Ihejw. Haic CORK

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Ihejw. Haic CORK i n AVBKAOB DAILY OnCBLATKIM fer the Moafo of September, ISM -- The U ither l^jagua ot the Smaauel The Woman'a Homo Mlaaionary .^ .R O Y A L ARCADIANS Lutheran church will hold'a tiai- aocieW at the North Methodlat 5,801 lowe'en party tonight |rt 8 o'clock church has postponed its regular EXCAVATING AND WATKINS B R ^ ' Mowhw ot the Audit ItiMMllMlfa Um (hrtoc Band with the gpringfleld Uither leagiM meeting from tomorrow night to the R a i ^ e O i l Bareaa of Uroolatlotta aa guesta. Membera who took part flrat W ^eaday in Ntmowar. GRADING DfOOBPOBA'nBD MANC1BESTER ^ A a T Y OF VILLAGE CHARM at tke T mb^ Balh w ii in the Oiurch F^ier Week drive Cellars Dim PHONE i ROBERT R.-ANDERSON Th« CORK are raminded to make their llnal r*- Advertletaig on Pngo 14.) VtHtor, Oetobv S9 porta at tonlght'a meeting. Lawns GnuM Faaaral OIraetov H M a h c h i s t i r C o n h *) VOL, LVI., NO. 18 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 h 1936 XSIXTEBN PAGES) PRICE TUKBE CKNTH littt. A d m M o a SSe. Plowing « Harrowing Foneral aervtce in home* Walter N.Leclerc Loam For Sale Myatic Beview, Woman'a Benefit S 8 6 6 like rarroandings. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS XaaociAtion, wlH hold Ita regulM Funeral Director Estimates Given ABOBTTOWN meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in Odd 142 e a s y CENTER ST. In the Self Serve and Health Market Island Haven For Clipper’s Passengers <88 No. Main St. Pbooe 88M VAN’S BOARD TACKLES iBRirAUrS NAVY A wriWirty cUnlc will b« held at reUoWB hall. President Ann Smith 'hopes for a large turnout of the S. G. BOWERS SERVICE STATION Telephone: th« -Y. M. C A. tomorrow aftamoo^ Double Green Stamps Given All Day Wednesday! FALL FROM ROOF TOP a t J:80. oSioers and members. 75 Deming St. Phone 7172 426 Hartford Road Office 5171 House 7494 SCHOOL MERGER STANDS BY TO Creamery 4 PINBHURST—DIAL 4151 It will p a / you to take ad­ PINEHURST— DIAL 4151 TAXINGJUDDLE m HOSTAGES vantage of this Prinehurst BUTTER KILLS ISRAEL SELWITZ Wednesday 25c Sale I „_'indiurst Pinehursti Strtetty l>eah Pallet Equalization Problem Con­ Baldwm Government Urges 25c VEGETABLE EG O S^__________ doz. WeQ Known Shoo Reinirer SPECIALS SALE fronts Selectmen in Effort Spanish Factions to Pre­ Russia Is Determined SALE Hale’s Wednesday Specials Any Flavor ^ / Plnnges to Death at M ai WAUIORF Large White Beef liver, ...........2 5 c to Settle Puzzle Now vent Massacres; Opposi­ TISSUE. 6 rolls .. £ t O C Shop Throughout the store for Special Values. And Remember J e llo orRoyalD eggert plcg^^c To Help the Loyalists and Pearl Streets WhcH Cauliflower ( 4 1 -2 Years Old. tion of Labor Grows. —Extra Savings for You With Double Green Stamps All Day Brer BabUt Ginger Bread ~ Scott TIssae, O C — I0 c-3t°r2Sc Dried Beef, O I f Wednesday. _ Moscow, Oct. 21.— (AP)-,-S«vletxply arms immedlatsly to siege- Fixing Radio Aerial —’ 3 ro lls .................. ^ O C )/) lb................ ^ 3 C Ruaslo, determined to force supply threatened Madrid. F L O U R 2i4oz.pkgs. 2 7 « Plans for attacking the four and London, Oct. 21— (AP) — The of old to beleaguered Spanish While only tbe top men at the Drops Three Stories to 3 bun. Carrots— Boys’ 19c |a half years old problem of the British navy was ordered to stand Socialists, has decided only the Im­ Kremlin know details of the de­ Napkins, O C .« Extra Special! ! — cision taken by the government, 3 bun. Beets— O C Pinehurst Fresh O I f ■school consolidation equalization by today for a "mission of mercy" mediate dispatch of munitions can 3 pkgs................... ZDC No. S Oen Boblneon Brand save Madrid, Informed sources said enough Information baa seeped 1 Cabtoge— All for 3 C Ground Beef, lb. ^ 3 C tax were started by the selectmen to rescue thousands of hostages held Sidewalk at Noon Today. A National Brand of by both sides in the Spanisb civil today. I down to indicate Dictator Joseph GOLF HOSE durii.g a meeting in the Municipal Stalin feels Europe Is rapidly drift­ Randall’s Chicken O I f Sweet Potatoes, O C T O M A T O E S spec. doz. 9 5 « war. Soviet commissars were repre­ 10 lb s ................... I & 3 C Jacquard patterns. Brown building last night. In messages to both the Madrid sented as having taken a strong ing towards war—and the time to Israel Selwltz, 54, of No. 2 Peafl Broth. 2 f o r ........ JLDC Fresh Shoulders, O C _ stanl for rushing airplanes to the make Russia's voice felt is now. and grey mixtures. Sizes 8V$ A new standing committee, to be regime and the Fascist high com­ street owner of the three story brick lb............................ 4 L 3 C to 10^. No. 8 Can Land O’Lakes called the legialatlve committee, to mand. the government stressed fear desperately-driven Spanish govern­ Officials expressed belief all la to Celery, D£ LUXE HAIR NETS be gained and nothing lost by tak­ building at Nos. 623-t28 Main JeD.0 or Royal O C ^ which will be referred problems re­ of "wholesale massacre" of hostages. ment forces. 2 bunches 2 5 c Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden . The Russian government, these ing a strong stand against the street, was instantly killed at nooQ Dessert, 5 for.... 12 guaranteed perfect hair nets In each box. quiring considerable study and for Scotch Ham, O C PEAS ______ doz. cans ^ a S l which there was no appropriate, Instructed the embassy at Madrid sources said, has resolved not to Soviet's "natural" enemy— Ger­ today when he fell from the top ot Regular price $1.00 dbzen. pair and the ambassador at Hendaye. 1 bun. Celery— All for '/, lb.........................^ 3 C committee previously to which yield an Inch further In delaying many. the southwest comer of the bundl­ Clapp’s, Heinz’ or Libby’s France, to press for early replies. For unless Great Britain and 1 lb. Tomatoes— O C ^ Sugar Oared, SUoed, Blndlesa could be referred such tasks, was counter-measures against alleged ing and struck on bis head'on the Box of 1 2 ................................... The messages, envisioning "ter­ violations of Spanish neutrality by France can be aroused from what Is Baby Foods, 2 5 c 1 Cucumber— dC 3 C Ladies’ Chiffon established on recommendation of rible consequences which might en­ sidewalk below, a distance o f 86 3 cans Calves’ Liver, Q O Selectman Richard Martin. Fascist powers. regarded here as "lethargy", it la feet. ■'> National De Luxe Hair Nets are of the flneat quality and sue.” declared: (Russia haa charged Italy, Ger­ felt only a matter of time, not far Fancy White '/i lb....................... 3 3 C workmanahlp. As auch they carry the recommendation and guar­ BACON Immediate Action "His majesty’s government feels Hts sop, PbUlp SelwlU, who wag To be members 01 the committee many and Portugal with sending distant, before Nazi troops will standing on the curbing just to ths antee of the J. W. Hale Corp. Impelled to make an urgent appeal cross the Soviet border to realise Pard Dog Food, Q C ^ HOSIERY Uale’eB ed Bag Chairman David Chambers appoint­ on purely humanitarian grounds to assistance to Spanish Insurgents. north (rf tbe spot where the body 3 cans .................. d u O C M ushroom s SHADES: STYLES: Soviet demands for “practical meas­ the hope expressed In Relcbsfuehrer 8-OUNCE CANS OF About 60 i>hlr to sell at ed Selectmen Joseph G. Pero, authorities cf both sides to conie to fell was the first to the accident,' Full pint basket. Dark Brownv- Harold M. Reed and Martin. Equali­ an agreement for the release and re. ures” to enforce the non-interven­ Adolf Hitler’s recent speech at not at first knowing that it was bill 1 9 c Peas <, Spinach Single Cap Shape COFFEE i ^ l 7 c tion accord signed by 2'i nations Nurnberg, these sources asserted. Great NtHihem O If .« Medium Brown zation, consuraatlon of the merger moval to some place of safety of father. (f Tomatoes Green Beans Light Brown Doable Cap Shape of the Ninth School district with aLy women." have been delayed by the neutrality (In that declaration, Hitler cast OpeoM New Store ^ - Peas, 2 cans ...;. C 5 0 c pair Extra Large Chlneoe envious eyes at the fartUs fields and Green Beans or O C ^ Wax Bean? Apricots Blonde Single Bob Shape the town and preparation of rulea Naval authorities today kept In committee In London. Hr. Selwltz wae enm(ed in b u ^ - CA^eem Poas»^ 2 qts^' A iHkelt '-!■ 'Detd>l«'B^''tShkpe'"' t*-|mfleeduzej. foi^ eondt i ^ g -^U doseitouch witb-the altuatkai:. ready : Officktls.. 4M not- iheritoto..Jou s*-.:. :zlidt.'ihineavnLAtii«!. Sov i^ .OtttUniRg iHBftrin ManehestepfoiM PeachiHS pWilt Cocktan - • to send the British fleet to Spanish press privately tbe feeling that what Germany vrould do "If we had ’Tomato Idee, Auburn $ 1.00. meetings of the board were listed a a shoe repalret, rettring froai 3 cans ....... Grey for- Immediate attention of the new ports. ^ these are the “gravest” days Europe the Urals, If we possessed Siberia, that, business last qiring and 2 5 g Hope for Spanish Aid May If we had the Ukraine." The Nasi White Tri-Angle group. Mrs. A v ^ ll Bartley Bradley Mrs. Adams carter has seen lu many years. month ago opened a package 3 “ “ 2 5 c Lavender Submission of suggested rules of Hopes were keen that the Madrid They are determined, they said, chancellor Hinted at the* pos$ibUlty in hla buUding, No.
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