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1 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS I N T RO D U C T I O N 3 Pe o p l e 4 Research A c t i v i t i e s 5 L i b r a ry 8 Fi n a n c e s 9 RESEARCH AND SEMINAR PRO G R A M S 1 1 A f r i c a 1 1 Canada and U.S.-Canada Relations 1 2 Communist and Postcommunist Countries 1 3 D i r e c t o r ’s Seminar 1 4 Ethics and International Relations 1 5 Fe l l ows Prog r a m 1 5 Global Communications and International Relations 2 3 H a rvard A c a d e my for International and Area Studies 2 4 I n t e rnational Conflict Analysis and Resolution 3 1 I n t e rnational Environmental A f f a i r s 3 4 I n t e rnational Institutions 3 5 Japan and U.S.-Japan Relations 3 6 Middle East 4 1 N o nviolent Sanctions and Cultural Surv i v a l 4 3 Performance of Democracies 4 4 Political Development 4 7 Political Economy of Reform 4 8 South A s i a 5 1 S t r a t egic Studies 5 2 Student Prog r a m s 6 1 Transnational Security 6 5 U . S. Foreign Po l i c y 6 8 SPECIAL CONFERENCES, L E C T U R E S , AND SEMINARS 7 0 P U B L I C AT I O N S 7 7 RESEARCH INTERESTS 8 5 A D M I N I S T R AT I O N Visiting Committee 9 9 Executive Committee 1 0 0 I n t e rnational A dv i s o ry Committee 1 0 1 S t a f f 1 0 1 C O N T E N T S 1 9 9 7 / 9 8 1 W E A THERHEAD CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL AFF A I R S 1 9 9 7 - 9 8 THE CENTER FOR INTERNAT IONAL AFFAIRS WAS FOUNDED IN 1958. In the spring of 1998 it was ren a m ed the We a t h erh e ad Cen ter for In tern a ti onal Affairs in gratitude for the magnificent endowment established by Albert and Celia Wea t h e rhe a d and the Wea t h e rhe a d Fou n d a ti on . In recogni ti o n of the opportun i t y and responsibility bestowed with this gift, the Center held a symposium in April entitled “Thinking About the 21st Century.” The Weatherhead Center is the largest international research center within Harvard Uni versi ty ’ s Facu l t y of Arts and Science s . Its mission ,h owever, ext ends to the promo ti o n of re s e a rch on intern a ti onal and com p a ra tive matters ac ross all the sch ools of t h e u n ivers i ty. The Cen ter provi des a mu l ti d i s c i p l i n a ry envi ron m ent for re s e a rch on international issues that is both academically rigorous and relevant to contemporary policies and problems. The Cen ter is stru ctu red to en co u ra ge the highest practical level of pers onal and i n tell ectual interacti on among a diverse com mu n i ty of s ch o l a rs and practi ti on ers . It is disti n ctive in its recogn i ti on that knowl ed ge is a produ ct not on ly of i n d ivi du a l academic research but also of vigorous, sustained intellectual dialogue among scholars and nonacademic experts. To stimulate this dialogue,the Center sponsors a wide array of sem i n a rs , res e a r ch program s , works h op s , and conf erence s . These activit ies enco u ra g e in t eractio n among res i d ent affiliates and invol ve a wid e vari e ty of sch o l a rs , governm e nt and military officials, corporate executives, and other practitioners from around the world. The Cent er also provid es strong sup port to Har var d stud ents en ga ged in res e a r ch ,n a m ely gradua t e stud ents at the disserta ti o n stage and underg radua t es writ ing seni o r theses. The results of Weatherhead Center research are made available to the public policy community through books, working papers,articles, reports, seminars, and lectures, as well as through the personal participation of Center members in policy planning and decision making in governments and institutions outside the university. The Cen ter is headed by a fac u l ty director who is assisted by an exec utive director. Gu i d a n ce on matters of su b s t a n ce and policy is provi ded by an exec utive com m i t tee , primarily composed of senior Harvard faculty involved in Center-sponsored programs. Profe s s or Jor ge I. Dom í n g u e z , Cl a ren ce Di ll on Profe s s or of In tern a ti onal Af f a i rs , con ti nu ed as director of the Cen ter. Anne Emers on com p l eted her tenth year as exec utive director. The Center’s offices are located in Coolidge Hall, on the Harvard University campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A N N U A L R E P O R T 1 9 9 7 / 9 8 3 P E O P L E home institutions, enabling them to pursue The most important res o u r ce at the Cent er is their research interests with the benefits of the diverse group of people affiliated with it. interaction with other Center members and In add i ti o n to the small perma n e nt staff, s om e access to the extensive library system and other tw o hun d r ed facu l t y memb ers, vis i t ing scho l a rs , resources of Harvard University. practi ti on ers , and stu dents are norm a lly Postdoctoral Fe l l ow s associated with the Center, representing The Center provides research affiliations for approximately thirty-five nationalities. recent doctoral degree recipients pursuing Fa c u l t y research in areas relevant to Weatherhead Senior and junior members of the Harvard Center programs. The Center has a limited faculty form the intellectual core of the Center. number of postdoctoral fellowships for In addition to its twelve resident faculty outstanding younger scholars conducting members, the Center has a broad network of research on strategic and national security faculty from many disciplines and schools studies, international and area studies, within Harvard who regularly contribute transnational security, and the performance to the development and administration of of democracies. research programs and activities. The Center is A s s o c i at e s also the locus of four endowed professorships Center associates include individuals in international affairs, international from outside Harvard who are active in economics,national security and military Weatherhead Center research programs affairs, and Canadian studies. The Center’s and seminars. forty-seven faculty associates may apply for Center research funds and fellowships. G r a d u ate Students The Center annually supports selected doctoral Fe l l ow s candidates writing research dissertations by Each year, the Center’s Fellows Program offering them office space, computer facilities, invites approximately twenty senior diplomats, and modest funding for travel, as well as access military officers, journalists, politicians,and to programs and activities. This group other nonacademic professionals active in the numbers roughly one-quarter of the Center’s field of international affairs to spend a year at affiliates. In addition to the Graduate Student the Center in advanced study, research,and Associate Program for Harvard students, writing.This group, which is typically drawn students from other institutions also receive from some fifteen countries, constitutes Weatherhead Centersponsored research an important and direct link with the fellowships in strategic and national security contemporary realities of global politics studies, international and area studies, and provides the Center with the unique transnational security, and the performance perspectives of nonacademic practitioners. of democracies. The Center has also received Visiting Scholars grants from the MacArthur Foundation to The Center provides research affiliations for support the work of seven doctoral candidates. non-Harvard academics on leave from their U n d e rg r a d u ate Students I N T E R NAT I O NAL RELAT I O N S The Center supports the activities of the Conflict Analysis and Resolution. The Weatherhead Center Student Council, which Program on International Conflict Analysis works to bridge the Center and the Harvard and Resolution (PICAR) is committed to undergraduate community. In addition,the advancing the understanding of international Center offers travel grants to a number of and intergroup conflicts,and to developing undergraduates doing research for their interactive, problem-solving processes for senior honors theses. managing or resolving such conflicts. S t a f f Ethics and International Relations. A seminar Twenty - ei g ht individ uals comp rise the on ethics and international relations meets Wea t h e rhe a d Cent er staff.
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