AUXILIARY SCHEDULE 2 : PLACE (1) This separate schedule is an auxiliary to the enumerated classes 2/9, A/Z. the concepts in it are available only to qualify those classes, and their classmarks are not to be used on their own. (2) In any class of the BC, unless some other arrangement is explicitly provided, these concepts may be used, at the discretion of the classifier, to qualify it, introduced by 8 from Schedule 1 (representing Place); e.g. Education is J, and Education in Ancient Rome is J8 CV; Primary education is JM, and Primary education in developing countries is JM8 BD. (3) In many parts of the BC special instructions are given as to where to apply this schedule; e.g. in Schedule 1 (itself an auxiliary, used to qualify the enumerated classes) 4H is Persons by nationality, and has an instruction to add classmarks from Schedule 2 direct to that classmark; so 4HR B added to a class means Chinese persons in that subject. In Class P Religion, POZ is Christianity in individual countries, with an instruction to add letters A/Z from Schedule 2; so POZ RB is Christianity in China. (4) The schedule is an inverted one, and citation order is therefore usually the opposite of schedule filing order; this means that if more than one concept from the schedule occurs in a subject’s summarisation, the concept appearing later in the schedule is cited before that occurring earlier; e.g. to qualify a subject by the compound place concept Tropical cities and towns, the classmark 8BC AV would be used (built from 8BC Urban areas and 8AV Tropical latitudes). (5) Notation is retroactive throughout, except in the case of a few politico-cum-geographic places in 8D/8Z, where the letters A & B have been used for local place; in such cases the 8 must be re- used to introduce the second concept as well; e.g. E British Isles; E8B G Conservation areas in; E8B G8A PH Rivers in conservation areas of the British Isles. However, this should be a very rare occurrence. OUTLINE OF AUXILIARY SCHEDULE 2 : PLACE 31 Relative position 51 Orientation 66 Longitude and latitude * Alternative for latitude is ASV AB (Physiographic place) ABF Lithosphere, land ABU Highlands, mountains ADG Coastal areas ADS (By soil and rock formation) ADV Limestone, karst AE Hydrosphere, water AEG Oceans, seas AF Indian Ocean AGL Antarctic Ocean AH Pacific Ocean AK Atlantic Ocean AL North Polar Sea, Arctic Ocean AN Mediterranean Sea AP Freshwaters AQ Rivers ARS Atmosphere, air AS Regions by climate ASV Regions by latitude AV Tropics AW Regions by vegetation AX Regions by bounding oceans, seas AY Regions by other physical characteristics (Regions reflecting human action) BAJ (By land and resource use) BC Urban BD Developing countries. Third World BFR Residential areas BG Conservation areas (By social/political factors) BJ Administrative units BJM Areas defined by military action BJT Demilitarized zones BK Groupings of states BKF United Nations BKM Eastern bloc, Western bloc BLK European Union. Common Market. EEC BM Empires, unions BME A British Commonwealth (By demographic characteristics) BP Religious group areas BQ Linguistic group areas BST Ethnic group areas BW Regions special to a subject (Political-cum-geographic place) C The Ancient World CCE Mesopotamia CCG Sumer and Akkad CD Babylonia and Assyria CE Media and Persia CEK Hittite Kingdom CF Syria CG Phoenicia CH Palestine CJ Asia Minor CLN Asia other than South West Asia, Oceania, America CM Africa CN Egypt CQ Europe CQY Classical world CR Greece CV Ancient Italy and Rome D/Z The modern world D Europe E British Isles F France GB Spain GP Portugal H Mediterranean HM Malta I Italy JA Central Europe JB Switzerland JP Belgium JT Luxembourg JU Netherlands K Germany KB German Democratic Republic KH German Federal Republic KS Czechoslovakia KW Austria LD Hungary LEY The Balkans LF Yugoslavia LO Albania LP Greece LR Bulgaria LU Romania LY Poland M Scandinavia MB Denmark MG Iceland MJ Norway MO Sweden MU Finland N U.S.S.R. O Asia OF Middle East OH Turkey OM The Levant ON Cyprus OO Syria OOV Lebanon OP Israel OQ Jordan OR Arabia OS Saudi Arabia OU Gulf States OV Iraq PA Iran PR Afghanistan QAX Pakistan QE India QP Bangladesh QRY Himalayan States QW Ceylon. Sri Lanka RA Far East RB China RG Taiwan. Formosa RN Tibet RPY Mongolia RU Korea S Japan ST South-East Asia SV Philippines TB Indo-China THB Thailand THL Burma TJB Malaysia TK Indonesia TKH Borneo TQ New Guinea U8 Australasia UA Australia UV New Zealand V Africa VA Egypt VBL Libya VC Tunisia VD Algeria VE Morocco VET Spanish Sahara VF West Africa VFH Mauritania VFL Senegal VGB Gambia VGD Portuguese Guinea VGE Guinea VGG Sierra Leone VGJ Liberia VGK Ivory Coast VGM Mali VGP Niger VGR Upper Volta VGT Ghana VGW Togo VGY Dahomey VH Nigeria VJ Chad VJS Central African Republic VK Cameroun VKP Equatorial Guinea VLB Gabon VLP Congo Republic VM Zaire VN Angola VP South West Africa VPO Botswana VQ Republic of South Africa VQX Lesotho. Swaziland VRC Mozambique VRR Rhodesia. Zimbabwe VS Zambia VSM Malawi VT Tanzania VTW Ruanda-Urundi VU Uganda VUK Kenya VV Ethiopia VW Indian Ocean VX Malagasy. Madagascar WA Oceania WP Polar regions WT Atlantic Ocean and Islands X America XC Canada Y U.S.A. YXY Latin America ZB Mexico ZC Central America ZD West Indies ZJ South America ZK Columbia ZL Venezuela ZM The Guianas ZP Brazil ZR Paraguay ZS Uruguay ZT Argentina ZU Chile ZV Bolivia ZW Peru ZX Ecuador ZY Space. Extra-terrestrial worlds FULL AUXILIARY SCHEDULE 2 : PLACE 31 Relative position 32 Central 33 Peripheral 34 Adjacent, neighbouring 35 Centripetal, towards the centre 36 Centrifugal, away from the centre 37 Enclosing, surrounding 38 Enclosed, surrounded 39 Extended from, hinterland 42 Limits, borders, boundaries 43 Position within physical environment 44 On the ground 45 Under the ground, subterranean 46 On the water 47 Underwater, submarine, submerged 48 In the air 51 Orientation and hemispheres 52 North 53 Northern hemisphere 54 Northeast 56 East 58 Southeast 59 South 61 Southern hemisphere 62 Southwest 63 West 65 Northwest 66 Longitude and latitude 67 Longitude 68 East of Greenwich 69 West of Greenwich 7 Latitude * This location allows qualification by the concept of latitude per se. For latitude as reflecting major climatic and environmental regions see ASV. * Alternatively use location ASV to represent all references to latitude. * Add to 7 letters T/V following A in AT/AV e.g., Equator 7VV (By physiographic features) ABC Surface ABD Altitude (general) ABF Landmasses, lithosphere ABG Continents ABH Peninsulas ABJ Capes, promontories, headlands ABK Isthmuses ABL Islands ABN Rock formations ABP Outcrops ABQ Ridges, scars ABR Volcanoes ABS Glaciers, moraines (By altitude) ABU Highlands ABV Mountain formations, chains ABW Snow line zones ABX Vegetation line zones ABY Tree line zones AC (Individual mountains) * These are subordinated to the locality concerned ADB Lowlands ADC Plains ADD Valleys, gorges, basins ADE Underground, caves (By proximity to sea) ADG Coastal areas ADH Submerged at high tide, mudflats ADJ Marshlands ADK Swamps ADL Coastline, shore ADM Beach ADN Cliffs ADP Inland ADQ Central continental areas (By soil, rock composition) (By mode of formation) ADS Igneous, volcanic, granite ADT Metamorphic, gneiss ADU Sedimentary ADV Limestone, karst, chalk (By texture) ADW Clays ADX Sands ADY Loams (By chemical constitution) ADY F Acid ADY L Alkaline AE Hydrosphere, bodies of water AEC Floor, bed AED Currents, layers AEE Navigable waters, waterways AEF Salt waters AEG Oceans, seas AEH Roadsteads, anchorages AEJ Inlets, fjords AEK Straits AEL Bays, gulfs AEP High seas AEQ Coastal waters AER Lagoons AES Inland waters, landlocked seas AEY Individual oceans, sea * Whereas other physiographic features are usually subordinated to the locality (e.g. England - Rivers) it is not feasible to subordinate oceans and seas in this way * Some major oceans and seas are enumerated also in the array of political-cum-geographic areas, D/Z. There, they embrace primarily the territories (islands, etc.) within or bounded by them and an alternative is provided at AX. Here, the terms stand for the oceans and seas per se. * A few major constituent parts (gulfs, straits, currents, etc.) are enumerated. All others are obtained by synthesis with AEC/AER. AF Indian Ocean AFD Northwest AFE Gulf of Aden AFF Red Sea AFG Suez Canal AFK Persian Gulf AFL Gulf of Oman AFM Arabian Sea AFN West and Southwest AFP East African coastal waters AFQ Mozambique AFR Southeast African coastal waters AFT Northeast AFV Bay of Bengal AFW Andaman Sea AFX Western East Indies coastal waters AGB East and Southeast AGC Northwestern Australian coastal waters AGD Timor Sea AGE Western Australian coastal waters AGF South Australian AGG Great Australian Bight AGH Bass Strait AGL Antarctic Ocean AGM Indian Ocean sector AGP Atlantic Ocean sector AGQ Weddell Sea AGR Scotia Sea AGT Pacific Ocean sector AGV Ross Sea AH Pacific Ocean AHD South Pacific AHE Southwest Pacific AHF New Zealand coastal waters AHG Tasman Sea AHH Fiji Sea AHJ Coral Sea AHK Arafura Sea AHL Seas south of Sunda Islands AHM Banda Sea AHN Flores Sea AHO Java Sea AHP Malay Archipelago inner seas AHR Celebes Sea AHS South China Sea AHT Philippines inner seas AHW West Pacific AHX Northwest Pacific AHY Philippines Sea AJB East China Sea AJC Yellow Sea AJD Japan coastal waters and inner seas AJE Sea of Japan AJF Sea of Okhotsk AJG Eastern Russia coastal waters AJJ North Pacific AJK Bering Sea AJM Northeast Pacific AJN Alaska coastal waters AJP Canada coastal waters AJQ United States coastal waters AJR Eastern Pacific AJS Panama Canal AJP Southeast Pacific AJV Straits of Magellan AJW Cape Horn waters AK Atlantic Ocean AKD South Atlantic AKE Southeast and East Atlantic AKF West Africa coastal waters AKG Gulf of Guinea AKJ Southwest and West Atlantic AKK Coastal waters of eastern South America AKL Caribbean Sea AKM Gulf of Mexico AKN Sargasso Sea AKP Bahamas waters AKQ North Atlantic AKR Gulf Stream AKS Northwest Atlantic AKT United States eastern coastal waters AKU Gulf of St.
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