“One is obligated on this day [of Purim] to have an abundance of simcha, and to eat and drink to contentment. However, we are not commanded to become drunk to the point of diminishing ourselves through the simcha, for the simcha that we were commanded to have is not one of frivolity or foolishness but one of spiritual pleasure that brings us to the love of Hashem and praise for the miracles He performed for us.” (Meiri, as quoted in the Bi’ur Halacha, Orach Chaim 695.)

In recent years, the problem of dangerous drunkenness on Purim, especially among b’nei yeshiva, has reached alarming proportions, and has led to sakonas nefoshos and chilul Hashem. Medical doctors as well as representatives of Hatzolah have reported numerous instances of bochurim having to be rushed to hospital emergency rooms, some of them even placed on life-support systems, because of over-drinking on Purim.

To address this intolerable situation, we call upon the entire community that seeks to fulfill the mitzva of Simchas Purim properly, and especially our dear yeshiva bochurim, to take special care in drinking practices, and to adhere to the following suggested guidelines.

1. The mitzvah of “Chayav adam l’v’sumei b’Puria…” is preferably fulfilled with wine, as is stated in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (142:6). Unrestrained use of whiskey and other alcoholic beverages is entirely inappropriate and absolutely contrary to da’as Chachomim. 2. Ba'alei Batim should not serve any alcoholic beverages, including wine, to groups of bochurim visiting their homes. 3. Those who drive under the influence of alcohol endanger not only themselves but also their passengers and other members of the public. Drivers must therefore not consume any alcoholic beverages, including wine, and must take extra care to drive safely, observing all applicable laws and safety procedures. 4. Nobody should enter a car if there is reason to believe that the driver is under the influence of alcohol, and all appropriate steps should be taken to prevent such an individual from driving.

In the merit of fulfilling the mitzva of Simchas Purim properly, may we be privileged to see haromas keren Yisroel.

Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Lieff זצ”ל Chaim Boruch Wolpin זצ”לRabbi Yehoshua Schiff זצ”ל Rabbi Mastisyahu Salomon Rabbi Yisroel Plutchok זצ”ל Rabbi Mir Beth Medrash Govoah, Lakewood Yeshiva Derech Chaim Bais Shraga Yeshiva Karlin Stolin Yeshiva Gedolah of South Monsey

Rabbi Aryeh זצ”ל Rabbi Yechiel Perr Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller זצ”ל Rabbi Naftali Jaeger Rabbi Yisroel Perkowski זצ”ל Rabbi Shmuel Miller Yeshiva Gedolah Bais Yisroel Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud Yeshiva Derech Ayson Yeshivas Telshe, Chicago Beth Medrash Govaoha, Lakewood

Rabbi Asher Kalmanowitz זצ”ל Rabbi Akiva Grunblatt Rabbi Yisroel M. Kagan Rabbi Yaakov Abramowitz Rabbi Chaim Leib Epstein זצ”ל Rabbi Shmuel Mendlowitz Mesivta Bais Shraga Yeshiva Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hakohen Yeshiva Toras Chaim, Denver Yeshiva Gevoha D’Chassidei Gur Yeshiva Zichron Melech Yehsivas Mir

זצ”ל Rabbi Yosef Eichenstein Rabbi Binynomin Zeilberger זצ”ל Rabbi Lipa Margolis Rabbi Yaakov Busel זצ”ל Rabbi Shimon Alster Rabbi Tzvi Spira Yeshiva Gedola of Cliffwood Bluzhover Rebbe Yeshiva Torah Temimah Mesivta Rabbeinu Yaakov Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yaakov Yosef Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud

Rabbi Yaakov Bender Rabbi Yochanan Zweig Rabbi Dovid Harris זצ”ל Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky Rabbi Reuven Feinstein Rabbi Levi Dicker Yeshiva Gedolah of Philadelphia Yeshiva of Yeshiva Mercas HaTorah, Belle Harbor Yeshiva Darchei Torah Yeshiva of Miami Beach Yeshiva Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hakohen

זצ”ל Rabbi Yosef Harari-Raful Rabbi Dovid Feinstein זצ”ל Rabbi Shmuel Shmelka Leifer Rabbi Refael Gettinger Rabbi Meir Stern Rabbi Yaakov Perlow Yeshiva Toras Chesed Yeshiva Toras Chesed Yeshiva Gedolah of Passaic Novominsker Rebbe Yeshiva Ateret Torah Yeshiva Tiferes Yerushalayim

צז"ל Rabbi זצ”ל Rabbi Yaakov Schnaidman Rabbi Yoseph Rosenblum זצ”ל Rabbi Shloime Mandel Rabbi Mordechai Rennert זצ”ל Rabbi Simcha B. Ehrenfeld Mattesdorfer Yeshiva of Yeshiva Derech Chaim Yeshiva Bais Moshe, Scranton Yeshiva Shaarei Yosher Yeshivas Mir

Rabbi Yosef Frankel Rabbi Dovid Schustal זצ”ל Rabbi Yitzchok Paler זצ”ל Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Rabbi Yeruchim Olshin Rabbi Moshe Green Yeshiva Torah Vodath , Lakewood Yeshiva D’Monsey Yeshiva M’kor Chaim V’yelepoler Rebbe Beth Medrash Govoha, Lakewood

זצ”ל Rabbi Yitzchok Feigelstock Rabbi Zecharya Gelley זצ”ל Rabbi Moshe Glustein Rabbi Yekusiel Bittersfeld זצ”ל Rabbi Yehuda Svei Rabbi Chaim Stein Yeshiva Gedolah of Philadelphia Yeshivas Telshe, Clevaland Yeshvia Mercaz Hatorah, Montreal Yeshiva Harbotzas Torah Mesivta of Long Beach Khal Adas Yeshurun

Rabbi Eliezer Gross זצ”ל Rabbi Aharon M. Schechter Rabbi Aharon Feldman Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin Rabbi Chaim Steinwurzel Rabbi Avraham Chaim Levin Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Baltimore , Telz Yeshiva, Lakewood Yeshiva Shaarei Yosher Yeshivas Telshe-Chicago Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles

זצ”ל Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel Rabbi Eliyahu Kanarek Rabbi Henoch Leibowitz זצ”ל Rabbi Eliezer Eichler Tiferes Mordechai Shlomo, Boyan Yeshiva Gedola Zichron Moshe Yeshiva Ohr Hameir, Peekskill Yeshiva Rabbi Yisroel Meir Hakohen

This message is published as a public service by Agudath Israel of America, and has been publicized regularly for close to twenty years.

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