Serving a Progressive and Growing Area on B. C.'s Southern Coast. Covers Sechelt, Gibsons Lianciing, Port Mellon, Woodfibre, Squamish. Irvines Landing; Half Moon Bay, Hardy Island, Pender Harbour, Wil­ son Creek, Roberts Creek, Gran­ thams Landing, -Bgraont, Hopkins, .ON NOVEMBER 18 at Robert's Landing, Brackendale, Cheekeye, etc. PTra-.__3_Z.-2> BS" SHE COAST ITEWS, LISnTBD Creek and November 20 at Business; Office: Half .Soon Bay, B. C. National Advertising' Office: Powell Blver, B. C. Gibsons Landing, the Every­ man Theatre will make its, first appearance before an audience Vol II — No.^£ 4 HALF MOON BAY, B. C. Friday, November 15. 1946 5c Per Copy. $2.50 Per Year, by Mail in a community hall* presenting "The Importance of Being Earnest." Rehearsals conducted on the floor of the hall with benches !©W IWSM Hope Fades for Missing Man and imagination for props and background, will at last have resolved themselves in an ascent Lost In Gale Two Weeks Ago to the stage proper,- with; the imagined surroundings, materi­ PENDER HARBOUR ~- Hope alised in a medley of blacj^ and GRANTHAMS LANDING—JRte- has been abandoned for the Veterans Observe ceritly added to the resicient white decoratiork, throwing in­ Safety of Mulbert Duncan, 23, list here are Mr. and Mrs. Bush Remembrance Day to relief the 'spectrun^-hued THE "Kitemat Queen", Char­ young Pender Harbour fisher­ gowns of Edwardian days'. and family, Mr. and lVlrs.-B,Hill tered QCA plane, landetl,on man whose boat was swamped GIBSONS LAISTDING — Fifty The simple, white-painted and family and Mr." John A. Fox, veterans of both wars gather­ Powell, Lake yesterday; with in a gale on Wednesday, Oct. 31. furniture, the dove-grey cur­ padlyrmjured Edward Fowler, brother' bf Mrs. Hill. ed at their hall, Monday after­ tains and theswhite^ Accessories 40v, logger of the B. C. Prgdhcts Duncan was last seen about noon, to take part in the Cana­ phhctiiated with black is the camp, Britten River, Jervis In­ .:..:3|i\ Fox and Mr. Hill are four miles off the south end of dian Legion Remembrance Day ei&exSfiat'" color scheme of the let. „ partners in the fishing smack Hbrnfey Island. His brother Service. stylized letting, designed by y. Fowler, whose home is 2332 "Foxhill" that they have rigged Thorne, who was. having trouble Earlier, officials of the Legion Sydney Risk. '.. with his own boat,. is ,the: Jast Bhrhis^ Street .yahcouver, got up for the shrimp trade. ! L 1 had placed a wreath at the Ceno­ * Theatrical symbolism rather hisieft foot.mangled in the gears to havt_ieeh M^_tbert. He notic­ taph in Seaview cemetery. Mrs. than realism is the medium used There fs a great demand for of a diesel donkey ehgmb at' 9 these spiderr-like denizens of the ed the Redwing heading for Shaw, of Roberts Creek, with St. in the portrayal of this comedy o'clock; yesterday mofhihg. Shelter. a$ jQualicum Beach. His Bartholomew Church Choir, led of manners. This is exemplified deep .and previbujs to the war While working on .the engine the ;tMde .w|s'y mainly in the o#ti craft th&ti required atten­ by Wm. Haley, took part in the in the particul^ly strikirig in­ his foot slipped, >ahd_ In leaning tion, aiic_ . when he lool_£d again ceremony held here. stanceoi the green carnations hands; of ; Japanese" fishermen. over he accidentally turned on For beginners it requires cour­ the "Riedwihg" was hot iri sight. Later in the evening Legion- worn by John Worthihg and Al­ the;,air operating the gears. gernon Moncrieff, a reference to age and initiative to make a The storm drove 15. Pender aires and their families and ;. .The mercy plane, piloted by start. Breectihg, grounds have friends gathered in the Legion the Wildian artificial refine- ^illiam, .McLeod and with Dr. Harbour boats to.shelter at nieht. Symbolishi includes the to he located and as the nets Qualicum. Twelve reached Hall for a social evening. W. ,R. F.. Groves, aboard, was have to be attached to a heavy theory that actors will convey Held in Vancouver until 3 p.m. there safely and two others weighted beam and trolled . found shelter at another point. to the audience a greater fcon- because of fog. along the sea bottom the men Drenka-Matthew cepion of atmosphere and more Dr. Warner and nurse went have to get to know their loca­ Mulbert Duncan leaves a wife completely furnished surround­ by boat from St. Mary's hospi­ tion and depths by constant and two young children at Pen­ Wedding iri City ings than is merely suggested tal, Pender Harbour, to attend castings which are often accom­ der Harbour, lie is believed to by the fewest possible groups. the man until the plane arrived. panied by broken gear and loss be the ninth man lost from that VANCOUVER. — The wedding Cbming to the footlights are Landing at Powell River with of equipment. point in recent years. of Jean Ann, second daughter yoiing actors from all parts of the injured at 5:30 p.m. yester­ of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Matthew Canada, united in their desire day, the plane was met.by Dr. Good prices and tales of big of Vancouver, and Paul George, to bring theatre to the Canadian O. O. Lyons. An ambulance catches are the lure of shrimp Returns to Norway eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. fishing, and like gold digging it people. It is their sincere de- conveyed Fowler to ; hospital, Drenka, also of Vancouver, took . Sire that in presenting heir plays where he was found to have a has, its. "big strikes" and its SECHELT—H-tHvic Frederick- place Wednesday evening, Oct. at pOi>tdar prices through the compound fracture of the left disappointments. Howe Sound son, who has assisted his wife 30. The Rev. Andrew Roddan lour ^Westfern provinces, they leg and ankle, as well as internal boats take their catch to Port ;• in looking after the Sechelt Inn officiated at the ceremony in Mellon where a small co-6per- and Tearoom for several years, will -hegiving Canadians the injuries.;,; ,yy;y-,^..:. vr:.* yYYy;y,, y <•... First United Church, Vancouver. ^Qie^ij^ ,. ;y$Ppof!^^ ,::h:hX«$z0£ig0o0^^ \fc*'£6ar£\[ zy>'-\ ' —^- 'y' -Wz'^"" ly blue.' dress and wearing a prawn and crab meat; hey -.tpyNeivyYofk 'wi^re he will .j This hew^Borh:£_nlcV of ^Ca­ boafcl; §.S.. Dfoltingham which steel grey cdat and hat and a nadian theatre .has > found' its •ie^[ye^';f0t Swedeh oh the 20th. corssige of gardenias and b-Cby first hohie at Gibsons Landing, Announce frT^*** Oh f eachirig there, he will prob­ rosebuds, was given in marriage and will not be a little loath to MR. AND MRS. Paul Drenka ably continue h-s trip' by train by her mother. leave , these beautiful natural would like to thank all, their AN ENGAGEMENT of local to Norway. He will be more Mrs. V. J. Waston of Victoria, surroundings; To each and every kind friends for the. rioyeiy re-. interest as announced this than welcomed by his relatives sister of the bride, was matron one of the Everyman players, ception which was given, at, the week when the plans were made and friends when he arrives of honor, and Mr. Pat Brennah On their four and a haK-mohth homk of Mr. and Mrs, Al Hen- known for the spring wedding horhe for he is taking many gifts of Squamish was best man. A tour, Gibsons Landing will be drecsoh, op their return to bf Mae Eleanor, Youngest daugh- with him. Included are numer­ reception was held at the Palo- fondly remembered sas "home". SquJimish, Fridiay, Nov. %, ter,o£Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mun- ous items of food which have mar Supper Club. roe, 3669 West Eleventh, Van­ not been seen in his homeland Mr. and Mrs. Drenka will take couver-; to M^., Gordon Shugg, for a number of years. second son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- up residence at Squamish. Building Drive Is Launched liah> Shugg of Kelowna. Parents of the, bride-to-be are. former resiqerits, of Britannia townsite. John Bruntjen - In Memoriam for Hospital Staff Quarters lytiss. IViiinroe is a graduate of University of British. Columbia By J. F. Jacobsen PENDER HARBOUR—Follow­ and : Vancouver General Hos­ ing a directors' meeting of t^e IT WAS A severe shock to the won the affection and respect of pital, while the groom-elect, so many people. Pender Harbour Hospital Soci­ served overseas as a flying offi­ people of Squamish to learn ety a drive was launched for cer with the R.CA.F. that John Bruntjen had lost his John Bruntjen was a true the building of staff quarters at Youth Problems life in an accident while at work gentleman. During the troubled St. lV-afy's hospital. Plans have in his lumber mill on Nov. 7. years of war when our minds already been approved by the Machine John Bruntjen and his wife and hearts were subjected to provincial architect. Aired af Forum and two children came here to propaganda unfavorable to the Object of the drive is to col­ GIBSONS LANDING—The Hill live two years ago. For several people of certain countries, we. lect all commitments. Promised SQUAMISH. — The „U n i t e d Machine Shop, owned and years they had lived in the who knew John Bruntjen, money must be in before the Church Service last Sunday, operated by George Hill, son of P.G.E. country around Green realized that he was a living order can be issued for, a start November 3, took the form of a Mr.
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