A Multi-Resolution Approach for Worm Detection and Containment∗

Vyas Sekar Yinglian Xie Michael K. Reiter Hui Zhang [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Carnegie Mellon University

Abstract used for detection and containment. Future attacks can evade detection mechanisms which depend on scanning Despite the proliferation of detection and contain- rates, signatures, and other attack-specific features. ment techniques in the worm defense literature, sim- Interestingly, one of the earliest known scan- ple threshold-based methods remain the most widely de- detection heuristics, threshold-based detection based on ployed and most popular approach among practitioners. the number of unique destinations contacted, is applica- This popularity arises out of the simplistic appeal, ease ble across a wide spectrum of worm attacks. Threshold- of use, and independence from attack-specific properties based mechanisms are very popular and are one of the such as scanning strategies and signatures. However, most widely-deployed worm defenses [12] due to their such approaches have known limitations: they either simplicity and ease of deployment. The strength and ro- fail to detect low-rate attacks or incur very high false bustness of the mechanism lies in its minimal set of as- positive rates. We propose a multi-resolution approach sumptions about the nature of attacks – scanners contact to enhance the power of threshold-based detection and many unique destinations. By adopting a metric which rate-limiting techniques. Using such an approach we is invariant across scanning attacks, independent of the can not only detect fast attacks with low latency, but scanning strategy and content signatures, this approach also discover low-rate attacks – several orders of mag- has the ability to be attack-agnostic. nitude less aggressive than today’s fast propagating at- However, threshold-based detection mechanisms cur- tacks – with low false positive rates. We also outline a rently lack the accuracy and effectiveness of attack- multi-resolution rate limiting mechanism for throttling specific approaches. Having only a single fixed thresh- the number of new connections a host can make, to con- old for a metric (such as the number of unique desti- tain the spread of worms. Our trace analysis and sim- nation addresses contacted), typically measured over a ulation experiments demonstrate the benefits of a multi- single time window a few seconds long, network admin- resolution approach for worm defense. istrators must make a choice in the selection of the detec- tion threshold. The choice is between a high threshold that can detect only very high-rate attacks but has low 1. Introduction false positive rates, and a low threshold that can detect low-rate stealthy attacks but that may have a very high Worms pose a significant threat to the depend- false positive rate. This fundamental inflexibility limits ability of existing and future networking infrastruc- the practical applicability of threshold-based approaches ture. Defending against such self-propagating attacks to high-rate attacks. A natural question is: can we re- in an automated fashion is a challenging task, and has tain the attack-agnostic properties of threshold-based de- sparked much interest in the research community. Ex- tection, but provide detection capabilities comparable to isting approaches for worm defense (e.g., [3, 7, 13, 18]) attack-specific approaches? have been shown to be effective for very fast, non- Our solution is a multi-resolution approach for de- polymorphic, random scanning worms. However, they tecting and containing worms, without depending on leave open to attackers opportunities to circumvent the attack-specific scanning properties and signatures. The defense mechanisms by exploiting the very assumptions key insight behind the multi-resolution approach is the ∗This work was partially supported by NSF grant number CNS- following simple yet powerful observation. While the 0433540, and by KISA and MIC of Korea. short term connection patterns of normal end-hosts may be bursty, involving a large volume of traffic and con- sumption and avoid overloading network and router re- nections to many unique destination addresses, hosts ex- sources. Second, such approaches can curb the internal hibit lower average connection rates when observed over spread of worms that exploit topological locality. longer timescales. As a result, we find that connection Chen and Tang [2] propose worm detection and con- metrics, such as the traffic volume and the number of tainment based on connection failure rates. Jung et al. distinct destinations contacted, grow as a concave func- use sequential hypothesis testing [6, 13] to detect scan- tion of the size of the time window (i.e., the second ners by tracking failed connection attempts. Our ap- derivative with respect to the time window size is nega- proach is agnostic to the scanning strategy since it does tive). This suggests that using multiple resolutions with not rely on failed connections. different detection thresholds at different time granular- Several worm containment methods have been sug- ities will be an effective solution to detect a wide range gested in the literature, including rate-limiting, quaran- of attack rates with low false positive rates. tine, and signature-based filtering. Moore et al. [11] Our traffic analysis (Section 3) confirms this intu- study the limits on the responsiveness of content- ition, and indicates the potential benefits of a multi- filtering and address-blacklisting as containment mea- resolution approach. We provide a systematic frame- sures, while Wong et al. [18] discuss the effectiveness of work (Section 4) for realizing these benefits, by bal- rate-limiting mechanisms. Zou et al. [20] present an an- ancing the inherent tradeoff between the false positive alytical framework for reasoning about worm propaga- rate and the detection latency (and hence the potential tion in the presence of defense mechanisms. Williamson damage caused by infected hosts). We define the se- proposed the virus throttle [17] based on the observa- curity cost of a system, in terms of the false positive tion that the number of connections to previously un- rates and detection latencies, and outline an optimiza- contacted hosts is fairly low. While the class of contain- tion framework for selecting parameters optimally for a ment measures we evaluate have been proposed earlier multi-resolution detection system. in these contexts, our contribution is the design and eval- Our multi-resolution approach for containment (Sec- uation of a multi-resolution approach for rate limiting. tion 5) draws upon a similar insight in the nature of end- Multi-resolution analysis in spatial and temporal di- host behavior. Locality in destination address selection mensions, using Fourier and wavelet analysis, has been suggests that throttling connections to new destinations suggested for anomaly detection (e.g., [1, 4]). Calculat- that have not been contacted previously, will achieve the ing the number of unique destinations contacted over desired containment capability without disrupting the multiple time resolutions necessarily involves taking activity of normal hosts. Our evaluations demonstrate unions of the set of destinations contacted over multiple that a multi-resolution approach achieves enhanced con- time bins. Signal analysis techniques are not suitable in tainment capabilities over traditional approaches. this context as they cannot capture the semantics of such a union operation for multi-resolution analysis. 2. Related Work 3. Motivation Prior work has focused on understanding differ- ent worm propagation models (e.g., [10, 16]). Many In threshold based anomaly detection, the traffic techniques have been proposed for detecting worm monitor identifies abnormal activity by measuring spe- outbreaks using either large-scale monitoring infras- cific traffic metrics and flagging suspicious observa- tructures (e.g., [19]) or locally deployed honeypots tions which exceed a pre-set threshold within a spe- (e.g., [5]). There are also several systems for efficient cific time window. Commonly used metrics for de- and fast worm signature generation (e.g., [3, 7, 14]). tecting abnormal host behavior include the total traffic There has been surprisingly little work on detec- volume (number of packets or flows) and the number tion of stealthy, low-rate, scanning attacks. Staniford of unique destination addresses contacted (regardless of et al. describe a mechanism for detecting stealthy port whether the connection was successful or not). Despite scans [15] arising outside the network, by using a his- their widespread deployment, threshold-based mecha- torical probability model for different types of traffic. nisms suffer from an inherent inflexibility arising from Our work focuses on detecting and throttling infected the conflicting goals in threshold selection. A large (i.e, hosts inside a local network similar to [9, 13]. There are conservative) threshold that accounts for normal traffic two compelling reasons for deploying such capabilities. bursts will not be able to detect low-rate attacks, while a First, rate limiting can reduce wasteful bandwidth con- small (i.e., aggressive) threshold will result in high false 40 40 positive rates where even small bursts of legitimate ac- Day 2 99th percentile 35 Day 4 35 99.1 percentile tivity will be flagged as potentially anomalous. Day 6 99.3 percentile 30 30 99.5 percentile With respect to worm detection, the metric of inter- 25 25 est is the number of unique destination addresses con- 20 20 tacted. If the number of unique destination addresses 15 15 contacted by a benign host grows as a linear function 10 10 Outdegree (# hosts contacted) 5 Outdegree (# hosts contacted) 5 of the time window, then a single-resolution approach 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 operating with a fixed threshold is sufficient, as it will Window size in seconds Window size in seconds uniquely identify the (malicious) scanning rates we can (a) Growth of 99.5th per- (b) Growth of different statis- detect. There are two observations which suggest that centile for different days tics for Day 2 the number of unique destinations contacted will grow slower than a linear function of the time-window size. Figure 1. Traffic growth is concave, sug- First, while normal traffic can be very bursty at short gesting a multi-resolution approach timescales, such bursts are seldom sustained for a longer period of time. Second, there is a significant amount of locality [8, 17] in the connection patterns of end-hosts. ber of distinct destinations it contacts. For TCP con- A host is likely to “talk” to destinations it has contacted nections, we identify the packets with the SYN flag set, before, and the number of new destinations contacted is and add the destination to the contact set of the source. low. If the growth trend (as a function of the time win- For UDP connections, we use a flow-based approach to dow size) is concave, i.e., the second derivative is less identify the directionality of session initiation, i.e., the than or equal to zero,1 then a single-resolution approach host which sends the first packet in a UDP session (with may no longer be sufficient. a timeout of 300 seconds) is considered the flow initia- Dataset Description: We confirm this intuition re- tor, and we add the destination of this flow to the contact garding the nature of end-host behavior, using a week- set of the source. We repeated our analysis with an undi- long packet-header trace collected between September rected notion of connectivity (without session initiation 28 and October 4, 2003 at the border router of a univer- semantics) and observed similar results. For the remain- sity department. The router observes all traffic between der of this paper, we use only the directional notion of internal hosts and the rest of the Internet (including other connectivity. T =10 university hosts, file servers, and mail servers). The The trace was binned into second non- traces were anonymized, by removing packet payloads, overlapping intervals, and we computed the number of and anonymizing IP addresses using a prefix-preserving distinct destination addresses contacted by each identi- anonymization scheme.2 fied host over different window sizes using these binned In our analysis, we assume that each unique valid IP observations. For our analysis, we used time window address inside the network corresponds to a unique end- sizes ranging from 20 seconds to 500 seconds (i.e., from w host. This assumption is valid as there is no NAT/DHCP 2to50bins).Givenawindowofsize seconds, we w/T usage within the department. Due to the possibility of consider all possible sliding windows consisting of scans to invalid addresses, and the lack of information bins. The number of destinations contacted by a host w on the IP ranges used, we use the following heuristic for within the window of size seconds will then be the w/T identifying valid addresses from the anonymized trace. union of the set of hosts contacted across consecu- T First, we identified the most significant 16 bits of in- tive bins, each of duration seconds. ternal IP addresses space (after anonymization) of hosts Figure 1(a) shows the growth of the 99.5th percentile within the network. If a host from within this known /16 of the number of distinct destinations contacted for three network prefix successfully completed a TCP handshake different days in the week-long trace. Analyzing the with an external host (i.e., outside the /16), we select the slope of the curve we find that the growth trend as a host for analysis. Using this heuristic, we identified a set function of the time window size is indeed concave. Fig- of 1,133 valid addresses in the week-long trace. ure 1(b) shows the growth of different statistical per- Traffic Analysis: For each of the 1133 identified centiles of the observed traffic on the second day of the hosts, we use the following method to measure the num- trace. We observe that the concave trends are consistent across different statistical percentiles as well. 1 While the growth may show convex behavior temporarily over Next we proceed to analyze the detection capabil- small time ranges, it suffices if the overall (macro) behavior is concave. 2tcpdriv, http://ita.ee.lbl.gov/html/contrib/ ities of different time resolutions for different worm tcpdpriv.html. attacks. We characterize an attack in terms of the rate r, which is the number of unique destination ad- both with low false positive rates. Thus we can detect a dresses contacted by each infected host per second. With wide spectrum of attack rates, independent of signatures a single-resolution threshold-based scheme, to detect and scanning strategies, while retaining the ease of use worms with rate greater than r scans per second using of threshold-based approaches. a window of size w seconds, we would choose a de- tection threshold (for the number of unique destinations 4. Multi-Resolution Detection contacted) to be equal to r × w. For a fixed rate r,a threshold lower than r × w always detects the worm, The measurement study indicates the potential bene- and a higher threshold never does. Thus the notion of a fits of using a multi-resolution approach. Figure 3 de- false negative rate for detection of a fixed worm-rate r picts the various steps involved in the systematic design is not relevant for threshold-based detection. Hence, we to realize these benefits. The first step involves iden- focus on the potential false-positive rates of using dif- tifying traffic metrics of interest for anomaly detection ferent window sizes, for detecting different worm-rates. and rate-limiting. We use the number of unique destina- The false-positive rate for detecting worm-rate r at win- tions contacted, since it is largely independent of worm- dow size w is the probability that a normal host contacts specific properties. more than r × w unique destination IPs within a w sec-

FEEDBACK ond window. Using the week-long trace, we obtain a MULTI−RESOLUTION conservative3 estimate of the false positive rate by calcu- DETECTION

2. SELECT 3. SELECT 1.SELECT lating the number of events where one of the 1133 hosts MULTIPLE METRICS THRESHOLDS within our network exceeds the connection threshold of RESOLUTIONS MULTI−RESOLUTION r × w unique destinations contacted within a w second RATE LIMITING sliding window. FEEDBACK Figure 2 shows the false positive rates using two dif- MAXIMUM w r TOLERABLE ferent views – one fixing and varying , and the other FALSE POSITIVE POPULATION IDENTIFY SPECIFIC r w ANALYSIS fixing and varying . We note that the false posi- THRESHOLDS WORM RATES tive rates decrease with larger time windows, suggesting TO DETECT that the resolution window can be a tunable parameter to tradeoff false positive rate and detection latency. Figure 3. Design of a system for multi- resolution detection and containment.

0.03 0.03 Window = 10 Rate = 0.1 Window = 60 Rate = 0.5 0.025 The next two steps involves the identification of dif- 0.025 Window = 100 Rate = 1 Window = 400 Rate = 5 0.02 ferent window sizes and deriving detection thresholds 0.02 0.015 for each different window. The threshold selection step 0.015 0.01 can be viewed as an optimization procedure, which 0.01 Potential false positive rate Potential false positive rate 0.005 given the operating costs and constraints specified by 0.005 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 the network administrator, selects detection thresholds Average scanning rate (scans per second) Window size (seconds) for the different window sizes optimally. This process (a) Varying worm-rate (b) Varying window size is guided by historical traffic profiles of the host pop- ulation. Over time, administrators can provide addi- Figure 2. Analyzing false positive rates tional feedback to fine-tune the system parameters, us- Such trends suggest that we can simultaneously use ing deployment-specific expertise. different threshold values, each applied at a different time resolution, to detect a wide range of attack rates. 4.1. Threshold Selection This is the key idea behind a multi-resolution approach. Using multiple thresholds at multiple time windows, we This section outlines the threshold selection proce- should be able to detect fast attacks at small time win- dure for a multi-resolution detection system, delineating dows, and low rate attacks at larger time windows. A the set of tradeoffs and constraints involved. multi-resolution approach can ensure not only low de- Input: tection latency for fast scanning attacks, but also provide • The desired detection capability of the sys- a new capability for exposing stealthy scanning attacks, tem, specified by a range of worm-rates R = [rmin ,rmax ] 3This is a conservative estimate since we might be detecting real . As a simplifying assumption, we as- scanning activity as well. sume that R is a discrete set consisting of all values between rmin and rmax , in increments of a pre- the possibly different scales over which the two cost fac- defined step value rstep . tors are measured, and to possibly normalize the DAC • The set of time resolutions W , between wmin and and the DLC into a uniform dollar-cost. Intuitively, β wmax , over which end-host behavior is monitored. lets us achieve the desired tradeoff between latency and • The third input to the formulation is a set of differ- accuracy. Administrators who want a conservative de- ent fp(ri,wj ) values, for each ri ∈ R and wj ∈ W , tection system (i.e., lower false positive rate) would se- where fp(ri,wj ) is the false positive rate associ- lect a high β, while those who desire a more aggressive ated with identifying the worm rate ri using a time detection approach (i.e., lower detection latency) would resolution of window size wj. Since we adopt a select a lower β. data-driven approach for parameter selection, we Objective: For a given β, the goal is to minimize the assume that each administrator has historical traffic security cost Cost = DLC + β × DAC , i.e., to find de- profiles of hosts within their network. For a given tection thresholds for the different time windows which ri and wj, fp(ri,wj ) can be obtained from the his- minimizes the overall security cost of the system. torical traffic profiles, by computing the number of ILP Framework: We present an Integer Linear Pro- hosts that contacted greater than ri × wj unique gramming (ILP) formulation modeling cost criteria and destinations in wj seconds (similar to the analysis detection constraints. in Section 3). First, we define {0,1} variables δij, to model the as- signment of different worm-rates to different windows. Section 4.4 suggests guidelines on how network admin-  1 r w istrators can select these input parameters. δ = if rate i is assigned to time-window j ij 0 Security Cost: There are two orthogonal objective otherwise functions in the design of a detection system: the false To represent the fact that each worm rate has to be positive rate and the potential damage done by the attack assigned to some time window, i.e., the system must de- before detection. If we wanted the lowest possible false tect all rates within the desired spectrum, we have the positive rate and did not care about the damage done following detection constraints: by worms with scanning rates in the spectrum of rates |W | R specified by , then we would use a single-resolution ∀i, δij =1 W wmax approach using the largest window-size in ( ) j=1 with a threshold corresponding to rmin × wmax .On The false positive rate (fi) associated with the detec- the other hand, if the only concern is with respect to the tion of worm-rate ri can be expressed in terms of the damage caused, then a single-resolution approach using different fp values available from the historic traffic pro- the smallest window-size in W (wmin ) with a threshold files. Since the rate ri is assigned to exactly one of the of rmin × wmin would be optimal. There is an inherent windows, we have: tradeoff between the false positive rate and the damage |W | done, and the goal is to find an optimal multi-resolution  f = fp(r ,w ) × δ approach in this design space. i i j ij We formalize these two orthogonal cost factors as the j=1 r Detection Accuracy Cost (DAC ), which is a function of The damage done by the worm rate i before it is the false positive rate, and the Detection Latency Cost detected, can be written as: (DLC ), which is a function of the total damage that an |W | attack causes before it is detected. For worm and scan- di = ri × wj × δij ning attacks, a natural notion of the DLC is in terms j=1 DLC of the number of destination addresses an infected host The latency cost , caused by the set of worm- R contacts before it is detected as an anomaly. rates , is expressed as: The security cost is a function of the DAC and the |R| min DLC . The goal of this paper is not to construct an ideal DLC = di − di cost model for intrusion detection systems. Rather, we i=1 min wish to demonstrate the potential benefits of a multi- Here di represents the damage done if we use the resolution approach. Hence, to model the security cost smallest available time window in the set W for detec- min min of the detection system, we use a simple linear combina- tion, i.e., di = ri × w .TheDLC models the tion, Cost = DLC +β ×DAC . The parameter β (spec- additional damage that is allowed by possibly choosing ified by the network administrator) needs to account for a longer detection latency for each worm-rate. Conservative Optimistic The last part of the formulation is to find an ex- 50 50 pression for the false positive cost criterion DAC ,asa 45 45 w = 500s w = 400s 40 40 function of the individual fi values. The overall false w = 350s 35 35 w = 300s w = 180s positive rate of a multi-resolution system cannot be ex- 30 30 w = 200s 25 pressed directly as a combination of the false positive 25 w = 150s 20 20 w = 100s w = 60s rates of individual resolutions, i.e., we cannot obtain an 15 15 w = 40s analytical closed form due to possible overlap across 10 10 w = 20s w = 10s alarms from different time resolutions. For example, 5 5 Number of wormrates assigned to window 0 0 1 1024 1.6e4 6.5e4 1.3e5 1.0e6 8.3e6 3.3e7 1 1024 1.6e4 6.5e4 1.3e5 1.0e6 8.3e6 3.3e7 a fast scanning host may be flagged as anomalous by β β both the smaller window sizes and by the larger window sizes, even though it is conceptually a single alarm. Figure 4. Contributions of different time β It appears that unless we try out every possible com- resolutions for different values. bination of time-resolutions and thresholds, we cannot general purpose constraint optimization solver glpsol obtain the DAC . Instead of using a brute-force ap- to obtain the optimal assignments for the different δij proach of trying all possible combinations, we present values, for both the conservative and optimistic mod- two simple alternative models: Conservative and Opti- els. Obtaining the optimal solution with glpsol was mistic, that can be used in the formulation. fairly efficient – within one second with 50 worm-rates For the conservative combination, we take the DAC and 13 window sizes. We observe that for the conserva- to be the sum of the individual false positive rates. The tive DAC model, a simple greedy algorithm can provide conservative model assumes that there is no overlap be- the optimal assignments. Each worm rate ri is assigned tween the alarms from different time resolutions, and ∗ to the window size w (i) that minimizes the function hence adds up the false positive rate across all the worm ri × wj + β × fp(ri,wj). It is easy to see why the rates. Formally, greedy assignment is optimal. If in the optimal solution, |R| ∗  ri is assigned to wj = w (i), changing the assignment DACConservative = fi ∗ of ri to w (i) will only reduce the contribution of ri to i=1 the overall cost, and hence will reduce the overall cost. DAC For the optimistic combination, we take the to be To study the tradeoff between the DAC and the the maximum of the individual false positive rates. The DLC ,wevaryβ. Figure 4 shows the number of worm optimistic estimate assumes that the alarms across the rates assigned to each window size as a function of β. different time resolutions overlap completely, and as a This helps visualize the contribution of the different res- result the overall false alarm cost will be the maximum olutions in a multi-resolution approach. With low β we across the different worm-rates. This can be formally expect that the latency factor dominates, and a major- expressed using the following linear constraints: ity of the rates will be assigned to the smaller time- ∀i, DACOptimistic ≥ fi windows. As β increases, the contribution of the false Output: The above formulation4 can then be solved to positive cost becomes more dominant and the assign- obtain the optimal δij assignments. Given the different ment will tend to distribute more evenly across the time β δij values, the thresholds for the multi-resolution ap- windows. We also observe that for large values of DAC proach are easy to obtain. For each window-size wj, the dominates, causing the assignment to be com- with at least one δij being non-zero, the threshold is pletely biased toward the largest window size (500 sec- min min onds in our analysis). Due to the nature of the optimistic rj × wj, where rj is the smallest worm-rate as- signed to wj. cost model, we find that the distribution is rather skewed, and only a small number of time resolutions (4-5) are 4.2. Analysis used at any given time. With the conservative model, we observe that the assignments are more evenly dis- We select R, with rmin =0.1 scans/second, in incre- tributed. ments of rstep =0.1,uptormax =5scans/second. For W , we use a minimum time window of 10 seconds, and 4.3. Implementation a maximum time window of 500 seconds. The fp esti- mates are obtained as described in Section 3. We use a A multi-resolution detection system can be deployed 4We have found that in noisy datasets it is necessary to add con- at the access and internal routers of an enterprise, ei- straints so that thresholds increase monotonically with window size. ther as a stand-alone system or as a module in popular MULTIRESOLUTIONDETECTION(W, T, H, M ) two additional days (Oct 8th and 9th, 2003) as test data // W is the set of time resolutions to evaluate the potential false alarm rates. The threshold // T : W → R is the set of thresholds settings were derived from the same input settings used β = // H is the set of hosts in Section 4.2, using a conservative cost model with 65536 // M : H × W → R is the set of measurements . As described in Section 3, we bin the data into 1 for each host h ∈|H| do 10 second bins, and for each bin we get the set of unique 2 for each window w ∈|W | do destination IP addresses contacted by each of the 1133 // Check if it exceeds the threshold hosts within the network. 3 if (M(h, w) >T(w)) We found it useful to include a reporting mechanism then that coalesces alarms temporally. The temporal aggre- 4 A(h) ← 1 gation allows us to report a single alarm for anoma- 5 if (A(h) > 0) lies which are localized in time, instead of generating then an alarm for each anomalous observation. The tem- // t is the current timestamp poral clustering procedure identifies the start and end 6Flagh, t as an anomaly of an alarm event, and clusters together anomalous ob- servations for a given host that are close in time. For Figure 5. Multi-resolution detection example, if for a given host we have alarms at times ,t , .., t t ,t , .., t j>i+ ti i+1 i+k1 and j j+1 j+k2 , with k1 +1, we report it as only two alarms at times ti and tj IDSes (e.g., [12]). We have implemented a proof-of- instead of generating k1 + k2 alarms. concept prototype of the multi-resolution detection sys- Figure 6 shows the alarms generated by alternative tem, which monitors the network activity of each inter- approaches for specific snapshots on the two differ- nal host using multiple resolutions. Our current imple- ent days. For purposes of visualization, we aggregate mentation is a stand-alone version, running on a com- alarms over five minute time intervals, and show only modity desktop (Pentium IV 2.4 GHz, 1 GB RAM), a four-hour snapshot. Table 1 summarizes the num- emulating a real-time detection system by reading in ber of alarms of a multi-resolution detection approach a packet trace through a libpcap front-end. Even and single-resolution approaches of different window with very few code optimizations in our implementation, sizes. The multi-resolution approach is denoted as MR, the CPU and memory requirements for performing such and a single-resolution approach using a window of size multi-resolution detection in a network with over a thou- w is denoted as SR-w. The thresholds for the single- sand hosts are small, suggesting that such an approach resolution approaches are chosen to be able to detect all is feasible for small to medium size enterprise networks. possible worm rates that the multi-resolution approach The procedure for multi-resolution detection is out- can detect. From our results, we observe that the number lined in Figure 5. The detection system first obtains of alarms generated with single-resolution approaches is the number of distinct destination addresses contacted up to two orders of magnitude greater than the multi- H by each host (in the set ) using sliding windows of resolution approach. different sizes (in the set W ) to obtain the set M of per- Analyzing the alarms from the multi-resolution ap- host measurements. T (w) represents the threshold for proach, we found that more than 65% of the alarms the number of unique destinations contacted as a func- are raised by less than 2% of the hosts in the network. tion of the time window w. These thresholds are ob- This suggests that the effective workload of a system tained from the output of the ILP framework described administrator to investigate these alarms will be signif- in Section 4.1. For each host h, and each window size icantly less than the number of alarms raised. Further, w, we check if the measured value is greater than the the number of alarms generated by our system is not detection threshold T (w). A host’s behavior is flagged unmanageable for manual or semi-automated diagnosis, as anomalous if its activity exceeds the threshold for and the alarm rates reported above are in fact conser- at least one of the constituent resolutions, i.e., concep- vative estimates of the actual false-positive rate.5 From tually we are taking the union of the alarms raised in these observations, we believe our multi-resolution ap- each of the window-sizes. Each alarm raised by the sys- proach serves as a practical starting point for detection tem is a tuple of the form hostid, timestamp , which of stealthy, low-rate scans. means that hostid exceeded the connection threshold for timestamp at least one of the time windows ending at . 5Due to trace anonymization and absence of payload information, We evaluate our prototype using traces collected on we could not independently verify true positives within the alarms. 140 MR 140 MR SR-100 SR-100 Section 4.1 finds threshold settings that minimize the 120 SR-20 120 SR-20

100 100 security cost for detecting a given spectrum of worm- 80 80 rates. Alternatively, the administrator may desire to 60 60 maximize the spectrum of worm-rates that can be de-

Number of alarms 40 Number of alarms 40

20 20 tected with a multi-resolution detection system, for a 0 0 given constraint on the operating cost. This can in fact 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 Time Time be obtained through a process of iterative refinement which uses our ILP formulation as a sub-routine. The (a) Oct 8, 2003 (b) Oct 9, 2003 administrator can start with rmin =0, obtain the mini- Figure 6. Comparing multi-resolution and mal security cost from the ILP solver, and check if the single-resolution detection parameters returned meet the cost constraints. If the Number of alarms (per 10-seconds) constraints are not met, then she can adaptively refine min Detection Oct 8 Oct 9 R by increasing r , until the security cost meets the Approach Average Maximum Average Maximum operating cost constraint. SR-20 3.37 16 3.19 18 SR-100 0.56 6 0.53 8 5 Multi-Resolution Rate-Limiting SR-200 0.17 5 0.15 5 MR 0.04 2 0.04 2 While detection of infected hosts may help in faster Table 1. Summary of alarms deployment of patches or generation of worm signa- tures, it does not have a direct impact on attack con- 4.4 Discussion tainment. In this section, we describe and evaluate a multi-resolution approach to worm containment, where Section 4.1 assumes that the network administrator we rate limit the number of distinct destinations that an provides R and W values for obtaining the detection infected host connects to. thresholds. R would be selected based on the range of Infection Detection Quarantine worm-rates the administrator is interested in, i.e., the de- Detection Quarantine sired detection capability of the system. The choice of Phase Phase W depends on the computation and memory resources available. The memory requirement is determined by tti d tq wmax , the largest window size in W , while the com- Figure 7. Timeline of an infected host pute load depends on the number of windows chosen There are two phases during which an infected host (i.e., |W |). Having a wider spectrum of W and more is active (Figure 7), the detection phase (before its ac- fine-grained selection of window sizes can only improve tivity raises an alarm) and the quarantine phase (be- the threshold selection. If using a small subset of W fore it stops generating more malicious traffic into the gives a solution with better security cost, the optimiza- network). Quarantine typically involves manual or tion framework will automatically use only these useful semi-automated investigation of the detected host by window sizes. Our experiments indicate that even sim- a network administrator. The administrator can sub- ple and coarse-grained selection of W and R yields sub- sequently quarantine the infected host either by isolat- stantial performance benefits. ing it from the network, or by “cleaning” it and apply- For the fp values, it would be desirable that they are ing vulnerability-specific patches. While the damage obtained from “clean” historical traffic profiles. Since caused by an infected host during the detection phase obtaining completely noise-free traffic data is not prac- (between ti and td) is unavoidable since it takes a non- tical, in our evaluations we find the use of conservative zero amount of time to discern malicious activity, the false positive estimates (i.e., treating possible true posi- damage inflicted during the quarantine phase (td to tq) tives as potential false positives) to be a reasonable ap- can be minimized using rate limiting mechanisms. proximation for threshold selection. The reason is that Our multi-resolution approach to rate limiting is de- the effect of a small number of true positives and iso- scribed in Figure 8. The input to the rate limiting mod- lated data anomalies on a large population distribution is ule is a set of time resolutions W and connection lim- rather minimal. With larger population sizes and lengths iting thresholds T , in terms of the number of (unique) h of historical traffic profiles, the effect of data anomalies destinations that a host is allowed to contact. Let td de- can be further minimized. note the detection time for host h. Suppose at time t MULTIRESOLUTIONCONTAINMENT(W, T ) caused to normal connections) are normalized. We // W is the set of time-windows choose the thresholds for multi-resolution and single- // T : W → R is the set of containment thresholds resolution rate-limiting to be equal to the 99.5th per- 1 Detect possibly anomalous hosts H centile of the traffic distributions at different window- 2 for each flagged host h ∈ H do sizes (described in Section 3). This ensures a fair com- 3Letth be time at which host h was flagged parison, since it normalizes the false positive rates of d 100 − 99.5=0.5% // Suppose h attempts to contact x at time t both methods to be . // Find the nearest, higher time window There are six combinations of quarantine and rate h limiting mechanisms. At one extreme, we have a worm 4 Upper t−th ← minw∈W w ≥ (t − td ) d spreading with no containment mechanisms in place, // AC is number of connections allowed and at the other extreme we have multi-resolution rate 5 AC ← T (Upper t−th ) d limiting used in conjunction with quarantine. Figure 9 // CS is the Contact Set, initially empty shows the growth of the different scanning worms, in 6 if (|CS(h)| > AC ) terms of the fraction of vulnerable hosts that have been then infected as a function of time. Each simulation ex- 7 Deny this connection periment was repeated over 20 independent runs, and else we report the average over the 20 runs. We find that 8 Allow connection, Add x to CS(h) across all three scanning rates, the multi-resolution rate Figure 8. Multi-resolution containment limiting (MR-RL) mechanism outperforms the single- resolution rate limiting (SR-RL) and quarantine-based h containment measures. For example, with a scanning (>td ), host h attempts to contact .Ifx is h x rate of 0.5 scans/second, we find that the fraction of vul- already in ’s contact set, the connection is allowed. If t = 1000 is not in the contact set, then the rate limiting mechanism nerable hosts infected at time seconds, with checks if this connection can be allowed, i.e., whether h MR-RL+Quarantine is only 10%, which is one-third of has exceeded its connection threshold for the next higher the fraction of hosts infected with SR-RL+Quarantine, time window. If the threshold has already been exceeded and just one-sixth of the fraction of hosts infected us- the connection is denied, otherwise the connection is al- ing quarantine alone. Across different scanning rates, lowed and x is added to h’s contact set. we find that the multi-resolution approach gives at least a two-fold improvement over a single-resolution ap- To evaluate the effectiveness of a multi-resolution ap- proach. In fact, we notice that the containment effect of proach for rate limiting we performed simulation ex- MR-RL is comparable to that of SR-RL and quarantine periments, emulating the spread of a random scanning used together. worm attack over a host population of size N = 100000 hosts. We assume that the total address space is twice the size of the host population, and set the fraction of 6 Conclusions hosts vulnerable to five percent. We model the duration of the quarantine phase (tq − td from Figure 7) as being The multi-resolution approach presented in this paper uniformly distributed between 60 and 500 seconds. We tackles the notion of stealthy scanning attacks along the use the multi-resolution detection system, described in dimension of scanning rate, providing the ability to de- Section 4.3, as our anomaly detection mechanism. The tect and contain attacks across a wide spectrum of scan- length of the detection phase will thus be the smallest ning rates. By focusing on an attack-agnostic metric, the time window at which an infected host exceeds its con- number of distinct destinations contacted by a host, our nection threshold. approach is robust across a large class of worm attacks as We compare the containment capabilities of a it is independent of scanning strategies and worm signa- multi-resolution rate-limiting approach against a single- tures. The simple but powerful observation that guided resolution approach. For the multi-resolution approach our design is that this traffic metric grows as a concave we use the same set of windows used in the detection function of time. Our experiments show that such an ap- module (Section 4.3), while for the single-resolution ap- proach significantly enhances the detection and contain- proach we use a window of size 20 seconds. To per- ment capabilities against a wide spectrum of slow prop- form a fair comparison across the two rate-limiting ap- agating worm attacks. As future work, we are adding proaches, we need to select throttling thresholds such more spatial and temporal traffic profiles, and other rele- that the overall false positive rates (i.e., disruption vant traffic metrics into the multi-resolution framework. 1 1 1 No containment SR-RL only Quarantine only 0.8 MR-RL only 0.8 0.8 SR-RL + Quarantine MR-RL + Quarantine

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2 Fraction of vulnerable hosts infected Fraction of vulnerable hosts infected Fraction of vulnerable hosts infected

0 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Time Time Time

(a) 0.5 scans/second (b) 1 scan/second (c) 2 scans/second Figure 9. Comparing different containment mechanisms for various worm scanning rates

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