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TOPIC 2: MINERAL REVOLUTION in SOUTHERN AFRICA from 1860S CENTENARY SECONDARY SCHOOL CENTENARY SECONDARY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADE 8 SOCIAL SCIENCES - HISTORY TERM TWO: WORKSHEET TWO EDUCATOR: C.L. JOHNSTON TOPIC 2: MINERAL REVOLUTION IN SOUTHERN AFRICA FROM 1860s SUB-TOPIC: THE DISCOVERY OF DIAMONDS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Key Terms Definition of the term Claim The piece of land which a digger has ‘claimed’ to dig for diamonds. Monopoly to have all the power in an industry Illicit Diamond Buying (IDB) The illegal selling and buying of diamonds. The first diamonds were found in 1867, at Hopetown and along the banks of the Orange and Vaal rivers. Black and white miners, usually called diggers, hurried to the river diggings as the news spread that diamonds were to be found. Many people from around the world also rushed to Southern Africa for diamonds. When diamonds were discovered, different groups of people wanted ownership of the land in which the diamonds were found: - The Griquas in Griqualand West had lived in that area for almost 100 years (or a century). - The British Cape Colony wanted some ownership of the diamond rich land. - The Boers Republics (The Orange Free State and Transvaal) also believed that they some of the diamond rich land fell in their territories. After many arguments between the groups, the diamond rich land was awarded (given) to the Griquas. However, the Griqua were persuaded to ask for British protection against the Boers. Eventually, Griqualand West became a British colony. By 1872, Griqualand West became part of the British Cape Colony. 1 SOURCE 1A: A map of Griqualand West and the area where diamonds were discovered. Diamond Mining and the development of a monopoly: After the discovery of diamonds in Griqualand West in 1872, diggers hurried to what is today known as Kimberley. The Big Hole in Kimberley was dug by thousands of diggers, each working their own claim. For the first ten years of diamond mining at Kimberley, individual diggers each owned a small square of land called a ‘claim’. Each person was only allowed one claim. The size of the claim was limited. This stopped people with lots of money buying up lots of claims. 2 SOURCE 1B: A photograph of the Big Hole at the Kimberley mines. It is also known as an open-pit mine and an underground mine. [Source: https://hayleymatthews-diamondmining-south-africa] About two thirds of the people who came to the diamond fields were black. They came from all parts of Southern Africa. The other third were white people who came from the surrounding republics and colonies, as well as Australia, Britain, and America. At first there were both black and white claim holders. However, after the British gained control of the diamond fields from 1872, they made a law that made it illegal for black men to own claims. Only white men could own claims. Black men could work for white claim holders on their claims. The more successful white claim holders put pressure on the British government to change the law regarding claims. In 1876, new laws were passed which lifted restrictions on claim holding. Now one person could own two or more claims. 3 ACTIVITY 1: Answer the questions below. SOURCE 1C: This source is dapted from Rev. J Watson and focuses on the origins of Kimberley. Kimberley is a town of great wealth and importance. Kimberley owes its origin and wealth to the discovery of diamonds and working of the diamond mines. Where it stands was formerly a desert inhabited by Khoisan, finding little grazing for their flocks. No one would have ever dreamt of it ever becoming a scene of busy industry. [Source: Rev. J. Watson, Kimberley, South Africa. P.1. The Primitive Methodist Magazine, 1890.] 1.1. Define the following terms: 1.1.1. Claim [1x2] (2) 1.1.2. Monopoly [1x2] (2) 1.2. Refer to Source 1A: 1.2.1. List 3 cities from the map. [3x1] (3) 1.2.2. Name the two Boer Republics on the map. [2x1] (2) 1.2.3. Identify the British colony on the map. [1x1] (1) 1.2.4. Using your notes and your own knowledge, explain why the Boers, British and Griqua argued about the ownership of the area shown on the map. [2x2] (2) 1.3. Study Source 1B: 1.3.1. Using the source, state the name of the mining town. [1x1] (1) 1.3.2. Using the source, your notes and your own knowledge, how was the ‘Big Hole’ created. Was it created by human activity or by nature? Provide one reason for your answer. [2x2] (2) 1.4. Read Source 1C: 1.4.1. According to the source, name the group of people inhabited (lived in) Kimberley. [1x1] (1) 1.4.2. According to the source, explain how Kimberley become a wealthy town? [1x2] (2) 1.4.3. Using your notes and your own knowledge, who benefitted most from mining in Kimberley? Was it white or black miners? Motivate your response. [2x2] (4) 4 .
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