^i y / ^zZy ^^^i^L, /ZfL 'Ot^sfy/f ' f /tO - ' ' . ¦ ¦ ,'3 . ' ' ' ¦ ' - . ¦ . i . ¦ ¦ A/uL. ^a/Ll M -- tftar tigt ZvteTlismtt. London. —A general meeting of-the" Weat End Ladies ' Shoemakers was held on Wednesd ay even- ~*\ ing, at the Temperance Hall , 50, Tottenham Court -US&E.—At a meeting, held en Monday night, Road B»e following resolution was , to receiv e delegates from the Trades ' Dele- ^^ TRtrtbB'a room, gate s Committee , and to consider the propriety of *' . Reamed:— " Thaof i thia meetingof i» fiighly nM n*? ^, onduct the brave men London , forming themselves into a portion of the Chartist ^ c &** -?„ forw ard to supply the places of the body, Mr. Shute was palled to the chair. Mr. Arm- go boldly of onr strong Walton ' in ~ZjL& membwtrrt *** Executive, and . more , delegate from the Trades Committee , ^ in a long and elcquent address , explained the bene- ^f^jj TV tthii 1 jnnefco jre, whenWe faction is doing *** ^ to crash onr holy cause . hereby tender fits which TradeB ' Unions would derive from the attainment of p t po and was received with & ' ^ heartfelt th anks , and oonsiaer them worthy ol : { oli ical wer, great app lause. Mr. Skslton moved a very lengthy of an tme rfemocrata.- AND . g^^ rT LEEDS GENERAL '^M Wl^S0i& -0: resolution , pledging the trad e to join the Chartist %rcRT& Ta TTDVtt. —At the weekly meeting of body, and sen d delegates to the Chari ist Tra des' Chart er Associat ion, Mr . David p»vie» in the chair, ¦ ¦w,»»»woi halfpenny or Committee . Mr.
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