Timeline / 1860 to 1930 /

Date Country Theme

1860 - 1900 Tunisia Cities And Urban Spaces

Following development of the Port of La Goulette, new districts relating to trade and industrial activities are born. The neighbourhood is given the name of “Little Sicily”, which is suggestive of its role as host to a poor immigrant population mainly from southern Italy.

1860 - 1863 Tunisia Economy And Trade

Restoration of the Aqueduct, Tunisia’s largest water-service network, allows supply to the capital and its suburbs.

1860 Tunisia Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

The restoration of the Aqueduct of Zaghouan is completed, running water arrives in .

1861 Tunisia Political Context

Muhammad Sadiq Bey promulgates a constitution limiting his powers. Tunisia’s first constitution is the culmination of the reformist policies of the 19th-century Husaynid beys.

1864 Tunisia Political Context

The popular uprising sounds the death knell for reform. The great figure of this insurrection, ‘Ali bin Ghedham, comes from the region of Kasserine.

1872 - 1874 Tunisia Cities And Urban Spaces

The city of Tunis benefits from the first installation of public street lighting. An English company builds a gasometer and installs the pipelines necessary to supply gas for street lighting of the city’s main arteries.

1873 - 1877 Tunisia Political Context

The regency of Khayr al-Din, the Grand Vizier reformer, who reorganises institutions and the economy. His major cultural works are the creation of Sadiki College and major reform of the Zaytuna Mosque.

1873 - 1877 Tunisia Economy And Trade

Khayr al-Din undertakes reform of the Tunisian economy.

1875 Tunisia Rediscovering The Past

The Saint Louis Museum in is founded in the former seminary of the White Fathers.

1875 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes Date Country Theme

The creation of Sadiki College based on a modern concept of education: the school separates from the mosque and a distinction is made between educational structures and those of the religious life.

1880 - 1890 Tunisia Fine And Applied Arts

It was the era of eclecticism. The French Protectorate builds the regency’s infrastructure in the European classical tradition, constructing monuments in the impressive Greco-Roman style.

1880 - 1914 Tunisia Migrations

Italian and French farmers settle in agricultural areas of the Regency of Tunis.

1881 - 1884 Tunisia Political Context

Tunisians put up stiff resistance to French occupation without any external support. The Sublime Porte, itself threatened by the Western powers, limits the show of protest against the French occupation.

1881 - 1883 Tunisia Political Context

At the metropolitan palace, Muhammad Sadiq Bey signs the treaty imposed by the French Protectorate known as the Treaty of Bardo (or Treaty of Kasser al-Sa‘id). This is followed by the Convention of Marsa in 1883. The Regency of Tunis passes from Ottoman suzerainty to French domination.

1881 - 1920 Tunisia Economy And Trade

Crises, both within the country’s social structures and the national economy, are the result of the protectorate’s grip over all the regency’s administration.

1882 Tunisia Rediscovering The Past

The Alaoui Museum is founded in the bey’s palace in Bardo, in a wing of the complex formerly used to host the bey’s harem.

1882 Tunisia Migrations

Inauguration of the new Catholic Cathedral in Tunis, designed in the monumental Greco-Roman style, in line with the image France intends to convey in the early days of its protectorate over the regency.

1886 Tunisia Travelling

Muhammad Sadiq Bey on a visit to Algiers is received by Napoleon III.

1888 - 1893 Tunisia Economy And Trade

Completion of the Port of La Goulette. After five years in construction, the port complex opens to trade on 28 May 1893. Date Country Theme

1888 - 1892 Tunisia Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Establishment of the Tunisian Post and Telegraphs Office; during this time the first Tunisian postage stamp was issued and the Hôtel des postes (Post Office building) was inaugurated in Tunis.

1888 - 1893 Tunisia Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Completion of the Port of La Goulette; a large, modern complex accessible to large vessels, brings development to the city of Tunis.

1890 - 1910 Tunisia Migrations

Emergence of a new European-inspired city outside the Arab medina with a multitude of buildings built in the European style.

1890 - 1920 Tunisia Cities And Urban Spaces

The 20th century is undoubtedly one of urbanisation. Outside the Arab medina a new city develops to host the many Europeans who have arrived to promote development of the colonial economy.

1890 - 1900 Tunisia Fine And Applied Arts

Construction of public and private buildings in the arabisance style, which proposes a synthesis of European architectural styles with Arab and Spanish-North African architecture.

1891 Tunisia Economy And Trade

Monetary reform: the administration of the protectorate decides to replace the Tunisian monetary unit the “piastre” with the French Franc.

1892 - 1914 Tunisia Economy And Trade

Development of a railway network connecting the city of Tunis with its hinterland.

1892 - 1914 Tunisia Great Inventions Of The 19th Century

Development of the railway network connects the city of Tunis with its hinterland. The network serves the large cities by connecting them with the agricultural centres created by colonisation.

1893 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes

Creation of the first analytical laboratory as part of the services that later became the Pasteur Institute, initially providing a rabies treatment service, and then offering a vaccination centre.

1896 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes

Creation of Khaldunia. The purpose of this institution located near the Zaytuna Mosque was to spread scientific knowledge among the Arab communities, and Date Country Theme especially among students of Zaytuna University. Its name refers to the great Arab thinker Ibn Khaldun.

1897 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes

Creation of the French civil hospital provides a surgery and two general medical services to meet the needs of the European population from the outset.

1900 - 1920 Tunisia Fine And Applied Arts

Art Nouveau marks the city’s landscape.

1900 - 1910 Tunisia Migrations

The colonial era: social and cultural life are organised around Europeans striving for modernity and accustomed to the cultural life of European cities; hence construction of theatres, hotels, casinos, etc.

1906 Tunisia Rediscovering The Past

The Archaeological Museum of Sfax is established in one of the city’s hotels.

1907 - 1912 Tunisia Political Context

The Young Tunisians found the first French-language newspaper Le Tunisien. Echoes of their militant action are seen in the riots of Djellaz on 11 November 2011 and the tramway accident on 8 February 1912.

1908 Tunisia Reforms And Social Changes

The School of Pasha Street, the first school for Muslim girls, opens in Tunis.

1920 Tunisia Political Context

The first Tunisian political party is established as the Constitutional Liberal Party of Tunisia: “Le destour’’. In a pamphlet published anonymously in Paris, one of its founders, Abdelaziz al-Thalibi, specified the party’s demands.