THE BALTIMORE TIMES Vol. 25 29 No. No. 7 9 December December 26, 2014 -3 January - 9, 2010 1, 2015 A Baltimore Times/Times of Baltimore Publication Governor-elect, Comptroller volunteer at Paul's Place in Baltimore On Monday December 22, 2014, Governor-elect Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot, joined by the Governor-elect's daughter Jaymi Sterling, the next First Lady Yumi Hogan, and Comptroller Franchot's wife Anne Maher, volunteered at Paul's Place in the Pigtown neighborhood of Baltimore City, where they donated clothing and helped serve lunch to local residents. Founded in 1982, the organization is a unique non-profit offering basic needs services such as hot lunches, an emergency food pantry, housing assistance, a nurse's clinic, and more, as well as education and job-readiness services, health and wellness programs, and an after school program. "I first visited Paul's Place during the primary election, and was immediately impressed by the work this organization is doing in the Pigtown commu- nity," Governor-elect Hogan said. "I feel their model is something that could be implemented on a much larger scale throughout the state to foster 'hope, personal dignity, and growth,' part of the Paul's Place motto, to all of our communities in need. I'm very excited that the Comptroller and I are back again today." Courtesy Photo Make 2015 The Year of You! By Monisha Vasa you can start to become aware of the washing the dishes, really listen to the forces that operate within you. This is sound of the water, feel the slippery As a psychiatrist, I have the honor of when you can feel the beating of your soapiness of the dishes, inhale the scent being with people through the ups and heart, or the sensation of your breath. of dish soap. Using our senses to deepen downs of life's journey. I bear witness to This is when you can feel how emotions, our experience prevents us from rumi- joy, fear, anger and sorrow, and the ways desires, and aversions come and go like nating about an argument with our boss in which we deal with these emotions. the tide of the ocean waves. or worrying about tomorrow's crazy My patients often say to me, "I think 3. Experiment with meditation: Once schedule. Alternatively, if you find your- what I need is to just stay busy. I need to you feel comfortable with disconnecting, self waiting, allow yourself to just wait. distract myself." experiment with how meditation feels. Try to put your phone away, and focus Distraction certainly has its role. Some- Meditation is a way to observe all of on your breath, or the sensory experi- times keeping ourselves occupied with yourself in a compassionate, nonjudg- ence of being where you are. This meaningful activities like exercise, time mental way. You might start with a brief moment is the only moment that truly with friends, or work, can keep us out sitting practice where you focus on the exists. Mindfulness allows us to truly of our head. Sometimes distraction sensation of breathing for a few minutes. live that moment, deeply, intentionally. involves not so meaningful activities Don't put pressure on yourself to medi- These tools can allow 2015 to be the such as alcohol, drugs, shopping, gam- tate in a certain way. Don't make it an- year where you finally prioritize YOU, bling or sex as means of disconnection. Dr. Monisha Vasa other project or goal that you can fail at. and the relationship that you have with But what would it be like to just...be? To Courtesy Photo Meditation is called a practice for a rea- yourself. This is not selfishness! Being be with ourselves just as we are? The son. Find your entry point and build conscious allows you to show up for most important and enduring relationship attention to when you are moving too fast, from there. life, fully available. Knowing yourself we will ever have, is the relationship that or are too busy. Say "No" to activities that 4. Find self-compassion: Being with allows you to open your heart to all that we have with ourselves. This relationship aren't necessary or meaningful to you. yourself won't be very fun if you are life has to offer, and to those who cross is based on our intimate knowing of our Make a conscious choice to block out always criticizing yourself. Make a pact your path. This is not a race to be won or physical bodies, minds, spirits, and souls. time on your schedule for rest. Create to only use kind, loving words with a mountain to be conquered. This is a If we continuously distract ourselves from buffers between activities so you are not yourself, the way you would with a child beautiful practice, one we can start over ourselves, then we lose the gift of cultivat- rushing from one thing to the next. or a favorite friend. Practice self-care. and over with each new moment that we ing a loving relationship with the person 2. Discover quiet: The sounds of our Compassion for yourself improves well are blessed with. who matters most. world— people talking, music playing, being and is the foundation from which Here are some ways to make 2015 a kids asking, technology beeping— can compassion for others can grow. Monisha Vasa, M.D. is a board certified year of getting to know YOU: be loud and intrusive. The voices in our 5. Live mindfully: Practice immersing General and Addiction Psychiatrist in 1. Slow down: For some, this can feel heads— our constant commentary— can yourself in your experiences, in a curi- private practice in Orange County, terrifying! We are used to maintaining a be deafening. Turn the volume down, or ous, non- judgmental manner. There are California. She lives in Orange County rushed pace, often to distract ourselves or better yet, switch to silent mode, and several ways to experiment with mind- with her husband and two beloved chil- for fear of missing out. Play close allow yourself to just be. This is when fulness in your life. Try using all of your dren. and two English Bulldogs. For senses to consciously connect to a mun- more information, visit: www.mindful- SPREAD YOUR YOUUR MESSAGE MESSAGE dane experience. For example, while healing.com to over over 4 Million Million readers readers with an ad this t size sizef forfoor justjust $1,450!$1,450! ForFor a limited Watch Night Service THIS AD time,time, BUYBUY 4 ADS,ADS, GET ONE EFREE!* FREE!* The S.E.E.D. Church located at 400 East 31st Street in Baltimore will host a CALL TODAY!TODAAYY! joint Watch Night Service on December 31, 2014 at 10 p.m. along with Pastor FOR SALE! Walter Parrish of the Northside Baptist Church of Northern Parkway and 1-855-721-63321-855-7221-6332 Reverend James Foreman of the Pilgrim Church of McElderry Street. Light WandaWanda Smith,Smmith, ext. 6 refreshments will be offered. PressPress SServiceervice www.mddcpress.comwww.mddccpress.com 2000 CCapitalapital Drive,Drive, Annapolis,Annapolis, MD 21401214001 *Certain*Certain conditionsconditions applapply.y. The Baltimore Times NOTICE (USPS 5840) is published every Friday WET BASEMENTS STINK !! by The Baltimore Times, 2513 N. Mold, mildew and water leakage into your basement causes health Any unsolicited manuscripts, editorial Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. DQG IRXQGDWLRQ GDPDJH :KDW FDQ EH GRQH WR ¿[ WKH SUREOHP" cartoons, etc., sent to The Baltimore Subscriptions by mail $60 per year. $OOVWDWH$PHULFDQ:DWHUSURR¿QJLVDQKRQHVWKDUGZRUNLQJORFDOFRPSDQ\ Standard bulk postage paid at Baltimore, We will give you a FREE HYDOXDWLRQ DQG HVWLPDWH DQG D IDLU SULFH :H Times become the property of The Bal- MD 21233. Postmaster send address KDYHUHSDLUHGWKRXVDQGVRIEDVHPHQWVLQWKHDUHDZHFDQSURYLGHORFDO timore Times and its Editorial UHIHUHQFHV :KHQ \RXU QHLJKERUV QHHGHG ZDWHUSURR¿QJ WKH\ FDOOHG changes to: $OOVWDWH$PHULFDQ:K\GRQ¶W\RX"&DOOQRZWRUHFHLYHDGLVFRXQWZLWK Department, which reserves the right your FREE ESTIMATE0+,& The Baltimore Times to accept or reject any or all such 2513 N. Charles Street CALL 1 800 420 7783 NOW! unsolicited material. Baltimore, MD 21218 Page 2 The Baltimore Times, December 26, 2014 - January 1, 2015 (www.baltimoretimes-online.com) Positive stories about positive people! AFTERAFTER CHRISTMASCHRISSTMAS ONEONEED DAYDAAAYY SALESSAALLE 5O%-8O%5O%-8O% OOFFFF SSTOREWIDETOREWIDDE SHOPSHOP TTODAY,ODDAAAYYY,, DDEC.EC. 266 FFROMROM 66A6AM-1OPMAM-1OPM (IIT’ST’S A SSALEALE TTOOOO BBIGIG TOTO FITFIT ININ A DAY!DAAYY!) HOURSHOURS MAYMAY VARYVARY BYBY STORE.STORE. VISITVISIT MACYS.COMMACYS.COM ALSOALSO SHOPSHOP SSASAT,AATTT,, DEDEC.EC. 2277F FROMROM 99A9AM-11PMAM-11PM &&C CLICKLICKO ONN STORESSTORES FORFOR LOCALLOCAL INFORMATION.INFOORMATION. ONEONE DDAYAAYY SALESALE DEALSDEALS OFOF THETHE DAYDDAAAYY SPECIALLYSPECIALLLYY SELECTEDSELECTED ITEMSITEMS PRICEDPRICED SOS LOWLOW YOUYOU DON’TDON’T NEEDNEED A SAVINGSSAAAVVINGS PASS!PPAASS! 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