[ 1954 ] Appendices
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APPENDIX I ROSTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS (As of 31 December 1954) TOTAL AREA ESTIMATED POPULATION DATE OF U.N. COUNTRY (square kilometres) Date Total MEMBERSHIP Afghanistan 650,000* 1 Jul. 1951 12,000,000* 19 Nov. 46 Argentina† 2,808,492 1 Jan. 1955 18,919,000 24 Oct. 45 Australia† 7,703,867 31 Dec. 1954 9,090,738 1 Nov. 45 Belgium† 30,507 31 Dec. 1954 8,840,704 27 Dec. 45 Bolivia† 1,098,581 1 Sep. 1954 3,162,000 14 Nov. 45 Brazil† 8,516,037 1 Jul. 1954 57,098,171 24 Oct. 45 Burma 677,950 1 Jul. 1954 19,242,003 19 Apr. 48 Byelorussian SSR† 207,600 17 Jan. 1939 5,567,976 24 Oct. 45 Canada† 9,960,547 1 Jun. 1954 15,195,000 9 Nov. 45 Chile† 741,767 1 Oct. 1954 6,278,004 24 Oct. 45 China† 9,736,288 1 Jul. 1948 463,493,000* 24 Oct. 45 Colombia† 1,138,355 1 Jul. 1954 12,381,160 5 Nov. 45 Costa Rica† 51,011 31 Dec. 1954 933,033 2 Nov. 45 Cuba† 114,524 28 Jan. 1953 5,807,057 24 Oct. 45 Czechoslovakia† 127,827 31 Dec. 1954 13,020,000 24 Oct. 45 Denmark† 42,936 1 Jul. 1954 4,405,000 24 Oct. 45 Dominican Republic† 48,734 1 Jul. 1954 2,346,714 24 Oct. 45 Ecuador† 270,670 1 Jul. 1954 3,566,842 21 Dec. 45 Egypt† 1,000,000 1 Jul. 1954 22,469,000 24 Oct. 45 El Salvador† 34,126 31 Dec. 1954 2,157,831 24 Oct. 45 Ethiopia† 1,060,000 1 Jul. 1951 15,000,000* 13 Nov. 45 France† 550,986 31 Dec. 1954 43,216,000 24 Oct. 45 Greece† 132,562 1 Jul. 1954 7,900,000 25 Oct. 45 Guatemala† 108,889 1 Jul. 1954 3,148,848 21 Nov. 45 Haiti† 27,750 1 Jul. 1953 3,226,668 24 Oct. 45 Honduras† 112,088 1 Jul. 1954 1,607,668 17 Dec. 45 Iceland 103,000 1 Dec. 1954 155,211 19 Nov. 46 India† 3,288,375 1 Jul. 1954 377,000,000 30 Oct. 45 Indonesia 1,491,564 1 Jul. 1954 81,100,000 28 Sep. 50 Iran† 1,630,000 1 Jul. 1954 20,661,962 24 Oct. 45 Iraq† 444,442 1 Jul. 1954 4,947,547 21 Dec. 45 Israel 20,678 1 Jul. 1954 1,687,822 11 May 49 Lebanon† 10,400 1 Jul. 1954 1,383,000 24 Oct. 45 Liberia† 111,370 1 Jul. 1954 1,250,000 2 Nov. 45 Luxembourg† 2,586 1 Jul. 1954 306,000 24 Oct. 45 Mexico† 1,969,367 1 Jul. 1954 28,849,465 7 Nov. 45 Netherlands† 32,400 1 Jul. 1954 10,609,149 10 Dec. 45 New Zealand† 267,995 31 Dec. 1954 2,118,434 24 Oct. 45 Nicaragua† 148,000 31 Dec. 1954 1,224,450 24 Oct. 45 Norway† 323,917 31 Dec. 1954 3,408,000 27 Nov. 45 Pakistan 943,736 28 Feb. 1951 75,842,000 30 Sep. 47 Panama† 74,470 1 Jul. 1954 885,795 13 Nov. 45 Paraguay† 406,752 1 Jul. 1954 1,530,000 24 Oct. 45 Peru† 1,311,030 1 Jul. 1954 9,213,000 31 Oct. 45 Philippines† 299,404 1 Jul. 1954 21,440,200 24 Oct. 45 APPENDIX I. ROSTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS 553 TOTAL AREA ESTIMATED POPULATION DATE OF U.N. COUNTRY (square kilometres) Date Total MEMBERSHIP Poland† 311,719 1 Mar. 1954 26,500,000 24 Oct. 45 Saudi Arabia† 1,600,000* 1 Jul. 1952 7,000,000* 24 Oct. 45 Sweden 449,200 31 Dec. 1954 7,234,664 19 Nov. 46 Syria† 181,337 1 Jul. 1954 3,670,000 24 Oct. 45 Thailand 514,000 1 Jul. 1954 19,925,000 16 Dec. 46 Turkey† 767,119 1 Oct. 1954 22,949,000 24 Oct. 45 Ukrainian SSR† 576,600 17 Jan. 1939 30,960,221 24 Oct. 45 Union of South Africa† 1,224,206 1 Jul. 1954 13,393,000 7 Nov. 45 USSR† 22,270,600 31 Dec. 1954 216,000,0001 24 Oct. 45 United Kingdom† 244,011 1 Jul. 1954 51,066,000 24 Oct. 45 United States† 7,827,976 1 Jul. 1954 162,409,000 24 Oct. 45 Uruguay† 186,926 31 Dec. 1953 2,549,528 18 Dec. 45 Venezuela† 912,050 31 Dec. 1954 5,689,847 15 Nov. 45 Yemen 195,000 1 Jul. 1949 4,500,000* 30 Sep. 47 Yugoslavia† 255,395 1 Jul. 1954 17,288,000 24 Oct. 45 Including Byelorussian SSR and Ukrainian SSR. * Approximate figure. Specific data not available. Estimate1 published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. † Original Member of the United Nations. APPENDIX II. STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED NATIONS THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly is composed of all the Mem- THIRD COMMITTEE bers of the United Nations. (For delegations to the Chairman: Jiri Nosek (Czechoslovakia). ninth session, see APPENDIX IV.) Vice-Chairman: Rev. Benjamin Nunez (Costa Rica). President, ninth session: Eelco van Kleffens. Rapporteur: Mrs. Lina Tsaldaris (Greece). Vice-Presidents, ninth session: Burma, China, Ecuador, France, USSR, United Kingdom, United States FOURTH COMMITTEE (the Chairmen of the respective delegations act Chairman: Rafik Asha (Syria). as Vice-Presidents). Vice-Chairman: Victor M. Rivas (Venezuela). The Assembly has four types of committees: Main Rapporteur: Aleksandar Bozovic (Yugoslavia). Committees, procedural committees, standing com- mittees, and subsidiary and ad hoc organs. FIFTH COMMITTEE Chairman: Pote Sarasin (Thailand). MAIN COMMITTEES Vice-Chairman: M. I. Botha (Union of South Africa). Rapporteur: Arthur Liveran (Israel). Six Main Committees are established under the rules of procedure of the General Assembly. SIXTH COMMITTEE First Committee. Political and Security (including the Chairman: Francisco V. García Amador (Cuba). regulation of armaments). Vice-Chairman: V. I. Sapozhnikov (Ukrainian SSR). Second Committee. Economic and Financial. Rapporteur: Fereydoun Adamiyat (Iran). Third Committee. Social, Humanitarian and Cultural. Fourth Committee. Trusteeship (including Non-Self- PROCEDURAL COMMITTEES Governing Territories). Fifth Committee. Administrative and Budgetary. There are two procedural committees: the General Sixth Committee. Legal. Committee and the Credentials Committee. Each Member may be represented by one person General Committee. In accordance with the rules of on each Main Committee. procedure, the General Committee consisted of the In addition to these six Main Committees, the President of the General Assembly, as Chairman, General Assembly may constitute other committees the Vice-Presidents of the General Assembly and on which all Members have the right to be represented. the Chairmen of the six Main Committees and of During 1954, as at previous sessions, it established an the Ad Hoc Political Committee. Ad Hoc Political Committee. Credentials Committee. This Committee consists of At the Assembly's ninth session, the officers of the nine Members appointed by the Assembly on the Main Committees and the Ad Hoc Political Committee proposal of the President. were as follows: At the eighth session it was composed of Burma, El Salvador, France, Lebanon, New Zealand, Pak- FIRST COMMITTEE istan, USSR, United States and Uruguay, with Chairman: Francisco Urrutia (Colombia). the representative of El Salvador as Chairman. Vice-Chairman: D. M. Johnson (Canada). Rapporteur: Oscar Thorsing (Sweden). STANDING COMMITTEES AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE Two standing committees are established by the Chairman: Thor Thors (Iceland). rules of procedure: the Advisory Committee on Ad- Vice-Chairman: Joseph Nisot (Belgium). ministrative and Budgetary Questions and the Com- Rapporteur: Adil Derinsu (Turkey). mittee on Contributions. Each consists of experts appointed in their individual capacities. SECOND COMMITTEE Chairman: Sir Douglas Copland (Australia). ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE Vice-Chairman: Nathir Umari (Iraq). AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS Rapporteur: José Antonio Encinas (Peru). To serve until 31 December 1954: Thanassis Aghnides, APPENDIX II. STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED NATIONS 555 (Greece), Chairman; Eduardo Carrizosa (Colom- Office of the United Nations High Commissioner bia); Igor V. Chechyotkin (USSR). for Refugees To serve until 31 December 1955: Carlos Blanco Ad Hoc Commission of Prisoners of War (Cuba), Arthur H. Clough (United Kingdom), United Nations Advisory Council for Somaliland William O. Hall (United States). Committee on South West Africa To serve until 31 December 1956: Rafik Asha (Syria), Committee on Information from Non-Self-Govern- André Ganem (France), G. R. Kamat (India). ing Territories On 29 October 1954 the General Assembly ap- Sub-Committee on the Revision of the Question- pointed (resolution 865(IX)) Thanassis Aghnides, naire (relating to Trust Territories) Eduardo Carrizosa and Igor V. Chechyotkin for a Special Committee on Review of Administrative three-year term beginning 1 January 1955. Tribunal Judgments† Committee on Arranging a Programme for the Com- COMMITTEE ON CONTRIBUTIONS moration of the Tenth Anniversary of the United Nations in 1955† To serve until 31 December 1954: René Charron Board of Auditors (France); Arthur Samuel Lall (India), Chairman; United Nations Administrative Tribunal Josué Sáenz (Mexico); G. F. Saksin (USSR). United Nations Staff Pension Committee To serve until 31 December 1955: S. M. Burke Investments Committee (Pakistan); Jirí Nosek (Czechoslovakia), Vice- International Law Commission Chairman; Stuart Arthur Rice (United States). To serve until 31 December 1956: Ottolmy Strauch INTERIM COMMITTEE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Brazil), Arthur H. Clough (United Kingdom), Each Member of the United Nations has the right Klass Erik Böök (Sweden). to be represented on the Interim Committee. On 29 October 1954 the General Assembly re- appointed (resolution 866(IX)) René Charron, DISARMAMENT COMMISSION Arthur Samuel Lall, Josue Saenz and G. F. Saksin The Commission reports both to the General As- for a three-year term beginning 1 January 1955.