Impofu East Wind Farm Red Cap Impofu East (Pty) Ltd Avifaunal scoping study September 2018 REPORT REVIEW & TRACKING Document title Impofu East Wind Farm- Avifaunal Scoping study Client name Kim White Aurecon Status Draft report-for client Issue date September 2018 Lead author Jon Smallie – SACNASP 400020/06 Internal review Luke Strugnell – SACNASP 400181/09 WildSkies Ecological Services (Pty) Ltd 36 Utrecht Avenue, East London, 5241 Jon Smallie E:
[email protected] C: 082 444 8919 F: 086 615 5654 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Red Cap Energy (Pty) Ltd successfully developed the 80 MW Kouga Wind Farm and the 111 MW Gibson Bay Wind Farm in the Kouga Local Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa. This area lies on a section of coastal plain in close proximity to the ocean on either side which results in excellent wind conditions and low levels of turbulence, making it ideal for wind farm development. Red Cap has now signed option agreements on approximately 15 500 ha of new undeveloped private farmland, known as the “Impofu Wind Farms” Project. The 3 wind farms will ultimately consist of up to a maximum total of 120 turbines and associated infrastructure and will connect to the grid close to Port Elizabeth. The Impofu East Wind Farm, the subject of this report, consists of up to 41 turbines. We have conducted an initial assessment of the site, a screening assessment and a full (four seasons) pre-construction bird monitoring programme on site. The most important of our findings are as follows: We make the following conclusions regarding the avifaunal community and potential impacts of the Impofu East Wind Farm: » We classified nine species as top most priority for this assessment: Denham’s Bustard, White- bellied Korhaan, Blue Crane, Black Harrier, African Marsh-Harrier, Martial Eagle, African Fish- Eagle, Jackal Buzzard and White Stork.