Hereford New Humanities Head Coal Mining Institute

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Hereford New Humanities Head Coal Mining Institute ;:•«» // csm alumni association officers and directors Zeiss has a microscope for 1980 Marshall C. Crouch '67, President -Thomas M, Smagaia '74, Vice President Richard A. Daniele '60, Treasurer energy research at every level. Robert T. Reeder '49, Secretary John P. Lockridge '52, Director F, Steven Mooney '56, Director Harry A. Ells, Jr,, *54, Director Richard Angerer '59, Director A. UNIVERSAL MICROSCOPE, determination of minera! composi­ The great name in optics Rodney J. Eichler '71, Director The most universal system for ail tion in ores by reflection or fluores­ Donald A. Craig '48, Director CSM Foundation Inc. microscope techniques in transmit­ cence measurements. Robert D. Brace '49, Director CSM Foundation Ino. ted and reflected light, including E. MOP-DiGITAL IMAGE ANALY­ association staff polarized light, fluorescence, UV SIS SYSTEM. Determines many William E. Leckle, Executive Director microscopy geometric dimensions simulta­ Judy Arbuckle, Placement Secretary Kathleen Barbour, Course Coordinator, B. INVERTED CAiVlERAiVliCRO- neously on various image media. Continuing Education SCOPE ICfVl 405. Fully automatic, Statistical evaluation. Data storage Sharon Farquhar, Placement Dtreclcr in 20 channels. Jayne Bov^man, Records Supervisor inverted camera microscope for Dean Wiiiiam V, Burger, Retired transmitted and reflected Hght with R SPECIMEN-SAVING TRANSMIS­ Betty Myers, AADF Cortee Rutherford, Records integrated 35mm and 4x5" cam­ SION ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Donna Wareing, Records eras. Ultra-stable, EM 109. New high-performance (3,44 A) EM, always instantly ready MINES Magazine C. AXIOMAT The ultimate in micro­ William E. Leckle, Publisher scope design: unparalleled stability for use. Three unique innovations: West Germany Patricia C. Petty, Editor image resolution and brilliance. Two Outside-the-vacuum Camera Sys­ Kathleen B, Johnson, Publications Associate tem, Specimen-saving Focusing integrated camera systems and/or Supporl Irom CSM Staff Comment. A Review and Recommendation 3 photometer System, Ultra-clean Vacuum Brodie Farquhar, Public Information Officer D. MICROSCOPE PHOTOMETER System. Arthur Lee, Photographer, CSM George W. Mitchell, Jr., '53 MPM 03. Rapid and convenient Nationwide service. Guggenheim Hall Golden, CO 80401 (303) 279-0300, ext. 2293 Fast Tracl< Design and Construct 5 Carl Zeiss, Inc.,444 Sth Avenue, NewYork, N.Y 10018(212)730-4400.Branches;Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Dennis Mclnerny, '66 San Francisco, Washington, D,C, In Canada; 45 Valleybrook Drive, Don Mills, Ontario, MSB 2S6. Or call (416) 449-4660. Construction and Philosophy 9 Patricia Curtis Petty alumni events calendar Sept. 23—AMC convention, San Francisco, CA. Luncheon, San Francisco Hilton, 11:30 a.m. New Energy Sources for the l\/lineral Industry 13 Sept. 24—SPE convention, Dallas, TX. Luncheon, Loews Anatole; 12:00 a.m. Karl R. Nelson and Stephen M. McKenna Oct, 14-16—Cont. Ed. "Maintenance Management for the Mining Industry,'" Keystone, CO. For further information contact K.M. Barbour, CSMAA. Trustees' Summer Keystone Conference 18 Oct. 23—SME Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Luncheon, The Leamington; 11:30 a.m. Brodie Farquhar Oct. 24-25—HOMECOMiNG, Reunion classes 1960, 1965 & 1970. Banquet, Oct. 24, 6:30 p.m. Holiday Inn West. Game, Oct. 25— Western New Mexico. Nov. 4-6—Cont. Ed. "Maintenance Management for the Mining Industry," Denver, CO, For further COVER: Skeletal headframe in early construction phase at information contact K.M. Barbour, CSMAA. Nov. 12-14—Cont. Ed. "Sixth institute on Mine Weeks Island, LA. Photo courtesy Fronter Kemper Constructors Health & Safety," Golden, CO. For further infor­ mation contact H.W. Emrick, CSM (303) 279- 0300, ext. 2321- Nov. 16-18—GSA Convention, Atlanta, GA. Lunch­ eon to be announced. Nov. 17-21—SExG Convention, Houston, TX. Luncheon to be announced. Dec. 5—NWMA Meeting, Spokane, WA. Breakfast, Davenport, 7:30 a.m. Dec. 8-9—AIME-Arizona Meeting, Tucson, AZ. advertiser's listing . ...44 in memoriam 40 Luncheon to be announced, Dec. 9-11—Cont. Ed. "Maintenance Management for the Mining Industry," Denver, CO. For fur­ alumni update 23 letters 39 ther information contact K.M. Barbour, CSMAA. Dec. 18-19—DECEMBER CONVOCATION; Ban­ eMbers 44 sections 42 quet, Dec. 18, Green Center, 6 p.m.; Com­ mencement Exercises Dec. 19. industry news 43 under the "M" ... 31 Feb. 13—CMA Convention, Denver, CO. Lunch­ eon, Denver Athietic Club, 11:30 a.m. Feb. 14—FOUNDER'S DAY BANQUET. Dinner to be announced, Feb. 22-26—AIME National, Chicago, IL. Breakfast Official organ of and copyrighted, 1980, by the Coiorado School of Mines Alumni Association. Second Class to be announced. postage paid at Golden and Denver, Colorado. Subscription price: regular CSMAA members and non-alumni May 7-9—1981 COMMENCEMENT, Reunion subscribers, $10.00 per year, CSMAA junior members, $3.50 per year. United States and possessions. classes are 1926, 1931, 1936, 1941, 1946, Foreign subscribers, $12.50. Single copies $1.00, except special editions. Published monthly except July. 1951 & 1956. Banquet— May 8, Green Annual Directory, MINES Magazine, issued August. The publisher reserves the right to determine content of Center, 6:00 p.m.; Commencement Exercises advertising carried in Ihe magazine. All correspondence should be directed to: CSM Alumni Associafirai, Col­ —May 9. orado School of Mines, Guggenheim Hall, Golden, CO 90401. Publication #ISSN 0096-4859 the mines magazine • September 1980 comments. by George W. Mitchell, Jr., '53 As many of you know, I recently re­ Mines and of service to alumni. Board of Directors necessitates that the signed from the position of Executive Even with this ,progress, many areas Association staff focus the major share Director of the CSM Alumni Association remain in which the Association needs of its attention on programs which gen­ to accept a position in tfie mining indus­ to make further improvement and to erate revenue for the sale of services: try. become an even more vital force at advertising, placement, continuing edu­ My four and one-fialf years at Mines Mines. cation and the like. As a result there is hiave been exciting ones. I Ifiink it is safe The objectives and programs of the little time available for service in the to say that the combined efforts of the Association have been published during areas defined as our top priority, but Board of Directors, many, many hard the past two years in a brochure, "What which do not produce revenues directly; working volunteer alumni, and a dedi­ Your Association is All About," mailed to local section support, alumni meeting or­ cated staff have resulted in significant all alumni. The information is also pub­ ganization, development support. progress in the development of the lished annually in the MINES Directory, School planning involvement and stu­ Association. A few examples that illu­ which you recently received. These ob­ dent services. strate progress during this period: jectives and the programs which result 1 have urged the Board to seek finan­ • Association membership is now were developed after extensive consul­ cial support from the School and the over 4,000, larger than ever before, tation and discussion with aiumni and the CSM Foundation to enable the Associa­ and close to 50% of all living alumni. Association Board of Directors, The tion to expand its activities in these vital broad consensus is that the first priority • Association revenues have in­ areas. Even with a substantial degree of objective is the maintenance of the rela­ creased from $100,000 to $260,000 support, our Association will still be far tionship between the alumnus and the per year, with our financial results solidly more financially self sufficient than any School and mobilizing alumni in support That's the challenge - the great search for oil "in the black." other alumni association. The situation Whether it be offshore drilling, exploration or of Mines. A second priority is providing nationally is that almost all alumni asso­ • The Association has expanded and and gas reserves. This country is not running production, the challenge is there for you at service to alumni for professional and ciations are supported completely or in intensified service to alumni with contin­ personal development. large measure by their institutions. With out of reserves, but they certainly are getting Amoco. Although the days of the Old West uing education programs, an effective additional support, the Association can harder to find. placement service, a widely read MINES The interest Mines alumni have in are gone forever, the pioneering spirit is still be more active while maintaining break­ Magazine, a range of student services supporting their school is illustrated by alive and thriving at Amoco Production. even financial results. At Amoco Production, we realize that people and local section support. the way in which so many aiumni have are the key to a bright energy future. With Amoco Production ponipany • The Association has taken an flocked to the banner of The Resource With the resources to be more effec­ supplies becoming critical, we are aware that Recruiters will be on campus active role in supporting Mines by pro­ Fund, the major development program. tive in these vital, top priority areas, our it will take a super effort on our part to keep Oclober 7-8, 1980—Petroleum viding support to the development pro­ Alumni are making significant contribu­ Association can further develop as a Engineering (Dec. grads) gram, by maintaining records on alumni tions by their volunteer effort and their vital force at CSM and be able to do its up with the demand. part in making sure that our School con­ November 10-11, 1980— and by participating in the planning pro­ financial commitments. Of the $25.0 miiiion now committed to the Fund, over tinues to grow in stature as the We also realize that risks must be taken to P.E., CPR, Geol. Engr. cess for Mines. This period has also been among the $9.0 million has come from alumni.
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