THE TIMES Vol. 25 29 No. No. 7 9 December December 26, 2014 -3 January - 9, 2010 1, 2015 A Baltimore Times/Times of Baltimore Publication Governor-elect, Comptroller volunteer at Paul's Place in Baltimore

On Monday December 22, 2014, Governor-elect Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot, joined by the Governor-elect's daughter Jaymi Sterling, the next First Lady Yumi Hogan, and Comptroller Franchot's wife Anne Maher, volunteered at Paul's Place in the Pigtown neighborhood of Baltimore City, where they donated clothing and helped serve lunch to local residents. Founded in 1982, the organization is a unique non-profit offering basic needs services such as hot lunches, an emergency food pantry, housing assistance, a nurse's clinic, and more, as well as education and job-readiness services, health and wellness programs, and an after school program. "I first visited Paul's Place during the primary election, and was immediately impressed by the work this organization is doing in the Pigtown commu- nity," Governor-elect Hogan said. "I feel their model is something that could be implemented on a much larger scale throughout the state to foster 'hope, personal dignity, and growth,' part of the Paul's Place motto, to all of our communities in need. I'm very excited that the Comptroller and I are back again today." Courtesy Photo Make 2015 The Year of You! By Monisha Vasa you can start to become aware of the washing the dishes, really listen to the forces that operate within you. This is sound of the water, feel the slippery As a psychiatrist, I have the honor of when you can feel the beating of your soapiness of the dishes, inhale the scent being with people through the ups and heart, or the sensation of your breath. of dish soap. Using our senses to deepen downs of life's journey. I bear witness to This is when you can feel how emotions, our experience prevents us from rumi- joy, fear, anger and sorrow, and the ways desires, and aversions come and go like nating about an argument with our boss in which we deal with these emotions. the tide of the ocean waves. or worrying about tomorrow's crazy My patients often say to me, "I think 3. Experiment with meditation: Once schedule. Alternatively, if you find your- what I need is to just stay busy. I need to you feel comfortable with disconnecting, self waiting, allow yourself to just wait. distract myself." experiment with how meditation feels. Try to put your phone away, and focus Distraction certainly has its role. Some- Meditation is a way to observe all of on your breath, or the sensory experi- times keeping ourselves occupied with yourself in a compassionate, nonjudg- ence of being where you are. This meaningful activities like exercise, time mental way. You might start with a brief moment is the only moment that truly with friends, or work, can keep us out sitting practice where you focus on the exists. Mindfulness allows us to truly of our head. Sometimes distraction sensation of breathing for a few minutes. live that moment, deeply, intentionally. involves not so meaningful activities Don't put pressure on yourself to medi- These tools can allow 2015 to be the such as alcohol, drugs, shopping, gam- tate in a certain way. Don't make it an- year where you finally prioritize YOU, bling or sex as means of disconnection. Dr. Monisha Vasa other project or goal that you can fail at. and the relationship that you have with But what would it be like to To Courtesy Photo Meditation is called a practice for a rea- yourself. This is not selfishness! Being be with ourselves just as we are? The son. Find your entry point and build conscious allows you to show up for most important and enduring relationship attention to when you are moving too fast, from there. life, fully available. Knowing yourself we will ever have, is the relationship that or are too busy. Say "No" to activities that 4. Find self-compassion: Being with allows you to open your heart to all that we have with ourselves. This relationship aren't necessary or meaningful to you. yourself won't be very fun if you are life has to offer, and to those who cross is based on our intimate knowing of our Make a conscious choice to block out always criticizing yourself. Make a pact your path. This is not a race to be won or physical bodies, minds, spirits, and souls. time on your schedule for rest. Create to only use kind, loving words with a mountain to be conquered. This is a If we continuously distract ourselves from buffers between activities so you are not yourself, the way you would with a child beautiful practice, one we can start over ourselves, then we lose the gift of cultivat- rushing from one thing to the next. or a favorite friend. Practice self-care. and over with each new moment that we ing a loving relationship with the person 2. Discover quiet: The sounds of our Compassion for yourself improves well are blessed with. who matters most. world— people talking, music playing, being and is the foundation from which Here are some ways to make 2015 a kids asking, technology beeping— can compassion for others can grow. Monisha Vasa, M.D. is a board certified year of getting to know YOU: be loud and intrusive. The voices in our 5. Live mindfully: Practice immersing General and Addiction Psychiatrist in 1. Slow down: For some, this can feel heads— our constant commentary— can yourself in your experiences, in a curi- private practice in Orange County, terrifying! We are used to maintaining a be deafening. Turn the volume down, or ous, non- judgmental manner. There are California. She lives in Orange County rushed pace, often to distract ourselves or better yet, switch to silent mode, and several ways to experiment with mind- with her husband and two beloved chil- for fear of missing out. Play close allow yourself to just be. This is when fulness in your life. Try using all of your dren. and two English Bulldogs. For senses to consciously connect to a mun- more information, visit: www.mindful- SPREAD YOUR YOUUR MESSAGE MESSAGE dane experience. For example, while to over over 4 Million Million readers readers with an ad this t size sizef forfoor jjustust $1$1,450!,450! FForor a limited Watch Night Service THIS AD time,time, BBUYUY 4 ADSADS,, GET ONE EFREE!* FREE!* The S.E.E.D. Church located at 400 East 31st Street in Baltimore will host a CALL TTODAY!ODAAYY! joint Watch Night Service on December 31, 2014 at 10 p.m. along with Pastor FOR SALE! Walter Parrish of the Northside Baptist Church of Northern Parkway and 1-855-721-63321-855-7221-6332 Reverend James Foreman of the Pilgrim Church of McElderry Street. Light WandaWanda Smith,Smmith, ext. 6 refreshments will be offered. PressPress SServiceervice 2000 CCapitalapital DDrive,rive, AAnnapolis,nnapolis, MD 21402140101 *Certain*Certain conconditionsditions applapply.y. The Baltimore Times  NOTICE (USPS 5840) is published every Friday WET BASEMENTS STINK !! by The Baltimore Times, 2513 N. Mold, mildew and water leakage into your basement causes health Any unsolicited manuscripts, editorial Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. DQG IRXQGDWLRQ GDPDJH :KDW FDQ EH GRQH WR ¿[ WKH SUREOHP" cartoons, etc., sent to The Baltimore Subscriptions by mail $60 per year. $OOVWDWH$PHULFDQ:DWHUSURR¿QJLVDQKRQHVWKDUGZRUNLQJORFDOFRPSDQ\ Standard bulk postage paid at Baltimore, We will give you a FREE HYDOXDWLRQ DQG HVWLPDWH DQG D IDLU SULFH :H Times become the property of The Bal- MD 21233. Postmaster send address KDYHUHSDLUHGWKRXVDQGVRIEDVHPHQWVLQWKHDUHDZHFDQSURYLGHORFDO timore Times and its Editorial UHIHUHQFHV :KHQ \RXU QHLJKERUV QHHGHG ZDWHUSURR¿QJ WKH\ FDOOHG changes to: $OOVWDWH$PHULFDQ:K\GRQ¶W\RX"&DOOQRZWRUHFHLYHDGLVFRXQWZLWK Department, which reserves the right your FREE ESTIMATE0+,& The Baltimore Times to accept or reject any or all such 2513 N. Charles Street CALL 1 800 420 7783 NOW! unsolicited material. Baltimore, MD 21218

Page 2 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people! AFTERAFTER CHRISTMASCHRISSTMAS ONEONEED DAYDAAAYY SALESSAALLE 5O%-8O%5O%-8O% OOFFFF SSTOREWIDETOREWIDDE



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Positive stories about positive people! The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Page 3 Guest Editorials/Commentary Look up, Americans, it’s not as bad as you think By Lee H. Hamilton

e are one glum country! Trust in the federal government is at historic lows, according to Gallup. More than half of the respondents to an Octo- Wber Rasmussen poll think our best days are behind us. Just a few weeks ago, an NBC/Wall St. Journal poll found that the one thing Americans agree upon whatever their race or circumstances is that the system is stacked against people like them. Scratch an American, it seems, and you’ll get a litany of complaints about our representative democracy. I see this defeatism all around me. When I speak to classes of university students, I almost always ask for a show of hands on whether these young people believe the U.S. is in decline or on the rise. Every time, the room is evenly split. That’s a lot of people who are losing faith in our system. So I have just one thing to say: Could we all take a deep breath? For one thing, we deal with our challenges from a position of strength. We have friendly neighbors to the north and south, oceans to the east and west, and a grow- ing, relatively young population. We possess abundant natural resources, the world’s most capable military force, a nuclear arsenal second to none, and a deterrent power envied by every other country on earth. We face no existential threat from foreign powers. We can choose the role we want to play in the world. We created the major mechanisms for world stability— the United Nations, World Letters to the Editor Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank— and we still help maintain them. We lead the way in pressing for open markets and free trade. Editor: Navy officer, I am especially concerned We’re doing better economically than any other major industrialized nation, and Re: Hollowing Our Military with the state of our Navy. We currently have put more people back to work since the recovery began than the rest of the I have previously written about the dis- have 286 ships, including 11 carrier bat- industrialized world combined. astrous impact of "sequestration" on our tle groups. Sequestration will keep our Our people possess strengths in abundance. We have a remarkable reservoir of tal- armed forces. Douglas Wissing delves Navy (with new construction) at 286 ent both in the workforce and, to judge by the students I encounter every day, into this topic in his article "RIF Tide" ships, but decrease carrier battle groups preparing to enter it. We’re blessed with a strong entrepreneurial tradition that nur- in the December 2014 issue of The to 10. Our Naval command estimates tures inventiveness and creativity, and that draws countless people from abroad American Legion Magazine, which I we need 300 ships, including 12 carrier eager to make something of their future. partially paraphrase in the next para- battle groups, to effectively project our I’m not blind to our shortcomings— if you read this column regularly, you know graph. military power in the world and safe- that— or to the severe challenges we confront but in the face of extraordinary diffi- After 9/11 we had 570,000 soldiers in guard our security. Let’s not forget 90 culties, we adapt, persevere, and eventually emerge stronger. the Army, and it may decrease to around percent of the world’s trade passes over After decades of trying, we have begun to wean ourselves from foreign oil. Our 400,000, which will be our smallest the oceans. response to the Ebola crisis was initially halting and clumsy, but the federal govern- Army since before WWII. The Marines The scale back of our overseas land ment and the nation’s hospitals reformed their protocols remarkably quickly for a will go from 184,000 to 175,000, and bases increases the need for a strong set of complex institutions. It’s taken a long time to put a coalition together to fight the National Guard will lose 43,000 sol- Navy, including carrier battle groups. the Islamic State, but international coalitions are difficult to create, and by dint of diers and the Reserves 20,000. The Air hard work we’re better off now than we were a year ago. Force will have about 700 fewer air- Donald A. Moskowitz All these things give our society a resilience to keep in mind the next time you see craft. Londonderry, NH a news story or commentary hyping a pessimistic view of our future. The world Being a former Navy enlisted and a around us is in turmoil, under enormous and even volcanic pressures that explode most every morning somewhere, yet we remain an island of stability. We have a long way to go, there is no doubt about it. However, I’m reminded of a When sending letters to the editor, your correct name, address and young woman a few years ago who asked me after a bleak speech I’d given laying telephone number must be included with your submission. out the problems of the world, “Is there any hope?” My answer now is the same as it Your letter will not be published without the required information. was then: Yes, of course there is. Please send your letter by regular mail to: Letters to the Editor Lee Hamilton is Director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University. He was a The Baltimore Times member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 34 years. 2513 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD. 21218 email: [email protected]

Page 4 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people! Page Opposite/Commentaries Giving Athletes Guidance and a Helping Hand By Omar Tyree to taste defeat under Winston’s uncanny ing her car full of excited, cleat-wearing athletes are now worth billions of dollars NNPA Columnist leadership. boys for our Saturday morning games. in annual sports and television-generated Once the game reached the fourth So I immediately related to them. How- revenue. Recently, I had a chance to be a repre- quarter, stadium security was less con- ever, the Alliance related because Jameis So at the end of the night, parents and sentative of the National Alliance of cerned about seat assignments, so I was Winston had maintained high academic family members lined up in a restricted African-American Athletes (NAAAA) invited to sit closer to the field and meet standards throughout high school, and meeting area near the team busses to at the Florida State-Georgia Tech ACC the Winston family. In the lower seats they had formed their non-profit, educa- safeguard the lifelong investments in Championship football game in Char- off the corner of the end zone, I met a tional resource to help African-American their kids with continued encourage- lotte, North Carolina, featuring last joyously animated father who stood, scholar athletes to maintain their aca- ment, love and support, while realizing year’s Heisman Trophy winner and yelled and joked with the surrounding demic standards, while competing on the that some of their guys will be worth championship quarterback, “Famous” fans throughout the game, and a calm university level. That’s why we’ve never millions of dollars as professionals in Jameis Winston. I was also offered an and observant mother who sat quietly in heard anything negative about Winston’s the years to come. opportunity to meet Winston and his the cold and watched the game on the academics. The star athlete maintained a As expected, with his media interview family. So I took the occasion to enjoy requests after the game, Jameis Winston a very interesting and eye-opening was the last player out of the locker evening of football, academics, business rooms. I shook the young man’s hand and relationships. “The Alliance Assistant Director Tyrone Tate explained with a brief introduction and couldn’t Starting with the football game, the that their mission is to help athletes and their parents imagine myself going through the con- Alliance had great seats in the middle to navigate an increasing tough terrain of university sistent parental monitoring of such a rare section of the stadium, right below the issues in academics, conduct and business. and special talent. I would rather my two luxury boxes at the 50-yard-line. That Like it or not, these talented athletes are now worth billions sons learn how to become men on their made my view crystal clear to watch own, with my guidance needed only Winston work his Earvin “Magic” John- of dollars in annual sports and television-generated revenue.” from a distance. But neither of my two son-like “gift” on the field again, willing boys are Jameis Winston. his Florida State Seminoles to rally from As Tyrone Tate explained it, “If you behind and overcome a very determined giant jumbo screen above the goal post. 4.0 GPA in high school and a reported 3.7 don’t take it upon yourself to protect Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets team and I pinched myself and asked, “Is this GPA at FSU, joining the ranks of Rhodes your kid from the agents, hangers-on, crowd for a 37-35 win. That’s now 26 the real mom and dad of that talented Scholar Myron Rolle; Duke’s Shane Bat- girlfriends and everyone else who try to straight games that Florida State has yet young man out there with the sexual tier; Ohio State’s Tedd Ginn Jr.; Tampa meet them after the games, you’ll find allegations, stolen crab legs, loose can- Bay’s Gerald McCoy; North Carolina’s yourself at the mercy of people waiting The Baltimore Times non mouth, autograph infractions and Ronald Curry; Washington’s Lorenzo to take advantage of them. That’s why Publisher Joy Bramble gigantic football ego, who may or may Alexander; and many more who have we’re here to help assist them through Managing Editor not go pro next year?” come through their program. the process with our experience and Joy Bramble Director of Special Projects All of that came to mind while stand- The search committee for the NAAAA relationships.” Dena Wane ing beside them. You can’t help it. continues to seek talented, self-moti- For more information about the Dir., Promotions/Entertain. Columnist Jameis Winston has been all over the vated African-American kids at the high National Alliance of African-American Eunice Moseley Editorial Assistant news since 2013, with everything he school level to work diligently with the Athletes, visit: Kathy Reevie says or does. Yet, his parents were as coaches, parents and athletic directors Administrative Assistant Ida C. Neal normal as any other parents I’ve been for the best student athlete results. Staff Writers around in youth football, basketball, The Alliance Assistant Director Tyrone Omar Tyree is a New York Times best- Ursula Battle Jayne Matthews Hopson baseball, track and field or soccer. I’ve Tate explained that their mission is to selling author, an NAACP Image Award Director of Advertising been around supportive parents and fam- help athletes and their parents to navi- winner for Outstanding Fiction, and a Donnie Manuel ilies ever since I started playing organ- gate an increasing tough terrain of uni- professional journalist. He has pub- Photographers ized football in West Philadelphia nearly versity issues in academics, conduct and lished 27 books. To contact Omar Tyree, Lawrence Kimble Gar Roberts 40 years ago, with my own mother load- business. Like it or not, these talented visit: The Baltimore Times is a publication of The Baltimore Times/Times of Baltimore, Inc. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced without the written consent of Want to comment on the editorials or any other story? the publisher Mailing Address Please contact: The Baltimore Times The Baltimore Times 2513 N. Charles Street 2513 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 Baltimore, MD 21218 Phone: 410-366-3900- Fax 410-243-1627 Phone: 410-366-3900 Fax: 410-243-1627 email: [email protected]

Positive stories about positive people! The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Page 5 The Baltimore & The Annapolis Times

Page 6 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people! Positive stories about positive people! The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Page 7 Ravens Pernell McPhee: Right On Time By Turron Davenport on Sundays dates back to his days at Pahokee High School in Florida. The Pernell McPhee of the football players at Pahokee are known picked the perfect season to showcase his for developing athleticism by chasing versatile pass rushing skills. He is set to rabbits in a field. He was on the same hit the free agent market after completing high school team as two other current the final year of a four year/$2.18 million NFL players, (St. Louis contract that he signed with the Baltimore Rams) and Bill Bentley (). Ravens after he was selected in the fifth McPhee played only one year of high round of the 2011 NFL Draft. A number school football but in that one season he of teams will have an interest in acquiring had 19 sacks and 12 forced fumbles as a his services. defensive end. He was also an all-state If there is one thing that has been pretty basketball player at Pahokee. consistent about the Ravens this season, Pahokee, Florida is known as “The it’s the pass rush. Elvis Dumervil has Muck.” Some of the things that he went Baltimore Ravens linebacker Pernell McPhee and quarterback already set a franchise record with 17 through when he lived there has made him Andrew Luck make adjustments before a play during the Ravens game against sacks. Terrell Suggs eclipsed the 100- never want to ever live there again. the Colts at Lucas Oil Field in Indianapolis on October 5, 2014. career sack mark and has 11 sacks this “Every day, I wake up and say, ‘No Courtesy Photo/Baltimore Ravens season. McPhee has 5.5 sacks so statisti- matter what, I’m not going back for cally, he has not had an outstanding sea- good.’ A lot of guys are scared to go tinued in his second year of organized This year is considered to be the best son, but anyone who watches closely back to Pahokee. I go back because it football when he racked up 19 sacks as a year of his career. The Ravens know that will see that he is getting to the quarter- makes me hungry.” McPhee explained. freshman at Itawamba Community Col- they have a budding star on their hands. back. His problem is Dumervil and During the off-season, it’s not unusual to lege in Mississippi. He had 13.5 sacks There is a chance that he may sign with Suggs get there faster. see McPhee in Pahokee. It serves as during his sophomore year before trans- another team during the off-season. The Dumervil gave McPhee a glowing en- motivation to him. He used an interesting ferring to Mississippi State. McPhee Ravens will surely do their best to retain dorsement when asked about the versa- metaphor when he described how he draws started all 25 games of his career at Mis- one of their best pass rushers after this tile pass rusher, he said, “As a pure motivation from his homecoming visits. sissippi State. season. rusher, he’s probably one of the better “[Have] you ever-seen crabs in a ones that I’ve seen. He lines up both out- bucket? When one tries to climb up, one Please join us for a free side and inside. He’s probably got a bet- drags you down. That’s how our city is.” Patient Education Program ter finesse game than me.” McPhee said. “When I go there, they for people with seizure The Ravens defense has utilized don’t know what my intention is. I go disorders and their families McPhee in various positions. He has there to feel that. I go into every game lined up as an edge rusher, a nose tackle pissed off. The only thing I have to do is and even a middle linebacker blitzing think about my little city. I’m pissed off Monday, FEATURED TOPIC: the interior gaps. There are very few about all the crabs trying to grab me.” December 29, 2014 Available Treatment players who can be effective from such a He lived a tough life there. “You can’t 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Options for People with variety of positions. McPhee is 6’ 3” and go out the door without fighting in Difficult-to-Treat Epilepsy 280 pounds, which gives him the size to Pahokee, a real fight.” McPhee said. “I Eggspectations play on the interior. Despite his large used to fight every day. I lost some and I 6010 University Boulevard size, he is light on his feet and has an won some. You from a project, I’m from PRESENTER: explosive first step, which allows him to another project, we see each other in Ellicot City, MD 21403 Ruwani Gunawardane, M.D. be disruptive from the outside. school and we fight. That’s just how it is.” The athleticism that McPhee exhibits McPhee’s success as a pass rusher con- To register, please call (301) 221-7452.

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Page 8 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people! Positive stories about positive people! The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Page 9 BSO Kids Program Helping Students around Baltimore By Stacy M. Brown

The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is easily identified for its artistic excel- lence and, over the years, the organiza- tion has been able to attract a devoted following not just locally, but the world over. The orchestra made music history in 2007 when Maestra Marin Alsop led her inaugural concerts, becoming the twelfth music director in the orchestra’s history and the first woman to head a major American orchestra. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO) has offered programs of Beethoven and Bernstein and many other highly regarded compositions and recitals but, among the most endearing to Dan Trahey is the orchestra’s Or- chKids program which he says puts mu- sical instruments into the hands of Baltimore school children regardless of their ability. However, more importantly, Trahey says, the program teaches life skills to young Baltimore residents in inner city and poor neighborhoods. “The most valuable lesson isn’t that we’re providing instruction in playing (Left) OrchKids student Asia Palmer and OrchKids Artistic Director Dan Trahey meet with First Lady Michelle Obama at a an instrument, but it’s about teaching the recent awards ceremony at the White House. Courtesy Photo/The White House kids, giving them something to think about,” said Trahey, OrchKids’ artistic playing music in Baltimore,” he said. but he brings his own vision to the work. here and we have a team of people in the director. “I firmly believe that an orches- “Our dream is to create the access for all He’s a zealot, a real crusader.” schools every single day. We sink our- tra is the perfect metaphor for a func- 83,000 kids in Baltimore.” Trahey says he interacts personally selves into the community,” said Trahey, tioning society, he said. Recently, the BSO announced that phi- with every child that he can as often as who noted that music didn’t necessarily The program has grown since its begin- lanthropists Robert Meyerhoff and Rheda he can. The program has resulted in not come easy for him, either. ning six years ago and now serves more Becker pledged their second gift of $1 only bringing music education into the “My own story is very simple. I than 750 students, who would not have million to the program, enabling Or- schools, but higher test scores in all sub- wanted to play music and my parents an opportunity to learn music in public chKids to expand to eight schools helping jects by the students who participate, ac- didn’t have money but someone gave schools. 1,600 by the 2018-2019 school year. cording to Trahey. me a tuba and that’s all it took,” he said. Through donations and grants, the BSO Trahey’s dedication hasn’t gone unno- He said it has also resulted in near per- “I wanted to create that same opportu- raises the approximately $1,200 that is ticed. Last year, he received an award fect attendance by all of the students. nity for others.” need for each student to participate in presented by first lady Michelle Obama “Classical music is huge and we are the program. Instructors offer music that was given to just 12 youth programs classes twice a week during school nationwide. The Baltimore Sun reported hours at four different schools, including that Trahey was consulted about launch- pre-kindergarten students. Some of the ing programs similar to OrchKids in students attend after-school programs several other U.S. cities, plus Austria, too, Trahey said. Brazil and even Iraq. “We just felt like [music] education “OrchKids has become a model pro- was lacking in this town and we started gram that people around the world want with 25 kids and our goal was to show to know about,” said Jesse Rosen, presi- that by working in a consistent manner dent of the New York-based League of and creating a sense of longevity, that American Orchestras. “Dan is not only we’d get hundreds of thousands of kids responsible for executing the program,

Page 10 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people! Baltimore’s New Year’s Eve Spectacular rings in 2015 at the Inner Harbor

Baltimore’s New Year’s Eve Spectacular kicks off at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 at the Inner Harbor. The fireworks begin at the stroke of midnight. For more information about Baltimore’s New Year’s Eve Spectacular, visit Courtesy Photo/Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts Baltimore— A new year is almost here! At the stroke of midnight, colorful artists, videographers, engineers and cre- In addition, WJZ-TV 13 will broadcast Celebrate the beginning of 2015 with fireworks and lights fill the sky above ative thinkers at its headquarters in Bal- the celebration at 11:30 p.m. on CBS family, friends, live music, fireworks and downtown Baltimore. The annual Balti- timore. Since 1979, they have completed Baltimore. lights. Baltimore’s New Year’s Eve Spec- more’s New Year’s Eve Spectacular is over 500 projects in the field of creative Maryland Transit Administration tacular takes place Wednesday, December presented by Mayor Stephanie Rawl- multimedia shows for clients such as (MTA) Metro Subway, Light Rail and 31, 2014 from 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. ings-Blake and produced by the Balti- Rihanna, Jay Z, America’s Got Talent Bus are the best ways to get downtown Starting at 9 p.m. Baltimore-based more Office of Promotion & The Arts. and multiple professional sports fran- for the holiday celebration. Metro Sub- band “Under The Covers” will perform Additional support is provided by Visit chises in the NFL, NBA and NHL. way and Light Rail service is extended a unique blend of high-energy Top 40s Baltimore, Southwest Vacations, Horse- For the full experience, residents and for one hour after the event. For infor- covers at the Inner Harbor Amphitheater, shoe Casino Baltimore and The Gallery. visitors can view the fireworks from mation on MTA services and schedules, located at Pratt and Light streets. Fol- WJZ-TV 13 is the media sponsor. along the Inner Harbor promenade. The visit: lowing the performance, Mayor The fireworks and light show are pro- show can also be seen from the neigh- For more information about Balti- Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and event- duced by Image Engineering. Image borhoods of Federal Hill, Locust Point, more’s New Year’s Eve Spectacular, goers will count down to the New Year. Engineering is comprised of a team of Canton, Harbor East and Fell’s Point. visit

Positive stories about positive people! The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Page 11 Which New Year’s resolutions will you be making this year? Diet? Exercise? Finances? Can the power of positive thinking change your life? (BPT) - A positive attitude is one of the most powerful assets you can have. Positive people find success, good health, happi- ness, wealth and rewarding rela- tionships throughout their lives. This is not because they are al- ready successful, or because they are more confident, it is simply the attitude. The law of attraction is that positive thoughts lead to positive results. Your thoughts are much more Can't keep a resolution? Outside support can help powerful than just electric signals between synapses. They have the ability to define you and affect those around you. However, it's not easy to summon this way of thinking on (BPT) Each year, millions of Americans resolve to get in better shape and be- command. It may take years of patience and practice to change your overall mentality. come healthier, better versions of themselves. But, unfortunately the vast majority Learn from the example of others. "Early leaders in the United States understood the don't meet their goals. Less than a quarter of 1,000 people surveyed by YMCA of true meaning of positive thinking," says Stanley Murphy, department chair for the Grad- the USA kept their resolution in 2014. An overwhelming 71 percent said they tried uate School of Business and Management at Argosy University, Nashville. "It is one as- but fell short, and 40 percent confessed that they made it through only a couple pect of the root of their success. Philip D. Armour, F.W. Woolworth, Thomas A. Edison, weeks or months. Marshall Field, Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and a host of other movers and shak- However, there's hope for the coming year. One-third of survey respondents who plan ers who participated in shaping our country in the early 20th century all understood these to make a resolution in 2015 believe they'll stick to it and reach their goals, with more two powerful words: positive thinking." than half believing that encouragement from others will keep them committed. Finding It is true that the most successful people throughout history have all recognized the a supportive community can be beneficial in keeping resolutions on track. power of positive thinking. Even Gandhi was a strong advocate of positive thinking. He Here are some tips to make a healthy New Year's resolution stick: is reported to have said, "A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he Start small. Set attainable resolutions. For example, if your goal is to exercise becomes." more frequently in the new year, don't schedule seven days a week at the gym. Start So what are some proven methods to developing mastery in positive thinking? Well for with a reasonable three days a week. If you'd like to eat healthier, try replacing starters, believe that you can become a positive thinker. "Invest and commit yourself to desserts with other foods you enjoy, such as fruit or yogurt. your own personal development," suggests Murphy. "You must first believe in yourself. Take it one step at a time. Making a New Year's resolution doesn't require you to When you do, you will notice that others believe in you too. Examine how you are in- reassess every little detail of your life. Replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy vesting in yourself. Make note in your observation of yourself. See if your personal in- ones takes time, so don't become overwhelmed. Work to change one behavior at a vestments are constructive or destructive. If they are destructive, then try to eliminate time, and then go from there. them. If constructive, then perfect them." Choose a facility that focuses on a holistic approach to health. When it comes R. Brian Salinas, professor at Argosy University, San Francisco Bay Area recommends to adding healthy behaviors - like working out - to your lifestyle, finding a facility interacting with people who are on the same journey, whether they are ahead or behind. that keeps you motivated is critical to maintaining your exercise routine. Before "People project who they are and you will too. You'll start to pick up their traits and committing to a membership, take a tour of local gyms to find the best fit for you. ways of approaching things," says Salinas. "Read books that talk about handling the les- Your facility should not be just a gym, but a community organization that offers sons and challenges that come up in life and that mirror those you want to overcome in more health, more hope and more opportunity. yours. In a few years, you'll find that your story of triumph over adversity mirrors those Establish a little friendly competition. More than half of the Y survey respon- you read about." dents felt a little "healthy competition" when friends encouraged them to be even Consider the physical aspects as well. Try to incorporate the practice of daily medita- more committed to keeping their New Year's resolutions. Share your experiences tion (a minimum of 20 minutes a day) suggests Murphy. "Take care of your body and it with support groups - friends, family, fellow workout class members or close col- will take care of you. Moderate exercise, balanced diet and adequate rest will keep you leagues. Talking about your struggles and successes will make your goals more ob- physically fit for your daily task." tainable and less intimidating. Also, try to be realistic. Everyone has down moments, and that's alright. "Positive atti- Set New Year's goals with someone you love. It's easier to stick to your resolu- tude is more than the sum of your feelings at any particular moment. If a loved one tions if you have a partner working toward similar goals. More than three-fourths of passes away or you are facing a challenge that feels overwhelming at the moment, it survey respondents indicated that they would set the same resolution for a member doesn't mean that you're not a positive person," adds Salinas. "Positive people have of their immediate family. Team up with a family member to set your 2015 goals, every right to feel sad. It's even healthy to express those feelings from time-to-time. Just and establish a game plan that is dedicated to achieving them.For more information remember that those moments don't define us." on goal-setting for the new year, visit Page 12 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people! STICKING WITH YOUR FINANCIAL RESOLUTIONS budget? Start by tracking your spending to see where the money is going. Then create a budget that’s tight but work- able, to give you more flexibility to pay down debt, increase savings or invest for retirement. If have to carry a balance, but want to respon- sibly manage your credit card, consider a card that helps build (Family Features) With the new year underway, positive habits. For example, Bank of America’s Bet- there is a heavy focus around resolutions. Whether ter Balance Rewards card pays you to manage your you are making a resolution to celebrate a fresh start credit card use. Every quarter that you pay more than or looking to make a change no matter the time of your minimum balance on time, you earn $25 cash year, maintaining resolutions can be difficult. In fact, back. If you have at least one other qualifying ac- a recent survey from Bank of America found that 49 count with Bank of America, you can receive another percent of respondents don’t make New Year’s reso- $5 bonus, totaling up to $30 a quarter. You’ll be eligi- lutions because they prefer to set goals throughout the ble for up to $120 a year toward your balance, and year. you’ll feel better knowing how much you can spend Goals tied to the new year, and those set at various each month. points in the year, are all aimed at making significant Write it down life changes. According to the survey, 81 percent of Forty percent of survey respondents say they use resolutions involve health and fitness, 45 percent in- written reminders to help stay on track with their res- volve personal finances and 30 percent are targeted olutions. Try writing your resolutions on Post-it toward making changes in social life and relation- notes, in Evernote, in calendar reminders or on notes ships. With the large number of people planning to stuck to the refrigerator — whatever you’ll look at make changes in their finances, it is helpful to deter- regularly — to keep yourself committed and on track. mine how to best ensure you achieve your goal. Get a little help from your friends Research shows that consumers who understand their Sometimes a gentle reminder from a family member behaviors and motivations are more likely to build and or friend can work wonders. Share your resolutions keep positive habits for the long term. That’s why it’s with a trusted person and ask for occasional re- so important to have strategies to keep those financial minders. resolutions throughout the year. A few pointers to stick Partner up with your financial resolutions include: Find a friend or loved one with the same resolution Prepare before your resolution begins and agree to motivate and support one another to Putting thought into your resolutions before you stick to your goals. It’s easier to manage a diet, exer- spring into action can put you on the path to change. cise plan or budget if you have support. Twenty per- Starting early with a few small changes can also im- cent of respondents plan to partner up to keep to their prove your odds of staying the course to achieve your resolutions. goals. Start your New Year’s resolutions thinking today, Develop an action plan and keep the big goals in mind every day, whether It’s fine to make a resolution, but the odds of sticking they aim for better health, sounder finances or better with it improve dramatically if you create an action relationships. With the right attitude and commit- plan of smaller steps to support your goals. Creating a ment, 2014 could be a very good year.

Positive stories about positive people! The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Page 13 McCormick® Flavor Forecast® Reveals Eight Flavor Trends for 2015

Hunt Valley, Md.— McCormick & Global Blends On the Move – Japanese Company, a global leader in flavor, re- 7 Spice (Shichimi Togarashi) offers a leased its McCormick® Flavor Fore- new kind of spicy heat, while Shawarma cast® 2015, highlighting eight enticing Spice Blend lends warm, spiced flavor trends that will shape the future of fla- to grilled meats and more. vor. Now in its 15th year, the much-an- ticipated report drives flavor innovation Middle Eastern Mezze – These distinc- and exploration throughout the food in- tive dips and spreads, packed with zesty dustry and in kitchens everywhere. herbs and seasonings, offer an approach- Reflecting the rapidly increasing de- able and delicious introduction to a vi- mand for bolder, more intense flavor ex- brant global cuisine. periences, the McCormick Flavor Sour + Salt – Combining coarse salt Forecast 2015 pinpoints adventurous with surprising sours like pickled ginger, global tastes on the rise, like Japanese 7 sour cherry, dried mango and lemon zest Spice (Shichimi Togarashi), as well as results in a lively finishing flavor that an appreciation for the robust flavors de- lends brightness and texture to dishes. veloped in slow-simmered dishes from around the world. The report also show- Smoked Spices – Smoking spices and cases new ways to elevate pantry essen- herbs deepens their flavor and aroma, tials to starring roles, like smoking adding richness to meals and drinks. spices and herbs or pairing sours with Umami Veggies – For a fresh way to coarse salt. savor the tempting “fifth taste,” look no Over the past 15 years, the Flavor further than naturally umami-rich veg- Forecast has predicted trends that have gies like mushrooms, tomatoes, sweet changed the way people eat at restau- potatoes and nori. rants and cook in their home kitchens. Even the products found on retail Liquid Revolution – Fresh purees and shelves today were impacted by trends juices blend with bold spices and herbs forecasted in this industry-leading re- to intensify sauces, pasta, dressings and port. more - providing a fun, delicious way to “Many early trending flavors in past re- enjoy an extra serving of fruits and veg- ports have become favorites of today. gies. Take chipotle chile, for instance,” said McCormick Executive Chef, Kevan Vet- Flavor Worth the Wait – Lift the lid to ter. “When we first identified this chile discover the rich flavors from recipes pepper as a flavor to watch in 2003, around the world that meld aromatic many people couldn’t pronounce it. spices and comforting ingredients into Today, it’s a household name. Pumpkin mouthwatering slow-cooked meals. pie spice, sea salt, coconut water and Cookies Reimagined – Classic spiced cocktail-inspired flavors have seen simi- cookie flavors take new form in deca- lar success, taking over restaurant menus dent, imaginative desserts that redefine and grocery store shelves. The flavor “milk and cookies.” trends highlighted within our 15th an- nual Forecast promise to do the same.” Visit and pinter- Identified by a global team of Mc- for innovative Cormick chefs and flavor experts, these recipes, images and more ways to ex- are the eight flavor trends to watch that plore this year’s top tastes. offer a taste of 2015 and beyond: About Flavor Forecast Since 2000, the annual McCormick® Flavor Forecast® has identified top trends, insights and ingredients driving the future of flavor. Created by a global team of McCormick experts — including chefs, culinary professionals, trend trackers and food technologists — the Flavor Forecast inspires culinary exploration and inno- vation around the world. Visit to learn more.

Page 14 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people! Sickle Cell Disease petition gets President Obama’s attention By Stacy M. Brown hemoglobin S, an abnormal type of hemoglobin, according to information The Baltimore-based Sickle Cell Disease from the SCDAA. Sometimes these red Association of America and those who blood cells become sickle-shaped (cres- have been affected by the illness, their cent shaped) and have difficulty passing family members and friends and others through small blood vessels. have collected more than 120,000 signa- When sickle-shaped cells block small tures on a White House petition to bring blood vessels, less blood can reach that the disease some much needed attention. part of the body. Tissue that does not It may also lead to legislation that receive a normal blood flow eventually will provide sorely needed funds and becomes damaged. This is what causes resources that could help combat the the complications of sickle cell disease. dreaded condition. There is currently no universal cure for “The petition is currently under review sickle cell disease and more than at the White House and we are hopeful 300,000 children are born with it each that positive change will be made,” said year, according to officials. Kelsey McDowell, the communications The petition, which was launched on specialist at the nonprofit Sickle Cell September 22, 2014, was created by Disease Association of America SCDAA President and Chief Operating (SCDAA). “Nevertheless, such success Officer, Sonja Banks. It requests that Sickle cell disease affects an estimated 100,000 Americans who live with the is contingent upon raising public aware- President Barack Obama and his admin- disease while about three million people— including one in 12 blacks— are ness and support.” istration declare sickle disease a national carriers of sickle cell traits. Courtesy Photo/ Sickle cell disease is an inherited health priority and that the White House blood disorder that affects red blood support legislation to establish and it weren’t for the dedication of our mem- sickle cell disease affects an estimated cells. Individuals with sickle cell disease expand sickle cell disease programs. bers as well as strong celebrity endorse- 100,000 Americans who live with the have red blood cells that contain mostly “This goal would not have been met if ment that include: Steve Harvey, Kier disease while about 3 million people— “Junior” Spates, Kevin Hart, Nick Can- including one in 12 blacks— are carriers YBI African Apparel and Fashion non, Dondre Whitfield, Nelly, Jackie of sickle cell traits. Long, Khloe Kardashian and Jourdan In Maryland, 40 percent of the popula- 5115 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore * 410-542-6925 Dunn,” McDowell said. tion— or about two million individu- Shop and Save from 10%- 20% off select items The priority of the legislation, known als— fall within those demographics, as the Sickle Cell Treatment Reautho- according to McDowell. Get your SPECIAL Gifts and Discounts Today! rization Act, is to improve quality of Even though sickle cell disease-related life, treatment and prevention for those healthcare costs average an estimated $2 affected by sickle cell disease, she said. billion annually, it receives a significantly Among numerous modified benefits, disproportionate amount of funding for the bill aims to establish full funding for research and treatment compared to other 25 Sickle Cell treatment centers blood disorders or comparable diseases. throughout the country and to provide “We are hopeful that this bill will not continued support of a National Evalua- only improve the quality of care, but tion Center to collect, coordinate, moni- also the quality of life for sickle cell tor and distribute data, as well as to patients,” McDowell said. “As the only define best practice standards. national resource for sickle cell disease, Common among African-Americans, the SCDAA is proud of accomplishing Latinos and those whose ancestors are the goal of 100,000 signatures, however, from sub-Saharan Africa, regions in the the hard work will not cease until Western Hemisphere, Saudi Arabia, change is made for the sickle cell India and Mediterranean countries, community.” Chip Mentoring Program The CHIP Mentoring Program is a Baltimore-based program for children of ncarcerated parents, run through Alternative Directions, Inc. The program offers one-on-one mentoring, monthly events and arts nights. For more information or to find out how you can get involved, call 410-889-5072 or email: hipmentoring- [email protected]. Positive stories about positive people! The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Page 15 Indie Soul * Indie Soul * Indie Soul * Indie Soul * Indie Soul * Indie Soul * Indie Soul * Indie Soul * Indie Soul * Indie Soul * Indie Caring and Sharing Committee at John Wesley United Church promotes education

Doris McQuaige Duncan and staff of The Sharing and Caring Committee at John Wesley United Church “We have a powerful potential in Baltimore promotes higher education by Doris McQuaige Duncan has been doing. [They] don’t have to be from our our youth, and we must have the awarding students with perfect atten- spearheading the campaign for well over church to participate. This is for the com- courage to change old ideas and dance, averages of B+ or higher in read- 30 years following in the footsteps of munity. We don’t turn any child down.” ing, language or mathematics and the legendary Mary McLeod Bethune. The event also featured a magic show, practices so that we may direct improved social/emotional behavior. “I am very big on education. This is Santa and performances. John Wesley their power toward good ends.” On Saturday, December 20, 2014, stu- something we do yearly to help promote United Methodist Church encourages — Mary McLeod Bethune dents who qualified for awards received the importance of learning. To be a part of the community to visit their website: a new bike and other prizes as a reward this, [the students] have to meet the goal to see the many serv- The Sharing and Caring Committee at for their academic success. The church of a B+ or better. We work with the ices offered including Community Out- John Wesley United Methodist Church also gave coats, hats and gloves to chil- schools in our area, as well as the parents, reach Feeding, GED classes, and many located at 3202 West North Avenue in dren in need. so we get a report on what children are more activities and events. Indie Soul Music Review: Dreamzz by Phillip Lassiter By Phinesse Demps Cameo. He gives you a touch of that new school For all my music lovers, Indie Soul discov- with “Shawty” featuring Jason Waters and ered a gem of a CD for you. The CD is entitled Josephine Rojer. And if you are a blues lover, “DREAMZZ” by Phillip Lassiter and features there is the song “Room for the Blues” featuring 11 TRUE music sounds, which combine, hip- Jay White. “Dreamzz” contains two outstanding hop, soul, jazz, and blues. songs “Pick Myself Up” with Tommy Sims, and Lassiter has an impressive background which the sensuous favorite “Liquid In Love” which includes arranging songs for multi-platinum features Mark Kimble, Joey Kimble and Kim artists like Prince; Fantasia; Kelly Rowland; Jill Mont. Scott; Roberta Flack; Kirk Franklin and many Phillip Lassiter certainly set the table with a more. The highlights of his career include pro- different sampling of what he has to offer musi- duction and arranging work for seven cally. True music lovers will appreciate the GRAMMY winning projects with Fred Ham- many sounds of “Dreamzz.” It’s available on mond and Kirk Franklin in addition to working iTunes: as section-leader, arranger and lead trumpeter lassiter/id822251204 for Prince. When you listen to Lassiter, you can hear his Indie Soul welcomes your questions and com- passion for music and the many styles that in- ments. To contact Phinesse Demps, call 410- spired him. His songs take the listener on a mu- 366-3900 ext. 3016 or 410-501-0193 or email: sical journey as he travels into the land of funk [email protected]. Follow him on with “Strut” featuring Bernard Wright of Twitter@lfpmedia.

Page 16 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people! Hogan and Rutherford make Thank-You Library of Congress offers Junior Tour stop at BIGGY's Community Center Fellows Summer Internships The Library’s Junior Fellows Summer first audition for the Actors Studio in Internship Program once again is offer- 1961. ing 10-week paid fellowships to college The program is made possible through students the generosity of the late Mrs. Jefferson Patterson and the Knowledge Naviga- Washington, D.C.—For a stipend of tors Trust Fund. A gift from H.F. (Gerry) $3,000, the 2015 class of Junior Fellows Lenfest, chairman emeritus of the will work full-time with Library special- Library’s James Madison Council pri- ists and curators from June 1 through vate-sector advisory group, established August 7, 2015, to inventory, describe the Knowledge Navigators Trust Fund, and explore collection holdings and to which will bring outstanding talent to assist with digital-preservation outreach the Library to benefit from first-hand activities throughout the Library. interactions with its unparalleled collec- The program aims to increase access tions, experts and programs and train to collections and awareness of the future leaders for the information age. Library’s digital-preservation programs The goal of Knowledge Navigators is to by making them better known and avail- energize innovation and creativity able to Members of Congress, scholars, across all sectors by providing access to researchers, students, teachers and the an expanding universe of information general public. that is reliable and authentic. The fellows will be exposed to a broad Applications will be accepted online spectrum of library work: copyright only at, keyword: Junior Governor-elect Larry Hogan and Lt. Governor-elect Boyd Rutherford visited deposits, digital preservation, reference, Fellows from Monday, December 15, BIGGY's Community Center in Baltimore on Saturday, December 20, 2014. It access standards and information man- 2014, through midnight, Friday, January was a stop on their Thank-You Tour. They handed out presents and goodie bags agement. Rare and unique treasures 23, 2015. to local children and their families for the holidays. Courtesy Photo were processed by the 2014 Junior For more details about the program Fellows, from a collection of Mayan and information on how to apply, visit Annapolis— Governor-elect Larry Hogan, Lt. Governor-elect Boyd Rutherford, “poison flasks” dating from 300-700 Questions and their wives, Yumi Hogan and Monica Rutherford, traveled to Baltimore on Sat- AD (350-800 CE) that contained about the program may be sent to urday, December 20, 2014, for a Thank-You Tour stop at BIGGY's Community tobacco and other stimulants in the [email protected]. Center. There, the Hogans, Rutherfords, and staff passed out presents and goodie ancient culture, a rare 17th-century The Library of Congress is an equal- bags to local children and their families for the holidays. hand-illuminated Persian manuscript, a opportunity employer. Women, minori- "I was very happy to get back to the BIGGY's community," Governor-elect Hogan said. check from Marilyn Monroe to acting ties and persons with disabilities who "This is a wonderful organization that is doing great things for the community, and I was teacher Lee Strasberg for $90 (Strasberg meet eligibility requirements are thrilled to help them and to see all the kids and their families." was Monroe’s private acting coach) and strongly encouraged to apply. Governor-elect Hogan and Lt. Governor-elect Rutherford are no strangers to the an audition sheet showing Al Pacino’s BIGGY's organization. During the campaign, the pair and staff held a Labor Day Cookout for BIGGY's and later toured the area and spoke to residents, many of whom were receptive to its message of change. "This was a great opportunity to do something for an organization that does so much for our youth and inner city communities," Rutherford said. "It feels great to be out here with the Governor-elect."

Positive stories about positive people! The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Page 17 Petition launched to open federal files on Malcolm X

By Stacy M. Brown The government has recently published the United States Senate’s report on the It seems like it just might be a long shot, CIA’s systematic use of torture against but one man continues to try and find a detainees despite the fact that such disclo- way to compel President Barack Obama, sures could undermine ongoing efforts Attorney General Eric Holder and the against international terrorism and it could United States government to publish the also invite retribution, Altmann said in un-redacted FBI, CIA and New York arguing for the release of the Malcolm X Police Department files relating to the files. 1965 assassination of Malcolm X. “What possible justification could the “We have a January 11, [2015], deadline Obama administration offer for its contin- to reach our goal of 100,000 signatures,” ued failure to publish the files on the said John Altmann, who has started an assassination of Malcolm X, a crime that online petition on the White House web- was committed half a century ago? We page, “We the People.” appeal to the president and Attorney Gen- “So far, just 44 people have signed the eral Holder to publish all federal records, petition, including several individuals un-redacted and unaltered, relating to this from Baltimore,” Altmann said. Malcolm X vicious crime and to seek the prosecution Malcolm X, a black nationalist and reli- Courtesy Photo/BET of any of its surviving perpetrators,” Alt- gious leader, was assassinated at the age mann said. of 39 by who appeared to be rivals in the after his home had been firebombed. everywhere from the state of Georgia all For more information or to sign Nation of Islam as he addressed the Reportedly, files held by law enforce- the way to California. I think such a Altmann’s petition, visit: Organization of Afro-American Unity at ment and federal officials may contain the response illustrates that Malcolm, his, the Audubon Ballroom in New York’s answers to many questions, including who legacy, and his message transcended all and type in “publish-fully-unredacted- Washington Heights section. may have ordered the assassination. boundaries and touched every corner of and-unaltered-fbi-cia-and-nypd-files-21st- The assassination came just one week “We have had people sign that live America,” Altmann said. february-1965-assassination/3Jg1C16j.” Please send your community calendar events to: [email protected] ONE OF THE BEST FILMS OF THE YEAR AFRICAN-AMERICAN FILM CRITICS ASSOCIATION • NATIONAL BOARD OF REVIEW AWARDS Pick a state, any state!

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Page 18 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people! CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS

AUTOS WANTED TO BUY MISCELLANEOUS HEALTH & MEDICAL WANTED WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES 1967-1982 ONLY KAWASAKI Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, KZ1000MKII, W1- Canada Drug Center is your choice for CARS/TRUCKS CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Truck- WANTED! Top 650, H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki, GS400, safe and affordable medications. Our GT380, Honda CB750 (1969-1976) CASH. 1-800-772-1142, Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar $$$$$ PAID! Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/ licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy Running or Not, 1-310-721-0726 [email protected] will provide you with savings of up to All Years, Makes, Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 90 percent on all your medication needs. Models. Free Towing! CASH for sealed, unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS/STOP We’re Local! 7 Call today 1-800-254-4073, for $10.00 SMOKING PRODUCTS! Free Shipping, 24hr Payments! Call Days/Week. Call Toll The Airlines Are Hiring! – Get trained as off your first prescription and free ship- 1-877-588-8500, Espanol Available Free: 1-888-416-2330 FAA certified Aviation Technician. Finan- ping. cial aid for qualified students. Job place- GET CASH TODAY Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Free Shipping, ment assistance. Call Aviation Institute of for any car/truck. I Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-440-4001 Maintenance 888-686-1704 EMPLOYMENT will buy your car today. Any Condition. Bundle & Save on your TV, Internet, Call 1-800-864-5796 DIRECT TO HOME SATELLITE TV PROGRAMMING Phone!!! Call Bundle Deals NOW Com- The path to your dream job begins with a or www.carbuyguy. STARTS AT$19.99/MO. FREE INSTALLATION FREE HD- pare all Companies, Packages and Prices! college degree. Education Quarters offers com DVR UPGRADE. NEW CUSTOMERS - NO ACTIVATION Call 1-855-978-2608 TODAY! a free college matching service. CALL 1- FEE! CALL 866-795-5315 CASH FOR CARS: 800-375-6219 Cars/Trucks Wanted! Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Running or Not! We EVENTS Chat. Meet singles right now! Call Come To You! Any LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call APARTMENTS FOR RENT Make/Model. Instant Holding a Carnival! Fair! Festival! Jubilee! Promote it to over 1 1-877-737-9447— 18+ Offer - Call: 1-800- Million readers for only $200!!! Visit 569-0003 for more details or call 800-450-7227. CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! 1 DAY INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, PAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly FOR SALE HIGHEST PRICES! Call 1-888-776- specials! Call (866) 338-2607 7771. Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by HEALTH & FITNESS Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip SUPPORT our service members, veterans Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800-906-3115 for $750 Off and their families in their time of need. VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 For more information visit the Fisher Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% House website at guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS NOW! 1-888-223-8818

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Positive stories about positive people! The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Page 19 Legal Notice BGE Provides 360 Energy Saving Trees to Baltimore City Sanitary Contract 918 – Improvements to through the Arbor Day Foundation the Headworks and Wet Weather Flow Baltimore— Many times the importance of trees during the winter- Equalization at the Back River WWTP – time is overlooked, however, trees provide energy savings for cus- City of Baltimore tomers year-round and are essential for the health of the local 20,674 Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson (JMT) is ecosystem and the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Through the Balti- trees distributed inviting prospective general contractors to more Gas and Electric Company’s (BGE) review the 95% Design Plans and Specifica- annual BGE Energy Saving Trees Program the company is helping $600k tions for Sanitary Contract 918. When ad- the City of Baltimore and its customers throughout central Mary- charitable vertised, the anticipated Prequalification land reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprints, while commitment Category required for bidding on this proj- 11,798 NUMBERS

also making a positive impact on the environment. Through a com- ect is E13003 Water and/or Sewer Treat- homeowners mitment of $100,000, the company has teamed up with the Arbor PROGRAM ment Plants and Pumping Stations. This engaged project is tentatively scheduled for adver- Day Foundation and Davey Institute to provide 360 trees that have ESTIMATED tisement in the First Quarter of 2015. been planted throughout Baltimore City in neighborhoods where the City has plans to increase the tree canopy. BY THE ENERGY Reviewers will need to sign a release of lia- Heating and cooling typically account for nearly half of a home’s SAVINGS bility form prior to viewing the documents annual energy use and studies have shown that planting the right 34,118 megawatt hours to acknowledge your understanding that the tree, in the right place, can help customers save up to 30 percent on saved 1,369,979 documents are provided for reference only. their energy use throughout the year. therms Please contact Paul Deardorff (JMT) at 717- “BGE is pleased to team up with Baltimore City to enhance and saved 741-6228 to schedule a review. 75,814.38 improve the communities we serve,” said Valencia McClure, direc- Principal Items of Work for this project are tor of communications and corporate relations for BGE. “In tons of construction of a new Headworks and Wet addition to supporting efforts to improve energy efficiency, this tree Weather Storage Facility at the Back River planting project will have a positive impact on the environmental WWTP including, but not limited to Influ- and aesthetic qualities in communities that suffer from excessive va- ent Pumping Station, Fine Screen Facility, cancy and bare lots.” sequestered or Grit Removal Facility, Equalization Pump- The Baltimore City neighborhoods of Harlem Park and Sandtown avoided ing Station, Equalization Storage Tanks, 189 MILLION Emergency Power Generation Facility, mis- received 150 trees each, which were planted during community tree COMMUNITY cellaneous Flow Distribution Structures, planting events on November 15 and December 6, respectively. In gallons of Odor Control Facilities, associated electrical addition, 60 additional trees were planted along streets within storm BENEFITS and control systems and associated site im- McElderry Park, along E. Monument Street and throughout the water provements. downtown and South Baltimore City. The greening of these areas Best Buddies of Maryland will help to reduce a heat island effect in the summer, improve air quality, and mitigate storm water runoff year-round, helping to im- filtered Needs Volunteers prove the health of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The trees that Since BGE’s Energy Saving Trees Program launched in the spring of 2013 Program Energy Saving Trees Since BGE’s were planted are all native species that have been shown to thrive as Best Buddies enhances the lives of peo- street trees in Baltimore. The species planted include Sugar Maple, Red Maple, Scarlet Oak, Honey Locust, Eastern Redbud, ple with intellectual disabilities by pro- Hornbeam, Sweetgum, Zelkova, London Plane and the flowering Dogwood. The neighborhoods targeted were selected with viding opportunities for one-on-one Baltimore City Division of Forestry due to their low tree canopies. The tree planting projects were completed with volunteer friendship and integrated employment. support from BGE, Baltimore City, the Baltimore Tree Trust and the Downtown Partnership. Volunteers, 18 and older, will be "Baltimore City is committed to matched with an adult who has an intel- increasing the tree canopy throughout the City, but especially in the neighborhoods that currently have fewer trees, to improve lectual disability. Matches are based on the air quality, shield homes from harsh winter winds and provide shade in the hot summer months," said Erik Dihle, Baltimore age, gender, proximity and similar in- City Arborist. "We thank BGE for supporting the City in our efforts by providing 360 trees, which have been planted in several terests. Once matched, the pair is asked neighborhoods, all of which will benefit from the improved aesthetics and environmental enhancements. We look forward to to maintain weekly contact, via phone continuing to work with BGE in the future as they provide meaningful investments in communities across Baltimore City." or email, and visit twice a month. Some BGE’s donation of 360 trees to Baltimore City is part of its larger annual BGE Energy Saving Trees Program. Over the past monthly outings include going to con- two years, through a commitment of $600,000, BGE has provided more than 20,600 free trees to nearly 12,000 customers certs, dining out, watching movies and throughout central Maryland. more. Volunteers are needed in Balti- more City and surrounding counties. For an application and more information, contact: Tom Waite To place Legal Notices in The Baltimore Times, at 410-327-9812 ext. 38 or call Legals Department at 410-366-3900 [email protected] or visit the email: [email protected] website:

Page 20 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people!                  R We accept

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FREE of YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINES! 1-855-721-6332 Shipping! 100% guaranteed. To claim this free offer, CALL NOW! 855-409-4132 Call 855-954-3224 Wanda Smith, ext. 6 2015 Michael S. Powell VIAGRA - PFIZER BRAND FREE BAHAMA CRUISE. - Lowest Price from USA Phar- 3 days/2 nights from Ft. Lau- Press Service macies. No doctor visit needed! derdale, FL. Pay only $59 port High School Journalist of the Year Discreet Home Delivery. Call charge! Upgrades available! 2000 Capital Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401 *Certain conditions apply. 855-684-5241 Call Now! 877-916-3235

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1OnOno oldestldest1 15%5% ooffi inventorynventory aasso off1 12/22/142/22/14 wwhilehiles stocktockl lasts.asts. NNotota availablevailable wwithiths specialpecialfi finance,nance, leaseleasea andnds someomeo otherthero offers.ffers.T Taakkeed deliveryelivery bbyy 1/2/14.1/2/14.S Seeeed dealerealerf forord details.etails. 2Tax,Tax, ttitle,itle, llicense,icense, ddealerealerf feeseesa andndo optionalptional equipmentequipment eextra.xtra. 3BuickBuick rreceivedeceived tthehe hhighestighest nnumericalumerical sscorecore aamongmong mmassass mmarketarket bbrandsrands iinn tthehe pproprietaryroprietary JJ.D..D. PPowerower 20142014 CustomerCustomer SatisfactionSatisfaction wiwitthh DealerDealer ServiceService (CSI)(CSI) StudyStudySMSM. RResultsesults bbasedased oonn rresponsesesponses fromfrom 990,9060,906 ownersowners andand lesseeslessees ofof 20092009 toto 20132013 model-yearmodel-year vehicles,vehicles, measuringmeasuring 3131 autoauto manufacturersmanufacturers andand measuresmeasures satisfactionsatisfaction amongamong vehiclevehicle oownerswners whowho vvisitisit a dealerdealer forfor serviceservice dduringuring tthehe fifirstrst threethree yearsyears ofof ownership.ownership. PProprietaryroprietary sstudytudy rresultsesultsa arereb basedasedo onne experiencesxperiencesa andnd pperceptionserceptionso offo ownerswners ssurveyedurveyedf fromromO October-Decemberctober-December2 2013.013. YourYoure experienxperienccesesm mayay vvary.ary. VVisitisit 4CoversCoverss scheduledcheduledo oililc changeshanges withwithfi filter,lterr,, tiretirer rotationsotations andand 227-point77--point iinspections,nspections, accordingaccording toto youryour newnew vehicle’svehicle’s recommendedrecommended maintenancemaintenance schedule,schedule, forfor a maximummaximum ooff 4 sserviceervice eeventsvents wiithinthin 2 yyearsears oror 24,00024,000 mmiles,iles, wwhicheverhichever ccomesomes fifirst.rst. DDoesoes nnotot iincludenclude aairir fifilters.lters. SeeSee dealerdealer forfor ootherther rrestrictionsestrictions andand completecomplete details.details. 5WhicheverWhichever comescomes first.first. SeeSee dealerdealer forfor details.details. ©2014©2014 GeneralGeneral Motors.Motors. AllAll rightsrights reserved.reserved. BuickBuick® VeranoVerano® EnclaveEnclave®

Page 24 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 ( Positive stories about positive people!