Water hungry coal Burning South Africa’s water to produce electricity “Among the many things that I learnt as president was the centrality of water in the social, political and economic affairs of the country, the continent and the world.” Nelson Mandela, World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, 2002 Report 2012 © Greenpeace / Oswald Chikosi 2011. For more information contact:
[email protected] Lead author: Melita Steele Contributing author: Nina Schulz Edited by: Fiona Musana, Nina Schulz Acknowledgements: Lauri Myllyvirta, David Santillo, Sanjiv Gopal, Olivia Langhoff, Ferrial Adam, Ruth Mhlanga, Michael Baillie, Mbong Akiy Published in October 2012 Greenpeace Africa 10A and 10B Clamart House, Clamart Road, Richmond Johannesburg, South Africa Postal Address: Greenpeace Africa PostNet Suite 125 Private Bag X09, Melville Johannesburg, 2109 South Africa Tel: +27 (0)11 482 4696 Fax: +27 (0)11 482 8157 Website: www.greenpeaceafrica.org Designed by: Kai.Toma Creatives Printed on 100% recycled post-consumer paper with vegetable based inks. Executive Summary 3 1. Background 6 1.1. Water scarcity 6 1.2. Looming conflicts over water 7 1.3. Climate Change 8 1.4. Making the coal-water connection 8 1.5. Water: the foundation of life 10 1.6. Coal versus water as a strategic resource 12 2. The thirsty, polluting coal process 13 2.1. The water impacts of coal production 13 2.2. The water impacts of coal combustion at coal-fired power stations 14 2.3. Water contamination by Acid Mine Drainage 15 3. Eskom’s “efficiency” efforts 18 3.1. Eskom’s thirst for water: incremental efficiency and pollution reduction measures 18 4.