
Volume 22, Issue 29 September 2-8, 2020 Las Vegas lasvegastribune.com

“ITRIBUNE may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” — Voltaire George Floyd wasn’t murdered or brutalized by the police By Hans Sherrer has helped empower lawless mobs When the officer’s first ap- Special to the Las Vegas Tribune to run wild in American cities with proached the car Lane’s body cam George Floyd was not murdered virtually no restraint. recorded a white pill on Floyd’s or brutalized by the police on May Floyd Questioned About tongue that matches the appearance 25, 2020. Using Counterfeit Money of a 2 milligram Fentanyl pill, Floyd was a dead man walking On the evening of May 25 a which is a lethal dose. Floyd turned when the police responded to a man tendered a $20 bill for a pack his head away and when he turned it 911 call he had committed felony of cigarettes at a Cup Foods store back the pill was no longer visible. crimes at a store. Ev- in Minneapolis. After handing the Floyd was moving his body and idence Floyd’s death was imminent man $10 change the store manager arms around inside the car while the when the police arrived is in his identified the $20 was a fake bill. officers were talking to him, and he autopsy report, toxicology results, The man refused to return the $10 refused their order to keep his hands findings by the medical examiner, and the cigarettes. on the steering wheel. and police body cam video that are 911 was called and officers Floyd then disregarded the offi- all now publicly available. Thomas Lane and Alexander Kueng cer’s order to get out of the vehicle. Rioting, looting, deaths, untold responded. When they arrived at The two people in the vehicle injuries, over a billion dollars in 8:08 p.m. the manager told them with Floyd encouraged him to stop damage, and months of chaos in the man was inside a car parked resisting the police. They told the cities across the country have been around the corner, and that he was officers they believed Floyd was “awfully drunk” and “not in control under the influence of narcotics. of himself.” Floyd physically resisted being fueled by the fabricated narrative death by the mainstream media, Lane and Kueng went to the car removed until after he was hand- My Point the police killed Floyd. egging on by , and — a Mercedes — and Floyd was in cuffed. of View Disregard for the facts of Floyd’s endless pandering by politicians, the driver’s seat. (See George Floyd, Page 6) By Rolando Larraz Code Enforcement Eye for an eye, or a bullet for a bullet in hot water again By Alexandra Cohen cizing their criminal behavior and From Robert Summerville down De Oro Media Group placing the spotlight on these mer- to the entire Code Enforcement The “peaceful protests” that the cenaries playing patriot for a few Unit of the City of Las Vegas, lack communists claim are happening in dollars, paid by some enemies of of loyalty and ignoring the fact that many Democrat cities in the nation the United States, they will not be they work for the City of Las Vegas can be stopped very easily with so willing to break the law as easily and not for the governor of the help of the mainstream media as they are doing it now. has become a big issue. when they stop instigating and Ignoring the crimes committed Planning and Code Enforce- stop making heroes out of criminal by the mercenaries whose only ide- ment employees, as well as any mercenaries. ology is the money they get paid for other city of Las Vegas employee, Anyone that fights a political committing those crimes doesn’t should remember that it is illegal battle without ideals and only make them any less the puppets of to mix work with politics, besides because they are getting paid by those desiring to turn this nation the fact that they are on city time someone hidden in the shadows is into another socialist-communist regardless of how the city charter is classified as a mercenary. country like Cuba or Venezuela. structured and they have to respond When the media stops publi- (See Eye for an Eye, Page 3) to someone else. That is one of the reasons that the city codes are not enforced and The media is biased and the they go years without checking on the buildings and , like the Alpine, that had several tragedies last two weeks confirmed it! (deaths) due to all the violations By Michelle Mortensen probably have very strong feelings about who that had never been inspected. The media is biased. There, I said it. If I were will win in November. If mainstream media is It is time for the city employees hip, cool or 23, I might say the news is biased all you turn to for information, you also likely to put on their big girl and big boy AF, but that could also get me in a lot of trouble have a very strong belief that one candidate pants and start working for the peo- for using a swear word. is far superior! Let’s not mince words here ple of Las Vegas who are the ones For some of you, the headline of this story either; if you watch CNN, you probably think who pay their salaries. alone is enough to have your head explode and is best. Why? Because they couldn’t How dare the city of Las Vegas quit reading. I’m ok with that because those folks help themselves from gushing on and on about employees, including any director refuse to see . However, if you like truth how great the Biden/Harris ticket was and how or manager or anyone else behind a and transparency, keep reading. awful and hateful and horrible the RNC was in desk, take orders from any outsider, Depending on your party affiliation, you (See Biased Media, Page 4) be it the governor or any other non- city official. The governor did not hire them; the governor does not pay their sal- Angry Sisolak defends Saturday Night Nosh By Chuck Muth live band/singer — “ambient back- out of his royal bubble and issue a aries; the governor has no authority I’m interrupting the ambient ground music” — were performing statement on and Twitter. in the city, and if, after so many background music here in my office maskless. It included… years as County Commissioner, — piped in by Pandora, not a live He was subsequently roasted “There is no prohibition on am- the Chairman still doesn’t know band — to bring you this special royally for his metaphysical hy- bient background music, like what that Sahara Avenue and Las Vegas edition of Muth’s Truths… pocrisy on social media, especially was playing at the restaurant — this Boulevard are not in the county, Nevada Governor-King Steve because of his discriminatory and has been allowed since the State but within the city limits, he has a von Sisolak was captured on video contradictory “emergency” (now in entered Phase 2. However, there is problem. Saturday night enjoying an intimate its SIXTH month!) orders related to existing prohibition in place under The governor has no jurisdiction dinner-for-four at a Las Vegas Ital- live entertainment. the statewide baseline standards for within the city limits and has no ian restaurant, seated at the VIP The blowback was so fierce that live events and performances, such control over the city employees; table right next to the stage where a His Majesty was forced to come (See Angry Sisolak, Page 5) regardless of the titles the city likes to give to its employees, the gov- ernor should respect those elected officials by not interfering with Occupy Biden: The radical occupation their employees. Why am I rambling on about and looting of Joe Biden’s brain city employees being in cahoots By hijacked. Radicals have occupied with the state governor? you may Here is the speech President his brain. And the Joe Biden stand- ask, and the answer is very simple should give to ing before you is nothing like the according to what I learned from explain the difference between old Joe. reading hundreds of emails and the fake image of Joe Biden, “the It’s not his fault. The old Joe is what I read in the daily newspaper. blue-collar fighter for the middle gone. He clearly has dementia. He The governor learns of a church class,” and the reality of the new is a shell of his former self. His gathering with a tendency to sup- Joe Biden, the radical Marxist out brain has been hijacked, occupied port our president and immediately to destroy everything we hold dear: and looted. Now poor old helpless calls his former fellow commis- America, American exceptional- Joe is just a tool of radical socialist, sioners asking their help to stop ism, capitalism, the U.S. Constitu- Marxist, America-hating extrem- the gathering. tion, Judeo-Christian values, police, ists, revolutionaries and anarchists. I assume that our Nevada dicta- military and the great American Here is how Trump should tor will have told the Clark County middle class. describe the hijacking of Biden’s Commission Chair to stop the America has to understand the brain: “My fellow Americans: It is (See My Point of View, Page 2) truth: The old Joe Biden has been (See Wayne Allyn Root, Page 2) Page 2 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 Dems continue their false narrative By Alexandra Cohen immigrant status, no longer matter De Oro Media Group in this new political atmosphere. There is no doubt that the com- Candidates think that they can use munist-Democrats trying to take the media as a tool, but in reality it over the future of this country are is the media who uses them for their playing games with the minority own benefit. groups — Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, There is no more reporting; it is the Irish, and any other minority all opinions, editorials, and com- group. First of all, it is important to mentaries — honest and straight- know what should be classified as a forward news no longer exists; minority — is it one’s color? one’s whoever spends more money gets sex? one’s immigration status? — on the good side of the media and because every group in this country the more money is spent, the bigger may be considered a minority. As the endorsement is and the less cov- far back as anyone can remember, erage the opposing candidate gets. the population of the United States American people need to open has been made up of immigrants. their eyes and think about what the late Democrat President John F. Italians, Jews, Germans, Irish, and once said that became his- torical: “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country,” challenging TRIBUNE every American to contribute in VOL. 22, NO. 28 some way to the public good. Do not vote for someone that is FOUNDER Spaniards all immigrated to what to Hispanics, Latinos, and Spanish for them even if they have no access your friend if that friend does not Rolando Larraz they called “America” looking for — or those using any other designa- to the voting system of the country have what it takes to be elected to a “better future” and once here, tion to refer to themselves as being because of their immigration status, that position; do not vote for that PUBLISHER they believed and acted as if they part of that brown race. and more importantly, to ask for candidate because he allows you to AND were better than the others who It is time to start looking at the donations to their campaigns. take a picture with him or her; do EDITOR IN CHIEF came after them, whether they were Human race; it is time to learn They fill up voicemails and not vote for a candidate because he Rolando Larraz Blacks, Mexicans, Cubans, Central that the race issue was created by emails with questionnaires, asking or she remembers your name and and South Americans, Brazilians or politicians and the media to further for opinions on important issues, makes you feel important in front GENERAL MANAGER the fiasco that they want and need but at the end, they always ask for of your neighbor, your friend or Perly Viasmensky any other race or nationality whom the earlier immigrants now call to control. a donation; yet if the donate button a co-worker; vote for a candidate MANAGING EDITOR “minorities” without realizing they Every election time, career is not pushed, one cannot continue, that is going to be the most efficient Maramis Choufani are as much a minority as anyone politicians run around looking meaning that if one does not donate and the most productive for your else behind them. for groups to support them; they they could care less about your community, your city or the nation. PRODUCTION Schools used to teach us that take pictures with little Black kids opinion, ideas or suggestions. In other words, do not let the Don Snook there are four races: Indians (red), and little Hispanic babies. Every It is all about money with the professional candidates, the career Anglos (white), Africans (black) election time candidates run after politicians’ advisers, campaign politicians, use you and play with ASSOCIATE EDITOR and Asians (yellow), but all of a specific groups pretending to be managers, and campaign workers, your future, the future of your Colleen Lloyd sudden the Democrats came out supporters of those groups or peo- and the people, regardless of color, family, including the future of your with the brown race when referring ple expecting those people to vote sexual preference, nationality or children. INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER Kenneth A. Wegner Wayne Allyn Root For advertising (Continued from Page 1) again ... versus Occupy Biden — a for anyone in the world. dumpsters for food, begging in the rates, deadlines vitally important that you know ... bleak future filled with anarchy, “Within a year or two, maybe streets and drinking sewage water. call 702-426-6022 this is not an election between Don- revolution, rioting, looting, torch- much sooner, you won’t even rec- “I truly wish this were an elec- ald Trump and Joe Biden. Because tion between me and the Joe Biden or 702-426-5962 ing, murder, home invasion and the ognize America. It will be a nation the old Joe Biden is no longer there. end of America. of 600 million. Or 900 million. we all knew just 10 years ago. That Las Vegas Tribune is published The old folksy, blue-collar Joe is Joe Biden would not have destroyed weekly at 717 So. 9th Street, “Joe won’t be in control of the Every non-English-speaking, pov- America. That Joe Biden would not Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. gone forever. Poor Joe’s brain has , America, the U.S. erty-stricken, skill-less migrant in Main Number: (702) 714-0119 deteriorated. economy or the military. The ex- need of cradle-to-grave welfare, want to turn America into Venezue- RadioTribune Call-in Number “Terrible, evil people who hate tremist, America-hating, socialist every dangerous criminal and every la. I truly believe THAT Joe Biden (702) 983-0711 this country and want to destroy it and Marxist radicals who occupy person in the world with illness or loved America. Website: have hijacked the old Joe Biden we Joe’s brain will be in control of this disease will head for the border. Joe “But that Joe Biden is gone LasVegasTribune.com all knew and loved. This new Joe country ... your property ... your life and the Democrats will let them all forever. This election is a choice All rights reserved. Statements, is just a facade, a fake. He acts on ... and your children’s future. in and offer them free everything. between making America great opinions and points of view the outside like the old blue-collar “America and YOU will never Guess who will pay the bill. YOU, again, safe again and prosperous expressed by the writers are Joe. But poor old Joe’s brain is not recover. the American people, the great again ... or putting America and their own and do not necessarily your job, your life, your children’s there anymore. Joe’s brain has been “This election is a choice be- American middle class. represent those of the publish- future in the hands of Occupy Biden seized in a hostile takeover by evil tween being safe in your home ver- “That’s the end of America, the er. Information, including prices — a gang of evil radicals who have people intent on destroying Amer- sus anarchy in the streets. This is a end of capitalism, the end of YOU. and times, is considered correct hijacked, occupied and looted Joe ica. I call it Occupy Biden. choice between jobs and prosperity “With 300 million or more new at the time of publishing but Biden’s brain. “These Biden brain occupiers for all Americans, and seeing entire may change without notice. foreigners in this country, who will “In your hearts, you know what are like conmen who live with a Las Vegas Tribune assumes industries shuttered by crippling protect you? Biden and his radical I’m saying is 100 percent true. The no responsibility for unsolicited helpless elderly grandpa in his regulations and massive new taxes. brain occupiers will have defunded choice is yours.” manuscripts, transparencies basement apartment, pretending to This is an election between the right the police and U.S. Immigration * * * * * or other submitted materials. care for him but looting his bank to freely practice your religion ver- and Customs Enforcement. You’re Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, For return, please enclose a accounts. These America-hating, sus having your church be ordered on your own. It’s every man and entrepreneur, best-selling author, self-addressed stamped en- Marxist radicals have looted Joe’s to close. This is an election between woman for themselves. Every nationally-syndicated talk show velope. brain. personal freedom versus govern- middle-class home in America will Las Vegas Tribune host on USA Radio Network at “Because of this terrible situa- ment control over your entire life. become the Alamo. published weekly by the 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. To find out more tion, this election is no longer about Tribune Media Group “Most importantly, if Occupy “Occupy Biden will quickly turn about Wayne Allyn Root and read David A. Rifkin, Executive Vice President two positive, reasonable visions Biden gets a hold of the White America into Venezuela, where for- features by other Creators Syndi- for America. It’s about Donald J. House, it’s not just open borders. merly upper-middle-class citizens, cate writers and cartoonists, visit Quote of the Week: Trump and making America great It’s open borders with no more ICE, professionals, business owners and the Creators Syndicate website at “Nonviolence is a powerful again, safe again and prosperous defunded police and free health care homeowners are now searching www.creators.com. and just weapon, which cuts without wounding and enno- My Point of View bles the man who wields it. (Continued from Page 1) out the name, but I can assure you of Las Vegas does not have the con- aspiration of becoming the first gathering that could bring lots of all that as soon as I learn the name I trol of every department and even Black Mayor in Las Vegas, should It is a sword that heals.” money in campaign contributions will publish it all over so the people have its own city police department look into this and take action. —Martin Luther King, Jr for a man he does not like; the gov- of Las Vegas learn who is the one like it used to have. My name is Rolando Larraz, and ernor may have reminded his party taking money from the city coffers North Las Vegas, Henderson, as always, I approved this column. Please Note: allies that he is the only one who just to attack a political rival. Boulder City and Mesquite are even * * * * * Although the Las Vegas is allowed to walk into any public I have the feeling of who that smaller cities than Las Vegas and Rolando Larraz is Editor in Tribune is open to all and place, or restaurant without city council person is, but because they all have their own police de- Chief of the Las Vegas Tribune. sundry opinions about what wearing a mask and ignoring the I am not one hundred percent sure partment, controlled by the mayor His column appears weekly in this we publish, we wish to inform social distancing requirement. I am not going to gamble my repu- and the city council. Why can’t Las newspaper. To contact Rolando all those who choose to submit This series of events took place tation, but it is not that difficult to Vegas be like them all? Larraz, email him at: Rlarraz@ their opinions in writing to two months ago, but the issue of learn the name because there are Some members of our city lasvegastribune.com or at 702- refrain from threatening anyone city employees doing the wrong not that many Democrats on the council, besides the one with the 272-4634. about whom an article is writ- things is still going on and the gov- city council. ten or the writer of the article. ernor came out looking ridiculous One of them, I was told, had In other words, any opinions besides showing his ineptness of declined comment so there are only Bob Beckett containing threats will not be the handling of his own political six left to figure out. career. published. We thank you for Actually I do not see the mayor Attorney At Law How dare the City Planning and adhering to this policy. being involved in this gossiping so Elected 5 terms as Nye County District Attorney Code Enforcement director take that brings it down to only five, and orders from the governor by telling Practice areas one is ready to leave due to term the hotel owner to stop an event in Criminal defense, Personal injury, Bankruptcy limits, so that leaves only four left. MISSION favor of our president and fine the Perhaps the city should be look- and debt, Car accident, DUI and DWI hotel owner thousands of dollars STATEMENT ing at who is making a city salary Licensed for 29 years We search for the truth, for “disappointing” the governor? If it is true, it is sad to see a city while working for others in the AVVO CONTRIBUTIONS embrace the truth, and print the political field at the expense of the truth. If we inadvertently print council member (elected by city Beckett knows Nevada criminal law residents to serve the city they live people’s money. something that is not true, we That is why I keep insisting on — especially how to get the most out of will let our readers know. We are in) taking part in a plot to take mon- ey from the city coffers by getting the fact that someone needs to work the probation/monitoring system. open to documented information involved in a vendetta against the on changing the city charter so the to shed light on any issue of Beckett provides very effective and duly-elected president of this great city council has the control and concern to our readers. We are nation. not the city manager or even the personable service — His fees are also fair of service to our community, and Maybe all those involved in this Planning Director, working for an it is our intention to serve our event are trying to cover up for that outside source at the city expense. (702) 334-4886 community the best way we can. city council person by not giving There is no reason why the city RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE EVERY WEEK! To receive a complimentary link to every new issue of the Las Vegas Tribune, please send an email to [email protected] and give us the email address where you would like your copy sent. We look forward to having you as a subscriber to our publication. September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 3 The catastrophic cost of COVID-19 By Michelle Mortensen even then, they wouldn’t be happy. Covid has taken 176,000 Ameri- COVID-19 is costing Americans A vaccine could be announced to- can lives but at this point, COVID a lot, but not how you probably morrow, and it still wouldn’t have response has hurt 16.3 million think. COVID isn’t making us sick, been fast enough for critics. Americans. That’s the latest number or less safe but it is destroying the The real concern here in Nevada of Americans unemployed because economy and that is very bad news is what’s next. Tourism will be hurt of the shutdown. for Nevada. for some time. Hundreds of thou- We hear a lot of people say we The retail apocalypse continued sands are out of work and there is need to follow the data, the science, this week with even more big box nothing the culinary union or any the facts. Well, the facts are very stores calling it quits. Stein Mart, politician can do about it. Recov- clear, the shutdown was far more Men’s Wearhouse, Lord & Tay- ery from the 15-day shutdown in costly than COVID ever was or lor, Microsoft, GNC, JCPenney, March, that still hasn’t been lifted, ever will be. If we want to go after Victoria’s Secret, Nordstrom, and will take a lot of time. the real culprit ruining lives in Sears are just a few of the retailers Eventually, the eviction mora- 2020 it’s the shutdown and every shuttering their doors. torium will be lifted, and we could pandering, weak politician allowing Some may argue these closures see thousands forced into homeless- it to continue. were inevitable despite the pandem- ness. Eventually, people will have * * * * * ic and mass shutdowns worldwide. to buy their own insurance because Michelle Mortensen is an 8-time After all, as many as 12,000 major their extended coverage was only Emmy award winning journal- chain stores were predicted to close for 6 months and that ends August ist, the host of “The Michelle in 2020, and that prediction was 31st. If you ask me, the biggest Mortensen Show” debuting on made before we ever knew the word coronavirus. public health crisis we’ve faced in KSHP 1400 AM September 14th The estimates today stand at 2020 is not the virus, but people’s and a former conservative politi- ºWhen you consider the mag- He’s done everything asked of him about 6,300. While you may think reaction to it. We’re wearing masks cal candidate. Michelle holds two nitude of the loss of jobs through and much more. that is good news, it really isn’t daily because of a virus you have a degrees from Southern Methodist retail, service and tourism due to the Critics of the Trump adminis- when you consider brick and mor- 97-99 percent chance of recovering University and is the founder and shutdown, it is catastrophic. tar stores announced 9,300 store tration wouldn’t give him praise from. We’ve destroyed people’s chairman of the Building A Better closings in 2019 and roughly 8,000 Sundance Helicopters an- unless the virus was eradicated, and lives because of COVID. Yes, Nevada PAC. store closures in 2017. Brick and nounced the permanent closure mortar stores are disappearing and of its tourism flight operations in Eye for an Eye Las Vegas last week. Le Reve -The that means jobs are disappearing (Continued from Page 1) terrorist actions that leave nothing land, Kenosha, and any Dream at the Wynn is shutting too. They are not heroes, they are but death and destruction in their other city that has become a victim down for good, as well. Cirque So, can all the closures be not political leaders, they are not wake. of those mercenary rebels start du Soleil has filed for bankruptcy. blamed on coronavirus? No, but it revolutionaries; they are nothing The media needs to stop play- treating them like the criminals they Things are not improving. People’s sure didn’t help. And when Dem- but cowards, puppets of the left ing games with the safety of the are, they will soon see that what lives and livelihoods are being de- ocratic Presidential nominee Joe AKA the communist-enemies of communities by encouraging the they are being paid is not nearly stroyed by the shutdown. Biden says he would shut down democracy and the freedom that the rioting and looting that’s taking worth it compared to the punish- So, I ask you to think logically the country again should a second American people now enjoy. place because they’re too cowardly ment they’ll get for their crimes. for just a moment and ask yourself wave of COVID-19 hit; you need If anyone thinks they are going to accuse those mercenaries of the Then, that criminal activity was the 2-month shutdown worth to be concerned. to enjoy the same freedoms under criminal behavior of which they’re needs to be brought to the attention it? There was no way the shutdown If you missed it, Biden made the a communist administration they guilty because they insist on calling of the public, front page, 6 o’clock comment during his first sit down was ever going to eradicate the have a surprise coming. those criminals “peaceful protest- news, and so on instead of hidden interview with a reporter, David virus, but it did eradicate a whole If anyone thinks they are going ers,” ignoring their crimes. in shadows as though it wasn’t Muir, on ABC Sunday night. He lot of everything else. to have the same opportunity to Most likely the first city that worth mentioning. And they need told the ABC journalist quote, “I Was it worth forcing families keep their money as they do now, speaks the truth about them and to name names. would shut it down. I would listen into poverty? they are most definitely in complete brings the iron hand of the law upon Perhaps shining the light of day to the scientists!” Was it worth destroying liveli- them will set the example for what on those violence-for-hire merce- He added he would “be prepared hoods? denial. to do whatever it takes to save lives, Was it worth sacrificing our kid’s The mercenaries that have been they all have coming. naries and especially those who because we cannot get the country education? ravaging those cities need to be When the president wrote an ex- hired them will shame them all into moving until we control the virus.” Was it worth $1.2 billion dollars dealt with in accord with their sav- ecutive order making it a mandatory putting a stop to the useless death Depending on how you view in budget cuts? age actions and intentions. ten-year prison term for destroying and destruction. Sex scandals can the coronavirus pandemic, Biden’s Was it worth higher taxes? When they burn buildings, they statues, no one else topled any be forgotten far more easily than words either sent shivers down your Was it worth a dramatic increase should get arrested; when they do statues. scandals involving violence — and spine or gave you a sense of peace in suicides? anything in those cities that hurt When the law enforcement we will find out who is behind all (because you live in daily fear of Was it worth the increase in others, the punishment should fit agencies in those cities like Port- that destruction. the virus). I would argue however, domestic violence? the crime; we must not let them get that the statement should cause The answer is NO! No, normal, off the hook. mass concern for all Americans, but sane human being would say it was Yes, while some think an eye especially for Nevadans. worth destroying millions of lives for an eye should be equivalent to Nevada is a tourism state. Tour- for a virus that you have a 97-99 a bullet for a bullet, if we follow Multilingual ism is all we have. Nevada politi- percent chance of recovering from. that line of thinking we’ll soon S E R V I C E S cians and the LVCVA have refused Joe Biden alluding to the fact have a world full of blind people Immigration • Translations • Divorces to diversify our economy for years. or dead people. While they need to that he would shut down this Notary • Income Tax • Tickets • Rent of U-Haul Sure, we’ve seen downtimes before country again because he wants to get a taste of their own medicine, (after September 11th, the Great pander to those living in fear is one so to speak, let them get a taste of Nevada Health Card • Job Applications • and more Recession, October 1) and always of many indicators that he should the consequences for their actions, Hablo Español come back better than ever, but not be president, in my opinion. and when they realize that this is no never before have we shutdown the We cannot stop living because of longer just a game that pays them 716 S. 10th Street Perly Viasmensky strip for 2 plus months. COVID. We can’t destroy lives well — and something that has no Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-337-8277 Visitor volume in Vegas has out of fear that someone may die. consequences — they will stop their gone down drastically in 2020. Shutting down the economy again Visitors don’t just come to gamble would be catastrophic. No respon- anymore. They come for shows, sible leader would force a country they come to shop, they come to into demise. No responsible leader dine. Sadly, with mass store clo- would lead by fear. sures, bar closures and restaurant Critics attack President Trump closures, we’ve been hit with loss of for his tact, for his brash talk and MOVING? MOVING? jobs and loss of tourism. It’s a dev- astating combination for Nevada. his alleged inaction on coronavirus We will also see a lot more but factually speaking, the presi- people lose their jobs by the end of dent has done everything scientists the month. At the time of writing have asked. He shut the borders NEED A TRUCK? NEED A TRUCK? this column, MGM is set to layoff from China and other countries. hundreds, if not thousands, of em- He increased testing. He’s lowered ployees. They let everyone know the cost of prescription drugs. He months ago, however many have got ventilators for every state that forgotten. Entire resorts like The needed them. He provided mass Park have not reopened yet and PPE. He signed stimulus packages that means everyone who worked into law that we have no plan to there will be officially laid off by repay. When Congress didn’t act next Monday. to provide more stimulus we can’t You can review MGM’s layoff afford, he made an executive order warning below. so people would not be in peril.

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Your friendly neighborhood dealer at: Your friendly neighborhood dealer at: 716 South 10th Street 716 South 10th Street (Near the corner of 10th and Charleston) (Near the corner of 10th and Charleston) (702) 262-0703 (702) 262-0703 Page 4 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 Biden and Sisolak’s stumbling and bumbling no longer being covered up By Chuck Muth an almost unassailable seven-point If they can’t control their streets The political tide has turned on lead. and keep their citizens safe from two major fronts... “Trump is set to win in Minne- agitators and anarchists, then call 1.) President Trump’s surge in sota 48 to 45, Florida 47 to 44 and in the National Guard. This has to the polls is so pronounced that even New Hampshire, where he just held stop now.” the fake news media is having a a major rally, 47 to 43. When you’ve lost Joe Scarbor- hard time suppressing it. And it “It also appears clear that ough… ain’t for lack of trying. Don’t expect US voters have already made up The Biden campaign is collaps- to see the following on CNN or their minds with a mere 3 percent ing. Landslide’s coming. MSNBC tonight… of Trump voters and 9 percent of 2.) Gov. Sisolak’s incompetence “According to the latest monthly Biden supporters suggesting they in handling the CHINA-19 virus Democracy Institute (DI)/ Sunday could have a change of heart on is so pronounced that Nevada’s Express poll President Trump has polling day on November 3.” media is finally starting to take the 48 percent of the popular support Even MSNBC’s Trump-hating gloves off. over former Vice President Biden’s Joe Scarborough can’t ignore the In a Sunday editorial, the Las 45 percent. reality any longer… Vegas Review-Journal slammed “In the key swing states the “Portland’s mayor and Oregon’s the governor’s administration for gap is even bigger with 49 percent governor have been deplorable hiding “detailed information upon for Trump to 42 percent for Biden in the ongoing crisis gripping the which (policymakers) are basing giving the incumbent US President city. The chaos continues nightly. (See Biden and Sisolak, Page 8) Biased Media (Continued from Page 1) In reality, it wasn’t xenophobia or fear mongering, it was NBC. I’ve also worked for, contributed to or appeared on comparison. a life-saving decision that helped ensure Americans did not MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, and FOX networks. I also did work It was very disappointing to see commentators (notice I see a far worse outcome. for Good Morning America. However, I’m the only former don’t call them journalists) on CNN and MSNBC claim Afri- Democrats hemmed and hawed a lot about the Trump TV journalist speaking out about the outright, blatant lies the can American supporters, like my friend and fellow Las Vegan pandemic travel ban. media is pushing right now. I’m the only one calling out the Jon Ponder, were token Black people trying to convince you On Jan. 30, Biden confidant and coronavirus adviser Zeke hypocrisy. I’m the only one showing you the false narratives it is ok to vote for a bigot. Think I’m lying? There’s an entire Emanuel told CNBC viewers to “stop panicking and being being pushed on you every single day. The biggest most article from The Nation by Elie Mystal that says just that. hysterical.” The virus will “go down as spring comes up.” important question of all is, why am I the only one? Every It literally calls people like Ponder, Alice Johnson, Her- Nancy Pelosi called it crazy too and even held a publicity good and true journalist should be outraged at the amount schel Walker and many more African Americans and people stunt on Feb. 24 urging people to come to San Francisco to of “opinion” reported as news. Every good journalist should of color, tokens. I mean if that ain’t racist and offensive, I visit Chinatown. be outraged by the lack of truth and transparency. But they don’t know what is, however it is also very typical. Biden advisor Ron Klain then said three days later that aren’t. They are all just angry that President Trump attacks The liberal media barely covered the RNC objectively. All people shouldn’t be dissuaded by “needless fears about coro- them and calls them fake news. they did was lament how the convention was possibly illegal navirus.” He added that everyone “should tonight go down As a former journalist, I get that those attacks are harsh, because of the Hatch Act, or racist. to Chinatown in their city and buy dinner or go shopping.” maybe offensive, but I can also admit — they’re TRUE. However, those commentary outlets (again not referring On Feb. 29, with news of the first U.S. coronavirus death, News should never contain opinion, yet it is all they offer to them as news) covered the DNC as if it were just pure Dr. Emanuel told CNN’s that “running out and these days. perfection. In fact, a piece from literally says it may getting a mask is not going to help.” Take this CNN fact check of the first night of the RNC. have been the best ever, according to the press. And we can’t forget these famous tweets from the US The lede sentence alleges it was a parade of dishonesty, yet So according to the press, the DNC was good because Joe Surgeon General. even in their “fact checking” they had to back peddle and say Biden and Kamala Harris are good and the RNC was bad things like “Yes, it is true for some Democrats but not Biden.” because Republicans are bad. What amazes me every single Then look at how CNN fact checked the DNC. They called day is that the Democrats are the ones who are actually being Biden’s speech career-defining. Then it listed tiny mishaps prejudiced, sexist, judgmental, and racist. like Biden saying 50 million people filed for jobless claims, Don’t believe me? Let’s look at the facts. when it was really 57 million. I mean this tweet alone from staunch liberal Bette Midler DANG! is enough to prove that point. That’s some stellar journalism there, CNN! (Note that was written with thick sarcasm). I say all this to make these final and very important points: —Journalism isn’t what it used to be. It was a noble profession I loved. I left it though because the corporate and Pew research looked at all the tweets from members of liberal agenda took over and ruined everything noble about Congress from January 22 to March 21st and a whopping it. It’s also created two very distinct “types” of news outlets, 91 percent were from Democrats claiming any Republican conservative and liberal. That’s really bad. News should be Can you imagine the uproar if a Republican ever said such saying the virus came from China were racist. just facts and exposing the truth. But it is not and as a result a thing?! However, the very biased media was silent. So where were Biden’s stern warnings to Trump to act we all suffer. News no longer uncovers the truth but presents Let’s be very clear—that tweet is not ok. Let’s be even sooner? Where were any Democrats’ big warnings to Trump? an agenda and that has created an entire generation of people more clear—if Melania Trump were married to anyone else They don’t exist. It never happened. who don’t trust anything in the news reports. (but mainly a Democrat) she would be heralded as smart, edu- All democrats have done in 2020 is tell the media, and —The RNC and DNC conventions both had some high cated, empowered and beautiful. BUT because she is married you, that Republicans are bad, racist people and that President points and boring moments. Virtual anything sucks. It’s way to Donald Trump, she’s not considered any of those things. Trump has done a bad job handling COVID. They also now better to experience things with other people, always. That While we are on the topic, let me just say that anyone claim Trump is to blame for the global economic issues the said, the way the media reported on both means you are only judging Kamala Harris for an affair she had 30 years ago and pandemic caused. Here’s a fun fact though, it was Governors going to hear Republicans are bad, Democrats are good. So, claiming that is proof she “slept her way to the top” needs who shut down the economy. It was governors who allowed get ready for the debates (if they happen). I can already tell to take a really long look in the mirror, because that’s a truly riots and destruction and looting to happen in their cities. you the media is going to say Joe Biden wins all three and inappropriate thing to say about a woman. You’re not being In states run by Republicans where shutdowns were very Kamala Harris is going to win the VP debate. There is no way the solution but part of the problem. But I digress. limited or nonexistent, the economy is fine. Take South we will hear anything different. Even on you’ll More proof of the liberal hypocrisy was seen the last night Dakota, where Governor Kristi Noem did not shut down her have and telling you Biden and of the RNC when BLM protestors went after Brandon Straka state. According to KELO, a South Dakota news outlet, the Harris were best. You just can’t get away from the bias. And and shouted homophobic slurs at him. Straka is the founder of state has barely seen an economic impact. if you are wondering if I have a crystal ball and can see the the WalkAway campaign and is gay. Where was the outrage For those curious, seven states in all did not shut down. future, the answer is no, I just worked in news and politics from the liberal media on that one? I’m still looking for it. Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and I can tell you how it will all go down. Another side note, The liberal media refused to cover the crazy protestors in , and Wyoming did not issue orders directing residents Republicans better stop calling Biden Sleepy Joe, because if Portland who violently kicked a man in the head, knocking to stay at home from nonessential activities in March and we keep the bar super low for him, he could do just “all right” him unconscious for defending a transgendered woman. Why April 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic. All those and still look like a hero for the day. didn’t they cover it? Because they want to continue with the states have Republican governors. —My final point, and possibly the most important, is the false narrative that conservatives, or anyone who thinks the Contrast that now to states run by Democrats like Neva- way Democrat politicians and news commentators treated violent protests are a problem, is racist. But honestly, what da. We have seen $1.2 billion in cuts, massive job loss, and women and people of color at the RNC — it was abhorrent. do we expect when CNN covers fiery violent riots and refers because our only resource is tourism and conventions, we They have shown their true colors. They don’t empower wom- to them as mostly peaceful? could be hurting for a very long time. en or people of color unless they have a D behind their name. So how is that the president’s fault? I wish I could apologize to Senator Tim Scott, Alice John- The Democrats and media also go on and on about the son, Herschel Walker, Rep. Vernon Jones, First Lady Melania “lack” of COVID testing available and claim that too is Trump and Abby Johnson (whom I really like but even I President Trump’s fault. But let’s counter that with fact! As don’t get her comment that the husband should decide whom of August 30th, John Hopkins reports the US has done more a woman votes for if they don’t agree. That’s just crazy). I testing than ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! wish I could tell them the way they were treated by the media Hmmm. was wrong and unfair and completely unprofessional. I wish But wait, there’s more. I could tell them it will change, but sadly it won’t. And it Now the Democrats are once again trying to prove Pres- won’t because you refuse to demand it. That’s right, now I am ident Trump is racist and uncaring because he naturalized putting this on you. If you are one of those Republicans who citizens at the white House and showed it on TV during the says things like the following: “I only watch One America Republican convention without those folks knowing about News,” or “I won’t watch the DNC. I don’t care what they it ahead of time. If that sounds crazy to you, it’s because it is have to say,” then you, my friend, are the problem. crazy and a lie. ABC interviewed the woman who claims she You can’t demand truth and transparency if you never didn’t have prior knowledge the president would be there, in know what the other side is doing. You can’t demand great hopes she would affirm their false narrative. Unfortunately for journalism again if you actually only acknowledge journalism We also heard ad nauseum from the liberal media that ABC, the woman in question admitted to them she agreed to that fits your narrative. President Trump has handled COVID-19 horribly and that go to the White House to have her naturalization ceremony If you want to make journalism great again, start paying Biden would have obviously done it better. filmed and signed a form allowing them to film it and use the attention. Start demanding fair and balanced reporting. Quit Well, that’s just a bald-faced lie. did a great job video at their discretion. She also told ABC she wasn’t upset acting like everything one party does is good and everything detailing that in a Washington Post article. that the ceremony was included in the convention program- the other party does is bad. And quit staying silent when you Rove points out how in May Mr. Biden said, “If he (mean- ming and that it was, to quote her, an “honor to be given my see something that is offensive or wrong because you worry ing Trump) had listened to me and others and acted just one citizenship by a president of the United States.” how it will be perceived, or if you will be cancelled.” week earlier to deal with this virus, there’d be 36,000 fewer These are just a few examples I’ve pointed out to you but If you aren’t brave enough to demand better, you won’t people dead.” Rove then shows how in June, Joe Biden there are many, many more out there. I’m pointing them out get better. And if you don’t unite to become a powerful voice claimed President Trump “did not listen to guys like me in hopes that you will see the media isn’t reporting fact but that demands being heard, you may be a silent majority, but back in January saying we have a problem, a pandemic is opinion these days. your silence will be deafening and it will allow you to be on the way.” I get that some of you may be saying to yourself, “Mi- easily defeated. The truth is Biden offered no such warning. Really, no chelle, you too are sharing your opinion, so how is this dif- Facts matter and we have to nix the narrative we keep Democrats did. Let me tell you what good old Joe Biden ferent?” Well, I’m not a journalist giving you my opinion; getting fed; but that won’t happen if you don’t demand some- did in January, he wrote an op-ed where he said if he were I’m a conservative commentator and former conservative thing different and if you don’t demand truth, even when it in charge he’d ask Congress in 2021 to increase the Public candidate, sharing this information. I have every right to share doesn’t conform to your worldview. Health Emergency Fund, amend existing law to allow pres- my opinion, and I’m not claiming that I am impartial. What * * * * * idents to declare pandemic emergencies, and fully fund the makes me uniquely qualified to comment on this though, Michelle Mortensen is an 8-time Emmy award-winning Global Health Security Agenda. is not that I am a conservative, but that I am a former TV journalist, the host of “The Michelle Mortensen Show” That’s not a warning. journalist with 8 Emmys and multiple other awards from debuting on KSHP 1400 AM September 14th and a former On Jan. 31, the day the president issued a China travel my time on air! conservative political candidate. Michelle holds two degrees ban, Biden claimed the president acting out of “hysterical That’s right, I spent 18 years of my adult life on TV as a from Southern Methodist University and is the founder and xenophobia” and claimed Trump was just “fear-mongering.” journalist for the following networks: ABC, CBS, FOX and chairman of the Building A Better Nevada PAC. September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 5 Sisolak’s moronic “ghost town” tweet By Chuck Muth what a joke this is! You are so fun- Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak con- ny Sissy... Happy Saturday to you, tinues to have a blind eye and tin Caleb and the other girl that does ear when it comes to the absolute the ‘data’... NOT!” devastation he’s wreaked upon our —“The only ‘Ghost’ Nevadans state. Just this morning he actually want to see is the one involving tweeted the following… your political career come the next “Practice social distancing and time your name is on the ballot.” explore all Nevada has to offer by —“how bout u go visit a ghost checking out some of Nevada’s town and stay there for good.” ghost towns.” Seriously, what moron on the This was almost too easy. I im- governor’s staff actually thought it mediately replied… was a brilliant stroke of genius to “Thanks to the SISOLAK-19 vi- put out a tweet promoting “ghost rus & #SisolakShutdown, our entire towns” in the current environment? state is becoming a ‘ghost town.’ We This governor — and the leftist need ‘Sisolak distancing’ far more dolts he’s surrounded himself with than we need social distancing.” — are so out of touch and out of And based on additional replies their depth it ain’t even funny. that came in after, I’m not exactly If Nevada Republicans were alone in those sentiments. A sam- smart — OK, I realize that’s a pling… stretch — they’d be hammering —“You are a JOKE! Telling this guy’s “systemic incompetence” people to visit a ghost town when non-stop, 24/7. they can just drive to the strip and Wow, have you lost perspective on new ones to the list every week so —“All of Nevada is a ‘ghost They’d wrap him like an alba- see same results.” the real problem. Encourage people check back throughout the lock- town’ thanks to your greed and/ tross around the neck of EVERY —“Vegas is about to turn into to visit Las Vegas , they are down.” or ineptitude. We see you & your Democrat candidate for EVERY a ghost town due to your failed ghost towns too, thanks to your —“We don’t want to go to time in office is limited. I can’t be race on the ballot. leadership.” restrictions.” ghost towns you clown. WE want kind about the harm you’ve caused Every silent Democrat in this —“Actually you will soon be —“You have made the whole to swing in our own backyards and Nevadans & the economy. Worst state that has let this drag on into its able to add Las Vegas to your list state a ghost town!” our parks.” state in the US in unemployment. SIXTH month is either an enabler of ghost towns! MGM is laying off —“B4 this post I just thought —“So your advocating for open How sad!” or an accomplice — or both. Make 18,000 more employees! Your ri- that you were a corrupt democrat, ghost towns, while you have once —“I wish you would stop turn- them pay at the ballot box. diculous closure policies are killing I now realize that you are also an thriving cities and towns closed, for ing Las Vegas into a ghost Ghost Remember in November. the once prosperous Las Vegas.” imbecile in addition to being a absolutely no good reason. Pathetic. town.” * * * * * —“All of Nevada is now a ghost corrupt democrat.” 99.96 percent survival rate. Had —“He’s going to make Las Ve- Chuck Muth is president of town, thanks to you...you FF.” —“Hey guys put a T-shirt on enough of this fool yet?” gas a ghost town. Worst Governor CitizenOutreach.org and publisher —“18k people were just laid your face, go outside (except when —“Las Vegas is becoming a in America.” of NevadaNewsandViews.com. He off by MGM Resorts and you are I tell you to stay home) and explore ghost town with you as Governor. —“Social distance in ghost blogs at MuthsTruths.com. His telling people to visit a ghost town? our states Ghost towns! Adding Please open all of our state up now.” towns... come on - I think we get views are his own. Angry Sisolak (Continued from Page 1) dinner, we finished up our dinner, events with live performances may But let’s get beyond the extra cleaning? as sporting events or concerts — and the music played for a little bit resume, but shall remain closed for hair-splitting colossal stupidity Why can’t convention centers unless they are spectator-less and and we left. … It’s allowed under public attendance.” of the governor’s “ambient back- be open if they do temperature receive approval. Phase II and that’s what happened So a live band performing in a ground music” rationalizing and checks of everyone on the way in, if Later in the day His Highness in the restaurant.” restaurant could be allowed, but move on to the bigger picture. everyone wears a mask, if everyone did a rare press conference — the Got all that? only if the restaurant is “closed for According to Dear Leader, it is social distanced and if they do first one in over a month — and was OK, I’ve scoured through Im- public attendance,” right? I mean, was OK for him and his wife to go extra cleaning? asked about his pizza party by Las perial Emergency Directive (IED) how is it “spectator-less” if people to this restaurant with a live band Most importantly, why can’t a Vegas Review-Journal columnist #21 — the “Phase Two Reopening are sitting at a table eating but not providing “ambient background Trump rally be held if they do tem- Victor Joecks. Plan” — and I can’t find one word “spectator-less” if they’re sitting music” because, and I quote, they perature checks of everyone on the Clearly agitated by the conser- related to “ambient background at the exact same table not eating? “did temperature checks on the way way in, if everyone wears a mask, vative media peasant’s question, music.” If you believe this gubernato- in, everybody wore a mask, it was if everyone is social distanced and a prickly Sisolak responded heat- Section 25 of Directive 21 of rial brain fart, you believe that if social distanced (and) they did extra if they do extra cleaning? edly… Phase 2 pertains to restaurants and people pay for food to listen to a cleaning in the restaurant.” Is it really too much to ask that “That restaurant in particular food establishments and allows band there’s no COVID danger. Fair enough. If those are the everyone be treated equally under did temperature checks on the way for indoor dining. But there’s no But if people pay for a ticket to rules, then… the Law of Sisolak? in, everybody wore a mask, it was mention whatsoever of “ambient listen to a band in the exact same Why can’t a bar that doesn’t Apparently so. social distanced, they did extra background music” provided by a venue with the exact same seating serve food be open if it does tem- Closing Thought: DON’T cleaning in the restaurant, ambient live band being allowed. arrangements… well, that’s Su- perature checks of everyone on the BLAME THE RESTAURANT! music, as it’s called, where people To the contrary, Section 22 of per-Spreader City, baby! way in, if everyone wears a mask, I read just now that some peo- do not go buy tickets to go to that, Directive 21 of Phase 2 specifically Apparently, the governor’s “ex- if everyone is social distanced and ple have been directing their anger where people do not pay an admis- states… perts” and “the science” say you if it does extra cleaning? at the restaurant owners for King sion, where that’s not the purpose of “(M)usical performances, live can’t catch COVID as long as you Why can’t a lounge be Sisolak’s Saturday Soiree. Knock it the visit, is allowed in a restaurant. entertainment, concerts, compe- have food in your mouth. This open if it does temperature checks off. And stop giving it bad reviews That’s what happened. We went to titions, sporting events, and any makes absolutely no sense. of everyone on the way in, if ev- just because the King & Queen ate eryone wears a mask, if everyone there. is social distanced and if it does They didn’t do anything wrong. What does prohibiting profit have to do extra cleaning? They’re just trying to survive like Why can’t sports arenas, con- the rest of us. I’m happy they’re with preventing the spread of a virus? cert halls and showrooms be open open. I’m happy they have live en- if they do temperature checks of tertainment. I might even try going everyone on the way in, if every- there myself this weekend. one wears a mask, if everyone is The point is, EVERYBODY social distanced and if they do extra should be allowed to open and cleaning? operate under the same rules and Why can’t schools be open if conditions. That’s Sisolak’s fault, they do temperature checks of ev- not the restauranteur. I’m now re- eryone on the way in, if everyone turning to my ambient background wears a mask, if everyone is social music… distanced and if they do extra * * * * * cleaning? Why can’t a church be Chuck Muth is president of open if they do temperature checks CitizenOutreach.org and publisher of everyone on the way in, if ev- of NevadaNewsandViews.com. He eryone wears a mask, if everyone blogs at MuthsTruths.com. His is social distanced and if they do views are his own.

Saddle and Spurs Saloon owner Bobby Kingston, foreground, can’t understand why he can’t offer live music. By Thomas Mitchell licensing official to musician and any ticket sales, admission fee or Sunday, we find the definition of owner of the Saddles N Spurs Sa- headliner advertisement for the arbitrary and capricious on page 3A loon Bobby Kingston: entertainment & no dancing.” of the morning paper. “Live entertainment which in- What, pray tell, do ticket sales, Entertainment columnist John cludes karaoke at this point is admission fee, advertising and Katsilometes reports that a couple prohibited with a few allowances. ambiance level have to do with DO YOU NEED AN EDITOR? of bars in the valley have been told You can have a singer, piano player, preventing the spread of the coro- Have you been embarrassed lately when someone to end live music performances. guitar player or small piece band navirus? Sounds like a bureaucratic pointed out to you that you misspelled a word in your The reason was spelled out in an that is there playing music at an aversion to profit rather than a email from a Las Vegas business ambiance level. There can’t be demand for hygiene. report or maybe had a whole sentence all messed up? Have you personally felt that you could’ve done Leftist Democrat Police Chief Art Acevedo, who is a much better job on that manuscript but just didn’t highly political and hates the Second Amendment, responded, have the time? “For the record, Bernie Sanders, Fidel & Raul Castro, their mur- dering regime, and co-conspirators have never had a redeeming Why put off doing what you know you should have quality, ZERO. They worked on literacy programs in a State done before: call in an editor! As a word-, sentence-, that controls everything available for reading, in essence, liter- and document-doctor, she will fix what needs fixing acy was a path to indoctrination. “I remember my high school by adding a little of this or that, and taking out what history teacher trying to feed us the literacy achievement line,” shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Acevedo continued. “My response to him was I would rather be unread than to spend a lifetime reading the communist/socialists Give yourself the luxury of looking your best in print! propaganda the Cuban government provided.” ART ACEVEDO [email protected]. 1-775-513-0942 Page 6 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 George Floyd (Continued from Page 1) wanted the hobble, and Chauvin throat, eye, neck, larynx, scalp, would be barred from using neck After he was out of the vehicle told him “We’ll hold him until EMS skull, brain, or chest injuries. restraints. Police in France united Kueng tried to get Floyd out of the shows up.” 4. Floyd’s Toxicology Report to protest the ban, and on June 16 street, telling him he didn’t want The following exchange then found in his system: Fentanyl (11 the authorities rescinded the ban. him to get hit by a passing car. took place between the officers: ng/mL); Several other Fentanyl Israeli defense forces have used Floyd repeatedly said “I don’t Chauvin: “Is he high on some- related drugs (Norfentanyl and the neck restraint since at least want to go back” (later understood thing?” 4-ANPP) (6.25 ng/ML); Metham- 2006. to mean prison). He also told Lane: “I’m assuming so.” phetamine (19 ng/ML); Cannabi- Evidence is Floyd died Kueng “I just want to stop getting Kueng: “I believe so, we found noids (Marijuana); and, Morphine from natural causes arrested,” and “I didn’t do nothing a pipe on him.” (free) (Common result of heroin Floyd died from cardiac arrest. wrong.” Lane: “He wouldn’t get out of use) (86 ng/ML). He had very severe heart disease Floyd was taken to the side of the car. He wasn’t following in- 5. Floyd tested positive for and his blood flow was severely the building and told to sit down. structions.” COVID-19. restricted. He had more than three Floyd said he had no ID on As Floyd continued jabbering he Baker’s autopsy “Reference times the lethal dose of Fentanyl him (so he was driving without a periodically said “I can’t breathe.” Comments” included: in his system, and his breathing license), but identified himself as Kueng told him “You’re doing fine. —Fentanyl: “It is reported to could additionally be impaired by George Perry Floyd and gave his You’re talking fine.” be 80 to 200 times as potent as the meth, marijuana, and Morphine birth date. Lane’s body cam shows that morphine and has a rapid onset (free) in his system, as well as his Kueng asked Lane to run a back- over a period of many minutes of action.” “Signs associated with recent bout with COVID-19. ground check on Floyd. Floyd claimed at least 40 times fentanyl toxicity include severe That is why Baker made the The following exchange then “I can’t breath” as he was talking respiratory depression, seizures, observation that if Floyd had been took place: about different things. hypotension, coma and death. In found alone “he would conclude Kueng: “We’re here because it A recently arrived civilian by- fatalities from fentanyl, blood con- that it was an overdose death.” sounds like you gave a fake bill to stander told Thao: “You can put him centrations are variable and have Only after Baker meet repeat- the individuals in there.” in the car.” Thao responded: “We petechiae, damage to his airways been reported as low as 3 ng/mL.” edly with the prosecutors, Chauvin Floyd: “Yeah.” tried that for 10 minutes.” or thyroid, brain bleeding, bone —Methamphetamine: “metham- had already been charged with mur- Kueng: “Do you understand Chauvin told bystanders “we got injuries, or internal bruising.” phetamine can also elicit restless- der, and the riotous/looting mobs that?” the ambulance coming.” Mr. Floyd had preexisting health ness, confusion, hallucinations, cir- in Minneapolis were calling for Floyd: “Yes.” A crowd of bystanders had conditions including a heavy heart culatory collapse and convulsions.” blood, did Baker release his cause In addition to the fake $20 bill assembled and were heckling the and some coronary artery disease, —Morphine (free): “Morphine of death: “Cardiopulmonary arrest Floyd gave to the store manager, officers. Calling them bums, bitch- including at least one artery that has diverse effects that may include complicating law enforcement there were more $20 bills visibly es, etc. The bystanders didn’t know was approximately 75 percent analgesia, drowsiness, nausea subdual, restraint, and neck com- stuffed between the driver’s seat what was happening — but they blocked. and respiratory depression. It is pression.” Even though Baker’s in the vehicle. Passing counterfeit fed on each others negativity about AB sent Mr. Floyd’s blood sam- commonly found as the result of autopsy — with the concurrence money is a serious felony in Min- what they thought was happening. ples to NMS Labs, who will provide heroin use.” of the Defense Health Agency — nesota with a 20-year maximum After Floyd was a full toxicology report. —THC (Active Ingredient of specifically excluded any injury to sentence, and it is also a federal taken to the hospital He [Baker] specifically avoided Marijuana) “Pharmacologically, it Floyd’s neck or any indication he felony crime with an additional At 8:27 p.m. EMS personnel watching any videos associated has depressant and reality distort- had reduced airflow from his neck maximum 20-year sentence. arrived. Floyd was put in the am- with the case to avoid a bias during ing effects.” restraint. The officers were obligated to bulance, accompanied by Lane the autopsy.” Notable observations about The evidence publicly available arrest Floyd based on the evidence because he was under arrest, and Thus the day after Floyd’s death Floyd’s autopsy are: is Floyd died from a combination he had committed state and federal taken to the Hennepin County the prosecutors knew he did not die 1. Floyd died from cardiac arrest of natural causes and his own de- felony crimes. (He was also facing Medical Center. of asphyxiation, he had very severe — which kills more than 325,000 cision to feed his drug addiction by possible state and federal conspira- When Kueng and Chauvin re- heart disease, and there was no people yearly in the U.S. ingesting at least four different il- cy charges because he was evident- turned to the Mercedes, Floyd’s medical evidence the four officers 2. Floyd had no external or legal drugs that would suppress his ly involved with a counterfeiting phone was found inside. Kueng did anything to cause his death. internal injuries that contributed to breathing, including a significantly operation.) said: “Yeah, put his phone back. No official or politician provided his death. more than fatal dose of Fentanyl. Floyd questioning the officers if he’s guna come back and get his that important information to the 3. Prior to his encounter with All four officers have about “What he had done wrong” stuff, we got to be able to tell him news media so it could be reported the police Floyd had been using filed motions to dismiss was disingenuous since he had ad- where it is.” Kueng and Chauvin to the public. Fentanyl, Meth, Marijuana, and the charges mitted passing a fake $20. had every expectation Floyd would Consequently, rioting and loot- likely Heroin. Lane, Kueng, and Thao were all Because the officer’s were occu- return to get the car after he was re- ing raged in Minneapolis based 4. Floyd’s system had more than charged on June 3 with two crim- pied with Floyd, the man and wom- leased from the hospital and bailed on the false assumption Floyd had five times the quantity of Fentanyl inal counts: Aiding and Abetting an in the vehicle with him were out of jail. been murdered by the police. and Fentanyl related drugs that Second Degree Murder, and Aiding allowed to leave after providing Kueng went back into the store Three days later, on May 29, can cause death from “respiratory and Abetting Second Degree Man- the officers with their identification. and the manager told him that while prosecutors charged Chauvin with depression,” that is, the inability slaughter. Floyd’s Arrest Floyd gave him one fake $20 “he 3rd degree murder and 2nd degree to breath. Chauvin was charged on May Kueng told Floyd he was go- had a lot more with him.” The manslaughter — even though they 5. Floyd’s level of Morphine 29 with 3rd degree murder and 2nd ing to be arrested. They walked manager said he would provide the knew Floyd had not been asphyx- (free) exceed that which can be le- degree manslaughter. On June 3 across the street to the squad car. surveillance video to the police. iated or suffered any injury due to thal, and which causes “respiratory the charges were amended to 2nd When they got to the car Floyd Kueng filled Chauvin in on what being in a neck restraint. depression.” degree murder, 3rd degree murder, became fidgety and started telling happened before he arrived, and Five days later, on May 31, 6. Floyd had the active ingre- and 2nd degree manslaughter. the officers “I can’t breath” at the said of Floyd: “He was fighting us Baker reported the lab tests of dient of Marijuana in his system, All four have filed motions to same time he jabbered about being the whole time.” Floyd’s blood to prosecutors and which has “depressant and reality dismiss the charges based on the “claustrophobic” and “I’m not a Floyd died at the Hennepin law enforcement officers. Multiple distorting effects.” facts detailed above and their lack bad guy.” County Medical Center at 9:25 drugs were detected in his system, Floyd’s bleeding from his mouth of intent to commit any crime. Kueng told Floyd “You’re mak- p.m. — a little less than an hour most importantly, a very high level was apparently caused by a “red Unbeknownst to the officers Floyd ing me nervous. ... you’re acting after arriving. of Fentanyl: abrasion, just inferior to left corner was in dangerously poor health real erratic.” Floyd refused to get Floyd’s criminal history Regarding the Fentanyl level of mouth.” and he chose to take a fatal dose into the police car’s back seat. Floyd was arrested in Minneapo- of 11 ng/mL Baker commented: U.S. Defense Health Agency of Fentanyl. Floyd was a large man: 6 feet 4 lis a year earlier — in May 2019 — “That’s pretty high.” “That is a concurs Floyd died from Lane states in support of his inches tall, and 223 pounds. during a drug investigation. Floyd fatal level of Fentanyl under nor- “cardiopulmonary arrest” motion to dismiss the charges: “All The officers struggled with was in a vehicle and refused to get mal circumstances.” Baker also The U.S. Justice Department he had to do is sit in the police car, Floyd trying to get him into the out or show his hands to officers. commented “This level of fentanyl requested an independent autopsy like every other defendant who is back of the car. He resisted pas- The officers had to physically re- can cause pulmonary edema.” review that was conducted by the initially arrested. While attempting sively by sitting on the ground, move him from the car. Oxycodone “Mr. Floyd’s lungs were 2-3x their Defense Health Agency. On June to avoid his arrest, all by himself, and actively by stiffening up and pills fell out of Floyd’s pant leg as normal weight at autopsy.” (The 10th it released its Consult Re- Mr. Floyd overdosed on Fentanyl.” refusing to enter the squad car. he was being arrested, and the of- AAMC reports a Fentanyl over- port that concluded: “CAUSE OF Conclusion A civilian on the sidewalk ficer said he “appeared to be under dose can cause pulmonary edema DEATH: Cardiopulmonary arrest Floyd wasn’t murdered, and watching Floyd struggle against the influence of narcotics.” 274 pills — excess fluid in the lungs — that complicating law enforcement sub- he wasn’t brutalized by the four the officers told him: “Man, you were found inside the car, along severely restricts breathing and can dual, restraint, and neck compres- officers. going to die of a heart attack, just with 17.95 grams of cocaine, and cause death.) sion. Manner of Death: Homicide.” The prosecutor’s notes show get in the car.” 3.1 grams of rock cocaine. The other drugs in Floyd’s sys- The Report concurred with they knew that before any charges At one point Lane tried to reason Floyd was taken to the hospital, tem were: Baker’s autopsy report by stating were filed. However, the prosecu- with Floyd to get him into the car, and admitted to the staff he snorted —Several other Fentanyl related the opinion causes of Floyd’s tors caved to the howling mob and telling him: “I’ll stay with you. I’ll “Oxycodone daily.” Floyd had to be drugs (Norfentanyl and 4-ANPP) death were: “... severe hypertensive are seeking to satiate the mob’s put the windows down. I’ll put the restrained in the hospital for being (6.25 ng/ML) atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis- blood lust by putting the four offi- air on.” It didn’t work. “physically threatening, and show- —Methamphetamine (19 ng/ ease, and methamphetamine and cers in prison. Two other officers arrived at ing the “risk of harming another.” ML) Baker commented meth is “a fentanyl intoxication.” The evidence suggests the of- the scene as backup: Derek Chau- After Floyd calmed down he “ad- stimulant hard on the heart.” The Report also noted Floyd ficer’s prosecution is nothing less vin and Tou Thao. Chauvin asked mitted to injecting 7-8 Oxycodone —Cannabinoids (Marijuana) recently tested positive for than a modern day lynching party. Kueng: “Is he going to jail?” Kueng shortly before his arrest.” He also —Morphine (free) (Common COVID-19, which affects a per- The four officers did not show responded: “He’s under arrest.” said “he’s been addicted to opiates result of heroin use) (86 ng/ML) son’s respiratory system. Floyd told any racial bias against Floyd. The Floyd continued resisting, but for approx. 1.5 years...” Prosecutor Amy Sweasy report- the police: “I just had COVID, man. officers treated Floyd with kid with the additional help of Chauvin Floyd had a long criminal histo- ed in her typed notes of the meeting: I don’t want to go back to that,” sug- gloves and showed compassion by and Thao he was put inside. He ry in before moving to Min- “AB said that if Mr. Floyd had gesting he had a serious infection. calling paramedics because he was struggled inside and used his legs to nesota. He was imprisoned or jailed been found dead in his home (or Importantly, the Report stated: bleeding from diving out of the force his way out of the car through at least nine times. He had four anywhere else) and there were no “Of note, no petechial hemorrhages police car. the opposite side door. He landed separate felony drug convictions; other contributing factors he would were identified in the conjunctiva There is nothing in any of the on the ground. two theft convictions; one criminal conclude that it was an overdose and oral mucosa, the layered neck.” body cam video (or its audio) that With Floyd on the ground he was trespass conviction; one conviction death.” That confirmed Floyd did not die Floyd was treated any differently stopped from continuing to struggle of while a fugitive he failed to pro- Finally on June 1 the Medical from asphyxiation from any exter- than an Asian, Hispanic, or White by Lane restraining his legs with his vide his identity to a police officer; Examiner’s office issued a one- nal obstruction of his airways. arrestee would have been who hands and knees, Kueng kneeled on and a 2009 conviction for aggravat- page Press Release Report that Neck restraint is normal and engaged in the same behavior as his back and held his handcuffed ed robbery with a deadly weapon stated Floyd’s “Cause of death: used by police worldwide Floyd. arms in place, and Chauvin had him for which he was sentenced to five “Cardiopulmonary arrest compli- The neck restraint Chauvin The officer’s haven’t filed mo- in a neck restraint. years in prison. The aggravated cating law enforcement subdual, used on Floyd was trained to not tions for a change of venue, but if Chauvin asked Kueng if he had a robbery was the most serious: Six restraint, and neck compression. only Minneapolis police officers, their motions to dismiss are denied restraint (hobble), and Thao began black males stormed into a black Manner of death: Homicide. How but police throughout the U.S., they could do so. It is more likely looking for one in the police car’s woman’s home, and Floyd pulled injury occurred: Decedent expe- and different countries around the a camel could pass through the eye storage area. a pistol and pressed it against her rienced a cardiopulmonary arrest world. The neck restraint is widely of a needle than that any of the four At about 8:20 p.m. Kueng called abdomen and threatened to kill her while being restrained by law used because it is a humane way to could get a fair trial in Minneapolis. a Code 2 for Emergency Medical while demanding money and drugs. enforcement officer(s). Other sig- control an unruly person without All quotes and facts in this Services because Floyd was bleed- Floyd’s autopsy nificant conditions:Arteriosclerotic physically harming them or ob- article are publicly available in ing from his mouth (Apparently hit- Floyd’s autopsy was conducted and hypertensive heart disease; structing their breathing. the Fourth Judicial District Court ting it on the ground when he dove on May 26 by Hennepin Coun- fentanyl intoxication; recent meth- The 2019 Minneapolis PD Poli- (Hennepin County, MN) case files out of the police car’s back seat.) ty Chief Medical Examiner Dr. amphetamine use.” cy guide specifically authorized the of: State vs. Derek Chauvin, 27- Chauvin told him: “You’re under Andrew Baker. Baker has served Then on June 4, after much of “Use of Neck Restraints (5-311). CR-20-12646; State vs. J Alexander arrest guy.” Floyd responded: “Al- as president of the National As- Minneapolis had been destroyed The MPD “Response Training Kueng, 27-CR-20-12953; State vs. right. Alright. oh my, God. I can’t sociation of Medical Examiners by rioting, the ME’s office released Guide” listed use of the “Uncon- Thomas Kiernan Lane, 27-CR-20- believe this.” and is one of the country’s leading Floyd’s full Autopsy Report. Key scious Neck Restraint” on a resist- 12951; State vs. Tou Thao, 27-CR- Floyd continued jabbering and forensic pathologists. points of the Autopsy Report are: ing or aggressive person. 20-12949. The court’s website is intermittently said “I can’t breathe.” After Baker completed the au- 1. Floyd’s cause of death was Chauvin was a 19-year police http://mncourts.gov. Chauvin told Floyd, “you’re topsy, on May 26 he met with two “Cardiopulmonary arrest compli- veteran following MPD regulations * * * * * doing a lot of talking” and “you’re Hennepin County prosecutors, four cating law enforcement subdual, when he used a neck restraint on Hans Sherrer is President of the doing a lot of talking, a lot of yell- FBI agents, and two restraint, and neck compression.” Floyd. Justice Institute aka Justice Denied. ing” in response to Floyd repeatedly Public Safety special agents. One 2. Floyd had severe arterioscle- In response to the rioting and The Justice Institute is based in saying “I can’t breathe.” prosecutor’s meeting notes state: rotic heart disease; an enlarged looting in Minneapolis, the MPD Seattle, Washington and promotes Thao asked Kueng “Are we “The autopsy revealed no phys- heart; history of hypertension; and changed its policy and disallowed awareness of wrongful convictions, calling for EMS?” Kueng told him: ical evidence suggesting that Mr. a left pelvic tumor. the use of neck restraints. and maintains the world’s largest “Yeah, EMS is on their way.” Floyd died of asphyxiation. Mr. 3. Floyd had “No life-threat- Due to the unrest in Minneap- database of exonerated persons. Its Thao asked Chauvin if he still Floyd did not exhibit signs of ening injuries.” He had no facial, olis, France announced its police website is, www.justicedenied.org. September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 7 Voters, Be Aware! The Democratic Party now totally embraces socialsm

Most of the Democratic candidates have never held a job outside of the public sector. They have never missed a paycheck no matter how badly they messed up. What better credentials to have tell you what is good for you — after all, the govern- ment will take care of you because they know best.

Say goodbye to the Second Amendment. No one besides the government’s state police and criminals will have guns.

Cuba, once the jewel of the Carribean as a vacation destination, has the populace living in filthy conditions, except for state officials.

Venezuela, once one of the richest nations, now has no food on the shelves, worthless money and the worst povery in this hemisphere. Page 8 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 Trump administration issues sweeping eviction ban By Sylvan Lane to protect the vast majority of renters facing The Hill eviction due to the pandemic following the The Trump administration issued an order expiration of a federal foreclosure and evic- Tuesday banning landlords from evicting tion moratorium on July 31. tenants from properties they can no longer Housing advocates praised the adminis- afford to rent due to income lost to the coro- tration for taking action to keep vulnerable navirus pandemic. tenants from homelessness, but rebuked it The order, issued by the Centers for for not acting sooner and raised concerns Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about the rent due by households protected would make it illegal to evict any individual under the order. who expects to make less than $99,000 or a “While an eviction moratorium is an joint-filing couple that expects to make less essential step, it is a half-measure that ex- than $198,000 in 2020. The tenants would tends a financial cliff for renters to fall off of still be required to pay rent owed per the when the moratorium expires and back rent terms of the lease, but will be allowed to is owed,” said Diane Yentel, president of the stay in their unit through the end of the year. National Low Income Housing Coalition “President Trump is committed to helping (NLIHC). hardworking Americans stay in their homes “This action delays but does not prevent and combating the spread of the coronavirus. evictions. Congress and the White House Today’s announcement from his administra- must get back to work on negotiations to tion means that people are struggling to pay the gaps left by “inadequate” state-imposed afford to pay the rent due to a pandemic-re- enact a COVID-19 relief bill with at least rent and risk further spreading of exposure to public health measures and does not directly lated job loss or expense despite their best $100 billion in emergency rental assistance.” the disease, due to economic hardship,” said mention financial aid or overriding contracts efforts to do so. The Department of Housing and Urban White House spokesman Brian Morgenstern. between citizens, raising questions about its Senior administration officials said in a Development will also extend an eviction The national eviction ban was issued un- legality. call with reporters that it will be up to local ban from properties with mortgages backed der a federal law that gives the CDC director In order to qualify for the eviction pro- courts to adjudicate eviction filings, but that by the Federal Housing Administration, and authority to impose measures to prevent the tection, a tenant must declare that their 2020 the federal order should protect all tenants a previous ban on foreclosures and evictions spread of communicable disease “as he [or] income will fall below the threshold set out in who qualify for the program should they face from homes with mortgages backed by she deems necessary.” the order; they’ve sought all potential sources judicial proceedings. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has also been The provision specifically refers to filling of federal housing aid; and that they cannot The CDC’s unprecedented order seeks extended through the end of 2020. Democrats call for IRS to review tax-exempt status of NRA By Alex Gangitano “Tax-exempt organizations must adhere The Hill to strict, specific requirements to retain House Ways and Means Committee Dem- their exemption from federal tax—and no ocrats on Tuesday called on the IRS to review tax-exempt organization is above the law,” the tax-exempt status of the National Rifle the members wrote. Association (NRA) and NRA Foundation. The members said that their request for a The members, led by Reps. Jimmy Go- IRS review is “irrespective” of the political mez (D-Calif.) and Brad Schneider(D-Ill.), differences it has with the NRA and based on wrote a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles the principle that tax-exempt organizations Rettig following the lawsuit from the New operate in accordance with the rules. York attorney general seeking to dissolve the “Tax-exempt organizations are sewn into powerful pro-gun interest group announced the fabric of American society and play a last month. critical role in improving the lives of millions New York Attorney General Letitia of Americans. We must ensure the American James’s (D) civil suit alleges that the NRA violated state law governing nonprofit orga- people can trust that our tax laws are properly nizations, contributing to a loss of more $64 self-dealing by directors or members in con- They asked the IRS to review whether enforced. When there are instances of abuse, million over three years, and that the group trol of the organizations, looting corporate the allegations warrant reconsideration of it is incumbent on the Executive Branch and and four of its top officials diverted millions assets solely for personal benefit, and using the federal tax-exempt status of the NRA Congress to investigate and act,” they wrote. of dollars away from its charitable mission. vendors and contractors to hide improper use and NRA Foundation. Ways and Means is NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre responded to “The lawsuit filed by the New York Attor- of funds or conflicts of interest,” the members the oversight committee to the IRS, which the lawsuit when it was announced, calling ney General outlined a pattern of egregious wrote on Tuesday. oversees tax-exempt organizations. it “an unconstitutional, premeditated attack.” Biden and Sisolak (Continued from Page 4) “calling Metro inquiring why they ever-changing rules. There has to very real consequences that ripple have been few and far between in these life-and-death decisions,” are not shutting down the event.” be space for individual freedoms throughout society. the mainstream media during the suggesting “they’re actually flying In the end, the rally went on. The and personal responsibility. Shut- “Not only will continued hys- first five months of Gov. Sisolak’s blindly through the fog without hotel was subsequently cited and ting down peaceful events and teria prolong the chilling effect on Reign of Economic Terror. They’re instruments.” fined $11,000. even taking down the basketball Nevada’s economy — notably our a welcome development. The editorial notes that Gov. “Through his office,” Joecks hoops in local neighborhoods is billion-dollar tourism industry — The silent majority isn’t just a Sisolak has twice now ordered concluded, “Sisolak targeted this not necessary. but the health and education of majority any longer. It’s increas- bars that don’t serve food to close, specific event and put pressure on “Whereas all citizens should residents continues to take a hit.” ingly no longer silent. posing the obvious question: “Does local officials to shut it down.” take the virus seriously, we are Dr. Greenberg concluded that I like it. I love it. Gimme more food ward off the virus?” But it wasn’t political, was it? long past a quarantine to flatten “It’s time to alleviate the fear of it. The RJ further noted that the Yeah, right. the curve, and there is no end in around COVID-19 and give Neva- * * * * * governor’s order prohibits the use For his part, John Katsilometes’ sight to government overreach. … dans the freedom to choose to live Chuck Muth is president of of bar-top gaming machines in Sunday column highlighted the (O)ur leadership insists on enforc- their lives.” CitizenOutreach.org and publisher bars while allowing video poker absurd and contradictory Sisolak ing excessive, irrational protocols Amen. of NevadaNewsandViews.com. He consoles “right next to the existing regulations being enforced on that promote unnecessary alarm. Hard-hitting, critical opinion blogs at MuthsTruths.com. His bar tops.” entertainment establishments in Government fearmongering has columns and articles such as these views are his own. “The absurdity is readily appar- Las Vegas. Here’s what a city bu- ent,” the paper concludes, adding reaucrat wrote to Bobby Kingston, that Gov. Sisolak’s administration the owner of the Saddles N Spurs “has stumbled and bumbled when Saloon… it comes to communicating vital “Live entertainment which information to the citizens of the includes karaoke at this point is state.” prohibited with a few allowances. And then there’s the Ahern You can have a singer, piano player, Hotel. guitar player or small piece band The off-Strip venue has hosted that is there playing music at an a number of gatherings over recent ambiance level. There can’t be weeks that were well under the any ticket sales, admission fee or governor’s 50 percent-capacity headliner advertisement for the rule and complied with social dis- entertainment & no dancing.” tancing and other precautions. No CENEGENICS MEDICAL INSTITUTE First, define “ambient.” Like problems. Even Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman spoke at one of pornography, it’s in the eyes of the Ken Small AIA, CSI, LEED the events. beholder. 7040 Laredo St, Suite C But once “Evangelicals for Secondly, how does a solo Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 singer or duet positioned 15 to 20 Trump” scheduled an event there, Office : 702 . 873 . 1718 the empire struck back. feet away from the audience pose As RJ columnist Victor Joecks a health risk when all the “experts” * Commercial noted in his Sunday column, Siso- say we need to stay 6 feet away. * Tenant lak “pushed Las Vegas officials to Thirdly, how do ticket sales or Improvements stop” the rally, claiming it violated admission fees or Facebook ads spread COVID? What’s the “sci- * Office his contradictory edict against * Use Permits gatherings of 50 or more; the same ence” behind that prohibition? Let’s edict he’s using to keep churches, see the “data.” * Restaurant but not casinos, closed. It’s not the coronavirus that’s * Medical “Do you have any update on running rampant throughout Siso- * ADA Compliance what’s happening with this event?” lak’s Nevada these days. It’s the Scott Gilles, the governor’s senior stupidity virus. adviser, asked city officials in an In a separate RJ op-ed, Dr. H.L. Small Studio Associates, LLC. email. “Governor keeps asking for Greenberg wrote… updates.” “As a physician, I believe state Joecks went on to note that an- and local leaders have made ar- other city official sent out an email bitrary decisions and are going saying the governor’s office was overboard in their enforcement of

Left-wing CNN commentator Ana Navarro tweeted: “Castro regime’s been in power in Cuba for +60 yrs. w/o free elections. They’ve killed, jailed, tortured thousands. They confiscated assets, expelled priests and nuns… And let’s be clear, Cubans weren’t exact- ly communicating by grunts. Most knew how to read.” ANA NAVARRO September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 9 Senate GOP ‘goal’ is to vote next week on a ‘focused’ and ‘targeted’ coronavirus relief bill By Alexander Bolton could give Senate GOP candidates something The Hill to talk about on the campaign trail. Senate Republican leaders hope to vote Senate Republican leaders tentatively next week on what they are calling a “fo- planned in July to hold a Senate vote on a cused” and “targeted” coronavirus relief bill, Republican plan to enhance weekly state setting up what they hope will be a tough unemployment benefi ts, although at a lev- political vote for Democrats shortly before el below the $600 per week federal boost November’s elections. included in the CARES Act, which passed The timing of the vote needs to be ap- in March. proved by the entire Senate Republican GOP leaders scrapped the vote, however, conference, which is scheduled to hold a con- amidst disagreement within their conference ference call Tuesday morning with Treasury over what kind of proposal to put forward. Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House Mnuchin told Network chief of staff . Monday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch Senate Republican Conference Chairman McConnell (R-Ky.) would introduce a new John Barrasso (Wyo.) said Tuesday morning Republican coronavirus relief bill next week. the “goal” is to vote on the legislation next “Hopefully Mitch will enter new legisla- week after the Senate returns from its August tion next week,” Mnuchin said. He noted the recess. He said “it leaves out” what he called with Mnuchin and Meadows. move would come while negotiations with “We have a focused, targeted solution that “the so many things that [Speaker Nancy] “We’re having a conference call every Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Charles we hope that the House would pass and the Pelosi has put in her bill that are unrelated morning. We have one again today with Sec- Schumer (N.Y.) remain stalled. House would agree to,” he told Lisa Desjar- to coronavirus.” retary Mnuchin and the White House chief of Mnuchin said the Democratic leaders “just dins, a correspondent for “PBS NewsHour,” But Barrasso noted the plan to vote on staff to go over that, and that’s the goal — is don’t want to negotiate in good faith.” after an early morning pro forma session. what is being called a “skinny” coronavirus to come back and vote to move that,” he said. “They’ve refused to meet,” he said. Barrasso said the legislation is “focused relief bill next week still needs to be approved Any pared-down coronavirus relief bill “We’re going to keep trying, because on getting people back to work, getting kids by the broader Senate Republican Confer- would need 60 votes to pass the Senate, and it’s too important for the American people,” back to school.” ence, which is meeting via conference call Democrats are expected to block it, which Mnuchin said. Meadows sees progress on relief talks, but keeps hard line on Pelosi proposals By Brett Samuels “If we can add from that and use Congress has failed to pass any The Hill that as a foundation, or at least pass coronavirus relief measures since White House chief of staff Mark that knowing that we will largely early July, when it approved an ex- Meadows on Tuesday touted “real agree on that targeted proposal tension of the Paycheck Protection progress” in talks with Democrats coming from Senate Republicans, Program to aid small businesses. In and Republicans on coronavirus let’s go ahead and get what we the time since, millions of Ameri- relief legislation, but he continued agree to off the table, passed, signed cans have lost their jobs or remain to reject the broad proposal from into law and continue to negotiate out of work as the coronavirus Democratic leaders, calling into on those things that perhaps might pandemic maintains a grip on the question the chances of a deal. separate the two parties.” country. Meadows spoke to CNBC short- Senate Republican Conference Some Democrats have pointed ly after a Senate Republican leader Chairman John Barrasso (Wyo.) to Meadows’s involvement in nego- indicated the conference hoped to said Tuesday morning the “goal” tiations as a roadblock to progress, vote next week on a “targeted” re- is to vote on the legislation next citing his history as a congressman lief bill. The chief of staff expressed week after the Senate returns from in obstructing negotiations. optimism that the two parties could its August recess. The chief of staff on Tuesday reach an agreement on a more nar- Barrasso said the legislation is rejected criticism that his presence row set of issues, even as they have to and the amounts of money allo- arguing “it’s not based on facts and “focused on getting people back to was deterring talks, noting he was struggled for weeks to advance cated to those areas, probably the it’s not based on reality.” work, getting kids back to school.” part of successful negotiations to broader negotiations. biggest stumbling block that re- In lieu of a larger agreement, He noted the plan to vote on what is pass the CARES Act earlier this “As we’ve had discussions mains is the amount of money that Meadows suggested the Republican being called a “skinny” coronavirus year. with Democrats on Capitol Hill, would go to state and local help.” proposal to be unveiled next week relief bill next week still needs to “There’s going to be a whole as we’ve continued our discussion Meadows dismissed Pelosi’s could provide an initial stepping be approved by the broader Senate lot of fi nger-pointing right now,” with Republican senators, we’re request for $915 billion in aid for off point. Republican Conference, which Meadows said. “I’m not trying to making real progress,” Meadows state and local governments reeling He said the legislation could is meeting via conference call my fi nger at anybody else, said. “I will say as we look at the from the pandemic. And he waved amount to $500 billion, but did not Tuesday with Meadows and Trea- other than to say give me the facts, number of things we actually agree off the $2.2 trillion overhaul fi gure, elaborate on specifi cs. sury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. we’ll get there.” Mnuchin: Trump wants more COVID-19 relief aid By Scott Wong and cities, which are struggling to Trump’s White House was trying that the White House would agree The Hill prevent mass layoffs of police of- to “defund the police” — a phrase to provide some extra funding for Treasury Secretary Steven fi cers, fi refi ghters and other public Trump backers have used to attack state and local governments, which Mnuchin told House lawmakers workers. Joe Biden and the Democrats. already received a big injection of on Tuesday that he’s ready to restart At one point, Financial Services “Now let me be clear, we are aid in the bipartisan CARES Act negotiations with Speaker Nancy Committee Chairwoman Maxine not defunding the police or fi re,” this year. Pelosi (D-Calif.) on a massive coro- Waters(D-Calif.) suggested to Mnuchin replied. “Nobody thinks the right out- navirus relief package, emphasizing Mnuchin, tongue in cheek, that The Treasury secretary added come is zero,” Mnuchin said. that both he and President Trump support more emergency aid for workers, schools, small businesses and testing. “Let me say I very much agree with you and those other experts that more fi scal response is needed. To All Attorneys The president and I want to move forward with more fi scal response,” Mnuchin testifi ed before a special House subcommittee investigating the federal response to the pan- told the panel, “and would pro- who hate writing demic. vide substantial funds for schools, “I’m prepared to sit down with testing, vaccines, [Paycheck Pro- NEVADA APPEAL GROUP (“NAG”) offers the Speaker at any time to negoti- tection Program] PPP for small ate,” he added. businesses, continued enhanced FLAT FEE, high quality services for civil and Talks between Pelosi and White unemployment benefi ts, child care, House offi cials have been on hold nutrition, agriculture, and the U.S. criminal Appeals and all Post-Conviction Relief. ever since the two sides walked Postal Service, along with liability away from the negotiating table protection for universities, schools, on Aug. 7, more than three weeks and businesses.” ago. Democrats and Trump are still Millions of unemployed Amer- NAG handles all types of appeals (misdemeanor, about a trillion dollars apart, even icans are no longer receiving the as they’ve inched closer to a deal extra $600 per week that Congress felony and civil) as well as Habeas Corpus in recent days. approved at the beginning of the Pelosi’s offer last week to White pandemic. Those benefi ts expired in Petitions, Nevada Supreme Court briefs, and House chief of staff Mark Meadows July, and Democrats said Tuesday was $2.2 trillion, down from $2.4 that American families struggling individual motions across the civil and criminal trillion. Meanwhile, Meadows said to pay rent and mortgages will be Trump would support a $1.3 trillion evicted and put out on the street spectrum, including Motions for Summary package, up from $1.1 trillion. unless a deal is reached. “I do not support $2.2 trillion,” Mnuchin pointed to Trump’s ex- Judgment. Turnaround time can be as minimal Mnuchin told the panel. ecutive actions to temporarily sup- Senate Republicans next week plement unemployment insurance as 24 hours. Federal PCR is also available. are planning to bring to the fl oor a by $400 a week, but that money pared-down, “skinny” COVID-19 has not reached all families who relief bill in the neighborhood of need it. And Mnuchin made clear Motions starting at $250 fl at fee $500 billion, but Democrats have to lawmakers “the expiration of called it inadequate and are expect- enhanced unemployment insurance Appeals starting at $500 fl at fee ed to block it. is something that we are concerned Though the presidential elec- about.” tion is fast approaching, Tuesday’s A big sticking point in the ne- hearing, led by Chairman James gotiations, both sides agree, is For more information and immediate response, Clyburn (D-S.C.), wasn’t as com- emergency aid for cash-strapped bative as other past House hearings. state and local governments which call or email: And Mnuchin was quick to lay out have seen their tax-revenue streams where he saw areas of agreement dry up due to economic closures (702) 902-5050 on a bipartisan deal. during the pandemic. Pelosi and “I believe a bipartisan agreement the Democrats want a substantial Nag@criminaldefenseo asvegas.com still should be reached,” Mnuchin number to go to states, counties March 4-10, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 5 Page 10 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 Bad blood between Pelosi, Meadows complicates the coronavirus talks By Mike Lillis and Scott Wong out. The Tea Party insurgent, known for his The Hill Southern charm and coziness with reporters, As the parties scramble for an elusive first won election to his far western North deal on another round of coronavirus relief, Carolina House seat in 2012, but he exerted mistrust and bad blood between two of the his power — and made a name for himself principal negotiators — Speaker Nancy Pe- on the Hill — by attacking his own party losi (D-Calif.) and White House chief of staff leaders, derailing big bipartisan negotiations Mark Meadows — have snarled the talks and and finding his way regularly into print media complicated the path to a timely agreement. and broadcast news. The tensions were on full display Thurs- To be sure, there are other factors prevent- day after a 25-minute phone call between the ing the sides from reaching an agreement two power brokers — the first talks between on another emergency spending bill. Both the sides in roughly three weeks — failed to parties had their conventions in recent weeks, break the long impasse. shifting the national gaze away from the Meadows, Pelosi charged afterward, dis- COVID-19 talks for a good part of the month. played a “disregard” for the needs of suffer- Additionally, the last monthly jobs report ing Americans by rejecting more emergency did not reflect the expiration of several major funding. initiatives of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act, Pelosi, Meadows countered, offered “25 including generous unemployment subsidies minutes of nothing.” Pelosi is among the chief skeptics. She had on Thursday, she demoted Meadows — a and help for struggling small businesses, The sharp back-and-forth was partly the- famously offered to bail out Boehner by pro- member of Trump’s Cabinet with an office leaving the specific effects on the economy atrics, as the parties seek to energize their viding votes to reopen the government amid adjoining the president’s — to the rank of unknown until early September. base voters less than 10 weeks from the high- an extended, Meadows-induced shutdown in aide to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, The stunning rise of the stock market — stakes Nov. 3 elections. But it also highlight- 2013. (Boehner declined.) And most in her whom she referred to as the principal White which is on a historic tear since its steep drop ed the stark ideological differences between caucus appear to share that distrust. House negotiator for the Republicans. at the outset of the pandemic-induced shut- the sides when it comes to the government’s “Most Members (Dem) believe Meadows “Meadows there is staffing Mr. Mnuchin,” down in March — has also acted to temper role in responding to the public health and is the problem,” the aide said. “He spent all Pelosi said. the sense of urgency on Capitol Hill, easing economic crises sparked by the coronavirus his time in the House fighting these types Meadows, for his part, has poked back. the pressure on GOP leaders to rush ahead pandemic — differences all but epitomized of deals and never liking CR’s [continuing Earlier in the month, while he was visiting with another bill. in the figures of Pelosi and Meadows. resolutions]. Back then it was okay cause he the Capitol to meet with other lawmakers, he On The Money: Shutdown politics set to Meadows, a former North Carolina didn’t have to lead or be responsible. popped into Pelosi’s office — unannounced collide with coronavirus aid... congressman and House “I think he is struggling with his new role.” — to request a meeting over the stimulus Mnuchin says McConnell may introduce chairman, is well known for his clashes Aides emphasize that there’s no close bill. The highly unusual tactic didn’t work new coronavirus bill next week with leaders of his own party, triggering history or personal relationship between — Pelosi refused to see him — but that only Still, Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader government shutdowns and even forcing a Pelosi and Meadows. In fact, their chief empowered Meadows to address the press Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) had found success GOP Speaker, John Boehner (), into an commonality may be their shared affection afterward with accusations that Democrats negotiating emergency spending deals with early retirement. He also proved to be a sharp for the late, beloved House Oversight and were stonewalling any progress on a deal. Mnuchin through the early months of the thorn in the side of the two Republicans who Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cum- “If she wants to strike a deal with the crisis. With that in mind, Democrats of all followed Boehner — then-Speaker Paul Ryan mings (D-Md.). president of the United States on behalf of stripes view Meadows as the driving force (Wis.) and current House Minority Leader But their wildly divergent political philos- the American people, the president is willing behind the current stalemate. Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) — while going ophies, particularly when it comes to the role to do that,” he said after the stunt. “Closing deals is not Mark Meadows’s largely ignored in Democratic circles. of the federal government in the everyday While the pair of negotiators are two of the strong suit. His whole track record is: blow “Very few Dems dealt with him,” a former lives of people, have collided at a crucial most powerful figures in Washington today, it up,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), Democratic leadership aide said Friday in an moment as they joust over the next round of they could not be more different. Pelosi, 80, who served with Meadows on the House email. “They just saw him as a bomb thrower emergency coronavirus aid. With the sides a member of a Baltimore political dynasty, Oversight and Reform Committee and has with no responsibility.” still almost $1 trillion apart, the rhetoric ac- came up through the Democratic political teamed up with him on good-government That changed dramatically this year when companying the debate is heating up. machine and won her current seat 33 years legislation. “There is this other side of Mark, Meadows ascended to chief of staff and Indeed, as the partisan impasse has ago representing liberal San Francisco. She but his track record here on the Freedom assumed a leading part in the negotiations stretched beyond a month, Pelosi’s disdain played the inside game on Capitol Hill, hold- Caucus, on the Boehner vacating the seat over a fifth round of emergency coronavirus for her former House colleague is spilling ing influential committee slots and steadily effort, on government shutdowns are not his aid. Even in the new role, Meadows’s hard- out, as she increasingly bashes “whatever- rising through the leadership ranks to become strong suits.” line approach to government spending has his-name-is” and “what’s-the-name” with the first female Speaker in history in 2007. “If you ask yourself what’s the difference left lawmakers of both parties questioning accusations that he’s threatening both the Until the Trump era, Meadows, 61, had between April and May, when we did reach his ability — and his interest — in cutting a public health and economic well-being of always been a political outsider excluded big, broad bipartisan consensus, and today,” multitrillion-dollar deal. working class Americans. In a novel dig from the room where deals were being hashed he added, “the variable is Mark Meadows.” Intelligence chief shifts election security briefings to written updates By Olivia Beavers Biden’s candidacy and the Demo- ocrats and others claimed Evanina The Hill cratic Party,” Evanina said. and the Trump administration are Director of National Intelligence Evanina, however, has faced pushing a false equivalency, stat- John Ratcliffe notified Congress criticism because the statement also ing that neither Iran nor China is that the intelligence community noted that China prefers Trump not actively working to undermine the will be scaling back in-person win reelection as well as Iran. Dem- (See Security Briefings, Page 11) congressional briefings on election security and replacing them with written updates ahead of November. The top intelligence official argued this process will better pro- tect the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information, a statement that appears to be a nod toward Congress leaking information. According to letters addressed to top House and Senate lawmakers with a Friday time stamp, Ratcliffe to know how foreign powers are from in-person briefings to written defended the changes and empha- trying to subvert our democracy. updates. sized that the Office of the Director This intelligence belongs to the The announcement comes after of National Intelligence (ODNI) American people, not the agencies William Evanina, the director of the intends to continue supporting which are its custodian,” House National Counterintelligence and Congress with its oversight efforts. Intelligence Committee Chairman Security Center, released a state- “The ODNI will primarily meet Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and House ment detailing election security its obligation to keep Congress fully Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) threats earlier this month. and currently informed leading into said in a statement. Evanina warned that Russia and the Presidential election through Pelosi and Schiff threatened that some Kremlin-linked actors are written finished intelligence prod- they will “consider the full range trying to hurt former Vice President ucts,” the letters read, according to of tools available to the House to Joe Biden and others it views as part copies obtained by The Hill. compel compliance” if the ODNI of the anti-Russia “establishment” “I believe this approach helps does not resume briefings, claiming while trying to “boost President ensure, to the maximum extent it is a “shameful” attempt by the Trump’s candidacy on social media possible, that the information ODNI Trump administration to “withhold and Russian television.” provides the Congress in support of election-related information from “For example, pro-Russia your oversight responsibilities on CongressMultilingual and the American people Ukrainian parliamentarian Andriy elections security, foreign malign at the preciseS E moment R Vthat greaterI C EDerkach S is spreading claims about influence, and election interference transparencyImmigration and accountability • Translations is corruption • Divorces— including through is not misunderstood nor politi- required.”Notary • Income Tax • Ticketspublicizing • Rent leaked of phone U-Haul calls — to cized. It will also better protect CNNNevada first Healthreported Card the shift • Job undermineApplications former • andVice morePresident our sources and methods and most sensitive intelligence from addi- Hablo Español tional unauthorized disclosures or 716 S. 10th Street Perly Viasmensky misuse,” the letters added. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-337-8277 A House Intelligence Commit- tee official told The Hill that the panel was informed of the changes verbally.Leftist The Democrat official said Houston they later Police Chief Art Acevedo, who is receivedhighly thepolitical letter. and hates the Second Amendment, responded, Ratcliffe noted that the intel- ligence“For the community’s record, Bernie move Sanders, to Fidel & Raul Castro, their mur- writtendering products regime, will and satisfy co-conspirators the 17 have never had a redeeming statutoryquality, requirements ZERO. They laid worked out in on literacy programs in a State thethat National controls Defense everything Authorization available for reading, in essence, liter- Actacy for was this a fiscal path toyear. indoctrination. “I remember my high school historyDemocrats, teacher meanwhile, trying to decried feed us the literacy achievement line,” the shift. Acevedo“This is acontinued. shocking abdication“My response to him was I would rather be ofunread its lawful than responsibility to spend a lifetimeto keep reading the communist/socialists thepropaganda Congress currently the Cuban informed, government provided.”702-262-0703ART ACEVEDO and a betrayal of the public’s right September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 11 Battle over COVID-19 school openings goes to the courts By John Kruzel Liberty, co-founded by lawyer and The Hill GOP official Harmeet Dhillon, is Teachers unions are waging backing one such suit in . court fights across the country Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s aimed at unwinding what they say restrictions on in-person school are unsafe and politically motivated openings in the Golden State will timetables for reopening schools affect an estimated 80 percent of that risk exposing personnel to the K-12 students. coronavirus pandemic. “The effects of this ham-handed State officials eager to ramp up policy are as predictable as they brick-and-mortar operations are are tragic,” the lawsuit filed in a facing lawsuits from Florida to federal court in California states. Texas to Iowa over reopening plans “Hundreds of thousands of students as well as access to the COVID-19 will essentially drop out of school, infection data needed to monitor whether because they lack the tech- the rate of spread within school nological resources to engage with communities. ‘online learning’ or because their At the same time, lawsuits are parents cannot assist them.” flying from the opposition direc- The litigation raises concerns tion: Parents in several states, about everything from school clo- including New York, Massachu- school district chooses safety, that matically in past months as the daily transmission rates. sures exacerbating the achievement setts and Oregon, dissatisfied with is, delaying the start of schools until Trump administration has failed to The union is also pushing for gap and disproportionately harming web-based teaching alternatives, it individually determines it is safe adequately manage the virus to en- protocols that involve testing, special needs students and those are suing to force state officials to to do so for its county, it risks losing sure schools can be reopened safely. contact tracing and isolation and without convenient internet access reopen physical schools sooner as state funding, even though every “We’re polling right now,” she implement best practices from to challenges over the constitution- courts are increasingly called upon student is being taught.” said. “And my hunch is that just like the CDC for things such as ven- al validity of government health to referee the fight over education A Florida appeals court agreed the public polls, it’s totally flipped.” tilation, cleaning, physical dis- orders. in the age of coronavirus. to temporarily halt Judge Dodson’s The AFT is backing lawsuits in tancing, mask-wearing and other Weingarten, of AFT, said it’s “A legal storm is brewing as order from taking effect while De- Florida, New Mexico and Texas. safeguards. important to remember that despite safety and social distancing re- Santis appeals. Before schools can reopen safely As teachers unions make their seemingly irreconcilable differenc- quirements for a physical return to The state contends that the — for what Weingarten calls “the case in court, parents in at least es over the policy details, all parties school begin to take shape around benefit of in-person instruction out- biggest move indoors that the na- five states have filed lawsuits of want to see schools reopen as soon the country,” Maria Ferguson, exec- weighs the health risks associated tion has done since March” — the their own to accelerate school re- as it’s safe to do so. utive director of the Center on Edu- with reopening brick-and-mortar group says local positivity rates openings. “None of us believes that remote cation Policy at George Washington schools. Some Florida school offi- should be below 3 percent and A nonprofit litigation group is a substitute,” she said. “It’s a University, wrote on the education cials have also declined to disclose schools should have visibility into called the Center for American supplement.” website The 74. incidents of positive COVID-19 As millions of students prepare cases to school communities, citing for the first day of school — wheth- the need for patient privacy. US surpasses six million er in-person, remote or a hybrid of Attorneys for Florida have also the two — the fight over the re- opening physical school buildings argued in hearings that courts COVID-19 cases nationwide should not substitute their judgment is likely to intensify. By John Bowden claiming that the president “raised addressing it in recent months and for that of policymakers who have The debate over in-person K-12 The Hill the white flag.” claimed that he believes a vaccine balanced all the equities and decid- instruction planning is inseparably The United States has passed “He has no idea what to do. It’s could be available before the elec- ed a prompt in-person reopening is tied to the issues of child care six million confirmed cases of the zero. It’s only one thing he has in tion. He also claimed in a recent the best policy. needs and parents’ ability to return coronavirus since the beginning of mind — how does he win reelec- Axios interview that the virus is Randi Weingarten, president to the workforce to help revive the the pandemic, according to Johns tion? And it doesn’t matter how “under control as much as you can struggling economy, all of which is of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), one of the largest Hopkins University. many people get COVID and or control it” in the U.S. playing out against the backdrop of The country has also passed die from COVID because he fears “They are dying, that’s true. a fast-approaching November elec- teachers unions in the country, said Florida has its priorities backward. 183,000 deaths nationwide. that if the economy is strapped as And you have — it is what it is,” tion in a country that has seen near- President Trump and his 2020 badly as it is today that, in fact, he Trump said earlier in August. “But ly 6 million cases and more than “What their arguments show is Democratic opponent, former Vice is going to be in trouble,” the former that doesn’t mean we aren’t doing 181,000 deaths from COVID-19. that they don’t care about human President Joe Biden, have battled vice president told MSNBC. everything we can. It’s under con- Perhaps the highest-profile legal life,” Weingarten told The Hill. for months over the U.S.’s coro- Trump, meanwhile, has struck trol as much as you can control it. battle is taking place in the courts According to Weingarten, in- navirus response, with allies of the an optimistic tone on the virus when This is a horrible plague.” of Florida, where Republican Gov. ternal AFT polling in June showed Ron DeSantis signed off last month that about 3 in 4 teachers said they Democratic nominee hammering on an emergency order over school would be comfortable returning to the administration over the U.S.’s Security Briefings reopenings. the classroom if guidelines from status as the country with the most (Continued from Page 10) Under the order, most Florida the Centers for Disease Control and confirmed COVID-19 cases in the 2020 election like Russia is. school districts would be required Prevention (CDC) were implement- world. “The aims and actions of Russia, China and Iran are not the same. Only to hold in-person classes five days ed in schools. In July, Biden accused Trump one country — Russia — is actively undertaking a range of measures to a week by the end of August or risk But she predicts that attitudes of giving up on the U.S.’s efforts undermine the presidential election and to secure the outcome that the losing funding. President Trump, among teachers have shifted dra- to control the disease’s spread, Kremlin sees as best serving its interests,” Schiff and Pelosi wrote. who counts DeSantis as a close ally, The friction comes roughly two months ahead of Election Day and has also threatened to cut off federal amid a heated race between Trump and Biden. funding for schools if they do not resume in-person learning this fall. The Florida policy prompted a lawsuit from the Florida Education Association (FEA), a statewide teachers union, and several other plaintiffs in favor of a more cau- tious return to in-person teaching. “Public schools are not designed for COVID safety, and indeed, the government has recognized that they are high-contact envi- ronments,” said Kendall Coffey, the lead plaintiff’s attorney in the Florida case, who likened prema- turely opened schools to “disease $15 factories” and called the Florida policy “financial bullying.” “There are any number of issues, in terms of hallway sizes, the flow of students in and out of class- rooms, ventilation, even how many students go into the bathroom,” he told The Hill. “There are many el- ements that are virtually impossible to guarantee when you’re dealing with children in large amounts.” On Aug. 24, a Florida judge ruled in favor of the union and Meet the “real” Ben Childs temporarily halted the statewide order. In his decision, Judge Charles Before you cast your vote on Family Court judge Dodson struck down the order’s candidates in Department G think twice and learn unconstitutional provisions and about the real Benjamin Boone Childs, AKA Ben blasted DeSantis for having “essen- tially ignored” the state’s constitu- Get first month box Childs, a real estate and family attorney in Clark tional requirement that schools be County. operated safely. rent FREE with any Benjamin Boone Childs, AKA Ben Childs, betrayed “The districts have no mean- his “pro-bono” client for a few dollars with the ap- ingful alternative,” wrote Dodson, U-Haul truck rental of Leon County. “If an individual proval of the presiding judge, the Honorable District Court Judge Robert Barr, and with the blessings of Sen. (R-TX), the Nevada State Bar, which is famous for not an- whose father, Rafael Cruz, swering complaints from abused litigants. was from Cuba and was a He’ll be in the pocket of the largest donated attor- loyal personal close friend neys, not those appearing before him. of Fidel Castro until death His own daughter yelled at him during his child did both part, responded, custody procedure, saying, “I hate you, I hate you!” “It really makes a We request that his ex-wife’s boyfriend be ques- difference when those you tioned about what he knows and saw in the home murder at the firing squad of this candidate, Benjamin Boone Childs, AKA Ben can read and write.” Childs, while living with the former Mrs. Childs. SEN. TED CRUZ RAFAEL CRUZ Paid Political Advertisement by the Las Vegas Tribune Page 12 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 POLITICAL ANALYSIS Democrats’ HEROES act described as ‘Pelosi-throw-money-at-the-states-bailout’ Analysts note ‘financially irresponsible’ states looking for cash to cover their loose spending By Thomas W. Smith starts at city hall, were the mayor’s and Adam Andrzejewski $220,000 annual pay exceeds that Taxpayers of America, you may of every governor in the country. soon be funding a $500 billion At a salary of $212,000, the bailout of the 50 states, all U.S. D.C. City Council chair out-earns territories, and the District of Co- every member of Congress (ex- lumbia. But where is this vast sum cept Speaker Pelosi, who earns of money going? $223,500). The Metropolitan Police House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Department chief is paid $272,156, “HEROES Act” — more accurately which tops every four-star general titled “Pelosi Throw-Money-at-the- in the U.S. military (they make States Bailout Bill” — vividly illus- $268,332). The salary for the super- trates why transparency is crucial. intendent of the underperforming If the Senate passes the legislation, D.C. public schools: $280,000 taxpaying citizens of financially re- — far more than the secretary of sponsible states will bear the burden the U.S. Department of Education of financially irresponsible states. ($199,700). At OpenTheBooks, our goal is And so it goes: the D.C. Depart- transparency. We are nonpartisan. and pensions exceed $100,000. state senators are double-dipping, state correctional facility nurses ment of Parks and Recreation chief We believe you, the American Cost to taxpayers: $38 billion an- which means they not only voted to take home up to $277,100. Higher is paid $10,000 a year more the taxpayer, should be able to access nually. New York would reap $35 increase their salaries, but they also education is a particularly lucrative secretary of the U.S. Department of every government expense — local, billion from the Pelosi Bailout Bill collect a salary and a pension at the endeavor of public service: the Interior, who manages one-fifth state, and federal — in real-time — as in California, nearly a dol- same time from their same position. community college presidents get of all the land in the country. on your mobile phone, iPad, and lar-for-dollar bailout of their gen- Illinois nearly half-a-million dollars a year, Some “Heroes Act.” Heroes computer. It’s your money. You erously compensated employees. In the Land of Lincoln, a place while university doctors are com- to whom? Certainly not you, the deserve to see where every dime Consider the following exam- where a young store clerk and future pensated at packages ranging up to taxpayers. is spent. We have posted 5 billion ples: president once walked three miles $2 million annually. At the state’s Half a billion here. Half a billion government expenditures online. —Plumbers working for the to return six cents change to a wom- signature public university, the head there. The federal debt continues to Last year, we filed 41,500 Free- city of New York make $285,000 an he’d inadvertently overcharged, football coach is paid $4 million — explode. It has quadrupled in the dom of Information Act requests. per year. some 110,000 public employees are for fielding a losing team. last 20 years. Today, has surpassed We documented the salaries and —Police officers at the Port paid salaries or pensions in excess Thanks to such largesse, every $26.6 trillion and is rising rapidly. Authority of New York-New Jersey of $100,000. Under the Demo- man, woman, and child in Illinois pensions of 23 million public em- The deficit this year is unknown. earn $423,467. crats’ plan, Illinois will reap $20 owes $19,000 of the estimated ployee. We sued three states that It will be somewhere around $4 —Long Island school superin- billion in bailout money. Despite $251 billion pension liability. An refused to give us information about trillion, the equivalent of a wartime tendents make up to $547,049. launching the political career of Illinois family of four now owes deficit. The entire federal debt in how they spent your money. —One 93-year old retired “Honest Abe,” in our time Illinois more in unfunded pension liabilities 1992 — after 216 years, two world Here are a few of the unlimited CUNY college professor receives is a cesspool of corruption. As a ($76,000) than they earn in house- wars, depressions, countless natural examples in just four “deep blue” a $561,754 pension. consequence of its Faustian bargain hold income ($63,585). disasters — was $4 trillion. Democratic areas — California, New York’s General Assembly with public employee unions, the Washington, D.C. The Pelosi state bailout bill New York, and Illinois, along with is not to be outdone. They recently financially strapped state is flirting The elected leaders in the na- clearly screams, “So what? It’s not Washington, D.C. Here you can see hiked their own pay to $130,000. with junk bond status. tion’s capital are lobbying for a my money.” By the time our coun- how your tax dollars are wasted, They are now the most highly com- There, in the American heart- $3.2 billion bailout. But if Congress try’s debt becomes so corrosive to which the Pelosi Bailout Bill con- pensated legislators in the country. land, Chicago’s city-employed took only a cursory look, they’d see your livelihood, to your life, that it veniently overlooks, and why blank Plus, 21 current representatives and tree trimmers make $106,663 and plenty of places to cut the fat. It (See Heroes Act, Page 13) checks are unwise even during an economic crisis. California In the so-called Golden State, 341,000 state and local government employees earn more than $100,000 in salary or pension payments. If the cost of living in California necessi- tates such salaries, the state should tackle local government policies designed to keep housing prices high. Or begin taming the public employee unions, whose bargaining helped 44 lifeguards in Los Angeles County earn between $300,000 and $365,000. Not to mention the $501,000 per year nurse working for the university medical system. In San Francisco alone, 9,425 employees earn total compensa- tion exceeding $200,000 annually. The city disclosed that a sheriff in corrections made $315,000 in over- time. In San Francisco, taxpayers cough up $452,421 annually to pay a salary ($343,000) and ben- efits ($109,447) to Mayor London Breed — the top paid mayor in the country. Members of San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors are also generous to themselves, but these public servants didn’t earn their steady raises by running a tight ship. According to the state con- troller’s government compensation website, over a five-year period from 2013 to 2018, the amount that San Francisco paid out in total wages jumped 27.6 percent, from $2.9 billion for 35,771 employees to $3.7 billion in total wages to 40,951 employees in 2018. Among the new hires: The mem- bers of “poop patrol,” who are paid $184,000 a year to clean up human waste left by the city’s burgeoning homeless population. (Feel free to add your own wisecrack here.) However, it’s no laughing mat- ter, and it’s not strictly a local problem: Pelosi, who came of age in San Francisco politics, and Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was born and raised there, aren’t looking to local politicians to tighten their belts or enact smarter policies. Both are looking for Washington to simply bail out the city, along with the rest of the state. California would reap $48 billion from the Pelosi Bailout Bill — nearly a dollar-for-dollar bailout of its highly compensated employees. New York OpenTheBooks matched the New York state checkbook with Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s campaign donor disclosures. From 2014 to 2018, Cuomo solicited 377 state vendors, who gave $4.6 million in campaign cash and reaped $6.5 billion from state contracts. In Cuomo’s Empire State, 290,000 public employee salaries September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 13 POLITICAL ANALYSIS Cancel culture as social exclusion By Hilary Silver At the extreme, social exclusion is coer- The “cancel culture” debate is at the fore- cive, ending in imprisonment, exile and even front of America’s culture wars — one that extermination. The fact that the exclusion is becoming a key theme in the presidential process is so generic and multidimensional campaign. helps account for the rhetorical conflation of Cancel culture refers to the public con- cancel culture with more excessive practices demnation and punishment of people whose like these. words or deeds are considered immoral or Social exclusion is more effective at inappropriate. Viewed through a sociological changing behavior in particular circumstanc- lens, the controversy is a signature instance es. It is hard to walk away from egregious vi- of social exclusion — a process that restricts olations of principles that are widely shared, full participation in society and access to its rather than disputed. Similarly, gossip and opportunities, rights and resources — in the shaming have little impact on those who do service of social inclusion. Yet this paradox not wish to belong to a community in the first can only be resolved in the final analysis with place. Cancel campaigns have more bite if deliberately inclusive practices that abolish they entail significant embarrassment. Even long standing exclusionary institutions. if regular people can be cancelled, celebrities, Cancel culture is extremely divisive and whose position in society largely rests upon highly partisan. A /Morning Consult their reputation, are at greater risk. poll recently reported that 46 percent of Efforts at social control like cancelling Americans believed that cancel culture has become strenuous precisely at times when the “gone too far,” with 49 percent believing that norms they aim to enforce are under stress. it has a negative impact on society. More than When social movements are demanding our half of Americans believe that social reper- By disgracing powerful individuals who famous individual is actually speaking truth institutions live up to promised ideals of cussions should be expected for expressing committed sexual assault and other heinous to society as a whole. Right-wing pushback equality and social inclusion, there is less unpopular opinions. acts, cancelling reaffirms the rule of law and reflects “discomfort” with those with the forgiveness of intolerant remarks. The poll also found that Democrats shared protects the dignity of the vulnerable. Rather audacity to criticize powerful figures in order To resolve the paradoxical relation of their dislike for a public figure who did some- than censorship, it demands accountability to enforce social norms. using exclusionary methods to demand in- thing objectionable more often than Republi- for hurting or dehumanizing others. At the Sociology points to a paradox in this clusive recognition, powerful insiders and cans did. Conservative and older academics foundation of cancel culture is protest against controversy. Cancelling uses an exclusionary the system that benefits them must be al- likewise report that cancel culture on campus an unjust power structure. method to demand social inclusion. Society lowed to change. Rather than pursuing “dual has worsened over time. Pew Research reports that there has been surely has many exclusionary structures that, closure” — in which opposing communities For years now, conservatives have at- an increase over the last five years in the share often impersonally and imperceptibly, block turn their backs on one another — we need tacked progressives for their alleged “po- of Americans, especially African Americans, full participation in American life. Occupa- more “calling-in.” litical correctness,” “identity politics” and who say that people should be more mindful tional credentials, large lot zoning, credit Cancelling and criticism must give way to purportedly silencing disagreeable opinions. of what they say in an effort not to offend ratings, SAT scores, criminal background efforts to heal deep social wounds, reknit the In his 2020 convention acceptance speech, people of different backgrounds. In contrast, checks, eligibility rules for benefits and social fabric and bring practice in line with Donald Trump proclaimed that cancel cul- 80 percent of Republicans say that people are other seemingly neutral policies selectively ideals. For guilty conduct, there is atonement, ture instills fear, shame and humiliation and “too easily offended.” screen out some groups more than others. but the resolution of shame, a quintessentially forces Americans to be “driven from society Partisan polarization over free expression Such structural barriers reduce competition social emotion, calls for re-establishment of as we know it.” is severe. Left-wing critics condemned Harp- and create privileges for insiders who hoard the social bond. There has to be a way back in. In July, liberal intellectuals too decried er’s letter for “compulsive symmetrization,” opportunities and profit at outsiders’ expense. Ending social exclusion does not on its cancel culture with a “Justice and Open De- false equivalency, or Third Way thinking, These institutions give rise to a durable in- own achieve social inclusion, even though bate” letter in Harper’s magazine. Echoing devoid of content and commitment. They ac- equality between social categories. these terms sound like logical antonyms. Justice Brandeis’ counterspeech doctrine, cused “Reactionary Liberals” of conveniently Cancelling is thus an expression of a more Although the system still has exclusionary the signatories wrote that bad ideas need to invoking the First Amendment’s freedom of generic process of social exclusion that takes institutions to overcome, social inclusion be exposed, not silenced or wished away. speech over the right of group association many familiar forms. Take gossip. Its actual requires active welcoming of outsiders and Singling out Donald Trump as “a real threat to and collective protest. content is irrelevant to its social function positive efforts to close gaps in outcomes. democracy,” they called for more civility, tol- Historians liken the current “tribal mo- of ensuring compliance with group norms. Moral leadership and restorative justice erance and compromise in public discourse. ment” to the colonial era, while psychologists Ostracism, excommunication and shunning can reaffirm our common humanity, shared Defenders of cancelling, in contrast, point see it as a “tightening” of American culture. are literally Biblical forms of social control. values and intrinsic social interdependency. to the abuse of power with which the presi- Sociologists approach the debate in relational From Hester Prynne’s Scarlet Letter to the * * * * * dent himself gags critics and has called bans terms, as interaction between protagonists president’s Twitter feed, branding opponents Hilary Silver is a professor of Sociology, companies. They document the rarity and and opponents. Cancelling is a weapon of as unworthy of membership in the communi- International Affairs and Public Policy at the impotence of left-wing cancelling incidents, the weak. Traced to its ty is an age-old method of enforcing confor- George Washington University and professor the relative powerlessness of the protagonists, roots, cancelling is akin to a boycott, but of a mity. It is necessary for social life, whatever Emerita at Brown University. Follow her on and the inclusive intent of these practices. person rather than a business. Calling out a one’s ideology. Twitter @hilary_silver. How ‘silence is violence’ threatens true free speech and public civility By Jonathan Turley did not take part.” “Silence is violence” has everything that The transition from speech codes to com- you want in a slogan from brevity to sim- mands is based on the same notion of “speech plicity. It also can be chilling for some in the as harm.” Just as speech is deemed harmful, academic and free speech communities. On silence is now deemed harmful. University one level, it conveys a powerful message of California Berkeley law professor Savala that people of good faith should not remain Trepczynski, executive director of the Hen- silent about great injustices. However, it can derson Center for Social Justice, wrote that have a more menacing meaning to “prove the “White silence is incredibly powerful … It’s negative” by demanding that people prove not neutral. It acts like a weapon.” they are not racist. It is certainly not unreasonable to call out In a prior column, I warned of the thin others for not supporting important causes. line between speech codes and speech com- Indeed, I have criticized faculty for remaining mands, as people move from compelling silent as colleagues were attacked or fired for silence to compelling speech: “Once all the voicing dissent about systemic racism, police offending statues are down, and all the of- abuse or other subjects. However, once both fending professors are culled, the appetite for speech and silence are deemed as equally collective suppression will become a demand harmful, individuals are subject to public for collective expression.” The line between demonstrations of faith and fealty. punishing speech and compelling speech Even being insufficiently alert can result is easily crossed when free speech itself is in demands for termination. Nearly 2,000 viewed as a threat. people signed a petition to fire Marymount It is not just the many cases of journalists, Manhattan theater arts associate professor Pa- academics and others fired for expressing tricia Simon after she appeared to fall asleep dissenting views. Even expressing support principal Tiffany Riley. While most of us wanted to pass. briefly during an anti-racist meeting held in the wrong way can be a terminal offense, support , it has become Forced speech can occur in a variety of on Zoom. Student Caitlin Gagnon started a like declaring “all lives matter” rather than an official position of many schools — and direct and indirect ways. The University of petition which accused Simon of “ignoring “Black Lives Matter,” as in the firing of variations are not tolerated. The concern is Southern Maine’s president, Glenn Cum- … racist and sizeist actions and words of the University of Massachusetts-Lowell Dean not only the establishment of orthodox values mings, proclaimed “we must never tire of vocal coaches under her jurisdiction.” The of Nursing Leslie Neal-Boylan or Vermont but the forced recitation of those values. declaring that Black Lives Matter” and asked message seems clear that you cannot be woke We are now seeing that fear realized. students and faculty to add their names to a if you are not awake. Heroes Act This week, a mob surrounded diners outside public pledge against racism. After objec- The concern over speech codes becom- (Continued from Page 12) several Washington restaurants, shouting tions, the school said it would keep the list ing speech commands would have been can’t be ignored — as it will — Pelosi and the “White silence is violence!” and demanding private. The concern was that some faculty viewed as utterly absurd just a few years big spenders in both major political parties that diners raise a fist to support Black Lives and students may not support Black Lives ago. Now, even calls for civility in dialogue will be long out of office. Matter. Various diners dutifully complied as Matters as an organization, or have other have been denounced as racist dog whistles. At OpenTheBooks, we believe that ev- protesters screamed inches from their faces. disagreements with the pledge — yet, failure Trinity College professor Johnny Williams ery cent of your tax dollars spent by your One did not — Lauren Victor, who later said to be on the list would indicate they are racist, condemned those who call for civility as elected officials should be online, viewable she has marched in protests for weeks but or at least not sufficiently antiracist. upholding “white supremacist hetero patri- in real-time. We believe transparency will refused to be bullied. The mob surrounded The University of California issued a archal capitalist power.” When news host be revolutionary. The more you, the voters, her, and Washington Post reporter Fredrick “guidance document” requiring students to Joe Scarborough criticized those confronting know about your elected officials’ respect (or Kunkle identified a freelance journalist as one reject racism, sexism, xenophobia, and all people at restaurants and called for civility, lack thereof) for your tax dollars, the more of the people yelling at Victor and demand- hateful or intolerant speech, including a man- University of Mississippi Professor James responsible your elected officials will be, and ing: “What was in you, you couldn’t do this?” date that students stop others from referring Thomas denounced civility and declared: the better our government will be. It is the very mantra of orthodoxy: Failing to the “Chinese virus” or “Wuhan virus.” “Don’t just interrupt a senator’s meal, y’all. Call your congressional representative. to utter certain words, prayers, or pledges is While the use of those terms is controversial, Put your whole damn fingers in their salads.” Call your senators. Tell them it is time they deemed a confession of complicity or guilt. it also is heavily laden with political meaning It is the ultimate expression of entitlement: demonstrated with actions, not just words, That demand for public affirmation was on for people on both sides of the debate over People either must conform to your values or that they are acutely conscious that they are display again Thursday when Sen. Rand the pandemic. face public condemnation and threats. Your spending your tax dollars. Tell them you are Paul (R-Ky.) and his wife were threatened Syracuse University moved more directly salad is no more inviolate than your speech. absolutely opposed to bailing out states that by a mob after leaving the final event of the not just to bar but to require some forms of In a world where silence is violence and waste money with no fiscal sense and no care Republican National Convention. The couple speech. Professor Keith Alford, the universi- civility is complicity, there is little room for for future generations of Americans. was ordered to “Say Her Name,” referring ty’s diversity and inclusion officer, declared true free speech. * * * * * to Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old emergency students would be punished for simply wit- * * * * * Thomas W. Smith is chairman of OpenThe- medical technician shot by police in Lou- nessing “bias-motivated” incidents and “acts Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor Books.com. Adam Andrzejewski is the CEO/ isville. Notably, some media suggested the of hate.” That was a response to a student of Public Interest Law at George Washington founder of OpenTheBooks.com, dedicated mob did not know who Paul was; they just group’s demand for expulsion of “individuals University. You can find his updates online @ to posting all government spending online. demanded that he say the name if he who witnessed the event or were present, but JonathanTurley. Page 14 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020

A governmentE big enough toditorials give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. — Thomas Jefferson Our Point of View Labor Day took hard work to become a holiday Every holiday has a reason. And this is one holiday for sure that we all needed. In the late 1800s, at the very height of the Industrial Revolution in this country, the average American worked 12-hour days and seven-day weeks in order to survive. And despite rules or laws to the contrary in some states, children as young as 5 or 6 worked in mills, factories and mines across the country, earning less than half of what the adults were paid. Working conditions were often unsafe, was scarce, and sanitary facilities were not always available. As manufacturing increased, labor unions became more prominent and outspoken. They began organizing strikes and rallies to protest those poor conditions and force the Common decency employers to renegotiate the workers’ long hours and low pay. But workers were feeling underappreciated along with being underpaid. in the courtroom At some point in 1882, Peter J. McGuire, a carpenter By Perly Viasmensky Yamashita, who prepares the calendar and related The worst thing that could happen to anyone living materials for, and conducts the once-a-week session and labor union leader generally recognized as the per- in Clark County, Nevada is to encounter insensitive of, Probate has the tendency to be rude and verbally son who came up with the idea for Labor Day, thought people such as the Public Administrator and the Probate abusive toward any litigant who appears before him American workers should be honored with their own day. Commissioner. without legal representation. He proposed his idea to New York’s Central Labor Union Siblings conspire to destroy the life of a third one Apparently, Mr. Yamashita suffers from a strong early that year, and they thought the holiday was a good just for greed, excessive selfishness and excessive case of Complex and has very little respect desire for more money than is needed, which is the for women, as is common for little men pretending idea, too. result of ignorance, lack of wisdom, lack of kindness to be giants. On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers took unpaid and love. Insecurity, anxiety, a tendency to betray or In a recent Probate case before him a woman, time off to march from City Hall to Union Square in New harm others, overconfidence, and arrogance are also representing herself, in a simple way to introduce York City, holding the first Labor Day parade in U.S. his- the result of greed. herself tried to explain that she is a cancer survivor. tory. That started the idea of a “workingmen’s holiday.” Many people should read the book “The Wills Mr. Yamashita abruptly interrupted the already nervous Lawyers: Their Stories of Money, Inheritance, Greed, woman saying: “Do you want me to feel sorry for you It caught on in other industrial centers across the country, Family and Betrayal,” written by lawyer Les Kotzer just because you have cancer?” and many states passed legislation recognizing it. But and his partner Barry Fish. How little this man knows about cancer survivors. Congress would not legalize the holiday until 12 years Kotzer says, “Sometimes parents themselves set The last thing cancer survivors want is pity, but they later, when an event in American labor history brought the seeds of destruction of their own family by not should respectfully be recognized for their courage to doing proper planning. Some parents keep their heads fight the deadly enemy that cancer is. workers’ rights squarely into public view. On May 11, in the sand.” It’s already public knowledge that judges in Clark 1894, employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company in Clark County Probate Hearing Master, Wesley (See Viasmensky, Page 19) Chicago went on strike to protest wage cuts and the firing of union representatives. There had been strikes before, and many of them turned violent, including the one on America is in a class June 26, 1894, when the American Railroad Union, led by Eugene V. Debs, called for a boycott of all Pullman railway cars, crippling railroad traffic nationwide. war, not a race war To break the Pullman strike, the federal government By Chris Talgo to the “protestors” or read the agendas of and dispatched troops to Chicago, unleashing a wave of riots “The Communist Manifesto” begins with the Black Lives Matter. phrase, “The history of all hitherto existing society is For instance, after a night of wanton looting in that resulted in the deaths of more than a dozen workers. the history of class struggles.” According to Karl Marx downtown Chicago in early August, Ariel Atkins, a It was in the wake of this massive unrest that Congress and Friedrich Engels, the proletariat (workers) would Black Lives Matter organizer, said, “I don’t care if passed an act making Labor Day a legal holiday in the inevitably overthrow the bourgeois (capitalists) in a co- somebody decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a District of Columbia and the territories. On June 28, 1894, lossal battle for the control of the means of production. Nike because that makes sure that that person eats. President Grover signed it into law. Needless to say, Marx and Engels cannot be consid- That makes sure that that person has clothes … That’s ered clairvoyant, because almost 200 years after their reparations. That is reparations. Anything they want to Labor Day is one of those always-clebrated-on-Monday magnum opus was penned, their predicted proletariat take, take it because these businesses have insurance. holidays, ever since The Uniform Monday Holiday Act vs. bourgeois battle has not happened. At least not on They’re going to get their money back. My people was signed into law June 28, 1968. Labor Day celebrations the grand scale that Marx and Engels envisioned. aren’t getting anything.” are something like a fall equivalent of those for the 4th However, over the past few months, America seems Excuse me, but a violent mob marauding through to be inching dangerously close to the class struggle the streets of Chicago, taking what they please and of July, which marks the beginning of summer, whereas that Marx and Engels anticipated all those years ago. causing mass destruction is a classic example of class Labor Day marks the end. And although the mainstream liberal media is trying warfare, not racial justice. Under no circumstances The surprising tale of the their best to portray the unrest in America as a struggle should this despicable behavior be confused with racial “No White after Labor Day” Rule for racial equality — it is not. justice, or even social justice, for that matter. A little history about the “No white after Labor Day” In fact, the bedlam that has engulfed far too many There are countless examples of similar situations American cities (and some sleepy suburbs) since the taking place throughout America’s cities. Sadly, Amer- rule: Back in the early 1900s, the summer season was death of George Floyd is more predicated on socialist ica’s urban centers have become rife with violence, bookended by Memorial Day and Labor Day. Wealthy dogma than racial justice. All one has to do is listen (See Talgo, Page 16) society folk flocked from one cool place to another to escape the heat. City clothes were exchanged for lighter ON A PERSONAL NOTE and whiter summer wear. When they returned to the city after Labor Day, they returned to their non-summery city remembering the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr: clothes. This was an age when there was a dress code for It’s time to compare those “peaceful practically every occasion; hence that change of wardrobe from summer resort clothes to city clothes morphed into protests” to what nonviolence really means the long-standing dictum “No white after Labor Day.” By Maramis even killed as a direct result of their Today, of course, you can wear white after Labor Day. It’s almost like the only news that random or focused violence? If the temperatures are still very warm it makes perfect stands out this year has been the big While the pandemic may be three: the pandemic, the upcoming affecting us all in some way, if not sense. Many even wear white in the middle of winter, presidential candidate pre-election directly regarding our bodily health, calling their fashions “winter white,” as in white wools, battles, and the death and destruction and the outcome of the upcoming jeans, and such. The bottom line: wear what’s appropriate. in certain cities across this nation, election is still to be battled out especially since and likely because before the results can be known, it We hope that when you think of Labor Day, you think of of the death of George Floyd. None is the raw and unnecessary violence more than the end of summer, or barbecues, and whether of any of that contributes to a pretty that spreads like a virus into towns or not you should wear that new white dress or those old or peaceful picture. and cities that shows others around white jeans. Perhaps the pandemic has en- the world what we are really like. couraged many of us to learn more How sad is that? America may be many things, and it is, and it will also about such things and how to get and MaraMiS Choufani All countries have their health always be a land of hard workers, whether immigrants, or stay healthier; perhaps the upcoming election has made challenges and their political differences, but not all the children and great great grandchildren of immigrants. us more aware of what could happen to this country if countries have residents who attack their own citizens, And while this land we call America needs the while the wrong candidate gets chosen; and perhaps all the burn down their own cities, and kill those who have sad violence and destruction around the country has different beliefs from themselves. It always amazes me collar workers as much as anyone, the ones that shoveled given us pause to think about better ways to express that we have learned so little from history as a com- and hammered and sweat from morning to night, even our feelings about injustice. bined society, having lived through the Civil War and alongside their young children, often with barely enough Speaking of injustice, many of us have experienced its devastation and the failed attempt at segregation, to eat and nothing to show for their labors, need this day our own injustice, from something small to something and the more modern and ageless actions and words big enough to impact our very lives, and we know of Martin Luther King, Jr, who was the epitome of a of recognition and thanks for all they’ve done and all they how it feels. But how many of us would first think of person trying to teach this country the value of how to continue to do. burning down the buildings in our town, throwing fire enact change for justice through nonviolence. When God bless them, every one. bombs at the police, or rioting in the streets, causing it comes to solving problems with nonviolence, no innocent bystanders or anyone in their way to be hurt or (See Maramis, Page 19) September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 15

VEditors note:iew The views expressed are entirely those of the writersP and do not necessarilyoints reflect the opinions of the Las Vegas Tribune. Welcome to The Daly Show! (Psst… Don’t Tell Skip Daly) By Chuck muth documented in an order issued by Nevada Assemblyman Richard the Commission a week later (Case “Skip” Daly (D-Washoe) represents #23411)… District 31 in the Reno/Sparks area “The Labor Commissioner en- of northern Nevada. He is running couraged the parties to discuss for re-election in November. settlement or that an Order would The problem is, Mr. Daly por- be issued… Frazier Masonry indi- trays himself one way on the cated they wanted to resolve and campaign trail but acts and votes settle the matter, and that they had another way altogether when voters a ‘blank check.’ aren’t watching. “During the discussion it be- “The Daly Show” was created came evident that Mr. Daly had room door in a demonstration of and/or hearings before the Office to provide voters of District 31 never provided Mr. Langton (the excessive force and agitation, and of the Labor Commissioner/Labor important and relevant informa- union’s lawyer) with the April 14, left the hearing. This action was Commissioner…in this matter and tion about Mr. Daly’s background, CHUCK mUTH 2014 Determination and Investiga- witnessed by all parties/represen- any other matter now pending or experience and record so they can our state.” tive Findings of the City of Sparks tatives present at the hearing. not yet filed, until this Order is make a fully informed decision on Sounds quite reasonable and concerning a Complaint filed by “The conduct of Richard ‘Skip’ revoked by petition.” who they want to represent them in rational, doesn’t it? Local 169 in December of 2013 Daly on March 16, 2016, was OK, hang on. Before proceeding the November election. But Skip also has a very disturb- against Frazer Masonry.” discourteous, disrespectful, and I need to look up “contumacious.” With that out of the way… Wel- ing dark side, bordering on violent, Failing to provide your attorney showed outright contempt for the Ah, here it is: “Stubbornly or come to The Daly Show! that most voters aren’t aware of. For with critical, relevant information Office of the Labor Commissioner, willfully disobedient to authority.” Daly Scorched, Exiled for example… – either intentionally or otherwise the Labor Commissioner, the par- Glad we cleared that up. Onward… Explosive Outburst During that same 2016 cam- – is not exactly a professional or ties involved, and for the process “To the extent that there are Nevada Assemblyman Richard paign cycle, Daly was involved responsible thing to do. But this itself.” any pending proceedings and/or “Skip” Daly (D-Washoe) suffers in a labor dispute between Frazier revelation at the hearing resulted in This goes well beyond an “I hearings that are before the Office from Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome. Masonry – which was part of a re- Daly erupting like Mount Vesuvius want my Maypo!” temper-tantrum of the Labor Commissioner/Labor When on the campaign trail try- development project for the Galaxy in uncontrolled anger… by a toddler. This was a grown man Commissioner that involve Local ing to get votes he’s sugar and spice Theater in Sparks, Nevada - and “At this point, Mr. Daly abruptly who blew a red-faced gasket over 169 where Richard ‘Skip’ Daly was and everything nice. Indeed, on his the Laborers’ International Union started to rise from his seat and getting fingered for screwing up to be called as a witness, Local campaign website he boasts… of North America (LIUNA), Local threatened in a loud and aggressive in his job. 169 may submit an Affidavit of the “In 2016 I ran and won on a 169. voice while pointing, saying, ‘this And the Commission refused to testimony to be offered to the Office platform that our district deserves Daly was the union’s Business is goddamned ridiculous and we’ll stand for it… of the Labor Commissioner/Labor a representative who will work Manager, aka, “union boss.” sue your ass in court,’ referring “Based on this contumacious Commissioner. with everyone to put the interests The beef came before the Ne- and gesturing to the Labor Com- behavior, the Office of the Labor “The Affidavit will be evaluated of our state ahead of extreme par- vada Labor Commission on March missioner. Commissioner/Labor Commission- as to its relevance to the pending tisanship, and find real solutions 16, 2016. Here’s what happened “Mr. Daly shoved his chair er hereby excludes Richard ‘Skip’ matter. If it is determined that it is to the problems and needs facing at the pre-hearing conference, as aside, threw open the conference Daly from any further proceedings (See muth, Page 19) Psychedelic Therapy Draws Veterans to Jungle Retreats By mace yampolsky Watkins Glen. I’ve listened to the When in Rome! I remember him special island.” Jefferson Airplane’s Ayahuasca, a vomit-inducing Beatles Magical Mystery tour. I’ve as the leading proponent of LSD. song (by the way, I once performed hallucinogenic brew, draws thou- been accused of traveling there —Turn On. Start doing what you with Craig Chaquico who was Jef- sands of people each year — in- many times. “Mace, are you trip- love. Don’t wait for someone else, ferson Airplane’s lead guitarist, at cluding former soldiers — to pin?” I guess I’m part of the “turn do it yourself. ... (where I grew up, Artemis Hamm Hall at UNLV, but I jungle retreats that have become an on, tune in and drop out” counter- Turning on was getting high) digress) White Rabbit, which starts unlicensed and unregulated mental culture-era generation. This is the —Tune In. Wake up and see the off like this: health marketplace. I’ve had lots of title of a book by Timothy Leary. world as it is. Turn off the talking “One pill makes you larger And vomit-inducing brews, but usually For those of you who don’t know heads (Not the group that sang Psy- one pill makes you small, And the it was just an overabundance of (Millennials) or can’t remember cho Killer) on TV and get to know one that mother gives you Don’t do alcohol. (people who have done too many the real world. anything at all.” Former soldiers that suffer from drugs), he was an American psy- —Drop Out. Stop wasting your Another verse is: PTSD have been using the drug chologist known for his strong time and energy on governments “When the men on the chess- with varying degrees of success. advocacy of psychedelic drugs. and arguments and politics. ... board Get up and tell you where Rudy Gonsior, an American former He was a polarizing individual. As But We Need A Plan! to go And you’ve just had some Special Forces sniper, on the morn- a clinical psychologist at Harvard No, you don’t. kind of mushroom And your mind ing he arrived at a jungle retreat to maCe yamPoLSKy University, Leary worked on the In the words of the immortal is moving low” see if a vomit-inducing psychedelic gen DMT, as a powerful medicine Harvard Psilocybin Project from Hunter S. Thompson, “I hate to It ends like this: brew could undo the damage years that keeps them spiritually resilient 1960-62 (LSD and psilocybin were advocate drugs, alcohol, violence “Feed your head! of combat had done to his mind, and in harmony with the natural still legal in the United States at or insanity to anyone, but they’ve “Feed Your Head” said: “I have traveled across con- world. Until relatively recently, the time), resulting in the Concord always worked for me. I met Hunter White Rabbit became an anthem tinents to come to the jungle to only a few botanists, hippies and Prison Experiment and the Marsh once; we smoked a bowl out of his for those who love; peace and LSD do psychedelics,” marveled Mr. spiritual seekers gained access to Chapel Experiment. Meerschaum pipe in a snowstorm were inseparable. The peace-loving Gonsior, who had steered clear the world of Amazon shamanism, The scientific legitimacy and in Aspen and he called me wild! hippies (or as the Trump supporters from drugs his whole life. “I guess which missionaries drove under- ethics of his research were ques- Talk about high praise from the high call them, “those hippie-commu- this is what might be considered a ground during colonization in much tioned by other Harvard faculty priest, but I digress. nist-radical-freak-pinko-liberal Hail Mary.” of the Amazon basin as they sought because he took psychedelics along The music of the ‘60s was filled subversives) embraced the myth, They had come to western Costa to convert Indigenous groups to with research subjects and pres- with drug references, Puff the the idea and the acid during the Rica to try ayahuasca, a substance Christianity. sured students to join in. Leary and Magic dragon, The Beatles’ The Summer of Love. people in the Amazon rainforest Hallucinogens have been his colleague, Richard Alpert (who magical mystery tour, Lucy in the Enough of the nostalgia, back have imbibed for centuries. Some Berry Berry good to me. later became known as Ram Dass), Sky with Diamonds (LSD); Billy to the plethora of paranoid, pan- Indigenous communities regard the I am a child of the ’60s. I remem- were fired from Joel’s “Captain Jack will get you demic, provocations. The draw of brew, which contains the hallucino- ber Woodstock. I actually went to in May 1963. high tonight and take you to his (See mace, Page 19) Boycott the NBA, NFL and MLB! Larry Klayman hammers sports leagues for ‘bowing down to the violent left’ By Larry Klayman family,’ KMSP-TV reported. were not as initially spun by the non-violent resolve, was increas- During the Golden Globes “’In one memorandum filed “yes men” in the leftist media. ingly thrust into an ever violent race Awards ceremony last year, the May 26 after a virtual meeting But undeterred, conmen and ex- war, which was then exploited by left-leaning comedian Ricky Ger- with Baker, the (Hennepin Coun- tortionists such charlatan Revs. Al radical leftists of all colors, races, vais called out the Hollywood ty) Attorneys Office said (Chief Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louis religions, ethnicities and creeds. elite, that is, the beautiful people of Hennepin County Medical Exam- Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, As a result, the republic is now Tinseltown, and ordered them in a iner Dr. Andrew) Baker concluded, as well as, of course, our former experiencing the equivalent of a not too good natured way to accept “The autopsy revealed no physical President and others 1917 Bolshevik revolution, with their awards and to shut up when it evidence suggesting that Mr. Floyd of similar ilk, joined by the likes of radical blacks, radical Muslims, came to their politics. Here is what died of asphyxiation,’” the outlet Benjamin Crump, the ever-present radicals of the Jewish left, radical the unafraid British comic spewed added. attorney of the “victims” families, atheists, radical feminists and to the audience on the dais at the “Another memorandum filed pressed on. And, why not? The radical LGBTQ’s coming out of Beverly Hilton: on June 1 by the attorney’s office race baiting and anti-white male the woodwork en masse to run “So if you do win an award indicated Baker stated that Floyd’s cop “industry” was a cash cow roughshod not just over our inner tonight, don’t use it as a political fentanyl level was ‘pretty high.’ for not only self-promotion, but cities, looting, burning, destroying platform to make a political speech. “Toxicology findings revealed for fun and immense profit. In this property, maiming and killing, but You’re in no position to lecture the Larry KLayman ‘a fatal level of fentanyl under regard, the barely literate Crump, also bent on overthrowing the entire public about anything. You know us sane and informed citizens. The normal circumstances,’ the filing who began his anti-white race creation of our Founding Fathers. nothing about the real world. Most Western Journal and other media read, citing Baker.” [Randy DeSoto, baiting career by, on behalf of his Furthering the revolution among of you spent less time in school reported last Tuesday: “George Floyd bombshell: Medical client the Martin family, smearing the prominent leftist media, in a than Greta Thunberg. So if you win, “The Hennepin County Medical Examiner Suspected ‘Fatal Level George Zimmerman for a murder manner what would make any left- come up, accept your little award, Examiner believed George Floyd of Fentanyl’ According to Court he did not commit, recently had ist dictator’s minister of propaganda thank your agent and your God and had a ‘fatal level of fentanyl’ in his Docs,” Western Journal, Aug. 25, published a book offensively titled: proud, is none other than CNN, F**k off. OK?” body, according to court documents 2020.] “Open Season: Legalized Genocide which I rightly call the Communist For so doing, Gervais was pre- filed Tuesday in relation to the case This bombshell revelation was of Colored People.” Incredibly, the News Network. CNN has now even dictably temporarily ostracized against four Minneapolis police predicable given past history. publisher of the book is Harper Col- eclipsed the mild by comparison by the high brass of the film and officers charged in his death. From the Trayvon Martin case, to lins, whose owners are the Murdoch Russian RT TV. television industry. But wait, now “’Six pieces of evidence were the frauds perpetrated at Ferguson, family of Fox News, proving that Now, apparently not wanting to that the nation is in the throws of a filed in the case Tuesday one day , Baltimore, Maryland, all can shamelessly profit from the be left behind in bowing down to full-fledged race war, sparked by after former officer Tou Thao’s and a host of other venues where mounting race war. the violent left and their clueless the death of George Floyd, which attorneys requested the release of mostly sham prosecutions of cops All the while the nation, which and ignorant players who have we now learn was not the result of the full autopsy reports from the alleged to have engaged in police had made so many strides over swallowed this Kool-Aid, much police brutality but instead a fatal Hennepin County Medical Exam- brutality against blacks were used the last decades since a great civil like the Hollywood elite of Golden drug overdose of fentanyl, it’s time iner, the Armed Forces Medical as a phony tool to quell the leftist rights leader, the “real” Rev. Mar- Globes infamy, the team owners for Ricky to suit up and return to Examiner and the private medical masses, it was later learned that tin Luther King, fought for equal of the NBA, MLB, NFL and other center stage, along with the rest of examiners hired by George Floyd’s these attempted legal lynchings rights with dignity, class and brave (See Klayman, Page 16) Page 16 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 Stop with the Hitler Analogies Reduction to Hitler is a lazy, unimaginative accusation that intends to reduce an opponent to a Nazi by association By José Azel internet adage asserting that: “As an Reductio ad Hitlerum, for re- online discussion grows longer, the duction to Hitler, is a term coined probability of a comparison involv- in 1951 by University of Chicago ing Hitler approaches 100 percent.” Professor Leo Strauss (1899-1973). In other words, regardless of the With Reductio ad Hitlerum Pro- topic, if a discussion goes on long fessor Strauss sought to show that enough, someone will compare playing the Nazi card is an attempt someone else or something else to to invalidate someone’s position on Hitler-like behavior. the basis that the same view was Godwin introduced this princi- held by Adolf Hitler or the Nazi ple as a memetic tool hoping to re- Party. For instance, Nazi Germany duce the incidence of inappropriate was against smoking; so are you, hyperbolic comparisons to Hitler. therefore you are a Nazi. Or, Hitler A tradition has now developed, in was a vegetarian, so vegetarianism news groups and other discussion is bad. Essentially, Reductio ad forums that, when a Hitler com- Hitlerum is a technique for un- parison is made, the discussion is dermining debate by accusing the José Azel finished and whoever made the opponent of being a Nazi. Pro-gun advocates of the Second comparison loses the debate — According to Strauss, a view is Amendment point out how Hitler, great idea. is a lazy, unimaginative accusation. During World War II, the Allies not refuted by the fact that it hap- the dictator, carried out mass con- Both President Trump and Pres- It is not intellectually acceptable to failed to act on early reports of pens to have been shared by Hitler, fiscation of private firearms; while ident Obama, have been victims of demonize political opponents over the barbarism taking place at Aus- and Reductio ad Hitlerum proposes gun control supporters accuse their Reductio ad Hitlerum accusations. inconsequential policy differences chwitz. It is ironic that, once again, a rationale of guilt by association. If pro-gun adversaries of Hitler-like Users intend their accusations as by associating them with the hor- we are rhetorically dismissive of a policy is similar to one advocated behavior in wishing to deregulate a stand-in for pure evil. But the rors of the Holocaust. Nazi barbarism with our frivolous by Hitler, then that is proof that the gun ownership. It turns out that, problem with Reductio ad Hit- I have visited the concentration use of Nazi analogies. It is time to policy is undesirable. Reductio ad when Hitler assumed power, Ger- lerum accusations in political, and and extermination camps in Aus- retire Reduction to Hitler from our Hitlerum also takes the form of de- man gun ownership was restricted other everyday debates is that it chwitz and Brzezinka where at least speech and writings. liberately impugning certain ideas under the gun control provisions trivializes the real pure evil of the 1.1 million people died, 90 percent * * * * * by implying that Hitler held similar imposed by the 1919 Versailles Holocaust. As such, Reductio ad of them Jews. I have walked in José Azel left Cuba in 1961 as a ideas. Commentator Glen Beck is Decree, and Hitler deregulated the Hitlerum accusations are offensive somber silence among the exhibits 13 year-old political exile in what often criticized for his use of Re- acquisition and transfer of long to the Jewish community, and to and the barracks recalling the Nazi has been dubbed Operation Pedro ductio ad Hitlerum, for example by guns as well as of ammunition. those that have suffered the conse- brutality passionately exposed in Pan — the largest unaccompanied comparing the U.S. Government’s Germany was officially disarmed quences of Nazi ideology. the first-person accounts of Aus- child refugee movement in the his- National Endowment for the Arts to under the Allied Occupation at the Nazi ideology brought together chwitz survivors like Elie Wiesel tory of Hemisphere. Hitler’s Propaganda Ministry under end of World War II. elements of anti-Semitism, racial and Viktor Frankl. And, I find it He is currently dedicated to the in- Joseph Goebbels. There is even a rule for the use of hygiene and eugenics. It combined appalling that we should elect to depth analyses of Cuba’s economic, At times, both sides of an ar- Hitler analogies. Godwin’s Law — these abhorrent concepts with criticize someone’s political views social and political state, with a gument unreflectively accuse promulgated by American attorney pan-Germanism and territorial with reference to the atrocities of keen interest in post-Castro-Cuba each other of Hitler-like behavior. and author Mike Godwin — is an expansionism. Reduction to Hitler Auschwitz. strategies. ON THE HOLMES FRONT Trump surges post-RNC — Dems worried By Frank Holmes she would win the election in a rout. ocratic presidential hopeful and The Republican National Con- “We are starting to hear the anti-Trump megadonor Michael vention changed the course of the faint rumblings of a Hillary Clin- Bloomberg—reported Friday. 2020 presidential election and set ton landslide,” said Tim Malloy Almost two-out-of-three Ameri- President Donald Trump on the of the Quinnipiac poll on August cans say they feel like they have to road to re-election. 25, 2016. censor their political opinions, but Pollsters are still measuring the Joe Biden’s favorability rating the fear isn’t spread evenly along bounce Trump got from the RNC, is 13 points higher than Donald the political spectrum. but early results show it hit home Trump’s — but Hillary had a “58 percent of staunch liberals with the most decisive group of 16-point approval rating lead over feel they can say what they be- voters. candidate Trump in 2016. lieve,” according to Emily Ekins “The election is going to be won And CNN found that Biden is of the Cato Institute, but more than and lost by independents,” pollster four points less popular with black three-out-of-four conservatives say Lee Carter told “Fox and Friends” voters than Hillary before her they can’t talk about their views in on Friday. “Independents are lining National Convention, which may driving voters in must-win Wiscon- unsuccessful election — and that public. https://www.outsidethebelt- up much more with the president have backfired. sin to Trump. was before the RNC speakers like way.com/62-of-americans-afraid- Three polls — Reuters/Ipsos, “The Democratic agenda to me than we saw last week with Joe Herschel Walker, Burgess Owens, to-share-political-views/ Biden.” CBS News, and Morning Consult right now is America is… evil,” and Ann Dorn made a strong pitch “I suspect there is at least a point Former Bernie Sanders speech- tracking poll — found that Joe Kenosha voter John Geraghty said. to black voters. or two of undercount for Trump writer David Sirota said that Trump Biden got no bounce from the The burning city’s Democrats said Meanwhile, Trump is holding voters,” said NeverTrump Repub- already had a “disturbingly big lead convention. they will switch to the president his core voters and growing with lican consultant , among independents” before the Democrats’ dark themes of in 2020. independents. who’s backing Joe Biden this year. four-day convention. America’s “systemic racism,” un- “The bottom line is this: Opti- A CBS News poll taken after the The only polling group that ac- Even the president’s most vocal fairness, and spreading coronavirus mism wins,” said , who Democratic convention found that curately predicted President Trump critics expect his speech to move may have actually set Joe Biden managed ’s land- Trump has a lock on his base, with the needle with voters. “I think it’s back with voters. The Biden/Harris slide 1984 re-election campaign. 93 percent of Republicans saying winning in 2016, the important to note that I do expect campaign lost three points during “President Trump will win because they will vote for Trump in No- Trafalgar Group, says their polls there to be some sort of narrow- the DNC, according to a Rasmus- he believes in America.” vember. And he has a 10-point lead show an even higher number of ing in the polls,” said CNN news sen poll. The Trump campaign has reason among registered independents, “silent” Trump voters this year. And anchor . Dana Bash That poll shows the candidates to be optimistic when you compare who make up the biggest group of Minnesota, which agreed that the speech featured the “are now running neck-and-neck,” Joe Biden’s standing in the polls American voters. narrowly won, is tied. president’s “strongest” attacks on with Biden’s one-point lead within with Hillary Clinton’s at the same And there’s every reason to Trump’s successful convention Biden yet. the margin of error. time four years ago. believe more Americans support may have just given him the boost Former Clinton pollster Doug Even before the successful Hillary Clinton got a four-point President Trump than the polls will he needs to take the lead and never Schoen called Trump’s acceptance RNC, Biden’s lead in swing states bounce in the polls after her con- ever capture. look back. speech “highly effective” and “one was narrow or non-existent, and it’s vention. “A new online study finds that * * * * * of the best speeches of his political now in free fall. Joe Biden has a seven-point lead Republicans and independents are Frank Holmes is a veteran career.” ran a story over Donald Trump in national twice as likely as Democrats to say journalist and an outspoken con- Trump’s strong convention per- this week showing that the con- polls. But at this point in 2016, they would not give their true opin- servative that talks about the news formance makes a stark contrast vention, and Democrats’ refusal Hillary Clinton led Trump by 10 ion in a telephone poll,” Bloomberg that was in his weekly article, “On with Joe Biden’s online Democratic to condemn looting and arson, is points, and the experts predicted News—owned by former Dem- The Holmes Front.” Talgo (Continued from Page 14) unrighteous cause. It would be sad and ironic if property destruction, and huge And, if you still need more ev- Marx and Engels were right after spikes in crime, all under the guise idence that America is indeed on all, and their worldwide revolution of a racial movement. No wonder the verge of a massive class war, actually took root in the very place many with the means to flee these just take a look at the Democratic that supposedly conquered commu- lawless places has or is contemplat- Party’s platform. It includes class nism less than a few decades ago. ing doing so. warfare rhetoric and is chock-full- * * * * * Yet, the mobs are not satisfied of socialist policies that would Chris Talgo (ctalgo@heartland. with looting and pillaging urban make Karl Marx warm and fuzzy org) is an editor at the Heartland neighborhoods. After they have all over. Institute. wrought devastation on minori- ty-owned businesses in neighbor- Klayman hoods that are overwhelmingly (Continued from Page 15) populated by minority residents, major sports have jumped on the bandwagon, fearful that they will lose they are now turning their atten- can escalate to levels that violate not viewed as victims, but as op- minority ticket sales. These owners have shamelessly refused to stand up tion and their wrath on America’s the law.” pressors. And this is the crux of to this radical leftist revolt, in the case of the NBA painting Black Lives suburbs. Unfortunately, Schmidt refuses the matter. The mainstream liberal Matter on all of their basketball courts, the NFL now condoning kneeling For example, once-quiet suburbs to hold radical lawbreakers ac- media, academia, Hollywood and and instituting two national anthems, one for African Americans and one of Portland are now ground-zero countable for their misdeeds. He many cultural icons and institutions for the rest of us, and the MLB taking similar reflexive actions, effectively for violent mobs who are peddling recently announced that charges (such as the professional sports begging for forgiveness that some players were born white and are now class warfare. It is not okay for will be dropped for the vast ma- world) have declared their kinship filthy rich. Just last Friday even professional golf threw in the towel. hundreds of angry rioters to instill jority of reckless rioters who have with the violent mobs who are This is the world we currently live, in and it’s getting worse each day. fear in people simply because they destroyed a once-beautiful city, pushing America to the brink of an As my former Italian father in law, the Roman version of Rodney Dan- live in peace and harmony and because as he says, “what we’re all-out class war. gerfield, used to say, “Appreciate today, since tomorrow is going to be have achieved some semblance of doing is recognizing that the right If you think this could never even worse.” Unfortunately, he was right! But now is the time to stand prosperity. to speak and have your voice heard happen in the United States, think up and be counted. In the case of our cowardly sports leagues, who are Portland’s district attorney is extremely important.” again. The Democratic Party seems prostrating themselves to the leftist radicals, its time, as is also true of seems to disagree. According to What about the rights of those to be in cahoots with the launch of the cable networks, to boycott them and join movements like Freedom Multnomah County District Attor- who have had their businesses this class struggle. By refusing to Watch’s Justice League, to fight for truth, justice and the American way. ney Mike Schmidt, “The protesters destroyed? What about those who denounce the appalling looting and Go to www.freedomwatchusa.org to enlist. are angry ... and deeply frustrated live in constant fear that their basic violence in the wake of the George * * * * * with what they perceive to be rights are at the mercy of the mob? Floyd protests (that continue to this Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the structural inequities in our basic In class warfare, these people day), they are making it clear that founder of and Freedom Watch. His latest book is “It social fabric. And this frustration (the so-called silent majority) are they are at least sympathetic to their Takes a Revolution.” September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 17 Democrats own the riots — too late for backpedaling David Limbaugh points out the party discovered that voters care about safe streets — shocker! By David Limbaugh to condemn it? What justification and his supporters as racists has got Democrats can try but won’t could there be for such wanton to stop. But it won’t, because it still succeed at distancing themselves lawlessness? works for Democrats politically. from the violence they have en- One of Biden’s handlers must The Democrats’ enabling of abled on American streets. People have seen the polling data, too, street violence is another matter. surely know where the Democrats though, for after months of silence They obviously miscalculated and have stood on this, and that they’re on the matter, Biden finally faint- are now paying a steep price. now backpedaling only because of heartedly denounced the chaos, Republicans are the party of law polling data. saying: “Needless violence won’t and order, and Democrats are the Former South Bend, Indiana, heal us. We need to end the vio- party of lawlessness and disorder. Mayor Pete Buttigieg outright lence now — and peacefully come Democrats own these riots. They blamed this anarchy on President together to demand justice.” own this endless leftist drumbeat Donald Trump. “The simple real- Well, Mr. Biden, why haven’t of hatred toward America and ev- ity is that we are seeing more and you urged Democratic governors to erything it stands for. more chaos and violence under the this mayhem. Many have consis- are appalled by this leftist orches- take charge of this madness? Why Unhappily for them, people Trump presidency, and there’s no tently rejected Trump’s offer of trated breakdown of law and order, haven’t you encouraged them to have awakened to just how far left reason to expect that it would get federal law enforcement assistance and that they actually care about accept President Trump’s offers of Democratic leaders are willing to any different or better if he were to quell the riots. Many have cava- safe streets. Shocker. federal assistance? And just what go, and it’s not playing well for reelected,” said Buttigieg. “This is lierly misrepresented the violence CNN’s Don Lemon seems to do you mean that we ought to all them, including in the precious very much characteristic of living as peaceful protests. Democratic have changed his mind on the ri- come together to demand justice? swing states they need to win back in Donald Trump’s America, and I CNN has called the Kenosha riots ots — but not because he has had You know that Trump condemned the presidency. think we’re going to see more and “fiery but mostly peaceful,” and a law-and-order epiphany. “The the George Floyd killing within They can now pretend to oppose more of it as long as he’s in charge.” the Democratic Virginia Senate just rioting has to stop,” Lemon said. hours of its occurrence, yet some the violence until they are as blue in To blame this violence on Trump passed a bill allowing assaults on “It’s showing up in the polling. It’s of your Democratic friends are the face as the uniforms of the cops because he’s in office is like blam- police officers to be mere misde- showing up in focus groups. … it acting like he kneeled on Floyd’s they demonize, but it’s too late. ing him for the border wall not meanors, for crying out loud. is the only thing right now that is neck himself. They chose the wrong time to side being erected fast enough. It’s like If Joe Biden or any other Dem- sticking.” It’s not just Pete Buttigieg try- with criminals torching our cities — blaming him for the economic ocrat at the Democratic National “The problem is not gonna be ing to pin the violence on Trump. a time when Americans are feeling slowdown caused by the coronavi- Convention denounced the vio- fixed by then” — the election — I heard Fox News’ particularly unsafe and insecure. No rus when, in fact, he has persistently lence, I sincerely missed it. “but what they can do — and I think make the same argument. Indeed, one is going to believe they didn’t tried, over strenuous Democratic Then, something happened. No, … Joe Biden may be afraid to do the entire Democratic Party appa- know exactly what they were doing, obstruction, to sensibly and safely Democrats didn’t all of a sudden it. I’m not sure. Maybe he won’t; ratus, now that it has strategically and few will buy that they’ve had a reopen our economy. become outraged at the criminal maybe he is — he’s got to address decided it better shift gears and genuine change of heart. It would be like blaming him for assaults and property destruction it,” said Lemon. “He’s got to come publicly oppose the violence, is Karma. abortions because they have per- against people whose only sin was out and talk about it.” poised to blame the anarchy on * * * * * sisted during his first term despite to own businesses in a convenient Lemon must be too obtuse to Trump, not just because it is hap- David Limbaugh is a writer, his valiant efforts for the innocent location for Marxist arsonists and understand what he is telegraphing pening during his presidency but author and attorney. His latest book unborn. opportunistic looters. about Biden when he speculates also because Democrats claim he is is “Guilty By Reason of Insanity.” It is inconceivable that Buttigieg Democrats apparently discov- that Biden might be afraid to ad- an evil racist who engenders an at- Follow him on Twitter @david- is unaware Democratic mayors and ered through internal polling and dress the violence. What possible mosphere of racism in the country. limbaugh and his website at www. governors have all but encouraged focus groups that most Americans reason could he have to be afraid This cynical slander of Trump davidlimbaugh.com. Democrats desperately push the ‘peaceful protesters’ delusion By Bernard Kerik Plaza” in front of the White House, “peace” set to a backdrop of George The most striking feature of with no mention of the widespread Floyd’s death in Minneapolis. Monday night’s virtual substitute violence, vandalism of war memo- The farcical nature of this ex- for an opening to the Democratic rials, attempts to pull down Andrew ercise reached its climax when, as National Convention was the perva- Jackson’s statue, or even the fact most networks cut away to their sive effort to sell an utterly fictitious that activists promptly augmented regular programming, aging rock- narrative of the civil unrest that has her taxpayer-funded Black Lives er Stephen Stills teamed up with shaken the country this summer. Matter street mural with an equally Broadway singer and actor Billy Complete denials and timid large “Defund the Police” message. Porter to perform a must-be-seen- justifications of the violence and Headliner Michelle Obama to-be-believed rendition of his ulti- destruction have become par for decried “pepper spray and rubber mate baby boomer protest anthem, the course in the Democratic Par- bullets” being used on “peaceful “For What It’s Worth.” ty. No leading Democrat has even protesters” for a “photo op,” ne- The juxtaposition of the hippie acknowledged the pervasive vi- glecting to mention that the pro- anthem over Black Lives Matter olence among what they univer- party. Democrats have kept up this with police and looting businesses, testers in question had lit a historic banners and the clenched fists of sally describe as “mostly peaceful strategy to this day, even as their with hardly a face mask in sight. church on fire, hurled projectiles revolutionaries served as a force- protests.” “mostly peaceful protesters” con- The Democrats clearly want us at police, and repeatedly ignored ful reminder that the Democratic They chose to ignore antifa and tinue to drag innocent people from to forget that they once told us that lawful orders to move away from Party once again is trying to sell a Black Lives Matter-affiliated mil- cars and beat them unconscious. a thousand people “twerking” in the the White House gates in the hours delusional fantasy to the American itants even as they burned police Even that policy of blanket street was okay as long it was for a before they were dispersed. people. stations, tore down monuments denial, however, could not have good cause, even while people were Never once did Obama or any * * * * * to our war dead and Founding prepared viewers for the propagan- prohibited from attending family other speaker during the opening Bernard B. Kerik was the first Fathers, assaulted police officers, da displayed Monday night. Mo- funerals during the coronavirus night of the convention mention deputy and commissioner of the looted hundreds of stores, blocked notonous montages showed happy, pandemic regardless of the pre- that the protesters frequently car- Department of highways, declared a section of well-adjusted protesters, univer- cautions they were willing to take. ried communist and anarchist flags, Correction, from 1995-2000. As downtown Seattle separate from sally well-distanced and wearing The speakers of the night were sought to justify their looting as NYPD commissioner from 2000- American law, and — yes — killed masks. It bore little similarity to no better than the sappy, sentimen- “reparations,” and promised to 2001, he oversaw its response to the innocent people. They told us it was the images Americans have been tal imagery behind them. “burn down the system” if they 9/11 attack. He founded the Kerik all a “myth,” even assuring us that seeing on their televisions, which Washington, D.C., Mayor Mu- don’t get what they want. Instead, Group, which provides clients with the separatists who would soon start have shown tens of thousands of riel Bowser waxed poetic about they gave us a sanitized version of homeland security, police and cor- killing people in Seattle were just raucous demonstrators packed how she rewarded the “protesters” the story, in which people of all rectional training, criminal justice having a “summer of love” block closely together, clashing violently by creating “Black Lives Matter walks of life march for “unity” and and prison-reform strategies. A Biden-Harris presidency would largely end oil and gas production By Jason Hayes that 59 percent of Americans be- confirmed, “There is no question Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala lieve that he will not finish a first I’m in favor of banning fracking.” Harris as his vice presidential run- term, were he to win the upcoming She then gave a simple, one-word ning mate could mean the end to election. For that reason, American answer, “Yes!” to CNN host Erin the affordable energy that makes voters must recognize that, come Burnett’s follow-up question, “So, modern American life possible. November, they may well be con- would you ban offshore drilling?” In comparison to the Trump ad- sidering Harris as the actual Dem- The Biden-Harris position on ministration, which has prioritized ocratic presidential candidate. So, fracking and natural gas production deregulation and energy domi- her take on energy policy should is abundantly clear, as reported by nance, the former vice president be understood as well. a recent string of tweets from Alex and California senator have both While The New York Times Epstein, author of “The Moral Case committed themselves to heavily recently tried to sell Harris as a for Fossil Fuels.” Epstein contends restrict fracking as they focus on “pragmatic moderate,” on issues of that fracking is the means by which climate change and renewable en- energy, her policies align far more the U.S. produces 60 percent of our ergy. If enacted, the Biden-Harris Later, in the same debate, he added, And Biden staffers aren’t the closely with the progressive wing oil and 75 percent of our natural plan would reduce energy choices, “No new fracking.” only ones openly correcting pol- of the party. For example, Harris gas. Banning it would put millions increase prices and drive Americans That broad and somewhat vague icy stances for the former vice recently introduced the Climate out of American workers back back to international markets for pronouncement likely raised blood president. Rep. Pramila Jayapal Equity Act with Rep. Alexandria in unemployment lines already essential energy supplies. pressure readings among supporters (D-Wash.), who co-chairs the Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.). In the swollen by policy responses to the On issues of energy supply, in Biden’s campaign. Sanders side of the Biden-Sanders Democratic presidential debate, COVID-19 pandemic. Biden has been clear. For exam- Promising to put as many as 1.7 Unity Task Force, is getting in on Harris bluntly stated that she “sup- Stifling the development of the ple, moderators at the Democratic million American workers out of the action, too. Jayapal has pub- port[s] a Green New Deal,” the fuels and technologies that power Party debates asked him about his a job by banning fracking would licly bragged about her ability to nearly $100 trillion climate change our economy with clean, affordable position on hydraulic fracturing, be a hard sell for any campaign, “significantly push Joe Biden to do policy authored by Ocasio-Cortez. and reliable energy would be like or fracking, the means by which especially in gas-producing states things that he hadn’t signed on to In that same appearance, Harris killing the goose and then tossing American natural gas producers such as Texas or . So before.” Biden is, in her estimation, promised that, “on day one as pres- the golden egg out the window. have helped to free us from many of no one was surprised to see Biden “movable.” ident,” she would “reenter us into That’s an extremely bad way for the vagaries of international energy staffers walk back the former VP’s That malleability is not terribly the Paris Agreement.” the freshly minted progressive duo markets. He boldly replied, “No ambiguous promises immediately surprising given that, for some In last year’s CNN climate town to start their campaign. more drilling on federal lands. No after the debate. They quickly time now, Biden has been seen as hall, Harris was asked about her Jason Hayes is director of envi- more drilling, including offshore. limited his anti-fracking rhetoric increasingly confused and frail. views on fracking by a climate ac- ronmental policy at the Mackinac No ability for the oil industry to to targeting energy development on Keying in on those concerns, a tivist with the environmental group Center in Midland, Mich. Follow continue to drill, period. Ends!” federal lands. recent Rasmussen poll indicated 350.org. Without pause, Harris him on Twitter @jasonthayes. Page 18 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 Will we even know by Inauguration Day who really won the election? By Gregory J. Wallance over since they haven’t been re-elected. Un- Political commentators are warning der the Presidential Succession Act, House Americans not to expect to learn on election Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D. Calif.), as third in night who won the 2020 presidential election line, could become the acting president until because it will take days or even weeks to the election is finally decided. Even that path- count the expected surge in mail-in ballots. way to temporary stability is uncertain and Actually, we will be lucky if we know who subject to court challenge. And, honestly, is won by January 20, 2021, which is Inaugu- Donald Trump, who has already declared that ration Day. That is one scary takeaway from Biden can’t win without election fraud, going electoral “war games” conducted in June by to clear his belongings out of the Oval Office a bipartisan group of political operatives, for, of all people, Nancy Pelosi? former government officials and experts In another war game scenario, Biden de- organized by the Transition Integrity Project. cisively won the popular vote but narrowly The simulated election crisis scenarios make lost in the Electoral College, the third time the 2000 Florida recount in Bush v. Gore look this has happened to Democrats in the last 20 like a political lovefest. years. His frustrated campaign encouraged In one scenario, titled “Ambiguous Re- California, Oregon and Washington to secede sult,” the election turned on the results in from the United States unless congressional North Carolina, Michigan and Florida. After timeline is incredibly tight (not that there v. Gore, the single-state Florida recount was Republicans implement reforms to ensure North Carolina went to Biden and Florida to won’t be challenges to the deadlines). Elec- still uncompleted nearly five weeks after the majority rule. Trump, a rogue saboteur destroyed ballots tion Day is November 3. If a state finishes its election when the Supreme Court stopped If this year’s election turns out to be an in Michigan that would have given Biden count, any recounts and judicial review by it, which gave the presidency to George W. embarrassing, destabilizing and disruptive a win in that state and the presidency. Both December 8, then Congress must accept that Bush. fiasco, it won’t require a succession threat. sides claimed victory and Michigan ended state’s electoral vote as conclusive. Six days Next, these states send rival slates of The furious American public will rise up up sending rival slates of Trump and Biden later, on December 14, the electors chosen in electors to vote at the Electoral College and demand an end to the Electoral College electors to vote in the Electoral College. The the popular vote meet in their states to cast meeting in those states, which happened so that the presidency can be decided by the Electoral College process broke down over their votes for president. The states report in the elections of 1872 and 1876, and the popular vote, with ample time to count it, which slate was entitled to vote. their electoral vote counts to Congress, which Republican-controlled Senate and Demo- and we will never again have to go through By noon on January 20, 2021, when the counts them at a joint session on January 6, cratic-controlled House unsurprisingly fail an electoral nightmare. next president was supposed to be sworn 2021 and declares the result. At least, that’s to agree on which slate’s votes to recognize * * * * * in, “both sides were still claiming victory, how it’s supposed to work. (which didn’t happen in 1872 and 1876). Gregory J. Wallance, a writer in New York leading to the problem of two claims to Com- Then there is the plausible, all-hell-breaks- Finally, the Supreme Court refuses to City, was a federal prosecutor during the mander-in-Chief power (including access to loose scenario even without a saboteur. First, choose between the rival slates of electors Carter and Reagan administrations. He is the nuclear codes).” two or three swing states, or even more, with because that is the exclusive responsibility of the author of the historical novel, “Two Men This may sound like a Hollywood politi- close races can’t finish their counts because of Congress under the Constitution. If the elec- Before the Storm: Arba Crane’s Recollection cal thriller, but the possibility of having two the time needed to tally mail-in ballots, and toral process seizes up this way, no winner of Dred Scott and the Supreme Court Case claimants to the Oval Office on January 20 resolve disputes, by December 14, when the will likely be declared by Inauguration Day. That Started The Civil War.” Follow him on is real. That’s because the Electoral College states’ electors meet. Remember that in Bush Arguably Trump and Pence’s terms are Twitter @gregorywallance. Will Joe Biden play politics when it comes to Supreme Court choices? By Scott Douglas Gerber displace or infringe on the rights of the indi- The president of the United States has the vidual, and that is a concern, as I have noted authority to fashion the federal judiciary and here, that runs in my speeches.” notably the Supreme Court. The Constitution While only the most avid followers of empowers the president to nominate and, Supreme Court appointments might recall with the advice and consent of the Senate, to that, many of those critical participants in the appoint federal officials, including Supreme confirmation process of Thomas, including Court justices. Biden, who went so far as to publish a col- The Senate to date has confirmed more umn in with profound than 200 federal judges appointed by misgivings over the remarks and writings of President Trump, including two associate Thomas, took the completely opposite posi- justices of the Supreme Court. Joe Biden, tion with natural law during the confirmation the Democratic candidate this year, holds a process of Bork. This seems like principle has record of playing politics with the Supreme little to do with nomination hearing questions Court appointment process. The most famous over political philosophy. illustration of this unfortunate fact involves Biden is evidently a very nice person. and . Further, he has a lot of experience in gov- Robert Bork was a professor for Yale ernment, most notably, over three decades as Law School, a solicitor general of the United human freedom, must be consulted when inelegant retorts ever uttered with a Supreme senator and eight years as vice president of States, a judge on the Court of Appeals for interpreting the Constitution. Indeed, Biden Court confirmation hearing, Biden blatantly the United States. But the Supreme Court is the District of Columbia Circuit, and the told Bork during the hearing, “As a child of claimed to Thomas, “I do not know why critical to the system of checks and balances leading conservative legal theorist in the God, I believe that my rights are not derived you are so afraid to deal with this natural of the Constitution, and voters should be nation. President Reagan nominated Bork to in the Constitution. My rights are because law thing.” wary of the candidate who has been playing the Supreme Court in 1987, but the Senate I exist. They were given to me and each of But Thomas was not afraid to deal with politics with the Supreme Court nomination had rejected his nomination. Biden chaired my fellow citizens by our creator, and they it. Biden simply did not understand his re- process for this much time in public office. the Senate Judiciary Committee at the time represent the essence of human dignity.” marks. As Thomas said in response to one * * * * * and played a pivotal role in the defeat of his Then a mere four years later, Biden, in key question from Senator Howard Metzen- Scott Douglas Gerber is a law professor nomination. his continuing capacity as chairman of the baum, “The point I think in these speeches for Ohio Northern University and associate Among the concerns of Biden was the Senate Judiciary Committee, would then is a notion that we should be careful about scholar for the Political Theory Project at refusal of Bork to acknowledge that natural chastise Clarence Thomas for supporting the relationship between the government and Brown University. His books include “First law, which is the notion that positive law this role for natural law when interpreting the individual, and we must be careful that Principles: The Jurisprudence of Clarence should reflect the “higher law” which realizes the Constitution. In perhaps one of the most the government itself does not at some point Thomas.” The progressive intelligentsia worry Trump will prove them irrelevant — again By Douglas MacKinnon sors, celebrities and Never-Trumpers fell flat Anyone who watches CNN’s Jake Tapper on their faces with their gleeful predictions on a regular basis can surmise that not only of his doom. is he not a fan of President Trump, but he is What if Trump proves them wrong again? a “progressive” sympathizer in cable news What if, in the face of a pandemic, protests, anchor clothing. looting, violence and calls to defund the Back in the day, when I was director of police — or more likely, because of these communications for former Sen. Bob Dole, actions — the president wins reelection in I interacted with Tapper fairly regularly. I November and puts the exclamation point on found him then to be professional, intelligent, these experts being demonstrably irrelevant? politically astute and generally fair. Those Even if his vehement opponents go qualities were on display during CNN’s all-in to defeat Trump, there is a growing 2016 election night coverage, when the net- underground message machine that they work and all those opposed to the election simply can’t manipulate or stop. It’s reaching of Donald Trump realized the tables were millions of Americans via its technological horrifyingly turning in his favor. “word of mouth.” Said Tapper, in part, as that light bulb went As an example, while writing this piece off: “We should take a moment and look at I got one text and two emails. One pointed this. Pollsters predicted Hillary Clinton was ing you from terrorists. It’s not protecting to suppress their existence? out a perceived flaw in Joe Biden, and two going to have not just a victory, but that she you when it comes to illegal immigration. Several months after Trump was sworn highlighted positive messages from the first was going to have an electoral landslide. It’s not keeping the borders safe.’ Now, in as president, someone asked me why I night of the Republican National Convention. Not only is that not happening, it is entirely there’s a whole bunch of other stuff which believed the reaction to Trump’s victory Millions of Americans who strongly be- possible that Donald Trump is redrawing has been wrapped around that core-message, continued to be “so visceral, angry, hate-filled lieve the liberal intelligentsia and entrenched the map. … In a word, it was Donald Trump but apparently to millions and millions of and long-lasting?” establishment no longer hears their voices, or versus all the experts and, as of right now, it Americans, that message was more important My answer was what I believe to be the cares about their plight, are plugged into the looks as if Donald Trump was right.” than all the other stuff wrapped around it.” simple truth: “Trump exposed many of them word-of-mouth message machine. Every day, Tapper then cut to the chase on why Obviously, Tapper was correct in his as being irrelevant to their audience and the these aggrieved Americans add a few more Trump was proving the mainstream media, assessment that night. But why were his American people.” names to their message-machine list. the liberal intelligentsia, the Hollywood network, the pollsters, the Never-Trumpers, Worse than being proven wrong about And this may ultimately expand and rede- celebrities, and the Never-Trumpers — all and the liberal intelligentsia so embarrass- Trump, those who so vigorously opposed him fine the definition of “irrelevant.” of whom continually mocked and smeared ingly wrong? likely were mortified about being exposed as * * * * * Trump, and declared he would never win — Part of the answer, as Tapper and other “experts” who were out of touch and, there- Douglas MacKinnon was a writer in the so very wrong. liberal pundits reluctantly acknowledged, fore, increasingly irrelevant to their readers, White House for Presidents Ronald Reagan “We have talked about this for the whole was that the “experts” completely missed the viewers, listeners, students, movie fans or, and George H.W. Bush, and former special year,” Tapper said. “Donald Trump having ignored and unacknowledged wave of Trump worst of all, their bosses. assistant for policy and communication at one core-message, which is, ‘Washington, voters across the nation. Did they miss these To Jake Tapper’s point, Trump was wildly the Pentagon during the last three years of D.C., is not working for you. It’s a cesspool. voters because their analytic software was successful at “redrawing the map” in 2016 the Bush administration. He is the author It’s not protecting your jobs, it’s not protect- off-base, or because they deliberately wanted and these “expert” pundits, reporters, profes- of: “The Dawn of a Nazi Moon: Book One.” September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 19 It’s no surprise that Americans don’t trust a biased news media By in a dense fog, they’re oblivious According to a recent joint Gal- when it comes to their own political lup and Knight Foundation poll, biases. They don’t even think that just about nobody trusts the news their views are liberal; they believe media these days. they’re simply reasonable, moder- I realize that this is hardly ate — middle of the road. “breaking news.” A lot of us figured When Jill Abramson, the former out a long time ago that many jour- executive editor of the New York nalists had a political ax to grind — Times, recently talked to Fox News and it was a bias that usually went anchor , she made in just one direction. But these latest my point, claiming, “Most of the numbers are pretty bad: 86 percent opinion columnists at the Times of Americans say there is either a are centrists.” “fair amount” or a “great deal” of Really? What New York Times political bias in news coverage. could she possibly be talking about? That’s astounding. Nearly nine out In reality, the opinion pages of the of every 10 Americans think jour- Times have become what Mark nalists slant the news. York Times immediately labeled liberal” of all 100 U.S. senators, Trump?” Haines answered: “There Finkelstein of the Media Research Among Republicans, 71 percent her as a “pragmatic moderate.” based on the legislation she signed really isn’t.” Center has called a “raging pit of have an unfavorable view of the The Times wasn’t alone. The on to. Well, actually, there really is. It’s intolerant left-wing activism.” news media, but only 22 percent and the Los An- That means the group found her called CNN! When I wrote my first book, of Democrats have an unfavorable geles Times described Harris as even more liberal than Sens. Ber- Cornell Law School professor “Bias,” about a liberal slant to . No surprise there. So few “centrist.” On television, ABC’s nie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth and media critic William A. Jacob- news, critics said that bias is in the Democrats think journalists are George Stephanopoulos said that Warren (D-Mass.). Yet, major news son told Fox News that Stelter’s eye of the beholder — meaning, if biased because Democrats like “Kamala Harris comes from the media outlets today are calling her commentary raises a very serious you think journalists are biased then the news they’re getting from middle-of-the-road, moderate wing “moderate” and “centrist.” question: “Has Brian Stelter ever that means you’re the one who’s mainstream sources. And why of the Democratic Party.” Then there’s the matter of Brian watched CNN, which demeans really biased. wouldn’t they? Liberal journalists Maybe Harris is a moderate or a Stelter, host of CNN’s “Reliable Trump around the clock as a racist, This is what many of today’s give Democrats the kind of biased centrist as far as liberal journalists Sources” show. Every week on his mentally unstable Putin puppet? Or mainstream journalists do: When news they want. are concerned, but that’s not how program, it’s the same song and any of the other major networks that they’re criticized, they circle the For example, when Democratic a nonpartisan group that tracks dance: Bash conservative media spread Russia collusion conspir- wagons; they refuse to take the presidential candidate Joe Biden congressional legislation sees it. An and bash Donald Trump. acy theories for years, and whose blame and, instead, they blame you. picked Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Ca- analysis by GovTrack.us concluded Recently Stelter put conserva- reporters go to White House press So it’s no surprise that nearly lif.) as his running mate, the New that, in 2019, Harris was the “most tive talk radio in his crosshairs. conferences for the sole purpose nine out of 10 Americans think He played audio clips from Rush of trying to bait Trump into a re- journalists have a political bias. Viasmensky Limbaugh, , Ben Sha- action so they can get retweets on But there’s another problem that (Continued from Page 14) piro and while the Twitter?” we should be worried about: Too County don’t like people representing themselves. They are despicably words “Vile Anti-Biden Rhetoric Stelter called the verbal shots many journalists are clueless, too. rude and antagonistic with those who dare walk into a courtroom without On Right-Wing Talk Radio” was about Biden’s mental health Bernard Goldberg, an Emmy a local attorney or even an out-of-state attorney. But Yamashita is forget- shown on the screen. The conser- “mind-boggling,” “offensive” and and an Alfred I. duPont-Columbia ting that he is just an attorney who happens to be called Commissioner, vatives had been speculating about “so hateful.” But at the outset of University award-winning writer but he is not a judge. Joe Biden’s mental health and his the Trump presidency in 2017, the and journalist, is a correspondent That woman who had the audacity (according to Yamashita) to appear fitness for office. very same Brian Stelter asked these with HBO’s “Real Sports with for a hearing without an attorney is not only a cancer survivor, but also Then Stelter asked this ques- questions on his show: “Is the pres- .” He previously a mother and her only son was murdered with a shot to the back of his tion of a guest, Errin Haines, ed- ident of the United States a racist? worked as a reporter for CBS News head and she is still waiting to see justice from Clark County, Las Vegas itor-at-large of the news site The Is he suffering from some kind of and as an analyst for Fox News. He Metropolitan Police, or the State of Nevada to that effect. 19th: “Errin, your view of this: illness? Is he fit for office? And if is the author of five books and pub- * * * * * When you see entire media compa- he is unfit, then what?” lishes exclusive weekly columns, Perly Viasmensky is the General Manager of the Las Vegas Tribune. She nies essentially exist to tear down I have long argued that while audio commentaries and Q&As on writes a weekly column in this newspaper. To contact Perly Viasmensky, Joe Biden, is there an equivalent liberal journalists can spot a con- hisPatreon page. Follow him on email her at [email protected]. to that on the left, tearing down servative a hundred miles away Twitter @BernardGoldberg. Mace (Continued from Page 15) drug known as ecstasy or Molly (I antidepressants and hypertension fascinated by the idea that healing understanding there.” On the last psychedelics has surged amid a never did that. I was too old and I drugs. It can also set off psychotic deep wounds requires grappling day, as Mr. Gonsior was waxing growing body of scientific research hate to say it, too responsible. My episodes for people with serious with their roots. “There’s a lot of poetic about the universe and how that builds on promising studies in daughter Molly certainly has not mental health conditions, like emotional wreckage, shipwrecks all living beings are connected, Mr. the United States and Europe from made me ecstatic recently, but once schizophrenia. But, the growing that are kind of down there,” he Gould couldn’t resist getting in a the 1960s and 1970s. Much of that again I digress) as “breakthrough buzz around psychedelic-assisted said. Mr Gonsior and several other little jab. “There’s a hippie inside earlier research was shut down therapies.” That rare designation healing, which has been amplified shell-shocked veterans gulped a every veteran,” he said. after psychoactive substances were allows scientists to fast-track larger by authors, celebrities and influen- shot glass of the dark brown, sludgy I’m not advocating flying to outlawed during the Vietnam War studies that could pave the way tial podcast hosts, has put places ayahuasca brew. Their ceremony is Costa Rica so that you can barf era — a response to concerns over to administering psychedelics as like the Soltara Healing Center, led by two Peruvian “maestros,” or in the jungle. But there are many healers, from the Shipibo communi- widespread drug use on college medicine. Peyote is known for its where the veterans went, at the natural substances that can help a ty in Peru, Amazon Shamans. campuses. hallucinogenic properties. Many forefront of a push to challenge variety of symptoms. Marijuana “These experiences have a way But in the last few years, the Native American tribes tradition- conventional mental health care. is used by many insomniacs to of completely blasting people out Food and Drug Administration des- PTSD: Nothing Else Works, help them sleep, much better than ally made use of peyote in their of the mental ruts they’re stuck Why Not Try This? sleeping pills. Of course, it has ignated psilocybin the psychedelic religious rituals. in and to look at a broader set of component in what are commonly Drinking ayahuasca can be Last year, after listening to a the opposite effect on me. I have a possibilities,” said Dr. Johnson at weird metabolism; it does not mel- called magic mushrooms (psyche- dangerous, especially while taking story about ayahuasca and trauma Johns Hopkins, one of several uni- delic ‘shrooms) and MDMA, the certain pharmaceuticals, including on the radio, Mr Gonsior became low me out, it fires me up. You may versities conducting clinical trials. not believe this. If not, ask anyone Unlike antidepressants (like Zoloft) that knows me well. But I digress which numb symptoms of distress again. For the most part plant- Muth when effective, psychedelics appear (Continued from Page 15) example of Mr. Daly’s “bad boy” Creator and the First Amendment based natural substances such as to turbocharge the kind of healing relevant, it will be admitted into evi- behavior, sign up now for FREE to the United States Constitution as Hallucinogens are safer than man- process that results from psycho- dence. If it is irrelevant, immaterial, email updates to The Daly Show. adopted by our Founding Fathers on made substances. Don’t ingest any therapy, he added. But he and other or unduly repetitious, or that there I have lots more where this one September 17, 1787 at the Constitu- Belladonna, it’s poisonous. Finally experts who cite the psychiatric is no personal knowledge of events came from. tional Convention in Philadelphia, don’t use mescaline when hockey promise of psychedelics worry that are the subject matter of the Sign up at skipdaly.info Pennsylvania. practice is at 6 in the morning; it is proceeding and/or hearing, it will DISCLAIMER: The Daly Show Anyone with a problem with about their use in retreats or other settings without adequate controls. not a pleasant experience. Ask me be excluded.” is a voter education project of Citi- that can take it up with George Apparently it has been helpful to how I know! So Daly’s unhinged hissy fit not zen Outreach. In no way should the Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the majority of veterans that have * * * * * only got him grounded, but sent to information provided be construed Ben Franklin and John Adams the tried it as a last resort. Mr. Gonsior, For more information regarding his room without supper. as advocating, either directly or next time you run into each other. the American sniper, likened the Nevada laws, or if you feel your Not exactly “a representative implied, for the election or defeat * * * * * experience to a “final surrender” rights have been violated, please who will work with everyone.” of Mr. Daly or any other candidate Chuck Muth is president of that was grueling but restorative. call Mace Yampolsky & Associates. More like a representative who will for public office. CitizenOutreach.org and publisher “You have so many experiences Call or text us at (702) 385-9777. bully, berate, intimidate and brow- The Daly Show is written by of NevadaNewsandViews.com. He that run the gamut from absolute We are available 24/7 for emergen- beat anyone who gets in his way. Chuck Muth, a United States citi- blogs at MuthsTruths.com. His terror to pure joy,” he said. “You cies. If you need help, CALL NOW And if you think this is the only zen, under the rights afforded by the views are his own. realize there’s another layer of before it is too late. We can help!

(ContinuedMaramis from Page 14) choice (violence) keeps us from not only colonialism, homophobia, ageism, discrimi- King’s SIX PRINCIPLES OF NONVI- one has done more for this country, barring NOT achieving peace, but reinforces the nation against disabled groups, stereotypes… OLENCE, without comment, are: a man who lived over 2,000 years ago, than barriers to brotherly love for our neighbor. (If “Racism is a philosophy based on a —Nonviolence is a way of life for cou- Dr. King. you need to ask, “Who is my neighbor?” just contempt for life. It is the arrogant assertion rageous people. Yes, we know he was not a perfect man, remember the parable of the Good Samaritan that one race is the center of value and ob- —Nonviolence seeks to win friendship but his teachings were his greatest legacy. which covers what virtually all religions ject of devotion, before which other races and understanding. How sad that they are being forgotten at a teach: Do unto others as you would have must kneel in submission. It is the absurd —Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice, time when we might need them most. For others do unto you. Wouldn’t we all hope dogma that one race is responsible for all not people. those who might choose to look for the gnat that when we’re in need, someone, no matter the progress of history and alone can assure —Nonviolence holds that suffering can in Dr. King’s eye, just as they might also be who, would come to our aid?) the progress of the future. Racism is total educate and transform. the same ones who criticize Washington, Jef- A quick overview of what we all already estrangement. It separates not only bodies, —Nonviolence chooses love instead of ferson, or Lincoln, consider first what makes know but might choose to forget are the but minds and spirits. Inevitably it descends hate. up the beam in their own eye. One does not Triple Evils that were elaborated on by Dr. to inflicting spiritual and physical homicide —Nonviolence believes that the universe have to be perfect to do phenomenal things King — POVERTY, RACISM, AND MIL- upon the out-group.” is on the side of justice. for the good of this country. ITARISM — and which keep us locked in Under Militarism, we have war, impe- Dr. King has much to say about how to Consider this: so many in this country a cage screaming for justice. The following rialism, domestic violence, rape, terrorism, implement those principles in his Six Steps choose violence first because it doesn’t take are extracts from The King Center Website: human trafficking, media violence, drugs, for Nonviolent Social Change, based on much thinking: You hurt me, I hurt you. You Under Poverty, we have unemployment, child abuse, violent crime… his nonviolent campaigns and teachings that deprive me of something I feel is rightfully homelessness, hunger, malnutrition, illitera- “A true revolution of values will lay hands emphasize love in action. I sincerely hope mine and I will make sure I get it one way or cy, infant mortality, slums… on the world order and say of war: ‘This way that all those “peaceful protestors” out there another, no matter what it takes or who gets “There is nothing new about poverty. of settling differences is not just.’ This way will give Dr. King’s tried-and-true solutions hurt. You call me names or say bad things What is new, however, is that we now have of burning human beings with napalm, of for an alternative to violence a try before about me and I will go on social media and the resources to get rid of it. The time has filling our nation’s homes with orphans and they light the next match or throw the next double down on what I say about you and come for an all-out world war against poverty widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate rock or destroy the next building — and in your kind. And on and on. The non-violent, … The well-off and the secure have too often into the veins of peoples normally humane, the wake of their destruction, not only don’t non tit-for-tat way of responding to the in- become indifferent and oblivious to the pov- of sending men home from dark and bloody achieve their goals, but cause suffering that justices of life takes thought, restraint, and erty and deprivation in their midst. Ultimately battlefields physically handicapped and psy- can never be undone. above all, a sincere love of our neighbor (as a great nation is a compassionate nation. No chologically deranged, cannot be reconciled Maramis Choufani is the Managing Ed- Jesus taught), in addition to the desire to re- individual or nation can be great if it does with wisdom, justice and love. A nation that itor of the Las Vegas Tribune. She writes a move the blockages that keep us stuck in the not have a concern for ‘the least of these.’” continues year after year to spend more mon- weekly column in this newspaper. To contact violence-go’round and the patience needed Under Racism, we have prejudice, apart- ey on military defense than on programs of Maramis, email her at maramistribune@ toward achieving that end. The non-thinking heid, ethnic conflict, anti-Semitism, sexism, social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” gmail.com. Page 20 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 Stunning Professional Offi ce Building Available in the Historic Downtown Lawyers’ Row SBA 504 Loan Scenario Office Building Scenario as of: 1/10/2020

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For showings please call or text Shannon Leon 702-337-6955 SHANNON LEON Realtor/Leasing Agent [email protected] September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 21 EntErtainmEnt Alecia Nugent’s surprising new album “The Old Side of Town” By Sandy Zimmerman Las Vegas Tribune Interview photo by Sandy Zimmerman, others Alecia Nugent’s files I enjoyed Alecia Nugent’s new album because the songs had such feeling and each was different. With 9 songs and one song per- formed in two different versions, Alecia Nugent’s new album is a wonderful mix of songs about life, love and heartbreak. Each song has its own story with lyrics so real you know how the person feels and can identify with them. This is reality in music! Nugent carries on the traditions of country music with sad songs but also brings humor to her reper- toire. She included something for everyone with her new collection of Bluegrass music, country and Americana songs. From the time she was 15 years old, Nugent appeared in her dad’s band beginning a successful career. He was her mentor, friend and she performed with him and blossomed into singing Bluegrass hits on Rounder Records (2000’s). Those years brought Nugent awards and were filled with her performing, acting as IBMA Award Presenter three times, touring, and she even appearing on the Grand 5.) Tell Ft. Worth I said Hello side of town.” Although they watch Nugent thought it sounded like the an authentic real Cattle Drive sim- Ole Opry 71 times! 6.) The Other Woman newspaper stories about him, life is name of a song. ilar to the early westerns in Reno, The list of songs in her new 7.) Too Bad You’re No Good still the same for them. Whatever For additional information, visit Nevada; and more. With 25 years’ album will surprise and please 8.) Sad Song the reason for moving, a person the website www.alecianugent.com experience as a television talk show followers and new fans: 9.) I Thought He’d Never Leave leaves their friends and family. Award-winning Sandy Zim- host of Sandy Zimmerman’s Las Ve- 1.) The Old Side of Town 10.) BONUS TRACK “They Don’t Make ‘em Like My merman has produced television gas Television, Sandy Zimmerman’s 2.) I Might Have One Too The Old Side of Town is a con- Daddy Anymore” brings back Nu- programs, documentaries, and Las Vegas TV Show, and Discover 3.) They Don’t Make ’em Like trast between a man who succeeded gent’s happy times with her dad and travel specials: Beijing, the Yangtze the Ultimate Vacation travel spe- My Daddy Anymore and moved away while his former there are two versions of this song. River Cruise, and “Visiting a Ka- cials, Syndicated Journalist- Show 4.) Way Too Young for Wings friends say, “We miss you on the old “Two Bad You’re No Good” is zakh Family in a Yurt along Marco & Dining Reviewer, Travel/ Luxury. an amusing song about a man who Polo’s Silk Road”-China; “Cas- For information, questions, contact smiles like an angel while he lies tles, Wine and Trattorias” travel Sandy Zimmerman: (702)-515- to you! specials in Italy; and around the 0846, sandyzimm2003@yahoo. “I Thought He’d Never Leave” world as well as in the US: Grand com, Facebook@szlvtv, and http:// was inspired by a comment and Canyon North Rim National Park; www.facebook.com/szlvtv.

Miss Dixie and Tom T Hall and Alecia with the SPBGMA AWARDS

Alecia Nugent’s debut at the Grand Ole Opry, with her dad and Carl Jackson. Alecia Nugent with her dad. Page 22 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 Craft Beer Industry Expanding wear in a future lit ambiance. 27th: An exclusive opportunity to shop ‘Hot off the runway’ design- er pieces that are not yet available in the marketplace. This Week Join us on Instagram LIVE (12PM PST) every Wednesday to experience worldly conversa- in Las Vegas tions and expert advice by Global Fashion industry tycoons on our interview series! By Mike Kermani * * * * * FREQUENT TRAVELERS CITE PRIORITIES FOR enhanced cleaning and safety proto- be within the next three months, 18 HOTEL STAYS cols called for in AHLA’s Safe Stay percent within three to six months, A new national survey commis- initiative. Among the key findings and 25 percent in 6-12 months. sioned by the American Hotel & of travelers staying in hotels five or “The hotel industry united to en- Lodging Association (AHLA) con- more nights per year: hance our already rigorous cleaning ducted by Morning Consult shows —Cleanliness Is the Top Pri- protocols for the health and safety that a number of improvements ority: Out of a list of nine options, of our guests, and it’s working,” to health and sanitation protocol frequent travelers most often chose said Chip Rogers, president and at U.S. hotels would have consid- cleanliness as the most important CEO of the American Hotel & erable impact on guests’ comfort factor when determining their next Lodging Association. “It’s more levels staying there, with the top hotel stay, and 81 percent of travel- important than ever that guests fol- three including face coverings for ers are more comfortable staying at low our Safe Stay Guest Checklist employees (87 percent a lot/some hotels now with enhanced protocols so they understand what is expected impact) and guests (85 percent), and standards implemented. of them no matter where they stay. suspending daily housekeeping of —Guests Prefer Housekeeping Travelers across the country look- rooms (86 percent), and utilizing by Request Only: Nearly nine ing to include a hotel stay in their technology to reduce direct contact out of ten (88 percent) frequent upcoming vacation plans know By Mike Kermani ning glass bottles and holding strict (85 percent), are the top priorities travelers say that limiting in-room that with the implementation of Las Vegas Tribune carry-in and carry-out regulations, among frequent travelers to staying housekeeping to “by request only” Safe Stay, hotels will be safer and Summertime has long been the cans also happen to be the most in hotels during this pandemic. would increase their comfort level. cleaner than ever before.” craft beer industry’s peak time to portable and packable option for These priorities align with AHLA’s Nearly three-in-five (58 percent) AHLA recently released the thrive. Market growth statistics campers. It’s also worth noting that Safe Stay Guest Checklist and CDC guests do not want daily house- “Safe Stay Guest Checklist” for released by investment firm Moss Tavour is the only way breweries recommendations distributed on keeping; and 58 percent would not guests on how to travel safely while Adams late last year showed that like Seapine ship their beers out behalf of the industry. be comfortable with housekeeping also creating a standardized safety craft beer sales spiked between May of state. Other popular measures to staff entering their room without experience nationwide, which in- and August for the past three years Even outdoor gear is reflecting increase a guest’s comfort level advance permission. cludes several requirements such in a row. Before COVID-19 struck, a shift towards beer culture. A include adding transparent barriers —The Use of Face Coverings as the use of face coverings and craft brewers had every reason to search of the top-selling “camping at front desks, concierge or valet is a Priority: The majority of limiting daily room cleaning. This expect similar trends in 2020. & hiking equipment” options on stations (82 percent), signage for guests (62 percent) are a lot more checklist is part of AHLA’s Safe Now, the ongoing pandemic Amazon reveals a flood of camping washing hands, distancing and comfortable if hotels require face Stay guidelines, an industry-wide, means that once-bustling taprooms chairs with can holders and built-in PPE (80 percent), temporarily coverings and 66 percent of guests enhanced set of health and safety and trendy, tourist beer tours are coolers, insulated holders for indi- closing amenities (77 percent) are a lot more comfortable if hotels protocols designed to provide a safe few and far between. However, vidual cans, portable cooler bags, and floor markings to promote require employees to wear face and clean environment for all hotel that doesn’t mean people aren’t and other brew-friendly items. social distancing (77 percent). The coverings and gloves. guests and employees. drinking craft beer this summer. With months of summer still to overwhelming majority of respon- The pandemic has decimated the * * * * * Instead, camping is proving to be come, this is good news for both dents indicate that these protocols hotel industry as travel has slowed Mike Kermani is an entertain- a viable alternative for this year’s breweries and campers, especial- would impact their comfort level, significantly throughout the last few ment writer for the Las Vegas fun-seekers. With this comes the ly when considering the adven- with eight out of ten (81 percent) months. The fall looks to be equally Tribune newspaper. He writes a rise of craft in camping beer culture. ture-seekers’ demographics. The frequent travelers responding that as challenging, with only one-third weekly column in this newspaper. According to outdoor enthusiast 2018 North American Camping they feel comfortable staying in of frequent travelers (33 percent) To contact Mike Kermani, email app Campendium, over 80 percent Report indicated that millennials a hotel that has implemented the expecting their next hotel stay to mkermani@ lasvegas tribune.com of campgrounds are now open to saw the biggest growth towards the public. According to the 2018 camping, while the State of Mobile North American Camping Report, Report 2020 from App Annie shows sponsored by Kampgrounds of over 90 percent of millennials own America (KOA), camping has smartphones. They are also far spiked considerably in popularity more likely to use apps than older since 2014 — over “77 million generations. U.S. households have someone who This helps shine a bright light on camps at least occasionally.” the future of craft and canned beer, Already, states like , as Nielsen research indicates mil- California, and Illinois reported lennials are also the driving force record numbers of visitors to public behind sustainable beer packaging. lands during the month of June. The same data also shows that With some site-specific restrictions canned craft sales alone increased and rules, all states permit alcohol a whopping 327 percent between on their campgrounds and national January and August 2017, with the parks. numbers continuing to hold strong Beer is the most popular alco- well into 2020. holic beverage in America, with The truth is, individuals who a Gallup poll showing over 40 would not otherwise take a camp- percent of alcohol drinkers prefer ing trip are now viewing it as an it. But, long gone are the days of ideal trip, albeit one they have to stuffing a cooler full of the standard bring their own food and drinks on. mass-produced supermarket brews Fortunately, the rise of canned craft — from graham cracker Porters and beers and apps like Tavour make s’mores-flavored Stouts to juicy this easier than ever. summer IPAs, craft breweries ev- * * * * * erywhere are capturing the flavors NEW ERA VIRTUAL of summer. FASHION WEEK Meanwhile, the beer ordering You are personally invited to app, Tavour, makes it easy for our New Era Virtual Fashion Week craft fans across the country to powered by the Award-Winning stock up on a variety of brews they Fashion Community Week, this would not otherwise have access September 24th through 27th. to locally. From SaltFire Brewing’s A Brief description for each day Summer Camp Crush IPA out of of Fashion Week: Utah, HighWater’s Campfire Stout 24th: Global Conference fea- from California and Energy City’s turing conversations by Fashion Batisserie S’mores Stout from industry tycoons discussing the Illinois, campers can even stay on future of the fashion industry. theme while sampling highly-rated 25th: The runway show brings brews from states far away. true essence of California with an Furthermore, bar closures have exhibition of local designer collec- prompted small-batch brewer- tions in the midst of nature. ies like Seattle’s Seapine to start 26th: Presentation of worldly canning their former draft-only designs all in one runway show, ex- options. With some campsites ban- hibiting international fine evening September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 23 LifestyLes

Danny Wright celebrates his 59th album “Unwind” By Sandy Zimmerman Las Vegas Tribune Photos by Danny Wright Danny Wright performs and composes all styles of music perhaps that is why he means so much to his many fans who have a wide variety of preferences for music. Wright’s latest album “Unwind” is an album for this time of the pandemic, music to enjoy and look to a better future, one of harmony and peace. There is a special hap- piness listening to beautiful music! Wright began playing the piano at four years old, he was meant to bring the hap- piness of music to the public. With such a wonderful gift, he happily shares this with others. Wright’s music comes in many dif- Billboard named Wright twice as a top art- ferent styles from classical to Broadway ist in the new-age genre, with three albums in favorites, films, adult contemporary and Billboard’s in New Age Top 10 category for other selections. three years. Wright emphasizes inspirational Some of Wright’s original music will music to uplift his audience. inspire you in these days of uncertainty, to I was thrilled to see Wright perform in Las sooth your mind and soul. He moves through Vegas at the Smith Center and will announce the musical styles to New Age music with his online concerts from his home and live brilliant melodies for relaxation and to re- events for his future appearances. It is not lieve stress. Similar to visiting a spa, you can simply a concert but sitting in the audience forget about everything and reach peaceful everyone is touched by his performance and moments of bathing in the happiness of each they bathe in the beauty of each composition arrangement. and their mood is heightened. Wright is a man who lives up to his title He adds so much to his songs and has the “Healer of Hearts” as he feels no heart or unique ability to improvise compositions in story is too small to touch him. He explained, the exact style he is playing which makes “I wanted to play soothing, calming music each composition his own. and the reviews have been phenomenal. I Wright’s music is available on I-Tunes, receive emails from people around the world YouTube, Spotify, and Pandora. Since 1986, thanking me for helping them during these he has sold over eight million albums. difficult times.” For additional information visit the web-

site http://www.dannywright.com. Drive similar to the early westerns in Reno, * * * * * Nevada; and more. With 25 years’ experience Award-winning Sandy Zimmerman has as a television talk show host of Sandy Zim- produced television programs, documenta- merman’s Las Vegas Television, Sandy Zim- ries, and travel specials: Beijing, the Yangtze merman’s Las Vegas TV Show, and Discover River Cruise, and “Visiting a Kazakh Family the Ultimate Vacation travel specials, Syndi- in a Yurt along Marco Polo’s Silk Road”-Chi- cated Journalist- Show & Dining Reviewer, na; “Castles, Wine and Trattorias” travel Travel/ Luxury. For information, questions, specials in Italy; and around the world as contact Sandy Zimmerman: (702)-515-0846, well as in the US: Grand Canyon North [email protected], Facebook@ Rim National Park; an authentic real Cattle szlvtv, and http://www.facebook.com/szlvtv. Page 24 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 CITY BEAT Red Cross urges blood donations to help kids kick cancer, offering donors free Sport Clips haircut tions – including temperature checks, social because they can simultaneously detect distancing and face coverings for donors multiple types of genetic alterations. CMS and staff — have been implemented to help first began covering laboratory diagnostic protect the health of all those in attendance. tests using NGS in March 2018 for Medi- Donors are asked to schedule an appointment care patients with advanced cancer that met prior to arriving at the drive and are required specific criteria. With CMS’ recent coverage to wear a face covering or mask while at the decision, more Medicare patients will have drive, in alignment with Centers for Disease access to NGS to assist in managing other Control and Prevention public guidance. types of inherited cancers to reduce mortality Upcoming blood donation opportunities and improve health outcomes. Sept. 1-15 Innovative technologies are transforming Henderson American medicine, and CMS is closely 9/1/2020: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Smith’s Food monitoring the rapid development of new and Drug - Valle Verde, 55 S. Valle Verde tests and tools for diagnosing cancer. We Drive want to do everything we can to support During Childhood Cancer Awareness 9/10/2020: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Community women’s health and help patients get the Month this September, the American Red Ambulance, 91 Corporate Park Drive #120 care they need. Cross encourages eligible donors to give 9/10/2020: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Hampton In addition to providing access to this test- blood to support kids, teens and young adults Inn and Suites, 421 Astaire Dr. ing for women, Medicare also covers testing battling cancer, as well as others in need of Las Vegas for prostate cancer. transfusions. 9/1/2020: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Rainbow All men are at risk for prostate cancer. Out The National Cancer Institute estimates Library, 3150 N. Buffalo Drive of every 100 American men, about 13 will get that more than 15,000 children and adoles- 9/11/2020: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., LVMPD prostate cancer during their lifetimes, and two cents in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer Northwest Area Command, 9850 West Chey- or three men will die from it. each year. Childhood cancer patients may enne Avenue The most common risk factor is age. The need blood products on a regular basis 9/11/2020: 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Meadows older a man is, the greater his chance of get- during chemotherapy, surgery or treatment Mall, 4300 Meadows Lane, Suite 10 ting prostate cancer. Interstate 15 nightly ramp, lane for complications. 9/12/2020: 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Asian Some men are at increased risk for pros- closures through Sept. 14 Cancer and cancer treatments can put Community Resource Center, 3111 S. Mary- tate cancer. You’re at increased risk for get- The Nevada Department of Transportation patients at risk for low red blood cell and land Pkwy, Second Floor ting or dying from prostate cancer if you’re (NDOT) is upgrading north and southbound platelet counts. Some types of chemothera- 9/12/2020: 10:45 a.m. - 4 p.m., Centennial African-American or have a family history Interstate 15 between St. Rose Parkway and py can damage bone marrow, lowering the Hills Library, 6711 N Buffalo Dr. of prostate cancer. Sloan Road in Clark County. Aggregate production of red blood cells and platelets. 9/15/2020: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., American Medicare Part B covers digital rectal Industries SWC is the general contractor. Cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma Red Cross Southern Nevada Chapter, 444 E. exams and prostate specific antigen (PSA) Plans call for milling and placing new asphalt attack the bone marrow as well. Blood and Warm Springs Road, Suite #110 blood tests once every 12 months for men pavement, resulting in the following closures: transfusions can enable patients to receive North Las Vegas over 50 (beginning the day after your 50th Tuesday Night—Wednesday Morning, critical treatments needed to fight and sur- 9/11/2020: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., North Vista birthday). September 1-2 vive cancer. Hospital, 1301 E. Lake Mead Blvd Beneficiaries pay 20 percent of the Medi- The outside travel lane and right shoul- Blood donations are needed to ensure How to donate blood care-approved amount for a yearly digital der along Interstate 15 northbound at St. blood products are available for pediatric A blood donor card or driver’s license rectal exam and for physician services related Rose Parkway will be closed from 7 p.m., cancer patients and others throughout this or two other forms of identification are re- to the exam. The Part B deductible ($198 in September 1, until 6 a.m., September 2, in pandemic. As a thank-you, those who come quired at check-in. Individuals who are 17 2020) applies. In a hospital outpatient setting, Clark County. to give Sept. 4-8 will receive a pair of Red years of age in most states (16 with parental there’s also a copayment. Wednesday Night—Thursday Morn- Cross branded socks, while supplies last! consent where allowed by state law), weigh Beneficiaries pay nothing for a yearly PSA ing, September 2-3 Make an appointment to donate by down- at least 110 pounds and are in generally good blood test. If you get the test from a doctor The outside travel lane and right shoul- loading the free Red Cross Blood Donor health may be eligible to donate blood. High who doesn’t accept Medicare payment, you der along Interstate 15 northbound at St. App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org, calling school students and other donors 18 years of may have to pay an additional fee for the Rose Parkway will be closed from 7 p.m., 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or age and younger also have to meet certain doctor’s services, but not for the test itself. September 2, until 6 a.m., September 3, in enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa height and weight requirements. In 2018, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Clark County. Echo device. Blood drives are also essential Blood and platelet donors can save time Force made the following recommendations Thursday Night—Friday Morning, in helping ensure blood is available for pa- ® at their next donation by using RapidPass about prostate cancer screening: September 3-4 tients this winter. To learn more and sign up to complete their pre-donation reading and —Men who are 55 to 69 years old should Two inside travel lanes along Interstate to host a blood drive this fall and winter, visit health history questionnaire online, on the make individual decisions about being 15 northbound at St. Rose Parkway will be RedCrossBlood.org/HostADrive. day of their donation, before arriving at the screened for prostate cancer with a PSA test. closed from 7 p.m., September 3, until 6 a.m., Who blood donations help blood drive. To get started, follow the instruc- —Before making a decision, men should September 4, in Clark County. Ansley Gilich is an outgoing, kind, funny tions at RedCrossBlood.org/RapidPass or use talk to their doctor about the benefits and Tuesday Night—Wednesday Morning, and very smart 7-year-old who enjoys danc- the Blood Donor App. harms of screening for prostate cancer, in- September 8-9 ing and singing with her family and friends. About the American Red Cross cluding the benefits and harms of other tests Two inside travel lanes along Interstate Earlier this year, Ansley was diagnosed with The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and treatment. 15 northbound at St. Rose Parkway will be b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia — the and provides emotional support to victims —Men who are 70 years old or older closed from 7 p.m., September 8, until 6 a.m., most common type of childhood cancer of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the should not be screened for prostate cancer September 9, in Clark County. — and has needed blood products during nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; routinely. Wednesday Night—Thursday Morn- treatment. provides international humanitarian aid; and September is National Prostate Cancer ing, September 9-10 “She is beautiful inside and out and is supports military members and their families. Awareness Month, and October is National The Interstate 15 southbound offramp kicking cancer’s butt like the little warrior The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please at Sloan Road will be closed from 7 p.m., princess that she is,” said Michelle Gilich, that depends on volunteers and the generosity take a moment to familiarize yourself with September 9, until 6 a.m., September 10, in Ansley’s mother, who joined family to host of the American public to perform its mission. the many preventive screening services that Clark County. a blood drive to give back to other patients For more information, please visit redcross. Medicare offers for cancer and other diseas- Thursday Night—Friday Morning, who also need blood. “We know there’s a org or cruzrojaamericana.org, or visit us on es, at: https://www.medicare.gov/coverage/ September 10-11 need for blood products due to the coronavi- Twitter at @RedCross. preventive-screening-services. The Interstate 15 southbound onramp rus pandemic, and we want to help as much * * * * * * * * * * at Sloan Road will be closed from 7 p.m., as we can.” Summerlin Parkway flyover closed September 10, until 6 a.m., September 11, Sport Clips and Red Cross partnership overnight September 3 in Clark County. highlights childhood cancer awareness The Nevada Department of Transporta- Sunday Night—Monday Morning, Donors can do good and look good tion (NDOT) will close the northbound U.S. September 13-14 this September when they donate blood or Highway 95 flyover ramp to westbound The Interstate 15 northbound on-and-of- platelets with the Red Cross and get a free Summerlin Parkway (State Route 613) from 9 framps at Sloan Road will be closed from 7 haircut coupon from Sport Clips Haircuts p.m., September 3, until 4 a.m., September 4, p.m., September 13, until 6 a.m., September — a proud supporter of childhood cancer in Las Vegas to repair a damaged barrier wall. 14, in Clark County. research — during the annual Saving Lives Motorists should use caution while travel- Motorists should use caution while travel- Never Looked So Good campaign. ling through the work zone, heed construction ling through the work zone, heed construction Those who come to give blood or platelets signage, and take alternate detour routes, if signage, and take alternate detour routes, if Sept. 1-30 will receive a coupon for a free possible. NDOT works with Waze to inform possible. NDOT works with Waze to inform haircut via email several days after their do- the public about planned highway restric- the public about planned highway restric- nation. The coupon is valid through Nov. 30, tions, but unscheduled construction changes, tions, but unscheduled construction changes, 2020, at participating Sport Clips locations. closures and restrictions are possible due to closures and restrictions are possible due to Donors must have a valid email address on weather or other factors. For the latest state weather or other factors. For the latest state record to receive the coupon. highway conditions, visit nvroads.com or call highway conditions, visit nvroads.com or call Donors are urged to make an appoint- 511 before driving. 511 before driving. ment to donate using the free American NDOT and its contractors continue vital NDOT and its contractors continue vital Red Cross Blood Donor App, by visiting highway construction and maintenance ac- highway construction and maintenance ac- RedCrossBlood.org/sport-clips, by calling SEEMA VERMA tivities upkeeping Nevada’s transportation tivities upkeeping Nevada’s transportation 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or New cancer diagnosis options system for essential travel and supply chain system for essential travel and supply chain by enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any for people with Medicare deliveries. The department actively practices deliveries. The department actively practices Alexa Echo device. The Red Cross and Sport Submitted by Seema Verma COVID-19-related public health and safety COVID-19-related public health and safety Clips encourage donors to use the hashtag Administrator, Centers for Medicare protocols, including social distancing of six protocols, including social distancing of six #SavingLivesLooksGood to share their new and Medicaid Services feet or more and restricting groups to 10 or feet or more and restricting groups to 10 or looks and invite others to give. Each year, more than 250,000 women in less, thereby keeping our team, families and less, thereby keeping our team, families and Important COVID-19 the United States learn that they have breast communities safe and connected. communities safe and connected. information for donors cancer, and more than 20,000 find out they The Red Cross is testing blood, platelet have ovarian cancer. and plasma donations for COVID-19 anti- While most of these cancers happen ran- bodies. The test may indicate if the donor’s domly, about 5 to 10 percent are hereditary, immune system has produced antibodies to meaning they are caused by genetic changes this coronavirus, regardless of whether they (called mutations) which are passed down developed symptoms. Donors can expect in families. to receive the results of their antibody test Unfortunately, women with these inherit- within 7 to 10 days through the Red Cross ed cancers have few treatment options. Blood Donor App or the donor portal at That’s why the Centers for Medicare & RedCrossBlood.org. Medicaid Services (CMS) recently extended The Red Cross is not testing donors to Medicare coverage to laboratory diagnostic diagnose illness, referred to as a diagnostic tests using next generation sequencing (NGS) test. To protect the health and safety of Red for patients with inherited breast or ovarian Cross staff and donors, it is important that cancer. individuals who do not feel well or believe NGS testing gives a more complete profile they may be ill with COVID-19 postpone of cancer cells than is possible with current donation. tests, and may help identify proven, targeted Each Red Cross blood drive and donation treatments. center follows the highest standards of safety NGS tests provide the most comprehen- and infection control, and additional precau- sive genetic analysis of a patient’s cancer September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 25 CITY BEAT Need a COVID-19 Test? Just Stop, Swab & Go! Federal government to partner with local, state officials to offer thousands of free drive-thru tests through Sept. 18 Clark County announced a partnership everyone, but we especially want to assure tivities upkeeping Nevada’s transportation with the U.S. Department of Health and everyone it’s safe, private and completely system for essential travel and supply chain Human Services (HHS) and the state of Ne- free of charge to them.” deliveries. The department actively practices vada to administer up to 60,000 additional “Testing is the best thing we can do right COVID-19-related public health and safety drive-through coronavirus tests over 14 days now to understand precisely how and where protocols, including social distancing of six at three separate locations throughout the COVID-19 is spreading,” said North Las feet or more and restricting groups to 10 or at no cost to individuals Vegas City Councilwoman Pamela Goynes- less, thereby keeping our team, families and receiving tests. Brown, who represents Ward 2, which communities safe and connected. Clark County and state officials requested includes . “I’m happy to work * * * * * the additional resources as part of a federal with Clark County and our state and federal Las Vegas Justice Court program offering surge testing in COVID-19 partners to bring convenient, free testing op- receives state grant for 2021 hot spots across the country. Appointments portunities to North Las Vegas where our DUI Treatment Court program are not required at any of the three “Stop, residents, especially African Americans and Las Vegas Justice Court received a Swab & Go” drive-thru sites but are strongly Latinos, are being impacted in such dispro- $50,000 grant from the Nevada Department encouraged. The public can register online portionate numbers.” of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety for for an appointment at www.DoINeeda- The registration website for the “Stop, its 2021 Driving Under the Influence (DUI) COVID19Test.com. Each site will operate Swab & Go” event, www.DoINeedaCOVID- Treatment Court program. Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., 19Test.com, is managed by eTrueNorth, a Established in 2003, the specialty DUI through Sept. 18, providing self-administered HHS program contractor. Registrants will Treatment Court offers a comprehensive nasal swab tests. All three locations will be need to provide an email address to be noti- treatment program for misdemeanor DUI closed Monday, Sept. 7 in observance of the fied when their test results will be available offenders, which includes treatment services Labor Day holiday. The tests are free and no online, approximately three to five business and court supervision, and holds program proof of health insurance or identification is days after their test. To access their results, participants accountable through the use of required. The “Stop, Swab & Go” event will they will need to set up a username and pass- Boulevard from 9 p.m., September 2, until 4 alcohol/drug monitoring technology, ran- offer drive-thru tests at the locations listed word on the website. All test results, positive a.m., September 3, in North Las Vegas. The dom observed alcohol/drug testing, and the below. The hotel testing sites will be set up or negative, will be reported to the Southern temporary lane closure is needed to repair a use of timely and appropriate sanctions for in parking garages. The Sam Boyd site will Nevada Health District. Anyone notified of bridge joint and barrier wall. non-compliance. The grant allows for the have a drive-thru site set up in its parking lot, a positive test result is encouraged to stay Motorists should use caution while travel- continued placement of a Specialty Courts and will offer an additional walk-up testing home and self-isolate to limit the spread of ling through the work zone, heed construction Coordinator with DUI Treatment Court at area inside the stadium’s concourse. the virus. The Health District will follow up signage, and take alternate detour routes, if Las Vegas Justice Court. —Fiesta Henderson Hotel and Casino, 777 only with people who test positive for the possible. NDOT works with Waze to inform Last year 124 defendants participated in W. Lake Mead Pkwy. in Henderson, 89015 virus as part of its local contact tracing and the public about planned highway restric- the program with a retention rate of 93.6 per- —Texas Station Hotel and Casino, 2101 disease investigation efforts. Providing a cur- tions, but unscheduled construction changes, cent and recidivism rate of 1.4 percent, which Texas Star Lane in North Las Vegas, 89032 rent telephone number as part of the testing closures and restrictions are possible due to supports the effectiveness of the program. —Sam Boyd Stadium, 7000 E. Russell registration information for the “Stop, Swab weather or other factors. For the latest state One goal of the program is to move impaired Road, 89122 & Go” event is critical to local health district highway conditions, visit nvroads.com or call drivers into treatment programs rather than “This is a unique opportunity for our com- contact tracing efforts. 511 before driving. plea to a lesser offense. The coordinator’s munity to do an enormous amount of testing “COVID-19 testing is an important step in NDOT and its contractors continue vital duties include screening defendants to en- over a short period of time, and we appreci- not only keeping people healthy through this highway construction and maintenance ac- sure they meet program admission criteria, evaluating participants for substance abuse, ate the White House and Coronavirus Task pandemic, it’s also critical in helping to keep tivities upkeeping Nevada’s transportation mental illness and other issues that require Force’s leadership in helping to coordinate workplaces safe,” said Clark County Com- system for essential travel and supply chain clinical treatment and case management the HHS surge testing sites in our Las Vegas missioner Jim Gibson, whose Commission deliveries. The department actively practices services, referring participants to appropriate Valley,” said Clark County Commission District G includes Fiesta Henderson Hotel COVID-19-related public health and safety types and levels of care and other community Chairman Marilyn Kirkpatrick. “We encour- and Casino. “The people of the entire Las protocols, including social distancing of six resources, and tracking and monitoring new age anyone who wants to be tested whether Vegas Valley have demonstrated they want feet or more and restricting groups to 10 or program participants, successful graduates, you have symptoms or not to participate nothing more than to return to normalcy. less, thereby keeping our team, families and and unsuccessful terminations among other because it will give us the most accurate pic- These additional resources will help us move communities safe and connected. duties. ture yet of where we are in our fight against toward that goal.” * * * * * Through the support of the Nevada De- COVID-19. The more cases we identify now “We want as many people as possible to partment of Public Safety Office of Traffic the faster we can limit community spread and be tested as part of this special event,” said Safety, the DUI Treatment Court program fully reopen our local economy.” Clark County Commissioner Tick Seger- remains available and accessible to misde- “Widespread testing remains the commu- blom, whose Commission District E includes meanor offenders who have substance abuse nity’s best defense against COVID-19 and Sam Boyd Stadium. “It’s an opportunity to disorders as an underlying cause for their providing a Henderson location gives easy identify positive cases and provide support to involvement in the criminal justice system access for our residents,” said Henderson anyone in our community who may need to and works to decrease the number of DUI Mayor Debra March. “Additional testing stay home until they are no longer at risk of repeat offenders. increases our ability to identify those who spreading the virus to others without knowing * * * * * have been exposed or are experiencing it. We continue to be in this fight together, and Welcome sign goes purple symptoms and will greatly help with our through this effort we can show the world that for overdose awareness mitigation efforts to stop the further spread public health and safety is our top priority.” County Commissioners and representa- of the coronavirus.” COVID-19 symptoms include fever, tives from the Drug Epidemic Awareness The ”Stop, Swab & Go” testing event cough and shortness of breath. People with Walk Across America and other support or- will occur in conjunction with other com- general questions about COVID-19 can call ganizations turned the Welcome to Fabulous munity-based testing efforts offered by Clark the health district’s Information Phone Line Las Vegas sign purple today in recognition County and community partners at Cashman at (702) 759-INFO (4636), between the hours of International Overdose Awareness Day. Center and the UNLV Thomas & Mack of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Anyone in need of social “Overdose deaths are preventable trage- Center Strip View Pavilion and neighbor- service support to self-isolate can contact Ne- dies,” Commissioner James B. Gibson said. hood strike team testing events. The Clark vada 2-1-1 for resource referrals. Information “We need to see this for the public health County Fire Department and the Nevada about COVID-19 resources also is available crisis that it is, and work to make sure those National Guard are providing logistical sup- in Spanish through the “Esta En Tus Manos” struggling with addiction can get the help port as part of “Stop, Swab & Go,” while the (It’s in your hands) outreach initiative at es- they need.” federal government is providing the test kits, taentusmanosnevada.com. The health district “Every 8 minutes someone dies from a sample collection staff, lab capacity, registra- has a calendar of testing events in English and drug overdose in the United States,” Com- tion and PPE. Five free face coverings will Spanish posted at www.SNHD.info/covid. mission Vice Chairman Lawrence Weekly be offered to individuals receiving testing at The list includes the upcoming “Stop, Swab said. “Through increased awareness and each location. & Go” events. understanding we can show the families who “It’s important that we reach those people * * * * * have lost a loved one that their community who might not otherwise get tested out of pri- I-15 northbound at Lamb Blvd. stands by them.” vacy, cost or financial concerns,” said Clark evening lane closure Sept. 2 “It is too late for our children and loved County Vice Chairman Lawrence Weekly, The Nevada Department of Transporta- ones, but we continue to fight to prevent other whose Commission District D includes Texas tion (NDOT) will close the outside travel families from going through our heartache,” Station. “These testing locations will cater to lane along Interstate 15 northbound at Lamb said Debi Nadler, director of Drug Epidemic Awareness Walk Across America, a nonprofit I-515 northbound lane closures, organization formed by a group of grieving bridge repairs overnight Sept. 3 mothers who met on multiple social media The Nevada Department of Transporta- platforms. “We are the voice for the voiceless, tion (NDOT) will close two inside travel showing the love we shared with our own lanes along northbound Interstate 515 (U.S. children to help eliminate the stigma and Highway 95) between Sahara Avenue and help prevent addiction’s final assault from Charleston Boulevard from 9 p.m., Septem- happening to others.” ber 3, until 4 a.m., September 4, in Las Vegas Because of COVID-19, Nadler and her to repair bridge deck spalls. partners opted not to have in-person events Motorists should use caution while travel- to commemorate International Overdose ling through the work zone, heed construction Awareness Day, but instead embarked on a signage, and take alternate detour routes, if campaign “To Light Our Country Purple.” possible. NDOT works with Waze to inform Other groups involved include Humaniz- the public about planned highway restric- ing Addiction, There is No Hero in Heroin tions, but unscheduled construction changes, (TINHIH), Center for Behavioral Health, closures and restrictions are possible due to Shine a Light and Moms Against Drugs. weather or other factors. For the latest state The light bulbs, which are usually yel- highway conditions, visit nvroads.com or call low, surround the border of the sign. Like 511 before driving. the famed , the Welcome to NDOT and its contractors continue vital Fabulous Las Vegas sign is in unincorporated highway construction and maintenance ac- Clark County. Page 26 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 Maintaining Culture Remotely By Doug Dickerson that ultimately determines the suc- and Elizabeth stincelli cess of the organization. “We now accept the fact that Maintaining a strong, positive learning is a lifelong process of organizational culture becomes keeping abreast of change.” — even more important and as em- Peter Drucker ployees transition to working re- When COVID-19 hit, who could motely. have imagined the changes that This transition can be stressful would come with it? Our way of both mentally and emotionally. life on so many levels looks very We want employees to feel em- different today as compared to powered and trusted as they begin seven months ago. How are you working remotely, many for the adjusting? first time. We need to encourage One of the changes many have a sense of camaraderie and ensure experienced is working remotely. that employees do not feel isolated. This happened to many seemingly And, we want to keep in alignment overnight as health officials and with our company values, even as others scrambled to ensure safe we work from our own little corners working environments and how DoUg DICkErsoN of the world. ny wide. And, employees shoulder Issues and concerns that existed to best combat the virus. And just place culture even among remote Who should be responsible? some of the responsibility for could more readily be dealt with like that, your new office is now workers. There are many factors that play helping others feel included even and resolved in real time. But with your kitchen table or home office. While we acknowledge this new into maintaining company culture though they are no longer working more and more employees working Gone are the familiar trappings and reality, we also must intentionally while working remotely. Responsi- face-to-face. remotely this is a new challenge. routines of your workspace. Gone focus on ways to maintain a vibrant bility for these factors falls on each How do we do it? Leaders must be more engaged are the people interactions you culture and uphold the values of of us. Employees need a point of In a remote work environment, and sensitive to the needs of those routinely participated in. our respective companies even contract to receive information and communication is more important they lead. In a Stanford News report, we while doing it remotely. With this to address concerns. Human Re- than ever. Leaders must check in Leaders no longer can afford a see 42 percent of the U.S labor force in mind, here are some questions sources should serve as the contact with remote workers frequently. It passive approach and be satisfied now working from home full-time. that we believe are essential as we that gives employees confidence is a good idea to start a weekly run- with the way things are so long as Almost twice as many employees talk about culture. that they have not been forgotten. down, where leaders share updates the work is being done. are working from home as at work. Does it really matter? Team leaders are ultimately respon- and employees have the opportu- Leaders must be proactive and With numbers like this, it’s as Our company culture is the driv- sible for building and maintaining nity to share feedback from their engaged with their people whether important as ever to be intentional er behind employee behavior. And, culture. Leaders must work together experiences. We want to ensure that down the hall or across town. about maintaining a strong work- it is the behavior of our employees to create a cohesive culture compa- we are building human connections Final Thoughts within the team, even if it is virtu- We strongly believe that your BEHIND THE MIKE ally. We want to provide as much workplace culture can thrive in consistency for remote employees spite of the challenges of remote as possible by honoring traditions working. It’s something that every- in new and innovative ways. We one in the organization must take JULIE’S HOPE also want to provide them with ownership of and be responsible By Michael A. Aun the unknown. If you are lucky, the processes, structures, and tools that for. We believe it matters and when Julie Thiel was my dear sweet decisions you make in life will re- are designed to help them succeed everyone takes personal ownership sister-in-law and an iron-man tri- flect your courage and hope… and in the virtual work environment. of it your organization can thrive. athlete. She was constantly working not your fear and despair. Keep recognizing employees and * * * * * out, running, biking, swimming and Saddest of all, when we lose don’t be afraid to try new things. Doug Dickerson is a syndicated excelling both in competition and hope, we lose the will to live. How do we measure it? columnist. He writes a weekly col- professionally in her career. She Without hope everything tomorrow Employee engagement and cul- umn for this newspaper. To contact died at the young age of 40. I had ceases to exist as we know it today. ture was easier to measure before Doug Dickerson go to www.doug- the sad and solemn honor of doing With hope, we find the courage to the pandemic hit and the majority dickerson.net. Elizabeth Stincelli her Eulogy. do the work it takes to continue to of your workforce was on-site. is president of Stincelli Advisors. Read more at https://www.stincel- The theme I selected for my live and succeed. Daily interactions and camaraderie was on full display for all to see. liadvisors.com/ remarks was “hope.” She left seven “Hope anchors the soul,” so brothers and sisters and her parents sayeth Hebrews 6:19. We all need behind. No parent should ever have and want that kind of anchor in our to bury a child or grandchild. lives. That is how we stay positive I watched my in-laws, Paul and in times like Covid-19. Rita Thiel, eventually bury two of Deuteronomy 31:6 teaches us their off-spring and a young infant MICHAEL A. AUN to “Be strong and courageous. Do grandchild. Such a waste. How can Julie was that way. She never not be afraid or terrified because of you find hope in that? The God married but was loved by many them, for the Lord your God goes we worship does not steal a child who knew her. She was commit- with you; he will never leave you from its parents and a sibling from ted to her career at Colonial Life nor forsake you.” her family. Insurance Company in Columbia, Faith will never make life easy… God works mysteriously, a com- SC. Many saw her as over-qualified it only allows for the impossible to mon answer we hear when someone because of the excellent way she seem possible. My late friend and dies before their time. Nevertheless, conducted her business daily. colleague Dr. Robert H. Schuller, it was a good reason for “hope” as a Without hope is to be without CPAE® Speaker Hall of Fame said theme. How else can one reconcile goals. How can one achieve in the it best: “Let your hopes not your the events around the death of a absence of a goal or a reason to live hurts shape your future.” Julie had beautiful 40-year old woman? or a purpose to move on to get past hope despite her fate. Julie held multiple post-graduate the next dark day that appears on * * * * * degrees and spoke several languag- the horizon? Michael Aun is a syndicated col- es. Why did God call her home and Hope helps us eliminate the umnist and writes a weekly column break the hearts of so many? bad memories of yesterday and for this newspaper. To contact Mi- It would be so easy to blame the move on to faith in tomorrow… chael Aun go to www.aunline.com. maker you worship when unexpect- ed cancer snatches a loved one from our midst. In accepting the disap- Bob Beckett pointment of such an enormous loss, we must find a way to bridge Attorney At Law over to “hope” to lead us back. Elected 5 terms as Nye County District Attorney Hope is being able to find the Practice areas light amongst darkness. Hope Criminal defense, Personal injury, Bankruptcy springs eternal. It has been 25 years since I stood to say goodbye to Julie and debt, Car accident, DUI and DWI on behalf of her family. Hope was Licensed for 29 years all they had to which to cling. AVVO CONTRIBUTIONS Hope is not the same as op- timism and does not mean that Beckett knows Nevada criminal law everything turns out well for all. — especially how to get the most out of It is simply a way of attempting the probation/monitoring system. to make sense of the senseless. In Beckett provides very effective and order to see the millions of beautiful Sundays from 11.30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. stars in the sky you must be sur- personable service — His fees are also fair Please call 775-513-0942 rounded by the darkness of night. for more information It is the passion we use to lubricate (702) 334-4886 possibilities. 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May not be combined with other promotional oers on same services and may be modi ed or discontinued at any time without notice. O er ends 8/15/18. ©2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. AT&T, Globe logo, DIRECTV, and all other DIRECTV marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T aliated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. September 2-8, 2020 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 27 Social Security awareneSS $700 Billion will disappear from Social Security’s coffers over the next decade By Sean Williams Motley Fool For nearly eight decades — it began payouts in 1940 — Social Security has been a financial rock for a number of retired workers. Today, it’s a program that more than 60 percent of all aged beneficiaries rely on to provide at least half of their retirement income. And, looking forward, Gallup’s survey suggests it’s a program that 84 percent of nonretirees will need in some capacity to make ends meet during retirement. But for as great as Social Securi- ty has been for retired workers, the disabled, and survivors of deceased workers, the nation’s most import- ant social program is about to hit its biggest speed bump in history. Say goodbye to $700 billion The newly released annual re- port from the Social Security Board of Trustees highlights some very big changes that are now underway with the program. Beginning now, and continuing with each passing year, through 2034, Social Security Things get much Americans, it’s up to Congress to more into Social Security, thusly permanent reduction in their payout will be paying out more in benefits worse after 2027 carve out a solution that supports lowering or cancelling out the esti- by claiming early. Either way, it than it’s generating in revenue. That Of course, based on the projec- current and future beneficiaries to mated $13.2 trillion cash shortfall saves Social Security money over hasn’t happened since prior to the tions of the Trustees, $700 billion the best of their ability. But the path the program is facing between 2034 the long run. reforms passed during the Reagan disappearing from Social Security’s lawmakers propose taking to fix and 2092. Arguably, the biggest issue in administration in 1983. coffers is peanuts compared to Social Security differs greatly by Meanwhile, Republicans have finding a Social Security fix is An estimated $1.7 billion more what’s expected to happen be- political party. no shortage of proposals of their political hubris. Since both the in benefits will be paid to eligible tween 2028 and 2034. According Though Democrats have offered own. Yet none is more prevalent Democrats’ and Republicans’ core beneficiaries than is collected in to the intermediate-cost model, the a bevy of solutions, none has been than the idea to gradually raise the proposals would, in theory, elim- revenue via the payroll tax, interest remaining $2.19 trillion will disap- more consistent than the call to full retirement age, which is the age inate Social Security’s long-term earned on its asset reserves, and the pear, leaving the program with no raise or eliminate the maximum you become eligible to receive 100 (75-year) cash shortfall, neither par- taxation of benefits. Though this net excess cash by 2034. taxable earnings cap associated percent of your retirement benefit, ty has been willing to compromise cash outflow will lessened modestly If there is good news here, it’s with the payroll tax. Right now, as determined by your birth year. with their opposition. This stale- in 2019, it will reaccelerate in a big that Social Security doesn’t need any wage income above $128,400 Currently set to peak at age 67 by mate is only making things worse, way in 2020 and beyond, according any money in its asset reserves to is exempt from the payroll tax, 2022 for those born in 1960 or later, as any proposed “fix” is going to to the intermediate-cost model, as continue paying benefits to eligi- which provides a means for a small Republicans would prefer to see require more drastic measures the shown (all figures are estimated): ble beneficiaries. Though interest percentage of workers (less than this figure raised to between age longer lawmakers wait to imple- —2019: $0.2 billion net cash income will disappear without 10 percent ) to escape taxation on 68 and 70 to account for increased ment it. In sum, Social Security is outflow any cash in its coffers to buy spe- some of their earnings. As Demo- longevity. In doing so, workers headed toward deep trouble, and —2020: $16.7 billion net cash cial-issue bonds, the 12.4 percent crats have argued, these well-to-do would either wait longer to receive the inaction of politicians is making outflow payroll tax on wage income of individuals can likely afford to pay their full payout or accept a steeper it worse. —2021: $32.9 billion net cash up to $128,400 (as of 2018), and outflow the taxation of benefits to a lesser —2022: $51.9 billion net cash degree, will ensure that revenue new way to report outflow continues to stream in, which can —2023: $73.8 billion net cash then be disbursed to beneficiaries. wages to Social Security outflow Please keep in mind that these —2024: $96.3 billion net cash are estimates from the Trustees By Bob Patterson outflow and that they do tend to change a Acting Associate Commissioner —2025: $122.4 billion net cash bit with each passing year. Also, External Affairs Social Security outflow understand that the above figures I am pleased to announce that we —2026: $137.5 billion net cash are based on an average-cost model. are expanding our my Social Secu- outflow If costs come in substantially lower rity online wage reporting service —2027: $169 billion net cash or higher than expected, that would to Supplemental Security Income outflow certainly change the dynamics of (SSI) recipients, as well as their Adding this net cash outflow up the program. spouses, parents, sponsors, and works out to an outflow of $702.4 But as things stand now, Social representative payees. Individuals billion over the next decade. In the Security’s payout schedule isn’t receiving both Social Security Dis- process, the Old-Age, Survivors, sustainable. By 2034, an estimated ability Insurance (SSDI) and SSI, as and Disability Insurance Trust’s across-the-board cut to benefits of well as their representative payees, asset reserves will drop from just 21 percent may be needed to sustain can also report wages online. This north of $2.89 trillion to $2.19 payouts through the year 2092, service is available through our trillion by the end of 2027. without any additional reductions. existing my Social Security portal. Why’s this happening, you ask? That’s not exactly a rosy outlook for Check our website to learn more It’s due to a combination of factors those folks who are heavily reliant about my Social Security features SSI Telephone Wage Reporting ap- Social Security touches the life that includes the ongoing retirement on their monthly Social Security and how to sign up. plications. However, the preferred of nearly every American. By of- of baby boomers, the lengthening check. Note: SSI recipients, their wage reporting method for individ- fering more online service options of life expectancies over many All eyes turn to a fix spouses, parents, sponsors, and uals receiving both SSDI and SSI is for conducting business with us, we decades, and growing income in- Given the crucial role Social representative payees may still use the my Social Security online wage are leveraging technology to better equality, to name a few. Security plays in the lives of older the SSI Mobile Wage Reporting and reporting service. serve the public. Income Limits for SSDI Benefits Social Security disability doesn’t have a limit on unearned income, but there is a limit on how much you can make from working. By Bethany K. Laurence afraid that they will be unable to keep a job Attorney at Law due to their disabilities. To encourage SSDI Social Security disability insurance recipients with disabilities to try to return (SSDI) is available to individuals who can to work, the SSA provides for a trial work no longer work due to a disability (physical period. During the trial work period (TWP), or mental). But only those who have paid a person receiving SSDI can have unlimited taxes into the Social Security system for earnings and still receive full benefits without at least several years are eligible for SSDI. risking termination of benefits. Those who are approved for benefits receive The trial work period provides nine monthly SSDI payments determined by their months (that do not need to be consecutive) respective earnings records (the average out of a rolling 60-month period where SSDI amount was $1,197 in 2018). recipients can try out working before their The SSDI program does not put a limit on disability is deemed to have ended. What the amount of assets or unearned income you counts as one of the nine trial work months? have (or income that your spouse may earn), Any month in which an SSDI recipient earns unlike the low-income disability program, more than $850 is considered a trial work Supplemental Security Income (SSI). month. (Notice that this amount is different However, the Social Security Adminis- [lower] than the SGA amount.) tration (SSA) does put a limit on the amount When the SSDI recipient has worked (or of money that you can earn through work “provided services,” in SSA lingo) for nine when you receive Social Security disability months, the SSA will evaluate the person’s benefits, because if you can earn an income, work to see if it has been over the SGA limits. you aren’t considered disabled. age wage index to set the income limit for applying for or receiving SSDI cannot earn If it has been, disability benefits will continue Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) determining the SGA each year. The amount more than $1,180 per month by working, a for three months and then stop. If the SSA Specifically, if you can engage in what the is $1,180 for disabled applicants and $1,970 person collecting SSDI can have any amount terminates benefits because an individual Social Security Administration (SSA) calls for blind applicants. The rules differ for of income from investments, interest, or a is working over the SGA limit, however, “substantial gainful activity” (SGA), you business owners, since their monthly income spouse’s income. the individual can have benefits resumed won’t be eligible for benefits. A person who may not reflect the work effort they put into Trial Work Period anytime within the next 36 months in which earns more than a certain monthly amount is their business. Some people receiving SSDI may have the individual fails to earn the monthly SGA considered to be engaging in SGA. No Limits on Unearned Income their condition improve enough that they amount or becomes unable to work again due Federal regulations use the national aver- While a disabled (nonblind) person want to return to the workforce, but are to the same disability. Page 28 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 What You Need To Know By Dr Nina Radcliff Hand Sanitizers and Your Health By Dr. Nina Radcliff, MD quantities. hand sanitizers coming from Mex- —‘Experts advise against home- washing your hands with soap Good hand hygiene is a power- Safety is Paramount — ico labeled as containing ethanol made hand sanitizers — “leave and water. Washing your hands ful safety measure for your good How to Ensure a Hand alcohol, but they actually contain the complicated production of with soap and water thoroughly health. It is also one of the most Sanitizer is Safe methanol (aka, sterno), a toxic germ-killing gels to professionals.” for 20 seconds physically removes important ways to reduce your risk —Look at ingredient labels to health hazard. And adding rubbing alcohol to a germs. So, while a hand sanitizer of getting COVID-19, the flu and ensure they have ethanol/ethyl 2) Keep a watchful eye out for bottle of non-alcohol hand sanitizer — when used properly — helps other illnesses. And, keeping your alcohol (at least 60 percent) or such questionable products. Don’t will not make the sanitizer more to kill germs, washing your hands hands clean is one of the most effec- isopropyl/isopropanol (at least 70 purchase unfamiliar brands until powerful and it’s unlikely to result actively removes the microbes from tive ways to prevent the spread of percent) as their active ingredient. you check the FDA website about in an effective product. your skin. COVID-19 and other germs. These specific alcohol-based hand the manufacturer/product. Effective Use of And when your hands are dirty, Since soap and water is not sanitizers are antiseptic and will 3) Don’t buy any product that Hand Sanitizers hand sanitizers won’t clean them. always readily available, hand sani- kill viruses and bacteria if soap and only lists the word, “alcohol” When there’s no soap and water To remove the dirt or grim com- tizers that are deemed safe and used water are not available. without the specific type (ethanol/ available, a hand sanitizer is your pletely, means using soap and effectively can serve as a secondary —Confirm your hand sanitizer ethyl/isopropyl/isopropanol) and next best option. Make sure it meets water. method of hand-washing. But not meets the minimum alcohol con- concentration levels. the safety guidelines outlined above There’s been a 79 percent in- all hand sanitizers are created equal centration requirement of 60-95 4) Avoid products labeled and to ensure it’s effectiveness, it crease in the number of hand and it’s important to understand percent to be effective. Anything “FDA-approved” because the must be used correctly by: sanitizer poison exposure cases that the wrong alcohol or content less than that may not work as well FDA has not approved any hand —Applying a good size amount reported so far this year. Utilizing percentage, or improper use, can for many types of germs and could sanitizers — the claims are false. into a cupped palm of one hand. these understandings, hand sani- pose serious danger to your health. merely reduce the growth of germs 5) Also, disinfectant sprays —Rubbing hands together vig- tizers can be a good hand hygiene COVID-19 has caused the de- rather than kill them outright. and antibacterial cleaning wipes orously for 20 seconds covering option when you’re on the go and mand for hand sanitizers to increase —Stay away from hand sanitiz- should never be used as stand-ins all surfaces of both hands, between there’s no soap and water! exponentially — but not all prod- ers that contain benzalkonium chlo- for washing your hands or a hand palms and fingers — until the san- * * * * * ucts being offered today are safe ride instead of alcohol. CDC does sanitizer. These products can pres- itizer has been absorbed (avoiding This article is for general in- or effective. not recommend since “available ent health issues as they’re meant contact with your mouth or eyes formation only and should not be The Food and Drug Administra- evidence indicates benzalkonium for “hard, nonporous surfaces,” not until after it has evaporated) used for the diagnosis or treatment tion (FDA), which regulates hand chloride has less reliable activity human skin. —Important to allow time for of medical conditions and cannot sanitizers, has issued warnings against certain bacteria and vi- 6) Hand sanitizers can be toxic the entire surface of your hands substitute for the advice from your along with an expansive list of hand ruses” compared to alcohol-based when ingested, especially by chil- to dry. medical professional. Dr. Nina has sanitizers you should not use. Some sanitizers. dren. It can irritate the throat and Are Hand Sanitizers Better used all reasonable care in com- of these readily available products —Buy well-known, established, cause gastrointestinal issues. Con- than Washing Your Hands? piling the current information but contain toxic methanol, also known reputable national brands you are suming only a small amount can No!! — Washing your hands it may not apply to you and your as wood alcohol. familiar with whenever possible. cause alcohol poisoning in children. with soap and water has been symptoms. Always consult a doctor This chemical is dangerous —Stay vigilant about warnings If you or your child ingests some, shown superior to using hand san- or other health care professional when ingested or absorbed through issued by FDA including: call poison control or your medical itizer, repeatedly. for diagnosis and treatment of the skin and can be fatal in large 1) There’s a “sharp increase” in professional, immediately. Hand sanitizers don’t replace medical conditions.



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Land of the Ancient Temples, Shinto Shrines, Sumo Wrestling By Sandy Zimmerman wood sculpture in Japan, the Goddess of Las Vegas Tribune Mercy. Each of its 11 faces is different. Stroll Photos by Sandy Zimmerman around tree lined paths to see low ceilinged With over a 1,000 years of history, Japan caves, gardens, and several ornate buildings. is steeped in the traditions of their culture. You’ll need one day to see Kamakura. Even when walking around some sections Kabuki Theater You can thrill to tradi- of ultra-modern Tokyo, you have the feeling tional Kabuki Theater in the neon-lit Ginza. that time stood still. Go beyond the surface Originally started by a female group (1608) and see the “real” Tokyo. but banned as being immoral. It has been When our guide announced we were stop- performed by an all-male troupe to this day. ping at the Oedo Onsen Monogatari Japanese Shows include dancing, singing, costumes, bath house (Greater Tokyo Hot Springs Sto- brightly colored makeup, trapdoors, and a ry), everyone was surprised! Yes, Oedo is a revolving stage. traditional communal bath of the Edo period, Sumo Wrestling Dating back to ancient but so much more. times, Sumo wrestling is still popular today. How to Visit a Japanese Public Bath Take Their largest champion, Konishi, weighed off your shoes. The bath house will provide 625 pounds. Mainoumi, the lightest at 359 shampoo, soap and towel. Find the men’s or pounds, did not meet the height requirements ladies’ area, place your clothes in a locker and until he had several silicone implants on his then shower. The public bath is for relaxing head. He later married a 90-pound model. and talking to the other guests. Visit the nearby town of Ryogoku Tourist Most baths have a choice of hot, warm or Information The Japan National Tourist Or- cool temperatures. Male and female baths ganization offers free information regarding are separated. In Japan, public baths are for restaurants, unique settings for weddings, relaxing and enjoying the hot mineral springs. honeymoon hideaways, attractions, hotels PART OF THE PAST: In fact, EVERY- (western-style, business, Ryokan Inns, and ONE must wear yulkata kimonos in order Minshuku guest houses), tour itineraries, and to enter. Oedo combines the traditional bath tips for budget travelers. experience with a touch of entertainment, They have a Tokyo Walking Guide with 15 shopping, and dining. You’ll see beautiful different courses. JNTO hopes you discover young ladies dressed as geishas, men with both sides of Tokyo- ancient and modern. swords and samari-style haircuts. It’s like a Whatever information you need, JNTO can movie set of an early Japanese village. help find it! Try a Western restaurant or Japanese Visit http://www.jnto.go.jp/ for additional izakaya pub. Oedo’s co-ed footbaths are a information. series of wading pools in a romantic setting Award-winning Syndicated Columnist surrounded by flowers and trees. Hold the Sandy Zimmerman features Show/Dining kimono up as you walk in knee deep water. reviews, travel, health, luxury and more. San- Each path is designed with different size dy is talk show host of the Las Vegas Today stones which stimulate your foot’s pressure Show programs and Discover the Ultimate points. Hasedera Temple exhibits the largest Vacation travel specials Page 30 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / September 2-8, 2020 July 10-16, 2019 / LAS VEGAS TRIBUNE / Page 27 promises,is, predictions horrific based as onthat lots may of haveem- Staircase-Escalante).thus far to look in more He also detail went on mateAnd modeling in July to 2020, do groundbreak the Trump- beenpirical to data environmentalists about how much who global had againsta regional the basis,better especiallyjudgment ofgiven his administrationing research into startedthe likelihood moving of workedaverage atemperature lifetime to is achieve expected the to jointthat climatechiefs in change December has 2017not onlyand forwardthings like quietly floods with in thepetroleum Pacific goalsrise and thrown by when. asunder. tooklarge-scale climate but change also offlocal of theconse list- explorationNorthwest, inexpected the sacrosanct moisture Arctic flux But“Global Trump climate wasn’t models done (GCMs) there. ofquences. national These security so-called threats, regional despite Nationalconvergence Wildlife and ensuing Refuge, drought which Hesimulate then got the busy interactions loosening between regula- thatclimate fact models that extreme (RCMs) weatherwork by environmentalistsin the Southwest, and,have even been further trying tionsthe atmosphere, on everything ocean from andtoxic land air eventsmagnifying pose the a resolutionbigger risk of toGCMs the toafield, protect projected from drilling climate since changeit was pollutionto project to future methane climate, flares based to fuel on Americanin a small, people limited than area terrorism. of interest, establishedand impacts by inJimmy Southeast Carter Asia.exec- economyassumptions standards about future to wildlife emissions pro- typicallyMore recently, within aunder 3,000 the square radar utiveThe analyticalorder in 1980. techniques being tections.of greenhouse Criminal gases,” prosecutions reports theby comparedmile radius. to Onlyhigher-profile by creating scan and- pioneered“All told, at UWthe Trumpare being adminis shared- theClimate U.S. EnvironmentalImpacts Group Protectionat the Uni- dals,analyzing the TrumpRCMs can administration we assess the tration’swith researchers environmental around therollbacks world Agencyversity of are Washington at a 30-year (UW). low thanks finalizedinfluence rollbacksof myriad tofixed the geographNational- couldwith the significantly hope that more increase and moregreen- to lackAccording of inspiration to ClimatePrediction. from above. Environmentalic conditions and Policy other Act local (NEPA) factors housescientists gas will emissions start to runand RCMs lead toin net,Trump, a volunteer once and computing always a andde- thatsuch speeds as land up height, permitting land foruse, federal lakes, thousandstheir own ofregions extra deathsto help from planners poor veloperclimate lestmodeling we forget, project has out also of projectssea breeze, like mountain pipelines, ranges highways and lo- airplan quality and eachimprove year,” people’s said The livesNew workedthe UK’s to weakenUniversity the Endangeredof Oxford, andcalized power weather plants. patterns Long on gone climate are Yorkdespite Times. the warming Simply put, climate. if you care Speciesglobal Actclimate and the models Migratory (GCMs) Bird theimpacts onerous for aand particular time-consuming metropoli- aboutGCMs clean and air andRCMs water are and both public im- Treatyare designed Act as towell calculate as to downsize what the permittingtan area, state procedures or country. that used to healthportant in tools general in figuring (which isout what how twoclimate recently is doing designated (in terms nationalof wind, dog“For unscrupulous the practical developers planning and of environmentalismto cope with the effects is mostly of climate about), Dear EarthTalk: What are so- climatetologists accord. specifically When love he becameto create EarthTalk® is pro- monuments (Bear’s Ears and Grand protect key wildlife habitat. Trump is not your man. called regional climate models President,models of hehow made the goodplanet on and those its temperature, humidity, etc.) at a local issues such as water resources change, whether a worst case sce- andduced why bydo weRoddy need themScheer given various natural systems and cycles number of discrete points on the or flood defenses, countries require nario is borne out or something not thatand we alreadyDoug have Moss pretty decentfor will react with the input of way too Earth’s surface as well as in the information on a much more lo- quite so cataclysmic. atmosphere and out at sea. The cal scale than GCMs are able to * * * * * globalthe 501(c)3climate models? nonprofit -- Rich W., many greenhouse gas emissions in Seattle, WA the atmosphere. Climate science points are then laid out in a grid provide,” adds ClimatePrediction. EarthTalk® is produced by EarthTalkScientists (and. Toeconomists donate, and has come a long way since its covering the planet’s surface. The net. “Regional models provide one Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss for businessvisit www.earthtalk.org. people) love to create early days a few decades back, but more points at play, the finer the res- solution to this problem.” the 501(c)3 nonprofit EarthTalk. models to help predict future out- most of what we think will happen olution (and accuracy) of the model. UW’s Climate Impacts Group To donate, visit www.earthtalk. comesSend as questions a way to direct to: quesplanning- regarding global warming comes Nowadays climate researchers has been able to leverage its exper- org. Send questions to: question@ [email protected]. preparedness efforts. Clima- from global climate models — that are applying what they have learned tise in global and now regional cli- earthtalk.org. Dear EarthTalk: I’m wonder- ing what President Trump’s per- spective is on our environment? He doesn’t seem to be doing much about preserving it let alone heal- ing it? —Sheila Kaye, via e-mail From the get-go, Donald Trump has been no friend to the environ- ment, and he has used the highest office in the land to gut environ- mental protections and conser- vation initiatives — and open up natural resources to the highest bidders — at every opportunity. That the public hasn’t heard much about this is most likely due to the fact that Donald Trump has given the media so much else to worry about, leaving environmental cov- erage more of an afterthought in the constantly evolving “breaking news” cycle. Even before he took office in 2016, Trump had declared global warming a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese to hurt our economy, and vowed to overturn Obama’s huge win to curb U.S. emissions, the Clean Power Plan. Trump also threatened to pull the U.S. out of the landmark (but voluntary) Paris Donald Trump’s actions and words make it known loud and clear that he is no friend to the environment. This graphic shows the United Kingdom as represented in a Global Climate Model (GCM), a Regional Climate Model (RCM) and actual observations. LASLAS VEGASVEGAS TRIBUNETRIBUNE CLASSIFIEDSCLASSIFIEDS

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