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2-12-1887 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, February 12, 1887 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era

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I. Tr -Weekly Kentucky New Era. The 60 NUMBER 12. 1887. AMMWIMEM• WIC FEBRUARY COUNTY, KENTUCKY SATURDAY, -t HOPKIZSVILLE, CHRISTIAN VOLUME!!. - Virginia Oro. LOOK OtIP Hoptles County Notes. purelosa. NEWS. ...pore this with time KENTUCKY Feb. 7.-1)iapatthes m- nd NEWS Madisonville Times. WatilltailTON, state TIIE eth e I here Iron' Philadelphia a board of 30, of the Ind ore Frankfort has orgabizetl on Sunday morningdanuary that the superior quality }tins, Is to have aft lee fac- of Mr. anu V Weida Is grad- Meriden, trade. 18-47, bibs Noes, daughter found ima Southwestern Mies.. of Richland, af- the mintier,' mark- tory and a uniondeput. contracted for the Mrs. W. W. caramel, ually forcing it inte mptoms Frankfort ham of many months, being paid for Virginia - Ai* GREAT-AIEMNANT-:-SALE slight sty alarm sys- ter a lingering Morin The price V icksburg, MI...,his Gamewili telegraphic fire ets. price of iron bourn. of that dread disease, ore is higher than the usual of the pievaillug in the pt lee tem. (hid ore, but the rapid increase Midland road will labor- 'Fillies carries to its readers pay high The Arkansas William Illuliben, a Louisville The of Use of iron makes It possible to -* gauge by the let Aus- liiit telOtirriful Intelligente superior 1 change to the standard fallen heir to $65,000 in week of tor such ore as an iron of er, has Mrs. Laura Hammy, wife rates lir of April. death of oc- can be made from them. 1 tria. James Ramsey, which red event quality in tioutio with a capital Mr. of iron ore land 10a, A new national bank, Franklin county Republican' at Nebo last Sunday morning. development a leading 1114104411...1 proems of tonna- The 0. curred Virginia his become stock of $100,000, Is in instructed for Col. William western the chat - ;sware, have day last week Mr. F. N. Pleasant industrial feature. Lander of tem in Tuscaloosa. for Governor. One Ile In tittle du Bradley to tido place from Rankine scter have nearly doubled liquor traffic be- Holism!, removed DYSPEPSIA. The probability of the Ballinger and Williams and moved Into an lino:copied ring the p kt year. in Alabama le Jno jailed at rented tenants. voted out this year county, have been vacated by other • & Timothy's. ing recently of Radiant house he was Metz room exteedlogly bright. Lancaster for illicit distelleg. In cleaning up an old store lareator's Adtioe. • lot id coin, An has been organised of Georgetown, a attrigked by unearthing A stock company by hr. J. 11. Martin, of salt. Further -bowie destroyed poet of in a pile yuiuuug to rebuild the opera ['reel>) terian minister and a imbedded brought to when advising search in creeke and floors George stevenaon fire at Helena, Ark. much merit, Is dead, aged sixty-two. was in de- get on would finish by say- light more of Oda coin, which men how to company at Jacksuu- demi at his home halt dollars and as I IBM iione---pereevere." rations A street railway Mr. Robtert FkkIl,m nominations of nickels, ing "Do worked on the cost of running was one of the oldest a double handful of fifteen years he plodded and r, villa is figuring lit Mayeville. lie dollars, there being For toilette' to of all having Joined sixty of the dollars giving the finishing big line of Remnants Its cars by electricity. Free Mamma In the State, nickels and fifty or before timer and have a be were bane coun- lii as many days are through invoicing and are said to that order in 1n23. and half dollars. They ilia loctonotive. '>TLEADP1 CA,S• We both plain Philadelphia capitalists and foiled, and In the use of Dr. Pierce's Dress Goods 'Velvets, SWIM of money In plaster at Mil- terfeits, badly moulded persevering ex- icroo;•LI. vilOIT•att goods, comprising Canton investing large The William Davie distillery, Being imper- Medical Discovery," have tottsiCiall kinds of Ginghams, Ford, Va. Settertlity to the could be easily ticketed. "Golden 'hem- coui.itto• Flannels, Domestics, near liroad was sold and found 1,110 ••••• Velveteens, lands lersburg, had been rejected, and were perietwed gteat relief striped, Plushes, Jeans, Veil- wine-room II- Messrs. White. MeGibhen fect they to to health. Liver Waterproofs, It le possible that the mortagageea, built aside and were not lite nded ostats. on the high road Table Linens, Cassimeres, the hell meet- Harris, for $4,000. It was thrown a plas- blood, chronic lung Flannel, Ribbons, etc. These goods mews will be revoked at apd but nev- 'Fitey were mated in complaints, Impure Moss Trimmings, etc., council. years ago, costing $35,000. be offered. mel- Where yield to It. Furs, ELLIS, ing of the Atlanta City five to the ran- of Paris mould, the metal being diereses and many isza,4a. ings,Laces, Embroideries, er begun operation., owing ter leaving never to return. All and sold Brew lug and Making ted slid poutial into the mould, healing Influences on our center tables Ti.. Cosgrove - tire of Mr. Davie. which was re- P1-41LADELOttla. will be placed Toronto have tailed. Lk a shoulder on each piece, druggists. company at Rivers Navi- made by the .p meets $85,000. The Green anti Barren moved anti the smooth place OfiE Mittel, $100,000; have indicated their milled by a knife. The The New Revenue Law. .1•11•11.0=1•0.• Arkansas. gation Company removal being mote free poems In to accept $150,000 for their were, no doubt, circulated, No will have to willingness $350,- better pieces easily “.t .;-• .• weary backwoods aultrii They furnterly asked when new and bright, would Feb. 7.-The putt, The ox- franchise. and FORT, KT., a. in Ms own be tnade to get an The dollars Ye•Silt State pa at.e reach the "settlements" 000. An effort will tleeeive the unsuottecting. of a great increase In the me red r. 't as.1, . Value. ability in the River and Harbor of leSS, the half dollars, law frost Original cart. appropriation all bore the date under the new revenue on Their Sen- They were assemment seal fool *leo Half is United States MM. From the At Exchange bill now before the 11455, and the nickels a certainty. The Vicksburg Cotton combined with I. rapidly betoming of the of Ulmer.' Polder, seventy-four coun- *Collo S over the poor condition ate. made black- a compilation of the leaoCanti exercised taken steps Laffoon and Robert- Thom that were found were the County Clerks pre at that plat* Mid has Representatives zinc. be easily ties reporte.I by harbor to have levested in ened and dlecolored, and could of the County Super- to remedy it. son are reported that many vents to the action lots to the extent of $323 tieteeted. It Is not believed in nearly all inrances raked Evening News claims Florida town were passed vitore. who - Ells. The Augusta They ettrellisecti from Gen. "Cer- of the hog counterfeits valuation fixed by the A. center of the State, each. they were cir- (In original 5c. that city aa the social Williams, and with that in- here It is thought that is iweertaineil filet the aggre- anala 11If,. o Blue Prints at germane were given ror Gordo" of There At no vetoers, it at 3c. per yard; Indi Just becatiee lour that characterizes both culated In other localities. le $63,*14,144, or tile of the best Prints Dress k of SiOsla In ilifferent•e oh this spurious gate let- 01 Remnants be; Remnants of there in two week.. where 000000ley transactions are doubt that the eolnage of the total astwesinent Canton Flannel at them front ti on for While time. equivaket bog of 8 1-2 at 25c; Atlanta that a large begleeted to learn uralley had been Ci.trrl. luny smaller couutim per yd; Remnants Dress Goods now It id rumored at concerned. wits a0.141entoi. The more time mere SHOW CASES Remnants of 50c. coal lam been discover- seller in Which of the Tlui ery 'if it Title ifterrase alit average worth $1, now 50c; Velvets bed of anthracite the iota are of )))))re informa- year. and Goods of Striped miaow' Bush- about pesetas en mike Florida towns the rime* ie iii posaessiou per emit. ',ler latei, now 12 1-2c; Remnants ed near Amgen, Orono in pm Wien( ti commu- than 25 ASK FOR PAMPHLET of 25c. Dress Goods to Seed Pacific. At last accounts they Were tion than it deems through jewelry, Man..... Remnants bargains too numerous iiirtherit out t•u the Georgia situated. W III! a view as It may airiest the ends chiefly at in- and hundreds of other it the !Kithira. ptirettit ot Grim. Willia1114 It hide just lit.W, patent right., motley 1 50 now at •itl, .11 of Atlatiot hiss te.seed I ot week we hope to he paltillog•, Mier. C0 worth The city C11 the ir valuable real *state. 1/I iiistlee. Next bonds, etc., 'J.-shies TERRY SHOW CASE the este ot locutifig a full repose at terest, stocks, having 31/se an ordinance prohibiting able to give our readers horses and cattle that, mention whaea cui.tsiuihuug sour. ough-hred have TENN &odic nod all A WONDERFUL JOURNAL. the whole thing. been loited at ordinary %ileum Wile , NA-HVILLE .and !biotin's et of alcohol. miens id Lime 23 per cent. been hitherto ettcapieg the b ham purchased Only Farmer la the Senate. utiwr clas-es of prop- 3 l' al'itattauttoge compote y than half a dozes The taxes 1111110tiell omi 4. 6' Skin Gloves. A k slow it a.s There are not more differente in this cf) Gents' Dog elevation north of Delete, that can right- erty. A marked Drives in the intention publicatioed la Merril% the last year is "I Special for #1,000 'their toter a bun- New 1 .irk Sun year'. aasesentent over Mt. Ratite!, fully elalist A circulation Of in Woodford resitienocs upon it. per week, and agan will he he only farmer that a certain stock farm . is to bond thousatol milled Judge It aim Increase ot S the war at halt or At the elope of has been listed out at Of Boggy Bayou, weekly nee eptipere bait two in the Set.ste. county breeder left which we will close James' Craw:ord, autoug 11(111401,DB a *Mall while • certain stock dozen pairs „f Clow*, whith tot two snow boast that 'lumber. he went beck to Meld., $175,000, We have about two take your Fla., reperte the Lining three can Trim comity, instead of fixing the $1.76. You can plantation last week these I. The Weekly Detroit sandy farm, nest' Peleliu.. in Fayette of are worth less than white deer near his One of work, lie had bare- of hie boatel at all average None of them and both does. which id so wonderfully began the spring's valuation of DIRECTORY. price. They wive fell grown, Free Pacs, of end could not returned them at All average CITY that it circulates in excess ly a dollar Its the world, $100, good for $1.00 who pleaded guilty of popular cal- negro to help. him. At Thew are but a few of the SOCIETIES. choice Plows. Dr. T.0. Ford, C. copies each week. A little bin a single $1,000. march- BENEVOLENT hating killed John 120,000 tills int- exeeedingly unpopu- brought about by a' more mansiongister In *hows that to print that time he was results A M.- New Orleans, haa been culation being an neighbors afiti with the ing list of interrogatories propounded Hoplinunrille Lodge, No. V. A F. a Kirk; atrick at Issue-The Free Press lar with hid story in Takauwahonitoon. years at bent labor. libellee -it generally. While a new revenue-tax schedule. else:, at Ilinaontr Hall, 3:1 mei to fifteen , column paper Southern people by the Ist.liontlay night in tacit month. I !men he hilel written Block, cl ▪ rettirof-papee-aggesgatingla, erefeestatelseleata W tar No 14, II. A. St -Stated 36c; La- • mutiny took p sew, if- heittelteirmverie _ uItal (ha Wool Hose now A , le, N. C. ▪ and 13,550 pounds in a letter to his people at son,iiiiiiretril Of etre _Ladies' 60c at a I awe near Althea mile. in length bad been defeat- "My little sale of Wool Hosiery: per pair, vices considerable dieter- It is a buoy day in the Detroit edging that the South scrofula. His ic hail Special Wool Hose at 30c. Monday. After weight. Press Is her people to atempt terribly afflicted with commandery No. 6.. K. 'I' -Meet* ilth now 25c; Children's and matters were quieted when The Frew ed, and advising scrofu- in Ilaamor Hall, 40c. Wool Hose 35c. baiter, however, Poet.ollice edi- to their homes and as entirely revered. eith likondety 1141 CACl/ month dies per pair, worth is also an English the situation, ge bead u Council, No, Wool Hose at 20c d Plows, it. mailed. There Waite it showed malty Royal Arcanum. iloettieslile 50c, Gents' dow printed in London, farms, and beets life over lous sores, and his body 3, and 4th l'hurielaye in each month. former price to be In a tion of the paper, to utogrow the 1144.-Mt•VIs z, Rim , Is reputed being sold every Look years for Reagan A few bottles of No, s. i tmeen Friends-Steen Nettle 'rite city's Lug., b0,000 copies seventy market of tint diorite.. Illosy..n Council. tifiaiwial condition. total of 200,000 Oak letter. Ile is DOW J. in K ..f P. Hall ad era CII, Monday in each and healthy and arrange week, making a grand effect a few Sarsaparilla cured Islin."-W. Indy $20010, but, as he remarked Ayer'e 411611111. debt ie now this. per week. years ohl, fee of Honor.- Manufacture. pay copies No.510 Knights to being perfected to the Free Preen is before leaving Waaltington Beckett, Hymers, Ind. Christian brelge, Than They Cost tivators. are of days lit Tuurwtos, at', Cheaper ment« The popularity and long-lived family Lodge oieeta lat aud Selling Blankets In we sell You current year. peculiar therm Austin "I come of a We are Still during the attribetable to the quite a Hall. or the pervaded its col- side., and I am good for .12, K. of P.-Meeta 2d Las trim Judge of one attractiveness which Oil both THE MARKETS. Evergreen Lodge. Ni.. , Henry I.. as the sympa- Ile said he expected, if'w- 'acerb month ol Louisiana known appealing strongly to time yet." - - and ith Thursdays Suiwrior Courts umns, mintiratiou of evjoy the Teem precedent -is McKie A (O. Rank, K. of P -Meets 1141 Moe- Court, has been remov- and eompelling the eekend, to good Corrected by Union Endowment 50c. on the $1. WIRE. the Civil District thies of its at a reward for KT., Ceti. II, day in every mouth. Cloaks at on charges of favor- It occupies a sphere of being re-elected - HOrgieetrILLII, first sad and Ladies' ed tr the bench readers. unapproachable 'Fliree years ago Judge Rea Stele Knight'm of the 1:01,!en Civws -Mesta Children's hiire Moen w ire in-0E1er. and hi uniteul and service. die. Cork, ' " In each month. „sin, itism anti malfeasance own, is no other his time had come to warm, . - - tows% third Friday* your orders Lore, newspapers; there gan thought there Baconwileo, lasts Order of United Workmen -Time of nominated IL C. among s tiattgerousanaledy, _itjlti Hansa,...gar eared) •. . Isola A world in each mouth. 'lime President to the like it. He hail or au . . meeting, 2.1 awl 4th Townley@ be Consul General toned litera- alternate but detail, Maas trountry . . sce10 0.0. F.-Meet. of Missouri, to of Free Presa is a high was :to Lard, - . Green River Lodge, No 66, I. and J. M. Needtine The melts to in- tied might Itself be death. ranee. patent . kat night at I. 0.0. F. Hall. Etc. City of Mexico, journal, which operation Flour, every Friday for the In- ry family anti says he 0.1.- to be Agent improve the tbe slender charms, Flour, Standard 15 Encampment. No. SI, I. 0. 011Elotriluang l_ranklitt, Ind., &mete and He took thaale by, _ _ Mercy Carpels, , alUttall. De in • iii7; easel-treadle- Briarendsloyetiag,lems itiects-bu nwl-101-14roestley-eighte_... Bargains Ago -tlierettrieh -iiiiialerbt Lotije Special dians at Leonid' by publishing only is now Corn Meal. - - dry goods masses, city, periormed this dif- - . . In Y. t . A -Rooms over Russell's Susquehanna Its literary standard Lincoln, of this P014/1 Meal, - open on of the gergee up the is pure and good. for several days Molasses, Fancy,. .. 3=1 store,corner Main awl Eighth. Rooms One time backwater to its pagee being enti IT Ii' ficult surgical feat, and Mew Orleans and Saturday e.t.a...go from ✓ -brae awl caused s the highest, that the nefedita Candle.,Star, Fla - Tuesday. Thursday iver and Erie track the degraded and pointing his greeted fear was . 4 to 10 °clock. overflow the Philadelphia free from other huge frame would kill Butter 16 along the riv- characterizes many shock to Reagan's lag& - COLORED LODGES. TIMOTHY, and houses trash which Davis - JO & for three miles :use of tunny papers. Judge Reagan anti Jeff' Hominy, per gallon, 1.2c -Lodge meets lat METZ mated away. ho so-called literary and him. the gallon, - - Union Benevolent Society. er front to be lot wit and personal friends during Hata, per . 0,30(07,50 @ventage in each Mo. at Hower Wagons, the world over for were warm fails Clover seed - an .101 Monday life is reported. Celebrated sketches, it never are yet. Mr. Devi' never retail, - 1,76 Overshiner's Hall. PRICES, the delightful humorotie war, and when Cut nails, 241 76, U. B. T.-Lodge OF LOW Saybrook Point, Conn.. vulgar In order ask after the welfare of Reagan Illeasm, navy, per bushel. Freedom Lodge, No, 's AND CONTROLLERS Wish. oft Lon- descends to the low and to Reagan'. bushel, - 1.40 on 1st and ed Tensile nights at Poston LEADERS Sam'i Daly, of New is, in short, a meek It Texan, and Judge Peas, per omnis new schooner began to create a laugh. It he Beans, Lima. per pound; by the lee, anti magazine- named alter time President vides, - WM** S of It -Lodge Ky. don. was cut into amid crisp and wholesome eon Jeff was Mol- Coffee, green, lett . Musadore Temple, No. 1111, Old Stand, Hopkinsville, All but the captain bright, woolen or This son, an Coffee. gu.NI green rho, 411, Tueodays Pretell's Hall. Grissam's t.) till rapidly. the ewspaper, which any man, of time Confederacy. a . 30 meets SI awl drowned, includieg n reading. girl of seventeen, and Coffee, Java, 111 Lodge, No. 111115, 0 1'. O.of 0 1111e sailor were better for ly, a pretty factory, - Hopkinaville child will be the children Judge Cheese, ved ililo meets 5.1 and 4th Monday nights in a ife and child. author* and writers younger son. are all the Young American. F.-lasIge captain's Titt• best known family. lie has Cheese, liStois4 Hamer A Overshiner's Hall, got their per Free tress, and the Reagan has now in the Rice, Lodge No 1907, G. N.0 of F - Indiana Solons will contribute to The the first two Cracked Ri,Rue., - Mystic Tie night at The they wasted • aseursece that for the married three timee, anal C - Lodge meets 1st awl 3.1 Wedeesday all right. True, eublishere give married off. In his Sugar, N. O. Ove-shiner's Hall. diem time, but having will, If possible be better sets of children are Clarified. New Orleans. Houser A York. valuable year IS87 It a mod- New deal of Every new Senator is s 04(041 Co., of great Democratic United enjoyable than ever. domestic life the taranulated. 1,76 Insurance made a and more speaks a Sliest...1r, CHURCHES. Life in the end and Prete; it He never Salt. Kanawa, 3,00 Rev. J. N. Mutual forgotten The Free el of elndnese. street, The past is take 7 bushels, B•rrtor Cnuace-liain &Wester, the family should oth- never known to Balt K anew'. 1.14 School every Sun- Smuts the money than any cross word and was 6 bushels, Pre-stodge, pastor. Sunday will be paid. gives more for his salary for a Lake, . - - - 3,16 meeting ever, Wednes- 7..A.IsT. 1,11307. their claims the world. The price swear, lie depends on Lake,; bushel., - 76 day morning. Prayer .a.sommia. boarded • er publication in alio rims the Irian, per huohel, (seed) • evening. POLICIES. of !negro thieves per year. living, and !sire. Reagan, Potatoes, 75 day street, Eld. OF FOUR A gang railroad is only Oise lend.en on it. It will Sweet. scarce, per bushel. - lemuhstliax luirscn-.Ntnlb every -A TALE with results stated below. the Mfamisalppi Valley copy. Address De- (arm, say they lose money No. I, per kit. - 7601,14 W. Welsh, pastor. Sunday School RESULTS in ti-e toltomring Companies, train on in the Semi for oample be Mackerel, 5,7W31,1111 L every Wed- ACTUAL took life policies for12.200 each and its given point raise cotton, anti the sand cannot Barrels, No.), - - Sunday morning. Prayer meeting of Omaha, Neb.,(aged 313,‘ Total teoh , A erage last Saturday, cotton. troit, Mich. not that Mackerel - - - 111 . Regular services Sunday I. 14111. Dr Gorge Tilden, ' Annual off oil hales or glue. It is expected Lemons, per dozen. 40 nesday evening. 1 Annual Divideede tumbled made into and evening. Dates. 11e46 Ille blends. Cent. road stoves all up a young lawyer at Oranges, per dozen, 1.21 morning , Premium IIncilurling beats stealing reti-hot Brace John Young Gooch, per bushel. choice Mouth-Ninth street-Rev. (011rANIVI7 IlieyN'on°f III NI This been caught. hp. With Judge Rea- Apple., 2.00 M. IC. Church, every Sunday I 41st) eles 67 They have who ilttitlied in ear, per barrel, 1.4.41114, paator. Services Marcb 3. MI. i IS 06 In 4 to hollow. Palestine, Corn to to 60 J W. School every i 10105 67 15 105 44 app him in the Ileum. per bushel, - and evening. Sunday Frier: 2. 1

•••• : 4isamilimmowisamodias. ':•1161111411111strimm „aummeeeseemeresetseeesseeseetrenten 'et1101111SONIMI61140011101116111""/ Itallialtall"43-

-a- S. 44•11T. Ilaleasea Mr, Reagan, ofeetexas, is kuowe ar Fare)! that Pole Lame* Ls a."11aiet" , NAT. Ntiumonr. the eery farmer" ie the Seme.e. As 111 to put it aiilJly. W hen the House A Common Cold TNE TRI-WEEKLY NEW ERA. cotatiderisig the Owensboro public [HE TRI- he ha been in Ake, since I$ar, It is to was I. oho& the beginning of serious affec- a-ant dicaCkakitlser Coraya.n.y. be presumed that his mgrieultaral Wear I builelitig hill he to1.1 a Cougreassuan,! tions el the Throat. Bronchial Tubes, -rue'ialIAD ft are about 001141Uttled lb a patriot dietri- who had the temerity to bandy quee-1 and bungs. Thcretore, the importance IOW EPS Primes, mod Puailishis, Co. e.'Alt ellet buthen of seed to his conalitilency. Au three with hint, that the city by the , of serly sad effeetive treatment cannot be overestimated. Ayers Cherry Pee- these "fartatr-statesuien" are gentrelly river had 16,000 population. 'The smell III/UWe oiler" the followMERS1: hig "Inducements" 0 U 6S - Editor. may tilwa, but relied upon tor the 0110 0. net for teougrees the Owens- 1 total Warehouse, about the blackest& ot them all. time Pellet-mutt -idiscribt re to thus N aw F.111: Planters' speedy cure of a Cold, or Cough. WHEN bore folk Will have to -search HA crati- 1140.110/11,3!TIM ATUS. Last January I was attacked with a tiov, "Cole" Wren Ut C Leeks be step- =MANI'S, si Iteinark lei-Weekly New Bra,one year, : :*00 ales(or the wettest elm owe the ts.waa nevem Cold, which, by meekest and fre- icucco WIIZAT CONXIS1421 ahl Boots&Stationery. tha ri pollee court to a throne, Is PREMIUM LIST. ll11;utsv i ell months. 111 ped front a baggage. runt ass aff1141 The l'resi- quent exposures, became sorsa, finally terrible cough -sr " Moon utemita. VS in a laic *ay to Leconte a great wan. tell settling on my lungs. A tee hese thus far arranged for tho deht might veto the becaure the soon followed, aevompaitied by petite is HOPKINSVILLE, KY., '6 wally Mew Ira, use year, . 1 60 lug 'endm . 'I he Ilat be 1•0111- 0g1441thlit slim cliii It the 'feeler Mormon bill pewee the United Staves Court does lett sit In that the cheat, troll* which 1 guttered intense- ••• " all niouttm, fa pletaal tip to el,miterio ar soon as powrible. " Situate, he will leave the eppoisameet ly. After try lug v arum. reutestlei, with- onsiclon.t. .. 40 city, so he lutrodueed a bill pros Wing 'W. Nicalanighey. ra- .. ." four nioolle. out °Maim in; relief, I ianninelltant 1Okitig Ingen,Stiatavas 7. ant that had officiate teal will have to Millie (Mee Marta. of 7,000 for a term of court there au,' (Hover Ayeret Cherry Pectoral, and was $210.00 -5"a"Is stop., 4 oil.of Weds of Th ireetupow.biya:,,ine.i1 is en -h. out,I slut fully 111111.4 T0111, olive, ::. SU' to -Kentucky for some of them. The Tn-Weetly, is elute can do nothing now but obey the ener- Itusfelitemt by D. II. lialdwla SON'S T.... M lipettne. A. 1140111•• protelnlity st EOM & • i Speedily Cured. It. Al site. 1111 11, Reale^. " tea, : 110.1 bill puts the appoitameta of all the At,..,10. 1 R. gy of our own 3,11,sat iatle,1 Weakly. ta clubs or five .• that this remedy bayed my county ()Miele lii the bandit of the Gov- • life.- .1 in,. Webster, Pow tueket, It. I. k tcht fur meet rages% itige-• •"• •• ten. '. too ik80.00 le/andante/II trainee, a10 each. 1 " ernor and only 12s. are left ter the Presi- If you are billeted, take Dr Pierce'. SHEARS AND SCISSORS. M. F'. SIIRY ,erth'a 4'1.4 1111 NIATIF:s. contraete.1 a severe teed, which prem.11111114. T. C. IIANISERY. et '•I'liassest Purgative Pillete," the erigi- stellateldy de% eloped into l'ueutnenia. Harper.. 111•Raar Patteru•. New no eirreteer We have ire.' wits the pillilialvers of eletit'a prerogatiie.• One Stallard 11,11.44.e agaiiit, rota", I 54 11,t' •1114.• • 11514:e. nal "Little Liver Pills." Of all ditig- ptesent 41,1mo:rota and °trainees Oar issmiliteen the newspapers iiiiine•I nohow lo tarnish the Tut- _ $75.00 male si eroottedm gists. symptoms. My physician ordered the liniher, soaked in oil. If you • old make lieice romf..rialde line HopKiNsvilibE wAREHOusE Lite And any or &Hof them al W ;eai v• NI a• Often the worst doctrines are mice! Ayer's eherry Pectoral. Ills in- your earpets wtth 'Ia':..The win' follow lag rate* free, of poetess, to sub. vv.-re tellowed, and the resold t ono IA t crldb ate is the in accepted mitalme. For IIIMA1:Ve, it is Coming Here for Horses. structions @esthete: Wad a rapid and permanent cure.- $50.00 t itu egad Small mei...retied conetitute the best II. le etimpeon, Regent Prairie, Tex. It-s.. good for a full Heavy Paper Twill, ihinetsr:" lies il".e114 Tat 13 Now Ka& and Weakly Cou- -wee Prartielil hook -keep- - . ll $ SO ...twee of & SHRYER,Propers., rser-Journal pillihal conditiotae. "It makes the ma- Front the New tort Tunes. Two years ago I suffered from a severe • tog and 4. ustabeerviel Anthems- keep 4.111 the an'l save your c•rpeta. HANBERY Commercial - - A SS Weekly Louisville Cold,a heel settled on my Lunge. I vete TheN have a lets..t...k 411 stammers, )4111 'd flflruIintta lb - -11 110 jority careful Kiel cautious and the I learn to-night that the English War &fatly Louisville Commercial prohibition in lien- suited various tehyskiatte. and took the W5111.1.10 WO/11411.1111111111114`. Their stock of 'the spring I .iailv Courier Journal - - - 11 SC eerily active anei vigilant, and puts oilier, owing to the A a elega .1 W heeler Wilton STREET, Bet. 10th and 11th. suuday Courier Journal - - - 410 Gt./matey, is about to median...3 they prescribe& but received $45.00 seams( Machlite estli all sad RAILROAD even ahont tl I Si gary, Austria, and A Weekly Iv an vville (Lousier - - both parties on their good behavior." only temporary relief. friend induced latest improied attachamatis, day-i- 1 thin,.1 Evansville Jourua. - - - 3 $0 utiLe large purchased ot Moses iti A try Ayer's Cherre l'ertoral. After and warranted by- Weekly the 105 to tulle yelling all 'robe/ tai .3111111glied to Vernier.' Moine Jourual, I...i,i sine - 11 iii This is doutetiew tree, but look at It in' ,ilia that agents are already taking two bot t lea of this 1110tiie1170 1 wee Ch. est, mod ow 4. %Addible at Medicine:, Oils, Falai: &c. r(Prrefol attention gitere to sampling and 4 00 Weekly Masonic Journal other side of the picture. Not itefre- Oil their way to Kentucky for t hat pur- cured. 6tuee then I have given the Pee- Meanie'. nu 11.'1416640M 'iew 1,irk Mill - - 6 SO Ie complete. Weekly tonal to my childree, and consider it it 11114V451 !tamer's Monthly Magazine 1 Se queutly it kettle both teeniest into the pose. A One Wire-Twist, snap, STORE. the 170 $30.00 louse loading, idiot ottmo, oaf, LIBERAL ADVANCES ON TOBACCO IN !tamer's Weekly The Best Remedy Harper's Bazar - - 5 to worst for me Of trickery and dema- rank.' ars.-Oaten ' - Picture - 4 141 CATARRH CURED, health and Pictures, Frames! piling ilarper's Young People - goguery. The privilege of power is et for l'olds, irelighs and al Throat and $30.00 A Ilandviine, library ra of Teams and Teamster*. - 4 00 sweet breath secured, by Shiloit's Ca- Good Quarters for '14k1.k lnuy: 's)?: l'eterson's Magazine Lung vier tiseol in any faintly. Ph' ril.,..•511111.14114. IA "49 NelOCIAC Magazine - - - 010 doubt red no AVII.C1110 is too dirty for ei- tarrh Remedy. Price Zen cents. Nasal -Robert Viuselerpool. Meath-ilk, Inv. -AND- tomato Id iltui l'oet - - I 14 'Three Twitent. t ertideates is the ak. lowly livelong Injector free. Sold by J. R. Armistead. Ilefidet1 Evening Poet . - 3 $6 ther ride to adopt that they may win. Some time ego I 'wok a slight Cold, $30.00 1`..% AMA 114.• ••151111•15.1a1 °liege, it AS 11 Weekly • mouLD/NGT lioodey's batty. Book - - 4(10 Sloth may rie the weakness of over large whielOwing negleetod, grew worse, and eor face value in ION. Towatil nigh Saturday Evening Poet - - 4 00 Cholera in the Smith. settled ou my Lungs. I had a heckles: Joit't tO 1115.1.11 W. U. W111.11.1.t.t: NeW Tuft Ledger - - - ate majorettes but duplicity is the tie of and was Very went. who eeinth. Th.,. $30.00 Tal!....'!:",.1';':',11f.."4:-:!kritti 51. IL' ,ANON,took Keeper. f.-rruluie gals l..entury Magaados kiiew Me bast eotesidered my life to be 111..11 ii.0-1N rases Institute. et. Nicholas - - • • - 5 00 doubtful conieete. Tooth Brushers, W 4011 IN,. 4t:ti , Feb. S -'Inc st eelly tnt great clanger. I 011101111...1 l.. Antler The Current, Chicago - - - - 5 00 $20.0n in 'Elegant Cooring Stove. New Era 3 70 abotracts or tee *Anita' y reports receiv- until I contra-I. ..el using Ayr'''. Cherry ture ieelmergs Covelunati Saturday Night and (i.e Aedy Wepter killed a mail in so.- otio tne atteehonests, Hair Brushes, awnbs, Toilet Soaps WHEELER, MILLS Si. CO„ Demurest,' Mo.plagnaine and New Era 4 oo ed by the I Icliartlitietit 01 Stale Pectoral: 1.-as than wee bottle el„f title ther for too...doe ;AA., 1.s. the gale 3 Sit clircol nte, aria I 1.a Kaisitho. 'trod Free Pree. and Neu Era 1 imiAville, wrest his tom in the pe..i- a dispatch 10.111 die L ititett Mates Min- valuable medicine a at ranted aletwell And eVerathing .ei a Well ordered drug store. iliila. Saturday Aright snit Nes Era 4 ZN feel that I•liWe the preservation of My atoorl. ,•1 $(11 frieinis lster it it ••••• Ay 14 is hiii.ta lit tier Little ones and Nursery and New Era 3 tend .ry, came home aml his life to its enrative powers - Mrs. At mu $20.00 "- Neva Era \.1.) 1.10U141V MC Seal•Weeill ) l...l. and chub r* is on the se• Lockwood. Akron, New liork. & Commission Merchants riceruatu.r ..r.1,iliilv Warehousemen acre glad to tee itini. jut Tobacco neathern Bivouac and New Era 4 tiu it it iinu.iitittl a 11.0ei thu hly fratil:e i=f1E11." X"' ‘11111% of Mir am anti lints Era 4 E. Ayers Cherry Pectoral is c, $20.00 -' - recepti..ei leads the .ity p qiers, Flee worst it aerie is the rap"el spread -AND- American Farmer met New Era lo• one ...Trent rein -thy for 1111 diseases .14.41in viers IN DEALERS, in the rutting Estional aterkinau awl Warmer suer Nev. give hima dreat,i1 se....1 tog, more tel ri- through the outside provinces. It has et the thresia and lungs. and in Mere decorated Dinner I)(:ltA hi, 3'A) $20 on 4uui iwtai Era his emahlemeet. gained a foothold on the Instead of Mar- In .1..110111.1 t ban any other itscolicine of its A, Set of hins. and New Itra 1 110 ble it any thing than Ceiling Decorations. /arm sad Fireside c lima. -J. F. I:Accts. Magn..lisi. Ark. 1 1 IVITELX'4303aCIMILIIII4159 iturt,ngtOo Hawkeye anti New Era 5 50 tin Garcia, where fiAltal entigratita are Five prentotins. earl. ono %oar's Fix-am-Pox-caCeir ntlit.,14.110„thutlianpat, e not approve tit the Melioration to More lattention in *torn to these deeorAti...s sere t-WeeklF Poet and New Era a SO detained ta quarentiee a itheeit $12.50 Wenyeeripl to tin. Tr -Weekly llopkineville, Ky. li me entrid Houle amt Vane and New Era. 3 at red handed climinais, but it Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Nee l.ra. than ever before Call and bee AA And we will Rilssellvilloi Mid Itailrotool Streets, bruit 'MAI and shelter. .411 ships touch- With pleacure show you our goods a ouid be a Lard lot if men, who have mg at the Sinttli Atlantic side bre Prepared by Dr..1 I'. Ayer k Maas. ti $12.50. • ZT Iti.3:1.:14'"1.1.*rria..71..lrmilai;1e4"',. the i Tobacco t.1 lit 11.14..01falreAl toy log111111101. th'ut S.tTURDAY, FEBRUARY II!, leis7. 'wen overtaken in a fault, alt..r doing cittrailee to tlie ports ol I 'hill Viola Isall II•rugg.dc It e al, sils iTher mu iffi.igrinn•iit. .‘II anti Peru. the peilace in a prison cell, should be east • $12.50 lbreetrTa'1"1:";a"olctresewtu'rsTiailjoby the falls had 1120,000,000 Son. 'sit of the appropriated their opper & The Senate back into the world to find all No other the is so renside Welsder's nahridaed Diet - $12.00 rev. :aloe& edition, fully illus. t-urred thirin -for COMA dries-wee mot _the teinucks art- friendships severed and the :door' of Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral, for the cure et PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ABERNATHY. II. hi, ABERNATHY. tratt.t. leather 'hound. who heist in really frightened. kieedle.1 stela agaiust them. 'flee Louis. coughs, cotes, end all derangement., or % ? 1.e i t gentleman's 0.141•11 1 1•s. $10 ing-of the pl ti 00 dc C. Ville Vat eta _may be right 1:01111.111u the respiratory oteons. It rt liet'elt the -43.3E1=1Z1NTATI-IY iuug. - I reti Ewa Saturday ;eigist at Milan was pro- 1,• a m ,. t -tepee( D. this ii l.ntuins heti. Worship but it is poor asthmatic et oio it, - $/0.00 i...7';`',,:..119,%;:1".:4...- 1`,!'"°- early that latest opera “teastlec."- It WORK N'enies JOB ilticed policy to hound duo si a inate• flies e. $7.50 one W.t splenstiels.of any 0(01e great vathicil steep., of disease. DRS. YOUNG & GUNN is tile most theme' lie may be. earh year's Neatly se ;.rorn ptir eteetated at itsliatts' compoeition. lihasity ni•e0tery is Green taunts. HOMCEOPATHISTSI •5So,, "-Ow Meekly Nell TOBACCO $7 . t Sevoyitrd receuriting a col:veleatin Era. if.:01T1‘34e• it'; elite good feature of the electhei et' 11.1.k., 1%1. a 'Lill Wotolti. nil ito lite Louisville •c• ,-or 0th sn • • .r. Tr' - Week- by poputer Note $5.00 leering Ow Unite:In.:totes Senators- 'Finies, reports a novel diecussion .t-nitst born .! beov i • .- iol would be that the long and odious eeteee elk les! e • the 101,N 1111•11•. 111 11 ..1•41.4 Csreon Nea ntaies enteral (Totem over in tireee $5.00 wrangles at the expetise of the , , like ore. flesh e AA never bet.,•. irlative 1.tignti. which old War Idirec esiti COMMEIN the falls In the „tete, e,-, .! „ 51ortli,if doh rrint.log at New era ▪ ter would lw eloise away with. PAPERS, state $15.00 OLD "Nee huh *Ass that leonois produced wreppea in a.10,011,,, t. A• . P. CAMPBELL, We fennel t one of the m„,,t com plete- the greatest statesman, the greatest side the carca-. „if a ee. el he!, tt orth.t I tonie.4... alipptieed that be la As 11111r • a negro. (sated aolelier and the greatest volun- DENTIST, vial travelers in York State is hody concealed there ley the 11111r I. • $5.00 Worth oft OMITS, world t ver saw. I sup- FOR SALE Ile knows his buminetes thoroughly, is teer steelier the Keeth was a ferether-in-law of It lu llopkiin•v "lie, - - 1...11:C. Erie, I respected by all who know him, and, so pose he alluded to Litivoln, Grant and ',est.-Ain. lie lout bete missing for sev- SI. Erni:Lod a Son-% Werth orttra- I inHt; ,feJr eral dAyA, WI no Aran.-li had het 11 eiale $5.00 almtrii known, hi the only eolored drum- 1A.K1111. As for Lincoln, I do nsot sup- far aa tor him his frieres .11.g that 1 $5.00 north et queen...43re .ero,p,A it(ik., pose :my body bet old Newman ever a,- At This Office. mer in the eountry. iia ;kW :ay on A blAit, he- Central-:-Warehouse, ...used Lim tI beleg a ststetimaii; at • longing to IV iii. I e, 4114/11 G E. MEDLEY, $5.00 ,.1:t.f Mrs. Langtry, it is saitl,n ill be married 1/4444•:, if they del, I eiever heard ol it. tin .1 ,r vii. r., l• • ari the close of the present As tor ((caret, teen. fee killed more wen sertnetinee-riCre! teeefies alit I, 'eh". $5 00- - , at Newport, at Hopkinsville, Ky. f.-'11""6"-lau ctroughta. of is &anew hat tired wait- Ion hint than its had in his army in examt"c't•i".'",""" ' l i"t f .t.eleiNeVILLE, big as two( seeson. Lillie utg $3.50 , also lel,,( iimfreueriu ing for that divorce. Mr. Gebhart is less than six weeks, and I thitik thattn,iuc t1,1-;*trittiele‘t.,!tr,ase ":" r: Other r Ise.1% A 1 I r• 11 to 1.4 itiericnn said to show signs of iuipatience to his disposes of Grant, and, as for Logan, of an old lease, a hell lend died a short for 'ikon's ale' Ttaiiistet it F111. '.1 I Ii.rge $3.00 1 , ne• Near, Ale ph* which 11.1 to the while before I tiristmas, Anil a intimates when reference is made he was a tolerably good eine of a soldier, 11TTORNIA•. After Forty owe' butt ;„at here the other iii,cht a,oi „out,. lied to thieli I he el l ofi leis experience le the subjee.t. preparation of non aw half e p iv dtge, It Our BookOffer thee Ono Huedrod ted 400 and large odd better volunteer Jo- tIN Ji•i1N F ELAND.JR, ri,neend appllestloo• for patents is its ti-act tht' -A'he government ha* paiel out ;See,- li.e United Suite. sad Foreign teem- 91'731E soldiers a hom I knew pereemally then tery ceintieeteil with the affair lust a ill MARVELOUS PRICES! Ins ell the Scientille 26-1,S1Leel in pensions since IS61. The wilae.1.- Keelli A do...neon ountinis• Learn its willeitere Tb 1.ogan. Ansi I don't think I ever heard Probable never lie THE FELANDS, 1..4 salient.% sunset.. trade-merge,copy - defenders of the Colon are now .1r:sw- Traernrhs1 man and the feeler of six chil- r rte.: for the r-died States. and of or ever res.t a bigger fool address than BOOMMILLION oth•in patents in Vaned.. Iteglawd. Trance, I'lri4everk i.4.41111“11.t1 the Treasuty $117,0tio,000 an- Attorneys at Law,. and all ether countries Their expert. ing from ,••• g 4 5545144e a, I.e.. oon AN old Newmanes." • ante is unequaled and their facilities are tateer- 14111ff-45i Si prevehting a desirable re, at,L poured. nually, thus WO: .1,, s em. 1111)k11•11 forte WILL YOU SUFFER a ith loy-pein:al-rsonee - Dmanws end epoetflottlons prepared and filed P/44 Juetiosi saLetaxee Were title amount The Paducah News calls attention to Is the Patent 4110" on ithort notice Terms verT 1111,113. -11-W anti -levee Cempleiet: Me le V title ° ' 11 • " reedonshio. No *harks for •tianunostios.1 modeL1 raised by a direct system of taxation a question that is now agitating the gie drawings. • Ad,ce by wail free LEADS THE WORM! ` (rein time e iser is guaranteed to cure y oil. For saite 'von h Potent* obtsumulttirough Senna Co.we nOtleed through the iniquitour tttritr public mind. "There seems to be con- I; In th• sit'lliNTI AMSCHIc wbsch has ivo arid not by J. K. Armistead. Th: tii• laconic eirco'eiton t• t h. suohl ia1(7tehr1i 3i4) it, 11:11171,1714 -palunevicrt- yrmehs molt Triettroe. t ie petit u n ler. ey 1P1 ( iTSTa huen -a ••• ... ..• .11... The ..1.44tAses a ouch not.* every patentee lithatet.iiingiliernotlmeotei stop to it. Everybody loves and honors the twentieth century a ill begin. Most understands. Conference of Tobacco Growers. ana Commoner at L314 Thu large and splendidly illalaret.,1nevrepapor the-heroes who stood by the Union. hut all are potting it diet it begins on the er n..1 es 0.. oil 1n..... iCALIAA.TArlp-An. 7..t and tr- devoted to loosmn... iiiuri Ore s v•-• 1".t•tli rt. Hark. ndntitted to he %helmet paper it is time that the country was rithling advent of the first .lay of the 3 ear Intet. eanchanie. eirgineerine wort• owl Nia ara ti-ht tu Penueen, Ky., Fete re-A nit-cling '"` pee'. other deportmente of Indoor...1 omen.... pub- this army of frauds that is liv- -flue reckoning is understood to he from - - - - Hy. lished in any eonnuy. It contains the seines of itself of of the farmers of Ballard :eel Mee sck. lac .1••••.1....1 11 .11. • all pote.lovie and tie' of every son patented strange and ing at, the public expense. tie. birth of t treat, and as it. are taught en l'011tlfied WA, ht.:•1 at 5% S it- .111011111110. eiseh ereok Try it lone months for ono duller. resolution. n Ere Sold by loll neorodea1ero. incturti that tluis occurred on the of t,,e urtlay, and itiloniti.1 If yen hays an invention to patent writs to a big tobacco crop lie rai,ieol relative to :t e•Itieti .11 of the AereAge of Mann • to of Scientific Anewiass. villa Should 11101illi ..f Deceintier. aria this bei ng cor- Vork tobacco in Mel the improvement of .1 Bird ourl nr we. • ` 14,11 '1 4., nieltra=o art. dark meow, this year the prices for a long time to about patwate mailed era& rect, it must follow that vineteen of the qeslity of the weed. • The I ndi il•.• I al. racks and will he run 410W II le-the bottom come :mint it -1 years must ilitervetie before in, that the erop ts• thee catante notch. It will be eininetiny wise then the twentieth century of the christian tel to St•Vell MIL., or two Y le ▪ • .• eye had pro aeres,,for each liana over fourtet n years ADVERTISERS ' • awn* Wart... • • 1 6. E. MARSH. st CaTIAN. for farmers this year to give themselves era a begin. Our reckoning, how- 31steuti welutitt te, dooe the ttoscia.-e,vpe,tratniotti e the buyers to the cultivation of quality rather than 11 1.15•1‘ 4•••••••15.11•••••• 11,455. 1 ''• valetthovhwyhr ever, as established, ',va asked I nui .tiircyl. can learn the exact cost Mr. hull I, Ise r• .411••• 11541, • • P. A quantity. A heavy crop will not pay nineteeth century at midnight on the ed the desired re. unburden - hi,' 115.1g.1 51' 11••••••... •••..1 •.. • .•.• for itself: a light crop will 31st day t f January, letee, but it will quested to buy no tobsceo fro-in any far stela• e When. titer who would not enter into the sigree- of an't'- •pronosed - line of the market*, and. should it be of supe- still lack within a few days of a whole it 5clie 11.... r1...•, 1••• 1.1 neet awl raise tm more than the 4.4..1- • ... • " nor quality, it will sell at remunerative .rbr lame. 11. .55 • rut several y-e'er of beitig nineteen hundred years flied amount per ham!. A call wits m Amencan :'of prices. The farmers a ill never - leave a issued for a general meeting 1,,alit,. 1 • 5, llnrnii-uhc sinee the ehristian era set it., and until 14, ot the re DaDc:-._; ;,,,, NO. 315 pper Footfall Si, better opportunity to eiPetiment with the expiration of this time it seems im_ sentatives diffseera vounties addressing Till: TKII 11E11 tar ftll 411 r 11 L the weed and give their experience and po„ible that there can be a be,,i,.? . this seethe!). and of dtleit other counlie. cA • ' 0 r P. 1111g ad desire to send delegstes the ineetilig jeso p 1) observation a test in the 1 I• no, tlk "4- 14 11••••• • ,....r•••••••••,.•. • .,,Dduction or; or the twentieth vete tire. I 'omit it ant- to he•i.ell ir;•ait the 'first Mesielay - • ‘'°well & Cost the' fails the best possible quality of tobacco. way we a ill it is per/sling, eut take, for le e5iarele Ili:- tweeter's-et Ilse been Neure;•nruve ad v•rtIsa rig Digyheats, . _ ...... _ ...... ______-- . . . . _. . . ail slay, are iliet:111,4., the tifct -i.,11,.tr,.a - .-i..,1-:- .- -1-...i(;'-airitv't l'Y ttw 4 t11-11.1-"4""r-t1711 amt '14 . Now 4.r1•••••••• 1 ,•1 •15rivr. 41.• 1.••••,g oil` a ...1 tootle..1". `ac..S1 ...• 'DX'S-Pangs V".1' Primp/deck . , PIANO Loilkyille Post: Ail true frieuels in The State. :ill HARDMAN nearly all the papers 1 - - second century vault in .t have been tw- ilit. Pfesiilent are hoping that he will the fa-rniers of the PurchiSe are Illeriskirig 11555.41 of 1 1.54,111• • ension 1,01. It gun netil the 14.4 was entirely out, the riesling tolia.s.0 veto the dependent p to the import:time ot less Eva,....VII.LIC & l•NY1111.Toal P•1LT P•CIAMIT Id TRULY witsrDiotrt I fitil years tieing an.1 better tobaceo. . 1 05.1.61 for us • 4.. , • MardScantlin regain elietki hentiresi rounded St AA enKlneerell l41 a passage by deliht- The Lett Draccent steamer &MI it this i. true all future ceaturies -wee -es ----- the river , gognes arel Rep/epee:els iri both branch- I •••••I I h.- -To Be Seen Is But To Be Admired, %teething, w must be treated in the. same way. liv IF cow Lilliers alp ina,•tiv,•, v oil a ill .itt•eleTl'C -S- 'T Il'el. clew. is Of Coeigrees, 311.1 14 1.10Ilillig but a enufacturers of every variety of accept ol '1 MI'I 1""1". " . Sure To Be our cementation of thee then '1. 4 tr`''e."Ttoolip-o•N Manager 11.511scr•o...4 5.••••••141,15r 155s 1 •••da. • But When Heard Is Desired. in..athi.:1! recklese and therefore reprehrneible - (- ' •' ' cheerful sweets. mid Illetttlielioly oti tile CD. NAs.l. Clerk. PnehsaL l the teveritieth century- will begin WIt.l. i„rn,.st ,,,.. • . • long root ra piece of legislation, only posseible in the the . r 1,0„1.„ t..j.,11,,, 0r. .1. H. Niel...a:es ILO elegauee of deeign and challenges compiarison Ape lido its .marveloas tone, levelly I. i % er met le einey a ill set 'itel . v, . rushed tlens. preeenve of a big milieus in the Tres,- 3 el . Balm. ,, F.,„,,,,i,. f t ,nn,Iton daily toneh and Wien,,,,, coal ilurald:ity. bite made it the , right again. *Lon per bottle. et. ••i ; •-, • n. ------.1 k, a tn., mat meg sure pole it. K. A ury. Ills veto will strengthen -the Louisville :Lei:onkel-sail 1.1.Tsii:or with th It. ./t N. • tr. , 1.1 '• 11-14 r• I 4 S. • •S4 I W o arc ri• 1. A trill v ularity of the administration every - a discovery that w iii re '"O p volliti,nize the I of appelit.e..", 'al..; .‘ die •.f I If. .1.;... , -:. ,. * ' :i * 'I, .:; '1- ':41 ,::'. l'i.•%l FancyCractors .!1:n aatt 96.P. la . Plaill- oftei ewe is where it needs strength, arid best of ale 115,1. 1/5,5 Leading and Standard Piano of America, industrial world. Mr. W. J. Miles is 11. Melee:ties Litele Liver atil It 'hi' .' I.iir Tie& CARD. Ili tie* Mee Will ream.- et 11 compel.the demagogues to toe young. mail illiq entcribg iiicon his Piller.. flies* aro. ptea.ani to t eke in LenVes s . 9a. ni. elan, frumere '25 eerii, a vial. 4 m. sharp Ind. rapidly taking front in Kiiirope. They los% e recently Introduced the the eurphis ley reforming the Lorin*, glorious .areer. Tile Le.Msvilie will cure you. I .. Evansville, mid it IA rent woaderfal lairs' for ea Post Tare 50c. r., tr., on diin lite, lint not ooprite.toaxe a t 14ch haveot wt allIfe,t, nnuitioffrazierk -sosf othdeorargoitatns.ealaside improvseatiate which the ,• .1.• 4 4. is only legitimate way tr.., ; thilt...!,,Vilivii di. invention : Tho pro- 1 101.Ea-E lies in ambush ler the week : lehaponsitde for st.iri.roln•bluiddlov theiteward. also it eating in a a fertile com.iit onion i- oil aohipteh too eii- BY RN Ks SYSt-IlISIL. •gents II .4,15. 'A 1 ..151.4. • •• 11,11•.• ••What do it. : ce.0.- , proud-es tO revolutionize the mar- Dor good. ran bought of •ny nrbolesitte IliAlvreop. atmesphere en soot. _ ; ket in all kind% of steel goods. The 151- cont,ter a I -M- For freight or 1 &sense '1•1 board. .1"tell.., •••1 . • . 11,5! 'meet. in Er zinoville faetory priecs. and ea LOW YOU CA1113, or ow Easy INIONT1111.11 UK QI %UTERI I 1. WENT.. one of them is be opeeate.I by ike change of temperature. the iint-t fre-th no if ordered threet from us. .•Seventy Henryetaa frown oti the esene.1 and will George:teed . , . 11,t.4“,44.41,11114._ orilerin wide 1.1r Wholesale tier...ere , itt a twin a , at the mean of wi o _OW t511,14,111t Inn • %V lama -41r-A-atal..a.uaa,Tarlita._ wriekleel &sea of grite-vieagel iii .9 st. nay . ars. 'an 111 s rise war. Mr. Charles I tesIshaw. The eithiliztiy Dr. .1. ii,Ylet.ean'. strengthening Cur- l'onsidert (Ie..' era' otherw lee intern, g,o.Lt ni AN Ic*rat Referring Cu the TCe•elet-- iterks-lie says :711.i.s. been incorporated under the name dial and Blesusi Verifier scull give bele. JESSE FRENCH, feinted is your 1 "I think it a tight in the dark, the billed of the liantaseeis Edged Tout company alit Vitality an'i strength to mitire 5.... ?atelier by tasty. *EV 7,711.oles3le 3:Distributing norpot sfor t.b.• South, eLoo-per pueli of men seereezed berme! endirs with a capital stock of II .500,000. By 1hr fere.. RAO, 19937 'nixed ttp tl the prisiess used by the r(dummy any of ranee. I think it the first passive form Ono people se fre' twieli Ire on disorders , the roll kind ot iron can be coniVerteli to steel of the_nrii.ary ergaiis, slid are always NASHVILLE, FENN. thrust hits ore civil war, which steel-clad forts and without any of the treilitilsene ie cbnaro gratifies! et the wonderful effects of Or. tr"or tS1 stew-lily tie, method s adn grailind arper's Bazar. armor-plated ships cannot guard 11s tenipering. J. II. :11,1...ans Liver anel hi.htusty Kann 1 H wage en am etrel also is far sitipterior to any either, PETROUNE .. e 1 eryl•nrei. • ilg11111AI-t. he kindling of passieens and in banishing their troubles. e1:00 per • • " in a it owner Ii' even excepting the famous l, A1111114- .0- the arraying of forces that, bottle. TIALK. 4 •••••••• .1.. 711 betakes het roused to ell. steel. In addition to the hard tress Illustrated. V events his full- energy may give titles to the fleetest of the steel, which it far greater than I in p ERE Sc r dige•tin,r• and assimilatitin <41 P •• c I. ne $30 shot- and destroy our very civilization iteelf." that of 114 ether kind, it loses risme of produce ihsordereil eotielitions of the 0, or ••• wee HARPER', ISA Z A R combine* the choieset the 1 it. elasticity. fleeting which tell, is hich grow ana are confirmed by isnit the finest art illustration with ` gotten Henry is a keel of political astronomer ruins 44 45 1.5- 11. • 1 1i-retort. every whet: kind of steel, hut no effect neglect. Itr.d. II. MeLean's strength- the latest foiliions and the moat miens' family itave him tl smelling the heavens for strange dan- on made by riling Cordial anti Blood Pirritier, hy its reading.. Its stories. poems and essays are hy eon not clot that thir procees. A-- knife heat writers. moil its lioniormie atetehee , core. the gers. lie sees in the smoke of [twee so- inaele out of 1.1114 1111.el is ill (nit ordinary tonic properties. iniliKest ion nitil are tinatirpas•ed Its pain-rs on social eti- became, the gives tune to the stomach. $1.00 per quette, deem-131re art," in all its street. TIs. rted disorders a great aerial Monster .ter I without dialing the blade or hurt- Bargains for All! It t I 0! St It I/I 1' It. branches, rookery, , make it indesoresents ing the edge. The 1014.11 to which steel bottle. 01 making straight for Ole world with usi 0.•% et, lllll -onset. its beautiful fee/lion - that he wit, time improved can he put and supereeite piste. and pattern short supplemniita pueblo. ireirmilli the destruction in its eye. When it comes si-k head iche, female trembles, 1111...... ••• • • ',,, • -11,e tIn use ot all other kinds are innumera- Willi 4141, year'. '1 ' • • • • , • ladles (ea cant'ninny times the eri51 of C York Wonl neuralgic pains in the heed ['Ike Dr. J. line by being their own dresemakers. Not a It may float by in the vague splendor ble. POROUSED 1111111 1 lekel 111 t•or fo,r It is the present object ot the com- McLean's 1.ittle liver and Kidney 15% pelt it'. find Aa.,111 (411 Trl ; m we Is admitted to its ...lams that could *Wirt pany to give the United State. Govern- (,••• mood famblionill (aste. l'ntil 17 of a comet making beautiful the night. vial. will %Le eta the tirst slinw l'ilicts. 25 cents a Illr1•.• li.r •11.111. S i• "ed. esIn These are indeed (lays of !elite prophets. at the diecovery. kr,..rnbed lit 1.5111%1: gel.. EWERS EDDY hill011 LID SEE THE NEW STOCK Dr ram,•5111 1.11 INTIM ler Ode purpose Mr. lemishaw will go A NIS 1,1,24 are often afflicted with a ills. •• nit ii 1 It ' I'll We believe that one great Ireson has1 to ille. it 41001111 OFFENIIKU UT t Waeleitigten in a few days and give east' ealleol mange, the same PLASTEFI A maNt the dewier llarpers Periodicals. been learned by this conglomerate mass tests to the Gliverriment's agents. ilie of in Minnie beings it. called the Ite•li, and CaresBacilache. Lam TrouCes petition of civilization within our borders that cempany web then either sell tlw exclu- Is highly contagions: to cure it !Hitt flour .431.31LagEiC) Year: sive right of the proceets to the Govern- Per “War'ss game watch, were their subjecta a ise. of sulphur with Dr. J. II. MeLeares Diseases, II AtIPEI:, It 55 % IR 4 On Kidney For $4.25 • F ra •.•ar. withWeekly Wh- Kings world not play at." ment or will esetatelish quarter* and man- Volcanic Oil Liniment, betire it thor- HARPER', in Si, 411NY. tune itfecture the steel for it. In ease how- et in nor tirew:nir. Mid the Weekly 1, onrwr- HARPER'S WKEh I 1 4 00 Nil There may be violence in localities, oughly, and take Or. J. II. Mel.eatere Rhedmatism, Etc. Joiirnal I year. an -1 a Waterloo.. Wateh. HA111Iolglps 10UNt. 1'1 ol'I.V. 2 00 JOHN INAYON, THE FARMER'S swat "I h ever, the Government 'tinned refute the '"Yri-Weekly FRIEND, Ant a general war that wont,' •disterte Liver and Kidney Balm. $5.25 liAKI'lltIt'S I'll AN h1.1N SQUARI.1.1 other pion offer, a factory for making all kinds A trial arl:1 Conn-ice the mew America; tho For ”ne year, ticket and CAM. tear ($2 numbers) of they are *emir. rir••• with avi• •.• Bit itti.iline 10.00 Th.-, ricr Jo:Joist an -I RPER's MANIA m EMI Its, tine 1 ear l'etrollne the posollindons and business of every twee will be eetablisited. The proves, IN cases of fever and ague, the blood chin and the aoire princit•Ic I II A 1-*M.I.hinl. t••'• 4 We Will furnish the Week- .7.a Nombers) 11 00 wisiclo mg man in the country and unhinge mar I. a mysterious treatment, after whice Is an effectually, though not so danger- Ian more powerful in att.." thane-411er pl., • • • -CONSISTINti or- be I...fixed to take other., bat be sere ' For $2.40 ly New Era, a ticket in Postage Free to all seiterribers in the t'rouse druggists a the Iron Is hellIe0 1111(1 'Chien ii bath. It ously poieonell by theefIltivittin of the at- Ike V. firth' New York World. and • proaperIty is next to impossible. We wet the itenutoe "Prtroline," which le alwoot .11.3n ucr. States or I, &nada. ville, Ky. is claimed for the process that steel thus mosphere as it email be by the deadliest elowsf in an envelop, with the sigintere t4 (I., hendsonte leather-hound gilt-edged History at are a eoinmunity of dentate!, and, while made I. uniform in (parity. Its great- poison. Or, .1. 11, McLean's, Chills and pr•prletteill. The P. W. P. Ce., arid direftbas in the Pelted states. four lane-wises; al,n oral we will fornish the The ioliimet of the Bazar begin hen the l'betowi we have sentiment enough to phy dear- est advantage will be in the makiteg oh Fever Cure will eradicate this poison on (rent ant! luta •.1 To- each platter. Sold by fast-atm drug4ists. a: at For $3.40 Weekiy New Era I year, And Number for January for each year. When famous for ly for the valor of the dead anti dis- gun boats. from the system. 50 cents a bottle. Sento each tteket. New ork World •tel Iltatory. no time la mestioned. subscriptions will be- that its bn eliould Bea discovery come up to ex. gin with the Number rare's' at time of reeelpt • abled, we have too much sense to train Yunque/0-er accident, occur in the - of 111111,1% Dry Goods, Notions, lest three a great standing army with a thirst for pectations, Uncle Sam will hotel a secret household which cause burn., cuts, Bolind volumes of Harper's Rarer for three growing in- mr.alirr,k.. tin ne•tacilzthohrtiortpwrrill he' st-lit blood to be let tome by some tyrant. more valuable than the armies of the sprains vial bruises; for use In tench Ma- %,Atteanretionnowl r.eya 1 ferloysldr. p. Dr. J. II. McLean's Voleanic 011 Lin- WORKING CLASSES Czar. lie can enethe him rib* in the new eterloy• expense proi de. the frelit t otoe' not eireed Mr. George predicates Ids war on an iment has for many year* been the con- CORN l'I..%SiTIE11,4 prepared to formal, all Clam." With Clothing, Bats, Boots Shoes, Ste. Ile steel and shout &Renee at the erowned ment at home. the whole of the time. or for one dollar per volume., rani? 00 per volume. appeal for cots*, anything yoi know to stant favorite (entity remedy. Are the hest known remedy for hari and soft their'parr 'moment.. Ilueineve new. lIght and Cloth $'11011.1 ter each retinue. amiable tor catch the popular attention, like the heads ad Written. end never fail to un,. Price 15 cent% profitable. Pernono of either sea easily n•re handing. will be sent by mail, poMpsid es re• 'Ten tins You will have no use for spectacles If from 50 lo 911 per eveninc, and s pro- celpt of 11.00 each, All of the Latest style?, at the Lowest Prices, by 44(104111g ell their time to the Soilsee, II acclaim of a potent ni.dielne veneer on you J. 11. Melerater Strength- e Peleg Tilh Ile Proprietary C' portionate sum lteim tt(Anent nh "Uhl be In fide ley Post.0111e• rite Dr. boomed.. Boys sad garb, earn near.y as mach :soiree, roplare. Money 111511.r tor draft, to scold chance ot ver Os public 81111,01rer I l'ALIZER abet you ening Eye Sella.; it removes the 111111 AR mew. That all who pee 'hie may WWI Omit ropy this advertise. blains, Cot need for Cetistipetiese. leer of Winn which fteriormilates em the eye Broadway.N. Y., Address, and test the tossineas, we make this of- Newspapers ere riot to Appetite and 113 W. e• pre.* order of poaltively cools and fer. T.. path as are not well satisfied we will meet without the Harper lanvobeek, Male or deist, use Sid- Dizzinesa, and all symptom" of ityspep sails, rubditee intlamation, OF FIRST CLASS DICTA:1hr: the Brothers JOHN one dollar to eay for trouble of writes,. MOAYON is send ed. It tiM•11 Porous Plaater. Price 0 cents. J. ell. Price 10 and 75 cents a bottle, tiold boothes the irritated nerves, strengthens particular.. and outfit free. •ddress ciao Addrum is•sersst UNOTHEUII, Aa..1 HARRY It. GARNER, District Agent for Full ('or. Ninth isfaction, AnItistead *elks thaw by J. R. Armistead. a box. sin moos A to.. Purtlaa.l, now Tork.10., T. and Virginia PUN weak and faille( sight. U stints MerkiasvIlle Ky. cents per (Arne:. .10889NIENO BAN% ealseataa_ _ Tie-Cold off Moller Tires. REHEARSING A BALLET. A fAMOUS $120,000 RaPliAEL. ------A piece. I1 paper yeingl on is teller Littell's Living Age. TRI-WEEKLV NEW Efli over the dollen lod hero Vile ellartial. Ramile, abstain** In Every Precious Littio C ente•• Caldwel,I N xvsy, Ilegreo t'oorerning the AGE A& of 011iipldie A Story 'lilt- I-111N upon an stein Pursued al alliaa. Pencil. "The Tbeee iteracee.'' It occupies what Mr. 'Illienati Flett•lier, .11 ba - fourth year. bat lug wart soh youths- of Warrington, England. calla the ••ye!.1 444.olla olyIllo.14.1,114/41 4.1141 Madly It tune I have seen the ballet at 1.hic &Attitude ha. the true col- A MEEKLY SATURDAY, ze ate," or space of unneretinathle low IRAGAIIIINE,11 Sr- FEBRUARY It ISST. its stork metal- Fi ant-emcee. mat have leen lector'a 10Vi• for his he:triune, amt. if i, i to 411r1111,4•IA,festy•four puck Ogee V die tempeniture oil the alL114104. :meal Iiitt•- r, 1144% amazed al osintrnat IsieWileit the there Le relything duet teal at all oat-tele ism water behind it. Mr. Fletcher luse, tenet in the morning and the ballet MI hint in that exile to when he line leen Three and a Quarter Thatuani card.' time ordinary theery that the 1.1te- WHEN NIAGARA WAS 114,4111, .1tied imagine a leng. statnp. eohiletiattrol, Ot ties Coiliintliv .4 Goods, DRY. Stoves;Ina Glassware,Chilla to the rapid altaiepta,in lio% natal, under the tiny the his pet puturese stet hie Invent, Leeks. floiliellett yearly...,„11t4pire•esals 10 an lac I yeast e • of hunt by the waiter- Hie • -11•111111L_Kinaltilot uf suatier„ with_ crs, Itomarkablo Day. Feely Veers Ago, in Aeadesny of Slime; the air is true edit- A day or two ago the well-knee-1i !see freelinee..... lug to as neelly 1•Alle, aud with tit. tI1518 flu nave corn Mewl him ilea this Mister, of tke Greet Cabernet. - keit of beer ;Ind bad a hisky, the thane inetaahet atiteemples, M. Thaele .4.4ipieleie••• nowhere attempted, 'erne, where thickiews Li that et die 'fn.. -nine y enne ago next spring," seri te. harrooin at night Ilatal What atrial. came to gtootip with ma. for leaf an best Espay.. iteviesse, raireint. Serial. 4. tinekere +epee retneining uncharrel, is sod ohort retorter. &keit-bee of Travel slot raid an .61.1 remittent of this village. up with sewer gra (luring the ellity. Nre neuron his *eta. 'Clitreugh ran. ni quiet ry, ['ovary, N. "a alashitely impuiseable by Haute *let a teethe.. Itiograplii- sight wile witnessed at the falls of . Mug- little light eons." in through the gratiu",as of uew treeteuree. NoW, it waa o •1, Historical, and Pvial4-41 11111W1414- high tlegne. of rielteit ut, eVett the. 04.0b, noel the retire leery of lt,.r- arie that had never been rasa before, at leading to tlweiiliewalks that half a thssen, Maul who all the leue d•ausiiele hie tKiwt•r of the blow pipe serving but eigu I.ites attire. aud West by then Lill earth. ;IA in all thekering gaa burner* ars. otriregling with hiiiiiitia*120.tteu Ital./sad, that i.racietw from) rtie 1.021141 44 the lt. teatime. and not anuiltilate it, mid that, Roofing, Outside Work pre/ability Outtoring and U. Realm Knell A night will never Ito Wit- slitrittlissi. In 0110 corner .4 the kaag little I antra kw 11-41.,tit (401.1r a. veer.. ) WY II 0111.111tNillent" telly a small part i 4 the wows! again. It a am [Wilting 1110re nor nout Au a Lisle flortnitn Marisa Muss- pit a iiichtlid master st Urbino Iwo panted heat pernetted to reach Min water. Foremost Living Writers. ' lent than the running dry of die gnat merlins away at an old istetruntiait which the, wenteu euppessed to represent tits It 1144 Is eff...rt, lir5W01/1:11% ill stopping The able•t moat raltIvatod_ SP=CI.A.1.11"7".. . SIMYER. eater:et, er at levee en nearly dry that it itae deli.. shut beet ef duty fiw a gentles- "Theo. &llamas." 1:aturaity, wt. hail tlie heat wridte-ted tlirotudi it- by solids, latollorto. lia tier) demotisseut of laterar- ne exite4oration to call it so, in which tioa. Penitent on (lie piana mita big. 'este talk als.ut 'Inuitilly anal taleAlA this Owe, eolith,.are! t rt, fliol pre-.0n end a pteeing threugh the thou.. et tt til the Lilts renutined for ono whele Frauingsfai.• hook in one lewd 3 famous pail etimt. wire 1.1., 1.I.o.r•tIA/a• 1.anope, sil,1 Ca- quickly burie. the tope r U.•..411) ,o1 4 •111.444 Ittli44111. Reps i eny Neat!) and Fn.:raptly Dom:. We are the tidily parties's time alio sate all Linde of lay lintoft in the ether. Hy die ot the After tle death et ite last owner, the th.• tire had left umeneheel. Theme "ewes uneee War v I mg Age,(erasing four large tialvaelsod lres Work. OUSE, .•The winter of 18411 had hewn one t4 piano sit two or three .4 the haellin,c hereell. M. 'Ilitleaideate who 1,11.1 a a )o. sr, futnialdi.g, Ir lie- great natuntlly atartreatel the dole on 101111.1%, 44 ao her .11) ore ro reside woe,- of Vas literstoce, tle. aliat rased, suet such ice ha* (Limier'. in etreet tiretet they are there feel won the iseireateice of the law No. 19 £. Otis Stmet. 11141tal ka4l14 .4 WO :10,11t length Ur cent'. 1 1,/lit1:14114.121 thin. Ili low telListe the nr•tte been known on Lek.. Erie, Kines., I simply to take their places ite the central d'Atairde in important trammetione NO react.. f 0 valtstart..ry tla rompletelliope in cordate with the theme and on loiters tt .1 it s., gums., eel formed that Domain. It was of figure in certain er.eminge. The rink ceriang uneiareplie...f tie* 1.' ,undo family. S111,1111 enti.rarem whets-ter is of mimed'. so conetructeel it 11,111114,11 AA wonderful ..te toithr. At, ••/- of itotol, permanent value au are.rinons thwknrea. It was quite late in mid tile of the ballet sLenti two rows, Ards elveget with the purchase of the C. W. Mtn •LilL, ?twit. A Hitts,see'y increase in the Hearn generated had leen let• taorel•re sodispermiblo to cr- 11t h. • Ilet spring before tle. ice was loueetied, quelling under the eye of the little sig- pieture. un-I. having esgiclUilo I the. .-0 one no w obeli to p pace with the obtatineiL- --Srkansew Absolutely Pure. events or the Issue. or even ahem the. isheres of the lake. Ono ner. And Mall a lot of oonteerosind elT:ur, le. a' one meriting iit Traveler. polio.... of ------tr. roto.1.- in enamel( or low faintly general day--1 think it wae near the end of In relte•areelig a ballet the girls wear It the Itapkatil nutlet hie arm. Thip post ler too er apses. A mart el of part- Scootsto -no e diet hurrar) trate. imaigued to no. A Pollee rommiesary's Shrewdneaa. ty..tresoft ai 41.110N hIllor,p. April - a eery fait?' northeasterly Ow eldest hallet clothe« that they laymen% 11,, allosial lilt. rooill. In a few wire! • Paris mint:lilt-1 tillite 11 'taunter 4 if .liew ical Masi the oodiooar• kind-. and ea Itiott oold 0-pirtions. cane. Anil its with thee fultlition of a sort of a j'teltii genie le. ethane; lin nom...1111014 V, 114 11111.111411,10 •.f tert. force was em gredt that zei ..netes• if,. I tie- e thiettra pickpe. kl`bl, -Too lino. lilt 1.o% oat Atte o 110141 the keys of home heal:era abort eight /4 1 114,4 441 144.144,..14. /11•1k ler, Auld COM1111111 it 'noted the great tient" of iee, which coa ens their ehoulelers and keeps. gesit tesibling itim u tlea ..1 too sorb'.. Opuntia. of se.eniilic STORE. thou in. Ian Is' ,One. 1101 41 1' and lee 0-titht ehntio klh4W11 14, the .odet / • .• ( 11 as6 c.5 1.3.)clioltagieat reavar..11. erdieal lately setrarated front dealt (rein catchine (sal. Neturally. meening. and seeing the Raphael he ex- Wall tiw Kitores, up the petits., a he netke frequent rabid up.en :sheet. N. 1. note of a...try tool runtanee It Isar oteter 1.0,11 Like, piling tht. these clethre --the tights. the gauze in joyful banter: "Alt! You M41./11111. 410 4101/11WPIOPIGIAIWP, leers. thaw gresit hanks its claimed OM,44 then' resorts, nicknamed 411)rrwille.41 G I Founders and Machinists. they 'novel The sight these ice skirt's- have seen the hard work and the brought 11110 another picture, hist,. Altered, at 0 to-tlny - nvcler. hate by its !whine« "Vitt a dowse" and tate- "It 4411e •41 the p.ibliealsohe beak.. la des. die.t eif ywirs and of many theatrea. and that inhallige•t --Manufacturers of- riled yet by throe who fit- yt.u? 1 y 4 SI ar0 thaeriaii111,A 1.55, ale in the Rue St. Martin. weer late ly pr,ple regard as prActiralle indlopeinalale rieteeki it An otie lily • who lima horn behind the foot- to non it. peer. elle learns a-fiat the world ia of meet awful grands-tir. Mo." Thee. after admiring the picture visited by M. Venn, oommiesary of po- To*:int night the wind .•Itierigisi sudilevily lights kilter,. 111•Itt far dust .tiel ant there, end exemining it minutely, the. duke From Pole to Pole about. bi aii olueatioti in itatelf. as Wrought Iron Fencing Jolist MI1.111 lice, hed all the customers pleated aril .0 an literlA :nutria . '--114Arth,rd our - to tile uplmotlitcl quarter. alai ie ie. place Illo. a well theatre. it 4111 die ta1/14°. "Eli hien! Allteui /oil grew into a tatkell ante castasly, eAt theeseamiiiati..11 Saw Mills3adfilllachillery, terrible Kele fnen that direction. The In the einfereat co-entities girls . et liege .312htet,3' "li • ottl.onit heart y all the good •rat ore of whith runes! one of their emitter, who the lone There Is U1411114( note* ort.11) lakteo wirface was peeled with wear, every degree et tilapielatian being and to breaktat thay We'll. But the Thz: lizrpooner's Story. is ail douses, minia- had been lesbnebbing with a notori. all 4', arl, ilLefelore. plot...m.05y, Pulley •hnIting, Ilona er• ture Weimags. and thew wen. limbs! hack proe•ilt. the &laurel nesincen in thaure duke cemiti mit for4et the itephara, Jena .,r rt•thovon, i hat 4 aft114.4 lt,l41.•1 PI . It le a burglar, went lip to the magattrate mid . • - • t• he • I oilorotry iteelf.'----11,•• IsurellInue. NeW ort. 1,y the gale with awn treelike:at-hem' force between them are m etiptirent than after the tint ...tuna. Ili• ordered the pict- Haan in a tone t4 offended dignity: "1 I: WAIN In' troildhlly and cordially rind that Awl Make a Specialty of Itepairing - that an when all are dream." alike and painted to be lirsitezlit in 1•134•As1 .011 • • • • • for" r impenetrable dam was formed in ure and wera III) 11) mg* a ..111.4144., -NCW g•11014 soot 14:11 Mao him r3. WNOLGHT IRON TOBACCO SCREWS and nee complaints 1 ork the liett k .4 the froni whieh up ter the standard .4. ballet beauty. In r.tysir, whery III/ 1.0611•1 WItile ht. WAS Niagara lieve eter Itetal 1..4414 against tee." • •• ,• .t11 - flerchants river Howe, this ilemp Oxen the 1,4 ‘v,,,oalt siolkea Ncorl) tlo- wholu Norio!, ,f antlior• and and the great current LI eating. Th.. picture Was tilititT glace in eWleit 11 your empleynieritt' Inquired appear In it la treeIr 1,4,4 TIGI1.4111. 'rite read- And Ratchet nerews. water which fintis its way leen the bike the Ileor tremble when die skips, and loads (rattle t of which the key was I. et. . r lorpt ....labrea..t Of the curreut thoUght of M. Veril..n. •eincer'a terastant." The I t t , • It.' a goL,' -1%,...tou Journal in the rushing elutnnel stream. to twelve twice. KA fat as when die Collie's tell '•Wecit, a iiiiimance! If Vitt could only WV We .4 that commissary of pelita. then titre a leaf out • 1 brothel, Its paw... olone, VI 14 114.1114111.1C 141 LW hare recently it,h1c,'. tu our fartort Wr are manufartar- I the Anterleall he at night in tlie rew, the isillet :neater t. ibusited over the gieetntie precipice at it witheut Ow giant!" of his note Iss.k, whicli he needed as tie" Itit,w.lie41 eurrent literature as by ti., ai the •• • • i•erasni a later u.oethiles.”-Pitaian. s.,40ho falls, watt go held in check that not bane.: cartefill to put her laditild ell tlw Thilowletitt aekeal for a "NO! iong 01L1.1914ean fellow, hay kt us an you 1410A 114,111,11.41'. General Repair Department, living - mere than elle-quarter of its usual vol- utter*. while tlw Aeleton apts.:ire NO! IOU will sped it." Ilewever, t. • 1ke )411,, ..11411,414 wri '•"1 idle., in Plight to et. part - mak.. a paper serew." The man stared A here *e will .1.• regat.ring of V. ume could find a to lee ;mere attenuated ticul metal. and Thilaiu.lint: reitiolts1 liZIA -k .•11 1111 the maw 5,111.• 144,44 • arrect literatare pitienen. through the us he took the paper and tried to twiet it immense pail Is.aa dropped her stag*. anal.. for a look 44 of tie. frame. nal heeler -.silt the panel. h br sop. dab .t Ite Nrcliy oils Combination Fence of ice inte shape. After repeated utteinpts hi. fa, t, rt'tV14.1- ito more Limn this one ion-. I.) Iliatiralitn. .13 this park extreme illseadent with everything mei Ths gtim ices w 14.h fAsit. 11L'ull..11 WAGONS, PLOWS, sl tram Muhl-awn, It was had 1.01 give it up. un.l. cru..liing up the to le, 1. hot. Weal viol-eel of hoist,i, miter:illy but a very tine. heforti ,.very he aly. Neer end then the hitter att.! the ere eus quasi likewise. newt. I. • 'Olt 1.1 "- 54 iiO4.11 short paper, he threw it La ay-, Baying: "All In a:a-se:re Catscrlence. 8HOEING F•.r firtrttan, Todd antiliTelag conettee, the young creature drawa front teysterieas It.' falls lust draints1 nearly all the %biter taking at * heft bread ertiiiibet, Thibaut- right. I nun dialled up tide time, but Fa -t .rem..-1 of the 4. leet:e perheheale."- N. 1. It ,0 host and wit of the river. This, of femme. (c- pocket dwek Whit+ teeitaina eigh tkau Tabbed the panel gently and gralu- and such like. Oar eamites irotod Fent' 34411 1A.111 0110 ef thee...least." lie "11 forthrliep 4141111pletv niinpliation •t. Workmen lire 3 ABERNATHY. rumpet during the night aail we reside ineslieine and take:. a !tip of it beta-veil rreentel all the, shirt. steel the Raphael Wart 111:itellea efT te prison along with the hterattire."-1_111. ago kteutng who tin. ev011.1:1011,11 Of the lailleet; twee 1if the al.peared 'Witt kk Me, 0111-,114erlentr• lived in Niagara village knew noth- in all it3 rest ef the lain& -- let h.•twille. • .1talriat. CHEAPEST ing-et the plientenenn until next teem- Kiri/. have nt.eintlgia tir t. sett:elite which Tle• ie now a miler alter _traiin "It enahler as . e. teep telly abreast . •114.1 rI1414 ing. I renetiihei that I aw.ike vt•ry require« theta to-tie litlielkerehiefs melte and the. liue d'Auniall prtextring a of tio.i.est thoUglit and uterstare 'of eivileca- I. et • e intenufnetured. lie direilzhig Thunderbolt. totin."-4 Athocete, he it. kaot wer Pith•Iong t•erly tied morning. a ith the e.t.a... of their chin with It thoir hetels. meategraph eat the wterk„ tss withal lie litilinort favar auting ell ir aloolittely Itloolt mai. 4 °Ma 444.4.4. eemething exeeehtigly strange • a.presesiti:: seal in mall guise they skip al•eat in thee thinks the title .4 -Tis. Three t:rayee" the.) .erie I -eery ror t.) Ilt- a week. it ir•ver, while yet fresh, the pr -boa ten of tile fon most ran rs of the th• We manufacture all goods we sell sad • me. It wax dim:m- belit'f that the. porformanee revtail rotigly Th.. subject ia indeed I Our Iron Cistern Top item'. befon. I idven. 11o4 .:. tat persons t. r 1).-ay and r. I, ., hiogrriplo. trio el, irlene• y:3d that the feeler; came. from the feet them ne a laud faacinating uyintaia. rather eure nee, it re aireente Ouse %tenon •-rowa apace. In In I. r , li• pot•try, the lood of emelt mei all is here vs.t h... it ktaitleal :to. .4 the Int ot rains tonoet.t. durable and r heap - Guarantee Them Fully. tle the nein* 4•1' tlw eataract was aliatet "Nees-. nen," alys IlIe little *Saner, and etantling in a greet. fee.. to facia The* i• the II, tit ti: f Mot 0(111 II1114.. hoe motley ."-l'arit- CAL 14,444 Man1/1.4.411111.01. We ihanuttiettire dilhetillif. 1 "tit of heel. and e ll the whole nasal. darte•em eine way mei then waitron ill the tante. entin•ly male, I ..r.ra tenth eat Ai. Ir. r • s Sarsaparilla le loin 11•41114 4..0. shall be glad to quote prices or male It•aiang freuthl that seerer, of the ether, girls-1...mi rings multi-angle suet leas -lwr hack tented te the tailliee ' 1-e- r iit I "'II Min tar, ,,me libtorrichaah.'e " -Near 1 drk ..timates on all work in our line. rter. OUR PUMPS ethers had been awakened by the mime first nate foe in the air and then the the woneut on the ha.s a laud of I I.% )4.13 1.4 , ••It eta, st 4.11 dr reputation tor io Iric the 'morose the beet of materials.. Very Truly, emeinistariee. taxi were hurrying toward Alti•r; they 'skip around the si;.tner, who elrepery arienel her It th.• W4411311 fill t•i -1 ' .• to• if tlo I. • 1, 1 •• ri • h• I the .041.1.' --Slorb.ri,t. -tar, 4E13 the falls t.. met. wile represents. l'attat for the 4144141:LNA ael 11 • . what the tr.-leas the. right ia entirely male mid yeanger o t : 1•1 t 1.1:. at f oh a !,,akr frt., of We pee.n.11 to itin. him eway ley their graee- isht- found that the• y..,-reat Niagara fall4 than the other twe. Ea•li the three N., !I , : o. I.• •Nt • I'. NI .0.a. . sum enly iththlt ttlic-iiitarter of its tortilla felt arlienia. Bet nieteed .4 steiltaig fete in env hand an apple. like the 1.11r- I flo 1% EU' al Oat ft I MIF:115 for -, before VOIOTIA!. -Mated tiw Khmer weeks frightfully, mei vice geettetesa in ••.Itirlgrovilt ! .1m.y .lan. 1-t. ihe tiot .•to Ci% • to r letostropt.y115n- l•l•L.. - see,. erten tile rt.4 e4144 of tater • Maine that Mlle. So-area:4o would not tit, .y NEM, •Wo• bad not heent of the trimble at Perna". The. law tranntale ban a a .11 1.4, ht „,•• Lake Erie. and the terrible theimie that faecinat.• a liOtiontot it idesti she lifts he; that this gnetti is an allege ery of the thr. right foot at least tWO foet higher, afie. C/ub Pe,ces for fhe best Home and the fall' wen. runnina dry engin-el a feel- peasis of feminine beauty. a.a.1 reprie t' ..; I. I,. . guile M lorigoiNg. WM. F. BLUM, Farm Literature ing et alarm me easily imaginable. The 4Tio..1 An if Ate niewit it. while thereutaal gents the. marriage.61.1.. vireha-the young 1. r American channel had tivrindkei a. a eta...knee...110 tikes a (reek of cough ne eller and taw mitten, mat.r.m, In 1.5115- --et et 1.. • le Agor. RR I one or 11L..1" ' I ., Rena.- ‘inerietin use, .creek in txantatriese with its original mixture. fuel breeke two ill her port Of this dietary the duke kw dee , montialen. a t .111 901 hot,.cif dr, 'Ionian', of 41,41• porti..ns. while the. Itritiali cluumel re- leeire I-tate...own the sign.,r, _ I have covens'. much int.asering 'mitten, ' 311014 - l'hIlA, Fee Bulletin - aeullieL w -k fer .rty he-retry:nee Ital. 'en ligroroio ' wals_..a_fr_aian..e city- live L - oc. the II, ti - A 4• arta an, of the K y. C.r..ughte of August. tiestiieland was as got taw tedlet te poet iice tune with toritaL --l'aris Cor. New York Sun. larger than IA. e• lltma tar 44 III toe for oliDP ear.postpac ...r. 1 as two (;.att islarels, se tie- water Kiel the. 11111,de. Inveriably agile of the 'arta ..0 s• toe 'ng i.••• and Inv St. Niclioiss. i ura-raLi. .Mosoisise. I All FR-48871 shrunk from every aide (4 tt, Muting a ninth! bete° soon or too 1:Its. in going 1tefore the Havana Cathedral. 110 11001'17Sli avid Mitnitfaeturer Mtame.I and Enamaled wale expellee ..f wet, ,tagge.el reeks, from one conternon (A, an,ther, MO the Brim -40; IS list, lv relict t .1 by Sid- 01144 short block from the I'lliza di Thank mg my many fricn..- h. 1- -0 ge1 111.1.11{1.11::. slam! no• with tlica" patronage tontart 440441 spate.I. „e,. tub's t ii:c. Sold t.v J. It. Aniline ..1„ which nee eye in that t hamty hiel et et- , le Wila Arnett. finds us within the largo 4 pen • I re-plo•41 01)- c..ntinirtiev of their favem, promeong in;futtere, as l'ii•lowe neen befone. 'flee bed of the camel., e -4 th.. prema requisites of the inateter'a square in frt int of the grand eathelna of C31- .11.1 es as o 1,0 4:14 • 11, t• -f ,et ,• L. I PI ,Ittplete Steck of It is. lolnieliog ino that theueli ,THE CENTURY rapais. far out into the stream,. war. art, irt. and If it a-as necesmary the whole Ilavaii;t. In all the streets through the ....t denier beggel his hread :Ls wa.. the apace between the lee er end Pallet lest to stay there until (lie thing ist Which we hail hareaseforwimams1 the. side- line. This part of the wiwk. tweeter, ea etates,, the "wet I bean leas nicety- for rhurch. .1.1. ate! ,Lither tioireh )11 For1886-87. Of taut ieLutd, awl out Ise teel t walks Wt•r0 1.1 itans.w two peittele 111 11 41 ..1 .21/, i'.1111.411.1.4 heti 11:30R.Y -4C)C031:3SES, that etl H. 4 phut. diemer of CIO vo‘cia were never tryieg to die signor as alien 11;;;14,1'4.4.• 1.31.44, . tower. The rook.. thus expesed could not walk slagged. tgit heat*, leefare. Scrim. lalack arid giving tbs. dry et. has a numbe•r of young nion to drill. the. chureh. they 'were very wide and r re seal IWO - -.41).•• I .1•••• oitv11 Irvar1011(4 4114.1 ['Kid lea tile OippelfrillICII 4 if It traet of fhe girls eett.loy.s1 in the toilet bete 211 W. Croon St., near Soconct St., Lessinpletelyahronged witli 110,1.1 eise 311044 • 1144.1.1444, vIre.-411114t I A 0 11111.4.11,4441 and to en? Ciothing, Boots, Shor,s, Hats, Caps, ' eluuned Atingle. The Throe bishera Tentally been broeght up to it and have their ahritte to ever.hip. `.1r.• lauesi :1st. ;n.4114.3114. Lief stannic argil/01V attractn•, Millie what conki , ,,,, sr oo.. • iokevl forlorn ni tlieir ethereted dimen- to ear for but • W.,' the ma-no Mgt tho fat oh 4,f 11:44 .1. 3- 19.11,, lilt! Of 1 ..10 „ seen. of yeung hosllunte 1,4 414•11Ve propitiation f-ir sixteen 3 ears 14 is A lama. The great jee ef water wleit:11 hail •apected of a ptegereby: ell and young. real and lose-. v tate I elle., tient--; "Nly lamely mid I 111)44 4, 44I our ••o n etiuntry in it- most critical TRUNKS AND NOTIONS.' (rein time' out of mind hoped into thoair ?irked out .4 th.• suse-t. and aronesed ail mingliel in one coutietny; carriage sire 1.,e,etleein les 4.1 v "ter twat s ".... tient I One, 11) .14 forth In ante a uight to mart•h 1.1.4 African war- . abeut 300 yards seuth of this group of itfter carriage naleel up to thebreasi etone medicine, lir. King‘s Nei% I /I....very for The Life of Lincoln, I t /kV and am determie ,.,• up with the pro•eNtiOn in gornh, anti price.. the krnett rapid.; itaeL which nee'? If they had nothing to do but LOANS I ant hot, olio I. BARGAIN.- ,., 1N I ER, GOODS of ail kinds Call awl examine in. are ereigto; tab.," ', ....temetei.e.• bevies( tumid it te be al . --t----lity-Illis4:•saltielleaatial ker-re s .. • PAP. trouble, but n.y stock. T'oeifill Block. leaping there te-day, was not leaping auireit there a eal-e-r -no rtc ly anew's! in the witehing Stamah'i that 14 oil el 41111 ter it. desire te, te•-e:fy to , 01. pito.; 1...... 1 1.1 ',rill I ... Joke 41:. Nicolas and Cot- "L'Afrioains.," for itustautoia three war- friends te a lam that morning. _and. as matte one re- oestime., ehert skirts. were.. leng ereenali Its virtite 3ty haie ' * ci, rate , t ,..,:ass men Jokes Slay. MAX MENDEL mirFusel- that any, the- tretinandirenfreatiat Aanatuere to take alert in the ballet, to to ea necel the* arched instep and well reronitactittAIT, 1.1 3 Ise ..1 4 oa ..p.4ftor oce t werre .111.14.1. This great !orglilti4 4/111110 sanetidn of to -4 -,r 1. I .V ...,1111 11.1111a1 .111 I 1.1.••••,•.•,1,1 1,11.1• L•111. 1 / 11•11,1 1 IIIR4);:r (F..rme.rly with Niagara had subesititel to a moan. eivatice and rientat in time with the minded alikla. the long. aweetang lir cr. .4:14 ,11k. the John Moayon,. Id the Bon. -ewe wle.110 (lay% 'olirinlipt lots I./ 4',,' "I"; " - • a*eal • 110.4e- T authority -on. Itol•ert Ts ineoln ellie wine ems at once iltwelate. saltine, and it took Pram black Lace. which forms the only head t..r p.onuenc. au'. • w only /41441 .111441.411/41144.• rcuor.1 of the strange and awful onteniplate. make the* young men start and stop in covering warn by Li, hest of quality, and Cobbs, lirenclinis. e 411 tin.... I A ) ••• 44I .4 44,,,In 70.i./44411, ).• • -• r.e Thrc 11,4.1441, 441'./4 1A.I4,1•414 fits 1.r.•404:4•04.), ; 'erten. will nt•ver leetett my ntind. The :int Yet at tho ere' of the week 1 cb,. fait. de. neeparahle fan. Slaw.. nit.I rronli afol ety FRITZ BROS., 111,..t 3:al thlt15„4..... mAKE hIoNEyi „. whole 'villa:ill` IA :IA cart explormg cavee, !ouzel f4tral a:intro! as ever, and ateekiega moll by elitpansied with hefor,. .r1).4 sis 0441414. Ifir4.41441144.11 III) 41'111 af w.old start the ballet with "Now, Ttbil 11...tibe Free at It irry It. 5, te. acre• tr.tasferre..1 1.4tir,,:.,• E STAR dark reromea. enrienia fortitatiems in the the fan. All wer.• threeen tentletniuts," ia nee aweet a tone as if it Dreg lerge See $1 'el. .1, );114/- 141:)314•14•44•144. !kir WI/1 1 4 .1.I rorks and ether remarkable feature.a of opeu portele af the temple et worahip. ----sess se- ere- ;• 11.41 • IV 144 An • ; < that /metal WSW tlot the itundrisitil time that the •,,, r- the cataract reel ruled.; no Ilavena Cier. Bonen 'eerier, Evglisli pee, has Livery, Rod and Sale Stable, entire ha), 1141hert, 1•11re- tie City Ycek. neer gazed upon tenrei. thing lia,1 come a. grief. , V.re4.1••, and 411111. •1, ,3.1- e i 4.1T1.• had prolialay - - the dog Royer. teatee la,' thej eerie ilr-t appear in thin au- Praneesee's tieseription of the 'system cleat th.• death te it o r- I The.• c,ie.tatents fr. quen, : , .,. tree see te 'hunt" tomiloillitiolit4 Were Millie nately to Why levontore are roe,. cedlie tea le el aial petted lor the last . 1,0C'' •tollart or more,•113,.... into-meet. timid, hi-tory. It, ,1 41-4 4, ,f Ille 144,.41;vation WILLIAM DORSHEIMER, rammed at the Milan ' was. ..,f 5 44. , rk -El • I "1"4-i1•1„.5_ deerery brink of the lienenehret raphlic 'There aro thoiniantls inveutora poor twenty years by the misname el Witles; •th!ror. P.r , ireit!4e4.. very a it..rt geting. ',irk were. admitted id I; 1.1 AM E. RI/ HARD., 'Ninth St., Near Depot, A Mr. Holley drove a horse and bueary to-day, tiot her-mime they had poor lin- but 1140 11:11•0111it'ellle lit hen ) lama it-unser and Kismet. The War Series, Daily, Weekly, and Sunday Editions. when they are :1 yetilli 41111 :seine\ r :titer from the head of (heti SIAM clear to the tents,hot lit‘'illhte they did 1101. klIOW how. as to a healer not this best el deas ., 51 Itroo.t. nv. New York. . ,- ta.• i. foiloned witli i.colegging inter- of water had :hey art. mere Ulan 10: the dale! is first . st )1 /4114.1.,P, V.11104.4•10•V /CA. share aspen where the leaping jet pretect them. The iireatection of will be buried Weatiniplater Abbey looter-burg win 1,444 'lammed by idirilicia.11, ho sees t list %CAI-. Hopkins's-21e. - - Ecattcky. always writhed anti fosonsel. lio also wane. ia an art that Xi net 4 .4 O. third 4 hod of Ito-Union Ar- an. et:light and her buten known ts. THE WEEKLY STAR1 aer limits 47•1 eat sever:11 eticke of timber near the brink yvery lawyer n..t. to evert- so-called S1111.1 5 II'S Ct/I'llt II 1 '4.11311111V :• • tiTow viorv, i 0 ill :.,,,,.,r..,,,....,,,,...,,,...„,,,:_,,...... t,, .,.. 41/1. ..., 1117', i rituil An Eight-page Newspaper.Issued Until alto i 4 1.1 tile 14,10il ` *of Ileenteshes, falls, had them hewed there enrol. patent Liwyer. It is an natty thing to get 'am. is meld ley on a guarantee.. I. every Wednesday. evil', Appear, the SI1i,;-1,1e. ;ioica vehicle* are as good *easy in and them An ay with four he praise a {silent ha a mutat. hit it Li 14:10tt14•1' Vire' 4 .""unit'41"14- by • II- A ''' - .. llou art . : • , atini • ...... nersi, et. a ioiltoure A steam. pus,. bright end Interesting (Mr teams, and Thees* 'stick,. they were larite. fine tim- ne other itclas .I. She is taught read- , v. ,,,,,,,t, ,1,.„,„„ , ..5t4 5 5,, , ..., 5 an, it m. i...... loam 54,1.1pin. Ilar.tre Potter. the ea y. onveniently locateit Knit ample at- thing to Wit.'4, the itiventor'a rights an.I NI . ,4 ...y Wilt describe sp•••• 141 battles FAMILY PAPER. r...... 144411( . Have a roomy hurray shelter gesq.,-ratley and arithmt•tic -410 nu'eet.., . ,, •• 1-4y /dr, 1 , •/. , W110 "4 l''''r • !era •-ane in the frame of some houao at ng. writing. h.,.t•li I for our customers. property alien dere an. infringed, fie et- t• rs. New tin't i'''Angelitents. hour ageing er seeveral luaus it day. but the gnoteat Azel !bath. nephew of the towii titer. a."f 1 , , sr at •.1,5,,,ar • It eenitair, Cie latest tows to the !he (Ala may. This remarkable condi- yearly always the ease with a first cLea, pros. 'eine are of ante,. elven to the terra al. ti 0., nleinlay night, '4Prmg elr'""i -i* 5". A.1.1res. First Class Dratuestorol, Wasioss nen of utter, at the eataract continued inventioe. Inveatigeting slit+ raw, et it-. VI IFNI ill Alt. Agricultural, Market, elecvelapiaent eta her car be eliet aed Andrew nisome,.01..rea NOVELS AND STORIES amid Carers' Drivers. ail day., and. fellow...1 pi. sig,tes ef a change the lawyer has to Ideate tlit. infrineeaS Fasrhinlearri. Household, Fottr 11,0111-4 art+ 41•••Vot•• et' the higlia ay three miles from tewes , ,ortil by Frank R. Ulet W1114.11 the 1.01+144 to 10441 that night. '111.11• 'O. the, extent of their Kee,l ran 10.• St li. 4 44% .4;.•, r.nd Commercial, nth ascertain gave 41:113 A he set. -1...1• • When we. anise in the ummine. le twee or. avinaeties .4 the tined then et•;.tie kind Bahl'. *Ito 14.40114.) A1 ,A..r1. far that. 3t eut ef their infringetnente; then the pe- . 1110 nert,i, 1 /,1.11,0 not thunder of the falls waa learnt. ft liegir.T. imenig eel tit self-defeliao. Tlie Me,' Tar YOU • ..•• NI am- 'masa Humorous anPdoc'Etelltatel,rial the old familiar t•iiliar lae-s of the te•rritery 'Pr State Or 111,41r41: )•• /kr, -13r.e.1 4•; 1••111, ea.; Jilhan Bain tborn, itiljthing that ure. ft healthy re Vol some thee ago. dh,..toT .1. the ...rk. • . 4/ir,rtion f trained egein allitking the earth lie la•fere, and fact. million in alekti the infringer reeales setost all Ages. • ama ntel•ther protium ei American Dar""r""'" L.P. Payne, the dancitut is t..11.7.:a for elev. ral eel emirs pule fr.ait ilea ,.t'y outfit Ise,- tie •. •37". j list. • 11 e • 1•111 the river an.1 ratii.La were again tnust te applied. noel anagether the het an'l "emu. free, It. tier n,a 0.•1.43. )09 be tonna ; thitaistrom nefInaing tit wething. irreeiotible torrent ef tenni,. alai sumac saveral mu- We. &inn! nothing (open.' or your addrtra Pot•I fltel Out: if end. intent laese !net net only understenti Orledost woe, Ay distinguilhed American sad E lake had shifted 4 th.. leghting ainacr, of Itaiy have ...ere. yoP11 .7111• 141111. 1 -.II •144 :14 -444.4.• II. !fai- Special Features ill. 'the ice in the the law. tee be newt le a mechanical foreign •ilk," of ired. fnan nillet schools, 1.1.yie voltam nt:TT 3 Cit.. Portia., NI . itiel of articles again. atid some tante in tie. night the aenius. awl have the instinct awl per- by wort. tirat dire.0. ere& lagen thee age. of . • , • h Itu•sha sna - term. heorge 1.41le referential volume ef water had tenneity of a detective.---Cor. Globe- - h hat,. author of "Tent I I f• rt, w 0 TERMS CF THE WEEKLY STAR TO SUBSCRIBERS. amities tone. level, and claimed ite oa it." 15 to IS the „ea-eminent pays the pupils has junt ret Ilene.' from a nnet e•et.tful vial( to y.“i or I I', el State. sod Canada, rushee! .1.6wn 1887 h tia•rian email 511111 In dame. at le, aesthe theta rroionrt pria•r• 1he Ir4•041 4441e1441011, outabie 1,1 1s.,1•4.4,14 tay 1114 rely,rm." to I is hearing the Labor Prob. A Hone Dealer's Trite!. performances once, or DOLLAR FOR ONE being reenku• Teets. for Illutterine. ,1 M • fahglIsh 4 tithe trait,: Or. ratre-to•.'s Re- ONE YEAR. A trick which tiara's with great sue-- twice every Week iu vt•hich there are 1.alott. 11.•'•• 144 the A inorleau Monies; Men and Clubs of lot ,,h way of telling 1 k , eeja..e. Then. is no good butter- (,)ilern Itetgn. 1+y Mrs. / 111- •Initenal 1' • '• • ir• • Zt1 •Uk`, • • CO.00 bar, euteale tie es played P.Ii ts HARPERS IITEKLYs yeas is often aften 200 per:tot:4 in the ballet. At Lmerica, Int., isf inf.: at wleleale C011t 4 a 1,4,;.4.1; imrso3 nitre, Apir11114111•111. Agt-T4114,44y, FOR THSEE tide, . 25 cente batmen the ili•alor iti th.• buyer-. elliiino-eol to Ilitss• _ 11. lii this x girl is finished her pound, from the. bad butter at twenty etc , 111 044-• 144,1.4.1. 11114•14.140. 11., editor Illpeelint trete,. #11•11 p • 41.1,44.4411Mry 11.11411126111. C1'111.141 .t1.7. ft: • - ..f the i 11.-tian atet1ntronomicalliaper.; Seats to ot •011• •• 4 WS% .1 frunite trr peddler hat inn a fairly treed elevation. and takes ranlc netsinling to -illustrated. M.o...., lit el., always in stock the nicest woortnient of eight cents a pound, Itttlesn the Micro- . . r -....-. art ic IPA throw ing tight 4 n4 Itil•la {tottery, etc. alseid wed the woinilerfel lows*. hw sale Is approached by two Men the skill ale. may have. ilevebkiaai.- -Now frO:n Pi co411, ••, filet 4 1,, t'ane v Goweries„ embraring everything 11/4041 &able iispoi•entent• wort) hi uised. In cheap grates ,,C oleo It 11. the worst Se rol it Ia. SAI II - n a tad:! ittppi,i_e!La.lso. a choose aelectioe of( I. t Ming in a wage,' Is•Itind a fast lionse. York C..r. hicago Tittle& .nores.,-. h. 4:1y ie. ....II I .. Prices. A Free Copy • $1,•11vvred ift SlIfflelent V) pllt a little on the stove. "If ever , , t , el tertaa e- Ersie manes-its teeter. es •-ptio1 '1 Lot 144,44,14034. ••What a-fil you take f. w him?" asks shish in stale er ae. - .., ea . StOrp-ript ton Wire. II 00 a year. oenta a 5111,Where in the etty at ibestore. on a:N.1n the smell.4 burning tallow will be are 0.0.1111hr...1 t•y !hit I 4,v. 4 I I • . tee leel,..a e.....ral..1 newapoper in Alt•••4•4, a: THE DAILY ST i ,., a pub- Street, near depot. tlieng 4. • , • t I 4,11.!Inti...,.IOrtl.dtnii.ltog„n letill...1.:',.4 •rttety,teu •••„..110,:.:::[..t. numis•r heelers. Poetinseders, and the Doi. ft- OR VIPAIFII 1K 111 1 one ef The Emperor'. Alicia...edgy. evident. but good leaterine a.e. ter as eat In, igerating it,-0,. iv-. subseriptions.. for our homi- TEN th,, day la defiant. end rhea') at :sOliel Itnher. tote send Attr•c1ITC tone. 1•• es.. Produce; "Sevents--11Se* :„1 Ileoodo•• Ihe ',Oilier- liAill'It: s li trat % al.. cide:, i:liestrated hl-eage catalogue free . eon- Groton's Exchanged For Country . .. • EVeli in the 'mist insignificant deteils not betray itself. MO toll 111054 ill Ilse 1. 11 1,,,Ili, 1.1"1-1". :.'opeowitti"r"I" I ' i '''• '' sable from 1,1414 r., I I r: .ta i • a •ed niam .t• 11, .s..a.,,,... I,. , ,,,,,,aA. w.,... :tint...a-et 000lc.00co-otoonslo) 1311 proepeettis. etc inelthlitat 1114PPial • I, ,. , „ , ,,,_.4..„,._,,,,,,.„*„...,,,,,,,E ,.....rrolv. era Is• commend/Ole the else lite authority and- eitipi•rviskai 4 • terpmbris two, of the bowl "Ovid. •• 1 t+ +Ito . line y alun- keineteliow-e4).4.),..-.4suar-4 1...-k bickering seines and the i s. *.•1 1 441t. lot esesere-ther t'ensiderahlo ono Iliay,1 11011 Carbil Mir.,Sere I 3 ,,nketelten, aii.41 bera_lai begining of t r at a rery low the ell German einperer are felt . re- iiiry hinter in the palm et •...rien, poem,, enr11•44..4.441,41•. y1e. 13 iy let:At:P.1 NCH, is finally sela for $00. The price'. A specified, WIll be ablest by 1•3 sealed military tieing a•itli a piece it the suspected artl• " Nnut"tne3.entlidWINert;•11 ialitt 7'1 I! ill , iSt Pe: tpralt...':;'.1.:‘",n"ii:iitrt .rtilkn't lotto-. he the need impular tarnish th latest 4,4 w. 1,y •..ecr 1.1r. thereughly gards. anything connected with 'teen nits eart/It. tanner by this time is Ko Iliollre, or Th IA It Neck, nt,•• i silo t K e411 Writer. Tim cart/ that hot toweepattilly la literary feet do-• 1,10.1•1••••.1. Seaetle, ogganizatam. Tlie. prince's imperial kel :le: if it i.- nett real butter it will /149 1,41 eaim-ael in the toast tot Rieke 1 1A erre', *aka- vot4 ••. 4 • ' • ' •• THE CENTURY. mixed up that he dont not sew annt r it Th• Des-cialsiet lirvive. are unusually net ATEN a.k a +Pt. a, *ell es a weleome t i.ater ro •erery embreidertsi with her own hands a tlag• gin to until half a minute after the !'hil"".tr,. MIA., N'"1 /.1111't' "11' l'-,------:-' '1 • 1 . • ECII ItY CO. mid complete. of small bills which is hastily were hones-hold a .11 amid.. relax...1 in the mum.. the roll hich was to be presented in go-at tenet. real Initter.---Itrooklyn Eagle, __ leeerises. or th.• s ..,. h. • New York. Obtained f•-r 41.‘ Invention., or ter Hagen/Vs- handl. His horse is ,411 44:4•4•011411441:04 tst•• se.:,- TERMS OF THE 0:41t.? STAR TO S'JBSCRIBERS. on Ma onen. tr medical or ••ther com- V 11.1,E, TENN. thrust into hie regiment si,4t meats -to the veterans of the Second TSIE 111.00 II Is 't 1; It ,,. i pounds,trade . mark. and labels. ( Avesta, As- wanly tied to the rear of the pun•ipaser'S 1.ntstteeting. " 'free r •I St141 • a..1 Canada, out.- ', honorary retroleissa for 0 4 , 11.,.., Or. V..' r. c'ts terfereuree, A peealp. Sit ita tor I n- with Ilk new of hussars, of wliich slue is the TM.,olieli!. Cro imminent*, I n wagon and dimppeare 1111, lebri- 4:4)1411en Itedicill Pl., ,)% ere,.., ii! Rood Iltv.ry Day,tre• . I .4.'1 .,..1141ay), $100 tratietnenta, and all raw, aroing under Patent zeitimander. At the last moment the TI.e petmlemn 1 for tam •plr. metier in a Cloth! Of dust. The farmer Mrs otiose. n fear ehlti. I Harper's Periodicals. Tri-Weekly son one yo,r, . . prompt13 attended to. Inventions that cereilletiv was cennteentarelel, att.' catiler it..t the artielcially relined tali- vital sire:sesta ., Al be est..l.f...... 1. -TED Ity the Patent dare mai himself to some lade cenee and its, end Per Bear: Every Inv, menthp, . . . . 51I hp e heen Blot la betakes ele. but retintxl-tmtxmailv. A let f ito still, in most eailea, he patented I.y int. Being 91). eventually pool...nal ler et month, be- H.11t1'101'44 WEF.h1,1' $4 00 Daily. srPhisit Pa . cuunts his mtmey, which he finds ia 11:27, CONSI731PTION. beds.. without edit,ei,e year, . . °mute the 1.7. l'ateut Office Department, and 6 visual Ow twincose ..mbniniertel two crude petmleum shut into tart..P awl 111Altl•EICS MAI: %/INK 4 00 . 1.160 biomes. esetosise., short, By this tine. lie 11,11/4 for- - being engture.1 In the Patent or CHI without ob- alit/Well to stand ter two years. It IA Scrofula of the Lunen I in t we ran make closer &Panchen and seeure Pat- initial." anti a star on the fiag 4.1,14 41 144 lils opals-, if tilts On ERA A"ress• '1'1 : • Iv. who An.. r• NEW the demcriptan of' the men re t, eared promptly, an-1 wah broader ratites, ` petal authorization to do se from gnuluially lattice and f. wine four re r• ul. fitg1.1.41.'1•"1 ‘" Pir."11.-F entn more Be taining the !Lan: th.• htel 5554.F,. 1, f II. dimity«, ar, . .440 Ala: LIBRARY printed, eight column paper, eon- Broadway and Park Place heir York. who araremote frorn Washington. Kaye him the money fuel helphsea Ito; 5;te 11. A sell than those the emperor, who ;dont. can give it. The grades of oil, that on the top being the 27.7% Afit moo; Yeitr SY Number., r10 00 taining INVENTOR:y.4,nd us • model or sketch of estnnot charge it on the market dealers, future empress of Germany Kubmitted to Is.••At article for vise. Animal oilman. con- "AR PP•It.'.. II "" ''ne "sr 00 your device. e make examinations and ad- Wok place on the r''""'1' th'' 51 Number., 415 patentability. free of All tor- • beceues the transaction entered superior, hut Cita- are nese erily "l''brutedneremply it ibla_* 4 on. Foreign, vice •• to charge. the implitel reproof witleaut a nturutur. thought calling Poetage free to all eulecribers in tl•e United reepondence ntrirtly conedential. Prices 1011', There is not the Kindliest ahance Clive," Mit abriteloned that street higher in prict..-0101selkenter:tt Num pilots State. tit' Canada 1887. and no. r harp- tiniest; patent is secured. or -London Life. as too limited for a tinedmine will ever we his horse again name W e Hon. Post- Master that be _ combinatien of tonic, The Volume of ilue Wintett• begin with the National and refer in Washington to from Its eonderfail Key, I). Power, receive the balance of his money. --New The bletropoli• fifty Tears Ago. alterative, or libmit-eleationie, Ind !Sunder for January of emelt )ear, When tomer:4111. H. Roy. F. Tao A Dinsinathre European State. 'Smoothening. Orr-man -American National Bank,toollciale in World. Young folks smile when their grand- anti-biliotia pectoral. and nittritive proper- so tone is mentioned, subecription will begirt Home News. 1...rk Ninety-nine readers out of 100 haye a remedy for ith the Number cameos.% at tune of rereipt er Young People. the S. Patent odllo-e. and to neelltOTO and unequaled. not only es Harper's ties, is -TO BM lastSD - Congress, and espeetally to fathers tell of the happy days of *Wel consumption. hut for all t bronle order. itepresentatives in planning WWI per- perhape never even hear.1 the name of our clients in every State is the Union and Until ma. cotton myna.. But certain it is that fifty of the LT. for hula Mortanet; yet it is an Independent state. eases Bound % olumes Haerits'is Canada. emed by the hand spinniug wheel, New three year% hark, in neat cloth landing. will he An Illustrated Weekly. err yearn ago the Teeple in York lived grottlida aid Saturday AND WINTER. - - standing in Its own of rather seat by mail. postage paid,or hi expreno. free Tuesday, Thursday much happier than they do now. They Liver, Blood, and Lungs. staunch:Democratic. organ, that bends to the gale is an in- hetter than three square miles and num- of ripener provided the freight does note xivedl of each week. .1 C. A.SNOW Az CO., A meet had no artificial wants--only two hanks It yea tact deli, drowsy. .1.1.11111114•41, one doll*/ per release:, for IP as Per voi- Hest inducements ever offered to advertises" citizen. bering about 2,000 ialtabitante. By the elloWlah-l•roWn Norte 11 lel'itt'S 1401- NG Ras here mill- rention of a Connecticut 11111.11110. 4•014011 of skin, or uMlie. young °Mee. Washington, D.C -rarely gave a note--hut ene small play Inlay, 11A111141111 headache or .tieri. ed -the motel of what a periodieal for Dep. Patent side of Mores:ea the repulilic of Attdorre 41e1 face or Cloth Caseto for each volnme. Imitable for and the Justice of this homes a. no operas. no ottomans, few sofaa Mete In ,,,,,, Interne! hest cr THE WEEKU NEW ERA readers nught be,'" ia a gwat power and the principality of mos bad binding, will hp, Pent by mall, teotpatd. on re- esonniendetinn Is simply •miaine.1 by the large fared of Weak Bark. perhaps. not six pinnes chills, alternating- o- ith bid Minh... low ispiril• or sitlehoanla, and Issimus, (viol of 00 ea.+. Willl be implied every Friday as usual. circulation It has attained both at home and In Monaco a gigantic empire. and ter. reyislar alas tete. ?retitled Pd. Randolph, Brosilway, N. Y., in the city. Now more Money is paid to natat 14414e144 ),411 rI4 pattering 1/140111 should be made 14s Post -0Mee liremt Britain. Thin success has been II. - _ _ tat that must commend therniaeltea 1E110wrilEMESTA. Remy phyoielans and all Romeo( thew flypstery how, I adIsfeellost• Di opepal lib mid Torpid Money onler or Draft, to &rout chance of Inee. hi method* FRIEND, Level: "I tried servants in l'ited Instead of IThalethosea. SUBSCRIPTION RATES the judgemest of parents. co leen than to the avail, until your El ter, or .1111111lowitioree.” hi many Newspapers are not to imp, thin advertise- other plaster.' without for rubbing, wnibbing and whittling of symptom., are ripe- tastes of eivildren-name13. 10. an earnest and eFeatherhone," an artiele prepared 1.141. I. only rant iit (Mac Meat without the expresa r5roler of Hearse I are the subscription m1040 Plasters went recommended nonivII tor .11 awe, The tomiwise well anetainecli effort to provide the boa sat Petrollow benne.* and fnmiture--for dust- I se Kismet:Kr Nair Kai. payable strictly oath t•emplete cure." Of from the quills of genie and turkeys, la ▪tee Golden Medical Dle. mo•t attractive reading for Yottuff Pc^Ple at • which made a ing and breaking of glamors and china- Asktro HARI'lllt BBOTHIRRS. New York. t serseer: The ilitistratione are ',votes and of .argely taking the place of whalebnne in 4.4.1•er JO 0.4411111•1Paett. lost price B. Darner, Hopkins- of exnellence College druggists and H. a eou.ptenotisly high otantlar41 Female than it took to support a decent family the manufacture of whips, etc., for Won amen*, Spittle., of Tr.-Weekly. ville, Ky. fifty yearn ago.--Hraint Thorburn. Illon,l, %horittese oi Het nth, neon.. ----tee ee- wiach whalebone was formerly used ex- chills, %Ohm*, swecee eoriska, and tor one rear 0 5 It nn eel, Mut remedy. An epitome of everything that IP attractive Nottingham in England, ilusivety. kindred *fleet bona. ror 6 months , 1 116 Hupkinsville,Ky. rie town of A Carless Habit of Deer. DitetlOpers, st (01.00, or OWL RENSHAW& CLARK, tied desirable le Juvenile literature.-Boston factories, complains Pore months TS Courier. famous for Its lace norTura toe $5.00. on MONDAT, AU- A curlew; habit of deer le that of eat- Longfellow's Birthday Beek Mende for Dr. Pierce's A weekly feast of good ibises to the boy. •sel The rail Term will open Moines* has drooped during the Soot rt cents In i„1 'W. An aosperieneed faralty, Mar- that its their own kind. If a lesda ,,ettatimptiOn. girls is every family which It vaite.-Brooklyn sT An, consequenee of a ing the* bones of Atelier*. Weekly. nirghlirt•tror(,,... owl serape beeratroal. Per Lons, last three yeara, in World's taisipeusary Medical Altan.. dead deer is left on a hill, when birds is a beautiful present to give any lady. other Information call on or *dams growing competition In Ayraldre and elation, 1141 nen sir, C ror one year ...... si It Is woederfal ie Ito wealth ot pietism, is- Inmate haven eaten its flesh. its But there IP a little book published in interest -Christie. Athrooaba, J. W. Derhyplare, and aloe en the continent. anti ✓er month. 111 tennation and commuted by. paint filet fern), alth pretengions New York. IfortboVillo. y key bones will often be its own Per 4 leonine Naive. relations. They will also eat horns that literary merit. that would be as appro- New Grocers, Tonna: Postage Prepaid, $9. a Year. &,.. Baeklea's Araks saving $500 REWARD lave been shed. priate, and might he the meanest' Club Rates. -- a life. It Is railed Dr. R. V. nem?. 50 ofren•41 14) Ihn prr+1•4 t, tors Main Street, llopkInsville, Ky., Vol. VITT Confeesess therofeber 2.1896• New Barber Shop. the world for Cuts, Fireproof ExlittsItten Minding. 441 11r. Sage's •'nfarrh ictuerti Tna Rear Sanva In Prl-Weekly te clubs of s,ash' Nonibern, rise Cents aseti. Rheum, Fe- treatise on dateases of women, for whew for 114 470.4 of nfarrh whieh (Nest &fete Dan Merritt,. ?rice& Mores, Ulcers, Salt The. main building for the American elute of lit -oillee bays jad °petted -- Bruised, prefilter trouble.. the "Fee of ite Prem•rlp- r 1,111111444 1-14r4. If areas always is PlOrk the nireet aesortment of Tri-Weeter in Remo am,- dhould be made by Poet _w. Teener, Chapped Hands, Chil- Tendon next year will be the Draft,Ito 'void chaser of kiss. ver Sores, exhibition in that," Is eopeci•Ily deolgmel. It is pro- ' VA a discharge rote Taney liroceriee. embracing everything word in Hone, ..rier rsisirr.osAis WARIBIRIII Nosor Skin Eruptions, and offonalee roc otherwise, partial hes ...... $1 SI blains, Corns and all contstrueted of steel railroad rails, and it newly Illustrated alth lewd-elite and noels;-- table inippsien: alm a choice nelection of Cigars Wee•kly in elution( 6 . Nriceerer. are 1110i to ropy this whirr- le rear of neaten Baal, Ott Sixth St. seises or no pay reqatr- em.•II, bine, or hearino. weak eyes, psin •rel Tolwire•Na one of the tied Barbers to the Slate, Iwo pooldvely cures Plies, thought that this plan moires the prob- Catarrh. Thou- Weekly in clubs of I ea thiewient wittmit Ike ',press order of Bar- cows, perfect sat- colored platen, mid be metit to any or preantire In heed. 'nit Mire born employee by us sad win always a• heas ON It is goyim:teed to give erecting tirepr.s4 temporary build- s:1,1.n et eases terminate in consitintition. GOODN lass.svEnise Perilous now taking the Weekly New IFS Wag rier & Brotliers. 864 ed. lem of whims for ten cent. in *tempo, by the worse '11-1-Weekly. dr so is the drop Everything seat sad tidy , monej refunded. Price la Dr. filter's CST 51511 Itewittor clove the desire to change to the cume gearastest. and isfaction, er ings with the utmost geed and at the Worltra Dispensary Medical Association, tbo •ad eceive a crate tor all use:pined tank Cos Adldriroo HARPER & OIROTM1111111. saltfootata Virginia tate WO by Harry B. mon of flatarrb,"(told seywhere in the eity l'all at their store es Work. WWII• CO rents per bus. trOf lead ocat.-Chkage Timm. Buffalo, N.'Y. sod Calarrlial Itleariarbe. 50 mute. Routh street tboa eon the Weakly. Now Darner. s e e 006 Syrup of Flo mo Ti oft EA 0 Valentiam. I Busiama li•vornor. 0 314 Eorrtspetyle9ce. hi attUiliCtUrt.8 only b) the 41,20s400dalla via $3 0, tg. er•u941 slz•v79. Hartford Herald Syrup Co., ban Fratteleott, Cal., I. Ns- tionlsona Ellis, all the ERA, Neat Monday art apart by Loud Versos District. It Is the NEW by the Own true IA:alive. THE TRI-WEEKLY 'Ebert, is a bi-ennial tleatand toires'• honor of Si. Valentine, a gee- Ee'oa 't Mrs. Will Davisou is quite world iu Kentucky litres for the election of a hue sumo easily taken aiiil the most pleas- who had the miafortune to lose The dement! hew kis: bushels of Clover Seel wanted. tleznau Mesa umit tor Governor. liolitor remedy kuow 1,0 Cleaning a) cd 1,000 with gutt- Fairview antly effective Gamma Co. hla head at the hands of a Roman Em- %Quid be more in aecoritatier Mr. Rich Yant•ey *eta to to Publishing Co. R, if the Governor Mrs. J. P. the system when bilious or costive; cagl`n ° flew Ern Pruning and lie was a mail of such unboun- ural lanes* of things Saturday to visit ids aunt, 0 coal appointed Post- peror. bionics's to attend sick for some dispel headaches, colds and fevers; to J. Tell has been execution had any partis•ular Wood, who has been'quille ded lute that the day o( ids hemlines* man atotti141 indigestion, ii0223 master at Nortotiville. - to. ta hat kind of, a Dine; cure habitual constipation, VOLUME I Muer, - - - Uttar. Ii.,. been ever &Wee 110110red as an atini- lie be? A shoemaker A blackaiiiith Y Joan 0. rent, ap- L. Wilkins and daughter, bliss etc. Fur sale hi 50(ante aud $1.0t) bot- 4.4 3 The Fair Ground Cottage for a day when Cupid ditiggiet s A merthant? A (toupee- Mrs. 4,0..3 ventary occasion, A are vleitIng the family ot Mr. II. B. Garner, Hopkiiisville, Ky. Da. B. S. 'Wool). ter ? A honker A taritier Y ar- Dories tle. shy ply to reigns and seutinient is supreme. Jaime* li. Wilkins, this week. --saws A* 2*C111 TOBAC SATURDAY, FilINUALIT I? A law/yell' A wood politic- thin had• clash with a colored thought by salute to chitey Patron Wanted. Cutlery and Jou The eala,tum is ian? If our rositempotaries halite, Miss Sue Wilkins has returned home threw a rock floral citizen Wednesday who have originated iti the Roman (clod of just precisely. tie kind of a litasititd* alter a pirautant visit to her sister, Mrs. Bale of 151 RAILROAD TIRE TAIL& TO complete our filed a.%rasa the: fol- 2=11 "g c Guns, through his window. the Isiperealla, tv hen, among other cere- Wan they want, woe *ill try to turuish ('hiss. T. Yancey. Wheeler, Mill %%ere 11111, hodtaliter. lowing paper.; 1;0% en :411 Emoting .F, II r. at. 'the Junior Dancing Club held a de- monies, the names of young girls Mr. F. E. Wade, of Fairview, spent CIO TaA Near le:* a. C. P.r Intillle to the oplilion that the so- Noe. 29-24-25-37, lanb, and 49 arid Queensware, 5:511., residence of Mr. slips of paper Welt ere Saturday and StIliday III this neighbor- 4 U. 1:01. lIghtlkil meeting at the am Welt On vaned business Governor a myth awl -W sax Li New Ens: TuaixeSOUTil I:M. •. hy hood. 69, of the Tat v.'s= 5 03 s Si Mids. good to nails " Nat Gaither last night. piseed In a box and drawn thence a fraud. 'The leind ohs Inall the peo- Also, October so! and 10th 11104, of the French, (1 75, ii 90, 14 '15, 7 ' men who presented gifte to tilt ple want, and the kind that a ould give Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Yatioey spent E co 0 Rev. J. W. Bigliam delivered a lec- young ft 30, II On, 5(1), AtiRNTli era arose full satistaotion, is one baying good, Monday in your city. WEAKLY. —maim= .) two Louis Literary Society of girls. When the Chriatiau A 60, 5 SO, I OD, 51 ture to the plain, every-day, °minion 81111et. vis- Anybody who has any of the above P4 2,) 0 of the chum!' attempted to ma Milks Mollie Tony, of your city, Is China and 50, 1 40, 5 311, 5. Bethel Female College lest night. the fathers man not overloaded with learning, sending them II to Ladies.' sub- family of Mr. George Cannon. will greatly oblige us by 5 06, 5 00, 5 Who are authorized tholietli time pagan rite, but finding it given to poetry or sentimeet, lai•king in iting the g172)/1 II 20, Nevi Etta : Tea was given at the rest- and we will gladly pay for 5 00, to I teriptions to the A Japanese modified it and all the elements of humor and sarcarnk,a II. F. Perry delivered tune of his In at once Glassware, Id 00, 5 00, night, In Impossible to do so, they Rev, Cl co to Lee Thacker-Lefayette, Ky. &woof Mr. R. B. Long, last man a Oh just enough sense to attend best sermons at Antioch last Sunday, thrill. Address plainly. avri 000. gave it the stamp of Chrhitianity. m"11:2 42 laid*. coulee Williams P. 0. of Miss Mamie Ruby, of Hender- to his offickal ditties, and who, when lite hut owing to the Illelettleilry Nsw Fas Co. Dr. G. W. Rivee-- honor the 11th of Wall Papers 75, 4 GO, 4 From the earliest Gimes term expires, will retire to the privacy weather aunt bail roads, there wino only llopkineville, 80, 4 C. A. Brasher-t rofton. son. a day al Bra4' SO, 4 50, 4 50, 4 February has been observed a* oh his bottle like a wellbehavol, Chris- a small crowd present. Brother Perry Kentucky. i=11 Gilliland & Kentiedy-Bititibridge. V. G. C. went to a o 30,1 30, 4 30, 4 H. H. Abernathy and sport. Sir Walter Scott tian gentleman, anti not stand around Is an exeellent prearlier and quite re's , I for love Ariustrong-Cerulean springs. to amid lu the it11 &rine extended Ai and 111 111, 1 10, 4 US, 4 D. II. Morgaufield yesterday lila most beautiful novels this- etreat favorite in this triviality. An Eleomt,Plebatitote • ‘, locates one of ready to bo sworn into a v- ,.., 41 00, 4 HU, 3 95, 3 W. W. &J. 1'. lisruett-l'entbroke. orgauization of a K. oil', lodge at that art. the heavettaard Thomas? leaves this week - on thie merry day, and many w hind' may present Mr. Tommie • CIO teir 1:s PO Cd 3 50, 3 50, 3 60, 3 ery tiller Ky., where he will reside plasm. legends that cling about tied 211- fur Treutos. For this, Italia, Pills, sod all kiwis of O CD ce Ceiling Decorations 2S hitt% gond to OFFER. curious future. Tommie is a worthy young Christian has just signed a for State Offices. in -our Liver Medicines and 4"1 glC 3345, w, 3 4000: 3253 00: 3 Dr. G. K. niversary of the good old Saint. Candidates gentleman and bus made many (Heinle bitter, tomes prescription clerk, lie arrived ofithe old thne who *ill be very is the very agreeable liquid I 0° 01Q10 nos subseribers,for new Little tioW remain* in this no iglaborhood Cathartic.' .,C1 ...4 pt 2 90, 2 05, 2 $O, 2 Get us a club of.rfre regulation ten- complete list their social cir- basket styles. Wednesday and is a customs. This :esthetic axe has drawn The following I. about a sot ry to low him from frkiit remedy. Syrup of Elite. Its ad- CUD 4-3 tag in all of the 2.25, 2.10, 2.00, 2.1 either WIKU• LT at $1. SO or Tat-W1111111.V candidate* for the and of all the 1111110U lieed cle. are evident--it Is 1110re easily 1:1) • 4-4 sba frosted 9ire vow the pounder. the mutinsent out of the occasion the ac- vantage* 301110a. at $2. 50 a year said we will various State offit'oe, eubjtan to thole Ralston is mak- as 0 1 75, 1 70, 1 70, 1 the infant son of Mr. arid Mrs. conalrued it into a display of pseudo-art. Convention We notit.e Mr. taken, more acceptable to the stomach, 2=11 t..1 -a al week LY say. lane for OM year with tiek- Sean, tion of the Democratic State on the lawu In 1 40, I 30, 1 30, morning. painted in all ol Louisville, ing some improvements e pleaetialy effeetive, and more WNW 0 2.2 04 tiaaa Satre, died Thursday Satins, velvets, pluelice to be held in the city ttttt 'Iliat'e right, Davie, C.134 110, 110, 110, 1 et iu our drawing. front of Isid any ,,t remains were taken to Henderson eltatles and shapes, decorated with gilt May 3d, 1087; keeping up appearatices truly Noe-this! to the pyrteus than •i•-t )t THOMPSON & ELLIS, 1 00, 1 00, 1 00, 1 For a club of tea sew subscribers we The nothing like silver-frost, luminous with pasto- Gut Itipt.h. M tints. other remedy. Recommetidel by lead- 4-F :=44 Fal :;444 We have remit., still give the 1111-1111iLT NEW KAU one to; interment. and with tinted B. Buckner, ot Hart county. phyelidatia, awl for sale in 50 cent good or fine and the forty and McCarrol, amid Feland and rals and it-rice and alive Gen. S. ing •1:24 1.b, gl ally t ear, tieke; in the drawing Petree A. S. Betty. of Nets port. Hop- No. 8, 8 Main St. such sells rapidly W infree-Antier- beadle and birds, profuse in gaudy Blue- Lion. Eish Ilar Joints. wad $1 bottle's by H. B. Garner, rhtl let P. Etc book& Adventists...I in our list of "in- Breathitt will argue the Judge 'I'. II. illitee,o1 Wal reto comity Casio a ill continue to e the are the costly trinckete kinsville, Ky. sm-a=111 as 1-4.1:3 .14 son conteated election ease before tration-theime Sciiator .1. B. Harris, of Madoseti the Reason. It Is 0'memento." and rob the dude* ten we will Arnicals next week. that flood the markets county. ICO. Sew ESA. c.) PI • 4-e ly 50 twr cent. of For a elab of more than Court of Callowa; 1.0. Poteata,liranted. ct) 03 tu• g imetiment of the day alive. Col. G. A. C. Holt, of Graham returned (nun II /* pitt1111- ruined either by f ticket and books as above 1,01 11.10‘1.--Corner of to keep the '1. 1.. CID give the paper, 1 Sonia Rook liOt gatatolt. Wednesday. EXCELSIOR tion or handling we Suppoeing that one's love is meastireti Ltsui ern trip tea) 1.-4 a and a- liberal tam'ttttt ission, which Ilth and Clay streets, formerly occupied of the the crop will bell of his valentine, the Joe. Read. of Loulevilte. Winfield spent a few hours Patents granted to citizens seatiatactory to the club- Apply to by the richness 'Squire week W.= guarantee to be by J. 'I% Barrow. Jai. W. Itry an, of '..vIngton. sting a ith Station Southern States tiering the pato who tiooda the malls with hie $20 'Tuesday 4402 0g • irts t,h while allcrhatij raiser. Go to work and GET us UP A duo. It. Gamin & Co. fellow Joe. Gardner, of Mercer comity. and reported especially for the New the most deadly lion. friende. continue to sell painted satin shoot* Gears-rat.. ERA by C. A. Snow Q. Co., Patent law- Nip= CLU B. will give a candy- Arioasont, fal 121 kg abolitionist Time Keen Society contrast le this to the Nat McKt•e was at lite Station Mon- yers. °pp. U. h. Patent Offler, Washing- Mills. i.eaelve darto. In etraoge Planing of Mercer coun- iui the pulling and vslentine party at the Main Gen. 1'. W. Hardin, day, the first time clime, lie breatne a t I. hu trigeotkanti any tat pioneer lover Who limped his tuotleat ton, • Monday night, at 7 ty. Bciterlict. Chattanooga, Terkel., ersenal street warehouse, for the first time in an elo- A. E Richards, Lonievilks W I. Albright, pound anti good It missions. Ev- rentiment Jut'ga YallCey has Odle totellop- larva( stock of See& in o'clock ; for the benefit of truaideti who mita'. Miss Agnes ear coupling. We have the frightens-al tie quent a-creel to the timid Am for a protinieteti Mobile. Ala , ing-dog. all kinds. erybody should attend. kiteivilie R II Allmaik this market, of Into selling loose N. Tobin has gone East to buy woods time miseive with an aurora of Fayette Ilea fit, of Hardin Bartlett, Tenn.,cotton rect'ived Gen. la an the guest W '1" Arbuckle, 3, they in another r.. S. !I. It...bridge 3.000 Olio-eel; as - Mr. Bob McCarron has moVed to Indian Look for- k'I lithlt.ellottstoir and knew the author bin dare county. chopper. 1141sli moults' blushes .1„1„,,0,1 Roger:, of Woodford of hr Iwo:her, Winston Henry,' ler a car- we aims, haat.% k Three Thousand far better Territory. column, for the biggest newspaper bar- B M Badger, Summering., S C., :aced crops on the not conferee him. few day.. last e eek. ohs ( 1110 very finest Northern their was in the city Mindy. tridge loader.and crimper. Col. Joe F Fused. Nashville, gain of the terateon. accepted maxim that 'it is hut Oats, whirl' we oiled% sell at the nohow. however. extretie It le an Barry South, of Morgan comity. SD. It ernes, the tenant of R. A. Me- J S Capers., New Ot leans,signal croup- arid '• Thursday. imi aestirting 'the Tobacco Leaf : The indications one step from the "sublime to the tittle- PUBLIC I NottltUrTattys. tier, has Wilted to his old bootie in ier. W. Ingham has returned froui SUPT. 11.,C1COCC. 1,,1441: 0,1 Rev .1 Valley La., horse col- now are that this road-the Ohio Ulelia" and otO it Id but half a stumble Deaha Pickett, 4.f Fayette it- molly. Al pp i A [Mantle, Lafayette, cts iweiwbore. 141% 5 hi' 1 bowman,* IImohe's •1 build to Prineetoo and there "urethrae to the silly." The M• I roishoight, ,400titos,oto county. the usual seniors at lar. tt %rant tip sew!'cant*. cautiona a ill be v Miss trams.' Wallisspent this week lotting -will from the A. Tiicre a in Lewl.1) irg, Tenn ,wheel. .•r 11.114 e. roe pson, of Oweti comi• 0',100,,. A R Ewing, irth7nrisenytteirtibe S l'llaptell in the coera- with or-make running arrange- cartoons tintierwrit with a E. Porter Ti Glove $11,141•V the family of Mr. n. combine luminous C Filson,- Pt. Pleas tut, IV VA glit- be pi try. with time I., A. & T. of slush fairly tettrivalesi the vel- ty. It. ley is putting tip half a t ments *Mimi Prof. K. Ttylo,. of I. igen cotiiity Frank ter b ix for co, toot otit up W. A. Wilgus %ire tenet. Olt his ithlet.. Mil. pitcher for Mn. F. H. Henry awl Mrs. of forty-five books, for 50 eta vets and pluelies of upertendotti. They mile of 1,Arliv.1 J A lei y, ail a better HU of New tor- The set i Kn. e are rumor{ Mr.. B. A. Wt.rma141, late it the follies ot syrup. PLOWS. with Or Some a ill which e furnieh eminet•tion are full rhyming NI. Cracken isenity. 'stillis trouble. car lean*. 'I'. 11. Cortoilt, of II E Laird, Oman Springe, Miss., ititue.We in ate, raphify as though his Did telholde buggy horse ,Ile the fonowtni lone of Plow*, which to her the NEW Eat maitre alinemeet a complete mankind and eeit How. it, Hood colahly **conjured' We tixn Mrs. Janie. Amieratonn:has returned the best Made: niel all who llve nivor. adterti-einent a for 1111111*n ills. It — - 14 -- do 1.e tattoo! sell. Baltimore, Md., 111- are ea.kipained by her library within iteelf. See they were , . $ kV Merryman, reighwbest home in Ilartferd Wells. ..r,,. nivi.,i tibkf•ir -tael,teetoctits, could have toreeeen this Look Out For 'tour The gr-iii;tig Wheat hi thin total- ernatat ion preVentive. er. Mrs. A. J Wal!er. under the hea.1 or :St. Valentine South Bend flows from ity lito; decideettr improved during this- L Nottingham, Norfolk, Va., boot ti and f lie wor rat: Mitailes Lott Ittot,t and Tandy land Mary Sergeant, metrieal river of daub that Plows, lug farther ( v tile Henry past II stretcher. Chilled are visiting liti% be do- lean gt tenni!! i.1 : It hesomes lug right here a I 1,ulii Watkins, of Hopkins,ine. got too tad pistols, Sun- hiu bleeding neck, he %%AMU Anon Md., car both colored. sts-vielenr ewett -s-ettr theist railroad com- It Randolph, Baltimore. Selling of their pi Mrs. TI'. Major on Menton) Avenue The res on the "darkeet curve of more It is inputted that the . , dm', and began playing war. ing penance preyilent In the brake. Avery & Son's (+MP 1.11 Moo Annie, -11 et the stt•ktiese pany a ifl sooti build a water tank near I All 1101 'Mr.. Clayton •aset daughtiar, The parties color and rhyme are lin- the , W W Webb, Londes county, Ga., stilt a as Mary was killed. " take's. country i• directly at to ii,' 'neje. and Chill'd Plows, the wide kilifers who hare been visaing Mrs. I.. W Welsh. ha% e the "'1 Steel neighborhood an plant y of w stir carefully •tiody-1 plow. 454. w41 yillklulthu00.1 home in lianuitoal, Mo. live in the Pembroke k okti. of.a iignstii,e, , rtstursed to their lesrair-• t it tonna /hat in nine I Winston Henri Was the rei•ipietit 1111 _White 1. St. .1 Heilman's 4IMA ;warrior- terforthreeirie um foe all of that. tlee „mall , tsphoitl fevers originete 4s1 lb boomer gobble r last tueiday, a ettoCk THE LIGHT RUNNINIV4,- and moperums lAstenl eged and, caeca out at teri Steel Plows S pistols. ids valentine at whom water supply ill from tort so id fronsi (rived... to- Coda county. rolls in families Plows, or maga. lilts the mark, lie Water Voilleh.. New Ground •41toscriptions to any paper when the pellet a well, into vi 1111111lie :some travriler borrowed a mule from QN' your shooting irons pro- ' him brotsght from the lar111- • ••,b1., and 1 poo)r ii If you want ante oi the woret taken at this office at in glee like a limiter who Thio mity le• seri Leateli, a cropper oil 'Spurr PREFERRED LOCALS John Deere to fixed up, Stich is the (*.tee. D'or ege, making. 11 perly repared, your .old locks that will in many instances down his game at long range. 'This is quite generally o,reeti's Wave, a few nights but the 0 Plows and Dow years the water in a well near a posse was In Steel ollMoN TOSAcet fitted to old locks, new locks put club prices. Eton For in- the tieing genera- some animal rewrite I while keys save the price of the New the only opportunity may be piffe and a holesame, It ha.' evidetitly Cultivators. raiee it at all. '1 burglar Manna b41.I-head- the search of the rider. on, electric bells and stance, the daily Courier-Journal (SIX tion has to get even with the tiw coil between it &lid , part of Temiliessee. TAKE NOTICE all Plows se .411 1 oie 1+ to PLANT 1.104 bet Nom rithlen to v We keep ri.i.airs for hi fact any kind of repairing to New lecture them on "11toW will Iwcome impreg- I -potty. on hottom pro. es. ballot" is a se put In; e., homes a week) anti the WiteeLT ed paragons who the bartoyaril Ott) II gnaw Fresh Strawberry, Q.ainee and Plow- An re!, & with pollution that an unhealthy 1 —us ork hi raise $1. do, such as trunks, valises, for $10.50: or 'fal-WSZKLY for good we were %heti we were boys." miter, a apple Pre..t juet reroivetl. A nice will be imsgartesi ns it, mid dis- .1.41,amt,ituavoitiotttailikwlelat agle,rtlestitl. it ton. B. Ealing, No. 22 East 9th tlo, tor %idle the old quality DR. SHERMAN'S NATIONAL ihh hue Battaitas,Orangee. 'us, Figs, take • $11.50. And get even they will reeeilt fnit its toe. This is 'BARBED WIRE. t as do it if yet ease PENSAR1 Datee MI rill two always toit nand. street, opposite John Moayon. ••Many voters" coil through the Tele- foxes crush the cartoons between their sure to be the ease a hen tht• dis- almost -Isme-tilisWiTtgavel !Week nig;'Perham.° nut relehrated westosura Sheen wire feta. in unit great. be- We 44.11 a„.11,1111iiii.evt•r"tulti Wise they trury- feel the wound. tance iwtween the of Inv. Nat, ,oillt 11111,14.1r. noon, 1...raajeto, Phone on W fillatn -Whandil hands Cigartatee, Pipes 'nod Sitinkere goods 11114 the Eloper ow 0 Pelk`a Fine Hand in our Post-Ofilee. as a general titles!, the bottom t.f Located at II.,pkinsiille. l• going to :Wiener, Iti Europt• and I a candidate for the Legislature in Trigg. The vest quantity of vomit. valentinea Permatientili all kinds. w tn. aell is lower than the t ard, and the Larking; is is asumishing. '"Iliere are the Ky..-Oolng a Laree and Ex- special to the Louis- I The name of Esq. Samuel that are sold drainage hr the latter wilt extent' in DEPOT farmers every wh A Washington country that moti- trusive Business. NEWS "Hon. also nientioneti, anti Mr. Jantee Lester only two firms in this all ,hit'.'! ions through the most porous With all leading daily and both continent's -vine Thnee of Weilimniay says: the ipplit.41 Wagons, -oftelititinstalit- --11-came4:the1 feta Repu ve McLaughlin wheiLit reaches -lostwess-atagssiotts stc La oir-oirTaiiiTTSW1mgristaltecterir now 'II s al1r-- lathe 1 olk host of *arm atni Peter G. well it in ill letturally intotr Visit I.and Through that taken morally paper or that our Increased helm etrength an have a Bros., of New York, how mire the *Timken, Buggies, atbre the Hopkinaville post-office rest rVoir. No mu otter Equipped and Elegantly Far- twi-uortileinarketi have ft-isa-DemPeratic-c-aMP.7 monspiosist,aat i nein mid. Tlie firriorr rtr whew -are well $21*--tfthi-ittorti1rTit."-- We stipprtee•this arermat ©ITT such work, bP Establislinietat. PVXZ -‘7-=11...1er Sprague and itiodgett'e femme' Geor- Wing the Monopoly a first 111:g. sornicr or liter it will Harness, keta are overeto the amotint sake,I for by Poetmaster hati was SEWINEVMACHINE I, into the trails- by a alcr 11owit4g thetonflo Maple Syrup only 73 create per gal. Nies must continue i hire. Our gia Minstrele will appear at Oa. Opera and after Thompeon came McKenzie for additional clerk 11-0111 barn-i sir-is and 11,-1 4—iiiit its THE not"roon Aso HUN WOUIL Meets (sashes made every day. HAS NO EQUAL. Spring Wagons, tobacco grower' Monday night. After a week of of rate was inaugurated. and this the soil put In his claim_ for $S00 'know * war anywhere nem' it. We have , loom ttttt mite. Violins and We take occaa Pootteaster for a them at fifteen located the "legitimate" the opportunity year they are selling alibi' lour ...labile,' died ' Guitars. S•rings itiways in stock. Grates, for their knowing that the colons would be likely uliliul a vs*. iti i A T. 1,A•none. PERFECT SATISFACTION frientia in goo I 'capon. The below the cost id manufac- t tot A T E I) *melee amount. We are very hearty laugh comes cents a gross, ruin diphtheria,. TRY Tit.F: LH Kit offer our to reduce the ecattered proo-t•I that the slope from all who may I as a company ie one of the very beet on the ture." These cart000s are the physician Mantels, to glad the appropriation was granted chen si, tilled the moil for h Picadura Cigar, semaring tl Reserved like the "le•avee Cl' Vahan- the kit La New Home Se11111E !acing Co. trial, ecrtainly needed. It is road. Seats at Galbreath's. over time land feet berween the bath for shaman all larger force was is a distatice oil tweety noel you e hI smoke. no other. Get my -ORANGE, MAS8.- Lime, do *eats 50 cents, gallery 23 cents. ',name," and, if to Import a ith them they 'Sit throe ti, strtcl. . the full in: to be hoped that there will now be no door, out or rah;ela prices on Canoed Isloodie. Severe. N.Y. Choctgo, IL St. Lou,, them the the rest of the in the latter 30 three the An elegant German was tendered' plea...tire to the young, mei the at-II, that the water forget the pito.. San Francisca Gal. Respectft ineonvenient delays in opening artel trout _Dotit Maims Ga. Dallas, 1w. Hair, II E young society people of the city at the world can forgive the folly White the Wad polinted by font gases, W malls, of it diphtheria had eertainly sW•1 FOR. SALi a resitieuee of Mr. M. H. Nelson, There- have their fun. the use children result,' I. Wheii ionising a well, have it, Cement, Robbed While Drink. day night. Among those present sere above the learn-yard, and let A. L. WILSON it taasitele, Steinke- COAL THIEVES. tient into Rep . Miter's Stannie Ormsby, Rosa ti.e drainage tw (rem it rather No 2 Gish Building, directly oppo- Plaster, Denver 'Ilona- elope IP ill, a 4 ni Mr. John Spiden was in town gen, Madge Fairleigh, Frankie Clump- it, Arrange a place for site Phoenix Hotel. part of the U and sides, mom %idyll is known, slay anti took on a little too notch Wattle-hi, Opliera l'ayne, They Nash One Man's Face and Attack eetnetiit bottom Pumps little bell, Mary ta-mentesi togetio•r, •Iiow epeSa 07(01 Lse removed froth I order to escape the pollee A Reward Offered. glazed idtwo, "booze." In 011ie Hinkle, Lulu 1Vinfree, Julia Ven- Another matter to ti eat oir and Fettled for a lot to sleep ofl' an. Station- and he went to the rock spring able and the Misses Barbour, and Moors. away from the well. A new lot of ered country Ii lying the .be effects of the liquor. While bailer ilickniati, John Campbell, Geo. e have irtopictiti) mentioned ery just received at this It borders on 0 ONE NIG HT °NIA Belting. peopl on the green sward, lie was approached John }eland, Walker Wood, daring pernstency thievas robbilig Colorado I amphell, Geis Itut-kne F. office TuEsDAy, FEB• 15 of ill as ate the white man who went city. So bola have by a tall slim John Burnett, Robt. Burnett, Duncan coal train.' its this Paint, .1%si vettsay relieving hint of $aa methods that it is through his pockets Galbreath, Ben Campbell, Chas. Bur- tlit•y bona in their Litt tor v.- vs Krim strange region lie &aye that the thief rolled - to ititt.rfere ith them. an to et lid White Lead, and, by repute in cash. bridge and Bryan Hopper. The even dangerotte Nitwit anxiety is manifrated STAN les 1:11 tin, ttt TIIE coostitutes the him over on his face and took the money ing was most enjoyable met the kind thernlay night engineer Grigg 011 the wni I. - end we ntioula disilisn and Linseed Oil, izona mei the • nut of his hip pocket. He was power host end hostess re...cited the hearty se- south bound freight, etriVes lie-fie • ioVerioor. , Matter. earefulty Awl A few eattlem commit- ol agrants ttel:411 Bene. himself. After 'dealt 2N- the v Nota less to protect knio leslgemnemite of the k • P at • p. sii., eau imiuice Machine Oil, that portion of walkeJ leis- it r "1 11 • a •" in boundarlet ting the robbery, the thief Mr. E. Grey Lea is led the (Sennett in throe Mg ear coal %hale Ii. a. as 2I4the'1) party. • t•ri yttlitt edge disalieetom oat cettently Bey Stone Tom's Cal:I: Compaq the since.. Heinz tulles weet (lay away and use ,sot been seen hi hand 1.,c- gots a irks a w result. torty years I have voted outs ., 100 ost creditable manner stopped 1 .), is Oil Cans • seeking an ofliee. t et. Preserves in Peach, can 1.•ati line it bee Spitien says lie could recognize the fel- I s .111. I,. at epeaking of the ing onlere. Tie y lout 111.!..eded about ! time party a ithota the 1 obaeco Dr. II. DI. Sherman, bornin Charles- Colored on as... at,.1 Itt•- know the emu 4.tten tinder protest.% hen political ?limi- All Linda 44f repairing ahouldiehe Pee him. : a tliteiglit %%mild rt• - Quince, Strawber- low I coding sal.' tlie 1., A. & T. *aye ton hi•ii tigiztet have: 4.W Ir. litaaretillittrinwhi!, tir ton Jeffereteit county, Virginia, retire- rinser, awl llosrep.,eeloitalititildy. Is particularly argit. of be t An advertisement having appeared in at rite a it ii them lie st Ake,' slow to ciii nry I:1, 1.,to1 A regular Graduate ry& Raspberry. coasrareissig wed Malliatias a within the Natant! Gas. a, Medivine mid Surgery. Twenty-five diens and es t he Nashville Union and other Tenney.- the cars it mm i asked them to ote , hen : „waft it ii it ii I m. JUBILEE SINGERS. t Milken, I years practicali ex iserience. Becogrilz- At keep the whit the . nitoit of stir.' affairs. It is of the sale of I smer one on the (141444eite ',hie of the treatment of rim Es has-- Negotiations are pending between the see PaPers giving "Ake admit, to remedy the evil in Imitating fiat nod establialieti for more s Meat Yount reepectftilly drive him the Indiana, Alabama arid Texas rail- train threw a large rts k striking him clam& Diseases since lit70. Now per- noon Seats Impede his p Natural das Company and lomeral A dmi-don HopkinevIlle 4„" in' ,I. 1', I.; city alt,1 ilillig • tilig an ugly but)Ii sunti manently I.stalest at llopkinsv Me, Ky. -AND- region. a niad to take place in Oast saturday, in the fine le Down Stair-.J col. L. A. Sypert for the pnrchaee nf arid Eh* great April tit)). soma misapprehension ham wound. lie a as knocked down but got al"Govereor With sufficient hat•khone .•Allery to the latter, which through farm, belonging sa will vs-ti' every anti all ill all. A flows tastiee imp and dragged himself into the depot. braille We elated on In.. II. N. Sherman, Seal' on ..alt at./ It trail.r. of the city. arisen in the publii• mind as to the for his approval, Leggett's Oat Flakes Government lice along the railroad north long hillø they present ilopkineville'e fanned epecialist, during of the sale. lir. stoma-eta eiresae.1 his wound*. Alla r and credi' coudeeted by pre-moose to bore for gas t 's h.ttttt our visit to that -city last week. The ate all (0 he hail Very cheap of The company mere Nashville on his train Ws. points the Mil fliv sale as advertieed is• for- he was taken to 3t:e"lis Sr ilitketiow intimately. ii.. mu reeeption. anti h. Doctor gave cordial 81 Green is FOIN well at Bowling as soon as the WP all;11 a no- but in bet 404,1 i*y The I ,t- _W ill. a Very were Ile114.01 bilyw ill that asnipany _ma man. saiirmki avvompanicel us thalogit the (Merritt, -11 ft nisheJ. for ble of lala Well appointed ea- than a-011111 -almost atta matter of courseshe the puts ties have offered a liberal reward ai'd malaYls'Y• -he was` true* 14en'''T; departments 4no. B. Galbreath &Co. level ground formations around this yet itesisst as a gut *mem twiiimiiii;st, AYER'S The geological f thug w ho threw , and brave, t% Wei' is in a commodious The result will probably be the the appreliene ton o time dietailee. Ku city are favorable to the existent* of .1haset• the ei°"est st"d""t I" ler 'k n w • A."11 building 'peered on Seventh street in Main St. Neglect to Read it ie to lee hoped lie ill et mil' 4- dry 109 So. Do Not Hear the edg t legal extinction of the I. A. & coui- the rock, and n1211, the (More hi 1st, Of thy Bank of ilopkitieville gap, and at several points [mar tewn the rear in • its the road into a and puitiolied. cannot fail to record his inlay deeds ef Hot we were through the laboratory , Cure down t patty and the merging of be captured Ague there have been seen evidences of it. A genenteity. l's fillet wily, hut for it is al- came night while special police- valor, patritstiouratel soloed, the advertising departnient; farm, branch of the L. et N., which .- The place anti his troop. z- , . man; Blank Notes for sale Never foils to cure es ery form of disorder veiy thought well on Mr. Wallace Wartieltre •ppronellIng this tIlletl.Liii (Mt igt.ntle I el.'eltt11111 It Johirion was standing on tile Ill- peedliar to .1:11arladtiftetril di.:rlets. li ready man it. B. and Gen. Alcorn in reeeption kk horror. only 30 feet deep, was being cleaned effeet• in one dirt-rant' fourth. the higher, parlor anti at this office, cheaper SGRIBNER'S -..••1111..• at the( at the depot, mune unknown Vai'll rneampt il a • mare I t smelled gas platform other, roem; tiftit, the dispensary; ellIth, the in Is Warranted, last fall and time workmen Bank Robbery. at him, the night. Dr. W., a seldom' rebel: than can be bought ,:o person threw a large rock town at Doctor's private oillee and consultation used In accordance plainly. A stick taken from the but- Geo. A's.(limp, alien he as.ktoi r,sies. The mot we Cincin- In 7411. ra•e, When straight dem a new inches of him. entered apartment. Louisville or contains 11,1 1111111th.. Our usually quiet town, at least the @tone passing iti Ito {reit. with direction.. It MAGAZINE the lief-14,11W ton' was as if saturated with oil, and III be plod through the eitniiitry found to excel hi lie- itity. comfort not only neutralizes Miasmatic poison. Ile was unable to cateli the inivereatit. ihitk and *to ,..invetii,,iiee in every n._ nati. sail will dare &pi be no question,but that if the East End. was thrown into a flutter last ins, vamp, wit14.11 lie did that but otimulaies the 1.Iier to Welt ht action. there can it would have hni pitmood, I / , . / F.0414.ory. the cliff to $, Tneeday by the diseovery that Mr. Jai. Had the rock hit him, rattly night. Upon arrival the gtial'i speed, mid the ladire WIII be eaptivated gives tone to the Stomach, and well should be sunk deeper a reservoir tent, %lath %MOu is the liven an flit•tol a /written injury. directol iii in to Gen. It's. with its setwrtily elegant furnishinge, the appetite. gas would be struck. chrppell'e hank had robbed of eick and pkture pisnw, hooks. It Contains: (tom the sin of natural eliould be done stets timed tilled a ith s4.1.1ters TeX418, t eitt unknown sum of mimey. Mr. J. J.. Certainly sontething 7,1111,-, Are You Going? • "Pottersuille, Julius Caesar as Pontifax Maximus I oc this The New Eno would be gia.1 for line irnag ,111;a1 oba The varitata departmenta are provitled Where tho Muni. and has to stop thin vikw ork. At, otlit•ers lite Jan. 1.5, 1884. orri:::tali.vieee. From the Dual hy San Jean ni they have Chappell ditteovered the deficit, with electric. lights, which 011 aceount shop to get him to fix the Vatican. Kngrared rens to report any evidence To C. E. Weet's 4. Co.: t hOltranoonti. iti the They, tin., It to work up_ Is al deal- (or When he occupital this of the Doctor's rapidly grow hug praw- tired of fooling 'Dr. J. C..1 4'er W. It. CIAMMOI. •fter• photograph from a the existence of oil or gas in tide engaged meets] detective.' hardlY safe an4'eiti"ns and" my Sewing Machine, I'm tearful limit protection. lice, itas frequently to be brought into "Genldem.en: For more than , the cage. It is hoped that time Flick reveal ere need Pia"' the "rat daY• he at nn" idare'l a with fratielie, next. and it is the county. gnarll around the honor to protet t the I nopileit . Each department is under lived in locali- The Liken taiortil .-ems • How, when ter by whom C. E. WEST, 40 years I have j14: 1 ilitistrc k.,,tato.ose from thee jauthor'sltll" colreeir . impede the ' will be caged. :standard Uncle Tom's Cabin 1.11,ily and property of the tAinnhantler the supervieion of experienced linniliouril The The Sewing Illachiite Man, ties abounding in Malarial Besides, it Ti The Merchants Of Hopkins,ille. the crime Was committed is, as we go to job- ot the teacto. Ise hail dater' out amid per- is emoducttal upon the very best 'mores- OK TIIU R Company, with the blood-Ittttt 'ohs have been the suldect The Residuary Logout: J1.0. and that tin I shrouded in mystery.--Cadiz , atonal system. 'the founder of this en- disorders; irtist.tA:111'11011'4 Jain OPTIIK preset, bee singers and donkey, will give the s" form a, Part W 11.1.. J. a Sit little there I Aceept our thatak. fer the liberal slip- , e"asimiYI:lisZarrian:ZbyP"tittiket.(9:ttilielita:ti_i.TterprIse hart spared neither pairolinor ex- oftheir alt wks in. many Ilit'SfIN Celephone arms at Fort Dobikelsikii aid sharing Its retabliehment, velar'', by so reli- and the toward our recently in- -sow presentation of this thrilling "`" 10,000 No. 6 Enve- and found no remedy A *tory (MT." a . rumors port given finest surrender and long impriene- Maerna- Malt a canrsos. But drama on time rood, at the Opera House, sad fate in the way, is the nicestoat ofconglete and and safe as ayer's .1gue Poem. t it at,' this- he i,t atigurated boom. Judging from the In Memoriam. all superior officers bad de- ry of the hi Jo New York lopes for sale at a bar- able llatau l ild weld. email night. 'The company carries a merit when to ST reeeived from all a hum Mrs. Maggie Nichols was born Feb'y. Tueeday Cure. Taken according lied. *oil eneouragement feature aerie',!hem. when "tint as easily al; it has been instrumental addinr a Apply at this of- 111101111111m1•4reatre• at tar agree and 11th,. was to William full line Si! 'pedal scenery, a Will soldiers now klekkert him . to I op- gain. it will never fail to paper.- IntifieVe at we have seen In reference to the 11/1111e the married they did. large increase of ',tenors daily directions, Canaameirtr at Pa rt•. Nichols Oct. is73, in Jersey comity,P1.. enough to attract a fall house. and have yet to titid time country, Viii Oh aa.l. IA Ilk portr•IL• ovek Oh a grand etireede. e in itself I think not ; kinevIlle from all parte of the fice. cure. Washburne's pieeession. venture will prove W - ' and died near Sinking Fork, Christian thia emintry who will. of lir. •nd dwimtents in Mr outs. We ' e Seats at Galbreath's. first Demos:rat who go there to avail themselves J. R. M. HUNTER." it. W &Milt 'Si. az-Wmleter t” France will issue 5,000 papers devoted to the re- I county, g-y • Janiy. 23rd, Nay, sh man has been etigeeeted K. mime t'ont se-seet-- Another true Sherniait's skilled medical treatment 1111retber•• WIle. C tutor!". business intereete of Hop- leaves• devoled husband and five little make a model Governor, but of people iti wonderful sources and $1,000,000 Drunk. who would and advice. Thousandsstates visit New Commissioner's Notice. IN 1 motto Yontoante cop. children besides many relatives and A lie has held a high position this ining 1( 1. Cure. K. 11 New Next that the said 5,000 for 20 years arid adjo tint III( 01 Ayer's Ague The Last rurriewr. Cilia kinsville and see her loss. She was a the grande. friends to mourn of trust and reeponsibillts , the erduotie York, Citicitinati, Louisville, Chicago at tato Mertes of Iiiraweern les are properly distributed. Among , Prete. W 11. Shepherd'. Ailiu'rt PREP tatEli 11T 1111111111pee• man ettna- original isil kind anti loving wife, a devoted mother, Philadelphia . duties of which he discharges with such and St. Louis to consult specialists, vs. eirarrl•.m soca0. urn our issue end to whom an . can iii- CO., Lowell, Mass kt TIM IN TIIK PARIS or TIM SEVOLV- are to be ra the first In aiding a true friend and earnest ehristian. It isn't every young man who marked ability "ess and which necessarily Is a great expense. Hein arid Creditors DR J. C. Mills Paper. Anita C. to diocese, but the affli raithrill against the estate ti)NI. Second nAntelodholt which we I our thanks are especially due, we men- title was a victim that'fell dulge in a ill 000000 drunk, credit to the State as to make hie posi- The advantage the afflicted now have in All penning haring claims. a.tionot Sold by all Druggist.. and though confined to Nevada, did it Governor, of W. ii. nhspherd, dee,4, Cr,' hereby Illowee.-te consumption, son of Senator Fair, of tion Ile enviable ea that of of the State is that they van me ai my Teen tion: The Rank of HopkIneville, Mr. thls end to sie same, property vended, a tut Price Si; six bottles, SS. The easary et a New Sams e her bed 'leveret u the, bore her afflict- evening in Waahington, when eould not spare him anti little ex- on or la•fore the 1st to A It r11101IT, r. Houma andWrlita Meta Timothy, the other then the State reach Hopkinsville at a very office in llopkieeville, Ky., toestraked Protein. Geo. 0. Thompson, ions without a murmur, being wholly tried to shoot ex-Repreiwntative not Puffer his name used at all. a physician who has day of Mareh, I 111 RN F:1'1', and ir W. knwaatme. It C. money, 111111 he he will pense aii.1 commit Master 5 toni'r. D. J. !looser, Long, Garnett & Co., resigned to the will of her Heavenly of California. became the latter W. reputation, and hun- eountry l'age, gained a national 41181181."1.1attv.aRi alar7.j14 bete Johe R Green & Co., Dr. A. P. Camp- Father. She was conaelous even to her refuieti to take a drink with hint. hundreds daily testify to Ws • sons, drede and :TAD: co ;kat:! Tall!ta,.. of Ike Meek tit Little Co' C. W. Ducker, latest breath; and, after commending Young Fair had been pronaxed a cool suct•eastui treatment In his line of ripe- o be matte Cat thus mit arid hell, Limnos Anderson. One thousand dollars is a big sum of rs.tfll'n and we will mend find any r roc iddweii Ritn,iie, Neu- her little elehlren to the orphan's God, $1,000,000 if he would go for a yesr tous, at dritit i;:inensimaeray mitonnlentieetatnathoilutis-i' slill free, something of great lig earnest desire for them bad scored up to invest In advertising, halt not? Commissioner's Notice. Ws know, but rhxeiri: r.,0.101 without drinking, and money from value ant importance to you, 110 N I"!•T "• P. Payne and It. I. toimeet her around the time, but CHRISTIAN CIRCUIT COURT. xi. Coquet's'. Itself woul • law & Clark, 1. hand, eeven months of the allotted But then “printer'e ink" batiste in more ind afflicted souls all over the country. that will idiot you la bneinesa which will awing Motelit. T. 8 Patter. t more Money right away than sayilling 11111s4s•litet In The conking week • thorough "Gre-at W late Throite•," quietly pasasti temptation to go on a tear that any merited 1111C01114 !or the I. J. Trozell's yon in Nature Martin. the money to the misers inch than oth- We bespeak VII W me us thA world. Any one rim do the work away, aboilt a. , the gentle spirit was to glit- a Number. the W0t1141 eost a round million in his modern and improved It h. Marna, Ar and lire at home, Zither net, all age*. aome• 25 Cents rittlYalla will be made throughout In the world. Ws be- Doctor 81411.01 on seen.. pinions to the God anti he tell. Cr co edify eatinis Money for all work- .4111-3R- rooming tering for Isla little mind, mode of vestment of time nation's sick. All persons lotting Heinle against the rotate thing new, that Just 333.00 atia. portion of the city and we taking ootl5P1 to • We will alert Ion; r•pitel not needed C teashiesa who gave It. Yining Mr. Fair may never be a Sena- lieve in printer's lett anti are alit J. Trolell, .10, 41. are hrrehr ers h: WS SONS, relieve with ore at m> .,f- Thi. IP MIN of the genuine. important ehaneeu c II ARIAS:4'141B there yet to be seen will not be Weep not tpr I.erea ed generations will rise time out April 11•• sense. properly vended. irelw', Proachlti trust tor or a hero, hut $1000 worth this year; CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, and is Hankins% ille, , on or before this tat of a life ions. flow. who are ambitious and wanting in point of enterprise. She only Meet". .hr rest. from pain. point to him as a man who treat- relieved by MI- flu, I. ittstsscrr, enterpriaing will sot delay. terand (oath free Mend Mourn not for her, orphan ehildren. up and See all about it 'miler "Induce- Bronchitis immediately day of March, 1147. Broadway, 16th. It aster Com'r Ta.rt a Augusta. ill•ine 743 6 745 You'll meet Is brave, your mamma *gaunt ed himaelf to one of the otatileet drunks Cure. Sold by J. R. Armistead. Respectfully, ments" In another place In this paper. lob's T. W. Borrow. J. M. R. on record,