Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World August 2007 Centennial Annual International Meeting Highlights PUBLISHED BY ASABE – AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERS EVENTS CALENDAR ASABE 2007 Annual Conferences and International Meetings International Meeting To receive more information about ASABE conferences and meetings, contact ASABE at 800-371-2723 or
[email protected]. A sense of pride and excitement permeated this 2007 year’s Centennial Anniversary Meeting in Minneapolis. Honoring 100 years of service and Sept. 15-19 International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste achievement, this activity-packed meeting recog- Management for Agriculture. Broomfield, Colorado, USA. nized the past, celebrated the present, and looked Oct. 20-24 Eleventh National Symposium on Individual and Small toward the future. Community Sewage Systems. Warwick, Rhode Island, USA. Invited dignitaries, four engaging speakers includ- 2008 ing a past U.S. president, a gala celebration dinner, special exhibits galore, and so much more awaited June 29- ASABE Annual International meeting attendees. July 2 Meeting. Providence, Rhode Island, USA. A special commemorative video told the story of ASABE Section and Community Events the profession including significant events and fig- ures, engineering landmarks, and the many ways 2007 in which agricultural and biological engineering has Sept. 13-15 Pacific Northwest Section, ASABE/CSBE Meeting. contributed to our quality of life. Moscow, Idaho, USA. Contact Barbara Williams, Two new student competitions debuted at this
[email protected]. year’s meeting. The robotics student design com- Oct. 10-11 Texas Section Annual Meeting. YO Ranch Resort, petition garnered much interest and excitement as Kerrville, Texas, USA. Contact Will Pinson, students used robotics to develop solutions to
[email protected].