every him, “doing as he was told” should have †€Ž––~’ ‹ †"ƒ‡ ~ ‡~ nuance because of the danger involved? been very hard. Nevertheless, it wasn’t. He ’ So what type of praise is this? The an- was exceedingly humble, so he was able to •~Œ—€ —‡Œ‡‡‚ swer to this question can be best under- recognize his greatness and act in a bold stood with an example. and innovative manner when it was called –’~Œ†~ for, yet accept that Hashem was in charge. In the Image of Hashem As great as he was, he was but a servant There is a story told about an English- in front of his Master. He had overcome man who visited a farm in Texas in the one of the paramount challenges to man 1880s. As he approached the ranch, he saw a – recognizing his greatness yet remaining cowboy herding the cows. He asked to see humble. the cowboy’s boss. In doing so, he used an Understanding this balance is critical expression common in England then: “Is for our growth. The Torah wasn’t given to your master at home?” robots, or for people to follow it blindly Game Room | Gym | Indoor Pool | Sauna The cowboy put both hands on his hips without understanding. We are expected Entertaiment | Bar | ‚–‚† ‚ƒ•Œ | —–Œ‚ ˜‡ and proclaimed, “The son of a gun ain’t to ask questions and delve into the rea- been born yet.” soning behind things. We are obligated to This anecdote is illustrative of a very hu- strain our minds to the best of our ability Close to man trait: We don’t like to be bossed around. in the process. And yet, we are expected wide array of indoor and outdoor In fact, we hate it. I’ll gladly help you, I’ll do to yield to the superior wisdom of our chol hamoed anything for you – but ask nicely. Boss me Creator and to humbly submit to His di- around and forget it. I’m out of here. rectives. Ours is to question why, and yet activities This isn’t just a quirk of human nature. ours is to do or die.

Born and bred in Kew Gardens Hills, R’ Ben Tzion Shafier joined the Choftez Chaim Ye- shiva after high school. Shortly thereafter he got married and moved with his new family to Rochester, where he remained in for 12 years. R’ Shafi er then moved to Monsey, NY, where he T: 603.869.7777 #455 was a Rebbe in the new Chofetz Chaim branch there for three years. Upon the ’s W: www.arlingtonhotelnh.com | E: [email protected] request, he stopped teaching to devote his time to running Tiferes Bnei Torah. R” Shafi er, a happily married father of six children, currently resides in Monsey.

10 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 yeshiva university appoints

As Dean Of The Sy Syms School Of Business

r. Noam Wasserman, PhD, MA, Harvard University; MBA, Harvard Business School; BSE, Penn Engineering; BS, Wharton DSchool of Finance, is the incoming dean of the Sy Syms School of Business. Previously he was the founding director of the University of Southern California’s Founder Central initiative and a professor at Harvard Business School (HBS) for 13 years. His book, The Founder’s Dilemmas: Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup, was an Amazon #1 bestseller in Management and won the Academy of Management’s Impact on Practice award. Dr. Wasserman created HBS’s most popular entrepreneurship elective, “Founder’s Dilemmas,” for which he won the Faculty Teaching Award. Dr. Wasserman’s research has been published in top academic journals and national periodicals.

YU News discussed Dean an initial three programs that will grow into a How is philosophy expressed in cohesive suite of offerings for grad students. Wasserman’s views on guiding the classroom?

the Sy Syms School of Business How has your personal experience By teaching our students to link their passion into the World of Tomorrow played a role in your relationship with analytics and their heads with their with faculty? hearts, we will be able to have the right people What is your vision for Sy Syms? becoming entrepreneurs at the right points in One of my joys at HBS and the University their lives, and doing it in the right ways. To prepare our students to impact the world of Southern California is being able to teach even better than the best business schools, by professors how to focus on our students’ key How do you feel about becoming a part preparing them not only for the “9-to-5” of life takeaways – the important yet surprising of the YU family? but also for the 5pm-to-9am parts of their lives. lessons we should teach them – and how to have those takeaways drive our teaching. As both the son and father of YU graduates, What makes YU uniquely qualified Nearly all business schools neglect to teach Hashem has given me a deep appreciation to achieve this? their professors how to excel in the classroom, for the central role that YU’s philosophy of instead hoping that they will succeed via Torah Umadda plays in educating the next YU is the world leader in bringing the timeless “learning by doing.” Instead, we want the generation of Jewish leaders. My experiences wisdom and ethics of to cutting-edge classroom experience to excite both our faculty with bringing the insights of ancient Jewish real world problems, and Sy Syms should excel and our students. wisdom to address modern business challenges at improving everyone’s lives both at home and has enabled me to see how our lives and the at work. What would you say is the most broader world benefit greatly from living a deep important skill a young entrepreneur and meaningful life. What could you say is our biggest can learn? opportunity at Sy Syms for both undergraduates and graduates? The most important skill is to learn how to, as Steve Jobs said, “Follow your heart but check The undergraduate program has a solid core it with your head.” (In Jewish terms, this can that we want to strengthen by tightening the be seen as, “Sof maaseh b’machshava techila” – connections faculty can create between their action has to be preceded by thought.) We need expertise and what they are teaching, and by passionate entrepreneurs who are driven to improving our classroom impact by accelerating change the world, but who know when to pull their development as teachers. The graduate back on the reins to think about what they are side of Sy Syms is only getting started, with doing and how best to do it.

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 11 SSnippetsnippets Of Strange

Thrift Shop Warns Furniture He reports continuous nightmares for he and May Be 'Haunted' his wife while it was in their room. He also North Carolina thrift store's social me- reports the dogs would not stop barking at it." dia post is going viral after warning The store’s operations director said the Acustomers about a couple of "haunted" viral post led to a fl urry of attention for the pieces of furniture. pieces. The store posted photos to Facebook "Actually, a lot of people are interested be- showing a queen canopy bed frame and high- cause it's haunted supposedly," she said. boy chest of drawers that the previous own- "Our donations manager asked about these ers said were haunted. pieces and he was told 'you don't want those, The post included a photo of the note they're haunted,'" she said. "And he said 'well, posted on the pieces: "Please note, previous now I defi nitely want them!" owner reports that the highboy is haunted. She said she felt it was important to dis- close the potentially spooky nature of the items. "We are a Christian ministry," she said. "We don't say we believe in ghosts or don't, but I have trouble selling this to someone not dis- closing that. I would want to know as a cus- tomer." The items were purchased this week by a man who paid $1,000 for both pieces. "Yeah, I don't really care they think it's haunted," he said. "Maybe it will be a nice ghost." Losing Lottery Ticket Defies Greater-Than-Jackpot Odds

n Idaho man's lottery ticket didn't win him any money, but it defi ed even Alonger odds than the jackpot by giv- ing him identical sets of numbers. The man said he was in Spokane, Wash., when he decided to use a grocery store's lot- tery machine to buy a Quick Pick lottery tick- et with two sets of numbers. The computer randomly generated the same sequence of numbers twice on Tracy's ticket, 09-11-13-28-30-49. A spokeswoman for Washington's Lottery said the odds of two identical sets of num- bers on a Quick Pick ticket are 1 in 13,983,816 - nearly double the 1 in 6.99 million odds of winning the jackpot. Hit By An Arrow, Mobile Phone Dies Saving Australian Dr. Adam Zeitlin, Medical Director Man Matthew Ostreicher, Director of Operations n Australian man had a lucky escape For further information please contact while confronting a man armed with Aa bow outside his home, as a loosed Chess Rosenberg, Administrator arrow pierced the mobile telephone he was holding to take a photograph of the incident. 78-10 164TH STREET 718.591.8300 Ext. 207 The 43-year old man had returned to fi nd FRESH MEADOWS, NEW YORK Under the VAAD Horabanim of Queens (VHQ) CONTINUED ON P. 14

12 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 13 SSnippetsnippets Of Strange

CONTINUED FROM P. 12 Iwao, who performed the calculation from Google's offi ce in Japan, said it was the fi rst time a pi record was calculated using cloud for cystic fi brosis. technology. "He always said that breathing diffi culties "It was my childhood dream, a longtime at and above [1,6404 feet] were slightly akin dream, to break the world record for pi," Iwao to what cystic fi brosis sufferers deal with on said. a daily basis," she said. She said she had been using computer pro- A crew drove the pianist and her grand pi- grams to calculate pi since she was 12 years ano up the mountain, where she played for old. more than an hour in frigid, windy weather. "There was an incredible crisp quality to the sound, probably due to thin air and sound New York Man Gets $38 refl ection off the mountains," she said. The woman was awarded the Guinness the man, who was known to him, waiting The telegram originally arrived in 1969 at Million Utility Bill World Record for the highest altitude grand outside his home. an Ann Arbor apartment Fink shared with piano performance. “The resident held up his mobile phone to three classmates a day after he had left to at- She said she is in the process of exploring take a photo of the armed man who then en- tend graduate school in New York. more potential "extreme" piano stunts to set gaged the bow and was ready to fi re,” a police Christina Zaske rediscovered the telegram more records. statement said. in December after removing the bottom “It’s alleged the man fi red the arrow at the drawer of an old fi ling cabinet to retrieve a resident which pierced through the man’s piece of paper that had fallen inside. German Yachtsman mobile phone causing the phone to hit him "I looked inside, mostly because I was curi- in the chin. It left a small laceration that ous to see an actual telegram," Zaske said. Inflates Trousers To Survive didn’t require medical treatment.” Zaske saw Fink's name on the paper and A 39-year old man was arrested at the scene used the internet to fi nd him and return the 3 Hours In Sea and charged. note. Fink is now a professor at Oakland Uni- versity in Detroit. "I was surprised to learn that he had nev- New York man said he was stunned to Woman Cuts Off Hand To er received the telegram and was glad that I receive a $38 million utility bill for a Claim Insurance could reunite it with its intended recipient all A600 square-foot studio apartment. of these years later," Zaske said. The man took to social media to vent his Fink said the letter has brought back mem- frustrations when he discovered his Con Edi- ories and made him refl ect on his old connec- son bill for the month was $38 million, in- tions. stead of the expected $74. "The theme for me has been that the long "I own a 600 square foot apartment in As- arm of the past is reaching out and grabbing toria, [Queens]. I do NOT own the entirety of me, and I should take it seriously," he said. Manhattan Island. THIS IS INSANE. FIX IT," he Fink said he's regretful he never had the tweeted. chance to thank the people for sending the The tweet went viral and the utility com- telegram, noting that they've both died. pany got in contact with him. "It also left me with a funny sense of The issue was resolved last Tuesday af- guilt that they had thought about me that ternoon, with the bill being corrected to the uthorities say a Slovenian woman way," Fink said. "It took some effort to send expected amount, but there was no word on who deliberately cut off her hand a telegram - it's not like texting someone. It what had caused the unusually high charge. Awith a circular saw to collect insur- touched me they had thought about me and ance money faces up to eight years in jail. made the effort to do so." The 21-year-old woman, helped by her rela- British Musician Plays tives, had hoped to claim nearly 400,000 eu- ros in insurance payments. Google Employee Highest Altitude Grand Piano The unidentifi ed woman claimed she had been cutting tree branches when she severed Calculates Pi To More Than Performance her left hand just above the wrist. British musician set a Guinness World Offi cials say family members left the sev- 31.4 Trillion Digits Record when she played a grand piano ered hand behind rather than bring it to the Google employee smashed a Guinness Aconcert at an altitude of 16,227 feet in hospital to ensure the disability was perma- World Record by calculating the value the Himalayas. nent. But doctors recovered it in time to sew Aof pi to more than 31.4 trillion digits. The woman said she was approached by nocked overboard in rough seas off it back on. Emma Hayuka Iwao, whose accomplish- a music enthusiast, who suggested the high- New Zealand, a German yachtsman Police say the incident happened earlier ment was certifi ed by Guinness in time for altitude concert to raise funds and awareness Kcredited his jeans with saving his this year after the family had signed insur- last Thursday's Pi Day observance, said she life after fashioning them into a make-shift ance contracts with fi ve different insurance used 25 Google Cloud virtual machines to cal- life jacket that kept him afl oat for over three companies. culate pi to 31,415,926,535,897 digits, smashing hours before his rescue by coastguards. Police say "there was no payment because the previous record of 22,459,157,718,361 digits. Arne Murke, 30, was sailing with his broth- we discovered the fraud in time." er on March 6 when the yacht's boom swung unexpectedly, whacking him into the water. Unable to reach the life jacket thrown by Man Receives Congratulatory his brother, Murke was soon carried far off by the swell. Telegram 50 Years Later "Luckily, I knew the trick with the jeans," man who graduated from the Univer- Murke said. "Without the jeans I wouldn't be sity of Michigan in 1969 has fi nally here today. They were really the thing that Areceived a congratulatory telegram saved me." from family friends that was sent more than He made knots at the end of the legs and 50 years ago. pulled them over water to get air inside and Robert Fink received the Western Union then forced them under to trap the air and telegram this year. Western Union ended its telegram business in 2006. CONTINUED ON P. 15

14 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 SSnippetsnippets Of Strange

CONTINUED FROM P. 14 The spokesman said the book would have incurred a $3,442 late fee if the library didn't create an improvised life vest. cap fi nes at $7.50. up their own story about where the book has A rescue helicopter managed to locate The library is hosting a contest on its Fa- been for the past 42 years. Three winners will the German about 3 1/2 hours after he was cebook page, inviting commenters to make be selected and will win a book bag. knocked overboard. Images of Murke fl oating in the water while being rescued have been circulating on the internet. "It was fortunate the yacht had both a ra- dio and emergency beacons (two) to raise the alert," a rescue coordination said. "Without appropriate communications devices and beacons it may have turned out differently.” he said. Northern Ireland School Forms Pi Symbol To Library Book Returned Break Record 42 Years Late n Irish school broke a Guinness World British Columbia library said there Record when it gathered 1,170 people was something unusual about a re- Ato form a gigantic pi symbol. Acently returned book - it was 42 years The school said 1,170 students and faculty overdue. members formed the mathematical symbol A copy of Wilderness Living was put into outside the school to break the Guinness re- the drop box last Monday at the library and cord of 847 people, set in Portugal last year. the pink stamp card inside the cover shows it The record attempt was planned in part was last checked out from the branch in 1977. as a tribute to a student who died earlier this "It's really a mystery as to where the book year as a result of organ failure brought on by was for the last 42 years," a library spokesman diagnosed Type 1 diabetes. The event raised said. awareness and funds for charity Diabetes U.K. "The book is in great condition after 42 School offi cials said they are submitting years. It smells good, its corners are crisp, documentation from the event to Guinness its pages are nice and sharp," the spokesman for offi cial recognition. said. "It's in really good shape."

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Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 15 TThehe WWayay It Iz Izzo Zwiren

Somehow, this scandal serves as a uni- Oh, Mylanta! How A Scandal United The Country fi er of both sides while simultaneously highlights some of their fundamental differ- CONTINUED FROM P. 1 But why has it united the country? Is it eral college professors while earning a degree ences. The claims I have sighted above were because the country as a whole has all of a in something they can’t use to advance in life discussed by two of the most listened-to the right and left. Was this event a war? A sudden decided to stick together and deride post-college. All this time, the student could opinions on either side, Ben Shapiro on the terrorist attack? An economic collapse? A poor behavior when it’s warranted? Oh, puh- have been served better by learning a trade right, and Cenk Uygur on the left. Last week, football game? No. Any of those would only leeeeze. The reason this story is actually so through an apprenticeship or a vocational each went on 15-minute diatribes using this have increased the political gap between the popular is – you got it, dude! – it gives both school. This story stokes the fl ames on the story as an explanation for their side. Both two sides, especially the football game. No, sides the ability to highlight some of their right that colleges are corrupt and exclusively were obviously against it, but each was as- the event that drew the ire from everyone in hottest talking points. At the same time, nei- for elitists. signing blame to literally everyone but the America regardless of age, race, party, or team perpetrators. Shapiro blamed the corrupt- affi liation was an elaborate college admis- ness of universities and the elitist society sions fraud scheme that took place between The reason this story is actually so popular is it gives both sides the ability to that values the college experience over mo- 2011-2019. The scheme implicated celebrities, highlight some of their hottest talking points rality. Uygur blamed the way society allows high-powered attorneys, and corporate CEOs the wealthy to get away with so much in this as well as coaches and athletic directors from country simply because of their wealth and many prominent schools, including Yale, ther attributes the motives to bad people do- The left loves to hate this story for entirely infl uence. Stanford, and Georgetown. The suspects were ing bad things to gain an advantage (which is different reasons. They use this to highlight But is either side actually correct? Well, admitting students who otherwise may not what it is). Every pundit wants to use this to how people of privilege use their means to push no. As much as the left wants you to believe have gotten in on their own. The FBI knocked illustrate a broader problem. ahead of others despite not deserving to do so. it, America does not allow the wealthy to get on the doors of about 50 people, told them, Let’s look at the right side of the aisle. For Wealthy people paying off individuals and insti- away with things simply because of their “You’re in big trouble, mister,” and arrested decades now, the right has been claiming tutions is the kind of crony capitalism the left wealth. You know why this story doesn’t prove them. that there is massive corruption in colleges. has been claiming has infi ltrated our society for this assertion? Because they were caught. The interesting outcome of the FBI’s in- Conservative voices are being shut out, while decades as well. The fact that this crime comes And arrested. And are facing long prison sen- vestigation is that both sides of the political liberal professors make up the majority of the at the expense of those who played fairly and tences. If society allowed the wealthy to get aisle are in agreement that this is a bad thing. educational faculty. Additionally, the right were no longer being able to get the education away with things, the FBI would have ignored Nobody is trying to sweep this under the rug. believes that leftists continue to over-value they deserve only furthers the point that there Nobody is calling on the other side to Cut. It. the importance of a college degree. They push are real people being affected. CONTINUED ON P. 22 Out. No one is even claiming that someone the idea that in order to succeed in life, one is being unfairly criticized. The entire coun- absolutely must have a paper proving that Izzo Zwiren works in healthcare administration, constantly concerning himself with the try seems to have come together in their con- they went to some sort of a post-high school state of healthcare politics. The topic of healthcare has led Izzo to become passionate about demnation of wealthy and infl uential people educational program. How rude! This results a variety of political issues affecting our country today. Aside from politics, Izzo is a fan of using their money and power to buy their in many students entering universities across trivia, stand-up comedy, and the New York Giants. Izzo lives on Long Island with his wife and children’s way into college. the country, only to be indoctrinated by lib- two adorable, hilarious daughters.







16 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Enjoy every day, every minute


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Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 17 AAss I See It Cynthia Zalisky We Must Vote ews have always valued the privilege come American citizens. I attended to show ment to allow 16-year-olds to vote. A handful that we have in America to be able the judge that they had two American-born of counties have introduced this concept for Jto go to the polls and vote. A lot has children. (My brother was just an infant so local elections, but now they want it to in- to do with the fact that this basic right he wasn’t there.) But, in fact, the judge got a clude the presidential elections, as well. had been denied us so many times in our kick out of letting this little fi rst-grader lead With this emphasis on getting the vote out history. My parents, both Holocaust survi- her parents in the reciting of the Pledge of Al- from all directions, we must rally to have our vors, knew fi rst-hand how dangerous los- legiance. voting numbers increase signifi cantly. There ing the vote can be to our people. They no By indicating that she wants the illegal was a time that the Jewish vote meant some- longer were considered citizens and had immigrants to have the right to vote, Pelosi thing. Our numbers were strong and depend- all types of rights removed from them. For that reason, both my parents voted in eve- ry election and instilled in us how impor- There was a time that the Jewish vote meant something. Our numbers tant it is to be counted and represented in our system. were strong and dependable. But that is no longer the case But the times seem to be changing. We no longer appreciate the importance of cast- particular segment of the Jewish population. ing a ballot. Maybe it is because life has been said, “As we talk about newcomers, we have able. But that is no longer the case. All votes He smiled and said, “I know you are very pas- (baruch Hashem) good for us. We have not di- to recognize the constant reinvigoration of are counted, and the areas from which the sionate and I will try to help you. But you rectly experienced any hatred of Jews in our America that they are, that we all have been ballots come from are studied after the fact to must know that this particular group does daily lives. Many of our millennials have not – our families. And these newcomers make see which communities are proactive politi- not vote.” I learned a very important lesson felt the urgency of even registering to vote. It America more American. And we want them cally and which ones are not. that day. Votes count. We have a primary this is incumbent on us to change this scenario when they come here to be fully part of our All of us need to understand that each and June and we must go to the polls en masse. and get them on board. system. And that means not suppressing the every ballot is important. We must strength- If you have not registered, please do so im- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is moving to vote of our newcomers.” Speaker Pelosi kept en our infl uence as an ethnic group by going mediately. If you have a problem with the permit illegal immigrants the right to vote. using the word newcomer and was not just to the polls. process, please call the Queens Jewish Com- I fi nd that most distressing, remembering referring to the legal immigrants, but the il- I remember when I started in this busi- munity Council at 718-544-9033 and we will do how my parents followed the rule of the land legal immigrants as well, which pushed them- ness; I visited an elected offi cial, who has our best to accommodate you. Jewish votes and waited fi ve years to become a citizen. selves en masse to enter our southern border since retired, to ask his assistance to help a means Jewish power. During that time, they had a chance to learn without permission. Casting a ballot will give the language and understand the American them a “Goodyear Seal of Approval” that they democratic system. I remember vividly the don’t rightfully deserve. Cynthia Zalisky is the Executive Director of the Queens Jewish Community. She can be contacted proud day they went to take the oath to be- Furthermore, there is a growing move- at [email protected] ,1+075 %1//70+6;70+6;4#..;#)#+056*#6'#06+5'/+6+5/





18 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 TABOR. WHERE GREAT WINES GROW


Please enjoy Tabor responsibly

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 19 FForor WWhathat It’s Worth Warren S. Hecht THE OU WOMEN’S INITIATIVE Rally On

CONTINUED FROM P. 1 In the media-driven society, the most radi- cal voices on both sides get the attention. This anti-Semitic comments. Although I thought means those who are anti-Semitic including it was important to have a rally against anti- white nationalists and radical progressives. It Semitism in response to Omar’s comments, does not mean that they have the most sup- I was worried what the crowd’s reaction port. The president claims that “the Democrats would be when our congress member Grace have become an anti-Israel party… They’ve be- Meng would speak. It is easy to speak be- come an anti-Jewish party, and that’s too bad.” fore a friendly audience. However, with the This is Trump trying to pander to the Jewish A two-day summit of workshops and networking charged atmosphere, who knows what the community to try to get Jewish Democrats to with innovative thinkers and leaders. reaction would be? switch over and support him and fellow Re- MAY 20-21, 2019 I do not know if her offi ce was afraid of a publicans. HILTON WOODCLIFF LAKE, Northern New Jersey Sometimes we have to step back and not get overwhelmed. We are not living in 1938 Germany PRESENTERS INCLUDE:

negative reaction, but she showed up. She said There may be some cracks in congressional ERICA BROWN all the right things concerning the problem of support for Israel. However, as Grace Meng Associate Professor, George Join a nation-wide anti-Semitism and her and her fellow mem- said, there is still bipartisan support for Israel. Washington University. bers of Congress’ support of Israel. She was not We should look at the election of Omar and Director, Mayberg Center community of the only member of Congress to come. Georgy others like her and recognize that we cannot for Jewish Education and Meeks, who besides being a member of Con- take anything for granted, and have to work to Leadership. Author. engaged and inspired female lay-leaders gress is the new Queens County Democratic make sure that our voice is heard. Jews used to Party leader, also came and spoke. He talked vote in high percentages. It is time to seriously who are impacting about how both communities have had shared push for voter registration and getting people AVITAL CHIZHIK- synagogues, schools histories. Martin Luther King’s name was men- to vote. It has to be a team effort; both lay and GOLDSCHMIDT tioned more than once at the rally. It reminded religious leadership have to be involved. Journalist, Life editor at and other community some of us of the days where many Jews includ- Since Omar is a member of the House of The Forward. Rebbetzin. organizations. ing Rabbi Moshe Shur went down south during Representatives, she is up for reelection in less the civil rights movement in the 1960s to help than two years. This is the time to search for blacks register to vote. Both representatives and work with possible candidates to chal- DESIGNED FOR A should be commended that they came to show lenge her in the Democratic primary. LESLIE GINSPARG-KLEIN WOMAN WHO IS: their opposition to anti-Semitism despite the Also, there is going to be a presidential elec- Academic Dean Women's risk of being subject to a negative reaction. tion in 2020. Generally, those who are running Institute of Torah Seminary, • An emerging or The audience included people I recognized to be the Democratic Party candidate for the Maalot Baltimore; Author. experienced lay-leader who were angry about Omar and the Demo- president have been falling over each other to cratic Party’s response in the House of Rep- show that they are the most progressive. They • Mission-driven and resentatives. To their credit, with one or two do not realize that the majority of the party is collaborative exceptions, they were respectful to all of the not made up of progressives. ALLISON JOSEPHS speakers including congressmembers Grace The large number of candidates for presi- Founder and Director • Involved in building Meng and Gregory Meeks. It reminded me of dent should be looked at as an opportunity for of Jew in The City, community initiatives the time past when people respected elected the Jewish community. If the community can Project Makom. • Committed to the offi cials even when they might have disagreed get behind one or two candidates who have a with them on a particular issue. chance to win, it will increase our clout. Also, spiritual growth and Sometimes we have to step back and not we have to call out a candidate who is anti- well-being of her CHANI NEUBERGER get overwhelmed. We are not living in 1938 Israel and anti-Semitic. If that candidate goes Senior Advisor to the Director community Germany. It is not disputed that anti-Semitism up in fl ames, it will be a warning sign to oth- of the National Security Agency. along with other hate crimes are on the rise. ers that they’d better not mess with the Jewish Founder of Sister to Sister Social media along with the toxic political community. Rallies are important but they are resource and support network discourse has made it more fashionable to be only a fi rst step. It is time to become more in- for Jewish divorced women. anti-Semitic. volved in the political process.

Warren S. Hecht is a local attorney. He can be reached at [email protected] Connect. Develop. Impact. Grow. DDailyaily ZmanimZmanim tĞĞŬŽĨtĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJDĂƌĐŚϮϬͲdƵĞƐĚĂLJDĂƌĐŚϮϲ͕ϮϬϭϵ  t d,hZ^ &Z/ ^d ^hE DKE dh^ ĂǁŶ ϱ͗ϯϳĂŵ ϱ͗ϯϲĂŵ ϱ͗ϯϰĂŵ ϱ͗ϯϮĂŵ ϱ͗ϯϬĂŵ ϱ͗ϮϴĂŵ ϱ͗ϮϳĂŵ ĂƌůŝĞƐƚƚĂůŝƐΘƚĞĨŝůůŝŶ ϲ͗ϬϵĂŵ ϲ͗ϬϳĂŵ ϲ͗ϬϲĂŵ ϲ͗ϬϰĂŵ ϲ͗ϬϮĂŵ ϲ͗ϬϬĂŵ ϱ͗ϱϵĂŵ ^ƵŶƌŝƐĞ ϲ͗ϱϵĂŵ ϲ͗ϱϳĂŵ ϲ͗ϱϱĂŵ ϲ͗ϱϰĂŵ ϲ͗ϱϮĂŵ ϲ͗ϱϬĂŵ ϲ͗ϰϵĂŵ >ĂƚĞƐƚƐŚĞŵĂ ϵ͗ϮϬĂŵ ϵ͗ϭϵĂŵ ϵ͗ϭϴĂŵ ϵ͗ϭϳĂŵ ϵ͗ϭϲĂŵ ϵ͗ϭϱĂŵ ϵ͗ϭϰĂŵ DĂŐĞŶǀƌĂŚĂŵ >ĂƚĞƐƚƐŚĞŵĂ'ƌĂ ϭϬ͗ϬϭĂŵ ϭϬ͗ϬϬĂŵ ϵ͗ϱϵĂŵ ϵ͗ϱϴĂŵ ϵ͗ϱϳĂŵ ϵ͗ϱϲĂŵ ϵ͗ϱϱĂŵ DŝĚĚĂLJ ϭ͗ϬϯƉŵ ϭ͗ϬϮƉŵ ϭ͗ϬϮƉŵ ϭ͗ϬϮƉŵ ϭ͗ϬϭƉŵ ϭ͗ϬϭƉŵ ϭ͗ϬϭƉŵ ĂƌůŝĞƐƚŵŝŶĐŚĂ ϭ͗ϯϯƉŵ ϭ͗ϯϯƉŵ ϭ͗ϯϯƉŵ ϭ͗ϯϮƉŵ ϭ͗ϯϮƉŵ ϭ͗ϯϮƉŵ ϭ͗ϯϮƉŵ WůĂŐŚĂŵŝŶĐŚĂ'ƌĂ ϱ͗ϱϭƉŵ ϱ͗ϱϮƉŵ ϱ͗ϱϮƉŵ ϱ͗ϱϯƉŵ ϱ͗ϱϰƉŵ ϱ͗ϱϱƉŵ ϱ͗ϱϱƉŵ ΘĂĂů,ĂdĂŶLJĂ SPACE IS LIMITED | SIGN-UP DEADLINE: MARCH 31, 2019 ^ƵŶƐĞƚ ϳ͗ϬϳƉŵ ϳ͗ϬϴƉŵ ϳ͗ϬϵƉŵ ϳ͗ϭϬƉŵ ϳ͗ϭϭƉŵ ϳ͗ϭϮƉŵ ϳ͗ϭϯƉŵ EŝŐŚƚĨĂůůͲϯƐƚĂƌƐ ϳ͗ϰϳƉŵ ϳ͗ϰϴƉŵ ϳ͗ϰϵƉŵ ϳ͗ϱϭƉŵ ϳ͗ϱϮƉŵ ϳ͗ϱϯƉŵ ϳ͗ϱϰƉŵ ĞŵĞƌŐĞ APPLY TODAY AT OU.ORG/SUMMIT EŝŐŚƚĨĂůůͲϳϮŵŝŶƵƚĞƐ ϴ͗ϭϵƉŵ ϴ͗ϮϬƉŵ ϴ͗ϮϭƉŵ ϴ͗ϮϮƉŵ ϴ͗ϮϯƉŵ ϴ͗ϮϰƉŵ ϴ͗ϮϱƉŵ &ƌŝĚĂLJDĂƌĐŚϮϮ͕ϮϬϭϵ͗ĂŶĚůĞůŝŐŚƚŝŶŐϲ͗ϱϭƉŵ ^ŚĂďďŽƐDĂƌĐŚϮϯ͕ϮϬϭϵĞŶĚƐϳ͗ϱϮƉŵĞŶĚƐϴ͗ϮϯƉŵZ͛dĂŵ

20 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 FFinanciallyinancially Forward

Gerald Harris

Hey New Yorkers, Are You Ready No wonder Cuomo is concerned about the real possibility that these wealthy people will To Pack Your Bags? leave; the vocal and increasing calls to “soak the rich” are not making him feel calmer. s New York City on the brink of a fi nan- (based on taxes as a percentage of income) ac- With an already huge defi cit, huge debt, cial crisis? Some people think it is. Ac- cording to US News. and the possibility of an approaching busi- Icording to a very recent article in The *Property taxes, which generate almost ness slowdown, the last thing both the city New York Post, the city is “careening closer half of the city’s revenue, are rising faster and the state need is for its most prosperous to all-out fi nancial bankruptcy.” Even if this than any other revenue source. This is hurting taxpayers to leave. report is exaggerated, it certainly gives one businesses. It is also prompting some home- And with tax bills already at or near the protection from its creditors, but it would be reason for thought. owners, who were hit hard by changes in the highest in the nation, the last thing very very diffi cult for the city to take on new debt,” The problem the city is facing is not a he adds. shortage of revenues, because the tax base It has been pointed out that people in dif- here is enormous and literally every second Experts say the city is vulnerable to an unexpected financial shock, such as fi cult situations somehow manage without of every day money keeps pouring into the a recession, which some believe is not only inevitable but looming on the government programs to assist them. How- city’s coffers. Rather, the problem is that de- ever, once those programs have been intro- spite all those revenues the city seems deter- horizon duced, they are no longer a convenience but mined to spend as quickly as possible. become a necessity. The numerous social, Long-term debt already exceeds $81,000 deductions they can take on their federal tax- wealthy New Yorkers want to hear is that they health, and education programs the city has per household. At the same time, a growing es, to relocate to lower-taxed states. are not paying their fair share. introduced have gone a long way to helping number of businesses and residents, reeling What happens when revenues drop and residents here. and angry about the super-high taxes here, are can’t cover budgets? The traditional answer See Ya However, those amenities are no longer moving to low- and zero-tax states in droves. has been to raise taxes. Now, too, because of As noted above, a growing number of peo- optional; we’ve come to depend on them. Experts say the combination of these the state’s shortfall in revenues, there are calls ple are leaving New York. Between mid-2017 Now that the city is in a worsening fi nancial events has left the city vulnerable to an un- to “soak the rich.” and mid-2018 more than 48,500 residents left situation, it may no longer have the fi nancial expected fi nancial shock, such as a recession, Actually, high-income residents are already for other states – a greater number of out-mi- abilities to fund all of them. Which ones to which some believe is not only inevitable but saturated. The top 1 percent of New York City gration than from any other state. cut is going to be a very diffi cult decision for looming on the horizon. earners already pay nearly half of the Big Ap- And it’s not just the state that’s being pres- city managers. It’s going to be even more dif- “The city is running a defi cit and could be ple’s income tax revenues. sured by these trends; so is this city. “New fi cult for the people who will no longer have in a real diffi cult spot if we had a recession, or And further soaking could very well be York City could go bankrupt, absolutely,” said the support of those programs. a further fl ight of individuals because of tax counterproductive. In a very recent radio in- Peter C. Earle, an economist at the American Sources: democratandchronicle.com; em- reform,” said Milton Ezrati, chief economist terview, the governor said that some Demo- Institute for Economic Research. pirecemter.org; nypost.com; usatoday.com; of Vested. “New York is already in a diffi cult cratic legislators support programs that “In that case the city would get temporary wamc.org. fi nancial spot, but it would be in an impos- would add billions of dollars to the state’s sible situation if we had any kind of setback.” budget. And he said that other Democrats in the legislature, including several newly “Unsupportable” elected state senators, favor imposing new, One such setback appears to have already higher tax brackets on New York’s residents materialized. While the state foresaw a slow- as a means to pay for new programs. down in tax revenues, the one it is currently Daniel Aryeh, PT, LLC experiencing is unexpectedly high. Governor “Budget Realities” Cuomo said, “Tax collections are even worse Cuomo warned against both of these. New Personal attention in a warm enviornment - beacuse WE CARE! than anticipated,” and are “as serious as a York already imposes the second-highest taxes heart attack.” As a result, the state is facing a on millionaires in the nation, he said, adding defi cit of $2.3 billion. that newer members of the legislature may Comptroller Tom DiNapoli said this slow- have to face what he called “budget realities.” down is the biggest hit to the state’s fi nances “This is the fl ip side,” said Cuomo. “Tax the Physical Therapy in some time. Moreover, he added, “That $2.3 rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. The rich leave, billion fi gure could get worse before it gets and now what do you do?” The governor says Helping you get more out of life! better.” In fact, the spending plans Cuomo he has “heard” that some wealthy New York- outlined just a month ago are now “unsup- ers “might” be moving their permanent resi- portable,” he said. dence to a different state, but at this point has . Specializing in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Sports & orthopedic Injuries, Because of these developments, the state’s no hard numbers. preliminary budget for the coming fi scal year With a population of approximately 20 . Balance/Vestibular, Neurological & rheumatological Disorders calls for cutting $600 million in aid to the city. million people, New York State is the fourth Strong emphasis on Therapist : Doctor Communication largest in the nation. So what’s the big deal . First Place if a few hundred or even if a few thousand . Most Health insurances accepted Despite the already high debt, the city is people move away? planning to borrow more for its next budget, In this case it’s not just the number of peo- . Same day appointments which could be as much as $3 billion more ple, but the people with the numbers. In 2016, than the current one. Increasing the city’s the 3,500 highest-income city residents gen- . Late night hours budget is nothing new. They’ve grown some erated approximately 23 percent of New York 32 percent since de Blasio took offi ce – triple City income taxes and 28 percent of the state’s the rate of infl ation. income taxes. 3 Great Locations The following are some other surprising The highest-earning 1 percent of New Yor- economic statistics: kers paid more city and state income taxes *The city’s workforce has soared by more than all of the lowest-earning 90 percent. If than 33,000 in the past fi ve years. just 100 of these super wealthy New Yorkers *New York City is ranked fi rst in the nation moved to another state, the income tax losses Achieve Physical Therapy 110-20 71st Road in local tax burden according to The Post. alone would come to $60 million for the city 1584 Broadway Suite 101 200 Middle Neck Road *New York State has the highest taxes and $130 million for the state. Hewlett, New York Forest Hills, New York Great Neck , New York Phone (516) 593-4530 Phone (718) 263 - 9011 Phone (516) 570 - 2362 Gerald Harris is a fi nancial and feature writer. Gerald can be reached at geraldhrs@ yahoo.com

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 21 HHookedooked On Healing Caroline Schumsky, LCSW, MS Make The Good Times Better And The Hard Times Easier o you think of your best friend or all of your time together. It’s healthy to have mate as your home base, sacred place, your own interests and friends. Let your- Dand biggest support in this ole world? selves miss each other. Speaking of “space”: Big bonus: You don’t have to act socially ac- What if I told you that standing super close ceptable around them. Speaking of which: to me in line will not get you to the checkout Did you know that pancakes were invented faster? Lol. just to make eating gallons of syrup socially Oh, look: You have one new friend request acceptable? But I digress… – from G-d. Is prayer your steering wheel or So what is the magic that makes some re- your spare tire? Walking with the Lord every lationships so healthy and happy? Question: friends. If you were meant to be controlled, hide behind clichés like “Nobody’s perfect” day may be the best exercise for you and your Do you know your loved ones’ needs or ex- you would have come with a remote. Keep or “Everyone makes mistakes.” Instead, they loved one. Besides, G-d has the best “prophet- pectations? Do they want breakfast in bed in mind that whoever is trying to bring you will take responsibility for their words and sharing” plan around. By all means, please or perhaps help with the dishes? You know down is already below you. actions. And not something like “I’m sorry we encourage spiritual growth and change. what they say: Good food = good mood. Jealousy and possessiveness may seem keep getting into fi ghts about things you’re Learn from your fi ghts. How did you re- If you’re not sure, fast forward to Step charming until they don’t. They can morph always wrong about.” Sheesh. solve it? Now apply the lessons in order to 1: Communication. There’s a difference be- into abuse and, oftentimes, do. Some people Unmet expectations are a killer. No need avoid arguments in the future. Forgive your tween talking at someone and talking to hate you because of the way other people to fl ounder in the face of hurt feelings. So friend and forgive yourself; and once you someone. Please check your ego at the door. love you. Argue much? Well, here’s a thought please ask for what you want. Care to make do, please let it go. Break out of your routine Speak, listen, and try to hear what he is say- for you: Bickering, brawls, and blowups stem him feel special? Ask about his day. Be spe- and try new things to keep it all interesting, ing. Do not just wait till it’s your turn to from our own fear or pain, my friends. We cifi c, while you’re at it. Ask: “What was the sweet friends. After all, your loved ones and speak. First, listen. Speaking of which, do are seldom unglued for the reasons we think best part of your day today?” Explore ways to friends are the only real safety net in this you ever listen to strangers’ conversations we are. And know this: When you throw understand her, instead of being so invested life. So instead of “you and me,” try using the and mentally give your opinion? Me, too. mud at someone, you lose ground. in having her agree with your points of view. word “we.” No relationship is all sunshine; Heh. So how do you test your relationship? Remember, you’re on the same side and al- but you can share one umbrella and brave Maybe it’s easier to defi ne what’s not a Here’s a simple way: Does he bring out the ways assume good intentions. Do not spend the storm together. sound or healthy relationship. If you fi nd best in you? Does she usually bring you up that your friendship or relationship is de- or down? If someone truly respects you, Caroline is a licensed psychotherapist, crisis counselor, and writer with an offi ce in Queens. She fi ned by power or control instead of respect they will show it. They may praise your ef- works with individuals, couples, and families. Appointments are available throughout the week and consideration, you may be headed for forts, and support your hard work – even and weekends. She can be reached at 917-717-1775 or at [email protected] or at face- heavy-duty heartache down the road, sweet your dreams. If they hurt you, they will not book.com/pages/Safe-Haven-Healing.

Oh, Mylanta! How A Scandal United The Country CONTINUED FROM P. 16 cludes parents, coaches, administrators, and testing offi cials. The total number of it. The reason people with money may get students who got into schools they may away with crimes is not because society lets otherwise not have is somewhere in the them; it’s unfortunately because they have 20-30 range. That means 20-30 potential more resources to cover their tracks, an ad- students did not get into those schools. In vantage not available to criminals with less terms of victims, this has to be pretty low means. And this isn’t a proof that colleges on the scale. Twenty to 30 college students are corrupt, either. The universities weren’t had to go to a different school. True, this implicated. There is no charge against a shouldn’t have happened. True, they were particular institution or standardized test victims, but this speaks volumes about companies. These were individuals acting of where we are in society that this is the their own accord. Bad people did bad things story that unites us. Gun violence affects so their children could have an advantage or countless people each day. Illegal immigra- so they could earn large amounts of money tion takes away opportunities for people to very easily. come to the US legally due to a reallocation The scope of this crime is pretty small of resources. Yet the one thing that unites when analyzing its effect. There were 50 us is as insignifi cant as a few kids went to people listed as co-conspirators. This in- a school they shouldn’t have? Have mercy!

22 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 OOpinionpinion Tragedy Should Be A Unifying Force, But It’s Not

By Moshe Hill Tharoor cited it to blame Trump and his advi- children into college. It seems like the country trations claimed that a root cause of radical Is- sors anyway. is united in pointing out that this behavior is lamic terrorism was a lack of economic oppor- n the wake of the horrifi c slaughter of 50 Not to be outdone, The New York Times wrong, and leaving the blame with the offend- tunities in the Middle East. Obama and Bernie Muslims in New Zealand last week, the also blamed Trump for the shooting in New ers. Is this because this is not a tragedy? Or Sanders went further and blamed terrorism Iworld came together for a moment to Zealand. In an opinion article entitled, “The because the activity is so foolish that the reac- on climate change. This was not the fi rst at- condemn the attacker, mourn the innocent, March of White Supremacy, from Oklahoma tion is one closer to mockery as opposed to tack that the media blamed on Trump and and refl ect on the violence that hit the town City to Christchurch,” columnist Jamelle mourning? Or is the reason deeper than that? the GOP. It is easier to attribute a tragedy to of Christchurch. A moment is approximately Bouie took a swipe at President Trump’s reac- Human beings are only capable of wrap- guns, lack of economic opportunities, climate 90-120 seconds, and that’s how long it took for tion: “…It’s in the president’s interest to down- ping their minds around so much. Parents change, or instead of attribut- many to start assigning blame for this attack play [white supremacist violence], given his doing everything they can to make sure their ing them to an ideology, a mental illness, or on anyone but the shooter. past equivocation on white supremacist vio- children go to a good college is something the pure evil. So instead of unifying around the Like the evil lunatics who came before, lence and use of white nationalist language.” public can understand, even though most peo- near global condemnation of these horrifi c ac- the Christchurch shooter (who should not be tions, mainstream outlets and college activists named lest he is given the infamy he craves) blame whom they are comfortable blaming, wrote a lengthy manifesto. Despite this mani- It is easier to attribute a tragedy to guns, lack of economic opportunities, because that’s all they understand. festo openly stating that the desired outcome The medieval problem-solving principle would be a world separated by ethnicity and climate change, or Donald Trump instead of attributing them to an of Occam’s razor would be very useful during polarized along political lines, many main- ideology, a mental illness, or pure evil these times. It states that “simpler solutions stream outlets used snippets of the manifesto are more likely to be correct than complex to attack their political enemies, as the shoot- ones,” which would certainly apply in this er intended. Well before the 74-page manifes- This was in reaction to Trump’s claim that ple see the ridiculousness of the action and tragedy. A complex solution to a shooting in to was dismissed as the ramblings of a homi- white supremacism is a small group of people, know that it’s wrong. Normal people do not New Zealand is that Trump wants a border cidal Internet troll who sought to divide, CNN which, by polling data, is true. It seems like a and cannot comprehend the evil that goes with Mexico, or had a bad press conference reported the shooter’s adoration of conserva- larger issue than it is because it’s a narrative into walking into a place of worship, any after Charlottesville. A complex solution is tive activists like , but not the that plays well in the media, but realistically it place of worship, and opening fi re on inno- that Chelsea Clinton condemned anti-Semitic parts where the shooter referred to himself is a small group making a lot of noise. cent people. So, in an attempt to understand remarks a month ago. A simple solution is that as an “eco-fascist” and said, “I want no part Trump and other Republicans were not the why someone would commit this act of evil, this white supremacist terrorist has a disgust- of [conservatism].” So, dropping all pretense only recipients of the fi nger-pointing by the people try to rationalize it for themselves. This ing belief system, and that is one that is nearly of citing the manifesto, the left did what it left. In a viral video with nearly three million is why, whenever there is a shooting, there’s a universally rejected and condemned. Through always does and attacked those they disagree views, Chelsea Clinton was blamed directly for national conversation about guns. Gun con- that condemnation, we can unify and attack with wholesale, namely President Trump and this attack on the NYU campus. NYU student trol advocates assume, without knowing, that the problem. If we pursue the complex over anyone else critical of their worldview. Leen Dweik and a few other students blamed if you owned a gun, you would use it for evil. the simple, the lines of division will widen ’s editorial board Clinton for stoking anti-Muslim hatred world- Both the Obama and George W. Bush adminis- and the problem will not be addressed. wrote an Op-Ed entitled, “Trump Sends the wide because Clinton criticized Minnesota Wrong Message on New Zealand. World Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism Leaders Must Denounce the Attack.” The edi- in February. In the video, Dweik says, “This torial board pays lip service to the fact that right here is the result of a massacre stoked President Trump is not directly responsible by people like you and the words that you put for this attack, but he’s not doing enough to out into the world… 49 people died because $$,1685$1&( prevent it. (Reminder, this was a terrorist at- of the rhetoric you put out there.” As a reward tack in New Zealand, not the United States.) for cornering and yelling at a pregnant mother The piece writes, “President Trump is not to of “Jewish children,” Buzzfeed gave Dweik and blame for the tragedy, despite his own history the poster of the video, Rose Asaf, a guest col- of Islamophobic statements and a travel ban umn when the video went viral. (Dweik and that target predominately Muslim nations.” Asaf are both BDS activists on the NYU cam- This is a truly disgusting statement. The Post’s pus, and Dweik tweeted on March 3, “…demol- editorial board is covering themselves by say- ishing israel is a solution.”) Meanwhile, Don- ing that they don’t blame Trump, and in the ald Trump, Jr., no friend of Chelsea Clinton (at same sentence blame Trump. Did they have least publicly), defended her. He tweeted, “It’s $XWR +RPH &RPPHUFLDO the same condemnation of Bernie Sanders sickening to see people blame [Chelsea Clin- when one of his supporters shot up a group ton] for the NZ attacks because she spoke out of Congressional Republicans on a baseball against anti-Semitism. We should all be con- fi eld shouting, “This is for healthcare”? Obvi- demning anti-Semitism & all forms of hate. ously not, because that is not Bernie Sand- Chelsea should be praised for speaking up. ers’ fault, as it’s not Trump’s when a group of Anyone who doesn’t understand this is part of Muslims on the other side of the world are the problem.” murdered by a white supremacist. Then The This is the latest in a long line of tragedies Post doubled down, publishing an analysis by that could be unifying events that end up 5HWLUHPHQW Ishaan Tharoor entitled, “The Racist Theory pitting political factions against each oth- /LIH 'LVDELOLW\ That Underlies Terrorism in New Zealand and er. From Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High 3ODQQLQJ the Trump Presidency.” This piece also pays School in Parkland, Florida, to the Tree of Life lip service to not directly blaming Trump, and Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, every then blames Trump. “Trump is not to blame tragedy that could lead to a condemnation of for the tragedy in Christchurch. But, as an edi- hatred and bigotry turns into a political box- torial in The Washington Post noted, “There ing match. Every potential conversation about ´2XU3ODQV$UH%DVHGRQ

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 23 YYourour SSayay • Readers Write

CONTINUED FROM P. 1 in Venezuela is not that socialism has been tion should not be making public political poorly implemented, but that socialism statements without consulting the organi- a country that used to be the wealthiest in has been faithfully implemented.” zations’ members fi rst, made their own editor, guest columns in newspapers and South America. Rafi Metz public, political statements on behalf of publicity stunts. All of this was at taxpay- However, I think it’s a tremendous each of their k’hilos without fi rst consult- ers’ expense to raise their respective name mistake to argue that Venezuela is an ex- A Tale of Two Warren Hechts ing the members. identifi cation with voters and grease the ample of socialism “failing” or “not being Very truly yours, wheels for running for another public of- implemented correctly.” To the contrary: I Dear Editor: Jack Feigenbaum, Esq. fi ce. would argue instead that Venezuela is an Warren Hecht’s column “A Tale of Two New York City will have a $92 billion excellent case-study in demonstrating the Warrens” was his fi rst credible column Do We Really Need a Public budget in fi scal year 2019 with over 230,000 success of socialism, that the monstrous in the Queens Jewish Link. And so, next I Advocate? employees. This is greater than most states wealth gap between the governing elites would like to see him continue writing and many nations. Members of each of the and the public was supposed to happen about the sudden surge in anti-Semitism Dear Editor: 59 community planning boards, their dis- by design – by the very mechanisms of so- from the current US Congress, while also Why the need for both an offi cial car trict managers, along with every municipal cialism itself. In other words, socialism ac- mentioning how Charles Schumer, Jerry and security detail? I doubt NYC Public Ad- agency, provide better customer service to complished exactly what it was supposed Nadler, and Nita Lowey clearly care more vocate Jumanne Williams is on any terror- residents that any Public Advocate does. to do: redistributing the country’s wealth about the Democratic Party than they do ist hit list. Police assigned to his security The same is true for NYC Council members, from the governed to the governing. Judaism. detail serve as little more than personal Borough Presidents, and City Comptroller, This is why defenders of socialism – But instead, what I’ll really expect is chauffeurs paid for at taxpayers’ expense. who also periodically conduct audits of when offered proof after proof that social- for Mr. Hecht to continue with his whin- Why not use public transportation like municipal agencies. ism has failed everywhere it’s been imple- ing about the all-time most pro-Jewish US millions of constituents do on a daily ba- The Offi ce of Public Advocate just du- mented – are completely wrong when they President ever. sis? plicates these functions with taxpayers argue, for instance, that “Real socialism Choni Kantor Public opinion polls confi rm that citi- paying twice for the same services. No hasn’t been tried yet” or “Socialism in that Kew Gardens zens believe taxpayers would be better off one would notice if the Offi ce of Public country wasn’t implemented correctly.” if the useless Offi ce of Public Advocate was Advocate was abolished. Life for NYC resi- Those arguments are invalid, since social- Rabbi Schonfeld and the Biggest abolished. It has only provided temporary dents would go on without any signifi cant ism was designed to do the very things its Irony employment for past Public Advocates adverse impact. Funding for the Offi ce of defenders claim it wasn’t. That’s why the Mark Green, Betsy Gotbaum, Bill de Blasio, Public Advocate would be better spent on humongous gap between the governing Dear Editor: Letitia James, and now Williams. All four more critical municipal services such as elites and the public isn’t an anomaly of Rabbi Schonfeld’s article last week was predecessors used this offi ce as a stepping transportation, police, fi re, sanitation, or some sort – rather it is endemic to and part extremely well written. However, he left stone to run for higher offi ce, either for education. and parcel of a socialist system. off the biggest irony in the saga: The rabbis Mayor or State Attorney General. He will Sincerely, Having said this, I’d like to conclude and presidents of the 22 synagogues who do the same. Larry Penner this letter with a past quote from Presi- signed a letter with their shuls’ names, For years, all engaged in a nonstop se- Great Neck dent Trump, who succinctly explained the complaining that the elected and ap- ries of press conferences, news releases, above in a speech to the UN: “The problem pointed offi cials of the national organiza- issuance of various reports, letters to the CONTINUED ON P. 43

24 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 25 RRecentecent Happenings Rally Against Anti-Semitism By Sergey Kadinsky

PPhotoshotos byby SaulSaul JJosephoseph aandnd AAtaratara SerleSerle hen there is an increase of anti- Semitic incidents across the coun- Wtry, does a resolution to condemn it deserve to stand alone, or as part of the “kitchen sink” that includes other forms of discrimination? Last Sunday, nearly 500 people gathered at Haym Salomon Square in Kew Gardens Hills to condemn this centu- ries-old form of hate, which included strong words against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and the Congressional resolution that lumped her anti-Semitic statements with other forms of hate. Having taken place two days after a white supremacist massacred 50 worshipers in two “They tried to pin the blame of what hap- Semitism,” said Rep. Grace Meng. “These have New Zealand mosques, there was a feeling pened in New Zealand on Chelsea Clinton,” been a tough few weeks for our community.” of fear that anti-Semitism may lose the at- said Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, of the Young “As someone who has faced the claim tention of public offi cials concerned about Israel of Kew Gardens Hills and the Rabbin- of dual loyalty based on my own heritage, Islamophobia. ic Consultant of the Queens Jewish Link. He I know how dangerous that accusation can was speaking about the videotaped incident be,” said Meng. She noted the increase in where a leftist heckler berated Clinton for anti-Semitic incidents, mentioned recent ex- her condemnation of Omar, connecting it amples, and her efforts to fund security for to the massacre. After this example of mis- synagogues and the missile defense shield placed blame, he spoke of a double-standard for Israel. “It is reprehensible on its own mer- among public offi cials. “Judge Jeanine Pirro its,” she said about anti-Semitism. was removed from her show for anti-Muslim Borough President Melinda Katz spoke of remarks, but Congresswoman Omar remains unity in purpose for victims of hate, noting on the Foreign Affairs Committee with impu- that on the same day she would be speaking of local Republican activists Phil Orenstein nity. Anti-Semitism must be addressed alone.” at Borough Hall in solidarity with the local and Joe Concannon, with an introduction for Fortunately, in Queens, civic and elected Muslim communities and their coreligion- Jeffrey Wiesenfeld. The Great Neck resident leaders recognize that anti-Semitism should ists in New Zealand. “It’s not just about the is a former CUNY trustee and active in vari- be condemned on its own without being fact that they’re allies. It’s about fairness and ous pro-Israel causes. “Justice for the Jewish lumped together with other forms of hatred. equity.” people is to be treated by the body politic as “We are here as Democrats, Republicans, The rally was billed as nonpartisan, and any other group. Just because we are polite Jews, and non-Jews to stand against anti- Rabbi Schonfeld acknowledged the presence doesn’t mean that we should be ignored. Our sages teach us to assume the good in people unless proven otherwise. Ilhan Omar has proven otherwise,” said Wiesenfeld. “We want to be treated like anybody else. You don’t create a kitchen sink resolution.” Councilman Rory Lancman noted that even as the Jewish community is polite, it is not complacent. “We will not be silent, we will not be quiet. We spoke up when the Queens Museum did not want to honor the anniversary of Israeli independence. We ex- pelled Kuwait Airlines from JFK Airport for their refusal to seat Israeli passengers, and public funding for nonprofi t institutions in the community. “We believe in ourselves, we are positive, and we reach out to other peo- ple. That is the answer.” They were joined at the podium by their colleagues Rep. Gregory Meeks, State Sena- tors Toby Ann Stavisky and Joe Addabbo, Councilman David Weprin, Councilman Do- novan Richards, Councilman Barry Groden- chik, and former Council Members Morton Povman, Jim Gennaro, and Elizabeth Crow- ley. Assemblyman Dan Rosenthal was rep- resented by his Chief of Staff Tim Thomas. Although the average age of rally participants leaned towards older local residents, nearly 30 talmidim from Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim


26 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 RRecentecent Happenings Draws Large Crowd In KGH were also present, along with the school’s Executive Vice President, Rabbi Hayim Schwartz. Among the sponsoring organizations, Da- vid Mordukhaev spoke for the Alliance of Bukharian Americans, Rabbi Chaim Schwartz represented the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. Zionist Organization of America Vice Presi- dent Dr. Arthur Cook spoke on its behalf: “Yes- terday, Jews around the world read Vayikra. A witness has the moral responsibility to speak up. Truth and justice are fatally compromised when one does not speak the truth.” Cynthia Zalisky and Michael Nussbaum of the Queens Jewish Community Council were also among the organizers of the event.

organizers hope to do the opposite through a sustained public campaign. Feeling inspired by the turnout and mes- sage, Great Neck resident Dr. Paul Brody said that his community is also planning a rally against anti-Semitism on Sunday, March 31. With increased incidents of anti-Semitism, such as a Congresswoman’s tweet, a Bukhar- ian teen being attacked on 108th Street, and swastikas in chalk in a Rego Park schoolyard, the Jewish community as a whole has become more vigilant. Likewise its elected offi cials, who diligently attend every briefi ng, public forum, and rally relating to hate crimes and bias as it relates to the Jewish community. Much of the anger relating to Rep. Omar many people show up on a Sunday afternoon. phone line may not receive voicemail due to The momentum gained from this rally was directed at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, He urged participants to contact Speaker Pelosi high call volume, there is an email form on her bodes well for the upcoming NORPAC mission who refused to remove Omar from the For- directly to demand the removal of Omar from website: pelosi.house.gov. As leftists succeeded to Washington on Tuesday, May 21, and the eign Affairs Committee after her anti-Semitic her committee posts. As her Washington offi ce in pressuring Pelosi to go easy on Omar, rally Celebrate Israel Parade on Sunday, June 2. remarks, and for approving a watered-down version of the resolution condemning anti- Semitism. “If Haman were alive today, she would say that he is an unintentional anti- Semite,” said Rabbi Moses Birnbaum of the Kew Gardens Hills Jewish Center. “Before there were Jewish defense agencies, there was Mordechai. He saved King Achashvei- rosh. I say to all the Jewish members of the House, if you don’t stand up for Jewish rights, who will? Then I ask, where’s Chuck?” He was referring to New York’s Senior Senator Chuck Schumer. Rabbi Schonfeld said that with the Purim parties around the neighborhood and so many other things to do, it was remarkable to see so

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 27 RRecentecent Happenings

Two Queens Schools Visit Albany For STEM Funding By Sergey Kadinsky AAssemblymemberssemblymember DDanielaniel RRosenthalosenthal iintroducesntroduces YYeshivaeshiva ooff CCentralentral QQueensueens sstudentstudents ffromrom hhisis ddistrictistrict onon thethe ffloorloor ooff tthehe AAssemblyssembly n its effort to promote civics and ensure state funding for secular studies, two school receiving public funding. They were IQueens schools joined the annual TEACH joined by nearly 700 students and educators NYS mission to Albany on Tuesday, March 12. from 50 other private schools across the state “We showed our strength and support in over for the massive lobbying effort. 90 meetings with law makers who joined us “Today is about how you change the way throughout the day from the stage or in legis- state government thinks about education and lative meetings,” said TEACH NYS Executive Di- our schools,” OU Executive Vice President Allen rector Maury Litwack. Founded in 2013, the OU- OOUU EExecutivexecutive VVPP AAllenllen FFaginagin ((left)left) aandnd Fagin told students in a gathering relating to the affi liated advocacy organization seeks to reduce OOUU PPresidentresident MMoisheoishe BBane.ane. event. “Today is about hundreds of students, the high cost of private school tuition by ensur- parents, and administrators coming to Albany ing that the state pay for items such as security and STEM subjects. to talk to our elected offi cials, to explain that TTeacheach NYSNYS rrallyally ccrowdrowd A dozen students from the Yeshiva of Central the education of our children matters, that edu- Queens took the bus upstate and met with As- cation is a civil right, that your right to choose semblyman Daniel Rosenthal and Joe Addabbo, how and where to be educated, without fi nan- Jr. who represent Kew Gardens Hills. They also cial penalty or hardships, is a civil right that eve- met with Assemblyman David Weprin, a day ry parent and student in this state should enjoy.” school parent whose district also has a sizable Last year’s Teach NYS mission also brought Jewish constituency. They learned about the hundreds of private school students and staff budget process, which is being debated at this to Albany in an effort that tripled state-funded time with the goal of completion by April 1, STEM programs in private schools from $5 mil- when it will be submitted to Governor Cuomo. lion in 2017 to $15 million. The acronym stands Shevach, the girls’ high school in Kew Gar- for Science, Technology, English, and Math – CCreditredit SSemeraroemeraro PPhotographyhotography dens Hills, also traveled to the Capitol to meet vital subjects for many of today’s high-earning CCreditredit SSemeraroemeraro PPhotographyhotography OOUU ExecutiveExecutive ViceVice PresidentPresident AAllenllen FFaginagin with lawmakers and make the case for their professions. NNYSYS AttorneyAttorney GGeneraleneral LLetitiaetitia JJamesames

An Affair At St. John’s University: The Grand Opening Of The Jewish Prayer Room By Joseph Sachakov While St. John’s University has existed for close to 150 years and has upheld a reputation n Thursday, February 28, the E-board of of being a Catholic institution with a Vincen- TThehe E-BoardE-Board ooff JJSASA the Jewish Students Association (JSA), tian mission, it can proudly claim that it has an Oalong with the St. John’s University incredibly diverse student population. Among for the Jewish students on campus. Sister Nora Beth Gavriel Bukharian Jewish Center, as well Campus Ministry and Emet Outreach Rabbis the vast array of cultures and religions that Gatto proudly shared the news to current JSA as the Aryeh Family and Albert Zibak. Mordechai Kraft, Nissim Musheyev, and Mi- make St. John’s a colorful melting pot are the president Natalie Eshaghian, that the Campus “I have an immense amount of gratitude to- chael Fuzaylov, conducted the grand opening Jewish students who hail from all corners of Ministry had designated a prayer room for the wards Hashem for making this happen and to- ceremony of the new prayer room dedicated Europe and Asia. The Jewish population within Jewish students on campus. Such a gesture is a wards all the people who worked to make this to Jewish worship. A long-time endeavor, the the Queens campus of St. John’s is comprised sign of the genuine friendship and harmony, de- happen, including the current JSA E-board, the Jewish student body of St. John’s University is of many dedicated and persistent individuals, spite any religious or cultural barriers that once past JSA E-boards, to those not on the E-board, delighted to fi nally have a room of their own all motivated with their academic endeavors. existed. and to St. John’s for fi nally pulling through. to conduct their religious services. However, this doesn’t stop them from being Shortly after, Sister Nora invited Eshaghian This represents the beginning of a very bright involved on campus, as well as being active in to see the prayer room, which was formerly future for the Jewish students of the St. John’s their religious and cultural observances. Until used as a storage closet in the basement of Bent University community,” said Zibak, a fi fth-year February 28, however, the Jewish student body Hall, below the Peter J. Tobin School of Busi- Pharmacy student. Zibak himself was very in- was unable to engage in religious observance ness. Both parties knew that there was much volved in advocating for a space to be allocated on campus because they lacked a designated work to be done to turn this storage closet to the Jewish students for the past four years. area to do so. This struggle is now history, into a fully functioning prayer room suitable “I feel really good about it. The fact that a thanks to the combined efforts of the current for religious services. Thankfully, many items Christian university with many Jewish stu- and previous JSA E-board members, as well as were provided, including chairs, a large table, a dents allowed us to have a room where we can other various students on campus. podium for the cantor who leads group prayer, go and pray symbolizes a lot,” said Isack Isha- According to JSA’s mission statement on and a divider. Religious articles were donated kov, a second-year Biology student who came Stormsync, “The JSA is open to all students of to the prayer room from a variety of organiza- from Israel to study at St. John’s University. St. John’s University, no matter what level of tions and individuals eager to ensure that the Many students agree that it is truly amazing observance, knowledge, or commitment, as Jewish students of St. John’s would have proper to have a prayer room designated for Jewish we strive to provide a warm, welcoming, and commodities with which to conduct religious students at a Catholic university, because it open-minded atmosphere in which Jews of all services. Donors that deserve credit for their shows strong bonds being formed after almost levels of knowledge and observance will be in- generous contributions include Shaare Zion two millennia of tension. From what many terested and encouraged.” Synagogue of Great Neck, Temple Israel of Great students are saying, times are fi nally changing. JSA has worked particularly hard over the past Neck, Ahavat Shalom Synagogue of Great Neck, We are learning to respect one another and re- RRabbiabbi KraftKraft hanginghanging mezuzahmezuzah half-decade, striving to acquire a prayer room the Iranian Jewish Center of Great Neck, the spect our differences.

28 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 RRecentecent Happenings

Chevrah Kadisha Of The Young Israel Of Kew Gardens Hills Holds Annual Dinner

By Susie Garber kidney transplants within the Jewish com- munity. Mr. Chait wants to raise awareness ver 100 people attended the annual in the community about this incredible dinner for the Chevrah Kadisha of organization. Mr. Chait suffered from a OThe Young Israel of Kew Gardens severe kidney problem towards the end of Hills, honoring the members of the Chev- February 2018, and he was going to need rah who work all year on behalf of the dialysis. Baruch Hashem, he was able to re- community. ceive a kidney donation through Renewal. This chevrah kadisha has been in exist- He noted that the average wait time for ence for over fi ve decades, also supplying a kidney is seven years; yet, through Re- chairs, siddurim, and sifrei Torah, and ar- newal he received a donation in three and ranging leining at the house of mourn- a half months. He noted that people can ing. Mr. Sam Brach, Mr. Jack Rapp, Rabbi become very ill under dialysis, but with a George Rushfi eld, and Rebbetzin Rita transplant, a person can resume a normal Rushfi eld were some of the people who ((PhotoPhoto creditcredit MMartinartin FFleischer)leischer) ((PhotoPhoto ccreditredit MMartinartin FFleischer)leischer) lifestyle. “This organization demonstrates were the driving force in the operation of RRabbiabbi SSchonfeldchonfeld sspeakingpeaking aatt CChevrahevra KKadi-adi- RRabbiabbi JoshuaJoshua SSturmturm sspeakingpeaking aatt CChevrahevra the glory of acheinu B’nei Yisrael. When the Chevrah Kadisha under the guidance sshaha ooff KKewew GGardensardens HHillsills ddinner.inner. KKadishaadisha ofof KKewew GGardensardens HHillsills ddinner.inner. needed, they come forward.” He said, “It’s a resource for us and we need to spread of the shul’s now rabbi emeri- ial.” He thanked the Chevrah Kadisha, the word about them.” He shared that they tus, Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld sh- which treats everyone with dignity, love, are discreet and do not tell the recipient lita. and friendship. He thanked everyone for who the donor is unless the donor wishes Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld joining together to support this great to disclose his identity. They were there addressed the crowd via tel- mitzvah. Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, rav of the for Mr. Chait when he went to the hos- ephone. He noted that very few shul, thanked the members of the Chev- pital for the transplant, and Rabbi Sturm shuls have their own chevrah rah Kadisha, who go above and beyond stayed with his wife during the operation. kadisha. “It is special that the during the year. They were there after the surgery and they shul has this, where friends and Mr. Aaron Chait, a resident of Kew Gar- called every day for weeks. neighbors help you.” He taught dens Hills, introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Chait then quoted an apt saying ((PhotoPhoto creditcredit MMartinartin FFleischer)leischer) that “the original chevrah kadi- Rabbi Joshua Sturm, Executive Director of from Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld: “The difference PParticipantsarticipants atat ChevraChevra KKadishaadisha ooff KKewew GGardensardens HHillsills sha was Hashem Himself, who Renewal, an Orthodox non-profi t organiza- ddinner.inner. saw to Moshe Rabbeinu’s bur- tion in Brooklyn that helps facilitate live CONTINUED ON P. 36

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 29 RRecentecent Happenings

HaRav Ezriel Auerbach And HaRav Shmuel Deutsch Give Divrei Chizuk To Queens n Wednesday evening, at 9:15 p.m., despite the frigid weather and slushy Oroads, two g’dolei Eretz Yisrael: HaRav Ezriel Auerbach shlita and HaRav Shmuel Deutsch shlita did not disappoint the crowds at Kollel Milhamta Shel Torah of Queens, who eagerly awaited to see and hear the divrei chi- zuk from the two renowned Torah leaders. HaRav Ariel Baal-Lev, the Rosh Kollel of Kollel Milhamta Shel Torah, shares a close relationship with these g’dolei Eretz Yisrael, which traces back to the years he lived there, prior to assuming the current position, where all his efforts and strengths are dedicated to establish edifi ces of Torah for the Queens community. While residing in the Bayit Ve- gan neighborhood, HaRav Baal-Lev would ap- proach Rav Ezriel Auerbach for any questions RRabbiabbi NNaftoliaftoli RRubinubin wwithith HHaRavaRav SShmuelhmuel DDeutcheutch sshlitahlita RRoshosh KollelKollel HHaravarav AArielriel BBaalaal LLevev wwithith HHaRavaRav EEzrielzriel AAuerbachuerbach sshlitahlita in his personal life, which weaved a connec- tion cherished to this day. Adjacent to his home was Yeshivat Kol Torah, where HaRav scholars of the highest caliber who relocated Shmuel Deutsch is Rosh Yeshiva. HaRav Baal- from Yeshivas Brisk in Eretz Yisrael with the Lev frequented the yeshivah often, where he specifi c goal of spreading Torah in Queens. gained from listening to many shiurim there, Beyond providing a framework to enable including shiurim by HaRav Wolbe zt”l and its outstanding avreichim to realize their po- HaRav Avraham Erlinger (Birkat Avraham) sh- tential as Torah leaders, the kollel also runs lita. numerous programs for all the various seg- It came as no surprise then, that both ments of the population. g’dolim were enthusiastic to give of their Within the population of the Queens com- precious time for a shiur where they can be munity, there is a large section of Bukhar- m’chazeik the kollel, which serves as an active ian Jews who embrace a unique history with bet midrash pulsating day and night with the constant struggles even faced upon reaching rigorous, intensive study of Torah at the high- the American shores. This unique Torah insti- est levels. tution carries a bold, ambitious vision that The importance of a mekom Torah was seeks to spiritually energize the entire com- community,” Rabbi Oelbaum says of Kollel HaRav Baal-Lev is not sitting on his lau- greatly emphasized at the lecture, crediting munity, and invests great effort specifi cally Milhamta. rels, content with his kollel’s achievements. the purpose of Kollel Milhamta Shel Torah, for the Bukharian Jews in helping them reach The kollel welcomes all who wish to par- He aspires to extend his reach even further, a unique, full-time Torah learning program higher levels of Torah commitment. ticipate in its various programs, regardless of to establish a kollel and Torah center in every serving the Queens community. The revered 20th-century sage the Chazon their level or background. The atmosphere is neighborhood. Respected rabbis of the Queens commu- Ish (Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz) wrote friendly and amicable, and everyone is made As the rabbanim took leave from the kollel nity attended, as well, including Rabbi Naftoli that the greatest infl uence upon a commu- to feel comfortable. with the inspiring words of chizuk still ring- Rubin, Rabbi Tzadka, Rabbi Henoch Savitsky, nity comes from Torah scholars learning in The name “Milhamta Shel Torah” liter- ing in the air, all attendees parted extremely Rabbi Matis Blum, Rabbi Herschel Welcher, its midst. Kollel Milhamta is a shining exam- ally means “the war of Torah,” and it was se- warmed and uplifted. A deep feeling of en- and Rabbi Binyomin Kessler. ple of this infl uence, as noted by Rav Noach lected on the basis of the comments of the couragement enveloped everyone to contin- The Kollel was founded in October 2013 Isaac Oelbaum, one of the leading rabbis in Or HaChayim HaKadosh, one of the famous ue with the holy work of building a glorious by HaRav Ariel Baal-Lev, with the encourage- Queens. Sephardic Torah commentators, regarding the citadel of learning that shines the brilliant ment of Rav Yaakov Moshe Hillel, rosh yes- “What we have here in Queens is a reine war waged by the nation of Amaleik against light of Torah far and wide, throughout the hivah of Ahavat Shalom. The students are vinkel (a pure corner) that infl uences the the Jewish People. community and beyond.

Rabbi Herschel Welcher Gives Shiur On The Mitzvah Of Separating Challah

By Susie Garber own home.” Welcher quoted the Navi Yechezkel that the fi ve species: wheat, barley, rye, oats, or The Sefer HaChinuch taught that the Rib- bringing the fi rst of the dough to the kohen spelt. You need three pounds of fl our to n Monday evening, March 4, as part bono shel Olam wants to bequeath us with brings brachah to our homes. separate with no brachah, and fi ve pounds of the three-part series of shiurim for a mitzvah combining ruchniyus and gash- Rabbi Welcher reiterated that “we are is required in order to recite the brachah. He Owomen at Congregation Ahavas Yis- miyus. Rabbi Welcher pointed out that the bringing a phenomenal brachah from taught that the separated dough should be roel, Rabbi Herschel Welcher shlita, rav of principal food in the East is rice, while in Hashem to our homes with this mitzvah.” wrapped in plastic to show respect for the the shul, taught a fascinating shiur on the the West it is bread. So this mitzvah of Sepa- The Chofetz Chaim, in his time, lamented mitzvah and then disposed of in the garbage. mitzvah of Separating Challah. He taught rating the Challah teaches us that every time that women were buying challah and losing Burning it today is problematic. After recit- that the mitzvah of Challah was given im- we eat or prepare food, we have a mitzvah the opportunity of performing the mitzvah ing the blessing, it is important to say “Zo mediate after the sin of the M’raglim (the of serving Hashem. The Rambam taught that of Separating the Challah. Rabbi Welcher challah” (or, I declare that this is Challah). Spies), because with this sin B’nei Yisrael every time we have a gift from Hashem, the said it would be good at times throughout He explained that this is comparable to the lost a certain connection with Hashem. “In fi rst part should be given to the Ribbono shel the year, when we can, to bake challah and mitzvah of T’rumah. We only need to sepa- order to receive Hashem’s brachah in our Olam. He treats the Separating of Challah have the opportunity to be m’kayeim the rate a piece the size of one half of an egg. In own home, we needed an additional mitz- mitzvah like Maaser. “The mitzvah of Chal- mitzvah of Hafrashas Challah. the time of the Beis HaMikdash, the challah vah, and this is a mitzvah that should give lah teaches us that we dedicate our best ef- He then detailed what is required to was given to the kohen. After the declaration us “z’chus to have Hashem’s brachah in our forts in everything in life to Hashem.” Rabbi say the brachah. The dough must be from that this is challah, it is customary to pray.

30 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 31 CommunityEMET SHABBAT

FRIDAYRIDAY NIGHT FOREST HILLS Betheth Gavriel - Downstairs Rabbibbi Emmanuel E l Shimonov Shi MARCH 22ND – 23RD • ´ÅÉÈÇÃ RABBI NISSIM MUSHEYEV

Beth Gavriel - 2nd Floor Rabbi Israel Itshakov RABBI YY RUBINSTEIN

Sha'arei Eliyahu Men & Women Rabbi Yosef Akilov 5:00 PM RABBI REUVEN KIGEL SHABBAT DAY "How Laughter Gets Us Ohel Joseph & Burho Toxsur Rabbi Mordichai Rachminov RABBI Y.Y. Through Tough Times" RABBI BINYAMIN YUHANAN RUBINSTEIN Beth Gavriel • 66-35 108th Street World Renowned Speaker Ohr Natan Rabbi Nahum Kaziev and Author Men & Women RABBI ELIYAHU MAKSUMOV SEUDAH SHLISHIT 7:00 PM COMMUNITY-WIDE SHABBAT DAY ADDRESSES Young Israel of Forest Hills Beth Gavriel - Downstairs for Men & Women 7100 Yellowstone Blvd. Rabbi Emmanuel Shimonov RABBI BINYAMIN YUHANAN Women "Pesach 2.0: Cleaning Out Beth Gavriel - 2nd Floor 4:00 PM the Chametz From Your Soul" Rabbi Israel Itshakov SHABBAT DAY Beth Gavriel • 66-35 108th Street Mrs. Devorah Kigel RABBI AKIVA RUTENBERG

Beth Gavriel - 2nd Floor Rabbi Ilan Meirov Featuring THE EMET RABBIS RABBI REUVEN KIGEL

Beth Gavriel - Neitz Rabbi Moshe Muratov RABBI BINYAMIN YUHANAN

Young Israel of Forest Hills Rabbi Ashie Schreier RABBI MORDECHAI KRAFT RABBI MORDECHAI KRAFT RABBIABBI AKIVA RUTENBERRUTENBERGG RABBI NISSIM MUSHEYEV Ohr Natan Emet Director EmetEmet DirectoDirectorr Torat Emet Director Rabbi Nahum Kaziev RABBI YY RUBINSTEIN

Ohel Joseph & Burho Toxsur Rabbi Mordichai Rachminov RABBI NISSIM MUSHEYEV



Beth Gavriel RABBI REUVEN KIGEL For more details, contact Emet: 718.820.9010 [email protected] EmetOutreach.org

32 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 33 RRecentecent Happenings

Queens Shows Support For Lakewood At Annual Fundraiser By Sergey Kadinsky shuls, published by the talmidim of BMG, and than 6,500 talmidim learning full- the chizuk given by Lakewood talmidim to lo- time in the manner promoted by or nearly three decades, Kew Gardens cal kiruv organizations. As Lakewood makes founding Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Aha- Hills resident Bernie Shafran has been its impact in Queens, it really does the same ron Kotler zt”l. Today, his grand- Fopening his home for the roshei yeshiv- across the country and the world. son Rav Aryeh leads ah of (BMG), the mas- “I’d like to speak as a parent and grandpar- the institution, along with Rabbi sive Torah learning institution based in Lake- ent of talmidim at Beth Medrash Govoha,” said Dovid Schustal, Rabbi Yerucham wood, New Jersey. This year, with Purim being Rav Dovid Harris, Rosh HaYeshiva at Yeshiva Olshin, and Rabbi Yisroel Neu- PPhotohoto credit:credit: MMartinartin FFleischerleischer on the week following the Shabbos of partner- Chofetz Chaim, the rabbinical seminary based man. RRabbiabbi HarrisHarris iintroducingntroducing RRabbiabbi KKotlerotler ship between the Queens Jewish community in Kew Gardens Hills. “We live in a modern In his remarks, Rav Kotler and Lakewood, Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler spoke world with many nisyonos, losing focus of our spoke of Amaleik’s plan to exterminate the divine events is by chance, including K’rias on the message of the festive holiday. purpose in life. We have Lakewood. It gives Jews. “Achashveirosh wanted to pay to get rid Yam Suf, when all of the other nations on The immediate connection between each of us a different perspective. Beth Me- of the Jews, but he was afraid to do it,” he said, earth trembled with fear and recognition. “Pu- Queens and Lakewood may not initially ap- drash Govoha has an incredible role in raising fearing divine punishment, as had happened rim is hester panim,” he said. So on its face, the pear, but then one learns of neighbors’ chil- the banner of Torah.” to previous kings in history. “Haman said, that events of the Megillah appear to fi t into Ama- dren who attend the yeshivah, a pulpit rabbi Since its founding in 1943, with an initial was when there was the Beis HaMikdash and leik’s narrative, except that the Jews remained or rebbe in yeshivah who received his s’michah class of 14 students, this yeshivah g’dolah has sh’kalim, but now he could hurt klal Yisrael.” a faithful people and Haman’s party ended up there, the parshah publications that appear in become the largest in America, with more He noted that, for Amaleik, the account of in place of the Jews. Meng Issues Statement Following Rep. Omar’s Comments

S Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) recently issued I believe strongly that the party I belong to, the cans highlight the very same dangerous tropes when it is politically expedient. Whether it’s anti- the following statement on Rep. Omar’s district I represent, and the country I am proud to and stereotypes that have threatened the lives of Semitism, Islamophobia or racism, hatred and Ucomments. live in is one that should celebrate diversity. We Jews for centuries. Religious and ethnic minori- bigotry are not political fodder; they are corrosive “This has been a week full of diffi cult conver- should do everything in our power to combat big- ties are stronger when we stand together, and to our body politic and the job we were sent here sations both within our communities and across otry. The resolution passed on Thursday makes stand up for each other. to do. cultural divides. As someone who has faced the clear that the House of Representatives stridently “At the same time, we cannot allow political “Rooting out demagoguery is a challenge we claim of dual loyalty based on my own heritage, I rejects anti-Semitism and hate of any kind. leaders who themselves peddle in hate – such as must all take up, and I promise I will be the fi rst know how hurtful and dangerous the accusation “I hope that Representative Omar has learned the individuals who sought to link Representa- to call out discrimination when I see it. I hope levied by my new colleague, Rep. Omar, can be. that her comments made about Jewish Ameri- tive Omar to 9/11 – to use the missteps of others you will join me in this endeavor.”

34 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 RRecentecent Happenings

Shiur HaChodesh At Cong. Genetics Etz Chaim Continues High-Level Torah Learning For Women

By Meira E. Schneider-Atik redeemed from slavery, and it was that faith that did exactly that. It was Miriam who con- he women of Queens were treated to vinced her father to return to her mother, another wonderful shiur on Tuesday thus conceiving Moshe Rabbeinu who would 101: Tnight, March 12, at Congregation Etz lead us out of Mitzrayim, and it was Miriam Chaim of Kew Gardens Hills. The speaker who kept a tambourine ready for celebration was Mrs. Michal Horowitz, who talked about (our fi rst drummer). “Refl ecting Mirrors and the Season of Geulah: EVERYTHING YOUR FAMILY An Exploration of the Righteous Women who Facilitated Redemption.” Shiur HaChodesh for Women by Women is organized by Hadassah Waxman and is in its 14th year. Women get high-level, text-based shiurim on Torah topics from many of the MARCH foremost teachers of Torah, Tanach, and Jew- ish History. Among the many magidei shiur have been Professor Smadar Rosensweig, Reb- betzin Abby Lerner, Dr. Deena Rabinovitch, 31 CONG. BNAI YESHURUN Dr. Yael Ziegler, Rabbanit Shani Taragin, and 641 W ENGLEWWOODOOOD AVE, TEANECK NEW JERSEY Professor Elisheva Carlebach. More and more women are demanding more opportunities SPEAKERS: for Torah learning, and this shiur is defi nitely addressing that demand, considering that these shiurim routinely draw substantial crowds, and this one was no different. Mrs. Horowitz spoke about the concept of righteous women who maintain faith in GGuestuest sspeakerpeaker MMichalichal HHorowitzorowitz wwithith sshiurhiur Hashem and who help bring about g’ulah. ccoordinatoroordinator HHadassahadassah WWaxmanaxman She made specifi c reference to Esther and to Miriam, since this is the “season” of the Later on, when building the Mishkan, the RRabbi Dr. Dr. William Dr. David Rabbi Stteve en g’ulah. Whether the woman was trapped in women donated their copper mirrors. Moshe AAaron Glatt Kearns Pelcovitz Pruzanskky physical slavery and poverty or whether she didn’t want to accept them, because they were was trapped in the king’s palace with every- symbols of vanity, but Hashem told him that thing she needed, she found the strength and those mirrors were dearer than anything else, courage to do what she had to do. and that he should use those mirrors for the When referring to Esther, Mrs. Horowitz Kiyor that would allow the kohanim to wash talked about her courage and about how she before the avodah. In fact, even when there didn’t know what the result would be. When was enough material and the people were we read the Megillah and hear the story, we’re told to stop donating, not one copper mirror RaR bbbi Elan Rabbi Gideon Temima Willddman not sitting on the edge of our seats, because was turned away. This brought another in- Seegelman Weitzman Lebowicz, MMS, CGC we know what happens. But Esther didn’t sight: It wasn’t just that the women had used know what would happen. Either she would those mirrors to beautify themselves and be save her people or she would be executed for with their husbands. Those mirrors were to coming forward. But she found the strength be seen and they gave a chance for everyone • DNAN & Halacha and courage to try. to take a look at themselves – not just at our • Gennettic Abnormalities & Pregnancy Loss In reference to Y’tzias Mitzrayim, Mrs. faces and how we look, but at ourselves. Do • Hoow to hah ndle Genetic Issues in Shidduchim & Life Horowitz spoke about the women who used we look like the strong, courageous people their copper mirrors to beautify themselves that we are? Do I see myself as someone who • New World of Science & Halacha and who brought food and drink to their can do what I have to do, or do I see only my

TOPICS INCLUDE: INCLUDE: TOPICS • Genettic Screening 101 husbands and seduced them, thus conceiv- limits? ing the generation that would leave Mitz- The next shiur will be on Wednesday, May rayim. While the men had given up hope 15 (10 Iyar) and will feature Professor Necha- CORPORATE and didn’t want to have more children who ma Price. SPONSOR: would be slaves, we women maintained our For more information, contact Hadassah faith in Hashem’s promise that we would be Waxman at [email protected].

RABBINIC HOST COMMITTEE: Rabbbi Yosef Adler Rabbi Shalom Responding To The Murders At Two Baum | Rabbii Ahharon Ciment | Rabbi Daniel Feldmam n | Rabbi YeY hudda Halpert | Rabbi NaNatht aniel Helfgot | Rabbi Haaim Jachter Rabbi Binyamin Krohn | Rabbbi Steven Pruzansky Rabbi Larry Rothwachs New Zealand Mosques Rabbi Zvi Sobolofskkyy Rabbi Moshe Stavsky | Rabbi Michah el Taubes n response to the horrifi c shootings at It only adds to the pain of this atrocity that COMMUNITY COMMITTEE: Rina and Nahumu Felman Mindy and Yisrael two mosques in New Zealand, Rabbi Avro- something as obvious as “evil is bad” needs to Gottesman | Shelly andd Robert Lefkowitz | Monique Victor and Curtis Rindfleish Ihom Gordimer, Chairman of the Rabbinic be said. Violence against civilians is abhorrent Circle of the Coalition for Jewish Values, made in all cases, under all circumstances, and hate the following statement: crimes have no place in civilized society.

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 35 What’s New IInn SSchoolchool

Pumpedisa Headlines Purim Spirit In The Air At HANC ECC At YTM Pre-Purim Mesibah West Hempstead he Purim spirit is in the air at HANC ECC West Hempstead. The children Thave been busy dressing up in cos- tumes, as well as crafting groggers and Mish- loach Manos baskets. One classroom was even transformed into a Persian Palace!

A list of Megillah reading times in Kew very year, the Adar ruach at Yeshiva were treated to have the Pumpedisa Band Gardens Hills and environs (KGH, Tiferes Moshe is amazing. Starting perform at the mesibah. Between the many Briarwood, Forest Hills, Great Neck, Ewith the Rosh Chodesh Adar treats creative concerts and the all-star musical and continuing with the many masquer- performance, the talmidim, rebbeim, and HHillcrest, Holliswood, Jamaica Estates, ades and mesibos, it is a very happy time in menahalim had a very special pre-Purim ex- school. perience. We look forward to the continued KKewew GGardens,a New Hyde Park, and Rego Park) This year, as a special addition to the usu- Adar simchah around the Yeshiva and thank ccompiledompiled bby Yussie Englander can be found at tiny. al Pre-Purim Grades 4-8 Mesibah, the boys the sponsor of the Pumpedisa Band. cc/2019kghmegillah.

MSH Mother-Daughter Dinner Chevrah Kadisha Of The Young Israel Of Kew Gardens Hills he MSH Annual Mother-Daughter Dinner was arguably the best yet! Holds Annual Dinner TStarting with welcoming the incom- CONTINUED FROM P. 29 learned more and more about the process ing eighth graders and decorating MSH and gathered resources, they became the SWAG cups, the girls had a great time. The between the chevrah kadisha and Renew- go-to organization for all kidney-related MSH Choir, led by director Terri Wagner, al is that Renewal wants to make sure you issues. Services are free of charge to any- and choir captains Shira Frankel and Maay- don’t need the chevrah’s services.” one in need. Today, almost every major an Sandowski, wowed the crowd with their Rabbi Joshua Sturm shared a d’var To- transplant center in the country reaches performances. rah. He then pointed out that “Kidney out to Renewal for information, support, Mrs. Eisenman intrigued the crowd with donors and the chevrah kadisha have a and the kinds of services they provide. a d’var Torah on Megillas Esther and the na- lot in common. Kidney donors don’t do Many have asked to copy their model. ture of Haman’s evil. Everyone then got to fore, with a teaser video, and who doesn’t it for any fame or public recognition; Rabbi Strum pointed out that 18 per- relive the MSH Theatre Production’s perfor- love an ice cream bar to top off the beautiful they do it simply because they have an cent of kidney transplants in the United mance of Fiddler on the Roof the week be- evening! opportunity to help someone. Similarly, States were through Renewal, and most people in a community have no idea people who participate in Renewal are who is actually involved in a taharah by Orthodox Jews. This is an incredibly the chevrah kadisha, and chevrah mem- large percentage when we consider that bers work behind the scenes simply for Jews are only one percent of the total the sake of doing chesed work.” population. Renewal has facilitated over Rabbi Sturm spoke about the work 575 transplants. that Renewal does. It helps patients and A moving part of the evening included their families navigate the complex pro- a video presentation by Mrs. Karen Vimi- cess of a kidney transplant, from fi nding lover, Mr. Reuben Vimilover, and their a donor to arranging the transplant and son Mr. Yosi Vimilover, about members beyond. At the same time, they support of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills donors to make sure their incredible self- who died within the past year. Family sacrifi ce is as simple and safe as it can be. members sent pictures and shared about Renewal began in 2006, with the goal their relationship with the shul. of supporting potential kidney donors Everyone left inspired by all the through the challenging process of de- chesed celebrated at this meaningful cision-making and donation. But as they event.

36 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Bnos Malka Academy invites the entire community to a shiur by

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Mara D'asra of Kehilas Ahavas Yisroel of Cedarhurst




PARKING AVAILABLE IN THE YCQ LOT Buffet and Refreshments will be served

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 37 What’s New IInn SSchoolchool

HAFTR HS Class Of 1994 25th Reunion And Memorial To Daniella Vogel A”H

hat does the word “reunion” her friends were reunited, together as a uni- mean? An instance of two or more fi ed whole, to honor her memory. Wpeople coming together again af- As more than 50 graduates and their ter a period of separation, a social gathering spouses entered the brand new Satran Arena, attended by members of a certain group of they experienced a mix of emotions. Excite- people who have not seen each other for ment and nostalgia fi lled the room. Guests some time, or the act or process of being ran to greet each other and catch up on the brought together again as a unifi ed whole? lives of their peers since they had last walked For HAFTR High School’s Class of 1994, all through the halls of HAFTR High School. of the above defi nitions rang true at their “Seeing so many of my classmates for the 25th Reunion, on Motza’ei Shabbos, March fi rst time in 25 years reminded me how spe- 2. It was a bittersweet gathering of fellow cial friendships are. Even though many of graduates, to celebrate friendship and also us were not in touch, we picked up where remember Daniella Vogel a”h, who passed we left off like nothing ever changed,” com- away just one week prior. Daniella had truly mented Jennifer Gluck Gardyn, one of the re- believed that she would attend the reunion union committee chairs and current HAFTR and, although she was not there in person, parent. “Everyone really pulled together to make this event an amazing evening that was truly memorable.” In attendance was former principal Rabbi Zvi Bajnon, who greeted his students with warmth and kind- ness as he welcomed them to the event. In addition to the delicious buffet dinner and sushi station, graduates enjoyed play- ing games and making new keepsakes at the HAFTR photo booth. Graduates were asked to fi ll out a special memory book for Daniella’s family, sharing wonderful memories of their time together in high school. The reunion committee prepared a meaningful program. Jennifer Gluck Gardyn and Ari Zoldan em- ceed the evening. After welcoming the gradu- ates, they introduced Daniella Vogel’s close friends Naomi (Goldberg) Wiesel and Sheera Gefen Greenberg to share a few words about Daniella, noting her warm and fun personal- ity and her loyalty and devotion not only to her family but to her friends. T’hilim were then recited by Andy Lauber. As Sheera Gefen Greenberg beautifully stated, “If we want to honor Daniella’s mem- ory, here are just a few lessons that I have learned from her that I humbly share with you: First, tz’dakah starts at home – in our own communities. There are many places right here in the Five Towns that can use our help. Like iShine, JCC’s Kadima, and Achiezer. Second, no matter who we are, how similar or different, where we came from, or where we’re going, be kind to one another and al- ways offer a lending hand, even to those we may not think need it. And lastly, the obvi- ous: Life can be too damn short and it throws us curveballs. Hug our children and let’s al- ways remember, as hard as it is, that even a bad day is still a day that Hashem gave us on this Earth. As our dear teacher Mrs. Becker, of blessed memory, used to say: Gather ye rose- buds while ye may…Carpe diem, Seize the day…Onward and Upward!” The program culminated in a video pres- entation made by the Class of 1994 during their senior year of high school. Ari Zoldan had recorded their senior class, asking where each graduate thought he/she would be in 20 years! It was a great way to end a wonderful program! As guests were leaving, they were again asked where they thought they would be in another 25 years...we can’t wait to see the video at their 50th Reunion! Thank you to the Reunion Committee for all their hard work for this special event.

38 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 What’s New IInn SSchoolchool

Shevach Alumnae Enjoy Inspiring Melaveh Malkah At Their Alma Mater

n Motza’ei Shabbos, March 9, She- then proceeded to delve into the Torah’s tend. After fl eeing Mitzrayim, B’nei Yisrael He then returned to the doctor, who found vach alumnae and teachers gathered perspective on gratitude, citing numerous found themselves sandwiched between that, miraculously, the tears had washed Oin Shevach for the annual Shevach examples from Tanach, which shed light on their Mitzri chasers from behind and the away the infection, and all traces of the dan- Alumnae Melaveh Malkah, organized by the deeper meaning of hakaras ha’tov. Yam Suf before them. However, the pasuk ger had passed, and his eye would be saved. alumna Mrs. Malkie Roberts. The alumnae When Hashem commanded Moshe to says that they were armed, so why did they Rebbetzin Hirtz concluded that having enjoyed the opportunity to reunite with bring the Makos, he told Moshe that Aha- not just turn around to fi ght the Mitzrim? hakaras ha’tov for the small things will help fellow graduates, principals, and teachers ron should do the Makos that require hit- Rav Moshe Sofer answers that despite the lead us to appreciate the bigger things, and alike, and re-experience the warm and invit- ting the water or earth. These objects had terrible hardships they endured in Mitzray- eventually have the proper gratitude to ing Shevach atmosphere. saved Moshe and, therefore, he owed them im, it was still an “achsania” – a place that Hashem for all that we receive from Him, After enjoying a beautifully presented hakaras ha’tov. Rav Dessler asks the obvious “hosted” B’nei Yisrael, and it would be a lack which forms a fundamental part of our dairy buffet, Shevach’s principal, Rebbetzin question: Why was Moshe not to hit these of hakaras ha’tov to fi ght them. emunah. Hirtz, opened the program with an address objects if they are inanimate and don’t have Rebbetzin Hirtz also shared an incredible The program then continued with a entitled “Unmasking Gratitude.” Rebbetzin “feelings”? He answers that hakaras ha’tov story of a man with a dangerous eye infec- presentation from makeup artist Goldie Hirtz began by stating that hakaras ha’tov is not about the recipient of the thanks, but tion who was told after consulting with Felsenstein, who shared many helpful tips is in fact one of the ikarei emunah, a foun- the giver. The act of hakaras ha’tov was in- leading doctors that the only option to save with the young ladies. The tutorial was en- dation of our belief in Hashem. Sometimes, tended not for the water or earth, but for his sight would be to surgically remove the joyed by all. The alumnae all left inspired people may be hesitant to express hakaras Moshe himself to internalize. eye. He walked into a shul, went up to the and grateful to once again feel the uplifting ha’tov, perhaps because they feel it refl ects a Another incredible example was brought aron kodesh, and began crying to Hashem atmosphere of Shevach High School. Thank defi cit in themselves, or because they have from the story of the Yam Suf, where we for three hours, thanking him for all he had, you, alumna Chani Gewanter, for reporting already repaid the favor. Rebbetzin Hirtz see just how far hakaras ha’tov must ex- especially his eyesight up until that point. on this event.

NSHA Celebrates ‘Chai’ Rebbe-Talmid Game…Or Not (18) Years Of Students Chanting By Ben Kochman and Noah Blum ow! What a week at the Yeshiva The ‘Gantze’ Megillah of Central Queens. All the jun- Wior high school students were milestone at the North Shore Hebrew Neck Synagogue (GNS). Another alumnus of psyched up to see the biggest game of the Academy (NSHA) Middle School, in the Megillah program, Eli Mendelson (’09) will year: the Rebbe-Talmid Game. It’s the game AGreat Neck, will be reached when 18 follow this cadre of NSHA alumni, and chant where the best of the YCQ Varsity Basketball eighth-graders and four alumni, both Ashkena- the “Gantze” Megillah at GNS’ late reading. team plays against our very own rabbis in zic and Sephardic, will chant Megillas Esther Head of School Rabbi Jeffrey Kobrin (far the most exciting basketball game you’ll (the Book of Esther) for their schoolmates, fac- right, back row) and Middle School Principal ever see. Prior to the day of the game, a few ulty, and families, in a special assemblage on Rabbi Adam Acobas (not shown, who makes students interviewed teachers, administra- Purim Day, Thursday, March 21. the initial recording for the Sephardic stu- Esther vs. Yellow Mordechai. The students competed in several sports, such as basket- ball, hockey, soccer, relay races, and foot- ball, as well as a Brachah Bee, Torah Bowl, a singing competition, and a cheering com- petition. Sagiv Shoshani, sixth grade boys captain for Team Esther, said, “While work- ing on our Stomp and throughout the entire Color War, everyone was so kind, and we really worked on our achdus.” While all that fun was happening, kids were signing up to do the presentation ac- tivities, which included the skit, Stomp, tors, security team members, and kitchen banners, dance, and commercial. The staff to see if they want to play alongside themes for the banners were a Purim theme PPhotohoto CCredit:redit: DDanielaniel AAghalarianghalarian the rebbeim. Then a video was created to and the achdus was LaYehudim haysah orah Over the past 18 years, more than 300 stu- dents) facilitate the students’ hectic schedules show to the students. During the video, v’simchah. We congratulate the purple team dents at the Academy have been instructed by to enable adequate review time with Dr. Bro- the excitement for the game was building. for winning Color War 2019. Everyone felt Great Neck Estates resident, Dr. Paul Brody, a dy. The students have achieved a distinctive However, at the end of the video, there was like their friendship and sportsmanship has dermatologist by profession, (2nd from left, accomplishment, joining a small, qualifi ed a twist – Color War Breakout! gotten greater and is excited to participate middle row, holding Megillah case). group who possess the knowledge to publicly Everyone was stunned about this amaz- in more color wars in the future. Don’t wor- This unique program, introduced by Dr. chant the Megillah. ing occasion. School principal Rabbi Mark ry: The Rebbe-Talmid Game is not canceled Brody in 2002, together with then-Middle Dr. Brody, who has read the Megillah for Landsman announced the teams: Purple and will happen very shortly. Stay tuned! School Principal, Rabbi Dr. Michael Reichel, more than 45 years, fi rst leined (chanted) it in has become part of NSHA’s curriculum, ena- 1973 at the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills bling students to read the Megillah at various (YIKGH), and read it there, and at Kehillas synagogues, hospitals, nursing homes, and pri- Aderes Eliyahu (Rabbi Teitz’s shul), until 1993, vate homes, for those unable to attend public when he and his family moved to Great Neck. readings. This year, Dr. Brody has recruited and He has chanted Megillas Esther at GNS since. coordinated nine NSHA recent alumni (2015- Dr. Brody chanted the Megillah at the Great 2018) whom he previously instructed, plus two Synagogue in Leningrad in 1985, despite great current eighth graders – and reviewed the in- peril, where the gabbaim (sextons) were actu- dividual portion with each of them – to share ally members of the KGB! “Better READ than a Megillah reading on Purim night at the Great dead,” he fi gured!

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 39 Purim Spirit @ Be'er Hagolah's Younger Division's Carnival

40 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 What’s New IInn SSchoolchool

Michal Horowitz Comes To BYQ n Thursday, March 7, Rosh Chodesh dealing and interacting with people who are Adar II, Mrs. Michal Horowitz spoke different and/or disabled. Though disabili- Oto grades six through eight at the Bais ties range from physical to emotional and to Yaakov of Queens. Michal is a popular speaker cognitive, and range from mild to severe, she and Torah teacher of, primarily, adult educa- explained to the girls that certain midos are tion. Yet, she has a special topic she especially necessary when dealing with anyone who is likes to share with young audiences. different. When you meet Michal, you see a very The girls were eager to offer their sugges- well put together, attractive Orthodox wom- tions, which insightfully included: an, who stands tall and speaks eloquently. • Savlanus (patience) – Michal noted that She is someone who you might meet in the the root word of savlanus means to carry a supermarket or in shul. She appears to be just heavy burden. The lesson learned is that to be like all of us (and she is). And yet, Michal has patient is not always easy, and yes, sometimes a disability, as she is hearing impaired. She it’s a burden; but it’s a crucial midah when uses two hearing aids (which are hidden by dealing with people who have differences. her lovely sheitel) to help her hear and com- • Z’rizus (alacrity) – As Michal quoted from municate in our very noisy world. Megillas Esther, when Mordechai asked Es- Rather than feel sorry for herself, Michal ther to go before King Achashveirosh, Esther views her challenge as a way to grow clos- hesitated. Mordechai’s response was that if er to Hashem. In the brachah of She’asani she did not do it, then someone else would hearing impairment and how it affects her really inspired us. We learned that having Kirtzono, which we say every morning, we save the Jews. Who knows, Mordechai re- life and others with whom she comes into a disability is not about ‘not being normal’. thank Hashem for creating us with all of our plied to Esther, if for this very reason you contact. The goal of her presentation was It’s about accepting the way we were meant needs. Michal shared with us how she thanks were chosen to be queen! The lesson learned to bring awareness to the students that dif- to be, the way Hashem wanted us to be – Hashem for creating her in the best way that is that when there is an opportunity to help ferent doesn’t mean abnormal, and that all she’asani kirtzono.” Another student noted He saw fi t. She relayed to the students an another person, seize the moment. people deserve to be treated with respect and how she will now “appreciate life even more” important message, which we must all inter- There were other midos mentioned by the kindness, regardless of their abilities or dis- and “sees the beauty of Hashem’s actions” and nalize: We each have unique needs and chal- students, and Michal elaborated upon each abilities. “that everything is for the best” lenges that Hashem has given specifi cally to one, such as empathy, kindness, and making In letters that the students penned after The Bais Yaakov students, teachers, and each of us. necessary accommodations – all highlighting Michal’s presentation, they expressed their administrators all came away inspired and After Michal spoke for 30 spellbinding the importance of v’ahavta l’rei’acha kamo- thoughts and reactions to Michal’s speech. enlightened regarding the important topic minutes, Michal asked the students what cha. One student wrote how she now views the of how we should view our own differences, midos they thought were necessary when Michal Horowitz discussed her own morning brachos differently. “Michal’s words and the differences and disabilities of others. HANC High School Boys’ Retreat: Better Than Ever Achdus, Good Food, Divrei Torah, and Great food, powerful singing, Torah learning, a Fun over Shabbos late-night oneg and tish, and meaningful fter a seven-year hiatus, the Boys’ bonding among all the participants. Retreat was back and better than The retreat culminated in a pizza mel- Aever. Almost 100 students and 10 of aveh malkah with a live-music chagigah their rebbeim, faculty members, and their that could have gone on for hours. Stu- families joined together for a fantastic and dents are already talking about Retreat invigorating experience. 2020. The trip began with an awesome outing Thank you to Rabbi Daniel Mezei, Rabbi to Chelsea Piers in Stamford, Connecticut. Yaakov Grun, Rabbi Aaron Friedler, and to From there, the boys headed to the Herit- the entire faculty who worked to make the age Hotel in Southbury, Connecticut. Words retreat a huge success. Thank you to the cannot describe the energy that permeated HANC Alumni who came as advisors and the Shabbos, as students enjoyed amazing enhanced the retreat atmosphere.

Talmidim In MTA’s Yeshiva Fellowship Program Enjoy Uplifting Shabbaton

n Shabbos, March 8-9, talmidim in op both communally and individually. Talmi- MTA’s Yeshiva Fellowship program dim benefi t from the personal guidance of a Oenjoyed a meaningful and uplifting dedicated mashgiach for each cohort. With Shabbaton. The Shabbaton kicked off with the participation of Rav Hershel Schachter, a Friday afternoon football tournament and distinguished poseik and RIETS Rosh Ye- bowling, and moved on to beautiful daven- shiva/Rosh Kollel, and Rav Mayer Twersky, ing, inspiring divrei Torah, learning sedarim, esteemed RIETS Rosh Yeshiva and head of and delicious seudos, ending with an excit- the Yeshiva University Masmidim Honors ing melaveh malkah. Talmidim spent the en- Program, Yeshiva Fellowship talmidim take tire Shabbos learning from one another and full advantage of being part of RIETS, which their mashgichim, and inspiring each other includes following a special halachah cur- to continue achieving greater accomplish- riculum, hearing chaburos from other RIETS ments in their Torah learning and ahavas roshei yeshiva, and a weekly Night Seder. Ye- Yisrael. MTA’s unique Yeshiva Fellowship shiva Fellowship talmidim also participate program provides talmidim with additional in special trips, programs, melaveh malkahs, opportunities to grow in Torah and to devel- and Shabbatons like this one.

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 41 What’s New IInn SSchoolchool

SKA Advocates For The OU’s Teach NYS HALB Team At Prizmah

dministrators of the Hebrew Acad- Associate Principal; Mrs. Elisheva Kami- emy of Long Beach (HALB) attend- netsky, SKA Principal, Religious Studies; Aed the Prizmah Jewish Day School Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky, Rosh HaYes- Conference in Atlanta on Sunday, March hiva, DRS Menahel; Rabbi Adam Englan- tudents from the Stella K. Abraham non-public schools, particularly in regard to 10, through Tuesday, March 12. Together der, HALB Head of School; Rabbi Dr. Uriel High School for Girls, together with STEM reimbursement for teachers and for with over 1,000 other Jewish day school Lubetski, HALB Middle School Principal; Sfaculty members Mrs. Alisa Watman security. professionals from around North America Rabbi Aaron Fleksher, Director of Educa- and Mrs. Beaty Menchel, traveled to Albany The SKA delegation heard from state and Israel, they spent three days learning tional Technology and DRS Rebbe; Dr. Hil- on Tuesday, March 12, to advocate with over representatives, met with staff members of from peers and experts about creative pos- lel Broder, DRS Principal, General Studies; 700 students, administrators, faculty, and two state senators, and visited the New York sibilities for Jewish education. and Mr. Richard Hagler, HALB Executive parents on behalf of the Orthodox Union’s State Senate to hear HALB Head of School Left to right: Mrs. Marjorie Wein, HALB Director Teach NYS. The purpose of the mission was Rabbi Adam Englander deliver the opening Associate Principal, General Studies, Mid- to champion for increased state funding for invocation. dle School; Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft, SKA April 15th Is Around The Corner: Don’t Forget The Child And Dependent Care Tax Credit

By Ronald Fatoullah, Esq. and Eliza- or dependent is $3,000 and up to $6,000 for well-being and protection, and expenses beth Forspan, Esq. two or more children or dependents. There- for care cannot include amounts paid for fore, if the taxpayer spent a total of $10,000 food, lodging, clothing, education and en- he Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the for one child, he/she can only use $3,000 tertainment. Interestingly, day camps may “Act”) brought several changes for towards the credit. A tax credit is directly be considered qualifying providers, in cer- Tthe tax year 2018. The Act suspend- subtracted from the taxes you owe, in con- tain circumstances. In order to receive the ed the personal exemption for most tax- trast to a tax deduction, which decreases credit, an individual must report the name, payers, effectively making it unavailable your taxable income. A chart providing the address, and either the care provider’s So- for tax years 2018 through 2025. This was rates is available in IRS Publication 503 in cial Security number or employer identifi - a valuable tax deduction - in 2017 it was order to determine the amount of the cred- cation number on the tax return. worth $4,050 for the fi ler and each family it. Once the individual knows what his/her To fi nd out more information about member listed on the return. Even though work-related day care expenses are, he/she the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit for tax year 2018 you can no longer claim will multiply that number by a percentage visit irs.gov/taxtopics/tc602 and irs.gov/ a personal exemption deduction for your- taxpayer for more than half the year. This which ranges between 20 and 35 percent, publications/p.503, or feel free to call our of- self, your spouse, or your dependent, you would include a qualifying dependent who depending on the individual’s adjusted fi ce. may still receive a dependent care tax cred- is a child under the age of 13, a spouse who is gross income. Ronald A. Fatoullah, Esq. is the founder it if your child or other relative qualifi es as physically or mentally incapable of self-care, The dependent’s care can be provided in of Ronald Fatoullah & Associates, a law fi rm a dependent. or an individual who is physically or men- or outside of the home, and by a licensed that concentrates in elder law, estate plan- Paying for day care is one of the biggest tally incapable of self-care and either is the care center, but the care provider cannot be ning, Medicaid planning, guardianships, expenses of individuals who have young taxpayer’s dependent or could have been a spouse, dependent, or the child’s parent. estate administration, trusts, wills, and real children, a child with a disability, or a de- his/her dependent. This means the taxpayer (As an aside, if the taxpayer pays his/her estate. Elizabeth Forspan is the Managing pendent parent. There is a very valuable tax must provide more than half the depend- grown child to care for a younger sibling, Attorney of the fi rm. The law fi rm can be credit available to help working caregivers ent’s support for the year. Support includes the taxpayer may qualify for the credit, reached at 718-261-1700, 516-466-4422, or toll offset the cost of dependent care. money spent on food, lodging, clothing, ed- but only to the extent that the older sib- free at 1-877-ELDER-LAW or 1-877-ESTATES. In order to qualify for the credit, the tax- ucation, medical and dental care, recreation, ling is above age 19 and not a dependent. Mr. Fatoullah is also a partner with Advice payer must have a dependent who cannot transportation, and similar necessities. Other rules also apply). The main purpose Period, a wealth management fi rm, and he be left alone and who has lived with the The total allowable expense for one child of the care must be for the dependent’s can be reached at 424-256-7273.

Clothes At Any Cost CONTINUED FROM P. 8 knew that he could bolster his standing mediate shipment to the affected towns. reported in the newspapers and resulted among the citizenry by performing this The clothing was obtained at a small in a remarkable kiddush Hashem, as it The governor was touched and im- simple act of kindness. He immediately percentage of the actual price, and all publicized the dedication and sensitivity pressed by the chacham’s courage and authorized the release of large quantities shipment costs were covered by the gov- of the Jewish community and its beloved sensitivity. As a politician, the governor of the fi nest winter clothing and their im- ernor's offi ce. The incident was widely chacham.

42 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Community Calendar

Compiled by Rebecca Wittert At 5:00 p.m., the National Council of on “Emunah + Bitachon = Geulah.” At Young Israel will hold its annual din- Congregation Anshei Shalom (80-15 ner at the Marriott Marquis. Among the Kent Street, Jamaica Estates). Admis- THE CALENDAR FOR ALL EVENTS IN QUEENS honorees will be Rabbi Yoel and Peri sion is free. Men and women invited. Schonfeld. $500 per person. For reserva- For more information, please call 718- MARCH 2019 call James Trent, Dinner Chair, at 718-343- tions and journal ads, please email din- 285-9132 or email [email protected]. .8830 [email protected], call 516-707-2638, or visit www.yngi.srl/dinner. The Young Israel After the 7:45 p.m. From 9:30 to 10:30 of Queens Valley Megillah reading, a.m., Rabbi Shlomo At 7:30 p.m., the Young Israel of Hillcrest will hold its annu- the Young Israel of and Karen Hoch- (169-07 Jewel Avenue, Hillcrest) will host al Shoah Remem- Jamaica Estates (83- berg will hold an a lecture by Rabbi Dr. Stu Halpern enti- brance Program 10 188th Street, Ja- Shabbos 11 20 interactive discus- tled, “The List of Four About Which the and S’udah Wednesday Wednesday maica Estates) will Thursday 26 sion and Jewish re- Haggadah Doesn’t Tell You.” Sh’lishis. Details to hold a free Purim - follow. carnival and chagigah with fun and food Ô[Yj_ed ed b_\[ _i sues in the back of Bagels & Co. restaurant for all ages. (188-02 Union Turnpike, Fresh Meadows). MARCH 2019 At 8:00 p.m., ECHO Institute for At 7:30 p.m., Elizabeth Forspan, Esq., At 8:00 p.m., Health will hold of Ronald Fatoullah & Associates, will Chazaq and Con- its annual Echo gregation Anshei speak on “Medicaid and Estate Plan- Monday 20 Women’s Tea. Rab- ning” at the Mashadi Temple (130 Steam- Shalom will pres- bi Daniel Glatstein Sunday 20 Thursday XeWj HeWZ" =h[Wj D[Ya $ Fb[Wi[ HILF je ent Shalom Mor- will speak. More Wednesday Wednesday 21 5 Jackie at 516-466-4422. dechai Rubashkin details to follow. A list of Megillah reading times in Kew TO ADD YOUR EVENT Gardens Hills and environs (KGH, Briar- At 8:00 p.m., Chazaq and the Eliyahu ben Your business can sponsor Istam Liza Bracha bat Ketziya Memorial the QJL Community Calendar. TO OUR COMMUNITY CALENDAR, wood, Forest Hills, Great Neck, Hillcrest, PLEASE EMAIL THE EVENT, DATE/TIME, PLACE, Please contact Yaakov at 718-880-2622 or e-mail Holliswood, Jamaica Estates, Kew Gar- Foundation will present Rabbi Benzion AND A BRIEF DESCRIPTION TO: [email protected] dens, New Hyde Park, and Rego Park) Klatzko speaking on “Think Positive.” [email protected] nd compiled by Yussie Englander can be At Beit Eliyahu (71-52 172 Street, Fresh found at tiny.cc/2019kghmegillah. Meadows). Free admission. Men and .women invited At 8:00 p.m., the JFK Regular Democratic From 6:00 until Club of Queens will 9:00 p.m., the Azri- MTA Talmidim Build hold its monthly eli Graduate School, meeting at the Jew- Prizmah, and JED Thursday Jobs will hold a New Friendships 21 Tuesday ish Center of Kew 28 Gardens Hills (71-25 Jewish Career De- Main Street, Kew Gardens Hills lower lev- velopment Expo at At Freshman Fun Day el, and grand meeting room). Elizabeth Yeshiva University’s Max Stern Athletic Crowley will speak. For more informa- Center (2501 Amsterdam Avenue, New n Wednesday, March 13, MTA’s entire Eli Cohn. “It’s a great opportunity for the tion, please email JFKDemocraticClub@ York City). Free advance and onsite regis- Freshman Grade enjoyed Freshman Freshmen to solidify existing friendships gmail.com. tration for all Jewish community profes- Fun Day! This exciting day included and develop new ones with boys who they sionals and job seekers. Please register at O learning, informative guidance sessions, may not share classes with, in addition to www.yu.edu/jewishcareerexpo. From 9:30 to 11:30 team building activities, and a fun trip to strengthening their relationships with their a.m., the Young Is- High Exposure. “Freshman Fun Day enables rebbeim.” Talmidim had a great day spend- From 8:30 a.m. until rael of Jamaica Es- Ninth Grade talmidim to bond together as ing time with their rebbeim and making tates will hold a 2:00 p.m., Com- cedfe_dj Gk[[di a grade,” said Freshman Grade Dean Rabbi new friends.

Sunday Family Mitzvah 24 (formerly the Samu- Morning. Prepare gift boxes for resi- Friday 29 el Field and Central dents of the Boulevard ALP and present Gk[[di O " j^[ them personally. Transportation will be Gk[[di9^WcX[he\ Your Say provided. 9ecc[hY["WdZCWY^[h

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 43 Weekly TTefilahefilah FFocusocus Birchos HaShachar 12 …ha’maavir sheinah mei’einai u’s’numah to serve Hashem. Therefore, we make these recognize and are aware of Hashem’s awesome to say, this is a lifetime of struggle and effort, mei’af’apai. Viyhi ratzon… various requests, which cover so many of our chasadim, and the more we thank Him, the and we must ask for His help. So we can both …Who removes sleep from my eyes and spiritual needs. It is worthwhile to say this more we accomplish our purpose in the world. use these few precious words as an immedi- slumber from my eyelids. And may it be Your brachah with extra thought and heart to indi- An additional application of the word “mo- ate acknowledgment and commitment, set- will… ting the tone for the rest of our day, as well as having in mind a request that Hashem help us ***** One of the primary goals of life is to become more and more with our effort. The Vilna Gaon explains that “sheinah aware of Hashem throughout our day and our lives When we combine both meanings of “mo- (sleep)” refers to our initially waking from a deh,” we can see that these few words contain state where our conscious thoughts were re- so much within them. What a glorious op- moved to a state of “t’numah (slumber)” where cate our true desire and longing to do Hashem’s deh” here is to admit and acknowledge that “I portunity we have, as we wake up each morn- we are groggy but are starting to think, and if will in every way and not falter [based on Siach am before You.” As soon as we are awake and ing, to immediately recognize Hashem’s great we are spoken to we can respond. Yitzchak, Siddur HaGra]. alert enough to speak, we remind ourselves chesed of life and thank Him, as well as to set Why is the long “Y’hi Ratzon” – where we In truth, the very fi rst thing we do when and state, “I acknowledge (to You, Hashem) the tone for the day, asking Hashem for help make all kinds of spiritual requests – placed we wake up is to acknowledge and thank that I am before You.” This means, I recognize with our commitment to feel His presence after this brachah specifi cally? Hashem as we say “Modeh Ani.” The word “mo- that I am always in the presence of Hashem and do His will throughout our day and lives As soon as we arise in the morning and fi rst deh” means both to admit (acknowledge) and Who is a living and eternal King (“Melech chai [based on HaRav Shimshon Pincus zt”l]. begin thinking, we want to begin our day with to thank. The simple meaning here is: I admit v’kayam”). “Living” means He is alive to us. One As part of our new Mitzvah Series, daily re- thoughts of Hashem. We want to start the day and acknowledge that I am powerless without of the primary goals of life is to become more cordings of less than two minutes each day are with commitment to Hashem and His Torah Hashem, and I am thanking Him for return- and more aware of Hashem throughout our available. Sign up by sending an email to dvei- and mitzvos. HaRav Chaim Volozhin zt”l would ing my neshamah. The most basic chesed of day and our lives. Upon opening our eyes and [email protected] and put the word “Subscribe” say that the commitment a person makes Hashem that we must never forget is that He mind, we immediately make that acknowledg- in the Subject line. In addition, we now have a when he fi rst gets up will determine how his continues to give us life. Each morning, we ment and remind ourselves that we want to be daily one-minute recording on Tefi lah. entire day goes. If he is committed from the should appreciate the fact that there are peo- aware of Hashem throughout our day, feeling To access Audio, Video, and Archives of previous start, then Hashem will help him in his ser- ple who did not get up this morning. The fact His presence to the greatest extent and the Tefi lah segments, please visit www.WeeklyTefi lahFo- vice. Since, in this brachah, we thank Hashem that Hashem returned our neshamos and woke greatest frequency we possibly can. Needless cus.com. for our waking up, this is where we want to us up is the most precious gift we receive; all start off “right” with desire and commitment too often, it is taken for granted. The more we You can direct any questions or comments to Eliezer Szrolovits at 917-551-0150.

Halachic Highlights…Tz’dakah #4 HHalachicalachic Highlights (For p’sak halachah, please ask your own rav.) Rabbi Ephraim Glatt, Esq.

Maaser From What? With respect to non-monetary gifts such T’shuvos V’Hanhagos (1:560) follow this opin- as utensils or jewelry, the P’sakim U’T’shuvos ion. Question: Must you give maaser k’safi m In other words, which categories of fi nancial (249, n. 220-221) cites the opinion of many However, the Sheivet HaLevi (5:133) is from a (i) gift, (ii) inheritance, or (iii) insurance payouts and/or gifts require maaser k’safi m? Acharonim, including the Chazon Ish and the clear that the minhag is that a son does not payout/litigation damages? Sheivet HaLevi, who hold that maaser k’safi m give maaser k’safi m from any non-monetary Short Answer: While maaser k’safi m must II. Gifts does not need to be given. On the other hand, items that he inherits. [However, see P’sakim be given from monetary gifts or inheritance The sefer Tz’dakah U’Mishpat (5:3, n. 27) he cites Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l U’T’shuvos (ibid) who disputes this under- money, there is a dispute whether maaser cites the Chakrei Lev who is unsure whether a and Rav Y.Y. Fischer zt”l who hold that maaser standing of the Sheivet HaLevi] k’safi m must be paid from non-monetary gifts person who receives a cash gift designated for k’safi m should be given. or inheritances. In general, maaser k’safi m a specifi c purpose needs to give maaser k’safi m A trickier question is whether maaser IV. Insurance Payouts need not be paid from insurance payouts/ from that gift. The Tz’dakah U’Mishpat thinks k’safi m should be given when the non-mone- If a person receives a payout from an in- litigation damages, unless the person receives that it depends on the purpose: If the cash is tary gift is subsequently sold by the recipient. surance company or from a defendant that more than he was damaged. used to pay for medical bills of the recipient’s While the Sh’eiris Simchah (cited in Tz’dakah injured him, the Tz’dakah U’Mishpat (ibid, n. Explanation: child, then no maaser k’safi m must be taken. U’Mishpat ibid) rules that maaser k’safi m must 37) rules that no maaser k’safi m must be given However, the Tz’dakah U’Mishpat cites Rav be taken off at the time of the sale, the Chut since it is merely “making him whole” for his I. Scope of Obligation Chaim Kanievsky shlita as ruling (in the name HaShani (Rav Nissim Karelitz shlita 2, p. 331, loss. The sefer Y’shuos Daniel (144:11), however, The Shach (Yoreh Dei’ah 249:1), based upon of the Chazon Ish) that maaser k’safi m must be cited in P’sakim U’T’shuvos ibid) disagrees argues that if the payout is greater than the the Shulchan Aruch (ibid. 1), rules that a per- given on all monetary gifts. and holds that since the recipient was not ob- loss, then maaser k’safi m must be given on the son must give maaser k’safi m from any prin- Rav Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe, Yoreh ligated to give maaser k’safi m at the time he difference. [See also P’sakim U’T’shuvos (ibid) cipal amount, and then subsequently give Dei’ah 2:112), however, notes that if a father- received the gift, he is not subsequently obli- who suggests that perhaps maaser k’safi m must maaser k’safi m from any interest or profi ts. in-law gives money to his son-in-law for the gated to give maaser k’safi m when he sells it. be given on all insurance payouts, based on the The sefer Tz’dakah U’Mishpat (5:3, n. 22) express purpose of using the funds to support As an aside, the Mishneh Halachos (12:246) law that maaser k’safi m must be given from sto- queries why maaser k’safi m needs to be given the son-in-law’s learning in kollel, then maaser rules that a recipient need not take off maaser len items that are returned after yi’ush.] from a principal amount of money, especial- k’safi m does not need to be given from that k’safi m from mishloach manos on Purim. He With respect to Holocaust reparation pay- ly since maaser of produce is not separated money. However, ideally, if the son-in-law has emphasizes that since the mishloach manos is outs, the P’sakim U’T’shuvos (ibid) cites a ma- from the land but rather only from the pro- extra money, then maaser k’safi m should be for eating, the giver certainly intends for it to chlokes whether maaser k’safi m must be paid duce, i.e., the interest/profi ts? He suggests given. See also Rabbi Ari Marburger’s Practical be eaten and not given away as maaser k’safi m. from these payouts: the Tzitz Eliezer (6:27) that since a person benefi ts from the princi- Guide to Giving Charity. Further, Rav Chaim rules that maaser k’safi m must be paid, while pal amount of money (i.e., he could spend it), Kanievsky (cited in P’sakim U’T’shuvos, 249, n. III. Inheritance Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l reportedly maaser k’safi m must be given. Alternatively, 226) rules that if a father gives his child money The Pischei T’shuvah (Yoreh Dei’ah 249:1) ruled that maaser k’safi m need not be paid. he suggests that the principal amount of to purchase a house and wants to avoid having cites the Sh’lah who holds that maaser k’safi m Next Week’s Topic: May a person deduct nec- money is more aptly compared to the seeds his son give maaser k’safi m, he should stipu- must be given from an inheritance. The essary household expenditures, such as food (and not the land), and obviously maaser is late that the money does not become the son’s Chofetz Chaim (Ahavas Chesed 18:3) and the and clothing, before giving maaser k’safi m? taken from the seeds. money until the purchase. In other words, the However, we need to understand how a father is really giving the house (and not the Rabbi Ephraim Glatt, Esq. is Assistant to the Rabbi at the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills and a “principal amount” of money is calculated. money) to the son. practicing litigation attorney. Questions? Comments? Email [email protected].

44 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 LAST NEW CALL FOR RAV SCHWAB SET SALE HAGGADAHIN STOCK NOW AND


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Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 45 Good Eats AAtt HomeHome Naomi Hazan Pasta Puttanesca

asta puttanesca is one of my latest obsessions! I always thought a satisfying pasta dish was one doused in cream sauce, but my whole perspective on Italian cooking changed Pwhen I tried puttanesca! True Italian cuisine is all about highlighting the natural fl avors in ingredients: it’s about keeping things simple and light. This recipe will surprise you with a punch of fl avor. You’ve gotta give it a try! Ingredients: 1 lb. spaghetti ½ cup chopped olives 3 tomatoes, diced 4 cloves garlic 2 tablespoons capers ¼ cup olive oil ¼ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon tomato paste Red pepper fl akes (optional)

Chopped parsley, for garnish 1. Heat up a pan on high heat. Add in the olive oil, garlic, and capers and sauté for 30 seconds until fragrant. 2. Add in the chopped tomatoes and olives. Sauté this for about 5 minutes, until the toma- toes have broken down and softened. Then add in the salt and tomato paste. 3. Toss the cooked pasta in the pan with the sauce until the sauce clings to the spaghetti. Garnish with parsley and serve hot.

Naomi Hazan is a self-taught chef based in New York. She’s been in love with food for as long as she can remember and credits that mostly to her strong Middle Eastern roots and family. Naomi started cooking at the age of 12 for family, holidays, and small get-togethers among her friends. Today, she caters for all types of affairs, from intimate sheva brachos to events for hundreds of people. Naomi always had a strong belief that good food is one of the best ways to bring people together - after all, some of the best times are shared over a great meal. Naomi can be reached at [email protected].





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46 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 47 BBeautyeauty Briefs Risselle Naimark Where To Draw The Line?

f I were stuck on a desert island and derful defi nition and makes them appear could only choose two items, I’d longer. In addition, it actually helps cor- Iprobably pick sunscreen and eyelin- rect your eye shape if needed. It doesn’t er. Although eyeliner is often forsaken by have to be a harsh line, nor does it have women who want a natural look, when to be a fi ne line, which is very hard to applied correctly it can surely create all draw. If you are not handy, it doesn’t that and so much more. A darker tone even have to be eyeliner at all. Instead just at the base of the lashes adds won- you can opt for a soft, smudgeable effect

by using a dark eyeshadow. Simply use the way from the inner corners and cre- a small moistened brush dipped into an ate a thin line going toward the outer eyeshadow, and apply with quick, semi- corners. This creates an illusion of nar- thick strokes. No matter what shape eyes rower and longer eyes. you have, there’s a technique to enhance 3. Wide-set eyes: Draw only on the and defi ne them. outer three-fourths of the lash lines. This creates the illusion that the eyes are Eyeliner Guide closer. Also, you can adopt a longer wing 1. Almond eyes: If you want eyes to at the corners of the eyes to help open look rounder, stop the liner at the outer them up. corners to create a more open shape. If It’s amazing how eyeliner can instant- your almond eyes are small, go with a ly transform your eyes. You can choose thinner line for the inner corners and from an everyday look or opt for a more make it gradually thicker as you get to graphic and bold eye with a few short the outer corners. strokes of a gel pencil, pot, or eye shad- 2. Round eyes: Start about a fourth of ow.

Risselle Naimark is a Professional Freelance Makeup Artist and Skincare Consultant. She carries an extensive line of personalized skincare, cosmetics, and anti-aging products. Risselle is also avail- able for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, makeup lessons, and all of your beauty needs. She can be reached at 718 263-5517.



48 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 NNutritionutrition Notes Alice Harrosh Getting Back On Track After The Holidays

s soon as Purim is over, slow down your metabolism Remember, we cannot undo the past but the fi rst thing that and cause you to feel deprived. we can control the future. Also, although Pu- Acomes to everyone’s 4. Set unrealistic goals. One rim is now over, it is never too late to pray to mind is: too much eating! to 2 pounds a week is consid- succeed and to be strong on a diet. There is As always, I gave out guide- ered healthy weight loss. even a special prayer made up by a rabbi for lines to my clients outlining I like to encourage people diet success. Wishing everyone a happy holi- what to do on Purim, like I do to learn from what they have day and an easy time getting back on track. on every other holiday, as well done for the future. Think as what to stay away from. Most about where exactly you had a Kale and Apple Green Detox Smoothie of this information was obvious hard time over the holiday and Feeling a little bloated after the holiday? and nothing new, yet it’s always try to adjust accordingly the Tempted to go on a juice cleanse? While we helpful to have it on paper and next time around. For some it don’t recommend cleansing, try this smooth- review it together with some- may be having less-tempting ie in place of a snack and you will feel fresh one. No matter how careful and desserts around. For some it and light. determined one was over the may mean putting away all Ingredients: holiday, there are a lot of meals leftovers immediately before 2⁄3 cup almond milk (unsweetened) and food, not to mention all the all the nibbling starts. If some- ¾ cup ice tempting desserts and gourmet thing actually helped you, re- 1½ cups kale or other leafy green vegeta- delicacies around. I have been hearing from since there are no holidays coming up for member that for the next holiday as well. bles (chopped) many people how hard it is to get back on now. Some people say taking a walk distracted 1 stalk celery (chopped) track after “partying” and being on diet va- 4. Get rid of any leftovers so there are less them from the eating and physically re- ½ red or green apple (cored and chopped) cation for so long. Here are some dos and temptations. moved them from the situation, which 1 tablespoon ground fl ax seed don’ts for getting back on track. 5. Start a food journal documenting what helped a lot. Some say that making a lot 1 teaspoon honey (optional) Do: you eat (and sometimes even why). of exciting new vegetable dishes was what Instructions: 1. Go on the scale to see where you are Don’t: helped them stay on track. Blend all ingredients together. at. Did you gain? Stay the same? Lose? This 1. Go on the scale too frequently (more is not meant to put you in a bad mood but than once or twice a week). This will discour- Alice Harrosh, is a nutrition counselor and manager at Nutrition by Tanya, with 10 locations rather to face reality. age you as numbers change week to week plus a brand-new one in Queens. Alice knows that making healthy choices is not always easy, as 2. Write out your menu for the week and not necessarily day to day. she has been through the struggle herself. As an optimistic person, Alice’s favorite quote is: “It’s ahead so you are completely prepared and 2. Beat yourself up over what you ate or never too late to start eating better. If you have a bad morning, make it a better afternoon.” For stocked up. how much you gained. It is in the past. more information on Nutrition by Tanya or the TAP (Tanya-approved products) food line, please 3. Get professional help from a nutrition- 3. Go on a deprivation or starvation plan visit www.nutritionbytanya.com or call 844-Tanya-Diet (844-826-9234). For daily tips and inspira- ist. This is a great time to commit for a while just to lose the weight quickly. This will only tion, you may follow @nutritionbytanya on Instagram.

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 49 m om o gn.c Desi k It Clic y

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50 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 The House OOff FFaithaith ‘‘NN FFashionashion Tobi Rubinstein The Rabbanit’s Haggadah CONTINUED FROM P. 1 books glorifying challah baking, sumptuous holiday recipes, and elaborate table-setting scapes. Never discounting the importance of food in our culture, I wanted to fi nd more meaningful and spiritual Torah content, per- haps “a genuine sefer” written by a woman. On Rosh Chodesh Adar, my dear friend Rab- banit Dr. Adena Berkowitz sent me her freshly original Haggadah in the Middle Ages. Each her Kol HaNeshamah programs or her Nosh published book titled The Jewish Journey Hag- line is a camoufl age for another enemy of the ‘n Drash classes, you are most certainly aware gadah. Aside from wanting to break out in a Jewish people. It concludes that only G-d will of her vast and academic knowledge of To- chorus of Hallelujah, I scanned through the destroy them and bring the Mashiach. rah and beyond – quite extraordinary for a pages to fi nd “a true sefer” written with a con- There are also fun songs that she adds woman. Her home is, was, and will always be tent I was so eagerly waiting for. This book about the holiday, with top-10 tunes from a beacon for family, friends, leaders, and dig- and female participation in the Seder itself. Billy Joel to Disney. Yes, of course, there are nitaries, regularly fi lled with food, frenzy, hu- This is best refl ected with Rabbanit Adena’s a few recipes to share that seem quite deli- mor, adults, children, and, of course, Hashem. addition of Kos shel Miriam alongside Kos cious, from Sephardic charoset of dates and She began working on this Haggadah years shel Eliyahu. Kos shel Miriam is fi lled with apricots to roasted Bosc pears with pome- ago, with many life interruptions along the water as a reminder of Moshe’s powerful sis- granate glaze. way. ter. She rescued him from the water and later The Jewish Journey Haggadah portrays ex- I am so happy she fi nally fi nished this G-d gave her the well of water that sustained actly what Rabbanit Dr. Adena Berkowitz is meaningful project. I thank her for writing the Jewish people throughout their journey as a Jewish woman, Torah scholar, teacher, this Haggadah, which fosters a deeper con- in the desert. The well of water dried up, ce- mother, and wife. I know that reads like a nection to the Passover Seder with all its menting Miriam as the only worthy person to handful, so I’ll break it down. If you attend components. have such a G-dly validation (z’chus). The four questions, the four cups of wine, Tobi Rubinstein is a retired fashion and marketing executive of 35 years who currently produces and the four different sons are all fi lled with runway and lifestyle events for NYFW, specializing in Israel’s leading artists and designers. She is the multiple and intelligent commentary. Nam- founder of The House of Faith N Fashion, fusing culture and Torah. Tobi was a fashion collaboration ing of the 10 different plagues opens up a dis- and guest expert for ABC, Geraldo Rivera, Huffi ngton Post, Lifetime, NBC, Bravo, and Arise. She hosted cussion involving current-day issues such as her own radio and reality TV series. Tobi is a mother, wife, dog owner, and shoe lover. anti-Semitism, terrorism, poverty, and preju- dice. She teaches us a deeper view of charoset. More than just a resemblance of the mortar paste used to make bricks during our slavery Celebrating our in Egypt, she investigates further into the Tal- 18th Anniversary mud. Pesachim 116a, Rabbi Elazar Ben Zadok and many more says that charoset is a religious requirement. Eden to come! is a thoughtful, Torah-rich manual to navigate Rabbi Levi says it’s in memory of the apple the holiday of Passover. trees where the Jewish women gave birth to It opens with a color-coded instructional their children hidden from the Egyptians. guideline that automatically instills an ease This Haggadah continues with jewels of con- for the reader. Categories such as background, temporary thought such as Rabbi Menachem Palace suggestions of discussions, humor, and kids Kasher: He suggested to add a fi fth cup of refl ect an inclusiveness and educational ap- wine in honor of the establishment of Israel, Luxurious • Elegant • Affordable proach to the observance of this important a modern-day miracle. holiday. The song of Chag Gadya, seemingly a clev- SPECTACULAR EVENT FACILITIES I appreciate her balance between the male er children’s rhyme, was incorporated into the The exclusive amenities we offer will create a lasting impression

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Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 51 Style Myths DDebunkedebunked Meira E. Schneider-Atik Weeding Your Wardrobe: Maybes Myth: If you’re not sure what to do with an item, just toss it. Truth: Not necessarily owe an apology to my readers. In my re- You may think that the scarf has to match up terest to a simple outfi t. cent columns about weeding out your with a certain outfi t to look just so. Wrong. Once you have a great outfi t that you like, Iwardrobe I forgot to include the “maybe” The solution here is to play around. You take a picture of it. That way you’ll remem- pile. This is for the clothes that are otherwise need to try your maybe clothes on with dif- ber it as needed. If you try things on and play good but you just don’t know what to do with ferent keeper items. Try that cobalt blue skirt around and let go of old rules, you may be them. Well, I’m tackling that now. with a top in a different version of blue. Or try pleasantly surprised to fi nd “new” outfi ts that From me, you get the truth. When women weed out their wardrobes, it’s not unusual to have a large “maybe” pile. The solution here is to play around. You need to try your maybe clothes on They have skirts, tops, and other things that with different keeper items they like but don’t know how to wear. Maybe the skirt is in a bright color that doesn’t seem to go with any of your tops. Or maybe the top it with tops in green or purple. Or try it with cost you nothing extra. is in a print and there doesn’t seem to be a tops in any neutral. No, it’s not a faux pas to As you try different things, see if you need coordinating skirt. Or maybe it’s that oblong wear them that way. Try that print top with a anything. You may have a wardrobe of neutrals shopping list of what you need. scarf that you got as a gift from your aunt and skirt in any color from the print. If the print is and you need a few colored tops to go with Yes, you want to de-clutter your wardrobe. you just don’t know how to drape or wrap it or in neutrals, try it with a solid skirt in a color. If that brightly colored skirt. Or you may have But you also want to get maximum versatility with which outfi ts to do that. the print is colored, try a neutral skirt. tons of color and you need a few neutrals to out of what you have. So play around and see This is why I tell my readers and clients that The same goes for accessories. Try them act as a base. Or maybe your wardrobe is miss- what works. they need to let go of old rules of what goes with different outfi ts and see what you like. ing a few basics from my “capsule” list. Make a To be continued… with what. It’s precisely those old rules that That oblong scarf? If it’s printed, try it with leave you wondering what to do with those every solid outfi t you have. If it’s solid, try it Meira E. Schneider-Atik is a wardrobe organizer, personal shopper, jewelry designer, and maybe clothes. You think that skirt doesn’t go with every color and even with prints. And try fashion writer/blogger and speaker. She helps women look great while saving time, effort, and with any of your tops? That may be just a mat- draping it and wrapping it in different ways. money, all within tznius guidelines, and she’ll add to that with custom-designed jewelry. Read ter of thinking that the skirt has to match up Your favorite way could be as simple as drap- more about her ideas on her blog- www.truetzniutistruebeauty.wordpress.com. She also has with a certain color top in order to look right. ing it around your neck and letting the ends a YouTube channel, “Look Your Best in Mitpachot,” where she does head-wrapping tutorials, Wrong. You may think that the printed top has hang in the front. That drape is perfect for and she is also available for private demonstrations. She can be reached at (718) 644-6135 or at to have a specifi c coordinating skirt. Wrong. camoufl aging torso issues and for adding in- [email protected].

Wishing you a Purim filled with Joy, Happiness and Good Health!

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52 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 DDatingating Today Goldy Krantz

closest with that family member, and then ‘Acceptable’ Questions if things progress nicely, you now know who you have to win over. I once dated CONTINUED FROM P. 1 vacation planned, the person may think day. Perhaps if you date this person long someone who told me he hated his family. you have a lot of money in order to be enough, you may be able to help this per- He tortured his grandmother and thought about, I will refresh your memories. In able to afford your week in Fiji or Dubai. son check off a few bucket-list items. his sister was ugly, “That’s the real reason a nutshell, some singles are getting of- Little do they know you have saved and “What’s your favorite joke?” It may be she isn’t married.” I have written about fended when asked by a date, “What do scrimped for over two years to afford this a corny question to ask, and many people him once or twice. By him volunteering you do?” when on a date. They feel that once-in-a-lifetime vacation. So you can don’t like being put on the spot, but that’s that information, I learned what type of the other person is trying to fi nd out how choose this question risking their inter- a fun question and lightens the mood. But person he was – he was someone I didn’t much money they make or have in the pretation of it as being trying to fi nd out it may bring a moment or two of silence or want a second date with. bank rather than getting to know them what they can afford [Insert eye-roll here]. awkwardness, because it may take a mo- These are just some questions you can and liking them for them and their per- “Have you checked anything off your ment to recall their favorite one-liner or ask your date that won’t make them think sonality. Many thought that it was ridic- you are after their vast fortune. But, then ulous and thought that some people are again, if asking a seemingly innocent ques- causing their own diffi culties. (I agree.) If asking a seemingly innocent question as “What do you do?” can lead tion as “What do you do?” can lead some- Others wanted to know what other topics someone to think that you are after his or her bank account, there may be one to think that you are after his or her they are “allowed” to discuss. Some even bank account, there may be no “safe ques- suggested some fi rst date topics and ques- no “safe questions” to ask tions” to ask. tions that would be acceptable. Stay tuned for an article in the near fu- I’m always glad to help anyway that ture about the “new set” of questions that I can, so I will publish some “acceptable bucket list?” For those who don’t know, a knock-knock joke, because they weren’t in are being asked while a shidduch is being fi rst-date questions.” “bucket list” is a list of things you would the mind frame of thinking of it. But one redt. Forget the ones we thought we knew, “What do you like to do when you like to do before you pass away, before joke can lead to another. such as, “Do they stack or scrape dishes at have free time?” This question steers the you “kick the bucket.” I was recently If you want to have a serious conversa- the Shabbos table?” There is a whole set of conversation totally away from the work/ speaking with a friend, and she told me tion with your date, you can ask who they new questions that will blow your mind professional taboo subject, plus you will that she went skydiving. I was impressed. are closest with in their family. It may be and have you asking yourself (and oth- get to learn about the person and his or I didn’t think she was the type of person a sibling or a parent or even an aunt or ers), “What are we doing? Why does this her hobbies. Hopefully they don’t answer, to do that, but she said it was always on cousin. There is no right or wrong answer answer matter when trying to redt a shid- “Nothing. Just sit on the couch and relax.” her bucket list and now it’s checked off. to this question. The person will usually duch?” as one of my dates answered me. Personally, I have always wanted to milk include in his or her answer why they feel Hatzlachah to you all. “Do you have any exciting plans for the a cow. That’s one of the items on my weekend (or next vacation)?” Again, you bucket list (don’t judge me!) You can fi nd Goldy Krantz is an LMSW and a lifelong Queens resident, guest lecturer, and author of are steering the conversation away from out about someone’s personality by hear- the shidduch dating book, The Best of My Worst and children’s book Where Has Zaidy work; but then again, if you have an exotic ing about what they would like to do one Gone? She can be contacted at [email protected].





Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 53 Event Chairman: Menachem Lieber Men's Tournament Co-Chairs: Cedarhurst: Mendy Haas • Daniel Refaelowitz Englewood: Josh Malka • Jason Pinewksi Flatbush: Mordechai Pacifici • Sruli Werdiger Great Neck: Yonni Mrejen • Ariel Nassim Lakewood: Chananya Pomerantz • Hetzy Stern Lawrence: Neil Auerbach • Baruch Weinstein Monsey: Akiva Feinsod • Joe Stansky Queens: Jay Begun • Shiu Reichmann Teaneck: Ushi Selevan • Dovid Weinstein Upper West Side: Marc Gibber • Avi Spira Woodmere: Eytan Feldman • Howie Hershkovich Women's Tournament Co-Chairs: Five Towns: Gitty Lowinger • Tova Rosenfeld Englewood: Sara Schlussel Flatbush: Matti Goldstein • Shani Hager Lakewood: Laya Tress • Blimi Wurzberger Monsey: Naomi Schlesinger • Chani Weinberg



54 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 Our Yearning And Struggle For Connection: The Secret Of The Mouth CONTINUED FROM P. 9 ing connects people’s inner worlds to- gether. Kissing connects two physical your inner being, is transcendent, spir- bodies together, refl ecting a deeper inter- itual, and infi nite. You can’t see, touch, nal form of connection and oneness. or smell your mind or consciousness. You will never see someone else’s inner world. Mishkan and Beis HaMikdash: The Your body, however, is fi nite, limited, and Mouth of the World physical. Your soul will never die, but We can now understand in the most your body will eventually age, wither, and profound way why the Mishkan and the fall apart. Therefore, if the soul and body Beis HaMikdash serve as the “mouth” are complete opposites, how do they of the world. This is the place where manage to stay together? Should they not Hashem connects to this physical world. be like two opposite sides of a magnet, It is therefore no surprise that the Mik- completely repelling each other?! dash serves the exact same three func- This is the deep secret of food. You tions as the mouth, the organ of connec- need something to keep your soul at- tion. Let us study the manifestations of tached to your body, some kind of “glue.” this principle. Eating food creates an energy that keeps your neshamah connected to your body. Eating No organism can have its soul remain in Just as our physical body needs to eat its body unless it eats! in order to maintain its connection to our spiritual soul, the physical world needs to Speaking: Act of Connection eat in order to maintain its connection to We are separate beings, all living in our the spiritual soul of the world, Hashem. own subjective world, our own inner uni- The Gemara in B’rachos (10a) compares verse. We will never be able to experience the relationship between body and soul life through anyone else’s perspective, to the relationship between Hashem and only through our own inner conscious- the physical world. Just as the neshamah is ness. This results in several diffi culties. connected to our physical body, Hashem If I am trapped in my own inner world, is connected to the physical world. Just as how can I connect with other people? we have a mouth to maintain the connec- How can I know what’s going on in their tion between body and soul, the Beis Ha- heads? How can I share my inner life Mikdash is the “mouth,” the unique loca- with them? How can I overcome this infi - tion that maintains Hashem’s connection nite barrier between myself and everyone to this physical world. else? This is the secret of speech. We can now understand korbanos – Speech allows us to connect ourselves sacrifi ces – as well. Korban comes from with other people. You start with your in- the word “karov” – to come close. The Nef- ner thoughts and experience. You then esh HaChayim (2:9) and the Kuzari (2:26) take a deep breath and use your throat explain that korbanos are the “food” that to project your words outwards. You then fuels the connection between Hashem use your tongue, teeth, and lips to form and the physical world. Just as we eat to the specifi c words that will encase your connect our soul to our body, korbanos do thoughts into concrete form. In essence, the same for our world. This explains why you then throw your words out into the many of the details of the avodah, the world around you in the form of vibra- sacrifi cial service, have food-like conno- tions. If other people are nearby, their tations. The Mizbei’ach – the altar where ears can pick up those vibrations and sacrifi ces were brought – is referred to as translate them into sound. Those sounds the “shulchan gavo’ah – the high table” – will form words, and those words sen- as if this is the table of eating. The pasuk tences. If they speak your language, those consistently refers to the korbanos as words will form meaning, as well. They “korbani lachmi – my bread sacrifi ce” – as must then keep track of all the different if the sacrifi ce is meant to be a meal. This words and sentences, holding on to them, also explains why we place salt on the and bringing them back from memory, korbanos, something that halachically we while they try to recreate a complete pic- do at meals, especially on Shabbos. ture of everything you said. Amazingly, these people can now experience your in- Speaking ner world in their own minds. They now Hashem spoke directly to the Jewish contain a piece of you within themselves People from the Beis HaMikdash. The pas- – the barrier between your worlds has uk explicitly says that Hashem will speak been diminished. to Moshe from between the two keruvim – the cherubs (Sh’mos 25:22). The angels Kissing: Connecting Two People were locked in an embrace of love, re- Together fl ecting the relationship and connection We can now understand why kissing between Hashem and klal Yisrael. is specifi cally done with the mouth. The mouth is the organ of connection. Kiss- Kissing ing refl ects the way two people connect The Beis HaMikdash is also where when they wish to show each other affec- Hashem “kisses” the world. The Gemara tion and love. It is therefore self-evident in Bava Basra (74a) states that the Beis Ha- that kissing, the expression of connection, Mikdash is where the heavens and earth should be performed by the mouth, the kiss. In other words, this is where the organ of connection. infi nite and spiritual both meet and lock To summarize: Eating connects the physical body to the angelic soul. Speak- CONTINUED ON P. 60

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 55 TThehe BBellell TTowerower aandnd MMee (Historical FictionFinancially Serial) By Susie Garber

grandfather’s teaching. Tonight, I really missed my grandpar- Chapter 13: Prejudice (Yonah) ents. Living in this house was not at all how I hoped it would be. I thought of the he just continued with his lecture. “Recon- expression that Ben Chaney used a lot. It struction was done in a cruel way to the was “a bummer.” South…” He droned on and on. By Susie Garber man in the house? They must’ve known That night I dreamed of my grandfather. After class, Jed followed me to my lock- he’d beat me. Didn’t they care? Why didn’t He was smiling at me and telling me not to er and mimicked me. “What about slavery, Recap: A girl in Ruchama’s class threat- they stand up for me? That was what be afraid. “Stay strong,” he said. “Hashem Jew?” he asked in a high-pitched voice. ens her that she will regret it if she keeps hurt the most, knowing my Jewish rela- is with you.” And then he faded away and Without a warning, he hit me hard in the writing about the Bell Tower. Ruchama is re- tives were sitting back and not standing I woke up. It was 4 a.m. and I was late for stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up searching in the archives and discovers the up for me against this evil man. I thought work. from the impact. I tried to keep myself up- girl’s last name is the same as the name of of a teaching my grandfather taught me. I … right. I longed to whack him back as hard the murderer of the three civil rights work- could hear his voice in my head when he In history class that day, the teacher be- as I could, but I remembered what Mickey ers for whom the Bell Tower is named. said, “Pharaoh had three advisors. Now, gan speaking about the mid-1800s in Ameri- taught about passive resistance. I would when they heard Pharaoh planned to de- can history. He spoke about many different just get in trouble if I hit him back, aside r. Herring hit me hard on my back stroy the Jews, Bilaam said, Yes, do it. Yisro causes for the Civil War, but I was shocked from the fact that he was larger and wider with his rifl e. I felt like a hammer objected and said Don’t, and Iyov said noth- that he never mentioned slavery. He spoke than me. He strode away laughing. Mhad banged into me. The pain was ing. Now, we know what Bilaam did was about states’ rights and differences of in- I thought of going to the principal to overwhelming. I saw stars. “This is a warn- wrong, but actually Iyov was just as evil, terpreting the Constitution. complain, but I wasn’t sure I’d get any sym- ing, boy. Be sure you get home at night be- because when you sit back silently and let This was crazy. I found myself raising pathy from him. This place was a bastion fore ten and make sure you stay away from evil take place, that is evil itself. Think of my hand. “What about slavery, sir. Wasn’t of hatred. Henry ran over to me. “Are you bad infl uences or you’ll get worse.” people who sat back and watched as the that a main cause of the war?” okay?” Bad infl uences must mean like the Jews were marched to their deaths just a There was silence, and then everyone’s I shook my head. I was holding my stom- Schwerners and James Chaney. short time ago.” head pivoted to face me. ach. There was burning pain. I wondered if He marched out of the house. What he said made me realize how im- The teacher held his piece of chalk in he had busted my appendix or something. I exhaled and slunk down to the base- portant it is to stand up for justice. I took mid-air. ment, rubbing my back. Anger bubbled in- out the paper Mickey had given me when Instead of responding to my question, CONTINUED ON P. 60 side. I longed to take that rifl e and hit him I fi rst volunteered to help the freedom hard. What right did he have to come here summer cause. It was an excerpt from Mar- Susie Garber is the author of Denver Dreams (a novel, Jerusalem Publications, 2009), Memora- and hit me just because he didn’t like me tin Luther King Jr.’s famous Letter from ble Characters…Magnifi cent Stories (Scholastic, 2002), Befriend (Menucha Publishers, 2013), The staying out late? Why weren’t my relatives Birmingham Jail, written in August 1963. Road Less Traveled (Feldheim, 2015), fi ction serials and features in various magazines including defending me? It was all about how wrong it was to be A Bridge in Time – historical fi ction serial (Binyan Magazine, 2017). She writes for the community I could barely walk. I was bent over in passive and moderate when action was column for the Queens Jewish Link and she writes the Queens page for Hamodia. She works as pain. How could the Hartsteins let that required. It defi nitely connected to my a writing consultant in many yeshivos and she teaches creative writing to students of all ages.

56 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 FFeelin’eelin’ Funny Mordechai Schmutter Sofa It’s Not Working Out Dear Mordechai, try stuffi ng them into the washing machine My boys killed my couches. What should I around that middle pole and hope we don’t do? Should I replace them? shrink them. And this is pretty bad, because we didn’t stop and think that the only other es, defi nitely. Maybe replace them things we have in the house that are made of with girls. They don’t ruin couches as microfi ber are mops and towels and glasses- Ymuch. cleaning cloths, and the reason they’re made Oh, wait. It just occurred to me that you out of microfi ber is – get this – it’s proven to mean the couches. Don’t do that. At least un- absorb dirt. til you replace the kids. So now we have two huge microfi ber My wife and I have this issue too. We hunks in our living room, picking up every have microfi ber couches, which we originally bit of shoe dirt. Sure, we tell our kids to keep bought because the salespeople told us it was their feet off the couch, but they have no again makes a mess – this time it’s a bathtub fi t in the washing machine. easy to scrub spills off of. But they didn’t memory from one time to the next. stain – and that everything he uses to clean The throw-up was not Purim-related. We demonstrate that in the store. And anyway, “Take your shoes off the couch!” the stain gets dirty. (Including, as the narrator don’t actually know why it happened, but it’s not really spills that I’m worried about. “They’re not on the couch.” says, “Dad’s $10 shoes.” Which I guess was a were relieved when it did, because he’d been I’m more worried about my kids using it as “They were.” big deal, because (I know that if I found shoes complaining about stomach pains all day, and a napkin. Or a trampoline. Or a parkour ele- “When?” for $10, I would keep them forever for bragging my wife had been worried that it was appen- ment. Or a stepstool to get board games off “When I started yelling. Oh my goodness, purposes.) It’s also revealed in that book that dicitis. the top of the seforim shrank, where we keep get them off the couch!” the cat has 26 progressively smaller cats living So the fi rst thing my wife did, after she them because apparently we’re more worried “Again?” in his hat, and he didn’t know when he came wiped it off, was spray the whole area with about losing pieces of $10 board games than And by then, whatever dirt was on their to the narrator’s house that he’d make a stain, rubbing alcohol. Because alcohol cleans mi- we are about turning our couch black. Also, shoes has already transferred to the couch. which means they must have been in his hat crofi ber couches, right? But she did it to get one arm of the couch is partially collapsed. So at some point, there was so much dirt for the entire fi rst book as well, waiting for rid of the smell. Like that’s a known thing (Sometimes I get down the games.) on the couch that the fabric felt like leather. I their moment. I think this is why my wife from Purim -- nothing gets rid of the smell of Another major selling point on these actually thought that this meant that the out- doesn’t let cats into our house. throw up like alcohol. couches, for us, was that the cushions don’t er layer of the couch had peeled off, but then And then, just recently, my 7-year-old “Hey, this guy smells like throw up! Give come off. Our previous couch had never once I read up on it and found out that that WAS threw up on the couch. him some more alcohol!” had the cushions on. Also, I know that when I the outer layer. The couch had grown a new Well, not just on the couch. In middle he So now it’s a weird combination of the was a kid, I used to take off my parents’ couch one, sort of like an outer shell, in an attempt realized what he was doing, so he leaned over two. It smells like the couch threw up. cushions and use them to make tents, because to protect itself from the kids. and threw up on the carpet. So that’s great -- sometimes when you’re under a roof, you So I looked it up, and it turns out that the the two cloth surfaces in our house that don’t CONTINUED ON P. 58 need a smaller, more fragile roof. My siblings best thing to use on these couches is rubbing and I used to build a tent and then spend the alcohol. Just spray some rubbing alcohol rest of the day sitting in it and yelling at each onto a cloth and scrub a given spot on the other for wrecking it by mistake. But it was couch using small, circular motions for like fun, because we could imagine that we were ten solid minutes, then repeat as necessary camping in there, protected from bears who until the couch is covered in several small cir- would come near the tent and wreck it by cles that are various different shades of what- mistake and then get yelled at and sulk away. ever color it was when you bought it, you’re But having cushions that don’t come off keeling over from the alcohol fumes, and the isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. #1, I once lost a rag you’re using is black. This tends to hap- cell phone for a year and a half before I realized pen before you even fi nish the fi rst cushion. that just because the cushions don’t come off, You need a whole pile of cleaning cloths. that doesn’t mean there aren’t cracks around It kind of reminds me of the book, “The Cat the cushions, and #2, when someone spills, in the Hat Comes Back,” where two kids let a we can’t fl ip the cushion. We also can’t bring seven-foot cat into their lives for a second time the cushions outside and hose them down or in as many books, and they fi nd that he once

Mordechai Schmutter is a weekly humor columnist for Hamodia, a monthly humor columnist for The Jewish Press, and has written three books, all published by Israel Book Shop. He also does freelance writing for hire. You can send any questions, comments, or ideas to [email protected] CONFUSED ABOUT MEDICARE? Introducing our new site WWW.PLANFPLANS.COM Are You Turning Age 65 And Confused Of All Your Medicare Options? Medicare Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D, And All Medicare Supplement Plans. "SF:PV0WFS5IF"HF0Gt"OE8BOU5P3FWJFX*G:PV)BWF 5IF3JHIU1MBO'PS5IF#FTU1SJDF Please visit WWW.PLANFPLANS.COM for the right guidance on 1. What not to buy 2. What to buy 3. How to buy it with a minimum premium and still receive the maximum benefits.

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Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 57 SSide-Splittingide-Splitting SStand-Uptand-Up

“Now, one of the people arrested yesterday was the coach 615 WINTHROP ROAD, TEANECK of the Stanford sailing team. Yeah. He was charged with bribery Price Reduction: $2,499,999 and pretending that sailing is a sport.” ɵ)DEXORXVEHGURRPEDWKURRP ɵ)LQLVKHGEDVHPHQWLQFOXGHVD — Conan O’Brien EULFNFHQWHUKDOOFRORQLDOZLWK JXHVWEHGURRPEDWKV *UDQGPDUEOHHQWUDQFH NLWFKHQJDPHURRPPRUH ɵ(OHJDQWIRUPDOGLQLQJURRPDQG ɵ2WKHUIHDWXUHVLQFOXGH &HQWUDOYDF “Italy RYHUVL]HGOLYLQJURRPZLWKILUHSODFH ILUHSODFHV *HQHURXVFORVHWV implemented new laws this week $OOZLWKRULJLQDOEXLOWLQVFURZQ WKURXJKRXW $WWDFKHGFDUJDUDJH that will fine parents up to $560 for sending unvaccinated children to school if they are between the PROGLQJDQGKDUGZRRGIORRUV DQGPRUH *RXUPHWNLWFKHQZLWKODUJHJUDQLWH ages of 6 and 16. Said anti-vaxxers, ‘That’s fine, I don’t ɵ/RWVL]H[ LVODQGGRXEOHDSSOLDQFHVDQGVLQNV DFUHVTIW  believe in Italy.’” *UHDWIORZIRUHQWHUWDLQLQJ ɵ+RXVHVTIW — Seth Meyers ɵ*XHVWEHGURRPRIILFHRQPDLQ ɵ3OXVDGGLWLRQDOIXOOILQLVKHG IORRU EDVHPHQWVTIW ɵ6SDFLRXVSULYDWH0DVWHUVXLWHZLWK JHQHURXVKLVKHUZDONLQFORVHWV ɵ7RWDO6TIW “Paying VSDOLNHEDWKILUHSODFHKRPH ɵ3ULFH5HGXFWLRQ hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes, RIILFHQXUVHU\RIIWKHPDVWHUVXLWH ɵ12%52.(563/($6( so your kids can get a diploma from an elite college. Sorry, but I For Sale By Owner 201-836-3403 or email [email protected] thought that was called tuition.” — James Corden Sofa It’s Not Working Out “Manafort CONTINUED FROM P. 57 And when they left, the couch didn’t smell will receive a second jail sentence anymore! So I think we transferred our “Cat from a different federal judge for witness tampering So my wife looked it up, and she found in the Hat” situation to them. an article that said we should spray it with At least they can shower. and money laundering. You know you’re in trouble when the vinegar, because vinegar is supposed to get Anyway, it’s been a couple of weeks since only time you get out of jail is to go get sentenced to more rid of smells, although I don’t actually be- that happened, and I’ve been scrubbing lieve it. I think it just overpowers the smells the couches ever since to get the cushions jail.” so that they now smell like vinegar. I’ve to match, because we have a bar mitzvah — Stephen Colbert never spilled an entire jar of pickles on the coming up. And by the time I got to the last fl oor and said, “Mm! Smells like nothing!” cushion, the fi rst one was dirty again. So we sprayed on vinegar, and the whole So what should we do about these house smelled like a weird combination of couches? Should we have bought plastic vinegar and alcohol and throw up, which was couch covers? No one likes plastics, be- “I can’t even worse. Sometimes we thought the smell cause they’re uncomfortable. You sit there get used to this: everyday I wake went away, but that was just because we were for a while, and the whole couch sticks to up now, every single day, someone has either used to it, which is a disgusting thought. It’s you, and then you get up and go outside, the people who come into the house who and your grandmother chases you out be- announced they are running for President, or they’ve made a are going to smell it, and we won’t know. So cause she wants her couch back. big announcement that they are not running for President. It didn’t we had to keep walking out of the house and Because a lot of grandmothers have them. use to be the case. It’s just that now so many people are running, coming back in and sniffi ng. Maybe life experience has taught them that as that you have to physically announce that you are not But it turned out that the vinegar wasn’t uncomfortable as it is to sit on a couch that running for President. It’s very strange.” doing it. So then I put on baking soda, and makes noise every time you shift to get your- the couch exploded. self unstuck, it’s even more uncomfortable if — Conan O’Brien Okay, it didn’t. But the cushion kind of it’s dirt sticking to you. Or maybe they quickly hardened. And it still didn’t really smell bet- throw on the covers just before you show up, ter if you put your nose to it, except that because you’re their kid. Even if they call you “Actress“ you’d get a white spot on your nose, plus to come over because they’ve fallen and can’t Lori Loughlin, one of the 50 people that cushion was signifi cantly lighter than get up, they quickly call someone else and say, the others from all the scrubbing, so we “My kid is coming! Quick, put the plastics on charged for paying bribes to get their children into had to scrub the whole rest of the couch to the couches!” I think there’s a service that colleges, was released yesterday on a $1 million bond. Said make it cleaner. And then the other couch. does it. It’s easier than constantly schlepping Loughlin: ‘How about we make it a million and a half and We were in a mad rush to do this, because in new couches at their age. my daughter gets into law school?’” we were having guests that Shabbos, and we What did my mother do when I was were afraid that the guests wouldn’t want to growing up, making tents out of all her — Seth Meyers sit on that part of the couch. But it turns cushions? out that they specifi cally sat on that cush- Oh, I know – she bought a set of brown ion, probably because it looked the cleanest. couches and a set of black ones.

58 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • Marchh 21, 2020191 See solution in this issue By: Yoni Glatt, [email protected] Down “What’s it About?” Difficulty Level: Medium 1. The most famous Justin 33. Common appetizer 2. Garfield’s gal pal 35. Relatives of soprani 3. National Security Advisor John 38. More soiled 4. Do needle work 39. Cardiologist’s record: Abbr. 5. Something of value 40. Ashdod to Hebron dir. 6. Seasonal hut (Var.) 41. Rap sheet abbr. 7. Puzzlers’ favorite ox 42. Wine label information 8. Leader between Georges 46. Make up stuff 9. Agitate 47. Winning hand symbols 10. Curry and Coulter 49. Bribe, in slang 11. Oversupply a market 50. Devil’s facial feature 12. Biology branch 51. Most bizarre 13. Idaho’s neighbor: Abbr. 54. Ripening 21. Hyperactivity drug 22. Classes for college credit, for 57. 41-Down for Hope or Janet van short Dyne 26. Moines preceder 58. “Superfood” berry 28. Capital of Troy? 59. Cheery tune 30. Condor’s nest (Var.) 60. Stomach issue? 31. Nes gadol hayah ___ 61. Habonim ___ 32. Burn ___ one’s pocket 62. Chinese dynasty name

Across 1. Kosher bakery loaf 25. Cattle moving tool 53. “Chandelier” singer 6. Tel Aviv native 27. Monthly payment, perhaps 55. Writer Serling 11. Abbr. for Booker 29. Show about a biblical verse? 56. Show about messianic 14. Voice of Scar 34. Letters on some bumper stickers resurrection? 15. Marriage, e.g. 36. Pirate chant starter 16. Big Hardware name 37. Burrell and Pennington of TV 62. “Bali ___” 17. Clothing designer Perry 38. Show about a crowded home 63. Handily handling 18. A Powell seder? 64. Furious 19. Yom follower 41. File extension or a Jewish name 65. All people do it 20. Show about asking for help from 43. Kind of torch 66. Where to get highlights Israel’s first king? 44. Vinyl letters 67. Schnozzolas 23. Musician Brian disinvited from 45. Show about assassinating the a German music festival for first lady? 68. Abner’s father, in the Bible supporting BDS 48. Breakfast brand for a toaster 69. Belonging to actor Brad 24. Aunt, en espanol 52. “Body” or “social” start 70. Say “Shalom”, e.g. DIFFERENCES? 10 CAN YOU SPOT

Vol. VII No. 12 (#304) • March 21, 2019 QueensJewishLink.com • 718-880-2622 • [email protected] 59 The Bell Tower and Me (an Historical Fiction Serial) CONTINUED FROM P. 56 rible pain the rest of the day. I passed by the cleaners on the way V&N REALTY GROUP “Should I take you to the school home. I spotted Ben who saw me and mo- nurse?” tioned me to come over. He whispered in I shrugged. my ear. “James told me something really He put his arm on my shoulder and bad.” LINDA STAMKER DEBRA BOTWINICK guided me towards the nurse’s offi ce. I waited. “Evers, that man who spoke The nurse asked what happened. at the Freedom School. He was shot and I was spitting up blood at this point. I killed in his driveway last night.” wasn’t sure how to answer her question. Ben was shaking. Henry did it for me. “Someone I felt a crushing feeling of hopeless- punched him.” ness, so strong that my pain was forgot- “Oh, is the other boy hurt, too. You bet- ten. ter go to the principal to report the fi ght.” “Why did this happen?” I asked. “I didn’t hit back,” I said. “Cause he was standing up for our Can I call your parents to take you to rights. Cause life here is so unjust.” Ben SOLD the doctor?” was crying. “I don’t live with my parents. I live Tears welled in my eyes. 690 Forest Ave, Teaneck with the Hartsteins. Please don’t call I put my arm on his shoulder. “It’s evil. $1,350,000 • New Construction 640 Thames Blvd, Teaneck them. They don’t need to be bothered.” It’s wrong.” 5 Bedrooms • 5.5 Baths Her eyebrows shot up. “Well, I’ll give I felt a chill up and down my spine. A you an ice pack. Just stay away from fi ght- man who was walking around fi ne last ing.” night was now dead. I went back to class, but I was in hor- To be continued… ESTHER SHAYOWITZ Our Yearning And Struggle For Connection: The Secret Of The Mouth

CONTINUED FROM P. 55 we have no idea what’s going on in other people’s lives, inside their inner world, in- together with the fi nite and physical. This side their isolated consciousness. Break- is where Hashem most strongly connects ing past the infi nite barriers between us to the physical world. It is the most po- takes a lifetime. The same is true when tent concentration of connective energy it comes to genuine self-awareness, com- 727 Palmer Ave, Teaneck 158 Merrison St, Teaneck between us and Hashem, where Hashem ing in touch with our true selves. Such a Open House • 12-2pm $868,000 • 4 Bedrooms and klal Yisrael embrace in the ultimate rare feat takes a lifetime – all the more so 112 Ft Frontage • $825,000 214 Ft Deep Property closeness. when it comes to connecting to Hashem, the source of all self, on the deepest and Creating Connection in Our Own most existential level. But the goal is not Lives to be connected, to be perfect; it’s to con- KAREN SELIGER BARBARA SUSMAN We all yearn for connection: to peo- stantly become more and more connect- ple, to ourselves, and most importantly, ed. This is the journey of life, a journey to Hashem. But connection is diffi cult; it of becoming, a never-ending process. May takes time, patience, and constant effort. we be inspired to see past the surface, to Genuine communication takes a lifetime see past the façade, and to experience to achieve and maintain. As we showed in genuine connection with others, with our opening story, more often than not, ourselves, and with Hashem Himself.

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