

(1) This separate schedule is an auxiliary to the enumerated classes 2/9, A/Z. the concepts in it are available only to qualify those classes, and their classmarks are not to be used on their own.

(2) In any class of the BC, unless some other arrangement is explicitly provided, these concepts may be used, at the discretion of the classifier, to qualify it, introduced by 8 from Schedule 1 (representing Place); e.g. Education is J, and Education in Ancient Rome is J8 CV; Primary education is JM, and Primary education in developing countries is JM8 BD.

(3) In many parts of the BC special instructions are given as to where to apply this schedule; e.g. in Schedule 1 (itself an auxiliary, used to qualify the enumerated classes) 4H is Persons by nationality, and has an instruction to add classmarks from Schedule 2 direct to that classmark; so 4HR B added to a class means Chinese persons in that subject. In Class P Religion, POZ is Christianity in individual countries, with an instruction to add letters A/Z from Schedule 2; so POZ RB is Christianity in China.

(4) The schedule is an inverted one, and citation order is therefore usually the opposite of schedule filing order; this means that if more than one concept from the schedule occurs in a subject’s summarisation, the concept appearing later in the schedule is cited before that occurring earlier; e.g. to qualify a subject by the compound place concept Tropical cities and towns, the classmark 8BC AV would be used (built from 8BC Urban areas and 8AV Tropical latitudes).

(5) Notation is retroactive throughout, except in the case of a few politico-cum-geographic places in 8D/8Z, where the letters A & B have been used for local place; in such cases the 8 must be re- used to introduce the second concept as well; e.g. E British Isles; E8B G Conservation areas in; E8B G8A PH Rivers in conservation areas of the British Isles. However, this should be a very rare occurrence.


31 Relative position 51 Orientation 66 Longitude and latitude * Alternative for latitude is ASV

AB (Physiographic place) ABF Lithosphere, land ABU Highlands, mountains ADG Coastal areas ADS (By soil and rock formation) ADV Limestone, karst AE Hydrosphere, water AEG , AF Indian AGL Antarctic Ocean AH AK AL North Polar , Ocean AN AP Freshwaters AQ Rivers ARS Atmosphere, air

AS by climate ASV Regions by latitude AV Tropics AW Regions by vegetation AX Regions by bounding oceans, seas AY Regions by other physical characteristics

(Regions reflecting human action) BAJ (By land and resource use) BC Urban BD Developing countries. Third World BFR Residential areas BG Conservation areas

(By social/political factors) BJ Administrative units BJM Areas defined by military action BJT Demilitarized zones BK Groupings of states BKF United Nations BKM Eastern bloc, Western bloc BLK European Union. Common Market. EEC BM Empires, unions BME A British Commonwealth (By demographic characteristics) BP Religious group areas BQ Linguistic group areas BST Ethnic group areas BW Regions special to a subject

(Political-cum-geographic place) C The Ancient World CCE Mesopotamia CCG Sumer and Akkad CD Babylonia and Assyria CE Media and Persia CEK Hittite Kingdom CF CG Phoenicia CH Palestine CJ Minor CLN Asia other than South West Asia, , America CM CN CQ CQY Classical world CR CV Ancient and Rome

D/Z The modern world D Europe E British Isles F GB GP H Mediterranean HM I Italy JA JB Switzerland JP Belgium JT Luxembourg JU Netherlands K Germany KB German Democratic Republic KH German Federal Republic KS Czechoslovakia KW Austria LD Hungary LEY The LF Yugoslavia LO LP Greece LR Bulgaria LU Romania LY Poland M MB Denmark MG Iceland MJ Norway MO Sweden MU Finland N U.S.S.R.

O Asia OF Middle East OH Turkey OM The Levant ON OO Syria OOV OP OQ Jordan OR Arabia OS Saudi Arabia OU Gulf States OV Iraq PA Iran PR Afghanistan QAX Pakistan QE India QP Bangladesh QRY Himalayan States QW Ceylon. Sri Lanka RA RB China RG Taiwan. Formosa RN Tibet RPY Mongolia RU Korea S Japan ST South-East Asia SV Philippines TB Indo-China THB Thailand THL Burma TJB Malaysia TK Indonesia TKH Borneo TQ New Guinea

U8 Australasia UA UV New Zealand

V Africa VA Egypt VBL VC VD VE VET VF West Africa VFH Mauritania VFL Senegal VGB Gambia VGD VGE Guinea VGG Sierra Leone VGJ Liberia VGK Ivory Coast VGM Mali VGP Niger VGR Upper Volta VGT Ghana VGW Togo VGY Dahomey VH Nigeria VJ Chad VJS Central African Republic VK Cameroun VKP Equatorial Guinea VLB Gabon VLP Congo Republic VM Zaire VN Angola VP South West Africa VPO Botswana VQ Republic of South Africa VQX Lesotho. Swaziland VRC Mozambique VRR Rhodesia. Zimbabwe VS Zambia VSM Malawi VT Tanzania VTW Ruanda-Urundi VU Uganda VUK Kenya VV Ethiopia VW VX Malagasy. Madagascar WA Oceania

WP Polar regions WT Atlantic Ocean and Islands

X America XC Canada Y U.S.A. YXY ZB Mexico ZC ZD ZJ ZK Columbia ZL Venezuela ZM The Guianas ZP Brazil ZR Paraguay ZS Uruguay ZT Argentina ZU Chile ZV Bolivia ZW Peru ZX Ecuador

ZY Space. Extra-terrestrial worlds


31 Relative position 32 Central 33 Peripheral 34 Adjacent, neighbouring 35 Centripetal, towards the centre 36 Centrifugal, away from the centre 37 Enclosing, surrounding 38 Enclosed, surrounded 39 Extended from, hinterland

42 Limits, borders, boundaries

43 Position within physical environment 44 On the ground 45 Under the ground, subterranean 46 On the water 47 Underwater, submarine, submerged 48 In the air

51 Orientation and hemispheres 52 North 53 54 Northeast 56 East 58 Southeast 59 South 61 62 Southwest 63 West 65 Northwest

66 Longitude and latitude 67 Longitude 68 East of Greenwich 69 West of Greenwich 7 Latitude * This location allows qualification by the concept of latitude per se. For latitude as reflecting major climatic and environmental regions see ASV. * Alternatively use location ASV to represent all references to latitude. * Add to 7 letters T/V following A in AT/AV e.g., Equator 7VV

(By physiographic features) ABC Surface ABD Altitude (general)

ABF Landmasses, lithosphere ABG ABH Peninsulas ABJ Capes, promontories, headlands ABK Isthmuses ABL Islands

ABN Rock formations ABP Outcrops ABQ Ridges, scars ABR Volcanoes ABS Glaciers, moraines

(By altitude) ABU Highlands ABV Mountain formations, chains ABW Snow line zones ABX Vegetation line zones ABY Tree line zones AC (Individual mountains) * These are subordinated to the locality concerned ADB Lowlands ADC Plains ADD Valleys, gorges, basins ADE Underground, caves

(By proximity to sea) ADG Coastal areas ADH Submerged at high tide, mudflats ADJ Marshlands ADK Swamps ADL Coastline, shore ADM Beach ADN Cliffs ADP Inland ADQ Central continental areas

(By soil, rock composition) (By mode of formation) ADS Igneous, volcanic, granite ADT Metamorphic, gneiss ADU Sedimentary ADV Limestone, karst, chalk (By texture) ADW Clays ADX Sands ADY Loams (By chemical constitution) ADY F Acid ADY L Alkaline

AE Hydrosphere, bodies of water AEC Floor, bed AED Currents, layers

AEE Navigable waters, waterways AEF Salt waters AEG Oceans, seas AEH Roadsteads, anchorages AEJ Inlets, fjords AEK Straits AEL Bays, gulfs

AEP High seas AEQ Coastal waters AER Lagoons AES Inland waters, landlocked seas AEY Individual oceans, sea * Whereas other physiographic features are usually subordinated to the locality (e.g. England - Rivers) it is not feasible to subordinate oceans and seas in this way * Some major oceans and seas are enumerated also in the array of political-cum-geographic areas, D/Z. There, they embrace primarily the territories (islands, etc.) within or bounded by them and an alternative is provided at AX. Here, the terms stand for the oceans and seas per se. * A few major constituent parts (gulfs, straits, currents, etc.) are enumerated. All others are obtained by synthesis with AEC/AER.

AF Indian Ocean AFD Northwest AFE AFF AFG Suez Canal AFK AFL AFM AFN West and Southwest AFP East African coastal waters AFQ Mozambique AFR Southeast African coastal waters AFT Northeast AFV AFW AFX Western coastal waters AGB East and Southeast AGC Northwestern Australian coastal waters AGD AGE Western Australian coastal waters AGF South Australian AGG AGH Bass Strait AGL Antarctic Ocean AGM Indian Ocean sector AGP Atlantic Ocean sector AGQ AGR AGT Pacific Ocean sector AGV AH Pacific Ocean AHD South Pacific AHE Southwest Pacific AHF New Zealand coastal waters AHG AHH Fiji Sea AHJ AHK AHL Seas south of Sunda Islands AHM AHN AHO AHP inner seas AHR AHS AHT Philippines inner seas AHW West Pacific AHX Northwest Pacific AHY Philippines Sea AJB AJC AJD Japan coastal waters and inner seas AJE AJF AJG Eastern Russia coastal waters AJJ North Pacific AJK AJM Northeast Pacific AJN Alaska coastal waters AJP Canada coastal waters AJQ United States coastal waters AJR Eastern Pacific AJS Panama Canal AJP Southeast Pacific AJV Straits of Magellan AJW Cape Horn waters AK Atlantic Ocean AKD South Atlantic AKE Southeast and East Atlantic AKF West Africa coastal waters AKG AKJ Southwest and West Atlantic AKK Coastal waters of eastern South America AKL Sea AKM AKN AKP Bahamas waters AKQ North Atlantic AKR Gulf Stream AKS Northwest Atlantic AKT United States eastern coastal waters AKU Gulf of St. Lawrence AKV AKW

AL North Polar Sea, ALD American sector ALE ALF Northwest Passage ALG ALJ Asian sector ALK ALL ALN European sector ALP ALQ ALR ALS

ALV Northeast Atlantic ALW AM and the AMB North Sea AMC English Channel AMD Straits of Dover AMF British Isles western waters AMG , AMJ French and Spanish Atlantic coastal waters AMK AN Mediterranean AND Western Mediterranean ANF Straits of ANH ANJ Eastern Mediterranean ANK ANL ANM Sea of ANN ANP ANQ ANR Bosphorus ANV

AP Freshwaters APD Lakes APE Individual lakes * These are subordinated to the locality concerned APC Running waters APH Rivers, streams APJ Tidal rivers APK Estuaries, deltas AQ Individual rivers * These are subordinated to the locality concerned ARD Waterfalls, rapids ARE Wadis (partially dry rivers)

ARF Man-made bodies of water ARG Artificial lakes, reservoirs ARH Canals ARK Individual canals * These are subordinated to the locality concerned

ARM Ground water ARN Underground rivers

ARS Atmosphere ART Troposphere ARV Stratosphere ARW Ionosphere (Space) see ZY

AS Climatic regions (By rainfall) ASD Wet areas, areas of heavy rain ASE Humid areas ASF Areas of moderate rain ASG Arid areas, dry areas (Deserts) see AWP (By temperature) ASK Hot areas ASL Temperate areas ASM Cold areas ASN Sub-zero areas ASV (By latitude) * Alternative (preferred) is to use this position for all qualification by latitude (see note at 7) AT Polar latitudes, frigid zones ATV Arctic ATX Antarctic AU Temperate zones AUD Northern temperate zones AUF Cool zones AUH Southern temperate zones AUS Subtropical and tropical zones AUX Subtropical zones AV Tropical zones, torrid zones AVV Equatorial zone AW (By vegetation) AWD Forests, woodlands AWE Rainforests AWF Deciduous forests AWH Bush, scrubland, jungles AWK Grasslands, steppes, savannahs AWM Tundra, minimal vegetation AWP Deserts

AX (Regions defined by bounding oceans, seas, etc.) Add to AX letters F/NV following A in AF/ANV e.g. Mediterranean countries AXN

AY (Regions defined by physical features other than those at A) Add to AY letters A/Z following D in DA/DZ e.g. Earthquake prone areas AYH H

BA (Regions by origin) BAD Natural land, emerging land BAF Man-made land, reclaimed land, polders

BAJ (Regions by land and resource use) (By density of population) BAK Uninhabited regions BAL Underpopulated regions BAM Overpopulated regions

BB Rural areas BBV Villages, hamlets, settlements BC Urban areas BCD Conurbations BCE Cities, metropolises BCG Towns, small towns BCJ Satellite towns BCL New towns BCN Suburbs

(By stage of economic development) BCT Unexplored regions BCX Underdeveloped regions BD Developing regions, third world BE Developed regions

(By function) BFC Uncultivated land, grazing land See also Bush, scrubland AWH BFE Farmland BFF Pastures, grazing land BFG Arable land BFJ Industrial land BFK Commercial areas BFL Transport areas and environs BFM Road systems BFN Railway systems BFP Airports BFQ Ports, harbours BFR Residential areas BFS Commuter, dormitory areas BG Conservation areas BGX Protected areas BH National parks

(Regions by social/political factors) BJ Administrative units BJD International areas BJE National areas BJF Regional areas, states, provinces BJG Local areas BJH Counties BJJ Boroughs, parishes, communes BJK Special regions

(Militarily defined areas) BJM Military zones BJN Military fronts, frontiers BJP Disputed territories BJR Conquered territories BJS Occupied territories BJT Demilitarized zones BJU Unoccupied territories BJW Belligerent areas BJX Non-belligerent areas, neutral areas

(Groupings of states) BK Alliances, ententes

(By membership of international bodies) BKE League of Nations BKF United Nations (Politically defined) BKK Unaligned countries See also Third world BKM Eastern bloc, communist bloc BKP Western bloc BKR Afro-Asian bloc BKT Arab bloc (Economically defined) BLC Currency areas BLD Dollar area BLE Sterling area BLH Trading areas BLK Common Market, European Economic Community, European Community BLM EFTA, European Free Trade Association

BLT Political unions, empires BLV Non-self-governing territories, colonies BLW Self-governing territories BM Individual empires * General works only; for particular territories, see locality Add to BM letters C/Z from Schedule 2 e.g. British Commonwealth BME A

(Regions by characteristics of population) BNC Ghettoes * Concentrated enclaves of a particular group BNE Socio-economic classes BNF Working-class areas BNG Middle-class areas BNH Other BP Religious areas Add to BP letters H/V following P in PH/PV e.g. Roman Catholic areas BPR BQ Linguistic areas Add to BQ letters C/Z from Schedule 3 e.g. English-speaking areas BQY (Ethnic areas) BR Racial areas * For use when the concept of race appears alone e.g. areas inhabited by white peoples BRS. If race is one component of several defining a culture group (e.g. Black Americans, Afro-Americans) use BT. (By concepts associated with place of habitation) * For use when these concepts appear alone e.g. immigrant areas of the world BSG. If concept is one component of several defining a culture group (e.g. Black immigrant areas) use BT. BSC Aboriginal, indigenous areas BSE Native areas, homeland BSG Non-aboriginal areas, immigrant areas, settler areas BSJ Foreigner areas, outside homeland, abroad BSL Dominant group areas BSN Non-dominant group areas BT (By culture group) Add to BT letters B/Z from Schedule 3A e.g. Arab areas BTNL BW (Regions special to the subject) * E.g. administrative areas of a public service BX Other special regions

C The Ancient World * Alternative is to collocate places of the Ancient World with their corresponding locality in the modern world (D/Z) e.g. Ancient China at RB, Ancient Judaea at OP. This is not recommended although some libraries may find it both feasible and useful to do so in the case of some territories particularly where the localities defined in the ancient period are much the same as those in the modern period.

CC Asia in general CCD South West Asia. Mesopotamia and the CCE Mesopotamia CCG Sumer and Akkad ( --1900 BCE) CCH Sumer CCJ Ur CCK Eridu CCL Larsa CCM Other places, A/Z CCP Akkad CCR Elam, Susiana CCS Susa See also Persepolis CEF CCV Other places, A/Z CD Babylonia and Assyria together CDC Babylonia (comprehensive studies, 1900-900 BCE) CDD Babylonia (early period) CDE Babylon CDF Diyala CDG Nippur CDH Other places, A/Z CDK Hittite Kingdom, ancient * Alternative (preferred) is CEK Add to CD letters K/P following CE in CEK/CEP CDR Assyria (900-625 BCE) CDS Nimrud CDT Nineveh CDU Assur CDV Harran CDW Other places, A/Z CDY Babylonia (second period, 625-550 BCE) CE Media and Persia (550-225 BCE) CED Media CEE Persia CEF Persepolis See also Susa CCS CEG Other places, A/Z CEH Parthia CEK Hittite Kingdom * Alternative (not recommended) is CDK CEL Hatti CEM Boghazkoi CEN Carchemish CEP Other places, A/Z CEY The Levant * Eastern Mediterranean coastal regions CF Syria CFD Antioch CFE Aram CFF Ugarit, Ras Shamra CFG Palmyra CFH Damascus CFK Other places, A/Z CG Phoenicia * Alternative (not recommended) is to collocate all Phoenician territories at COG CGD Sidon CGE Tyre CGG Tripoli CGJ Carthage * Alternative (preferred) is to locate separately at COG J CGL Other Phoenician colonies * Alternative is to locate separately at COG L CH Canaan, Palestine CHD North Canaan, Israel CHE Particular places, A/Z (e.g. Lachish) CHF Samaria CHG Jericho CHH Other places, A/Z CHJ South Canaan, Judea CHK Jerusalem CHL Gaza CHM Other places, A/Z CHN Edam CHO Moab CHP Other places, A/Z

CHQ Arabia CHR Arabia Deserta CHS Arabia Petrea CHT Petra CHU Mount Sinai CHV Other places, A/Z CHZ Arabia Felix CHY Yemen

CJ Asia Minor CJD Commagene CJE Armenia CJF Black Sea and CJG Scythia CJH Iberia CJJ Albania CJK Sarmatia CJL Colchis CJM Pontus CJN Paphlagonia CJP Nicomedia CJQ Bithynia CJS Troas CJT Troy, Ilium CJU Mysia CJV Phrygia CJW Galatia CJX Ancyra CKB Lycaonia CKC Iconium CKD Polemon CKE Cappodocia CKF Antiochus CKG Cilicia CKH Tarsus CKK Cyprus CKL Salamis See also Greek Salamis CSY S CKN Pisidia CKP Antioch See also Antiochus CKF CKQ Pamphylia CKR Lycia CKS Lydia CKT Pergamon CKU Sardis CKW Smyrna CKX Other places, A/Z () see Aegean Islands CRL CL Ionia * Alternative (not recommended) is CUX See also Ionian Islands (Greece) CUG Aegean Islands (Greece) CRH CLD Caria CLE Halicarnassus CLF Miletus CLG Ephesus (Samos) see Aegean Islands CRO (Chios) see Aegean Islands CRP CLL Aeolia

CLN Asia other than South West Asia Add to CL letters O/Z from Schedule 2 with the amendments indicated below: CLO D Central and Western Asia (South Western Asia) see CC (Afghanistan) CLP R Bactria CLQ India CLR China CLS Japan CLT South East Asia CLU Australasia (Africa) see CM CLW Oceania CLX The CM Africa CME Africa south of the Sahara * Add to CM letters F/Y following V in VF/VY in Schedule 2

CMY X North Africa and Egypt * Alternative is to locate works on ancient North Africa in general at COF CN Egypt * The localities given below are arranged within the major periods of Ancient Egyptian history. Alternatively, all specific localities may be collocated below at CNY CND (Early period, -- 2900 BCE) CNE Upper Egypt CNF Nekheb CNG Nekhen, Hierakonpolis CNH Abydos CNJ Thinis CNK Other places, A/Z CNL Lower Egypt CNM Memphis CNN Other places, A/Z (e.g. Buto, Gizeh, Heliopolis) CNP (Old Kingdom, 2900--2625 BCE) CNQ (Middle Kingdom and Dynasties 13-17, 2625--1580 BCE) CNR Thebes CNS Others, A/Z (e.g. Heracleopolis, Karnak) CNT (New Kingdom, 1580--1200 BCE, Imperial Age) CNV Particular places, A/Z e.g. CNV AB Abu Simbel CNV AK Akhetaten (Tell el-Amarna) CNV AV Avaris CNV L Luxor CNW (Post-Imperial and Graeco-Roman period) CNX Alexandria CNY Other places * An alternative to subordinating the places given above to broad period is to place them all here with other places, and to arrange A/Z (e.g. CNY ME Memphis) COB COC Meroc COD Other places, A/Z COE Ethiopia

COF North Africa and Phoenicia * Alternative to locating ancient North Africa in general at CMY X COG Phoenicia * Alternative to locating under the Levant at CG (which is preferred) COG D Sidon COG E Tyre COG J Carthage COG L Other Phoenician colonies, A/Z COG N Cyrenaica COG P Tripolitania COG Q Leptis Magna COG R Other places, A/Z COG S Utica COG T Numidia, ancient Libya COG V Mauretania COG W Tingitana COG X Caesariensis

CQ Europe * Add to CQ letters E/H, J/LO and LR/N from Schedule 2 e.g. CQE British Isles CQF Gaul CQG Iberia CQL D Pannonia CQL F Illyria CQL P Thracia CQM Moesia CQU Dacia

CQY Classical antiquity CR Greece CRD (Aegean civilization) CRE Crete (Minos) CRF Knossos CRG Other places, A/Z (e.g. Phaistos) CRH Aegean Sea and islands CRJ Southern Sporades, CRK Carpathus CRL Rhodes CRM Other islands, A/Z CRN Icaria CRO Samos CRP Chios CRP P Psara CRQ Lesbos CRR Mytiline CRS Other mid-Aegean CRT Northern Sporades CRT X North Aegean islands CRU Lemnos CRV Imbros CRW Samothrace CRX Other islands, A/Z CRY and southwestern islands CS Peloponnesus CSD Argolis CSE Mycenae CSF Argos CSG Corinth CSH Other places, A/Z (e.g. Epidaurus) CSJ Achaea CSK Elis CSL Particular places, A/Z (e.g. Olympus) CSM Arcadia CSN Megalopolis CSO Messenia CSP Laconia CSR Lacedaemon CSS Sparta CST Other places, A/Z CSU Central Greece CSV Megaris CSW Other places, A/Z CSX Attica CSY Places other than Athens, A/Z (e.g. Salamis) CT Athens CUB Boeothia CUC Thebes CUD Delphi CUE Aetolia CUF Acarnania CUG Ionian islands CUH Zacynthus CUJ Cephalonia CUK Ithaca CUL Leucas CUM Other CUN Northern Greece CUP Epirus CUQ Thessaly CUR Particular places, A/Z CUS Macedonia CUT Amphipolis CUU Olynthus CUV Thrace CUW Other places, A/Z

CUX Ionia * Alternative to CL (which is preferred)

CV Ancient Italy and Rome CVE Northern Italy CVG Istria CVJ Venetia CVL Cisalpine Gaul CVN Transpadane Gaul CVP Cispadane Gaul CVQ Liguria CW Etruria, Tuscany CWE Tarquinia CWH Other places, A/Z CWM Umbria CWP Picenum CWR Central and Eastern Italy CWS Apprutium, Abbruzzi and Molise region CWV Western Italy CWX Latium CX Rome (City) CXE Ostia CXF Campagna di Roma CYB Southern Italy CYC Magna Graecia CYD Campania CYE Naples CYF Baiae CYG Herculaneum CYH Pompeii CYJ Other places, A/Z (e.g. Paestum) CYK Sammum???? CYL Apulia CYM Calabria CYN Lucania CYO Sybaris CYP Other places, A/Z CYQ Bruttium CYS Sicily CYT Syracuse CYYU Other places, A/Z CYV Malta CYW and Corsica CYX Sardinia CYY Corsica

(Places of the modern world) * Alternative (not recommended) is to subordinate here places of the ancient world also. * With a very few exceptions, all places may be qualified by other concepts of place (physiographic, etc.) by direct addition from A/B of this schedule e.g. Rivers of England EBA Q. Places whose classmarks already use A/B as divisions must add ‘8’ to introduce other concepts of place e.g. Rivers of the British Isles E8A Q

D Europe E British Isles EA Great Britain * Use also for United Kingdom EB England * Use also for England and Wales together EBX Southern England EBX AQ Thames river EC London (Metropolitan county) ECX Inner London EDA City of London EDB West London EDC Westminster EDD Kensington and Chelsea EDE Hammersmith EDF North London EDG Camden EDH Islington EDJ East London EDK Hackney EDL Tower Hamlets EDM South London EDM X Southeast London EDN Greenwich EDP Lewisham EDQ Southwark EDQ X Southwest London EDR Lambeth EDS Wandsworth EDT Greater London (South west: formerly in Surrey) EDV C Richmond-upon-Thames EDV E Kingston-upon-Thames EDV G Merton EDV J Sutton EDW Croydon (South east: formerly in Kent) EDW R Bromley EDW T Bexley (North east: formerly in Essex) EDW V Havering EDW Y Barking EDX B Newham EDX D Redbridge EDX F Waltham Forest (North west and West: formerly in Middlesex) EDX H Haringey EDX L Enfield EDX N Barnet EDX P Brent EDX R Ealing EDX T Hounslow EDX V Hillingdon EDX Y Harrow

EE Home Counties EED Hertfordshire * Alternative (preferred) to locating at EGF EEF C Watford EEF E Hertsmere EEF G Broxbourne EEF J East Hertfordshire EEF L Stevenage EEF N North Hertfordshire EEF P Welwyn. Hatfield EEF R St. Albans EEF T Dacorum EEF V Three Rivers EEG Surrey EEH C Spelthorne EEH E Runymede EEH G Surrey Heath EEH J Woking EEH L Elmbridge EEH N Epsom and Ewell EEH P Reigate and Banstead EEH R Mole Valley EEH T Guildford EEH W Waverley EEJ Sussex (former county) EEJ X Weald in genera; EEK West Sussex (County) EEL C South Downs EEL E Chichester EEL G Arum EEL J Worthing EEL L Adur EEL N Horsham EEL P Crawley EEL R Mid Sussex EEN East Sussex (County) EEN C Hove EEP Brighton EEQ C Lewes EEQ E Wealden EEQ F Ashdown Forest EEQ G Eastbourne EEQ J Rother EEQ L Hastings EER Kent EER AC North Downs EES C Shepway EES E Cinque Ports EES G Dover EES J Thanet EET Canterbury EEV C Ashford EEV E Tunbridge Wells EES G Maidstone EES J Swale EES L Medway EES N Gillingham EES P Tonbridge and Malling EES R Sevenoaks EES T Dartford EES V Gravenham

EF Eastern England, East Anglia EFD Essex EFE C Thurrock EFE E Brentwood EFE G Basildon EFE J Castle Point EFE L Southend-on-Sea EFE N Rochford EFE P Maldon EFE R Chelmsford EFE T Epping Forest EFE V Harlow EFE X Uttlesford EFF B Braintree EFF D Colchester EFF F Tendring EFG Suffolk EFH East Suffolk (former county) EFJ C Babergh EFJ E Ipswich EFJ G Suffolk Coastal EFJ J Waveney EFJ L Mid Suffolk EFK West Suffolk (former county) EFL C St. Edmundsbury EFL E Forest Heath EFM Norfolk EFN C Breckland EFN E South Norfolk EFN G Norwich EFN J Broadland EFN L Norfolk Broads EFN N Great Yarmouth EFN P North Norfolk EFN R West Norfolk EFP Lincolnshire * Alternative (not recommended) is to locate at EMS EFQ C South Holland EFQ E Boston EFQ G East Lindsey EFQ J West Lindsey EFQ L Lincoln EFQ N North Kesteven EFQ P South Kesteven EFR Cambridgeshire EFS C Peterborough EFS E Huntingdon (former county) EFS G Fenland EFS J Isle of Ely EFS L East Cambridgeshire EFS N South Cambridgeshire EFT Cambridge EG South Midlands * For Midlands in general see EM EGD Bedfordshire EGE C Bedford EGE E Mid-Bedfordshire EGE G South Bedfordshire EGE L Luton EGF/G (Hertfordshire) * Alternative (not recommended) to locating at EED EGH Buckinghamshire EGJ C Milton Keynes EGJ E Aylesbury Vale EGJ G Chiltern EGJ J Beaconsfield EGJ L Wycombe EGK Oxfordshire EGL C South Oxfordshire EGM Oxford EGN C Cherwell EGN E West Oxfordshire EGN G Vale of White Horse EGP Berkshire EGQ C Newbury EGQ E Reading EGQ G Wokingham EGQ J Windsor and Maidenhead EGQ L Slough EGQ N Bracknell EGR Hampshire EGS C Rushmoor EGS E Hart (Hartley Wintney) EGS G Basingstoke EGS J Petersfield EGS L Winchester EGS N East Hampshire ESG P Test Valley EGS R New Forest EGT Southampton EGV C Eastleigh EGV E Fareham EGV G Gosport EGV J Portsmouth EGV L Havant

EGW Isle of Wight EGX C Medina EGX E South Wight

EH Channel Islands EHD Jersey EHG Guernsey EHJ Alderney EHL Sark EHN Herm EHP Others, A/Z

EHX South Coast EHY South West England EJB Dorset EJC C Christchurch EJC E Bournemouth EJC G Poole EJC J Wimborne EJC L North Dorset EJC N Purbeck EJC P West Dorset EJC R Weymouth and Portland EJD Somerset * Alternative (not recommended) to locating at EJQ EJF Devon EJF X East Devon EJG Exeter EJH C Teignbridge EJH E Torbay EJH G South Hams EJH J Plymouth EJH L West Devon EJH M Dartmoor EJH N Tiverton EJH P North Devon EJH R Torridge EJH T Lundy Island EJK Cornwall EJL C North Cornwall EJL E Caradon EJL G Restormel EJL J Carrick EJL L Kerrier EJL N Penwith EJM Scilly Isles EJP Bristol Channel and coast EJQ Somerset * Alternative (not recommended) is to locate at EJD EJR C West Somerset EJR E Exmoor EJR G Sedgemoor EJR J Taunton Deare EJR L Yeovil EJR N Mendip EL West of England ELC Wiltshire ELD C West Wiltshire ELD E Salisbury ELD G Salisbury Plain ELD J Kennet ELD L Thamesdown ELD N North Wiltshire ELE Avon ELF C Wansdyke ELF E Bath ELF G Woodspring ELG Bristol ELH C Kingswood ELH E Northavon ELJ Gloucestershire ELK C Cotswold ELK E Cotswolds (region) ELK G Cheltenham ELK J Tewkesbury ELK L Gloucester ELK N Stroud ELK P Forest of Dean ELM Hereford and Worcester ELN Herefordshire (former county) ELP C South Herefordshire ELP E Hereford (City) ELP G Leominster ELP J Malvern Hills ELQ Worcestershire (former county) ELR C Worcester (City) ELR E Wychavon ELR G Vale of Evesham ELR J Redditch ELR L Bromsgrove ELR N Wyre Forest ELS Salop (former Shropshire) * Alternative (not recommended) is to locate at EQX S ELT C Bridgnorth ELT E South Shropshire ELT G Shrewsbury ELT J Oswestry ELT L North Shropshire ELT N Wrekin ELV Southern Marches (region) * Alternative (not recommended) to ERY ELW Staffordshire ELX C Stafford ELX E Newcastle-under-Lyme ELX G Stoke-on-Trent ELX H The Potteries (region) ELX J Staffordshire Moorlands ELX L East Staffordshire ELX N Lichfield ELX P Tamworth ELX R Cannock Chase ELX T South Staffordshire EM The Midlands EMC West Midlands (region) EMD West Midlands (county), Black Country EME C Walsall EME E Wolverhampton EME G Dudley EME J Sandwell EMF Birmingham EMG C Solihull EMG E Coventry EMH Warwickshire EMJ C North Warwickshire EMJ E Nuneaton EMJ G Rugby EMJ J Warwick EMK Stratford-on-Avon EML East Midlands (region) EMN Northamptonshire EMP C South Northamptonshire EMP E Northampton EMPG Wellingborough EMP J East Northamptonshire EMP L Corby EMP N Kettering EMP P Daventry EMQ Leicestershire EMR C Harborough EMR G Melton EMR J Charnwood EMR L Leicester EMR N Oadby and Wigston EMR P Blaby EMR R Hinckley and Bosworth EMR T North West Leicestershire EMS Rutland EMT Lincolnshire * Alternative (not recommended) to locating at EFP EMU North Midlands (region) EMV Nottinghamshire EMW C Rushcliffe EMW E Newark EMW F Sherwood Forest EMW G Bassetlaw EMW J Mansfield EMW L Ashfield EMW N Gedling EMW P Nottingham EMW R Broxtowe EMX Derbyshire EMY C Erewash EMY E Derby EMY G South Derbyshire EMY J Amber Valley EMY L Bolsover EMY N Chesterfield EMY P North East Derbyshire EMY R West Derbyshire EMY T High Peak EMY V Peak District EN North of England ENA C Pennine Chain ENY North East England EP Yorkshire (former county) EPD West Yorkshire (metropolitan county) EPE C Kirklees EPE E Calderdale EPE G Bradford EPE J Leeds EPE L Wakefield EPF South Yorkshire (metropolitan county) EPF X Barnsley EPG Sheffield EPG W Rotherham EPG Y Doncaster EPH Humberside (county) EPJ C East Riding (region) EPJ E Boothferry EPJ G Glanford EPJ J Scunthorpe EPJ L Cleethorpes EPJ N Grimsby EPJ P Holderness EPJ R Kingston-upon-Hull EPJ T Beverley EPJ V North Wolds EPK North Yorkshire (County) EPK X Selby EPL York EPM C West Riding (Region) EPM E Harrogate EPM G Craven EPM J Richmondshire EPM L North Riding (Region) EPM N Hambleton EPM P Ryedale EPM R North Yorkshire moors EPM T Scarborough EPN Cleveland EPP C Langbaurgh EPP E Middlesborough (former Teesside) EPP G Stockton-on-Tees EPP J Hartlepool EPQ Durham (County) EPR C Easington EPR E Sedgefield EPR G Darlington EPR J Teesdal EPR L Wear Valley EPR N Derwentside EPR P Durham (City) EPR R Chester-le-Street EPS Tyne and Wear (Metropolitan county) EPT C Sunderland EPT E Gateshead EPT G South Tyneside EPT J North Tyneside EPU Newcastle-upon-Tyne EPV Northumberland (County) EPW C Cheviot Hills EPW E Blyth Valley EPW G Wansbeck EPW J Castle Morpeth EPW L Alnwick EPW N Berwick-upon-Tweed EPW P Tynedale EPW R Hadrian’s Wall EPW V The Border (Region) EPW W North West England (Region) EQB Cumbria (County) EQC Cumberland (Former county) EQD C Carlisle EQD E Eden EQE Lake District EQE X Allerdale EQF Westmorland (Former county) EQG C South Lakeland EQG E Copeland EQG G Barrow-in-Furness EQH Isle of Man EQL Lancashire EQM C Lancaster EQM E Wyre EQM G Ribble Valley EQM J Pendle EQM L Burnley EQM N Rossendale EQM P Hyndburn EQM R Blackburn EQM T South Ribble EQM V Preston EQM X Fylde EQN B Blackpool EQN D West Lancashire EQN F Chorley EQP Greater Manchester (Metropolitan county) EQQ C Bolton EQQ E Bury EQQ G Rochdale EQQ J Oldham EQQ L Tameside EQQ N Stockport EQR Manchester EQS C Trafford EQS E Salford EQS G Wigan EQT Merseyside (Metropolitan country) EQU C St. Helen’s EQU E Knowsley EQU G Sefton EQU L Liverpool EQU N Wirral EQV Cheshire EQW C Ellesmere Port EQW E Halton EQW G Warmington EQW J Macclesfield EQW L Congleton EQW N Crewe and Nantwich EQW P Vale Royal EQW R Chester EQX Welsh Marches (Region) * Alternative (not recommended) to ERX EQX S Salop * Alternative (not recommended) to ELS EQY Southern Marches * Alternative (not recommended) to ERY

ER Wales ERC North Wales ERD Clwyd ERE C Flintshire (Former county) ERE E Wrexham Maelor ERE G Alyn and Deeside ERE J Delyn ERE L Denbighshire (Former county) ERE N Glyndwr ERE P Rhuddan ERE R Colwyn ERF Gwynnedd ERG C Caernarvonshire (Former county) ERG E Aberconwy ERG G Anfon ERG J Snowdonia (Region) ERG L Ynys Mon (Isle of Anglesey) ERG N Dwyfor ERG P Merioneth (Former county) ERG R Meirionnydd ERH South Wales ERJ Powys ERK C Wye River ERK E Montgomery ERK G Radnor ERK J Brecknock (Brecon) ERL Dyfed ERM C Ceredigion (Former Cardiganshire) ERM E Pembrokeshire (Former county) ERM G Preseli ERM J South Pembrokeshire ERM L Carmarthenshire (Former county) ERM N Carmarthen ERM P Dinefwr ERM R Llanelli ERN Glamorgan (Former county) ERP West Glamorgan (County) ERQ C Lliw Valley ERQ E Swansea ERQ G Neath ERQ J Afan ERR Mid Glamorgan (County) ERS C Ogwr ERS E Rhonddha ERS G Cynon Valley ERS J Taff-Ely ERT South Glamorgan (County) ERU C Vale of Glamorgan ERU E Cardiff ERV Gwent ERW C Monmouthshire (Former county) ERW E Newport ERW G Islwyn ERW J Blaenau Gwent ERW L Torfden ERW N Monmouth ERX Welsh Marches (Region) * Alternative (not recommended) is EQX ERY Southern Marches * Alternatives (not recommended) are ELS and EQY

ES Scotland ESD Southern Scotland * Except for a few purely geographical regions (e.g. Southern Scotland) division is by the nine regions (e.g. Lothian) and fifty- three districts (e.g. West Lothian) determined by the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1973 (effective from May 1975) * Where a new district is almost coterminous with the old county of the same name (e.g. Berwickshire) no separate provision is made for the older area

ESE South Eastern Scotland ESF Central Lowlands ESG Lothian ESH West Lothian ESJ Edinburgh ESK Midlothian ESL East Lothian ESN Borders ESP The Border country, Southern Uplands ESQ Berwickshire ESR Roxburgh ESS Ettrick and Lauderdale EST Selkirkshire (Former county) ESV Tweeddale (Formerly Peebleshire) ESY South Western Scotland ETB Dumfries and Galloway ETC Dumfriesshire (Former county) ETC W Annandale and Eskdale ETC Y Nithsdale ETD Kirkcudbright (Former county) ETD X Stewartry ETE Wigtown (Merrick) ETF Strathclyde ETG South Western districts, Ayrshire (Former county) ETH C Kyle and Carrick ETH E Cumnock and Doon Valley ETH G Kilmarnock and Loudoun ETH J Cunninghame ETH L Isle of Arran ETH N South Central districts ETH P Inverclyde ETH R Renfrew (Former Renfrewshire) ETH T Eastwood ETH V East Kirkbride

ETH Y South Eastern districts ETJ B Lanarkshire (Former county) ETJ C Lanark ETJ E Central districts ETJ G Hamilton ETJ J Motherwell ETJ L Monklands ETJ N Cumbernauld ETJ P Strathkelvin ETK Glasgow ETL C North Central districts ETL E Bearsden and Milngavie ETL G Clydebank ETL J North Western districts ETL L Dumbarton ETL M Dumbartonshire (Former county) ETL N Loch Lomond ETM Argyll and Bute * Alternative is to collocate with Highlands, EUM/EVO ETN Buteshire (Former county) ETO Argyllshire (Former county) ETQ C Central Region (Administrative region) ETQ E Stirling ETQ G Stirlingshire (Former county) ETQ J Falkirk ETQ L Clackmannan (Former Clackmannanshire) ETS North Eastern Scotland ETT Fife ETU C Dunfermline ETU E Kirkcaldy ETU G North East Fife ETV Tayside ETW Perth and Kinross ETX C Perthshire (Former county) ETX E Kinross-shire (Former county) ETX G City of Dundee ETX J Angus (Former county) ETX L Angus district EUB Grampian EUC Kincardine and Deeside EUD C Cairngorm mountains EUD E Kincardineshire (Former county) EUD G City of Aberdeen EUD J Aberdeenshire (Former county) EUD L Gordon district EUD N Banffshire (Former county) EUD P Banff and Buchan EUD R Morayshire (Former county) EUD T Moray EUE Northern Scotland EUF Highlands EUG Highlands (Administrative region) EUH C Eastern districts EUH E Nairn (Formerly Nairnshire) EUH G Badenoch and Strathspey EUH J Central districts EUJ Inverness-shire (Former county) EUK C Loch Ness EUK E Inverness (Administrative district) EUM Argyll and Bute * Alternative to locating at ETM/ETO * Although administratively Argyll and Bute is now part of Strathclyde, this collocation with the rest of the North West coast of Scotland may be preferred EUP Western districts EUQ C Inner Hebrides EUQ E Lochabe EUQ G Skye and Lochalsh EUQ J Ross and Cromarty (Former county) EQU L Ross and Cromarty (Administrative district) EQU N Northern districts EQU P Sutherland (Former county) EQU R Sutherland (Administrative county) EQU T Caithness (Formerly Caithness county)

EUS Islands (Administrative authorities) EUT Hebrides (General) EUU Western Isles, Outer Hebrides EUW Orkney and Shetland EUX Orkney EUY Shetland, Zetland

EV Ireland EVY Ulster (General) EW Northern Ireland EWC Y Southern region EWD Armagh (Former county) EWE Armagh district EWE W Armagh (City) EWE Y Craigavon district EWF South Eastern region (Formerly County Down) EWG C Newry and Mourne district EWG E Bambridge district EWG G Down district EWG J Ards district EWG L Strangford Loch EWG N North Down district EWG P Castlereagh district EWH Belfast district, Greater Belfast EWJ Belfast (City) EWK North Eastern area EWL Antrim (Former county) EWM C Lisburn district EWM E Newtonabbey district EWM G Carrickfergus district EWM J Larne district EWM L Antrim district EWM N Ballymena district EWM R Moyle district EWM T Giant’s Causeway EWM V Ballymorey district EWN Western region EWP Londonderry (Former county) EWQ C Coleraine district EWQ E Magherafelt district EWQ G Limavady district EWQ J Londonderry district EWQ L Londonderry, Derry (City) EWR Tyrone (Former county) EWS C Strabane district EWS E Cookstown district EWS G Dungannon district EWS J Omagh district EWT Fermanagh district (Formerly Fermanagh county)

EX Eire, Irish Republic EXD Ulster counties * For Ulster as a whole see EVY EXE Donegal (Tirconaill) EXF Cavan EXG Monaghan EXH Leinster province EXJ Louth EXJ D Drogheda EXK Central plain EXL Meath EXM Longford EXN Westmeath EXP Offaly EXQ Kildare EXR Dublin EXS Dublin (City) EXS X Dun Laoghaire EXT Wicklow EXU Wexford EXU X Wexford (City) EXV Carlow EXW Laoighise (Laois, Leix) EXX Kilkenny EXY Western Ireland, Munster and Connaught (Connacht) EY Munster EYD Waterford EYE Waterford (City) EYF Cork EYG Cork (City) EYJ Kerry EYK Killarney EYL Limerick EYM Tipperary EYN River Shannon and estuary EYP Clare EYQ Connaught (Connacht) EYR Galway EYS Roscommon EYT Leitrim EYV Sligo EYW Mayo

F France

FAY North West France FB Britanny FBD Finistere department FBF Morbihan department FBH Cotes du Nord department FBJ Ille-et-Vilaine department FBL Pays de la Loire region FBN Loire-Atlantique department FBP Anjou region FBQ Maine-et-Loire department FBS Maine region FBV Sarthe department FBW Mayenne department FBY Northern France FC Normandy FCD Basse-Normandie region FCF Orne department FCH Manche department FCJ Calvados department FCL Haute-Normandie region FCN Eure department FCP Seine-Maritime department FCR Nord region FCT Artois region FCV Pas-de-Calais department FCX Nord department (Flanders in France) FD Picardie region FDD Somme department FDF Aisne department FDH Oise department FDJ Ile-de-France, greater Paris region FDL Seine River FE Paris department FEG Seine-St. Denis department FEH Val d’Oise department FEJ Hautes-de-Seine department FEK Yvelines department FEL Essone department FEM Val-de-Marne department FEN Seine-et-Marne department FEP North East France FEQ Marne River FER Champagne region FES Aube department FET Marne department FEV Argonne department FEW Ardennes department FEX Haute-Marne department FF Alsace-Lorraine FFD Vosges Mountains FFF Lorraine region FFH Meuse department FFJ Vosges department FFL Meurthe-et-Moselle department FFN Moselle department FFP Alsace region FFR Bas-Rhin department FFT Haut-Rhin department FFY Eastern France FG Burgundy, Bourgogne region FGF Franche-Comte region FGJ Jura mountains in France FGL Territoire de Belfort department FGN Haute-Saone department FGP Doubs department FGR Jura department FH Saone-et-Loire department FHJ Cote d’Or department FHL Yonne department FHN Nivernais region FHP Nievre department FJ Central France FJD Loire River FJF Orleanais region FJH Loiret department FJJ Eure-et-Loire department FJL Loire-et-Cher department FK Touraine region FKL Indre-et-Loire department FKN Berry region FKP Cher department FKR Indre department FL South Central France FLD Massif Central region FLF Bourbonnais region FLG Allier department FLH Auvergne region FLJ Puy-de-Dome department FLK Cantal department FLL Haute Loire department FLM South East France FLN Rhone-Alps region FLP Rhone River FLQ Loire department FLR Rhone department FLS Lyonnais region FLT Lyon FLV Ain department FM Savoie region FMD Alps in France FMF Haute Savoie department FMH Savoie department FN Dauphine region FND Isere department FNF Drome department FNH Hautes-Alpes department FNS Southern France FNV Cevennes mountains FP Provence FPH Alpes-de-Haute Provence department (Basses Alpes) FQ Riviera, Mediterranean coast * French and Italian rivieras treated together FR French Riviera, Cote d’Azur FRD Alpes-Maritime department FRF Nice FRM * Alternative (preferred) to locating at FYF FRN Monte Carlo FRP Var department FRS Vaucluse department FRT Bouches-du-Rhone department FRV Marseilles FS Languedoc FSD Gard department FSF Ardeche department, Rouergue region FSH Lozere department FSK Aveyron department FSM Tarn department FSP Herault department FSR Aude department FST South West France FSX Pyrenees (General) FT Roussillon region FTP Pyrenees-Orientales department FV Gascony FVD Midi-Pyrenees region FVF Ariege department FVH Haute-Garonne department FVJ Tarn-et-Garonne department FVL Armagnac region FVN Gers department FVP Hautes-Pyrenees department FVR Pyrenees-Atlantiques department (former Basses-Pyrenees department) FVT Landes department FW Aquitaine (Guienne) region FWD Lot-et-Garonne department FWF Lot department FWH Dordogne FWK Gironde department FWL Bordeaux FWM Medoc region FX Western France FXD Saintonge region FXE Charente-Maritime department FXF Charente department, Angoumois region FXH Limousin region FXJ Haute-Vienne department FXK Correze department FXM Marche region FXN Creuse department FXP Poitou region FXQ Vienne department FXR Deux Sevres department FXS Vendee department

FY Corsica * Alternative to collocating with Sardinia at HD (which is preferred)

FYF Monaco * Alternative to collocating with Cote d’Azur at FRM (which is preferred)

FYL Andorra * Alternative to locating at GCH (which is preferred)

GA GB Spain GBD Northwestern Spain, region GBF Corunna province GBH Pontevedra province GBJ Orense province GBL Lugo province GBN Asturias region GBO Oviedo province

GBR Northeastern Spain GBS Basque provinces GBT Vizcaya province, Biscay GBU Orduna (Enclave) GBV Guipuzcoa province GBX Alava province GBY Trevino (Enclave of Burgos in Alava) GCB Navarre province GCF Pyrenees region GCH Andorra (Independent state) * Alternative (which is preferred) to locating at FYL GCK Aragon region GCM Huesca province GCP Zaragoza province, Saragossa GCR Teruel province GD Catalonia region GDE Tarragone province GDG Lerida province GDJ Barcelona province GDK Barcelona (City) GDM Costa Brava region GDP Gerona province

GE Eastern Spain GFB Balearic islands GFD Majorca (Mallorca) GFF Minorca (Menorca) GFH Ibiza (Iviza) GFK Columbretes Islands GFL Valencia region GFN Costa Blanca region GFP Castellon de la Plana region GFR Valencia province GFT Alicante province GFV Murcia region GFW Albacete province GFY Murcia province

GG Southern Spain, Andalusia region GGD Costa del Sol region GGF Almeria province GH Granada province GHS Malaga province GHU Cadiz province GHX Gibraltar * Alternative (which is preferred ) to GY GJB Sevilla province GJD Huelva province GJF Cordoba province GJJ Jaen province

GJL Central Spain, Central Meseta GJM Castile GJN New Castile region GJP La Mancha region GJR Cuidad Real province GJT Toledo province GJV Cuenca province GJX Guadalajara province GJY Madrid province GK Madrid (City) GL Old Castile region GLD Avila province GLF province GLH Soria province GLL Logiona province GLN Burgos province GLQ Santander province GLS Palencia province GLV Valladolid province

GLY Western Spain GM Leon region GMD Zamora province GMF province GN Estramadura region GND Cacares province GNF Badajoz province

GO Canary Islands * Alternative to VEQ (which is preferred)

GP Portugal

GRB Northern Portugal GRD Tras Os Montes e Alto Duoro province GRF Braganza district GRH district GRK Entre Minho e Douro GRM GRP Viana do Castelo district GRR district GRT Douro Litoral province GRV Oporto district GRY Central Portugal GTB region GTD GTF GTH district GTJ district GTL GTN GTP GTR GTT GTV Estremadura region GTW Estremadura province GTY Lisboa district GU (City) GVB Setubal district GVD GVF Santarem district GVH Southern Portugal GVJ region GVL Alto Alentejo province GVN GVP Evora district GVR GVT GW region GWD Faro district GX GXM Funchal


GY Gibraltar * Alternative (not recommended) to locating at GHX

H Mediterranean

HD Corsica * Alternative (which is preferred) to locating with France, at FY HG Sardinia * Alternative (which is preferred) to IG HGF Sassari HGH Nuoro HGK Cagliari HM Malta HN Valetta

HX Papal States (as temporal power)

I Italy ICP Papal States ICR Central Italy ICS Latium region ICV Viterbo ICX Rieti ICY Roma ID Rome (City) IEB Vatican City IEE Latina IEF Frosinone IEJ Southern Italy and Sicily IEK Campania IEM Caserta IEP Benevento IER Avellino IEY Napoli IF Naples (City) IFV Salerno IFY Tyrrhenian Sea coast IG Sardinia * Alternative (not recommended) to HG IH Sicily IHD West Sicily IHF Trapani IHH Palermo IHJ Agrigento IHL Caltanissetta IHN East Sicily IHP Ragusa IHR Siracusa IHT Catania IHV Enna IHX Messina IJ Calabria region IJD Reggio di Calabria IJF Catanzaro IJH Cosenza IK Basilicata, Catania region IKD Potenza IKF Matera IKY Adriatic coast (General) IL Puglia, Apulia region ILD Taranto ILF Lecce ILH Brindisi ILK Bari ILM Foggia ILY Central Italy IM Abruzzi e Molise region IMD Campobasso IMF Chieti IMH Pescara IMK Teramo IMM Aquila IMP Umbria IMR Terni IMT Perugia IN Marches IND Ascoli Piceno INF Macerata INH Ancona INK Pesaro e Urbino IP San Marino (Independent state) IQ Tuscany region IQD Arezzo IQF Siena IQH Grosseto IQL Livorno IQP Pisa IQY Firenze IR Florence IRS Pistoia IRU Lucca IRW Massa e Carra

IRY North Italy IS Emilia-Romagna region ISD Forli ISF Ravenna ISH Ferrara ISK Bologna ISL Bologna (City) ISM Modena ISP Reggio nell’Emilia ISR Parma IST Piacenza ISV coast, Italian Riviera * For French and Italian Rivieras combined see FQ IT Liguria (Region) ITD Spezia ITF Genova ITH Savona ITJ Imperia

ITL North West Italy ITM Alps in Italy ITN Italian lakes ITP Piedmont region ITQ Cuneo ITR Asti ITS Alessandria ITT Torino ITU Turin (City) ITV Vercelli ITW Novara ITY Val d’Aosta region IU Lombardy region IUD Po river IUF Varese IUH Como IUJ Milano IUL Milan (City) IUN Pavia IUP Cremona IUR Bergamo IUT Sondrio IUV Brescia IUW Mantova

IUY North East Italy IV Veneto region IVD Verona IVF Rovigo IVH Padova IVV Venezia IW Venice (City) IXB Treviso IXD Vicenza IXF Belluno IXG Trentino-alto Aldiige region, Venzia-Tridentina IXJ Tirol in Italy IXK Trento IXL Bolzano IXP Fruili-Venezia-Giulia region IXR Udine IXT Gorizia IXV Trieste (City)

JA Central Europe JAP The Alps

JB Switzerland JCB Alps in Switzerland JCG Grisons (Graubunden), Romansch canton JCT Ticino, Italian canton JD French cantons JE Valais JF Fribourg JFV Vaud JG Geneva JGD Geneva (City) JHJ Jura region JHN Neuchatel JJ German cantons JJD Berne JJF Bernes Oberland region JJH Mittelland region JJK Berne (City) JJM Seeland region JJY North Switzerland JK Solothern JLB Basel (Canton) JLD Basel-Landschaft JLF Basel-Stadt JLX Aargau (Canton) JM Zurich (Canton) JMD Zurich (City) JMF Schaffhausen (Canton) JMH Thurgau (Canton) JMK St. Gallen (Canton) JMN Appenzell JMP Appenzell Ausser-Rhoden JMQ Appenzell Inner-Rhoden JMS Glarus (Canton) JMU Uri (Canton) JMW Schwyz (Canton) JMZ Zug (Canton) JNC Lucerne (Canton) JNE Unterwalden (Canton) JNF Nidwalden JNG Obwalden

JNL Liechtenstein JNM Vaduz

JP Belgium

JPS North Belgium. Flemish speaking areas JPV Limburg province JPY Antwerp province JQ Antwerp (City) JQF Flanders region JQH East Flanders province JQK West Flanders province

JQN Central Belgium JQX Brabant province JR Brussels (City)

JSB South Belgium. French speaking areas JSD Hainaut province JSF Namur province JSL Liege province JSN Liege (City) JSX Luxembourg province

JT Luxembourg (Grand Duchy) JTL Luxembourg (City)

JU Netherlands (Holland)

JVB North and Central Netherlands JVE Groningen province JVF Friesland province JVH Drenthe province JVK Overijssel province JVM Gelderland province JVP Utrecht province JVQ Utrecht (City)

JVS South Netherlands JVT Limburg province JVV Noord-Brabant province

JW West Coast JWW Zeeland province JWY Zuid-Holland province JX The Hague (City) JY Rotterdam (City) JYN Nord-Holland province JYP Amsterdam (City) JYR Zuidelijke Ijsselmeerpolders province JYS Reclaimed land JYW West Frisian Islands

K Germany

KB East Germany, German Democratic Republic KBE Mecklenburg region KBG Rostock district (Besirke) KBJ Schwerin district KBL Pomerania region KBN Neubrandenburg district KBQ Brandenburg region KBS Berlin KBT East Berlin district KC West Berlin KCN Cotbus district KCP Potsdam district KCQ Frankfurt an der Oder district KCR Central Germany KCS Prussian Saxony KCT Saxony-Anhalt region KCV Magdeburg district KCX Halle district KD Saxony region KE Dresden district KF Leipzig district KFS Karl-Marx-Stadt district (formerly Chemnitz) KG Thuringia region KGE Erfurt district KGG Gera district KGK Suhl district

KH West Germany, German Federal Republic KHY South and South West Germany KJ Bavaria (Land) KJF Franconia region KJG Lower Franconia region KJH Middle Franconia region KJJ Upper Franconia region KJL Upper Palatinate district KJM Lower Bavaria district KJN Upper Bavaria district KJP Munich KL Baden-Wurtemburg (Land) KLD Swabia region KLF Wurtemburg region KLH Hohenzollern region KLJ Black Forest KLM Baden region KLP Hesse (Land) KLR Frankfurt-am-Main (City) KMB Rhine river KMD Palatinate region KMF Rhineland-Palatinate (Land) Rhineland-Palatinate (Land) KMH Rhine Province region, Rhenish Prussia KML Saarland (Land) KMY North West and West Germany KN North Rhine-Westphalia (Land) KNC Bonn (City) KNE Cologne (City) KNG Ruhr region KNH Dusseldorf (City) KNJ Westphalia region KNL Lower Saxony (Land) KNM Brunswick region KNN Hanover region KNO Oldenburg region KNQ North Sea coast KNR Bremen (Land) KNS Hamburg (Land) KNT Schleswig-Holstein (Land) KNU Holstein region KNV Schleswig region KNW East Frisian Islands KNY Heligoland

KRY Danube River

KS Czechoslovakia

KSX Czech Republic KT Bohemia KTS Sudetenland district KUB Prague. Praha region KUD Prague (City) KUG Stradocesky region KUJ Jihocesky region KUK Zapadocesky region KUN Plzen region and city KUP Severocesky region KUQ Vychodoscesky region KUR Moravia KUS Silesia in Czechoslovakia KUT Jihomoravsky region KUV Brno (City and region) KUW Severomoravsky region KUX Ostrava (City and region)

KUY Slovak Republic KV Slovakia KVL Bratislava (City and region) KVN Zapadoslovenska region KVS Stradoslovenska region KVV Vychodoslovenska region

KVY Austria and Hungary

KW Austria KWV Northern Austria KWY Danube river in Austria KX Vienna, Wien province KXD Vienna (City) KXL Lower Austria, Niederosterreich province KXU Upper Austria, Oberosterreich province

KYB Central and Western Austria KYD Alps in Austria KYF Salzburg province KYG Salzburg (City) KYJ Tyrol province KYK Innsbruck (City) KYM Vorarlberg province KYP South and Eastern Austria KYQ Corinthia province KYS Styria province KYU Burgenland province

LD Hungary

LDN North West Hungary LDP Komarom County LDQ Gyor-Sopron County LDR Vas County LDS Veszprem County LDT Zala County

LDV Central Hungary. Danube area LDY Pest County LE Budapest (City and County) LEE Bacs-Kiskun County LEF Fejer County LEG Szolnok County

LEJ North East Hungary LEK Nograd County LEL Heves County LEN Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen County LEO Szabolcs-Szatmar County LEP Hajdu-Bihar County

LEQ South East Hungary LER Bekes County LES Csongrad County

LET South West Hungary LEU Baranya County LEV Somogy County LEW Tolna County

LEY The Balkans

LF Yugoslavia LG Northern Yugoslavia LGS Federal Republic LH Federal Republic LHE Zagreb (City) LHG Slavonia Federal Republic LHY Western Yugoslavia LJ Dalmatia region LJE Coast and islands LJS South and Central Yugoslavia LJY Bosnia and Hercegovina Federal Republic LK Bosnia LL Hercegovina LM Montenegro Federal Republic LMS Eastern Yugoslavia, Serbia Region LMV Vojvodina (Autonomous region) LN Serbia Federal Republic LNE Belgrade, Beograd (City) LNK Kosovo-Metohija (Autonomous region) LNM Macedonia Federal Republic

LO Albania LOE Tirana

LP Greece LPE Northern Greece LPF Thrace LPG Macedonia LPG S Salonika LPH Epirus LPJ Thessaly LPJ Y Central Greece LPK Euboea LPL Athens LPL Y Southern Greece LPM Peloponnesus, Morea LPP Ionian Islands LPQ Corfu LPR Cephalonia LPS Others, A/Z LPT Crete LQ Aegean Islands, Greek Archipelago LQE Cyclades and South Western islands LQF Southern Sporades, Dodecanese LQG Rhodes LQH Others, A/Z LQJ Samos LQK Chios LQL Lesbos LQM Other mid Aegean islands, A/Z LQN Northern Sporades LQO Individual islands, A/Z LQQ North Aegean islands LQR Lemnos Imbros see OJMP LQS Samothrace LQT Others, A/Z

LR Bulgaria LRE Central Bulgaria LRF Veliko Turnovo district LRG Gabrovo district LRH Yambol district LRJ Stara Zagora district LRL Sliven district LRN Kolarovgrad district LRP Pazardzhik district LRR Eastern Bulgaria, Rumelia LRS Black Sea coast area LRT Silistra district LRU Tolbukhin district, Dobruja region LRV Varna district LRX Burgas district LSB Thrace region LSC South Bulgaria, Rhodope LSD Khaskovo district LSE Smolyan district LSF Kurdzhali district LSG Plovdiv district LSH Macedonia region in Bulgaria LSJ West Bulgaria, Strumitsa LSK Blagoevgrad district LSL Pernik district LSM Kiustendil district LSN Sofia district LSO Sofia (City) LSP Mikhailovgrad district LSQ Vratsa district LSR Vidin district LSS North Bulgaria LST Pleven district LSU Lovech district LSV Turgovishte district LSW Ruse district LSX Razgrad district

LU Romania LUS South East districts LUT Prahova LUV Buzau LVB Bucharest LVD Ilfov LVE Southern districts. Walachia LVF Teleorman LVG Olt LVH South West districts LVJ Dolj LVK Mehedinti LVL Gorj LVM Western districts. Timisoara LVN Caras-Severin LVO Timis LVP Arad LVQ Central districts. Transylvania LVR Hunedoara LVS Alba LVT Cluj LVU Bistrita-Nasaud LVV Mores LVW Harghita LVX Sibiu LVY Valcea LWB Arges LWC Dimbovita LWD Brasov LWE Covasna LWF Black Sea coastal districts. Dobruja LWG Ialomita LWH Constanta LWJ Tulcea LWK Eastern districts. Moldavia LWL Braila LWM Galati LWN Vrancea LWO Vaslui LWP North East districts LWQ Iasi LWR Botosani LWS Suceava LWT Neamt LWU North West districts LWV Maramures LWW Satu Mare LWX Salaj LWY Bihor


LY Poland

LYG South East Poland. Galicia LYH Kielce province LYJ Rzeszow province LYK Krakow province LYL Krakow (City). Cracow LYM Katowice province LYN South West Poland. Silesia LYO Opole province LYP Wroclaw province LYQ Wroclaw (City). Breslau LYR Western Poland LYS Zielona Gora province LYT Szczecin province. Stettin. Polish Pomerania LYU Northern Poland. Baltic coast. West Prussian Pomerania LYV Koszalin province LYW Gdansk province. Danzig LYX Bydgoszcz province LZB Central Poland LZC Poznana province LZD Poznana (City) LZE Lodz province LZF Lodz (City) LZG Warsaw province LZH Warsaw (City) LZK Eastern Poland. Mazuria LZL Olsztyn province LZM Bialystok province LZN Lublin province

LZV Baltic countries and the Baltic Sea M Scandinavia

MB Denmark

MBS Islands MBT Eastern and Southern islands MBV Bornholm MC Sjaelland, Zealand MCD Frederiksborg county MCE Kobenhavn county MCF Kobenhavn, Copenhagen (City) MCH Frederiksberg (Independent municipality) MCJ Roskilde county MCK Vestsjaellands county MCL Holbaek (Former county) MCM Soro (Former county) MCN Storstroms county MCP Praesto (Former county) MCQ Mon Island MCR Maribo (Former county) MCS Falster Island MCT Lolland Island MCU Fyno and Langeland Islands = Fyns MCV Fyns county. Island of Fyn (Funen) MCW Langeland Island MCX B Svendborge (Former county) MCX H Odense (Former county) MCX P Assense (Former county)

MD Jylland (Jutland) and adjacent islands MDD Sonderjyllands county MDE Abenra-Sonderborg (Former county) MDF Tonder (Former county) MDG Haderslev (Former county) MDH Ribe county MDJ Ringkobing county MDK Vejle county MDL Skanderborg (Former county) MDM Arhus county MDN Arhus (Former county) MDP Randers (Former county) MDQ Viborg county MDR Viborg (Former county) MDT Tisted (Former county) MDV Nordjyllands county MDW Alborg (Former county) MDX Hjorring (Former county)

MF Faroe county, Faroe Islands

MG Iceland MGO East Iceland MGP South Iceland MGQ Reykjanes MGR Reyjavik MGU West Iceland MGV Western Peninsula MGW Northland West MGX Northland East

MJ Norway

MJS Spitsbergen, Svalbard (Arctic Archipelago) * Alternative to locating under Arctic regions, WW MJT West Spitsbergen MK Nord-Norge. North Norway MKF Finmark MKH Troms MKJ Nordland

MKL Trondelag. North Central Norway MKN Nord-Trondelag MKS Sor-Trondelag

ML Vestlander. West Norway MLD More og Romsdal MLE Sogn og Fjordane MLH Hordaland MLJ Bergen (City) MLR Rogaland

MM Agder. South Norway MMD Vest-Agder MMF Aust-Agder

MMH Ostlandet. East Norway MMJ Telemark MML Vestfold MMN Buskerud MMP Oppland MMR Hedmark MMT Akershus MN Oslo (City) MNS Ostfold

MO Sweden

MP Gotaland. Southern Sweden MPF Goteburg och Bohus county. Bohuslan (Former province) MPG Goteburg (City). Gothenburg MPH Vastergotland (Former province) MPK Skaraborg county MPL Alvsborg county MPM Dalsland (Former province) MPN Halland county (Former province) MPP Skane (Former province) MPQ Kristianstad county MPR Malmohus county MPS Blekinge county (Former province) MPT Smaland (Former province) MPU Kalmar county MPV Oland (Former province) MPW Kronoberg county MPX Jonkoping county MPY Ostergotland county (Former province)

MQ Svealand. Central Sweden MQD Sodermanland county (Former province) MQF Uppland (Former province) MQY Stockholm county MR Stockholm (City) MRS Uppsala county MRT Vastmanland county MRU Orebro county MRV Narke (Former province) MRW Vastmanland (Former province) MRX Varmland county (Former province) MRY Koppaberg county. Dalarna (Former province)

MS Norrland. Northern Sweden MSD Gavleborg county MSG Gastrikland (Former province) MSH Halsingland (Former province) MSJ Jamtland county MSK Harjedalen (Former province) MSL Jamtland (Former province) MSN Vasternorrland county MSP Medelpad (Former province) MSQ Angermanland (Former province) MSR Vasterbotten county MSS Vasterbotten (Former province) MST Norrbotten county MSV Norrbotten (Former province) MSX Lappland (Former province) * See also Finnish Lappland MUF

MT Lappland region (General)

MU Finland

MUE North Finland MUF Lappi. Lappland MUG Oulu. Uleaborg

MUJ South East Finland. Lakeland provinces MUK Kuopio MUL Pohjois-Karjala. Norra Karelen MUM Mikkeli. St. Michel MUN Hame. Tavestehus MUP Keski-Suomi. Mellersta Finland

MUR South West Finland. Coastal provinces MUS Vaasa. Vasa MUT Turka ja Pori. Abo och Bjorneborg MUV Ahvenanmaa. Aland MUW Uusimaa. Nyland MUX Helsinki. Helsingfors MUY Kymi. Kymene

N Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Soviet Union * The following abbreviations are used: ASSR Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic AR Autonomous Region (Province, Oblast) NA National Area

NCX ND Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic NDV Central and Western area NDX Moscow NE Moscow (City) NEK Kalinin region NEL Yaroslavl region NEM Kostroma region NEN Ivanovo region NEP Vladimir region NEQ Gorky region (Formerly Nizhni-Novgorod) NER Kirov region NES Udmurt ASSR NET Mariy ASSR NEV Chuvash ASSR NEW Mordov ASSR NEX Ryazan region NEY Tula region NFB Saluga region NFC Smolensk region NFD Bryansk region NFE Orel region NFF Kursk region NFG Belgorod region NFH Voronezh region NFJ Lipetsk region NFK Tambov region NFL Penza region NFN Volga River NFP Volga area NFQ Ulyanovsk region NFR Tatar ASSR NFS Kuybyshev region NFT Saratov region NFV Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) region NFW Astrakhan region NFX Caspian Sea NFY Don River NGB area NGC Kalmyk ASSR NGD Kostov region NGE Krasnodar region NGF Adygey AR NGG Karachayavo-Cherkess AR NGH Kabardin Balkar ASSR NGJ Chechen-Ingush ASSR NGK Severo-Osetin ASSR NGL Dagestan ASSR NGM Caucasus Mountains NGN NGP Azerbaijan SSR NGQ Nagorno-Karabakh AR NGR Nakhichevan AR NGS Armenia SSR NGT Georgia SSR NGV South Ossetia AR NGU Adzhar ASSR NGW Abkhaz ASSR NGX Black Sea area NGY NH Ukraine SSR NHD Dnieper River NHE South Ukraine NHG region NHH Odessa region NHJ East Ukraine NHK Dnepropetrovsk NHL Donbas region NHN Kharkov region NHP Central and West Ukraine NHQ Kiev region NHR Galicia region NHS L’vov region NHT Carpathians in Russia. Transcarpathia region NHU Ruthenia region NHV Bukovina region NHW Moldavia SSR NHX Bessarabia NHY Western USSR NJ Belorussia SSR. White Russia NJE East Belorussia NJG Gomel region NJH Mogilev region NJJ Vitebsk region NJL West Belorussia NJM Minsk NJN Brest NJP Grodno NJV Baltic Sea area NJX Kaliningrad (formerly Konigsberg) (Russian SFSR) NK Lithuania SSR NL Latvia SSR NLG Courland region NLL Livonia region NM Estonia SSR NMU North West Russia NMV Pskov region NMX Novgorod region NMY Leningrad region NN Leningrad (City) NNL Lake Ladoga area NNP Lake Onega region NNQ Karelia ASSR NNS Murmansk region NNW White Sea NP Arkhangel’sk region NPN Nenets NA NPV Vologda region NQ Northern Russia NQD Coast and islands NQF Franz Josef Land * Alternative is WYF NQH Severnaya Zemlya * Alternative is WYN NQK Novaya Zemlya NQM Komi ASSR NR Ural Mountains and region NRD Komi-Permyak NA NRF Perm region NRH Sverdlovsk region NRK Chelyabinsk region NRM Bashkiv ASSR NRP Orenburg region

NS Soviet Asia NT NTD West Siberia NTE Kurgan NTF Tyurmen NTG Khanty-Mansi NA NTH Yamal-Nenets NA NTJ Tomsk region NTK Omsk region NTL Novosibirsk region NTM Kemerovo NTP East Siberia NTQ Krasnoyarsk NTR NTS Khakass AR NTT Evenki NTV Dolgarno-Nenets NTY Yakut NU Far East NUD Chukot NA NUE Kamchatka NUF Koryak NUH Magadan NUK Khabarovsk NUN Sakhalin NUP Primorsk NUQ Vladivostok NUS Yevreysk AR NUT Amur NV Central and South Siberia NVD Chita (East Siberia) NVE Aginsk NA NVG Buryat ASSR NVH Lake Baikal NVJ Irkutsk NVK Ust’Ordyn NA NVM Tuva ASSR NVP Gorno-Altay AR NVQ Altay

NW Kazakhstan SSR NWD Vostochmo-Kazakhstan region NWE Semipalatinsk region NWF Karaganda region NWG Pavlodar region NWH Akmolinsk region NWJ Severo-Kazakhstan region NWK Kokchetav region NWL Kustanay region NWM Aktyubinsk region NWN Uralsk region NWP West Kazakhstan area NWQ Guryev region NWR South Kazakhstan area NWS Kzyl Orda region NWT Chimkent region NWU Dzhambul region NWV Alma-Ata region NWW Taldy-Kurgan region

NX Central Asia republics NXD Turkestan area NXE Kirghizia SSR NXF Frunze region NXG Tyanshan region. Tien Shan NXH Osh region NXK Tadzhikistan SSR NXM Pamir plateau and mountains NXP Gorno-Badakhshan AR NY Uzbekistan SSR NYF Fergana region NYH Tashkent region NYJ Samarkand region NYL Bukhara region NYP Kara-Kalpak region NYT Turkmenistan SSR

O Asia

OD Central and Western Asia

OF The . Middle East

OG The Arab world OGK Kurdistan region OGX Asia Minor

OH Turkey

OHS North West Turkey. Turkey in Europe. Thrace region OHT Edirne province OHU Kirklareli province OHV Tekirdag province OI Istanbul province. Constantinople OJB Sea of Marmara. Bosporus. Dardanelles OJC Kocaeli province OJD Sakarya province OJE Bolu province OJF Zonguldak province OJG Cankiri province OJH Kastamonu province OJJ Sinop province OJK Amasya province OJL Samsun province

OJM Anatolia region OJM P North Aegean Islands. Imroz OJM W West Turkey OJN Burdur province OJO Mugla province OJP Denizli province OJQ Aydin province OJR Usak province OJS Izmir province. Smyrna OJT Manisa province OJU Kutahya province OJV Balikesir province OJW Canakkale province OJX Bursa province OJY Bilecik province

OKA Y South West Turkey OKB Hatay province OKC Adana province (formerly Seyhan) OKD Icel province OKE Antalya province

OKE Y South East Turkey OKF Siirt province OKG Mardin province OKH Diyarbakir province OKJ Urfa province OKK Adiyaman province OKL Gaziantep province OKM Maras province

OKN Eastern Turkey OKO Armenia OKP Kars province OKQ Agri province OKR Van province OKS Hakkari province OKT Kurdistan OKU Bitlis province

OKU Y North East Turkey OKV Tokat province OKW Ordu province OKX Giresun province OKY Trabzon province. Trebizond OLB Gumusane province OLC Rize province OLD Corum province OLE Artvin province

OLE Y East Central Turkey OLF Erzurum province OLG Mus province OLH Bingol province OLJ Elazig province OLK Tunceli province OLL Erzincan province OLM Malatya province OLN Sivas province

OLN Y West Central Turkey OLO Kayseri province OLP Yozgat province OLQ Kirsehir province OLR Nevsehir province OLS Nigde province OLT Ankara province OLU Eskisehir province OLV Afyonkarahisar province OLW Isparta province OLX Konya province

OM The Levant

ON Cyprus ONS Nicosia

OO Syria

OOC Y North West Syria OOD Tartus OOE Latakia OOF Idlib OOG Hamah OOH Aleppo OOJ Raqqa OOJ Y North East Syria OOK Hassekeh OOL Eastern Syria. Syrian Desert region OOM Deir-ez-Zor OON Homs OON Y Southern Syria OOP Damascus (Governorate) OOQ Damascus (City) OOR Quneitra. Kunaitra OOS Suveida. Jebel-Druz OOT Hauran OOU Der’a

OOV Lebanon OOW Tripoli OOY Beirut

OP Israel. Palestine OPE Northern district OPH Haifa OPJ Central district OPL Tel Aviv OPN Jerusalem OPQ Jordan River * Alternative for West Bank Add to OPQ letters following OQ in OQE/OQL OPR OPS Southern district OPT Gaza OPV Negev

OQ Jordan OQE West Bank OQF Hebron district OQG Jerusalem district OQJ Samaria OQK Nablus district OQL Jenin OQM East Bank OQN Irbid district (formerly Ajhen) OQP Zarka OQQ Amman district OQS Balqua district OQT Karak district OQV Ma’an district OQW East Jordan

OR Arabia. (Sinai Peninsula) see VAF OS Saudi Arabia OSP North West OSQ OSR Medina OSS Mecca OST North Central. Nejd OSV Eastern area OSW Gulf Coast OSX Southern region

OT Yemen OTR Yemen Republic OTT Democratic Republic of Yemen. Southern Yemen (formerly Federation of South Arabia) OTV Aden

OU Gulf States OUD Oman (formerly Muscat and Oman) OUF Oman OUH Muscat OUK Trucial Oman OUM United Arab Emirates OUQ Qatar OUS Bahrain OUW Kuwait

OV Iraq OVD Neutral Territory OVF Western desert region OVH Northern Iraq OVK Kurdistan OVM Mosul OVP Erbil (Arbil) OVS Sulayaminaya OVV Kirkuk OW Mesopotamia OWD Tigris-Euphrates region OX Al Jazirah region OXC Central Iraq OXD Diyala OXY Baghdad region OY Baghdad (City) OYD Ramadi (formerly Dulaim) OYF Lower Mespotamia OYH Karbela OYJ Hilla OYL Diwaniya OYN Kut OYP Amara OYR Nasiriyah (formerly Muntafiq) OYT Basra

OYX Persian Gulf coast (General)

PA Iran. Persia PB South West Iran PC Khuzistan province PK Western Iran PL Luristan PM Kermanshah province PMG Ardalan PMH North West Iran PMK Kurdistan province PN Azerbaijan PNG West Azerbaijan province PNJ East Azerbaijan province PNK Tabriz PNP North Iran PNQ Gilan province PNS Mazanderan province PNT Samnan Damghan PNV Central province PP Tehran (City) PPF Kazvin PPG Central Iran PPH Isfahan province PPJ Isfahan (City) PPL Yezd PPM Southern Iran PPN Fars province PPP Shiraz (City) PPQ Persian Guld coast and Ports province PPR South East Iran PPS Gulf of Oman PPT Laristan PPV Makran PPW Baluchistan and Sistan province PPX Baluchistan PPY Sistan PQ Kerman province PQF East Iran PQH Bashtilut PQK Kaian PQN North East Iran PQR Khurasan province PQS Meshed (Moshdad) City

PR Afghanistan PRY North West Afghanistan PS North Afghanistan PSH Herat province PSK Badghis province PSM Faryals province PSP Jeuzjan province PSR Samangan province PST Balkh province PU North East Afghanistan. Badakhshan region PUH region PUK Takhar province PUM Kunduz province PUP Badakhshan province PUR Baghlan and Pul-i-Khumri province PUT Konarhar province PUV Laghman province PV Eastern Afghanistan PVG Kabul province PVJ Wardak province PVL Zabul province PVN Chazni province PVP Paktya province PVR Logar province PVT Parwan province PVV Kapisa province PW Central Afghanistan PY Southern Afghanistan PYK Kandahar province PYM Uruzgun province PYP Bamian province PYR Western Afghanistan PYS Helmand province PYT Farah province PYU Nimrooz province PYV Ghor province

PYX South Asia QA

QAX Pakistan QB West Pakistan QBD Baluchistan QBE Quetta QBK Kalat QBM Makran QBP Indus River in Pakistan QBS Sind QBT Kharachi QBV Hyderabad QC Punjab * General works on the Punjab as a whole QCC Punjab in Pakistan QCD Khairpur QCF Bahawalpur QCH Multan QCL Lahore QCN Sargodha QCR Rawalpindi QD North West Frontier QDD Dera Ismail Khan QDF Peshawar QDH Amb QDJ Dir QDL Chirral QDN Swat QDP Kalam QDT Tribal areas (Centrally administered) QDV Kashmir in Pakistan * Disputed territory; alternative (preferred) is to locate under Jammu and Kashmir at QV (East Pakistan) see Bangladesh QP

QE India. Republic of India QEF Northern India QEH * See also Himalayan states QRY QEK Kashmir in India * Disputed territory; alternative (preferred) is to locate under Jammu and Kashmir at QV QEP Punjab region * Works on Punjab as a whole are classed at QC QEQ Himachal Pradesh State QER Punjab State QES Haryana State QET Chandigarh Territory QF Delhi Territory QG Uttar Pradesh State QGF Agra district QGH Oudh district QGK Indus River and valley in India QGN North West India QGR Rajasthan State QH Gujerat State (formerly Bombay) QHF Western India QHJ Central India QHM Madhya Pradesh State QHS Southern India QHT Deccan Plateau QHV Malabar Coast QJ South West India QJD Dadra and Nagar Hareli Territory QJF Maharashtra State QJH Bombay (City). Mumbai QJK Karnakata State (formerly Mysore) QJP Former Portuguese territories QJQ Goa, Daman and Diu Territory QJX Kerala State QK Lakshadweep Territory QKD Laccadive Islands and Minicay Island QKF Amindivi Islands QKH Andaman and Nicobar Islands Territory QKK Andaman Island QKN Nicobar Island QKV Eastern India QKX South East India QL Tamil Nadu State QLK Pondicherry QLM Madras (City) QLP Andra Pradesh State QLR Hyderabad (City) QLT North East India QLU Bihar and Orissa QLV Orissa State QLW Bihar State QLY West Bengal State QM Calcutta (City). Kolkata QMG Ganges River and valley QMJ Brahmaputra River and valley QN Himalayan Mountain region QND Tripura State QNF Manipur Territory QNH Nagaland State QNL Assam State QNP Meghalaya State QNQ Shillong

QP Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) QRB Rajshahi QRD Dacca QRF Khulna QRH Chittagong

QRY Himalayan states

QS Bhutan QSF Thimphu QT Sikkim QTF Ganktok QU Nepal QUF Katmandu QV Jammu and Kashmir * Alternative is to locate works dealing with Indian or Pakistan regions under India (QEK) and Pakistan (QDV)

QW Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) QX Colombo QY Maldive Islands

RA East Asia. The Far East

RB China. People’s Republic of China

RD South East China RDH Hainan Island RDM Macao (Portuguese) RE Hong-Kong (former British Crown Colony) REO Victoria RF Kwangtung province RFO Canton (City) RFY East China Sea area RG Taiwan. Formosa (Independent state) RGK Other islands RGT Kwangsi-Chuang Autonomous Region RGY Yunnan province RH Central China. Wuhan region RHQ Yangtze River and region RHS Kweichow province RHU Hunan province RJB Eastern China. Shanghai region RJE Kiangsi province RJG Fukien province RJH Foochow (City) RJK Chekiang province RJS Shangtung province RJX Kiangsu province RK Nanking (City) RL Shanghai (City) RLR Anwhei province RLT Honan province RLV Hupeh province RMB South West China. Chungking region RMD Szechwan province RN Tibet Autonomous Region ROB North West China. Sian region ROD Chinghai (Tsinghai) province ROF Turkestan in China ROH Sinkiang-Uighur Autonomous Region ROJ Jungaria (Dzungaria) ROL Tien Shan in China RON Kansu province ROQ Shensi province ROS Shansi province ROV Ningsia-Hui Autonomous Region RP Northern China. Peking region RPD Yellow River, Hwang-Ho RPH Hopeh province RPP Beijing (City) Peking RPT Tientsin (City) RPY Mongolia RQ Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region RR Outer Mongolia. Mongolian People’s Republic RRD Altai Mountains RRF Ulan Bator RRK Darkhan RS North East China. Shenyang region. RSD Liaoning province (Fengtien) RSH Liaosi RSL Liaotung RSM Mukden RSP Kirin province RSS Heilungkiang province

RU Korea RV North Korea. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea RW Pyongyang RX South Korea. Republic of Korea RY Seoul S Japan

(Karafuto) see Sakhalin NUN SC Hokkaido Island and district SCK Kuril Islands (USSR?) SCP Other islands of North Japan SD Honshu. Mainland Japan SE Tohoku district. Northern Honshu SED Aomori SEE Akita SEF Iwate SEG Miyagi SHE Yamagata SEJ Fukushima SF Kwanto district. East Central Honshu SFD Tochigi SFE Ibaraki SFF Chiba SFG Kanagawa SG Tokyo SGT Tokyo (City) SGU Yokohama SGV Saitama SGX Gumma SH Chubu district. West Central Honshu SHD Nigata SHE Toyama SHF Nagano SHG Yamanashi SHH Fujiyama SHJ Shizuoka SHK Aichi SHL Gifu SHM Ishikawa SHN Fukui SJ Kinki district. Western and Southern Honshu SJD Shig SJE Mie SJF Nara SJG Wakayama SJH Osaka SJJ Osaka (City) SJK Kyoto SJL Kyoto (City) SJM Hyogo SK Chugoku district SKD Tottori SKF Shimane SJG Yamaguchi SJH Hiroshima SJK Hiroshima (City) SKK Okayama SL Shikoku Island and district SLD Kagawa SLF Tokushima SLH Kochi SLK Kochi (City) SLL Ehime SM Kyushu Island and district SMD Oita SMF Miyazaki SMH Kagoshima SMK Kumamoto SMM Fukuoka SMP Saga SMR Nagasaki SMS Nagasaki (City) SN Southern Islands. Ryukyu Islands SND Amami-gunto group SNF Okinawa group SNH Sakishima group SNL Bonin Islands (Ogasawara-gunto)

ST South East Asia

SU East Indies. Malay Archipelago * Alternative (not recommended) is to locate general works on the East Indies at TJA since the term usually has the more limited connotation of Indonesia

SV Philippines SW Luzon SWE Manila SWM Mindoro SWP Palawan SX Visayan Islands (Bisayas) SXE Panay SXG Masbato SXJ Samar SXL Leyte SXN Negros SXP Cebu SXR Bohol SY Mindanao SYS Sulu Archipelago

TB Indo-China

TD Vietnam. Annam TDE Mekong River TDF South Vietnam. Republic of Vietnam TDG Cochin-China TDH Saigon TDN North Vietnam. Democratic Republic of Vietnam TDP Tonkin TDR Hanoi

TE Laos TEF Luang Prabang THE Vientiane

TG Khmer Republic. Cambodia TGF Phnom Penh

THB Thailand. Siam THD Bangkok

THL Burma THM North Burma. Upper Burma THN Kachin State THN S Sagaing THP West Burma THP H Chin Hills Division THP K Arakan THQ Central Burma. Lower Burma THQ M Magwe THQ Y Mandalay THR Mandalay (City) THS Shan State THT Kaya State (Karenni State) THT K Kawthule State THT Y Pegu THU Rangoon (City) THV Irrawaddy River and region THW South Burma THX Tenasserim

TJA East Indies. Malay Archipelago * Alternative (preferred) is to locate at SU

TJB Malaysia * Proposed Federation of Malaysia TJC Malay Peninsula

TJD Malaya. Federation of Malaya. West Malaysia THE Perlis TJF Kedah TJG Straits Settlements. Penang and Malacca TJH Penang TJJ Perak TJK Kelantan TJL Trengganu TJM Pahang TJN Selangor TJO Kuala Lumpur (City) TJP Negri Sembilan TJQ Malacca TJR Johore

TJT Singapore

TJV East Malaysia. Malaysian Borneo * For Borneo (general) see TKH TJW Sarawak TJX Sabah. North Borneo TJY Brunei. British North Borneo

TK Indonesian Republic TKH Borneo (general) TKK Kalimantan. Indonesian Borneo TKY Sunda Islands TL Sumatra TM Java TMD Djakarta TMM Madura TMN Lesser Sunda Islands. Nusatenggara TMP Bali TMQ Lombok TMR Sumbawa TMS Sumba TMT Flores TMV Timor TMX TMY Others, A/Z (e.g. Alor) TN Celebes. Sulawesi TO Moluccas. Spice Islands TQ New Guinea (general) TQH West Irian (former Dutch Territory)

(Australasia see U8)

TR Papua New Guinea (formerly Australian Trust Territory) TRG North East New Guinea Territory (former German Territory) TRH North East New Guinea TRJ Bismarck Archipelago TRK Admiralty Islands TRL New Britain TRM New Ireland TRN Other islands, A/Z TRO Northern Solomon Islands * Alternative (preferred) is to locate with Solomon Islands at TSM TRP Papua Territory TRQ Trobriand Islands TRR d’Entrecasteaux Islands TRT Louisiade Archipelago TRV Other islands, A/Z

TS Pacific Ocean territories. Oceania

TSD South Pacific TSE South West Pacific TSG (Bismarck Archipelago) see New Guinea TRJ (Trobriand Islands) see New Guinea TRQ (d’Entrecasteaux Islands) see New Guinea TRR TSL Solomon Islands TSM Northern group, Australian Trust Territory * Alternative (not recommended) is to locate with New Guinea at TRO TSM D Bougainville TSM E Other islands in northern group TSN Southern group. British Solomon Islands TSP New Hebrides TSS Santa Cruz Islands TST Torres Islands TSV Banks Islands TSX Loyalty Islands TSY New Caledonia (Noumea) TT Fiji Islands TTM Other Melanesian islands, A/Z

TTW North Pacific

TTY West Pacific TUB TUC Gilbert and Ellice Islands TUE Ellice Islands TUF Phoenix Islands TUG Gilbert Islands TUH Kingsmill group TUJ Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands TUK TUL Nauru Island (Pleasant Island) TUM TUN Individual islands, groups of islands, A/Z (e.g. Truk Islands) TUP Mariana Islands (Ladrone Islands) TUQ TUR Others, A/Z TUS Other North West and North Pacific Islands, A/Z (e.g. Wake Island)

TYA Central and South Central Pacific TYB TYC Hawaiian Islands TYD Hawaii (State of the USA) TYF Hawaii Island (Hawaii County) TYF H Maui County TYF K Kahcolaure Island TYF L Lanai Island TYF M Molokai Island TYF N Kalawae County and district TYF O Oahu Island (Honolulu County) TYF P Honolulu (City) TYF R Kauai County TYF S Kauai Island TYF T Nihau Island TYS V Other islands, A/Z (e.g. Midway) TYG Line islands TYH Individual islands or groups of islands, A/Z (e.g. Jarvis) TYJ French Polynesia. French Oceania TYK Marquesas Islands TYL Tuamotu Archipelago TYM * Individual islands and groups, A/Z (e.g. Gambier) TYN Society Islands TYO Tahiti TYP Tubuai Islands (Austral Islands) TYP R Rapa TYQ Other South East Pacific islands and groups, A/Z (e.g. Pitcairn Island, Easter Island TYR Cook Islands TYS Manihiki Islands TYT Tokelau Islands TYU Samoa TYV American Samoa (East Samoa) TYW Western Samoa (Trust Territory of New Zealand) TYX Tonga Archipelago. Friendly Islands TYY Other Polynesian islands, A/Z

U8 Australasia

UA Australia UAV Eastern Australia UAX South East Australia UB Tasmania (State) UBH Hobart UC Victoria (State) UD Melbourne UE Australian Capital Territory UEC Canberra UEM Murray River region UF New South Wales (State) UH Sydney UHT East coast region UHV Islands, A/Z (e.g. Lord Howe Island) UJ Queensland (State) UK Brisbane UKT Townsville UKV Cloncurry Creek UO Northern Australia UP Northern Territory UPK Darwin UPM Central Australia UPP Alice Springs UQ Southern Australia UR South Australia (State) US Adelaide UT Western Australia (State) UTK Kalgoorlie UTM Coolgardie UTP Perth

UV New Zealand UW North Island UWD Auckland UWE North Auckland (District) UWF South Auckland (District) UWG Gisborne (District) UWJ Taranaki (District) UWL Wellington (District) UWN Hawke’s Bay (District) UX South Island UXD Southern Alps UXM Marlborough (District) UXN Nelson (District) UXP Westland (District) UXQ Canterbury (District) UXR Christchurch UXS Otago (District) UXT Dunedin UXU Southland (District) UXV Stewart Island UXW Chatham Islands UXX Other islands, A/Z (e.g. Kermadec Islands)

V Africa

V8N North Africa V8S Sahara Desert V8V Nile River

VA Egypt. Arab Republic of Egypt, formerly United Arab Republic * Places named are governorates, unless otherwise indicated VAE North East Egypt VAE G Desert Governorates VAF Sinai VAF G * Occupied by Egypt 1948; Israeli occupied 1967 VAG Lower Egypt. Nile Delta region VAH Suez VAJ Ismailia VAK Port Said VAK L Damietta (Dumyat) VAK N Sharqiyah VAK Q Daqahliyah VAK S Gharbiyah VAK V Kafr el Shaykh VAL Alexandria VAL K Beheira (Buhayrah) VAL M Minufiyah VAL Q Qalyubiyah VAM Cairo

VAN Middle and Upper Egypt VAN M Middle Egypt VAN P Giza VAN R Beni Suef VAN T Fayyum VAN V Minya VAN X Asyut VAP Upper Egypt VAP K Sohag VAP L Qina VAP M Aswan VAP N Nubia region VAP P Lake Nasser

VAP S Eastern Desert. Red Sea governorate VAQ Western Desert VAQ M Matruh VAQ Q Qattara Depression VAQ V New Valley (Southern oases)

Sudan region (general) see VEY

VAS Sudan VAS N Nile River in Sudan VAS P Northern Province VAS R Nubia region. Nubian Desert VAS T East Sudan VAS V Kassala Province VAS Y Central Sudan VAT Khartoum Province VAT K Khartoum (City) VAT M Kordofan Province VAT R Blue Nile River VAU Blue Nile Province VAV Southern Sudan VAV N White Nile River VAV P Upper Nile Province VAV R Equatorial Province VAV T Bahr el Ghazal Province VAW Western Sudan VAX Darfur Province

VBD Libyan Desert VBH and states

VBL Libya VBP Cyrenaica VBR Fezzan VBT Tripolitania VBV Tripoli

VC Tunisia VCD South Tunisia VCE Medenine VCF Ile de Djerba VCG Cabes VCH Central Tunisia VCJ Gafsa VCK East Tunisia VCL Coastal regions VCM Sfax VCN Kasserine VCP Kairouan VCQ Northern Tunisia VCR Sousse VCS Nabeul VCT VCU Bizerta VCV North West Tunisia VCW Beja VCX Jendouba VCY Le Kef

VD Algeria VDD North East Algeria VDE Annaba (formerly Bone) VDF Kabylia region VDG Constantine VDH Batna (formerly Aures) VDJ Setif VDK North Central Algeria VDL Tizi-Ouzoy VDM Algiers (Department) VDN Algiers (City) VDO Medea VDP El Asnan (formerly Orleansville) VDQ North West Algeria VDR Tiaret VDS Mostaganem VDT VDU Tlemcen VDV Saida VDW in Algeria VDX Southern Algeria, Sahara in Algeria VDX O Oasis (Eastern Sahara) VDX S Saoura (Western Sahara)

VE Morocco VED North East Morocco VED O Oujda VEE Northern Morocco VEE N Nador VEE P Melilla (Spanish enclave) VEE R Al-Hoceima VEE T Tetouan VEE V Ceuta (Spanish enclave) VEF Tangier VEF K Rif Mountains VEF M Taza VEF P Fes VEF R Meknes VEF T Kenitra VEG Rabat VEH Casablanca VEH J El-Jadida VEH L Settat VEH N Khourigba VEJ Central Morocco VEJ M Beni-Mellal VEK Atlas Mountains (general) VEH K High Atlas and Atlas Mountains in Morocco VEL South East Morocco VEL K Ksar-es-Souk VEM South West Morocco VEM O Ouarzazate VEN Marrakech VEN G Agadir VEN J region VEN T Tarfaya (Villa Bens)

VEP Madeira

VEQ Canary Islands (Alternative to GO) VER Las Palmas province VES Santa Cruz de Tenerife province VES T Tenerife

VET Spanish Sahara (formerly Spanish West Africa) See also Ifni region of Morocco VEN J VEU Saguid el Hamra VEU S Smara (Semara). (Nordeste district) VEV El Aaium. (Norte district) VEW Rio de Oro VEW W Villa Cisneros (Sur district)

VEX Black Africa. Africa South of the Sahara VEY Sudan. Bilad-es-Sudan. Soudan region

VF West Africa VFF Former French territories

VFH Mauretania. Western Sahara VFJ Nouakchott

VFL Senegal VFM Le Fleuve VFN Diourbal VFP Cape Verde VFQ Dakar VFR Sine-Saloum VFS Senegal Oriental VFT Casamance

VGA Guinea Coast (general)

VGB Gambia VGB H Bathurst VGC Cape Verde Islands (formerly Portuguese) VGC P Praia

VGD Guinea-Bissau (formerly Portuguese Guinea) VGD F Bissau VGD H Bolamba VGD JX Bijagos (Bissagos) Islands

VGE Guinea VGE D West Guinea. Lower Guinea VGE E Forecariah VGE F Conakry VGE G Kindia VGE H Dubreka VGE J Boffa VGE K Telimele VGE L Boke VGE M Gaoual VGE N Youkounkoun, Koundara VGE P Central Guinea VGE Q Mali VGE R Labe VGE S Fouta Djallan Moutains VGE T Dalaba VGE U Pita VGE V Mamou VGE W Dabola VGE X Dinguiraye VGF East Guinea. Upper Guinea VGF D Siguiri VGF E Kouroussa VGF F Kankan VGF G Beyla VGF H Nzerekore VGF J Yomou VGF M Macenta VGF N Gueckdai VGF P Kissidongou VGF Q Faranah

VGG Sierra Leone VGG D Northern Province VGG F Western area VGG H Freetown VGG K Eastern Province VGG M Southern Province

VGJ Liberia VGJ D Grand Cape Mount VGJ F Loffa VGJ L Montserrado VGJ M Monrovia VGJ P Bong VGJ Q Nimba VGJ R Grand Bassa VGJ S Sinoe VGJ T Grand Gedah VGJ V Maryland

VGK Ivory Coast VGK E West Department VGK G Central West Department VGK K Central Department VGK L South Department VGK N Abidjan VGK P East Department VGK P North Department

VGM Mali VGM E Sikasso VGM G Bamako VGM K Kayes VGM L Segou VGM M Mopti VGM R Gao VGP Niger VGP E Northern Niger VGPG Agadez VGP J Southern Niger VGP L Diffa VGP N Zinder VGP P Maradi VGP T Tahousa VGP V Dosso VGP X Niamey

VGR Upper Volta VGR E East Department VGR G Sahel Department VGR J Yatenga Department VGR L Volta-Noire Department VGR N Hauts-Bassin Department VGR P Centre-Oust Department VGR R Centre VGR S Ougadougou

VGS British West Africa (former territories)

VGT Ghana VGT F Upper Province VGT H Northern Province VGT J Tarnale Province VGT L Brong-Ahafo Province VGU Ashanti Province VGU K Kumasi VGU M Western Province VGU P Central Province VGV Accra Province VGV K Eastern Province VGV V Volta Province

VGW Togo (former French Trust Territory) VGW E Maritime region VGW G Lomé VGW J Des Plateaux region VGW L Centrale region VGW N De La Kara region VGW P Des Savanes region

VGY Dahomey VGY E Atakora Department VGY G Borgou Department VGY J Zou Department VGY L Mono Department VGY N Atlantique Department VGY Q Queme Department VGY R Porto Nuovo

VH Nigeria, Federation of VHE Lagos State VHF Benin region VHG Western State VHH Mid-Western State VHH K Benin City VHJ Niger River VHK Eastern Nigeria VHL Rivers State VHM South East State VHN East Central State VHO Benue Plateau State VHP Kwara State VHP Y Northern Nigeria VHQ North Western State VHR North Central State VHS Kano State VHT Kano (City) VHU North Eastern State

VHY French Equatorial Africa (Former territories)

VJ Chad VJD Lake Chad VJE Lac VJE K Kanem VJE Y Northern Chad VJF Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti VJF H Tibesti region VJF K Borkou VJF P Ennedi region VJG Biltine VJH Ouaddi VJJ Batha VJK Chari-Baguirmi VJK L Fort Lamy VJL Mayo-Kebbi VJM Tanjile VJN Logane VJN K Logane-Orientale VJN P Logane-Occidentale VJO Moyen-Chari VJP Guera VJQ Salamat

VJS Central African Republic (formerly Ubang-Shari) VJS V Vakaga Préfecture VJS X Haute-Kotto Préfecture VJT Haute Mbomou VJT M Mbomou VJT P Basse-Kotto VJT R Ouaka VJT W Bamingui-Bangoran VJT Y Kemo-Gribingui VJU Ombella-Mpoku VJV Bangui VJV N Ouham VJV P Ouham-Pendé VJW Nana-Nambere VJX Haute-Sangha VJY Lombaye

VK Cameroun (Federated States) VKE East Cameroun (formerly French Cameroun) VKF North (Administrative Federal Inspectorate) VKG East VKH South Central VKJ West VKK Yaounde VKL Littoral VKL D Douala VKM West Cameroun (formerly British Cameroons) VKN Buea

VKP Equatorial Guinea (formerly ) VKQ Rio Mundi VKR Fernandez Po VKR S Santa Isabel VKR V Annoban Island

VKS Sao Tomé and Principe, Republic of VKT Sao Tomé VKU Principe

VLA Former French Equatorial Africa

VLB Gabon VLC Estuaire VLD Libreville VLD R Ogooué River VLE Ogooué-Maritime VLF Nyanga VLG Ngounie VLH Moyen-Ogooué VLJ Woleu-Ntem VLK Ogooué Ivindo VLL Ogooué-Lolo VLM Haute Ogooué VLP Congo Republic (formerly Middle Congo, then Congo Brazzaville) VLQ Lekoumou VLR Niari VLS Kovilou VLT Bouenza VLU Pool VLV Brazzaville VLW Plateau VLW K Cuvette VLW S Sangha VLW T Likouala

VLY Congo River

VM Zaire (formerly Belgian Congo, then Congo Kinshasa) VMD Kinshasa (formerly Leopoldville) VME Base-Zaire VMF Bandundu VMG Equateur VMH Haute-Zaire VMJ Kasangani (formerly Stanleyville) VMK Kivu VMM Kasai region VMN Kasai West VMP Kasai East VMS Shaba (Katanga)

VMY Portuguese West Africa (former territories)

VN Angola VND North West Angola VNE Cabinda VNF Zaire VNG Uige VNH Luanda (District) VNJ Luanda (City) VNK Cuanza-Sul VNL Cuanza-Norte VNM Malanje VNN Eastern Angola VNP Lunda VNQ Moxico VNR Cuando-Cubango VNS South East Angola VNT Bie VNU Huambo VNV Nova Lisboa VNW Benguela VNX Mocamedes VNY Huila VO Southern Africa

VP Namibia (formerly South West Africa) VPE Namib, Coastal region. Namib Desert VPE K Kaokoveld VPE O Outjo VPE S Swakopmund VPF Walvis Bay (District) VPG Walvis (Enclave of South Africa) VPH Lunderitz VPJ Central Plateau VPJ D Warmbad VPJ F Keetmanshoop VPJ H Bethanien VPJ K Gibeon VPJ M Maltahohe VPJ R Rehoboth VPK Windhoek VPL Okahandja VPM Karibib VPM D Omaruru VPM F Otjiwarongo VPM H Tsumeb VPM J Tribal districts (general) * See also Okavango VPM P and Kaokoveld VPE K VPM L Ovamboland VPM N North East Namibia VPM P Okavango VPM R Kalahari Desert region * For Kalahari Desert (general) see Botswana VPS VPM T Grootfontein VPM V Gobabis

VPO Botswana VPO L North West district VPO N Ngamiland VPO P Chombe VPO R Central (Ngwato) district VPO T Orappa VPO V Selebi-Pikwe VPP Serowe VPP Y North East district VPQ Francistown VPR Ghanzi district VPS Kalahari Desert VPT Kgalagadi district VPU Kweneng district VPV Southern district VPV N Ngwaketse VPV Q Kanye VPV S Lobatse VPW South East district VPX Gabarone VPY Kgatleng

VQ South Africa, Republic of VQD Cape Province, Cape of Good Hope VQE Cape Town VQF Port Elizabeth VQG East London VQH Orange Free State VQJ Bloemfontein VQK Drakensberg VQN Natal VQP Pietermaritzburg VQQ Durban VQR Zululand VQT Transvaal VQU The Rand, Witwatersrand VQV Johannesburg VQW Pretoria

VQX Lesotho VQX M Maseru

VQY Swaziland VQY M Mbabane

VRA East Africa VRB Portuguese East Africa (former territories)

VRC Mozambique VRC Y South Mozambique VRD Lourenco Marques VRE Gaza VRF Inhambane VRF Y Central Mozambique VRG Manica and Sofala VRH Tete VRL Zambezi River VRM North Mozambique VRN Zambezia VRN Y Mocambique (District) VRO Mocambique (City) VRO N Niassa VRO T Cabo Delgado

VRR Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia ) VRR M Mashonaland North VRR S Mashonaland South VRS Harare (formerly Salisbury) VRT Manicaland VRV Victoria VRW Matabeleland VRW E Matabeleland South VRW G Bulawayo VRW N Matabeleland North VRW V Victoria Falls VRW X Lake Kariba VRX Midlands

VS Zambia VSC Y Zambezi River in Zambia VSD Southern Province VSE Western Province VSF North Western Province VSG Copperbelt Province VSG N Ndola VSH Central Province VSH L Lusaka VSH N Luapula Province VSH P Northern Province VSH R Eastern Province

VSK British East Africa (former territories)

VSM Malawi (formerly Nyasaland) VSN Southern Region VSO Zomba VSP Blantyre VSQ Lake Nyasa VSR Central Region VSS Lilongwe VST Northern Region

VT Tanzania VTD Tanganyika (former sovereign state) VTD Y South VTE Tringa VTE Ruvuma VTG Mtwara VTG Y Central VTH Bodoma VTJ Singida VTJ Y West VTK Mbeya VTL Lake Tanganyika VTM Tabora VTN Kigoma VTN Y North VTO Shinyanga VTP Lake Victoria VTQ West Lake VTR B Mwanza VTR D Mara VTR F North East VTR H Arusha VTR K Kilimanjaro VTR L Kilimanjaro Mountain VTR N East VTR T Tanga VTS Coast VTT Dar-es-Salaam VTU Zanzibar (Semi-autonomous territory) VTV Zanzibar Island VTV P Pemba Island

VTW Ruanda-Burundi (former Belgian Trust Territory)

VTX Burundi VTX K Bujumbura

VTY Rwanda VTY K Kigali

VU Uganda VUD South West VUD K Kigezi VUD T Toro VUD X Ankole VUE Lake Victoria VUF Buganda VUF M Masaka VUF P West Buganda VUG Kampala VUG M Muberde VUG P East Bugunda VUG R West VUG T Bunyoro VUG V Lake Albert VUH B North VUH C West Nile VUH E Madi VUH G Acholi VUH H West Acholi VUH L Lango VUH M East VUH N Teso VUH P Busoga VUH Q Bukedi VUH S Sebei VUH V Karamoja VUH W South Karamoja VUH X North Karamoja VUK Kenya VUL Rift Valley Province VUM Lake Rudolf VUN West Province VUP Nyanza Province VUQ Central Province VUR Nairobi VUS Coast Province VUT Mombasa VUU Eastern Province VUV North Eastern Province

VUY Italian East Africa (former territories of Somaliland, Abyssinia, and Eritrea)

VV Ethiopia (former Abyssinia) VVD Southern Ethiopia VVD G Gemu-Gofa Province VVD S Sidamo Province VVD U Bale Province VVD Y Eastern Ethiopia VVE Harar Province VVE Y Central Ethiopia VVF Arusi Province VVG Showa Province VVH Addis-Ababa VVH Y Western Ethiopia VVJ B Kefa Province VVJ D Ilubabor Province VVJ F Welega Province VVJ H Gojam Province VVJ J Northern Ethiopia VVJ M Begemdir Province VVJ P Wallo Province VVJ T Tigre Province VVK Eritrea VVM Massawa

VVO French East Africa (former territories)

VVP Somaliland (Autonomous region) (Former British Somaliland Protectorate)

VVP F French Territory of the Afars and Issas (formerly French Somaliland) VVR Djibouti

VVS Somalia. Somali Democratic Republic (formerly Italian and British Somaliland) VVT Hargeisa VVU B Burao VVU M Migiurtinia VVU P Mudugh VVU S Hiran VVU X Benadir VVV Mogadishu VVW Jubaland (Giuba) region VVW J Juba River VVW L Upper Juba VVW N Lower Juba

VW Indian Ocean territories

VWN North and Central Indian Ocean VWS Socotra Island

VX Madagascar (former Malagasy Republic) VXD Diego-Suarez VXF Majunga VXH Tamatave VXK Tananarive VXN Fianarantsoa VXP Tulear

VXR Glorioso Islands. The Glorieuses

VXT Comoro Isands (formerly French territory) VXW Mayotte

VYB British Indian Ocean territories

VYB D Aldabra Islands VYB F Cosmoledo Islands VYB H Amirante Islands VYC Seychelles VYD Mahé Island VYE P Providence Island VYE R Farquhar Island VYE T Agalega Islands VYF Chagos Archipelago VYG Tiomelin Island VYH Mascarene Islands VYJ Rodriguez VYK Mauritius VYL Réunion

VYM Other islands in North Indian Ocean VYM C Cocos Keeling Islands (Australian) VYM F Christmas Island (Australlian)

VYP South Indian Ocean VYQ Prince Edward Islands (South African) VYR Terres Australes Francaises VYS Crozet Islands VYT Amsterdam and St. Paul Islands VYV Kerquelen (Desolation) Island VYW Heard Island (Australian)

WA Pacific Ocean territories, Oceania * Alternative (not recommended) to collocating with East Indies at TS * The following examples are given solely to show how the notation is transposed

WAD (South Pacific) WAE South West Pacific WAG Melanesia * Add to WA letters G/Y following TS in TSG/TSY - e.g. WAY New Caledonia WB Fiji Islands WBM Other Melanesian Islands, A/Z

WBW (North Pacific) WBY (West Pacific) WC Micronesia * Add to WC letters C/S following TU in TUC/TUS - e.g. WCS Other North West and North Pacific islands, A/Z

WDA (Central and South East Pacific) WDB Polynesia * Add to WD letters A/Y following TY in TYA/TYY - e.g. WDY Other Polynesian islands, A/Z

WP Polar regions (general)

WQ Antarctic Ocean territories * Strictly, those parts of the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans bordering Antarctica WR Antarctic WRF Queen Maud Land WRH Enderby Land WRK Wilkes Land WRM Terres Adélie WRP Victoria Land WRR Byrd Land WRT Ellsworth Land WRV Palmer Peninsula (Graham Land)

WS (Arctic regions and Ocean) * Alternative (not recommended) to locating at WW * Add to WS letters W/Y following W in WW/WY

WT Atlantic Ocean territories

WU South Atlantic WUE South Shetland Islands WUF South Orkney Islands WUH South Sandwich Islands WUK South Georgia Islands WUM Falkland Islands WUP Bouvet Island WUR Gough Island WUT Tristan da Cunha Islands WUV St. Helena Island WUW Ascension Island (Martin Vaz (Trinidade) Island) see Brazil ZPK H (Fernando Noranha Islands) see Brazil ZPK F

WV North Atlantic * See also West Indies and Bermudas Cape Verde Islands VGC; Canary Islands VEQ; Azores GXP; Iceland MG

WW Arctic Regions and Ocean * The preferred treatment of the individual territories bordering the Arctic Ocean is to collocate them with the mainlands with which they are most closely connected * But for the convenience of libraries wishing to collocate material on the Arctic regions the following are provided as alternatives.

WXG Greenland (Norwegian) * Alternative (preferred) is at XBG WXS Spitzbergen (Svalbard) Archipelago (Norwegian) * Alternative is at MJS WYF Franz Josef Land (USSR) * Alternative is at NQF WYN North Land Severnaya Zemlya (Krasnoyarsk region USSR) * Alternative is at NQH WYQ Queen Elizabeth Islands (Canada)

X America


XBG Greenland * Alternative (preferred) to locating at WXG XBH East Greenland XBJ North Greenland XBK West Greenland XBK G Godthaarp

XC Canada XD XDM Maritime Provinces, Acadia XDN Newfoundland Province XDO Labrador XDP Newfoundland Island XDQ Great North Peninsula XDR East Coast XDS West Coast XDT Central region XDU South Coast XDV Burin Peninsula XDW Avalon XDX St. John’s XE Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon (French) XF Nova Scotia (Province) XFE Cape Breton Island XFF Sydney XFG Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z (Mainland) XFJ Halifax XFK Dartmouth XFL Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z XFP Prince Edward Island (Province) XFQ Kings County XFR Queens County XFS Charlottetown XFT Prince County XG New Brunswick (Province) XGE York County XGF Fredericton XGG Other counties, A/Z XGH Other towns, etc., A/Z XH Quebec (Province). French Canada. Lower Canada XHE South East (South of St. Lawrence River) XHG Cape Peninsula XHH Magdalen Islands XHJ Counties, A/Z XHK Towns, etc., A/Z XHL Southern Quebec (South of St. Lawrence River) XHM Richelieu River region XHN North Central region XHP Quebec (County) XHQ Quebec (City) XHR Laurentian Mountains XHS Other counties, A/Z XHT Other towns, etc., A/Z XHT W Anticosti Island XHT X Northern Quebec XHU Ungava region XHV (generally) XHV W West and South West Quebec XHW Ottawa River region XHX Montreal Island XHY Montreal (City)

XJ Ontario (Province) XJE South East XJF Ottawa River region XJO Ottowa XJP Other counties, A/Z XJQ Other towns, etc., A/Z XJS St. Lawrence River and Seaway in Canada XJT Thousand Islands (in Ontario) XK Great Lakes region in Canada XKE Lake Ontario region XKF Toronto XKH Hamilton XKJ Other counties, A/Z XKK Other towns, etc., A/Z XKL Lake Eerie region XKN Niagara Falls XKP Middlesex County XKQ London XKR Other counties, A/Z XKS Other towns, etc., A/Z XKT Lake Huron region XKV Georgian Bay area XKW Counties, A/Z XKX Towns, etc., A/Z XLE Lake Superior region XLF Lake Nipissing region XLG Lake of the Woods region XLH Counties, A/Z XLJ Towns, etc., A/Z XLN Northern Ontario XLP Hudson Bay area

XLX Prairie provinces XM Manitoba Province XME Northern region XMH Hudson Bay region XMJ Churchill XMK Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z XML Lake Winnipeg region XMN South East region XMP Winnipeg XMQ Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z XMR South West region XMS Assiniboine River region XMT Towns, districts, etc., A/Z XN Saskatchewan Province XNE South East XNF Regina XNG Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z XNH South West XNJ Cypress Hills XNK Towns, districts, etc., A/Z XNL Central region XNO Saskatchewan River region XNP Saskatoon XNQ Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z XNR North XNS Reindeer Lake region XNT Athabaska Lake region XNV Towns, districts, etc., A/Z XO Alberta Province XOE North XOF Athabaska River region XOG Peace River region XOJ Central XOK Saskatchewan River region XOL Edmonton XON Calgary XOP Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z XOR Rocky Mountains in Alberta

XP XQ British Columbia Province XQE Rocky Mountains in Canada XQG South East XQH Rocky Mountain Trench region XQJ Columbia River XQL Fraser River XQM Towns, districts, etc., A/Z XQY Coastal region and South West XR Vancouver Island XRE Victoria XRG Prince Rupert XRJ Queen Charlotte Islands XRK Towns, districts, etc., A/Z XRN North XRP Towns, districts, etc., A/Z

XT XU Yukon Territory XUE St. Elias Mountains XUF Whitehorse XUK Klondyke River region XUL Dawson XV Northwest Territories XVE Mackenzie District XVG Keewatin District XVJ Franklin District XVK Baffin Island

XY Alaska * Alternative to locating at YX

Y United States of America

YAE Eastern USA YAF North East USA. Atlantic States YAG Appalachian Mountains YAH Connecticut River YAJ New England YAK Maine YAK E Northern Maine YAK G Aroostook County YAK M Moosehead Lake region YAK P Penobscot River region YAK Q Penobscot County YAL Other counties in North Maine, A/Z YAM Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YAN Central and South Maine YAN E South East YAN G South Central YAN H South West YAN P Portland YAN S Coastal regions YAO Counties, A/Z YAP Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YAQ New Hampshire YAQ E Southern New Hampshire YAQ G Concord YAQ L Lake Winnipesaukee region YAR Counties, A/Z YAS Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YAT Northern New Hampshire YAT M White Mountains YAT Q Counties, A/Z YAT S Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YAV Vermont YAV G Green Mountains YAV J Northern Vermont YAV L Lake Champlain in Vermont YAV N Burlington YAV P Montpelier YAW Counties, A/Z YAX Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YAY Southern Vermont YAY Q Counties, A/Z YAY S Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YB Massachusetts YBE Berkshire County YBF Connecticut River region YBG Counties, A/Z YBH Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YBJ East Massachusetts YBK Boston YBL Counties, A/Z YBM Other towns, districts, A/Z YBN Coastal regions YBN E Barnstaple County, Cape Cod YBN G Dukes County YBN M Martha’s Vineyard YBN N Nantucket County, Nantucket Island YBR Rhode Island YBR P Providence YBS Counties, A/Z YBT Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z YBV Connecticut YBV H Hartford County YBV K Hartford (City) YBW Other counties, A/Z YBX Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z YBY Middle Atlantic States YC New York YCE Middle Eastern Counties YCE Y Albany County YCF Albany (City) YCG Other counties, A/Z YCH Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z YCJ Northern New York YCJ G Adirondacks YCJ L Lake Champlain in New York YCJ S St. Lawrence River region YCJ T Thousand Islands YCK Counties, A/Z YCL Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YCM North Central region YCM K Mohawk River region YCM O Oneida Lake YCM S Syracuse YCN Counties, A/Z YCO Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z YCP West Central region YCP O Lake Ontario region YCP R Rochester YCP T Buffalo (Niagara Falls) see XKN YCP V Lake Eerie region YCP X Finger Lakes YCQ Counties, A/Z YCR Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z YCS Southern New York YCT Catskill Mountains YCU Hudson River YCV Counties, A/Z YCW Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YD New York Metropolitan area YDF Bronx Borough YDM Manhattan Borough. New York City YDR Staten Island. Richmond Borough YDT Long Island YDU Brooklyn Borough YDV Queens Borough YDW Nassau County YDX Suffolk County YEB New Jersey YEB F North Eastern New Jersey YEB J Jersey City YEB N Newark YEC Counties, A/Z YED Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z YEE North Western New Jersey YEE K Kittakinny Mountains YEE N Central region YEE T Trenton YEF Counties, A/Z YEG B Other towns, districts, etc., A/Z YEG D South Central and Southern region YEG F Atlantic Coast YEG H Counties, A/Z YEG K Towns, districts, etc., A/Z YEH Delaware YEJ Sussex County YEK Dover County YEL Kent County YEL W Wilmington YEM New Castle County YEP Pennsylvania YEP S South East YEQ Philadelphia YER B East YER E North East YER H North East Central YER L North West Central YER N Allegheney River YER Q North West YER T Eerie County YER W South West YES Pittsburgh YET E South Central YET G Allegheney Mountains YET P Piedmont YEU South East United States. South Atlantic States YEV Maryland YEV N North East YEV S North West YEW Baltimore YEX C YEX G Delmarva Peninsula YEX L Eastern Shore YEX P South East YEY South and South Central YEY N Anapolis YEY T Potomac River YEY Y Washington, District of Columbia YG Southern USA, The South YGC West Virginia YGC F North East YGC G Eastern Panhandle region YGC L Potomac River in West Virginia YGC N Harpers Ferry YGC P North Central YGC S Monogahela River region YGD North West YGD F North Panhandle region YGD O Ohio River in West Virginia YGE B West YGE D Little Kanawha River region YGE G South West YGE H Kanawha River region YGE J Charleston YGE L Central YGE O Elk River region YGE R Allegheney Mountains in West Virginia YGE S South East YGE V Greenbrier River region YGF Virginia YGF F West YGF H Blue Ridge (general) YGF J North West YGF K Shenandoah region YGF L West Central YGF O South West YGF R Roanoke River region YGF S South Central YGF V Roanoke River region YGF Y Piedmont in Virginia YGG C Central YGG D James River region YGG G Williamsburg YGG K Richmond YGG N Rappahannock River region YGG R York River region YGG V North YGH Washington metropolitan area YGH M Eastern Peninsula YGH N Chesapeake Bay region YGH P South East YGH S Norfolk YGH X Portsmouth YGJ North Carolina YGJ E East YGJ G Coastal region YGJ K North East YGJ L Roanoke River in North Carolina YGJ O South East YGJ R Cape Fear River region YGK B Central YGK F Piedmont in North Carolina YGK K East YGK N West YGL Charlotte YGM West, Appalachian region YGM R Blue Ridge in North Carolina YGN South Carolina YGN N North West YGN P Blue Ridge in South Carolina YGN T Piedmont in South Carolina YGN V Broad River region YGO North East YGO P Pee Dee River region YGP South YGP F Santee River region YGP K Columbia YGQ Charleston YGQ S Sea Islands YGR Georgia YGR N North East YGR P Savannah River region YGR S Savannah YGR V North West YGS Atlanta YGT B West Central YGT D Piedmont in Georgia YGT H Central YGT K Ocmulgee River region YGT O South West YGT S South East YGT W Sea Islands YGV Florida YGV F East YGV J Atlantic coast YGV N North East YGV P Jacksonville YGV S St. Augustine YGV V South East YGV Y Palm Beach YGW Miami YGX B South West YGX D Florida Keys YGX F Ten Thousand Islands YGX H Everglades YGX K Lake Okeechobe YGX N South Central YGX Q Tampa YGX R North West YGX S Panhandle region YGX W Tallahassee

YGY South Central USA

YHB Gulf Coast region YHC Alabama YHC E South YHC G Coastal region YHC K Alabama River region YHC M Mobile YHC O Central YHC P Black Belt, Cotton Belt region YHC S Piedmont region in Alabama YHD Montgomery YHD V Martin Lake YHE Birmingham YHE Q North YHE T Tennessee River in Alabama YHF Mississippi YHF F North East YHF K North West YHF O Central YHF P Yazoo-Mississippi region YHF S Big Black River region YHF V Pearl River region YHG Jackson YHG Q South East YHG T Pascagoula River region YHH L South West YHH Q Coastal region YHJ Mississippi River (general) YHL YHM South East. Mississippi delta YHN New Orleans YHO B South Central YHO F Baton Rouge YHO J Central YHO N North East YHO R North West YHO V South West YHO W Sabine River and Lake YHT Texas YHT F South East YHT K Coastal region YHT U Houston YHT VB Nueces River region YHT VF Corpus Christi YHT VK Rio Grande region YHT VP South Central plain YHT VS San Antonio YHT VW Austin YHT VY Edwards Plateau region YHT WB West YHT WC Big Bend region YHT WG Sacramento Mountains in Texas YHT WL El Paso YHT WM Pecos River region YHT WP Great Plains region YHT WS North West YHT WT Panhandle region YHT WW Llano Estacado region YHT XB North Central plains YHT XF Fort Worth YHT XL Dallas YHT XO East Central YHT XR Red River region

YJ Oklahoma YJF South East YJF E Red River in Oklahoma YJF O Ouachita Mountains YJF S Lake Texoma YJF V South West YJF W Washita River region YJG B North West YJG F Canadian River region YJG P Panahandle region YJG X Central YJH Oklahoma City YJH N North East YJH R Arkansas River region YJH T Tulsa YJK Arkansas YJK F North West YJK K Ozark Plateau YJK P Boston Mountains YJK W South West YJK X Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas YJK Y South East YJM Mississippi River region YJM K Arkansas River region YJM O Central YJM S Hot Springs YJN Little Rock YJO North East YJT Tennessee YJT F West YJT M Memphis YJU Tennessee River region YJU T Central YJV Nashville YJV T South East YJW C Cumberland Plateau YJW G Chattanooga YJX Great Smoky Mountains YJY B North East YJY F Oak Ridge YJY K Knoxville YJY P Cumberland Mountains in Tennessee YK Kentucky YKD B South East YKD E Cumberland Mountains YKD H South Central, Pennyroyal regions YKD M Lake Cumberland YKD Q Bowling Green YKD S Mammoth Cave National Park YKD Y South West YKE B Tennessee River region YKE F The Purchase YKE K North West YKE N Green River region YKE R Ohio River region YKF Bluegrass region YKF G Louisville YKF K Kentucky River region YKE P Frankfort YKE S Licking River region YKE W Knobs region

YKG The Middle West

YKG L The Lake States YKH Ohio YKH W South West YKJ Cincinnati YKK B South East YKK G East Central YKK N North East YKK R Akron YKK T Lake Eerie region YKL Cleveland YKL T Central YKM C Columbus YKM G North Central YKM L Toledo YKN Indiana YKO B North East YKO G South Bend YKO N Fort Wayne YKO T Central YKP Indianapolis YKQ B South East YKQ G South West YKQ N White River region YKQ T Eransville YKQ W Wabash River region YKR B North West YKR G Gary YKS Illinois YKS T South East YKT B South West YKT G Central YKT L Illinois River region YKT S Springfield YKT U North West YKT UB North East YKT V Chicago

YKT X Great Lakes region YKT Y Lake Michigan

YL Michigan YLF Lower Peninsula YLG B South West YLG K Kalamazoo River region YLG S South East YLG V Lansing YLH Detroit YLJ Lake St. Clair YLK Lake Huron YLL North YLM Upper Peninsula

YLN Lake Superior region

YM Wisconsin YME North East YME G Green Bay region YME L East Central YME P Lake Winnebago YME V South East YMF Milwaukee YMG Madison YMH South West YMH G Wisconsin River region YMH N North West YMH R Chippewa River region YMN Minnesota YMP B East Central YMP M Mille Lacs Lake YMP T North Central YMQ Duluth YMR B Misquah Hills YMR G North West YMR L Lake of the Woods region YMR W West Central YMS South West YMS M Minnesota River region YMS S South East YMT Mississippi region YMU Minneapolis YMV St. Paul

YNA Iowa YNA T North East YNB North West YNC Central YND Des Moines River region YND F South West YND N South East YND S Des Moines YNE Missouri YNF North East YNF G Central YNF M Missouri River region YNG St. Louis YNH B Lake of the Ozarks YNH F South YNH K Ozark Plateau YNH N West YNH S Kansas City (Missouri)

YNJ Great Plains region YNK Kansas YNK T North East YNL Kansas City YNL P Topeka YNL T South East YNM B South Central YNM E Wichita YNM J Arkansas River in Kansas YNM M South West YNM P North West YNM S North Central YNM T Smoky Hills YNM U Smoky Hill River region YNO Nebraska YNO S South YNO T Republican River in Nebraska YNP B South East YNP G Missouri River in Nebraska YNP L Lincoln YNP O Omaha YNQ Platte River region YNQ F North East YNQ K Elkham River region YNQ P North Central YNQ T Niobrara River region YNR North West, Panhandle YNS South Dakota YNT B South West YNT F Black Hills YNT K Cheyenne River region YNT O Badlands YNT S South Central YNT W White River region YNU B Pierre YNU G Missouri River in South Dakota YNU L South East YNU Q Sioux Falls YNV North YNW North Dakota YNW S South West YNW V Badlands YNX B Bismarck YNX F Missouri River in North Dakota YNX K South East YNX O James River region YNX S Sheyenne River region YNX W Fargo YNY B North East YNY F Red River region YNY K North West YNY O Garrison Reservoir region

YQ The West

YQF Rocky Mountains in USA (general)

YQM Montana YQN B North East YQN M Missouri River region YQN R Fort Peck Reservoir YQN V Rocky Mountains in Montana YQP B North West YQP F Bitterroot Range YQP K Flathead Lake YQP O South West YQQ Helena YQQ R South East YQQ V Yellowstone River region YQS Wyoming YQT B North East plain YQT F North West and West YQU Rocky Mountains in Wyoming YQV B Big Horn Mountains region YQV F Absaroka Range region YQV T Teton Range region YQW Yellowstone National Park YQW T Grand Teton National Park YQX B South East YQX F North Platte River region YQX L Laramie YQX S Cheyenne YR Colorado YRE B North West YRE R Rocky Mountains in Colorado YRF Colorado River region YRG B South West YRG J San Juan Mountains YRG N South YRG R Central YRG W Arkansas River YRH B Pueblo YRH F North Central YRJ Denver YRJ P East, Great Plains YRJ S South Platte River region YRN New Mexico YRO B North West YRO F Rocky Mountains in New Mexico YRO K Sangre de Cristo Mountains region YRP Santa Fé YRP Q Albuquerque YRQ B North East YRQ F South East YRQ L Llano Estacado in New Mexico YRQ P Pecos River region YRR B Sacramento Mountains region YRR G Rio Grande in New Mexico YRS Arizona YRT B South East YRT U Tucson YRU B South West YRU P Phoenix YRU V North West YRU Y Colorado Plateau YRV Colorado River YRW Grand Canyon National Park YRW P Painted Desert YRW S North East YRX Navajo County YRX T Petrified Forest National Park YRY Apache County YSH Utah YSJ B South, Colorado Plateau region YSJ F Colorado River in Utah YSJ J San Juan River region YSJ N Rocky Mountains in Utah YSJ S South Central YSK B Bryce Canyon National Park YSK F Wasatch Range YSK N North YSK U Uinta Mountains region YSL Salt Lake City YSM B region YSM L Great Salt Lake region YSM S South West YSN Nevada YSO South YSP Lake Mead YSQ Las Vegas YSR Great Basin region YSS Central YST Carson City YSU Humboldt River region YSV North YT Idaho YTE South YTF Snake River region YTG American Falls Reservoir region YTH Craters of the Moon National Park YTJ Boise YTK Rocky Mountains in Idaho YTL Salmon River Mountains region YTM Bitterroot Range in Idaho YTN North

YTS Pacific Coast States YV Washington YVE East YVF B Blue Mountains region YVF S Spokane YVG Columbia River region YVG T Grand Coulee YVH Cascade Range YVJ North West YVJ P Pacific Coast of Washington YVK Seattle YVL B Puget Sound YVL F Olympia YVL L Olympian National Park YVL R Mount Rainier National Park YVM Yakima River region YVN South West YVO Oregon YVO R Cascade Range in Oregon YVP North West YVQ Columbia River region YVR Coastal Ranges YVS Portland YVT Salem YVU North East YVV Blue Mountains region YVW South YVX Klamath Mountains region YW California YWE Coastal Ranges in Califormia YWF North YWG Cascade Range in California YWH Sierra Nevada YWJ Central YWK Sacramento River region YWL San Francisco Bay region YWM San Francisco (City) YWN Oakland YWO Berkeley YWP San Joaguin River region YWQ Yosemite National Park YWR South YWS Los Angeles YWST San Diego YWU Coastal Islands YWW Desert regions

YX Alaska * Alternative to collocating with Yukon Territory at XY YXE South East, Panhandle YXG South Central YXJ Anchorage YXL Alaska Range YXN Aleutian Islands YXP Kodiak YXR Central Plateau YXT North, Polar region YXV Brooks Range

YXY Latin America

ZA Central America (including Mexico) ZAG Gulf of Mexico and (together)

ZB Mexico ZBE North West ZBE G ZBF Baja (Lower) California ZBF E Baja California Sur ZBF J Baja California North ZBF P Pacific Coast ZBF S Sonora ZBG Sierra Madre Occidental ZBG E Sinaloa ZBG N Nayarit ZBG R North Central ZBG T Zacatecas ZBH D Durango ZBH H Chihuahua ZBH M Coahuila ZBH Q North East ZBH S East Coast ZBH V Sierra Madre Oriental ZBJ B Nuevo Leon ZBJ F Tamaulipas ZBJ K Coastal States ZBJ L San Luis Potosi ZBJ Q Queretaro ZBJ T Guanajuato ZBK A Aguascalientes ZBK J Jalisco ZBK O Colima ZBK S Michoacan ZBL Mexico (State) ZBM Mexico City (Federal district) ZBM T Tlaxcala ZBN Hidalgo ZBN S South Gulf States ZBO Vera Cruz ZBP Puebla ZBP S South Mexico ZBQ Morelos ZBQ S Sierra Madre del Sur ZBR Guerrero ZBR O Oaxaca ZBR T Isthmus of Tehuantepec ZBS Chiapas ZBT Tabasco ZBU Yucatan Peninsula ZBV Campeche ZBY Yucatan ZBY Q Quintana Roo

ZC Central America (excluding Mexico) ZCD Central American Cordilleras ZCE Belize (former British Honduras) ZCF Belize City ZCF P Belmopan

ZCG Guatemala. Republic of Guatemala ZCH Guatemala City

ZCL El Salvador. Salvador. Republic of El Salvador ZCM San Salvador

ZCN Honduras. Republic of Honduras (former Spanish Hinduras) ZCO Tegucigalpa

ZCP Nicaragua. Republic of Nicaragua ZCQ Managua ZCR Lake Nicaragua region

ZCT Costa Rica. Republic of Costa Rica ZCV San José

ZCW Panama. Republic of Panama ZCX Panama City ZCY Panama Canal Zone

ZD West Indies and Bermuda

ZDE Spanish Main

ZDF Bermudas ZDF E Bermuda ZDF H Hamilton ZDG Other islands

ZDH West Indies, Antilles ZDH X Former colonial West Indies ZDJ British West Indies (general) ZDK West Indies Federation. Federation of British Indies ZDL French West Indies ZDM Netherlands West Indies See ZHW, ZHK ZDN

ZDP Bahamas. Commonwealth of the Bahamas ZDP G Grand Bahamas ZDP J Abaco ZDP K Andros ZDP P New Providence ZDP Q Nassau ZDP R Eleuthera ZDP S Other islands, A/Z ZDP T Turks and Caicos Islands ZDP U Caicos Islands ZDP V Turks Islands

ZDP X Caribbean Sea ZDP Y Greater Antilles

ZE Cuba. Republic of Cuba * These six provinces now subdivided into fifteen smaller ones ZEF Pinar del Rio Province ZEG Havana Province ZEH Havana (City) ZEJ Isle of Pines ZEM Matanzas Province ZEN Las Villas Province ZEP Camaguey Province ZEQ Oriente Province

ZEX Cayman Islands ZEY Georgetown

ZF Jamaica ZFE Kingston

ZFH Hispaniola. Haiti and Dominican Republic ZFJ Haiti. Republic of Haiti ZFK Port au Prince ZFN Dominican Republic ZFP Santo Domingo

ZFY American West Indies (general)

ZG Puerto Rico. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico ZGJ San Juan

ZHB Lesser Antilles, Windward and Leeward Islands ZHC Leeward Islands ZHD Virgin Islands ZHE American Virgin Islands ZHE K St. Croix ZHF British Virgin Islands ZHG St. Barthélemy ZHH St. Martin ZHJ St. Martin (French) ZHK Netherlands Antilles (North) * For Netherlands Antilles in general see ZHW ZHK M St. Maarten ZHK S Saba ZHK V St. Eustatius ZHL St. Kitts (St. Christopher) -Nevis-Anguilla ZHL F Sombrero Island ZHL G Anguilla ZHL K St. Kitts ZHL N Nevis ZHM Antigua and Barbuda ZHM G Barbuda ZHM K Antigua ZHM M Montserrat ZHN Guadeloupe (Overseas Department of France) * See also St. Martin ZHH; St. Barthélemy ZHG ZHN M Marie-Galante ZHN P Desirade ZHN S Les Saintes ZHO Dominica ZHP Martinique (Overseas Department of France) ZHQ Others, A/Z

ZHR Windward Islands ZHR L St. Lucia ZHR N St. Vincent ZHR P Barbados ZHR R Grenadines ZHR T Grenada (including Carriacou) ZHR V Others, A/Z

ZHT Trinidad and Tobago, Democratic Republic of * Use also for Trinidad alone ZHU Port of Spain ZHV Tobago

ZHW Netherlands Antilles (general) See also ZHK ZHX Netherlands Antilles (South) ZHX G Bonaire Island ZHX K Curacao ZHX R Aruba

ZJ South America

ZJN Mountains ZJW North Western South America

ZK Colombia ZKE Andes in Colombia ZKE N North West ZKE T Caribbean coast ZKF San Andres y Providencia (Island intendancy) ZKG B La Guajira ZKG F Cesar, El Cesar ZKG M Magdalena ZKG Q Altantico ZKG V Bolivar ZKH B Sucre ZKH F Cordoba ZKH K Antioquia ZKJ West (Pacific) Coast departments ZKJ E Choco ZKJ K Valle de Cauca ZKJ P Cauca ZKK South West ZKK E Narino ZKK P Putamayo ZKL South East, tropical lowlands ZKL E Caqueta ZKL J Amazonas ZKL V Vaupes ZKM East ZKM G Guainia ZKM L Llanos region ZKM V Vichada ZKN B Arauca ZKN F Boyaca ZKN M Meta ZKP Central ZKP H Huila ZKP T Tolima ZKQ Quindio ZKR Risaralda ZKS Caldas ZKT Cundinamarca ZKU Bogota ZKV Santander ZKW Norte de Santander

ZL Venezuela ZLE Caribbean coast and islands ZLE N North West ZLF Andes in Venezuela ZLG Zulia ZLH Lake Maracaibo region ZLJ B Tachira ZLJ M Merida ZLJ T Trujillo ZLK B Lara ZLK F Falcon ZLK V Yaracuy ZLL B North Central ZLL C Carabobo ZLM V Federal District ZLN Caracas ZLP Miranda ZLQ Arague ZLR Llanos region ZLR G Guarico ZLR L Cojedes ZLR P Portuguesa ZLR T Barinas ZLS A Apure ZLS O Orinoco River region ZLS T South, tropical lowland ZLT Amazonas ZLV B East ZLV F Bolivar ZLV L Anzoategui ZLV S Sucre ZLW Nueva Esparta ZLW M Monagas ZLW T Delta Amacuro

ZLY North Eastern South America

ZM Guyana (former British Guiana) ZME Coastal plain ZMF North West District ZMG Essequibo District ZMH Essequibo Islands District ZMJ Essequibo River ZMK Demerara region ZML West Demerara District ZMM East Demerara District ZMN Berbice region ZMP West Berbice District ZMQ East Berbice District ZMR Mazaruni Potaro District ZMS Rupununi District

ZN Suriname. Surinam. Republic of Suriname ZNE West ZNF Nickerie District ZNG North ZNH Coastal plain ZNJ Coronie ZNK Saramacca ZNL Paramaribo ZNM Para ZNN Suriname ZNP Commewijne ZNQ South ZNR Brokopondo ZNS Marowijne

ZO Guiana (French Guiana). Overseas Department of France ZOE Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni ZOK Cayenne ZOY Eastern and Central South America

ZP Brazil ZPD North region ZPE Amazon River and region ZPF B Amapa territory ZPF F Roraima territory (formerly Rio Branco) ZPF K Amazonas ZPF O Acre ZPF S Rondonia territory ZPF W Para ZPG Central-West region ZPG M Mato-Grosso ZPG S Goias ZPG Y Federal District ZPH Brasilia ZPJ B North East region ZPJ F Maranhao ZPJ K Piaui ZPJ O Ceara ZPJ S Fortaleza ZPK B Rio Grande do Norte ZPK F Fernando de Noronha Islands (territory) ZPK H Trinidade and Martin Vaz Island ZPK K Paraiba ZPK P Pernambuco ZPK T Recife ZPL B Alagoas ZPL F Sergipe ZPM Bahia ZPM S Salvador ZPN B Brazilian Highlands ZPN F South Eastern Brazil ZPO Minas Gerais ZPO H Belo Horizonte ZPO S Espirito Santo ZPO T Rio de Janeiro (State) ZPO V Guanabara ZPP Rio de Janeiro (City) ZPQ Sao Paolo (State) ZPR Sao Paolo (City) ZPS South region ZPS F South Brazilian Highlands ZPT Parana River region ZPU Parana ZPV Santa Catarina ZPW Rio Grande do Sul ZPX Porto Alegre

ZR Paraguay ZRE Paraguay River region ZRE X Eastern region ZRF Neembuco ZRG Misiones ZRH Itapua ZRJ Alto Parana ZRK Caazapa ZRL Guaira ZRM Paraguari ZRN Central ZRO Asuncion ZRP La Cordillera ZRQ Caaguazo ZRR San Pedro ZRS Amambay ZRT Concepcion ZRU West and North region, Chaco Boreal ZRV Presidente Hayes ZRW Roqueron ZRX Olimpo

ZS Uruguay ZSE N North ZSE T Artigas ZSF Salto ZSG Rivera ZSH Tacuarembo ZSJ Paysandu ZSJ T Central ZSJ V Rio Negro River region ZSK Rio Negro ZSL Durazno ZSM Cerro-Largo ZSM S South ZSM V South East ZSN Treinta y Tres ZSN X Coastal region ZSO Rocha ZSP Maldonado ZSQ Lavalleja ZSR Florida ZSR X South West ZSS Canelones ZST Montevideo ZSU Montevideo (City) ZSV San Jose ZSW Flores ZSX Soriano ZSY Colonia ZT Argentina ZTE Central ZTF Buenos Aires ZTG Buenos Aires (City) ZTH Pampas region ZTH P La Pampa ZTH S San Luis ZTJ Cordoba ZTJ M East, Mesopotamian region ZTJ P Rio de la Plata (Plate River) region ZTK Santa Fé ZTL Entre Rios ZTM Corrientes ZTM S Misiones ZTM X North ZTN Gran Chaco region ZTN K Chaco ZTN O Formosa ZTN S Salta ZTO Andes in Argentina, Andina region ZTO J Jujuy ZTP Tucuman ZTQ Santiago del Estero ZTQ P West ZTQ T Catamarca ZTR ZTS San Juan ZTT Mendoza ZTU Neuquen ZTU X South ZTV ZTV R Rio Negro ZTW Chubut ZTX Santa Cruz ZTY Tierra del Fuego (National territory)

ZTZ Western South America, Pacific States

ZU Chile ZUE Southern Provinces ZUE M Magallanes ZUE S Aisen ZUF Chiloe ZUG Llanquihue ZUG O Osorno ZUG S Valdivia ZUG W Central Provinces ZUH Cautin ZUJ Malleco ZUJ R Bio-Bio ZUJ V Arauco ZUK Concepcion ZUL Nible ZUL R Linares ZUL V Maule ZUM Talca ZUM R Curico ZUN Colchaqua ZUO O’Higgins ZUP Santiago ZUQ Santiago (City) ZUQ V Northern Provinces ZUR Coastal islands ZUR J Juan Fernandez ZUR V Valparaiso ZUS Valparaiso (City) ZUT Aconcagua ZUU Coquimbo ZUV Atacama ZUW Antofagasta ZUX Tarapaca

ZV Bolivia ZVE Andes in Bolivia ZVF South East ZVG Oruso ZVH Potosi ZVJ Tarija ZVK Chuquisaca ZVL East, plains region ZVM Santa Cruz ZVN Central ZVO Yungas region ZVP Cochabamba ZVQ La Paz ZVR La Paz (City) ZVT Lake Titicaca in Bolivia ZVU North ZVV Beni ZVW Pando

ZW Peru ZWE Andes in Peru ZWE S South ZWF Puno ZWF T Lake Titicaca in Peru ZWG Tacna ZWG M Moquega ZWH Arequipa ZWH V Ica ZWJ Ayacucho ZWK Apurimac ZWL Cuzco ZWL R Huancavelica ZWL V Central ZWM Lima ZWN Lima (City) ZWO Callao ZWP Junin ZWP S Pasco ZWQ Ancash ZWR Huanco ZWR R East ZWR V Madre de Dios ZWS Loreto ZWS R Amazon River in Peru ZWS V North West ZWT Amazonas ZWT S San Martin ZWU La Libertad ZWV Cajamarca ZWW Lambayeque ZWX Piura ZWX T Tumbes

ZX Ecuador ZXE Andes mountains in Ecuador ZXE V South ZXF El Oro ZXG Loja ZXG T Zamora-Chinchipe ZXH Azuay ZXH V East ZXJ Morona-Santiago ZXJ P Pastazo ZXJ T Napo ZXJ W Central Sierra region ZXK Carchi ZXL Imbabura ZXM Pichincha ZXN Quito ZXO Cotopaxi ZXP Los Rios ZXQ Tunguarahua ZXR Bolivar ZXS Chimborazo ZXT Canar ZXT V West, Coastal plain ZXU Guayas ZXV Manabi ZXW Esmeraldas ZXX Galapagos Islands, Colon Archipelago ZY Space * Add to ZY letters D/F following D in DD/DF

ZYD Astronomical bodies and systems, extra-terrestrial worlds ZYE Sun ZYF Planets and satellites ZYF H Satellites ZYF M Planets ZYF N Mercury ZYF O Venus ZYF P Mars ZYF Q Asteroids, planetoids ZYF RB Jupiter ZYF RD Saturn ZYF RH Uranus ZYF RP Pluto ZYG Moon

ZYK Space beyond the solar system