
Student ID: 22335537

Exam: 700837RR - Imperialism and the Progressive Era

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Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.

1. Which of the following is true of the Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.)? A. It was devoted to organizing highly skilled immigrant workers. B. It had very little influence over the labor movement. C. It was founded in Russia. D. It made business leaders create new methods to deal with labor issues.

2. ______pioneered the field of corporate public relations. A. Margaret Robins B. Henry Ford C. Ivy. L. Lee D. Samuel Gompers

3. Which of the following is true of the Spanish-American War? A. The black soldiers who fought had gained experience and distinction during the Indian Wars. B. Black soldiers referred to black Cubans as "Smoked Spaniards." C. Racial tensions were suspended for the duration of the war. D. About one in ten American soldiers were black.

4. Among the legislative acts passed during Franklin Roosevelt’s first term as president, which one gave relief to artists, actors, and writers? A. Works Progress Administration B. National Recovery Administration C. Civilian Conservation Corps D. Tennessee Valley Authority

5. Following the Spanish-American War, and especially in regard to American occupation of the Philippines, most anti-imperialists argued that A. because all war was immoral, the fruits of war were tainted. B. cheap, imported Filipino laborers would take American jobs. C. installing tyranny abroad would encourage tyranny at home. D. the occupation would lead to unhealthy racial mixing.

6. Passed in 1935, Roosevelt's most significant reform measure was the A. Wagner Act. B. Fair Labor Standards Act. C. Social Security Act. D. National Labor Relations Board.

7. During the election of 1936, declaring their party a "millionaire's union," Franklin Roosevelt focused mainly on defeating the A. Liberty League running Father Coughlin. B. Union Party running William Lemke. C. Union Party running Gerald K. Smith. D. Liberty League running Alfred M. Landon.

8. After the election of 1890, organized groups supporting farmers called for the formation of a third party that became generally known as the ______Party. A. Ocala B. Populist C. Socialist D. American

9. Believing that truth is what works for actual real people, Harvard psychologist William James developed the philosophy of A. social idealism. B. social . C. radical progressivism. D. pragmatism.

10. After the Spanish-American War, the ______reserved the right of the to intervene in Cuba's internal affairs. A. Caribbean Accord B. Platt Amendment C. Open Door policy D. Foraker Act

11. In 1893, the Cleveland administration's repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act A. caused the value of currency to contract. B. had no long-term possibility of reviving the depressed economy. C. empowered conservative Democrats. D. brought immediate relief to people suffering under the 1893 depression.

12. The presidential election of 1928 pitted Al Smith of New York against A. John W. Davis. B. Herbert Hoover. C. Bob La Follette. D. .

13. In a famous speech, A. refused to be allied with the so-called "silverists." B. declared that mankind shouldn't be "crucified on a cross of gold." C. declared his staunch support of the gold standard. D. refused his nomination as the presidential candidate of the Populist Party.

14. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding America's political climate between 1876 and 1896? A. The influence of the president over Congress diminished. B. The party that won the presidential election also controlled Congress. C. Little political power or influence was left to the states. D. Southern states tended to vote Republican.

15. The ______demanded that Latin American countries keep their financial affairs on order or risk intervention by the United States. A. Knox Policy B. Good Neighbor Policy C. Roosevelt Corollary D. Monroe Doctrine

16. The ______expressed the darkest and most ominous aspect of the rural counterattack of the early 1900s. A. Ku Klux Klan B. Palmer raids C. Prohibition movement D. Red Scare

17. In the election of 1912, Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party platform was built around what he called the A. Fair Deal. B. New Nationalism. C. Square Deal. D. New Freedom.

18. Which of the following was true of Secretary of State William Henry Seward? A. He annexed the Midway Islands. B. He negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Canada. C. He opposed American imperial expansion. D. He was successful in negotiating a trade deal with the Kingdom of Hawaii.

19. Which of the following is true of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty? A. It declared Panamanian independence. B. It laid out the terms for the purchase of Panama from Colombia. C. It granted the United States a canal zone in the Isthmus of Panama. D. It was intended to restore friendly relations between the United States and Colombia.

20. As passed by the Congress after McKinley delivered his war message to Congress, the declaration of war against Spain was modified by the Teller Amendment, which stipulated that A. the United States reserved the right to annex Cuba. B. trade with Spain would continue as usual. C. Spain must abandon all claims to territories in the Western Hemisphere. D. the United States wouldn't annex Cuba.

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