Maryland Historical Magazine, 1934, Volume 29, Issue No. 2
^SA scse&M-"'-/ Edited by J. HALL PLEASANTS, M. D. Published by authority of the State VOLUME L Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, 1752-1754. The fiftieth volume of Maryland Archives, just off the press, is a worthy companion to those which have preceded it. It is the twenty-third volume of the sub-series dealing with Assembly affairs and is a handsome quarto volume of six hundred and sixty-two pages. As in other recent volumes of the work it is prefaced with a scholarly resume of the contents, by the Editor. The publication of the fiftieth volume of such a series is a matter of more than passing interest and should be a subject of gratulation to the citizens of the State at large, as it is an honor to the Maryland Historical Society, which has every reason to be proud of its stewardship of our State's invaluable archives. BENEFACTORS AND CONTRIBUTORS TO THE FUNDS OF THE SOCIETY Mrs. Mary Washington Keyser, Gift of the Buildings and gvovmda of the Society ^1916). George Peabody, Gift (1806) $20,000.00 J. Wilson Leakin, Bequest (1923), Historical relics and 10,000.00 Drayton Meade Hite, Gift (1919) 1,000.00 and Bequest (1923) 6,000.00 Mrs. Drayton Meade Hite, Bequest (1927) 4,000.00 Mendes Cohen, Bequest (1915) 5,000.00 Mrs. Caroline J. Lytle (1928) 5,000.00 Van Lear Black, Gift - 1,500.00 Miss Eleanor S. Cohen, Gifts (1919), Historical relics and $300, Memorial to her parents, Israel and Cecilia E.
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